Nursing Care Plan - Anxiety

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Nursing Care Plan

Goals &
Assessment Diagnosis Rationale Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Mild anxiety Response to After 45 minutes 1. Review coping skills 1. To determine those After 45 minutes of
cues: related to perceived threat of nursing used in past. might be helpful in nursing intervention, the
“Pinapalo ako ni threat of death that is intervention, the current patient:
Wilma sa ulo,” as as evidenced consciously patient will: circumstances.
verbalized by the by facial recognized as a 1. Appeared relaxed
patient. tension and danger. 1. Appear relaxed 2. Provide accurate 2. To help patient and report anxiety is
difficulty and report information about identify what is reduced to a
concentrating. anxiety is the situation. reality based. manageable level.
Objective cues: reduced to a
 restlessness manageable 3. Accept patient as is. 3. To assist patient to 2. Verbalized
 teary eyes level. identify feelings awareness of
 difficulty and begin to deal feelings of anxiety.
concentrating 2. Verbalize with problems.
 facial tension awareness of 3. Identified health
feelings of 4. Allow the behavior 4. For not to escalate ways to deal with
anxiety. to belong to the the situation. and express anxiety.
patient; do not
3. Identify health respond personally.
ways to deal  Goal was met.
with and

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