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Karina Gpe.

García López
Homework 1

According to the teacher’s presentation CALL (computer assisted language learning) Is a process in
which the students uses a computer to help them to improve their language.

We also were seeing some aspects also important for the subject.

Technology is the development and knowledge and includes all the tools we need in our every day life,
trough the years have acquired more specialization.

Determinism is the negative essence of technology because force it to act in society it is also blame for
the crisis that suffers society but also celebrate the modern features.

Instrumentalism is neutral and the most accepted mean of technology.

Technologies are simple tools that help the user and themselves do not create problems or solutions,
people are the ones that give it the correct use.
Technology is shaped by human actions and we cannot use it towards any ends because reflects its own
historical development and design.

One of the most important tools is the computer and we saw what can do and cannot do.
The Computer can help us to predetermined right-wrong-answers, and many others exercises. Provides
real information trough media such as videos, images, sounds, etc. Save our progress in learning, writing
and speech.
They cannot judge, give individual feedback, there’s no face-to-face interaction and also no motivation.

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