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Terahertz radiation, is part of your daily world already. You can’t escape exposure to it.

Both mid-infrared and terahertz radiations are ubiquitous since they are
significant part of blackbody radiation from any objects (including human
bodies and cars etc.) around room temperature.

You receive much more artificial THz exposure from the light-bulb in your
house, or from other warm objects in the ambient environment, than from the
weak exposure for a short period of time from current THz scanners, (which by
the way, are not one-size fits all. Some are pulsed, while others are continuous.)
Not to worry in either case, since they are non-ionizing, meaning unlike an x-
ray they won’t harm you.

Dr. Alexandrov, most recently participated in new testing, and co-authored an

article which demonstrates that for DNA to show any changes due to artificial
terahertz exposure only occurs after being bombarded for hours at a time,
using a broad-band spectrum of THz. Even then, the changes were specific
to the particular DNA which received exposure at these high levels and for
such lengthy duration.
"Mammalian Stem Cells Reprogramming in Response to Terahertz Radiation"

A pioneer in THZ research, Dr. Daniel Mittleman from Rice University provided his
thoughts on this issue, on my blog.

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