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Victoria DEC 24 2010 This is the 1st affidavit of Kash Heed in this case and was made on December 23, 2010 No. 10-505 le Victoria Registry Filed Registry IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BETWEEN: KASH HEED PETITIONER AND: THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER OF B.C. RESPONDENTS AFFIDAVIT |, Kash Heed, care of 2500 ~ 700 West Georgia Street, Vancouver, B.C., Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, SWEAR (OR AFFIRM) THAT: 1. 1am the Petitioner in this matter and as such, have personal knowledge of the facts and circumstances to which | hereinafter dispose, except where the same are stated to be based on information and belief and where so stated, | verily believe the same to be true. 2, Iam 56 years of age and a Member of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. | was a Police Officer with the Vancouver Police Department for 28 years, In August 2007, | was appointed as the West Vancouver Police Chief. On February 19, 2009 | submitted my resignation to the West Vancouver Police Board to accept a nomination for candidacy in the 2009 British Columbia Provincial General Election. ~ ‘On April 8, 2009, | publically announced that | would be the BC Liberal candidate in the Vancouver-Fraserview electoral district. Shortly after this announcement, on April 14, 2009, the official 28 day election campaign began with the issuance of a writ of election Since | was relatively new to politics and had never been involved in a political election at any level, | relied on Barinder Sall, whom I knew through and who had been recommended to me by the Attorney General, Wally Opal, Q.C., to guide me through the campaign processes and procedures. Following the official start to the election, | went to Mr. Sall's home on April 15, 2009 to execute the following Elections BC Appointments: (a) Appointment of Official Agent - Barinder S. Sall; (b) Appointment of Financial Agent ~ Satpal Johl; and (c) Appointment of Auditor — Robert koma. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “A” to this Affidavit are true copies of the Appointment of Official Agent, Appointment of Financial Agent and Appointment of Auditor, all dated April 1, 2009. On this same day | also executed an acceptance of nomination form. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “B” to this Affidavit is a true copy of the executed acceptance nomination form dated April 15, 2009. To the best of my knowledge, Ken Johnson, the Deputy Financial Agent, was appointed by Mr. Johl. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “C” to this Affidavit is a true copy of the Appointment of Deputy Financial Agent dated April 15, 2009 and executed by Mr. Johl. Mr. Sall recommended these individuals to me and prepared the appointment forms. | trusted Mr. Sall's expertise, as | had never met Mr. Jol or Mr. Ikoma. 10, co 12. 13, 14. 15, | only met Mr. Johl, the Financial Agent, once while door-knocking during the campaign. I never met or spoke fo Mr. Ikoma, the appointed Auditor of the campaign. | did, however, regularly work and communicate with Mr. Johnson during the campaign. In addition to Mr. Sall guiding me through the procedures of the campaign, Mr. Sall also coordinated the set up of the campaign office and election activities These activities included: organizing election advertising and gathering volunteers to: run the phone bank, help with door-knocking, hand out pamphlets and put up campaign signs. Mr. Sall, with the help of Keith Frew and Ken Johnson, also coordinated my attendance at meetings and community events during the campaign period. | heavily relied on Mr. Sall to manage and coordinate all aspects of the campaign. Except for one instance when an individual ! met while door-knocking provided me with a donation cheque in the amount of $500 | did not accept any election donations during the campaign or thereafter, nor did | arrange for any election advertising. | instead relied and entrusted Mr. Sall to coordinate all such activities. In fact, | provided the above-mentioned donation cheque in the amount of $500 to Mr. Sall as soon as I finished door-knocking that day. My focus during the campaign was to get out and meet as many people as possible, and not to worry about the day to day operations of the campaign. | had @ general understanding that donations were being received during the campaign and that funds were being used for campaign expenses, but beyond this general understanding | was not aware of specific donations and expenses (other than those | incurred personally). | left the bulk of this responsibilty to Mr. Sall 16, 47, 18, 19, 20. 24 22 | submitted receipts for any campaign expenses thal | personally incurred during the campaign to Mr. Sall at the conclusion of the campaign. Mr. Sail then reimbursed me for these expenses, During the course of the campaign, I was not aware of any financial irregularities. | completely trusted the expertise of my campaign staff to honestly and accurately perform their roles. The Election Day took place on May 12, 2009. | was elected with a slim majority. After the election results were confirmed, Premier Gordon Campbell appointed me as the Solicitor General on June 10, 2009. In reference to the Auditor's Report on Kash Heed’s Election Financing Report addressed to Mr. Johl, to the best of my knowledge Mr. Ikoma completed the audit of the Election Financing Report on July 20, 2009. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “D” to this Affidavit is a true copy of the Auditor's Report on Kash Heed’s Election Financing Report completed by Mr. Ikoma | had no personal involvement in the preparation or production of the Election Financing Report submitted by Mr. Johl to Elections BC. Further, | have no personal knowledge that the Election Financing Report is inaccurate, that information is missing, or has changed. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “E” to this Affidavit is a true copy of a letter dated August 4, 2010 from Mr. Joh! stating that he prepared and submitted the General Election Financing Report as my Financial Agent to Elections BC. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Johl filed amendments to the Election Financing Report in October, 2009. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “F” to this Affidavit is a true copy of a letter dated October 28, 2009 from Elections BC to Mr. Johl, provided to me by my counsel, identifying the amendments to the original Election Financing Report filed in ‘August, 2009. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “G” to 23, 24, 26. 27. 28. 29. this Affidavit is a true copy of the combined original and amended Election Financing Report provided by Elections BC to my counsel. Several months after the election, on or about March 24, 2010, | was contacted by Assistant Commissioner Al Macintyre. He left me a telephone message stating that the commercial crime unit of the RCMP was investigating aspects of the campaign and the RCMP would like to interview me as a witness. | have cooperated fully with this investigation In light of the RCMP's investigation of the campaign, | decided to step down as the Solicitor General, but have remained as an MLA. After the RCMP’s investigation, the Special Prosecutor cleared me of any charges in relation to campaign activities. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “H” is a true copy of the Media Statement released from the Criminat Justice Branch on May 3, 2010 clearing me of any charges. At that time, Mr. Sall and Dinesh Khanna were charged under the Criminal Code and the Election Act as a result of the RCMP’s investigation. Mr. Johl was charged under the Election Act, These charges, to the best of my knowledge, remain unproven. | have no personal knowledge with respect to the factual basis of those charges. Shortly after | was cleared of any criminal charges in May 2010, | once again resumed my position as the Solicitor General. However, due to issues surrounding the resignation of the Special Prosecutor for potential conflict, the investigation was re-opened by the RCMP. At that time | elected to once again step down from my position as the Solicitor General | have fully cooperated with the RCMP throughout their investigations and intend to continue to do so With respect to filing a supplementary financing report, in March, 2010, | received a letter addressed to Mr. Johl, and copied to me, dated March 12, 2010 from M. 30, 32 oe Nola Western, the Executive Director of Electoral Finance and Corporate Administration for Elections BC. This letter stated that pursuant to s. 276 of the Election Act, the 2009 Election Financing Report for Kash Heed was selected for an audit. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “I” is a true copy of the letter dated March 12, 2010 from Ms. Western to Mr. Johl. Following the audit, | received a further letter addressed to Mr. Johl, and copied to me, from Ms. Western dated June 15, 2010. This letter notified Mr. Johl that it was “apparent to Elections BC that the financing report filed in August 2009, and amended in October 2009, did not completely and accurately disclose the information required under the Election Act. Specifically, it appeared not all election expenses and contributions were reported. At that time, Ms. Western stated that Mr. Johl was required, pursuant to s. 212 of the Election Act, to file a supplementary report within 30 days from receipt of the letter. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “J” to this Affidavit is a true copy of the letter from Ms. Western dated June 15, 2010. | received a letter addressed to George E.H. Cadman, Q.C., counsel for Mr. Joh, and copied to me, from Linda Johnson, Deputy Chief Electoral Officer for Elections BC dated July 30, 2010. The letter reiterated that the financial agent is obligated under the Election Act to file a supplementary report. However, given the on-going RCMP investigation, Elections BC would grant an extension to the time period established by the Election Act for filing @ supplementary financing report until such time as Mr, Johl received the campaign financial records from either, the RCMP or Peter Wilson, Q.C., the Special Prosecutor. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “K” is a true copy of the letter from Ms. Johnson dated July 30, 2010. | received a further letter addressed to Mr. Cadman, Q.C., and copied to me from Ms. Johnson dated August 9, 2010, which stated that the RCMP had advised Elections BC that copies of the financial documents for the Kash Heed campaign in the possession of the RCMP were delivered to Mr. Johl on July 29, 33. 34. 36. 2010. As a result, the supplementary financing report must be delivered to the offices of Elections BC by 4:30 p.m. on August 30, 2010. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “L” is a true copy of the letter from Ms. Johnson dated August 9, 2010. | received a subsequent letter addressed to Mr. Cadman, Q.C., and copied to me, dated September 23, 2010 from Mr. Western granting a further extension of time for filing the supplementary financing report since there appeared to be additional financial transactions that were not previously disclosed by the RCMP or Mr. Wilson, Q.C. to Mr, Johl. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “M” is a true copy of the letter from Ms. Western dated September 23, 2010 On December 2, 2010, I received a letter from the Acting Chief Electoral Officer, Craig James, stating that since he had not heard from me or Mr, Johl, he would like to refer my attention to ss. 209 and 212 of the Election Act. These sections require a supplementary financing report be filed within 30 days after the financial agent or the individual become aware that information in the report has changed or the report did not completely and accurately disclose the required material The letter also noted that Mr. Johl had received full disclosure of all financial materials from the RCMP by no later than September 27, 2010. Enclosed with the letter was an order requiring a supplementary financing report be filed 30 days after the date of the letter. Now produced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “N” to this Affidavit is a true copy of the letter from the Acting Chief Electoral Officer, Craig James, dated December 2, 2010 | provided this letter to my counsel, David Gruber. He responded to this letter on December 7, 2010 and provided me with a copy of his correspondence. Now prodiced and shown to me and attached as Exhibit “O” to this Affidavit is a true copy of Mr. Gruber's letter to Elections BC dated December 7, 2010. In his letter, Mr. Gruber explained to Mr. James that | did not prepare the initial or amended Election Financing Report and at the present time | have no reason to believe the correctly filed Election Financing Report is inaccurate. Since | am unable to compel Mr. Joh! to file a supplementary report and | personally have no information on which to base a supplementary report, nor would | be able to verify such information if it were given to me due to my lack of involvement in the financial aspects of the campaign, | am seeking to be relieved of this responsibility. SWORN (OR AFFIRMED) BEFORE ME at Vancouver, British Columbia, on December 23, 2010 Ta A Commissioner for taking Affidavits KASH HEED for British Columbia DAVID E, GRUBER Barrister & Solicitor FARRIS, VAUGHAN, WILLS & MURPHY LLP 2500-700 West Georgia Strect P.O, Box 10026, Pacific Centre Vancouver, BC V7Y 1B3 cy APPOINTMENT OF OFFICIAL AGENT eee oe = ELECTIONS 6 ‘SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS PARTA 7 oa ‘rewarpontuent C wonce oF owes ee) PAG ETE: Fav OFnGMLAGENT par LL Re ae me : ery B amapieceo Bacio Salt BXS_ | NGor 3asaao |i" rahe eS feces * INFO® KAS KASHHEED. Cor am | Ta ° oe Goa} Fras steer © , putin was 275 of 6 oc, a avn yen * aadessanslrhemo nen sear poses olpabialepacion ie tt Sve named of his poston © 1 oases to my’ appoiniment a offi anc a ner le ln epost nsec = ani PARTO (gitar eizeromAc ornce vse ow © Ramer Roar ET TTB es war | Care Laayo77e}||_WR17 “hte avai ei oposite Catal ocr Oi sine Coes orcatnoee sina Smee “euecronstrnates Gober oto bos TiisteRett fhe aff é worn be iy ot MAME UVEY Se eee ins APPOINTMENT OF FINANCIAL AGENT San PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS OR TYPE SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS ELECTIONS BC ‘Aegan Otel ate ARTA os eq dovnrins Cito Caro "Fist "P| UK. - FASELUE' PARTS. I HiEREYAFPONT THE FOLLOMING NOLIDUAL YO ACTAS MY FRANCIAL AGENT : | eo RE oe "MIODLE NAMES] ok 244% tert, dad = Baas PEC} Sirdar win ion 28 cto epi my fsntllephone mater bo bac To pupal pable ipa 3 © consent oni elmimeit an tara named isin. | en more of hs des ‘spatial Fle nds ern to estos rare gin nde coon 178A Cth responses of ied WARNING: Signing a fas Hatements a wots ole and Is subject to slgnicart paral [. 206) ees i ‘CEO? DEO USE ONLY, SIGNATURE OF NOMINEE 1 Toate [OATE RECENED. (rYYY MMOD) re oee/5| ||P 7 209 a pceceaai aan Sm, Seeman Sa eoEnors: RpR-1s-7003 03:08 P.0017002 Be APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR 0 - orion 2» 4 PLEASE PRINT N BLOCK LETTERS OR TYPE ELECTIONS {SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS beceh hc berenaa PARTA ee una OF Arco ose DATE i oma aR aR Ween "Kase P| ° Chaanasre 2a By 6 [uate rare TTS] sie coma “eaeesT 1A Sto rarest 40% - SeSo Wnasway oly 431-3169 PTS VAC Vstisez | {alin ophon non’ be ocd fr purposes of ube © & sneccerdaca wisn 25 fin Eton Act rau ay Sa ator te aboveranad — [SATE cst 9 eshrt ssn ante bate nd epee oe Vea ceeete betel oneaiedceae tet Z Sidon bate sae aa eee Coe sears ani Spann shed tan we si pi 5 PART - eae OT © [rau fe ane RET Ped ae] ots ‘apa | 7 Be Weare - quer escrow oppo otsTRCT eEcTORMLORrog — ~ “Tle om vata for pute Stier otnee oon ones Ct Clesorl Ooo ee} : a roe fs hours. Instructions (© Print your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME and MIDDLE NAME(S) (e.g. Stith, Allan Witiom Peter, etc). Prefixes such as Mr.,Ms., Dr ele, and suffixes such as tiles, degrees, et, cannot be included as part of our name. FULL NAME OF NOMINEE [re TNA Heed KaoH ‘MIOOLE NAMES) © You tnust be qualifed as a candidate to submit a nomination, The qualifications are. + Lama Canadian etizen + Lam 18 years of age or older, orif an election isin progress, | willbe 18 years of age on General Votng Day for the election; Swi have been @ resident of Britsh Columbia for atleast 6 months Immediately before | become a candidate: + Lam not disqualified by the Election Actor any olher enactment from voting in an election or from being nominated fr, being elected to oF holding offce as 2 Member of the Legislative Assembly, or otherwise Isqualiied by iw, end, + Tem net neminated as a candidate in any other electorel district in British Cokumbla. ‘You must make a solemn declaration that you meet these qualifications. This declaration must be made before a Commissioner for Teking Affidavits for Erich Columbia, The Chief Electoral Officer, the Distict Electoral Ofeer, 3 ‘Deputy Distict Electoral Officer or Government Agent may take this declaration free of charge. 1s the undersignec, swear [or solemnly alfrn} that|__ [SORNTOR SOLEMNLY ATARED} BEFORE ME Jin qualified for nomination 26 a candidate fer eloction | rvrowma aE OA : ae ences re Lage Asam of Beh Coumtia Vanco —_| toot/ou/ 6 oN Sonren ware i FatsTena [ean orson Kee Tima Sei cr, pital, Soo eee td Sona A Taran: Sing state deat asi flict ij spar pena econ 269) ‘Thisis Exhibit? 7 “peered to in the atidevitor each Hee sworn before me atthe City of MAN OGL ¢ + this 22 say of Dectibe-201¢ * fener fr SG: ey Instructions (continued) © you wish to have your usual name printed on the ballot instead of your hit mame, complete this section, Usual names include nicknames (e.g. Stretch Kid, Biddy, eta.) and abbreviations (e9, Bev, Bb, Sve,Al, etc). For example, if Alon Witiam Peter Smith usualy goes by the name Bill Smith, thls tame may be used on the ballot However, thee are some restrictions as fo what ean be on a belo, and these restetlons may prevent you from Using your usual name. A balol cannot include any indicalfon that a candidate Is holding or has held an elected office, 2 candidate's occupalion, or an indication of a tile, honour, degree ot other decoration recelved or held by the candldote. ifthe dividuals usual name fals under any of these resrcions, it cannot be used. For example, ifthe candidate i a doctor, “Doc? cannot be used on the belot Election Act, section 86) it you aze requecting to have your usual name rather than your fullname shown on the bef, you must make ‘2 Solemn dectaation that the name to be used fs your usval name. Ths declaration must be made before a ‘Gommiecioner for Taking Affidavits for ish Cokmbla. The Chief Electoral Officer, the Distict Electoral Officer, ‘2 Deputy Distict Electoral Officer, or Government Agent may take this declaration tree of charge. This solemn Gectaration is not required if your full name isto appear onthe Bato (Gi NAHE TO Be USED ON alone Si ese VIANCOUUER- Fidacere lend party name will appear on the ballot as indicated on the politcal party’ registration form. THe GF REGSTERED FOUTCAL PAY REPRESONTED Li Re Lean ee © riot your fiesitehtal addled anid (lebhonbfenber. If you wich o have your residential address andlor residential phone number obscured for the purposes of public inspection, mark the appropriate YES box. pa paseo TT Wine es or Instructions (continued) © You are required to provde an address where documents requlred or authorized under the Election Act to be Served or deivered toa candidate may be delivered. Documents delivered to this address are deemed to have been delivered or personally served on the candidate [Eleciion Act, section 84(3)() end 68). Please select a mailing address that wil be Vald both during and after the election. Ifyou have requested that your residentiot ‘sddose or phone number be obscured for the purposes of public inspection, provide a oferent adgress for this purpose. The nominee must sign this section. | confirm that docurente wil be accepted for doivery to or service on meal the following addrése, anid acted atthe fllwng aleplione rue ber. GOAF FRA Sickel [_Vpntoviee WSK WS fey zaszme], | TNF ae [NFO @ Kao Heep. om ‘you ish tohave INDEPENDENT need en the blo, mak the ES box. cual who represent unregistered ° pplileal parties may pot appear 2s INDEPENDENT on the ballot. In order to have INDEPENDENT on the ballot {you must also make 2 solemn declaration 9s to your Independent status before a Commissioner for Taking ‘Aiidavits for British Columbla. This eoleran decieration may be msde free of charge before the Chief Electoral (Officer, District Electoral Oficer, Deputy District Electoral Officer, or Government Agent aT: corre oguest at my ‘labs of Lewaat er eoumny/sten} at an independent InDceRnbens andar aoa representa ofa patel pot) ‘his idudey wo Chel Eira Oftest Dili lector tts puna, bares, eaters aed Goverment fae WARNING: Sipig elas datereni a etn ofence and sbjel sipcart ponatios [econ 20 You must consent te your nomination. Read the statoment carefully botose you sign it. | consent to my neinigation as candidete and [8% 1 declare thal al informabol cpntained within ——Z this application is, tothe best ofihy kreadedge and belief, true and correct. Reis Coa aoogfoufys | Rn: ig ae atone a Soo let Se sobaecin ta ‘Anonination isnot mage unless al ofthe requred documents are completed and fled. Anomines becomes 9 Candidate when al equited dociments and te nomination deposit are accepted and a certificate of candidacy it Iseved. If any ofthe fact In the nomition document change afr fing, they may be amended by requesting te correction in writing tothe Distt Electcal Officer or Chief Electoral Ofer. ‘The nomination application ineudes the follewing £2] sect ye] nounusnonnociner-s0 7 stare oF occa ‘provinwe oF ten: 31 Ae RTENT OF RLY RUBE ACENT- ab sorcmueitor CFM AGENT -"27 Serarpavnnias xerir aoe OD) 326 (07) “ APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY FINANCIAL AGENT STC < Nofination | T PLEASE PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS OR TYPE See mevense ibe FOR WETRUCTONS ELECTIONS &¢: rons ee eter (ORL chase Pesan el fst acust4 | ART Seats (aCe ee ‘ Tron RCE cS. yy ‘wae “is forms avai fo pac Einey Nouinet /cxmomt inepcion at Chol cera OFce Std “eceoronatrauaioe ee reece rrisisexnnitt C Srefredtoin she afftoviter Kash Heed sswor before me atthe City of Aiki = « is 23 day of Decemerao le “Aone for ns ‘nad fo the Province of Brish Colunbia Robert Ikoma, Chartered Accountent Suite 409 - 5050 Kingsway, Burnaby, B.C. VSH 4C2 ‘Auditor's Report on Kash Heed’s Election Financing Report Pursuant to the Election Act “To Satpal Joh, Financial Agent for Kash Heed 1 have suited te candlsts election Saacing report for Kath Hed ating fe ih Columbia 1 ve said tay 12,2009 inthe cletoral istit of Vaneauver Fraser. Peis fo financing seer fs your responsibly a5 the Grane agent foc Linda Reid. My ‘sponsibility is to oxpress an pinion oa this lection Hnancing report based on oy auc xcept as explained in te following paragaph, 1 conducted my aut e ese aor with Canadian EeeP ay accepted aug standards a the requirments of slog 214 Of ‘Election Act. Cenedizn Seperlly acepted aacting standards require tt 7 plan od pesos sueit to obtain reasonable Sener helt the election firancng report is Gee of material misaenens AD audit inchades aeerreag ona test basis, evidence sipprtng the ements and discloses 2 lection financing, a fa elo includes assessing the accounting princes used ht SPOS estimates made by eee a gon aa well as evaluate overall presentation ofthe eecion Emon Pa Due to the naire ofthe transactions inherent in any election campaign the eonpleesy of contibutions ae oO feyense and expenses isnot suseepble to salsfectory, sud ves Accordingly, my a a ee a es was Embed fo tbe amounts recoded inthe clon Ampeg rows and econ ot canine wheter any ajutent might be aressary toe lesion nein cP say opinion except forthe effet of adjustment if any, whch L might have determined to be necessery aa oo Coaety nyse as tothe complecuest of he clon campaizn rors 36 described in the recoding prgrep tis election finncng port prseos ily, ip material respects the financial ecclln eczetion cmptgn rote, in axardance with he reuremeas of Fat 10 of, the Election viet “pis eectn Gang rep which ha tot been and was stineaed to be pete contance Wil Fa ere crally azepted accounting prinpies, i soley for te infomation 290 of the Chief Canaan Be tly wth Pest 1 ofthe Election Ar. The faseingepor pot ten be and speed not be wed by anyone oser than the specified users or for eny othe Bamaby, BC Sly 20, 2008 EaARTERED ACCOUNTANT ‘This is Exhibit" D sreferred toin the aidavit of. fom before me athe Ci of LDnCanLé this 22. day of -Deonbe0 2 — “A Geenisoner Fr aking ATS fh and forthe Province of British Columbia Phone: 604-437-3709 » Fax: 604-437-3769 email: rikoma@telus.nct August 4, 2010 ThisisExhibit® Ew referred to in the affidavit of. Mr. Kash Heed meres wo LE v s Lt day of DE 3158 East 54" ave, T Corumsrner or ng ANGE Vancouver BC VSS 121 in and forthe Province of Btsh Colbie Dear Mr. Heed ‘As Financial Agent for Kash Heed, MLA, | originally filed the General Election Financing the contributions and expenses that | approved and was eware Reports based on all of. [have now received a request from Elections BCto file a supplementary report for the 2009 General Election Report for Kash Heed. | personally have no record of any additional contributions or expenses (In cash or kind) which | authorized as Financial Agent that were incurred in addition to the actual contributions and expenses {in cash or kind) recorded in the General Election Financing Reports filed in October 2009, nor ent to filing of the Reports. have you drawn these to my attention subseqi Are you aware of any other contributions and expenses that have not been properly jisclosed and should be disclosed in a supplementary fillng? If so, please provide the details of such contributions and/or expenses (whether in cash or in kind] to me so th: the General Elections Financing Reports can be amended, if necessary. Please forward the information to me at Suite 208-3993 Henning Drive Burnaby BC VSC 6P7. LL Stpitiont / Financial Agent for Kesh Heed Hang Addross: Phone: 25087 Po Barat Gn Frov Com Tete oot n60 TTY 1456.58 ‘yan s0 vaw ae Fox 2808770 Tkce ax 8 -4e00005 nn : Erot seclonsogiketonstecs FERS u San come ‘Websie: witelectons bea October 28, 2009 nC Fe 15130 316ANVEV200-05-1.609h Hest Satpal Joht ee Financial Agent for Kash Heed ae ere new the Cy afd NZBLLNOY 208-3993 Henning Dr this 22 ay of DECEEI BION 1S Burnaby, BC VSC 6P7 “A Commstoner fr tking ATNTIS In and fo the Province of Bis Columbia Dea Satpal Johl Re: 2009 General Election Financing Report for Kash Heed (CANVFV2009-05-12-003) ‘Thank you for submitting the election financing report for Kash Heed, As discussed with our office on October 27, 2009, we have amended forms F-C, StIRE-2, Sm-E, Sm-C, S-Al, and §-T-Giv, Copies of these forms are enclosed for your records. No re-filing is currently required. ‘Transfers between candidates and the registered political party are still being reconciled. If additional information is requited, we will contact you. Ifyou have any questions, please contact Electoral Finance at Elections BC. Sincerely, i Louise Sawdon Manager, Electoral Finance LESivt Gist ELECTORAL FINANCEM S130 - General By-elections - Event Specie80« G# 2009 CANitsh Cola Hed, KasbL.TR Ost 28, 2009 OK doe Libera anya Enclosure c. British Columbia Liberal Party Kash Heed

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