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Jolena M.


MBA 580

Assignment 2.1

1. Identify four research sources that provide context for at least three activities of
strategic leaders. At least two of these must be from your own research.

Leadership Activities – The Playful Way To Learn Leadership. Retrieved

from January 11, 2011

Huff, A. S., Floyd, S. W., Sherman, H. D., & Terjesen, S. (2009). Strategic management: Logic

and action. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons

Strategic Leadership Focuses Your Strategic Planning. Retrieved from
planning/ January 11, 2011

Leadership Activities. Retrieved from

January 11, 2011

2. Using the resources you have identified, describe specific characteristics of leaders
and activities necessary to maintain a high-performance organization.

Strategic leadership requires the ability to anticipate and envision, maintain flexibility and

empower other to create strategic change as necessary. It is a multi-functional work that

involves working through others. Effective strategic leaders manage the firm’s operations

effectively, sustain a high performance over time, make better decisions than their competitors,

make candid, courageous, pragmatic decisions, and understand how their decisions affect the

internal systems in use by the firm.

While leadership is aspired to by most, it’s important to have characteristics of both a leader

and manager to provide strategic direction. Generally, leadership is concerned with the long-term
vision of the company and how they will move from today’s position to a desired vision of


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