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• expected to grow at the rate of 8% between 2007 and 2016-The World Travel
and Trade Council

• revenue from foreigners traveling to India is expected to grow to $424 billion

by 2015.Indians traveling in India as well as abroad are expected to spend
$63billion by 2015

• Sector is expected to see investment of $11.41 billion in next two years with
more than 40 international brands making their presence in the country,
providing over 400,00 jobs.

• The government has proposed a budget of Rs. 540 crore for the development
of the industry, priority to the development of the infrastructure and of new
tourist destinations and circuits. The Department of Tourism (DOT) has
already started the "Incredible India" campaign for the promotion of tourism
in India and spent $5 million on this campaign since December 2002 and
plan to keep it going.

• Allowance of 100% FDI in the sector brings a lot of investment opportunities.

• Average Room Rate (ARR) of hotels in India is increasing at the rate of over
20% almost equal to that of hotels in developed countries such as US and

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