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Adopt-a-Bin Recycling

Thank you for joining the Missouri S&T Adopt-a-Bin recycling program. This
program is administered by ECO Miners and managed by the Green Campus
Coordinator, Julie Wilson. Your participation shows your organization’s
commitment to upholding the university’s vision of a sustainable, efficient

Steps for maintaining adopted bin:

1. Establish a group within your organization that will be responsible for

your adopted ClearStream recycling bin. Contact information for two
people within your group is required to be submitted to the Green
Campus Coordinator.

2. Check the bin at least 2-3 times per week to prevent the accumulation of
contaminants. ALL contaminants, including bottle caps, must be
removed before any bag is taken to the Fulton enclosure.

3. When the bag is full, replace it with a new clear bag. Take the full bag
to the enclosure behind Fulton Hall.

Things to remember:

The #1 (soda bottles) and #2 (milk jugs) plastics are both acceptable. However,
each MUST be separate and identifiable before they are taken to the Fulton Hall
enclosure. Please use a separate trash bag for the #2 plastics as the clear bags
should only be used for #1 plastic.

It’s much easier to remove contaminants, including bottle caps, before the bag
is full. This is extra reason to check your bin frequently to prevent the
accumulation of any contaminants.

Bags are available in Julie Wilson’s office (210 Butler-Carlton Civil Engineering
Hall). Fill in the inventory form hanging above the bag box with number of bags
taken, building/organization, initial, and date.

Contact information must be kept up to date at all times. It is your

responsibility to notify Julie of any changes.

Institute for Environmental Excellence • 210 Butler-Carlton Hall • Rolla, MO 65409-0030

Phone: 573-341-4262 • Email: • Web:

An equal opportunity institution

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