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November 2010

Everett Public Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin,
sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. Designated to handle inquiries about
nondiscrimination policies are: Affirmative Action Officer, Carol Stolz, 3715 Oakes Ave.,
Everett, WA 98201, 425-385-4106; Title IX Officer, Randi Seaberg, 3715 Oakes Ave.,
Everett, WA 98201, 425-385-4104; ADA Coordinator, Kris McDowell, 202 Alder St.,
Everett, WA 98203, 425-385-5250; Section 504 Coordinator, Becky Ballbach, 4730
Colby Ave., Everett, WA 98203, 425-385-4086.
(Email address for each is


Introduction 1

Employment Items

 Work Calendar 3

 Annual Leave/Vacation Benefits 4

Vacation Cashout
Sick Leave
Attendance Incentive/VEBA III

 Insurance Programs 10
Optional Programs

 Employee Assistance Program 12

 Mileage Reimbursement 14

 Sabbatical Leave 15

 Evaluation Process 16
School Administrator’s Performance Evaluation
Improvement Plan

 Conditions of Employment 21
Complaint Procedures
Program and Staff Reduction

Professional Growth 24

 Expectations
 Conferences/Workshops/Travel/Memberships/Professional Materials
 Professional Membership Dues
 National Conference Attendance
 Tuition Reimbursement
 Certificated Mentoring Program

Miscellaneous 25
 Guidelines for Use of District Technology, Procurement
Cards, and Connect-ED®


Attachment #1: Administrative Work Calendar

Attachment #2: Payroll Absence Verification Form

Attachment #3: Request for Leave of Absence

Attachment #4: Principal Performance Self-Evaluation

Attachment #5: National Conference Attendance Rotation Schedule

Attachment #6: Tuition Request Form

Attachment #7: Human Resources Contact List

Attachment #8: Forms Available from Human Resources

Attachment #9: Retirement/Resignation Form


The Everett School District and the Everett Association of School Administrators
(EASA) have collaborated to produce this handbook for all classified and certificated
administrators. The EASA is the umbrella organization for all certificated and
classified supervisors and administrators. The EASA represents the collective concerns
of the administrative team in discussions with the District about matters of mutual

In 1988 the EASA membership and the District elected to implement the "Meet and
Confer" process in the belief that increased communication and dialogue would result in
improved understanding and resolution of the common issues facing us. It also allowed
for discussion of a greater range of issues than the negotiations format previously used.

The contents of this handbook include summaries extracted from Board Policy or have
been mutually agreed upon through the Meet and Confer process. In the event of a
conflict between the handbook and Board Policy, Board Policy shall control.

Definition and Purpose

Meet and Confer is a forum for Everett School District administrators and the
Superintendent to formally address and make agreements regarding issues of mutual
concern, including compensation and working conditions.

The purpose of Meet and Confer is to promote an ongoing, open dialogue and provide
for regular reflection upon recognition, compensation, conflicts, job roles and
responsibilities, climate and communications.


Membership in EASA includes all certificated and classified exempt employees, with
the exception of members of the regular Superintendent’s Cabinet (executive directors
and above.)

Qualification for membership is based upon span of supervision, budgetary/fiscal

responsibility, and overall management accountability within the district.


1. The "Meet and Confer" team will include the Superintendent and/or designees,
the EASA president and representatives of school and District administrators.
2. There will be continuity of representatives from one year to the next.
3. Meetings will be scheduled as needed. An organizational meeting will be held in
August to set a calendar. Additional meetings may be scheduled as appropriate.
4. Leadership of the meetings will alternate. Records of meetings will be

5. The agenda will be developed during the preceding meeting. Items may be
added in the interim. The recorder will distribute the minutes and agenda for
the following meeting.
6. Operating norms will be adopted by the "Meet and Confer" team.

Please feel free to voice your concerns, questions or ideas to the members of the EASA
Board or Meet and Confer team, as this process works best when true dialogue is
encouraged and all parties participate fully.


•School principals, directors and managers have a full contract year of 218 work days
plus 29 vacation days and 13 holidays. Assistant principals and specialists have a full
contract year of 214 work days plus 29 vacation days and 13 holidays.

•Vacation days are normally taken on non-student days. (See Administrator’s Use of
Vacation Days.)

•All administrators are responsible for filling out a Work Calendar each year.

•Work calendars are submitted to the administrator's direct supervisor three times per
year (Attachment #1)

•Calendars should reflect a carryover of no more than 40 vacation days.

•Use designated codes for marking calendar.

•The expectation is that school administrators work outside of regular hours and are
present and supervise school and district-related events and activities. School-related
student and/or family events and activities that are part of the normal school year and
normal schedules are within the duties of a school administrator and are compensated
as part of their annual salary. It is acknowledged that at times school administrators
may have increased weekend or other responsibilities due to post-season athletic
competition and/or special events that may be unique to a given year. A school
administrator may submit a proposal for compensation time to their executive director
for acknowledgement of this time in cases in which they have worked on weekends or
other time periods which are not part of the normal school year activities or events. For
this purpose, compensation time means the ability to exchange time worked outside the
normal expectation for time during the normal work year. The executive director will
review these requests with the superintendent or his/her designee for approval.

Snow Days/School Closure:

•Administrators are expected to report to their work sites.

•If unable to get to your work site, contact your supervisor.


Administrators’ Use of Vacation Days

Administrators receive twenty-nine (29) vacation days per year. Up to twenty (20)
unused vacation days can be accumulated annually to a maximum of forty (40) days.
Such accumulated vacation may be taken in a subsequent year, provided that no more
than six (6) weeks of continuous vacation may be permitted regardless of
accumulations. Administrators with vacation days in excess of the forty (40) maximum
carry over will have the days automatically deducted on their July pay warrant.

The nature of a school administrator’s job recognizes the importance of their being at
the site during the time students are in school. Generally administrators are expected
to take vacation during the normal school breaks, such as winter, mid-winter, spring
and summer breaks. There are situations, however, that warrant an administrator
taking vacation during the time students are in school. A total of five vacation days
may be taken during the student school year. Principals will be responsible for
identifying a staff member to be in charge of the operation of the school during the time
of the absence. In case of unusual circumstances, any exceptions to the above must be
approved in advance by the Associate Superintendent or designee.

Vacation days for school administrators are to be approved by the school

administrator’s respective Area Executive Director. Department administrators’
vacation days are to be approved by the supervising Executive Director, Chief Academic
Officer, or Associate Superintendent-Instruction. Vacation days are initially scheduled
by completing the Administrative Work Calendar in the spring for the coming year. The
calendar is updated in December and May of that school year. Administrators need not
file vacation plans with the Human Resources Department. Report vacation days taken
using the On-Line Absence Reporting System (SmartFind Express.)

Administrators who must be absent from the work site more than ½ day to participate
in an advanced degree program should use vacation days, unless otherwise approved by
the Superintendent or designee.

 Vacation cash-out upon retirement or separation of employment

(Board Policy 5360)

Upon retirement or separation of employment, the employee shall be paid up to a

maximum of thirty (30) days to the extent consistent with law and without causing the
District any financial penalty or possible chargeback. The total number of cashed out
vacation days at the time of retirement or separation are dependant upon the
employee’s retirement system and plan and the laws associated with excess
compensation rules. For vacation cash out the per diem rate shall be calculated by
dividing the employee’s annual salary plus the degree stipend by the number of work
days. Every employee should make arrangements to use excess accumulated vacation
leave before the employee’s retirement or separation date.

 Annual vacation cash-out

Annually, employees may cash-out up to thirteen (13) days of unused vacation leave
based on their June 30 balance of any calendar year. Annual vacation cash-outs are
considered reportable compensation with the Department of Retirement Systems for
Plan 1 members only. The annual vacation cash-out will be paid at the employee’s
work day per diem rate of pay, which is calculated by dividing the employee’s annual
salary plus the degree stipend by the number of work days (260 days less vacation days
and District holidays). To receive the annual vacation cash-out payment, complete and
return the Application for Annual Vacation Cash-Out form to Payroll by the end of
June. This form is distributed as an e-mail attachment to all administrators. Payroll
will process the cash-out payment to be included on the July pay warrant.

Annual Leave

• Sick Leave
(Board Policy 5320.2)

Administrators receive twelve (12) days leave with pay per year for illness, injury and
emergencies, with unused leave to accumulate from year to year. Sick leave is
transferable to the extent provided by law.

A. Use of leave for illness or injury is allowed under the following conditions:

1. During an illness or injury which has incapacitated the employee from

performing his/her duties.

2. During the infectious period following the exposure of the employee to a

contagious disease during which his/her attendance on duty would
jeopardize the health of fellow employees or the public.

3. For the purpose of necessary medical or dental appointments or, when

such appointments have been arranged in advance with the employee's

Any employee absent due to illness or injury may be required to present a doctor's
certificate upon returning to work verifying the need for use of leave and/or the
employee's fitness to return to work.

The district may require an employee to be examined by a district selected doctor at

district expense.

B. Up to six (6) days per year of accumulated sick or vacation leave may be used for
emergencies subject to the following conditions:

1. The problem must have been suddenly precipitated, must be of such

nature that pre-planning is not possible, or where pre-planning could not
relieve the necessity for the absence.

2. The problem cannot be one of minor importance or of mere convenience,

but must be of a serious nature.
3. Weather conditions for travel to and from work shall not be considered a
valid reason for an emergency leave.

4. Emergency leave shall not be granted for reasons connected with paid
leave provisions contained in other leave policies.

5. A written application for emergency leave must be completed by the

employee on the day of return to work.

C. Use of Leave for Family Care: Subject to applicable law and regulations, an
employee may use accumulated sick leave and other paid leave to care for (a) a child
(under the age of eighteen (18) or incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical
disability) of the employee with a health condition that requires treatment or
supervision, or (b) a spouse, domestic partner, parent, parent-in-law, or grandparent of
the employee who has a serious health condition or emergency condition. Leave may
not be used for this purpose until it has been earned. All conditions relating to
appropriate use of leave shall be applicable to family care leave, including reasonable
notice where possible and documentation of need upon request for verification.

Each employee is responsible for entering his or her own absence into the SmartFind
Express System, prior to, or on the day of, the absence. The absence can be entered
into SmartFind Express by calling 1.888.632.6493, or online at:

If the absence is not called in or reported online, or if an adjustment to a reported

absence is necessary, a Payroll Absence Verification Form (Attachment # 2) must be
completed immediately following the absence, forwarded to the administrator’s
supervisor for signature, then sent to the Payroll Department. The Payroll Absence
Verification Form is available at

Generally, the Leave Request form is used if an absence extends beyond five (5)
consecutive days. The sooner the Leave Request form is submitted prior to the absence,
the more time is available to coordinate all available benefits. The process for
requesting a medical leave is explained in Attachment #3. Call the Benefits
Technician in Human Resources if there are any questions.

• Attendance Incentive Program

(Board Policy 5340)

Annual Sick Leave Buy Back

The district provides an attendance incentive program as permitted by law for eligible
employees. The attendance incentive program allows eligible employees to convert sick
leave days into monetary compensation. Some of the features of this program are:

1. An eligible employee is any certificated or classified employee who at the end

of the previous calendar year accumulated in excess of 60 days of unused sick

2. Eligible employees may buy back a maximum of 12 unused sick leave days,
less days taken, provided that your sick leave balance remains at no less than 60
days after the buy back is processed.

Note: Please be aware that there is a 90 calendar day waiting period for
long term disability.

3. The conversion will be on the basis of one (1) day paid for each four (4) days of
sick leave cashed out. Annual sick leave buy back is excluded from reportable
compensation to the Department of Retirement Systems.

4. Sick leave balances are displayed on employee payroll stubs each month. The
sick leave balance is displayed in hours, not days. To convert hours into days,
simply divide your current sick leave balance by the number of assigned hours
you work each day.

5. The rate of pay used to calculate the annual sick leave buy back is at the
employee's per diem rate of pay, which is calculated by dividing the employee's
annual salary plus the degree stipend by the number of work days (260 days less
vacation days and District holidays).

6. The Application for Annual Buy Back of Accumulated Sick Leave form is sent
to all employees as an e-mail along with an explanation of this benefit. Forms
are due in Payroll by January 31.

7. This form is also available by visiting the Payroll Office located in the
Longfellow Building, Room 306 on the 3rd floor.

8. Payment will be included in the February payroll warrant.

Sick Leave Cash-out Upon Retirement, Separation or Death

If an employee has notified Human Resources in writing of their intention to retire,

Payroll will convert accumulated unused sick leave days to monetary compensation.
The conversion will be on the basis of one (1) day paid for each four (4) days of sick
leave cashed out, not to exceed 180 days. The rate of pay used to calculate the sick
leave cash-out upon retirement, separation or death is based on 25 percent of the
employee’s per diem rate of pay, which is calculated by dividing the employee's annual
salary plus the degree stipend by the number of work days (260 days less vacation days,
District holidays and non-work days).
If an employee passes away while employed by the District, the personal representative
will be contacted regarding the conversion of unused accumulated sick leave to
monetary compensation. The conversion will be on the basis of one (1) day paid for
each four (4) days of sick leave cashed out.

If an employee separates their employment from the District, the employee may elect to
cash-out their accumulated sick leave if they are:

1. At least age 55 and have fifteen years of service in the Teachers Retirement
System Plan 2 or fifteen years of service in the School Employees Retirement
System Plan 2.

2. At least age 55 and have ten years of service in the Teachers Retirement
System Plan 3 or ten years of service in the School Employees Retirement
System Plan 3.
Any such conversion of sick leave upon retirement, separation or death shall be subject to
the terms and limitations of applicable state regulations. A maximum of 180 days is
eligible for cash-out upon retirement, separation, or death. Sick leave cash-out upon
retirement, separation or death is excluded from reportable compensation to the
Department of Retirement Systems. Contact the Payroll Office for assistance.

Termination of Attendance Incentive Program

The district will terminate this program for the following school year and thereafter if its
maintenance and operations levy does not pass. (Board Policy 5340)

VEBA Leave Cash-out Health Reimbursement Plan

Administrators vote annually to elect participation in the VEBA Leave Cash-out

Reimbursement Plan. The VEBA plan allows eligible school district employees to
contribute to a tax-free health reimbursement plan account. This account may be used to
reimburse pre- and post-retirement health care costs for the employee, their spouse and
qualifying dependents. The VEBA plan enables the district to use funds that would
otherwise be paid to employees for unused leave cash-outs to instead be deposited tax-free
into a VEBA Trust account on the employee’s behalf. VEBA funding sources can include
Annual Sick Leave Buy Back, Sick Leave Cash-out upon Retirement or Separation from
Employment, and Vacation Cash-out upon Retirement.

(Board Policy 5350)

The district shall observe the following as school holidays and classes will not be conducted
on these days:

1. Labor Day
2. Veteran's Day
3. Thanksgiving Day
4. Day after Thanksgiving

5. Day before Christmas
6. Christmas Day
7. Day after Christmas
8. New Year's Eve Day
9. New Year's Day
10. Martin Luther King Day
11. President's Day
12. Memorial Day
13. Independence Day

Administrators will be paid for those holidays that fall within their assigned work period.
Pay for the holidays shall be prorated for less than full-time employees. It is not necessary
to report absences for holidays on the SmartFind Express System.


Administrators may enroll in a variety of medical, dental and other benefit programs.
See the Benefits website at for detailed
information. The District makes a contribution toward the following benefit plans:

Medical Plans

Medical plans are available to all eligible employees through Healthcare

Management Associates, Group Health Cooperative, and PacifiCare.

Dental Plans

Dental coverage is available to all eligible employees and their families through
Washington Dental Service and Willamette Dental Plan at no cost to the

Disability Plans

Long term disability (LTD) is available to employees with a minimum benefit

FTE of .900. If an employee is injured or ill and unable to work a minimum of 90
calendar days, LTD will pay 66 2/3% of their base salary during their disability

Life Insurance

$50,000 of term life insurance coverage is provided for employees with a benefit
FTE of .900 or greater. $50,000 of accidental death or dismemberment
insurance is included as part of the term life insurance coverage.

Administrators may elect to enroll in the following additional plans. The employee is
responsible for any premiums.

Short Term Disability

Short-Term Disability insurance may be purchased to bridge the 90-day period

between the start of disability and the beginning of long term disability benefits.
STD is a voluntary benefit recommended to employees who have a sick leave
balance of less than 60 days. STD will pay a portion of an employee’s basic
salary during a qualifying disability for a maximum of 11 calendar weeks after a
14 calendar-day elimination period.

Life Insurance

Voluntary supplemental term life insurance may be purchased in increments of

$10,000 up to five times the annual salary to a maximum of $250,000, which will
also provide additional accidental death or dismemberment coverage. Voluntary

life insurance is also available for spouses and children under the age of 19.
Check the District website for additional information.

Long Term Care

This benefit is available to provide assistance with the cost of long-term care
either at home or in a facility when a family member needs assistance with
activities of daily living. Email for more information.

The open enrollment period for each of the above programs is October 20 through
November 15 of each year. During open enrollment, the employee may elect coverage,
change benefit elections, add or drop dependents from coverage. Check the District
website at for more information regarding available benefits.

Flexible Spending Accounts

Enrollment for the Flexible Spending Accounts occurs each year during open
enrollment. These tax-saving plans allow for certain health care and dependent care
expenses to be paid on a before-tax basis. Employees must complete an enrollment
form annually. Check the District website at for more
information regarding the flexible spending accounts.

Tax Sheltered Annuity Plans

Enrollment in tax sheltered annuity plans may take place any time during the year.
Contributions are through payroll deduction. Contact the Payroll Department for more

U.S. Savings Bonds

Series EE U.S. Savings Bonds may be purchased through payroll deduction at any time
during the year. Contact the Payroll Department for more information.

Deferred Compensation Program

Employees have the opportunity to participate in a tax deferred program through the
Deferred Compensation Program (DCP). The DCP is administered by the Department
of Retirement Systems and allows employees to reduce their current taxable income. A
website is available at More information can be obtained
from the Payroll Department.

(Board Policy 5520)

The Employee Assistance Program is a benefit provided to all district employees and
their families at no cost to the employee.

An Employee Assistance Program is provided through Magellan Health Services.

Magellan offers free, confidential services and can assist with, but is not limited to, the
following issues:

 Child and elder care issues

 Alcohol and drug abuse
 Life improvement issues
 Difficulties in relationships
 Stress and anxiety issues with work or family
 Depression
 Personal achievement
 Emotional well-being
 Financial and legal concerns
 Grief issues

Note: If employees accept a referral to services that are not a part of the program, they
may be responsible for the costs associated with those services.

Employees can contact Magellan by calling them for a professional consultation at

1.800.523.5668 or by accessing information on Magellan’s website:


The Free & Clear Quit for Life Program offers tobacco cessation services to employees,
domestic partners and spouses who are covered by a medical plan offered through the
Trust at no cost. This program is separate from whatever coverage is available through
the employee’s medical plan. Employees who are interested in this service may call
Free & Clear at 1.866.784.8454.


Carena Urgent Care provides home visits by board-certified family physicians that PPO
subscribers may utilize in lieu of a visit to the emergency room.

 Visits last as long as needed, usually an hour, for treatment and consultation
 Consistent, high-quality, evidence-based care
 $50 co-pay applicable only if a physician is dispatched for a home visit
 Physicians can provide limited medications and write prescriptions if required
 This service can be used for the first visit for on-the-job injuries for PPO subscribers

To access this service:

 Employee calls toll-free number (1.888.898.1750) which is available 24 hours per day 7
days per week
 Patient Service Representative (PSR) connects employee to a physician for telephonic
 During the house call the physician will:
o Treat the urgent concern and education on health issues
o Obtain an extensive medical history
o Identify health risks and provide patient with coaching on prevention
o Make a referral(s) to relevant Everett Public Schools wellness program(s)
o Help employee find primary care physician (PCP), if needed, and asks PSR to
set appointment
Check the coverage area map to see if your home address falls within the area for this


Magellan Health Services provides employees with a 24 hour nurse line. Included in
their services is access to 24 hour free health care information and medical advice
through their nurse access line. All employees are eligible for services for themselves
and their family. To access service call: 1.877.585.1482.


Certificated and classified administrative employees are eligible for mileage

reimbursement at the IRS rate for necessary in-district travel using employee's
personal vehicle. Administrative employees should complete the Monthly Travel
Report form and send to their respective supervisor.

(Board Policy 5320.7)

Certificated administrative employees shall be eligible for sabbatical leave for up to one
year of study and/or research. Such leaves may be with pay up to a maximum of 65% of
the administrator's base salary. An administrator granted a paid sabbatical leave must
be available for two years of employment by the district following the sabbatical. The
granting of sabbatical leaves and the waiver of the post-sabbatical employment in
whole or in part shall be at the sole discretion of the district.

1. Administrators should understand sabbaticals are expensive and granted under

exceptional and unique circumstances.

2. The administrator is encouraged to discuss the proposal with their supervisor.

3. The request for sabbatical should address the benefit to the District and be in
line with the direction of the District.

4. Administrator should send the request to Human Resources to coordinate a

process for forwarding to the Superintendent.

5. Notification process: Notification to the administrator should be in writing,

including rationale, with an opportunity to meet with the Superintendent or

(Board Policy 5250)

Administrators other than the Superintendent shall be evaluated in writing at least

once during each school year in accordance with the procedures and criteria set forth in
policy 6410.

Responsibility for Evaluation: The administrative organizational plan of the school

district shall be used to determine responsibility for evaluation of administrators.

Evaluation Criteria: All administrative employees shall be evaluated at least annually

in accordance with the criteria set forth in statute and in accordance with any other
criteria established by the administrator and his/her supervisor.

Opportunity for Confidential Conferences: During each school year each administrator
shall have the opportunity for no less than two confidential conferences with his/her
supervisor during the contract year.

Additional Evaluations: In addition to the required annual evaluation, evaluators may

make observations or evaluations at any time during the school year.

Evaluation Procedures and Annual Report:

1. The evaluator shall complete an annual evaluation report. The evaluation format
and document shall be developed by the Superintendent or designee. The
administrator shall be provided with a copy of the annual evaluation report and
copies of any additional written evaluation reports.

2. The administrator shall sign the school district's copy of the annual report to
indicate that she/he has received a copy of the report. The signature of the
administrator does not, however, necessarily imply that the administrator agrees
with the contents of the evaluation report.

3. The annual evaluation report shall be forwarded to the district's Human

Resources Department for filing in the administrator's personnel file.

School Administrator’s Performance Evaluation

The principal and assistant principal evaluation procedure is viewed as an important

component for improvement of instruction, administration, and the ongoing
professional development of the principal and assistant. A group of principals and
central office administrators developed an evaluation model and a guide to facilitate its
implementation. The procedure reflects a process that provides more collegial support
and guidance while meeting all criteria set forth in state law (Attachment #4.) This
process has been incorporated into a supervision and evaluation cycle that includes
formal visits and feedback from supervisors. (see Principal Performance Evaluation

Improvement Plan



A. These procedures shall apply only to tenured principals, i.e., certificated

administrators not subject to transfer to a subordinate certificated
position pursuant to RCW 28A.405.230.

B. The purpose of these procedures is to provide sufficient opportunity for

tenured principals to remediate material performance deficiencies.

C. These procedures have no application to, and shall not be applied in any
way so as to preclude (1) discharge or adverse effect for sufficient cause
pursuant to RCW 28A.405.300, or (2) nonrenewal for reasons other than
remediable deficiencies pursuant to RCW 28A.405.210.

D. As used herein, "administrator" means a tenured principal as defined in

A, above, except as otherwise indicated.


A. ESTABLISHMENT OF PLAN: In the event that an administrator has

performance deficiencies in one or more areas defined in the evaluation
criteria, goal setting, or job expectations, the supervisor and the
administrator shall develop a mutually agreeable plan designed to
improve the administrator's effectiveness in the deficient areas. (In
connection with the development of such plan, consideration may be given
to using the services of available resource persons to observe the
performance, make recommendations for improvement, or to otherwise
provide assistance with the plan of improvement.) If the supervisor and
administrator are unable to agree upon a mutually acceptable plan of
improvement, the supervisor may prepare and deliver such plan to the

B. TIMING AND CONTENT OF PLAN: The date for establishing a plan of

improvement shall depend upon the particular circumstances but shall be
no later than March 15. The plan shall include the following elements:

1. Specific areas of performance deficiencies; and

2. A suggested specific and reasonable plan of improvement, including



1. During the plan period, the supervisor shall meet with the
administrator in a manner consistent with the plan to supervise
and discuss progress made by the administrator.

2. The administrator may be removed from the plan at any time if

he/she has demonstrated improvement to the satisfaction of the
supervisor in those areas detailed in his/her plan.

D. SUPERVISOR'S POST-PLAN REPORT: Unless the administrator has

previously been removed from the plan, the supervisor shall submit a
written report to the Superintendent at the end of the plan period, which
report shall identify whether the performance of the administrator has
improved and which shall recommend an appropriate course of action.

E. ACTION BY THE SUPERINTENDENT: Following the review of the

report submitted by the supervisor, the Superintendent shall determine
which course of action is proper and shall take appropriate action to
implement such determination. In the event that the Superintendent
makes a determination of probable cause for the nonrenewal of the
administrator's contract, the Superintendent shall provide written notice
thereof to the employee on or before May 15 pursuant to the requirement
of RCW 28A.405.210.




A. These procedures shall apply to all administrators, whether certificated or

classified, who are recognized as administrators in the district's
organizational structure, except for the Superintendent and tenured
principals (as defined in RCW 28A.405.230).

B. The purpose of these procedures is to provide opportunity for

administrators to remediate material performance deficiencies.

C. These procedures have no application to, and shall not be applied in any
way so as to preclude, (1) discharge or adverse effect for sufficient cause
pursuant to RCW 28A.405.300 or RCW 28A.400.300 (1); (2) nonrenewal
pursuant to RCW 28A.405.210; (3) transfer to a subordinate certificated
position pursuant to RCW 28A.405.230; or (4) transfer or reassignment of
a classified administrator to a different or subordinate position pursuant
to the district's management authority.

D. The Superintendent will determine if a plan of improvement will precede

an adverse personnel action (e.g., termination, nonrenewal, transfer to a
subordinate position, and demotion) where the adverse personnel action is
(1) based solely and exclusively on the administrator's performance
deficiencies and (2) is not based wholly or in part on other considerations
such as discharge for misconduct, an administrative reorganization,
consolidation of positions, elimination of positions, or a change in the
duties and responsibilities of a position.

E. As used herein, "administrator" means an administrator covered by these

procedures, as defined in A, above.

F. In the event the Superintendent determines a plan of improvement is

needed, the following Section II, below, shall apply.


A. ESTABLISHMENT OF PLAN: In the event that an administrator has

material performance deficiencies in one or more areas defined in the
evaluation criteria, goal setting, and/or job expectations, the supervisor
and the administrator shall help to develop a mutually agreeable plan
designed to improvement the administrator's effectiveness in the deficient
areas. (In connection with the development of such plan, consideration
may be given to utilizing the services of available resource persons to
observe the performance, make recommendations for improvement, or to
otherwise provide assistance with the plan of improvement.) If the
supervisor and administrator are unable to agree upon a mutually
acceptable plan of improvement, the supervisor may prepare and deliver
such plan to the administrator.

B. TIMING AND CONTENT OF PLAN: The time for establishment of a

plan of improvement shall depend upon the particular circumstances.
The plan shall include the following elements:

1. Specific areas of performance deficiencies; and

2. A suggested specific and reasonable plan of improvement, including



1. During the plan period, the supervisor shall meet with the
administrator in a manner consistent with the plan to supervise
and discuss progress made by the administrator.

2. The administrator may be removed from the plan at any time if

he/she has demonstrated improvement to the satisfaction of the
supervisor in those areas detailed in his/her plan.

D. SUPERVISOR'S POST-PLAN REPORT: Unless the administrator has

previously been removed from the plan, the supervisor shall submit a
written report to the Superintendent at the end of the plan period, which

report shall identify whether the performance of the administrator has
improved and which shall recommend an appropriate course of action.

E. ACTION BY THE SUPERINTENDENT: Following the review of the

report submitted by the supervisor, the Superintendent shall determine
which course of action is proper and shall take appropriate action to
implement such determination. In the event that the Superintendent
makes a determination of probable cause for the nonrenewal of the
administrator's contract, the Superintendent shall provide written notice
thereof to the employee on or before May 15 pursuant to the requirement
of RCW 28A.405.210.


•Complaint Procedures

In the event of a complaint expressed verbally or in writing, refer to Board Policy 5240
and 4312.

•Program and Staff Reduction – Classified Staff

(Board Policy 5280)

Whenever the Board determines that programs and/or staff must be reduced, the
following events shall occur:

1. The Superintendent shall determine the extent of reduction in any given


2. Supervising administrators will recommend to the Superintendent those

administrative employees to be retained based on skills needed and performance
experience of employees. Such selections will be at the sole discretion of the
supervising administrator. In cases where the candidates for retention have
equal qualifications, seniority within the district may be considered.

3. The Superintendent will review the recommendations and forward his or her
decision to the board for action. The Superintendent shall notify by certified mail
those employees who will be adversely affected.

Program and Staff Reduction – Certificated Administrative Staff

(Board Policy 5281)

In the event the Board adopts a reduced educational program due to enrollment
decline, a levy loss, termination or reduction of funding of categorically funded
projects, or other significant reduction in revenue, the Board, upon recommendation
of the Superintendent, will determine the number of certificated administrative
positions to be eliminated or consolidated. The Superintendent will determine the
specific positions and employees affected in the best interests of the District. In the
event a certificated administrator is not retained as an administrator, but is eligible
to be considered for retention in one or more teaching or other nonsupervisory
certificated employment categories, such administrator shall be subject to the
selection rules as set forth in the collective bargaining agreement appropriate to
that employment group. Nothing in this policy shall restrict or limit the District's
right to nonrenew, discharge, or transfer administrators to subordinate positions.
The Superintendent shall take such action as may be required by statute to
nonrenew or adversely affect the employment contracts of affected employees.

(Board Policy 5210)

All employees shall be subject to assignment, reassignment and/or transfer of position
and duties by the Superintendent, or designee, such assignment to be in accordance
with law, policies and procedures of the District. No employee will be placed in any
position where direct administrative or supervisory authority is exercised by his or her
spouse or other close relatives.

The District will provide the opportunity for an employee to apply for a transfer or
reassignment to another position. The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible
for such transfer or reassignment selection.

Each year, the Human Resources Department will request all administrators to
indicate their intentions for future employment with Everett Public Schools. At
other times during the year, administrators may request transfer of assignment
by submitting a letter to the Human Resources Department, explaining the
specific circumstances for the request. Human Resources will notify employees
of the disposition of such request.

Involuntary transfers will be made based on the needs of the District and the skills of
the employee. These assignments will be made and verified by written notice.

When an opening is identified or created for which EASA members may be qualified to
fill (excluding cabinet level positions), EASA members will be notified of the opening.
Interested and qualified EASA members may submit a letter of interest in the open
position to the Human Resources Executive Director. The district will make every
reasonable effort to identify position qualifications prior to the internal posting and
selection process. The district will determine the interest and qualifications of EASA
members prior to posting an opening for outside consideration.


In the event that a percentage salary increase is granted generally to nonsupervisory

certificated employees of the District, the salary schedule for EASA members shall be
increased by the same percentage.


Expectations: It is the District’s expectation that administrators participate in

District and out-of-district activities directly related to the performance of their duties
with sensitivity toward what is reasonable to be away from the work site.

Principals receiving their credentials since 8/31/87 are required to take 150 hours every
five years to maintain their Administrative Credential.

Conferences/Workshops/Travel/Memberships/Professional Materials:
EASA and the leadership team mutually recognize the value and importance of on-
going professional development. As such supplemental funding ($500) for certificated
and classified administrators to use for travel, workshop pay, additional professional
memberships, and professional materials is maintained by the office of Associate
Superintendent for Instruction. This professional development should be designed to
enhance professional knowledge and skills, support the district strategic plan, and
school and district improvement plans. Administrators may share their allotment with
one another.

Professional Membership Dues: The District pays for one professional membership
dues per year for certificated administrators. Institutional membership in Washington
State ASCD is paid by the District for certificated administrators. Contact the office of
Associate Superintendent of Instruction for information.

National Conference Attendance: The District supports the cost of certificated

administrators each year to attend national conferences. A rotating list has been
established so that principals and assistant principals have the opportunity to attend
every three years. The current rotation schedule is included as Attachment #5. Travel
requests should be submitted to the Associate Superintendent for coding and approval.

Tuition Reimbursement: Certificated administrators may seek reimbursement for

credit or clock hour classes related to advanced coursework. The Tuition Request form
(Attachment #6) must be completed and submitted to the Associate Superintendent by
June 30 for the following year. Once all tuition requests are received, a determination
will be made as to reimbursement amounts based on the available budget. Note:
Tuition reimbursement may be considered taxable income by the IRS. Tuition
Reimbursement is budgeted year-to-year depending on available funding.

First consideration for full reimbursement will be given to those administrators

required to complete their professional certification program. Administrators pursuing
their first advanced degree in education for which they are seeking reimbursement will
be given next consideration.

Certificated Mentoring Program: New administrators are mentored with another

administrator during the first year of their employment as an administrator in the
Everett Public Schools. Mentors provide on-going support to new administrators by
explaining the District philosophy and procedures, and answering questions as they
arise. The purpose of the administrator mentor program is to ensure that all new
administrators have direct access to support and information. Mentors are selected
based on the compatibility of job assignments and personal attributes. The new
administrator's supervisor selects the mentor.



Use of Internet/E-mail

Use of district internet and e-mail systems should support the goals and objectives of
the district. Occasional personal use is permitted; however, neither system can be used
to conduct commercial or any other moneymaking type activities. This assumes that
occasional personal use will help staff become more proficient with internet
technologies, and that this, in turn, will indirectly assist with district-related uses of
the internet. All use of internet technologies must be in conformity with state and
federal law, network provider policies, licenses, and district policy. (See Board policy

District Cellular Telephones

District-paid cellular phones and service plans are strictly for business use. No
personal use of district-paid service plans is allowed. However, an employee may add a
personal use service plan to a district-owned cellular telephone provided the employee
assumes all financial responsibility for the plan. (See board policy 8800.)

Scan Lines

The scan line may only be used for district business.

Procurement Card

District issued procurement cards may only be used on district business for purchasing
materials and supplies and for the payment of travel expenses, excluding meals. All
charges made must be properly documented and accounted for in a timely manner.
(See Business Office Manual, section 2.04.)


The district has specific guidelines regarding the use of the Connect-Ed®
communications system. These guidelines may change from year to year. Please
review the Connect-Ed® Communications System Guidelines which are distributed to
school administrators and staff who are trained to use the system.


Attachment #1: Administrative Work Calendar

Attachment #2: Payroll Absence Verification Form

Attachment #3: Request for Leave of Absence

Attachment #4: Principal Performance Self-Evaluation

Attachment #5: National Conference Attendance Rotation Schedule

Attachment #6: Tuition Request Form

Attachment #7: Human Resources Contact List

Attachment #8: Forms Available from Human Resources

Attachment #9: Retirement/Resignation Form

Attachment #1

Attachment #2
Attachment #3
Attachment #3
Attachment #3
Attachment #3
Attachment #3
Attachment #4


Policy 6410



Statutory criteria (RCW 28A.405.100) relating to duties of the principal:

1. The principal will demonstrate knowledge of, experience in, and training in
recognizing good professional performance, capabilities and development.

2. The principal will demonstrate knowledge and skills in school administration and

3. The principal will demonstrate knowledge and skills and expertise in school finance.

4. The principal will demonstrate knowledge and skills in professional preparation and

5. The principal will demonstrate results of effort toward improvement.

6. The principal will demonstrate interest in pupils, employees, patrons and subjects
taught in school.

7. The principal will demonstrate the characteristics of leadership.

8. The principal will demonstrate knowledge skills and abilities in the performance of
evaluation of school personnel.
Attachment #4
Attachment #5




Principals 2009-10 2010-11

Shannon Koehnen(GA) X
Carla Barton (WH) passed 08-09
Brenda Fuglevand (FV)
Kimberly Gilmore (SF) X
Janelle Phinney (HA) X
Gerard Holzman (MO) X
Jeff Newport (EM) X
David Jones (CW) X
Betty Cobbs (WO)
Kert Lenseigne (VR) X
Mary O’Brien (SL) X
Linda Butler interim
Karen Koester - interim (JE)
Shelley Petillo (PC) X
Robin Imai(JA)
Mark Toland (MA) X
Colleen Welsh (LO) X

Assistant Principals

Holly Martinez (EM/PC) X

Mary McDaniel ( HA/VR) X
Attachment #5


Principals 2009-10 2010-11

Sherri Kokx (EIS) X
Janet Gillingham (HWD) passed 08-
Peter Scott (GWY)
Kelly Shepherd (NOR)
Joyce Stewart (EVG) X

Assistant Principals
John Balmer (HWD)
Bryan Toutant (NOR) X
Elizabeth Nunes (GWY)
Anita Roberson(EIS) X
Tony Wentworth (EVG) X


Principals 2009-10 2010-11

Terry Cheshire (JHS) X
Sally Lancaster (SHS)
Catherine Matthews (EHS) X
Cathy Woods (CHS) X

Assistant Principals
Eric Bush (EHS)
Larry Fleckenstein (CHS) X
Larry Fritts (JHS)
Don Lichty (JHS)
Nyla Fritts (JHS) X
Jack Roy (EHS)
Linda Tyrrell (CHS) X
Stefani Koetje (EHS)
Dave Peters (CHS)
Attachment #6



Due no later than June 30, 2011 to Associate Superintendent--Instruction

Name School/Department

Program (i.e., Masters, Doctorate, Continuing Ed.)


Length of Program/Time Remaining

Description of Program

Status: Making application soon

Application submitted and waiting for confirmation of acceptance

Admitted to program

Estimated cost per quarter/semester

Estimated cost September 1, 2010August 31, 2011

Office use only:

Reimbursement approved: Amount:

Tuition Reimbursement Form Submitted for Payment:

Attachment #7

Everett Public Schools

Human Resources
The Human Resources Department handles all employment issues for District employees and persons
applying for positions with Everett Public Schools. Human Resources is located in the Longfellow Building,
Room 202.
Whom to Contact:

ADMINISTRATION (Administration & Central Support)

Lynn Evans, Executive Director ...............................................................................4101
 Administrative Personnel
 Hiring, Evaluations, Performance Issues
 Labor Management
 Labor Relations (Certificated Groups: EEA, EASA)
 Administrative Internships & Placements
Gayle Watts, Executive Staff Assistant .............................................................................4101


Instructional Facilitator
LaRae Marks .......................................................................................................................... 4038

Randi Seaberg, Director ................................................................................................. 4104
 Recruitment, Hiring
 Evaluations Support
 Conduct Support
 Student Teachers/Interns
 Labor Management (EEA)
 Trust
Deanne Pilkenton, Confidential Secretary ......................................................................4103

Employment (Applications & Hiring Process)

Cheryl Plumb, Administrative Assistant ...................................................................4113
Information, Job Postings & Announcements
Debra Wisniewski .........................................................................................................4100
Benefits (Open Enrollment, Leaves of Absence, L&I Claims, Disability)
Arlene Vollema-Rich, Benefits Technician ....................................................................4115

Carol Stolz, Director.........................................................................................................4119
 Recruitment, Hiring
 Evaluations Support
 Conduct Support
 Classified Interns
 Labor Management (Classified Groups: EAP, EAEOP, ECEA, ELNA, SEIU, Trades)

Cheryl Plumb, Administrative Assistant ............................................................................4113

Employment (Applications & Hiring Process)
Cheryl Plumb, Administrative Assistant, CLASSIFIED ...............................................4113

Benefits (Open Enrollment, Leaves of Absence, L&I Claims, Disability)

René Boswell, Benefits Technician ...................................................................................4116
Attachment #7

Substitute Desk (Recruitment, Hiring)

Ingrid Stafford, Substitute Coordinator........................................................................4111

MANDY BENSON, Supervisor-Certification & Records...............................................4129
Certificated Staffing Issues
Janea Carrell, Certificated Staff Technician ................................................................4121

Laurie Sullivan, Certificated Staff Technician (.5 FTE) ...........................................4120

Classified Staffing Issues

Shelley Carpenter, Analyst .............................................................................................4124

Randi Seaberg, Director .................................................................................................4104

Affirmative Action Officer

Carol Stolz, Director .............................................................................................. 4106
Attachment #8

Forms Available from Human Resources

The following information and forms are available on the District website, Select the
Staff Tab – Benefits.


 Benefit Information- link to information regarding medical and dental benefits, flexible spending
accounts, short-term and long-term disability, life insurance, etc.
Leave of Absence
 Request for Leave of Absence Form-
Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee's Serious Health Condition (required for all employee
medical and maternity leave of absences) -
Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member's Serious Health Condition -
Certification of Qualifying Exigency for Military Family Leave -
Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Service Member for Military Family Leave -
Employee Rights and Responsibilities Under the Family and Medical Leave Act Notice –
Military Leaves (explains the various types of military leave of absence options for District employees)
Shared Leave
Application to Receive Shared Leave
Medical Documentation
Shared Leave Donation Form -- Annual Employees
Shared Leave Donation Form -- Non-Annual Employees
RCW's regarding Shared Leave
Accident / Incident Report (revised 09.05.2008)
Approval of College and Clock Hour Credits for Salary Placement
Bloodborne Pathogens Exposure Packet
Professional Development Training Hours for Paraeducators
Beneficiary Designation Form (for all retirement plans)
Change of Address/Name Form
Immunization Memo & Form
Key Points for Certificated Staff (Salary Placement, Transcripts, Credits, Clock Hours, Certificates, Contracts)
Retirement/Resignation Letter
Transfer Interest and Preference Form
Verification of Classified Employment

Benefits, Leaves of Absence and On-the-Job Injuries – Certificated Staff

Arlene Vollema-Rich………………………4115
Benefits, Leaves of Absence and On-the-Job Injuries – Classified Staff
René Boswell………………………………4116
Retirement Issues
Linda Bundy……………………………….4164
EASA BOARD 2010 – 2011

Co-Presidents Mark Toland and Cathy Woods

Vice-President Becky Ballbach
Secretary Randi Seaberg
Treasurer Karen Buchmann
Board Members
High Larry Fritts, Catherine Matthews
Middle Kelly Shepherd, Bryan Toutant, Janet Gillingham
Elementary Gerard Holzman, Kert Lenseigne
Central Office Bob Sotak

Executed this ____ day of ___________. 2010 at Everett, Washington, by the

undersigned by the authority of and on behalf of the Everett Public Schools and the
Everett Association of School Administrators.


_______________________ ______________________
Cathy Woods Dr. Gary Cohn
President, EASA Superintendent

Mark Toland
President, EASA

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