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IE~celptiiolnall relpresentati,o,n from ,1,e:5~s~raltilngl material e:v,elry time,

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(If social (.o9l1l1]tion and its evolution. A.speda[ s€,(tion onsodel cognltiol1l tH!glim. on pag,e 1337, Photo:: (i,e-tty ~magej

1289 TMsweek lin 5d'l?IlCI? 1295E.dli~Oii'5' Cliloi(!3; 12:98Co.l1Iltacl Srie.iiJre 13cn Rtllli'il.dlom samples; 1 30 3: ~\h;wS!make ~5 1406N'ew l~rQal!cts 1407 Gordoi'll Research (iQlllfe'reflices 1416 Sdeil'!c~ [afieers

1293 The Br,ailrrtlEd ucstion IBarder by KathtYll !-Jif5f~~Pa'fi,ek('J{ltJ}OJlrJ
».Sof"fal Cggmlioo

r. .Bruer

p. 1137



Sodal Cognition

AU 'iogf~h€'~ NO~V-~iWlm
SaoctuariesAld. R!l'5~,iUchand Vil!ie'Versa The [P.rorn~se iQl[ 1~'awaUe~, niverses u Ihe 11m!: Vir~w~, lP'efsA!!C!,siCl!il '"f


ElLlol.utio.rIiin the' S'Qc1al Billain /?'" /. M. Du.nVDt G.~cJ , SllUttZ s

PltIul]rlg [)e'd5ne 'o( U5" Bees Unked to Vilrltls Flrom AUlstra lial
:-:>..S(iera!1I! Expl(!U Rr!pfJrt b yD

.. l

[~,I;·fD~ tel' I?[


S.ocial (ompMen't$ j, 11 Silk

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F!~IU"leS$111 rimat,e 1P


13.47 1351

.HI ~V [)1'I!jg Shows Promise as, lP'Otll!'Iltia[ Cal1{)e:rTr~tmE:ll1lt

1 305 1307

Gilbert and

r. D.

~i!<!ri!d 11{1 '~hi~ IF~hl~~

NeVIl Centers to' ~ave S~r'onger Fo~eigil1l Filavor S·(~'EIN(IE 5(.0 PE N(H'Ih("l,m¢i!l1 PrimairVes [)'emgn:)b'·ale HUlmalnli~e'


1 3CJt7

» fdiltNiaJ p. 129J: NEWsS!Vl)" ~t :1308; telt€.f Po 1121; BOlli' lrevi:ew fl, 1326.1 ReSe.Dr"di Mitte' p,..13',6'0;R~f~P.. :1.402 f~r~~~d ,gi!l!F!l!l' ~l:J!'}l~~ (Jpd f',g(/Q(J$t, ~ r~ WWI<~.'~~IJ,~~g,·t;t{g!~C,f.J~'~Ml'()gt:lfl~·!II

;:.::. Socral [ognitiOIl
5eClIt!ln p_ 1337 larDS

M.ea Schools; Add

Despite Budget C!1lHlI(h A B~g :SpLaU n[he' ,#\;s-temid Be~t 0'0 OIl1l ed
Earth's [)inosaurrs VentelF':5 Genome Sheds New Lf ght on Hama n Va,riatioil"ll

U31.0 1311


~he Wild Ttiger Survi\l!il?


DN #II [',Iup~icatiom!;a!fll.d lDei,etion~ Help Det:ef!ITIi nre lfI,ea,~t!h 1 31 5 AmeriCi3IIl, (hemica~Society j\~.eet~n9 13~ 8 Sii~l't!~ M~ to ~~sR!l)$~rorr Skill$
Anli s~ns~ :P'aITti!it~S~iI'l,Ij p' a F~ar;e· U Dips,tid 'I'6~.F~ag5.~pei~n9Iit!<CKI

C.QNTENJIT5 00 ntii"llJed » ~.sciencernag.o.rg







Samp~e & Assay 1echnologie 5

Sample' & Assay Iechn ologi,es


Samlple & Assay techno ~ogies

Sample' & Assay Technologie 5

Diag nostics *

Assay Ieehn 01'0 gies

Sample & Assay.. tech,no~ogies,
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'iNWW .:SiC

DE,VIELQPM ENTAL 1810L~OGY A Va:~Cl!latU!re-A5SQdaJ~d INi'[lhe iQW lh,d~nere:rrUated Sp,ermat'og'onlaJ in the MOmiise Te'5tlls S. Ydshido~ All, 5uke'nQ. ~ l!ia/Jes/Jima Time·taJp:se illl'l'i:lglin'g rewllI!:s tn[lj~ $te'm ceUs: Unat gel1ier .. t~ :spenlll~lre lnc:!aj~M near '~he' b~oo<d wss'e~, in: the~e-sti:s Dr miu~'.,a, diif"lelre\ntor,~a niz<Jtiom tha n iIlli I'Ivo®l1e retes, b

ie:['iJ exp I'ess. org c

10.:1112 61scien(je.114468 5


A ~'eurongin-3 MulaJdon I~nm~'lh:atedin AJutislm

~llnlCr,e<)ses, Inhib]'~ory Synapti.c Tr,(:ll1lsmn,sSI)[Hl



,A, mOllJ!Ie

'( T(Jb~'Chi et aL mooEd re~N~!;hat a mutation that chtll'lige:sI1lB' bll~aitCil of 'l'xdl:a~oryand t inhim~ol)J' synapses aHocts ~~.a i'llg ~kiUs:, anndilllgi tfulat mily Il~l.p Uilild'ersl.n d autism. m


A M.e'tage;:111om~ c Survey ef Mio,obes ifI Honey Bee Cotony (ORd.PS,E! DilSalrdjE!f l. r.ox·F()st~l ~t at

A CiOITlPtltrtltltve g.:L'lillwlJic ol! piPr~tich stl991ilS,1lill~t; (.! 1'injs 'n~y be cnnt.!1i iJlII,tin'g to the t eli r~f1It d @\'as~,tiQI'1 ,of dom~S'l:icat.@d ib(\(:t coto",i~s"



A PmpQ~;~l fQIF'~

D'~caid1~:f ~he Mi~d Initi~~ve' Q


, 32~

1. S. ,Albus

e'~ill L

3rJ£i rl'l fogll'lti rm SE."CMrj p. 1137

M.amlIQ@lfnr;mt in Ori~'g10n C Kunkel Orn'ara,cterizil1g Health R~sks E. Rifkin emd E, Bouwer Respo nse K. Stejansson '(uu! Ai. Ko:ng l!it~~lP-re.tio'9S,e,~I,i'f!rH~$ from M~SlQd'O!i andl [,e:X

1.M. Asaro et at

and 1355 Eatlhl1lg B:e-havior I. S, forooqiet al, A br3lii1F'ii'l\a'gijlJgl swdy ~'ftltl'O l~~'li.i'!"dfric:iei'!:t~i'idiiJldU'al$5ug.9'~sts that 'lhl;5:atppet.Ue-slii ~press;~ng h(mmoQe ,adst1o dilmilliislil the peneptiolll nl rood '.5 rewarding pmpertie~.

INEUROSCI!=NCIt Leptill1l Rie-[Iulaites S~natalIR~gi.olilis

,CORR E'(1'ION5;



1 3.25

AS,implerwo~Dimeniion~l Heavy-Fe'rm!on Syst.em ~l!Iith'QI!!!'antum Critkallily All., Neumann, J" lIIyeki. II COWQn,}. 5a~nders

Raboon Metaph:ysics Ihe IEvCllL.rtio~ efa Soc'ial~ .M]nd fl l: Cheney andrY. M. Seyfarth ttrvie,wed by A. Jolly
»S'o(ial Cogllffl.rm .'leroofl p. 1337


PHYSIIC:S Billayeli 3He:


lIIe ~lflh:lUig]ibllity of: Ni8J~lillfeHiow Sdence Mallkes Sense 1327

()~~:h~ m~d W

P. [)eo" reviewed by M. l, Jones

JlUlill~U r>!;;~ho\lJ' <lila: bila,yer of ti~lIid 11 e, tili H l:l1~ !>impl.est F.eirmii ~leml. s~mp.risiin9[Y .SilioM,ql!l,mtlllm nitkaLi~y iii nd Gill be UiSedl t~ stllJdy~hl:s ph,enomel1loll. >~ Pefwectrve p. B3l PSYC~IOILO OY

On the Road to A.G!lI emic G reaJtnes:s-A d D. 5. (jr:eenbetg



Hll!!!llm2!:r~s Ello~.'!IIedi S.peda&ized Sk~llls 'of 1~lirve 136'0 SO(TI.)[CO'9191~tiM~ CuhlJlr,;;!L InteUl!Jlence 1~lyp'OIthe~s mhre f. /1'f,rtman,f} et at.
Chikl'r,en ~~h{l,1ilfe .2 0IIi'l.a .. h1iU)"e'ilfS olld: dea~wilh qlJalnl~tie5. sp1Il.e. a rid CiJiL!satlty,~s 'i\leilfJiS aduU (fhfmlls, 'In~t.1'i.1lr SlJ.!rPfj ss tile'tifl a I'l ~~~i~l t~ri'iron9 t~sks. oommulntc:atvo:n .• .i!lild thoory ,of Il1tlnd skill~.
» ~lJdal
((Jg.'lJ flOJ'lsedwll

The: CBs!~ of
SaJtWlllmis Spin



p, Hl ;

» R~pon' p, 1384

Th e S~r'e~5Q~ IReLaxatiQ ~I
1'1: C Hartzell »» Rep Oft p. 1]9 J F@rrnii(]!ns~ln~~e (Jilig'i fI'Ilail Felr:m~: igui'di ~ C. A Hooiey rJll'{J A. p.fI.1arkritl'lfe >.:.. flerel1ldl Artidr p. 1156


1 332

"C"in'g A.rrdl,c Climate liliith Black


1 33:3

R. tlAiley

C.QNTENJIT5 00 ntii"llJed »




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croscope $·Hd,~" No!' Qnl>' is~he:>iz:e ~C!\lldC'.rJsed, but the Will~~ thickness ls reduced to ha~f tlmt o£convenIkal1li! Ilhi n-wiilHpl ares for lIhfil;Cljuid, P·CR pmlocQ~:5. FOUT S~icleti~
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And w~lh 1'II!"1 ilut1Qfll.;ltecl Hd, CD d ri¥cz.·ll ke loadi ng Mcdl1anism, end u

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e~~'U ip111l1'~11ID prepa re ,..nd ana ~~fze :SfJ.dNirer f:ralm! (bJ'w!!~ wf~11three 916\MIJ" SrimUfrm' pJ,1WS <J_j~mbfed and PO(samples.· . . Oll'l~ pl.1t/!! NmJ~_

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I~)( 1·6~7":l45-l96·,2 ·u!l(o@ifim1!'


nl",~oo fI!!l.N!I'!~~cr;jll!~ ~m:M1r (,roo> ~lJ!I Ji!.rIt]~ 1l,-,rc;Il<llt;-r'!; 1ml'1 Inlil'fn.ll !{,<;~fGl! ~!l!l! 'iiI"~I~ljmOOl


MATERIALS SCIENCE MU$cularillhln Films f'QqrBl:IUcHngl ActU!ator$ alrlo 1366 IP'o~~ rilrl! 9 I),~vi'~:e$ .A, WI. FeJ,1'berfj et aL P'alterrring O'~III1Ilu'i.dee~1s gr~!.!i'ml0 n c:enrtimeter"'5Q1ll',. Uexi'bl.e { Sl!!lb.~~ral€S ~I1(1lMtileofFe:e- mrm:s. to form ~CUljat!!Jf$With~emplte\K

th~·~~dim(lflS'iMa:l shajpes:.
MATIERIALS S.CIENOE ~m.a·g~l1Ig Arsenic (ioUreU AhFlos.pberes AJ(HIJill1ld:l 'of SHilcol1 I)deets, by Three-Di me nsiona l Atom rrobe lomog~apln!y


K. Thompsr:m et .at
Tli1iree"idim e.rr5imli.i!~.a 10m probe '~()mog ra phy l~(ates. indivi:alJ8Il

dop~rU alo.rlls' and defelits im.fdE1 fim;;on and ~ho'i'!ls that tile ~1i1'!'irorrmen.t C!rou~d them h~ipsf~ their l.o(al;:(;!FI.

Somt X-raJy-Dri:\iII€n Femto,S€:coll'1ld Mo~€ul[ar D'~l1Ia:mic5 13,74 f. Gagnon ('I a~. A 111 lIItt.r;;li5hOf~ laser plilbe is u.s~d~o ~jE!d air! ~I~c,tro.nfrflll'! dii;il)(lmrk l1Iitrog:en iii new '~xamil'le how O'~'hBr ei!!ctrro'fl5,ths i31(ti1fai:ed~ iCaU!5'e Ule~ RlOieCildetolaUflp<llrt

139.0 Antid~p rr~S~('Jjlrnil5 B ~ock N,E!UrotfOilr:!ls,mUter lR:eupt;ake 1. ZiKm e'~.111. 'The :slru:Cl\lro oi "11 i1ntid~prll$S,~l!'lt d FIi.!'1I bound to, (! bi.!{t.e'ri'a I trillnSp(),roo~ r@v~ilis. h()wlhes:@ dn.Jlgis'm~iy wo:~ken neu r'!)Ui1ltil~llI1Iit~il'.r t'raIFl~PQ,.rters iI!Ii .hlll maniS,
BIOCHEM!SlRY]ne Strm:.b.~:IFe! How

t. R. Burgoyne

(y~te-ine R.edlox '5 en~or iiI"Ii PiKG,If,a: iEll1IiI blle'$ Oxio ii1~lt'"IndIUl(~d ,#\divati on
et at.

1 393

.A Baisilil. l[)rQ,m il,@!l)Qlu.lFjid snd Siz@' 1378 Ihec!E:dim'g .Avitan Inig~t A. H. tumer et al.. A ~mall~Cre'I:.l!('eQu$d]fioX!ur born MOflg oil'" ,r!~prese-ms~he- b-~sail diJ,r,ef9~!ll,ce: ~f~he'lea9~ lil!g,d~If19tQ blrd$i;llnd sh O'mSth at dllilotSall,i'f ATMOSIPHER Ie Be lENeE 2(lltil~Ci~wry tndustrl g!il'Black Carh OrlElm~!Ss3.0,r:JIS n Mt~md A.rrrt.k.Ilimate Fordn,g (

Aln I.Ili'll!!J'Stl91I. red~·Ifi:gg:~n~ dii~rijli1ni(lli'll (an, lij~~ nitric ,o)!ijd@, a ct;jViI [ie. ,cyclic: GfI.~P-rl~:penden~ ktl'ls,se to rledl[J~e Moodl p~~~ure by d1(!cjealsllHg tens]on~ n blood vessel. !i!, >::- PeffpWfve fJ. llJ l GENETLCS

1 381

Common Sequen!l:!! Vadantsin ~he b9XUGel'lie Co n~er Sus,(;epti blilU~yto lE::d'oli,flliio III Gtau(iQ'tma G, rl'writ;'flssc)'(1 et al,


). R. Mcf Oll{!(l',ll et a L
A Gree!l~oi!n:dll"e: (OJe sllo~ that :b~ill(k (,jIrrboml P'O'lP1ic~~hi'lYl? altered SfI(IW i~~'~'Cl1ivity Arr(ti( dimal~ and ~efl~ ~arL1 g ndl c~d~ r~~lbli nd~i1Itt iFIlM .cit fIilosplliilli(it fmm 185 oro 1950. »I'~rswmiv~ p. 1333

A gei'llOfll1e·~de- ~lJidy ~eve~~~ ·~tia~~.a typ>e oi g!aummal d1ii;irn,eli:!ri2!oo by a(w rnlillaloofi ,of ribniU.a r de po5i-t5ilfl t~e 'e'yel '> '_smdat.edl ~\1ii~h a glE!rUIllIa ri{J rrf that. mod~lfies et~sti r1 .~ lDers.

~nd lril.ewi:or SU1lQclure j, D. Aruier:5(m and G~. chubert S

(i!l5~illi glUi!lvilly data

PLANETARV SCIENCE Saltlumill"$ (j'!'ilviita'tiOlfl!.09ltfietcil• Intemall



imj1~Y that Satlll m is !ip:innirlg Ia5llertihi:lfl h as been: thoUlgilit,l III r;:tlying that its ElQlllatorhil 'Ili'irl[l~ ~re !>lower i.'ill'id ~i'ghJ(!i"-~a'lJ1~u;dt~!'!d:s bkif,i; ,~sn:a,niJ W~SL » Peflf)r:ctrve p, 1310

The fus!!i.ri~Jm gmmint!or'U'n1 R!e1jfea~ a IUnk 1400 Ret~yeen Local!!zed IP'olym.ofpln,fi!itm !]I:nd Pai~~loge!l! Sp;e-c iiE! l~:zalti,on CA. Cuomo €'t at The gerl'~me or ali ~l!merUoo s p.'!thQgellliic;JlI Vlglls ~hO'l\isex(es!; pol.yrn.orphisli'll ~!'!Ir~giol!'is; wit,h li!!igh 1(!~lls or rl\oomb~ f'latio'i'!.

The Per,~~p,liQrl of I~~tklllaii Go~H)ired·ed Ac~i{iln

NOl1lhumalllllP'f~lifIates J. N. WQ.(Ut fJ'. D. :Giyn{J, 11 C PhiJtiP5, M ...0. Hauser Ajp.~. ,as weU,as IN,e'i\I and Old] 'IjV()rtd mo,nkey~. can .alna~!il.e glool·dtr,8(tiE!d t!ct~~f1~ nd iniler~he IlJllderiyillig ratio,ntllEi. ~



BIIOCHEMISTR¥ A:)ymm,etwyill!'l!, the$,tnu::tl!Jlr!e of ~hle PlBI( i1irSlrIs.po If't,@'r=lBln d1lr11.gProte~:rI (omp~@x !BUII,c [)~HtluF R. N .. I:h,t,(),mpet !3 t TIilie si:rl!lctl!l ~~ of ,81 b:a(lenllil tral115j10rnBr lor vita min 8']2.a nd its b.Jr~i:lifL9pmt.eilfl pa rtner re~iI~5 an ·ocdu!d!etl stat.etillcrl: may rep'res.e I'1t .;! !1Iif1ltermedl~.Q!: :sti!'P f n tra !1~port ..


:..> S~.r;i(11(!J9flirifJf'

seClllllrr fl. 1331

~~(I[N(E '1)!I>UI'Q!Olio!l!Qi1j) J!Uml!li lIiHt~ 01'1, nlifl!':o 'liIfi!!llhI'~I_I:'n", b ... D_bol~. b!j"uuUi!!lltil1l'lIIliill&illiDn 10j' iI'.'~~i!<~i!!~iIt!'ln~~[~. UIl!!i' N~~U.'j",~ ••N!iI(!iIjO>ljfn>!i!D,i1I.. llHiO~ ~gdl(~ (I( "'_.lpq~'"II.·Q!iI!i!r~i;in.1rQ.. ~""~!iOJ'pM ,IIIWlltlinglOn, .l!IIdilionill il1lil!LI'n4I·~!tI.'CIIRIt~IC ~OQ~ Ib~'il11'~1l1il-:!i1i«l1Q! 1I1tl!!lW.ii!Ktil1lllllL .~, !,d __ mi*UIH;t]~N(E [j;~ '!!D1~t:!i',0Ii~J.<I!ii'i.!'~·~';Lli~.11.1U16: Dilm!!!So! IiidB!liliJ~lfil!Oll~.i'!hlp,~ 1Ii~F1pilo!!ri~:! 1Mii_0!~~ IA!~

uc. ~

AOV;" N C'! to.!'G.$C: I'I:~ CE, S E:IWI N!'G; SO'Cll::i r

C~,~.;!!!~~~ ~;;!!~M[!IIrg,J,·~1Tl!'11iIi!1§!!!1I~~. H!~lp~j'mt~! ~~ ~,1~i iftl!'!ifC!1I~~~~~~[!;'~~ ~i~" ~I.l~~ mtl~'f~5,! th!ll oou~1Is CiI.'.lrn5:[; dd~ o '~85.~rntdm; jjJIII1HiJ~lIud~Ii~11MlI1lertIJll5.r.lies~il,r~!!:II. f (Cl!id~ Iliesull m:r ".~ ,u[lCfI"*"1111111, S'l n~5.>I 6(111.2. ~blioN!M Gc' r.uI~~"!!M!Mt N'uiltiu l(lt!,t~~~.s[iHOOElJ;lprlili:fii,oo 3'[) p.!jl~I1i~It· .(<nIiJ.. ,,' oM'Jl!~i'i:lI'li!>!i. Mm!ed iii 1IIi,. IIJ!!U.

3 0'0/0



(1hiIii9'''~,I~tD'''''''''ltrij,~ mtll. ~""g IicU,iiiI nmldot_ N IIHliig'il.aoI!DiI1tnuFfitlI', '~Imii;;U,F, Solfldldlmg""ldf.j,!,t.J>UIAS. P:.I), s:..·g6Ug_ W.!llii"!liDlI, uC2OOlH~:1\!t §;~'Y!.£ r ~1iM!)!i!m~!~~~'!l@~ '-p~in.;W~ ~~~ ~~~bL':I'i!~~' r1I_h·~~~!!!I!'~~I~~ m.!!:!itWf(r~I!!fnj{I!1>f ~.Ul.i!l·'~!!!"MY~!!o!I '!'i!!:l!!!!IIW!~t'" ~iJlli!~ iI«'~;I tlit ..~,p~h; l!o:ill.~rJ.rl:ed t.;,AA.!'Iiii,·lil· ~brn.~·iIltil oil1.tfU~ ~iI~~iho ~t ~J'il~t allll'_c.etltlir·~ir_i!m.ij. ~~:~ ~!!d'ihiH ~~BillQ!!lItililiklt·!i pllK! ~Ut f;>{:a:, 122.~ Mo.. m_.~M92~_ ru. ii:i'onlflii::!1i.ii""'" b.~.'[';!oo~&·Ml'!>.~;; !lind"'di~IJj.N;1H"U;t.lil .. r.o.i!'.ndM!lfI""JI1tl!,altil·;n,_ .. ,II'P&liINI ;nd9;l

recyded pa p er.
co ndn !.Jed :»



VOL 317


·,.,el~peCanc-y ft' E-' ' . es 126


C -e

- '~,
w~WIi.$(iel'1('Ieil1! o~v.o~9 IJAI LV N ~.WS COVE RAG E How the Eldler~y Steili' ,~'s]ri'l,i'e 1Niil~ .aJg,e:.~he bril:im's mspolfilse to rI1~IY wa!l'le.

:__ _ : _

en10Llo:ns les

Older men who marie witl~ VOlmg,er WO!1!len hav-e

e\iO'h,lti(ln'!I~ry ~dv~lJIlJf.Qge.

Feriti ~ Wimes f,or MalY'·[)~cember



·mime.. Wrol1lg

(0 ll:l ra do,



IOll8d by

o!: m'ism~M idlelfltity.

'II'iIW~lJ\sdencecQlrleefS.I[j'Jg CAREER: RESOURCES FOR smNllSTS US:: (!ElpHall.oiS~es: B'. B'eruJe/'ly

Ab~e ylinmg ~opl,e are be(D1I11I1n9 Dhyskial~!iiciervti~'S" D!Jit ~e:pfng thev1I1is ,a dlalleng~.
EUROtP'IE~ A Ka~'O~i]'r:JiSka:IQctQra,~.(a ndidste learns the )O'V5 [ ,of B,qjs~[ljess. Wirnershlp, tReser±lrrcl1i, and Fatherhood O L. t,rJutsen Ma!I1,fJilJ!iIil1t'dHamman fJ5inr M hllrry '10 dii?re-nd hi~ dli))ert~lia:l1; h's got ,ot~er Ipriol11tiei. EUROIP'IE:

A.Job in l~e Vilcle'o,·Galnl'f~~ndl!lli~by


f. .Porn


Asa chHd .• (Dm~pU!tE!rsd~n:~stR(l'cl'lcUlr Maln:ha'lo~ pli3iy~

video gime<.;,. but


me wnite~~u;!f!l,

PIEIRSIP'Eal'IIE.; TI1 e Aryl. ~·Y'~"·'O(~rfbQ!'l Rie rep~orAn m~llrm:Ii'Hi~iflg I~f'f,ed.orof the UVIB: IRJe'spoflse p. Agos,inis, 1M. Ganllfll', A Ila.n ioethef7J The ceUulla~·~espOilse to I,jln'av1o~~~ ~adia~,on is 1iI1(l!tlriiat~clby the B a tyl hydrocarrbo!'! !,e(,eptor; PIEII1l:SI~'EaIVE; Hedgehog :S;iglrnalling-{oo,~~il1g wHh Gasl

{i.RIlI.NlTS rill ET: S@p'~emlbe U' 2.0 OJ Fill n rUli1I:gN!e~v)


L~iUfll'llbout the ~.1I~fsl:rnres-el'llrC fUlIlIdi 1'iI'9alP'POill.nlrl~tles,. i h schdlars:hips,f~lloitlishij~, and filt@l('i'iIshiipri,

),.-5. Kong, l~ Zhang~fl. ,5. Kra,uss

tFIri:Dsiliivelyand Dlegati\lely~cti'l'llg Mg;;J U1d·bi,rndin.g p'Joleilrl::;lim e-tune t'hi@! mspQI1IS@to ~edg ~~,og ~g.l1.1iiing.

IDc()vlmlQadlthf! 7 S;eptemiler

Science? Podc.a~t to I'nearrr albout social~ ('oglliti;on in humans lind

pil"f.mi3it~'S, ~n~tghf~ 11nio ~il!rLy ~~i from a S:.maU ,dii no Sill UiI" gl~,t. sp€cimel1. efforts tasave Chma's

Ittg·ers, al1d more'.

Wii"W,i~i!:i~IfIO!!m "pmJalJOIJI!!pgc! ra~tnt~ 00





. - 1'['·

. - =. .. -I





« tnitial Ev'e'nts iinX ..ray IExcttaltion

X-ray IIIlI'1Mll'thods hilllr,e !ena:i:I~ed atom~(-'.5caJlifl!' strudun[ !hara.cterizarli·on of rna ny s:y.stt!lliliS but the hlijg h e:nerrglY oif x.~rays ,cain ind 1J(:e 'lthemical dialml" Elgie.• Such dam.a.g,eiiS (lhall~!Glngirng to. probe becEiluse' the seminal events QGCUI~ on tnI1H!' s(il~es;Much shorter ~hal1ll the duraUQll of t'e(hno~og'icaUy accessible x-ray pulses, lhe: rrec:ent advel"Jit olf Ilaself-]W1duce:dl higlh herj•

mOfi'llnC ge:nerat~Qn has Ol\i'l!ricome' d11iS Urmtnli[li\'Ition, and Gla.gl1lol et a[ I(p.. 13;]·4)1 ap'pl~.!1hetlechniqu£! 1)0 study~he int:eract~QiIli dllynami(s of Nz t m!ol~!Gl:'!Jil!!lS 'with femtiQS!!lC,oll'ldi x-ray PiJllses. The p'ldses halve iluffici'elllt: energy ~O' eject .anelectrOI1 and s:imul~i11lleously €'xcit,ealll addl]tional

el~e(lrOllll~ n thesa mE! melscu ls, '!j!ji~idl I~.eads to sllielmmi! nITa ements on ng an u ltn:lIfa$.~ 'UIrN~ISC~1 thai! thel al ~th 0 rs «(II!Jld ch a:ra(tie:r~:ze tth ro 1,1.9 te h fimagillliQ of~luthtN10 nizati Oil'll @V,ents;.

Q ua ntum Criti ca [ity in

Helium BHayers,

Unlik€ classical critical points, quantum'e

lPossible' grot!lllId~tates ofthe


poi nts OCC!Jjlf in t he ~!i o~ ze re tel1l'l1lperature, mit


e~):te,r"~1 irnd speeds sre n ee{i:~dat: the eCluatorl w ~OO'r@')pondin.g ~oa ",eduud @quaitoJia~. bw~g@from ']1.22[0 '] 0 lki~Qm!!bw~, i3l'1:dhe \--\!I Bit li1~glh er latt n.dls itudes;fllow Ibo~h least alnd wes~, as an JII.!:pitier. The more rapid rotation impl~e;s.;3 r-e~a'[i'l,(ely smaUicerock-metal coreat Satum's; cenl~et

The chal119es ~n.wllvedi Iili the ea rl.y evo lutien or bl rds a nd flig ht: (b E!'rore ArctltM'Opteryx a ppea red in the Jurassic) ere poorly presaved inthe fo:ssi~
al..(p. 'B78} aes(I"l be a 113J?r t Cretil":eou:s dincsaur frem M01!1l90~ia that r!etain5 many primitive '~,e.:lltmesarid i!$ pihyl.ogenetkalLy pO$itioll'l.ed asa basal dwomaeCl!)aJ~lrid hllhich are part. of the dade Paral'u'ElS that also irrldu:des
record. Tll r ner

C lues to Body Sizes of lBi rdAn cesto rs

mlrlpel~e as: a flJlf1lctkH'I of some (lthelr syst.em parameter, sueh as pressure or rnagWl!eli'c Hekt
QU13r11b.. m (wftkalnty is thO'Lig~UO hold the kifY to s

Ulndersta.lflding~he states of matter that do net (o'll!form to the "standard model' of cendensedmaUell physics, Landau IFenni ~lqLJI1:dll~H~ory. H~:5t~JuicaUv, Ulllk liquid 31H'e,the s.implJesl Felrmi b s:ystem, play.ed a key rol~e ~nthe developmeli1l·tt of Landau':5 til eory •. IHoVl.fevew, Ney rna n n et 'QL (p. ]3:56, Ptbb~ishE!d On~~ii"l~ Jlldy;- se~ til~.e P'€f26 spec:tille by IHlo'oLey and Ma(l~en?:me)'~ho:w that bilayer) o:~3H1e5how quantum critical b@navl0r .~ w:heJilIthe coverage reaches C!I (Jitl(;al del1lsity, Find~l~fJ a JHIElana,logl of 1b@~fI'viio'jmo'r~ (om"

As a com pact SOlll!IFCe' of

fil1'iJitil,le p01l1.Ier, rnusde cells reta'jf'il fl"iollliiy advant.a.g~) O'u'~IT',iM~ific1al )Y5-

tems they have inspiredrfor example •.the fQ~i(e d~~il,i\ered and th~ fr.eq:IJE!Wlcy at 'whtic.mlfI'IIusd@

contractiO!il eccers can be l-aillQ!ped over a w~de

rimg~. Ho-w(tl,llElr, lak~ngfuU ffilUi sde re ~lsi n d~~il(es requires the albHity to advantaJge oif

An::l~aeGj)tefyJ< and biter birds), The~a:liio!1's smal[l body sire c@~tiIiilH1t'€r5) 5'UPlPodslhie rl"lO:lioml t~, d ecreas,e jn body ~)ij!J;in,c!i I'lIQSa~M$ preat:~ .. eedsd th El'~1l01ilyti 0111 n]gl~tilr:i th ~ till €lo1lQ:El of that Iled to ~ilrds; tlhe largest .Arrhaeopte.rp ts abou~ 6~5,~.elilitiliilleters.


mimic: the threed~lln€'11I5i nal natu re oif e


... pro\!'id6l' a morl@ thi@ol'@'lkaUytr~ctabll@ ~ystElmror 10 .~stwjying quantum critical]t~, :~

i m.QI!1!'lyassociated "'\11th cQmp!ex

ml1Jlsde~lssue startingl.
~ei Imibelf'Q aJ, d (PI. 13 66} h.aVle (U I.~

male'nil!ls: may

IReflrecnons on

Sooty Surfaces

'c'(He $pinrS hidd'en b~!"le:~th,tlh](~ .zdoud layers. By mnbilll'ng Cassi['!J] gr:avity rneasureme,Mlt~ ~'Vtithi?iolFil@erand Voyalger' radio ()((Utl:al~ .... 1m: tien ~,!id v~lind: d~.til,AIil!tder~gllil S(hl!iibelrl al!ild :~ :iil (p. :ll384;)~~ t.hEl P,@rspoctiillEl by IPodo[alk) de.cltlt..tEl , ,t;! thalt Satum's (o~'e Jotates 7 minutes fastew than ~. i~ the r.1lt~' de'~ermilii~dfrom IP're'u'klu~. ~stfmate) :!i: ba sed onl periQdititie5 in ma gl1!E!tic.almd low" :: freoqllem:v r(ldli@ dalta thalt WEl,re l1:ottij!Eld diilre~tly to g the aCltuaL mOl-n,on ,of t~ii (ore. R,el.ative~o the. fa5l e it:;; of :$at~JJrn's~tli1J]O,0 spinl]ing 'CQrle, oUlr perspective ,... "" u 'spheric ~villilds ml!J,SIal~o be ,dere.d. Mu:ch sLolll!l-e~

I:S~lti,Jm's rocky

~ Reassessinq (ore Spinnrung

tured neonatal sst vel!i!tlFiculla r csrd nom y'Ocytes ornJiO polydimethyll$1~QxaJne{~OMS}films Qn~he celli1~il1l'let,~r$i:~e scele. IPH!:paUemnWlg of t~ e s ~ppon wit hi mkm·

Bla(k G!IWioOfli. or US/Dot," G!in~mIP'~.ct eli mate tluCllUg hits Etldre me:l.y eni~ dent ;;Ib~[Jrption or SlJIrdight.
Although mest oftlurimpad ofscot (,ome~ from its pj'~,e ~;,(e U1~ i~ atm OOP~U!Te.,it!) iI1Iflule m:e C~11Ibe erit1ca&wl1!erllHiepo.sit:s on sn{JlIrlI.andice anel dmmaticaUy changessurface re'~I~t:Uvity; McConneU f't a,t. {p, BBl, see the Pe'rspe:(tiviI; by Aney; publl5hed online 9 Au,g 11J1SUlllre!'5im,t a 215 -year-La l:'I:g' feic.ollil of Nlo:rt~ Arne ri can elli1~·~5i·om; bl.ack c;;!rib on~ ba~edI onit'5 'of (IO'ilc@iftitratioli1lil1l13nicE! cm,efr,Qrtn, Gr,eenlal1l d. Biack. (,arbolf'l dep osntio'lili was; greatest betYlle!l;!1 about 1350. ,arid 19 SO., and iindusill"ial activity
COmiml!Ell7 .i')1Ilf!pgeUf}l


(ontact-pril'llt.edllines ar f1bmrlec:tifil centrnlled tlrn,e tissue shape'. and ~DMSfil~'"!~hkkne's5 contlroUOO! till!! bl2llulilng .sliff!l1I~.~5..Ir'I th~5. \I'I,Iay, com' plex5hape5, :5luch asttH~' 5pirall fortn of aJ ma]l· iflg tub~. muld be ereilitoed. Small devioes, whddl (;an ('ontr.act SIPolll,tanE:Ol!5i.y or be: :paced by an eXDemal PQtfmha.l. werre abl'E! '~os:wim •. wa~k. all'"grip ,obJects.

Longer sequencing reads mean moreappli'cations.


single instrument

run, the Genolllllf S~~!IH~.n(!er FLX. System

generates over «!mUJDI{) reads of200 l'u lOO bases with 9'9.5'*~ aeeuraey per read,

• Perfonn de






• f\l'l~]~.rl.eull-length eDNA. including splice variasus. f

• niscovcr \"]I:lI) !>ulHype~~ '(e.8." 1-[lV,"

• UllI(HV(;''r

'~h.ediVt''r;;.il), in rnlt~tug.enuml' ,"

Flow!!!1ral!lill slho'Wiin,ga Ei,H:h balw representaa

:Sii'lIIg~GmadllOf' :256: bases" diSICmh'l bOl~l'l (A. T, G, 0:[ G). and

~he~~e~gluIr !!II bar cO:Iii~e'181e:$o the' li!umbe'~ o~ bases in O t a spe,cmc ploslit~o~"

Visit .. ww~gta,no,','Je--stJ'qut:,u; o Ien r n abo w

number of peer-reviewed publications


the cxp and iug

appearing \v,eckiy."

Roch® D~agnos:Ucs Gm biH Roclle Ap plied Selenee

IFgr Jlfe ~iel!W ~~ 'O:Ii!!y.NQ'Itlr!i!~ [

in' '~iI!!Jng~!(;~edy~ I

68298 ManU1lh€im,


.1\5~, ,1II111l1 G!:NO.l.tI, :!>E!o.U[ll;l[lE~ .IIl1l'1md","~alks: 1II.QSi1, Ur.e Scil!ll1ces: DlIi]XlIIIILloII, IIl!~fQrd, CT., 1JiS!i, c '100, ~Ifie CHa~~gstli"" 1Iii!i!-!,.~i nI[li~ ~

lhis Week in 5deno~


that pernod resLJ~teo in M !lIlcweas,e of radiative forch'!.Q aU:he surface as mLJ!cih. eig'hulm.e) as

greah:~irhalli1 that d!Jring~he prl€nlllldu$t.nial era" I

Acquirinq the INlecelSscuy Skills

H uma ns .Z! resodel anima lsa mel, ali dec in la uge part by La UlIgl lag e, a re su plr-emely capablle of tra rsferu rl rlJg 'k I'I,Dw~ed ami skms;acms;s geonera~i(!l111! a~.a fie! 9 eneHc. bou ndartss, 01111 g~ eway to gal n j nsigllH inlto h~w these secial Clognitivi; ski lls a reseiste det?ed dj ffe~'en[jes f n the cnset 'of :SiO'1TlIQrthes;e sU~si!ll e IUlI'I1:fln, ape, and monkey infants. HllllllrmmallllllID etl1t "p. 1360) pr@!;,(lnt the lmpl@m€lltatiorii of what 1l1ey ha~e labeled the Pril1flalte (ogIWiitii.cJ!,n Te~aBaJUewY.~1.In,]ch ~as; been cies]gned to assess soc~alam:l pl'rys il[a I. C:O'91ni tion, 1n i:1IPI~fo.iI:. illfllaldy 100 (hilld ren, 100 eh ~m:j)(l!lueei" an d 30 ora 1'19uta ns, At .a n ag'e

of 2% yea r5, hJ~ malll1l(hii~dITenpe rform as ' chi m p.3lrt1zees om the ph')!'s.kallalslk.Si3Ifi1 d rrnLJ better W tlha rI the.m on soda I. tasks, Human ad ub norma ~lyuse thel r ha nds, 1'101 t.h,eir h eadis, to' tu m a Ug h~ s~vitdi. So doi n f an~s .• ~i!I~1I'iI af~~ r~he~ ha v~ l!)b'S!~rv~d a!l'iaid~~ts;ii'il g Ih ell"hea d-if t~ey :~elt!h.;ll~tlh~]f u l hends were occupied by ho~.drnQ1i:I blanket HO'l'!'e'lller. if ill"l'lants see an adUl~t use' their head whel1l their hands are flree. they c.onduderhar rhe·.reo must be some Ulm:l,ell'lyh'lg reason for "Jistng~he head, lind tll,ey wi'll do so, t.OO. 'Wo!od et' ,at. {Pl. 1402; see the 111 sto·ry b~ hlill nbi) assess w:l~e~her this ea pacu.y eW5
for Ilooking beyoliJd the 5uriface to s'~e tihe ilf1Jtentiioliis lHtdlerlyilng goal-diliiected .adior1iS can be detected f flll'i! enhumsn p ri mates, The·y nllli d the t H ca n-i n (him pa nzees, macaques, iii nd tem a rinr-im p~Y'iJli 9 tll~a~ bases fQ~~:MscogilmvlE 51k~!a .l,r'O~12at ~ea~t 40 milHoli"l y~arrs ,a'glo.

The .MolecuLar .Malch·inery of

.Mood Sw~ngs
TheaJdion of UnlOnOiillmil!1l@ 11~~LJmtlr;\1l~l:'i.rnmeiF'5.that $'81''!IE1as sigmlllrlg

, - '. I·S f U,SIIOn ·

ge[[!,'~ratiQ.g proteins,

f!!il!si.Q.mIDs· with

T':a,gRFP.~s the b:nlgliIDte8~ red I(arrange) monomeri.c filluofieS,cent p:rot!ein :~cileal f'Of

moleru les f rIi mood arid motiivati 10111 b~'ins ~"1henthey a ~e I'lete,asedfrom the presynaptk nerve terminal and ends; when they eretransported fpo!l11l,
the extr.a (!el[ula r' spa;c.e badt ~'nJ~O'~he(ytolJlla smvial dedl(a~,eds()diilJlrn-


Brrughru!es s (% ,of E(;FP)

555 nm 584 om

bran e tra !'1l5por"t'ers, Zho yd at, (p. :B 9(1, pubdes(r]be time crystal snuoure ofa bactewial homolog (l:eun ofth e mamma lia 111 ffi(moaml ne if iii IlllsiP'o~ers in com plex wit h 'its SlIbstr.ltlE! Ue ucff'l!e) a nda n in hi bitor of flCireiP~ineph ril nE! tra nsp ort (th,e ant~d'ep ress an.t d e'Siprami riel, On the bs sis of homo'~ogy rmocleili ngof thfl! hurnantransperters Ior s~ll'(}tornin~ nO~8p~iI1@phrilrneo, and dopamin~ (hSERT, hNE1r. ,;;!I!~d hDATI. they cons~nJlct tmUlt03l!1!tS hSERT and M1Al all1d show thannese of
deplE:lld el1i~: ,l,;;!s!ina mem p lished olt1llinl!e9'.AUlglJJl)t)


e'.:dTiMuIIH~ prt'ldid@d sensitivity off serotenin ar1d doparniltll€ ,~pt.a~ to d€s~pr.51m]ne inhibition ...

Genetic Risks in Exfol~tatio~ Glaucoma

lEd olta tion gtaucolllna (XFG) ls a (om men ,~i h t-threatenl g I1g disease

essoda ted 'wfrtll~ch renlca

1:( u-

mu~adon of nbriUalw nm.alt~"i.x prnducts caused Ib¥ ablr1~,.wm.alalggre9ation ,of el.asUc nnfcroHblrH (ompo,IHHlIb (exfol1 aHolI'I s·yln.dnJ!llne),.T:ho!rl~ew~50n e~' al. (p, 139'7, pubUslllle:d online 9 .Al!91~IS~;5ee the: 1.0 August rne\'I'S sitory by Ma:rx} perklrmeda wl'nole-Igl<enllm.e sssodarion stludy on an lcelsndic cohort a'nd a S;w1e(hsh 'Coflmt !3i,ndfound t~lal XF(i was associillwM w!ith~alriatH;l11 jnf~le .wxu 'gl'me~a mem~ ber ,of U'U:l Ly:s,y~ ox~dase fill ml~.yof p reteins, that i'5 ; nvolvliil'di n t he~orm illtiofll of th~ ella :!lti 11 po lYl'l1le~' fiber)" Two (ommonls]ngle !1ludeQt]d~ IJ}olymowphisms (SNPs~ that result in (hangles ;1'11 the regkln of til' e protein thiat ilfr'f.eds subst rate s p€ dfl city 'IM.fHS id 8l11l f led thiat we re a sso elated wHh ~:he exf eliaH hon s;y,j:l,dr(Dm~and with,l<fG,. lfh~ f]~~ for )CHi U-i~llln~y 'C;O'V1lrl~r I!"l! those who hav~ hir(i: clopies 'of the Q hig~~-Irisk ~](I.p~()tltpe off the two SNP;sis merethen !l00 times glreate'f than thai [Of fhlO'Sew'ith on~lt t'I1elO~Hisk hapkHYlJes,.

l!!gRI!"P t!s~ mlf !celill!!lInd plmt~iil'il Illbelif;lgi. II.N [Hala ",e11s:,e.xpreSSiilil!l Tag!'lIFPrllSiioml wilh 'Ilillncl!llin; 'IIB} HelL8i Ice ills ,e:~prei!is[n91 l"BlgFlfP 'fUISiolil wiLlil l)l~rn; 1(0) H:a1:f1.ceUs exp~5i!lin91a~RFlprWlsiml wltlruelild· IIIIMin9 proleilll 3 (11]113);(O~ Ir!ebil ceilis 'i'l':qJfesi5iinl9l lagRFP rILl$r~nl wiiIDi ;a'lpi1!g-Wlwltn!.
IIJ:jI~n."'·~ "lfiI' ~11~


A. Genetic Handle on Head Blight

Fusarium grominetJfUfu, a hlllg.Ellll. pl,ani~pa~.hog:en that
oJ. reS!lI! Iltedi III (p.. V100) :;.

t'i' I~I·III'.

"'11I!IKI'I ~IN

iSlal) IlIrwOlI!b~

1.05$ to, U nit Slates 13g1rku It:ulre f nthe ~a:st de c.ade. Cuo mlloet Qt. em.ed~he .gE!IIiI(lHlne of F. grafnirlMfl1fn and I'@ve.a~ed E!!i i rliVoOl\i'tedil1l host-pathogen g.el1l ~ ~nter,a(tion!i. In addiitiollilotihe genome5iequE!,l'iIce, marie than lO,0005ing~e lludeQtide' polvrnorphds!fIJs :~ ~\i'ere 'idMtiifted through romparilSo i1I \¥ilh a Se:q;HIl!'I'1:Cerm m a secoflldslli'ai n. ln1e-:'se data s!U:gge<s~~~at wit.mJ 111 the 5 ge!ll;OJ'!l!1e, highly variable' and gene-rich reg!io.n~hallroO<f g.enes potefl~taUy a~'Sodated with palt:n:oglel!llkity, i1!

the Iiirge5t ecoll1omic


CaMj~e~ I~ead

bl.ight of wheat an'ldi barl~, h85


.B'vlIiO,sel1l ]:8'C Mi~tltlkJrIO-M,ak]8ya s,tmc;. 116tl.I(i1 117'997. MOiSiCiO,W, .R.11I~sii!. l'e~.: 7(49:5) .:U6 6138:8 + fax::+7( 49:5) 42:9' 852;[l! w~WYol.~vrog;~:n.·.CiIJ:rrn.






va L 317 7 SIEP1i1E 18IER 200'7 M

K.adnryOI Hihs:h·~a.s,€1r;: IS a proil'.li:!1C1r afTl'mple

~ 1'11ver~ity, fllili ~a.deIRJrna, pI\, Jl912:2. USA. E-tma;ih

~N AIN IERA OF r~ANSUH.IONAL S.ClltINCE, RESEARCHIERS OHHlj FIIND THEM5HVIE5 IN THE mixed COiIl:1fwnmy of pol.iey-ms kers, legislators .. and edueeters loakumlg for "evideuce-based" pm~tke. Tb,~t's.hm1\fit. \i\!~S.earller llt~is.~ar in M~lreh. \;l,~JH~I] 'lcl;is.t]ng:u~!du:lc],inte'math:u~, ofneurosc:ie!U:islsmmill cognitive psyebologisrs convened 3rt lite University ofChile in S~m.l1i~]go fO:i the COi'ilr:er,ell'lce t it~edE;;ulyEduc.::Hliull. andHuman Brain Devetop,n'l:eint, ·\.vh1eltllmtlil:l:Y Clli1IHeilUrlJ


of thE! Jam

e'5:S. ,M,OOfl


Found~i(;ln, St WJ~s:,.MO 63117, USA. E-l'llIal.l; brul~t@'!)~g

miH~sters.educators, andsciemists mtended~g learn hO'l, 'Ciencel.;l1wght~r~m_doml edncarion, S On day one. however, it became clear d1<!1l myt~~s about brain-based pedagogy dominared :~"'!!!i:rti c ip~!nts· rh ird<jn,g.The Ch i~!e~nl. educators were :k)oking to br.iilin science' for im:.ights about ·~,~:lLruc.hyp~ efpreschool ",'Ould. be the most e!Joct~ve,.\~ilheth.erd].Udren 8~:lein child care ..and t are 'huw best reteach ~"e(~diHg>The 'bf'din researeh I)r:e~e!lu.edItthe conference that ,wIY '1!\!1lJS mute O~'l ~ ·these .issures.,.I.J~Q\<\lever.. cognitive ~~IID:d! behavioral scienee could help, I~{!\lj,('CLlul!d aim ~~rJi~e'!'!H!tiQ!1al grUl.ql 'Of sc~el~l"iS~"$i. 'CO!n!J111.]nl[~~fh~~tlheveis ~LI~)e!'b dev:elQpn~en'" r~.~ev:ide;llce speaka diroedy to edncarional concerns, whereas braiasei[hal ence l'a!lll'l',,)t yetc;k~so? Howmight brain tt ieuce become an .~pecl. rather ~l:iLalfl'!heri'V]~ :!ihroe,of(m,go;ing edncational di~lIsstuO:I]:;flTo address the~ d qu.e,~ti.(llt~~"ve scientis.t:sfmm Chik:.Fnlmce. G~r:m.any.l~ol~and Spa~u. and thisUnited Kingdom, end tilllS United Su~t~draJh:d the Sa;nri,Hgo Ded.oormkm. a st"3te,menl:re:f~ec~ingv.'·hat science eantell I.:IE about: eru:~IY edl:I.~rwOl~.It' summarizes knowh:dge about chi Id deveJopm.enl.a!]d eaiJy lea["H~ng.the 'benefits of ernbedding ]earning in meaningful social eomexts, the importance of ;;lOtiv·e Fdvherl!l'1iwn r~u".~i\1e .1.e!!liHli!lg. the needfi)~' ~en.·;:.itive~ndresl·j()I].;.iveenvi. m'l1i1l1eIUS. ru:lLdrhe need foil' concern UibolL11 11:0\%mmjusl lfVmlfn, cbil;dlreil1let~m.
YNehope that this dec: lar.alimru ("lIrW\,\i~j~n'l[org!d.ed;;lnni!rlin)1 wi II hecome a

foca~ poiml for Ih~ d]SClUSsiollnf'evldenee-based ,ool!lC':llt~om~1pntct ice, I~ow' id tJh!e: ILrtly~ll ofbrain-based ped~gogy 'b~Gml'le ~~)pemls.ive·in ~dUC3~ d donal d~sc:uss,ions"iHm!ill~rudpoUCY-~,'bUlkers... edncators, and the publicbeccme 8'0 n'l:~:si'l1ltbm.'1ecl'.! Currr€'I1t "VQir.k!wi.dle interest ~n early dli.WdlIf(.md develepment C~]ill1J anributedte be ~ successful publ i.crelt1ti.OJl'IS earnpa ign I!i1u~lCE'ledtile m id- 1.9905in the Univl!:d S~,are.'i.ThecaJllp~li.gnp!l1OmQtcd i II .legi::ila[im.'Lln fu:nd E~I.F:lyfl!e<u] S:t.t. Med]ail.~~e.lre,"'l" made [he c<llll'lpaigm'S mess 'tge headl ine 11m"",) for :p..'WCI.US a!ffi!!JIUi thewerld, Yet·bra i~:lscience, wh ich is sri I] :rcfi:ni,ng methods ro aal,~llyzlC cm:~:y bmin de~]opme'il~t is :iJ1iOI. ready (() rela/~e melimn.dp!rm;,e~s.e:;;~CI classroom oH!c(n'ii'iM. CurlJ~~ll brain re.. eeroh (liters a promissory nme[Q:i nllm!llce ~mll'Nit1uch eeelopmemal models s d andtheories ofleamingmay be refined basedon how brain sy~tems ~ti~ltjOI1']eanulflg. Me~~nwhHe. popularm.i!mnderS!rnnd.ig.~gs ~~['ese:m' serious dO'lN':lrlsi,dJe. O~1:e ~1 example is the emphasis 1i\~t'll':l~D tile popular. but' :ici!eJI~t ific1dly lIi11.~:.;upp010[~tlmotl.on of a ,], ~l[i:llg.vltb~h ildren 'Rbn~ill;$ d ch em .le~1!I11 ~Inl{l~~ any ~ubje(:l"elfi.c.ientl.y.~d]efh.lL a oioh~~cuillly HnFl]~ed: c!.itic~ll. period for .!eavu]ll'Ig m.(}bil ized governmeers, ~e~.ils~l.atm"S., medi~lW(}~;M\l'!,l'idero p~lSS I.egishuuoa::l and fund ear~y and
childlinod progrill'lrlS. The 'e~lIG<ilti!O~ll"l~t H[ef:atUre .~ umM ~tod.:{\dWitl.ll book1'l M:mdi l[[ide:s bom.,timg < brein-based cur:ri'Culaand ·pn]cl.ices,. Brain-based cousuhsnrs conrinue H) visit school districts.
And a InHlulet h'1S g~'{)\vnIl"mbrain-based tl:)Ys. "fhen~~s:s~~ge f synllpti.c gmwtlhi. and eritieal pel'.i.omis o ~ls!lfli'lCtive ~Iprpefll bu[ no sc:jen:tufu:c subsrence. UnWo!mmm.ely, this endmsjasm. has caused U!"iIO neglect research thart '!e1lsus how d', The &1!~]ti,ago !coglfen~ncesl.rggested how' scientists nrl'ight be[rel'ii~nction ia\l!~1!wxed ms:l.aJ[:iolla~. m QQiIUPillIlY,. We mustk<:1t':p in mindihat n1JQit[v~~edtldtl\:H~(lrSM.a.1Ld pO~lky~make["Sare the end users of scientific research, Scientists shouldlisten to' the practical questions genereted by these QOIDISUUlers. R~@.~d]3~o.gue starts when '!;.ve~dd~.1:?Ss iseonceptkms m and 111:iS1ll1lJk~rs!1~mdi:l'lgjj. CIDS'S a

~~ere$etnch/p:r{~ot:i'oeivide. Over time, these cO¥b'ver~8!:vion.s eau lead to' ill ccmmon vocabu~;;]:ry~ d infolilmed engagement ...mean i.n~fu[ applied research,..,@.u]ldideaUy, evidence-based practice. The (:omlv·enmri!onmig:lu even contribuU'~ w !~ClGire informed :ro~ic':l discussions. We ap:p'~m,ld tfu'e auen~iClill dh'scwd lOlhe WQl.·~,d'Syt)Ullgsstdl izens, ~lnd lIrg~ lh~~~. pelieies, SU1~hiltalid:s. eurrtcela. !;l1U;~ the 'ex;tenl possibl:e. (;I()imnlerc iad ve~ll1;,~~~, e sensitive t(l' evidence-based pnl.ctioe based to b o~ilIlhebest sci,e;JilJtifrncesearch. r






More free time and better [IQn~(1tg effrciency

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ln just three simple steps, TOPOo!! clOlilling 'mchI1IQ~ogy ,8JllIolNS ytOU


perterm ben[;htop

cllol]ing react!loms. il1lJust. 'f~ve!m~nutes~wlth ~:Ptll 95% recombiln~l1~s, So ~muajliW'laJ~fs the c~Qn:e!s need 'lor downstream eXDe,rlime:llls. have: you and Q,\rer4·,{mO sdel1rtir~iicta~joIllS, lQP00cloning is,1he me~ihod Q)'~ ahoice for researchers d
3.rOlilll1ldlh,e w.orld.Wll1etile!r ~ou're dO~liI,g Qle'~Ultra.~ subc:!m1i~lilgl", seqlJl:efll(:~ng, in vitro trallsclr~piti[ln, or eXlprifilssi,on in ,E" coli, mamma~ian celts, or

our Galt:ewilY® :system, '~here'~s; [OIPO® Ic:lonling so tU"tiimlll ynu. RellQ11luti1.o you r research at wwwjnvitmgeln ,ICom ftopo.: ,EI 'for nlze



UJ lI'I >0 N


via Drift

Jh@ @oV,Q,[um:mary consequen(Ie!5: Qlf plate tedonll[ mOV'8ments on binIloglicaL org,ani'smsa!re o~'lten h~n.lto r,econshuKtThe ·Mri~precesses of e:dim:Uona,nd dhpeD"Sa:~tend 00 obscure b]ogeogliaphjic,al patterns thet mi'Qlht eth e:rwiS,e;!' bein ll:eiflpm:eled s~raJlghtfo ma rdly In tl~le Olnlt:ex~ o~ ,cofiltilileir::lltaJil drirt, lI'irn:e ideal'91I~o,I.lP of o,rgl.:llnllsms for stud! a
\lIo'~!!I,~d one' that lsanderu be (oidgll!1atnng before the breakup ,of IP'a,lillgil!@'aroughly 2'00 l1I1IiUion y€arsillgo), thflt disperses poorly or not illt all, and that sti~l. ullrvive:s. wod:dwide .. Boyer ,et hal,lie~Q(used Gril Cyp:h.ophthll~mi~ suborder of~~le spiderUi!ke· tomIQ"I!e[l9'ed halrn.s;~~ men that lnh!3Jib:ijlt lei!1llf ~mer-\l!Ihicl~ Q'ri'gin~led i!1IIHlH)!I!:i!,d400 mHUo!f:l y,ears, ago. A phylog~ny ('JcHl!itrlu(t:edfm'fTlli [INA 's!llqtlen[~ dara sJhIO'~V'5 Ul!~t i!1IIll.mQs~~U m,l lie5 Qf~h,ese h ~Ir~'e~t ~h(iiW 'cll'~~lf bl og €ogl~~IP':~f~ me~1 ]caJlpaftems that c.a rI be traced '0 (lIckw,a rd to the bresku p !1llfilddispersal ,of the major Ilandlll1f1as:sE!s and cOlltin.erlta,l islands. Rela~iio;!i"l~


ships bet~veen~be f.amilies slUggest~haJt the N,ewCal'edo,niaill f.aJIJIFiiaJ (Tmig lesiro ni ismrul r,e' d,ose1ly related to that 'of til e~o f m,ew G,Oli1dlVcilaantro pies (N Il'ogo v@i dOle)' t~1,allllto,~h (ls,e orfAust ral iii! i31ndl n INew Z.!!alla nda n d thi s slnil uted ,ori giltlil exp ~aJ]rs ~Yhy~hte~' both 'e:!!: hibit the iliJ! n:n'l oJ teeth 011 the second \Y'Jalki!1g-legl dar". - AM.5
.1•. B.irJge'Ogf.l4 .• 10. lJllitj. 13i6S·2;6'99.2007 .onS5.x {2007}.


C::;IN mlJUip~e ~ bonds has te.lll;ded~o N~qu~lFe ellP'fHl!m~ral!1!sitiol'll h ~ rneh1'Is to. (oa): U1I@p~oc:es~along by fill'St slicing

lR.edu07~ld by the Maiiml GlroulP

Trlie a:dclit.iol1 of H;! (KWSS [=0

dtmenslons of tens to hundreds of kllometers and dlJJJr.a.tions: f tensto IUH110reds of drllIY$. There' o are ty!lQ distind t, f mesoscale variabHityo
lim e'air ~"!fe slwa rd -p ropa~ati nJg RQ55by 1I!laws 1:1 rid nonl,jne'a.r eddle:s..-buti~: 15dimcullt to distingui'5h 'Ol'l~ frnm Ul'~ ether obs,enfaUcmaUy. Salttel.~ lites h,aveproYelloo' be the best IP~latfofm low m@,flsurirlg the e'.'df::mtof thess feil'~l]r~s. and has ed on datal they yield,ed, the a c,cept ed vie~'l' b~GHI1,@ that. most of the meseseale varnabi1lity of

ciQ'ntriotJ!le to gerne.ral,'ll aJl1!O eeeen biology tn ~vaysthialt Rms,by ~'II,av~ssn not - ~]$ c ,Geo:phys, Ries. ,tll:i,t; 3:4" 1L1~56'06 (2!O,~:m,



~. throuqhtbe bond con:F!leding thetso IHatoms. ~ An unususl m@iI:aHre@complex, cOl'1llP@s@d of § phosphorus and Iboron centers bri:d'ged by a Huo:~ rinated ph~lUy·i rilt1lg, ~\'\as r,~C:l@ntjlyahlO shoWII1 to ; r~elrsi b~ydwve, ~,z---fJ<s~ensi:blly b'~pmmn addii~ non to P a nd hyd rilde transfer to B. (lh ase et (it .~. hav,e U'lOVllfOUf1Id tha r, Inke' tHl,ml~'tj on me tflJ~ eDnll ~ :~ plexes, this main g~oUlp compound acts als an :~ ,eff\edh{~ catalr;t fOlr h}tdlroglena.tiion of CUI! bon,dl'!j, :~ 1111ziridines a alod $Itedc,alily encumbered ~m~!fle). :~ Th@ readiolll lS ifa~i'~@5t Vllh!!'!1fI~l~dm:I,"do,t'liltin:g

Pro s p e'(ti~v,ei S,am IIIti nlgJ

]ts (hiefrll~(a~. (lysiin

DNA, tfh!l! most



adopted by !RIMA th,e double ]'5


helix. 'Ther~illn~ manvimtJflIHI€!i

pre~rllRNA pro(,eSs;iIFIIg,

.;Ji'nd r~bC)isoll1'ilebiogenesis) '~lIh)eredouble-stranded ,RNA(d!5RNA) needs, to be

and IJnzipiped"fum::tioniS peirfmm@d b~ !knO:l.i'!lrlJ ss R WJA heii cases, To llm:ie[rst.afld mor~aboll't hO"1 h@~kas,es goalh~lJt thei r b l:,J,si!1! Chel1lget cd. hiillV.e (ha,Ue!l9,ed the ess, h~Pilltitis C virus NS3 hl@lkafll@wHh st~on9~

motor pmte]rls

,'jSlJIb:5titlJlents raj se the ba:s.ici ty of "

lhe imilne nnro-

\liers ~is-\\\leaka Ild len g~\ierSllS·'5ho.rt barriers. Tiley

show t,hait NS3 readn~Y' ulfllzip:sa ha~lrp]fI of 30 A:U base pailI') but dissociates. or P;)US~5 befowe ~it1l~ei~g t~~,e I salffi~ l~'l'1.glth(D~ more stalb!le' (1:( base p.alii'~.Wll!el'!l fa cool with ~ thre~-G:( ~~)(i pair zipper, NS3 p~Q1Jghs rflght on lhrol!g~l, yet lenglthe!1!fngl~he 00 sh G;( base p!tl]rs causes N 53 to pause, ino i(;ati II'Iiglthat~h:e enzyme' m~,j,stbe sa:mpljingl the R~A jUist ahead of WhNiE! heltcsse-mediated ~!lljyilfllding' takes; place, The,ctlon m,t)lY'~e~'!;1'f!to dlf!stabilizlf! the dsRN A d uril~g the p,(1!Jset~Hr~ p.reced'es ~n\"~i d~ in:gl (llf1Id thelr'leby 1ill>F1l~~(lII'I;ce' p'mu':5:sf~ly the of the e:nzyme. - GR Pnx. Norl, Acad, Sd U•.s.A,,11D14, 1L3954 (.~O,O1).
COmiml!Ell7 .i')1Ilf!pge 1297'

~ 'gl@,Ill, ilti1p~kat.]ng a nNl(hafl~Hllifnvol"illllgill'iliitial proton U.ansfi,!;r from the r center, INitl"11e ,alrnd :g less bulky ~urnil1,e's I:l'locked: ~ataJllY!l.i~ coolro]n::atIby ~ il[1!g ~.~rgjhtlyto~he'B (i~Ooor but could be'i!f!;dllJl(ed ~~ to react th r(rug h prete (~io fil hy .mIl'll €xt.erno:!~. ,C,OO[.dJi !1at! I'll!) bar a,ifle. - ]'SY G Angew" (hem. '11'1. fa. ~,6, 'L!! ~ 10, UlO2l/al1lie,200710!29ns. (200']). ;


t~ e oc,eal[1!S was due


i~OCIEA'N g Mmhl

to R0S1S0y WaVi!S. Niow, Ihowever, (he~tonl f!l al.. have Uls~d adldit~onall muUi· satellite ahlmel12i1" data to shCl~'!lthat more than half of [hie extratropical sea surface ~]e]ght V(ll[i-


abihty thai deHit~~ t:h~~~r:!! stnlJo(:tl;J'~:e$ is: alch,lally

:(:An IEmelrgl ent .Ro~ef,(u IEddiie'$ ~

of ~hekinetic energy of the ocean'll 1) c,on~ i~ 'C€!1tw di,~ til e !liN!S'QI~Ca reg ~'on irb '121eTgy al~e Ie' ! 5)pec.trum~ whkih is -by fitm.ct!IJr~"l,lllri[ih


due to. 'edd~'es. The: Irema]n~ng 'iJariatiofl! ~'5pro.b{lbly dllIe~oeddie, 'wiitll~5horl~r lift'tnwne~, methodol,ogllca[ error, ~iII'Id oth.e~ :plhlysical p:rO(5sessu:ch as Ro&sby W~IVle5. B'ec~use n,on ~1e·arecli:Hes ca n n



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ob~er\l'ed O\f·er la~g,e salii'ti'lpte arl1e1,S and WE!~,etli.inable by variation of the rVAc~raction, - MSt

ManOfflO'i&uks ~O, IM4.~ (mon.

F~Ilcl]f!g m~lt;erials that $P ClJ1taneollsi.yrorm Speci flc ~HedpaU~rnsi~ a by for botto ITIll"Opflll bricatiJorn stra tegie;s; a:t: time nall1lQ meter S(.lll~e.,. IBI,Qc~ co p.o~ym€!r:s,iin W,11'n id1lwo 0 r rnors dlis£i mrlilar polymers ar,e dhemicialUy ~inked,.lrnave the aldvalrl!~ tag!if if! this Ir€sp>ed or beil~g t~]~Nmodynamical[y clirive'n to~varll r,eguLa[ly sipa.ced palt.~ems .•.Ol1le 5hortwm]ngthoUigh is that tuninlg the pa'Uem oheo Ire-qliJire5 S'l'i'lilhesis of a l1e~'Ilblock copolymer. IE'jima et 01. s~mw that diwectiol1lal i(l"y5~al~ ~ilat~Qn, l@diniq'Lle tlfla'~ ~a~ belen usedto a



Ihe metall"suUide

dusterset lhe heart 'of the

n~~rogeniiis~ pmt€il:'l~ pose qU!.l'Stiorlls, for tll~e:

b'iochemist_:ho\'!i .1'1 retfhesoe assembled a nd ]nse~ted?--a II'Iclror thei no rg:anic .cheml !It''-iwhat are the etedro nic propertie'5~m.a~t enab~e these
enzymesto (alta I:yz:ethe red'uctrioll"l' of d~IrIltrrogen ~i,Jlflder ild (1IJ'rl!di'ljol!1!~.? The IPcluster 1(~@aS~)~I~d m 1he FeMo cof~ctDIr (Mo~e'fS9)' of the M.oFe e both cOl1ta~nafram~work tha:t:csn b~ des:cIrib ed ~5 two cubes jQil[i'OO (ilt ~ v~!'t;e~ wl1!ich iis either ,a h€x{)coordil1'ate sulfur etem OIT ami wllidenttifiecllight aloml (thollght w ble eN, OIF 0), withtihe centtal six 'ilFon atoms connected by two or three oOthelr sulfur ligands. O!l1lki d at, have synthe~l2l.ed.:! r1ew [8F,e-7S] dll!s,ter where the ]nC!omlP'l~tJe wham,res air!!! l]l1k@cIi by a ~e:ta(Q[lrd1inate 5l! and tmlrl.le ,[I1111]onk I,ig.!a'rlld s, Bullky Ihiol !iiL:llJistit,LJ@nl:s [R "'" dfmJ@sitylph@nyl.and trn]sop"'Opylph e,I1IYU' lll1dII11l01'll:po~allF a :5olve'rllts sta bi tizedl the dimerk [IFe2( Irl-S!R)~] (Owe of the starting msterlal, whklh dt:er reaction wittn etemental '5L11Uurfor ~. d\ays provided a ~@BS7 c.~ust.e[j ~n 281l'kJ yield. A.cyclic w'ltalmm.oglram iJndica,~ed that the dUist:er may be etectrochemicalny .adive:,. and EPR. oiXidfil ti OTII state-) as F~(III):l~ (I n )3' llh~ P' dljst.:e r and the FeMo mfalljtm a Fie b LJ~are~'Il s:ynth et1c sllep 5 (WIIay,. at I.east on :pa per, faisi ng the pOS'5i biliity that th~) h!E!fmodil'iFila mica Il1')I;3 bleco riI~~fiJd t rn~gIl1~lso beaccessed bioche'mical~ly. - G]( a

enhancethe patterninq of Mod: COI)olYlners. mn

also be aplP!lied to mfocture of dissim~l.tlllr hOlll.o'polyrn ers, which wow ld no rm ally' phaseS!ep,lll'.:Ilteinti) large di:so~d'ered regkli1s.1rh~y ccmbined IPQly~l~Lai(ti( Clc:kll) (PUA), a cryst.!l!illiz81

ab I~ IPol.ymel~, with pol~(v]f1Y~. a,c!I?tat!l?) (PV.Ac:)o,

one 'of' marlY amorphClUIs pollymers wUh which lIiI1Ii~dble. llrne two Vi!er~ disselvedat high ~emllerah!reil1' he::<amethy~be"''Izellie {HoMB,) ii!lfId aB:ent!ta~cI transferred to ~ heal]ll'Ig stage l:le!.O\'i'

the' melting~emperaltwres

Qo~HMB and PlLA but

2!1 gfO'~V'


the asosilgnment of the

ab Ci\fe~he 911asIl '~rala~"iHiolfil t~mlPe'ratul'e5 of both:

polymers, As. the HAAS (Jystai~.lizeda long'

ifllg fmll'ilt~ the (Om:f:l']OIloif ~tLAill1creas.l!d I!,Ilntij~jt too' f(l~med axi"l. "fystal~5in the salme' dimctlGlI'll (as distinct from the ususl ~.phetrUllitk mO'fpn1ology)i. spa cilrilg s of' 69 111m~llelre

.l.Am. (bem. Sar. lZ9, 10457 (2007).


d A d 0 serve ;;IS el!1!'.'og,erUHJ5 Il" Jga,[iIUs. a nhle b .. .;o~. b" .lI' U11.iI1'l':!lg . partner ~C~ (,e (,d:ySO!1i e rec'e pterlts aCtivated by e'(dy5oll'~. N'ot:fng the simi lar~ty between the ~i9 QJIIliO- mlill'll.9 bl dionmail11l1 IQf lJISP ina ~Ihmpods t hat. ,are not MecolJ~eri da (wibkh iincku:i<es t:nl@fflie:s ,and moths) tD~hat of ~he RXR., I~"emi;let at doned U:SPhum the bee~:~e Tribol/um (,a5t(ineUf!'~ (TWSP) as a wepresellilitali~ no ~·Mempte<lfida U SP: R)(IR Ugand s failsd to adlvat~ a protteO fI c:ot'llta fl1ilf'lQ,tile 'TelliS P'ruE dlomaiWli5 (r'eg1.0IlS ~liJ:I~otl:antfor ~~'g:O!nd ,[:)indi~gl and heter'Qdime~i:zatil!or!), ~Ind elec,b'05p~y ~Q!lizaltio,nr mass spEldro:l'I1~tuic amdysls iindka~~d thalt '[cUSP filli~.~dto blnd RXR ligandslI'l vitm. A.naJly~i~ of th~ (n)'SF tal structere of tih:e RIJ:5P liga,Ifl(H)in(]iing domadn in the COl!1!text o~ a fl.J'lnct.~onal RU5paEcR hetI\\lmd~me r indi.c:atoo t~at T!CUSPexh'ibiJtedi iill stab h~ i:liPCi"itn.lcJure~i If'il a,l'l 1nactive fll'1lta gOIfiIi:st 'OOnfOrftllfltiQn,whid~ cHoIlnot have a convenHonallligand·bi,ndiilFi!g pocket Phy1logell.etic ,1;il[1iil, em,p[haso]zed the e'l!i'o~lnt~onary lasticity of the RX'R~USP·-f,amHy ~i9(lInd~·bilfildlngl omaillll, £ugg,e~t\ing t'n:at eve,1iJ1 p d lhol,lglh !1on-Mecop'ID~ndi3 U$P does not, 'R:l(IR:5 o illdeed bi !!l,dlend,og,eno'LJs lLg';Ioclis. - EMA d E~fi() J. ,i;!:Ili., 377 0 (,;,!:OO'l).

WWW ..5_

. - c-. --, -tk-

~e~o_1l g


the vel'tebrawe Iretino'ud X necept(us (RXRs~ Ih~t.i~slflllcluraUy ;31l!l!d fua~~lioMUV ~e5~\nlbl(ls, du~ fll1~nopodl p:mt~il'l ulha$pilradl~ (LISP) hetem(M}elr1~i!.:!S wi,th ot:her nl,lc.~eareceptors to actiivale' t1r.anscDi,ptioiill o'f tarr g·et genes. Varnou!) sulbts:~:an~e~ai!::tj\l'at~RXJR~all'ild been pooty~alted to halve








~1(~nHIV"!: ~~'lJrOI!!MorWlGi ,M. 1!I~;iiHontl

fli!1]ClR,iN"CI1~Er 1!1I!!)ffi!iidi"J:nm:~~

E:t~tW]11.(I; PU:6115~IEI





It. !!~k$

Ri~n.I!!fb<il!'J It. f;!i~~

bIIlliIliIliII L lKe,lner

OEPUI'I' ~(lIT!I)!Il~

!II~WS ~i1Inr!l)1

(;!I'i!m IN)!!!i!f,!Q!!f!


Wi5hiiD~:Gfl'. Of :mo0'5 2fi2·336~SQ, mJQ[)~,-m·!562 Nl'W'>: ,otOl-;2.6-flIi81.IFAX ~c371-9m

l2iOIllNe"¥lI!rkAven~~ NW

Batern::mIiIQ'I!!~ 8~·88Ii1Ub It~ad

C'ilI!Ifbnid~. W IJ;IB,j!: lLQ' +441 (()) [,;;!23, ~2<~5!OO."AX+1l,~ (0) 12~


,or Z@2:"3U·MlL:l'.

SUa:5!clllnl:oll SUio'J(]E§ ,1fcI r ,cli1i!m,t!I~' !illd~~~,1Ii~s[m'!l ~~SU~5. n~ '01 1 o[.tim,:!Iid I\I!:.~I~ ~n;II P.1i)'llI'I~llt qtJ!;!!:tillfl!1: :8"·4'3~,~S; ~22:m
FAX 202'·e42·;1@~~i. M.1nliilJ) ~d\)f~ii<~~~AAAS, F_Cl,

kI:~'61 r'S, W<i~IiIlIII!IIOrnl 2009O-6l!7!ll, III'MAS, Mliinioor :~'C\r.OO~J. 'DC 1200 ~Cft!'RIrk A\!Ii!mlll~.NW. WlIi.bilglon.IK 201D05 IIIIS:[ll1~lli,O!l~~:SfI!!! "vCJ~NIlE~Ili!il~:~e c~U ,2(1,2: '~2:'6-,6,75,S J'll1r~Inli' ,q''''~~tii~n~ 'Of'lnlouliO!tion RIJr'Aliflin. A~IhQr 1m:l;lIili'ic!> BOO-6:3,$- ',l181 COi1illi1Rl~clal ~nqi;!I'rie$ 80l·35i9·";S78
,Mi~MUI BliIlUli:T:!l

FA}:: 20Hiez,.Oe1L~,

liol.i:l~rnll(J{dfm ~.lRitillilrd A. t:'i!IT. ~.Ii ti1iOOlodl, IImdflliJ!l! LimtcJr (N~IW iE~1<1f1d(l. l~gll!.!ilmcr; IUimOOlI'l: ~il!<i rtli'Ji, R!l!mt 11'5~~Wiocilk C •. NW). IBrit :~t~:';~M!!I~ ~IIIII1!IlII5BI!f1j[im1n !.E!!~r, M.. rt~~ Ce-~,iilllcs, v&o~l{ii
IR:iYiiiill'r1i:l;~lIIWIli, _AEs~l[IIlm EI.;I.rvy . (Ij;lirOi.l~ftj ~1~~ (S~n A ID~~~ CAl. D'(Jrn~llffi:rbcr.An!n Gribbons .• RQbffl; IrfllHl. M.jt~~ 1~I;1i1i~, (hiI~1A1s rL Milnll, f:1,i'~l!m :S~rnuss. 'G~IIY illut).t!S: (l0i0'li' I:lilfo!!i!lli R.:!che~

lEI!IJ00iII5 Eti!:!I:h!Il~ml o..M~i!i. p:alil.)i ~I!J.lmdn; IJEl'I'iS '1'f1lmE 'f~d:rn~lt IBlwaUliCM~~, Mrn~j)h~Jenflifer ( CO!lllrn, ID!lllidl GrilTIrti,(ol1sl;arJ{~

l~lIilIiRU ~~i!tiI:WO!i:T~m •.~i:I'DII: Jimilt(p' D. 5~lIromklUIiOA: 1~~m:W "~!!IlI3il!l5lb;I, ill. (li~i19; ~!!111-Em~GiLber~l i(iIilu,Ii'.Lfi'ili1ii 1-Hf~ l?ilJjl~A.~~i~ (~.o~h M."Mil:.~ ~,'i'IIi1~nor~illb(I).a~./I~A.IF\ilf~~1I, ' It..B~!,!,Itii¥. GL(l!!Sd'dllt~ gli!! IH.l~ Smltai, Wld~ ~~i1I ~l ~ :U~IWJTIIi i~imltu]oke S. Y'e'Ilon, lirull'il' M. Z;i1imrn; i'!iMIIIWIWi Sli!l'r.Irl O Wlm~: ~!llI)!JIAn! QijiWil fi~ 'RD'bllil: ~fiOOI!;rKt.... lara S. M1Ir.nfiIi2; iQOil ~RI1IE1111itH1 Slill"f:'I~ml J. Sll!i~, .oIL$i!OOIAiTlE l!CiT,ERS ~IIT'~ E!t~ ~'o\1If.a~I.. ~~Il!t!lw.~!lA OHO!,~;5pj!M i ~I!I!I~S kHfe~ IE, C,gg~ (ynijI.Ii! Ii~~ IHO!ff),.l!lct" ~fbil!r<l~. Of~'W" j:!llli!liler Sins.. t!i~~ Wl!g~i1~~; 00I0'iI 'R!ITOI:I Il,oorm I!imC(. P'e!~r Moor~ioo; '~Dltomt ~II11t"~~ C<i roirlll ~l~" ~~ ~lIicllh; nI~lJt\IIJ.wllt;!""i'!I1IRMl\lilti~~~ ID!(Jp. (lui!; IF1:Il:m~.:IU,joi :5 Jj!;HlW 1'I('i!l!ii'l, U$<I}o1!fMrn, Scott .M'JLl!i', t~fl7Y lRi~If@rd~fII; Ii!l,mH:l ~iiI; '_wi!S5In,-s~ml~ Gri~! P:lItrici!ilM. ,MOtJ,~.J~nil'~r A. SW~JI!; i'IIi:wmMi :ti'!!lf!.lI!i~Syl'!liaS. Il;lihilra; "-Q!i!i!!inMi!MIj~!;i_ MaI\l'f,~5I4]'Madoo Il'IIliifll SOIi:Ott~:OIi~I~O![W!T .],Nim M<l!rx.: g,[~a !11m: I:lI:ff!DiII~, Robert Coontz, Ulot M:lIl~a~l~ l~if'~,1It1!ti'!l~,.~Il~ Rcl!I<e;rlll;~DfI1rIllllJIIIIII;~

W\lyLo,m e:utL~r; ~Eii ~llIiYlUUinRYi:!O~ P'Jl B:IIUi!r; S!p!(u.m~ 11I1I1iii@'e~R!l!r, Wtti!f~ (:iI"N1;I!iI. Ll,'I'~nd~ CrllW'lord, Vidti IL1mton, OA1'" nrr:1t'f :!11I~EA.¥ii!;CiI;C1Jl'n~illi! ,J~hn!lDJi; :5H;[LiIoIJl51rS 'V!!IrI'l!;!I\:;J!i!lSg'!1I~, TlmU!'.II,


Nl!D 'OPIi)"~!O~


.. g)' IIl!Rii'CI!!ll w

!'flU. Erin: Ii.l!yile. S!i::iU" UOU!liU;


~m!!l.'ii N!JN:li!

Tim ~la!

.~. [m ill~ (Joayld;",~oo~lI

(I!'!!!~l!!!!!ij; ,!I,!,!~ A~!!!!!!'-!I~~!Q!i!I ~'!t!icrn~ Deb~f<lh lRi~r,iJ" lI!ulS'r:llJl!l' ID~~CI~ '~1JII!'!ii~.~'O~U"'lIO!!1:!i R.:alldy''I'i, :51i!11!11 iiibllW,1LAliUliJiru Mkh!il,i!I wBIJ'~, l'l1551(Ol1i~r'IIu!Y;f1.llM~IlI;lAM~"~" Niim1~' ~lrlho'l!lam. 'F:iIt'liw Y(!'IIsrnllll: .16111,5 ~MI ,",EiliIII'!SI:IMl':,A'lNiIlJli:!lR11<,' M~mho:ld:

Eli!!abetli!SoIndler,; ~!I!~





,JAA!!NiU<S IDi!~ryi. ~Va~~~r;A[li5li!ll I?)'ijtthar,~; !ilLiIJ!Jao

~~i'lM~ Wiritg[l, Mar)' [[Urn Clro~ At~mm ctmncllm. Ma'J(~ilIL~i1(~, Woodly 'll'IIk~Q; O~ • .mOOl.M!I!ooEfj!iI'G O illiMlilGtR: W~'IId~ Slu~I~:r. ,1iI:iiiInill.C:, BUJiJmi: l'@nl'ili'~r m'l1l!~ _Dm~GtiiIIB1t8i1i5l!~., 'lI!""~ H:e!ll1!I:n; !lind<! !l!i;I$k; V<~M!I~ ,~~so~!'l~!l,[~~r~fd; !lIl~!.!nll!:l!~ :u.w !I!!'II!KJrO!! Ttirri R~!ii;~ij; !1!1V[:Ii(l1!! fI!!i~5Ed[ai Sil,wg; ~!!!) ,t~~ ~n'!ll'U! ,MQm~rnIDO:i'lilnf. Iqllo Edim. t::iki FC!~~g, (',a!ttli!liim~ Holland. fII1,11Jlgl ~milll\: 'i:~mAlOili(Mm~ _iI''''l':i!~U~l:ielll Hilrmilr1,; N(1)jfJt:f ,MU;II!i']'ri~i1 SffilYd~r~id~MUitMrlM:EiII~ ~MiJ.f(ml; 5UIIOIIIi'ltao!;!", tliG,~O!:i.mS

'foll;jl!l ~PHl!'~~

t:i.m!;.erLy O~l~r

Waller J~mes;





em l!.mn

Boo:i:S!orC!, AJiJ!.sm:~n!hl<lll1d N()b~.fOI11l Ib(JIM:~t~m W'I'ili'I,;aila~,. (Jr'!lfb:n; Caf plUdNU~d:~'5co~lrn: S UbilflU V~ P IPr'IlI!1f<l1l1 202:·.32!io·6~H; (ilMlt (i!lIli!I: MEINA OOOoie4;l'7313~ Ca~ I1il!!rnilaU~~ Hilru: 800·61i"'·~'ZOO C[:t1l3,1l)45, ,', D~~O!f e·QI)'s{!O·4000:l!\A.iU:U$j 1W\5]~ili!l~~~:iB(:tdlil~ E~~dW!JOO5 ®QiH'~Z,49]}o, Lil~ ~niuram~; 5~oolf8. 5nIi(,M-9,Be3:'Olh!lf ~nditli:,,:'I,AA) MffiItler SeM~~~ 2l)~·3,2f1"'1l17I)r ~,o!IiI\ij;~l!Il;'ibg,mr:!J.
5~l:\B~~,-cdiwJ:l@'ilIinJlrg :id!!fim .. Il!Ill!r.!@i!~Ol!.llrg

(~mm, nss,


Il. flll~~:o. ,MeMIilI G"fL1~;



Sthl!!rraltH! l\!i!I~Ik. rarln~ G:rotliil'i~' MJI:I~II!i .~~ h~tlLa.~&'207 -~1l'9'·

San, mi!lQl~.Ck fOO·9~2:·32S.2,rJO: nl)·9~Hn9'.

!I!i~m~ liilmL\~Lmd'lI)'; ~.~IiI~


(fll'f '!1ll':n~r<l1 mmori~1 (jue~' ~f6rqm"rill!Saooln 1I!lli:!~

{lQr mmi'iilil~ mru'iU~f1pt




t::. sha!lk;



3,30"'!l'105"lt06(), ~J!lX lJ@'d05'10!B 4;i;\!eI,T 1:U~J'f!. gIlI~()A TMila' Q!·9U·2~2"'6~'~~T(i~Jli;{~_ onfi! ~slJJ,,: <II~,3" ~<ll , FAx: 443'-JS':U~~:a; UH~~OI'lf.u~AMidlldi!~ ,+,11"1 field!: (0) 1223i-~.26~5::1:4,. r;!\X +44 ((» 122H2:S-53;!; IMM' fI,\i1!o1I.~ Y~llljk~Wi): +8~. (,QI) 3:3.235, :~6iL FAX+Sil (a, 3:3:2~S S8:!;:!:; SUUQI '~!III_~i:!~!ilT:E [}~II:Ii'lJ!lra SiITUTI~ CmM.IIIIR[~EoI1!lll: ~1i$:l:FItk!~: lO<i·~U,·6.1l~
(jillil~IHU!' '[Jd'i/(lrli5c@stillillm(,lJm~r!>.of~~;
,~W;EIlI~!I! ,~rw;~1I!!

J'lItwuiCf bcillmm_"'1d'il!f't1sillg:@'ililiI~'0r~); UJIIS>lfolllllI& !!JOIII~OUlliP ' ,_GiiR:]illl!lI Mlrr,lI: ~JO'2-3,:!6-~.'5:42;'__ .fl~id:, IBllIrilg:IIlI1,i',[Imm~


j:ietlw.ood; ifO~pki!fli

:!iIIE!lUitl!!il' ~EI!

F~fl'!!if; PoAERlIGII1' DIAiBmIil D~iI'Id !!oIL MIIitw.S SP;ei}1er.: ~"'W!!!Il]~~e Ml!!djililN!



ffgf 1;Jg~[( IFilVi~w qi!j'(!n!ll~

PUb:1ilJioo b'j UJIl1 :l!rn~iJ'I1lS~ia~ fllllllK! Adil:a.fI~l'IWI~ri~ f &'kl~m o ~MJ!Sl, S~l!ie~N~'as read!!!; k!ty!'!il '1« ih!1 prese!iil<!~~ ancll d~Mm el iJ1fl.jl(JIlilm me:; ~C!IiiW~ I~v(lin~ (Jd'I'il!ool'm(lmof5ci~n(e. SQfl!'~ !i!!~I!i!!!H~l1I~!AA!. ili!t1udinmtl'i!~' p!'t~ru:~~oo ,1)1!ltif!omt~ gr' ~g:l1~icli!l1gIf'I!!~~ 01 ~iew; !~()~~ {'I(,ien~11@5cl~00i:·ini.£o.JJ! k] E!!!I~~L: !ll'!11M'!'!Q!l!\I!!..M!!ig,:;!!!;~ ril~ilcrliil,m .. 1lI m\ilUJ'ta~onlwiOCh, ill {oo!I!flM llua!~bello ~II1iQ!l.Ancll(l1N SW!Jd'OO;~tf!il:o~~!ImO~i!!I~~:J",liil I\t ~furiM'lblrn,[lI' rl!O!~Il!(Ml Ji;oc!!)liIlI~ rtld~ IP\lbUlShed 1:(1 S'.i~ncr-hlcl~diFl~ ~[;t,p!!',JIbl1iN:; !l!lliOli. Ulntlili C~rlIUm ~ A!;h, :~tl!lI~ ,M. Hiuf~l{!~. !i11l S, ~::I~t>llrMll;;, IIl'!1fi .aod'~(!lI11rnl'fl~. al'ld 00'* ~r,~ 5'igool,a1Ml~clll'(l Qsbome,~teph!]i'I,]l :S1mpgon" IFeter S'l1!rn;,r;~:5()"Il!ollE ~laDoolul~ ~Il!~iiild~~1 rie.....)f ~!!iJ~.,0I!1d no~'~fl'idil!l ~1~~.'llI:l!'!! ~dq!lttcll ! II3\!~~f, ED.liHlIu.n~tJ'Cft ID~oo,F.llhi)'l!jllil!!~SOn, l~lIfhl!~. RorIh~JIl!;;,,ALk~ by Illili! MfJ5 (f Illi~ milu~i0ru; IfI 'I'II~id1 t1~il!1lhma~ JlliliilllOOL M Whal~ A~mIE ~III!I'OJlI]~net (t~en~ lULWhlte; HM, IEUi~E AAMlW<l5 ~ll'ld~:ll i~ 'D18<l8all!dr!1H;;OfPorated im,18::r'4.1~ mi~OIlJ '&l!lli' ~MS '1;I)I!tI<l!l~mfil'ffa'i'l!i; II)EftIlIlI!IME¥!~: ~0111~ ![lOifliI1lClg,ry.' ~_)~


l<eHjI 11i1lltithl!it r::r~IIJ5.1?'·~:I!J(Mili M~ 1I1!il!1Cm~: 11.011011 MwJil.~f!!.; IIWiU"'m,R!Njlu~ 8rd:fil, ,K.!J~IMIII! SuUlII;SUliOAJ.Mi1"'501J.!iru I'IClLlVB.i$niOj:I, Ila~ Fa. Cfiflli((!ll:I1Q, PirllS,"OOltl Hue.t ~rrmfili!!J1l!.1l; ~5~_IjI,'!i~ l'!l~c;!! ~1l~i:L'lcl; 11~~aulJ!II!.llei1j~a~!I'd 1II<I~E(]tI!I


Ji,iJe:;.;f; t~e!itlllJ!l: 20iZ·32Q·~S7e; IIII)!!TiI~~~ Nli:!(!;f! ~Il~; 2(j2"~Z66Sn::UMlHlJlfI' Tinil lBimb:' ~"2-:n6<-65n';W\n~ Nri()11G1~iI~ Hlnlrl:iid'm: :lJ02-.'il26-65.33:; :~.IiI1I!I.COOiIa_mli:!: lIliil:;lI Fo~~d, RI)'I1I.m Ed m,tln!{jl'llj. lM!on,~rd ,M:<lr~h~U;,S hlrUey 'l't!lllllg, InilrtAntlli!!lJ, :i"'1!JE5 ,~uIiE!ln"e!l' H',(iliille~: +~JI W~ 1,2l3~26:s.25, W +IM '~O~ n23 3il65~,:!:; jULi~, ilrium Ii'IIICdil, Jill!;!\!:IP",h1i!~r. ,Al'l'SXI,~d'r(!5IilrJ]elllLm'; M
,~n!l;l;Mi!:tlUi!Ii' lOlJi~~ M.oor'~,;lg;lllilm;on H!ilmf!lilfoNiI:: +8.1 ~~ ~)2157 5,360, [fA);, +iSl 5!2 j' 57 5·3,61; -~m:llk-C, i':AQlIJIlrnOJI w,IJiIioUOJU ,~IJA!lU O~bo~ah Tm!ffilpl[in~;5EilJlo~ H!OOl!lt~l_S!!,ISCIAI!I~iI'S m.~1M!~~

QWI~~n;:~.~.~im'l j!jll~!~r~mt 2:02·32'6·~')ola:;.(IH'~I>!!.5l

lfl:lng,;2(!i~.·326·6$:~8, M :l!IJi2-i~:II9-6H:2, ~

US;r ~1~'iWlrlil~I!iI'~"'~~



BIlClK, runy tlardC"'!A:t~;



~Nlll!ll\11l1~fo!'!;~~:5!'J;~ll!!mE b!lllilO


ell Fis!iim.~ Hlar~


,ol~ll peopL(1!,no!!! ~i!II!~ 01 ,~~ .atlsmdaU\)lrn,lI~(1! M;!MW~Oi1ilfiRIlIIk>!i:fu:n

,~l'Iloog,~(jCfllim,~ngilOO(!rs 'C~Pel';IiLi~ In, :~CSeI~ arod

,~!lI\i',mm srK!III(C' a!ldlimlilO\\aiiolll

IJlirOOgll(]~1 'too 'Wllrld tor lliill! oom~fit

Pf~Olig Ittli! n~~liQm~SIl!te ~g rapan omm: JiI!iC.a'(~r'pDnllii:!n. I~;k-o hI1IDk<Jt.IFma~~'TtiJIIlU!il,1((JooiW(1 ~lIId IIJSI]'IJ~ ~;OOI~Ililndl!!ihlll(!tmgy; I~!.tt!r 'OOIUCi!\iOIil irnl Sl:t~;OO ~iJd lechnolBSIi rO,F g;JIlIYOi'L~; !!lflfuaiiicet'hf!' $(~f!!~~ .;IfI~ lii!'oclIli:IQ/lIM,li)!' 8-1lj:. Hif~:IlINIIO. (hJjl)-I!u.lmllt .. -~l'li!'O:!<I~ "<1!1-G~6J,1i:ll'i.ll; +S1l 001' {j, §:20:1. !i.2.:72,m ~Il:ll 00:1 t ll:!ll12 u2j'1: ~ra@!MJguILmrlp;:I5IlA W(JfkJOfi(~ .mif nlll'il~trU(IiIJfI!; ilJ{f!![I~~ IPIlbU[[ IJllilil!m;iI<Indiilll!l ~,Il~1 .Jy!~ 1~Q!l! Richard S'biIne *J!'i(l, .!i! (16-, 58li~ fF5Ion~@'~$.org); (CIII' a~i!'Je~.;ui;gl~ ~!$(ten.r:f!! am>!!~e!~illlll::lgv: nHI ~lrerl:~~i!lJl !!jl!por~t~r ~ ~


m!I!:1'Ulill publlt: 'I!!nn~'IIm illll:!!lnal'if)R1II,

iIo'iiclQel E:.~~tllr (Il<!ofis),lolm a i1Ih<!rUlli)'[J. ~ie~lf!a~. MiJJr!IDEnmil'lk (Am~t~rd<ml ilIIdi PariS~:. GrnHilm ~~I. m~~inl'

,AMi5 Bo.i!lRB ,(I~ IDIREo[JIl~ _~[),a.viclI8a~(!Ill;JlliES!C!I_Llcr

IImmJlli rJI~!lIBEII!',; (11111~

Il'ilYid ~. '51f1i11oj; CilIU'IDlfCI:il<l!l OJllICIJ: :ilium I. IL(;lI'umr; IID.""O ltl~,1Il l ~in!i!.I:~IlII'IIw. Enqulsl, SllSlIfl III ~:ltIJil~imilt tdioo'l1~ l:1.1}(j;! I'.IB,. ~[iM!lI1. 0I~I:1)':A... Mllffi],Y. ,]ilalin"~ O".IP~"Lfd. ~~Uyml ITt SUmlli!1'I

jllllilm p- I'!o~dfil! ii;' ]illiI1~, 11.lY!cJQjJiih~; KlW'!.l'gl ~

giOO~ ,iIl'iii wd1nIO'lDYl~il'IlIN!'I~'.


IIJ!l!'O'A:!!!Ii,UOI\IO~ f


Sl!e 1it<I,~~s.12:0 ,~nd 1,21 of~he '51<i~lI~~~!Ol)7 ~ mr ~«~£ 2 !~~IIJ lNWW.;5;(:iIlDOOlNg.C~Jff~O!tUreJtanlribln:fothaJfl!!I1._shlml,

06:JiO. FAX fll ro~ 5936 ]:531; cl'!1!~rlllih:@gol.«!fJl~; IHfIQXin, (Chill;:,; 3 + !H!l ('0) '10 61l.'1,'44l9 IIIr 63!(Il' 36Ui, F'AX +86,!1U19 6jl)1 4~.58; dl1lf)'h~'o@~m~itcOOl):' IP",11ii,\IiI IB<lglliI{South ,A~a: +91'~m :u 22:7:ll ,2006; I'ibOl9t!i@'/:!,rriL.rnrrd Af1Ia. ~,fll:K:oel'lig {oo!nttibli'till!l'~OImoon:lall;. rDb,t;o er~@g;maikcolYi.l



~]<!pi'i!l~ ",8:1,




VOL 3117

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'f'lieecopy of our 5[1LA,C techn leal brochure,

SC[I ENT'I fll

e on Chemiicall Re,searchl

HOUls,'ton, Texa,s

The ~007 Wlelch

Gonf:erenoe ts sl'l'l1iJctur~dto provt'de ,a I:m'Jiool perspective on


anti eQ!1'Ioepts GBnlml1 to chemiieall, a.nd b.ioiogiooI behaJvior. The two~day ,oon'fariernoe b·a~ (Q\lf se£i:SifonS brtMadly ,oovedn9 the bllowing topics: \liisllJa~~zaftion, T~eory and eomput-afhi:lm for C[):mpl€'x~~.y,M~I~mole,cu~a,r eunen~sJate-of-th!3-art

FUli1etl~n.and From Ce1ls~o €OliS!JIQU8IJess microscopy. GryEl'taUography,


The 'OO'l1lterenoe bring:s t~.g1eltl'le:f 11,8f o

the. WQrld's m~lSt (;)utst:andh'lg is-ciel'l'~iG{s ijAfle areas coV1efe,d.. These areas in'l(;lud~ mieroflt,lidi~" 6jngl~molecu,llel s,pec~rosoQPY,prmein fO;llJing .alll'lld mis:folaing~. abie~~~~IT~a~ assembHe'S, lliolectiHar and sys~tef11S ioimlo9,y.all'1l.d 00'1'11 sdousns\Ssall'1ld qIU~t1~JUm r'lIuj)dha:l'1Ilic's af tlh,1i.lbra In",

Sill' John 1M.Thomas U'rrlive: rs~y of Cambr~~~
jjA~()l!tiQJlalY IIOlb PihUQps

Ca.~((lmia IIMtitu~ or Tee)iln.oJb:gy

"1be P~V$i~ ,Of IGeoome Managm:ellifl~

Willi3'ml HI., Mi Ifllr

Uni:ver,sity Oalif()mia, £:terll(e]e,y of

AOOlmlueto ExlJeoooo Slnm1JJral, ~ma_ging"

Sir J'e~lliI!E.,Wa:[nr I U'ilIi\.ll9 rsuty of Carnbrt.clg:e' "Ra.t~ll Mbtaifsal Aoomic-Stale Ra{iQI:IilIOOnStephen 'Quake Slalil~ordUnwlersity ~Micro.fluldi:c L1ng~Stale Csulos JI, B'us'iamame Unliw'f,S~ly0f Califom~a, Beri:elijy'


~lJaiBg 'Ilhe [Iinitial Val:ue IRel1':re~en~a't~{jn 'of

Se!mTc~aslStrt.a11 Tlheory to, Add Quanl~ulm EfflOOts ~o CJlassi:ea'1 Mole:ellllaJrDYlnamii~ ~im.W1Iai~~n;si· Iibviidllhl~i:mQr,e Qal'~omia 11i[~'DtuteofTtwtU1~~ "hil;~lamlili1a;t~n:NF"Kfj and M!kiroRiNAs P!a.y TheJr :~O'les~ lefo:y Hood In:stituoo fo~ S:vsl-ell1s e[o!ogy ·~ern5 Biol~y WUI tmns,f(J1m Medte1nef' Qlilllistm Ii(,Mh Call1'l'lrllili8iIlTIs~tut9iof TeoonahliQY ~Th~INeurobrdiogy ·af;Ooosc[<Jusness"' D iis.CIIJ:S:Slicolril l,eaOtHS Roger D. K(lmnlb"e~ S1ar:IfQr:d ~.hilIWrs~y JI, .Alndll'elW' MCCamlillTlQ1n



The Rookfeller Llrdverslty' ~1JiUil'Myslelieus C~IIIMeliltimne"

ClihrlskllPMri' M•.DoMOIl1i
Uffilil1allS,~y0f Ca.mbli~ga

'IPmJeillifMisf0:1din9lii'1nt:i lOisa8Jse:DIElrl(id ./t. limll G.amfomia Iln~i.tule of Teejlmokl:g!{



Wolyn8s U~i\1~ur~i1y CaJifom~, San Dfegol ~f "!Proteinl FOkjill,ga:Ad BeyQOO"' Mi(;hele' Parrine!llol


"Bi.OlOlJieaJ Sin_gte;,MoilOOllie S,edJiOSOOW

Geflrge M" 'Whitesides HalWl~ Un1vef~lt~ ·WiniY ~s so 1[i[ffioulltO Des[gn I~ Ligalnds~hat B:iWl:a 'l~ PfOl!ej~sl~ Noel S" IHlll1s1tJ1

SWiss Federa~IlostrtuleofTe~hm'kJsIy "S,imljlaJ~il1~CdmpllDlily; C~alh~l'Ig~s Pf~J~ ~in AtOTlilis:V:cSimwle1lll0ns:"


U!ffil ellS:ity ofSydn:ey ~ ~Syrnm.e1ry Breaking.

IB,eiQca:lu.zatioo an:dl

Dynami€S 'i~Blec:lron Transfer ~cSLems"

f~r a oonfell'i!llnce progmm and olilline r~islr8l[{)1'1 9;0 W'.:

.www~IWlIDh1DIJI;ah.lnlul.aanfliranoal i

Llniiversj~~' Cal[romia, Sari ll1eg1o af C!ougllas Ci' Rees: Callfumia In'S1ftutB QfTeeh m}l~y AIHanRII' Mars:1I13vs11ty
Caliifmn1iia Ims!itlJ~1 Te:cltrr0lo,gy 'of

surr su



Born to S11Iop"?
Women have an ,e'lllol,vedkmu::k fer relflemberin:gl whiefe t:oflndl ediibte pl,mt matter, 031 news;~iI.J:l:lyarg'Ui es, !Rafts of stll!dies Ibave :showll'lthat men (l1ump \'IIomen at mallY sj)iltiall skiUs, a spi ~lov~r' hOITil our P1.Hit, say mrolUiUonary psychollogi:st'S, wh~n f1'il~H'1 wem t~~~ hlJnt(tf!l elll'ld women the glathetrers, Studies have also sho~lInlhal \!i10nU~11! beat out men ]11Pe(all[inlg Ob~~(t5' ~oc:a~ionls. But no one had t€st~d tMs skilJl wilhroods. So .31tea mr led by Stevelfl Ga ul~rl of~~.e U'lflt,.r,esi ty ef (aliftHlflii!31 (L10, S.]llltail Barbara., r tested modem ,~]tydweUe [5 on the clesestthi 119 to 'roralgi ng: bm\'IIsi nlgi n cl f arme Fli' ma,u' ket, A.her ~(loking around the stalls. the 86 5!lJIbject5 \!'Me-roe sked to rnemember where a fhey'd seen p~1it~(I!JiIRl fo odls. Thetest inwh/oo dead [e dtoF1lin g, al rna leo clomil1l a tied :sKilI,. r ~aU~ew ~ihraln n ailligatlng' by ~!1llll1id i:lIl.1!l'kS, afrt!:mdt~f,orte. Yet Vi,;g m @:rl!~~r~ 27010 rnOI"~ ,~C(lJrare t'IIN111I'I men in fe'cailllrngi food lOi(aJliofls,lilesdientists reported lonl,ine 21 AllJIguril]n the Pmc.eroin:gs oj the IMy(Jl't.v B. The ~e:su~ts,flt weU with thef,oifaging (l,dlaptaU(!I1.tneol1jt'hat expl.a~i!lJs; \!'I,lomnen :sll~cu,dd f whV [perfolrm bett:ew '~hi.all'1l men in such a s, wgl1iiHon task," says ~'i.!iDbJliolflary IP'sydl,QI.o9l~st. AJldweas Wfllkeof Los .Ang,el'e5. !But he notes lhat both se.xf'!! "lNere s~,glnificant~y more arcuraile ln kw:,ating h]gll~-calo.rj:e food items," sueh as:avocado5 and olliVE' oil.


Lil,g hts, C,amera, eta riify

pallPer might b~ €!l1I!si;eIF to gr,2Isp iif YOl! could get,an ,explamnfO:r1I dnrrectQy rl'Om th@ PI diffk'lilt 8i1l!thors. ]ha t!s the premise be~~i d Sc:ii\llee"g new n vfrleo"'sha ring s it.e f rem the Pub lic library of :5delll:(e" the INationall 5,denc:e FOlUlrndaltion, and t~~eSan D~e9QSU'peHIIITIpUiter Cente~, Pa rII, VO!lJi1I'UlblE, pert semi n:ar series, SciVee a~toos researchers to IPCist,short vi dees, er pu bcasts.jn whli C:~, they expli eete theitr Iilt'est pap ers, Til e offeri'!1lgs @xplor,e ate(ilniqliJ@ for identilfY'ing bendab!le Sectioos of IplFot:e~!!"Is alma follow ;;m evohJJtia na ry alll1a~v~i5 ()if thep~otein l<iil1las~-~, k~)up'erf,]mHy, ~lIn](h]$ in'll'o!'~ed]n evelf1J,,' ~ from cen diivi~ lnlin ',.I" slen to fal brealkd,own. :~or Il1Iewb;'es,the 5il:e

IBE!IFIFiJard l<~tUeJ,"lIe-~l-tli~~d HlU~Hal:t! W' the ~ex~b()o'~s"""were niJ,wed" 1111 part bl?(llilffSe he relea~d the I1JlghHlyilng moths during the' daytime. Soin 2000. 9~fI,ehcist Michael iIlIIaj'efU5 sta rted his own expelri merit (Sdenc~, 25 J~.Jtne 200~, p, 18.94).

W tiitt!, ,ep pe~



im pos siible
tOI:lj,po,t '(O:rt:OW).

European Sod,~tyffor Evoi,l!tfl,ma1ry B11J1,1)!~JiY


llppssla, Sweden ..
Wij~[ th>aHalkeany

of ereationists' safJLs? "lit's probabl~ r:l,o:t g()~l1Jg to quf,et wind


He released b~ad~, wh~te !1io<ths QIF

~nto qrLfndriGlil Ci3.ges 0111branches at diU sk. Be,rOf'e dilr~1/n~ e ~'e h moved ihe caQ@s and cOlmt.~d ~owmrainy mo~h& :subseqlueflrdy d]Sappeiuedhom tlheir J'@s'lilllg places, He~how€dthat 5~hH:hol1l fij owravolrs pale mot;hisl \\11till 210/0 eaten
aJ~ a

th em dOVl.IIfll. ~·S;ii1:Y5
peppered mati, expeu ~ Bw'c.e Gralfilt of the CoUege of Wim(jrn and Mary in \lVillliamsburg., Vi.r9~n~ who, points, out a, ~ha'~ ~ideilc:e for flatu Iral 5eted~,o,n thle in~he' IIl1J eths was Virrmlyin plaoce Ilong before. KeUllerweU carne along wW~ l1iis vhri:d pllotograpl1is.






by birds, compared with 290/'0of the black ones,

h@,i"@IJOF'rued 1a5~ wee[k meeting of the'


~ offers advi!te olm v~deo'productlon and posting.

Ii;!;! SO f (lW, SdVee's. focus lis open-a ccess papers. tn


S,u~prf~iin.g!~and um~(t~rom~~customer:s h.av@ b@"iH1 takiinl9adl,ilantafJ~ of Japan"s hi,gl~·S:IPo@~d ~f-"~f~1l. 'IlM'r- no ijIP'I,M::",~_uer -c-m';-I-]-"'li-n.-·-'·r'l.i']-'C~ ce~, (·ir",.!J-,"h-~'" 1\--, - il"',"Ini----~rn~r-c-·b!, a ~es, 'IIC!IP CO_ Q __ rnU!lu:: .. QS S!l::.. . ..",ua .. _iliie !<Ieen ",VJ .. g eggs __ '1!I~e nsct homes to malin, l'in~l;,.(UU]ng~h~ oplkiil nlb@rrs:i~ th@~WJ(.~·i,

.;;::b~o~.ogy" ut ~twill expand toindude other b :~ ~2i sub~ec'~s; Irncl types (li( jO<ubli,atioll1!s,., » ~



As:ton~sherj eng~D'leen!n !flinppa:n,1l'e~e'grrapi1nel Tel,ephone Corp. a

; tastW'ord on Moths ,,.,


:8 A Cambridge Unl\i'ersilty proff'es!:iorhas corn:::. a 6~ealr ext') e.riment.1III'iIt~~pe,ppend In(Jid~5 tha l h e S~iY'5 sh ou M cOWlldr:.J~ively reba t
~ :E

~ell'vi'~morn t:~an 1000 tast yea~n an illil'r'e~taltiolThof CryptotYl.11{Ja/Ja~daii5" k1l1loViin f as ~kumaz~mf~Qif ~beiJm' dcada. ~ Hidieh'1liIFIU IN,umat:a, i3!1l1 e'!1lltomologl-)tat Osalk!1il Chy UJI~v.ersi~Y~'IIh,o]$ I:1id'lli£~ng the phone ()Qmltpl:lny, s~ 7·,c.t\nti mE!~ElIi'":[ongkta rnazemta re IPm'~jfe1rath'l'g,i n u rba n ar'eCllS.,

n'4m' !lilve

b~amed the' less of

crSailiOfillst daimt$"

The~ibe~,-,()ptit (~b~~s are "a ~itUe ~Ih'ini'i~i' thaln t~~ preferred dead twigs butrlti ~lohV rro'm the blUgs' p~rspeCrti\i'f!',he says" add~ng that the hair~'I~iln



The s~,o:ryQf Britai


peppered moth has

~oflg be~WIiill~e:dbGolkilIlU'Stu,at]0i:11 forr ~\I()~u~ionlby l1!alllJlral5,>elec~on, lihe pal~e moths ,e\i'olved gl b~a(k :~ color for camouflagtt ai~Flin-)t p~'Elda' indliJlS:~ t pollutio'!:ll dar kene d the t,F,ees thle)' re)t~d 0'111, ~ .;;:


:~ Wi~h lPolllUlbondea!'lllp, most of the .~loth~ W!il!fllt

to be~Wb9lIpab~.But. UE1oltioili!i'1l5Ihav~ liS!3Id ,0 theta~e to alttalcik evO'hltioWil bec2Il.lIsefieldi e;<iperi5 m@nts do,f'l@ in t~U! 9'505 by Oxfo~d roologrist 1 .\NV!Jw,sci en cem
Q 9"

ir! haJdk

Ca ug ht. ~~ the.a,ct:.

opti(alfibe'~"S s,heatl~ed lin soQift {lilyethy~ell'les~e,e\,i'.r;:$ p are no rnal:ch~i(lr the bUQ'sWJj>glh"-l1l111de, Ii':.entlm e~er-;Iong ovipositor., NIT n.asimprov,ed SlIMe:!ld'iflig on it') ne\\I cab~El$ and is ury~ng: a lPollyulfetnane (003lting lh!oughtw be Ifllore l'ike t~.1l!' balrik of (lJ ~.iv,e t:wig, whidllthe 1~.~G!Jldas.avo]d. "~fs: lfijot c.l.eiiIlF ye'l whether '~hls pm,Me rn Cil n he so lea,sHy Fil'le d_ II ~ Ullli1Ialasavs,.



Vo l 317

7 SE PTE MIS E R 2007

1 :3(')1

SU.M,II' :10 'I I ' HI '.' ,eAIA.aRIIE,5: .' IRN.A •• 'D'CIII,SING '&, ,CAIALYSIS,










.' liND MO••




SodfJty fbI!' BiadJumUtry .abuil'

MQlecU'Jar BJiJlogy




The lb]g g~~u:st ar


Texas, these

dillY'S is iii 3.2~n1~m.on~year~old ~]OIJl~]1U.d

fr()lmlthh.iopi.a. The r~m.ous ~bssil..named at the c;::e~.'d,er of ~~.c;::mlti''Ove~~i,~)1 ,~;;;.hibilinWl ~l: Ule Houston Muse:unl of Namlr~.~Science ...Advance ticketsW'ef1e seUing briskly at UI)~O $201~(jt t11't"l 511O"V. wlrieh opened last FI'~day: Lucy has never been disphlyed. outside Ethiopia siaceher discovery in 19!1'4·. Em: rulKYU,1

ghe~gon a6~yel.lttotlr of the United S[<I!e~ that GIh icpi.. l"01i.lIll"i~5:m. an officials hope' W] III geuersre I millions for the coull1ilry .. Many paleoanthro-

po]og ists are protesting the tour, ; that il

cau~icld.uuage til1efragile, one-ef-a-kind fossil
,(Schmce. 27 October 2006.p,



her only announced de:still1'lahol],

Dutch~bOim pri:n~atologi ~t· l\;1~!fi~"nil! 2'000 Til~~e m.!;il~,e ~'[r:rero fow ti~e r~.~neL""'~has dh,co'\I'e~ed

tl~t~houghfficials ~l!lthe fie~d M~~nm. QfN~lb'''I.1 o History ][11 'Ch~cago, IU.i[IJoiis.have ""~ent<uive~:y scheduled' rhe Lucy exh ibit from Noven'lber 2009 to. ApriJ 2'010. Other museums sm:nl~IS the Smithsorriau National
Museullll uf N.Iluralm-'l.i.story

in W~],,<IU.'J:n.i the C]evehult1

Museum of Natm111 ths~oryin Ohio. have refused to exhibit her. I ]ousm~:I museom oiWffi1ci,als ~~ ~1hie'~ goodhands, ptj,.iUlii1g mo tlheir s.a:re :Sh.1w~trdin Sihip orp~'eci,{)'l!!'s ar~wf~m5 such OJliS the Dead Sea SCliO~]S,

II iN! IB R lirE. IF
N!,ancy.P.lmldirerws has been appo~nted dean of the DlIke ~nhf~r5ity School of M@dicin@ '~i'1 Durna1rn, iNo,rtl1 CalfoUna. At ped'iaufc he mate loglistro nco ~{Igi:U,And lI'€:ws har 5 served

~ as de~n of basic sctences and gr.alouale studies art Harv,ard Medkall. S(hoo'l~inlc~ ~. 2:.003. Sne wi[[ be the first wonwn to lead


and cit]zensn]p to ]mm~grallit scientlsts, according to. researchers Wil0 did the study {~l\Iwwg'Lobatizat[on resea rdi.ce m). .. Vivt.!k Wad h~va.a reseaH'her at D'I.I'~e Univ,ersily in Durham. Niolrth (arollil1:a:, and his


t]m es 1M!10we n thei r pe roen tag ein 1998, tha an explosiOl1l likely tdggltm~d by rnue.asedl
,aw.3Jrcl~ng of greel1 cards

~,'blm1l:keyspeci;~s dUlI"ing ~1 eareer ~.1l;plndng the Anf'laz(lO r,a~1lfore{J!t.But in June, mrBI'~lziUm':l COUll found hl~imgui~tyf o v~o~aH!lI.,g s~v'e~ra1Iaws,ill.clud:in.g ke~pi ng endangered I.l'lio!!l!keys in a 1,~ii!lfway hou~ and putting llhe names ()I~·!I1ie~;.,r~y d.i.sto~red ~r;u;:ci·e~u~lli1t .. \I11n~!Do~lnale!l,. 60.. sale '!;,V[!S roille"~l:Sr3d 01] '7 AUgUSif '!/,vhile a new ]egal teall.1] H:P'pea~;s the d~ci's:;i{)I!lJ" ' carries a I.4-Y~1'r prison se'IHt.-':a!tI:Ce,


'0.; 'ID'eU mle' Bllbout Y1lurlimle' in ~,a~L

.rnt. <11. clI'~zy and ey~H}peIDhlg expe:f~eIClICl~.. lwas locked upwidl d~m,ge:rol!l.s


C:I.i:ltiLinaJ~\'\i'howen:l.he~~<l~lyki 1.lin.g ead"i orber; I could u '1 eomnum icate \lidU~ lili:le oliil~rnde werld: 1 ~()'iL1;ldn't sleep. A sur-


the Duke· SichooL


colleagues ceunted up the 'snare of pat'l2nt

vrnval instinct kicked wn.

appUcat]ons fille,d at 'WIIPO's LUi. offlce that


~ IRi<hardi i1Io rilgles ls the Ilew dired:or of the


:~ Uni'll@fs~ty of P,ennsylv.(ilnlel


listed a U, S.. h~se:d foreig n nation all aS Q ne of theineentors ..In another part of: the s,tudy,



has haplp,el1i1i!3~d S~I(i!3: lI.cmr


:~ Arci1aeology and AnthropoLogy, ..An ,~ early med]@VElll fnchialeologl~si: who :1 s,pe·(~a Li zesi 11 We ster n IEu ro pe, :0 H 00 g@s (OIn@S ·~oiP'~nn from .~ th: L! nilversily ,of East Ain'9~!iain the :Il!: .~ U..K., '~IJI~l,~n~ has been c:iimcting he :2: 'P U1e InsUhlte of 'World An:haeotogy. il:;

~ ID!IRI IN!ij IIH IE lEO) NOM,Y. IFomfgl1 V n d '®11i91]n @@rr~ or ki ng~ n w ;:. the LI m~ed St:ates censmute a gro~\I~ ~. iFlg share: of the [Qul'IItwy'sil1lnovf3tion

John Grisham novel, Withi~:il 30 ham's, ~\~ l'llenIJlyetendil~g mobe federal rCiiMlue to tny house []n M~lmm~'l]," til I sure [.11eYII;vere hit [men. FO:rh.Ulareiy. I \1\i3!ill'[ :ilome, ;a~d~ \~ been. s:lrllcethea'il. I have seentoo :!l:n,HIW ex,~l!ples ofDm:mpi~mi:t during my :yeant ~n the Amazon .. I have wl~:ttte!1leverylhi.i'l1g d)t}\'\lllil and sml it [0 peeFie .i[1l tI]Je Nether:1!amis so that time """odd~~1I . k!!l!()'ii~feW:§1rr somelhi:F1g 11I~.ppe~1S me, to

It's like

m 5;denti:~sa



'O~ IHi(i)'Ij!JI' 1ii!~IS Si('~'enti'n,c 1(1i;llllliIiIllliiillllnil1 '~he· 'reacted'?

Brazi.U¢a!!'!.tislsh~'!Jie:o[!~')purt'ed Il'lt:i,
They realize Ibal rhe gO've:rI:iiI1teml .. is

tn buted to 260/0 OT U .'5. patent a ppli catm ns ; med ~l,]lll}iI1e W~rldili~te[lepuaJ Property ~ Orgam.zahon (WIIPO). That:s over~hn~e

~ c~pitati LaM.y,e,ar~~he!tpool ot ti!l,en~ co~~

:~ ,0 ''''' 5

GQlt d

tilP for thi~ pag:e? E-mail people@<Ia[ls.o:rg

th@ re.s.@.f!r(h£!rs. estilmalt~ that moreihsn 1 rnn:iU:ion for'eigll-bo.rn wor~:er5 awe WQIi~]l1Igfor emplloy~n@nt~bas@'d gr€'.@t1 cards, 'lh@r@ are a ~.otQf 'IIle'r}I bW~:9ht eopi[,e that: ~lJebrouglllrt; p to the LtS. 111erder to create 1ntellectusl -." _.. .~rlWiI. pro P errYl says VIla dll."·' Let s k ·tJ!I'lI" ..eep them,"
Q 9" org

(;r~l.lC!i.nali.zjngbi{l~ogk;aJ re$e~!!l'ch and tharthis could happen to t~.iI;;l1L'1I.•. BlU 1 think e'vt'lrythil"l.g.w~11 be okay in the end, '~"11IlI .1O[)l1l/o inn ocent,

.\NVIJw.sci en cem


VO l 317

7 SE PTE MiSE R 2007



Puzzlinq Decline lo:f u.s. Bees Linked te Virus From Arustra I ia

Organis!uiou (CSIRO)im Canberra. who
has po! 1.)llril:.ic.ip~ted in either g~oup.

lumped wgelht:'r t\W operations th!llit. had rernmned heelrhy, Wilen lite g:f'(HAP ran the samples thorough ,I, geme

seq uence r., ~'~,':teymmd a n a nay f

f 1]::1iClI"O-

or:g.:ani!i~rwls. AU the bees had a !iD!i!:tIJ;:"'y

ofl].11,lhogem::;,bu~ tl~e samples :irom l'heCCD

Researchers have found an. imported virtu; that l~:iJny be "1s.'S(]Ci~lrt'ld with the ~tqddell d~~~ appearauce of b()ol\liey bees, in the United Shltes."kIMJiWn.I:S cO~(:J.ny co~~~psedisorder 'CC:-D1"iI'J~' T·I\."·Ii>,~- .. 'I-:{'~Iii" I;' <"'1.1,,~,(1 rome ''!i.!l1-I"i·le e n 1 I., ( IU, .~. ,llh~JL~O ~:,~I;J ~J L~U _ arIierrhi s year made he .]d,l.lne~ .]rcund the world, ,!n~]y l~ave affl i cted as many as 2.3% ef'beekeepers in the U~,';~lted Smtes3,nd caused losses (~rf!,i1p[0 90% ofhives, in so'me apiaries, Theideneflcarlcu of •1~mspec'ti~animportant step, !l!~]ys Nieholas Calderone of Cornell Universi ty."B efore, we didn"r even have circumstanrial evidence,"
• I ' ••

The abrupt loss of bee colonies inthe UllLited S.UI[:es.,first tep(l,r'~ed last fall.has





been a b.ig mys[e:li'y. AI[~ho'Ugh SOH1>e seientlsts aren 't convinced th;;]t l'he :phelfllf~rnenou=-besed [al"gdy onanecdotal reports from beekeepers-c-is from. IH~st decfines really any In bee: pupulations

nperatlnns tended to bemore diseaserldden. \vid~ two viruses and [\"'1'0 [11 icro~lj{)iddIU~!iflp~[r<lsHl;:s es~~~]lly prf:V,bJen:J:l'. Nex(" the ream went back and analyzed ,~,~til]P fromiudiv idual l~lves. lAP\! les turned U!) ii~!12:5of'the 30 sick colonies but in Just one ofth(l2:1 hej)jjlthy co]ani.e':-1. <;n"s a good marker," says Madly Hornig of CelumbiaUniversijy; Others nere, bo:\;!,'ever, thar bees 1mhives :l'l,l[iJ~e:ri.n,gfwm C CD tendm accumulate ~]H
S,QI"ts of 50[

st>:cm:iI.d.lry diseases • APV infeerion could be a 'i!<r~~~ew rhan



The suspectis a pathogen

C <l lled

Israelae ute p,[ralysi s virus (lAf'V). A team of researchers reports ouliue in


this week twww.

sci e:nlcem'll:ag. orgl cg ~/C'Onl"enil

cause of the d iso rder .. "n t 's a. ehi ck~~J·~u1lJd.-egg probl em. 'S~ly$ bee virol.og~sl Joachim de Mi.mmdla of the Sveriges ILant brnksun:iver!iitetin U ppsa la ..S weden, J e rry Bromenshenk of !Bee Alert Techn.olc'gy In

~bsh"acll] I 464\HlJtlulif they .Camld tfuevirus hit most of lilll,e affected c,~,]{l'nie~. 'they rested, but in ~1~jn::IO~H [10
healthy oue s, .~. the f

thel iII1k~o ccn~n s co ~h]bo,·, n,ton' arrfue IJ. S. A rmy's

Edg",\v'Oocli Chern k,;a~,]og~' leal Center lnMaryland hflf..... e

M issoula, Montana, doubts

vi ruspecves t'ID be the cause ofCf:n,. h could havei!oiJl~~ economiei

~;l'l~IjcOll~ ieus,

spottedmore than a dozen kuown and new viruses, including lA'P~, ~nbees from,
n'Qr·id~. Cah'lb.r:nJ~~~.,on.~::td Aus(S('ieuo~.


the researchers po~nl to

Ausrralla as. a possible

18: !V.I.!.)"•. p. 910).

tralia, but none is associated with CeD.

"We've got ]ots of pathogens but pattern yet~" Bromensl~enk says.

bee researchers from around


:soIiJJce~ ~ru::e2005, US. beeS keepers .. espec ia Jily those ~truggli i~g to keep up Vlr!Jh tfue in':l::sa(,i~1b]e denlamJc] for ~1rnl]'1QiIldi po]·~.imalien .. j!~ C~liforrn'iia, have iil~po:rl::edseverilil1tiJ~ lion dollars' worth of bees 1'WI'I1 Australia. The researchers repnU tbullhey ~]:a\fef~)iI,:LI]d
I,APVi:n1 imp orted Austral ian bees, The i.nvesti.g'JIt]'C!n is stl.ll lIrl am e~]
stage, and there are skeptics. Auorher group hasnot fourn'lJd any lsnk between

the ceu ~:ltrymet in FIerid a in Jan uaryand formed a worksng

grOU!Ji to tr~N;:k down the; CU~pirit The eo-eneirs, entomologists Diana CO.:N~,F05[irE~r

of P'e!l'ln~ylv~n.i.~]. St~h~ Utdver$;.i.~y in Slaw College and Jeffery Penis uf'the l,J'".s. [)ep<lrlment 'l1fA.gric:ul[ure's Bee Research L, in Beltsville .. M.aryland. acquired samv lesfrum co Ibpsed co [on ies and aske dmo lee 1i:1 ~ ar bio ~ ist og

JAPV and ceD. "Thispaper only adds furtherto the confusion surrounding



of eOI.l!llnlDhl Un..i.v,ers.ity\\l:

Mai.huan $<I;::I1O()1 ~)rpubH(: H~::t]th t'O,l1elp

in the search fcrp ~rhoge]1s.
L.i.pIdn pooled ~~lmph;:~fru!n

Anclell'~on. ;;In emo~ ~,mologiilst W:illh dIe ,Au~·j'~ralim.1: CommonCCD."1[f'g.lU;:·!'j [)e~'!!i.s

fo·urb ee k~c;p:i g n

op'~I'nt iOI,1il)th~U" Uliicl,b~en m

Evidence in rbe paple~;points to AU3~' tralja as the SQUf(:e uf [APV.All of the R open rions ~Uufeeted wi tll'l IAPV i13 d ei ther ~ i flflported b~(\s fr"ol1~ AustraIia tlr sttJ!"ed ; th6i,rh:i~es close'~? other operations with ~ AU$lnd]?Ul bees .. N one oJ the OCD~[ree .., beekeepers.Jocated i.n[~lnwaii, and Penn.- ~ s.y]v,ania. had Au~tfa~.hln bees, Moreo¥eF. ~ the te!llUll ordered bees f~·OIn Australia ~m'ld;; Cl discovered IAPVi:U'I 11L"I()St. o·f them. Sam- r:: :r: p~,e$'t}fbee~, collected in 'Penm~yhr,gJ!ni,a ~]l!fId!.2 ~ I) Louisiana in 2004-b(;1'fore the uuperta- !'tinn uf bet[:j·.~ beg~m-lllJ'[m'ed mn lile~rtive. 13U1 SOI~i'len,:lscm;cl'lers po i,nll)n~: t-hat:
tll.isl i ni'J~.led tesl~ng dOe:lllJ'l'lnd e


wealth Sc:ie.lniHc

,:lI.lIdIndlJl!>tdall R.e:.~e.llICh

MT:'m::1k w~tfu CCD <"fnr coml.1lar ]s.O][l, he


possi 'b iIIi[y th 1;]1': [A f'V nflay I[!l)lve a~read y beeuiethe COUllll]l"Y before US. beekeepers begil,n importing Austral.ian [Jee5. And Am-:udiersorll uoresihat lAIfIV

does not seem

1))e t:aus,i:n~,harm in Anstralis r, Jlau Sela, a pia IU v iro ~ogi!it at the Hebrew Un]venlity of §eru~,(de:rn \viln firsriselated lAPV in 2002 from dead bees taken from [srael.i colnn~:es. S~lyS; lAPV iii f~r !]",Qi!lU harmless, Jnexperirneers reported wndue

even though ~APV is prt:'s,umab:ly there? One reason eould be.' ehar, uultke the lI'ni ted St~.:[es.,Au:str~]]M, rem~~!l:sfree of the V3n"'(H'II m:ite. which spreads pathogens andweakens the hnnn!!!I],e ~y.s>rem. be es .. of l3Ul that can't be thewhole story .. IP,~u:i.s notes, because CeD !iI:~S'O appears to he absent in CanadaandIsrael
f~~lyS other

.. vvlli! arrea v

i11iJes :iIDf,e~. proble~n ~lPd. ·[beekeepelfs have

imported Au stra ]ianb ees for years.

stresses in the United States such mlspo,o,rnutrition ~md :Iongdistance l:liucki[IJg

ceD either by itself eriu (;01]1b inW!ti(Hl with three o~her:PlJlthDgenfl ~nd stresses, In the meantime, C~lx.~Fo'~'le::r ~ays, beekeepen; should teep th e~Jrbees as heahhy as po,.s;sible 1Ilnd not reuse ll1ive~ ftonl. coW~ lapsed colonies, If lAPV cl:Qf,,':S turn OU[ to bea Q.~tllil~e of CeD ..there is encouragiug news from [!<>~aetSei~i has found rhat snltl~ bees ,(;~m resist the virus. Aboura th:i:nll f bees samo

5 June issue Oir Vil''Gj(:)g;y. Sela and cclleagues sh!nw that.when iI1j'eoted.IAPVc~usr::::'s paral)Isis and (h~.]rhin 98% of'beeswithin d<tys. ]:f fedto the bees. lhey survivejust ij:] few days :~ nger, ,,'I A.PV 'k i:~s," ~,':Ie says e II
Sewhy Isrhere nn CeD ill AU:!'ltr(]]~a,
IS III ME Dill elll N E 0

I)],ed it! ~snnd. lHfv.eunci()rponded. the virus into their genome .. mn his experiment,
20% of t!':Ie:tliebees survived when injected ":I((i~hJ APV- Seta says [hat raises the p essi bi lily of breed i:rlg .!APV-resistaet bees,
'-iERIIK $,1OKS l:A1D1

HlIake lAPVh~tlml.

\:\fithin [be nextfew weeks, the team will begi n~,col'l'Ip]:ilc.alet~ set of ex perimeuts intended to testwhether lAP,!' cancause

What comes eround goes around: The first [I~il:.i:El~. ~y developed to t:re~t cancer. and now a drug approved. for A~:DS is being tested i.ill'I
AIDS drugte come tomsrkerwasi

hum ans ,:{S~]~f1anticancer j;lgent ./\ tea 1111 ~:edlby meed ical oncologist Phillip Dennis atthe US. Natio]l!~] Cancer
hlisti[ute (NC I) iu Bethesda, Maryland, rQund evi deuce thmt drugs cur ~:en~iliy~!ed tn s's prerease enzyme rn.igln also

It's wel I established that inli'libilil[lg the Akt p':tthw<ilY can ~e;:'ldo a buihilrl.lp oflipids <]01Iti t gluccse "We; hypothesized thatif we ceu ld ident if)' drugs tbat emkit:ed! those roxi c it ies, we WO[l~. d find a good Akr
inhibiror," says Dennis. This ~I,ed them '~o

l1I1ediical.offieer at CeleraGenomics ]1111 R.ockville. Ma:ryIOlnd. "This IS, ve[y~.veryin~t}res.liID1g:·· Droder, forme r di rector ofNe t, in tbe
1.9SOs he ~ped d i.5C'Ii.)lV er the fi rstantl- HI V d.nvg tocome tomarket, AZT. which at [he t,im.ew~~ill anabandoned ~lnlican.cerag\(;'iln. Denn ~ hopes to' en roll 4:5 pat ienrs, all s cfwhom have solid Hm1JOrS t·~]~u. not do respond to t[Fe~tn'l'ent, Dennis i.~iti.(II;II.y

HI~V protease il1lh]lbhors.,,¥lh!ich


workagainst cancer, In the .~September 2007 issue of Clinical Cancer Research,

patients to develop characteristic ~ipld depesits and. hyper-g]y,cen'!i~t, As Dennis and co-workers describe in Cliuicnl Cance»

wams to de~:er.mi:ne \ cancerpatients

C,iF'II .~. lerate o

.Research. it tli!l"115
that Akt


DelU1u,s and Go~~e<tgu,~:s describe testtube ~U] mm.1se expe ri menrs j ud ica r] ng t hat d
di.r'IJ,gs slllt'lw ~cliv:~ly~~,gai.nst six different types of cancer, One, ;nH;::~funavir.proved better than the ot1hers, ,~eadi:U'lg De~IFl!l~so Iauneh a el.inical tria]. "'T]H;: t mnazwlllg th:img iswe moved :~ron1lpreclinical ~h.luee uf these


on ~y e xp lai us part 0:1' uel fi navi r ':s ;;u,'1l:iC~ ucer effects, "We
(~)I~,'~ dlim:k

nel n navir at fuighe~; doses than used to treat r:nv: "The maaimum tolerated close and roxicities
of oThe~fim~v:~iI" ~'li~~v,e never been

Akl.lllhlba[lo]'! ~~ the crucial

established in humans," be
says, Although this could t:!'igger [he' hYl~el'[i'ride:mi.iIl
and hyperglycemia oft~~,'Ji

~ w
<:; Z

~ z



mecbani sm." says srndles in on.e~~lrld~a~half'year~,," Dennis. Im..tead, 'they found that ns]fina,vi.r says. Dennis, Ty:pl~caUy. phannaceutical indUC';:L'O :stt~~~,of UiH;~ (:OI~1Jp~]I] $pe~'1d 5 Hl,1 0 y~~H"!i' a emdophas~:1I1~C relic]]pmnl.ising co:nlpOllllild. before 1:1fIoving hUD hUlnan tria~s, no tes Oe:nni:-;:, bUl ":repnsi l-!!o,n= J um .,;l,dl [ell .u n~:urn ]e~ds c~Us '[0 selfiug·' ~1n ail:~adY-~~I)'pmvBd drug ulkes, a.dvaJrIt,age of the Oil I rei]dvabumd.ant .,~. ..




V~·iIIfe cte d

p ati em l s taki ug prot aa fie iWlh~ubittor:s., De~~ni!jn:)ole~ th~t

t"hese are



[ions. and. :rehl~iveJy speak~i:lO[, a

nl~jlor concern

~ w

d;:Il'<lliun lllX. i.G~ . .. -


[[fU [;1

through .and


who 'h<ILvean other~

cOIlus.i.n:lg profi'ound



was. '!\MO' 1()~dG e ffect~ ,tlfp'rou:ase in]l~bi,~ol'!!i inH]V-~nfected p,~op~e thut led ~ !.! Den IIIi.SLO tlli,~ i,d.e rn, tluu they mrughl~"rorl § aga'~ :nst nw fly c,1I celf~.[)ef! n ] 1>'~ b.b ~'p,e n "" d.~I.I. .im study:i rlg~,c,e~1~!-sllgm]lingpn~:hizes ~



\:v.ise'Un[n:~lable cm.1cc'r. ''"]f . bone~nHI.n-ow S,]!Jppressinn

a nd ~,i.~e-thl"G::Jiteni:ng infec-, ti{)n~,~\'e ore pretl"y happy~" he 5~yS.


mech ~ aI],iSIU pan of [his p:apew i~ ~]u:il:e ~trik~ 'rob~ew:sol.llffiofl? AI,D5d rugs~h[l'~Qlu~ed :ing:' ::lUYS oQ:m::o:log:~:sa this mara's iJiIfiLlSlJiI'l~ra'r (l(oumIJlLnion may
Samuel Bn)ileill",chief
hilve [e1Ie.<Jiled
<Ii rJ,~1

;;~po'pE'O:)i~t "The


Akr, th.n':S; ac[iwued

[I] llll!lIly


(illllcet ag'E!'nlt.


• RecoverM ax:lD' we'lll de·sign

• OptiTrac~


• 4 Eppendorf' purity s'tandarclls

• AUibmatiol1l

Eppendorf Plates" Deepwell 96 and 384

lilhe rfli{~'wIEpipelild:ori lP~atBs IDle eiPlWell~ ali1ld384f€:8ti!JI'i€l' 96 inlrllOv81tiiv,e wel,~!iJ'eom,etIl'Y!, eHiic~eli1it aesiiglrn8l1ldl stllJlrdy' i(:!onstrllJlctlioril", G~~ m Olr,e: availabia in4 Epperllcllorf puritystm,d'aJds Sbmdard, S~€rH€, DNA! RNA, ILaBind! and Pmt;eill1 LotEUl1ld; Sa'.VE!tirrllE!,. speed nJip pilfJ,eU~lm,g rnlxinq, and milfllilt1l1i~e and I05~ vol ume off your precious sam pile .. Eiplpe:ndon PII,8te-a lD:ee,pw,eIII196',8Iild384 t'ealt!i!lres~ • Reoover\lVlax: well '0 es,iIQIn:snsures rnaxlrnal vol ume, rec,ove:ry '. OptiTrac:k maJtlrix;, easy to read alphall1lumer~c ~abeling illl

'fiivevibrant: colors
'. ,g""s,af'e~: hligh C€U1trlfugal. ana mHxing sb:dJl~ily '. Automation ODmpB~ib,r:e:hilglh preciision SBSfotrtnat, stable stackJlng '. Real.i able seal:i ng: com,phE:trefllat :8ulli'ac:e. !J,erfiect


IFor mere inf,onnatJon gal to

re-seaJl irn,g'capabl Hij,es

Infoue.h with lif,fjJl
YQ!ur local d'ri5fribuW:r~ ~1~'DDliWldol:'if.(lQlmfW'Q~(l;wid~ -. ~Iic;ni(ll'l. :SOPPQI'iI:; ~i9 1,8(1-316 6789' Eppenciorf AG . G;ermilinry "+49 ,40 538 001 .. I~ppendorillfrllorth AliitlericfI. lne, OO(J~4l)..3D!)O ~O




An Ople,n Secfiet :in the [lllK.

fOIClfO...... Newprograms

~ure~ilireigllscienrists and more fuudlng f(}.I' young researelters hwghligJ~tnext year's budget: proposal from



of Education,

Th.e' 2008

also benefit ir 'tfueminlsrrys request is HPPIil.Wed.Japan's cOffltviblui.on '~~lthe Intermmt:iilnall Thermonuclear Bxperimenral Reac~Oif:', under ·OO~1struct:ioni!1 Cadsrache, Fr:1Jnce.
\;vou~d dloillb.le,~o $106 mill :io~!l.Spemdl~'~::I.g 011

,~tlpUi.3llion [bioLo gri5,t]o~I['I Eleddilngtolril elf ~mperialll CoUege tendon ~oijk~Ukely to become' the U. K 9 O'l/e,r~~ment's nex~dh~,ef5c.]elll~iWk adVii$'er

whe,l'i!(he'nn~st:D~vid ~i191 siteps dowl'i! at y-ear's 1

end,s>ever(Jlt nell'l.fSpalper:s reponed this,weelk. An ,oHida~.a~ li]@ Depl3rtment.~Clf Ilnl1o'!l.aUOi~, UnivetsHi,e5 i)lndi Skillsteld 5cietl'cet hat Beddli I1g00Jl"l lSithiefa \[\ored.candidate ~1"1 a Irec:nJlitmelrlll plrOCefl!i that rema~n:s, open Aifl expert 0,1"1 the I'iIl~ll1Iagemeinit of fisheries,. ;Seddlngton IClurrlenttv chairs the science ad\r']so,ry (0 La ndl of th@ lD@paJrU1J1J!!?D1tf'.or Enllimrlrnent, Food en d RuralAfff eirs. "H e has rna fIIY arid vaned skills all1ld~'IlOl.lII,d IfI'lIke sn ~l'l(el~nl[ appOillrntment,." says. ecologliM IRoberrt MCIY of Oxfo~d Ul1iv'@IF$1ty. Howewr,l!of11llE!: r€s{larC!I~~rs

request lro:m the 1::I'1I~~i.stry., \~!hi.chftlll11dslh.e bt:I,~ik.

ofJ,1,!.p~nese ac;;ldemict;,cie~lce. He-she.'>out the "lmI1O"!.I<ltvioll, 25;' :Slmtegy m[ll'D:OllllCed ,ias<t ::i,em' by Prime Mi.n.~sler Shi uzo Abe to grow rhe ecollomy thnmgh increased spend]lfIg nn
science andtecbnol ~ (SC'ier.~cc~ Affill'i I.,. l3 p.IS6).



to th e Atacama L~rge Mi 11.H~e~'terISQJ ill imeter .i bm

$ ~, 9 mi ~ :5 lion, Am~ Japan

's conrribnrion


60%" lO



ellmts, J:a1.~i:!U:1i's sc iendfk; lnstituriens h<ili,!e

auracred on:~ylimited
iurerestfrcm abroad

wony that a. rece,nit gove.r1l1lment reS"lrucll,lring by Prime Minj)l~r Gorrdon Ihown may hav,e d]m~!1!~sWlecl the~clefU:ie adviselr's; ijn~l!,le;f!j(e.

~~n~J ro(}IJi:~Japane~ lew

researchers. B'lU" rJi:lis


h. the min] ~ :!it'r}'


S:av No

expects m announce the winners of,} new illl,i!i,mlive rluu it hopes wi Haddlre~~both pro-

blems ..TI.iI;ei1v"e~.u:l'"ld Premier Imernat ional

Reseereh Centers wi~!l each uecelve

between $40mmk)u
aad $1 '10 u'"II illi 011 "'"

111i1!!!!re'iild to d~si[oll!!!!lIJ.

Chn~.:s n Andes.

JliillP.lne~e .:mle,r1HiI.1IS i'u~al1:llot the ALMA ~ite in the

r~lenext decade ~nreturnfor c;onducting~he'.ilf business, in Enalish and recrultina 30.% of

t~,e:ur'le!>e~:li'chsraJt: and up to 20% of lhe:v:~ principalinvestigators, :~ml]::I overseas, T]l{~ ml ~'1]suy Is seeking $80 I'il'li] I ion next year ro launch Uu: center'S" which Hircshl lkukawa, dI~rec~orof l-.j(lflillJt'egk· pmgraln~fu~ tJ1l:te istty, min hopes wiU build repmatiens wi~'hi_1ltheir field

(ALMA), ajoint J~pillnese; ElI.!mpe(!lJIl!. and U. So. rad i 0 a sa rcuomy fadl hyi 11 the Chllean Ag':!de!l. wouldjump 27%.1"0

$3., mill ion. Shaken M ilyam~].dilrecmor general of l~1JeNa[~on':lIl. Astronomlcal


to rival thelikes

of the U.,.K.."sLallml'fl:t:o.ry

I:o.ry of J~~:pi;1J~'lI. lheadJdi.ricmiillil~i~~:l.di Si.1)f!l ngwil I help, Japan co~.mprnetework on ~ts I.6'~Jfl.tem~g].as in time for the scheduled stert of ALMA cbservances wm 21()11.2 .

of Mol ecu I~.:Ir Bi cl (} gyi u C "gnb ~'id ge

and MlT's Media Lab.

The go,vtnUllent's ]nnovat~o~]. Splml also 2

ui m:s to :u~c4-ea$eesearch ,op~)()num ilies for r

m young sclentists." the rnhlisl1fY'~

II!. -


~ budget request inc hides a 4,0% increase, [0 g $35 [ .r'l1ii.I fnrree'r~~ev~f;n¥ejJ gt~~~ls~o ...i.01Jil, I G those in theflrst decade Q.fllhieircareerlt also i c(m[';;lin~a 45% jLlIUIJ i.lltiL~~'l!'0 $106 rn[]~ ~ 1i on ,:fo I"a c] lHCh 0 fp,rog ram.s to pm 111l0r,C ~ mtemaUolfla[ conper:<rUmr:li y sendmg young b ~ §3p~ne$ir;: Slcientigs :lIbl,,,{)'o'!ld.1br]~]g~ng lbrei,g:n
'r ~ , r: _

The 2008 :requestwill be reviewed by the Council for Science and Tech:no~.ogyfo.~icy~ 'W1'l~dh Miyan1:~.says "1"undeln'l3l!1mS tlle!;r;).lueof bffil.icresenrch." Tbe final hurdle, the M i.llm!:luy ufFiui;mce., wil] ~ikd.y pc)se a bigg~r challeuge, says M iyama, "We: don 'tknow .i f the milli~lry will ~p[.lrov,~ these r~qu.e,~~~, {)i~!u![}~"'"
lfrecenr history is OlIny guide, overall Pfo.s'll~CI$. .~]7e not _g.(X)cl.. L~lsryear. Ule' m.iuistry
ini.tia]iy sot~gln. n.20% :increa!ro for sci.e'li'Icc ~md eluded up "vilill ~]ri.ltry {14" 'bt'lO~t. ~,r.bou.gJ'1seva

Sde,r;'I1i:isits and enginee;rs a'~ INASA's ]d Prr-opullai:IO'J;i3lt,o:ry 'GPL)in !Pasadena, Calliforni.a, filed suit 30 Alugu!s;l iln a ltS. dfstrid 'CQUrt llfl SO:LrU1E!1I'f:11 ln ~U)P'@S ,of b!.cding: nle\l'i,1 l'u~.e5t'hatrequil"e: them to s;ubmlll to backgro!llnd i(~eck'Slrll order to keep t~eirioh5,.The 28 pl.a~ntins say th,e (hecks, ~equ~red by the e,nd of Se,p~ember"ar~ 1J11'lI(Oliistutultnolla[ ami WO'IJ~.d al~ow lnv-esHgat;ors~o pry into tn.ei~ emotional, '!!t'at~. fi n13ness, and s~xLJal a,(Uviti~s. "Ihis lr5 sornethi:n,g strraig ht out aftne 1950's McCarthy era," salys [)ell'mis Bl{\rlle5, JPL cmef eng~neeT for fl~ght dynamics. NIASAoffic:i~t~ssav th~ (l!1.~cks. st:andalwd proc-edul'er,or aU goveHlIme i::Iltemp~oyees IOlr defades;, .1I1~es:imply be1lng 'e.:difllded to COJlilrad,Ors; ill a postJil'i:ill MIO~ld (Science. 6 ]!uly, p, 31U ..] PL ]$ op~'~ate(j by the plrivate (allfo!ln~al ~nstitute (l,r l~chnotCfg~~!l PQSi;lOnl)), e and ern p~.{ly@i@) Girl]pa rt of th~ unj\l'~rsity. 4~IDREW lAWI!!EIR


dses of~ thE! .~Qut~~em Ca~ifi()rnia C:.ooste-ven

thooglh tll~e rtLl'ise may harm whal~5, af'ed,erall (ljppeais, '(Jour! Ruled last week lin response to ,(11111 emergency II1notioll'l~ a pa nel. of ths 9~h (i~wll ((J]Jlrt: Oir .Appellisin Sa n Fl"aflic:i:sCO voted 2.--:11 tOI5tay a 6 August ~11~ I1c:liQn by IE di5~rkt U OO'U rUh at \~ou ld halle' ba nred the sonar. "The' IPiJIb~kdoes 'ili1ldeed Im~ :3 ve.1'Ij il':onsiideral:l'le int;ere~t irn pre~r'Vil1lg hvhal~esL" the' rmajo'ri1ly argu@'d'. "Blut]t aliso h135 !311~ ~nt@'r,est j n In-atj-cmall defe'rlis:e,.~The (ourt MIiU hear the Navy"s a1ppea& of~h~ JnjllmctioF11 ~Il Nwember. ""BENIAM~N lJES1iEIR

u.s. NalY'Y G!11Il! conrirll:l.ile US]!lg sonar]11



eral ~i~"Idi,vidtml~ni.lh]tives


~ sc:ienHst's of aU ],ev,e~s;


Jap"M!lJ ~~svisiHn~

~ SClllol.!trs,>!U1:d: tieswid,~, A$.~aand

!Afl'Thca. The mimisrry's

-avera]] portfo~,io (lof ~ counpetitively :rev:uewl;jill gr:anl"1i'i,JI,fnuld grow by IS 2.2.%. U) $3.9 billli,on. ~ Big~ticketinterlf.l<]timtal pifojecu\!;'l)uld

yeal!1i:re,C!:nesred i.l"I.creOlse scie'llce. S.lY:S K,az:U{D l'ud~mi.lhe edUCil[im1J rn~Wli:stry"~ chid". wmlhJ 3dd 111"1101',,(;; 20% to (his ~'fi["'s $20.1 bi.]Ii!on ~~"1 I·}~!' 'iludgce~\:V.i!W be ~ "fhe ~]n~]1 by [he l~liId of lhlc year and lake eJl:ec~, ~zed 011 l Apdl 20Oc~.. -lDI:ININIIS INORM.lll.E






Mm.1.key~ nllay see, hear, and ~'IJe~lk evil, no

but: dmy doseem ~'O understa nd a persons ~n~enlinns.V.le ct~n!>ta!ltly Judge 'the ~1.Cl]0I1S

not 01111.)1 recogniaed

ot.hers are tryin,g to do" and"'Ilhy. ~D decide lbe best course iQf action 101" 0 urselves,
of t'~05e arcnnd us. assessingwbat ExpedmeJ1Ht reperted on. page ~402 n O\\l suggest t:h11t th is supposedly un.i.que human attribute is shared hy

the tester's goal but also thoug ht rhruug h the be sr way to achieve thar gOI;] I tt he mselves, "The i!lfiJJ~.US are extremelyseusitive to how efficient au

that are very basic to n1Jru!1(:I,e~'stand~ng of

~~:JJ.~mtil")inalil:Y," ::Hl.yS Gerald. ]D'l the fi rst t1;lsk, monkeyspicked rhe food eonrainerWood graspedabout 75''/0 of the time, butt {l':n'ly ~bol!t: half of the lin~e did.

nction is," swys Gergely,

(h,ey choose the one he flopped his h~~[I;d1 on. indic1J![]n,g that the tamarinseeuld disUn~ guisl; betweea direeted and random aetions,
~11lJ the


key species.The 11nd ing $ug,gesr s tlli<l rthis S l ~U. and OH~ enabl ing neuronal c.:~rc~lil.ry
d.ue back atleast 40mdll h.m years. predating the evolnrion of the m!:Li,queSI(,H': ial system or .1.~nlg1!HI.g(:: f humans .. h o promi ses to fwd the debate
aboutlR'le cogril.i.tive di."~de

second t~slk:.;]~ rHy :paid, attentjou towhere h~s elbow pa,itned wh.en hi.s l~~]pds'Vei"~ \ oC;:(,:~]I)ied,inrllcaring that they wereattuned ro what seemed ro be the ruorerationalbehavior; Woodmnd coUe~~gues cl~d Sin.1i~!~111' ex:pe:r:i-

rnents with at TGh~;m.p(HI.l:iLg'l Chim-

p anzee San C' UI~] liji in th e Re publ i.c of the

(!ole(;\' U 39) ~n.d ~vi~I,'1 p. rhesus ma'Cn{I.iJ,L~Son .c<;~y(]! S~]I]ti.agu" 1>u.bsl:i.tuling COCOlflllU"S for fo.. dcontai Illers."We find o Congo]y the same ~JH~t"ern."with the: three

species, !i~I.ysW(md. The' ~l'udy raises. some eoneerus. Gerald
~nd. ethers point our [hiilt: the rests and. number of anlmals used v<.Q.ded from species to



pr imare eousi ~i'J!S. '·.1 stun !IfIJ'ing evidence foll' t'!l, [noulmman primaees ']I undershmd~ng go! behavioa," says Mel issa Gesald. ,<I primatolngist ~t~he Univer-

species. For extmlpi e. ch imps and 1l:1i~lciJIques had one chance to observe and react 10 a pe rson's gesru res, but tamarins were
a llowedahal :1"- dozen t ries .. The ani ma b could have been clistnl.cted by the free hand
'ife'stIOUtl'i. Htlruard co-suther .Ditl'tUd GltYr'l:rn glr.1l:s,p'.s.a WWll1lLll :5he~~, nlIl~ten;ti()!n.:iUy Iloi:nti llI'g 0 I1IItthe shell. to a rnaeaq He (fII11tseerl).

shy of Puerto Rico in Sam

Juanwho runs a macaque research center on 31UHtrlby

in the secoed ,e.xp'e:l"~menl. causing them to

i::daW!!dCayn Sannago. Hewever, she :!lind others


not 'con~p.letel;y convinced, 'c~l:i:ng appi!!J~re1Il!t flaws ill.;tr~lle smdy desrugn mi1:(j~ anM,,~ysrns or concerns about ~Inhropomorphfc interpretations of

A[: fhe rime, "1 doubtifanyone



have [lUI m:Q m1Jey 011 ~duh c;h,i,mp~Ulz:t"6':zl able to do this, let alene monkeys," says


In 200.2.,Gyolllgy Gergely Clft"~ile Hungarian Academy of Sciences' lnsritute for pSjyeho&ogy in Budapest shocked his ~"ello~" p~ycho~.ogisni by asserting th~tI4~monlh~ old in .I~111s cou ld ngu re 011 [ wh flit anothe r r personwas tFyi:n.g to do ~lfId wl.i)!elhertfu.eir behavior made sense, He a ssessed tl'lru sabil~[yby hu'n

R~ch,~trd Byrne .. i:li psy'ch.olog:~st ar the Il.1niversity of St. Andrews inlflfe. lJ"K .. But Justin W[~od,. gr~dmue srudent ~nHarvatd a
Ulliver.,S;~[y;, was \vi.U.~~g take the bet to

ignore where the elbow was resting ..And. nm1IieIPovi.~:The~ t'lndi Derek Penn. 'v"IIThC!1 st udy ~i p:ri.m .. te c;ogn.~ti.()1f!!n the Un ivers ~l"}l of a Louis:imm, Lanl.y'(:'lU·e. \-vorry dlHI. lhe results g'lJ'l,~y be (lvt'll"imerprnHed. "There is, ]:n fact. noevwden:lce dun theani.nJl!ds .in these expes~memlts 'were .i.vl)res.e~U]rI!g or re~.~c)m]~ng about
the [tester's] unobservable psychological!dng at [l'limiary lPe.h!:~vifn+ ].1 this

au infant watched sonteene


01\ ~.[.'!.yilh the 'h.1~ich'llf ller hend,. no[ h:er hmndi:!i Wh,en the lester's lli'I.ands,;\"e:re full, the ~n.[ants did notnfl[mW'C; rhe mead

WoodloQked atwhether cotton-rep ]:am~dn.s.could tell a goal-directed action ~fur,onl random one .. In one' test, he eitlli,er ;!l grasped one of two food eontaiuers or tlnpped lliis hi;~lI1don top ,~)]" as .ifby aceio~]!e" dent, while a rm::mk.eylooked on" Iu another. 'he ··p'{)i:!I:'i~ed'·'to the r;::Qm1.du'it:lF by :rull"img h~~ elbo\v on it. :somelim.6s whi,~.clhal S,atll'le

Slr~lles," says Penn. Thi 5 sort (If reason in gi scal le d "'the (1)' ofm:imdL" and usually considered ro be a tfail that makes l~lmUI.Ir!Ss]Jechd. "Underis nutthe same ~l::>'theory of 1.~1J~nd ..butit's veery cl o~e to ::;;t~.lldi.:ng goals. and efficiency

ir," Ge]'g;e:~ynotes.

n:liove:ment and i.115tead lIS1~d[heirIHtli~lds UJ turn lfue~ug~]J They tiJ.eBIJled 10 re~]liZ!eth"U ()II], the te,ster b!l:d~o l!$(:hcr .he~]dIb!l!.lCause S]H~ ,couldn't Ll.Se her bands. al.t~'Vl'Hjg,~.lLh:A:n.ds w'ollL~dI'!,;vorkIb'etter fo:r the task. But: whe:nlhc [,ester usedlber he~~d\c\dhi.enher hm.llds 'wer,~ '~!l1IP:~, the infmllt~ fo]lo'l~d su.i.t,~up~':I~l'en:Uy

hand W;J!$ free, and sonrJeti.n.le'~wbil.e hoMing aili1l objectwruth both h,ands. WCiodcOll~l1i'red how ofte.n t[~e Ittt,)lflkeys im'lspected the desrnglmtcd'n:er.
Th~~ pro~ocorn wa,s; de~igWledto ev<dm:lt~;

Iud img dun the:re

11fIlLlStbe n



wile Ou;:rlhe~e New World rnonkeys co l,il~d, sta:ndli~1!gC:iilm:i~]~i.ty ~~ all q~]i.!i;::ik~:if!nd~diny8 l.eU. ~l r!U~Ol:1l!l~ acticm ([~se the eHJo\:v 11I61hod. no[ based on t:h.e .kil1Ld of under-, ~ sUUldin.g Qf.l.l)~k ~md r!:~tio~Hd.itythat :sahs~ ~ lbec~In;u5'i;:' I'll t: ba.n d.~\\1ere bU!i y) fro' rill! Ofle E I:h at s'er;;.m.'Jie dI I~I~S nt>ent:il·o mal. ··The [).(;l ~ 1:0: fies ph:ysi.cW5tS ~]ndphi,losophe::l"s:' 51
very d,everw~ty'" of genili'lg

~.o.~e b ul. not q~l.i te ~:h'e[Fe, S CH1'e: reseOllrchcrs COli1llc:md. 111,l1t tllrIJguage ~I:S: tn deve.~.J!.),pasenSJe of C~'luse ,:!lud elTect !l1Indrro evo]ve rnJ theory ofm:ind. But Wood'sswdy :undk~] tb,U s~tGh re~]sun~ i ng predate s wo:rd s. s.a:ys B y:m e: "]x ~~lioD'igly :SlIggeSl:!l; [hat thus w<a:y .of uDld,er~· 0

tn use liwefue;;]din Ihis SilUi'll:~{]ill"The in~~[I1'~s







W~en lrs 1[I'ka,"iiQi FiI~1

Ti~e recent :!lii:11~el.1[ingoftlte NiIlliomd ]nS[iliJJtes of Health budgm hasn't, SIO\V6d a bn~]I:JMug "l find myself quite!:aJ~~Jmoom li~ecomm it~

hools ,1100 U:l!,.Ililng:' say .... AMC'i:; Jack A bnOIH ~]Ittong u.s" medical .~chonls.~n~t begJ;]:1IlI K_j'1ilm'i'l.c'er.\v.~oledthe &UF\iey ,and is CtH1U~Il!(lr duriuga 5~Y~li doltb~,!~iIt1J,g Nil·ii's blMi,getD,1lI of of ~ cmnmenrary ill tlhe 6 Sepl~l:li'ibe:r New d the laJtel 990!;. That); f.Ule nfseve!!<~i findingc'SPWll .EI~gl,(:~J~Jaw "rial of JI\!/edic b~e (N£.JM), that

a survey that o~ersaless g]oomy pkm,I',e o:I'tlli:le he~lth of US, bimnedl~c;;d research than m,]WlY pol icymak:ern havebeen pa imling, F\()rthe p~lc~tml!;r ye~.!Jf$, research gUHl~ have warned that these [VVO cOl!1ln,1J~di,c:u:l'ry trend's

presents vile resul [8. ZerhOll n~attributes the c:ontEnued rise in feder:4.1 dollars flo\A'[ng to c,m:V1~::Il~OOS N [B's dec.i&i'orul to quicklyrecyc]e to
money frnm one-time aw~m]ljj,fur new bio-



:!a!c.iIi.tie~<; [nUl research

ctl~dd rri.gget,~~f~,~iLalrficial, crisis ~~'iI1o[jJg.l.II~i'!;l"ers~~ gn][u's, B'I,i~:tJ'i.1il gVU\, a "leili1i~;olf;:lryllte~d." ties connri ng on stead i Iy ri si ITIg NJ,H SlIJlpo:n ro he says, He and ethers say l~ialonbig emnch help meet debt payme]}iI:S on~len.ew could comein .2008.w~le!l'1 schools expectto

and fund "theresearch g:oing on insidethem Butlfl.e re;d~tyis nor so clear-cut, .Atton'!:Ung to figures I,de.ased th~s 'li"~~.k lite Assoeiation by of Americ~m,Medi.c~1Colk:ges. (AAMC). t~~e ris.e bl. expendittm::,It nfmdet~d~-j~]~!lih doUars lnil c~nlJ,:m:sh~lsofarkeptpece s w]tluiLs eXlPan~


de~pite the Umen!"lDG

s:i~1:C4;;~ '[)03 (see 2

resources, K:ral.i:owt:r ai.~

have 3.7% more N] tl dol larsto spend, The authors 'of"II.le NEJM article say the so-called crash landing ]5 having other unforumate consequences, Schools are d~~s·, i.l1J.gaUer all .rellt~I'\tl!;:l.y5:maU pool. of 'wei l-fiunled researchers in "a zero-sum game' ItJ~£ \!i."3sr,es
l;iv.o:rdes lh.~~!Sehm1~s

growth in the N]~l budge[

serambl imilg10 pay dJ~bl:;, Itlimy relY'IlTI)o!re hell.vully

oln funding!rOi!ll t~rug C()n'lp<Qi].~es..,\\\ihid'1 usnaUy comes wHb stl!'ing..,q~mc'lched, Those issues dO~:li'l: ~ee]11[O truubl.e some

table), StU!..AAMC nfri,cials .'lll1dNlfJ Direetor Elias Z,erhOUlliiw,or!l"Y lilil~~t'lhe [rend rl1ay [ll)[ cG.~]linue,'·lf:ii .<I. verYilLilil'do1l5 s~tll.ation.'" s~lYsAAr.v.IC seniorvice president II'l:JividlK.orn. The SUf\H:'l;Y updates .<I. 2002 po]1 ! Umt member ~CfuODI5 planned to dO!.ilb:~e U1;e~r

BE~JlIINlI6-Ch]l'Iese' oH](;i(ll$ are hopinlg that (II proposed ch.:lillill]@ In lhe colLlnuy's: bask lall'l.r gove.Fll1ling science alndtec'hll'ilolo~l'Y wiH encolura,ge res,e:a!lrche~~t.O be more henestin Ireperf ng the resu ~Its thejr 'expe ri men ts, of Last 1II.i@ek •.Wan GaJlng, Olina's, nellilriJlinll)·· ter ohdem:e !llll;d t:e,chlflology, ~vent before a ~"mk~lrng gtrC~'l~p f the N:atl!)lIIa~. P~ople'5, o COlmgre:% Standiing Committee to 'explalil1Jno1.l:'M' Ute gl()l!Jelmtnel~t p~af'l$ to aiJ1ru~lrnd heVl,-y~:u~ ~ old ~alw to prcmote grl6at)u inno\l'alioifl (lill1ld creaUvity by fo:sh~rilt'1g ,f! "tollNan(@ fo~ failur€" whn .. r'eSUU':l .. QI'I p.a. _ out • rib'SiE'lfll'~- say .... , n¥d-I·'·t an ow v_ ___e_ .. ers avthat the p ressure tos,'ucceed C~ n lead esctentisrto a~.t~~ 'r!ml~ts. or CII'@ate'lr~ wh~ch peers a in ar,!; afraddto be criticaL lBu tserne s(:ieil1tists 1II.tO rrytha able proposed revision might instftu~iol1ahile' ITI!edioc~ ri ty_ "lf 'fal lu I~ hal!} pens, som@bodry ollgh t to take tfe$!PQ'!)5~bi~il:y~ndlearnfrom qt." S~y5 OI'1f!! ~€'gi)la~or; physildst Cheri rrIlanl'liiil'~ of lfsi!llglhu.a U!ilJil,lersityil1! Beijlirlg. Time' amendIrn~nt is e-xp~ctf!d t.O be fin.ali:zed at thE! lE!g!is~ IlatLJ'lne'SanrH.lal meeting il1l M~lrch,

rapidly growing .insl~ttuim1.s,.At the UniverS]ty of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC), in Kans as C i.~y,If ice ch ~l!ll'cd, for re se arch ' lor

laser Re:sea~m;lhllargeteml
]he US. Department of Defense plans to kHll oH a .2:(}y',eallr-o,~d moo,;;callaier iie5'eall'(~~ pm9 ram next m olul'l---li,inl~'es,s CO[}g ress de:"ides to rescue it. ]he P,€nta.glon's budlget request for the~is(:al uear tJ"lat begjrl) 1 OCloiJelr (ont:aili1led no mOrley for t~~~ Inedi(i:lllr~€e electmn I[,(l:s·erprog!"(1 m ~lIhrich supports f1~e li,iI'fJhl'e [Sl~Y~

spending on construction despite the looming endto the N~l~brL!dg~lt d!oll.!h~ing. The medical schools have ro~lci'wed through: The response lastyear ffi"om I'ou_ghly SO of 12:5 :sdiJ.oo~s shovlits that instimtions, ()~il average, expect ro have added
89,000 sqmllfe feet ofresearch space bet'liMeeJfl2003 and 2008. That's an increase of 26%.
Accoroi~~g~.y.[IDle average size of tile research faeurnty at each

r~HII erranova says the school has fm'ed T 200,000 square feet of new research S.INl!Ce

based cente rs and

(O!,li1t~y. lih~ s 16-

resea rthers

a mUlI~ d th e

ml UiQI~-a-y~a~' p~tidil~ com 9 rants pnog U(l m na gool bv t~e J!\.llrForo€ OHl(@ of Scientific R.t'sealrch, ~lIM(htS Irevje~lI1ng IP'rlopo~a ls that rna y never befu ndee .•

i c:h~mgeis~.
~ d:oublli ng

iustrmtion will have risen :~50/0 by 2![l(}8,I:o .38.I.Th!e ~.'I1l0S~


alm,t:I~d d.ebt p~y-

i rOo $6.9' miJ1rnon

.j" !!:I

ti rne~1Jt~ :research.lnl.ildings., fo!" by 2008 .. ~ AAM C oflfic i,~I"" cs;~y,

!.2 :z:

li:me, [lli:Ie .Ul1nUl:1t of fi;:d~rdlll g!':an[ 11,}'l]Uey


At die

... ]JiJ I'@SI~!"(ih ... 'iiii


But the' p mgtr aim m:as frr]ell'lld~,iI"J1 COl'll gfES:S. Authorlzifllg pane~5 ill'! both lhe Hom,e' and Se n13 te s,trOtil1JgllyIb:acik mntimJrilflJ g the rE!5ea rd" 11'10tti'!1l.gib "pr'O¥e r:'Ilr "I(: k pe CQ'ud of deirverin 9 combat casualty calr~~edUlQlogy anclmE!di(a~. f nter/e 11:ti on s,. " The Hou5,~has approved sp,endiing $2 m~Uiori for 2008,1iJ1iJd the .s~l1Ja~e

~ sp,erlirbymed ical school:s h ~s ~ il:~S() r~,sen faster t'1,lUln Nrfl'~sl ~ budget Fedlf:JI11!. r~searehc;xp'~l,l~

Ir'~~ill~d1I$pg OE!

d,utures, [!In;cre~~sedl b,'f-._,~ [IO~g'~1~.!tl


for ex,mrn)),ie. andlby m.ore llH'Im 5'% in each of the








ex-pee tBLI~Ll aLld~ess the is)lI@ [his, mo Ii"JI~h when it delba~es the Pe~1t;a,g:onbudgleL The Se na te pane~..als.o' a~ked for ,a suategic IP,lan to a:cld'~essboth Ir-erieall"-d~and lils ,applkatiOII1JS •. s.upporters. ho,pe~hat. at UH! ~eas.t,the~ prQ9I ~ m '~viUl~rfIIp al~ong alt lIiIlIi n~mal,f~ II1:gl ndi Illr'litlll~he irJlextAd mil1Jls.tratiofl.

Q roe,,'!,':\:'<:':yeus. ~ Smme cQlnnU;~nily

·Ip~(lml ~n(I[fils@'firOilrl 200310 20018. il!)~t~, il!s!l<di m b e ;80' iIi!S'~liJtItjO:n5. 20~~OO,f3;are est'i mat5.


from rtO~r:Jh~


~ are tnJLIbled by~ho~enumbers.

.M.1.:'l!m!8Jtd,. AU.ail Nil H bucl'g et Ih.;J,s;nI't5;~allllped)l:<Jte5 frmll1l IblWilldiirJlgj nell'l re:5ean;11 fadllities like these .all the IJinlversily or Arizona,



by recruitingbeeh established investEg~lmrs ~~"djun] or f~ClV~ty; N[ HI fundinglmsrisen by f 35 Yllin the past 2. ye;;]fS.lle notes, Terraeova says tbatmnch ofthe expansion is being second rime around. "Were ge~tillgmore new gr;:ulu, lh~l!1w'e're ~o~]n,'~W!ts.• he bua~rs." " more worried ~bout"paying
~~"Igshemselves, t

fo:!" {be science

lbrut ~Cle~ on inside" Uw:n ICl~~ying

.AAMC ~~~rldl Zerhouni warn ll~~l:the s~t!a~]·' lion I1I'1HYgerwoese before it gets better. Zerhi()u~::JJrn~es: a p~mdl!i;d\"'1.i~h su d!d~LI, {;'O.Ithe

U rL~versity Q f Arizona medi cal school dean Keirh Joiner :s;:~ysd:ebl:service ontwo newbic~uPJ)or'ted from. privare dO!ll'l;;]rinm;,a!1ld [hil1ilt: sciences bill i]d]]~g."."J\lifh moreto come. isn 't ,1 corcernbecansejhe state ~I::;oov~dmg~H:~debe, KUM C won't have to make debt payments Bur deparnnems ~!Ilehe~lilgasked ro ~,1;,ii:re emF€: Oil state bondsuntil 2012" At the Ulli,versily of K.eluu:cky Cellege of resources and find mher backers .. Ol-fuer ~cI~[lol$~ay their :new labs !:!Je ,ea!;Medi cine in Lex ~I~.gton..wlt! ich h as h j red. J 5 research faeulry in the past. :5 years. dean D]lJga space crunch. Atfhe Un iwl.'S.i'fY of Wi:sJay r~!1nan~lys,''We need .fbrtlle~-!.;!;.pal1s1I!.m.'" f cons~n:'I.Madi~on. ' fhlCU][Ymemhers The schoolhas spent $ L 5 llI'11i ~U,()I,'I ru help, qlli:ck~iY occupied l\v() new researchbuildings. invest i.g~ton. whese gnl~US\"fe:re:1l ~[ renewed, Spokesperson Terl~y nt::vi.n says that the btuPer:m~m, SfQijiS most ~~,::Iplicanrs id bener the schoo~.who&s NIH funding h~s~'~~nen. is d

11~~pSie l~1el"e~deSHI!Je Ilulf.ket Some homeof

O'w'ne,j'Soverextended ~b~lil1se~,vc::s. e says. h \'vith the expecwtion that housing pr.ic:e!l would cOlnit~::IlU;l:W rise ,i]]de.I~,nhely, Speaking

rt!'s~(lrc;:h dean at .Jolli:!ns, I-ilo,pkins University's medical SCllQQL Zerll'louni eautimli!i" ·'['d be: H ~ot more carefu I [now] t:hnn] would h~w been in! 998:" -J!Il!IEIl\fIN UISIER
~lS '111former

chance enceunter betwee 11 rwohuge chunks of rock ill the ~~tenj,.idbell reached DUll across, HJ'O million years ~~1Jd200 miUim,'1Ikilo.A
1'il'ltHe:r~ to snu f'J out ()0% of E arth "s mari 1."Ie species, as wei I. as the dinosaurs" '65m,iU,io~1I
.[lgf). H(;{;o!ldil1l.g to a new


Nut~ged ~~first by the: sun's \~~nJl~l] and fi~]eg,1I JU.l.img ][Ij'rr'il'dld hy Jupher's. gntvity~ debr~:;; from the collision evemuslly splattered a~r05S the iuuersolar ~ystetl].•.",·iC!~e:ntl.yer-.lte'ring other asteroids, the mner p~anets" and t~1!e' mccn, The resultis further evidence that "wht~t lIli~p~ pensi n the asteroid belt leavesa

Sild,~ of Baptistina'1) orbjt. T~ult':s exacdy the paHerl1l expected ofa cloud of debris eased away fiom the 'Cpm~]onby the~mf~ ray~":1\!>i, each fragment absorbs solar enc'.rgy. ir ,;ad:iates the ~,ilei;n: '-Iway~o ghre an ever-se-gemle rocketing c'llfect The members of the Bapl'~~llin!:!l"famto either

. ~ll,rl~her their orbits


group estiruated how m,any of!:he interred ~40.{IOD origjq~,alm]gmem1i ~;'1lfg~rtIUln lkilometer would ~11aVt'l been d1J'1'O\,l;11l 0[" nudged


~ SO!U'l

ku.lolueten. inw~iJl'dofBl:Ip:r~)\I~~'LOI. ttl of erbital mrm;~:elistation. There the

0 f Jupiter's grH'iI~ ty-I ike \7i,fen~·

periodic tug

ri med pushes ona child's swi Ilg-\~\DU kick ld

some ,~~~"'tgum.e~nt~ the .i s.nlar ~:y::;te.I:JI:I into ..

Ily" ~,d;etlti.fied from the debris :pIi:H:te:rm1! also

sh~U'e'Bnp'[istilm"l'S color, !Earth, The researchers


dark reddish hue

tlmt slruIl.lf.'1Uon

Iypica] ofprim itivemeteorjtes

coucl ude'dll'1nt

Bl1pnis,t]nammily members ibml(:d .in. asingle

system dynamicist A~.e$s~lI'ldro od)iid el li M oft'fue Co:re d'A.zUi Observatory ~n, France ..';"h re!;ljllymakes
trace bere:."·sM,Ys So lar

futting it all ~().gether.the group [bu~]:d[hiElr the eollisiou could explain several oddly timedimpacts ~lstrowuln1iel'S h~dnoticedin the solar system, Its debris could have created the surpr.isingly fresh craters found on asteroid G~]sp ra, ill s we iI ~] the yom'lfl, rayed crater s Tycho, rile' radant '~e\¥el" Gill the neck ofthe Womuan inthe Moon. The limllmg ~mdllillmllben;.

[hid Earth fee.1 like partofthe

so]:.r~]'" sysliem;'

of the ~h(Jwe!r,of ,~stelfQ:icl!>. 'lilllOl!l.d ~Iso!in cnlt6ring records thr:cmghom 'the inner

The Jluk between


,t1'xf]il'lIct'iolls.~he asteroid bell. and

most everything inberween bni Leis

the :ie'~leiU dlseevery ofi.1Ulldreds cf theusands of asteroids. TIl.I:; week in Nlll'ur€', planetary scientists \"il[~~wllBouke. David Voka:ouh~icky,.~li1:d Davrud Nesvcmy' 'Of the Southwest Research Insti,[)]1

SOI"l.r system hint ll~~'M' theimpacr r,al'€: ]j,O]:!,l,(iCYU-' bled d uri ngihe past eoupl e oi' hun t~red:IIIU~ ~hm yMfS. A.nd then there's the dlnnsaur killer, 'ak~ng, intoaccount the spectrally

determined COl:il'llpQ;s.i!:i:ol~. OI.·l8:fip~~.s~.i:lIlIjj1J ndns a cousins, the Sw[TUgroup (;~lcullic~~esd:ul!t dlere is

abetter lli]l~11'90U''' chance th~~ li:l.el'o··kHon'llCler nbj eel: that ~~ E:ard'l 6.:5 mill i()Wl years ago it

LUte (SwR])i:n


re:pot~ hG'w fhey l"H.edth.~'ll'ew asteroid di,sc{)vc]I"u,e:s to identify

the anC:.ien[ !l;::o]ljsions


Our OWII!iiI ballflg •. [)eb~is from a. com:!;l.o:nin~h€ beh big 160 !lnUOIfl ljIN!l5 a.gOi 1!!1diV halve petrei~ Eart~ .!lInd [Ihe di!1oS;aul'$,

carne Cron,'!lbeBapti,st~I~:Htfm::lil.ily. "'Th.ey do (1 p~e~ty r;:O!l1v~!.llic:ing j!;]:b;,!'says dynaulIi.cist Derek Richarrlsoll of [i]ileUnilwr-, ~ily of Mmyl~lld, C(l~lege' Park, Th~te's ~~ ]Ol ofmllodeling, bm dliC ~[lJiillysis IU1l1d::le's 'whal
r~e~n:hers ~eeaJI'Ldi··CaI'lL ~;;;:pkl~1!L a ro~mr:!berof S0]11e"~i[~t:~moJI11~k)itls, obs~I.'V~u i,ons"w,ith JUS! and ~:hemca~.cuhu:e how

,and \lvhel.ll sn01'e '~lftlh~]tdebri.sw~mJd h~tVt~ nd ~emto E mrlh. r.i.tsl'. the SwRlg!ioup p h:: ked, 'lH~~t'I:H~ d,ebr~s ffrlg:tneni:s fr·mu ;anil:nci,e'n~ 'ool.~:isi()'~,l [I.'llnare oc:altered al1l1:ong :Il1tyriad oll:n:el,[" aster,oid~ ill the sky ..Th.ey not[c;:,ed ~haL st~r' fro:m. ttl e ()rb:i t 0 f,a 4.t)-ki,~onlleu:~: ~H;t'e d I,,()i
c<U.~~e{~ B,'lpli.slti1llii:]. ,<lste;FOrnds§.nt :!iiJl~' !the

col ~.~si!Om ~bout ~{)Ii) lifl~1 ye,,]ffl ~lgO, judglion ing by hm:vf1u they sillLCedrifted ..
FrOil'll impacHl.
c:ol]~p'lLtl;er so., tllll Rat ]ons; 0 f n


nne sGett~lrin, R]ch~1tdso:ll.s,mys,lu~pir{;':d by th~ resu~(. sdenrisrs gauging i,I:J1~)acl' .Il:il:z~u·ds. 1lI e shi lHng~heir'M l'entlo]J'IJfrOitn r

fhe' SwRI group fo~md that ahe B~q:)l~i.slirtl.m lalu[l:y could h~]vcfanned in an I[ ,!l"leler~:rerhnur, .ne'~uJyhe'ad~on coll~si,oll be'I;"ve>Gn ~]S:I:~.mi:d5 70 ~.I ()O ,I<.i I:()iI, nd
n.TI.el~efl;in di"U1TI!eter; In flln:he:r cak:ul.<atttiiIlS" ['he coUj~ ~ sians .in t1':16astel.'o.~.d: elL The th:reat fron1l dl:(;,;11i b
Baph~till1;;! f'am~.lyrqli::lylmve
Ctlitlil!:!troplhILl;lli,'W:fled, but nlnfe

h~n nne c'\)met~ WI~Ulli.~y

disa:u:pr]On5 t~re

-I:U::IH!UiO A.KiE.R!R. u



;aa:[ygood if he just g:et'sm:y da d':s ge neme," Ve~Jler aud co-werkers eompared his two haploid genmues tn ~]j;S.e!>5 the differchromnsnrues frorna siug.le persuu: 1101U~ other t['h~,np.iollee~ililll,g genome researcher '~I.ThCeSberweeu the DNA. he inbernted from J. Craig Vente[':. The new sequence ~l,Iggo!;::::R~ hi$!¥!other~Hd. t~~~[from his fa~her. Venter's DN A 1':1'1.3 de up 60% of the re :ferenc e []HH thereis substantially more variation betwee~[l hmna!lS Um.~1previomS:~jy rucognized.Tt !l150 pushes personallzed medic ime a step el cser and stoke s l.omg~sh~l!J.d]m,g debates ~lholJ1t
For lillie f~rs,t timevresearehers have published the DINA. sequence O"O'Il'!,both sets of geneti c 'pr,ivncy. More f~Hm7 year~ ,~go,Cel-

Venfer'~ diploid genome asan additional


"'You"d be crazy not 10.'" says.

Scherer, "It's ~ilke yn'lI.t'd be looking ar the dara w ~ll"hm::teey,e shut ,." SOIl\'e' :!'e~e,an;;h'efs, inc]uding those enthus iasrie about the ,~w~]n~hi.lil)' of Ve ater's d~p] o[d ,ge'l1o~ne. ques:lill o!l'!,\il"ueU1:ef ,it ,actuaUy sh eds IU;l'W ] ig]iJJt on the

degree of vari .. tion that exists

anflon~individuals. AsHarvards
C~]u['\bh notes, reCenl :shl!d~e~ of


]:)1[1 blished

by Scherer and

era. Genomies, separately,

~I um,ml



fhen :~,eaded, 'by V~nter"


othershave e:rnFfu:Ji~uzed the sanTI€!: pO.~ll:It see p, ~. 15,. ( 3 Vent er 'v,on"~ be: the only

the Jnteruarlonal


CQ n-

sor tium each described their first: drafts of [he generic bluerH'illjj~ for ahuman. To save timeand ,m'oney both, teams cnmb ined samp les from. several indi.vidu!I,ls and created COlnpo~.ite:,. or "refer-

euce," g enornes that contalned

celebrity 10 have a published di,p]oid gencme for long: James \~lat'so,", co-discoverer wf the structure of DNA.lllad Ids eomple'telti hll.M<ilYl an:'IIJ if~ now 'l\i~lil<Ibl.te, on the Cold Spring f.11IrhOlJ" Laboratory's \Veh site, Alliu:.ilthe advent of cheaper, f~s:~er technologies such as lhe one usedto sequenceWatson's genomemeaus that a sreadil y j, n erea si r1ig nmn ber 0 f indiv idua :1$
\,V~~:] soonjoin

o.[I~y ffi'lOiI.lf of


the dli.ploid

gemome club.

DNA. Humans halve~, diploid VnlVI'! lim' dm@~eflcli!. J. Cr,aig Vemelr's genome oH~rs; the Ur:ilt thOroMgh g en () m e wl t 1,':1: pa i. rs 0 f (:oirlllpa n10nl O!r~l!I~'I) NIA,~mUle dm}.mos'()me:5 i1nhernte,dfrol1ll ,elldh [parent 23 chrcmoscmes=-w ..ith one (~f
each p~~ir ccatrtbueed by
['~le fi'il:i1hJ,er and



by the mothervThe


genomes effectivelyhave thesequence infermeti Oij f'll'o~·n only (lne member of

each pair, the so-called haploid genome. The researchers assumed jnar this approach wouldn '[' saerif'icemueh dereil. Iished ][1 the October 2007 issue of PLoS Biology by Ve 11'11 Ier .. his colleagues at (he J. Cra i.g Vente:r ]n~ti tute in R,gckviUe.

geuomeproduced by Celera: [~tenew ~tudy built on [hat work.repeatedly sampling his DNA for complereness and ~H:oC;urac)l. In

As mere individual geuornes are se~luellced. privacy questions wu]l.inevHably come t,o d~e fore. W~[~onre\q.uested [lI:!~]tthe' status ofakeygene th~t predisposes people w Alzheimer's disease not be disclosed (Science, 3D March, p. 1780)"

Wr.cmg, says amasslve

2; I.- page

paper pub-

Mmi':y~lalld. mild collaborarors ~ di fferenr lm ]ve~ ities,



fron:] three


to the study,

~ genetic variation betwee[l ,i[l.divid~la]s; by a 1,:;1 ~ f1i\'Ch)!i' of 5. "We"v,f;,': just rceaUy~i~~dere:s,li~ ~ :m,<1wd t:h:ifi,," says Venter.'·Vlle all had very ~ n;:]ive assul1I1ptio['l~ bec~ll!]se 'Me d:udn't .hmve o __ _
~ dUl[




Univ,en<;;i['Y gel'!letici.s~: f.ieo.rge HUl1f1an ~ Gen()I'IIH~l?roj(dCl and ale<I.d:i.[Ig de'Ve]ope:r of ~ s,tHlUemcil~::tg u!~\chnology, pl,~a~se:5 Ve'nteu: ~nd

i CIUI.~·dL~n earlyp:roPQl'J:c.mofdlC


much d~lblto eo on:' -

~ cCH,vorkers" ·'l'.hi.s h; a gl'e3£ :SIJldy,." s.ays ~ Chu re b •.!.\'Ve Wli,~ecd have d ~p ~Hid.genOfl''Jof,,:Si to ~~O son OUl' ourfull.i[lheri~:ance.lf 1 vitalk in
5 lO a dDctDI\ his:rl.'fgoilrlg to do either 'Orn!!

eentrast.went buck-naked, ge~l:f!'[:ically, T~I~e paper incl ude s a Iengthytable that lists more than two dozen gene varianrs he '" .gle bases w much more obscure V~U'i~l.tiong has that have been ussoc ~ate d wit h. ~ncl';llmks of DNA sequence thai bad, been increased ri. ks for alccholism, antisoeial s inserted or deleted from c hmmosomes, behav ior, tobacco addi ctiou, substance abuse. heart disease, and AIz:li~e~ll,'ner's. !-\.~I~I lollcll, the analysis found moretlaan 4 mil l.ion varinnts between Venter's Venter ~HlyS he IUI:S nnC'Dn~erlil:S about making this infonnation public, stressing maternal and paternal cbromosomes. This the v,l:&l .Inaj odty .gf C,] ses.rra in; ;;mod ~u,g!e$ts that hUn1]:;;IWliS differ by I~J.5%.not 0.1. %, as suggestedby eartier estimates, eJ]seases are uot deter:m dby .~ s il ng le i geue. "Win 1 r~'(lny get A..I.zhei.!l'[e~'j! aflld "To understand varia~i()n" yO~1 really Heed heert dis.e~ls:e?"~,sksVenter, His father W~lS. to un de rsran d 110'lV m uch the rei s i n 'the ,genO!~'1e, ~tidwe'v'e uever r.e~illybeen ~b]e a s!l'rwke:r 'Nho died at 59n~uni s"'ldder~,;::~]q:'~ c 1"0do thaI Ilea d-o.ll."says C o-aut'h or Stephen diac ~n:e:5l. ~nd. ~:lhi 4<ye~r-o'ld ll'l:OillCr sdll 8 Scbef1er" arnoedk'11 gen.eHc.i$t ~]tthe Unive:r'= ,r];,IYS golf ;~mds.:;1ilswifh fuini], ··Wh~) wins si~:yof Toronto. Can~h:l3,. ou~?" ~1.sk5 Velue.r."Ther,te·~ gowng to be a S cheret l~u[lle dI tthw ug~,~ Venter '$ dif!ceren't ~ms'!;M'eri m eVt]TY Ol.l!eof U$,'" .h:1[he end, S~lyS V(;;nte:r .• dIe HJO["C peopl,e; genolm: for COl»)!' lumlber v~r~::i'liom, (CNVs). :s~re['t:h,e:s (l,r DNA tl1<'1 wh.el1 L \MllO ,pub~k: t1ll,e]f eotn.'1ple[.e' DNA .l1J'iJcl, heiilhh histm:ies. ancl trtlits., lhe iI1lOre l:ead,i,ly 'CO!li:lp~lredtu ar'efere~1(:e genome. huv"e ,exU':a or mi,s8ing ICI.'HB1ks. SC'ber~r :pred,i.cts sc:ilit\['llws[S"'\fil~ bs ;:Jb~ew i.n! sti~,[l1:1al"tlwe rapid '~ygfowi :ng number 00 fi ~'1'teSi~ o{lfl]um,g tmnUl!l genome. "r don't thin:k we'

;~dlfu,e re searchers seq ueneed l



~]~ion NAb~l!Hil!i. Tilley ]ooked I'm: everyD thil1l~ fron] easy-to-find differences In sin-

ligat()1rs'\.-\rh,Q s:nldy CN'Vs \evill 500[11 begin tOLll~l]ely checking DNA ",all.:tples Hg.]~nst

htlive unyf!l:ung to fT~ar'"

w'e !lave aim to


Vellle:r. '''And:
":~OIN (Jm:lIEIN


HA lit I IIN HIE ~I!JJ 1~liGll AN G IPIR()V~I~K E" (lfilllN,IiI-For XLI, Yan Churn. a wHdli:~e geneticist at rheNortheasr Forest!!y Unij

w leading tigerresearch gronps, Notmore

th~n :SOwild tigers
Captive tigers, on the ether

So in th.. hne ~990~. when SFA ofl',ici,~l~S e

begj:uli exploring the ~deOll (l,freslorimg Ch~na"s

remain ][IJ China. 5iay~ its State Forestry Adn1!i.nislratiolfl (Sf A).
ha:b1.d are ..




vem-shyhere.the e.ighl Siberian, or


tigers clustered ~11l the dirt under a shade nee are ~ 5.~gll of ~hope.Although confined

~o,~. hrubby enelosureat the He~l(Jngj.ioang s Siberian Tiger P!J1Irk Harbin, thetigers in itl;))! one day be used to help bring back what China has virtuallylost: tigersin the
,.v~~d. It's the dream,' "

booming ..At leas..t 11 ,(HJUtigers ofmixed ancestry are behind bars. estimates RO~,l TiI~o~,1. djrecror of co~u::,erv.atio:!f!~u Ule M:innesota Zoo in Apple V.a~:ley"Ahoul I:[HH) dwell ln public zoos in Europe,
Japan, North America, and othereountries. A:-;tomJish~fiI.gly"more du~;~~ 50.00 tigers

i:mp0rl:-a:r.lce to, the m~lkm--'t.hey lnrm~dIi~.p~~rt : tu the tiger-breeding centers. But they are

lyzing the generics ofthe park's snl), tigers

~odetermine hew .inbred, t~'le'yhavebeeome

s~~yt; u, who is anaX

also consideri ng ()i~:herl'IJl.~%'IIns,. sueh as trans'Io~.t~on~'Oif·wi~.d tigers (Jr, .iJJ~~s:ible,.s~mply enooumgwng t iger populatious [0 reboun.d on tlleir OWrn1J•. "ln~eChlnese d.e:spe]';rte~.y liiMaml(wl) bl.~ngback thei r wild tigers," says Ti ~son. But: tig!jrre];trHn'Jducli.oi] is d.l;;]]lelJlging.
reqnieiug a genetically diversepopulariou and r~a,"l estimared 1l"'liiI1:il1lum ofl 00 I',). J revpacked squar1{;;:ki

in lili'le hands

ofp!~~'Ii"lue owners in

America, And at Ieastnncther

.:mool ive



state and pr~v.atetiger-breeding centers (or goverument-ewued pnrl was "farms." as many couservatloulsrs call founded 2 i~ years ago. He estimates that them), mnsUy inChina, about 2'~)O.of U1e 'cats. are genetical Iy he~hhy enough tOI be used fer such 1!1 captiv1e breedi!l.g p~ong:nWll. Reintrcducing captive tigers to tfue\c\i~.ld ol,ay ,'iiee~::I1 desp~l1Hle p~a!~, But thepl.I ...gllill ~. i

of wild tigersis indeed desperate. Just 100 years: ago. an estimatedl IOO.OO!]1 Ug.ers
representing nine subspecies reamed A:si,!J1 irofil] Ch~l]a to Turkey. lhday.,. ~]fh;1:r~l~mo~,t

lometersper tige:r-nnt H) mentiou tlli':le need ]0 reacqualnrcaptseeanimals with l[rJ;eD'iJ~es ef U~!e\i'ili.~d. Twl:!>[m himsel f'prefers to. avo]d usi ~~,gcapl: ive eats find ~i s Wt1irki]]gw~['h ChineNt:: otlkhl!Js to restore the South, ell ina tiger (dle rnos I. endangered of ChiIl~';S; four ~ubs]J~cie:s) by ,pevhia,p~U~]ltg wild 'tigers of'a cI:0.5e]y related subspecies.
Indeed, for some scientists and conser-

a ~.


-' ~



~: :;i'

unrelentmg human persecution, fewer ~Jm~l tluger~ remain in lIH~wH~;,


2006 Internerional U~i()'~ll for the Conservation of Namre and Natunt~ Reseurees we·port. Tl~e~r teIf]hny has d'wind~,~d (IS well, with tigersinhabiring ,~, BIl:I1IJ~·~stlr:ellill~,i'tlilellmlillllg ~ilile? Wineis,'iioldilll w t~9I'ermere 7~, n f their hi sro~!uc nllrlge. accoeding §iha!led boUle!>, but ~fO:rl (~N:::aI5:!ie5i!1re used to brew it


vati oui S~S.,[he e apri vetigers a[ ell in~'s f:uV'c z u ~ lii commercial breeding centers represent ~, rh e ir 'WO[·Sl n ight nunc. 1 y ar gu e d, at ~ he


~i:'~::'!r~'~~~r(~:~ ,I : ~:'~t::';:;)'l~e::~~,::! i
tlmclll~,l!H un~l,e:ss destroyedthey

w reignite the l:r~u;~e ~nli.ger purt~, which

droPllcd dramarically

\\viUbe used

li'I~s ~

since the Chinese

(lbmestic banin 1993. "The purpnse

0 w,

... fa,cl!~(I'H. A 5Qulh (hinla tig(Orprepares t.o attack a

.,. blesbokena oo&'@l'IIeifl'lSomh Afrh::(IJ.

organizations '(,\i'..a:rnG'l':!h~IJt m,lY suc,h expansion t ,;/\Ii~J~dd tmnnflLd to wi.~.dI~~iger~+ln response, be

Chi~li].~rgll'e.>(1111a[ salesfrcm the centers could of (1.'119 tiger farmsalways hag been aUHi:' provlde ITh6leul!ed funds for conserving irsfew \'vi]d tigers and ~upprWi['i Ilgt~.geJj'eint.mdu'C'rimli. r linue!; to be sole ~yfbr commerc ial Ill!rposes, te sell rlger-bone medictne and, wiue ," N earl Y every ot'b~r state that ~:ilaswi ~:.d, charges GIl'~'ceGe G~]hriel of the [1'l~e:rn~I" tiger numerous enviroationa]1 Fund for Animal \ (.]FAW).. meutal grrcmps;roared ~I~,'li pmtest reiserating he~dq1!.lall!t~~ledl ¥anl~oluth Pori, M~ssf!c~'lU~ that 5m:;:]~a nUJve; 'I'\rnuM clioo'!u 'the few in seus. ··Andifth.ey':re allowed to" sell, these remai n:ing .~'"~Id~[ge'rs by rekindl ing di:lemari ~,]!!l:lducll>."U- wi~~Hl'Jlean theend of tigeFSi in kietflJif Ugev pmts" Jhey ~di'W(::~]]ed 0!1 China rhewi ~]devery where,' to close the t ig(.'lr-breed ing centers. "China 's
han fu~]sdone ~o

says the captive breed~,u,'lg of tigers s,h.olll]dbe ~estric;t~ d "on Iyr,o conservingwildt i.geF!in and that the relines should nor be "bred F~r til elr parts and derivat ~ve:s."
Nevertheless, China 'has not stepped
hack fr()im.11m .imtewl].all debate about whether to ~H(lw irs ci[iz:e!lS to reS,lDllle"lgtjgerbO:nJC medieine, a~l"hou~J1 most tradinonal medicine practirioners .~rgue that ~.Ite:rml~

rive's exisr ~~,'lJd t1lrenor I:'eq]uesl.ingtiger bone. (Indeed, last M']Yj'the ~t~te~O'\'\~e:d •. ggu]a Un Pharmaceutical Co. in Bejjing pubfished a
Stil]l. some t:lflheUger~lb:!,eed]r!J.,g een-

ch to sa'!rfethe," S<!1:yjj

judy MiJ]s of~beW.a.slliil~:.'Igwn. ~~d po\"re'rlbl:~ymuscled bodies, have long been seen as, emhody.i.llg m~grnc<L~powelJ's. For ~M' leastl s,o~)yenrs. rrnditienal medical :pu.-acririgr:::f~~wid:l their .Iust.rous.
~tD"~]fH';!cl furs

D.C._:b~]sed. '1IH,erll~li!O[i~~1 'luger CO~ilibol]. "But tr.ade of !.llny .1\ ind from .!I,IlY source andfor ~wlyreason

~tudy th!lltmn~e ~{lt ones '!t""l;1:re b as effect-ive ~1Stiger bOI:JJes for neatlng lr~~~luua·,

f~.nFMjr:s, throughou~

..ASi~.<il have prescribed

remedies using tiger bone to trear a variety

ofailments BUlin the from I'lileUmalisl'lI'I to bllpmel::LCe. 20th century, the tiger~'bome ttmdo:::: increased eXpo~'ilenria]my, as did
sport lI:Iun~~I'il,g~ deliort::st<lil ifli", •

threatens ~['s;~mrviv<Jl. Nor i.slhefe any need to :Il'einrro(!hu:e tigers. They breed ~ike house cats and wIU ccme back on their {j'W[IJj i:r t~ey're protected lwmu poachers,"
In [I~e e~::td, ll inajo ~j~::Led other delegae the

tions at CITES and passed ~ resolnrion that


rers sell tiger-shaped bottles containiug a hrew made by steeping feline carcasses [:0 eice wine for several yellin;, says .lfAW·s Gab riel. SIFA ufl':"~chds :s~y tll,~,at~t!lewi ue ru::i made with II] bone. O!Ie centers resrauion r~1111lso snld what irclaimed W~lStiger mne~lt. a as n:cen.tly as [.~st ye~~w. 'Gabde1 adds .. And the centers have hundreds (]I f t:nuu",jnerc\io:f H.ger carcasses,

To stop rhe ;S'lilIug~lle[,iml975

the Convention on ~nte:ma.lion~il

n~ldeim.~ Hli1Id:ilugelfedl Spec.ies

o (In r rent

Historic distrlbutlon
d is t ri,ibu ti Ofl

skins, bones. ~]i[Jid 'Organs in cold

SI:orj:lge. "They are valnahle, we hope muse them one



Wi~d Fnun.a and Flora (CITES) banned the :i,}_~. trade In ti gers and liger parts, h[l [993.
China-eo nen tbe prime destination for tigers [poached elsewherce-foM!O\1i.1ed thls up \I' hs O'liV!l domestie ban, Yel evenwith China adheri ng to beth ~::1Jli1IS, wild

s.~ys· Li 'G~Hil!g,gen,e]"al manage r at the Si ber ian Ti ger Park. "I' 1]'1 old eneugh Ilt):'\/V that .~ myself would like ro lise Uhe

tiger-bone med icine," AU this creates pressure



tigerbone trade, "Since 2fl04,. we've

China's domestic ban (Jinthe

tigers have Cfmrinued to dec]ine in mm1t of the 1.4coUIlUi,~ (lli~~~: harbora popularlon, b:ugely

ofshriuking habihlJ. lack oflaw e~1Jhroeme[IJt, and ~l,renewed trade

l]gerslldm;., The Snlberl.~m. Tiger ParkChina's first=was born in 19806 \I'illum 11. ~vildllife b[o~ogisl decided

Mi:1m~g.ewnetu Di:v~si:()inor SFA in B~'ijl i.~_~g.In 2005, 8FA began research ing capti ve-t iger breed ..
.inJ,gmn.d the medical use of tiger

recelved nll;]my petitions .... to ~~~[,()i\!J use of tiger bone for the medicines," exphti,n;sWaml,g Weish.!.mg. director of ~lIeWiJd]i fe

m hope cf deereasi ; sure i(lil1lhe\.\!,ildems. Bu'l be'~brre'

:~ ~]W1y ct;;;iillli\';e tiger

:;..or ti;geu,'-bom!6 medicine,


w breed

C;;lfltive ti~,efS

a S(H.!ret:' w.ith the Ilg p01ll!(.:i1ing ~Jre~~


P@!:U'lS !IifIaf:ie'

:~ k W th;n'lal~el:' c]i]:il:n~t'lbaa.1ne~. d~ "

d ,~ mL Ie. ~1itnlgg~ng,t liS .center~Ullitl


oU~~I!'Sm'ned 10 [(}U~'IS'~S ro ~llliHI,Q t

s~~hngtlgeriS to .~~~(J'I
1.'U1!eeUl'lg til Jun.e



A l the ]11.081liecent ([TES

I~ 22 June..

:mtH (St:ietu::e.

p. ~6'S).. du: centers Ca!nle'

i~ under fire when lrelaud .noated a

:il"udy :~ tmded i:tem:5 deTi,~d~li"mill capl,u:vC' ,t:) wildlife. Se'!rfer<ll. emvironl]]enJt<l1
g; iW

~)rnpOS;;1l~ Ito

Fir~t !.is~ed iRS E!ndangE!,redi'll 1'975, the tigecr (Ponthera tig,}is d~s~pp~~ringfa$~~r than ~lIE'r,. i!th only a~ e~·tlma~~d.3,000 SUi'viving w in the wHd. Thl"e'e of H"le nill1l!eknown, subspedes.-BaU (I: t. lu~lim}. (aspj;~m(P. r.,virgato)i,and J!avan~p. ;t; s01.ldaico)""""""'\are extlnct~ amltthe S,ou'th Ch~na tiger (Po. t: amo~~5is) has n!Ol be;en $'eeF1l in fh.e wild for 20 yeaIFS." Iindia Irep{)rt,ed a heahhy popJ;,l,laUoflof 3,642 Be'!l1lga~ lI'gers (R. t. tigris)' as f'E!'ilJel'ltay ,as 2:0Cn bl!J~I'IIOWhalS ll.5'OO or [iewer, alc({ll.rd]ng 'iDa 11'I!t1W, y~t- UIi!P lib lis~~ed glovem me !l1lt~ IJlrvey. Btu: in Nlejpilll a rnd a'r B'illlillglade:sh;. Beliligial tigers; ~Wi;'holldil1lgfasl, and f'l'1l R.1IJ1s:sia's IFarEast the crih(;;dly F,l!mlallg~:red S,beriiUI Ugef I(P. t .~lt(1iC'a) !lil1ay' b~ m,(lking ~ $~]gM cO:!liu!!back,.T:hle Mi8J~ay,an5ilJ'bs~:H~'(lles to !o,rk"S,()m}, recently (P.. dl~Cij!f(ilil'edvial gen e.tics" 15 e.lildangleredi n til e IIMiHrlI.ike U:s b ret.nlren.

bone toassess their "scientific basis," S11YSWUil:JJg duriJmganinrervi1ev.' in his office. "Thelf-e 1Il11U~~be a benefi t to the wi ld t i~~r foom the rl1'edi.oiil.~. oft~ger bone Uto~~f)g u~e c;;]pliv,E;tig:ers" for U~:eban '!Q be ].ifittl~.l~e ~y!i, :s FA ]h;,:J!s galher-ed expert in:pu~d~l:io:![Ig~,':I inf~ma·, ttvo tim.uIl toU'f!'! "l.nd ~l W(lrb[f1{~pt he srt.ys., acknoli,v]edg:ing th;at [~lle conf]k:'t bel\'Vt;:elli. h,w Pd~l'tio]]s "is the
v,~l'y strong:' .He says the!lgcllc:y wiU try '.~() fililld ~] ~)~Ul·io:ii'l"· Uer a

~ientif~c ~]w!(i!lys~sfd.1f;: dat.a, o Wang ,iu.ui.scs dun the pro··, 'po~~,~~ 110[" to· "n;,open lhe tiger :is. mlde,,"·R~]th,e'r. he says. "iid~olJl,r


fhe m'le of

.W"Nw,sci en cem

Q 9" org


Vo l 317

7 SE PTE MIS E R 2007

tiger bone from captive-bredtigers. patients will (w!ly be ~1[)leIn buy ti:g>er~bo!]!emedicine at designated hospitals," The r~gu~t:1!ted use of such medicinesmight dry up the remain.img bl ack market, he says, e it i ng 1m survey by research em;;.It. Chin .1'S Seien eeand Teelmologyhu;'l"~m.]l-e ill Beij.ilflg. D rearms !of IrlE!'lilIU'nl Gvenas; the tiger parks pushto sell tiger products, tli:!,ey ~m$ they (::~u'l~d!i(_} elp l h save tigers by breeding them, Indeed, rhe
mostceutroversia I ti ger
;ITe introdu(:(;ion

3JgerPeter Opemshu"'f notes [hat ''''1: 08' do not: 'reach' er ;'mlin'lJ!e tigers ro hunt. Xr.,le lel" S up SW1ILu:I!:tionrls,.vhe:rehy they teach themselves to hunt ll~dIDIg their m,aLIIJra~ instiuers," .Amd it l;i\o\{):rks, says ..After feed:i:llg the tigers ante ... he lope carcasses, ~lereleased three Hve SOUdl


~re "hiepolitical

differences ..

The Ilis:torlic;;:!J ck~sigm!li~nt;,!!Ire there ondy

because there .i s ~]border;" The t igers weald be given [Il OOO.!.sqlla:re-k~~Onil!~N:;rpres<~rve


snadd ling H unanand Hubei :I)'rov:in'ces,

Tilson's proposalw hh SFA callsforcen-

pine ~]mdfir trees !('~You African mUdope. or h~esLID;.h, inrojhe ~:na~e vening ll~e exi:1i.t~lUl!g l:~ger:s' ··c~lmp."·~m:;hlntly., tbe; two tigers can't rer~lly callit a forest. since' rhe trees are chasedthe ~lJllekJi~e "at tOT) speecl!."~cnwching ~~)W$, of corn, and there's :lUlL" ~]. ~[td: k illlug first onethen theother (1;1I,fO. Moot weed Oil'bird o r m1.mrllna~liniii igh r," he :says) h;;!bitaL of shru bby g.!.·.a~sh!u'!~ days, the t]~.ernare fedmeat ~but ~dJt)ut 'omC€l to the ()]'.i~umO;JjI [~llen bu iId.1ng up piQrpuh'lt:.ions of nitlt'i ve deer ~ week they're ,~.JI~o\ve.dl.oUI1J ~l1aml:dope h


called Save China'sTlgers.Jnvclves Sou!:h Ch~n~ [.ig:efs froru the Ch~llIf;l;se ~ge[' T Rewildiugaud Reinrroduction Center in

keep up rhdr sk]]b:' S;"Y::iOpelll~h~I\;V. The tigers, will have no trouble :s;wimching

P[\f;!;Y fn)~il S()ll~h Alri,c~'i ~:rI'~e'~ope~o Chinese d!eel'.lP;redic~sGary Koehler, acamivorebiologj s~ 'W ith W.~shimg~ ton stare's Department of

~~][I,doar, '[he tige~-'~pH~feHedentrees. Once b hub ita t and pirey~1re restoredand v il.lagers (!I-J01JI~ 'Chitiesei;iJ1lt,eUecni~~S\.;/ho ned here dU!i,~[Ig~heCu lt ural Revo Iut ion) rei ocate ell Il:1idochili<II~,g€:rs 'wQu~dbe bmllgl.~t in from another as-yet-uni den til f:iied ~~Ol)u[rn n, in

Fjsh and

prdb.'1uly y.c!ung ;rige:ffilt1"lV~l]g theur m.o-tiler's

Wil,![ire ami. one of lis scientific advisers, Evenmally, per]l~]PSby

next year,


territory ..."They will do just finc,"Twh;Oll pr~dic:ts..He hopes dun the 'Proj~cl will. eventually "give Ch~:n<lJ ud ether countries a a model that can be used d sewhare,"
Me<1l1"lA]:~'le, ~nYlilllnHD1PI{1!vi nee roe<lli' L:i1.O!S.

fuope~ the fem.<tle~

'\;vill 1e'!ICh thei r offspring 10 ~fllun.These

as-yet-unborn tigers,

or perha p 3 the offspring of the off, spring, m.ay une day

L David Smilib, a ·"vi~ld~.Ue biologist from the Umhrersity of M~.l'iJ.Dle~ma,SLf~'1i1J~. and Zhang U. a wi kmfe bio]ogn5t at 's NOC[,~'b1~ll Ut.l.i.versity~,U',ev{tlrkil].g wlbr~lIIl!gback thelndochina tilige~: ilsdf: nomore thi:lin~.6i!1ire though[ l\(),Hve 1.1]. ChJ[I~.,. S~il~, "thereare l'Ji:lJree' reserves thar PQilen~i,~.d[yh~l'1,11e popl!!l~ti{}ns.·' says, S~rl1it:·h.whowith Zhang and YHml,'lI~ul'5 (ore.<;tlY deparrment has launched auin-depth survey, In A~lnl, i()rl1tl o!'"Zhilng's stude Il~S pl.wQtographed ~U'1[ndochimli tiger inside one ofr~e
reserves (see phom.Jeflj, ]f [[~etetlin finds a

live free ona 200squ are-k ilom e ter

reserve in Hmmn that Li's org~~miz~l'~i:on a nd SFA p[~rIi~g. restore. Me ilmashan ,I;[ mum P!10vince-;;]!ld bui ~di ng. up stock 011 a reserve in South Afri.caJ., \-vElere no wildti ger bas ever stalked, Started by Li Qtm~,1,a London-based businesswoman. the
--.1'-""'-" orgamzanon

But other biolog~i!l'k"W'~lir:lfy Ul~r even if S~ve ChiT! i;II,''s T]g,e!~ succeeds inplaeing ~ h!El'M,][hy,.huut[mg riger in that reserve, it' wou't be enough :space.

bl"eedi:~~gP")'])1;U~~!l~i()n Ch~n~. Smith~mgg!e::;~s in t~h~uhe Chinese fo~.lo'NMs plan for Nepal, t where be eneouraged U1e government to. work

·'"'_ll~.lJie~: ~UJ ...- .t'L~I'·tne c'l.phVtl ',.~ ~ IS ~~\ I.H!I 'il.. ~'-"'"

rigers so that their offsprimg can survive on


W.llh.the ~~pprovalol'(,bina"s Sf A , St1!Ve'China's Tigers W'·e]ocillted ·~vo male and makes the unorthodox. plan, W0irth nyimg. he l'\VOrmm,~IJiet1g~TS W~'IJ .003 and 20.04 (or.ile 2 s,~)ut[~ Afdc.1Ul s~te.lhey chol!"f';: S~HlthAfr~c:n and !;JlherS:uppoftefs jU'!si~n,''If'l.Ji,,~ do nothing bec~~JIJW "if's wry h~rd to f:~iItlJd!mmgh 3p~~ce for lh(;'; South n1,i,I],f). ti,g.eil',we wiU los~ :it. ::;0 I ".l' '~I' ~WI piAey "CI'lUla,-,-- I.e;r\;,p. uus, 111 . .' ~ d we need to be cre~'luve;' s:ays Wang. Ot:be;r rei.ntrodnedonpiwjecis are um]d~r iVI mt'ly '1i.!il,c]i-con seliV3.1 i.o~::t0 rgnr:l.i_zali.o~.\ls fem~liti lh.igh]y'c:~]ti'¢al il;ln~l!e pl,an. '·'[t·s a W~l~te VW!y~ :too, b~it tlieJ!ie ~k in the: p:robh::Jil nf "re-\,vilding'" by relying om ex.i~:aing poplJ!llaol"dm.e and. l]1o!ll.ey and no~ be:netiicial. 10 the sp'ecies~.'· ~lYS iUs uflhe ]nter:[mliom.] Tiger Hom~ '~lf\;l,rHd. lig€:r~e\.;e~1. they ~ucefmm a dif= ~M , if fere:m:snbspec.ies,.Fo:r e){amp~,e.Ti I00:[11 is \\<'O,rkCrnditiOiI1. "t][ eW~l be dangeroUls. ~incc r]lere ~]re qij.est~ousalbou~~ht't g:e~le;t~,c ~nte,gr.ity iingwhh Sf A om]a :prqj~ot to re~t(~[e the So,uth ofd'le capliliv~ ca.rrs:' l1l1e~]ninghm IDIWll\lly cap"" Chi~.'Hl[~g(;Wpcrh~lp!S by us:jJlg :ius dose OO'USi:ul. t tive:HgeliS are hybrids, ()if 'n,:vo Ornlo.r6 stlb~· I:h.e[nciochi:n.-.. rige~.: Beh1l,'e~n] OO(]lalld 1200 >o:f species. ·~~{Sb~t[eJ to put al~ our 'enons :into these tig:ersare tllought to ]ive in i'catJlie!ro pOiP'" ulm.ious in CI.lli.I]_~~. L~lOS. C:;m,']Joodia,11,1l~il.aIl!d, rigers Ih!.l.t a~ready exist in dl.e w.ild." L~ ~ys ~he~ ' ~~tac.ked Vi.etnmn .. ~nd M yanm~Tr'. ".M('gi ~md ge:ne:uically, you :re.aMy C1ln,'t:le~ ~ rhem, I~o]'[1i'I:i~ ide~il by e\~ryo:ne,. bui: you have 1:0 ex-peel that "'l',ori~h H n.ew ludea." Pr(~eCl ~Jtl1D.n~·orpf]l'l;"S<iys. THlsoTl" addri.l1J.g ['hat the sul~""pec.ies

with local counnunities topmled the t~g:er. "'Tlhiew,e arenow I1I}{}re tigets ]1.1.Ne:pnl. [about. ] 2.'0]then when [ did m.y Ph.D. research ill the ,~, ~1e uodulc:t.iom is sueeesslul, more habll~l' \v.ii.llilhe ,~970sllrnHJ.·8!~Js,'· s~~yg.largely becsnse of ~, ..... .increased mixedforestcover; "That is ~le key: iij. found, T~lepl~gbt of the South Ch~na tiger

because a breedi,ng p(lipuhlli~ol] 01"10 ti.gerR is est [,111'I,<a,I-ed 10 need at ~ea;S,I:1 000 :Sq]uaoo ki 10meters, SFA~s W~ng coumers tlmt ifthe rein-

:i!' good tiger h~~hit~t" ~, Backi 'n:! Beijim!g"Wang h:asn 't g~~fenup ml i c~lpdve t,ig~n:l.. If th~ Save C','s.Twgeil'~ p.IiDject t'u{;{:,e;eds. h.e Sil.ys he lIH.i.g[~tCO~1!side.r <! z ~]rei,lmod.uCl~Qn pr:agraUH for the i t:~ge~" W'l~'> tl$jn.g so ,me or·~~]e ge~~e:t~ic ~I.y ~ a "". i:) h(;)aJfily ca:p'[i.veSiberian l:~gelis Xt]has wd:en'·' Z :31 UHed at l'be S.ibe.l']g cenler, l !L!. Blu thai rema ins. only ~rIi i:d.~,a.Fa:1' now,.th.ese: g Sibe;ri<ul t~gers.\\rilJ rel1l' c:~tpdvitYt ~: ~ enw:rnli.ning tou:l'isu;;. on dn: Number On.e :;;: ::l' Ad'llentiLureBus, ch:al'lumg chl!lruks of·r'~'l;Vll"lreat. :;:;I. m!ilting wit]]. rheitl- (:'Im;(;jrel~tives. R'i,f~I~.g; ~ iil ao z

Dlost tigers ,[i;ol~,'les:edays,. hehindban;: fheir fljlte ~ner de~l.~hncenain, u



-VI RG'IIINIIIIMIOREil.l. \t, rgfn;la Mcni?n 1s ~ SCli,~n(]~ 'writer'~ n As.hla nd IOregfl1n"

~. w,


VOL 3117 SCIIENCE WNw.sdenc.emag.o,!'g

h~l'veshownthat CN\fs can :..'1.1:510 powerfully influeuce a per~oll"l 5!,i1.~eptibi~iry to d~~e;a.~ '~ and ro the side etoocbl,ofulI.edkaliom:. And each conaecdon betweena 'CNV ~~till it disease sugge!i!t!i novel rargers lorth.eI.·l:n.Jlies. CNVs have become such hat QQm.lnod,ities
that s,()/m.e·n:se~rche:r:snu'l:l,1 cOli!!le[JIdHl<;y"re~l~ impormnt as .m.mallliens i11genesihemsel ves, And several co!up.mies that spec:i.OJlI ize in ~ml~

lyz~ll!]gDNA hl.:lve: eveloped new rests (0 detect d CNVs. '''Vi.'e 're st~lFtin!i1lID see CNV $ i!!ll!OO!Tpa'~
rated into ~{nostgenericstudies new," says

,goe'll~II~'cist '~Tin: a Sick C1Ii~.dlF~:l1Ji~~!l Toronto. Canada. Bt!l\:V~t:~!1J ll [ a excit:eme:lU' .\ill,i,rIi'Ulli1d~I].,g eNV!), se\lel'a.~I:~"ading resesrchers in the-field
Swep'ht::n Sdhen:r.

UI:ge cnlleaguestokeep


DNA Dupllcatlons and ;Olelleti'o'DIS

HI'B,lp Determine Health
can IPoweriwHy

cheek. One used ~Dp~C'k out dHplkflt~:uns and deletions ~~re relatl vdy blunt too ls, ~eadiugm widespread eenceru nuu 111.11· more eN Vshave been rep0Jiited than m;liy e;.;;i.~t""'fhere'li ~ ~ornn~ in [he eN\! fie]d [~]gh~O\ol(" says Lee. n Yf;:'l there l~ gowinga,gruell1Jenttti1<!t CNV s can ~.1H.a:ve pm.fbm,.d il],fl,lllelilCe on oo'l)mllining a
\liIha~m.]'k.esind~vidu''1i:s uniqjue:, far

their enrhusiasm in C~""C~I!s l~hflt: ile ~.i'lUlin~ieclflno.~Ggk~s i ] htllllffiiU1!"S;'gel!jHIJII~ii~ dis,minlQluished by e;dlra,~,a!nd someUrnes m!ls!sll11'QI" IDNIA that hll'ipad eveilJi'tIMrngfr~;"'rrmidevello,pme<mit to di~se,aSie'
:!iJbl!e.,.i:llvesUg~tiO[lJS of tille ~hiu.mO'L1i1I gelloll"

1991. both ScienCfj and .Ntllure turned ~Jo\7if1l .hul1es Lupsk~'s !iubl;l1:i~s,iQin~hnl described an

found thou~lids. of v<l!ri.uJri'lms ~n~le. number 'Of

copies of agene, a piece of a gene, crlarge

beyond health stams toaffeering' underlying pe<~fm<d:ities. "What's cool is that we ore a IJlO$~]~C of pieces 0 f gellome.~." H<!iJ)lS EV;:1i1:1J Eichler ..who :St'lJdiesgene dup~ic~l.l~~ol::LS the Uni.,"ersi,~y!Qif\l!.~s:hiHgM.,n• :aJ\:
di:f~i:n:~I:L(;e~ 1!C!Q!hand ifi:1


link between, an Inherited

S:e~lt!.le.··Nooo of USis In:u~ynormal," Ilh~y.on.d betief:

humen disease and .a novel chromosome aberfi~HM,'~[t: wasrejeeted w'idl01.,ue\''e"1l being se:nt out for review" recalls bi!I).'\.:li. a geneticist ~[ BrllYlm Co.lle{;e of'Med idmein H~usJto:n."[:e',xa&. U ~1]:~ kif;:the m a ! ~ill'!~r~n~e red ti uy f mUlatimliS rnn. genes as tb']ecause ofinheru.oold d iseases.Lupskl
:g culprit.Larer :~ harbors ,.,r

stretches ofDNA.-;:;;o~c~drnedcopy number

~1iI"iaml'S, or CNVs,. "Ihis \vh.o~.e 1!J.e\'V \:vor~'dhas been openedtlp,in generJcV:1jwiariou:' SiI~ysoyt.o-

genet ici st Charles

Lee of B righam and

Wtl!lR~1.1~. :1~].giS.pi~~1 in Boston.

pointed to ~~ rel~~tively large,

8 dlu.p,I~.c(~'ted region ,of one ehremesome .~ rioe, inserted m


as the

research ::l,ho\i\l'tldllh~tthis dnpliea-

id]]n the same chrom OS;O[!Jl!e,

Geneticists are stc;md]~'y linkingmoreaed more of these CNVs to hUf!1:1HDl marn<i.di,es. :uEliclud ing A I zhe imer 's, Park iusons, var ious meneal retardarions, autism, color blindness, and ~~':l~no!lIl!icl.1!1 defoemiries, Several studies

Geneticists have long known that extra or missing chromosomes. or cbromosome fragments, visihle under n microseopewhea H cell's. DNA .i 50 stained, can C~l'J[I:S.e cond hio]] s such as D:Oi!;NIJfI syndrome, The-y have al so tied scores of di seases to moleeularml sspel UlfIgs:
mut.1ui(}ill::;.lnind~r'i,!wd:wll bases that make up

:an;':I ~td~~iti.m:m.l _,1 o:frl.:L!Jtme iU\!I©<.i.Vb"d ill oCiOI)\! ...,


the DNA in a geee. BII.U, as LUI)Lski discovered. orher rhiugsean go hay\~/~n;: i.n the

~ ll!l~1k ing ill aerve cell's ]111'0 tecrive sheath. The' :~ exna dose of tile gene caused the s:fuJe.:llhs< to d is·~.i.IQl'egr~~u: .. ~nter!!u:~ti~~g signals lbe:rween the I~ brain and th~luuulls and foot. Atd'fi:~time. ·'there



~ 'lil"d~JlO;a1·lIp~~c:i~.I]n~1 fh~~tcopy numberwas !:l


:~ mecliamsm of disease," says Lupski. whose' ~ !Studynppe.;_~'ed ilill Cr.:1l1aJt.e.t dtHye~[r; ~ Lupski'sl ilnk. bet ween gene copy nu 1]1her

~~( U'Fl, )~~



and theperipheral

neuropathy known

disease (CMT) m~lr:kcd




gencmePieces of eheomosome« mu small to see with. a microscope can break on~! ~macl~in the wf'O]l)gpb!.(:e" r dupUca~e..ereato ing "struetural WU·~.~1t·~()m1Is""a:u:lge in size frc:m]2tn 2 !U1J]11 hlill bases, A piece ofa gene. awhole g,eme. or ['Iila.lIlly ge~~I~sc:t[l. caught gel up ~n UrJ.ese r~',~U'r~~gf;l~lF1efqts, occur a~ wbuc~~ DNA iscopied during ceU division ..

UI.!J.~j] ecently. r

'[he~e suhmicroscepic

~---FI( ~HG~~

!Oilliy has his dj~"C~:1lYJed 10 progtessi II ~ UI.l.d!ershmd.i:ntl <'I.niC!t!lote['il~~I~V_-_'.'treating - tili.s dev'!i1 :;;.

• ~1':tt:lJpe]:1~fligof'a ne!>v chal.lter ~mhu~rtlan gener~ ! I,..

changeshave escapedroutine detection . lnd~f;ld, nnti] t11e ~1uman:1Jgenome was Milld(MrllA ~ ,N pp r~alu r~5
sequenced researchers had fC\\1 clues abtmt their existence, Now.\i\liJh a reference

g ies, Not

stage:ioiU"whillt ~o ~liSuningdisefl5.e, bur ilalso sot the~lncl.o~he.r 001l-· ha5l',ecem[y.beco:me a ~rellz.,'V10


-+~ D)c( •. )

betwe~n d]sea~e~nd g<:HU:: dupHca~· :~ t'ioins 01."delclious ...A.s nc\'v t;(lchni.qu.e51!()1 :spm
:~ ne-C~'iUll~

U SlLIC:h ge:nel~.IC: lUfferemces;,

b,:~,'f1e'beccmtll,e ,f[V"dil ... ,

1:II11!.I1iIle:~Ol!lS p,ossrubHide,s. llhe 11I!l1mber o~·~:drrtl. mis5~lIlg. ,andl mllJt:QJted (n~d) PMP22 glerM:~S~edd5l(l neu fflptllthi e:5 (CMT1A QlnJ(j H NPIP) of V<llryilllg :5e\liE'ril.~.

in hand ;;wld new tt:ecilniq:uf;':sto ~~na~ Iy.z:eDNA.di5.cO'Ife:Jry of snucunul gelli1etic em:..· ferel1l.c:e~ in an indi"\!'~dunl h~.s 'Ibec;:oInlecm11~ nlonp~ace. ,~mdthere s an illl'lc::reasing .a:pp~~cia:··
sequence t"iollnfhnw big

t:heypl<ly ~t1I111J~killlige.]th

.\NV!Jw.sci en cem

Q 9.


SCI15.f\iH:E Vo l 317

7 SE PTE MIS E R 2007

personagenorne distiaet, "The field is 1Il1oving
very 'fa:ir;" s!:]y~ L up~ki.

Theideetificanon ofthese v,ar~~tiQr!is ~':Hl.'4), upped the ante on lile:sublrne ,,\lays [~!Juil'ms di!l~~· expected, but welcome eOllfi:UI'lJ};)lJtion came

degcribed lmle results of their search for CN'VS VlrJi 20 "nonual" individuals, They foumd :2 [I CNVs, 111~][\'l!ta.'ii, f~r more t~ii]lfIf1eyailld others

~ernber iss ue of PloS 11 iology. res earchers J. CF~i.g~!lter'j;j. ~~;e[!(I~ne !Se~~~ence eeported that this seqnenciugmaverick has more th~I.'l !0 CNVs. .. haff ot'them losses and 6 h~lf ot'them g"ins (see Ne\l!;.I'S.$~o:ryby CO:.~e!1}.

fer; Over the '1)¢Jj:;l decade, studies nUll COJlflp~lJe DNA d in~reuce5 between individual s h~w'~ found 1~'J!!I1! ase changes, called single .. b nucleotide po.~ymlolip.~~sm.s, or SNPs. (pm~·
nonnced ~·S!liP.~")I. 1!lb!.4!ldmH,. ere occurring as lie~Hently ~'lJSonce every l'()OI basesin the 3-· bi [lien-base- long human ge·:!i1ome. Now CNlVS-'I'.vhilch by (Ie Ii1nitioll m,1:;DNA ~H~'lChes of5·OOb~Ise.,> mrne thar dJifl~' li;ol.ll the [illUlCl'H]n. or genQme re~el::-~nceeqtre'llc'e-----,are proving. to be s
(~,"umall tJ],<iJi,i

\'Meeklater 'when Nature Genettes pubh .. shed ,1 paper on~linc: flDliU ihe labs Of1'()rolllO's Scherer
and Brigh;~lnc!l3.nd 'Women ~ Lee, who nl!l~lly7.ed 39 h.ea~lh:y p:e:lQp]e and found 25.5 CNVs. In.

Di ocmterin.g avsriati om in genet:lopy number is both studies, l~'le ~!ve:mge'perno~~ ~bmn ~1 r!'P'\lV ~:he e~lsypart,. says ge.n.eti.cistt M~tt~le\¥ bad dozen CNVs. \VI1I!e::1l they first su1b:m.iaJl'ed t~~ek 1.1urlesof'the Welkome Trust S,ailflgell"rnnstillUlW

paper .. ~lI;ys Seherer, Uu;::fOUl~ brJ!own bmlU!n CNVs .. i ncluding the om6 Lupski hn:dlou.udi, uumhesed hmt 12:,'~T"vo oftiuroo 1~\r.1e'i\leI~ s~lid. '·U':Iisjus!. can't be true. We \-l"ould fua:\fC seen ill
befure~'" Scherer tec.~I~.!i~ Scherer, tee. end other colleagues have
since ,cre'Jted a DH!;,~~:m!Se Genemie of

in Hinxton, UK. "The much l~mder t]l:i.l1g ~n ~s. det~m'~I~~;e in'llIJ;1tCCTo\\i'Md. that goal, Hurl~s its (HId colleagueshave put togdl.U![;.'r DECIPHER.
a databasethat caralogs CNVsl inked 10 d~s··

pre\lioil:isJly thougmlL

CNVs stretched n'l!<I!rty minds, Flrst camea paJ~'elrin rile 23, §u.~y2(~04issue of . .:scieuce (p. 52:5), ~rIlj,\~lI.k~~ JomM:'ha:n Sebi,lt and
q]u.eI"lcy of

Vanants to catalog 3.11 reported eN Vsiu normal humans, A~ 'of tlltdr most recent update in s Mi.c:h!:1Jei \.ViglfOJf ofCo~d S:prjnglW'"borL~1b(Jnl~' March. they had compiled 6482 CNVslt,oul! l'o:ry in Ne\v York srateand co~I~:eagues 4{)1 p'll.hliJeati,ol~l:s. JUSI: rhis week, :in the 4 Sep-

In 2004.1\'110 reporrs that derailed the lre-·

ease, Ali:iJd,l~ p~lnla,fthe. 'Gen'lQ,:une S~r,",cnlf~'i] VfllJI":ifltion Consortium, Hurles, Scherer, and.

Lee-are :fie~]l;:hingfi)r additi!oin<llli.lnc't~oi1dIYi [re.lewm: CNVs, ..ln OLe 23 NO\"~'I.':I1ber 2006 issue hil ol"Ak;aw"ft, lIte a[~ll:.\ll(]rt~umre'Pmll'{Jd.ilIltil <l.~iy2il1g S!


210 ~le.aruthy intlividuals fromfour distinct

etlhn~~c pOp'ubHic:ns,.nley~bullld that 14.5% ,of § Ill· t~~eCNVsiro these people included genes ~, 1.::1 ~]Ir:eady id~a;nif:ted as having a role in inherited ~.

~i <iii


di~oJide:l1>~ sU.ggesl"il'il.g l~:ll,]t [he v<lt~ann'Sn1J<1Y 'De~,

key :illl amw.icllewlli.iety ,ofalfll~Clm:hls.

llde cnusorliun~loo.koo. ~t~~nd:ividlJl.:lIIlsfrom ~.

[he same llop1.:Dlatio.m


EO, determi

ue therem~t~ive;

ofCNVs and SNPs ii1.<.I,h~.i:n:1ig ge]1Je S expressiou .! nthe '9 FebnQ,Rm'Y issue of Science' ~ o tp, 848). the researchers reported that CNVs ~

~7;7%. of gel.l:e-expl'e~~on differ~ SN'P'S aCCOLUlM!dfor the rest. These fin d~l1g:5, they concluded. underscore tha1. s.ignif~emu. genenc V"&rhatia.U:l {::arni:I1iVo]VB i;lveryr:hing from a 5i ngle base c:h(lngelo milI ions of bases, ~locrun~dfbr

~. S: ~


Ch~mo~-Mari:e-Tooth 'type lA
X.-lii1lked hypopUuiraris!m

,(!MP'22 50)(3

[)iemyelil'n€ltio!li!l~ !lerip.hieral

11111 males,s:honstature. mUd rneli'llt.a![ retalooailloll'l

Autos.omal. domin~ll~tWNBl
I.e !JJlkm:iY'itrophy
Pi3ll'kinso:n'-s: SI'IJCA

.Demye:lil1!atio:l'iI~whi~e brainl mau:e~' a,li:l!rlorma~i·ties

Neuron de!geil1l,e~atnoi"(, righ:lity,. ·~r·ernQr

Yel'f~!Il.dingh~~~ CNV ~"]l-e!~~ eXJwe::;.. .~: la gene .d' sion or :1i~VQlvt'S adiseese-relared gene :ns 'still.a ~: 0, far cry from e)tpl"':iningh~i· It acn~,Uy c;tu~es~, symptoms. As it l1L~nU; out. CNV~ can eause ~: problems by several din:enm~ mechanlsms, In 3 the sinl![ scenario, extra owmi ssing copies of ~.
agene alierirs Q'I!I,e;mUI thus. dl<lIlg···

.Alzhefrners .ALtered drug MlH~tabol.ism


APP (lfP2D6
(( U


p precursor
S !hl 5Ce;ptl

protein buUdup

:side ef[leds:, 'iil1icreasl@d o.,r de<cn~,a)E!d efficac.y bHi:t~ ~:oiI]lifectio,n and di:s.i9a S€,

.ing llroductvt1i!llevels Ordleprotei u e:nood~db:y !:.':I: w ~ thegere. => ~ Genes lypi.caUy (lome in lX!!i:rs,onein each ~.
set ofcilrol,lilQ;!H:m,1:r:.ts. A s:il1~e mis..'liimggCo'].r:te call reduce protein pfod~u:;;t]nn,. and if bofh oopi!e~ ~,







I!mlre,a~(ld SLJsclll.ptibHHy ~.o k.i:dney faHure

l!l~,EHll,ta I

are missing, i.l can shut down prm:iulC!lio(!)l~ruQi- :r !

rille syndn)mes known as \IV!U[~]ms'"Beure n, Sn:1iil:h-iV[agenis., Pl', .Angebmm,. and. MilleJ~I)iebr)lt) \::1O:lor l.~,ndnessand preb dis:posirion to CluiilllS. lupus., and,A10S.. Gen.e dtlpHc'I~.i!tlin.~-wmur;h C.lIll!:r()im one tfl!nnr~ rlli1.!n a do~:n c:o.pie~of a gene-in
. COIDII!II"a!5l. ·can

Smi'~h~M_ag~nis.5!f1~ rome· d



PiPl ~·.At!

Demye:~i!1!atio:fiI~ paralysis. or' legs. inw ~untiliry i~rr'l(i r1lg of hgtld

S~nall dete;rloratiol1, mild:er Idlis.~asew/~a~r olillsel
~j',e!inlt~l. rettardaltioll,. spalst]dty, Ila ng oa ge-l$Pi;H~lh p mbl~i'I'i!s

g~~!her; Su(;h ~li'lis$in.ggenes ca:m,tl e'V~yU~.i.ltg ~. lrom n~mnd,e'\le'lo.~Jlnent;)l1 d isorders ,i~ inelnd ing if I "" ~. ~' ~

~ ~

.spinal mllscular alr(il~:h:v

RletHIke sYil'ild~(iJme
MiUer'Di!eker 5ym.~r(lm!e
Nle~ll~ofib~orn:allo5is tytPifil


B ....
o· i
0 w,

BIJ'81in, menta~ lFetanlatioru. epi~,i,2ps.y


Tumors, u~gli'bjltlve deficit'S

of eM'. Studies of fnm.i!et \

Alzhe~.III.l:e:r\ dise~is.e h.ave found thili

b.:qlSk.i diwco'lfe[Fed. ~~K;1lex~~ ]e,a.d." to ~.~~~ml ~

eXIT,,] ~


-. prCdUC~I{)ll.






copies of gene s. C{lJ~,1 overproduce the amyloid ~ p~'ecun,o[!F prute:i.n, 'c~using probl!eln~ fnr the brain, Similarly, geneticists :su1r!dyi.:ng arare form of e;][l.'s have found, can result from a CNV that causes the overprodaencn wi.thw[IJ.lhebrai,m ()Iftbe protein

!I;:lllththe CMT type lA


ex~)e\cwdin 201ft "It's ~]U'f,ery, very e~~!i'~y.'"

s8I:ysLupski Pharmac 0 ge.m le s re searchers, w[~o Oil]' eX~Ul1i]~1e .Iu)!;.'\! ge~1leti!c\,lar:i~1!rio:m;.mf!tocl!: ilr:lcl~vid~ u.~1responsesto drugs ••~renlld ing ili~:mle:lhl~o cons:udel" CNV s .~., Ii~ey eV"olb;l[e me\M rr1;j'.1.tit:lfllemS and unravel '\:"~,'lY some p~X)pl!e OO~:l'trespond,r,o

B ut 'ltil1n1\ll~~itbgt~':Leies between CNVs and t di]sea5'e t ~h!,rl!]Y'5 !;tr~.iglrtfo'f\¥"4Pd .11Iav~ u.g an exnaor missinggene often lilt'llS no appreciable i!np,ac~. SQ~JletWnles ~m eXll~] copy Oir a gene ineludes a SNP. m,~1kingit d~lfem'el,H from'1l the fLllml'a] copies, and it'S~h~lt si.l.u.gk:,~b~J. rnurase

~S" "

e)!!;i$r~ng edicines, Ihey now b:!ow.for'e..'Wrn~ m ple, that ~[I the subset ofcancer parienrs who
have extn~ C'opi!l;$of the PM?22 gene. the chemo tmlempeul.ic vi ncri s~iJ~,e aecelerates the ll]eUllfop!:]thi!tm, ~eell in CNiT type ~A ~mdshould nor be used. A:nmhe:rpotemirnJ ap'pli:c~lTi:on of CNVidem'i:ij!Gall!lHl to pefi:omdilzoo medicine .i Il¥Oh;~es.C YP'lD6. a gene that codesfor a Ii,\rer

tion tha1 causes problems, The SNP,in lu.rn. migJ1~~tiod~fY~le enect of the CJ\!V,I!ffi.s.enillg $ or ~aoorbl:1r]~1g du: resulti ng sYIl1!l)ilOll~iS. Orher
rimes, tlliJe CNV ~het~ the Itegu]atory macha-

nism dun connols (j1J geneIOCll['Cd [!II" ~lWily.o'r f~e creation ofu'(,NV t:litmli add or del!et~ DNA. inthe nl]ddl~e of an existing gene. ejrec~~'Ilely

Iill!:ld alert_ Two ,chlf{lmOSO!1!l;e) ({lli'llaiin I~Hfer'~!1t opy c rllJ Inbers (rEd d,ots·) of ,a: g!ene that cedes .;I n i1m~l;;lse-, ;;I11lell1.zyme thi:lt I~!r'e;;lk:s d,OINO 5;~a~(h.

cripp,limlg it ,_ awhole dHI~rellt!'~]ing go fiuu findIt's to il:lg a eN v to determ ini ug \',V]l ieh are rhe dI(JoSa.g~~'BI1:siti'vt: g:eriie.'i.·"r-e]t;:vantuc) .'1 disurdt:i~ :-mys Hie notes rilal: irtook lh:us gl\OUP&:'11.'
eral years a:f[erlinking

msnrary strand, So reseaeehers use a known su.:a~.';td:1' DNA as; :3. m.rget" ,r1!1.'ldi tlhen eompsre 0

much ofan 1I1Iidei~tif[t::dSI!i11nd .Il.yl.lridlizt:s

:Ull C{)llI'I'D~U~Son 10

seen with. ltleknown Gum~'!len1.e:utary strand, Power~l~:~ the technique ~s. it scrnetimes as


~]~'llOUIU of


enzyme and partially cOllrro~s how people wnetabo]i~eocugs. And researchers last year di~'Gov,ered l~1h~lt "m~',i~u in the uumber of CO(IP ~esof a gene ions involved '~,viJI, steroid metabelism, UGT2B17. migJi[ exp'lai.n V1;][i at-lOins in,,'>termle levels in 3f11~er~. In a study. VOTllJi 7 was deleted
mere [re,'! ue~lItllyi mKnre,li:l than in Swedish men, ~enrnl,1.gml:itilgl~er~,estosr.erone ~:e\!f!is iI:nthe' Swedes, Such work COl] ld improve d:m_g.d.opiH,g testiln.,g of oompetil'oa.lO by di stingll isit,l~ng people Wl:iH) take artificial teS'r!oo.rer,o:ne '!.rCI]''lI these 'N~~h

CNV to CMT[o

dJe:mone::1:iJ11ie l1mt itwa,s eeua copies ofUle gene P'AIP11l~~.~[ In d~seO'J.!',ie increas Dug proled 'by
Given the diJf.lc1!l]ry of proving causati on" there 's a grow ~ng concern that sorue

c;,~etecr.:s !DNA. d~1 lferences d~"lJl'do nor exist ,tlf reposts the same CNVs as unique. [dletIH.y.
researclierswousd compaee a person's
genome. O>NA. sequence to the reference

ducrtlon or its protein,

Alt~;10ugh thisisa

muehmore expeusive

process, Eichler !lImJ colle'j,'lg\:~esphtlfl to 'eJrnploy

higtll. levels in theil-body, H.guri:ng milt: tfue true .r~JI!~ NVs ull.imnre1y C p:~ay\\I~I~epend heavilyen tire the d of

researelsers h.~vebooll too quick to pronoru.nce d ise Wise' ~ssociaricesw irh dup~ icati onsand d1e]etions, ·'[t seems right ~'lO\Vl'ill1I~~t. there's this fervor with rCNVs, and everyone's testing:
their disease cohort and s,::l,;'We l:orub1d a cO!llll,ectirC:!,n that's ue'l~er been seen,' .. !lI;ljYS

t~is sequence-level S~'],,~llegy10 ~atber details abour the deletions ,i[I'H;[ d~lplicii!!tti!Dns in more than 50 .i:ndividualis. tlMt~rebygeui:~ a handle 011 the true ummbersofCNVs,

rechnologies fused! 'If) detect th,em.fII[1d~~e populetions thm researchers rap to assess Ii~'lksto disease. M~my genomies cmupal:1i.lesrecem]y hmw, pur serious muscle into developmg better

In~o IpllI"atth::e
Once a CNV fiS eonelnsivelylinked toadisease,
how does that help people? ·""fll~u.!g a Durning questicn for the, '!;'I'~'H),]eieldand Jor SNP ~"''}>Of elations as well; Il(1~,vdo you ~nms]~lte~hat :Unfb!.'i!llm ]on imo n ph.arn]!K(),I!ogica[ SU-d!lt.'gy'?" S~lYS, ' McC~~rroU •.:a ge~i1e'~i.,ei:s;lwho'!lc"''()riks Steve

assays and have begunto collaborarewirh groups that have collec[ed DNA Ii'oi~H. wellCfu~]mCleri:zed pOplithf~i,QI1S. loolllIDId'$ deCODE

Eichler. One much-rei iscussed example of

a result that

be]d up: a report: in the

~0 Augnst 2:00'1 :i:;,SL!e ofCt'lit[1i~u tied suseepdbi,~i,ty!o.pbobi,a and panic disorders '~oa

Genetics ..which has; made gl'ie;llrt: strldesldenrllyu:nJgasseeieriens between SNP:; and di sense
in ~t:S l~n"Jed~lIitlibm~e lilmre~h~~~1JIr(l(MlO[lr of 100-

dlup ~ica~ed f·egillon of ch rn:!:HoSO!1rJe]

ttl~t theli.ternnutT-=and

5• Five

landers, has teamed up with assaymakee lllu~,ni:naimSan Diel, o. Cali:lhrn,i[l,.


sub:.%allJl:~iu stud f:hUil[i, lilO stldh<llssoc.i:atwo.~l,. E~ch ~ei!" Qthe~":r-eS!e~rc:hef5\,"'orry, tOQ, i;lnd

,~ "·;;~bs;o~.!lH'elybogus .." Says Eit;h]er. "Tht:y're (Wen;,illl]l::Jiring,lllle :re~1 esutre.' Schere.r, m'li the .~ other han.d, 5u~pecl'S, th;[llt the Ihenrtur~ cuneiuEy

thus. the DaM~h1lseof Genomic V~ni~wl!r.;l' 1.~Ue're\d. too n~tluy ]ar~ CNVs. '\,4dc.h ~ypic!.t]lystretcl1lol: seVl;lnll] f~]nU~a:!rl(:I. b~l~es. .E..ic:hler nore.'> t:h~]t (I~~of the l~ bas~s 1e,1l1COI]Illlassed y th:e 6500 CNVs in the' b :el dla'r~.b~.,~d:d~d'~~1g)eth~r ~ ~t~>t;:OI,i1,nt Jar llilOre U~lll Y. 20% oi"lhegeno!m.e. a n':tolicm he bra.~~rdsas :15
:;Ji; -

·"Wehave a~;ry Dll ho:i:h C'NV~ ~md S1NP's,,[the :Bl!tlad ]:mii~-i~ute,l]fi(j~mt efli)irt looking for CNVs'" ~i:~ys deCODE CEO Karl: Ste!:~ins;son.McC~rro]1 ]n Dllm.o:Jiidge., Mas.~aclIIJ5et1S. Re.'H;::~lJchers have! l~ulde 'ta1Jlg~b]e\'V'lY ;;]Jld David AI.lSlm.~.eFat tlteB!!-O~ld rnsl~m~eJ:nave San!~ CI,[lI,tt, \vitll C'MT type :1 d:~::!e~ls.e. A i'lbaul 70% o:f joined fQ:I'C~ \-vith AJfym1:~llrii\: ~~,'l \'\ih ich ~${:hlll;~~dby e,.,'(tllil copy of PlIWP 2'2.111 OdilT()Hlia. to devel.op asS(j],yS that ~iunu]t~lne~ all t;l)]'iEl: April 2004 il!iS,UC' ofNawre lvhN.Iir.:ine. :lI ously detem boU~ SNPS1[U]d eN\ls" And Nim.'l\'j'.a!'iI~ :~e:cl by Mk:l~el fon~s: of the: Ften.c'h bi![)~ blt'lG'en :Sy,~~:'e!.'ii]~ Madi);on. Wi:$lCO~i'IJ~iti. .. in medi,ca] research. :agency IN:SERM in M.1lr- .ullblouncoo iUll JJu~:ytha[lili:Ie (1e:ulQlJJle StnlcliLu:a1
se~]le. FF.!II'lC'e. !(,Ie:!icribed
'!or' -~

.~ ~,




~ ~


elflg]neerint~l. mi!oe '~f) overexpre'ss '~~e hum3nl.PMP22 gene, n'lii,l,nickling t!.lle CNV Lli1p~ki. h~ld f:~:~und i[1jp~ople. T.he ["CscarchlCl'fS demon&[1lI!tedlha~ hrngh do\S!~sof undOO'esrinlimll'tS the trw~ nl~':Ill'1lCJ ofCNVs. Som.e uf~]h;: debate .\i1~~''ItIS[rum Umil<1JillOI1L~ vit.arlJ'l ~JI.C .red:lIce{l the eXpire~\i.~'OfIJ ofP ii!lPl2'in of the ted;:In:iq~l.e o:n commo:nly 'li.1;e(1 to der~ct t'lliJe m mk:e. w'hk:b led EOFen'lyeliluH~on oft:heir CNVs, comp,amti\,reg_ ,enOlne Elybridb:arion. d!armag,ed axonsal.1.dillllprOwrnemts i,n ]oc;:oIl1oriol!1, ~n April, fe~e!;[rc:~ers at W~yne Adi;'iptecj lh.,il1l call1cer .!if;':~e;wch. tile l~hnique . S[!ue Uni,vel1'Sily in Detro:it, Michilg1Q.U1I..began mke::; advl:mwge: ofahern:clt U'm[ ~-\singl:~ strand. of,D'N.A, '\'iVE'll, :s[·ick~ (lr :mr~t)ridize~ to l~(JI!L1frl~e .., studieswi.lh high d()~~", of '\.I]mrfl ill:'l in parienis C

V~~riatimrJJ O!!'l'~niunlw:lnu~e C

'the co:mp~my 1;

new cOIHpa:ralive- gC'llom.e h.ybrridu~uionaS:5*]y,

\>vhi\:h com. n.uap CNV~, ll;]~t as t~iV


b!il.!5es b::Ig-1 00 tiD.,]les i11er re5iO]il~li!ondl~n the f

g'I1'IUp :t~ed ~1i'I tl.1l1' ~'n.lp ]t: puhl iS:htld t1l!.s~yeaii'.


lup.'>ki., wlw h;:u;, w,~nch.edth.e fieldgvm;v ilneept ion. says 10 e.;r,:pect marlY llTho:re sl,i1rpri~s" !'VIle "r-ec:~~m't:ilg. ne,\li,('~en.~~my'., I and'we don "I: ~m:o\'v,.vl1lJ~I·~i;,~'re going t1O's~li I to:' he !
SoWS""And tl~,,~~ '~fiu~:'
"';]Ol!ll ClOMEN

.\NV!Jw,sci en cem

Q 9.


SCI15.f\iH:E Vo l 317

7 SE PTEMIS E R 2007


C'11Hl1 I CAL E,MI




BOSTOINJ" MAS SAGIIHlI S lETTS U team. deciclled to try uanowires made fmm sili con ~usteed, S~Iicon h!j!l di$IT!~1rlter I.J!Oelectric properties iii]. bnlk.bes becanse its ~"uwf~ce canbe cMefuHy contrnljed it seemed an w(J,-eal bed!. The tests showed test a pleasant surprise: T~4eelectrical c;'OindlJ!c~ riviry of :rhe nanowires dipped slighrly c:tunp.ared to the bulk. but t~~ethenn~d condl~lC'ti,v~ty went thil"{)ughlhe ·noor. dro:ppilug

lsthere anyl~:li.lj[g.siliconcan't d(:l'? The silvery 8Ien1~Co!lJducttof i~ HITe.{~dy l~le belu::nU:rlfh

0:1' rhe electronics ","vor]d.Researchers have!l!, !!l11anipuhrte .~~gll]tas.wel], NO'l'v,a Cali fern ia-based team has ~~'nmd
coklecti nns of whi skerli ke sil icon uane ..vires make :lin i[lillparessive thermeelecl'ti,,~luJJatednl. c~lr~]bl~ of cQ~wert~ll.ghe~u flowiam elecu·,ic,ity!!Uilid vice versa. Ax l~lenleeH[lJg~a~t m01!'ldl. James. l~e<n.[h" ~~ elremist at tfue Califereia Institute of'Techuoh)gy (C'~he[;h) in Pas,,]dena, reporeed th,u by simply g~~owj:llJig silicon iB~O wiresaboar

P~lNhJ'l ide31. SemkQli]dtJro!l1~' eOOrn ems 111'1 the hea rt '0"


s,ides tha~ ,c~n be harnessed to do work. TIle' effect alsn worksin reverse: App~y a vcltage.und the semiconductor pus.he~ heH~Jrmn one s~d.,eto the other; So far. thermceleetric devieeshsve been too inefficjeut to compere witlaether powergenerar i, ng 0 r heat-pump :~I!J:gr)ech wlol ogi iSS" B~n' e;'(p~rrts f:hi[lkl~ltge~sc~.~.e markets COl,~~d epen up if a thermoelectric deviceachieved ill Z"f of about )'. nrpe:rh<]ps less if the srarting material \\\/CT'e cbeap,,, The key '~o m a:lUng efflci eut ~hefl]rl{l<electric devices is finding materials thal are good eteetr i.C3J I eunductors but prevent hear-carrying
berween the two 'IJ~bmti.ol:!ls,.known

the drop is due to pl!LOIDI()ilL~ ~Iuw~heir :111 ovemenrsbec ause ofi nre rae t: ionsw ith electrons .. If c5;O •. be .mdt[1'l,it ~Ltggestsll!Lat the mster ial S small d imens io us • rather than in;
··p~ilUI1.0f~ difj;]g

Heath suspects

'" in which



is,respom]::iible:., ln


ther m<!'~l€ctrk dll'l! kes COll1ifert tell'lipen~u,fe d]f~'el'E'm,e ifilllo !1!LOCll1tilll and vi,c:e ve'~s;1l."

l[)~:1iO(llons:, H."Q,mu,a,\~~]-

case, Hle~llhsays be suspects that spiking silicom wi rh m~,il:el."el:[,11I1ie~1Is[.0 :i mpreve itseleetrkn! cmld:ucriv.iiy and sl:Dw phonons even furthe~r may gwve silicon uanowire therrneelectric d.e'\! j,r;:es yet ('In oUleroo fl~l-llO:ii,~i.hly enough LO hand silicon yet 0ImliothJerjob in the'l:roni.cs\{vorhl

img<icl"{):S;s the macer-

i~II'~ crystal latti ee.

eq ual lze Ihe temperature OEI both


si.~:eslmej,so el iminate the material's ~I.b~lity

to generate power.

Anlis,IB nss Parti cles

,Sendi UIP ,8 Flare

Ittake ...skill and abit of luek tn succeed in

alloys of bismoth and tellurium 'vi[~:ll Zl" 0 f ;]I a bout I have~\H~en 990 l~ nmm:rll]!6'lerS t1cmss,he and his cQ~lle~1gl.l:es am und for decades, But ln [he I,m id- :~ S,' {) improved sil..eon's ZT -<1 measure ,CI<f 11.0\'11' l physicists in Mm:;:~<lld~ULSeUB\ ndPemtsylvaa n ia calcnlated thar til e etfect woul d spike ~f well ill! material converts heat flow to electll']C ity-1\nl e .urou.gIr]]y1.00nmes that ,of bulk the semleonducror were just a fewnanometers ~h]ck in ~[ least one dimeus ion. Such sil icon .. "It's a really impoetam finding," to saY5, eberaleal engineer Gyeoug ll\\,'a~'IIg ,of a shape we u Id, !!IJlky\:ye~~ctll'O~1>IS; eonrinne 10 fi'le Uni.¥ers]ty of'Texas, Austin, A~thpugh a w~.~~~lh:r(l~~ghhe materials butwou Id block l plhonolfllsmllu carrying heal' fmn'll one s~d:e ZT .of I ~:~~gs h,eh[m:l the record of2 .4" silicen of [be devjce l10 the other, ln 20'0]. is a far simpler materialthan lhe current researchers mml North C~m.l~na hir tbe jackrecord hol der-e-a C ompl ex, U1,U ~It i.l.ayered ~mi:]l-eFial, T]l~lt ;ajd'li~Ulh~ge., tog~lh.erwitlli t]]I;~ pot wifh devices s:ho'l<\'i.ngat Z1 of 2.4. rllade fro:l11 ,~ com p]ex. sand,,,,i ieh 0 f sem!1li,cQn.duCl"or compute r i:ndUSllY '5, d.rf!cade5 of ex:perien ce working \1!,1~nl ~ill~c(llltme~ilns ~b(H-~i'li(lmt~ I~ye]l's. ~~ch~sliU]e ~.s l tl:;a~~ml1eler hick, ~ ~,~]e~th and con eagues, dedided 10 se'~ b~sed dl,er,m.oelectri,c d ev ices ecm1d Olle day el.on:enb


Th erm oe le ctr ic
1 .

made I'iion"

~de~ce. So far. antlsense ll.itd.iLlf1Ioh:i~Y. which triesto shu t on' the output of partie'll~;]1l" genes.has shown plenty of the former
butlittle of fhe :~;;!!ttier.1'be technique has lowlg excelled :i n ] ~lb ~ulid ies, but anri sense-

based drugs have


reach the

marker, I.nma ny c a se s, research ers have been lefrwi shl ng dl.~y could see what "vent. "'m ug. N (JIi;:V llliley m &!yb e able to. At the ACS. o,neeHng .. chem .. S~ Chad i M~r", in of Northwe,sttern Un iversi ryin Evansten, I~IUI:J,(,]s;, eported that his team r has; managed toe reate 1iTily particle s (hat not only Uu·1}.Qffl~~e activity or geue s inside ce]lN hut ~Ih;,n$,end o ff' ~wgll~1 n!.i1in~:swhen [hey do .. ~~]lowi.llg .r~s~archers ~iI;l in~~I~~tly see\l',l'l~ether 'tll'l~~lf gene b~ockef~ arewolI"king or not ··h \\'!,f~]S nk:'e [<dlk:" ~ a

be inc:o:rpot'Jted ~nl1l C01'J111uter cbip!i tu help

co«)1 dl~l;l'l dmvn arIJd may evel1.l,lI~.I~y h~lp turlll ~i;i.s~e lh'e,JLtftoln bl)i.~el!s~md c.n engi.11I!es

Wll<l!t\iVOl!,l'~dbappen if bism.uth

meu::r-s,c~ll e d im.cnsi

OilS two .ins~ead ,o.f


.i.nstead oj)"~ht:t:;[~, .Be<ll~lI'S


val.uable el!ccwJic~llpOW£II".
em~.e:t, d.i£l;c'flivered

real1il ]uu]prev]ously de'l,l'e,loped ~ [,(;N.::lm.:ique

The :r.~eMloel.e(;lde

for n1lak~m,gperfec't n.llm1o,l.tin:~fH)1111:

5e:mi~ co:mJucHH" i.s hon>f;l.f on. Olle (han the ota~er.. Hlea'~and t;::~.eclricu.l. :fu~~yes nw frlo:u1 c n ~he \,vamFI fa dl!~ oocd m~,e.l~:1:eUQVC'· I
~g:o, vVQrkswllle:n a me:1liIl ofchar:ge.s ct-e'.<lte:'!·j;] vollO'Ige (lifr'ert:ruce

:200 yems

di~ft:'I'~n[ki nd~ of nmteriids (Scieuce'. 4 Apri i 2003 .. p. ] 12) nnd .al):p:lied .illO forge bil5mmfu nan(Ni.rir~~, Bu [ on the !-l1L:~:r e ·~)r e '!/,vires i,nH;lrl~er!;;l,d: '!/,'!/ ith fn.c t~,1t
lhe:r:llnode<Clr~cm.e<LSmrenTI.enlt~" The Coa. hedl

Un~versity of New Ode1tn.s, u.n lmn.isimm. AI.'I:huug~.1.he tedtnique i~~],'tthe ()n]y one t rh~t: can be used to gauge p~tt;e]"ns of gene e'xp~re~,slm:o,n~ e'~lt,ly indruc11,ti,o:n~ sUgge's,t It. Vlifd~. )utperforms ~he oom.p t::lition, ( .AI:lli.:sense ledllllo]ogy work sbyiluer,·, fe[F~l1Ig wiJh file ce.IJul~l[i' ~]~,~ell!bly line Unlit
fill"srcol1lve:ns .DNA :inl:o RNA.1Ul.d l:h~ll R.NA to prou:ins. The proces;5 CRn be h;uer~

s Zeev Rosenzwei_g,_. ~


dH~'m.~st~]l the


~. f;';. ~ ;;::

::r ~

~. ~,
~. w,




rupted at different steps, bUI, the method used most frequenrly h. to introduceinto cells DNA strands complementary to those transeribed [rom. the gene. When those '" complementary strands encounter one of rhe lr d:(}seiy related messenger RNA (mil NA) brethren, th ey hi.nd to it an d b(~lh are removedirem theassenrbly ~i ne", Numerous teclm.iqyesl~ave b'een offered over rhe years for getting antisense [)INA aud RNA strands .inside ce]]s •. i![!.cl1..Pdi g n

H you;"!'@ @cV8ir om:l>E!r@d wheltlhil~li~hi!!l't pijl@(~ of f; ~rnlVQU oought:aJ ~h@ ma'f.i!:;e t has :!;t;3 um@d to 90 had w h e l·p .-- . .,.,.,.n I..c (1 .. ~h \l;my. l"'\\. .th e- I"i.(C me;e,~~~ J'enn LQ'!;!'l9(!_E!,c a c..embl "...,~ast ~h 'u'_]\i'er,5_~y 011 ,t..n I·". ',. . ell'-' . __ _nay ."..0_ ue -,n me '- "'• ~_ '" ~ " -.-.~1Il.' L12 ~nn' . 'i~ -It Sou t Ih>CtlJrolfna, (oIu fITIIbj,i3,Ii\e l1ort~d thai hean d 1m ~teaglJ!l!'~'~1 d~\)IIelop!f:ld a diIP1i;ti(~'5tyl~ !l~nSfJIr flrll~ tlla't dn a rllge:-s color at the: ea 111y)t8ges of fuodl sp o~la,gre ]0 lis.h,. ~Ifs- an llnter'e:sti Il'Ig a,lEIpfoa c h, " sal~f)

5mn:l O'KeEl'rIEl, a food sd~lI'Ic(! c:hemi!lt at Vi~gi,"ia PoLyN~(hnic: lIuti~utEl o'3Ilrnd tatE! UlI'nnwrs;ity i,n S Blacksbu'IFgl., "Any lYipe (Jftoo~, Ili'~e'thts tha,~ can be hleX!pt!llsi'\N[! (.111:10m~d!e ~n Ilarge qlul!:I!ltuli'es ]$ of grt\lil~ interest to the"se€llf()(JdI industry .•"

Food ·scientiSlS; of a~~:s;tripes arejl'1l:~-re$ted~11 comil'1lg. up 'W"ith .sutCh device.s in the' hope of reducilI'I,gl'~h~ 7S lIlI'Qi (;mileS orffo(!ld: p,ooisQlt1l]ng'ei'ld~ yeill r ; n the U n1Iit'ed Stale's at(lrll~. Dirff;e re,I'ltfooo& gerlRiiO'n ~:rate diUe~lenl chemical proftHes a~slllley bJ:;!gin to)poH..IL!l11 kma aed m03lfiy Qithe~ j!'i,sh, bacteriallhat begin to break dll\!llfl the' IffiJeCit lC:ll~-op (,i3lu'bOlX.!{tic: .groups offalmi'J:iI,Q adds, generati lI1,g, QI wi.d!e u,~lI'ilge. add of CampOLI nds ra Uled btog~·rr~c ai'!lll~j'iia.i$. Re~~~Ir(hlef$ ~~ve slrn.o¥\'flJ: bi(bgteni( ami,~e"S, $1,I1~h as: h~$talhm;; mjl'llf: iillli1id aJidaven ne, imJ'e~se asrooo beg]ns to 'spoi~,lhl'~the' ~I~alytka~,eq u~lJ:vn€nt for Ic::anying out S;tu:i1te's'tS reststeas elf fh,!jIiJ~),;:H'Ids oif,[felUars, w@'~lbl1!yond '[he! r,eca;(~~ your .2I'Ilerarg<e Irn~Sitl:me'~~ Illf Lavigne and Ms co,t~.eaglu:es SU:5lpeC,~edthely could! deit more che:aIJlll~YM/ltih tlh,e Ihle~p ·of polymers; rha:t m:i1tdlJd. e~e.dri dity. There':::; l'il l'i'e,asiln.g iflteres~ in 'C{H1d!iJlcti ngpoLyme rs 011$Se!I'1lIS0IrSeca u5 etirnle b polymen can change theh (OIl1,dlllCU~t.y Si!Thdve'(1]1 their wl.o,~ as time lorientaJ~iol1l off the polymel["S. e dlfln[l,iE., So Laviglrne'!) team started b}f a,dl.d~ftg carbo~y:[k acid groups ~j) c.o,ndJljdi:ng pollyme:rs 00, allo~v them to bind to ,i;j Mlid~ wange o~'amifH:'S. WheJ1! arm~:rnesbil1ld to these Gillrlboxy~k !3(ids,it prompts a s,haJpe chaJrage aJn.d (l co.rfles ponding' chan gei 1m oo-I.or aa weU. Bi!;II'~~~,e eoior dll3 IfIlge shU. wa,s less than thE! Iglr,oup Vl!lIrUi tLlllm.i3lvl!3Uke~l. S o~he r,~se'illrci~,e;~s;;lidded, (':cI'PP'rilr'~o~he' SO~l!tlon i(.a:l'lltaililllnng th.~ IPo~ymel". l]]e oopp'ew IC(lllS~:5 UI1Ik_$tQ form lbe~Vileen ma:l1ly' of the po ~.vmerell,alRS. ,A~'a r@s IJjl~~thl' polymers pnEcip]tam@ ourt of SlohJ,tio mI, leavi ng it daar, When the: resean::ner5 tll~,ell'l added ,amine-s. ~ihiO"sebroke some t;he (ro:s's.-iin~s iMt:ht~1eI(.opper and forged bends with ~hle (.!Irbm;;y~:icacidls,1I1[.lmlliln01t:~le p.Ql~m~m~o dis~IQlve backintol~he S.Ol!JJIUio:I1lI,. TI~le upshot 'WiilS thatt time researehers saw al mu(ns.hawIP fw5et of COlOf 'c:hal11lge5~rOlmFe:d to purple depend~l1Ig 0.1'1 U'I!:!! a'MOIJII'1I,[ :;illlid ~VPI@Sof :amill1,E!s a:clded ..Mdirl1lg meti3l~ other than cOPlpe~ UPI front ~ll5Q ,9 a,ve~hem different celer ch a f1!ges, whic:h~hey rollJ,~duse l n combi natk!fl to' fl nlg:~l'prfnt spedfiie amiMS 11:l,e'ing geneil'.tlite'd.
l 1

p laci ngl,he

11fI :i us ide

vi,ruses or ~i:ny p lastie

capsules, or directly ]njec:t~n:g them, But each h:u producedits o\Vl!1i pl'ob1em,:s. Polyrulers, for ex,ai:OFipi.e, are o~~ly .od,esl:]y effeem rive at g:ening a p~e~,uil,lhl number of strands inside the cell. Even If vou can ,.,..,. anti!!e[' ~ sense strauds into rhe lOCUS, .it can be dilIi.~, cultto .know just bow 1HUGh ofit is bi.nd~ng

~~~d interrupting its u],1I'gets. One scheme finirjudg~mgsuccess is 10 add s~:]udl loops ~)f DNAw]t!hu uactivefluores ce ttl n1'l'~.I.ec1i,l les anached.When the DNA!) hind [0 their targe~ fuRNAs,. they unfurl, "'\f])].~lch activates

rheIlnoresceace . Butthese DNA loops (~m1.'t:surv.ive :~nn£ in oe~~:s. heeause rhey are
qluickly chewed up by enzyrnes, and l~.':Iel]:JJ the celimquires Into carriers


[Duncan have (Ox ic side effects.

Last ye~r,. Mirkin's group began work.ilClg on ~ mew antisense technique, ]:111 the ~9' M,;')y .2006 issue of Science (p...1.027). (hey ~~eponed thlil1' the'ywerc able w co~u
gold part rnc],e So

:~.3n ~il!(M:11e [Ie:rs. aero ~:s~vilh

Finailly. the rese~n:he:rs i!l1()IJfp!owatedilheir Contdudi!1!g polymer material,]nto,;a dip5~'ck

i.lilIlr '~O .~~.M\'!!!JJIsedin ih~liirl~p~egfij,lIn>CY t:esls, l\Qlli1'Iail':@ chfap :!!!l1rl!sor~ thaJt mnsUffire.rc~ ~]"II


fihQllV~dI 'it ~~IS ab~e ,t:o g:au!l@ th~ dL'!!glm~!.')if !lpo~I.a~J,eill'1l

dloz:ens ofidenti.c~.~ D'NA ~!li,ppe~s. A vari.e'~y of cu]mred ceUs: iSl(;;e;ll1Jed haJlPy~ol
nil ke ur~ thepm"t ioles, i:Ilnd ~he re seaWiohe¥'s s:ilmvedth,a,t .RNAs: i,l], lhs ce~,~,\:\rould b.ind U} ' i l'he DNA~8't.1i:Idded ,. an [c', and ;slmm.l~.~Y.··· .~ ;;0 - . ' ~loweT [mne:i mpl!'fJ{l,uctio n . .~ For their t;un:eIt'H\vork, Mi;rkiu's gm,up' ,~ fove d theSep~l,n~c],es i!l::lp by c r'e~n f3 nano-f]~~',,,,,s~ha!ep_·nr~ r Ihea.f SlJ1lce:ess ~In so_p-' ~ p~ng up RNA. The' rese~wcllle:r~ SiOilrl by 'cre~ :~ :0 ~~ting strands of DNA ~,gbases Iong ffi. ;;wldan:.1!ch~H.g the'se t~)their ti.ny go[d pani~ :~ c]e::! .. T~'~ley then CIit1nt~ com,p1,eu.:JJ.ell.l.ary ~ ~tra!lt~~ 10 lb~lse,slong that ~lls'lJ have a nuo~ ~ f'IElSCe'llt I.abel ,anad,1;ed and ~]no·,:v Ibe [WO to' .~. :i.ji tlfl ~H:e tip. , Tlt~~1 e ~ve~· th e i~ ,u 0 IdI $'I aJl(l~' :~ ;;> '10 particle S 'Nilll doze ns 0 f these d.oub.I'e-' ... ~ su';;unded i[)'o]llpi.exes. an m'Tan,g:emeo[ linn ~~in.acti\'~l['es. d1!2'!luo~'~scc~u ttl,bels.

l,Iariousns.h samples. ~~,vigne says he hps ahea:dJy bei,l.H1 d]SUi~siQm with a Mil.:hi'gialfll-loosiEd ~omp.any

to flnsUf@: th~ 'rood tl"iie~ aM abou~~o Nt 1~5 flf!l!.... R.F.S., ~



Spatti !il!ll1:mlll bl~i, COPPf!Watouns. (iUil 5e! Ql,lilld!!Jctl'nQ po 1yu11!,€ir~'lodll!1lI1P a'f~d f aU ~ut (!l~:so'~U~Q!I'! whille' ~dclil1g the til WM' ttargl~ fllDO'lecl.Ille.s b~~ ks the packiullt:I caUlSes th.e :iO~uJtiOfito ,hal'1ge co1ar (rright).



NexJ,~hfl ~ese~rrGhers hnroduce


~] limy fl~re, At~he

['"C~)O[l"' red



future., But rh'e I1Hlterinl d~dn'[ :shm\f


paJrtic:le:s .i.~nothe Icel]' If con:l!p'le~lI1eIH~l"yn.n.RNAs ,are pre$enl. ( :~ b~nd~o th,e ].ong DNA so·.and, beCj;]U5e~h.ei:r '" lo1JbiJity~() bi.nd, iffi g nlu;:ll,eo~,ildes aUo\c\ls

:~ DNA~smdded


5 mi;]Ul

uSied the [CciIllique

ll'~H::k ti1!ed:Ov.'ntT~fll .I.n's!'6i.o1fll of H ,e~~n-

tox~,c~ty endy ill v,itm 8u;uj.i,e's in ..Andcv,slU i.f ~~~e :nflWcm'l1p~e.xe.'i~renever msed<D.:S drugs.

M:i rk in a.lId ~!;l'yif'!\, sti 1.1wo eady the !Sh.Oli'l .DNAs. The :~ ousled !-;,hon slnuilds du::n drif{ a"ValY, l!i,~~llich t'D .ktun,>, \>vh,~t:~,1tel"~his nanop.a:rti,el eI"" 5 ~~ctiVtr~e~ lhelluore1'5c!eo][la.bel <Hild. sends off p~,] IJ'Nre sysrelrn h~!> <I~hen'lpemic ~ Ulem

an ]

gene il,1ia Icancer

ceU ,~,ine bi,c]og:is[s





~:niI have fl nC\\1 ~rn I uitital,ent'cd pIobe film call Ife1.1' DNA .inK~ ceJis. ]ight. Y u:p :rnRNA hi ..~ld ..ig]g., a.ndifeguhHe ~e:$'If;:
eX~.::l ress.iol,'l all. by
:~n;(l:~, f.


.\NV!Jw,sci en cem

9. org

SCI15.NH:E Vo l 317

7 SE PTEMiSER 2007


,Adlvam you I~caree r a ndserve so dety by pllu ggi n g ~he powe r ce of science I~rrutoublic pol~icy. ¥ear·lorrll,g Science ,t Technology p
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Defense .g1..6~obaJ. Security'.

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Sh1Uce1973'1'MAS fe[llows have !be'Em .a.pplying the'~r expertise' to 'federal decision~ma.kh1.g pn)cesse:s u." at a__ r e - ill:c lnthe U".S~·.~i1Ildar II , iiC! U~a c f~-"'~ pop~e e",,~ Lo;; -_. a . (lILHiI_

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'fellows h irrs. a aa 5,. (I rg~





A, P'roIPO:soll f'or ,8 Ds'c:ods! the Mind ,llniitiative
dis,ea:t~es. ,e'Kpl.<iiUn br;l~"~lnd r!ii,i~d phenomena,



novel CmnlPlu:~mg rnJlI"Ch ..aadenable


the con struerien

of'i utel-

Why is a m1rioml Decade ofthe Mind initistive 11)ooes~~rynow? F~nt, rapidtecbnolcgica! and! hiolmediej:l] progwess of recent years make [h e pI,esc ~'l!t ti me ri,pc'~br breakPI lIJEIEPSCIHHIFK U ~ IOERSlrAINICUNIG HOWIHE M~NID PEROEIIVES., OF throughs iu the: study of the mind ..Second, suel1~iuks, a~dl!l:clS is Vli'irhi:11 our grasp. Suchau UltUh~I$Umding~v~lli,lb11,ve cess .im thws ,~I]d.eavor wUI. have DFn<ld and, dimmalk; ail, fe\fnlu[~'CJiIl.]ry i.nilpact 011 m]ti{)fl<;l!,] ill l:e rests in science, Ifrl!(~d~i~rn[iJe, ~COI1l!Cl]1lic g ['o\lj,idl. security, ~ndl \;~,I~~b~]li1Ig. is O'UJr bel iefthat para]I impacts on the economy .. uarional security, ~lJ1id om (()Q!nil~RSdeme,gre~,~, eOilnbemadenow by e's.t<llbl~!~~~ing illuajor' N'eljf'Q5d!!l,n~~ social well~'be:ing, F~.m~lIy, o achieve ~l,Jtc:ce.s$.~l t InaJj,O!r il~;l!~leSm,leln,i,~~ research and developmenr wi,~~1 national research initiative called "'he Decade OifJh:eMind,'" A Decade of the Mind ~n~,t'i<u~ve 'w{)u]dl bund be required, with a rime bori zan 011 the order o flO Oil ~,rogres:sof'the reeeat Deesde of tile Brain rngooi\!\e Sc.i MOO rngll'lillilre $riJBlllre ( ~. 90-99 ).,.\:\0'111. i:t:h~lr.:ln:Q< ~'he 9 yeant A Doc~lde·ofthe M:i!nd . ME!diidl1i~ GIl.I'I1iPW:t4H· Sd!l!DOIr vis,ibi~~ty of ueuroseience (1), Unlike the miriarive could achieve Decade .of t~~e Brain, \V~] id,~focu sed en ne useU1JJ,'~5e S audimprove gnal! science and clinical applications, the Decade of our lives tH'U~ our ehilComputer 5ri~.n(e dreer's ~i"es 1[1 ways, we th,(:'; im,J, initiative .. by necessity; should be rransdlsciplinaryand M :Eflg,inE!@rim,gl .A,ffllilttidis(i ph".:! "y inli1VI,j~hem~lfics caauot now conceive. mulri-agencyinits ~l,rpm~eh.Successwill requlre research that tiillt~ve 00 l[II!I'!dersl>i!~d JAM.ESS. AtBUS. h reaehes across di $p'~mll.renehillssil:~el:lJas cognitive sciencemed: cine, GE:OR.6'E .A. 'BIEK:Eii.2 mind, ueuroscience.psyclsology, mart~el1l1iillXi engi ueeri !lg; and computer cs, ]OHlflijIIH.IHO:LI!.:ANID', iii NAI~(Y science, Ad d~[ion:!lillll1lponatu.i:ns.iglus '\,Ill ill needto (!QI1I.1:e from area s t!EI,IKA!_llIJIWI5HER:,".JEFIFREV L as cli:ve¥se as gyste!l'll~ b~o~ogy, C1.:IUUnl~ ;a.!nhrtrpology, social seience,
m bot i.cs..and,
.anlol;nalioJi1l ~"eCIUl o]ogy,

For these reasons; we believe a Decade Qf~:he[~~H.ive

shouldfeeus {l!n fm]~'broad, b~l[intertwinedareas (see figure). hllow; ~atiDIlli'!t l!'!S;litu~t?of Stilndllrds ,alf1dTechl1!lilogV. G.affth~stiuJg,M[I 20899, I ) Healing al::td, PH)I[~ct~ng the r.:I'ldl.1:d.DisordJers.of the mlnd ,al:lect: ~SE!l!li(J.r U's~ •.~ Ullii'!.1er!>itv ofSo'l!tilem n.os, lil!Dg Dl~""et5iily sf more than 50 million Amerfcansannnallyar costs exceeding $,4{lO' ,Mkhfg!cl"l. #!Uli11tii~b!lT. Mil 4B][09. Calli rQfll]ii!, S3111ti3JFeele'5, CA 90089, fUSII.)U j3,7SO:1, U5,I\, USA, ill1Id lIIIr5tj'~Ulte, 'Sal1lti31e. NM
billion (1). '~'.~ our ob~"~g:JIti.on~.s 6 1.'1 i SLS and he::allth care worsers to is scl t


4Mc:GClvem 111ii.~tiliUile, Ma,5$.a.ctilu5e'tl.'SlinrStlt'l:I~eQ:~1ie;chl'loA~y, C\3Illllbri\digE, MA 0121.39, iUSA.,

address thesesocial.persenal, iJ!!!1d economic burdens on O!IU' :fiflcie~y. 5TIf!~ N~ur.!)$d!!t!!<fi$ IIi'!Slilii,i~~';.~T'iOic!jl), CA,92][21 .. USA. '6l~fuaol!(il'{J(y oJ if!h:I!!~C\jl~hl)l"Qgf, 2) Ulldersmnd~llglhe mind, Alrhougjh much progress fuSilsbeen N,Mi!l)li!alllrni5liti)l~~ or M~lfIta:t Hl\!ill'~J1"Betlil~sdol. MD ,2'0:892, USA.~IIf!M Alltm.adrill'! IRi~$~olr&l Cellter;. San J)I)~.@, (A, 95]20-.6099" USA"~S~jhoo,~ Medi'cine, W~5hll'1gl00!l uni'o!ll!f~ity, St of ~c:b]e!lJ'edecently in bfa~!1!esea!!!'ch.. 1.a. fundamental under.;tanding of L'OUlS;. MO 6.3nO, USA. 'Ya~e Uni..~rsi~ Medka'l Sdl00L New H'I'!I"E!n. (If O'651.0~ USPt.. r r 1l),l),epaflmenllliJr r5ydni'a~ry, Ul1iverliity~r W15lCDI1I5iI1, Madlis®llI, 'W15.~n 9"'1Jl79, U5Jlt, hlt}w the bra,h:lgives rise te t~,1,e111l]1.1.d is still ]~lcki[lg. K:nowl!~dge of t~]en1i~ud':~ inuerworkings will require new tools thaJ C~]IU de>e'D·ly ·lhe vi,ewsE!'.iJ!pre,S,s.e<dtil! fJ!Ji$ a rtide do, !liDt ll'e!:@SisaJrity lnl'.glrese<nIt tll!eriews ~f the lUI.S. probe luen'l'a~i processes, Research should be encouraged on aspects tiJ,ati(lI1ia111l1~tjil.J1:f ,of '5~imdanfsilll!U~ lllecJilliiology; 1he u.s,. Depi!l~ment Otf ('OITllmefCE, Of the of themind bdieved it{ll'I>f~' ~]lli.qlDe]y hU:!l'l~[n. uch as fhen:1ioUnll of s us, g;01',emlfilei1ll. sel ~~ rarional rhought processes, theory of 11F1in.d..laDlglla~e., and ~TI1ts Let~eil' was pr,ei~rE!id a5 pad sf line' C(l••IlJl~her·5 OIficial diutj,es iiI~,altS., gevemmel1lt. higher order consciousuess, e:mp'l9YIee. iI1lle \I'1ew5 eJ~lJ!ress@d~1ll111e Ilitler d!)l net neces,'i<!nly reiliueSlellll~l'Ie views 0:1 the L 3 }!EHr:ic.M~g the mind .. 1\ better 'll~'1derSUlndi 1.1:gof rhe mind ''IN ili.~ til I:MH, fidlIH, D IfIIt1S, >Or tl~e U. )1.. gQ¥emrnem. . enrk:1h our lives hy ~1.lLlJl, OUD' education system at alllevels, treating mental illnesses and addicrious, extemding the mindto new R!!!~~r@!Hi!l!S ,aJlld INI(nllies
~kill~t and edm:.]tting, d'i:e genera] ~lu,bik::01'1 ~eg~~ Hnd efh]ca] .hi~lle;~ ]~1,ivo]vi~1Ig tlb:ebmin and [he nlind,
4) Mode~:i:l1grbe "lind" Combiningtheoretical ::lind C(l]]lpu.l~dor.l~l !l!e~:hodoJog]es'!l"".itl)] ellilpi:rical find~~,g!S. will be cnn:[;~,;'11thr heding,.
1. IE. (i.lianes. L rill, Meoo~l~ Scitllce 284. 7.39~199?~ 2:. 1, C:afe~. E.IiI. Brain f,acl£ A Mme. CI'!' lire 8((IIi!'l I1mf m'e,rvor.rsSystem' (Society tor . IN~~~oiSC,!~mce;Wa$hi1ll9~OIi!, !!IC. ~OOd-t 3. 11I'!e O!,U!Wllm re~!'l!'sl'lnUhe :51:eering c;omrlmillUee '!@flhe Oec,~d" ClJthe Mlli!d i!lliUaflive,. A IDe~die or !hili Mindl S,~ro~shi!n Wa'5 held (I!fi 2] '~Ci,22M~y 2007 ijlt Jhi!Kr~nl!)~ InsU'l\I!le ror M\l'ii!nl::oo sn,l~~i!lt (i~rg!1M~9)riIl11f1i~e:rs~~~in Nlrr.a~ VA. ~h~~ mi!lfI~ !If thei9~uE!~ oo!lllaiJ!:!ed 'in IIh~s :Letle!" we11e origi!i!al~ di5C:USSed~

understanding, ~nd:c'nl:illc1i1Jilng the mind, Large-scale brain luodeling


w~1~. prnedic:t i:uJ:d dhilglflo:se dh,orders,

tes!:: treUltleFitsliJof

IC,II a rilfiy,in I C lug ,HII'

IMan,i:I,gem,ent, in


e..cxtren'l.d,y hig.h, wt explains only ;;]J small theti()n of the f~~I!JHilia~ clutlt'edrog (ffUn·e d]sea~e and 'i;~,uu~d film generate ~~r'g.e nk~lge scores," ~i This, cryptic sentence, however, taUs fiIr short
of acknowledgi ~\lig.tharan u nderstandi rig ef
~~lb:soluce risks, absolute reducllofll. and dle
~I necessary

Letters to th e Ed~tor
Leuef5 (-300 WOf!:l5.) di·$(m-s Illatefia,l
g e ner <I' pub~i511e.(j in Scienr::~ if! lhe- p.rC'\liou~ mDnth~ or i;w~~ of .1

IIAM (OIN(ER~HHHAJV. MORRHL'SSGENfE NO'warticle "Oregeneougars to he hounded" (1i:I t ttl: I/!;c iellc e n lTV;',SiCi'en ce mag.o rg/,
c~,~c()n1:em:lfuU.12007162:9f2;pos~~"d 29 June)

number neededto jrearwi ~ be I

iflte-r~5t. TIl ey (~n b·e ~tIbm itte d tn ro IJg h the W~b '(\VIf.IW,!;U brnitl'!.{ierKe-.orq) '.l,rby regular mail U20D New York Ave.. NW. Wa~flifl~wl1, DC
20005, USA}. Lener~ are 1101.a(l(r1OWl~r:lge-d

prerequlilsti,l'e to u':IJ[!.kim, deeisious



maylead readers temisccastrne hOiV" the rlled~a~ ~~1!u;:rvenrion. There ~ISgeneral agreement in the scienpassage of tb,e Ue'I;:lI law, lIB 29'71" an:eClS ti:fk: comm.u:nity t:hH[ tile e'xdus~'\i'f~U~ of re]~~~ c;ou,g:ar mmmg'ement ]!fl HH;~state, lIB 291:~ does 1,1l0t: "bri mg,back hou~';Id-, rive risks d:ililitnrl,:i and or:~n grossly exaggerhunting'" or "evesturn" Mfj'cl:.'!'l,.UleI8" which


.Jllthor!. genC'r~Uy'~on~ul'l~d b~fDr('

[}lJilliC<ltIOl"I. WI1~ther
Ie tt~r'ioJJre ~ubi
C'l t

ptlbli~hed in f.ull




to ~d'iti ng for d J r ity

Jll d~


~~toesthesignifiicm.1ce (),fltLea[dl ~iks, and be<lrlefi~ s

was enacted b~ Orego u voters in 1994,. The (1--4). Abiso]ure riskvalues provide wnl1oirnmne\\flaw sil~'iJJ)ly c]avi f[ifis some ()f~he,lbi,gu~ l"iO!ll ~~iI'iU,~d L'f)p~,id~1I1:S ~ndpatiel1il'S~]ike. ForeX,a1nlp~.e.~1!YI)Qirhet~ca~:]y, anabsolnte I~js:k it:y i~ lffiteorigiual Measure [8. c Me.lsnve I8s;,p eei f~e~~my;;~I lowed the <!iJn<D.lysi~ ould show Ilun 2indHvi!(iua Is O'IU of O~-egon Department of F:~:shand WilcUife

g I'eare:rrisk of sufl~r.i:[lg .M] than nenearrlers"

'~g"()iS~ly e~<lggel~,ite:1i the Ki.gti]fiC<1I1(:e: of


variant get heart disease and

'Y<lti;~]rtt glBl'S heart

heidth risks endberefirs,' No[ OIl~.y dowe be~ie\i'e relative r.. k tu be a\l'eJy relevant s parameter; it is alsowhat 01.:111' study design
1J1~ In

(OnrW) '~o use "agents'


lIn.]illli~tge cOlJrgaf

~ il]{!iv~dlJllllJ without the


t::l'ltillHHe ![ijrec[~y and, he!Hlice, I,',~]e

populations, and ODF\~! in the initial

[he measure was passed. But [ile Deparmienr ofJl;.~dctl' later detel!m][led'1!~t ~~ was not demo that ODFW had ]egislat~ve j:lu~f)llly~:o appoim agieirlt'l..HB .2971 ~i:mp~y ~,mtlke5 ir 'c~eHr., ll].ephntf~ captioa used w]rh the article

ease, In l~h]sease, the absohne risk reduction \~"Olliidbe O.!~) %,. ] 0,000 people \~1'(m]d 1 IUl"l'e [0
betreated EO cbserve 1 bC;:'Il1Ieftt. and.99,99% of people with the val.·j~lln\\rou~.d11.0[ benefit fron] :ii"l!tervent~on. Tlieinereased relat~vensk fiJr .~ndlividuals 'wiidl[hlC' VlJlll".innt. in lbiil::! b:YJ){)lilhietlcal example, \1;.I().trlld be I 00%., amuch

appropriate valueto hi(gb~ight inri~e absuacr,

states that "eirizeas"





more impressive number.

The :pub]k: lh.e;.trs ~]~:n')ut healthrisksand when fuufil.timg (',!ou,gars, Sport hUrliter::;,stiU canbenefits fI10!!H 1['l!!1ny sources QlI a d:awly basis, not use hounds. Only agents selected trained, i:]md supervised by ODFW wi U he ~~t1Iili:1JQru,z€d A]lI.~.ougb HKinyappmllch,e;s, 1]"I!<IlY btl, seierrlltifnro h~ul'1tw~th hounds, and Oldy when they ere c~ll.~.ylegil~JI~nlte.~he' : Ilfli~iHterr.'Jiretlnio\n of stutistlcal relaiionships C1lIl.iI.lead to ~1::I~ppr'L1plf.iate acting in 0 fflcial capaei ry to implemenr risk !ll~Ul:;lgemeflil decisions. The scientific COlll,g_,a[' managemenr, (1A11R.I!()lJINKIE:l eormuunityaudthe pub.1ie \cvou]d h~lve been
ACtiliFQI De puly ~!jIU.dlif~, 3:406

Uumy Avenue,

[)ir'e(~or; Or,eg!o!ll 10ie p~rtm'e!lJ1: 'of lFi:sbalndi IIlW, S,illem. OIlt 973:013., USA"

better served iffimiratious regarding [he relevance and importance of th~sRe'porfs fiudilC!ig~\i'ite'%ie!u'lf.l!"e de(]rly ~fiti.ouhuecl.
~11.iifkl ! :::!!I'!d Asso(i !M:e:s, 110 E~s[ Ile~ :5lif1eettl'2:1107. J l3a~ll mere.IIl'IJDl212!02. 1I5.1'\,.~11)!l1lill'lmel'll of G;eogr.aphy and
Eillvirolil'f1'l:e,tlila ~ IEiIlQ1Jlileern iIIg•. ] ehns IHlolpkilf'l~Ulf1iiverslty. BaU~ m~re, ,MD' 2 ii.2tB=.:2:6B:6, US!'!. "1healJill'lewis p~es.ic!elilt (l,f a IprilVail~mrnlpilllY :!<p!Il'!!:iah'liilllg
'iill Ii~alSse~~merrl:,

The Letter gives a hypmh.e!'ica] example where the reh]thf~' riskis twul:c'':Ild, but the absolute i[l;clretllSe ]mri sk islow, P'OOSllU1Hbly so ~1Jighli.ghil fimt fuere tl~e effect ~! AI.lhough the h.mU:er might hoh:~ in some cases, itis far frOlmbeing true wm ge.nera~.Ctuilsi!ti.e:r a more concrete example.Tue chance ora~l,lal plane crash with 3. majur commercia I,<li:ri lne is so' small that, evenfos H frequent mer, the Hille" rime chance of being involved .<I. faMI.~1eeia dent is still very s~na]tThe ]nrter remains small evenwhen nllull~pHedby f1i\"e, b'L:It' 111.1;0:51 peoplewill proba.My agree that [r is a serious miM rtl:r if the chance .of .. faUll plane erash is sudd:enly increased fivefold. Ren.!!lf11l to our
m~nuscr]pl :lind:MI. a rather more common

ICh,or'(lc'lerlzin,g Hea 111:11 iisks R

IlrNJTHE: RElP'ORT 'A (OMMONI VAIRIAlflH ON dilrI"':cOOC.'lU'l:e 9~)2.]!ruf~i~DlS fhe risk ofa~~D"di,~,~


eecurreacethan a. p~.!:i!~.le'crash, The "cryptic sentence" Rifkin ~ndBom',v,el: rerer to was

meant: ro address a more subtle issuethan tlliie difference between ~Ibool e andrelarive ,;~:sk!;. m p()ip,td,<].t:io[l1u:tribm;;tble :lJ'i ~k(PAlt) of a g.elle't~jc 'II~1!l"ialU fOi a disease is defined as the fraction
of eases thaI

,el:~minJ;)Iledfrem the

inrnrcti·mr (8 June., p.. 1491; publish,t:d o!l~iine' Helgadonir es ,ttl. use relative risks bl cl!;;Jj~oocar~oi!l belween mygc~u.'dii;l!] i
J May), A. :im.l~ill"Ctiolll1Vln~nd a commol[] $~'quel,:tce W1[,i-, ~Wtt011 a ~pt."G.ifk: chrOl1l0~tJHie, T]u~ycO~1Ch!de Ulan imdil''i;'idnal s i!l!] dile popul at~on hom IlZY-'

R!efie!HFrMiElS, !iM(~, 1rr/(1fm lkI;is, ,Mat 4. 21)i ~200~). 2. m:. Go~llIoli1!·Lub.Ju,J,A&M ,213:9,. ;95 ~;200!3}. 3. R.Morn~hacn ,er at,. N. f~gl. J. ~Md..34;2, :Il64S (2,000). 4. A. Iid:N3<rdSet I'll" j,!m. 6, ,~1[ (2.m11).

1. D.. IHI_i:mdff1af.,

gou:s fi)r this, \,r~riaJ1't h.ave an 'es~irnal'ecl .1 "64~·

fol!d grern!r~r riiSk ofsu:H1:r,ing t~~annonea'!"-' rief1) :~Ild a. 2,02=fo]d rjS:kfUF early O:nl!'>e'[ !\If[ e~~es.Ahhc:ugh c~I~.CUI~l~ill'lg relative I.iisks and


IRIFKIINIA~:[l, !3O'UWIEIRFO(lj5 ONI1HE A,BSTRAO of OU["p~lJlef'.. 'V.lhere '''''re s:ununa:r.i:ziCddl!e d1i'eet

ifthe risks of 'the earriers were H) be r0duc[lldi to d'~]t· fdle ;U]onc:all"del['S,. n]~it Q the d iscove:redwnimu '!ms W!!I'I esl;im1Jl!ood AR .of P 2 ~:'% :~\o[MI i.llge:llel.~J 1l1.akes illS :i:ull'pnct ::lUl'o" s[aFItialliiQilll Hpl.Iblk::: helJlJrb po~nt ofvie;w, But PAR. is not the 1iI:r,plJ"Opr.~atJ0 oflhe oon,·, t:rib~iti[}11 of a '1i1:]Fi~IUtO the f~1111iU{llc; afth.e disease; it ~s' eneJi ll."Ieii\slIroo. by t~;113sib·, b linwrecurrence risk n~l A , lnnartucular,i k). f I" n;vQ val' imnlsh~we the smme PAR. l~1:(;mn':i;e ol1le
.., !; rj1'!kredu~rfol]i~wklely use:d~cl< tepf-:;:~' sent e.xpe:ri melua]resuhs:, gl.'(l,a.l c~w'C IIl£cds to

[l~~tt bl ~Iessfrnquem1t 'but hm". a higher




iii hi.gfuer

be taken wbe[fij..repofti.~1g.,g, <l1ld of the di:~C:()Y,ered va:ri1uu:b:y g:uving Hs esHrmm:d I'.e~utivc 1,·]Sk:. s;onlie'~hing th~l uisrelachaQ!H1cr:er:ilzi ng hei31lth, :ri:s.k!ilnd be:nd~~t5 base'd. i live~.y sl~ndi'lrd 'when rf~St:l]tS.ofl:his pr~m::lll".ily em I'(;\ia[i:ve ri~ks,. . SOft We CHl1mot ~e hOi\M ,miT Sl1de~"JJlent fh~t 11.'ile~1IlJU.~orn ~IJlpe~[rW' ;;dJuo:e to rbi", ~S:i>uein '·ind,i,v~,dual.s in lhe popuhu~ion homo,zygoU!) ~ilel,asl:p!IU'llg r.a,ph oil' d]:e~IIiReporl: by !,nat ing: '''HlfJ\II,'e'i.rer. a:s the rd,<I[ti'!Je ti sb are [11m: fur rhi~\I<lJiartt h .we <Ill eM inl.<Hed I.. M~l;Old

(~d!dm.Uve ,wheti. :muJ'tipole viiri.~lr~s are cUll.sid·

'-5' A~lso,.PAR


]s not

e:red; muthe:rnmicn~ ~Y.d1:~l'ecould bel Oinde'p'~I]}dem~vl!Ilirm[S, each~"rill,'la PAIR: or51I)W~.. The poi.nrt\1!;'e ul'ied H) n1!i::i!koei~ nl~~t ~d~hou,gh til e discovered VH ri,al,u' hl!l:S. ~lPAR of 2] % .Ibr M~, .il does mOl'iIl'iJe.<ILH .il ~lCCnlJIIUS lh.r 2. ~% Ul<1J


VOL 3117 SCIIENCE WNw.sdenc.emag.o,rg

...a ..


C I1.L SlGft AUflil G




Give rise to controlled differentiation.

ftJIOTltH .~Oht



We. s taod with you .n our investment



and commitment
..nd Chl!rt.icon

te stem tel! rl!!n!~rc:h_ By combiniklg Upsbte

L Sdence re search, we SUC.CI! s 5fully psrtner the worl je~lRg sclentlsts to develop proven scjuuons for human and


lind sarvlcas

..,..ith our y .... r s of x~.dente ",pporUtig


cr 5

murlne, adult and I!l'I"ibryon~ stern ceH res.earc.lh. AOVANC1Nc; LIFI SCJ(NCf
~Wt ...'oWI".rMfIPOrII.c:tn
Will.,a nt
1.LtI~ ..

on Hi .... , oth

F.,..I'IIcu.. lnfu."..t:lon


LIf. 5dem:;.



oflh~ genetic component ro l1hedb;.e~]s~. H.u'l"'"ever,even t:ho~~ghPAR and I~!i lredi.~'~i.l.tQt ~ meaaues, dl:~Yare both calculated using relalive risk instead of absolute risk,
d@(QiOIE rJ~I1!~tks., 5wrllu!lilt~ 8" 15,-10Jl R~~jI.!IVi Ih:@~II'J,d, ~~

~1Jl.od!ific~tiDn$repossible I( 1)1 l.aU,1d1 the spectra a sug~.e~tg~y'c~nea~ H 'Po'l~nti,a] hydrQixy]ari.(l'r1 site.we aekn owledge altereative imerpretarions Hmt: are conslsteat 'I;.v[lh our spectra, l'Hle structnre of collagen, and previous collagen
reseazehsinee a-hy.a.roxyglyclne has been. repnl'wd to he un~~ah]e(2,3)" len trap ~'I',sspeclrnor:li1.t(;';jrer.s scan very:111S(


to 3-JhJydroxYI):roline


for $J~ve!l1]l.

spect!~I.'tve determined that G W~I$.h.ydfo~y~ lated when anil~rernal~vein[erpre~litiQ!lbil$e,d

rlie same spect fll could accommodate the moee likely Y pn~itibl1'l.l!l another situarica.we could mot. differentiate between ~oo,ieucine

(I )/~eudne

(L) ~~Ildl hydf{)i}\,y~aredpm[i ne, P(OHl) (I~OI1i'1Dimtlll1nl5:'3 :~ [)a Wi~,'l3n ~,aCl of.~ 3

mass difference of 0.0364 O~,). Serine (S) . ~mino ~]C ids or COIl,"! bl.U~;afio:m;.loil"II110dif:ic:a]'~oI:lS residnes adj.acem1Jt to or m1Iet~rtlmrlodi:fk,lcl; proline "",SP~ cuu]d be jmerprelecli ,a, al;;wl]me' (A) in s ;;Ind:J! acids that (we near .isobaric from Mastodonandl rex (same nominal] mass). as stared :i:U'll~leoru.gilnad place of serine adjacentto hydroxyproline ] .. A5ARA HAt. RE.P'ORTE'ID HIAT (IOUJ\IG EN Repmr .. Itis somethnes dHficuit [1) determine ~AP(OHI )C'-witlh the srune mllni:~Hil mass of 1M. proreias f~,'()lmwell-preserved rnlft'l!C,ieml 'i~hss~] [be precise posirion 'of a medi fi,e~~[ ion fr'O(IH Da, Alternatively -G(OH}A·,eQuLd be interbones from <I 160,OOO~~() 600,OOO~1e~told. ~tclj;a.cif$lor j].eo.~my ~lI:itlillO~Gi!d .. reiidue~, sitlce pl'el~das -GS~, Dean] idaH 011 Qif ~l~'Jl\lI:r<l.gille [1I1aS10d;o]1J alIind! a 6g-I1lr"linion~yeaJr-old 1. rex I\JIS/MS spectra often lack sufficient sire(N) or gh,~.lel~;11Wme (0) is a. posuransletional specific fragn1M!~1!J.tions ,[4). mooifk;~l't~on resulting; in ~[J amiun <licid111'1~k~S com be extracted and s!e~luen.ced C'Pn:nein sequeucesftom n'l~ls'moo,o!i1!l'l'ld 1)wa:mw.~tlUrus Hydl.'Dxy~!J1:ri.on of P ttl 4~~fydmxyprol]~"leis increase ofl DiUr:O .!:Is,partti,c 't D) and gluacid r;ell" nwe;;uklid by mass ~pBcuom,etry:' 1.:1A.:p:lfU,. .t abml(~mt m(}cl.iflcil~klJ:ltdhat 3l<ID.ilil.t:1'l ramie ;JiJcId(E), respectivd.y. and ccttld not p, 280).lm,1(J:i!:1l:'1I n1!!.lSS specnomerry r(MS/MS} the triple helical snucmre of co]]age~. ~il"1Ji:]'y$lbedjstimguished cll~e rothe ion m],P''S is HI1I~:lf-ectivesequencing m'1l~llilod for ande:n( Hyd:ro~~Y~~ll'~OI'iL~]s.ol.OCCLU'li to a lesserextent on resolurion and mass *lccunlCY: We lh~wed)soo'ri)rs.ine (K~,es~dues (5, 6) ..In type .~(tIU,1 type ][ mined rh.u ene of the repofitedrmx spectrafer r ij}5s;uls "vhell DNA is root ;waUab~.e..W~as come h s ro the origi.lud authors' =:lue:IIlIri.o:n there are 00.1 lagens, these hyd:roxy ~miiioll hes ill1i~"l'(lboon [he pepude OLVGAPOlRGlP(]K is starisrithat re-,pu['l'ed to exi~t n~] e,;c'(d.u~ive:ly Pur K :fair c()nce[i:I~re~u11ltng tl1~ relmeted sequences t;anyin!';]~I"l[f~01nt'when searelted <1~lins~ hn:uge comaining gllycine (G} hydroxy,lal:i.ol::l:.,as vifei]] protein databases and isa IOI\;v confidence :U;nI Y PQ~i~fion ·of the rColilagcn nipl.Jli:llrepeat the .lS some posit!nn:-. €),f'pmline ("P') hyd:fUXyl~, -'GXY':' (7. ~"j).. A. sin,gu! ar e;'(c:e'pi~~:ol],olle P in !iiJt1t]uenc::e., wI.TIne the other six '[ rexsequenCt!s aticn. Ahhm:lgh ncastandard pesunortem hun'laJ~::Io()~Jlagen I H.lI1:dl, is X poshicn hycll1o:ll:l remain high eonfideucc, Since all seqnences


~nd are[ysensitive but caunotreselve

Searching for some fresh ideas

about science education?
r, Q D .F Ei !J lEI K .K III N Y. Flilrndl

P' I A, p. T 1::1 1 'W l? EN Do EI yT .~ ~. Qc

10 K X G ~. J' Q f( R T' S W A J:I R''!J, Z J .R Ir.. .~ Cf uT U DTNN ~rNE Q !?i E M. Ii T !i S T V F' lei 8 .li1l V H
y 'V

. answers ln ,5ctence 's Educa!tiollil, IForum.


S l<1: F F
L .8 M. H



.F U W' 0:

.and ne'!.!!l ideas on ~ver\f .a!spect of sdenca educatlen as wet! as [he' sdence and pO~iqf e f educanen. The '~orum ~s published lin the' ~as~ lssue oW-every montlh and! onlhl€'. ln colla b 0 ration wii~h the Howard HIuglh!l\l 5 Mediical. [I t1stiitute. Ke.ep up-t:o·date with the ~atest dev'el.opmE!n'~5 at;
of lnlnrmatlon www,!uc,Qflion

lhe Sden,C',e Ed u!c.ati

~olnLlm lsa dyll1!,~mic source

Pi E

SP8 ,J U Db S S H II rJ .15. D N G L A- I .R T E B J L, l' R T ;Z[. 1 P e X ~ 'i G

M It:
0 M ~ N '!il' 0

U .R.


J l' .~ BDu VI .1

for l:hodUghHu I., concise' su brnl ssi Q·!:'iS (aroulrild 2,,000 words) iror 2007. 10 submit your [paper, go ~©r: wW'W. sub m it2'S c'~enc.€.org

pler.spectivfi?' Do YOlli have ideas or research yOlu'd like 10 share in !the Science EeJiucalion Forum? 'We"re now to,ok.i:l1g

Whaes yorur



WDrcf&1<I~'&e55l1'1erill, dl.!('aI~D!l(i R!'ilQl!<Ile; I'l1Eirrnmi~8i 5!li!e!liolli'i dil!li5!lDDillI: m<!lliii e OIUCatmem,~m:lffil, dtli'tl\li!tlli fa~~. palri!1~IhI1p1i'; IllSlIlii'etlIl.~!n~!lrill'il,[;




single b01l1Je p.rordn :~un~.~ywhen. searched '1.1¥!in~l: the .a~l~nlxnnNCB! nonredlund~nt 'pmtein d.ah]:b~~se cClIu;a~W1i.ngmore flll;)l!ll flve I1l'1ilhom emrles.rares ofj:"a~e posidve identifk;,~tiomwere very WO'(l!,r,
m~~dThGdmo31. Surpri~ing]y, a ]ikeiy ~~h:e;rtl.<niv!l'l'1'pre-· that encient ecllagenpeptideswere ~quell1tced iom 'iI¥e~I~p:re.."ienlit;:d mM~pd(lirl mld relf f()~~ij!1 bones, and ~hat 'lrex sequences meteh belief OCI chicken Ihm any ather single organism of currem1.y known sequel](;e. Foi!' 'fur-me :sequencing

tation leads 'to lib:;: uniqueT. rex peptide s~~uellceGA.PGPQGIfISGAP(Ofl)GP K. AI-· 00 1£ISoo fo-ra.cqu.i:ringpr00c:nse n'I •. sessed tl:istins teruate in~erp'.r!;:'tations for ~:hec~~'.I.~.'Ilge~~ g;Ll]shv.Vl!g uear ~sobark:nmino 'lc~(L" se,~I/). ]0 HIIliIIM.ASAIl!I.A.1,2 ]01':1 N S. GARAVEIII.L:I, 'I quences repo:roodin rhe originel manuserlptare MVIID . 0.•. :5 LATI1E~4. MARY IH •. Si(HIWEIDlZEB.5 ~IvHi.~jiIble·in the :Suppor~ll'],gOn~il!fle Material USA. M,. IFRE!iMAIItK,l, MATiIliI EW·IPtHI~llJUiPS,:I.· (jO).~he sequences 'br rnastcdcn and estrich

eflbn:::;, ulrra-h igh-resohuion Fburner translonn Of Olrbittllp mass s~1(;Jlyonne'I)'~ec:nm()]Dgy will

6. A. Ayadi e:1,ul., Ihf!: f.!lltnm~I!l.i'lo.[fM@tm r!Jd5 Btl!!)! ,~t.!ide!lifilt:: fr6S.•Sim rneg(J, i(;A,. ed, Z, i998). 7. if". Pihllljilimi@fll~.IR. My~l:f!a\t:..II. Ki'Oiin"kJIro, J. Hfpol(J/. n l(s~;ppL 3). 502(:1.9911 M.lPeki;a'la eta!., J. Blot CJ!tm. 279', 52:261 {20(D4l'• 9. K. illfgg,\l'~n,J.., rus!e~~ K-II. t::i:Wrik~(!. im;hml. Bi~~. B Rfi. Cammrm.i',6. 275 (1W6). 1lO, iI1il[! 5uPP'!lrringl Ol'llin~ M3iWiria~ il;a!laiLi'til@Oli 1NI'iW•. .f(iencelfl1~.()TC9ili'(OO!Je;nlifll!llli'31J/S81l3J:B 2.->WCIl. ]'i I•. v, ms~n ~(JJ"MoJ. (wt P«rliW.m. 4·,2CDID



lil. ).M..A. OichnG'l'iiedgE5lB. Broo!ilky Ior Ihe~~rill {li'iC:l!I!15~OOs.. J,S.G.aoo £1.111.:5. ad:l1Iow!ed~~. r:~lelh~rr alldllK. li:ILe'l' N for rhelphd di;~[U~sion~"'M IP.18irmm~flJr ..ssi~ian(l!'ilil Ipreparing the IU:nWlIQt f~~1rfes.

!!I slipp]e:blle~ln.<}ry

"'ppear in tJllt~:Pm[


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These ~ioor.runesequemt:es ~tlfei1lglherJJour asserlion IIh!!1Xcollagen. has beensequenced flom

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]'1 .~.

eSH'!Jblid]cd structores for cO~~~],gcn modifiearions ... n.1"'~'1rospec ~.priDrkniOwl.I';"(]b~ 1 ofeol ~ag~n strUCllure~ 'l<Vl,llddh~lNe'lped to constwot our pf!,p[ide library: however, dl.e oversigln inadverIt:nu.~ypl'U¥i.des [I~

]n;ll'l~i®:f1I o~ S~'9Jmal ·Tram.~lillctii:ln, BEI111 Israel lDeamlles's Me{!i(~1 (~Ii[wr, BQ~l~IfI, MA.02U'5. USA.20tp~rtll1l~lfIt o:r Pitlh~lg9~, Hili'!"'!'o1UI.iI M<edr,\i~, $~:liuM)I~eo~til!il, IM.Oi2U'S, USA. 3EM!!L. Oulstltiof!, E.uropean Biarl'lr~rrm sties Illllstit!it!E!', [ambJiidge (B:l.O' lSD,. UEt 4I)epann~f1~t of m~(;liIemaEtlY,. Camb.rridge Uniiwr!l~ty. Cllmbridg:e' (Eli!: 1LQW, UK. ~lJepar~me:~tof II.ltari~er ~inth<ln~t!i1m1)5p'~e~h:: S(:i'~lHles. N@nh Ci)r~l n.ll $t~t~ lil1livtf$l~, rea~~:gn.NC ,2:76:95, USA, ~Oep~rIlmeli!tCI.f S),SOO!'!ii.s Si~~Qg~,H~ri.'Cllrrd Mwk:etl Sdi.D@~ l3o~~Ofl, A02US, USII. M
R!eiiE!nl\ntJE!s. illlild INotes N, Tl!!ro~;,.It(l\iae.a;m~trr4't ·~27 (2002~. It]. ail'., J. arg. Cirem.. !l.7,.3915 (1l992~. . J. It. H~hrergl!r€uL, Biocl\I\f'RlPstty 2048 (1~82). 21, [1.11. Mdad'll'ii'l, B,.V. (hail, eN(!: Oprl.!. (~etr.l'"Blot. S. S91

le,iH11'll'S'! • The Rlei.M ~


0( I.AR.:1 Fr ~(Al~ONS

J'le,ianvgadet l'Ieteroduomatilll ~ by c. o. :Sllllith ,~or. US

JI!,JIIi~. p,.I5<86),

5 ..1 an.llleliililJml er Ums~phila

CltiJn~1~ph~f] •.M!jI"gi;l:l~ warS li~1~d ~l1Il)o,l!~r;II,y,'They al~ .i;1~f1ti· ~~ed '~!Ih :Ii!!:!ir~~~ IBII!Ilirr.llOf,mati(:!: amdl Q:l1oo~o.gli~$ PI~j~r;~. Lawrel1l(iIil'Be<llkdey N.atlo'.ML L<lbor.ali01Y, Elenkel:ey. (A 94/21:1, USA. 111'1 <l!dldiljol!l, 1m fundingl murms. 'J,W~eomitted '!rom tine
i3!t:~l'Lomedg,em,ellIH, lIIole.The wiIllikilil thi,~ paper was a~~o s.u~.port.ed bylNIH ~!ra!f!.t ~41IH~!OOOn9'·1t5 (5.S.) .a!1!dlby tine I1Il:lWil!rr[J uglil1'~JIl'.eii!cal.llfIstilll~ H ~C.J.M.), Srpooall!'>5tl:il'OIfl


~fii:li(j~:iO!II! Il).if Shel1lgQi~P1g S!ifIu ~nd

thalt gell'llLtline eol-

]agen sequences.were detected,

Ove!li<ll:ll, these possfb~e :milJ'lor sequence iIIhemriom do, not !l!her em r ora,ginZlI eonehrsion s

i. .2. 3. 4. :5.

'·elhano~ ~oo:a :su$fi'I~mab~e fI€:l'9ryr!JUjffl" '1iIy~. Galdlemilftg ~ (' ~E4HlJ~ry. p, :81(13). Vhelle ~fE! fI,~merrtal ,eiFfOr.5In maW,E! 1.
Und'erlheoollldil1!g ~(j:OOtbeflflla1lll1llilef!lI~;"

Sl!ii~ailfli1!iIlil~iity ,~IfildEIIiI~:!r;


~t:ooU. J..~;Or~~eJ"f.Ft«.~.kJM"5<i..


slilC1'U!d lbe 103 .• aiuil the vatue

'!IatlJill im '·'lill:a:l ~ ~t!h~.a!!i" sholJl1.d be OI.&Q.



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The Social Oriigin of Milnd

He 'who NNdcnt;(md~~mboon t!''fJHlddo 1

more u'Avmy;i~m'(!I't1ph~t'sics rlum LO(::h'1t:

-O]~l)fle$ [);:i:f'<",ir.u. N oretxwk ,M (1838)\

without n':~11 e~rnp~]t:hy withour a ·'t'henry ~Uld of U:I i.l1d"?~~o~v c~m f~u:;.Lua~, ion be ,~1Il1i

Are baboons self..a\",(~re?' Baboons disting:u~!>h (Jea:rly br;:t'll.voon "me" ~]ll]d "'If!Ol~me" as [he recipient (Jf a 1,)!ayb~K;k call They ~den[ify s[rong~y~M[ththeir own matriline, They join ,~.II ~mceswith 'the iII' own k i:n,b;[!t: also l'.1hey lrrmy appm.a,ch1i m:;td,reconcile whh an lmals th.emr ki 11 ~i]~veI:hre~]lened Hpp~rrent~y on behal f of the rbl'eal~:ner. "':In belweea.1,-:~a~,,,nli'ifights. the haboon's 'r~X:I)~Uldst,o

Co!:n'llYnic~lt~d wijjhmuiangl!..~~g,e'f Can we ill];1I]Hl.[ecoll1lsciou.sness inc.lude all efher closek in: Babo(lll M,eli!lp,hysl,cs jWl w~t~~]m~fam.i~.y fights. jt .m1jginea~ nUfe'~ tvorkturing ]o1Jd~pea.kef'. to anuther species? Phi Lo~op]1en, CQml'mcl!:i IrQi nch.Hj,e enly herThe Evolution of a tape'S.baneries, and video C!rII11c:m. eround IitrglLle in lh:(il abstraer: Cheney ~,n;td Socii(ll Mmcl ~el[ T.~i"xp..lm.l.atuon selves; e t~~e k~IV41.ilgODe~h]'LIl!~]II.yein.g, Sf;lyf~u·~.1: ffer d~lnl" Q b o for b abo 0:11 s as I1:lJ:I,eb S aJ treed by hOHS 01: warued ofif by elephants. \,~bu The "'SiDcialum tell igence hYPQ~ fir Ddl'wrh y L ,Cf.rollG'y.and fOf ~~:ie M,t]iJu<'iguLeSi~.u'id !'i.l,u:~~ill~O ~m1J.,g gn1:Ss to c,:once~II~!Lt'lspe,akef~ d~e:li.i~" :proposes.: H'ia:~lhe: ~'LIla~()1' H~hel1.M~ SeyfanJp Capulets," For a baboon then 'iI¥ait and \w:ir unti ~Ilhesupposed mud10r of influence In the evolution, of' LlmivHF.Suly of Chicago primare .um~~.I.nge~c::e beenthe has to place herself "v~th~[!] he t H~epW~1!ilb<lck all is sa:fe~y out: of sig!.'Ll and fhe c PrJ9:SS:, eh i,e a:go. :w 00' • o g I'OUp 's SQc.i'!I~ nc["\l'Q*. "she i:mendled hearer facing atleast 90" H\VHy. It C.~h~lIIJenJge nifc' in a social gr(),up, :l58 pp. S21.50, £lb, \Ii;IGitl'M Neel].1J to need some Of cnurse an ,m:lVrnrnl]J]1:eIM Gil fruit mi:]Y take you awhole year to c:Olrup]eteone IS B N 9713 02 ZEiHIQ436 , imt,ge of'hersell'asa unique series ofexperimenrs=ellwirh the goo~ of trees. floods and Jions h~1<S its 0\1;'11 :S'Qd~]1eing, dn!:'::lil]IC~' [rom all b chanenge~," but de.!I~,;img~,vi:lh~:he confusing ~1 baboon" 'B,(1boonM'et(lp.hJ'~:ics is rtl1e dl,stUlatium ef a envl renment is alw~lYs ~ned~ 'by s{){;iety. ated others and! characterized by a uniq ue Sf;:'[ of ethers," big chunk i()f academic ~ rn"~s: (111:(3 \Ij,i.i fe- m~1:d-, Pr imatesmay lw0100 as un ique as '~"!f;l would social relationships \il,1,ilh l.[)~]nk~u~.3J hlil~~(~lI'Idref].m ofBoi.mrhy Cheney ;'1!ndR,ubel'[ ]ik~ tn beldeve: dolphins, dogs, and pill'lyuril Cheney'~~lu11 eryfarEh Ilme seve!t'iilllll~peC'[~ S jay:::; have m~~lIl1iy of the capaeiof lil~e"syruax of social kUio'\'v~ed:§~."Knowledgeoo~'1ive-yoo by ~\~oca]iz:.<}[on is represeni ties of aOlfllbm'Jon1L It lDecortll!t':s elesr, lhloi[lg~,l.,thai! hnman Ininds nuwO:rJi~l.ihat ~s:, h i.ghiy specific a 'lJO[lt 81pattieare' flm.d<]m.e~'lIt~~ly those of a ular :s()r~of pr~d.]tGr ()rabolii.~ a p.~n~l, ind ividtm], Stx:ia~:knID'l>\lledge has d i&'CI.1e]e Yit~:ues: soda] pli]miJl[:e. Baboons offer an , insight lnto hew we arrived ~:t a move infant g~' bie'.mr.. Oli.!l!o\v<Il!kind of mind, ch:icaUy structured l ~\"uul:d m'iMher say eategorlzed) .accorc]ili'lJgto rank, mamline, and other First vmd simplest, ,every belboonklfl'O\~.~he vo ices 'Of m:lTfubute~ of the call-giver .. lt isrn le-gcvemed fmC! open-ended, I,ead~~,'lg "a ,c'ognit~vesy!l'~ to everyene in the 80"slrOng troop, [em thiiilt~Ik>'l'v$. ~Is to comprehend .a huge anim lEad.1 is t~gged\'vilh rheindicam vidual's ideluity. lf~:he. p]i.'tiy]:,ack nUl¥'1berof messages from a finite number 'Of understands that .~I!J~'i~ ea n~ sOl.l!nd an oriJ ~1!f!;j!I~Y ! ~fa L~lb{l()n i Ufc social interaction, the hearer is Ilmt.t;lf~gI'Um.'1:{md fiantwh scre(U,1,U I linle ]lJ'IJt:eres;~edl, if calls vlobtu "Hi usual] carries a different meanlng from l-.hmna/1 tbr(Jat~grm~{.~; and S_1!!~'i(i screams hue expeetatiens she wiUlook


judgement (or ali] poo:sillb]epairs of individual 5 in has sOlueli.1L~mg 'ruodie) ':Vil~~.I,'1e~'li-e~II~ the group. i~ilei.lLtdii,mgany new individaals whomayj oiu," L1ffi:i:y~ knowledgeis prop[l'$i~ Cacmill ba'bO'OlllrS (PaUl) .ht':l'mQdfJ,as ,!'JuI'silJ:i,~:d '~Ifll tlmle: o kava fliglO, she dla!nges her beh~Yior (o\v;:ud ricnal and i,nd.e:pendenl of sensery nilf)..:~alhy., I[h! LM. 'BOil:$Will1Itl •. the supposed caller, Long suites The knl)wJedg;e ebtained frO!l! p]ayb,~c:ks of 1.o,gi.caUycum;trm::Ted experiSeyfarthplus a f:lm:k of lhei,,," srudcnrsaad menl~ ll'It!!ke it clear linn baboons c~~re,go1l"~lze alene ii:i Sil],lik'llr to ~]ctuaHy seeing an wnte:rac:,·' tien, This ~]HO\vsj.n~erpret1)ll:iou 'ofsouuds. ~]~ a f["iemu]s, ]~ is. ei!;actly what such 111 book :shOiU ld others by bori!] rank and H.~atrm:!1'e:these are d ramati e ~!Ulm'nu: ive: "S yl Vi3 is ~,h rE;alE[I.~II]g be-fuU of imagi, experimeers, mericurule-governed classes on separaienxes. lous ~Jh()]ao.~l;h~~'1. ]hl1pid lite.rary :i'~yh;:, ~nd B~lboo!J'l~1~1iil':$ee'others' beh ~]'Viorwi t~~ gfe~'t Hla'~!lfih~nd c~usil,g her 'ff) ~G~am,:" . f1Ibovea~l nu~:yi:m:P01l"l{!lrll ques.tio]'JJs. 'B~bo()n sDph~ sticanon, However; dley seem tolack The <llullOl.'S concl.nd~ tfu~l tbe synmcnc c(mlimioll tunIS ()ut to l~e fIne of ~he str:n:ngest en1[.1al~lyt{)\ivard others' eni]oli(ln~ nr ~WK.J.rt:= pIDp,erlie!'l ,of hmgu!!Ig!e or~gimned. in the SII"m:m.1red k nowk~dge lJ1Iece:5S~uy for a high .Iy mol S~V~l ilabk~:fr'o'I.·iJ ]Unl ilr.l~u.il1'lgap Ill:iJJ'I(:u~e ness of others: knowk:dge. Clheneyamd '8 social pr.i.m.(]Jte.,O~'iI.6widely q ,,~ot(;ld 'Vjew of Seyf~]iIfl:h wri'[e: «IB(lbG~)ms' theu ry {Jifm itild meulpl.ly3ic..'i us weUM.:ii our o'!.vn.,W'!ml ~]r~ the langu.~ge ol:i]g~ns is th,ar IclrmOft[angm~ge. like ('~o:I11pOnSlusof,int;'nce1 How does :i:ntc'~ ~jB' IJlig~\n best be de:scrib~d tlIS ~ v~]gue illm:i~i.on p~dgi['l. ,!ect.Ij.lacl.ed 3ynt<l:.'ii: Vl. Om tll.a ~Eu~ce evolve tt], lIL'ilOO[ the t:h.]i.]e[IJ~ie fIU'e~n ;,] o ~tbOlll nl~il:eltatri rna hf ~mlentioll'J!!L... 1111er,e re a gl'0~lp? Is behavi,OJ:,~11fo!resigit]~ Imssih]e' h:inrsIthalle~rnedc(mtingende~ a~one oan.nm c;on tnn Yt ~H:gue Cheney ,and Seyfa~th,. a SJxp:~ailll ~]:sp~C[:Sf b~boon 1befu::uvio:r.bmv,re aU o . PI'opos]lffional i.lllrerpre'~mio:ll of ca~b;. i.n our
Th~ revie'lIffir ;'5 [lIt tlhe Dep<arl1lIl(>U1t (If Bi(l~CIi!lYalildl En'i!ii~Clnmeiflta I. Si!:~IE!nlC)e" IJll'li~ie ~s..ity of SU§isex, F!alime~, B:rigJltron IIl:Nt9QG, iU K ,.IE·li1Iai~~ajll\ly_@w,~s@x,aiC ,.U~.

tO~"I~~r(~,~hepco?llllte1l"Fo1l" much s longer, If she assumes thar !;II, call




m~~lkethe same






can:lfIor yet c()mdude '~hm b~bQUiLil!'i .r~,g:ardother iRlboon s,~'I,I'enl'tlcidY---its :imem~~onall ooing."'l \il.~.l~~ gOilis. mDtive"", ~Iike~'kes""· and

O'I~'lJnanc:::eslnJ'§> n(ltMll: ll:!aveprecededtl]!e ev().lu~ ~

~i:O]lJ ofhuIl.13n

~!~]'U'lg,llalge. HllJnilMJilS>. even. very young dil~]dren.

~. <Ire ~,

unHke ~d~other pr imatesin QUii' 1Ilige to share klmo\iv]ed~e m'lI(](e~ce])t ~t()!f Hmi.~t'$) cur .Iluge ory underscore how C!i':H'1It:ml~:he cemest among dJinerent \V~ly~ ofn1!aking the wovld .i!neUigilb]e remaias
Dli1!VO lve

who ]nsi~ned on. attempring to know about. tt~e things rhemsel ves; for ,~wery Newlon

empa.l[~Y\'\,l~thmhen,. Cheney and Seyfarth embed the evolurlon o:fhulguage d€lep~yint:(} human "[~1he(llYof rnimd'1 alongwi tlh too.1 use ~~jnd eventual conquest (or d i ::)nupti.on)0 f our [~e environmenr, [n this view. !;oc:i~di.~He:llli. .
\:vI~,~l go~'us '[\0.

in modern science,
the very definiti>()[fI


Such debates of science. the of ~n; prt!!ctirioners., and

concrete qnestious

wlliloought to be
~]!!glJes· that

eschewi ng hYPlJihe:se:s. a Cartesian insist ing their uuportance. Sclenee benefited from. indeedwas constituted by .. this ever'-[!]fIresolved contest over the ~nh'llligi.biU~y appro01:1



funded and hired, ;andwbn IH)L\;ltrine!1 for .~ 1l11lomsPliJcialis~ audience, I?eu~r Dear's

pri1!!!lI;:to. ~e~lrni!l'\g ~11.lOm: i!I~ild H.'1;;]nip[!hltiiuJlg the

C:(lT!lp]i'C:id.ed~sb~]~:nJ!]$----imd ,~rll~a·.{lcS hili.en h us sri ll fmil:he:r. i:nlo becoming I might sugge'sl, though, [hat ~herei!l II brand new evolurioesry pressure in the
Ok 'i/",j! I1I.go' Delra; outw irtin:g1JlHt:JI scieutists, Walcl] ourfor :Sy~.V.i3"5. Okmrvango Treop :~they f ewr calG~~ ttl Cheo~y ~ld Se-yf<\lr~h! mli
L 0. Bick~r!QIiI\, l,i}.ngllli1gl1 on.d Sp~d~$. (!J,I!Thlili'. 'ChkaglQ ~r P1/"e S. (~:ca.9C!'i 1990)', 5

lntelliglbilltJ· r?{,Scien(.'C


prescriptive debates wifhin science ~n;; inregral toits devd.'Dpmen[. The classic ~(1)ry of

naturalwerld. Just as much creative 311f11d productive 18th~c~nt!J.ry :s:c]ence came fr-onl abandoning a quesr for causal, mechanical models, mUC~l creative and prodl"ucti"'l~ ~9th~

s 1 Ne'Wvto:n pr()'i;rlildes the ~Hu'.lyt.urning point in century seieneei m1,.vo~ved.et1l:re1in g for suffiDear's concise alllidaa.nlblitio~IS. e~'i(.y.:rtaj]gi~.lI.g oi.endy ::lop;histk:~.iedl models, from Ari.sti'O!!h: and Lavoisierto 1\11~]x'wd]and As Door covers :numy fields ina :f~!!I :p~lg£5.
Darwin ~iu]dft~um DeSC~li!i'te:1i[,0 Ein~·

Bohr; Dear poruays the devel:op~nemof'modem science tl1:lrouglrllhe sbifl.:ing accounts (JJ" what i,r Il~ern:nS[Onn~h m!!Jlure ]~llt;eUigib~.e". De.l[ {a h~S:w,.r.i.ln f scienceat Cnrnell o

bis·~'tl,ri':l1fll!i<lljJd fJhri.~()~oph!e[s will h~vt" some qualms, The' starung poilu o~"[he narrative COI1J:lesa bi.ll<l~e ~rud.oo :!"<r[r~olh.e ,..-est: the t encu.11' fru irful debates over l"lli:te5U1m.s ,of

the physkal. and predictive


~~'l Isl'MJlic<l::l:tmll-




University) di stingui shes sc ie lice as namral phi~()iSOlPhy. ~~l account of "ivhlil~th(;': world re<]Uy isand h.owil '~fnik~ fmrn science ~] ]]]! tool.• a colleeriou of teehniqucs
useful fur ntH' about the \CViDl·]ldand for Ch.!ili~:lging i~l. his division T dr1lW3 the (]oldest chestnut ,ofr'he

tltleiill·\vny to N:~co]~]t:~s Coperu ieus, deserve some d ise ussion, The i~'lstn.nrnenh]~tum in




The P'r!oduclivit.y 011 P'r',e·dic:tio,n and E,,analion

.h)p,o:rhes.e..•.It' :a.·..bOH~ th,.e.,.. "lV-' ' lrty m tav()[' of dJel1l10nstrmwng a mathematical ..relarion conuuon to free f;dl 0(11 Earth and themntion

likewise ~.':J:addeeper mots in alc:h~ll'IY and d.lem.i!:<I~p.rat::lil1e. W.iUl H p~rti.c~

phi!oi5ophy of science, the debate between tcols of real ism ~nd lnarrumentalism ..Dear 11 ~,IJI.1'itm~es u Hered by the newmathematical Newton and Mmo;veU. deslignedl to tit. capnue, tl'li:il[ a prodnctive. unresolved, ever-chsnging ttl'll sian between real istand inS~ll' ;,]]'Id ill 11.1:iI'1I inate the pheuomena of natural \:vl:lri.d!. would enhanee Dear's ease, iliiin18best characterizes the d i st inctiveness of
De;ars peskion rests on a hlsrorlcally
iHfbfl\ of [he c.1llregoFY of ]mm..n~ me:l1ta~.ity.Hli.s il':J.::mun::telltt~Jhy includes ba:!l:';l a mlHQW sense, the predictive power] ora thee", ory. and a broad!er one ...t~e c'lp~ch'y of a scientific the,oiry (andits ~l:ssoci~U!edlexpedm(;Wll"ti!.1 rechniques and appm1lllLls)m change the '!;\'Or~ld, Dear well demonstrates that t"""O<iSP ects 0 f l'u~~l tiLtlll'iDrily. ~

ular Aristotelian sanction, r~lla~i:lfound in d.l~!i accounr, .A s.nghUyl~.1;()re formal and derailed e~,(~'t()\,>;~tio:ll! ::!IbOUl 1be' StH.·1 of imell i g,illiil i~y


modern science. its episteruic OlIDld.~mstHi'Ne\'vton~i~nl;OUsly eschewed •.tr~m'l~· mental efrrk~acy.~nd its social and inreUec-

It iseasy


recoent the-history

of science

of>cehll=it~~~1 bod~,es. Ne'i\rH)Il:s. reIi1S<1[ to explain the muure of

The ID1lteIJiQli'~Hity of N{I]uJili'e How SCience M,akes Sense

after Newton ~]S.something ~.ike a ~:,pngseries of U'ttempts to restrainthe U!-l6

of HileimOligDn~tki'lJ1i andthe

in~tD~unl,eu~"li~y ereand rel;lililt in muddled in w d explanations. In siLtc:h .1 modem science. Stud[e,.<; e\>llinpruu'lg Ids posiby Pefer Dear rio]"] should d.osely ll!'!Jlck file ch:;mgjng i!l~erview, sc.iemc·e ~epend~ on w.ith t~i1Je friober cO.lls::der:al:imll ,cd" ~]CI~Omi Of'[lul;se t~vo ru~.'1JSlnmlelua.ii~wes; the of t.he v\"o.rl.dffor ll1!at~~enlalk:;)II. Uri ~V"ersily II) r CI;;i.t:::~ g 0 Pr ess. Chica go. 2000·. 254 PIp. £27 .SU. dua. !:Q:ptlhe c:re~lttiQ~],pf denmnd8 Gf iD~telligib(iI~~:y. p!;ed~.cti.o:n'of dfecl"s, Ne\Iiff!Qi!l ':;; E1HO.ISBN '81700226·~3M87. Dear v\..-ea.'Ves togelilhieli a gre1u dea~.of ~cn~ sp~CUI.~.l~'!;'e accoIJUu:s~haT 1;11l~rhel]:'JJ~ulc1d~CCOiU1l1l~ofgrav~ :Sc ie fI CIt!.C IJllU ra::. cou.ld conceivably e'xphl in demi(: hi.stoi.fy of modew!l phy;sic~, ,di];(';!!l1i]Slr"Yr itybec"mea mode] for nm:l bio]Qgy iu:noM. tCoJ:'J.cruse., coherent ~]JIj]d ,Q!rig··· than d~t'a ...M:oli',etn:ue t-o the k:imd of s:c.i~Il~~, ~llnell igibi !.fie .imll narHlitgv('; t~l~]t ~~1.tmductot"y\!J~mout i~ ever ity. nne \¥here e~rnp]:rr'.k1l:~ g,iQiundedi ~md'r]'e~ d~\telf5ity of sc;ie'lltific eflbrt. Dear'l; account I)' be~IDg supe:rfid.3i]. Re~]der5 wi~lll con1e :away dl~lmi:ve m,a:them,aLica~: aecom:ll"E of the ruhni,o.l.r'ls mek.s between advocates 'of great empl~liiic~d bnl~:l wi U~?lll;aIT~tiv~· 0'£· ~.o.~Fie1ighlig.lh~. of ~~i~ 1 i'"e!llf'dint ~1I1dadv(]{:ates of g:reater jq:f!~gi.n~ •~ . ~]Wlinl~g fhingsi;.w;we i1re!c;:rr-.ed to (:a:LU~]]. bm~ iig QU. s ern pi,ri.eally llH1del:de]~rnlined. expl!.~umliJons. l ive ~1 In: i.1JJ caus al. eXI) I,mni:ll~i De<l:1I" ho\,>rs en[ ific deve]opn'leo:u and aJ:tli.]hlI1l1inar.~,ng :argu··· Accepti.l1I.g Newton me~]~·l!t<lprrec]~] ho'1lv ll~e imponarlce of ;;]\MiU .]!(]:[ W k!llJO\iV. menlt uFldedying tluu n<lrralhre •. ;Jl PQlenl"'W(lY ofl[':I:ink~~,'lgabom m'lodern :sc.icnce iU:D:I"C g.ener0.. nuhc"I". a ,"viii. not ro ~llteriIlpt:lOknowrhe h!~s Inat;hemmk~a]]yll·~m"led and empil'illc.aUy re.]~ nature of tlling~ lntbe dt:v-eI.{)[ ·o:f a]ly.P!~j~usolPl~ [c@J.llyllli~mded read:e:rs 'I"V iUbe jus[i.fied general.h:atiwlS rnll~gh[ the best accmnl[ oJ [he \1l.c'01.·.ldwe can lUI.,ft,'-d)(~ nunl~I.·l)US sc~(;m:t]fic d.isc.ipl.incs.. He likClJvise .illlis:pired [0 sJOek tl ~l]lOI,e fO["lll1al aiCcoum~ of sl.u)\;v~ l"ll1,eimp(]r~.a[Jce .of resL\jtaJIt:e!:r{], ~lIIc:h inte.I~.~.g~biHty a:pp:rop]':i.'1~ehere; '~i!:U'f]id~· beslkhud uf ge[l1Jsewe c~n.l:il' the world. ,of than R.e1cent debates O\"ef the vaillue ofsning the~· ep~slem.ic luodesly. For ew.::ry Lilivois:ier\:v!lo cally!U~nde:,,1 tOnes .a d1eeperi~](,]ui.ryintn 1ih~ and cl:~l::IJi~s nsce;s..sariily om inset cOUllse~ed aga:inst SiJec UhIJ1]O~'labout caUSJBS contin,gendes ]ll"lifi;wmr of a focl,iI$ed (';lQl[ecrkm of U.lle"ptl!y~i~ AU win be ~ujded by the .in~.ig.1hI~fLDI. I,iIP'"~()~ mut The rr~ewlei' ~~ a~UfiE!'O~j!Jali1iii1>l!'!i1;lH9Stli:~, (olllimMa o·f c~1 I'e~~.ations:h:ip::ii11~\'ea~ed thlit1uglh ptlimsMi.kd~l~ehibliographi.c ~:SUiy" ilIlli,wrsity. n;90A;[n.~OOrtl~'" Ali!@I1!I;.II'.!" 2'527, N'lMiYork, Me
gravity dislnayed IJIIUI1.jl contemporaries, who S,lIP\;l;1 Idm as sucriJicing rhe inre.lligibililY oI lh e World
IN'l' 11.0 02'i, USA. f·mal[~ mi34{)@<:olutrnD'la1ildILl

produerien of ove~::~y clever

]rJig eX]'l·er;u:I]:'JJen't<luoml,b!(~:re\~la~ .• 1



Iey .~~:r:lle:;l[

lO .. 1.26JSci~n()[!"1]!lS358 1



-I -: - ,





AND' SOC~ETY 9 Ire.~d ln ~111: e

IDlnl The Road to Academic ~Gr'le'alnle:ss-A Parable

1'1I"'S"'ifit ascent

DIQ,:n't lJI"t:I.d~ire.sti mah!1 t he power


halls of sdenee,

'of the U!l iversiry of

Barely settled into office, Swin,gew made

rH.Hional ..~~eacliU nesby annou IJlJcimga reeorabreaking f'l.Ind,~ni!ising goal, au astouisbiug $ 1.0 bUHoll. The figufe\:\"<'lSlnore t~,li1:11'1double 1 [bep:r-eviii;llL]shi.,gh mark, set by St~~.lIfQnil, a renowned n.ll~g~::Loel for douauens. Sw~mfl,er


with prospective donors,"

to pubtic <lIne:u~lii(l:['i ",v.ilh an recorcl~broe~~jng tuitiolCl and per academie year, surpass-

Av;;ur:i.oe fD1. 'Ob'\H~tun. '~)I.''~O.mln~me. n.;.c:-e ~rl"l .. r . , wm; n Se!1I1m[l~, vent ofh!,gher edueae

U Av nextcame ,man,OUIloerneg,U 'of

rlon [~'l re second decade ()f this century The d transformation '1VdlS the\1\,1oLl'k of ~u1i:mIl!O~1t:ive' ]tla(]er inuniversity affairs, Hr. Gnm~ Swi nger; As ~n1QiVU$t ofaleading I.mive~i~y. wi.nger S had ~oillg beeu pri zed by aeadeuuc headhUUlltevs" Offered ttle Avarice!~Qy>he
~:)fi()]npt]y accepted and received 1,1I~II",chi: g n


i~l'J!g rhe prices of the brand-name sd1001t;. App]~cat:,i.oms for IlIdnll~ssiloOu soared, ear~11i[mg

mid confere~'lce lb~~t l~elno:ne'Y \'vol[!ld [he he~1etofore ob~cm"eill1!~titH~~'OH its fi!":;,~t t be .•invested in exce ~leuee to meet ['he dullnOi~~ioe the ,ooveted ratiag of u.s. N:ffii',\' &: in
JiVorid R:~porl .. ·"]-J,ot W!!ewcorne~"repoiiled

O!~iersto ;!!cbie¥e W1~][iO:U;~ll vewgnition for the little-knowu ins[iuukill

IRtH10~il:ed ill his previous POSiliolllll as the

the rice I.01.i bibl e of aC31d!6IU ranklngs. med ie S\M~.nge'r~Nx::onl,p~mj the tuition ~mcre·ase ed
with another head I irre-winnmgannounee-

rounder ofU1le enter for the Absor:ption of

Fedend Funds, Swinger

brought. to

the dud [enge bo]dness,. acumen,

elle.rgy .. Confident and decisive,

he inspired tfl~t th!r"Ou,gbh~s IeZldeil'~ :-;]1 ip a'b ilines and scholarly ana ]i!iIrillenrs, Earl yin his career, he was the recipient of[lm~ :prestigi,ons RiplW Pl:i:c:e, a:mlil,],dlym\1i,f~:rded to

~~I;m~~fl ~

1::lrI!erntTu.iti:OIl would not Oldy be reduced or elim.irr:aled:!in snnleuts ~r-omf~n!iliesw~th m.odest it;:iCOI~,'Ie:s",but JiO.rl:heserlously i.!llpoverished, th e university would provide 'p~YlitlenlS

w the' student!'>"

compensare :i,Qlr earnlngs they

nli~',g'h'~ave pifmri.d:ed. h "We


n1US[ he cognizant economic realities,"



theprin c,ip.aJ ~n'\~estigamo!r hoi ding

lillie mms~ co,ncurremlJt gnlilHs .. Other

NBC [the Nat-

honors est:llbllishcd hi IU as ~l high

~],clli:iever in the .linkage of science

ional BfO~1dca,!Stitlg orpcn]tC ion] hailed Swinger as "the

bold leader of a new generarion of academic stajesmen,
vi.~iojj'JJ.~liy ~j'll Olf~~loo,k~ sensltive

E3:e'fcl'i! Swirug<:rr;'g ~U'lirn,f;;l1~~ AV.<is if':-;, U

had b.rk::l]~r nraered anemicn for [he a body pans scandal ~t~ Sehoul ofMortu,ary its Science. \"IIlJ:iichpat~nered'IN ~tb~h~Scheel of Business, inteaehing ennepre::nell~~:ip rosmkU.O\ffi.

individaaleud uarional needs,

and d eU:irm:~ru,edm make a tlIruffer'ence," hl.qtli.ri:es ~] ~~,)l~)]e:l1.1eli~~ti.Q]']I (]if UiJe

lu~l:~mlarran gemenrs werc dism issed as

pO:IDellHa~\i':iol,atiO'[) oOfpF.ivH<::yregulatEoius. The second year of the SW~~'lge!ll"presi-

dents and JaQ!LI~ty. "[he E:I,lWSOOe'\iV,a." selHe-di out'

of eonrt

in a:~l agreement

LII].:!:lp!!t1'dHeclpaYlne:tns to' bereaved relatives. (By agreement 0 f the parties, court record s were seiit~ed, 'IJ;utthh:di.dI not prevent <'1. supe]"~ market Iab:]oi.difreru 11eJ> the 'casein a n ~~rt~cle~h]ed"On rhe Trail of Granny's

that l:)[~ovi,de:d lenges dun confront our nation and the w\O[ld." Appui:uli[fn.em.t of' ··d]stingllD:'l,hedfilc-·

uHy and! concentrarion

em, urgent nation al

~Ie also dis-

prcelems' ,:vtHlklhav'epdo,ri~

d,encybr,oug'htrutllnther ]I:iI.nov~ni.'on It I U A'I,I-che n:n,~~"Id of a rnaj owreseerch faciliug ity~~:ht'Hugo First rIHj.t~lUte farHuruan

Femur;") O~helF'li:vise,. A'!!.! existed inan aeaU diemic netherzone, along w.i.tlli:I [l}ll1,n:1:erou::; inSl:i-, [uti ous th ar n ever t-eg~ suer on the popn lar
ehsns oifllni'!;rsrs,ily raukings,
O'Hilie.~. s;. IGlre,enbe~g i~d! !W.a sh~l'I91h)1II jmllnlilSihst <l1f'ld founder of 5cil!l'Ice£ GOL!&"l' R.efjtN.r. E):-.c6,plM~'mm Seienlc€' let SfJllft Til~ PefU-s, Re:,w(1f(iS" ,(Jtui :Del,tF$J~·(ioilS ()f (~m:pu$Ciapit~'i~m, pu'b~ished Iby ~heUQhrers.~ty oJ Chf:cO!![Io i?rts.~. ()20D7,I'IU r~gillS we~e rYed~yllh'e Ul!lliver$~ly !;)f (h](a'!iOI. E-IITI'ail: dl,lmidgS13@-aoLcom

closed thm~U Avwould terrninare el,llp~,'O:Ymem of<ftdjl~.ncl['e<ldlingsu1IfH· ·'OOC'~u~ offhe financial and p,roofess.ioIDilIl insecurity of their


come from

Bx,peri,men~·€ll"ion. designed. S\v:~I~ge~·expblJlned ~t a grotlnd.,br,e<1lkhag ,oeren'l():I"IY, "'[0 fooos on •rrans.biu~on,u~ research,' the "formidable gsp between basic science endbedside [~'emmenr:' that N~I-!had assigned a h i:gh priori ty ~~[lcl igni fic:an:1 suppmt!\l)Ir til is s type of rese~]Irc;;h. w:inger vowed ltill~ S ~~ene'!;1iI institute would be "a leader in assuring the ~1.1d~.Jely of'new treannenrsfor [~e A meriean peapl!e."Relllrri,lltg to lms'ri.tul ional Rev k~w BOO;]w·ds (~RB~).. Swing'er observed ~ U~~t "as oJven a!Olhey ~n'o:tec£p~atie!H~.U.l.ey [il' ~dso gel im the '~~Vl;liy m.ed~c~d of progres.:.; RiThd ~: c()!lslnl.mive relEuwon:s betwee'rJi nC;;HJemic ~.'" .illStkutiolls and .indlmmi~~,ion:s.At U [5 .

the gnl.du~ll'estudents' ranks, "thus pro\lid ing lJi'ueneX[generation of aeadem ieswirh valu~b:le k:Hd.lI~'nge,xp erieuce," The Ne'<v rm'll.~'Tiules reported Swinger's
article head lined "Up start U Reaches ferthe Sta~,'s-aud~llle 'Big 'BuCks,," :~nqui.rh~~ about~hepfogr:ess. oJ
1l!n!.lIQUrlCIt!!.llenl:-s in an

1Fhn~ ~I;ky hmm ls a wo:r~IOf fioin,,;



!'if !!IeD\P~e Of o.r~<lni.~at~01f11§ lOr the ImM~a,outioMSare U!~It.


~f the dl'Sm'~p·

rl~e flil!lldJ~ra~!si!1gbv\fe\ver-e ded.~~ll:ed U Av's c l~ ri!Lpidlye~q}~lii.' Bice ofPubl~e as O

"pOOmiillD!!!I"e,in OOlrllp,uihh;: Wi~1 pl,;.iVl;lCY r-egu]ati:mlls. ~~mdpotel[li1'iaUy h:artllfh] to proll.'

Av," he said with ~:$ flourish, "[RB!i!t~Jnds for s():utle~"fu~i:lJ.g elsei ] m.e~'iiI~~ "Indusrrial R:ese~I!r'ChBuddy.·~· Ul1tons and T;.s~~]W}earB b img those words.were di:!u:dbuted to allleboramry st~ff" and a sim.i.buly inscribed banner ~V,lShung 011, the b~oche~:lrli:s'u'Y ~,dJng. The bui JrJbll Srre('! .lmwual editorialized 111;;1t "the

"wholly without merit,' Datacorrcborming

the f~oo.i:ng "","1ldd not be inad'e pubi le, Swinger

explainedin ()on~(U'mitywith p~,i\la.cYI.\egld,]lions and: the:need tl) proiec ~proprieh'L~inf()r;..' matioa. 10 ~.QDtllieleei:ill'!gs: on C::l!n1l"HIS,
Swwmge;r caUedfur "an i,mtergefiemtioi1a~ dia-

tiQ u offi nd a sol..d fi.~C1~~l]jd.!dase that i b "vou.lldl help l:~he next leader fo'] the el imb to W1,aJt.iolll!~II.JI,"()i'ni nenoe, Alas, [he' aud itors' report \1\lo3S bleak: the $10. bill ion CfU1.1~'
~:I~~:iglll WIIot had

yet covered irs expenses; appJi.-

looks like: ;a of the ben,i,gln:edfDA. [u. S, Food ~md Drug. Admini :U.['fl'l~.on.]'~ID1Jd:tllerJlng U illI:o '~:heoblivs icnthar ~It>0 ric~.'l~Yeserves,' : d lJ .Av·s growing promlnenee took a still
greater ~e~prOl,wdr-d withan agreement with ~1msjor pharmaceutical flrm that provided ~br company ~1II1\lP()wt research ]111, U Avs of ]aboratoll"i:'e"s"clinieal testing of tb~ finn's.

SlTh'"~,,~ghHalkiUlg Or. Sv...n!llge::r good pfO~p(;:tl Ih:r t"king t:~ehe~m

logue concerm'limgjhenew \~'Or[dof science," a nilO'!.tehat won plaudits for leadership, t

As controversies 'o,vt::r the Hugofirnt lnstirure recede' a new d]fficl!!I~:y arose, A

catiOluil:b;U' admissicn baid! indeed risen, but in rhe 1J!b5;e!H.:e· nr·Bi!lnclir.;for financial aid, enrollments were down,


Other d~fficL~[iesemerged, C~W! l'heir ~ [0 \Vashingwn, the aggrieved

i!li warm

Sl ud ell1l on

1rI1O:i.k-~liIJd:y ~~gsig;1i'iIn~eutn i

the U

g raduate smdents <I.llldothersreeelved

Av development 'otHce du:rpng Ihe sn:~ff's hm.c-h break answered I!JI telephone h1,q,u~ry froma reporter eoneemiag progress toward
L'be $1.0 hi, U::iOI] fund-raising goal, The stu-

reception on [om inves[ig<lti:lUl of the Hugo firs I Insrirute. P.eli1d~.m,g,

the enrcome, N [[i pn!de;ndy froze al ~grants

at I:heillstituID~" At the s~u]e time, thefinn \:0.1-

r.~ern.t!nh:r~o!fed ' w~t~,1!he press, in t

prod"'~(:·h'~f ~he il'Tugo Fi:~~~~n~~ilme. iilnd patent sh ;)iliilngof prom is] I~,gdeve lopments,
FinaWlc~;;l! ]<I!nd other detailswerew ~thhel.d fmtl11 pubUc disc~Q[mre,[hc partners exp~ained, "in coml.'J!~.]!rivacy regu~a~· tions and the need [0 protect proprietary ]ulfc'IJ'lll'lO'llin:rliWll joint ,p'liDr:suIt lJ~· ti1enrlltl'utDc

be] p fitl]l]y expl ~irIJe,~,'·The'y .baven·! gonen ~nylhing yet, They're c(l'~rnphi~ni.ngal] the rime:"-co]1u"Iumts that were pl!!lb.~ishedLwhh
]]l!!ii.nuarion~ of :;etb;;:!cb. EI\ 'IJ Avs toward naeicnal standing, Ca.~.~:i~1Lg press a conference. Swi.n:gelle~]mesHy p('1imled out
l~]tU"llil~lj or

laborating with the fearing fbr irs

the drug mml:kll'iilp~ace. i~.1.vokeJd. its cO~l'!!tr~icl1!.!~~,r.i.gl1iH~,g w:iihdraw Jrnl~:! rhe Ii'.ehuionsh~p, laking. wi.l1h it: all :i:nndle.cHJrnJl p~npe'f'tyanil several ~te'H.!I.sof OO~l]y ~~e['1ti[ic ~lP pa.'I':iu: The f:i rm S generaleou tis. nsel reminded his U A,/ counterpart fh!Jt all de;;JHng~
between tID:Ie two o:r'gflnizfltio[ls\,v,s:re b:;t n(.)'l'ld~sdo~~llle p:fOvisi.{)!:ils,"

reputationin is i
A lJenllpils

~110l:;)I~;1i overn


p:r()c;:e~;s. ~il1dlis not mllelllabl.e

penny counting,."


benefits for ~m:tC American people," As was

laterrevealed, S"\1~~'l!ger becamea p<l~d(;OI1J.~·

to !OO nMU:~'he stut

dent who hMcli spoken ~nJudkiously brought

snltant for the' COn1INlI,yand, :!l~ongwith several members iQlfrhei:n!:ilrutute,. received S'~10c.k
opt ions in the f~rnl.f or strenglb:e:lling the ,i intuge betwe e~i1J researe Iil andeomnrerc ialiZ~ltion.,::le[jJ~ur embers of U Av's tecllinol~· m ogy transfer office weregiven [enured ])1:'0-' les:SiClJ~~1~pS, Jnit~(]lly. U Av's pharm .•lItleuri.cilI]

t~e response til ~1l'[she was "no longer em campus," \ovllil~'le reporters were discreetly advised
dl!1U flLLnhelLC .ilflfotl1JJli~ltuonnJ:i.g:hn.: OblaWl1Jed be

TI;longh busy arhis newposition. Swinger nl'1int<!~lIfIed ,,1careful w .. x:h on eventsat U .lA.v: u Thus. he was not s'tllU'p!r.i!'!edby an m:ge:m request [0 meet the dhJairnum. ofrhc commiss iOin'Si board of nUSI~eSL Themeel1ing 'Ii,V<JS brief ~ndl ended. wirh the understanding (lhi~'bt. Sw~n.get w01!.I]d be able to review thep[es~ relea se {!IlI]~.10unci ng his res;~guuiJlion. .!u: U A.v; [01 kliV..mlflg "I 'llf ~lfIlen.r~,m.'its;t


!:inl0Gth~jy, resultieg

in sev-

eral pruenlsingpateuts a~.idspin-offs, .B lU Ihen,i:ron] It:tC [ceu1Ii,ng rank s of ~r-·

~,)elH;rullyiJJ.'1iiIJc{)mtt'n'il'gr.:]diLi<Ue .5ti.ideifll~,

~~ocl(1:r!ll1 fellows, idle' fOrnlleT ndJl!I.~cl,s,.!Ilnd. other ~li1gf.<ll'l.'l!'l, :8Je\!era~wenlpubl.iC'\, a '~!!I:i,e'ty of g!f.iev;;1wloes. Shielded by :PI.~OU::CllofiL:±> fOIi ~o·called lj,,,,ihhrt:I.e.-lblowt:i'5, dul'y risked ~'lO[lling.The !ll1!O~l darn!aging, alleg:a~· li.onscontel1LQ]je,{],Ihm the HU.g'o Fir~n~.nstHilJm

fhml [he univei,'si·ry" cliil~,ic. TI.ld1ugh'lhe Swinger a.d~m~n~str~ltii~):nwa~ dee ply troubled by these adversit ies, the g~'O\i\" of success remained IIJndi1[n.i.m~~l~e;d~ ]ead:ing ~1':1levariouspublished;5 of o]cadernic q~l~lilhy to pDst even. h]ghermliJilg fur U Av. "Look QUI" 1vies," u.s. New.~ '& Mfoi'ld ReprN·' dei(;~.<lred. Gmnl S~vinger ha,d not achi:ev'ed Sl!!ccess by ,igl].or:ing rea~:i[)r. U
A'!.!\c'l",a3r~'k ~ng O.lJ1Wflmer.~m:] I.le a~olle\l,{ it. TltlU~.wte~::Im cl:is.ti:lflgl!i~hed senreh ronnn:ittecLipplff'lllu::bed apoih1:d.hl.e CHlld,idanl



p:a rticularly impressedby

the pfCJIfe&"ik1ilml t:akt'Hdlat-g,e


crede~[iarns ~lilld demeanor of one candidate, 1mcOllltmsrlO Swin~er's

pei'l:iil;.lii'i~t ~he




If~~$:S;Ulnmce. S t i~, re coveru. ng ~



Grant" Swil1lger experie.llce,ll!ue tn~$mesw'ere e~l~eci.i:lilly :rem;:;ured wllen,~~s:ked for IDleI!' philosophy of govt)'maIlC6. .she thoughtfully

for hemll~l~g the ne\¥ permanem



wene1cwdfur "

routi !],eIDyl~briicEl!,tedreporls of cl ini't::'il~tri,;;!I$ b~,sed. on nO[leX~~,mLm.texperUrl1emml. sllbjec~s,: lllli.H, I.nmli'e C:~'H;e..~ "',ihem tl"]<1lit-; we:rre com~ ducEed., '''res u iJs, were' wri tlt'll up!] e~on:' expedl.iL'IIenta~. dnlg...,. were 'ldmim~stt1:red: iotnd [lli;;'lt research plll)e'l''Sre'lJ(wi'ing the fr~l.lIdt:~]elrl[ reh1itively b:rieftenuwe al U Av. (elling the ~rol1St~(jllr,t:,c:rui:ters~ped~~ps m ~lI1liothert~me .. tid~dre !HI.I rn wer~ ro utt ~ne:~y prepO'Lreci;by the ~;:po!~$,()iril!ligf]rnlls .!t.nd pub!.~shed under th.e Now ·ecsHltk· i:]bou[ fhe n~[m in their sights. n~lues of U A'll n~~H:';:!lr.cbe:rs. Le emu-· lJru,e con~m.i.nee OVerCaUlle' bis re:SiISt.I:1J;[lIc·e. T 1:' Sl:\Finger ~W1!o¥l~fleld ~)~~~muds tale.s of eradi,·ci:lLtion 'o:f di&EIIp~· Exp:rest>~~fl!g deepl!egret. to~d ~l'oi:n~i,I.'lgdfl~aan~I dinlg sak~s pitches m, COIl.-· tlliJe U Av tms;tees dun "IlilY sense of res pons il"inl[!.i~rJ!g~:n(;:dic;a] ~dnc;i'lt~on:r:lrogrmHf' by U Av b~Ury tu~heni:a!rion's sci.eHtif~.c e~lt'erp:(F~se OOl1il1!lernS me. ~loceril dled.nal1eng,e thm~1La~ li~cuH'y on l~leciCllml)~my p:ayrel L been rhrilJglupml me." P!fo!t.'lJl!iy p'~edgi.n,g "~fbU ~!fld comp]'ere Me~I::t'~,vhil~,e, Av's ji.hedl nustees VI;' 0 11,·, U trr~~nsp3J:rrency:' S\:"I~rtgltrnn:tlo u.Ilced c re~uiOin li] of a "'bkl(;:i"'ribbon,indf;::,penii.l,;,:mt ~~I'!quiry:' dered: ,\;-Vile ~lI\'\i~lS goi rig ~o weH. why FoUCl\~illg seve:rnlckHicd-door n1i~e[ing::;;.the 'w,olul d thei rpr izel:lI:es,i dCm1Il j La :mp ship'?' As. ~1
j ~~I

om Scielui:fic [nt'egm·,~ty. Swi.lll,ger d~d1n~t~y no, ~n~tead, citing the i.!w~'olabi]iw of his vmv~() sl~ephell"d1U Av to i::t~uwonal grea:lllleS~, he ,e:>:p1re:ssedHp'p:reGiHUOn~'o:i~he proffered pos,~l-ion.Wheil1lLnged~Q COin side'r t1i1Je need s of tbe IlatiO['l" be mndes:rly no ted his

"'nOlill'tm.u:~eli,estll~,'IIal~ thepm;v,e:r of

[!l·en ['Jeplied.: gre~d i.ll t~~e 'h~~t~ ~c~l·e:nc:eo~' (hewll1!(l,:le~on1:e' ·of prese.m::e ofM.~tndsm and: se.lf-r.especL And
iJ,O:[1J.'[ ove.rl.ook ~h<lm.e amd. el.~"II),.~rr~s~m'enl

nli(}~111e~1(. !ilnd

as fOI,"C,e~srorgoodbld]a!vwo:r in s'c:~enlil'ic
<TI'rn ir:s,'" t(

l1o.e tnlstees. reacted nlvnTab~y~o uhii' sage fbrrnu]~ti.OliJJ .. though onoe oftbelll fI.eetffi~.'Jigly [tuulghr he had p.!e''I,r]ouily ·e!MJoume'fed (hose wonJis. pe~rl.1apsuI1. a rece~,'ll bool.;. But. he .i{)i~'l:ed wifh hi:!' c'Q,II.f;mgues wn Qneri!lg~:he
~:lre:5hIJency mrllJs outsw,l1J.d.i~]g c~.I:ildid®lte. who pmnflpUy and. graC]O!.ils~y~ce·pTe~t
Ref5111i1ce ~15. reenber.g. Sr:JtfJcel(,;f 5~e: the .~(jl~R(!ilJ(Jfds, G I'md'f) Copitofi'sm '(UI1I\1. 01 (nlcago ~fes5;.CliIri@g@, in pFe1ii$).
lO ..11,26J'sci~n()[!"1]!l8{l3J()



illlig;uiry COlildu;ded then the <Il]leg:a.tin:[I~'were

1'i.tS>t aep., they ordered an audit i.n.exrect;a~ s

Q 9" org

.\NV!Jw,sci en cem


Vo l 317

7 SE PTE MIS E R 2007







s;ahil~~I'SmtaJtion p!lriod is shorter than

previQusly thou!ght.~ljihrkh fll-ay haveimportant

,Ianet I:Qrn13Jhom t~:l"N_)I,r,isls. like dereetives ..have m g~~h~rclues ~~~1:d ~:hem put rogerlrer to a'(I)~:rnI:Urll evenrmar an hapS{l'

(Jons@C1i~E!ni(@S for U nJd@r:s.tand]"'91 Ih,ow tjh.~ gmanlpLa n~tsrQHn ed.

temperature .. In this way. tl'n:e[kmsi!.y can be

pened ill the pa~t. SO!l'leUm,e~ the clu,eis

!-lubt'lottthat :it requires a chain Qfro,llsoning to' see how ,itcoIUdhutes, to li,In[~~ve~,~!IfIg Il1JyS~ the

mry" As Sherlock Holmes said .. "It has ]on~ bee~ ~]fll axiom Ormilieth;~u Hie lilt]~ things ~lre inl1nin:'ly the most ~mponanl'" (I). The work repot~et!. by Ande!lsoofl and SGI1Luben Oill p~lg,e [384 of'this issue isa case in point PJ. These iI]ut]hOrs have fOUlid, t]hjn Saturn [oUUeS S0Ji11e~· "1!ihm more quic~Jy IIU.l!1 had been thoughr. 'fh~s~,p,paret,1!lly miner result n'J~,y have pro-

found ~lS.~furu:::tion or depth. One Qif the free parameters can be fi)lfdb:y for-ci'l:ligll!e me'.a!~,:!density of the p~mer to 1.1Irlareh l~~e obser vedvelne, but. the others are harderte tie dO'INH.. Because Jupirer ~wl!dI Sarurn retare rapidly, they have aprououueed eblateness,

Tbi.scJ,~p;'iLrtLtrefroTIl ~l5pile:'riG<I:1 ~h~lru~rn"J;ea~':n1 liliulJ the gl1ll!vita[ ional POi~(:IJJ1l iam of these p]f1ne'~s dHfe.m s]i,g;h~l.y[r{J,m. the tl.;~u"'~r~ h:1\;ll (\M.1:ere r

is radius), The strength of the potenrialar a

fi~0d, disrance from (he

\.\'~U 'I<lry asrhe

angle U:1omthe spin axis eha nges, The dependence

'O'n~h.isanglfeig expre5St;:>d,

ftnltujim pi icariuns for cu r umJers:larund~ng

gi3!n! p.~3nel origins, The eM.dy ~o]!:lrsy:g,tern began ao;
Oil g~lli


d.a ~k

by a series of coefficien:[s
ta~,ati 011 alllll'l:(ji.

around rhe S'IJ~,"I" tW'Q scenarios fcmlb.rmna-, ~~nd rion of :the giantp billets, seem possible. One

Tlnese momeurs

'Core' is;:iI.ilE!s.,]lUpit<er is~.i'nr@el.i mt?s tI S mfl~silj~ a's Saturn, so the pressu rQS lin it~ rnterii.ow ar,E,' mn.J(:iI1 higlher thillrll tlho ~eill1 SditJUIi'n, iii Imdthe m.allle-li,;;.1 thieriE,' liS nun fmc ofjhe body. unO!!e'CGHlpre~ed, As.Qi re.~!lI~tl,llpit~ aill1dS:~tl!J!m J h!3,\!'€'ne!;lfl:y~lle~~meadius. r B eeause ()f uncertaingas glaut ph'il:l:eiL lthoughsoma of the core A Hlere. th'e p~Jan'el'S, re Sh'Oll\llliilt S,]!,~ellati\i'e·~o, a t~'il'ir ~noomlP~ess.ed d'erhr;ilyro ties Willi rhe cemposinon nlig~~[ hem ixed back into tl~e ;jljccret]ng ga.s as sire:s.s tlile< d~fh~j'~n(,e:'hl c.ore mass. nus, ]Iupit~r ('~op,) .appe-ar:s.!,airger than it collapsed oato the planet, we would :!ililU Samm (bO'b:m),.lInd Sat~m') 2.O-IE(jrt~N:iS: loore (dotte,d dl'tClle)app,eoa~~~'to and iurhe pressure-den:sit)' relerion at veTy ~.1~,gh e:l(pect Jupite.rilb1ll!d S;J!tlJ!lml '~ohave ceres on the have IrougMy 1.,6 tlm!ils~h~ r'()dluli ,of J lij)it~r' s 5-Ea r~hm !1I:s,s cor,a. plres"ljlues:,[h~re are rio numorderof' ~,OBarth masses." ber of ··JeHsolfl!~hle'· :ensil;t tllistributioms t'f];ilt d TI.lI.!E!other scenarlo. jbe djsk il:lum'lbHity The standard appmach lis ro .<I.sfiUrIJ'Ifea reasonable ci'J:mposit~Q~::I\,v~rhsome free ~}!Jtri:Q!rne- fit the observed parameters fOI" JupiTell'.and ~.lypcthe&is (4)., m:gues thm the gas disk itself was 11 nstable and dmt (ll(;1"Il;sLty~1uc~.u~t"i.o[l!:i ters, l'yp.i.caUy•.one assumes 'l:htlJt~here is a I.m~wy·' thereis some .amb[gu.ity moltovihllM' lllie size of

scenario, the core ace rel~on hypo[hes:~s '(3).. .]Fgues,du.l [he sotids i,l.lL~l.lfeou~er solar ::lys!eun., in the fbrm ofplauetesimalswere biJ1]Jfo;]dutil~ly accreted intea pla.nemry core' on l~~e order of ~5 Eilth masses, S~tcba H1L~l!i~~Ve. core eculd

can be measured by lbl~.o\N,ingthe morion of a. :$~tt:I..ite in 'the planetary l gravitatiorml field, They
c.. also becompmed. m from the :inll'::rllllu[ density dismbuti on andthe rora-

then attract a large ameunt u f hydr'Qgen and helium from d~e ~uf1mmd]ng ~oform a

became lurge enough

UiL!U: some

portion of the

dlwskcollapsed under it'S, own gn~v.ily.This col-

1,!p!'>~WI!g c lump Wr;li~!d eve]ltual.~~{ eyo~!veilUg ,l, I


gial1lL P~I!I:JJ'iI.e~. of the solids

inrhe gaswould eveutu~d.Jy settle into a core (5), but dun COl~ is expeetedte be small .. '0I1l [~]eorder uf!il ! s, AJrhml,g,h luaSI theQrists f~vo[' t]u~ com ~~G;:c!'etion ~Ce~'1!~f~n,. bodl hypothese::s, h~ve Snr'~llglhs: and weaknesses. OI11e po&S~!MeWfbY III .resolve t1~eis~ue i.sloinves~igo~t:e ~he stmc:~· lure o:f ~he (\~!lQ gms g'ili~]IlVS in Olll!" solar S,yst'(!111l. An:' the cores of Jupit:er ,al.lI:d, Satun:l d:nl~ert~)

]'ulJ.ire'f~:SCOle ['!ei;]]1y is, Tlhe evidence' seems, parameter), sn~ilioHnded by an envelope 0:1'" :Il~m'~veii,~o POllilt to.~ core ofberween 0 ~~:I11id :5 E.i;~rt·h asses (6). This presents a dim~:uhy lQir m b.yeln}gen. l..eliunl"a!J!.dSQ!l~efr~H.:!i"i!i)n ~ifhe~l\der the core accrefiou ~,':Iypolhesis, but 1:l;Ql~hr the materialmlxed in ~i!II second tree parametee), The detailsare not"very se:m:iitive~p ta~e exact diski nsmbii! ~[y .liYPoUl,esif>(7). Tl1.e p",O:bifem i.s choice of ad{],ildOJ::tal heavy m"lated~ll.,.b~,l;this too t with Sanirn. The same models tharpredicr a element core ofunderermlned mass (one flee
SH.1~ln cere for §upite~' (wil'$lmtherlm,ge errOif bars) predict a core ofsolillel 010 20 Ear~:h. $TIa~'!es fi,]F S~f~U:f~i'h ~t!:l'110:~at" ~11 and el.e!;!p' ",;hy balances lheVl"ei,ghl. of tlli'le~Ji'~!ying ~j~yer5, ~fuer,e: sh!o'lll.~d be su ch a .Inrg;.e d ifre~~l~e. Tl~ere i.sgood rea"on~t) beUe\l~ l'i:ml ~he Jheofj~ ..tslu·!Ve remded In ;M:t wiide l!liB lP]eoe of emo\i!:~opes~ju:t Jl:~,l):nterand :Sarurn ~trecon\1~c:rfung,. infQm.1mion because they are [lot s:m'c 11m:'":it, so that tfue: L'enilpB!l1~Wre gmd]el1r.ful~n'l;,\is <~Il ~cH~ filS ill to duo:: who,lepi:ot1i:lre. ubm ,(:u ,e" i;] s~quence of changes ill pl',~SS!uroilnd Detel.llliuiug the rounion m~c or.a gnseOl[S

illdd~tr1l::'ed.QiIU [n

f~bdWlg the (:n!.11pO!'iillri.on. The pr,~ssur,~iuside the body can 00 compm:ed by ~<;'''iun.~u!flg t'h.~mteacli'! depth~ie p~ur~ ~~lcUy

l~ lI3an,h Il1IJiSSCS j


zero'? To


t]ues~inn. l;ive~;lOlve ~{)Inotld th,e .1nlerl]~I] t.I1.It::~· ltl:lll[Jemture but ",vitti i:l11 ~ h~u~ e""fcl101'ng~dJ ]j"hu,q~

p]OlLn:'Ieri.~ dl:frIlcuh. Hnd .p'rev:iolJls .<I.sse~~I.:t"lel"llS

,!;¥CI~ based


tl~re ~ncl OOIl1lpositi:onOft11:~'sel)]~lne'ts.



t:he ten1peran!~-'li~ m. say. t['le ~~b.arpre~s,ui!e Ie,,~d iis .k:nOl,:vli.tlile le'mpe-I~moo th:rougfu.our the
em.-.e:~tJpe CallL he detemlinc'd. AU. 'Uutt: rema.hl1~ i.~
[0, use

[he n::m,gne'l~:C ~. fie~d(8, 9). On the basis of data [rOlll1l rhe i

111100SmU"I1Cnts of



01' IGe®ph~~c:s. <I III01

C~s~~Il.i,. Pi O'rileer, and V01age~ d'lat S'ltm!lfl'S,rot<ll:iolrlpedod


IP'~al1letaryScienle §, 'Te:l Avt'll Ul1liiv,e,r~i'l.y,'T~1 lIviiil, 1"I~,aE!1 6M'ii!. (·mail~;n

the l~sl P']lIYSUK:S ISlibie to deleliil;nine du: [i\(lli

Andel~s()l;~, aJ n:d.S c~:lu.~e:l"l(ug;us conv inlC'il ngl:y

lis ~dJ(m[7 n.TI.i.lHlres


doosilY ()rlh.ema'~'Ed:d" gh.!e:[1 ils pressure ami VOL 3117 SCIIENCE



less, than tliJ:ea,D,1ier valuaThis fasrer rotatien r,ale mea~1isthat t,o nt the ob~oe:rvoedgn1iV]W~ rional moments, theinternal dens~[y distribudons computed ror Saturnmust be revised, TIle core ~l'la"s.w,iU most ~,:m)md)~ye rednced, b br~~~gi.I~,gcloser to llh<l:~f§upiter (::;00 dM.': fig-' h o uee), The exrent of Illi:Sfedil.uc~~n!1, depend wi~:~ oll~hedetails of the physk:~s. Saturu's Ularuss is only one-third that of lup]ter"s,: thus.. it i:s],ikely that the seeoedary i}I'OOes:~stlun ]h;;J!,\re'been sugge.swd 10 reduee the size of Jupiter's core ~~,1 tiwco.n~ accret ion SSOO~1!~l!"jo. Ol!"to form Ute core mUle disk instab~:~ityse enari,Q,mighl, be' d ifferent enough between the two plauets ro explainthe dimer;., encein the sizeoftheirceres. Pe:rhaps '!i'\iewill even lhe able to IJ1 se this infQI".mali.on '~o help decide between lherrwo hypm1hese:1>" ill.. ike
Sheirlodm-:lo~.I~:'Ies.,l heS~h1!~e, o speculate lOD r
rJle PengulJ'1 (Of,!:1.p!ete :51lt€r.o(/!: H'oln'res ~IPenguiiil, wnd'iJn, it 9.8.nJ. p, :11 94. 2. i u ,Andmo:n, G.$l:huilf!,nl,$di!'i!lre 3ill7, ]~8<l (2OCn. 3. J.. lEtIP!l~~ildk /f11 karns 1214, 6.2. (199i!()', ~ .. 4. It P. I!~, S"'i~\'Ke:2'76. 18:36 (1!.9'9:n.
i, Il C ID;O~,A Cose'o/ldM'lJly:

~m~c]]before :h~,ving l~1efil.c·~s;,[;rl view Qfthis ~le":l,fhma .. 'P'lane[lbnn:n[~jon~heodsls should sf;! c

up and take .IflQl:ioe.

S, It P. ll~~, AS{li"opfl~. 15036,.nOll (2GOOj'. J 6, ~ S@.~morn, if. Gui'LIQ1;..AlftfopJlj'~~ t. 2'9'81 135 (2®05.~. 7. It Hel~edl el GI., Bull: Arn. A_~lWn. Soc, 37. ,6'7S (200S), S. It Sa nchlf1o.l_·La,!Ie.g:a,S',lult:e 3011"1223 ~20!IJ~. 9. ~. Bage,n:al, Strencl?' 316,. 3801 {2007~'.

Two modes of ,a·diva~iofll ,expta'in ho,w ani


(I,:ddativill stress, hormones, and neliJ fij tr ~ 1l$!1iiU-e ~S,


blo'C),dvessel zespcnses

according to, the 'V'i~;an1,]!!llimongers. are trote rulnation _ of'our existence ..TI~:~y indude Sll_P(l'.I:·' o;o;.i.des (00;;:-), hydroxy] radh:::O!Js (OH-), and p(;;lroxwde~ "~1202}L eel ~ecli,velyct~ned "t~lc'mive

~,(!~d~IUS!md radicals, free

tion-medieted flKGEfl di.I~I'I~·iza[i.Qn.The au(hors notedthat IrliO~reh]xe5 ~l!oir[ic ring~ and state ofll'lY0'Si~1 (see ~ll.etl'igu[ol~)(3, 4). V~~so~ rbar relaxanen eorrelaees '~v~~:hiinHsrilzatloll d ooroslfi.c'lflN SU.dl.<.i~'!I:ng~olell'iill]], ]~rtcrea'le (Il:ie (~~mdence, <lCI~,v;:~li.u~1.) b ofPKG]oc :~02~~jrh~dl~ oo[Jflcellultti:m~of cyKlSO]ic calciem :imls (C~ ..). m:ed, dimeriaaticn decreases the alT.ini·[y of
Hermonss and nenrm:mrll&mimel':5 eontrol mu~c.le tone by nlffl:llcting the :pl~osphoryl.]tk)H

oxygen sp,edes" fROS). Tilese mol ecul ar

'!i\fh.ichMCl:i1!,tilJl~S~n enzyme

(myosi III ~.,ghr hain c


fin" ~uh~n'l~e"\""~'lerea,,,:> t,.-(jMP~i-.(;tiva··,

e by-products of m itcchen dI'U.~l] ki;~l:ase)theJit pl];(),.~ph(l:l!'yhnes myosin, Also. an enzysne (l1L1Jyo~i.n liglu cha in phospha ttl se).ingthei r eleeuons.They are blamed fi)l'1(:ImS~ that dephosph orylates ~.:I1yos ls ~uh ibi ted. in brignnds-lh
metabo lisns=-corrode meleeu Jes by snatchimg caneer; heatt disease, All:t]]e.IIll1leil"'s disease, ~]IDd old age ( I),. Yie'l in areversal of theview ';:'''''''",,';-1,'''' ''Ii
!t13 .... 1,'~, !tL-'\.a..

tian ofPKG]aincl'emSf:::'S the maximum velocity of substrate ph:oiSpht~."ybMktll,. MQrei.n~JXH·:' ~lndy,BUlrgOY!l[lC et al. noted [!li;nl~20lstimu(iow.mnreamv<lSore]axfUlt events illl!cludillgdecreased 1l:1yosiin ph.osphGryl~ ation ..Thu:ii"I.:m,O~ is '!i~'OI1II~ being an iIUPGr~' of

"-I"'lol ,;]iL "-"IU.~aa 8""1 11 n....."" ... , ""

... .u'i.J,~!i,l·'

,,,-,:>;'v]... u..''',I'.. ~.~I~i' '1-;;;' M>,"u...", -I'" 'Ioor,UU ,tll!;:~."~ lU~


that bas dominated since t!he 1.950s. we have come to appreciatethnt ROS play-essential rol'e'S in !'fi!e;;lll~:lye~Us.i.gll1l.~,i:llg. i1, pilge 1393 in O

rHntli\;,~lilxm~vorn -sigml~" Mililny proteins arellifrec~d by their redox pallop:~y of :iUbstro:l·res. Ll~lisuUeS;v,ul the ph:ys]ohJ!gi.ciill relevance is H this issue. Bl!rgoY~'leeu:d.(2) Shl}\'Vtlh~lt oxida- ma~dy decre'ru;i~]g ll)rnsi nphosplloryhIJti'on, unclear, pmnly because lugh concemrarions o,f How h;PKGactiv,Rted by vasorelaxams? ricnsetivares a key ei.u:Yl.nel:hat:causesblood i ves.~ls l~} rel'lx, Th~sfindi~]g r;Mij:se~H p~~~d(Jx: Tli"!ebe.. ..~~'lJnderstood p;;J:'~h\'M~.ay!lVOives ,t.'lI1do~ OX~d?lfll are eften used. AlthO'll gh tissue 'con~ Why. if ox~da~iolu.l can f',..]i:H{ blood vessels, is l''1]eli,a~;niuic o.xJdie ::;ymllhrnlse {eNOS), which cemratiens of Hr0]: are netknown, PKGla is ox.i.d;ilti.v,e SU€S\,; associated w:i~.1 hy:pe.rtel.H,ion.'! ~~CI:I'ltaledyl'OO p.MHl,02 (1). whid]usp:rolbj]~ h geii1:emL~ nhrle oi:l:kie rNO~ This g<l'l.eous mol€'Cl!i:ed~£fw;es.f"[}IYlUh.e e ndotheliumto vasculer Vascular smooth muscle ce USCOml~C[: b~y~hysi.olo'g,icnLThe best-documented tar~inoolh. muscle and .~ctruvares,cytosol rc glil.~ny~- gets for ReDS areprotein tywsllilfle !p~,loi:'lpim~fit::,'es IJJsing :~1 i1ml~m:s of actin ~tndtil~1(Isirnl.n~lec ules, are cyclase. th us llJ."jggeringthe prodcerion of (5, {) "whose enzymetic ~lCl]'irity is abolished )

opposite effects. Protein kinase G ~f'K.G)is a pivotal enzyme in vasorelsxarlon (3). The PKGhx iscform smdiedby Burgoyne et at.

Ihe author .~ 'j'fi thill Dep-aumenl ~f (jeU Bilo~.Qgy, Emo!!), U nl\!1mJty .5d100l (If Metdidne, A~1<1nt~. GIl 3()13.~2, II.JISI\., I:;·mail: nis.5.II~i3 r:tz!ell@!:lllilory,.@dul


J ' .,5' -ruonephosphate


by oxiid1H.ioll'l (If a eysteine residue ~n f~eir-

which activates PKG. The new mechanism ~ciivesites. l'h~!soxid arionis sti mu latedby pr0p'0~'ed. hyBu.rgoyrnce el ,ai. i.i:iJ.vo~.ves oxidf~- g rowrh f~lclOrs '~.vhOiSk)reCiepmrsrrigge-r H;P2

\i\'a:5{ularr,e~axa~orl .. lihe l1!r.izymePI~G.llct phio!Sp,ho,ryllales

mllihipte tar'ge'lcS ~trro shown, here) Yl:hm ;I(tivat.ed by ,cGMP Qr IQ)lid!!Mtion, These evt!lts, Ir~s;u1li!'1! r'ela)o(cl'~Ofl of ~11!10 l!nl!~dFll (:I~US'if!1 the blood \I'~el.waU. oth.


produeti om.via Nox [1'\~])PfJ (nicotin amide ~~del1.hl'e dinl[lcl.eotiderllnK.fl,:h;;I~e. reduced) oxit~ase]enzymes (. ; 8). The cy5!te~ine ~ssuseeptiMe~Q reversible oo.. idationbecause a nearby illiwginine IO\'lIIe!::S the IPK;~(acid disseeiation conSt1UH) so dm~ the cysterurlie isin [~~e tb~o~.1~te fOnTI1!"Inreres'l:j~'l,g~Y,'PKG[a: Cy~4! is basic residues nl~l m"lrughtallsQIQ\v~[" its p,K(1' End otheli lI!.!.l1J~depend.e:ntU'td(lx~ti on in~ vo~,ves. eve:ml moleculesbesides NO. One of s these. e]]duthel hnn-derisred hype:r~,30]~lJiza:ti!nll fil.ct,or. relaxes muscle cells by opiim.i,ng CaN~,
i:]C.ta.'\f!:l'ted. K.+~d~,annt,:jl$ (BK~).

re]3X.alUflln~ ..Ahll{)1Ugh Nox e],ethe rm~:in~mur~e (d~R;OS ~l~ Itlli1:eWl$CIJ]~u.t:Ulre( 10).

located near Itsintracellulaatarget,

There is
~1]!'iiQ' ~lJ,Jlhel'



]nM:':I.>u'l~:sed]ood b

ROS are associated with pl',~s.:sure., notvsso d~1arion,

Bm:IJClfhel~.~1 NOS


.of the p;;l!fa~ ge~rter~te O,)-and

Evidence points to m1gi,o:ten.:'>inI] ,1S the chief

cU]~::Irh: Infusion of mice ljNit],~tmgi.ote~::IJsill]]
st]~r]lJIJhl[e'>. Nox, jnc:re~.~:s

ROS,~J~d. prnduces

1.:mJ;02ulli~d~.r certain C'mlidiitiol].s.res,l!.I~~ng 1.Il vascrelaxation (lJ). This could provide ~. ~nedh.~IilJ~::;:m. whereby the d~lfus.iblepmduc!s genenued. by NOS switch oe['!;veero NO~nd

hype:rWr.1ifilOn.10-,/1). ( If ROS is associatedwith

hO:\\f.then .. can we explain

how file $whch :may be reg.ulutted.

l-m'jo' ....That. ~~

or course.

raises the euestien of ~~

the observation tl]i:]~ H,n:r can :pmduce v;;]s.Qre·h~xatio!l'l; here T is a si ]np,~e.but p:l.aLU So] bile answer: All ROS
'eq lli]~.. 'Four d iW'['er'e~ll[N ox. isc forms aJfeexpressed ill di fferent subcellular IOC~l~1~-'f;1: mG;~

'h~$.u~perp'0~ f

Rll;fi@rn:n(J!l!S!i'!d IN(I~ ~ 1. 1<:'1l". B'&km~~ 18. ~. rune~ PlJy~i~1.~v. ia. ~54;r(1['998)', 2, l- It, IBiur'g:Ol'iFi!l' ,~tof•.,'~ 3:!I!i. l!.393 (~'(m,

]arizes rhecell, (~!!Lusil[lgvl()iIMlg.e~g,!:llmd Ca:2~ di'l.tlhnel~~Qclose, It lh~]s. een !itippo:sed l~~~[ b this relasing factor nUlY be 1:";]~O;j The (9)1. tlb\Slerv<n~o.n 'of BU[fg>l)iyme es aT t[lU PKG~· ~.ned:im:odI,hosphcirylalilon of [he B~ chantiel hi: ::it~.Il'lU~~~~'Bd byl~0.2 m.~y st:rengl:l.~!enthe H,O,::! -endothellnm-derived hype~'poJ~]IU'.i zalian fu:e1:o.r~Iink.


HoJm;!l~I1,It. F~i~ T; IK~~ppi~""',]. $m~D~~IIl!a:nn. P.hy~irJ1"

[l~~, H.

ti OIt~ wrn~he

'\i~] ~C~i

la ~\lte' I O)~ ~]'idpt{)duce 02-. 02~ dlsrmuates lo


di,I11:~'e[J!t roperries ..Although Nox p


R~ 13:6,:1i (20(ilii).

4, if-.M, 1j11i~al!n\ N.

:5E!lla~,}.,.. ppl Fhysi'l'JK '91, 111.21 A

5, M. 'Iii. liCll'lh. C~ll :1l2:1l., 661 (2!OOS). 6, S. G.,. Iil.@t. Srkn(t' ~12~ 18BZ '(2006). R "1, iii. BNa rrd, It H•.t:ra!lk'!l~" hysk,/.R.ev; B7, l4l5 (200"1). P S, J. D. Lamflbetll, Nat..Rf~ ~mm!J'JWI,II, lBil (2004). 9, 11), 11lGuttiliBflil1lMl, HI. Miura,V. !iu,. Al'te..msdew' fnromb, voSl'. 8io," 2:5., 671 (2005)1, ]0. A, N. L~!I'1.. . 1!1.. GriBildlLll1i!}. PhJSiWD~Y Ol:l, 269 (2(1'Orii~, K ]1. 6. G~iil~1i1~t 1•• f£85 Lf'lt;580., 497 (20(l6~, 0

enzyme sgenerate

H;P2:' Con:lp~l.rm.'1etmdjza[~.on pmba.bly rhe is

A majolf question ~~whkl] vasorelaxaurs uool-i:20~ sig~]~]1ng. E3ulI'goyne ,rtf .at Sh()I\.\1 that i

]II'I!.::UUID.may use Un:i~.l.'J;at~h':'l"ry,. but: the ~LIlTht'HI[I[ of PKG[o: dimerizaricn is insufficient 10 rlIi~y explain i.ll5111] in-induced V<lsnl"elaxaliton.

~ey:-T~]rget'g must be close to li~]e ~]te (Jf02generaricn, because 0,- has ~~ f1eenlng lifetime and :Ufl nu"m,"Ibm:Ule-iu:ii:l'e:II'I'D,"I:eant:l.lI,P2 rarg.e·~san:less restrk:tt:d. because H~;Qj! as ~l h 112.. K. MatSllliD et al., Cimll;a1:ir;lJ;l1m2, ZlSi 7 (2{I05). louger Iifetime and is nlembrallel-pell'li'f~!UU. :i!J .. ~. CO:l~M~no u!, A~rmDfdu.. 'thtom/}'. v~. fJ;rJJ: ~i. e,r .At least pan: of the Va~l1;C(}nstrict[ul1 call 'IDe

exp lained by destructi on of'N 00 by extraeel]UIHl'ly geIl,<llled 002;-. By CO!l'll1l1]~t H2:02 m .•~y be generated wi ~hin the m u sele .. conven i.e~tly

q;g6 (~OO ll). 14. SUppa1ed by NI HI!9lraM£ ['I'01.4a52:

alUi'dl GM6Cl4 48:.

Another question is 'wbidl enzymes generare

,PHYSIIICS hi some complex mtl~eriah, the electrons at,ppear to be iJ!l1I(>):,p,ededly n.eaIilY. lclI.elUutm altoms 5hQ~vsimi la r beth a,viQri n FlIlm:h slm pler

thin Hlms of heli:ulm~3.

hys,i!dstl'l ha.v.eI.O:i!]g been. fascinated by so-celled heavy-fenilCl:ion lI1UIl:e!ii(lis( t, 2), in 'i,vhid~ the electrons act as though [l~eyhad put onalet of exna mass. Some of l]re~ co~,"!ds also superccndeetors; se are ~lo!;tm.(;ti~~g secrets of he~vy fermions m~~y the

tronsthemsebes ).W.ben gaseous l]--le Is cooled at ~lllImO!>I)heric pJ'e$~UIre.~rl m T = 32

K andremains ifquid. dO'\i7l1l1~OT"" ~.iL1K.\\<]]eru l it undergoes a st.ulJ!erfllQ.i.dn~~l'lliitiion ,(..;,iIl h is therefote anique ill (:tileperiedie hlb.le: the Oldy fe.rmiolllic liqu idatrempemtureswhere qu~m.-

propenie~. ofhnlk Hqjlllid l]--le ~mthe .~ 9.50s reveah.'~dtluIl [be' low-teruperamre behavior of dt€ ~i!quld ~""ll:)'1Jll~b~bly ilil:)~]ar $ ~ thi;],t:p['ii;;dlicred lhClOI'~tic;;;li~yfin a ,g.asof Vi.'eikly
of the int.eracting ferm This is :SUq.lli~iSl~.'lg,bei eanseat thedf;;Jrl::>ittesQof~iqui.d helium •.the wnter:.

yield inslglusmro ~~~gh-~nlnsidolll'~lmpemt1J~'es;upe:rt:'omducti 'V ity and other ,oren q ueslions. On page ~356 ofl:h is issue.Ne umann ef al. ,,3) report heHvy-feT!l1linlr:l behavinr inan unexpected seniir.lg: lwo·di.l.l':tel.'~5io.lulll,aye:r.s, of
3H e adsnrbe:d
eXp~riJil'llelnS O'n!ll

tum effects. became 1m:po:rrmn.M.e<1SUlre:m.eius


sUFfil ce,


l::aise tlle PI,()SPOCl of s[ he'wy=fe'Nn.iHl p.hysks ina qu]~e dliffetent context ~~l{)lpefLJlliys~leddin,g C!w .Iight: on an n o~d.~uThdfilmd!'UJtlenl<i.i. puzzle, Tme J]~le~nm:l1lis al1:~.lInio:n {thillt" is. ill qt!::ln~
n]m.p~lrliC]~ wi'th iHIW i,lHeger ~p.i!li1J. i:l!te I'" W ,~]ec~

'l'h~ .a,.dliiQ[s'iir,e' .H the $;,cttis!h IIJliliiver~ilies p.nysit'O All~al~u:E!', !ic;ito,o'l or PI1lY5ic''l; ,& Astronomy, Utnivernilycd :St
""1i1JdrEIll'S, ,Fife KY16 9:55,. :5iCo·tlairM:!, ['·matl: ~alh19@stalil(ta(.uik:,.<lI[!mSl@ ~t-alil{ta(Jj~

mO.lui.clnreractkms otughr lUOO nlthe'r strong, This ficl!d]ewa<;!.~oi'ifed by Landau {5-7}i. who argued that the reason for the s,i.n]il~ldty wa$ that tln! Vlrr.a,,,> behavi[lg I.i:~e \1!,®aldy in.temcli.llg f'emli·~ on~"<------,i~ s t\v~"'lt·l UI'e uF.igiJl~!.I. ~!~outs:, :il.i4. The '··someth.i.llg" ms now c~Hed a qn<lsi:·· . p~l[i"ticlle--a coUe{:tuve 'exci~(lliollL~]1at rera.i,lls SOI,m,e of dlepropenies fif the or.ig~~.1~]·~ olwm (e,.g,.,. it belmy'~~ .1 a ike spi:n~~ re[l"ufI]ou,) wh,a:vilia;:lgo[fuers The ~o:llIdio ,!!!nied, (ILfi!'t't:} Wh~1l iill ilieti c .~ ml)lL! riW (red mo~Jfied (it iC'~1I1J nlw a liilllCh di H.erent arrow) is e:mbe<ddedinl a fe-ffilfi I.~qil.!id'~qliiis:i-llaInkh!!'~ repremiils:s). Ihe d,esc.riplwon of fhe rcs.idut'll se"nlted by bllac:k a !,if'ows),. ~tacts: a~ h~9 h t.ernpe,r atUlf'C'S: I:ike .131 dTh(;,-S£ql.l,~.s~-I:!art-i ... :Strong 11n1lQlrBetic suttere:r. (Riglhlt) 1!\;[lloli.i'lltemper1l1IJlr,E!'S, ;31 Erilwrac[iol]sbelil!!',;e:emJ

t..! i

:s:piinsil1g:let sill tefG!rm5 w~tlll q ~.lI~n· rl:iLif'5 Jwm tt\i'e Fermi ~ :sea, nis reduces '~(atterirn'!] ']rnd inC{llrpofiltes tile m'aglil,~ti( 1mpUlri'ty ,ell~dlFol'I'in~o the· hea"Y·ferrl'll]Oin H'Illlid.


dde:rn'l~ne~he I)H)~)e'f1tif:$

oHhc' .iiquid-wlI5 tl~e ViLrnJl:iililgrcdlient nfla~:J.dl<llu's Fermi. Ucpud Uleo:uy.




A]~:hough oll"ig~:I].a]ly dlev(;:'l~loped for :lifts. L~ncllau'stheory ~];a:.l rm~de nil even gn;'l!:ltef'

1!l-le atoms in the·hilaye.r) is ll~eti!IUling parsmeref p. The ](J'I,I;'~c()'ver:"~ge st~teappe'a!"$ to be ~~. s~g~g!e~col1l.lIl}OinemF'e'm.lI iqu id, an,,~ogrms~o il theheavy fermi] iquid ~n the lli<ld.ilirn.1.a.l case, The ~':I:igb~co\ienlge $·~teconsists OflWl) deeoupled 1ayers, one ofwhichis i:rn,some wuy ma.gnetic (.I f) 'W"I1:~le o~~erl()rms.M, en]l~1 th!e F :liqui.d amdGYJDlIsm the ~."'I'l~'@I]eriiefl~lliy ordered Sl~t~ in

contri bunou ro understending e leetronicl iquids huneratlic solids .. Its predictions account Ibr [he pm~ertie~ of avast I1UlnDeii of metals, btu rese .~liCbeI'5 have di scovered in recent decades ~O[r]lle !>pedi;]1 m!:m~r1~]I~ ,IH'holJ_gh thar,, no!: oomltbl'lU re the ll1ilOO]"Y. These

ReferE!l'IItesal'ld Not!e:!i IHlew'illllil"h~'1(iJlidJJ,P'foMim w Hell"" r:ft.m·.~I1:!' l (rarllitlJrndg,~UIlni~.P,r55, C;lIrribridg~. iL9!il3~', 2. IG, F,t 51fman, Rli!'~;Meld. PhYfj', !§i!l, ,'55; f1'9'84), 3. M,. WliI!UIIi1\!iIlIil,]. N'(y~~~.18,COWfl~I,Sil.'md~r~, 5dl!\l'j[~ .31.1, n~i~, (20!JH; pu1:rli!lTl'Bdl oorllilil!il2J6, l'ul~2{Ml<:jl

4. j, \!fi1b, TII~ Pf{}pmifJ~ ·o.lli~r1i"t1and 5.rttidHit{fUffl (,OOIr.!lldm, o.dord, 19:8}'), ~. Ik lIt Il<!rnd!!u'. 5Q,\'\ P.nYS.1BP 3·, '920 (]9Si), 6. lli), lLi!rnd~u', SQiI'.Pbj$..lflP s, 10] (]9S·i).

have become knfniV~ iIl~· non~Fern~w .~iquid&, ~]lfIJd possible origin or sudhl states has the become the ~ubjeot of .inlen~ research (8).
One knownsource of non-Penniliqnid behavior is proximity to a quantum critlcal I)Qinr (QCr,I.,. Thi 5 is a POll1!1il where the system

the ftlJe"r,artll v~ inn.




n::ua~m acbie'Vem.ent of Neual.i:!l to non-Fermi ~~[ffiuid


7. l [I, 1L<!!l!tJEl~\SO!l"~P!W!1.IWl ;e:,7® 9~9), it ,G. m:. S'erff;!l1, Il'!!'~:.!\kId. Pi!rs, 1.3, J~n (Wtil!l 9, S, ~mcrw, Qu(l'JJIUJN'WrlJ~e 1"fflmjtil)1"!,li (U!mbrid~~ Unn"
231 U977). 111.S1rf:r:U,)' ~ptakil'l'!J. ~ofilg'ralnge m<!,glne:ti' ,o:rd~~ rilnl'lu!: OC(~r il'l two d~me.Mion ~ i!:I'I~meoo ~empe~<lliIIre. Howe'\!'e,r, tlite teMenq"!IOSudh ofder caIlrslill malnU>e~!, ilt'!lell:f UiUiUgh ~mel:amagwrelliism~ (rrlm~in,ear featu~e$in the·mJ~I(Hle!;loM t£Mt i1Il!il!gfll,milatl'op~'"The (lOP is nOll1e.tme .. Iless~en loiefilflJe.:iI, m.a.urse <rllfr·lJrllf\l'IIIper.r~llIn~ or[J!f\red state f,E1maiM 1Jl()!Si'gle. :ii2. WI.10'. w~hllr eN1t" NQttJl1!: 3,94, 3" '('1\li98). E. t. L~, I,. SIir!'!i'k;jlir, 8. Gr'~rile~; [I.lHwilily, ..:S'ciencel09, A. DlI J {20(15)', ]4. 5,. It ·Grn19~r.!li~1tll., S£J'~fe' lI'06, 1154 (mo,n. 5. I:I',.A. 18:lJr~il llIi.• 5cJ'ell[f ]I]S, 2114 !20[l1}; ~ublis6J~d f"!' Imljne 22 INo~emlIrff 2:0()6, (ili(!l,n2.6M~~e,ll.n4796). 1!.6. $r,rppr:rri.I!G by ,ill AJlK ~PSIR(M"'i3Il1,u-G F~~~Il~hi;p' Jt!HL) « ,~nd PoD:rllo~L[I IParinEir,liriJ!l (II, P,M.), CA, H..~h"lnk::51Ih~ ]0. f.mlm diii IRi:r:iEIfGiI Malerfrlatflca! [nnio [Ie Gior'9i, wIiIerE! !IJ13J't

pktysics: back to the ~ill"orot)!pelumdau system.

OillH·e. pe~~"Iillp,'S the ]ntF.iglUiPlgieattlnre of ~m:hed. This i.~

s, ID(!!Il!iiK~ ..Phys_~ B 8; ('91.

r'fe.s~,.C2H'!'1brii:![Je. 19'99),

(heir data is an i.lner'l,l'en iug phase thst cuts in at

GOve:t.:-lges lbeF"o~'ehe QCPi!!l t



phase uansition, as a function of some nonfl~ef[].I'I~~1 tuning paramerer p (\ivhid~ couldbe ~.)I:e5stl:re.m:ilgau:blc field, clli':lel,'Il ]C~ll d etc.] (9], Suc:h~ml1~]tinn:5 ofiien dlf~.'\i'e:nl by are

tanrali z:~[lg remi n iscent of the phases that Iy DJI~_ QCP:s ][(1 sol im"'sM'tl f4"{~lmp~e.s,:superoon~ dttcti.vityill seven.1'I1. of the lli]e~1Vy-[erm.i:OIn compnulldis (12,. .J:1) M,ndthe<i.1i-yeHll1lhllell~ifi.ed. phase in S~·3Rll:!o.j" ,{i4. .is). M!:[J]Y pessibilirics ~.1lIDVexist fortexturingand :sel:!:o:r~1I1in][iQn.of correlated fermlons ~n l:f.I<w rem.perollitll.l res,] f

competitiouherweeu two types ofi meraetion tb~~]l n~voa' d i:il~u.X1lt"'lt ~l·ol.:lnld.stares, [lhie balauee ber"'llv~'en'[hem he]~l"I!g altered hy tuning jJ. Around the QCP,. in a ]"egi.o~'lthat ean extend
UJl tu, ratl.l!®r higlll l.em~ler.mlure,s. tlileprope[ties of t~:l.e metalare rende red .~m.Qm ~~:~QUSb~l the'

cihan] ofthisim,e~'\~ming phaw can

be aocol'l.rlpU:shet!l ghrin,g an eu:mple

'llf muve:1

presence of:st mn;g f1ucu:u.u'i ons bet:ween the eompeting snue·s. A.I]:lJlqc:h~~mdJed realization of ·~hi.~hep nomenou is in the he:a,'lJy~funlliQJfI OOIl:[PO'IJI.';lW (2) ..~ these materials, f-eleetroas enrare-earth m
iQJ~'ornTI~I.6o:n inancucharged aiomicsysf tenLW'e\.vU·~ h'M:m.ken <mot~i'u::r ajor step m

to'l,;l,roI~~d ul.lI.der~tffi!nd ~lJg the subtle pl1YS[CS [hat lioodlerUestt r-~pidly deve]opingriemd,

ollihisll'/lllr~ was oom.pll!,tBd:,

Ihi:livea SlTo:~g tendency

t'fuerernainlng outer electrons form a condnc-

IOCillilizC'. 'i,;'I,{hi:~e (3.EOCI-IEM


[ion sea distnbured lhro1!lgi10l!!t the materia], ThUg, tOO system ~sessentially ~ femd llq tI ld inn~r(lctii'ilgwith localized spins •.and two effscts compete lor d(Hllli.n:l1ll1Ce 111'). U.

"C"'i'nlg A.rlctiic Cillimat:e wiitlhl

is lhe~oWldo ,eII-ecr.which (lCCW'S when the conduction S~~1screens d1iespin of each rare-earth ion asthe len'l!p€:mmr,eIslowered tsee the f:iglll'e) ..At mQW~elil1lpel;atmres~ the resulting stare ru sa ·'he.avy FerutiIiq lil[cll"-::l state fh~l[ obeys Laudau 's lhe()fY. bu (W]tli:l a quasi-parnele eiIeel.lve mass UplD a thousand ~j!l~esh~~ oflhe b"re eiectr()i!l. t
The seco:Ulid COI]:1Ipe[ing .iIHe'rfllclLon is the Rudef!.1'"la!l~ KiUel,!Jy.;!.-YoiSi.d~1 (R KKV)I elfcec t N~ig~ilbQ.ri spi:ns iIUifi.;'llJ"act W'~Vir~s Ilfl, v.ia .in tbe OOiIH]l,il:ctiol1 St:(I,. tendi :ngbo !lr]llllke dlGJH. tdi.!:,'ll or o;uni,-':!IJign diellmdmDg on~:he,deMrils of fJl:Je ,~t·~~!:!1~lToctu:r-e, TIif;: ~~u~ting S>1:!'!t'e i~~Ill ordered magnet.'!,\.! i'~hlhe ]oc·1II.]:m,om.ems on H~er.,')re~earth iam]!'>oDl!.Ip~ed mdy'lP.o"'e~IMy to the

a ne

Black lee
IlUchalf!1il B. Ailley

•. H

CO2 forcing of'ihe p~r century. end the addiUillmnl." M... p.U,[ OU1 .~(J(._).ly. !o. (.).ti!l. ~l._. ~t ve .. ~ of p]acl~s.. Ieavlmg visible traeks wltb tiomd ~hreii'l.gQflh.e next deead~, are onhe _ _ c(l:m.;~quen ce:.s;, npage ~3 R J i!l [his 0 same orileT of~n~lignitude iili."> many other mmJ~ .ussu~.McConnell €{ (,fl. r,epott a n€p!Nw~r:Q ml iflil1d hmmm e~elC'lS (2)., se.e trm::ks. fj!fld~W!!g the!"!',.bl~!ckef> ]n pi!!rtic:ulaf ..Ulie e:ffeclS uf ,~i.rbo!f!.il:e :~~fti~ 1!I~~dm:all"e!l] than we '~:h(Jl~~lliJl(./). eles: (~em::;ols.) ~mll:u<d,iIJce large unc~nabu i:es Clh~1!!ll:te~ien't]st~ are' 11!Q1\iV c:onfidlen:t th!ilt i.~l"!toclil~1al~"change attributiortt; (ll. Mo~~ busiJ~;es:s.-as-usua~i'O:ssi l-fi~el. btlr~.~. for ~]e:roso~ls iC'~Use net ,cooling. p~~~,t!ilallyoll'fse~iug
g 'i;i,I"'l~~~,g, b1~]ckcar~ 'b'lil: ~nOlll]e!f '~e~t\,Ewy01]' h·'tD\);,.'{m.kllle:~d~l ~!I"Lbsnui~ t'i Ilg g;r~ll]J,[lil,~~e~~l:S tial g]obm.~wmrming ~~ re:sp,onS6 to i.IM;::r'~ilIsod bon (or 5.'OOl) tends. to 'wanll the aUlmsphere .. ~mlo£p.llefic c1!l!rbof:! di~Yide' (COl) L.·onceillrtn]~ e:;ped;lIl.y by h1Weting the very high .ref[ecti.'\t~ ~ tions. BO\~I't\vel", ~[ is m:o!1'e cl:i.ll'icu~~~() ~l'oj.eet .iry OfSI,1{)W.n';l;esho:rt-mm,'1 1.',educ(io~.'1 Jl 1 rilllie dlinlale [le~l(t dte!(;:ade, ,tlndul h~]:-l. ,o, \I\fatlltling ac:hi.evabid by redu.dng soot elr:l1:il$~ s.i.ons may fu.e]p [0 aVQljd ijj!mgero1l5 hUI1l1l~u]' ooCi~ndybe:Qolue possible [0' oonfidently ottUribu ~eOl'l,u.'jt 0 f the ell::!'eii [Ile pa$'t inH[lence on fhe CI.9.1:'I.I:IIoiOO (3). century 10 S[Jccif:ic causes., This]s beCalJ1Se the H~~. :soot ccm.tI:i.buted to' pm;t ·c]i:mme· c]]~mge? ]~lthe early 20th C.if;)o]1Juuy,. tI.TheA,',e:ric "vauned mure :::;tFmlg~y th~1!l~:mywme!~ e~se floe authoris~1il U1e .I!)epartnlim.t @f i(Jjemsdences:, IPIE!nlilsyl""ania State- Ullt'lleniir)" USA. (·mMl: rba,6@e~IiI.~r:lu tIIniversuty IPali!k, IP.\I\IM02,








~"Cm~Hka(b]e:hc Qbservmi Oft oJ 1J11:~:S Q[11J,:)'ot:i·· r C Hon., contrp'l!eL~ with Qcg ~n .1s~te'nl ,,:U::1:U:1I.Uy rmilde finn] ~He ~IWn1i&.TI.u:y 'cre~l.u:d .a ll'llU-· diwmens:iOmlt]1 b.i hayer, "xfilh the upper layer ~,]ay-, img ~:he [o.le,~~"fth~ conduction!ll:d l1~elo\:Ve:J· .Iay~rroughly I.~~at the ..;pin:s,.In til i5 C[!.se, CO\i-' of
efl]ge (the toted tl.;~'O··,ditlle~nS~(Htill de]]~ity of

nnEarrh (4).: ",V~l!ii is [ljalllrni d:ilma[\e v,u~~~abiltil

iry,. or ~,'Ii~g.lnu.maII soot: h.~ve l C{)i[ll-rn'Mll1IDedi'!



Ull1fo:rnl~Hue]y, modern ~lnSrn.lll:iL'~\:UU:S nor di.d Sahill'l]ebk •. k c1uibon until r't'cent~::rl!lve~ti~ e

gators h~~ve relied



medelsand estimates of

various co:nllJlll:!it~OI!lsoult'Ces,~[ldi etflciencles

eonsueinthe effects ofsoot. Mc:Collil1)Jellat 1.H}\1il report ~~d(rmHed hi.:s.l'ory of black c!!!rI]OI~ and ]t1, SOUf'C(;;::R, exuF1Jlctt:ed from 1;1 Gree:ud:JII:l'1H],ice eore, t:lllJal gaesaloeg w~~y


early-cenrury rise of more obscure or.i:g:in. IfIr(lCes:o;e;s ~ll, the Arct ie,

paralleled rheglobal re~ponsew,.gree:nJi:!(liu~~!i!!a$ increase, a nd asi mi l.aJ~y



the ice-albedo

~{Iw~~!!'d ~lus:~,,"ingthese que:stioro~ .. A qu iet ['eva.ludo~::toverthe past decade ha s ll1ilnSwrllU'::d numy ice-cere (~m].ly~e's.,Once, trace dilem icals in ice were dererm ined by !i:lb(Il].'QiUS~.y 'c~e(]J1ing, and all~].lyzillg
ind:uv idual ice samples; ~!1Q\cV.,dean molters feed !'ltremns ofiCf'i"<core-ded\l1ed W.Uer to ~].\1:~illl

IleedbHck. lend ro ampl ify mlb!Ji;]I. vari ~bHil)' (7) and

the response to sorae jorcing. The broad ,cofrespCln~

deuce between the soot peak and the earlie r ()bserved WmrTiI."1 i,ll g s'Ugges!s ~h~t[he }\fcfic 'Ch']i.lLge~ in this case I.l"layahm be

of instrumenrs fOil" cont inno us analyses, McCmmeli (JI cd. 11 such an ~'llllrom.~~red IfIlistory in the m.ati n~, Ii ~e~io(f1Ior am ](,e (ior~ is mnelted ~111 the dean Il(llb~ <Ul~p'lined, because the sed precess (see the figure) to ~wl~lY7xare'oeluDy Ofa lory for the ~~lPort. by Mc.Co r1I neUe,!' (II..; riIleUwat.~rfro.m ollily tine: (enii.r,al fo:rcing \I!,I~~S srronger ~,11 recovered care from ~]uemtr.]]~Greea1J.h~iIll:d sh-e POlrt of the Stirn p,~e]$ (jiverte'~~o,~he tI,Hallylli((I i. tille. the .A.rctk: than elsewhere, where Iarge ,amO'H[JI[Sof snowaccemulare Greenland is not the whole world, ~U':l:cll more records (8) ~~~~d. Tli1Iey in:~l"a ;s]:Ilni!::a:r ource ~:hr lder samples s e every yea~r. 1]HlY obud~edh(gJ11iI,y accurate, be needed tuesm.'b'lis,h wel l-dated c~[Ienli~:c~]:1 hi1'>tork~s-]til:c~udJing by am~]lngy,. llthoughcircumstaatial ev~:de1l:lce m.odei.h~.gwU~ ~ whether soot was important ~i~][heearlyblack carbon 'oonce.ll1F.l~ilon:s-mlro~n ~788 to points '[0 increasing .i :m.:p01'[1111Ce of au Asian .20l~1~~:'Iltury Arctic'!ii\~mllilill:g. B U~the resnl[~ 20[lQ,'!iiv.ilb atimereselutinn ofles~, t[it.m 01J year .. ~ouree.Hi NO'rU:iL[Ga:n ,en:"I~S'5~un:\1: deo f McConnel~: et .a1.pk1:oc :much tig]m:l:r concreasedafter ~: 'I. 95 fo:1I' [he fi rs\ 60 years of !the record, b.lack Thus, <1 11Il!iJ~'[lf'i11hIOm~l£'i!~bumh1Jg seuree of srrainrs on the history of s()m[it':ire~llIg ()f c'l!rboll'lc;nracenl1F'<'Ii~inns remained rebr~9.velySl<'1~· AreIi,c climate and SIHH!ld reduce uneertainble, but [Ill:: lJ!eiliod from 1850 10195 i. shewed seer, :1J:rrimarirty in summer; was nvenNhe]med by a fossil-fuel-buming $t)lUe1e,primarily in tie's ]11. d:DI::um.te~cbange auriburiou. The rise 1.'li.gh1y t:h~V,M:ed soot cencentmtiens, espewinter. fora carbon-blacked century begin- and fuJI of $001 IIIl Greenland ~]]u$nt]te the cially duringwinter, when peakvalueswere I~ rimes lil9.ghe.r ~1l1~:h.e 0 base]irae.Lu,"wr valrnru ng. about .1 :851~1Si:lJ:lcei 95 l, a ';l,.re~l:elll~ng bUl1lan.ab.ibty hOl:thito alter OlU eII:'I'!;rir:onment tmd~ol iInut: those !ll!1~el;'~ticl]1:;, ues {nhhougb still bigher than befoweI85{)} human ::;igl!1i~n!l;e In!.ly re'necl~echnQ]Qgw'c!,d The ~li1JsI1Ilm.enlalvirtuosi ly and the rich .. mark the last 50 y,e<ll.':S of the recerd C011.:t~,'lIOOlil'lent leatll]i,ng'~ocleaner combustion ]li1!etl!ste~1rj North America, ness oHheioe-cclF~r! record prmnise additional 1)~I"]SOntn selected sections of ~I SfXJOIKi'core, Do these obgarv~l ioas l::te]p us understa nd d iscoverles: 'today hh\ct carbonandvan iUic eellecred 35C km.Ii(i, the south, S~~QWE, c~Cise agreement, d:e!non~ua~~ng tleregional coher- 01imate history? Reoen.l atrempts to assess [he a cid, but w]]~t about tomorrow? Al arecenc cli.l.m:'Mic ef'[ec:ts. ofblack Cmbmf1J. especially in meeting.] W0:I6 asked, wIDlierl.'ler big questions enee of~l:The~igm:;)jl Thus; b~;;]jck c~~tl!)mc;nnoenrrm:i.,n.n rose tl~e Art.:tic:. havebeen h!Ir~eIy !'e~~:riC;U;5d[he !;:tm r~n.l',,:imed to be :&()~ved]!!f! ke~o:re ~cie!1.oe. to As shown by McConne.I~, el {;li..., rhe answer is greatly to a peak in Greenland tlilI'1KI, still re- shan interval ofreli.ab]ein:stll"lJ1Ul:enrnlrecerds malus S(l'mewll'l'1!t elevated. WU1>!1it was respon~, MCCQ[11.H~in ef at" ea ioulned the eHi:lct of their "~:uli.Hlt6q ulvocal yes. sible? McConnell rtf (1/. wetealsoable 'rIO' measured scot onabsorbed !>obu:radiatiouar RefiereiIiiCie:s:iilli'u:ll~lle'5 detect low concenrrarlons of organic moletheir Greenland slre.Based on compsrlscn m L ]. R.lMcC~minell et,tJ/" 5~fJ'{lil' 317',.13IU (2007); !lin~m~lys]s for [~"98 and 200 J Ibll'the who]e eu les. They focused onvani llic acid, which Iptgbti;$hed ol1liU!:1!9 AU!jllit 2007 1~1.l1U26!$cien[e,

orjlg:~m.~li(;l's~;)Irgeiyr,onill:hebuwll~:Ii1ig r

of conl fer·,


(:5). they them e:Sl~l,'mu:e the whole-

trees, 8eJbre 1850. soot ,i~1:dI Ilieacid Y(!:rli were big.h]y c()lil·,ellf~:t~d. especlaUy dud:n~g the ~m!llnler fb'e 1'rea~,on"Ar-ound 1850,\vhen .~(l[: ]eve~1'l use, comelatwon to the fi,)I;e,~.t·rir~ ind.i·, r (_:,]tOf wa~ ~~x esped~I.Uy '!.lI,riuter. ..t. In:steact l'hl!;';higher soot v~lues;, correhllted, c;::lo~e:]y \;viffu ~m~cid~ndIlifiIdi'c:ant:of if rom~_J~~l~' sa)i[ s1iilfme. an~r exc.'lusion offilC ~veJI~knmlrtl ~Hd.fate ~p]kes frum large vo]c:an.i.c: erupt~OIt<;). The h:mmm fingerp(rilu is c,le~u:"
Mc:ConrneU e! aI, e¥,en 'lrace:d the SOOi[~CI its SOlrm'C;C.Using lh~ ~nsmm.1enuaJ ':>;;'~"il]thcr record Cl1!r Hl5f.: [0 2002,~hey i;tlemtif]ecll '[he m.<lIln

Arctic effeet of ooot since !7RB. Changes in sbsorbed solar radiation are !JRiH1!!"ofhun in the chuk Arctic wi.nte~r,and peak dllJ1i~~.1gleady Sl:I,I]rlluer,. beft1re sel!l:-Jo:na] snow !.~1e]t'$ ~\I'IJ!;]y tu ~C~\f~wl darke:r~ud:~(:es~es.<) !!Iftecmd by on dUll I]::tD.511 sens:nl-ive sei~~m. Mc:CtJif'ineUe!' al "e~tjll'i]~l~e@ln.~]Ver~e AlI"Ctllic\\'a'nll1ing cjJoclt :[rom SOOI.ofnlore U~.m. W!m~bet\\","'eml ~50 ~fld 1951, peH:king ] :ilnJ 1906 ~oI9]0 m I:l'lorelhun 3 W/:nl2"-e.iglliu tinlLes rJQt;: natuf'al fiJrcing,. F[lr (JIlHnpari:solili. ~'he gruobaUy and alumal~y avcragedl:b:rcing ,li',o!Il'll [~,~ wt;'ll.d1I1Lrhru~)iogellic 0,. :!Seiro!'tle year 2006 \'1i~I.s~' t W/nl;ll {2).IFor regi,o!md I.

:IlM4856J'" 2" rn~E!rg(]ME\mlfllentalIPallld. (Iimililioo (hafllg~" (Urr.rare OIJI 'h"IJ,~e J().rJl; The PhY5u'(o.l5cWIJ!ft 8>!'l:l'&. [('lillrnlJ.~lio!!ll1! Woftlilg 6fOrrp, to tlr~Fml'ttj\)A~sS.!lM·1Jt fiJt'lptJft fJf lfi.e l'flfC'rg(l~U1Nili'IJMI fund ,un (]imatc: (hmJg.f" S. SIJ1.omlln C'~ ~I" IEd~.'(~ali1i!lbr~dgJ~lIl1k P,Fl!~ C;~mDrid'g!@'. ILJ K, ami N!ew "iOl'k, LISA,.2007). 3. J. Hi!1!lseii\ L N:nar,el1ko h:oc, lIIQf/. !lead: :5d. utSJt .•

$cie~'J~ 2;8J\. 2246 (lO'OO),. 5. M. G. Ii1lliInn~r,C.S .•Zernhr.l r, lRalilrl~rwl1l,lP.]I.Ras~h, J ,G~YS,~J. 1.'U, D112()2 f2a07l
4,. r~D~twrnrd\,T~ IR. ~nwtts.l[!mp 6" P: [I" ](IIUle5" M. New, ~)" E. f"~r~er. S. MarUn" 1\, G. Ri'!lOFl RfY. G~~ .3:7, 11'3 ('l999}'iil' 1. l EleJlglsson, \I•.. ~5iemef!!i!~. Pt. ~1.M. ].oh<lo~~ssen.l (Wm.
:I, 7.

10 1, ,423 (2004.~..





sn()i~\l!nlll evenl::; fOl:~heir 's:ite~,A:do1ptiing a tYJ.l,i-· ctll flf1sidence ti m.e jur mma spherwc .. l:lhey ithen. luoked badk ~I~()ng tbe't!4j'ec'hlri.e~,of
thep,nlcip,itatilmllg aJir nU.lss~s. findillflg the pr,i~, m.ny murce regi()Jj] in easttenl Nm:rh AntleIrL'C:lL

4:D.4S '!ZOO'4),m!: 8. lflll, ]enl: tI ttl., .ltfmt;l!1. Oieffi, Fl\llf'\l'. ,5., 53iS! {2rn06)" ~ 9" iIliIb wort.: was, rUlfld!;!dl~n 1"liIrt b~~he U,S,N~iOlllal Sdi~'m(}E iii' f' , :2: Wcllnd~iiol1'lhr,(jug!ilgral'l~~ Q~,312U,'Ck538S7a, ,anI\! Z

und:,seasonal changes. '~he:0001 effec[s must be{l,:rmut 20th-cet[IJtury Arcli.c',VlUmi,[:tg ~lIliri,vr.;:d. in





ll'Mi1.1'JJ~1~6)~ (

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'I . ~

Living in Societies
A~ AWARE.NESS OF ONIE'S posmo~' ANiD' TIHIE IRE1ATIIO~SII'UPS OF OTHERS :IIN A gliQUP :is..~ r-.ilir~tYinJmong; vertebrare species, .:t,el it hils proved so spectacularly ill~lm::m·ialill!ust one species+our own-Umlit 11m;become amajorfactorin j determlningthe ecology of an eralre planet, AI.thfJfUgh'life C;'Ul describe behavior patterns and speculate about their evoluticaa ..y ~dv~ntug:e.\"le ;;]]S>0 eed to r n undJel:$I:3nd~liieircOIuribm ien to a spec ies' reproduetive success, A 1l.6W wave of researchis i.!.w!(;~$ti\g:atif!!glteprimate social. brain wi~hi]l this evolution Clry centext, r often through st lid ies Olf'l:~lild primates .. This :)ped~ll issue of Sdeuc'C e.~··rio:re~lhell!l\i!:ptive advcll!!l!n~e"of group I ire and r rhe accompauyiug developmem .of social skills ..Sd(tf{cer. Greg 1Vlil~lell"visired a chirnpauzee s"lnclhJ~]tyin Ugal' examine hmili,(fiest'!~lTcheri'> talk!e !iU.t'll1.llrltage .of
these ·&e'm.iwilldhalb i t~u:stn explore the eogn i[iilve ab.i Id ies of OUI," pl~,mare cousins {p .• 1338), Just how y~'~u(lb!'ehese opporhlnities t~liilbe is i]I!.H~tm~ed the m~k't.,jve t by expeTUlmeli1lrn~, study of pl~ysict'lll nd SIOChll C()g~::I:~[ionescribed by HerrnulD::tnel at. a d I~p.i360), Silk (p, 1347) de~C:I'i1JlL~H1<\iV te~~r.c~~ om sm;:I'<I.~.~~y I ifl1JtlOOOIi:l~ .md other O:~d%rrudluQll1keys is beg in:lfli g t{) reveal the, long-term 1.-e.lal~kn'lShip n between social bonds and the fjl[II~S~ fiind:ividuab;, In theirbcok l:labon.u llifeffJf1h:l'~'.lc:'i, review.. dlby o e

Socia l Coqnition
:l33S 1341 All'T!o,g'etiherNiow-Pulll± 'S:af1.ctlJlarie$A~d l~$e~rch and Vi~V~rXl The P~l)lfI~i!le ow ~'gJr.aUell Un'~rfles "I"~e Mot Virl!ua!l F"lf,i")UilS(]O:n

Jolly Q'). 1326 ),.CIl!L':!~:lf.1" Seyf~t1il further ~]Iu."rr~!te wllue' offierd studies, all'lcl ([~e One of the ITI:1iO'sl!:!uiking evo~,ut~IQUHry treads among primates ha1.~eenthe b expam~iOIO.of bHI]~,1size, M ~ny 'competi!lg theories have been invoked tn e~""i)~lin~J~s p\hysllo]og.k!lllly emil]y size sbilt. Du n barand S.lml!]: h1'.. 1344) review the sYgge~til].g thaH it i~ the C()~YlpUt;;l!ti!l1!i:iHI.req~~re~'liemt~. ofthe ~-pe(:i~] :socialliv¢.'i of pr.ilrnams.i:[I parueular [he requirement fer pair bondiug, Ibm have driven the
evolntien of fhe hur.umm.brain, An e,,'l:pamded C:.lp~lc~~y _g:iv,es: human be]l!l!g!Sunique

':1.:1414 Evolm:ioI111i'll tlh~ S'odill~. ri1llril B if, !.M, Dunbar (}~d $, Slmltz


of Fhne:ss illl

cognitive skins" yet our primate cousins are quire c~I~,~~b~e ofdiscrimiuarjug b.eJweeu:l nl::oo::''SOlry and. supertf1uou1'! o:l~~iOl!:iJS, described by W,oml ,et aJ. {p. 1·40'2}. as

Primll;l~e'[irr()l!Ip:5 J. Eli. .5ilk 1..3:51 Prospec:tlorn:: E);!perienlclng the ~UitlJre D. f. Gilb~rl and To D.. Wf{S'OIl

Our brai us give us exuacrdinsry powers of

adaptation; Ihr :u!IJ'IISMjflCe.
IUlm1Ul~ can


nation and sophisucared culnaul

travel ,1Iill1dl ~n(idp.~h':


the OO:lfl:>eqlil:emces ofac~i,on~. Gi~bert ~'J];ciW'ilw:lili :135W) Ul:eIJsycho.logy and (p. neurosclenceofprospecnon; thmis.ll!ow we predict fimmreen1ntion.a~1 experiences 31l1d how thinking ~Ib()mtherunweindl!e:pl'esenl cain lead us nsrrray.One oftthe·lllo$.lrecent manifestations of our soeialbrains has been the i]ll~gi;[ leap taken into the. construetieu 'ofvir!il.:l!!1~,NodUs,. Our reporter Oreg M mer undertook uil'lOthewfield wlp... thi\l.twme to S€lCQI]:d UJe, and deseribes lffiJJe pn)gress researehersase ~:llfiliIlB. in using and l.Vndef'$~ml.dimg this new dwmen~,ion 'oHhelu.!um:lIlsoeial experience (11. 134 ~), tt ww~.1befillsdl~bnt~~n,g learn howlmmanswill cope with our increasingly to

S~t ,a/5oiJ' .~ltirer1fdltfJfia/ Ptl:~c:' 119'J; NfM stozyoy l\',nnitf; MIff fJ(jg·~B21., .SiJok Ii'tv.lmr puge 13.26; Rese:.rlf(hArlid.f fN1gf!:m~ ~f1Of,t p.rl'gf! 14'02; P.r1ti€O,1

soc]·eli(:Hi,We can om]y hepe thi<lt eur grmivirrlg evolutionary



social behaviorwillhelp us; to distinguisb reasonableexpectations sod.el)' From '~I'M)Se that are impl,MHsilble.

of human


'.' Science

.W"Nw,sci en cem

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7 SE PTE MiS E R 2007

Social Coqnition
site for sophisticated socialbehavior. His

recent research on dogs. and thewr relatives support th~s iroy' FOKes bred l;o be
doc He am undpeopl if) can ;)IIso u nde rsta nd smne h.u!~1!:':Ul gestures-s-a soc ial sk i II that e tudes untamed .1'ox85 and that is key to bnnHm~cm]:ine WOlrkirog'lU1.i:nly "t sanctuaries such as this one, flare is now examjni ng E:UJW temperamem[ influences

At ''fe SI3IIiiJji(;tlJariEl's,. apes demonstrate th'e'ir Um'its: o~ cooperationr pm:viiding dues about the ,evoluth."Ji1l (dsOlphisth:a.ted social beha.vl0r
!'SL~,J>iJID.UGANIIDA.-· TW(l' chimpsnzees, Baluku aud NdY:nikir~.face a sim~)]e ,choice: \Vovk itogethef and re~p a re'l"r:~td, or go iJ alone an d get ]1 eihi ng, Residents of a s~lnc~muyhere, they cou~d t re~U themselves robowls of slicedbananas, But the n'uir sits out of reach (lIrl awnodplank ph]ced en the

social beha:vior in our

atives, tt~~t]S yi.eldi$'lgiti.sigh~s


closest livingrelbnnc bus. The

(:h~I.'l'l.])~I.nzees (]I1.:;1

resul ts fe;eJd.~1110 al arge r co mparative :srudy

,_. II! t.ob.m;11 fit tJ~,~'1lIi!. ., (h~mps, He,iO .!In less .1llbl@ th.1l11'1 Ibonrobos (b.~lGlw) N) c:ooperalll! to re·tri e ve .;I t reat (I f lb;;l!'i!~ :r1l~15 [n;m'l @'l[IIhide the evoltl'tiio:n of humansocia I: C egn i,~ tlon (see p. 13(0). GrilleI' re:Sie~~,"Cl!u:~·s

retri eve the n·u it, dley nm sreaeh pull~I lJPO·· 0 sire e~.ild'~ ~ n~p'erigged to the plank such of

gronnd abour

meter from their c~,ge. To

are watching the pmjectwi thi merest.

Thefamonsly ~':Iype'rsexual. bonobos are .\.l;.ridely considered

that rhe ends are lOO ffll.· apart for either ehimp t() grab alone, Only\!.iith a CO.('M1di.~· uaied tugcan they reel ~n thereward ..The

the] r '(algie" ., .

t~~e [If the

hwape~. s.::ly~Joan


Silk. a primatelogist
pun task, she has found. B,UI.~whena pair has a dysf~!ncrti()inal relarieuship-csuch a swhen a dom inanr ehimp ] ~ke N dyak ira ]l!li sists on bully ing a part ieu lar snbordi rU:lte.

the dril.l, but Ndyakira


reslst ~howijng B!JtI.'llh~who's boss. She threarens file ynu.nger malewith <11 C!ougili'land

then attacks. chasing OJ;] luku=now screamimg-lJl.ll:li rn keepersrescore the peace by lur.il1'lgNdymk~f!linroa neighboring enclosure,

at rhe University of Cal ifill'nia , Los A:n:g:e]e~. If[)0I1();~OS do. better at eollabcrative tasks, when compared h.ea~ll-t:t"l,·ht%]d \:\IH,h chimps, t:1h.ltwill support. the idea t:h~n~olerance isaui 1,11'1 porta nr precoudition for theevolutien ef'soclal eognitic u, Silk ~;ays:"It win be a g teat .i n:.;iglrut if


:i! :.s

~ III ~ ~

.T[rald to do its part=ccoperation breaks down, "If you can'ttelerate each other, you C!:U'['l' lj:liFOrk roge'lIler,"~ys b iologieal u!uhropo]ogi:;t BrianHare, Me·!-: "Ibis banana bounry. ide.a seems obvi.ous:, bl[!lHare Ch~!~1!rn~'!1t,;eeeoperntion depends cruc thi1l1ks, it :mayhaveimpercial ~IY ]m{]\lll dual, relarioaships, says AI icia 0]] i rant im.p~l~c~~[i for CI[lJS lvl eli s, a po s tdoc rora Ere se ~rche r based ar the Max: FI~nck ~nstitun~fo:l' EVDhui.olli:1lry understand ing hCHM!lmpo.l.ogy in le.i.pzlg. (:;e:rm~]ny. Me~,i.,Si social ski lls such as. cooperation evolve, has beenworking with the chi mps at tile
While NdYo:lki,f;agets atimeoue.Bahrkn getsa second chance, this timewith Okeeh, a male closerte hls age and soetal rank ... The ['II¥O cooperate like old pros to haul in tlte
Ngall1b~ Island CI,~imp;Jlmzee Sanctuary .. H(;l; proposes,

or when a

~:O'We:E' ranki I'!gd,':t~ liL'IP ]S, 11'00

AIP!@ ,~oope;rllit.iio'l

Although chimps cooperate in the wildto

attack rival gmupsand
mll!h'~[rec~l'1lly~ tests
• Uil£.S 'l.. nave

hunt monkeys.

~ III ~

eration in more cemrolled set- d

,o:f chiu~p 'coop~ :i s


• yU::.'1.1 ~~I'~ '1 megau.€urarge. y tive results, Hare, MeUs, ~lHd ~ m Planck Institute collab- e orator M~ch~]e]Iomasello ... '


"~I'()I"ld~~;edwIM~I~,'1~r a ]lTIIck

siuce 2004 .. and she knows her subjects reduced fear aud well ...:Pa[rs of c.hhnp$!who get alongwlth ~gg re s si 0 m toward each other eooperate .re~ldi~y(lif! the rol.Je'~ others ]1l a prerequi-

o r":;o(: ialto lerance"

between indillvidcua~l$ being ,asked to cooperthis discrepancy, They carl"tro IOHt their Qlivl1l:esu.i:n Leipzig, paying attenl'ion!iO chilrtllP -chi.I].11l dlynml1. ics .. Ch imil' pairs , Willi high ~Ievds or~ociam lok:nll'D,(:e. (IS ganged by lhle;~rw illingness l e share food 'Wit hone



~l!!lQtber. SI)~l!.u:t~r!!lre theJfUIH:::-pu~i out task aill:ldconsistentlywork together to gel a

mutual Few~nd they repor~ed in the Augu~[ 2:006 issue oJ"A'ubncdfjce}uw]o,m'" The researchersextended those find.i.[Ig~ with experiments at Ngamba. The tests shOc\1iffld lh~Il chil~'iJp .'l.nDl: tlljl~.y!fe<::o_grJJi:ze when . rt]ey need a collaborator to solve' a problem, hut, given a choice between twoc polen.l'i.aJ he]pnnne:s,. '~he!ywiU also ehoose the one who has boon filmil efl0ctiw <ll helpiJilg~hem,in the past (Science, 3 M.a:rc.h .::20"016. p, ] 297}. '·ClilJi:n.'1j'):S can do really con'l'p]~x Ih]I~.gSif l].]ey 't~wi l'fu a. tolerant r.mJF[1C1ef. but ~fthiey 're not wi.l~ a ro~e:rn:nt permer dley CUIt'l' do ally-'
~fiy,'j, Hase,
(0 ccoperarion even in however. W'~eU1 MeHs


Ng;amba Sandl.larYj and kee·pers aire~()$5ing d:n:ull'lks: of pim~·apple, al~tocado. bananal, snd papaya to daZl~f1$ of ~aget conlimps who mnalki~ill racke<t as UI~y sera lilf1iJte[iO'[the flllUing frult, 8<riarfl II"iIClIi€,.a bilolog](J(ll an~hr·opo~og is'!: visiti 111:91 from Ge mfN.lln'lY, leeks on gi1leefuUy. "~l)olk at .alilthosf! (~mps!" I'neexclaims. "II to\l@ it~" His work here]!:: PaJlFt a iProject 10 compare the sociallbeha 'l'ior Qlr (hilrnp(1lil1lzee~.a nd bOIlUl005 hiee of nma~rntexn, iW11arf ~.liI~alr.,(ooper.atiOII1lI----:Somelt~lfn'gl atwmkh I]e himself excels. A.ltihDIlJlghi c.uHfnfly p based at Max ftamk. Insthute foil' E.wc~L!tfonary A!1IIt:hl~opolo,gly ]n Le'ipz]g,itt'!j o!brl,rioulS that he's forged st;~.Qn9Ir,eLatl0n$hilps. hel'@. He ex.changes: ai'J~mated greetings wnJth Ulce ~eepelFS.i,1'l1 LIJI'9'am:la,. aJ l.oca·~. ~a'nl9ulilge, and chiab wi·~]them over dinrller about politics;-both Ugandan and chimpanzee-Gllrhi ftgllLljp om tihlil~\ hrtces-t;scanda~s all"ld cp>01llie'1l' s:tnJ.glgles lin bO'~f], realrns •. ~:are has also 1Ie(e1I'i1~lr establis ilJed tue s ,mith bvO (]idl e r AFriulfi) lIpesand:g]8i ries an d hop esc oth:er ~cesean::hersMU follww his te2!id. lit's. a i'IliiiUt!J,a~llt belllE'ffdal arrangem.efl~, Hare say!:. SaiJ1,ctILl.1llrj'e$provitdce a home h) ,l'illllllli1flla'ls orphened by tlhe bllSlhi"lmealt Hade ow res(l.Iep from pettraders, and the·y prollinote the cOlllservaltioli1l of wi~d ape·sin~hefEfw areas whcel"@tih.@~ !flllrl~mal:sstilll remaln, Til~~ b@n~fIt from the ~ljp;pcr~ f1Ill'll.d' ,e.):)pertise Oc'f visirtiog sdentists, And w'e5'ei3lwchers get t:hleilF !lo·neV's ~voril:1hl. W'or!k at t~,E! S!llirlCh.II'(!ries is cCcQl1s]deraMy rh eeper and e'lilitaH5 less redtape then at many :2:00'5 illWild pri mal~e centers, Here says. Mo ~cE!Ollcer. the sa il1lctJlJari@s;hiIV~ IlaI"gi@f IlI'lJmb E!:rs of apl@s thsn fII1!any o~hE!rfad and'lfide ]'irlcl.')l"@ natur al. l~vii!1g ee Irdt]OI1s, At Ngcamba. {'or li1!):.8i'1lii1pllte, chimpanzees 4,2 ~1l.aIVlE! filee rein o'll-er 39 hectares o.ff raliIT1ifor~s!t Oinl the 40-iledill!lei:slandio the Uga!ll;~al1 sectlonof U~e VictorlaJ. [luring ~m.edaYI' the ,chimpsW"Qirage p ~aly, ,lIt]dil~ti@ ra rt 1m'! ueh Lik~ ch~mn in tml@~vild. 1i1~ call1l dElJ@pilTh the hJll\efit tee, h IlJclmost. pai@fer ps lily the hammocks !Sll!.!I'l:19 !1e,ar~hec ceij~ingl ]!1lhe caged endcsure, \'!Ihich doubles; (15 a behavior lab,~lfs beU@rr' ·ror Ill,) ,]ISc resea rehers b'@CflUSEl W~ g~t to work wHh a pes tlM:at am el l iiUil~ morl@ p'lychologliically healthV (111'110 ~,a1;1'ea mUdllri(.h:eralnd l[molle] ''1!.3~m.a[ envIronment" than zecs Ocrprrjmate 02il'llll:en ((Ull provide,. llar~ say~. InaddHioll1li:oc wo.rrk aJt Ngllmila,. Ilml~ has begun :s;tiUd~!e)1ltthe Tch'impol!mgaJ (h]rnpa nzee 5all1!ch.1Ia ryilfl! (cOngo and the La la 'Vii Bornobi) SalrllCh.J ary inl ~!h!le Dr::! altie Rep I!Jlbli of m()(r (on go.. lhe only :xIm:~lIaryi n til~~ world for ~ln,e:s'ElMgh l1 !endan [le!cred a pes. lhe S~lrl(til,lIarie5 ~lis!i)nall1!d In g~~n, sal~~N'9i~~nba diil(ec~or UUy Ajai'('s!"eseal'(h iQc!1 Q(~·:;il S Ii€l.ationships cillmong the Nigam ba ell, nmps.for e.tarnlp~€; has taugl~ t the keepe!rsa g f€~t d€id about ho~v dlfl'-ereiJ:l!:tlflldlrviduals'get a~ol'llg and:;~owto mal1!age the!if!cf A]arov~ S!i!ly$" lin .addWon. Hare's g~alr1!t I1nUlll'leyh;;iiSPOiid to ~e:lu~'I/:l!te~he sc,Ei·n;ct.lJ)ary·s ~i~chen ,and illtowedl oll'le ofi~ veteril'l:ariam to punue
aJ~ the

lt's feedlngl time

Then: erelimits
roleranrchimps, repeats the' test

with Bc(lJihlku and Okech but l'h~s.time the pl.ada,[I],'1 with one cellln~j bowl of food instead of one; bO\I\,III~or each of
them, th.e.if eellaboratsen falrers, Okech seems to have the .ricgM ide!il::He rum; to oae end of the wpe and. stands by. apparently

ready to do h]!> part But B!il~1J ~.g!.w[res is ku h e~h.lIof'the rope ~llf.ldcreaches throughthe bars of the enclosure. grasping at the:fru~r just beyond his reach. Anorliet trial produces a


On thetlrird try, both.

Ic~~l\I'ea reputarion as the free-l Qv:unghippie cousinsof chimpanzees, They use $ex-i:u~a seen'):iugly endless vadety of positions and cco!nbim!t:vm'ls of partners=-to d~f!;I..::;'~he tension of social t inl·cel'acti.(ms .. Hare .Ilypmhesi.z.~d~h~t tl1e$e il.1!pl~s .. who appa.rently e'xcel in soci.a~.toler-· i~ ~]I]ce, 'lIIol.,l~.doU'tperfnrllll c;::hinlrU~lzee~ in c::li cooperal i~lg10 nm:i.!ev~lT.u it ro"'\'Brcls.. cO
11. boaobo.Bonobos

chimps pullthe Il'Ope,brlll' Baluku dartsto the Food.bow] and snatehes [be flfujx. leaving none for Okech, \11111.0 hoots ~.o:my. "He's eryimg for foe d," :'H.lYS Meli::l, Okech might hsve bad beuer luck ifhe'd



Th~]t hunc!l turlled out

:~ Melis .. ~lndcoUcag.ucs 1."e'CJent]y ]u~d lbol'liooos ::}:. hms.sl5d ;~ltfhe lolaYa B{)cUnb:Qc .s~Q:iI.~cfu.(Iry in 5 ~11cDel.JlcOc.rn~icRepubl~c of Congopedbnn
~ l'lfIeroIJe-l::m.n [e::.ii.LL ~Ikem~lm1,", of the dl.i.I.'il'llIJ&

be, He,

Ph .!D. resea rchi!fJ micrdbioklg}l

:~ bon.obns c{J()pe~.liI[edrea.di.[y ~n [he~'opci-:puU .1iIi iflli n1sk W~K'i]1J the f-ewm'd \;vas Sep~li!i(Ue bo!!;,!;' h; {I f re5eauhe~" ~-ljIh05e pOPIJ~~tiQfu.of :~l!JIbjec.t5 ]n dewloped co~lI'Itri!es "'l1ay dW1n:l;dlle as. bmed'n'9llrE$trk;~ .~ fruit. U~lI]]ke ~:he c:hrnmp~,.'they ~]~~l (IPope'r~· liMS tighten (Science,. 1 JilJllr:le~ 1.265). il'H!! S.illilutuaries care a godsend for [he fUlum!! of our p. sdenc-.e/ Ha re says. -is.M•. ~ned 'i;:veU ·,.\fhen the food "vas 1:'II:'f~;sentedim a

Ha!'l.1l'a p rimatoi[ogt!51 RiChcardW£call gllalrll, M (I ~]e~peds;et up tn:e Ngam baJ s(ln(wary' cand erKOIUFfa a,ged Ha~eto prlirme Inl!sealn:h Itll~~we, 5ees, "'Vlill'l15 .8lll1arol!Jlnd, for (himpal'li:zee~, nm.3II'i1i3IQE!rS, and rcesemdhers;," Ukce Hare, he lI~'OLlijd~ilkecto see time sauliCtlU.aV]es.bec.omea reSO~IH.e for ape

in 'tlen1f1!1.iI i'lIly.


ce;n]~:u.]1 bm'lll


the L:mlflobo wl1.o got: .\NiNw.sci en cem


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7 SEPTE MiSER 2007

Social Cognition
the prize t1~1~~I'w.ay~heredsome food s wi[h in •.partner, (LikeBaluku .. most c]] ~m[1s ~~d'o.rrt winner-take-all poi.~cyin fh~!l.simaa rion.) The :fi~cl! appeared inthe 3 A]Jlri I ~:s:sue G irl"fHJ! lJin logy" :!'i'L]gge~l"U) of Hare (hal relative to ehimps, benches are




toward'l~M'l:San illt<:liipret ihese gesc

rures jt:YS( fine, Hareand his 001leagues ~'c:por~ed iu ];005.

"They l'!;~ere!1't ~ellec;ted W


anylh iug oQ,gn;itive~.y fiiophi!iti-

C~~]Hlb~.e mereflexible coope·ft1tio':!l!:They of are less fussy about ·,.vJhJo theyw.iH. work with
or Wh~lt t~~e rewardi s,

cated'" ~ay~Tomasello. Yd
dou:l:C1's[iIcillition produced social

Still, the smdypresems apuzzle because fi.elld I~S(;l;;ITCbe~ have S~It\!~ V'It\I-Y little couperaticn in wild boaobos. Oue H~r(;l :S~iys. is that bO~'llbo!! d(li:l't!Ueed!

ski Us ~l~t wi~]da[lce~[Oirs lacked (Science. 23 June: 2006"

p.. ]737).

because food is. 50 abundant in



Hare's Ph. D, adviser a['w1i'-d,'lJ'l,Mulogisl Ri:hard .• had proposed ~I~,'l the ~990~U.l,1l[ something anal1I'lliil!ol!! lllitt IProll,!\ok~liIgl. COnilj:!a I"iuiv>e' b e<havij ora ~ stutli'e<$ of l'iJllJrlhUirnan g ogous Inay h~lve~.uqjlp ened iln primates such as bonebos {above) :s'hoWiLdshed l:igllt on the roots o,r hanobos .11~'ertheilfl.i.I:!I!e<]ge sp~h human s(J!L~.aLcog niition.

~fu.e]t rich

habitat ..Tomaseljo <1Idds: th~u.B.~[~~Qugbbo~;':I{),bos. ul::l~~ike chimps ..don't appear In use tools in the wild, they qUickly Jearn [0 use them in C~ll:ni\fity., suggesting Ull'eJl~ree:ilp~1b~e0 fa var.i.eny ef'eegn :iri V(!' ft.alS: l].Hry don"tlumnaUy perifur:m.itl~he wild.
IE.VlO~.uliio'liiI O'f t.olleran,ce

uJT li'Q]l].ililm:of ch impan zees

~bout 2m ill :ion. yea:rs;ag(). Dogs and ol~u.l:r

sis," Hare concedes. "11's nOI goilng to be

~flilbra0ed by everytline;'"

dm:n.e;sr.i<;.oteda:n]m.a~s[end to have certain ciil:il]]lcre.ri sties relative ro their wi ldaneesrors,

hli,c;hll.di~ilJg reduced cranial vohune,


Bm: how d:id bonobos getto be

honed, the d.og's. social smarts,



leeth. nlo~regracile ~1.ilnb5.and ~·igJncui"'{ilm,iilng,. (

bonobos, and] the nudes .inparticular, have H1:esel:~airsre]~n~ve to chimpauzees,. T!I1eg,e: feHh:Ire.::t arose c!a~!I,"lcI(le:n-· arguedthat

o]depl? Hare has a pr,(wocative ide.], one suggested by \cvo:rkin canines. Dcm1!esttc.! has
[)f)gs, know
~)\t"'l:lldhidden food.. imp.~y e,oi.nllple:K. commun lcarion between man and his besrIriend. Wo~ves, andwild

when a ]]lLtnlt1!U is po.inting

ll:lllyull dogs i:u1id domesric foxes selectively

[or low aggressiou, and WrO:1l1'1glli', ~rgue~ that !IfI~tul,a] selection ~Ig.a,in:i!taggresbred.

Primatologist Frans deWt]t]] of EI1l1JOry Univer:!-iHy in. Atl.al1ta,. !Georgia,. i~O'~'Le of the unconvinced. He d iscounts Wran gh~ltl'!i assestion that bonohes arose ftom a dll.~nl'lp·· like common ancesror that became less .~ggi'ess~ve<illh':l[ they div,el:getl,. "lt could ve:ry we]! be the other Wo::1.~ around" he says. Chimpatill.€es could be Il.lli'Iemore aggressive off-

foxes ~acil<this ability. Bnt fcxes bred



sion in bonobos could have produced ;[I. s.iniJJUar result, Bonebos are '~h most peace fu 1 of e the' great apes, he s,ays. M a Je bonobos (b!""!'~ C(f!H.hoc.: ~mid!' (lin

shoot ofa bO~1.ob(}.likle ancestor, "Tbere's not a shred ofevidence for one POSilioIDI or rhe other ~nlhi!' point;" die W~(~·I~y~., .adding that only
geeetlc d~~Ml likelly~Q settle are

the issue. Re searchers have dome veTY little genetic work \> bonobos to dare. But: one smdy [~i1~t

neighboring groups,
do Ch~i'lJ'lpm1z~es:. for example, or kill infants ::lilfr.;'tI 1by other males, as do gori lles,

c(wl"lpa!t'·ed w]1fiano~~$i!la gel1'ie called a~.y,wia im bonobos and eh imp~~IJ'I.Zie(.'lS :Foiundl·luu th e

bonoboversion is siml .. to one fotllilld in I.<1!i

h:igh ~ysocial

IJI~~l~I;~e voles,

whereas the eh i!l'liP

{Wh:y muumJ selec-


verslonresembles that flO,umdin ::i,odaUy aloof mQ[!!11Ul!e voles iSeience, ~0 June 2005.




163,0). The human version is more si.I:iIl~I<lr iii'

tion would have distavored aggresslcn ln bcnobos i$amyc~re:ry. altheugh Wr~lngluun is ~1lJ(Jtshort on ide'dJs,)1 Harego e s a step

to li1e bonobo one. The' gene encodes a n~ce~ tor ~~o:[ vasopressin. a hormone H~::tked Fl' to ~, ;;]!ll.~ex. and mJ!elf seeial behaviors. :.'!: The f~l]dilJ'lgshint at how genetic changes ~ eonld I·l["clduc:e different temperemenrs in ~. ~: chimps ~mdbo[lQbols..I:!Iiar~ g,ays. ;3
do:m.ld. hresby c

c a u s e, s e le c t ion ~lg:anst aggression .. i enhanced M)CiHl~QIe~a.llC!~ Wllbot]obos,

~e['t~lng~:he s~ag:e

fmf~he~, ropo:si.i[j.g p Ihat,\vll.!HeVCr the

Harei s ~uttewUy ~e~]rdi'li.ngfll't!il!ddi~ s QI

measuring beanuue and i.. ndjcators in 'onnnbn~

other physi.o·log.ical.



a ndn ell in~~::IS nre ~Pd0]15'~I"1 '~I~i~1'I~tm ul_: ~ :i ro ]i sncuas I:w:u.e reeo rue _ C<Il,u S rr : annua r ~U"!l!U, z unfemiliar individuals. "]fw€ can figurs om :Ii
bow HH1ii~~':l,!,O~ust:er spedes ~]"e dli.nerent ~ ~~dhow I'll ey be{';1u.'r!!e'd iJfereul, then we; ']Ig n
b,e abh:: to :Ililtlk.e strong


·thein' ahi ..ily to coop~ l

e!iar~ uI10renitx]bly

inferu~lCies f1bmmlhiO'llv


Hwn chi III i''I:;"ln.zee~ in some l':l:iuJ.a~wons ..

.J. I'.<1!Cy

l<ve:ben~m.e di.".We!rerH "J~li'nm Hlem." he ~~y~. ~ '''That''s d1iJ~ gcm,~of~:he who~:~proje:ct" ~ ....•



The Promise of P'ara lilel U niverses

[n Se(loud. Life, lft'lerel-i no, need for liposuctiou, Participantsin tbis c: onup uter- ge ueratedworl d can sfim dmv[llliy sill'lply slidinga ber

Florse cia ~ p's:y ch oll.ogi :5,tS, (0 Im;p r- g@n,erate'd rea lities ute p:n(lvi d 'e' excitii In 9 InE!iW 'ten ai nfor exp,to ri n g h IJman behavior aJnd complex serial 'ilrll~err_H:tiio<ns
S()l;;i~l]p'Sy()lflo~ogy and socio,lo,gYt"

S~]ys Me]::alilte:r. Ui cm::nptn:e:r scientlst with joint .appOil[ltlrle~1~~

at Univl<lrsi.lyCollege Loudon ~'IJIld t 'he U[i].ive rai '~at~Po:1] t,e c IV'I ~'t;::~1 de Catelillinya. in Bm'Cclana. Sp~ilt

[he: COrliPUteif ~c~~e~ th~n Co!]~

{lit ;}V.Ulll':.

rrol s rhe bodyf~[ oftheir virmal

self, Reced:ing [~<:'Iir i Us f

nurwi [~,1 'In ilar ease ~llr:tdl.i,l'lhe si whim strikes. tliJUIS e]ectrDc blue: 't:viil'h cIte! of the mouse. a The 1],-oodOl.lU to try 011[ di :Werem: 10!.1:k;sj iilind t:\lefli ,d.ifThrentpentom],..'\,
cm'lltll·ibu~-esro r~e g:ro~;V~,llg ~p~:JI\';";ail of v ~rlL1a:11l,\lim.i.d:s such.a~ Secm'ld Life. where residents social ize in re"II.~~!me.o Iten Fnrnl~.l'llggroups 'tOo pm"Suelu;~siness, ~1rliisl'tc, aad other

SClerliu:e ~1i1wonde'rtanli!l
St: ieil'ilcc-fiictgf)11l j;l!Uthoffi~m\o\e ",ml"·

reu about virtual worlda fer decades, but onl.:y ~~,':I recentyears have mBrt: p~,,}.werfuJ 'c;,)mpul-et.'S and widespread broadbaed Internet
,1lit::t:e~:made~l p[)s~ibl,efor to :~[IItcrac~'in
£.ei1l!oo]I~"5dseui ng,\\.


real ti~i'blein O()mlpUH~~'.I"V~n1L1ill.lertl'!;/iron-·

endeavors, These paralleluniverses hi:J!\l'enracted rn ~n~onsof users in a reGeu"llyoo.t:S, TheY\l'€: also begun to ~ltlnu:;'t the anention of scholars of
hmlJlall'l sooh~l.behtl.vro!l.

merns vary in C()~:1leHr~mdcharaeter, SO['fIe .]re gj;ll1.l:eS \o,~,th set rules, The most popular of'this gel\lll: is
W[H"M ofWn['Craf[,i[IJwl~neh ... si InU l~anf;iom;.ly,thmlSl!l!mls of pll:&y~

For researchers, virtual worlds

~ litreuncharted 'lel1"~tory,test b~&~ur' ~ seeingwhat ~oopie' db ",¥lu:nfurred

ers battte monsters and enemy players, accumulating poims and

booty and iriskiugthei r a'V~U'<lIiS'

'"" ffi"om re."ll-Wl)dd _pj'lysk:'t1J1 social ,~II1l~1 ~ ooin!>llfl~iml', ~'1t'~ deep. deep F~bbit a

.~ ho~!e:" s~ys D.lnhdW:i.IIi::!Ims, who



of me,,\!

~. in the prneess.] n contrast ives Second U fe isa sa [elJ"b more U~ fr~f01i'.I.'!f!\!Jfij'kl\IVith fe'lllil {)iU silu~~doIl;Sneounered, e Vet even in virtual worlds. [fuJe
mind fo~~ ows some real-world rul es, "In'II a lot of t heseon 1ine games, it'$ possible UJ actually
walk ~lliir,t)iugh 1l1l.odl.,er ebaracter. bu r almost no one ever does [~:u:a,t

.. · •.IJ<:u .;, :"''L

'In~ll.el U~l•~;~~]ts¥ __ _~!~I~II,~I"I,~i~lt;..

1 ,II 1"!)<"lgh. : OGI •. i, :5IGI.'I;;l-

:~ tists are investigatiug ::i

,~ social

whether norms, sueh as the ooUliceJPt

:~h~il\re! online i,d!mti.rte~: For


~ of personal space ..persist in these I~.(l mOOOIJ"U1J-d"liY f,mderJallds W ..llley':re ~ ~i.5l'ologk ingi!~towhether. by cre~t~ ,~ i:ngoouEIi-t1ull];-life avat~u~s, inuelv
'i:lli'w]d vi~ilurs set themselves up to

becaase if's so u~,'lco:mfmtah~e syp !chol.ogi.caUy." explains Nick 'Vee. who r~cent:ly cOlupl:eted: a Ph.D, at Sti;~!Ttb!'dUI) iliv~~ityin r~llo Aha"

of [llmlis.ta~lt malf!.'!e(lVler:; The m,aIUeillbmty {II ilV;;Illa rs adds ~ new d~llfIie'l'lIsiiol1ito $od~l Cali.r:(,lIrIili~. enthe p5J1od.'o~'O:'JY olllku;i ~nTI'es ;and 1j,/'irn~~]1 nvircne ~I'l vi 1'1:11,1;;11 e!JfviJrQr1 m~~5. iill e~~.nlple~'!;HfI~.l~]] •.h;~nd~ome iIi1lteJilIdio'ft5 U::If:'JrltSI, ndeed, 'Vee snd otliers have I ~lI\"al~iI"ransform a slliJiy nero into a t ~ IJ!I '''U's possible that I~)'ne ];n~e f01!,lmd~hatpeople .1.'J.rll' (~ certain d.i stance smaoth Io:perator'?' Ifli rum,. !;J1.ul experiences in says W'il~~:;m]s, c~llegal"y aflmm,m.l in:renlctio~~~ in.thcfruture is when in:t~ractingw]nl the virtual realm cbaugehew people behave oU'nJeIt"Hv:'.:lt'3rS.Justas in


5 ~~nd t~:ink nfthe:l11Keives in. real. li~e?

to ILJ.



Aln:~]dy, they are S'eefu~::lgigns that ('~On1~ s pul'er..gene:r<ll:edreptei'.'enIM:L·hln~ of 'pt1npl!e calli.

going tu 00 based «)ill a\<<lit(ln;:' he: adds, A[ IJ1:esame tlme, some researchers see oppnrtul''''~~:es tfli~I.C:lde£:~y lmraemble

the pfuysk~.t:~ world, potirn of'female a,,;ati:]FS, in. Second Life made more e,YC 'COl1JraCl \\\ihikr,aruk~·
.~m'lgand ~elllded to ~t<Wtdloser LngeU:iler l~1a:n c dkl pa~ffio:r!.~l~le~j.'ree ;;w!.dc:oUe(\gues .• iJK:~udling his s:radmu.emclv~.ser Je.I·~myBailensou, reported in ~heFeb~liJ~fY~!>~ue1ifCyb(!rP:~~w;11.()logy ~ & Bei1(lvior. Av,ah]lI"s~.d!l1o, tended to reduce ~ye C{UUOlct OlliS t~e d i.~~,<I.I1l!ceel'liVeetl [helll shruflk. b


be deviou s,~y n'il:ILIIJ~pl!l.~!alti.'\~e-."'vi.lbhe 1'l()]en.ri~]1 t

to impact real-world decisions (see sidebar,

"" '0



)1. 111J:u,s,all'l.'!'veri ng ~:~e.'1ejueSU[o:[!Ili 'II!,fIU q


be ·o<li'l,hnd~mfl~~~,tal importance as

virtual envi-

research quesl~c:n5, They C'<l!1l doex~l~rin1LeiJ~ in virtual eI1vllrol:;tIU€:IlI.son 50d~!. uerworks and c!!~)wd beh;'Pr'ilf)[.fur '~lmple thatwuuld other~ wise far pr.:lcticaJOl: edl,ica~,rea:&nns"

·'Tbi.!i ~s Hvery ~ exdfi n!!WHv~rof'!iV"<ilrd, fill' ~ ~ org

.W1Nw,sci en cem

Q 9"


Vo l 317

7 SE PTE MiS E R 2007

fhav:e ",ew'Woi~~ds.:50d~l. sd@fltistsarle Hndi!lg thaJt vinuaJl ernvilrorn ments. pro'viidie' p rime QPlpo\l'l~.mi'~Ie<no s~udiy g~olup behavior'.

nn .~.pmbl!erll .. Comp~nie:s !and organizarious

()lle'.I1~UII11e tha~ .ifrhey create a di,ret.'t'.()I.ry .~"i,'~lertist:. of~:heir members peop:]e wiU seek outthe most rol0'l;1VI,edgea1hle person when

t.hey!elp\,vi~hap~lrt~c..l,llar """.peel of ajob, lo see ~rflh!)~'was re~ny l1;a:p:pening. he end his co ne~l.gues conducted .i.n~depth SI,ilD"\I'l;lYS with tnorn th~1l 3 O\\l'Qrt~ng groups. ar places such us

ve.ry pa~nstlkil1g."O]li1tF-;;lIetor
~heresearchers ~Ql!nd."Tbere are some

NASA, Boeing, [he dellafbr dun

@~fid Charles Sch\",~]lb.~~Geltill,g


rirne-consumiug and.

reC<ll~s, 11~seam t fouud dl:ilt when peopleneed lile.lpw.ith !ni pard!Cld<l.r<I~pec~of ajob •. hey (kliH.·ttil.e(;-e~<.Irily go t
IJeTSOlll. with the mostexpenise in that ~l:rea~nstead, dl~Y oUen.gel helpfrem peop~!e i Wilhw[iJ.orn tl.l.ey h1,l'l"re close ~(:h~] ties. Mm,(J'reoenUy. Contracror and co ·'~VO[1<:(;.IlI1l

tb~~n: so Ih~~"d-" are cu]ru:raUy nun irs hard to ~wilch them on: evt:l]iQ a virtual environment_"Yee S!IYS. ]0 ~nof~]er~~udy :nnwinl pre'l:sat ·~.'le .. lut(J}'-


of JkhdNtlwdicl Tool» and

ilpplioc{lir}JIs. Yet: <illltIB.aHenso'uli asked sllJ1de[ll:

,clean "din spots' O"frse'\,..e;11;~I. vir-

~Iiry rest revealed tllm those dressed as i.'I member 0 f the "MIl ire-s uprema e ist g 1'0up rated rlliJemse:i\re,'<j more i;,ggressive than di.d. the virrmd M.D.'s.. \0\-110 gave themselves high .I;n~d;_s lilt f[~leli1dJ iness. The d.. ifference in the ~:espo'~nises: otrhe two gl1Oiup:s wastoo ~ittrga [0 be explained by chance difren:~'llce:s i,~'Jthe per~o:l1iallities of [he peo'Pi.eas~~lglled to' the two
grmlps,H samebody .• m(;()c·kS<IY.S: Tfues,e q ueS'l:i.,a,:n:m~i.r~tl ~ "

to the

similar e..~]ler.i.njJeut][1 ·W(ldd. ,dlf Warcn~fL. TIll i.5 1il ITI.1ea If0 un (Jt, the exper iment u)ok ()II'II~Y fewruombs, ''1lI'ltllher.nd ings turned a

ala ~mlchfile same

Even thmvg.~hthe gwmep'ro-

and people using ajoystiek llh.u. measures the' force applied by the UStl"S ~.lLal"1d.

videsllsts of players best .]h~e[0 cm.n deadly

are supposed to examine stable

t~JJllt<1.0011·[ ~lpp05ed S


The sUh,lects f~l}p]~.edm.oreorcewhenwiping I l'llie d~rt from the objects Umnlium fhe people, Yee and Bailensonfound. Volunreees also ~pp:iiedasofter touchto faces relative to rorses !J1Jndt'O fem; relative ro males, ~.nir.rorimgrea]-· worldrendencies r-egat-d~ng tom;~]+ O~.11~.·D.'e orl:her hand, virtual worlds oWer v isit(Jr~ .~d~~~C!ce b~'e~~k to av,r;;wyfi-ornt~eir normal hab[ts .. In a paper in press at HUN/an Cmwml"~' .nicm'ion Resellft:h,B:;-li lenson .~lI'IIdVee report f~nn: nclel'g raduate volnnteers gi,vt,~':l an amaeu tlve avatar mare r~adily ~~ppj;'f~m::hed conand versed with an ~Mn~r of ['he opposil'e S'eX l'h.a:n dlwdvolullfeerl-; given a le;ss j)jUilr.i~cti'!'tl~W"l!~~"r. In ;;]~uJ;Eher experimenr, they found thal:v:o[un~ teers gillv6n ar,die;r awtar negm~~[edmore COIl-· fi.denflywhen lhey hadto ~p~~t!Home:y \~f.ith ~l~lOthell"~l'lr~~;ar were less 1~ke]y 31CCep[ a and to lop:-;~ded deal than were ¥'Olll~1Jte.e:n; give~'l! ;;l sboster avatar, "How youraearar appears ~]:n=ec~~ !,!\' Y0il;! beh~l\;e onJ.i~'J.e.•. s~ys; Vee, ha ·'· Moreover. he hasfeundthar l~,~OWgiven [aUer

n.} change over

time, Ye'~ here we're seeing that '~hey~re acni-

~ny thinklngabont
l'u~~1 enVh"()Il:lliielu.

themselves till~n'erendy"

1l1!11t:e.r n brief experience

in avir-

weapous or construct de'je'Hses."vllenpl~l.yers needed ~~e]p.hey typicaUy tumed .i:nsDea~J~ol t otht":rl)lnye~~hey ~l~ re~uiy k~I1e'!i¥ Qrr hiildw'(}rned with i:[lrne past, Contractor is !lU'i:l,,r extending
this I lne of i:rriivest.i._ga'ti.o:1"1Iwhh.

d:ynalmirs Whe1reas researchers such ~I:S Baileuson and H~1I1tCO'Ct hav,e



on [U1Jdnvid~.'"Iai

behavior, others seeuupeecedJeuliled 0ppOfllJli1r:IJrude::o;to lnvesugate th e behav io r of huger

studies on socialuetworks in Ev.e.rQu.e:5t ll, a m.ons~l;;.u-srn;ruy.i.llg game pr'oduced by S(.mJ41.u~di!l Second Life, which will :en,ablle hlm m study thousands efindividuals instead of just a few dozen, as l 11 hi!-l. real-world smciy: Contrac fO r hopes [:~11e e s
['L'IOreCo.l.iIJI:p:re[1e~1I s:~ve data S~,~~

grO'ups,.'·Vlnllal. worlds previde

~n OU~~h]lll,ding e';:;;.p:~or;;u~:riuln tor us to gather dati} aud test

wi~;~shed '~igbt on hov!l SQ·c:i,,1

networkschange over time, tl'lal has been. '!,Jie~"y

models," !>~'ys os~~i~ onm~c~ N C OO!r. studies social ne~.wo!rb W~I'lO (I1!t Nnrthwesteru Univ!;:rsityin Evansien U~i.llois, ln l1~ere~i~ ,Mudd. c()].I.eICtimg dara on hO\\I peeple create.
mainrajn, and dissolve ]~I]ks \ivith one .anorhel" is .incredi.b~iy ]abm=· ,and.~i:n!l!e~ir1:t~ns..iveeo~.'1~ •.

~]V~ln!j[l~ g~.ine,dconfidence ina snhsequenr face-to-f1l0e ncgoliat.ion laRk inrea~ HIE.

Otht;:f r'esl1rdrchel'N,

difficult to truck. In the' case ,of :tv~~QUI!es.t. Sony hails .g:n:!lued 111'i!:: research ers ae ce s sto ]:5 rnnllths of in ~i.wwld ~lcti on archived second by second as p[ayers filJfm~nd dis.Sio]ve gl~O'll:lpS for ques.ts .and .. ids.. a
···We e~eil:lJi'lruly I.u~vl'l a movi!(;: ,of


::::: w



ofa canyovcr


lh~ vkmal

Ii:l~]ve ~l~~O1'j,eemevllidence \l\lOI·.ld to the

pl.l.yg~C<Il1 (line. P3ycholog:ust Je~T['~y fIO'lI'!l:co<:k ~]n(1his gm.d~~Jde :;h;u:.lent .Jorge' Penali ~t Comeill:i

Uni,,~ity roc:eruly asked. 'I!OIHllU~iI1ilO e:q,,]ore ~ virtll;;111,e~'!:v~F'(lnment ,]S ~W! av·.ahlr 'I7IIe(Qjf.inga dk)Cil"Or '5.cOla!!:o~·one \'\'earing dille ,1\thil~ 00 and. :ro
hm!d. Df~~!eKn Klux. K l<'In"Alien.¥Hm, n pt:fS()n~·

u·ac~olJ" says .. Forexanllp~,fS!. beg~lil.[I.hlg ]r~.1999, be g;pen~ $1 nnd :3 y,;;;:m.".'> QU ,a p£Oj ect t~,1~u:,ex~1].1i ~e d 11ow gr~Hlp ~ flof ~)eop Ie :TIC e ~~ tme c:
expll::1"l is.,;: of I.he ir IJlcnlbel's \iVhen l,l~eyl>vml[)om~~vely

o~£tt"lQrksas lhey':ro UlI.!b\ld~ ~



:Shoclk~~~. A '!I~r1tlalwom(ljfl nl'ceirves es, in£lfBlIsi ngllypari rdul sn{)(_ks.lnil 21st c !(ellltmy velr5Uo.n of Staniley MUgirillm"s infamous obediie.n(e '~Kp€'limlellil. u



.tlf virtlil'al wor'~ds go the way o,j ~hJe W,orid W]de Web, evel'ltt!~llI.y Ih,ull1ldl'eG:~ i]f mmnol1!s of peQph~ M/i:U b@ l{lggingi!l1l dlaiLy tor :il~sptn areund their favo:rUe comPI.!t:er'-g'enerrated wo:rlld. Bu[ they have to !teep t[11elr wits alb~,tllttil em. Social sciel1l'list513:re timo irig tha t onli ne experiieflces imf'lueli'l!ce omil'lle thinkfl:'llg (see main ~exU and rhat manipu~attjon---f(H PQlmcal, ialOvliu[lsnWlg,. or otlhlie~ purpO~e!i,-frhay be! Imud~ mo~~ sopM~tka~ed il1 vilr'-

I'!"IIanod~er expe ri mel'll, in 2005, B~ilens,onl and (Q~leag L:1e5a sked ~m:le!,r· glrad~atlE!! w!lunteelf'S to d on a vi fI1uail-rea lity heilmet 00 ~"'1!~:ch som@OIf'i!~argue


sllldients t;any an to card at aU ~]mes ..Wh e!\t1!1 the vir~U'1!lta[ki n9 he~d' m i mi:[ke.dl~he' vi@wer's O'IIIin head nliuwe~

fo·1l' unpopular real.-life proposalthat an

meil'llt:s (in recorded and relayed byt~e hellr1le'U, the favorably to qlUes:[iofls .:liIoo,ultthe po:!icy"

student res:p>O'Ill!d1ed more

Suchfi m.diir~gs hallie p()terljtiC!~ly (feepyi rrnplicaJfiol.l'us,. "u gels klima of icky
if )Iou Ih'n~ about politicians tn time fl[ftllfe thalt ~\'i~l(hange wha~they took , Ilil~e (i(!(Qrdilfl,gl b)~vho' s llJokingal t~em," says. ]eff,r,ey Han(<(:lck, i3: pSY(J~IO~Oglrit at C.omeU Uruversily. (otJIlr:li'e;· pollltidam a1lready do that to 5()me eXJt;e1l1t'] n tlhe real, \l'i,lo.r:ld-donning: ovE!.rallls for.8 me-etii1l g wit:h fanners, then s~vitdMilf1l9to a :~ulitfur 2! meet~ng 1lIriit~~b;IJSl ness elliecutlve:s;-b:u t f n \l'ilrtl!Ja~ emf ronmeet 5, cem puter al~!lolritih ms (O,U ~dpotl8ntiaUy eni!'llbl.e< (11 PQlitld~,Ii' (CI'f a s<I!llespe rsou~' S s} !Elwatar 11J adjust his app~(nflW1lrn arid

t:li!:aJ environments.


o·f stu dles



sl1!o~!in tii1la~IPoople ~\rli'lo.mimic tlh,~ gestures Of speech (i)lthers are

per(eived by those th@y mimic as mo,re hkabte and llllfh.Jerl'liha I. IIfII vi rtua 1 e iflJV] 1'10n ments,


~Yhere' 'e'Jllerytlhiln9 is genelFaJt~d by computers, '~II~e p.ot~rntia lto Ii' meni pulanen by m~llfi~cry C~n mach rirightefillflig D1!elW 1~i!leI5. IFor eumplle, ,11 week before t~~~ 2Q()~. pr~s.i{hmhal ~~ec-




and auto-

mat.kaUy to im2u:ilrni:ze his iJllnUrl1ll'1l~

tion, Jeremy lBaile:mls;()ij and colIl~ag ues at Sta nJford U' n liVIE! rsi ty

in ant QlivelT] situstien, I~5,e~:;olld'

ILHiE! illlrn.d ot:helf' lIirtuill llel1'1tiro~m.entsj Baile!uoi'l pOlinu out" (,amp'l)l'ter su rv 6:ry:!1, ntg aJlrc ~;I'll'll U1~ h\IO mal n servers keep a ru I1)ning h)'9i o~ (.l'Indh:lal~e·s, PresiderM (ieorge' w. eve;rytlhnrJigt=every Qllalr'lCe. ned, orr B Hs,h amd :5en'laltorr ]0111'111 IK,errv, HidQf UH~ h~nd that Ii'II(lPfN~II'IS•. 51l1'b~ "1~I'1IIKe~1' !i!'i~1l Bll!liid whUe vi~ngr 5ide~by~'5,'dl@P:h,O~~'" HloW'l~h!1 you like 1il1I@'l'Iow1 UIDI,d@dd@d¥oru@rs. g~~vitatetov~a[dI a,dlid,[llt~'l!i'~oS'e "'lJou have Uhiis hl:J!gl€ datalbafl~, and: flo1l(f! ntis beenl .m rphed wilh the-ilt OVUI. 9rClp~5 (If the bIIIo m'e!'ll. IFoT.a raasomei'Jn~' c(\R:J~dglC3b itiWiI reah~me domlly seILe(tE!dthlirdl of tll~~ subaile! I'I1Ifmk yo u at a &uM~.e, h~ Si;lIYS, '~Ithi rlk jt'si m,P-O'l1a!l1lt pe~pt~roreaJ~f~enQl,l1,f diffi'C1U II it is to detect f,or jeCl$:. the resesrehers used sof~walwe ~o !Tl!elrglE!BlJ'slh'sp,lh.o,to wilth a photo of t.mri~ w~l~nlit hfljp,P@ns111 ihe d~9ital ~'VOrldi ind how p.O'lV@wrlu is, ~. C d'l~ subject,. II'!laking IBush look more Uk!]!,the slubj:ut ~'Vit.~md sllbj~ct ~11~>ill IrIi.!I)ticilfilg. ,I1!1r'lOlh,er thirell faced a IKelrry doc~ored W'itlh t~eiir fealtufes.~ arld for .At: tWH! same l~me~ Bai[emon savs, the power Qr mim]c~~y(Ioldd have treailf;il ,a'latarsf,or tilo1i(;:hers thillt ilIfll p~r~Qnaliz~, tWle mmllilr1 delr,t~~e IphotiOili Wef@ una i!iered. A.fter v]il,wi!flg the Ilhotos, ~jl~l(lse bem,efic]!il'lllS'(l5 as MU~t(l subjects ~\lilhout stlrongl partilsaov]el~lIs telmded to elrndovse the calrndiclate f;ou'each s~lJd!ernt~forel'liample. "~f'm a teacher and I re!3lm..y~vant reach a , to whlOOle fare had been mOlrljJ'bloo with their 011\11111. stl!!lden~. ~ have a n,ew '~()()t" e sa~s.~.M. h



nu eut


breaks om .."The be'jj]IIJty ofvirtuel reality is tbat iraltews s[Udyl:he:s~ qu~~'e complex issues 'I,lI;ilife ~i:r;h;:sre:PJl~n.gthe praoticilll ~]Ilde~b~ ical problems inherent itOrea]·\<1i,l\ldd 'Mer-dans.of l'lliep~)te!Utkd [:0 provide \,rW!luahieins.ighls into, ~ut)h experiments," Slate.!" says. ~e:re:;ill",c~hern· uch .iiI::; C()n:U:t\c~o!r[ll::Ld Slarer s menrs can be used ~opredict howpeople will ~,1ilm.:lJml:l belh<ilvi·QJ. S1al-er recently expl:ored this funpethdr \~lrk will ult~matt:lly ~e{lcj.ttop'f(lCtical,nWoli1$. potential by (; ,avimw~ versieu or a lJilm\.;eim re~!~. from, m Slater mm:v p]ans to investigate l':!rnvc:ro\·.~rds ~lp,pliernil~o:l:ls;. bettB!:" d is:.\15~er aflftgei:nent eomroversial ~96.os eXI>elil]:1:em designed by p~'Ych("I!p;gi.~~Stm'l~eyMi.~gl~m. ~'lY~de:Uph{er~· behav~i[l em.~tgen~c;"for eX~'1mp~e.soci~d ~:oillGre~!ed c:()UWb~lr.i!ti!ml~uld cre~liv~~~'i·iUli.ll s~ly.Milgram and coll~l]es dil·~et,edsubjecls psycho~.OI~iSils.llffife sl:mggl!ed~o expblin dIe $0-' OI:gm[liZllll ions .. Imdeed.S!Ollllc hlue-chi.p oomp;:l·· n[es are :;;;u:Jy note. In June .. IBM c;;lHed bystander 'en~t~ wJflereb;ypeopIe ;xre less III d.eHver ~mc;rea;s.ingJyp.a]nliLt~ ec[ric:~locb d ]ike~.ytlOI ~l(;dpson':l:eone \1\;ho ~s be:img amtcked. releMsed ~l smdy ,of onh.D.'lC rol~·pl.!iY ing, ga nTh~S m!li !!:In:l!ll'lg£r' (re~myan aCLnI." [ncre:nding t()i 00 .in plin) 1jjvhel] e gave Oi1~li[![,c\orrect re,~p(mse on a \-\dlen tiher'e are ,others pre:{e;[I'lJt ~'nllie:Fe,Qe \I;j]r~~ that cOllc~ud!edth,<JIt 'lill:Ie~evirWL;I~1LI,mvinj Il111eU[S h DUS k'ly PQlille£!es ou t lhere. but dley can ,.[ be provide l~rliJc gr'Ound for dievei:ol:)]ug real.~ z ~ncmQ:ry rreSL The subjecrs' oOIl!ptinnc~POil'J:l:Cd .0 ltlsredi" ill'l. 00'.'11. ~~fi\ Sl<.u:er S.o/B. hI. <'IV~Uri!lI<l.~. erIJV.n- 'i.vod.dle~tder~~lI:ip s'kil~:s, In <~.nD:~~~l"f<lrJ''-l'e[ched '~ W.O'I cl:is\;lJro.i:ng. endEm:yto obey <'1utharity.: t '''' ,~ In S.lm-er svel,'S,~m,l~th,e S!tI.~Wt"lge;TrVi/US~l"tirtuai rOlUlleiu., howevc~:. h'e can ensily coonrro] the rutU!H::, ~lFpli{;a!H$f<Of managem.entpo:silkm~ m:~l1ilbe'.1" !:'lindbehmvi.ol"ofp~oph~ .in any given slli[,· nul.Y rind dHilrulse]ves Iwsting d1iek WorM of .~ WOI.ll'lruil"je""IBd. on ~]OO.lnplUer s~reel::t.AlI:hough c n :1 :-ru'bjec' fhe 'tiVom~~II'~fasIHJt f'e~d, til eir' u~Hol!'1"l~ e :a.I$o 'pl~~s to ,exand ne hOlw the W~ln::r~~nred,e!llti;a~~O~1liI~heir :[esume~.rig'ht undflf l[wi r milli v,miit-y bmi in:(;'Ss dJe-_gg:ees. . ooh~wilO!r of ~crm'fd!u a virum I, Ul.oV i.(.;rhealef' :~ ~,1~11"[: nnes ,increased: and llhiey reponed ifue]ing
Other researchers have ·beg.lIH 'Do:yingwith vWrHm~.\'~tJ~:illdsas S<en.i.llgs~for ~xp,e:l'lumenTs~h~t could not P'il!:;S muster with ethical review bOi~nils if dane \<lIf~dl real peoph~,:yet \<\fhie.lliJhave shocking ~he'Siml[~ge!Ljim;l' as Mi.lgnml·s $Ubjecls had, Slater aed colleagues reported i.m the December 2!OO6i5SLLI;: ofPLI~SONE. The exper' ... :um£lg:a ls .]:1111 ilrnpOFlalnpll"OOfofi'princi.p]e, Simer ~lyS, lliecau.s.e it :SlJgg~tts tll,a)\: vi rtual envireu ...




tteli.'i,.'elr]ng~l!e ~ho[;ks" Yet [hey kept:

nllnuem:::ec'> h(~windiv~dIJ1<]I~re:Sflol'Ld Wklen1l.~fire



.\NV!Jw.sci en cem

g. org

SCI15.NH:E VO l 317

7 SEPTE MiSE R 2007


Social Cog nition

hnlil.~. evoluriou against the sl.cep ~ehX1[io!'lgra~ d:iem ,t;]'Utued by h'!, .hi.gll L"('J!.'>l!'l ofbrn:in lj:s~Ue,. b:JJ


the hyp.nhescs proposed to daeelso fa:itNorvc 'COl!!f1 e::;;!l!h~ why prin1.tfitcs (\1i1.hich have C.spCCi®illyl!m:gc b:mins

~::I!lQS,t: of

fow body mass,



by mAI~'illlill ~ooldards) need

'mhe ewt~tion

of UlI'llU5,UiilUy la~g,e brain$~in som,e gmlll!ps ()if all'1limrlal~5i not81bly prilil!1la~es.,has tong! beer! 1111 .p~lzzle. Alt~ouglh e'1!'r1ly explanati'[MIS tended~(l' emp~I!1lisiz)e ttne brain's lro~ in s,eil1l$Jory 0[" technical

tha~ rut: so mueh .largea.·Illi1f11Il,. ,tlqlii~'5>1I;y', rels, to, cope';l,d(i~ V!4,uu. il.f>e C:8se~lti<liny the: same ibmgi1iil.g doclslons,


Byrne: and Wh


(9), in [he late ]9&ij,s; TI1C;Y t1rguoo. thA!t \'IIlllfJ.t di.& l.ere[JJti<lru~ ;pri:maJt~ IIoJ],~1.ill!] Qth~f ~pecies (;rund,. ~:~cnce,w~~f11lm]gln <IC(}(H"ltt:br~.u~ir e-spm:;i~tny ~rig'gI(ilre:d tlMs, ,e\l'O,~utioni:.lry dey,elopme.mlt ]imjs mlaJY eXIP~_almnwh'y plrimla~e s,odality seems to be se IfI~'(l b:r.~:i!l'is.\~S the co:mp~exity of thelrsecial . dUfeire,rutfrom that fl:N.!llndil1 mo~t ether biHls ,and milmma Is: Primate :5QdaLityii based on bOlf1!de,dJ1 lives, n-ihn,lulmucly. 1h!e [Crill ··Ma.chi3,1\~c;Uimf· rei~,altriioM~ips ,of al kind thili~ iMl! '[,ound only in palrbon,dls in ,oth;e'(;'iI:a:(i3I. wm-;\/I,I.ide:ly inrelp~~LCd flf'implyiltlg doceit. rna~:ipU~.iU:UOFol!!ii:l1d oolla:D:iv<lntcc-lrnit$ 111,;]!t moe;;t brna:l1!oo species have 111lrgeF' home ITlJlge;'l q)\'~r~ lJr.X)plewelle r-cl~l\:t:1Im 1 oaluibu[c ~o ,tin])' sped.cs h,e bill. ~~~. is n Il.e o ,t.~.[I.]~.' moo t.. ,e.'xp e.[Wi .. e.. .. ..s v organs 1[1, jhe body. second ,on~y to the. h~p"~[10q'Uiiri]l(gmore sOp']~iS,1~.C;'ltcd emiLull ~nlilps). than ~lill[]Jl!t'lns, ln fa,ct, ~lhl:~.OlUgb .. tl'l~se are m and frug]~'i heve Ia.rge:rb.ffd~s toot! ftilivon:liS potemial aspects 'of soclal com~'!c:xji~)',l~ICY h'eaJft The Ibmhfs I1!Ililir'ling OOS!S are flbc:n.u S IDa IOthnes as }~i,gh,.pe!l'" l!.!nil those of djd MOrtHe .u the ~~~rl of B:yrneawdW]lilel1! 's (fmilt"S an::luuch lC:>$I)I:edic~b~ein ~he;h:hJcallio~ pr()p~}5~~, Instead, the' propo!m] empl100h~cd!hc ~keletn] muscle O. 2},. AIU]O'llgh t[~e l:lla~Il\" and ;;b\l<lillllbm~:yi:Thanh::<I\I~':S)' (8). oomplex social 'elrn:virollme[l,l:'>, in which pd~ a1hi.~ily to COTIlfr·o] tbe bod:y's fUlmctio:ns ~:s obvi011 ekiser e;;;:a:nnm~tion.most .of the cn~dk~ ():us~yuseful,. il (''11It1.illssnmcthi,~]g (If:fln evola: rJr:JJtUCS, lived, The less c{)r1l!:!n!i.Ous label soc:i<lll el{'pl~Illfllk)lls th.lil have beellli (nffcreliide:lu,l, fy bmin hyp oU]c.s~g,SB]-]j I( I (J. .II) has jhus been ( liomuy puzdc T~~e n~Lll~b~olog~st .~]arny JOtlSQJ1l, OOJl~rml:h,u,~ !Jill broi!llll. evo~u1 rnU~crUmflin selee1.0JTIi. firslpointcd lhismU" dUriMg the I 97{h;; (3). who:tl liQ~].p~I.l!i"'CS. lnblioiogy, cO'l1!flm:ainl<; are ~11i(W~- ado,pIed" he drC\1' a dj~~hOC:liol1befwccn~m.c compolfQ,ClfiI.lof mMc, ,and arul;d~~ 1'01"Lnn.dcrstan:dilmg ·c:voilltion!l!l:)' l A~.though j'rli tild iy critid;red for be~l,g, 'CO[l.lhe b:r;;li[!requlirod. to meet the body's phys~c~] I:rnjccl,ories,. bul thc;:y do Hom COf!L5tiltute IlJ!lCliO:~lfl] cep;llliJ[ly v~_glle. [he: SHH C\~UliU,H.ny be~fl to needs and the ,co.mpom:ntl~Hn v.~ls~en Ol\lcr, receive 'ullia:eflsillig quan~lii~!I[i.\i'e wh~.dl c~[dd. ~lt.cm1 to l:aS:ks ,of;ru more c'Ogni.~· :!it'PJ,:lO:fit. A series of SI.lut~'Sdem• M'onl«!!!(s ol.l!\l¥ated '~ltlll~ :ill'tw.n.g IJlril~,~:<UCi1. (iv~ly eomplex i'Mi.moo. ·.Il~issecond oompoo:n;cnl O:A~ al, ~.OO8t, relfl~ivc bmflfl siee [usuof~he brtl~1li has been lJrl:crt;:';flsilfllgover !.~"lo~~:~'io'1m,-· auy timeacmss the bim~ and mammals, blillt J15llil ally indexed as relative size of !I:[ld~plijle:s (:01J[~invu;:ln thrive Wilh bmimll'> of []lC neoCODtel(, dilC area ~hm frl:<1!i'> very 1l1Odesl size, Although it ilS e..'l~yro IJ]]]~ di~'Jpro~lt~on ..;t.e~y ,e-~p<l'nded in primates (12)] ca:ITe:lm.<lS wi.l1h. d.C'I's:!:ll1id 'I,'fi,I'hy brni!t~s l[11i Ciii.~rall hflVC: ev~)~:ved>i[ 2 I jiS. netso obvious '\!'1'hyd.l,e beains Cjl' bJlrds, and I'mtriyirldil,~ of sodtlii cOi].TIpl~J"~ I nu!!mm~ls have gU{:nli,·]ljsu'b:5Mlg:n]~l!lUy ]aa:gcr 1ium lly, indLirling social ,gJ:orup size ,0 lhe ~nini.mum. s:~zeroqu i~dw smy alive, fFlig. ~.) UJ'}, number 1K:1~1~ks T:m.di~toTIi<11 exp']m.m!~iom; fur 1lhe C\!lol:lniClJ,~ of ~n the group (14). gr.gam~ng Q ]arge bm~nu;. nQ1.'P';]mlItes ~bc<usoo eitltrn" 011 000el iq,m;:~izc {lj1~ Ill.\,: .f.ei:[l:1cncy ~ogtC~ ,rob~!ml oo;iva:liiIg er 0]] de\'lelopjjJJ~liU:ma] 10011:'" of rom i~iliOliil:l I( Uij,Ih<l.le '1:Il;]:i:u~g Slr.:lli[il.ts. Eitrly smdies ,~cllel1~Hied plrysio:liogkail S:lm~cgiiC's. (.1 7); l~l.C. prevalence ~ of soda] play (16)!, [llC frequcaaUldliifc·h islDry b.i(s-im::ludi:l1g ~~rgcbody:size, 1 l]~ot~bo]ic!1U'eS, ~md!pfO~mlged d.cV1clo(lm.cnlcy ·ofla,C'll.c~l d:crepliorl (19),. lh~u. \'>'C!le a:f>sQci~~.oow~th ~~rge Ibrnincg (4. J), ar!:d Ule· iTeqllCl!~cyof soci!l]lem;.~.~ Somf:Mgl!loo tiliD;tul~lis oorrelation was d.ue to i:[Ig (2V). Fi:g. ::1"'. IU'I,1ml!linlmpcOliclj prilft1ide$~ iIlIlean ~ocial g~QlIP snz.ei~iCma:l!es rim.em.ore e:if.d,C':l:til [JlJlctOl!oolism. oflar&,"C:.r=1hod ied. .A \,\iC'~llbwss ofmOffi. 'ltl:mySICg,. irvi~hf1etati'll>!! noowrrex!.!olutme: '~n,dlel(!ed .lS tbe raij,o '(;I\f ~e!i)~IQrtex hQll;ve'\ieJ.~s, [hrl~ 1hey iir1lvt~rMlbly aJ:t!illl,'J£l~:S.'llli.1hich :alllo'll.v,cd 11.]000 CIlC'JgY m be de-· vCl~tlme to~~,e vl]lume. of tie E1estof'iili:Ie brain). SoUd drde~, voted 10 [eta.1 bffllil1l gro\l,;'l:I.l and ~hercby [u~dc; mo:n~ef5; ,opell1!, cirdes) apes., Regress'ion lil1!le5 i1lriE! redll[i(edl lma10r roM..a si~llgte hypol]u:~is, without the c!i!\o]lU!l~o~of larger b:rnii!1~ (6,. 7). AU e!1I:n:Iri!1gtlr~m [fuc s.all:1:wpredlic-· a~m!l 'fhs.[RI€drawnmlf1()i1illl (47)] . el~' be.illg t'lqual" bug b[ainh..,~:re ~~lifiefi,] ~fI,i1n~· tiQnsco:~uld :mtUi <I~soarise foon~ other cquaUy pl~l!J_iSib]e cx:pi amurioJls, AI.~~.ol.igh e1(pl(B:nll[i}(m:r--'W~~l i;s, just beC(liUS1.',: ()(!I1 :ulllte:lldodby~prodJL1CI of cffici:eillt e:rucrgy U~'. h] some' ~Htempl5;Il<l'lliC~)ecn made [0 discrimji~· affomlo< C\r'(Il.VC ~~aJrgerbmiilm. does ['1m. I'n.'tt.e.trl a(J)(li~:i()J:lI,O lhis ~hoo[y, SQ]llZ ic.rvidCI1C'~ S~iPPM.OO [U,a'tt\ bet\;vectil eoo~.o~]c.,'l~ <\ t~~oodas s lhal. i'l n1,nSl do SOl. Propl~~.C]1iI.~ iofde.vclopmcnooolbgicili. p'mb\I~~."ro.MI[I~Olg a p08S]b.I~exroll CX,pIM.!ulot1s SCCltID '[iO hav,o: rOQ;Oo]lC1[ tit.'u piim:l!!llI011:A:mmlgprinuncs, .Wor ,c'Xa!mplc.Is:~c(13, 2n, lu~d ~hcs:clurvclargcly s1i!IJpporred ~11C cvohl!Liofl~ry pooce~C-cs iln~[!lvc co!)ls as lJ/VCJlliliS SOCi:id ~~.ypo:t1~c.'ii~, ~:be:rehatS b~(:~ i~U]e ,~norto t dc;;vclop jjtJ:l ,ei'\p~fI!n(lrory fTIune\lllork [hm iIHCbe:[leFi[s. BccauS'e e\~h,di(Dflis aI!l econolll]ca] Blritish JIladelnW (ellltenarylll~~earrll Proje(:I, 5(11,001. of grates the mam~.y ~dfll. C!co]o~.ical., ~1J1.dlife-· B,lo~Qgic .. l Srierl(e!i, l:I ~~'I!e~tYDI: U",el'pool, lir'!le-:poot 11119 pl'ooess :find doe:;; nm one:J~,p['()I:l:luo~ necd1t-:s.:..,. of b:roru~~ll s:i.zc lhmml'HV>!l:: beC-.n:li o~ns oa,',lyif mJ1:Y are 'l':,{"'~ hilsloryconcl!a'Les 7Zn,. UK. pC:l:i!8h~c; toma;inmr~. it fo~lo,ws [~jjmllrome proporidci1lifi(ld.. As ~ t'CSllh', c(jnilftaill]t-lyp~ expla-· "'Qwih(i!1i1iI (Oirlre5p()nd~iKlf! shouill be ~d~lrt~~d. [·mail~ li{)~aicly bc:n>efid~~, dvail,tagc must ]i~fi\!ll:l<iriv-e:11 fudioHS (e.g .., oonehu.ions a rilmdl@lij~er~ lfa~.l!Ik wi.tllil ~H~ kisltory)

com~ele~ (Ie (mc:~a9iin.g5k,illllsiilfm !iY'(Iat:iQ:ijs~, nd wa!iy4i ndi og), the ba la,nee !],r 'iElviden(:e now clearly a ~avors;, the o;ugge~!ti,on tha,~ ]t wa$ 'lhe!! <colmput:aiU,Mal[. d!l'lmalnd~ o:f Uvililllg In ~alrg(!. mmlpfle.x wd@Ues ~~Iait.S' [lor laJl~ge brains, Mo~ve:\ter, recent .il!li1l.illlyses .suQ'gest tha~ it ma'V lliiave been ths pall'tic l!J!flIWdelm!ilil1lds,of~~em ore inten semll;uIIlls ,of p,ai r'bondlirll 9 ~hill~ w,as, tile crHka lfa,~~o r that


Machi~V1;:Ufl!I'~ h]te~.~,igemJe~po~~C$i~ h

, ,




(;;mHim\Jlcd to be 'il::mp]]!~i:ze'd



theywereahemat tienary :functiGfI"

ive '1L'\,;l:p~.a:OOlio]~~ KIF

So!diill~ IBrain~ .$o,cilrul (orI1lIP~exir~lf

TI](: broad inJt~~roli'of!



hYU,':Iothesis i,~,I]mmindividu<!;, living in Sllable socilO'lJgroups, face cognjl~i\le d~n1ia[Jds that :~~,~. d,hridrl.l:Jlls living alene (orin nnS:l,ablJeflggrc-· gam lens) do not To maiJ]~aj[llIgroup cehcslon, ~f1!dvjdll1!~)]~, !]~Ul~[~)(: al)ICU)H1CClllieir i 0"""11 reqUir.el'l!l{lllil"'.~ ,!l'; w~:I~ a,<;, ~Qordil1ill,tiClhe'ur bell2irvior with olh(.'tindii[\'; in the gttmp. They must also be aJb:~cto defuse 1hc direct and lil'ldiiroct, C(Jlliln:ict'll:lh~l aee SC~1c:ra10d '~y :Forn,gi[Dgin the be solved of thegm'Up {~,.e"".the need to Ina~:n~]:ningmUliPco~~.c~~ce~]lr'oo~·h tlnu;:} a:n;rd not jl~~S:I,ilJ~ J,eve:ll ,oX' J;lirlividlMIII ~iOrlI~ing S;lt1l!legi.e.~ the I]];lght a]lmv us tl)' reconcile ~he apparoll~conllnict bClweel1i lLle e(\o~ogi~1 and sgCifil hypglilCSlcs. ]ir~, aliliele\!el,

The nCl com,~ucn~c 'of ~hcse kinds (If pres~resi~ ~ml ~peci'es (1111['evelve ll<1ll',ge:r hmins unlimaJtc,iy hillV,1:: hfl§lhor ,!1m~s. Jerison (1) himself poimed our [hm,in the P"lc(l]ithic record, iincl:C<lsc$ ]1], bmfln slze ~m!!Jng c-~mDv,of·C$ and Uu.:i1rproy species '~In~~iwdyngul1lcs) s.>ee~n 10 u track eaeh olher dQ.s.e~.y over rime, wit~~.~IJI'
gu~:a~i!''bmim, s;!!:. These findin~s
.11 re

'i;:viclcl~. and several aU<:e'llTIpl,'i .. tmve beea n'JJ<illcie.lo c'xL(lnrl the hypotoo~i)\ ro [Jonpril~]~Lc tffx,a.ill'ld,lHHftng ungu ~<l,~iI!~(29'1 3ml, camivores {3j').bi!i1S (J'l).!tl'1.d eve:rnbirds '(33). a]bei]wiIU~ S~ilW\vE1:ailm~x.odlt."':.Sr~Us. ~n.dC;Od, sC'i.fcmi~ studies

wilfu oUlCTlypes

and also mesh well


with fii1dillgsll~,a,] bra]li1!. S]~C ean be asseciated

~rgl,.lcd UUIl :'i~J(~l~. :f;.eleclio~ ~lher than be a. mo]lC: impQn~:l1Il .IEctor d;di'>'ing, braillliil. C'\fohll:~Q1l1I1 (32 •. 14). Yet e.v:tdel1ce shews jha; the correlsslcn is ~h'Cf'C"orCffie of' ~iIHU one I:l:'liighl e:;1(,PCCl Itpolygamouss-PQc]cs

~()CUtl~.]~y ~lI'1!ighl

Qf ccoioglca~



sncrnlles:[ brains),


same space, Appr,ecia!ing ~fuJlIIIh~ ,~bk:nllC!'



G~ :&ile

One c;x;amplc of tl1Ji~ apl'iar'Cm Cion ~HCll is the s.uggeslion lhmnJe':xibi~:ily ml!ght be 1.1mreUlhfl()TlM(~:a.:'ln social skills, l1ilc {.'V:iidcrlre th1Jt. bmi~ si2iC: oorrebuC!'l~:v:il]h ttld]l1i.cO)~~iJ1Iflova~·
food s'n;~fiCc;g, through social lC:(l!mitlg (or euliurnllrtmSmiss;iolfill ]n bOililil bird~. (21) and pri!~]aJre-s(2i"J) SUppO!:'iC.'" (hi.s ,c]a:iim. Howc:;vtt. in ihe final ml~~~i~. an of these hYIJO'I:hr~~SCiS (socialall:ld OCQ:!o!1:i~'111 ~~:ike) a:re at. [lOOt 'il:oo.~ogiC<l]: They "']~~0'\l\1' arnimO'l:iseo Slill= vive andrep;rodllce [1J~.ore cf:fucth~~ly. 111(' SBI,Y! proposes t1~flteoo]Qgjca'l problems .ro:c' solved ~ciaUy and th!lll the need .IDr lllec~]ruliSlimc~ ~i~i<ll e:1]i]illiICe social. 'Col.ll'!S~.a[l dri~fC:i>brmn~jze ,~VO~IU,~ fiolJ:l. [[I oOlnm~,Ulc more oollvelliliomJl ecolog~,cw U,OI1 a:f1:dl~~e ilC~llll:isit 10m


__ -_....


'- J

- -"1


hypotheses assume tJrnat ~n~m~]i:1 sO:.IV'e: these same oooklgicalprobkmlsindivid'Ill:ruly by ni~~, and error ~e..{l11lilJillga~~do nOIu:cly on8~]y imm or d social adVOOTh;1g-e. For '1)r.ima[CS11it~caSL, ~eifi]li[y .i~:speci .!tea]]]' dli.Dv'~1:I by ~:hell!e~ tominlm;;m;uize lP!Te.d_~r~DiJJdsk (23-25 )'. Ilo:wCN'IG'T. 'we ]n'8V-e S]n,QVI,]]jIt~ 01, hJ.iO di f-· fC[1C[lt ktlu!sQf p[~ro~ (chimpanzees and fdi;(]s 1 ffriom flivc d~llere!n 'C'Cio~ogic~~. commajICiIl

F~:g.2. Path aJ!al~ysis of~col!n:t~te5 ,alf ~:rilil1s~!Zeinprimate5. T~e best imodei~fQIf 'QlrirlUP slzeinduded .~'Ui5tt three (IFiNoo,correx size, 'i:.!ctivi~J ilfld lua~ge sizle). Falctofs that alu'@IiIlilIOIf€! [emoteill'ill ti~le P'cIUI diiaQl"fHlI'I p:rovide a 5igII'ilHh,an~ly ]pool'erfiit :suggeos.ting tlh'!ilI~the:y ad as c)onslrra~nl~'i ,uather ttlha,nl dl"~iV~!llgl varij:abbl!!s. BMIR, 1J~s:a:~. me:taibotic rate." [Re,pmduCied '~v~th permisston fl~[)rm (76)]
c~",amp~,e l~ilI~,brnin size liS a predicIDr .. c:;dinc,tioll ri:sk and ]~V~8;iO~]S,1iJ!CC'CSS

iij, birds

or bot!:!


select ion en unli kdy suggesrien,


thou~h~ :iuIlHly ~@.n~e!loc s'OntCICO[Ji~rOO1!CcI1W of

the brei n :[Iludl as the hnilbic !1ystemin~rl~lc priimat'C'~ (35. 36)]'. Ah:hough i.t. is p,o~:s;blle iha.t the S.B.FI. <Ippli,eg exc:~usiv;ely to; sre usually rdUCI:a_llil 10 ~r.gue specialcases, FOl:illi:!ll1!!lldy" the reoe:l!li! availabil]ly of m.oropm1iierful. sUll:ig~]C'~] $Og.)lg I~M, allowed usto reoohlCd1.l:!! e:~i~. Fi!r.>,t, m h,ave :s:hmvn [~<It [hen: is <I strong coeVio~,UJri()m:uyrelaliQmshiffi1!between I>C~lI[ivc briIJin Si25l:: :find n];(~ .ev,olmilUlJ .of SOC;iill~,ly n'Qnna,n ll£QC~IlI~ (Of; ll~ s(]c:lord), staooi n prima,tc.s. lUll· giU]~U'eS;, IDlJd c~n~h;'ojll"ill. (3i). Sooond" tbr rOOf owders of maJnm~s Gpl"i!]], bms., ~rtiQdac;ly] LnilgJlJllilJte~, and car.lillivore"~,) and ]35 Slpec;ie.'i of himsrcpresoolinga. widle c:ms...:;;,.soction ,of a.v.ia.n o.m,Crs, we MVC sho,wrl nmll, itJI.. a:nta;,'i..'l except anthropoid pri~les, 1~.1C rcl~tlonshipbe]W0~Ul brmi!m size :J!Ind soc'iaiily is qIlJ!A]imti\i~ ood !'lot

(2'7, 2lij .. O!1Jt\VO eemi Ilel~1!} dlif:[i~llti~ly SC~OOI ~"taU.~ To tease 01JU di~e f"e:lmiom,hip bClWCC)l the bxrn:lred prey species (relal:uV4/!'to the1r <I1vail!abtHI:ily .1:lex.U1,Sof fa,ciJors that corr~I<IIte w:it.h braJll:a. sllz(:'"
poPI1~.;r~-Uon)' \\(hen we comrol f'OJ.- o1ber l'millS (I[ltc]lru:clJil:1g b'lO'~1JP :si~e) (26)" .Puxl\<'ItioH dll~S. aeis di:rec:!,]y a;[I;c1im:liDICcllly (!by mCaJ'!!5,of gren.lp si~e)()n brni~~eV(l!rJ.I!lior.l. NO'~~:elhde8$rwfu:m~ver VI,S ad.'II<I!nlag~s, glOup' ~.ivilD.ginCij['S sub.sianl:i ..] costs, ibol.hin terms of (.'(j~)~og]c:<l:~oompetitien ,:md" fOir rem2lIc:!l, repw~.uC:lj.¥e 5iuppr-(:ssiolU'l, (23, 24)[. Hence, bduwioml ne-Njbllli~y wlll.'hina, ~oc:ia] :!liW~lion ma:y be essel~;]lal furindividml]g, pri!]Utte-s:; d'ds bell~ljvi!i)l]!,i tkl'\.i!b.i~ity i$i!l p@Jl n::!J:eclooin tile 'llh~e'of il]men,~e sm::ija~ mrlds; (OHCIl, b:U!l not ~Iw;}ys.s\!['!,(iced by ood;5~~, grooming) [0 ptc\~elU' g)itn:lp:sfrom d.~'!;;iiuqgnu]l1ig ~;he.'jC: p~!.l!res .(15). ]fl~,e




f'ot: ru1li:llU'poid

we have rec elrod)l ull:d()rl:~:ken pa'lm, ~m1liyses primate end bird data ])0 idclfiltify caI!JSCS, consequences, end co~~stminlsin brain CVOlllUO[l (16). These analyses (iemcmSlra!le not OI~lly iJ]<I!l ene!F'get]cs (i .• , eeo.~ogYllll:lcllirt e.. hl,~my i1mpose ~,xmstun:ulIiIl";, en ibroil.l size (.SiltiCh dl:ilt these cons.un:lums require SO~[ufnonSl .if <'I t:lYlCC]CS is ~o evolve a slibsilllll:uially Ila'Q:,'rCfbmin) but also Uun the keyoo'lecUon p:roS<ll!.l!re promoli~g iJ]C ev-ohul,iolfm 'o~.i']argeb:m~~~5is e;l:.pli'Ci~ly ~od~] [fig:.. 2], IBrain E:-'.r'O~iUlt~O!lil IBirds and! ffin





!the 59.11 was. i,)lfisin!dly

for prim.Mes,

the same rJill!"·in-cip]e OO!.l!.W .a[)pry



VOL 317



Social Cog nition

q~I.~llnt]~tive:[I [

each ease, !~rg~ [~blJli'V~bm]n .of reari 1'I,g" The (lither pos~ibjhly is Llirnla wOllrkgi z:c isassee i<!lte,d eJii:pli.ciUy wi~:h PI[}]:i1OO~lI.d.ed, lln.g.r:eprod:~l1i'!JIe relrJ[il.)n~h.ilp!hm:in'llo]lve!i sub(iI.,~,.,ooda_l)Iii:il'{)liiI.O.QJl.I'i1,~I)' (Pig. 3}.

~~l1iiilll po~toom:llparonmJI ]mlI;vcsmntOi1l~t~iiOC;S These find ings suggest U1,8J ~.~ may have \'Cry- close 000fdinf!Jno:~ and beb av:iorol: ~been thecogn hi ve demands ofp.flirbondlu:ug c~rolflY: if successful resring requires both lh~[ lriggc'rod ]b~ iHUa:i~~ evn.lution of ha:rge' brail1!s. p~rlnen.10"$t.~ime a~ujen~crgy in tllerea.vacross [.he vcrld:n[n,tes.. More; ~11.~porlal1il.l~aia·~· iing pmae!t.<;.. tI:le~. the, need!'> [oregula~e 'iTS ho,lr~din.s; ~:s the issae, liKIl biparer ..~~.Ct'lOO. This ;us, ilcl~vitl,es so '~h1lt eaeh has cnollgh~.i me f.b:r obvlous ~1rrIillli'a.c ease of ungularcs: Bip~f1Cl!IIiUl'~C'a!ro fcc{ling andrest. That win IliIsl1a]ly nccesshate &0<."-8. nell occur at ~ill 1:111 Utir; taxon, ye:~ungt'~{I!le8. 8OR1C dcgroe of activity S:y;l~chm)n~Zi!!tiO[l--i:l1 UUiil mfl[e m.on.ogii'i;!lUl.ul'ly l~{!!\lC subt>;~an~i.!!l]y some Ci!!se~l,w, ensure Ole pair de no~ drLIl ]EII'gCrbraills [ll<lll those lhM llurncpolyg<llno'U.s.]y ;'Illil<1Irl~~ arc1;ll!1Ih of d ilIe~nl m:::l.iv it}' schedules (F:~' .:I, 3])1.d in other cases, [0 erlSll..'ure [;l~al rear),rng Oil ..~g,,.)

Pal'! of ~ht! rnDbl!em hem is 1J12Il social rela~ seen as. l1I1Ieri.'!~epi.nphCI10m<:110l. 8p{l.\vnfi~by 1hc issues of reslb io;~aicil]liilill.~cres.v,. g
[iOl.1sl:l.~psl.b11VC been ~<1!!ne·lynUlJC: choke a.~d pli\~m] itn1ileSml~U, T~e soci~1 Ic£!m:il1lg 'VC:n;iOfl of SBt'] (20,. 22) in[~eriiffi ~~mile Lblfll a~~ss;mem: Soeialityis. a of inte'i:C$l O'Wi.lyin so f3]' ~sil.rliovid.cs <lCO~]ltex[ :in\lI,!~.lic]'~. fIInh:rml:s can acquire rO.r~jillig in ro:r;ma~·


rerms ofimlhridmd llmess.. H.·o~'Vcvc:r, rhismlsscs [he pojmn ol'l~rimalie' :EOCi~llit}"---'i!~d(led~ na[U!1:: jhe of :social.ify,.~llild ct;pcx;io1lll)l pai[~ml1dil]g----'in all
~;~:ighei[ erlebroJ:;:s. ]n these inleusely SQci~J spev

rlon dun ~as.immodj:fl'lC


for ~'he:m. i];l

l!1low (o,mp~e.x. Cain P'ai'rbondls Be? The impornll1[ issue in 1heprescn.1. coo!.e.x~ is. the
l~1~rn.:ed OOm[~li<"'[ bel:'l:!"~'l.



31Ld a~ll IOt~~Crl]]~IH~lf:ua]lia:n;Ii ~lld;')vi;'jli1.

~:lI!"i']~"'lel>. taxa {il'1l~·

o CIIM~·'UllUflgl sysl!ms. n

P1lrbood:edl SPeolas

cliuclimg, .ind!denltn.Uy.pmsimi.m primu[e5): OuXy .a:nJilln::tpOid :prin.l:!Ii:]LCS; £~xbib]ll. a correlanca between social groljP s:izl:.':300 relative br.nin (or ueoeorex) size, This qlll!~nlim{i\ie re]a!Hcm~~~p

0.1 -0.1 ~

is extremely


ftlO mnUocil" how '~l!,Ic!l!llidy~e


U~ data (w11[h or w~th()u~~ phylog.c[l!c;tiQ

·e .... .!

l'e.ct]nn~.m\ii]\'!ol umes, D.r re~idlJl'lil~ 0]" rauos ~]ga]l:1l:S~ <l:ny lllilH1ll;b~f of <lJihern~t]'Vc body 0'[ brail1ib~&difies) Oli whlch bmin dfU~ S'C[ we: use (hisw]o:g:ic.'ll Qrmagnclic rcsonanee imng]!m.g dJerjr,\,.rod, fbv wlliolebUilin, n(l!i)cort~, lOr just l~lm:crl)nla~~obcil.J. the same qlJilTIII:itni:vc reli!l,.. f [i!ol'l~hip al'('IJ.ys ~i:tl~rge;g•. ]I.l~~ s&uggcsrn 1J11a.t. at eady POi:lllI.l iin their CVQ.hllltO:II1J.'1ry :hiSLOty,. ~m~hiro;poidlPii.imfl~esusedthe kinds of cegni-


'!III .:iiII

Im -0.3 iii

-0 5

-D.7.L...-------------------------Fiig. 3 .• Mleal1l (:±SE) of re5~dual b~aifll :'I.I'd~ume(.m'D'itro~ling ~Oi~ Ib:o,dy ':ii.le' Iillnd plhyilogell'1l.y) 111111 $ped~'S lilJii~'1 p~irborllded <plill~p~e Ibi8lD"s)' vel~SJL]san other matilffillg sy5~ems %glray lbalr~)' 1111 irds andfcur o.rders b of rnalfiHtlaJl:s. 1IIi~e,dliUerence'$ are s~lg'!iIIIllf~ical!lil~ lnaU~. cases e)[ceptt lprirnla~es. eies, !iocifIJ~n;:huiQ:mI~~].ipi'l ~ot !it) m~tch !l:nlJ fire elm."rg~nn properly o:fmn[il.·,g and :pnrenlung s>~ml~ e,gi.~ as tI]e meam, ~o<lrh]eviN.g!j]o:?e sI~itegie:.. A group of [hi::; k~nd :i!s fill i:wpl,h;;~i socitll t:O:niI~ [met To lorm a ,!gOCllJIP ~hait plfOvi.dl:c:s. a benefit of CO[l'pemt[oIJ ({'Orexsmplc, reducing predationrist). members are necc:li:~ri~y ob]igcd [:0 trade ,)off .sho!!'il.~u:eflll. losses in inHHedi~le
be[lci' il1.i.l':ue e.,'(]Ect<'llt~O]ll of gr-ei!l:iie:r gains in ~he IOlllUg term t~[rolJlg~l cooperarien Firn.ess payoffs arc dclCfIt11J!incd. nO;1 hYR1111 lllJidj\ridua]"g




bYV>i;:['1lx:bralc,"i. to c~am:c l1el!Ell:iom,hif'ls between

ullildividu::l1s who

are notrepmduerive

111 o:therwnOOis,

.. in ·pru~1I,11t11.e!> •. indi·'i,I':ud.UJ<iI~S1: of~]e.

s~tiI,~je~x. ~,S. wedll ~:S [ir'liemb~ ofdl'e opposite s S~ COol!M. fonn j ust :a:s.illf[t!C1lse and focused a n~l~~'i(lIl:l'i~~.~p 8.'> dol'tCpmchJCll\1'tC matesin ]lQI:'n~· vigi~ anee d1!llrk':l>arc ~~mc·&lm~rredapp~(l:p[~;aIDe]y\::s. Given [11m 'I1u~· n'IJ,,~:nbcr of poss.ible UrnWhi.cb of l!hcse' lW{]· has be'e[l 'I1H~:~.ey relatienships islirrrited ol1~Yhy the numbe.T'of dr]vc:r fo:r brain evohJliol1.. or whetherbod:l animalsjn the gr(lup.p[jl~li11l1tes.l1ia!lurnJ~.y .e:;x ~ have been eqlLmUy ;imp(1l'i:itn;Ii.t, re~lf]<lill11l.S be to de'M;)m~linod . hihit apesitive enrrelarion betwceagroup size au~d brni!l slze, This wouide.x pl~[n why,. ~, It has beeemeapparent 1hm we l.ack adequere ]~f!gu~ge \\lj,thwMch to describe relaprinlatiologis~s have ~l'gI!lted rID:!' deca;des,lhe: ~l~l!,lre of prilmflite socia]~ity OOl';:~ lobe q~.;Ii~,. [kn:ls,bi:~, yel:bo~lded~1CgS is prec:i,sCliy wh~l' pt.umMcmd .•.d ity is au' ;<Ill}!;) Vlety,w.e. ~L ~1"lli.'\fely d.i:lfel1t':adfnlltliihiiit. ftmn:ldullmOSI Q]he[' I]]fnlllrlr:l:fils and ·bioos. 11..0 rem~ii)nisl!lm;:n the. knew wh<'lt \\'0· II'IllCfaII by bondedaess because eVoCry£li'ry :re~atio[Jshilp~ of ann:l:lliopoiid IPrim<!liLC''s. \'l;.'C c):pcriewu:::e jl .~:rl.lfs.clves. and \\\lie rrcog]'JJi:?!c ]!l\!oli\~ :11 fooo of·'b(}m:l.odn~" tlUl] is Q:lflly fm..l[ld ~~.~!i,ibc4f1l happe:i1g. The problem, pc;l"lhaps" is i~ elsc\l!Ihere mreprodl.l!clivc pe!id'loO~~d~. lh~lbonded!lCSsis an expJi.cll]y enuHil(i~~1 exT~~.:i!li :;;;~gge.stion merely ndds~Q' the. pl1zzl~ peri.eal!ce <I~.dI~l'l.g~uage. .is a nCi:U}l~io~ai\:ly 'poo:!" (l.f ~ocitl] boudil1g.Wh<'Jt~si[ <'lbOUl :S,OC;i~l] m.odiul1.1 fOir des(;~'ibing omil1ller. en:nmi(m..:1 bonds [bat.~s, (d~)gniti\!'t:~y :so demful:ding'? There .BeCtliM.C: :re.l.m:-i.o[IJships do l10t SCl.'Ill to be ~l;",O ob ...iO{l~S possibil:ili:cs hill the; COl~e: have ,} n.fU!tnili~, Oh;jiCC'!.i.w ·cogn]~.ivc:di[l~lcng]otl ·(}frcproclumh'c p'!liroonds. O~~.e lli:ia:I.ife~oijg is l thm we can easLly ci' in Imguagc, COIn~~o!ll.og~umy is !lrisl~y oonmTiln]em; ]:{la 'ifoud pa:ring l~1.e bondoedness of d ifkre:,]l ~p~ci·
[;fue dsk i(i karillg a d.i.sp~·p(irli.of!.a.te shar·!:; of [nne ·CNDSl'l>of :repl1Oducl.ion. ]l:IdividuaJls !nUSI. be e:spic:ci<l]I.yc<'~r.e:FlJIll in duoo.s.i[lg

dimcu~:~ (Ill~:lis. may <llso e;."plain why cLhologi~.

haW::'invHIFi!libly dILu::k!ed ~hepl'oMcm D::nllpk:.l\ely. ptcferri.alg obs..orvab.ll! d~sccip~·ioi[l:s. iOr 'beh.[}VlO:l' to grappling vrith \Vha:l ~s goi.,S onins:ide the



]O'y~li. and

m'~lCS who wiU be repmd.llclivdy play their fun r·()]ein ~.heprooesse~s·


immed!aLC .. ~:~.coo'"f!nd~n:~w·· pcr.;ona] l,'i,hlCSS,. btu bylhc e"niCfDl ·~iO w~dch [}1:c gro1:liP c.iln gC'"r.!_. erole [ongor-1term p.fty·ons Em: [he :individll.Hll l:nm el.'l"ccl, wc,n'C dcalinyexp~icU~!y w.ilh ~11I'uh]i~ .Icvel Sle]OOli.ol] a:nd llil.eio[lg;-fwel'knokeJd :t('Jipic of [1:ie~.c·COillgtn:£Cliol1 (3£'i:). Onlce we llndcr:Sl,amnd dlis, thlcre:ililioru;. ·':l,I'~l.y.Bl1imaJi:::; should hwest~n rel~~:ton.')hip~ kC(lfll!;: cle(lr.;Relai·iOJm~:~~p8. providu the key tofin]ef."'S I:tell(':·fuls ,a[ the gmlJ;p levl'::~. !l:nd d:~e"truckJe-d!owll" hene~].l~. reaped fIlre by [he :nmli,vidlual V9).. AiIr!I. im:i)ividu<)] \.'{i.~~be p.rep!lrod 10 :iilVes~ in roda] ~nl~ikg 1]~;[lC;ilI.'it!.C g.ro1.ilp.,~il~ by d.oing :flO, h gai !lS. higher net

.flilness (i.e., !ll the end of ilSlifelim~) than

purr;tli ng mOi[1I1:individ uaJlis:!ic sl:rnlegics:.

Wha.t: MiicroA@:IIIIl'O,biioil.ogl!jl' H,i:'I!!i,to,T@U. Us

Tlcre has. of course, been growing Interest fJ~. recent years in ::;o.nlC of the neurobielogioal
co:tnrelm:t:c~ ,of so(:u:@il. bomlCli:~ .Pam'iticfLIIJaJr ~l1Jlcres[ has focJj;JJsedthe n;de or OJ'!!I.ytI:H::i:1iiI1 its rn~le {and C'q1Ul lvslem, vasqpli'l:,'::Ssi~,)inpllirboli1l;doo species (40), but othc,1" ncuropeptidcs have also been ~de.~1!lified. pJ~>iing~nimpm:umt l'iOl!c in so:a::;. ci;l.lbcmdin,g, [c.g .. ~~]d.m,hins (4 J)]..lnOiddiilion, " il,p<lr<ilnc:!irll~r:es[ ~]~S.been dev,eilopurlg :urlll1.c ro.le

db net ,explainllli~.e!lJp~'l:l'CIll" noodfor nl<l~i\'i~ :~pecie.~, dllffc:re~]re5:in. 'tDmJI braJ!:I size. Most of the!:i~ sl:mli,C(S. ~:alllimolhc same Imp esjhe dcvdop,tl"!ermll ,e;;;plum~(ms for lbrnl!UlI s:lIZC did it] the 1,980s:lheymistm n'!I.Ccl~®!nr~tic
m.'Ulornal. o(mnpOneDllls

21. Ill.. O.IilIBan~r,

.E~'- 5~, 4~,(2GOO').


L Ifilll!lnJi)~ ~. V.alil S'du'ik. C



2'2. L 1le~b,1re. :!i. M. ~tk!.r, D.Sa\ Bfl'liU'l Behav. Eval. ,63, 233'(2004). 2'}. C. P.Wi311 SdiJai'l:;. StlwviON87, 120 (1:9'83). 24. It I. l1li. I]tUllJilf, :Prirrrolf' S'!)rK:iJ 5p'fm~(Clhlilplfrla:n &.
Hall, Lomloo, 1988:1. 25. S. Shulb, :It lr4ci, s, il.WGrol~

·ooOi.q~im$ for

>e'\folUl'iOI1~ry fl!!l!di~. U is U~~clear wh)l th:iispoi:llft[ ~1l1l!1.U]lIJJCS to be iglllO[t!d. bur

'We will ~!]ill h;),vC a i01 (ilf exp~\1Iii1Iiliing, ~o do ;;Jibmn vOilnrrKm:fc diflUrenccs. in brains,
Re'~ellielillCl!!S .ilJlild Nol@!i

'I'. lit




I. l C Aie'~Lo. . Vlilieeler" ('!lilT .. AtUnwp.' .. 36. 19 9' {jl9'9'5~' P ..

2. ]. ,A. K.illdIiTIan, [iIlrf. Ali1rhropfi.44,7i1J5 (lmB}. 3. H, J. J~ri.wn. EV(1lrrfiDnaf th~ 8irliilliliood lnl(!,lli:g~;wf'

Soc. iMdM $,eli"• .B 271 72:5(200~t 26. S. Shuilli, R t hI.. IE:1l!111balr.8f.ol. £,eli!: 2. 505 (20Cl6t 2'7.. S. Shu~lz.. IR.., IB{ ilobUIlI. It Evans, liL, Gre~ry, 11.BUa[~burlil. pro•. R. :S~L l.omioo Su ,Ill 27.2,2305 (2(1!DS~. 213,. [I. S@~ 'It P.iDl!!Jn!!i!Wij.T; .r[ IBI.:lcttiP'lfi, P. {i!Wi~,L lefe~, ~c NM .. ~. Set U.5..A., 102.. So1i60 ClO05~. 29. E j. f'erel'llamen:1a I. J. Gf.q;00tiI. OffO/OiJ,lii:l145. ~1 (;:IOOS!. 31]1 S. SiIutll, R. t Mi. IOwnb~lr, ,P;r'OC. R. Sue. wf:ldb~5ff,. ,!J .. si. ~.J. ~1!-EilrIjJ;eJ~. s, S~u.I~,WI.I. Nt I)gnittM, EW'Q#oJ:!, inp~:5. 32 .. 5. IPiIJlii(l, K. L ]Qne>,. G. 5. Wi~~in§,1Jril, JP'wc:. tl.S~f ..
273, ~07 (2006}.

of s~ffil: specific neureaal assel'nb'la~rcs,il1ciiUdI,.· lIl,S: m.~rr,@r u.O'mons !(41)rutd]:Ods;,i~dlc:

cellsin Ure anterior


p~~~ Wn~'!)!l., 1:9!73:~,

cinglJ'ilare cortex (43)" ,~Swei]

i~l :;:~'C:i:~e ge~es ;5ucll ;n_;;o GLUD2 [31 retrodClived .fi!OIn g]:~uIBlm<l.te' dit:;ta~r'Oge'l]<ilse" which us N:S[pO[1IslbleliJIr ,de'O[ring tile bY~ij:modub<t." ofnctlIfil)n t1C:nll'vify(.'14)]]i'lrld [he abno~] ~lil1d!e-· ]ike micooecph,aly"\asso~'iatcd (ASPM) gene: and ~1ie:rocerl!~~.i!l"wh~(h are ]mplia!!led 1!1bm~~~

gt"O\¥lh (45). ~c::hofd\t'Se~!i'I!5.ooe:1':I :srell by [heir ~llCctiv~ Pl1).t~Ig:O:u:ui's'~s; the holy gr,;qi~ fOli 1L1:nlders;[~mdi~1ig as

b01'h social ooQat~lion~roneta~lly.,ami,in p:artiCf(~h.u;. for e:.'i{pk!.iniilg~lC; di[l'~~CiCS loot"ll!.;'CCIfn ~RijmailS, fi])CS, 1100 Monkeys ,(43, 41Jj, There is 1i1l.o qllcmiol1l. [h~u Utese are .indi\ridua! ly i~nporll;lln and ]mvd diseoveries ... nd ~1:t>ey undoubledly <III p~aJy,l roIc in ~i~.cnaltuf'C' of ooci~~:i[y. HOW~'!I(!r;.llleJtl' :us. a gre3 t. deta!. 1]]Or:Cto IlOW <'irlcl wh)'lru~lI]~'Jj[lS> ~re

4. E. ,~5li'OlII9I, Scftnce 2::2iO.1302 U983~. 5. P. H .. lHili\lE!!j. 11".H. cr!1ltOl:]f[!it(J;[~, ,fv,oJu!'if)\fI tllt. J. Ql~'. Ernlufioll 319, s 519' (l'l1:BS). 6. R. D. Marlin, Nr;rf:tJM1 29::1. 5,7 (l'llB:l!~ '.M. A. Hollman,0:~v.8Jol. 58, il9S '~UB3l 8. 1. lit OlU!lOn·lE!ilOOk, P'. 1-1, ~l'Il<ey,]. ZbO{. 19'0, 30~ {1l900). 9. I!. W ... il:flIllE!, A. Vi!h~t@n.. Edi5., l1fm:hiuv.elti'M ,lnrd/:/9l'!m:!!: ro.:dQ:rd U"iv. P,~~ O~'~!'d,, i~. R ~mI.ti~ It I. M. [)ilI!"ib<ir". Wl! aCiflf.ll~Ilf',anJIl/~1J9Mce·ll. :A.WihiJMn, lR:. IB~. ffio~ (Caifflbi!:J~ II!Jfi~. flim. LaIfll'briif:gJf. 1'991), IPP. ,2'4t--:263~. U. R. I. M. D1.m~r,. froJ. bth.rop.. ,6,17:S ~'l:94}). 6 12. B. L. finlay, It 8. Il).arlimgi)lll1l,Sd~[,~ :2:6;8:, 15,1,8 {']i99S,j, 13. It L M. IJo,iJnl'Mf, Z HtJ.m~ tY'o~ 2:2" II 6'9'U..9 92t


lootkl.iIi Se.f. !Ii 27~,n9


G. Bi!l:luchmnp,.

E.. F~linallld'~~,luilic:tc, EVilI; &{l/. R.IIS-


:I.. !!62 t2001l'. 3:5... t. 16 ...K~ne, f, L Marlel" C.M .. "e~5OR, PIOG. R. SIX. loooofl Se.if.II 262, 689' (199'6). ~6 .• f. Lnnd'Mk!rs, C. It. NI~lnm,IRo.A. Barlxlin, 841'[l#fi. 5, .2:0 •

831 '(2()O~). 3~. 1m.. xh~W_~ct,f'llU aNt

37. !lll;. M. I!lwloor. E.~. 1Mi!b:l~, ~m. 8eh~; 28, 21'9' (!gem; 38, f. ]1. Odl!n!i~5miii·e., K. Ni. Lalalid~ M. W. feld'man, .N;I(,nr!! CcJn:!'rtuctioo: lh.fN~[Baed P~f5i fn Ev,r}lll1/ion
(PriIlliDE!lon Ulili"" IP~5, IPrin(@to.n, :NJ.20!O:~)'. ~9. [, IS ..$ilk; Sdqn~r .6:1J,.1347 (20(m, ·40,. t, J. '{~Win~, Z. X. W.~!I'1g" Not UrNfO~,('. t. '1048 {2!)(lo1!)'. 41. IE. S .. K!eVeIn~, ~. ID. Miifl,loel. 18:.Tuile, PS},[hM'C'ufomoomoolilgy 14, 15,5 (15lBg~. ~2. G.. ~Zl![J!;3t1i, Amrl. fJ'lJbJ}'l1~ (B!!:fjJ,no, 4·]9 {2i()05~. 41. E. #I, Nimchl'lllsk.y er al •• Pr«_ MrJtI. AcC!!d.56, Us.1't '96,


14. P. Lllilc;e:li!rc Biol lert:. 1. 40:7 ~2;{10S~. F5. H.IWD:{I, R. t M. IIJUiIlb.w, An.iln. fJetoof'.. (I:iI', l1i

1.6. R. LNt D!JInbl;!r, S, SI1!ul1t P/J'1. r~;a'l'l~.It So e...l""!i}d{)~ Set. B 362., 6~:9' {20!J!7t 17. 8. P. f,'awl!Qri~ C. 'B. LGW~ril, lit I. M. IDuAbill". 8f'fN:lrviWf
n!l.~S7 (!l99iS.~i.


di:ffcfC:liil,1; ftom. 'ol~r

me' clif-· fere~] from Illonk'eys. '\~ wlll need bener Slli.l:dic-s.
'\l'l'hy f~c"S

apes, or

of oognition alll.dIx:lm,violf to ru~~\vel"]hesc quesriOJms.More il1l1pOIt.'lI1[, ~Ja"ElPS:, is o~]ekc.:y 'poi[!Jt Sp~ciie:ll dn.lferunres in .tl hm.lcl.lId. ofverys,mal]

1.8. K ~L!.Ii:;;. f(llia Pril!l1l1l; n,4U (2{~OOt 19. R w. B:rrll~. ~. Cor!!). PlfM:_ .f/;, Sac- l~JJdoJlli2'7'1, 169i3

S268 (199'9')'. 44 .. f. IBIlIr~i. H. Kae'!ll'manlfi, Mfii. GEnet 36. l!061. (~lJOII). ,~!5.. N. Mel.el·&lbio:\l el' (1[ •• SCrtllCe 309'. :1::120 (2:0050), ~6 .. ]1. IIl'Fa dbull¥,. I'w(5: .BlIll1.1. 3, I~So. (200.5).
47 .• L 8~ril'li!n,

:ze.. S. M. IRJBiHlt!t. K. M. l.alil:l m.d, Plot. Ml'lf.. Alm.d. Sd: ,tJ • .tA.
99, 44::;6 (20rm.


l~ Ilyu~itr

It DLmi!l.1r" Ht1f1w.n EI![I/,[llio.rmty



1B!~~i!ll.g$W~~, ~,I<, .~~)'+

IO.Ill 61~riE\nre.l.1l4~463


able disc!.J1ssiromaf~he selective pressures ~Ml

favor (he ,evolmion 'ofI3!t!C bmu[ls :i!~~.$Gci'<l] species ,[1-4)" butit t~;ashas netbeen dJe~;rhow large brains, social cQ_glfliidon. and soclalrclarionslups ;;lirclWllsla~oo inruo fiU1C$ ~d'l.q"!I'[]nges Ibrind~\'idllals. N,O'!,v cvldenee jnd:ica!~ [hn[ 1hc
oompel~1:ilve !;IJCOCS:::; aad

loami B, SUlk
nuuei,) much inlewest in~he evo~uth'l'II1l:a11J for,esm'a:~ f~r!Jo'red evoll.ltiono~ lar,ge bll'ajns in the the
p:rfllillil'alt~ Orde<iI., The 5iodalll. briilll"l hypo'tlhtesis posH'S 'that se!~ectijiomlihas: ~a,vlored Itarger ibllairu, ilIli'ild' iI1Ilore (1omIP!t.ex o()Jgnit]v@ ,capiildtie'.si3's, iii meiOllS ~(),(.olpe~YiUn the ChaJUeirillg@SIClf SQ(ial~.I,irle. Th,e hYIP!Q~~e5i5ii5 support:edl by ElV]d'Em[E! tha,t $h()ws,~'ha~ group' s~2eis l~flil1l'kE!d~o valrio1l5 m~a5UI~es, of brnin Sl[Z@, B,y~ 'it h~$ ~o1 beelrll dl!eiu l~o~'Ii cognitive Ciomp[e.xity '(~'I!l'f,e'r,sifit.ness ,aldvantalges ,on ·ilndiv]cl'~!als,. R;e~~e,atr(h '~rI ~efi e:~d ,arid la boratory sh.o\.'il:slhat so phist]cated .sIoeiall,~;o,gl!1l!niti'O~1 er'~][" irI !Wind p'rfJliIIilial~~ 9 I"\OUps. M.ore-(fVler~ al gllfOwil'llg bodyo~ e1fide:li1lce SlUg geststihall '~he quirt Li~y ,eiif:~()d1ill r~~.a~li()n~hip!lhas meaSlllIlI'a bl~~JitJll ~S, oO:~5eCllij)erWe5fQir 'il1ld lIV~ldll!ill1f.l is. perlbl1u~

ance of :undn.'iI:idualls, .i~.l pri[tl!Ell~ gf(llJ[P.~' is alfcc'led by !:he ~ture <l:oo q~~a~iry t}1.e relou,1;Qn~8hips of ~hil( fheyWorm. llu .. d~ta. C':n:J!flb:]C; '[liS to tie to.· 'Se Q,Qlhe:r :lovhal, \'\iC haw k:nmcd fooJ]:!I l"Omp{qJfl1ti'Vc ~UU!~~·t:S of brnj~~ morphology. e.lo\;pcri:mema] stud.ies !Clf social cog:~ition, ~]]d :ij<lllLII:r:<I~ ic ~'i,] o'b:!e:rv<"llioms: of ~he :s1:ructure of suciilll [iel<l,tio]JJ~· :!!;hlips .inpriimfitegro:ups. What th@ Sodiiil~. 'Br'fili'n: Th'C

·i~~ ... JIlr.inl.@wg.'f..'@UPS r]'I;r~h;the beSi~eI.e-. ].l'l . vj\illion soapopc:m-i]~.e \N.ea.k @ro ollc\l1I. . . exl~I()litt:d by d:~.epowerful; S!mng a,m-· <lJlCe8 :aJudl<lSl:ing oooos are .1J:lit'mJrled:; are csw:bH.s.hcd. bu~ :il!i"C occ..'lsjOml:ny~oppl!cd;
'.L' .'


dmmatic rensi.o:~; ~!ldl!lluural sCiectiol1 c:mf'c'llhe

plot. The oclltlpllic£i!lcd ~~,tory]im::£ rcflect [he fm(;l thM primates hfl\te c"",o~lvcd :I1~rtro'brllirls" scrphiiSlF llC'aJood :;oc:~~] oOgl1itioIDI, mrnd ,cOimplexooc.iia'~ re~aiioni51lips (f:ig, l). ll~cf,eh!l!i5 bce!lCO~Sii:der:SCIEINCIE

se:~oon, :Eoo~ogic~1 OO'l~lm~i nts. ge'm:era1ie:dle

ca~c:it)" to develop' con~!pI,e'x. ooc!la] ,r'elaltion$h:~r$ m~y 'be a]~imiPOrl,~~ beC!1eI:vl. derived fi'D~~

1:~iI1vi,ng ~ "soci"d brain:' Atc'!:ndi!r.1g~I)Umcsoei~ill Oill:partml111il




aU of



dmfflCl!C[S 8u!!"Vi\i'e'

.PI!t:1Igel-...s, CA 910095,.

AIIII_hrr@iXIi(I!J~', U!l'Ij'~mlly of (atlr'OfII1iiill,lo~

USA. E·nD;iil;. ~s<il~@ilnlhrQ...ucllu·.du.


VOL 317



Social Cog nition

]llileU,igc:::n.o~' h),l)otllesi~~dle

chal~.ellgcs ,of ].ivi'[JJg

ofbtain size ®.!:C' pruoiRi.vclyre~~led~o UtC si,ze of saeialgmups ]n


th~ushowlli~~i'various measures

ooeti['d group@> ~r~;'M~ I,'avanrl the cxp,'U]:fli:o'l1rmd, 1:'Q(lrgmill:izliIiliQI1 of the pri~l~~lC bruitll (t. 2l. The hYIP!! is: SlIipported by omllpaj',~uivc ,am~~Y§C's.
and other tIDt.:"I. HIJII.]f it were Q,ulli),the so~ial ~llI[pSm;;:l, [JOO,U.elled, wi Ideooest

(hal dlefemak:s,
ship:; between

IloIDd.rnnkre'Vcrs.l~s be.twoen fCl']l!t11es wilhinru d~ei'r gn:o:lIl~'k" [halT!,~o sequences of Ctl.l~ 11m. f l!be s ~isling clominma,oo Ord,e'f, 'fh~k (oo>()~ iOl1l~:iI!Jgg;e:n

()(t~,crJemales and were :S'Llirpri;scd \vb~~ i:a~l;)rm:;Dio:~~~rbu;und~ their e:l(~'lXm[ion$,

Ofihc !lu1ikrelaaon-

con]ain multiple wuu1'i]ines: f~'~ of females rel3:I('('] thWlCgh m<tt~.rliriJIkiirlship ~,im~s). fel],~<1I~C5\ spend a Sli.ibSl<lllilit'l~. a:moUI'M, of time each day gI'OOmi.nJga~d l'eS,]ing ]~ the oOMpany of other


1'lO[emi.a) ann~ p

FClrulk'os dis:crimf~lifllc an'l.O~g a:r!dshow :f:trl,ll1g biases in t'a.'l,'or



woukl! be Wiz.1ms,insLe,.,ad. S1na.I]-bramncd wlldebccsi graze Ihcpilains ,lin l!a_rgcly~n{mym,m~s, UlnSI:!",ucll!;!redherds. The prim~lC's s(lci~1 brain ii, !Opc;:,e:ially designed Hl' ~ulltllll,e: ,il1di'i,l,id~m~£ tn
OOCillilJi,rel~l,il),Dt'll,1:ip:s.Thus, b:roul:I :IIS also ,COr:L1t0Ct'cGI:O' \'lhll~,goes om \',\(ithin ooci~ groups <flJnd is correleted with the size of groo:milwg ne].\VQrk~that pri mates foili1l'll andthe .&eqUCJ)Jlcy of COil Iiuicm.<;~ socialp~aiy.m,ctic!!l~.deception, i[l~10''i,lm:iton, ;ilndsocifl~:I.e<I!rni.~]g (2}.

'P:ri!l!'I'HI!>esan: endowed

with cognitlivC abi~.~·

~I.ies. ll1lf1l arc ~L'Ciallly \vc~11 s;~li,tod. t.o n;a,ckiu~g social itl fo:rt:J1:la1 loa, fo:!" ex ru:npic, Prll:1:'Jl1I!lCS 31m able to, rocogtlizc im.divldu~ls; i:demif~~kif!; eempJ,J1~.e value efrcsourscs the flil1fd serviees; llroc[)

Si:mi:larly, :m11c baboons' r~3.c[ioll.S!()' si.n~~ulm!ccl oorIJl:c;s,tsbct.WQOIl clQS:il.1~YRlffii1jkcilm:a.d (fl;i~tam],y mllkcdpairs ofrnales SIllggesl U'wt ~hey cen assess the mnk di :illfnUlCC bcu~c;UlI ,m~cf 1I:~,~ifliDS( 13'J. Prilfm!res ~~SQ rn~o!lilo.r the ~ u~I~~y' ·ofrela[iomsh ips bct.wceul oth~rgroup lnember$i,. :Hflnl~ ildrylls OIOI1S (.P.' JmmCldrJil1s}, wbic[l,FoFlIl eue-malegreups, do IlllO[.atlempll:o take .I~m~de;s, [ronlrli riva~ m! hen ~hcy s.oeU:ull jhemale w amI felrm.le ~UIVCf6:mloo. close bOIDiIo;; (14J PlaybeIck ej\tK·rime.~l"oonduc~~ on c.h~CJna baboo:~j!.'i lindictJrte ild males kt:~p tmdk of the nm:~eglJm:l1cl]['lg acti'lliil.ies af h~gi1]-'mnki]"'Jg males <I.1md l1.":SUlo:ml with a'I~Clf"ily when llm.ey hear sequences of voc.~'lliza~i that sug;ges~ ~~i!Jl cO[l'mns~~;ip:s ens haw been dItsmpled am:! ~~~mi!'lgPPorlunidcs o

of c~o~, m:arrernm .kl!l.l (Pig. 2). Recent evidence

:ilildk:atIe5!hlu: m;-pot~sti'c: bi.<}oos,also exrend to ~Lemrl~ ~dn,1l8 i~~,U!~'e5 prdtrenlia'Uy grof)n~ aad asseelarc '\;l,iiU~. ]h.eir ~LCmal hal f"StS1crs (.!9·,..J I ~ P'me~~~ki!l 1ics ,~;n:encut :RCro~~ nla1r1Ii~~
]n HIe An'l:~os.o~.iBasin of K.e!~yat,~omc pa~!N of fem,debaboons, p.w iC~lll.arly closematemal

kill, [onn close and stsble relo.!:lion'l!.<;hips 1(1'1'~

Fema!e-s' pref.Cironces :~'Orpanaersere iJiil,nue:nooo by the qunl~ty O!fll1.c,l rhl!teracli()lns.f'cmalesw~w ['OrIn endll!:i,l'l.g socialoo~d.., g,I"OO~Tl InOire ~qui~ tab]y u1uan lema:k::s wha have ma",€: ephemeral reIOll.]:tml!Ships fFig. :3), and this p311~rn ha,~d"llbr both mmCil'l1tilil1 kin and ,others. We do mOT know whelhcr fOI:1!l!flk1)OO~:11l0 togroom more C:(IUU;',''lbly

theyl1lke: iu,no ~IJCOOllnl the qUfllity of.rel~l.ri01~~hipiS coopemlJ}X'Sareu.d d~l~cmrg; ali1lrlassess the qillfl~.~ between 1:hemsclv(;s, their ,o,ppoaH~:IUS:,. and pO:~(!I]!t ial IIIim~ {I 6), Th.ey seleeLiv.c:ly so~icil sup~liC8:ofpoospeeti ve ri v~I8:,m~les.andnllics (1-5), ;P:nmares also kIlO\V somc~lmin:g aoout the po~, from group memberswho h{l!\'>c;slflrmgc:r llml!..!re (If relfl'tID!l~hirslx:lweel'l ,g~her gW1!liP members {J-.5) , The firSI ev~.deHcel'llal WU'imfJJlCS, kJll(1'~iVSi[)ItIc:'l'~hiug1il:mu[~h~IC~:Qiliol'lshj,f.k~ (Df,o~hc~, ~ which is: oornC':'!~.n'I~salled Umir:d'Ip:~l'ily kll:l.m:v.leage., c eame l)omplJa.yoock ,00x:pocrimC\I'Jlis CtmdM.cloo Qml, wi ld \ilCTVC[nm~lk".cys I( Cefr.:opilhenls l~ethiQ-p,,-) (6). ~\IjJ~cnfemBl~es heard ~he' 5>C~'eIlUl~ ol'the~ur OWl] (}fI:g,pril1gp~ Ol,yl':d, [ronl a :!i:pe~er ~he bl'L:~"ii~l. they peered :Dn·h~nlnyi:llIlfi~.1.e bushes, O~he:,

~mck of p!ll>t'inlel<l(;liOQs with grQUp ]uC;:'Ulflbers; 1~]fJJke transit i\ie i:u~,fureDloes~ disrt;ril],~im1i:~cberweea

~.llhcir !!e-I!i:w,Q~$h]p!' b eceme Sl:ro"g~r er fCr~~l~s migh~ be a:vfliila:ble ( J5), Whc:Jia whiitC ..faced c..aPJ"II- p:ref~l1[i!lUy nlain~f!iltil. ej,m;creiaUol1!s'hips. with [ who gro~m fln;;:m eqr~li.lab]y. chill n~Ollkey:s (Celnls ~_;apJlC-"1uS;~1revruil~Uies.
Kin biases jn beha.vior<lJre C()[I~II10n <ilmo~1g otl'linlailis., blll~. oomll~c m~cil:qucs. b;;~bQ( 'fCrv.eJtS;, ttlk.c [l,C:POtifml one sLep f~dm.c.r. 111e'y form ~lootri]il1cal dcminance hi£r.m:ch~~ irm, \.vhic~~ ...

f()lnales sining[b;ea!rbry did not :Iook fot the distressed juvcnik.lheylo(jk:oCl atjhc HlOthcr. TItdlr l'CaClkmsiDldicme.d. d~ijI!l~hey nlCog[1Ji:7..(ld~he
i](~ill'ti.ty oflhc caller; and they were able to m:!'ltc~. [he caUer 'IDoilS mQL1'l~r,S:imliaflly,whe~l :monkey!;, it-re·h:mt:enoo by other gJ10UP :mell:Jil'be.a:s, they :i'I1re more .~iikdyt.o re.dioo,ct .fl~%SioJfll, towaoo, arelalive of 1J!!. foa:mcr op,ponc!lu th~ m,wru-d :II r.l!!nd(l~~, group ffletJl1b(.'r (7-,/ O}. !u1:d they 3!!'e' ni1,'Ore~,ikely to l~o~l.cile 1"J1lI1f]ict~ 'iJ;fin~ (:]O~,
0Pil)O.[W!I1t'S, iJlilll

kin (If [heir .fbrl'l1:~r

withindfuvidumls who ~re 1J:Il.~· ro~m.cdl:O those oJlllJOlI!enlL~ (la•.1J). TI~ifd4J<lJ!yknolVl'lcdge C'x:~;cnds to d()m~.~, F:iig. :1... Mall1l,y pr~liiIlalil:eS, Il.ik.'@~1'I:@<S@baboonslill the AlI'ni:!O.sell balSlll:il1,of Kenya, ~ri~ein,e aJlm,d] mU1iccrohuiOJi1g~~ip,l!i. iJ]n~al\J oonJnel co!liph:!'.)( so6al gfOllpS,. Baliboans halljlle! beelml s~~died ar~ 1Mutltipb2' :5it:e5 across Africa. fOil" decades.. ~~~c~ues (.Nla,'oc'Q i'-(,fdi(~.l~)'sc]ootivcly rocU'li!Ii[: re~aJ:I:iQIl~lm.ips w:Ilih 'Ulemfl,cllive;s [han with ll1eir nrl.!cli:erm!.lk~1l OCClUi'¥ aqjaO:;i].trnl]ks: Whe:m they support: from.nmdCl> that. O!.l[rMk batl~: lh~u~· sd.i\'\e", fJJlld. mt.:'.ir opp(}:ncaU:s, (2). <[ltd .1b1U~le opp<:m:enls. n~:ahlmi.\ da~ughLers 'iDtailil,~, 1:l1[J\!<.s jU:!it below Ihi:Jir l]1ollkeys [ypicalily SUpP(}]i[. the higheff..:ro1U~.king or ~ll1Jotl1le-3:~ and YC)1II1g)e¥ SiSI!CTS OlllfllIlik ,oldcr l\:l,iO QPPO~:l(,I1l'l ,>".I.lei!].hey g:J1lI!,ervcnein ;ofllol~g the Strfudurfl of S:o(il1ll[ Bomds l sisrors (23). 'CoaJlitiol1flll)' support p~ays, all im~ cQnflict's. 1{4)•. Ih~C:f.'l."CruuIiL1:'Le!llp!Ul~r.n.1, iiruHcll:lt!: porl.'ll!1:1: role hl :~hffis pr..1oCCSS, bec!llUlsC iI~~lyu.ure F·etrul~ltebmho!Dm;, mac!!.qjt~cs, and \'CNCi:S p,wvide lh~i l11o!!il:l\;:eys k(!o'w, ~bQiI.IIl the rm:uk a p~rti:;:;ui~r]y weU,-docl,lmenlf.'d ~x~n~ple,gf~le fenl~ll~s ~rr:;:: selectiw:dy 5lIPPCI'I!i:©dby diose .Ife..· oomplex. ,.,dilp[i\l'c' rne.igIll (If s.oci~~. m~rutons;hipe;. ~d alio:f!it>.hip kl\lIeenijl~er gnJUp ]ne~nbers~~d nl]JaJ~cl'Clati ves W~:I!C:'IiI ['liney are ]~vollvodi]lJ Ftn'Ir<ll~cs~l] tlitcse species. remai!linl~lI::irn:;.11.<1.] preWer higll,-ranking ml~.i~:n:Qe'par:l!uers over I()wcr-, conniels wu~~ :nocmbers of ~.owe!'"il1J[nkil[Ji,!'l 1]llfLt'rn-, gro'l]p:;l [~;~iJ:(r~gi:l:olllhci~r~i\les. t \:vherCt1;Smalles, :Ii:rro.os. Evonn~ll]iy, you.lI1I,g [ [0 1.0000nk il:ag 'Pf1rtn:te[S, ~nl}layb~. cxp J!:tim.cnts, f~· dflg~ffic ~o ~ne'l,l'Cnl .inbreooing (l7~ ],Y). 'Gwu]t"! ~~~~.c aboons (Pdpio CJ~ltoc:ef)hClI'i;'ls)i responded b CveryOililC that Oli(\kfllClthors Cflil~. de'lc~u. Th.c more 8uong]y ~g sequences ,@f can~Iili~~l:s.imu-, !n.l}! number 20 tol{~O i:m!div]dJli!f1~$ us'utall'y ~md impMllIf!:Ce Qfnlatemal 8U1PPQ!.i· f~nal~is fur

l'C\l·eatcd hy whal happens when mothers ~re

~l~Y 5

groom. n1i1'1~CS uch more m

j,wvcrn:iies .~i1n1r:1 hig)m.-'rrnn.king Imlri.~·

:~i~;tcsC'rum. d~fool ~a!fS~:If juveniles from lewer['f!!nklm.g mfllriHncs when the;ir t1l1.o11h.ca1limre !leamy.
b~M no.t \;l,ihcfl the:ir mo~~crs arc some dJI'ij'tallOC' a'WfiJ ,(Z4-26h Al Ol:lC sire, scV'~~a~ Ij;:m. bflbool1!,~ Olphmloo ~r~y ~J~I~:le' ~]O~ did i.l.~m~.[II~lC .r;.IIIk:~ .fb.m1e:r~y held by (heir Ino~lcr:s (27. 28).
III: _m


'hh~tlill,~hey g[iool.noo i.llre~U1:nr~ are (.15, 36). Ob&eD:l!lorul£omll d~!a (35) find Held plaY~ld\;: .cxiP'Crimc:l:ruts

(36)imlic-.atc thm~u®ik:s prefere!lliallypm;tom ~hc.::ir .i~,,!~£I~c




Dominaaec rohuionsl'lips .:J!m~llg females

stable over IOJing pc:DiOOls. C¥eitl. gcnemtio:!1!!!(UfJ.TIlcrois some dlisp1l!te~I."It![ ~",he!hcr ,coo~ilionary .S:~IPpOl'i!pla~s: l:lIl:c~'lID~ rele ][1 mfflill:llt<ilJil:a:ing dOltl:irl1JilJ'lI.ccr:ill:lks a:n:noG:a:g mt]lt Jemslcs asil docs :in C81<liIl:J~i8hilll,g ook. F'cmOlJ.cs.


~cia:~l$ .1U.'On11~11."1~smcnL The 'm~~,ca!l:ldscope of sud'! 'pml~c~ ~ion U1!flY'vavy aercssslres (3


'j :2

m;mong VOr)~

IlI1liiil gi~lfi~ 'm!1l1'5,
a~1 Md

]Qwmtcs. whi~h u1!ighl !n::.1lnt~.Uljt ~1OO]itiOlil!limight piflY lilU<: ~Iein ·[!ulinl:.;1)il'li.!.lgtl'l,c ::;,ta~i]li[y of dmninance hi.emrt.&ii!es ,(29). ]-I,oWGvl!u,li1.1C low nue 'of ~nteniCnri{H1S ~:]]lIy underestim ..['etliJ.dr' ]mpo:rmru'.'e.111e p~eTil.(;C afpotclui~1 allies ~m:'ld I<n·():!!\,~.oog(.; of alliance mil}' be
emJ1JI,ghl 1.0 dierer renll.'!k .... somedmes s

(JI,i.---"=---"'------.._---'----MillhEim 1ilt''In&.lfIa1 P.II~iiliWl ~U~:mal 'IIta!&1'IlaI1 N_kli'l


souihern Africll, l;vltcre ~mmi-· grnn[mal~. ofk.':~ kd. UI'!'i,~\/c{!fled inf~l'Il" 3!od in fa:nrticide is a~~1I,;1jor C<lJ~U:\C ofin:r:~]1~.,ly {3S),. w,u.cwmotlm:cFs are r'iJa]'I·[~!.of jmlJli]-· gmgun~:iI~:cSl. Lacmt!ting femab:,',.s' glu~QoofllicQiid levels rise ~1U1tl•.


'il1li']lt'l!~ I~V

!~'lab. j~lij

·c~~"Uc!,ges30), MOf,cover, ( give 'Voc.rnlh;re@ts l;vhciI1. they

wimess ~g,OI:n.isl:ic:illoornc::tio:ull'l.h~d]e Oka.ViI;lllg0

Della, voca,11 res,~xmses; are Mnl~iderahly more canmn.oll dl11rn,.'lctive .inlcrvC]]Lion ~nd appear to rihy a i!limi]~fro~e (3n.

The Flllililctilcn ,of Soda l B:o'li1.d:s, Severn1 lines of evidenee :!!uggesl lilal affililflrive ~oc'i,drol.3:~iioll:1Sh:ips:g'U~tIiltCI[IOfc:ma]oSl. femlIli~.os. pl.~nfe ~i~,~'J!C:foir:~Q(;~~'iI~,iz:iil1l~;. undeif' barsih. even ~mvir'OnmQl1Ilal oondil ~i {JiIlS. ln mhe df'."jl 8C:ilIH:i.Q~. when food is sc.... t~M>i!l.e babocns spend.mere 'U'oC;
[illllelbmgum~:g ;<I!I].d H10V:i![JJgbe[wec[JJ I~ii]]g sites

a:l"1d~es.~,I:Umeresliug (ll). However, fhey dO nm. lethree U~C .<l:ffiOUlll ,of time 1:11<u Il'ley spend ~millllg and jilftl,t~rru:;'~iliJll.s· peil.Ce.,fliil ~y\v:ith gW'~up
members, F el]n~llcs Me $lnJI1i.g~y jjl6CdC{1 by~lelo&'fi the OikaN,mgo .D:aila.\/lincrc·

f:r[lil1.~d(lIois IJ:lIi!i:Ch less OOIn[iJlIOn,. lnu mothers and their On~:lfinlil,g l'OO.y min ~~:n~ gI:OOmil'ng .!l:IW exparn(.i. th-cUlImnbcr aflbmaks tiwr bcrr:::~]tgfrom,~lcir MSOCltfltiol1!sv.~lhaduh males, IUl they groom in the weeks Siner the 1.088. A!~~bosen.adJ~IJt n}.)!~espr~!~lJC~]i\fl]ly 8!Jpp1!:illft'leir fllr[]~crcvidemoe ofdt~ .imflo:l1~nce ofs:oc~a] bends COFll:t..~ .Imm stadies or diose ;fUssoci,m;I:~OIl:S own juvenile On:<;Jlri[l;g Wl~('I]lI.lhcy ..:t'einvolvec] ~:~l thatmotbers of uir:\\;)[liIS .roW) with .adult ~onis:li:C disputes "til) .. .A j],irecr chl1in of L"()lll:J:1oe[i.O:Jl]~ .~irlk~ ooei~~1 l'I]alle!l.Mothe~ are mO!lil1ill:yrcsll';H)ru1.ib~cfor n]~~iil:i~ boads to'OOl'iil'l~"'-S lin pri nml:e g~i~wm~ m~flling pro.l'!titll1l,ly ro tll~.clr mal~a~()da~.cs,.R1i1lcl 1]!1if11rllincal demmence hierarchirn" Socin.l 1)olJmdilie1nli~I<II'Ic:e'lhe pms[p!!Xms; [OJ' ob'btilling c:oo]imio. Ill.BI

Fiig.2:. The I~elaliiomhip Ibetweel1 m,3JmrnaJ~. ,aln.d pafi!!mal k.inshilp am:dl the rueifllgth o~ S(),ci!al bonds, almQU'lgf'E!ma~e lbabool'ls, .. Time: ca:tegolry of re,~a!~E!dl]e~s~s pla:tred on the.x aXl$"a:n(i the-mean andl stan(lan! ,ertror O'~ vi!&ues (I~ lh~ S!ocla'l~tyllrndex are Ip~oU:ed1,on Hiley 21.\{is.mhe :s;ociIaLityirldie)lis a composlte measure o~ dya!ok relaitijo,mhilP slre,nQith bai~ed on ,thefreql!l!,em:y oif grQoming and! pro,x]liI1Itity •. [Redrawnfro:m '(2'2)]

run!! aQql1ire high..mllk:Un.g positions (J 9', 40), flowevcT,. [I1~')·tIuers who :h<w'C: (~mbli8hc:.>d

[nondship& with .adW~I]'!Ia]es~po-· rience sm~lcl' iflcrea~S in g]uco-· oo!:1iooi,(J lC'VCk lh~n do mothers w:h.o ~i1V'e- ]tOI e~l.:abljiShed S'~d] a'>\' In &1st A[rica, in-


or pn~[e[]'ed ron~:l1<lni\ons,~:[Jj M.orem;i Rcs.elve of the'

prOOa(iQlll<lit~ :are

ilL!)! ,~jIJJ1rKl:rt, coo.1liliOniiry


affoots. d.QmUElM.cemrlk,

IMnd dom-

imm.QC rank



h:igh, stress,







experienced s;igw.u.u:flca'U:l~ lacreescs in glriJuco-, CQ!1i'COikl 1e,'IIC~s (,H. 34). i~dka;ti~.ginclx"';''lscd

;3" !CI' CiI


m c:

[ivc rerlbnll~!I]re" I.!igh.rallkim~.g!1d tl:)!1'1;;!!~u:re' ~n ~micr ag~,gft.OOI .1fIS!l;:t:, pmod!,lC'e hr~ltu1:i~r Hn~'lln.1I.ts, lill(lve ~hL!rte.r ~liIIi)emidJ:] hlWfV<lLls. and .have higfuK'f; UFctime

lemales' res;ponses were Jimt simp]y l11<:: ~~Stl~[ of ~.~vil1g t1l1:QilJgll ~tr:css:fu~ ,e'V{:l'Ils,. because Ie~~rues; w.ho were pr-e~uH in tM gmliJlP ,}1 ~:~ SC'lffiC [in.ue, bt~l: did not sufrerpe:rs,o:nt~ losses, wcme U1n'll:ffeo'ted.




F Oi:!l'rallcs r.~kc adijusI:mOOl'il iii:!. du:ir oodoru] networks h~ r,c~'on~e 1:0 demogmphie dMl!1ge~.


[he ,~'ff'OC'l" of do!mi l'Iatrnoo!m!.k




t.ha.mJloW-!1l_ml.k~~.g females.

41-44). 'he; mfl.gl1iimde of .(IV~[lime and a.cmsspop"

ularions, Howover, anyroprodw>

~i"Ve .:adivrum:maif,<Cs lm!<lt hngi:t·~:niki:mJ.g remales acerue ""dl] be ma.gflli flod ov~r t!m.e because damimrn1Jce rn[lks tryp:ically remain SAi:1M.e

wi~h111lheir griJ~ups..ln~,le AInbQse;.~i. !l:mSi~lof Kcn.l.y~]. motbers HI'J:rn. d<tlJ,ghMrn rDmI pa~tucu~~]~]y d05'>ea:nd enduring soc:ila~ bOlfHIs.ltmlrelmio.n:J~~:~:ips. am(mg; Slsttts: are more varifllb]~, 1'l1lstrcr:a:g'thru:ud sla.hllity (2J ,. 22), P~irs Orlluuem~~. and patemR] ~ust~1:S~,iho:.~e ~lhers are~'\ll presemin fh~ gro~p m h~\"e ,c~oser rel~t.i(ln$h]p$lilinwl do Sti10ters \\Il!lOSC'
.i 11 the gmlJl~1. hl M.or-Cllli, rcma]~ a.1~o oompeiJ]s~[e ~ur l];jo ~1Q.lS~ fav.culte of pai1l:1~ by ad.Jl1:$l.iili:g '~leir social n~two:i'k'g. (J'J) fbl1lfll!C-s \vbo ]08\:: d!D5eki:n de'i,l'O(~:C n1gre lime tOo
m.olilu:::rs arepre.<>e1H


a4, 5:;.5, dtllli,tUfomii (yeDili'5i)

sta bill1ltY'~rnQng babQQ:n:re!i!lil~ ~es. lo~dl sta bi~fltyismeasufedl !,liS; the E m.!mberr· of co!1i5eClWl.ti~e V'earsillTIl which the'same' fel11ale was

Fiig. 3. The re!~ajtioil:il~Mp Ibetlr1i,eeiJi1lI groom]l'Ig eq~\ali~y ili!1:d Iboil:'ld

~hdle.l(. IMllIfll5:lU'e

.a gilJl'~!1 ffemale's tOp three


p~r·tfle:r5 (bl1!i~d O:ii:lthesl!:ld03J~,~ty

in F~,gl. 2),. Gil'loomi'f1ilgl ~qluaLitli is a


mEl'a,~1!!I'll! o'~the ,diis~lfiblJltio,1I'I1 of gmom~ng wiiliirl dyadCS:,a.l1!I,dl valri!!~ r 0> wlruen g,r,ooming is ico:mp~e,t'ely o:ne·sidlecl to 1 wheni grGQ'!I!ilIm.g i~eve,rJlly b~:~~tl'Qced, The lI!Jl!e~1i ;and5wnd~~d ~l!'[G,r of v,ahJles f'(M ,adullf:em!flles ·are SIruOWIflI, [lRed.!i'a~lInfro:m (21:)]

~SS~~1leI]liI:kms.I~ligh"Im]Jd!l1.g l.ema1'es. win ~'Wl':· high·ral]ki~]g rcmalb dGS.>()~nd'l~~.tS. For fe-mflJ.c bllooousill Ambo.· ~l:iijdl;e ni:!l~sOOIl~'WICI'ICCS of Slld~lily e.xlClld beyond~~c!lC,la~iO'.I1Iship OOtWCC!11J d.anniu~:<IInce fim.k


rcpmdu·etll,ve perfO:rti:NlI:lCe 4 ~ Fe;malcsw]w were more :socia.]~y int;egmted.intu~eiil'



VOL 317



Social Cog nition

guaJidillg.. Malc::>lhal gmo:rn one ~Il! 'ofie~l also pM'ie.i·!la~.e in ecllective activiries togcl~£:r,
:irl,di,c~I;l!ng(hat males :f.orI'nS'ttl;Ollg and welld:i.ff'cre:u'l!l~medJlCI.ffljofllS!]lip5 'I:;iiih (l!le:aitl,o~u:.f; At

Ngogo in Ugm~d~, melc chimprul~ces pre:fcrera.[ij~ll:r gJ1m~~I1J,associ~~c, suppon sh!ll\': food, ,~~.d

Fig. 4. lIlhe m:olllhi.elrr· a yOlJll1l.gli'illfant ~cell1ter) i:; ,groo:medl.~. sn ,adlu1lt malle ~~eH~iliiild ano~her .a.dlill~t 'of ~e:maLe. 1I11~!efemalli!il1l~l.Iec.elllte;r1rV.earrS.a.r;3.dlDmll1a! •. whitlml alllOll'l.f5r~archen to tocate '!he glnollp QMlI131li'eglJ~ar ib.:l!ijs" I

reprodl:H~ocImoresuccess ful]y tium othi:!ii"

re:mah::s (fig. 5) ,[45), T&~ posilivcr:ehlilfionship bd"i\'!l~nsocia:nty arndrqJrodooive suecesss lU(glU

ICnec'llhe I1tCII~1m1:. seute ~k:I'iI]~teshv<rl ~m~ ore m

pru1it'S.Liike :fu:male bmboCins, males $J.X1nd ICQ-tls1:d!cmbk; a:m(jlm~. ohim,e gm<)mi!11l,g ene aJ1!lthc:r and .spelKi HIll!Qh 1(I:hheir ~ijnlJei!l the o~ln~y of oihrnr m~ltC!l. M~le chimpanzees also pmticipalr: irl

~.o~.Ol show simi 1M pn~JelTt.~,ces paterr,n~~.~:n()their.S, 4;~), ..jor " MilJc8 ~y ~irli ]m;rr.o.nlllnl bC:l1cJits .rromdl~ ro~<i'!iliOml:!ltips 1ho1 tlleY f:@m.~l 'v]d~ other mattes.. Males l.;'{)n1!peteinllC!'nSoly fur hig]tc.;m]1!ki~~g pesi~io:nM::wiH~ill ~he:ir gl>OUp>, <lIma males' .!llhilli~y1'0 and maintain higJil. rnlik ls in:1.I1Ule'lliood by dle:ir <Ib]ll:~ly l.o~~lit 5'>UpPrn1 limn ot\er males (4 i). A~lhor~ghtl~e pojtiticail mll.t1l.oo'l,!'Cr]I1i,gSfehimo ~n~cesm;ll!y be more oomp]k:-awd Ut~nlhc ~~epOlis.tic SQw§ offemfllc baboons,. ~'ne~lIJ!.lt is, nwchmhe s.mJ]l,e.l-.I.:ugb... ranking n:aalli: ehig.l,l~lll~~ .~:~~~, [imily of .access. ~o ]lI' Rlmales1l!I1Ld p CHliI.pre\!\e[~l O[~.OInmh':S ~I,(Dm r:1~atiiling (4/)'. Geir.l.Cfic: !!L11t'dysC'S C1]n'l1m~ thiilt lhe!Dp'.ranking m.a,le :sires a d.ispooponiomwle nur.nbcrof.infMlS (49.50). Socm] [d~lions,'hips annong, maTeclmimpm~~cg,may aliso ellillan(;C?;: [he:ftib'n.e:ss:'OnO'l~r~:mnkillg males, In '(me OOlnnlllJn~iDy,~he .alp[ul n1iiJ~l':' self.'C,tive~:y lolermedl [!In!f!JtiIlS 311:empl'q 'ttry 'fulls ,all,ic:s" As a COlfilOOqUCUCC,. [he tr~ufll1i,g. S1.!C~ etmeles W~ more, cb;d:y re~~tooto hO'IN cdlctn (hey s"l:!pported the' al.p'oo rralc [halm to Lfuel'rOIVi'Il db,nina:!'!,ocro:nk (.U),

~b.iOl.VI;~nl [hei.]' ~1L'k"IDC!J'Iilli:l~ bMl]lCr.ilbll[

fO:l!VQirJ~blieha:bit:')1S ar during more fol~H)r[}DI~ '!:]me periodS>~t1<11n oihC:ril" These ~emru~ m1t8I.u l:io.tve boc~,mofC::rociai ru:ad~OO:UiOC.d more stlcl..~F~lll]y 'tllalli~ othcr fi1i:ul!~es.liio,;vc'ilcr the~U:s renlZli!ll lmch:l!l[l_g,ed whenl1i1c measures or1'>ociallilll~mliOfl

a number of

CO:II~Cl]VC aCli,":it]ie,g"incl,,g

1emliO:n;\'l~lpllJtm.~f:'i" oo,:d.iiliomll)'~gg!7es~On,eoo.per~ aUlve ~~,\H"liI:illi1g. food shnring.~!t1ld joinlltl<tte--

a:re'oorreeled ~o <iOC:CliL1]~l fair gl!Ou[l' 11.1C111.llioers:i:aipail.ld.


in cllvirnJ]]]'lieI1t.'lll can.ditirm~ avc. time, Th"re'l;uiolm~hipm~lglm,1, aliso arise beeaese high~

mrikil'ag fcm~~:es have ]~ighc:D'roproductivc sue-

cess;end bckmg to

The worl.S,[lJJ]iI'JlllfinZOO here S"[ugge::JL>;;['l[io.[[1 in li1ie q~a&ily of social bO,d :ful~ Ht1l1lCti ecnseqUOOCiCS fur b~.dhi:icll!ldsiH so~ prim!!lre Sffilt'Cies. for :nl<l'ruypri,.· 1l1.:1!lepecies, our kl:lowh:dge s ~boul the structure ~l'Idf:U:um::,fiDn of sccial bO:n1l.ds is. mach legs oompl~cre. 111CSC ga-PB creete di m-,

IIIr§er I]fullt'ri I illl;:.O:;;. ~llaID~ih}\'i!\C!r~'

fe~~,~l(;,'::S d~,. A~i!l" [he rola~iO!l:1!sh~r helwoeml socialinl'c~ralio:n alnd I~e:ilroduclii'll'e succes~ren1~ ins>sig,'m;ifIGtr1ll~,,'lhen d]ominal1ae mnk and :~ill:le~lge ize are coatrelled St:'UiSliclJIJ!y" s TIliCro ~nft.y be s:iimibu ()onl1~fio[[lS bcrween socia~ily snd :fi.tnC&." l!wlI]mcsin ()~herprimruc m"i~. o althol!ghd:1.e C\lkfe~]i'..~ i1>less 'compktc. Fon;:'>:~lnp,!e, .renlaJlf.'>Sl:uvi:l1lg ill groups o!f~d .oow:ler :ITIO'rI~' keys. (Alol,{u!ffl seuici.Jlu,,.} \vlilh more close :kin had, ~1:~gh~ncpl1.1duetiv'C ~CXI~S '~U'l.nj:t1rlnlfl]~lilvitll,g imt
with fewer Ci.lo~ckilm,(46,). U lsaot Cilltt irely elear wby ~.1~.illcs b::~lefil fron} living wj,th dose: ki[l.I~imvl~ ~non~\:::ys ooJlleclively d.e:fend their lcemmorieE>ndprnc[ire ,e'Ll.elllsive ru,lo~,'iI~lfIl(;ljt:Ia11 a cruc, a:lld it j~poS'~iblc l~]at relmled It:rt'k'ltes OOOpel11:le mQIIe, of[(\e!,ivdyill:1,inw~-roup ,mcotlllm,t~ or p[()vide: bcncr care Cor oae :8inothcr''j7;i:l1f~mt1Js. MaIie ch~~~~.]l[lglztleS(P.m~trog/i)(/.Vl'(ts) pl.'Q\"id~ minlC!leSlin,g: paroU!e] to p~~i~opa;lricre~na.Ie' haboom. (fig, 6)t. M<]'(:1]1f1inin their naJt~dg1icmp,s, throughout ~.he]rlivcs, whe~l~ f(Jml:tli~.C~lnsu!lI~y d,ispcr6e; 1(47).Cil:im~n:wcs [i':!imf'issiQu.' JiISio~, cQmt:ll:mniik~ and l],ybre-ft.k.Jl.Iip:inro srl1ld~eti'

(:~nkie;whe,1:1I we u"y ~o OOI1~rc me ~,fnpl1l'Cl of s.'Ocia.1i~y on rimes:,;




.groups, of

d:il~Je.~n:ti~ and coJ.1.figurntions,. :~iZ!e or 10 c()mpu:;I~:~C CJXLCnl :soc]£!] ,of

oonlp!e~ily ~OOS5,species ]t m~y be proi]talblero


[hcsek$ods of ~U]mJlyR~W other

t:ruxi!lin 'l'vhich group size is lillked ro ~<lljl"fe hro:in size, such as
.0.3 .....








CClmpo5Ite'IiIKIDrl~ Inex


VQll.'S.fllld lmgu1lalieS (1). Molt.'>g'Vef. ir is impOlta~n loreoognize

t]l!a~.prin!ai.-es have Illot cOl:lJl,ered (lIX,a:mpk:'. sponed I.~ye:nas ~Cn::lCi"Jltl c~':oC'ut(,l') ~,1abj ~shi~mri~ ~,~nea] diomir! ance h ierareh ics, fuml iI),~ijo:!1s. roco~l.tne af:n~!i oonflkls; roco~i~ p~Jtem[l]kin; hmllt (JC:)Qpera1jive~y. atndfetogn:izc llJJiro....;part:yre;ltJ[iO'1J]io~i:lips (51):fI:n:li for

~;ig. 5., The rnl..d:o!l1ship be,i\Jlieen 5Odialirtiteg~atnon ilirild I'e;pro~ ducthl'l@ success amloil1l.g bl3lboorll fel1'l-aLe:s. for eaeh I'effil)te'. a romposnte, SlQ{iilJl,lity'inJdle~. was ro:mpl[j~l@d.. fhis value represelmted the :i!r,eq!lIem.y l[)if' g~rClomkl!g and pro:dmil!y to adult pari!Jner5. Here. '!l::Qm~osit~ S<:Qres~v.ere n~nk.edli il3fld dl~ded~int.Q qt!~lrllites.The mean and starn da~dleil'imr off Ihe~Qda:lli'ty ilflldex 'f,or 'the' lei3lS'tsocial ~@males iii rn 01111 U1e 1~1l'fl:,. and those 'ror the IIflOS~social·[iem!.fltes are 0111 tile IFlght. ~nfa!fllt ~i!lIM\!a,~ basIed Ion ~In!ep:roporttiOlml ,of! in~i3Ints ~Mt 15, sUiVivedto 1 ~r (If ·~ge. a mtJiQr~(lmIPron~'@.~ 'of v~n~itiQ!'l1 ilri! ~ema le~j l1fetilmefitness. [fro:m {45)]



on secial oolllp~e:x.ity,


AfriUlin cl\pl~;::rU1ll(Lo"y.utmJltl (;ljh:. ,,'(rm~s), c,-m roo~g!1:ize the \~~call-,

6. D•. L. (h~mqr,.It M.5q<:1arllil. AfilNw'•.B'eIirJl1:m.. 3iS2 {.]l9aO), 7. P. Jud'gE!, !_ltl~j.Pirimma/: 3, 301 t1!9S;2~. 3'5, Ili. B, Smwts, Sa md .f.rit:ndmip "iii' 8aoooois


8. F. A.u~en, R, Co:uJoLil1lo. C GortliilcM, S". S'Mchi, .Anim. .Bf..Iii~v.. 4,~,28 3 '~199'2), 9. IlllL..(lfIenijl'. It M. Se~ralfil:~Afflm.IJ',mal':. 34. !722'1('19tB6.!i. i.e. D•. L.Cihliln~y, It M,51lf~arih, Bf'Junwu.rUO\ 25,8 ~19E19,~.
U" RJl!IlIgE!,.Am. J.~j/n~t(ilt 4,. 3:46 0\9 8~}, 12. lB. S'mk, Arlim, 8~l~v, 5a~4S U9900. 13. 0,. It\. ~ilcli!>eli'I, ID. l CIii$ne~. R.M. Se¢:arll1!. !nit j" PrimrJ~, :Z'6.nJ'S (2005). l4. C. IBachmalllln', IfIl ilfurnmllr, &hi!}~;E[ol'5~ri'dbijJl: 6, 3l'5

36. It ,A.. Piil!lombit, R. M" S,~atnn, 10,.l (M.n ey• .4r1im, 8fihfN, !;'4, 599 0199'1,1'. 37. itA. P.a.lemlilit, 'i~Se~WlI S:~1t(1'l0!\! ~d ReVfOd~~'e '''mp.~~t~fM Mm~tEs: n~ ,P'..e~ecli~.~' and Ill' Di~.crl'<l11'j, c. It.lllll~S, Ed. {AJirnencilIn S@(Jiety of Pnlmaldegii~fo;, Nafll1ll<l!ill, CD 20o.3~'.I!I\P' 367-~i12. K, 38. It It, P~'lcmit e/' al"iii'l Mtl£e' mjcJl'!e aM Us

lmpUrx1l;ilfJ!lS, (" f .... S[ilaik.. (, HI.~aI'l500, f.di. an (C.unoridyellJllill'l", ~rlm,Cambtridg~,2GOO~',

PII" 1!.23-151" 39. JI. C. l3<~hlller. t. )1. !3ifiIID1iIn\ D. L Ohe-Dey, R., M. Se!#arUiJ. f. L Whiit!~1iII, Al!1tm. B~haili:. 69', 12ilJl Wm:$~.. . JIll. ~ L IEn,~it1~ tJl., Anim. 1kJr,a1f. "i, 1!.22;1j2:006). C Byd'lillll". C Alb!'l~~. ]. lB. SUR"]. Ai~m'1\'lIl!!l". N,(JMe 4,251 :Jl79 (20o:~t

0.900). !S. C. C~od,rlord.,. Ii, 1Vi. Wim:m. IR. M. Se~I'an!h. O. L (Jnem!~. Nlm, 8eJ\ll]~, 13, :BIlSflOCm.

5. IPerry,

it, (, 8arrlill.t;. !, M<lrmlllJ, Au1im. liehrJv; 67,1.6'5

u. r.



17. £" Kl!~~lis,~"' rm.h.fp ~Jld&!k.(Jr(iOf in :P#1l'J~!'!1.'l. K 13. Clhapats, C. I8telmilli!., lEtts. (oxfoud U1i'1i~"IP~5, Odofid.
;IDOL]), IlP. 15?176, 18 .: ~. B,5i:1Il::, lillt• .I. Frimajni. 211, :13iII9 ~2m~2)', 19. A. Wfilildig\ ,W" N:urlitberg, M. Kram.!JJI!:, ~!I.l. S1~eBrh, Ii. lB. 18IBrmioillr!t ,p'W[. N.arl. A,,ai!l. Sa. as,A 918, 1316'9' (2'O(l])\

'(SIa!~U)(rjJj'iillfiiIY Cl4' N~ YOf~ f~~, ,Aliliany, r4~r l,*93J, IPP. 4i~-83. lB. 11), (Ih~litl!f~t (11.. [fit }. Primatat 25, \lOt L

s. Me~Ol:a,Edl"

a;, :srtl. In Mm!l!re S~I

COJljWC(.,W, It


:2~. 1<. SI!f'l5~ih,s" C,



J. AUmliiliilln, Pr«.

R, SO(,


44. J'.AJilma A!n. S. C•. AIDei'il5, 8'eha-v,; f:ool: So,Wbioi. 57, 49(1 (20<[15). 4'5, ]1.lBi. :Si1}:, S, C. Airelrts, ]l Alilmamn, Sfdtma 302~ 12:n

Set. B' 2710, :5a3 {200tl,l.

fig .•6,.• ]wo ,adll.lltmalLe Ch~m~o'3Ilffil~eS Kan2llivaral in


of coo,pera:til)!e ,actlilofillies, and fOlim dose so(~aL botnlds.[Phoroglr:alph h'llken by l,a!nlm~by]

Ma~e' m~A1lp~lmee5

!partiolpate in a V<3Ir1e'1y

irz:alio:nsof~u. ]eam Hll} other .indivtd~alI8 (53);

benleaosed cl.olpla.ins (nll:'fiops {({;luna,s) fem]] st:lbl~'mullileve~.aU.ia:m:::~54)1.~nd mob (Cnn!;us ( ,fi'ugil~'l/sl' (.',Qi,m1!>Olcl.u:i!l IlfirtJ'Iec~, t1:!l:eIi' oonm.O'U:tl, t with other members of ~eir :~Iiocks ,[55), For ]ndividlwll.,. ~l:1I these species, there If~wyalso be;
umpoJ:maI'llIt. 5Wc,i<l!lcm~lIl:p(me'l:ltts, of flmess.
IR;e;f!!~en(les ~1l1~ 1~1~'1le,~

22, ]. 18. :S"lk, s, C rubel15, J. Altnll!'aI'1U1"BeJ\t6V. fwl, S~dobi,Ql. 6l. '1~7 ,~~OO6o). :23. B,.Cliilipai.s;. Wbk...PJ'rfl:, AI"i,rb~irJptil.:3:a~ :n.S (].9'9S). 24. S~It Dall:lill, fill .PrinJ(lr~ 50doi R..elr1~ioorhips:An fJJ'l;~ftJtiW NJpJ!J(Jr:;h,. R. It, HiM~.lEd. (~mb:ridgl!. 1I1111'i!'. P1'eS6, C~liI1bn.dge, :Jl:9S3).Pil. :JW-1l2. :25. j. I{cl\locks, W. IHiliinle, AIl!m. rMiav; 3'](" 172 CIl9(3). 26. :1. Walte5, Foli,o' Pli'm'l' {BaSf'j} :3:4,.61 U9S00. 27. ]. ,A. ,IDlnmOIll" AnfJ'lll'. i~.hrl'v. 3~, 1694 {19.Sn, 213. As 1i1'1~1e:i, i!I1iJ!UI'e. tl'l!~ir r~llIk will de·OOllld on !he'll' '5i~~ ~md >!~~i'I!J~h, CM:~h~r M'Otln.,~·s Irall'!~, n 29. L Ilatii'eu. S. P. Henn, 1111 f(OOtmlM' MMtl> ajHl1mrm(Jftd
iJthavll'Jw. R, N!lit IP. HammersJ.eiin, J• .It R, It. M. van ,M!Jo~t[d~ ({;arniIl;ridjlle II!J:n~~. Fr,5s, Call'lbaidg~ 2{JOnJ. Pill, ns-ies, 3~, 1'i,II, (Q\!'~:h,,,~l\i~~1hur ~9'~ (~.oo'~), ':09, n, It M. 'WiUig. C (~Utwd. Ill. !Vi. Seyrai11\ I!l L. (helf'i~. .i9fhtlv.. Eto[ SM(JbirJI. 61, 8.'99 (2OG)i) .• 32. S. r. Allberl5.fJ Gi., in S~[ljOJ'J'tll,W ill! P.ri'mute-s: 5.lll!ws· oj .1:i'llifl'fl (J;ld EXl.rnd Mtmanami M:JfI·HiJillan flim'Ore~, . 0... K.Broc:_~i!I". C P,Io\ilI~ S~h"ik, E.ds. ({ambridye lin;';!, Pi'ess, Caiinbrll:!lge;,.2005t pp. :.I!:57-19.6. n.. &ig:tl et .al" Pror;;. R, Soc. Loolll'rm Si!'f:illI' Br.ol. £ci 2,',i'l, 1\,. 7IJJ7-:J'll 12Q06~. 34. Gl~~_ocor~~i~ ~~@. ~;ri!r~fti rrt!l1l i~e!GlI~$illrrnpt~ 9l! ne!lo'l!~~ p~OYided m.y ~Yi!ljiKl$ ~ndl ~j!l!s~King[y (nll.e(te~ Iby ~~r(heilS.

IB. 5~1~, . A1tI!1ll:aJln,S. (,AUber!s:, Beirilv.. ,!froL 50aobf.tJt J 18~ '~~O(6)"

46,1. 11 IPope; Beh,,~ .!Scd. ,)o(;i'Mf.o/, 48. 253 fJOoot 4'7. I'll Mi!iUler,~" C. IWita~i\ 'in Jidmnre.s: iii) rhe SNit.!" 01 .8fbov.\'ru.rI', P. l'. IL :~I.liter. ). RoseriD1:att C ,!ino.".(ilOIil" 'T. RbpBF, M> ~ag!!lib, Ms, '(iElsli!v1€!r. NII1W 'l'orlk" 200 5}"

413, ~;. E,. L,mg~gr.ill!l.~, ], C. Ji/l!!ant L '\i!guOIm. Pt«. Ml'n" A,ml, St,. ,U.s:.A,lIJ4. 1786 ~:100n 49 .. J. t, Constal:ile, M, \1, ASIi1If)', J, G:mdaU. It E., P,u~, Mm.
fool 110, 12'1'i! (IlOIll), . 50.• L \Iligil:aa1t" Nt IHlofr@it~~. I. Sti!d'lI1,C BOI5{jh, Fmc. NarJ. H

xi, ,U.iA.. 98, U690 (2QQ1),

S'1. tL IOwny" It W. Wl'an[Jhiun"

(200;1). 5~, R

J. B.

Snt CI!I", &0.1.21, R:S86


52" ~,HGill!lk.amp, .S. 11.:5<1Mt Ill, l llIndlrig..a:n, P'bil!}$. i"fanS, R. S(!,[. l,oodrm Sl!'.r~,8 3:62:, 52~ '~~(m:n.

.screfrQ 2.~,.

t(:. ~,~~,

C. M~,

s. M. I!]yr~nt t B!!h~. S.5~11!!1.

It c. ConMF, M. II. Heiith:a!us, L M" Sa1!ire, .hac, R., $()r"

lOO®.1'lS~,f. B 268. 26], (lOOn.

491 (20U),


Wtil~nl ffl,tf!1Jigen<l Ut Eim'JlMi.mJ'lS and EVIlIlurrlii'ms (Carml:ri:r~ Uniy. I?.r~ss,C!lnDi~~, 1li!l'97).

55,. ,Pi. M. 5i1!'i1!'li1. S. 'Cia.yqr;m, !t J., Ennery:, N!.

2•. It I. ,M. DUIII'bar"S, 5dIllJ~tl, Sd~lilr;,~'IU?, 1344 ~®.O".~'.

3. 0 ..l (heinl!l)!; R.M. Se,#,~mltP,. :How i\kI{lkeys' S~e Ole IWortd ~UJAhl. >or >Chicag;o P'fesS\, Cihlc:ago\ 19~(k}. 4, 0" to Ghell!ey, R•. M., Seyfcartin" 8abom MempJlysiu; The Eroru,riOJ'il ,rJj (J 5acial.Mimjl' {limy. {If Oitkfl'g:o ~r@s~,
C~lca!!lQ, ~!)"

(!l\(f. 8I:oJ, l7', 152 (2j)iO~). 56, m~ li:!le>asa'bol!ll!n~e atlaP"!i~ v~!ue of soc~al, IlXInc:S haw bee,n I!lroriounol.J'i'Mtuelilc:ed by IHj oo1Il<IlborililiQIlI~ wi~h, AIb~m, l- JIIltrllldnm, D. (h@Iit~~.and It S@~fiilr1ih. mh~s, pap@r Il!~~IPJI(lrfi~~dlrrQm '~1;I1iI~5~Hlln~ 'l'liiltl ,!lInd CO!i!mefliS ~ifOOl them MlNell as; It Bo)'Q. fL (lil~IO:n. T. {llnttm·l8ro~~" N. Em~IiY: and Itt l!!!I9,!!i~9r.~bE!r..


5. M. To~~~~I,('J,J. CalL p{jIJJ'O~t C~nr1io;l'l ~o..diOrdi Univ. PlieS'S, d(l~, t99n, O


t1lpericnce' fll<1lial,'l:h~nEk.\' ill bil of p.<LC'fiice,. ~:]r'L(ls,1ru;uimaI8 ~~Olm 10. aS8ocior!c plc:-asures<lJ1ril.d

A~~animaLs can plredi!c~ the l1~doll!i)(

humans earnl predi(ttbe hedolfill'c:

(Onseq!.N!i!1!DeS; ,of '!2V!E!nts they~lIe''e:l!perieoced tJefor,e',But (on.~e,que:Jil,ce~ ,of €!'vlents they'lI,e nelter 'E!x,p.erienced by .51mlll~alting ~~IQS€' e"~€,ilI:~$in 'theill:~' O'i~i"ld$.Sd~nti~!~,(! bf!g~inilng to uliildentmd: ~O\lif the b:r~in $'imiillILat~

wi[h~i.eir <lUluecooenn;s,-the SJ:li~cU,ofa;~] 3\PpllOilchi,t~g p:roda:tor oii~he e,lll of~. beckll]ll]~.g f~C-\i';I'hnch c!1iJbles [hem to Slre!"~))w3J:c1 p~ca-, sl,In:an:c!.away :11:om 1~![1 b~fore they ac:hIaU:y ~"".~ pcn:em.oe, cu'tllel: When ;a [IJ~(}'w.e~ide;o; helb:11e a 'CClt emca'Sll1erooJ~;1:]il.dil.lg m run, eve1In~:a.:1l ~~atS. yCllKl~.od l'liOl and iii'S aibimy ~o do SOlS
O'Ji~.c Q'f


e.vt1I1!liHon ~


re!mld~b~~ mt'lhh::,\~c~1.t&

~l!Jtlllm~ e'vents .• 1~lowit luses~hoisesiffilu:~alth:m;to predk~ an ·e'vent"s hedomlk conslequeolJ'lces, andl why ~hle:s:e p,~f.lldncti:o m ro oheng'o ,r:nv.ry.

ihrem~l] lLfloostnrc' aJriLd p.ain <1Iffl tJlC sn.'lfS by \vhi:ch (hey stooi'; Whom animals c=-::pciimrepk:.asure ~hey lmld a :S!~rodly OOtlirse mnd. \I,~n,'fl th!i!Y

lOep.artmem ar Psyc oo,, ~B Kijlikla.lfld sUee<!, Hl,afll',a[d U n'~vEniit~-. ICcm!lri~!l,e'. .I\M '02]38.. lIiS.A." 20eililrtmerr! ®f fsy(In(iI.~y", Uniivemly of Virql n~air Clh:alFi!C.tlfsvHte, VA
22904, USA.,
'TQ wnl1lm il)Jlrre§po:nid@liIiI)~ s,.ih,[I;uM~i1Id'd ~ss@!l!. [·malt; gnb~l@Win.h,!lir!.l' .. rd.'e:d~ .



Social Cog nition

.~ humlU~ have (~~isf1b'ili.]:y too. But H~e:t aL'>o have orul1ot~.1er :mbiJiity Uinflll cXLendfi lh:cilrpowers: of foresight. r~r beyond du)~c of all!)' QI~l~ranimal, Just .AS reoos.Jf.t;lC1Ion refcl'S. ioeor ftbiHI), 10 reC.1(periCMC

oo:mptcx ]nlClll,}clualal~i]iti~ suchas blnbWl.a~e h~;v(!·bbMrned (7). P>copk mf:~]I,fd~ys:in~:liIlla1lr;~ futlJiljfC ev~mg, but hew dO~1ey use ]il050 slmulsrions ~np:iOOiCllhe

~rc' met,

A<; F]~" I $hQ'ws.,


we arc


'l}re~lllt (TIl) anempiling,

thepast, prospoc(iot~.refc~

to our

abi.]ity 1.0 'l~C'J;lpcdel]re~'lili~elluHlifl;;) by~rnllJl~t ..· :Hl'Ig i[ in QUIL' :mi:rnol<;, We .kl1Qw ma[ chm:::ol3le p'Ultdiin~,;l,f()'l.llldlaiSI: better wi'~h l;."~li1Ii:l'rulI:I.Qn thM, din, ~'hm. i~ \Wl1Ild be Pllillfl.'ll to go an hour \'viL~l,'" o;um bUWi:htg or a cl"fY 'iili,fil11,o'U! ~il1:ing; thm. \'il~:mti~
l$1.C ~OUC[y W,O~]~d be

event's hcdo:~~iccOI1l1l,sequcncC$'? As the mere lhought (If e.!b'li~~g.liver pop~iderre'veal~ ~Ile!lm] ~

~o pn:;,di.c'l. emr hedonic re'ftCtii()[lj to ILtI C\I~nt l!11ithe fhturo (I~h),CYf!;Ir pre.scm. h>edontlC e;r,:;pcfvCW!.ce n~I!)ls i:un.[lucrllCoo

our s]mui{!jlil)!1 of

l~~C fml!re CVCIU {CI )

as \~le111






mQre ~j(lyabrc Ih~!I]. Ey to,havc~~henlhe



~Um[~~<!Ltial1iSf 1~1Cf1lJl~urecan cl.ic:il hedolrnicrc"'o actions in the present (.18" .it)... PoopJ:e USC tJI],QiJt ~mmookl!Lc hedonic reactiens 1.0'IlIa.~io;nsas

hedonk;reilct~.oIl:nS they aro~ikeC\~~~,



[l:i:f1t fiil'C (ltturilingil'l. thl': 1)ft'SCm',l1hel.llCiU~]!1!S we are hilvll:Ilg lll1l:he pre~];It •.our: p.ros~[btbodli:iy stares, and sn on, We fool better when weimagInc ,gohlig ~:o jhc theiner thatl, (Q the dem,liru,blll we ~bel.bener i~"OOgj~i!lg either eveJU on a sunll~~y

b(;,'CQiU]liiillig pmmplc~ic-,1md:\",'iC kmowa]le.."li:: I:hilrlJ~~,

because i:hey've happened to us



acWI;lUy OOime <IbOl,ll (20-22).. People do nm. iinmgi[lc ~reel anxious \:vl~i~ehmf]rlg a 00 ~CF ~:n:Iig

d~y I:h..~


a .r.ainy d~y. or when wee: !ll'C weU

rn;~I,e:r th<'J[II ilI. S:in.1,lIii:llarilIY, our .R~~lIre hooo.lIiic

b:u~.because wecan
tW'CiIl( S,

p~, ro~ anxious, <lllld then t'1l:c [i'li8Mxiely as Ill] oo!l&t'q uel1C>Csin ~he ]~ aJOO~10W. U]1!~OOl!l1<l!.ldy, lr!'l:diC'a~or f lhe fcc~itl,gs thoy can ,C",x~ct~o 'ClXo the OO!~c~uskj'.R;;; llm we dilliill\!Jinl!1l:i~ way Me'~ it. O perience dlWiH,g the ffi)!'OCedl!lJoo il~U:Si.nUJ~~l&oni> a!lvva~ :rightT~l'l OiIife: ofWnbe~te:f C:OIiI.t~I1lp.I!me:d. <d.ICi!wpeople to "'preview" eV'llt~[ll1d to "p:relild"

and pre- experi ence their ]n,edonic

fmflgi!itl.c Cil{':Se

:muc:h a'S ]hoeyimaginu::

<I. Col'Ol.lOSC:~



C(.\'tpor:VCal.(1C f!:.b)1 wiH beinfluenced both by our pereepuon 0 r u~~e-v;e['l[ (C'l) and by oon~cxrooll c facWffi lez). Bec~l!SIC 01JI" hedonic expcrknccs arc in[!u~)'CJedoolhby ourmental reJlres~~uat]on of~.te event and by GQ~:atlo::'xitlla] factnrs. O'lliur

::nMCe~b:re<Qds are


bel!'er the: ,otherwa(y ~1foHnd..I:rn, (illS. artuc:llc we. \V~ lilre-vi.~'~ what scicutlsts have dlSCQVored

the pleasIJ[Cl <lindpalilb~ those CYt:'[lJls will p.mduce, prc.~~l[ ~,ooollic ~xperi.e'[I.o(;e wiU be <I :re:liallile m'C Agre<"U deal has been l:eruTle<ilind~.e pl1"i~. le~.v p:rodi.CIDf ,():r 01Jr FlI.1 hed.m~i,e experience ] r<lillil.d
years ebeu l rhe neural :!mb:ura1cs of pro:Fcdil1g;. For ex;~U'~1ple. ~'rea:rs91au the a>ctivily of mid .. 11 bmi!!\ d~pamillc n~l[:!joom; encedes iml(brmallon abmnl the n1J[lgnilllJlde ~)fleaS'l;11:C U~[I[ a fl;!l~ur'~ p event is !:ukdy In pi!'"OO:uloe (23-2 5),. Sii[(llIbt~on of p]!oaslIlr.rubk: 1.ltIiiure ovc:ffilms aetivates s-~bc{)rtica] Sl:lr1itCl~ur.c8 sud"! as lll.e nueleus aeeumbens (26) and i!hCM~cilior regions of ~~e'w~I'I~'mi 8~riatll[li1 (In.w~~er;recSsim~la]~oooFp"i:lTh[id evef!i~~· activates the iI:mygdal!it {28l'ilm1tl~or l]l.C poslCriim vC':[lJIir'dil !S'I"ritllhjj[~[J1 (27)., An estensive body of resetl:rch s1:"low:sth~lprcJM]ling di(!p~dls. criti:c a.I~;y on.lhc\ileil!il,tr"~n~~d~t1I~, p:re-lrol1itfll {'oOflc)l;.and that
QJt[]yi f (i) our si~.'il~.uhnio:u:I ~he ~VCilt :fit T i of

h1i:!ima~!:l'i m~~t.. ~l~y S~IT!Ufu!t"C



c,'li.crl:flthe ~me



llcdonic ex..,

events ~ml l\i'I)",!:,\1 '\li.ICi1~ (hey h.eclon ie :~'ii!.C[iQns to thi;;~]],.



perienee at T! as our pe:l"cl"p~imlIf ~hcC\lc!nt at (

e;Kc!!Is om


(ii) COl]ltex,ul!tll

~~li)doni/c ~xpcrieillOe at T2; al"D.d rlLe~ors, at T I exert the sane in-

TI~c bii.!l.ineombJ,I1C;8iilCOfl1i.llgil1!fom.~~tion
::;lo.'l\;~,il1fo;llnil.~~iOJ:il to [k'flS,"Clf

The m~n:~I:a1 rep~elJJl:il!tiDn:JJ (l.r a p:aSi,l evem .is a Incn:UJlY,. the m.(!nla~.fC\PIeSC]~.tiuio~~. a pir(.~[J[. of

·'tncnm~n."'PfC..sc1liua,. ink:rn~l modeb3, OJ"l[H;l t'?;werna]; world,



f]UClr!loe: on O:UJf hedOnic' ,e.,=:poer:icilce <11:1 g as: T ooiltc"xl~ija~ rlll:cwrs at 'fzcJXCi1 0111 (lUI' h«fof1!ic ~l<,pcricil].cea!t 1';l:. ln other '~''Qm!1!"Hl: =H2ifa~ OO1!.]y if" e:1 "" C2 and el "" Cl? !&m'rs in p-l1)spec1]0\!"~

evel:'l[. ~i$; .11per(}~1iol'l., and rhe ml'B11tl.l n;~pre~(",]j.:na~· liolloif a fillll:ure evo;~l,isa simU~t~ti:ofl. One wfl)' to p!iedial jhe hedonic ool1seqm:enccs ofn funrre event i!> ~o .!;;i[1JmlaliC' it, mind dlc brnim":!\ frm.llt<lll tcgiollSlll~l)CmIJO pl<ly3. critical: role' i:[JJ thfU prCire~~ (1-3). Paifienl!S wi!.h doui' 1:0 tlhc :pr'l."rro:n1Ltal eQiLitc~. ·Me de8c.rU,booas 'beint "boun,d tOo present :ll'ti.n1.c~lIW' (4) fl!fld · ..odkcd limmooi!uc .I sp~ccmi!.d dmc" (5).. S~~chp~dienls seem ln1 able: ~o Si.~]1UlaM: ut~m::: ("'V,e[lB a:nd onen durJ:uf ClIlllly rulswe:ring si,mrdc llJ'ULcstilJn,~.smih !ls"Whm wiJ~, you be doi~.lg ~OmQrnlJ\V'r' {6-8). Neun1r umaging sndies :roi!i,I"C..a~ b@l~l,lllil:c proft{)J1t~ ll]'ill CQ!1e.!o!.ru1!dlilln£ !~~cclfuJ~lCmpQ!]lllobes~m;~ S:lro:rn_g-, ]yami\'~u.iCd bypr1ospec1io!1! (9- ill [l1lc:resLin~y, U~e~er·e~iom;; arr·e pa:rt (If ]he '''defa:~!II[Wlelwork" [11111: is aClti:ve whe!lll~e{Jalle are 1l0[ ~peci.f:1:c,d]y e:~g(>.d in othCi:rlnsks (Jl), w:tiiclbl sla:ggeFl!s !hal whe~,1. [he :1101 busy pelCej'll~[Ji!1:d.l.c: pJ:'tSCnt :it rem!s 10 shnui~U'i 111(; 1(1.3), The ·C"rili~[f,gle playt-dby fr·onml.:re;gjmu; Sl!gg~lCS.

arise ~Tomthe Iact jhat people usejheir prefeeJi.. ing'S. ~o mak'C hcd(J.D:licpl"Od~;et~onsC'>'C:mI: whe;n o:mte Ci1" both ,ofdl~C oo[lditi.()~]s iii: not n:U:L These errorsarcof four kinds,


1: '2 _.A-_ .......



~imujJJoofil ,~~Isvent ~ u


Peroepl:ioi'll of awn'1 or


11"100'001110' Mipe riG'noo !itiJ~ingsimuh:l~oli1 Ic:r


,eh.lfiing peir,oe~~QfII or


OIlFee'll'ngii M~ by'p!'~seP'l1tatli!ol~iS (5im'li!~atm[Jns .pE!Keptio!)s) and

H1 1=1:9. lL. Hedo:mc e)(~rle!1l(e~ is inftl,lenu!d

Ia!l'ld Iby (QIfIII~ex~llI!alfa·(to~s. peop~c w.i~.l darll,}gc 10 ~hi:il area. find ][ dH!]Quk Lh'C: hcdcn:lll.c eQ~:s~qll:lLln(:i(;-S:;O:F fli.linJre CNOOU!;,(.29). A~thmlgJl 1hcrc is, 5&~I[mue!

few ifa.n), (Jitl'ruer ~Ilil]]~~s ~re 1)lbll;:' to sinl~'

ull.l[c fij,,]~u[ie' C'IIC]]ls,.'Im!I.d eve:r11 ollr d.o~trelil,~ li ves i:r.l t1m.e animll~ kingdom may be •~1.uck ji~,

Simulw'jouJ> m'e i~mif!lJ.r't!,,~:(!nI'a~i'J...'(!.We Ul]~' m

lime" (.14.. 15). Allhoo~ca ~om(l .r)n:l.J!mals, lrnff~ evolved Sl:mlCgj,CllllO solve problc!fi1)j8 i~vol'\liUlig Rn:tnre CVl';::)U,O;; sll,!OC;has 1rnpeDld.illg fooo ~hQmges,


(l6).it see:rus mdi kehr dlllJt ~hey ~ch ieve dlCSC' s>ol'u~~iO'.I1Il'l y :S:umulillli:ng fiUlJllf! eveut'>. ~ndeoo, b
UlAnii'C d{liCS

abo~ul ii.'" ne!..l~~. ~llilr.'), prefi:e~ingd.,~r~y prov.idcs ~ oo.sisfbr Jn~ki!lg hedonic pred.]c[i'ons,

raUy ~ma:ginC' ,our iIm.!r:ll.t dColM.'1'1 ",pointmco[IJl, by to .. tlflctlrobcring oori:lt$tone. Memories are the buncli~g blocks of :si~nl!llaluQ:l1;s (J3, )0-33), W'hi~his wJmy

lhelhird or 11352

'sa f:!I,lula:~.e and pre,....!(!IX.p('[i~rl:ee[he nOil: appCll!riilln':linaill chi Idj:l"tlil i.l ilL!] fo~.!ft~'l 'of ~:ife,~:~!1g mhcr year ~li\e!'

of IPl!fosped,iol!1l

Prelreli~ \,vmbereHfibk prediOlQi'S or SUMe:qi.leflit ~,~.cdon]cc-xpericm:cs'>v'oon ~,"veJ co:n.dit~o:nrS

]]f!!velro1!]'bk: w][llrelros;pedio~ pr-ospeCl]O'!~, as wel.11 (7. 8, 34). Ofeou['8(:., S~I]~l:Il~l]OffilS ,e<'llnnOI"a.ocu~ rntJdy rop'regcnl1]:~(; flLl~:!!J!fiCir 'l.hcy[iii'CcOng;~ruc1l!d
Wild '10 h!l'lv,I::' l'["olllble\li,Ii~h

(rUn!l~H~(::5 who

from m~mori(.?s~lli:n don't a:CClll1l1cly r.~~c~n,dl~

pil:l>l, and rcse;)Llcl~ :l>IJ,II~~ts d]~u.pelOple (}f~l use lj\'l)uld! ;:q;~tC.lldl!l'lC more oOIl\~J]iC;:~M ]eOh:an: 1(4.1). lIJ1]repre.~erIlLa:live m(!~]j]!Orie.s111'la haSl;l)1. ginllIWlh'l-"· The' rmt:'~.lh.m simu~i1tions off."Ir-fl:nlJ1fe evenes tblie for tion, For c:i"<:f1.1'lm:pie, ".,>iitel1pcoplc who have ml\"lii~d, csjpCc.iaUy lib..-.ely 10 on'lli~ine~cril.t!ia~, :r"(,'anu~ isene rrai, the pasL are ~koo 101 i!'!lagi~.~e i8S;ing a. of jhe reaSO~S\\11Y people $0 oi'k:;l1 make JbtUf'C m oommil]:Ul:e~lJts

represC!.l1il in~li~~:-;lI.[Jjd the l}rpirnlly the wm-sl~lI'IiOme:llImof tite!le events, Thel.cttdU:I' m.[jjmLd'er-· (;lslimat.c hew quic~dy 'we will ad,llptio'a wide nli:.I1,§.C' of pkf!Suf.abk and pa.iudl] CVC~lS is probably the: most oom[lll.on~yobser'i,fcd error in reseaocl, on hodon:ic prodlk:l~.O:[!J 1(45,). Adt~pl:atiollla~~iI ti.m~;,and bec:au~l':' ~il.'l'itIlJlI.a"· tiOJ1:Cl not :l'UUy ~I'p~ay do ouf'd.le ·eNcnls they r·qp~ resent, ]X1opi!c''shedonic pDiCd:iatio[!s are lypica[~y

U~l lnin the fuu.n:c, ]hey tend (0 remember ~helr \l!/IOrsthm~~~~mi~'S,ing..~pe[l"ie~ccrJI~~.t;."$ c U~!l!fl]heir

hu they regrel W]I.CIlI~!~C~i~ne 10

ft.ulnl ljltem amves,

Sin1uta/ions; ,afecJ'/)/)relli'ltl(!ll.

l}'pic.i.I '~:ra:un-missill.g e.,.."peri,(!rlIce. 111cy then use this um:eprorel1itative memory ~o oonsl1llltct ;rn, simulif1lio!]' onhdr I'IC){llmin~iss~]1Irg experience, wl:ddl,

]ead~ lherm

10 rOvCUl"'Ei~]mll,tc 1~017i,1 flfl:JJl:l!l~theP


·e;acJ:1i ev~.ry mement of liIind eventswe were silmrD~~liU'l,g, ur Sil];nllhu]ollil~, would l~kcOlS ]o:ung o


lfw"O iIJiillg[ll00

trnirIH1~i~i!lg experience vli'iU be (35). Sj!~~iliar~)', when people eX~loCr~CI1CC an~n~')le<lis;;,'l.!IM. episode d:liI[ ends ii:[1 hr.ief relilcf,;_fllJi' e..'l::ampl,e, :'!lIbliIJ;el'g~ ]lTIl:g ~:fuJ.ei,ramll!:l> :for 9{1 sin a bath onoe ,!("\''ill~J (hat. ]8 sl]g~~I,I,y armed intae f nal 30 g-t~~,e:-y w teed to remember the 'closing momcl1!lsof the ,e:xffi'l'Crie~~oorilithCir r]~~n m{is[~ypi~l]~1'lO!n~~t8, "the lbey [~,elJi use thi!l: u[JIHlp;resentativelllem.ory to CD:JmSlUL'C[a :sim/l, Ordle~Vm]ljs rec1!JIr.ronct.\

fI'It ':1 ~rtlf .A,_I'Ihii_ . ~1j!'1 .~~


WOj) card 1!kIIltlm ·ewd

wh~.c.h leadsthem to ![urldW!re.slti'm~ue howpa.inful1 th~ reeunenec w~.lll 00 (.16, .17). [l seems that everyone ~mcmbers [heir ltrcsl d.ay,. theil" worst:

da:y" and their yesrerdary. ~a~$:c !Ja~usmd C'l'CVli1:s. a:~H,1nx::em~tevears a:ro so Il'u;::maroibl~., peoprc l~l'IId
to use


wli~en OOrJiSi~n.H;1llmlig Si,imllll<l~ifiI1iS fir


(lj'e t'Si!i~1jtl(Jllze{l Wh:C(!. we iil'rt!l!.'i!g-' tl:nc tllc~~r nC?!:,tweek," we d!mi't ]nUlgine C\re!'Y de'Hd~ ofllh.c C\~!]l; l~"mr~u:hef.we imagine the e.~:!>el~l]a]ie<l.tufCS ttu~ud\:li:U1I.C it We i1ma:gine ~~liruga st~c; fillk~.d ~,:vilhactors but we do 11,0[ in:il~gimtc'pmking 1~.lIC ch~cki~rn.g Q!~uremu, CilLf,.




o!rl,lndil1\g our Bcoat.The problem


]flicss.elllbd fe.,atus,cs from S]!llu]fIIliO!lS ]$ 111.11:] su,ci'l

Icawu:es ca:[I pmfQ"ulld]yi[ll1llll;:[IJce mur slJbseq\u:em. hedonic experiesce, Most evems Im\f\: a :smllH SC[

o,l e.,'(.'lreml'l[:~ypn~.ili'llC (Dr negative



rures that. de:f1r[lcthem,


as a Iarge set

both rn~:il!(]ly Q$:itivcand mi Id1Yne~tivc itlC.s.:"~;]l~] P

r~lmlilCSlhilt don "t. The eYCI1iIn" net hedonic crt'c(it is, a wci~hted .iil'ilerage of these, Beeause simula[iOlJllSolnHI in.e;"'CllIli,d fea.lures., PCQP!~ tend to pre-


Fi:g. 2. Wli~n $h!l:d1e·ntsin a Uibn1if}" were ghl~Ijli!1a c(lliidl wHh .an. (:01n .ilIiltta·(i~le,dl,.~hei!y W~j1e'~ili::!1better moods ,20 min Ia~er ifth,e'Y re(elNed~he 'top rearol ~han~h,e bOIUom !!:a1rr'd; halWe'liler, when asked to, silmulaitethis ,e'l,I'enl.~h.!de'nltS p~ed~lcted~h~~ ~l1ey would be tn be,ttermoods if they re(ell,l'edl~hle

d:iet ~h<1.~ ev~mt~ w'~Ube beaer~nd boo evmltS good will be worse ~~]o:I!n~lcyacrUOlUy turn OlM: to be;
(38). The :yo~~~gco'U!p~cwlmQ s~m!hue the jo·ys or pia:fe:nthQ@d but faj] to ~imu~m:clJh.e d!md,gci'Y of d:iapm ~Ir>~ unHk~]y ]l)h~"1C "the hc{km ie e:x l,en", enee '~ey ilm<l;gir.l,ed. The ~eru:tcncy fu-r ~mu~~1itions to 0'111]1.]~.~lij:.iLll~iI:-es becoraes ltl'JiOfrL'lpool'lf:n.ulOed as ~he event being simll~!al:c.d bOOOl1.1CSmoru te.rln!pOfll.l]y d.l8[~!n (J9, 4 (J)•. P3!rlilCipa:nu8 in oncsmdy were

gives p@'op'te'thesens@ '~hat the 1('lIfl~iI1it lihJillS bee/inl explaii1l@'d. The h'ist.og'l'ams, sll:\iowthe .!HftUag 8 pre·did@di and ~xp@Ir]8noE!d .liI'wod ,a,s fIIiIj@'a~UIIi@d a on series rOf nill!ile·pO'i nt Lilkert",;~ype' ra.til1r91 :5GIi~,es.

bouom csrd ~'hainthe oo;p card {SOl. The bou.'O'1iTI cerdistdemical ~o the top ·cali'"dI:except lha[i~ lndudes u\;e phrases '~'WI~Oere we?"'alnd "'Wi'll' do we do this':'" The iru:~u:saiQ\JnI 'oflhe'~e phrases
qUi1!stl0n~lld~alnsw~H [ICI!rlillil'(jlt ~ha·t

es the evemsmemselves,


~re [l~W-

U!1f~a:_ffccrodbyllli"ID:5c fc~liJ;iLrcs
p.fO:I'ti~lc· or

(lifal~ evc!'!l that


For c~a~1I1ir~c. 'pcopTI;;l 81d;fll,rtlo events ml1d'l more q'ul,i-:kly when, they~mdef~ru'lldwhy [lms,<: evenis ~~~ppeul:ed.Whoo, 8t[ltfe~lJt's at a unli''lfcrsiry Library won the [ouery or 1i:lOC3JllC pormpk:gilc, l~~cY!.lre ~w~rc appr.'GlmiJlcd by ateseatcher and gi \lea a$-] 0011l,li~ooa \'1~~lO received .3~.cxp ~;lI:natiotlFor lila m.ol:'Cli~C:ly to ~.mia!,gJnchcfilr.31 day jhan the I two~~IU,~drcdl·,;md.-!!~.i!"1Icly-SC'!Cr!lh.. TI~e problem event WC!Ie less h!lPPY 2D milm l!a!oor ~nmoBe~~'~.Q told that in'la. 1:e~r there wouklbe an iilll~m.'i\]i.[Jig w.il1] o~ly l.h~ emily mQ<lnel1i],~, of a:!:l did I~ot(Fig,. 2). Hm when :Stl.lde:[J!iswe~ ~skoo to llr;:t!lIn:~ at an :unoollvenien~ l!]1 ~Ild aq. bori:[lJg event is thM" hl1d.o]lJ!ie re<l.cliolll5 to CVe!]1l1SlypicfIJ~.~ si:mul~n(J thet:\'Ie~.l!t, tooypn;."ilic:!cd [hrlll ~heywou~d llceture .,"Ire aJ COIlIDVClll1i.,e!luknc1l.lion.B("!C.mse the'i:r ty di:ssip~l!l(: G¥e~' lime,. whi{;'lm, n]("tIinS~rniUl n1;f:!lI.:a~ be 11liiipp!uer ]flilcy rece]\!Ied <'1.1111, exp:jlarmtiio1iJ !( 50'), simuhruI1!0I1S, ,of lhc;leCliU:i"e OO]]I:ailll,OO esse,:nil,i~~. silmtl~<lI!ljorus: wnd til Ovoi:iIfC:,p~el1i! '~le m.Qmc:l1l~:S Pm1~;eiplM:n.~in nolkr ~nldy \,,~ IiJlJl:Of(' go:JiLi~fled lI~c a p,~ea~l:!!re or pai~. l"hili3 Jeam:!lCs !(e.g., thewpi.c) bl.lul~.ckoo the inCilsc:~~Li~~. th,m, C"lj,foke 'Ilc :m~Sl it'ii,]e~lllC wi1h a gift whe:u~they ~vcre n01 give!~ l'I'iLeoppor~, f~.!O!!leoflhe .I:e{lwns 'ivhy hea.hhy poopk: oollsi::ultUD!C5 l(c.g .• llhel~~lilO[l)·,IJ~rl~dpmli-" predk::led t~I.!II:)i,~yi.o ·e"~hMJ~!e it bOCau.ilciei:~es'Ca:~lbr~lhy, C!n~y!.l!ui_cremin"h;1!lC how h~ppy~]ey'WCI~Qld "be h~ e,l(:plal1l.'l[iOin. tlldli.t.;llCS ,~d.aplatiL"IV!I. And yta, pm-lh~ll they 'ivouM mtcJm.d the ~ooreinl.e!Ji:,' ]C(}o wt~.o ving g]CtS. mre~ B't~I.p~rlilci.[1~"II1Il'! who we:relQldlhaJI~1e i'lamc: \I<trnol.1"'. S"I<r~.esf il ~.-he:alth {tJ2~44)'.Whe[l lJc:op!,e: t'i!C:ip.<''11l11lS metel:y s:imu!mcdroce:i o rC(:'llIffi \~'S,t;1kj:ml@, plOlOC romouo'!\i' iiIJis,te:acl ofncx[ i1mllgin.e '''Iosinlg mob]1 J:"l.y;'they exp~c[ m 00 ]:e~ raH~d. LOl'ealize tll'lit. they w.ould be more s~Li!:jfied y"C~r ]l:1~ed[a·:8,iml~ lare oolhlhe ~Ctiilj~~ ,8tn.d hm-, h~i'~Y~1ai"ipoopl!C '\;vho !1;flVC cxpcriCi10001hcfiC Wi1h gi fiS~,liil11 ~hcy't ex.chmiiiJ!,c (48).. Be-, ~se!ui~] ~c:nl1U!rosand~]~I!;!~.predictoo tha[lhey c.ll!Se ~im.1.II1~~ lCl]J:IIlo rer!)e",~nt]Jle '~ldymo·, !rulS e¥e~i[;s.acnml]y !U~boc:al!lir~etheir :sim~!~t~oflSover-

I]!nyalb.b:rcvlmcdllN~.drepreoollt jllQ& a reVi,!, !:;C~ClCl nlO:~nel~tl'l of a f1l!!uJre CV~'1it JiJrlc ~:lome'~ll<;they

inhibj~ac.fu!plmio!l over 1ime (46--49'),

s-e]ect tend to be tl:ie'ewrly ones, ·When people limaghhl,e\1\~~:ul:!~:~eir lives w()rul!d. be Ii kei f~~,ey






Social Cog nition

ll~CIlIS oflil:tl!,nl'e


]'0 :~Mlr-e

evenrs, pn;:di>!;lio:rl$ b..'lsed on them ].bi[lg;~ tmm happen ~,I.1.~~e,1~lClf

moments. Sim~dcui(1mj tIre ~focm~l:e;tti~,{tlizrt!d: menAs

UOIlOO cnrUer~two oondMiolls [[li!.]$] he met for a pe!1\o:n"s p~'e."ern hedmlic expe!l'ic.noelo bea relia.fule precli!tIDor onheir r'IiJJ,~lIreheclionic ,experience. F~,['St, Iheill simulatien of an E,"Vcnt (0:1) n'lfJJl:!rt,exert

I~]imgs sp~e:ie:i; ooapti,/C oc']ving. tcntiaUy

b~c~us:c' lh>ey encode the wisdem Ihfl[ 01Jl:< has a:cqll~:n.~ O'\,'E!:fmiJIl':'l'Ini.~. ~b,tnUl the silgJiTIiificaJm.c~ of~,~.ceVC:llil,t~s we arc pcr~

Alas, actua]ly pe!'iCeiv.inga beer l~ a poc,xpc]lIsiw:lw~ toleam

21 • .A. R..Oiillll'llil5i'o, Oei[,iWt~' &roc Emvtibfil, ,Rifl;j'SoJt. and fhoe #Utnon .Broin' (A~@Il, N~w 'illrlk, '199>'l). 2'2. I[l. 1[. G1lbe.n:, SwmMJ~g 0..1" Ho,pi,,~,ss(Kn~i. N'ew ~~k, 2(06). 2'}, \'J!. Sdmlll. F. OiI)'<In,F" R. Mldag,~e', 5timre 21'5, ]'593;

;)lb!!J:LQ~.l~ Rd~pH'\,le

24,. K. C, ilerm1dg~. r. E. HlJbillsolil, llwi'll RfS. Rev. tla~ 309

1'iug¥lilk~1!lQe~a:nd.lI~lI,I!s. cvoMio!1 Ims provided 1I~ w:liI:hOil, ntethoo for ,> i:llil!fnrmm:li.on ~JI advance of tlite cncoul1iler;:Whelill,wepre'!rl.i,~li,Il:he fiU,~

2S. It de 1!!~~ftr.e-FlIm!!!lnde.z: <i!'~'1:7/ •• Behi:'lv.!lt:a}n Res. t:3~, 359 ,(21002'). 26" It. Knul5!Jn.l"T.ayfur, M" t::Olurlifliln" R.. flEier:Hm, G.610'1', J. .~f1jfO..ri: ,tl!!i, 4:8;06 ,(2005)~ U. lll~t~'bian ,Il't~ •• $. ~rllJrosd. !60, '9~BO'(201]6). 28. S. S'eyni!OU~. NI. Dai!l. P. Dayan, 11".Singer, I!t. DIO'liin,

the seme

illil,l'hJMoCO Of!

1hcir present hooofilia


(ll'11 as flilcir pCl:ccpl,;om, of the event {'&2) w'i I] exert O:~~thd:r f¥!!tufC hOOO!l~Cfi~[ie U h). l]~j::;does,

mre and pfl.':Jbd i~s OOJmseqr'~onOI>S, "\Ie ibre srilk:i[i]);l,g advlce [rom ourancestors.
j~;lgcn~o1.l!s impcrf:ec:~. The bllll[ tyi.cktll~: fe-"I ,of the hrnin by iin1pe~O:[)j<lting, 3, sellSOry syslem. Jt s:in:bJlll],uCl'l .Ih~ t1nrc 'ev'@lMs[0 find oti1 ';Vh~1 5li]JboortJ.C'.:'lIll sjruennes blOW, b Illil. try as H mii!il~~" U'llC cor!:e:;'{coono,t g~neml:c simula11Q.fns '!hal ~~~\!e~d.1 Ule richness sod reaill.ily of gCl'lu[llc pc-!'Ccptiom;" It~ sin'li~~latiQ]:ilS are dcfu.c~.entbec<l[I$C ilheyme based 0:[1:;],
oortmt m1te~'!i1pl!l h)


a.h.vay!> ~~OI!ppelrn beesuse com[~1JrOO 10 'pe~'"CC[).. [i!OIlS, sim'ml~ii,Qm are un:a.Fepre::lellt~[~:!le, ~S~[I1i:<'j~,~ ][l;,cdl,and a]Jhf!!:wi,r1!tt;cl The SOCOJro,d condition that

J,Meuroro.21. 480216 29. It. BBr:hill<l, A it, Dam~iil, (w·ns}.



Gamf.$; ,iSoon. lkhav;

!ii12:, 336

be m>etis 1I1a:1, CO:nil,e:x.Md f<lClOJ8 (~I)! must exen the: !'5::!!mcinflucncc QilU, their present hedonie
ra;mlSt sW!!re {H i} a.o;; oom~;li:;l1lJl~[ f!U;;~m'5 (e,,} will c,."'e'M on

30'. 1 H~wk~ns.. S. BI~~!!lsl~e, OJ! J:n~,!;1iJig~be O'irne:5,

sider the pl1c~[l~n~~ny sfgn:n.ifii;;il~~t duffe~m:::es be~wcen oonte!X.Hlf.lII~tc1)'on~ T. and T:;l wll!e~] U:1;;~J]g m
the;~fpresent lilIOOOnrCSi:3.1e b), predict their .futuro
hedonic: in:.~[e (5J}.For c.l{mnplc,. hun,gry pC':Oplc:

thie:iir :rulhlllre h~d(JIJ:lli'Cs,tate {H,2)' Un)\;:s,'ST~ rurld T2 a:J1e' brief and. (lonriguous.~.lj!s is unl:ik!ely [0 hsppel] becaase oonLe:xwa~ Ib.cto~..-f]-om the. [ea]]~, PCm:lU!!:Iiroin ~ I:'OOm to UIC' am()I.Ja1,t of gluooscufl 11 b.!ood<;'~'C;;Im-chatlgc Q'I,IC.r time, ~csca!r'dl slIO'W8, UlI.'ll poop~coflc~ donot 'CO:l1l~'

sm~U nllUlf.nibe:lfofme:nn::'![·ttl5. they OIn~[luge:: Humbers of 1~{I;lure8, ~c'ydo no[ sll~mi~l 1hel''l ~ OVctllme., and th:o:y ]aek C{m[C]XL Compared 10 percoplions. memal siH'!U!lrniom;eremere ~udboord ,c~.Hml'll,of :rea.Hty, eonvinein_g c;:'nol1gh to 'e:lkH b[ien~tldoll~,(i~~1IC'tiO:IM;;, from SUbCo.rlic~,1 sy:~rem]s,bUll because i~hc1' ~fler I:mm d per,ecptmonsil:l. such fumlanJ~i:rlilal w.ays, tlhe: reaetlens d~ey el~cil n111liy differas 'WC~~. A]th~ ~~gh pros~1~tiOIl alilows us to navig:al.'e timiC .im n \\'ay thal no , can. we sriU see more than
&e'.Jjl$ory 'INC'

si, Ill. l" S!:M(le;r, Il. lit, Mdli5., ,PlIilus, Twn.s. :R~ S;oc.36il. '(2001). 32 .¥. Dl!ldi!~ M. (afll1Jlth@f~, N"(lwr:1! 43:4, 823 (2005). H. M, !Bar, r~n;1~ (oyJll~ Sri. 11, 280!200f). 3~. I). H,mabis, Ill'. ti:!.!Iffii!rOin •. S,. 0- VO!llI!n. I~ A. i!IIlligulr'e, Proc. /II~1,1 .4md, Sd. U.S,AUI." :lli2!6 • ~S, C. Itt fitoli'e~ge., n, 1. Gillben, t e, Wi'lwn, fif.rrlltJl, Sri. ~6, 6216 (200iS)~ ~6, II)~ !(lIhlWMla n, & L IfirlldliiiOOiol1, C A. Scilre.ib(!r,





a:. t, F~etl!rrii~k:'$onl ~1!i'lWlaiJl.l',P'e~. O.

45 (il9'93~'.


Psydrol. 5'cr:. -1,,401. (1993).

'S~ 1'5;y..!rol, !65,

ss, r\I~ I:i~alil"

ra~isl:akJe~~:~ypcct to like ¢iMin,g spa.g]~C'Hi for ~ broald'a,,,.! []lC !rM~Xldily. and sated p~,pk; Hli,"]ak-, e'~]ly expecrto dL~,like eming i.t lor dillller the :next day (52), .. Peopilcwho tl,avQ just ,~'{ereiood misl\:"Ik~[Ily ex]>Cc:~ 1.0 enjo,y;jJlCr: 'Ihe :n!il:.;t .. -

39. Y. ifo;pe. ti. Utl",r,fi!'I<I!i!,/!'zytilo.1: 401.•

n. 5:23 tlOOa

Jilt Sagfliistano, ¥. [rop~, J" &p. s(!.[, PSyrOOJ. ~ 1:l!:0, jUn

RfIfeliielill(f;li all1ld Notes 42. ,0"

d;xy more 1'11811db pOOpl~~;l,!~:l;CI n.n.'i .i1,boUl to. C\itCii-· else (53). ]n bmh cases, people do not see!" to 1:e~l.]ize [h!l~. heir prt'Se":lll ~]JUI]:gcr and (]~Ii il!fe t rst
:u[lr1ru.enei[l,!!l their: hooolli.creacli,ons:~o Sil::l1&1! JJtf:d: o r~[meCO:[JJsu,I]1:pI'uo[JJ. 1111.oy ignore the .~ldl'il the cQI:ii~,1md f,lci:orn that :mJrepil:'e5ently C'xerltin!i!,a.tQ, .il1[f]~cnce <'!iI, (ic:.,lru"ger and,) \"rii~ not 'II
C-"tCI:ilIJine sa!l]'1.CinnlJe!lCe af T2. ConVC!1>'Cty"pr:;:o-, p!e' o'!JerieSl!jl,ll~~le I:DO\ov~lIil1:!1PP)l I1hey wi]! be allier [hr::~1' teolI!m~o~c:s a11OQ;tib.1~1 game (54)< fIInd ]mw happy they\\'iJ'1 he1lf~er becomiJl'D,g \'Ii,It:al:~:hy (55) bocal1Ji}le~'I.c:y do w.a.ot consider the filcl th.lI,tlwi.f

I,M •.It. Wm;~t~J,.D, w. St~~s.. l TuM!II'I1, ~~t. BuN. 121. 33,[ (199n 2. L K feUows.. Mi, 1 :Fat,.ihl NtIMOp.~~{ogl~ 43. iIl],;1 {2'OGS~. 3. 11 Iii. 1Ilt9'o'.ar,Midl'. 1Ve,111!ubia1. 4. HI (ll9a:.5~'. 4. F.• T., II!II!!I~~ ~Il! (uglJiriw Ma~l!; of rsyrfr.rJ/og~i rime. It .PI... Illac:~, lEd. (E!'lb~~mi HmsdaU~, NIL 1990~. R'. :255.-266 . S. P. Fa.~tiGntili'l ~fI.F HI'JMb(JfJ~ .(Jj' f1mir:r11aIl'd

(200.3). Il R.. \i'aliadli~lf, 10<•. M,.W~nE!r, A 11.imyO/N.!ioo ,r;krJl.iji(oJia:n ~Eli1Ibllum. IHlillsiril<lI~', r4l U'SS). ~, Iljlb~rrn<llnj v. lfr'OI)~,.A.~f'5; S"", PSy.T:l!al. 7'5, 5 (:l!99:a~. Ii'. Meiil(li~t 1", I)o~an\ ). IRi'nlirti£oml, J" A. O«sen, Sac:.. ,'Sd. Me~ 55., 2l!A9 (2002)'. f, A. Illilbel, G., wl1'M!ns~~rn, C. Jepson" Qual, 1Jl:e .Rifs', 12,

599 '~2003~. 44. llli1$i~~~I". J. Exp, ~~~/. G~IJl. 'n4, 3 ~~Q5) .. 4:$ ,. T. D. Wi'L1iOn. 1[1 11.Gilbel'll~ in Ad',1i'r in .& 5Gcj{ji Pfl'fml!).J1Y" JIll. Lanna, Ed, ~IB5~:.ef:, New York, 46,. 11).1. G~b~lrt, E.. C. I'In@l, T. [I, ~·m"lJl'i,S.]. I13lw:mbElrg, T. Iti'. Wltl~~h;~~"J.f':e~" Sac; Psycilt1J.75,. (l,!Li tll9 !JiBt ,47. O. ;r,. G~bel'l,M. n, ~hlbE!rman. tt /W(!:!Ie!;ljed'.gE!'. T. [I. Wi'15tm, Ps~hrJt Sr::~ 15, l~' {20nn. 41l. II), '1'. Gilb~lIii:. D. IE, ]. 1~@rI,}. [l:efj. SOL P'sydil'fII., B!2:" '5eD] (2(1(12) • 49. III It G;belrt~ L K. iI!\io~!lM'E!dgJ!!.]. L L D. WiLsom, PiJ(tloJ. 56. 15, 3~,6, (Zm4~. 51]1,,1. O. Wi~soo.. O. lEI. (ffillffDar:, II)',,A. Kfiill'lBF. 111.1 'Gi~~rI. .J. ,Piers. Soc. PsychoJ.BIl, 5, ~ (lOS), 51. G.. lJ:lIlWE!i1llS:tE!il1l, T. O"DiDno9IhlJ~, !VI" RabiIlJ.Q; . .J. fctJll'.

201B.!, \'01.


,EJip~ri'fflo~ntirJl ,M~u.ropsJllJiOl~r. G. OIi!nes, l. l?i~alffil.ign~Il', ~~ (PyJdlIQl\j;Jg~ ~.:;s;, ~. S'~~~ IU,K_il999)'.


hooonic experie~1(;e alk'r 3!!l ~lWieitk: dl::fc~l.or 11 .fiin~ndll!!i vk:wry win beinflllcnoe,d by factors other fh~!lil soore~lrds a:nd be:m1ik b!!t1ocs:. They ~nore tb:: :f.:'l.C'[ d]~tl]u;e cOill~~xi1UIfI~,I'aclorn i.h<'lit.i"ii',ill] ' cJl.erl.< l.lue;],l,ce a:t T 2 (e.g., weruher. tr<lHi.c, c()nvc~:liO:[)I. ,el)C,,}are lim [liI;l"!s.ent!y cxcl1!ing,llI:1, ]1l:tllUcnce .:!iI,TI (.56).. .l\Jl].diimlood. WhC~l~.p~plc; CllCOlJ!!JrogOO t~)<co~sidlcf:'l.l!tC~e co~~, lCKltl<!.I fm;:' 'pred i.ciions> be,come nlor~ <l.ocur.U(!' (j4. 57~
a:!'C Co,n,dIIllS~OImI

~. Sr2~!i69. 6. E. TUliLng. I[), L Schllrlel'. [I. It M.tlacN!an, Mi,. MoscUY1tdh, .fJMifl c~ 8. 3i ~1l988). 1. E. lliMngi, Calii'. iP:>j£,h.Dl. ,2.6,. 1 (19B(5~. 8. S, lB. ~~I!!" ]1,L!lI!!JIS.],. f. Ki'hb~~, Soc. [.a9'" 21(1, 3~d

9. D., t Scha@er:" IliR. M~l5.. ft, t Bullklner. llMt. Rev. Nf!lJfosci. 8, .oS? ,~ZOO1.l. lQ. Il. It, Md~, A..l Won~1 IX ;l S(;iladl!!lr, ~'f,u[:(Jp!i:yrh!llfJgm
4~,Bfi,3 (2;{1()/}.

i:ll8, l!l09' '~2003),

52. (mb~fl. MI.]. GiU, L O,M~oo, Orgqn. 8ie'iI(lll', Hum. Dms. Pfoc,m. SB, 430 (2m2). 53" L Vall Bo~n, G., L!JeWiiliifil.ei'n, Pen. Suc. f'sydlr)J. &/,11.
I)" T.

11. K. K S~!Ililli1r;. ]_ Me W.3t5(j~. K" 8.. 1I'IcO~JiIlm(l1!,Pf(Jf, N!Jfl. ,I\:,ad, Sri. U. SA 104,. &42 (20071 12. M. Ir~ a:iIii(M~ ~t al., Fro" IlIall, Acad. Sci. US,Ai '!iIS, 6,7,6 13. It. L. 'Bwidfm!l!1l',. 0.. C (<I rrill~ fielJd!; (!i!gn'. Sa: 11," ::W Gl'O(D71 114. W. A. Ib:Jbelills, ~flo~ 8f1ll 128,. 1173 ~Z002}. 15" 11.SUddmdotf, S,,i~re liZ, 10(16 ,(:roQ!6). 1.6. c. R~.Rt.b~, 11lI'. NI. A~i>,. A. Iilit~imD:n, fiji•. 5. OI.. y:taD,. NrJl~{flMl!ii,919 (200/']\ lL7. C. M. Ai!<iii1lll!., I.)" K. O'~ri~, tMlm, Mc!ff.v. 36.12'612(05). 18. H, C.l3t'e~.«, I. Mall:fl.O.~~i.!il>iin.o.AIl!:itfs..P.SI1i~l.


M~ml s,inm~il!ilio!lisdlQ means by \!I:i1'1ic1h 1l!: brnin 1 d:i8oo'VernW~]at ]l m~dy k~Q\!iI's. ,~rh~n f~coo 'with decisioTls abol,u full(!i!'C,c:ve!Us, ]i1e OQfi!~ ge~res. ~imJ~LlfI~i,ons:"bri.c]l)llric:k][~g :il'LlbOOrl1C<I.I systJ::ms, ]1'11,0 be\Hev.i[J~I1~f~1 tllO'3e (!VClll"l aJre ilU:lrfiohiin.g ]1:1, lhepre:scilt and 'IJ'n.en ~ii'ig, nooo .Qflh~ fed:ings lhese sy~~emfi p!X'lduoe.ll~e oo!rre'xif;i!1~e'f'CSlTed]~

29, 1.159 (21J®3}, 1i).• Wlt'!.:L'tn. '" P. 1Mli,~~IE!~,]_ M~Y!!rs,D. ir. Gilb~rt, I). A:t5lO!'Ii!., t~ S~c. fslt~tI1. 78,. 82'l {20001 J SI5" [I. &:ahm:ma n, A.B. tGrueg,~r:, ID. N. Sdiwan, A. ,A,.SI:on~, 5d~m:.e3i1!2, ][9,00 (2006). 56. 1]. /j". Sdjoo~ 11 KaME!li1'h3Jil, Ps~. Sci. '9,~40 (:l!.'9'9ajL 57. f. A. IlJlbeI. G. ~~rn,:[ ]eJP50T!,. J.. f1p. ~ydl.L1L ~l



1:11., :ill"! (2'005),


30,\ 619 (200p.

19. (i,..5.,. 8i!m~ ·ft .oJ., Sd~IJt:l~ ~U. 754 ~20(l6t ,20. tt So'hwr~ IF" 5/tr.!CIk,. iril t:\'W/.B~J'l'9': Wilt Jl\rnmd/1!Ii(MI;l: o.J Ps;moJ~, 10. Ka'tinemaln,. E. :Dienlef, N.SCI:!.'I!Ul, Ed~ (S~'!ll~, Ifilll'W 'Yar:&:, 1999~. ~IP" 61,..81l,.

\'l\E! .ad:;IIIIJI'iWg~ th~S~i!Hlri 'D'~Ir'esffifldlg~aili 11001" .MHS60i75 :~mllii !b~' ~atiDll1a!. In~i1iulE! o~ ~n~~ HI!,a~!llI. W~I[h:m~ Ill. Budkinl!r, II. IKnu.tsoll(, ]. ,Mildh@I~,~oo

IJ. Sdli!1;~f II)! roommenlS_


1J~1:'\'OOn.s~imuh.~s lY[l0, (F~g~ 1E) !uld .ng, S.I A),.

i'iustirag Slate. mndleptillil

ILeptiln Regulate,s S,tris'taII R,egi,ons and Human IE,ating B,eh,8v'i,or'

in:aages ol.'m:mrocJd indlete.!1Iillrooi:i:ciel][ ;too. leptin'.~l1lj.,,_,adiPO:.YI,~,- -.L~,lved. ~,ilru,,~ati~1g., , ttemed Slall::S. We used 10<01 C\~SU.lI~, m1I:oruJogscon,';s hO:IYm:me dJ<lJJ( pR)i\lJd~ m~o~oomg.oo ~o ~h~ __ bm~'I!1! bilY!J,t cncrgysto:~ m (.7). l1~e b.mfn·~ 00 ~re h~llig.eij, smlcl),. a:oo the "'liking" wI linages (1), To ct\armne '~'lC' iinCffidion with emina, tespense I:oloptlfl i:l1!'Vi)]veschait~es in CIlCtgy expefldil!.. ~ and food ]nklk,e-, Lep]ivxiefi~i~u 111mB" m \~ S!rudioo. [~icilpa~i5ill [1Ist>ed a~! foo states 'l21-. A!fuerleJ,j~n L~ltmeniL. hu~]grn" D<i'~lm:lih"S' the: in mals, b;:IU!ilil'lg hlUmilll5, .1I~lTI<rrk:edly bYlX1pll<lgit,


~. S,adaf IFalf()Oiqi~ 1", IEdward IBullmotrfl,:l

O'bhill~lf.l!! IPaul

c.. fLetcher!!:'"

]ulii.i!l1 Keo~llml,l lOln.iilJ~han 6mal'd~ ~

]!llilrnel~l:ilM;!c.ficientslal\: accull'!lOO:l~HI..udaDe a.divmi{:lnJ!C(li!:rd..ted :~~ibvc,1y~vi[h~iking r:~uin!J' hl I~$l~-d.(P < 0,05) ami .:It:d {P< O;OCi)Sik1na-;. (Fig .. I.n}. lu the :~eplin"~~Loo Slme,. oc1ClIIlt11ibe1~s~<nuj;r!c a0liwtiQ:l';! oorrelm:c<ill posi[ivdy lli.iit!] ,lil<i1m~ rnruiJilg.s O'~~ly ]he f:asved sL\Ue (P'< '0;(15). rn~ dfoctUrlat:\1/,Ia,. s i~


the·~l.l'me· amndigm. (fig:,. s IS }. p We have s:l10\lI,~] lhm le~J'lfu[l mt.edly ~lfti m "Cl:' .. ~.~Ii'O.'5~llSe5 to V~laJ rooo.SliIinJn"lL
'!i,\,1:ia] 1:'(''lYld~bl M

else seenin oo!!"!ua]\\VCighl con~ro.Jls. md:ied l!fil:ng s

andbptinmrepl1lCe:~uro\iCroos 1lI.USl. ~-.~DV.'e\'il';u,l.l.eJe t j's,~iJUlc br:llfol'il:llilftt-ioJ] ;100ul ~~.owh:illil:ier branD 00Jm:~.e1:'S, ][1!I,cgru,1:el1Lomoog,tmjcsig;tl~'I]~Sl.jc:lh as Icplin 'l,l,:iith

faslr.;d s!a:te decreased, aJm.d sffli~~y 10l.lolV;.~lrbg a ~ lln~rod (1)" Whereas vnsti~l imlml,§,,<e:s off~ ~lic," liloo no dirn;bii'CluiaJ ae]]rvmiorn. ofm~(j;~i~~.ltiic .ailCa~

c()iIiI~rm~lalll'p~1lilideflCEency., Iopiin ainlinil.illUlo:l:I ~i~'>Cdabml:y ID dh.~,11'1(tmlle ltiel\!.~ Ute n:"I~ing F~Je!1!ie> orloodalld, ai. ~le Ilt~mna] !e,\r'el i[l b::: 1l1indullill:Nl[l of <tdiwlDIDn lllihe Vtl'lllib.ul striantrn. Thlsinteroc!fu.mL ~llg&rOO t1~atleptfn 1]1IOd~ bua'lIriUli~I:.!I!!d :~~imb(: oo:BSi~:vUly Ie '\fi~'IM;lll I~. ~im.di. OllfHrKilJmg:; areoo.i;nS~i1l \:I,iidlk '!,ftc;,:1,f


mille vc:nil.ruil :!i'l!!"i.lIwl ~~.

"... ~
.~ .I, ~I:l!·: 111

fti:J!I ....




+ ~



r ..._



'i'IuiI f_

<Ill' 2!iD' 1.1:1 'Ill!!'





..s •

1PJ;!!I8 ..


or "~1iIilll~ing"'of !~oo {4J In jbe ~il1~' defidcnu S'ra1~ ill'J]1,'l~.of\ve:lJ-.l:ik"Od ~OOd'1ell:,.oa:a.deri'l. ~~cr '\,%1m~]'Jg ~~ even ·i,\fit.'tlu,te ~bjoo: 1'IaS jlm been :fL"{L ;\,f!erkpU$! lrea_j.!lleil!t,~,~~~.~iked food


010 ;"lliiIciJ.l!f but rn:ftr dle ~.l'IDIi'\mIQI]a]

ooes not






ht.!1 ~1'l1t





..... ,.~~!If~


sn c:rfoo.- (,J1)INiSID.!~!~~th the ~f'I.'!e in 0011110011:m1>. jecll\'l., 11m$., ''!.W]llrllng of.fQod ;<np~1l': to dri.\'e' tile ~;. re~a~rn;~. behll,iee~ ,~:~I ~t~. *:th~JtiiOJlilliI.d~ikillig.

hl'k"tgCS em,gPrtdcr dli~~l8C

Oll:ty in 'lW;;'I~



QlIr d~l~support '~,IC ~IO'I[Qn th8~ ~,cptillacts on

[n~urnJ cirruils govcrnrUli,g .Woodintak.c to dir~r:uil]:iS:fuI


'q 0

:1 I [I .~




II ,-,





---. .

-:l '1D
















Fig.. :1,. I.!eptilfl reglJ~iI;es brain re~orl'~es:oo,food ima,g:es:" (01\)'. biPtin redu.ces: .:!clfuatu:m in the nuc[e.;us a{(JUmb=n5rcaudate ,alii101 putameru-globus, Ipaltid~i5 l"egi:Ofl5 in Sl,Ub}oct 1 (s:U and SIJibj)oct ,2 (52) ,mOO~H regre~~bl ,~oe:JI'ic]eJiills; ITJean ± sa. Viji5Ua'~WI1.e'x .shO\ljIedl IrilO .[~p'Oflse '00 leptirl. (II) INudeu) ao:!l!)Imibens(a~lcl~te, end (C) plittalllfln~i~obus pa~t]dus are ad't'llated bj( food s'tt!rlllli~ (threShoidP <: IIHlS; oouTeded for mu'ltipte '(iompambons) .•([!II) Alhr~"\I'IIBy~nreraa,on be/lW'ef,i11 5tinwlus~]'Ooo versus nCM'1Ifoodfmages). [a~t'E!dOJ

reSi,pon~ ~os;;lltiely ,;;ignals g~cn'linxl durin,s fbOO c!(nls[jjn~:illiml,. 'Ihese C:Kpe:~mitCfil1:S t1tHg provide liJiIm,c;!,go[la.i J~L'\uK'lan~:!imn~.c~1lil Si,~1itS iI1tO the h ~iT:t0chaa]is;fi't'l by which lepl:in, 'the keypi!riph.cro]~y derived sd,gmlileJi1o(ld]ngl'D~fri~]()]w~f;la!.C. can inre!'"d~l \:-it~U~ Sli!]1UU :re:lamed m the vist!~ appem:~ aneeand I:h~ [ocoe!lil~in~:litin .of J~ 1:0 nm~uI;<[le spol1ita~ous t:..l,ti~g behrlVDOr in hlJ!mm:n\~,
Il\efe,felll{e:s; .aJlIlldNiotes
1. G. J.Mo~loifl, 0, :E.~n!!'1·1I1!il~, (l,. Basli:iin" G. :5. Banih, ~~. VIi.. StifJ~ru, NattJl'e 443. za9 QOO6~'. 2. Mat~riiils <llndl Jil1If<lhiJdsaJrl!' avail<J!IiIlf! UI'II 5ciell[f' Onlilile,. 3. t 5. f<Jrooqi f1 1!iI/,. N,'rw Eng1: .I. M.;d, ~4;l. 879' U999), 4. K'e, ~~~, 1 ~.I!l.atM:>Q!lI, T.l!!!1'ds ~~. 26, ~@!' ,(20@3}. 5. Silip~rled by 'Hie We~comeTm~,.UleMecKCIi~Ii:m'aKh

a'e" and Ileptin ~oc:at~ed 'l\(l nucleus aO(l~mlbem;y,[audlate ('Hg\ SlA). ,Mel3JrIcom!!d@rl activity lrolilil, thns~,egf:01il


(y.1lI:;(li$) is planed .agallii1l~Uhe rankEid ,~kil'!lgli'Or 'roods.. lEach liock. (jampris~dl·mte 'rOOO5:: mealrillill:1ng raitil"lgs fm e:.ach IbI.ock Weli"~ Iranked and ploitlEd aga~J1'Is;t. 1li.~d~U5a~(i~mOOi1li5H~..aud'ateBJctivUty 'lllr!hait blodk rn me· fi3~tedl (black) ,aumd~ed '~gray}'S'tate5, pre- and p>ostil:eptin. Be·iofe H~p~nl!r'el1!itmel'lt, activ,ationfn li!lI.l!I!!dru$ !]o::umibem,. - 'I.,JI~M, ' 1'~I~lt,~.:JI- ··-·i";',:I., JVI .....It· ..,j C:oii!.I!I!.I.i!(;!"';; (Qrre,~ w jXl,5'I",~e~y ,·'th-' -l'il.-', ",ii RIiiIiih, .• ih. f-cril'd' V" , n . ,.!~·),~,!'!.! ~e~" IQ. <: ,I"II'~5'). Sld'!~es. !"fI1~_ r 1~.,1i lr.n1g !J().YI~ '6!",,~l;:. ,~l'l!.o:;: V.,-,,;O. ,-",,-,,.. 1','1' .. Jl<A_ I);P,!..!f1 bWllmm~ lil.{~Valtion ~:()fII'\(!lalt.ed w1~mlli~D1JgIrratifllQ!s in ;d1~ fasted sl:al~e' <: I~H)S)., ol1lly


dnd G. l!ltulir,ay fur hBIJII'Witlillli'flli!

alU!I~h,e WOOJ'Foomali:oil. We' ~lII3rMG. DomsOOl !lhllilies,.



the re.wa!:dillg properries off~~d. We smd:le:d,~..~.!I-. . ~0I~,,1d'~ {s,Ubjt,'01 <11111.I5f,;y.m'=oW girl.,(5U~ t)! a

j:ect 2.)wit1il 'h;~;\!'eryl<'lreOO:llIdil]:io]1l (DfcO:l'Igenil<lill

~QP11[1. C]~11C'iOOC:y"br::lJhD1e <liner 7 days of Lre~l·· ~ml roool'itbii:lill:U I'til:limanlepLil'i V)" Althrn.j~~. no cinangesifl body ""rc;j,gin 'Ii,~'Cresoon 0\"Cf tbis, linne. k'-ptintmatmc;;n[ I~mda ~]'lil1Jor e:t'lbct onfuod ]1lIl<lke. Ad .Iilbitlllu ,eI'Del'gy ]11l:akc ~L .<'1. rust .111001wa'> rcduood rrom .152 00 64 k'[lkg ·Qf I:~aalim~s and. rrom lWIIJO 98 kJJik:g orlefm. mfH'iS.illS[~·~feClfS.liil1ld, 2. iI'C-Spccll,\fIQ]!Y [n'CIfma] ad ~'ibill!Jlm iiim1ke 'was 5~ ± l2klflkg 'C)r trul !l~~ (± SD) rl~]~gl}<reiilted OOlltrot" (.J"n"'fC I,lSM fllJrlictuomd .1]~:I.!I~'!tClic~()mUl'Oe ]Illa.gin:g (JiM,[U)~iO mea<;)~~ dilferelltiaJb~n ':iltti.'i.F.lliomiJby viiSlllk"i:~.iltlag~ ,of .WOocl,e{1I1~rtld '~ill~.
i:1I~,efit \;l,iit]]

:>t~llr.;~]clqJtin .. e'J!denl" d S-\<Iitc '!ow/as, [lSSOclBllcd W:ii~]m<lrkeclacti\la.lionill the ru:nerm~m"dial velUm] slri~lIlJuim(lliuc!e;1!1S aoemnb(~[M~ ami CilUtiOlLOO 1Il.!.jclw~) andporu~:I:a~~r:rf~ 'V-~:lmtml, :milaltim. ""diS.p*1Ll,ljdllS) (Fill? t, A 0Ci C).


'~INI'l,'5di@n(~rnllg,J]rgtIJgiilmn1l!'lIVfuIJIJ1l44i M~t~ri~ (,I,rrOOi M~lJux!s;

figiS. SlaM 5:2 Refer~!'IC'&'5 l .May 2iOO7;imepltlll12 Ju~ 2'ODi Pulblil41e;[J1 online" AlLigust ::!OO7,;
UI.I1L2 61~tiBniDE.11l4 4599 Imllm@' tlilii!;inkfln~lion IIlliJl!II1 dining Ui1i5 'P"Ipli!r.

'irV]oc:nasked ~o mi.c h:O\:l!1 ~n'l.tchlhcy Hitl.."d C'~h Oflhc rood. .imagc:s.1eplin·del].denl subject ... inlhe fcdsmtegtlvc high r.!I:l:illg~to ~U [Mel h:nages. ([I~n = :8.9' ± 0.:5). After i.eplin. tl~e li,ki[1grol:~:n~'l wcrerodmood ([in,eall = :5.9 ± 0..4).. TJi],('Se bcha.vioa:al reSipOJi1ls~ '''VOi:C O1!Jcoofl1[Wflied by a
regij.ol~-SPeoifl:o ch~mge in M:tecvokod !le~~Wil] ['CSI)ollse' ~fL'C]' ~epllm~ ·!iJ:{.~m']Jenl. Tl~c V·Ci]Hl1I] ~.arum (Ioctl~.izcd to ~rnl,l!:c~eIJS aocmnbelli.~crIlJd;l 1:iu.clcus)'!;\ftirS idtl'mLl:ufioda~ 'die Slllc of ~U'

lUr:I""e!l'Sib' [)e~rillilent

of' ,rll\edid~


OepiillrtJm~P.l'i. of

Crui1iica~.BiOC:afSllry, AGdeil'ibrM~e's

(am Md!;ie, Cambricigl.! m:r 2QO, UK.~!1taiil'l Malllt1i~r Unit. lJep\3'ft_n~ O'f ~(hiialj')f. Jlddel1blrO~~e's HIili:i!fila~ Uni~efiity
or (oii!f1M~e", QllfIflblfidg:e (EI.22OO. UK, ji,bt,~p8rtm~lor ~IQlQ9:r', ~~eii\bfoo~'s IH'Q~~!l~. lhl~~!$i(y Qf '~Ifi'brf,Q'9~ (ambridgeG8:2lOQ, UK




£ll,ou~d bei1id;dre51lfl:I1L E·-malt;

i~120@cam~a(.u~UI,IF.) orpd:22.@(ailil ..a~.luk (~.. J.)' (









Bilayelr 3He: A 5:imIP,lle Twn-Dlmensiena I He!lavy~'IF,erm i,on Sy:s;tem w'ithl Ouantlulm Criiti,cality
wwo-d]rI1Ilensi'cl<nallheUum-3 ~IHe) Ipm'!lides a simple model fo,r the le"x:penm€ntallilllltlle,!)tl]gatio,1i1I oif the eme:rger'lce o~ qilillantYIi! coml~~e{:<i~in l!i ~ltro'!1gly corre~ated IFermi5ys;tem, W,!;!have ,observed twod]me<~~~lolna~. t~o-ba,nd Irneayy-fewlmioll:il' be!havi,o-r in bliLay,e'r fHms, Q,f ];He< atoms wh~irladslorbEld '01"1 ~iJfftlil:e Q,'f g~aphite IP~'!ij!plal~ed by' ~ s(lLid blILa,¥ii1f ii)f~He, 1i~I{!r!lIii!QdYl1amlf:c: 1!fi'e'iilsure,!ifiElii1lIS on th~$ systeml showed! 'lhl1it~he ImLevi3lilt control. parafilile'~elf' ,is ~he t:otaJ[ density o~ tlh.e 311HlefTIillflill. The 3H"e b]~alyer sYS~(il'm(an be duiv€n ~QV!I[lrdi.JIquallmi~!!I!m critical pOill1lit at which fn€ etffrd~1f€l' llrIa,s,s i.JIlP,p€ars to d],erbal'ld oo'~lp~,iln9' v,g,ni~'les., and a Wlc2!~'·momel]t: sta1~e',i1!ppealr's. I~ opens a new restring gWlu !1dmor ttheo nes of Clilla n:tu m, (rffi~icalH~' in he'illiV',v""f:er!iniliffio!1 lifIill~erialt5,.

ingin1ITlia~o:r alOJ:'lFlik ring exCIUID,gC i!llCroClkm~; (Uf, 17). TIllS e x -' ch~Hge gi'\f'Cs rise ~o ~low..;liernremlure heal



cap<f!cityln~ i~mJl!.!1l1 Ul~I!~).~Huil.",!{Il1go d ie at .T - Jc' whe!l'e .J~i!i <![[JJ ·effective exC:~nge ClOnS:Mmt As expected (nCfli[CiluQ},1 ~y,:n{l magne1k: orcicrilJ)g I.'fru1si]ioiliiis observed at ~li~;ile[elin~cri aturein this 21~)s;,Y'ste'!!ro. Upon .inC['Cllsi:~~gthe 'lIe oovcrn.gc fll.!n:[u::r. a r1l~lid0'I,rer1ia1)fC;ronrumrn.d the f seoond-l'ilyer s~~id, is oompl'C.'5sx1. fiO~~J)!!wbEl[, The oompel~nl~ C,;",e~.]fi!nge:' ]~t""Ji~c~·k:lJlnsan'J a fUIlt'litm
of the l'Oliu~, covomgc and m~y be: delieUlJ111 nod e::"I)(;rincDJilal ~,y(.18, H}). [nlhts, w.ll.}" th~ magnetie gIDli!1:ci stste may be lUIlOO \l!?~dl coverage fro~':i qu~nhlm spin liquid to ferr'~!llag!le'lic; '~20') t]:uoollgh intieunai.l:me Slal\!S~J.a!t are not f~ul]y ~'Ilild.e:rsl.Qod •. .En 'Eh~ :p.l"~e:lTIll t»:.pOCnrti~:rr:JI~..';VQ prephltedle ,~raphiliC: :n,jr.r~C(i!;~i!lJn,1,\!'rQ~~oin~c.II~~ers. ~Ii.d ~~le(2.1) (f~.g.. I,. !~set).The p]lgpen~e~~'of ·!'lUe fi~m gmWrl 011 1Al:issur.l'mce: aresHldtcd tlm::llllgh measuremcms ofheer 'Cillpm;;!ily aod n'!agm;:liza~· [ion ~S, a fiLILnu:ti,onof coveroge., Q!l,icr U1.e tem~r~Uure:mn~al '~J:i,100 ii:1IrilK(2I). l],M~ key ~.babire



fh~l is :sltnpllcr l~m~11J the intcrm.cta.1IIi.c 'COIn~ pounds, tJimthklV<l'::' pre'V'i(liu~[)I beell the ,c€:lrnlro't] fOic us o.f1llleIHi{II'i. Ba(jk~lllTo'und; 3'~efilms en g r,!;llphi fie •. Twohig~cr ~em.por<lil!Jra {3}. The hcavy-.fermiiO~~, :3 ., r-ekx::~rou a.~~.o~ys pr,'Ovklc l:mp©rrom cxampk:$ of dlme~~s~ooaJ C~D1HC' has been CJi11CH:>:!vel¥ sllol~ quenmm C]'ili,~~,ily (4). L~Wegc sy~M:e~~~.a suidied lh!.'lJ1.l!glhmoosli:!re~l~ms (m ~n(lI~:rlcil!!i liy ]aJ~]i,ce f;.dcL::tm:[J ~~~,omeHls C:{ll,l'p~e lQlh~ l~:y~d li~e~.i~Ill mills ,~V'n 01i1 'the SI.lI:rrE,qcc' of COli;dlu~!ic!atelecb'O$fiSi, vi<'i the KO.Dildbifit:era.tttioll; gmphill[~ ('9). ,P:rni(:lIla:r <'1~'[~'iil:l:uO:II1I hils boon'! given ;1t 'Imllilcmpc:m~m\Cs,lhis foest~:I:IS 1111l al~c From 00 ~hc second layer of :!l[~c, which is fl,I{}Wrl on "A ~ ')I~· 31.~I,e I' ~. "1 • surface l![J;cotpon1!l:ing 1he f-electrons, The lia~ LOJIora (jJ.enSC50~.~u :11'IlSt ~ayer ~Ult' tormsa rn·~Jl,g!.lE~dflUi.ce "iI'lid~.a dcnslry of ,I1.2: atoms/urnL. cffbctivc mass oflhc GI~~si""~n:ides erises I:hJm the :r'e]ea.'>C ~he'spin ,e~u'[lpy ,(If the !oc;;l!i~oo of All":t.:Im.c~.e'~tly ]O'LV 'covemge. '~le' seoo~dl~ye'r of momeats. ]n $lId]Konda-bni~ m~l~ri,~:ls:,eNIDl'l~'-' 3He .lhfli[lS a .2.0, ~Ild aJ:l~m1!l't.eI:I:J;per.;l,hm,,:s;, bot]] i~s heal c~p!ilc;il'y {ILl) and .magmeli~[ion 110'11 onuol r:m:r.m~~ler:s ::iFLlLChOiSwS&~~re or mBg-' e p ra.el](; field C.UlI be usod ]/0 !~une LiOruJilgtl.1Clic QCPs. (ll, 11) clispbl.y lthe ex:pcctJcd CtllllUlieS ef a Landau F,c,ooi :lli:qu~d..A1:higber oov(-rnge ....he second 'l~le . t fk~\'Vl:"\i'C'r" lllCIIi.oorotk<l1 ulld.o:rs:~!1ooing of qU<l!ll1luau critica]ily 1m th~e ~lsliClm,is a maner of l'ayer sol ldi fics. Slabm :rodb~ Ilc '~wat pcriooi,c C;;Ql1ilro'l{er~y {5,. O)..hll di[fe:[\~[J~ SOC~]~riOSi,Ih~ pOitC~1!tal ~ris~l1ig fl:omIlft:le~o~j:cl flrr.:;t~~Y~1I',~ht;: i lr~usi]i(J~frortl th:e'hemy-Ibmlio!o 5WIJ!;:'t()~f.l,]i-, ~OOlld":]fly'Cr 20 lOmlsa ifi x .iff ttirerrm1.1!t1gnC'lic O[\t1(:l[' Ca!Ll ][I\'iollw~u: b:~akd[Jwn ang[u~a:r!Uice (10)1 all a r.nlin of be~'!JI.o;ee:r] oiflle Kondo eff~da.r~.d.1srLOCldL1nl:fflll,dbmm.tlofi 5C:ooud~ :ru:adlalffit~~ayGt doosi]:ies,corn'Cspondirog ~rF~~cFc:nnl. surfaDea~.~hc:QCP"or l~~eflc'u]l1f1tiOfl 00 !l :soco[ld,.~,aycr dlCnsi~y .of 6.4 nm -2. The same l1~uclu1IitiQn:f>seeu at ~QW [cIl111,ecnnllfeS mill cX>e'ri!. ~,poofQjjlrn.d i[1J]i.i~tilOf!j OIDIIIta;Ji;IDrial prope!l:Jt'ies at
-+ +~ ,..
I ,,.'_ .~.

'W~ll'!na IU,Hlte ".n "",',!I. n.l,~.O't1.'LY.t[ln.ed,''J with the appl ieauon of,aim, !.':Xlcmru C(ill~ro:1 ~plm-Ol!ImcJe:rbC;lWCC~] competing ground s'l_~le.'l, the ~bsoh,aitezero of rempe-riflll.l!'C U" 2'), at Their ] Illpo:rl;atrnocarises bCC{I'l!ui1ii:;: qu~mllJm the






KI.I:O' in eS:llIb~,RS,~]ingci.a]]JdM Fermi-liquid theory a s~.1.e Ul1loorel:uc"d mod~~, [0:1' thesc syg:~.ciil~.s 8)., Wr:, rep ott C\I idenee (:Or (7., ~~.e ~Ine:l'gmcc of heavy,-:fe' quamum (::r.ilk:~lily in a Aukl bH~ycr of jl~le~a sys;!ienlJ

oi:lhe 3J.kbllayer

adsorbed on ~hi!) O~~l]POOj~:c

sllb~lmLC is tl~al wecreere III dclicmdy balanced sySiem 10 lWO su"():n]g~y < l"~id layers: of f ~lle,. Ift~.c li:rs:l of whitlil is; ()n~ie Yl;!:rgc of

loeal ~itil!tiQnjL O!ieIMeW~ :~He bna~e'r. :Fjg~re ]is a simpli fied phase di'iJglffim of a 1.11c 111mgro~\<iIliI,ondlc


incrca~ilrn;g cO¥erng_e. a ooccnildl~lIyer {L2) fOmlS tJ~;f]jt is also nC~]id. The f'~~ :~U.l11ll 3~-lc fluid bi~;TIiy~Jf comprises ,fU] a~:mmn~ocaliLloo layer (Ll) and Olmli ovcr.[~)ilC:ionl:imcr~m fcrn'lillio~.s(L2)~~ilCSC ~llYcrs arc 'c01J!,plccl ~o,g.etheiiby 'pa.r~:lde eli:ic~~~l'!,gc. Below <I, ,c1il<i1racleniSotic t!$p~~IILI.reT(jo, this .I1uid bi.]aY'itJ1" ~:~2k'J.Fermi-liquid lIuoperiil,es, with ·an I.:':nl,l~'IL'Oed qlu,:asi~pitrtide m:iiss.The effcctive mass ofdle ~leavy-Jcm~iQn smrc OWlr« ~!in.c;roaseswilt~~
coverage, '\:l,dlh ~!l app!lre!~~ dhre~enOe!li], a

gl:1l!phitcrHctNe SUbi&EnB]C. ll~c fi rst l~~re'r of ]'~:lc (U) .inutri~Uylbll1!ns,a monol.;bye'r Jh.:!lid. \iVilth .


t,'>O'\rero:gc ;~.!:' ,1).1 wh leh To collapses, BC'JiOlld this cO~laget Ll :ill> fi;uUy lbcalj~ at <1nICmpernt~resi:ffiUve~lig<ll~d., Ind.~mtWQI .~[I~~D'S < docou,p~e..Th£lfo/S~Cm thc['a. .c:ompmecs 'l soJlld .He crilical
I~'er (L I) fon1l'liflg ill s==

ora spin d(:nsi~y wave, The u'Oc;x::hilnislllby\v]]k:~ the b~aktlp ()f quas;i..;partider;. nror tbe QC,
accl,ll:S. 111c mllM:re of the qtm!lltul1l~uch,mticnlls, (Ioc .. oriline:rnntl,:iJ~:nJ:I. u''lI.C rell1'lrjV1e d i:mpom~nre of ~pi"~Hrncl.chalQl:~ de~s ,oflileooom ~~r,c~m;Jtro~ 0:1' aCli.,,Jo :lli'ivc:'liga! rl~,e 3HiC a~\om l1Iudcil_[sp:in %.;111C ifltecr:a~iom~,c PQleu]tiaJcocr~siS'ls of ill s!rl:l!ng. h~·

.s ""

t:O!l"cf1!]'ll ~[L'd <I 'WIc,a,kly ~'~tra:Ctivc t~lil. .Bu~k Uq~,id 3~-1(.' i~ the pa.r;;tdi~m for s[rol1~:lly COM I~"t:ed rel':ffi~,0:1JlI~. O:1iltdiil. p,~aycd ~\][),i,l:liiillpor~ D~~rI!ID!~.f1II: ~~~.sfi($,.IRW!!1 Q,f HQllQ~~~,U.!!I~mt.y!l;)~ 1b«i.d'.Q!lI, E<ghalil'l', Suneyl~'II2ijOIElt UK. "'10 Wiimrn MI'f5PQI1demle j.saunde~@:~hul.a(,u'~

~lruoWre is '!1l1n.ervod if (he fi~t ll=k': i~!!eplac-ed. by .~.m.onQ]~yer ,(If ~He ,(13) or by fl bil<lyer ofhtyd!l"oge~] (.14). ]n the l~'Ue.rca.~~ thl2 de]Usi~y of the 'V? x v'7lTht[l~ ~ n"· -2 't Q,lhar sllpor~!:a,n~eCiSl). rlinl ~ 'Upon ,a~pr'OaJ':'i~-,. ]ji'l1:'llJ;~.c d~:sily of 'thj~ :rupccl1i1!uicc by ftnlcre,asiiliig the OOVCffl.§C ofille second-layer I1l1~dn~m, a.naPlPtllle'J]t d:hrergcnoe (If the efl't>!Cti\lC' qu.asfpar~ic.h::' mass hfUs beenl ,observed; Vf.f'IS, ]a:YCf


.~ m~gncl,on :[l.liiam]!~iar

lankle, ;m{lfl niUi:doverla,ycr (L2) \\!~iUh rdJalivdy

w,eak OQrre~:atior.!ls and nmd,emi.e qU!ls$·pm1.k:Ie: etfeCl:.lvc' :mass.

,MQlIiIOilayierfii~IM •. AI, coverage IJ <. 6.3 11m. ,1, the film oOl'1!8i~ts of 11 ging'l~ OliLOauic :Iayci' of 3l1e. The hOOlC.;ruPfld.~y (~,g, S5}is of the forn,'lI ,{r) ~. ~.+ 1 r +rr1, where tUhe ]e~dil,g ordiCf

to Fermi llmquid lbeary r <: O. ~s fOUl]1,d

~h~tJIJe ,lldOlre53!1d. E-rnai~:, b

lil:llelJl:I"~wd m; ~l deJ~il!~]ty-ddvCin Mon~H,ubb"lJlrl tfflnsi,ti.ofi i.:iip<J.nli'ipp:JJ"Oad:uiuJig hall:::f]U:inE; oflhe supcrla~lice (IS),. ][ is cS'labl iS~lC>d (}'wt the scoo:nd.-Ifliy,er solk] (Mon im.ul!ail'Orr]'pjl!tlS'C' lsa &J!;~~rr;n:ed:0 ma~ltefi!c 2 , syslenl ,of So '" ~ l!ocal ~l~o~:mm~, a tria:lllgl.llla:!' on l<tluilt<!" :Fni~lml~O]] ;<'; both 'fmnl '~he ]fiuioe

previ.ul)]sly for .f]lUltd 1l10'JilOI.llycrs on. ~ d:i ffe:rerH !'>lIb~lmlc {IS). We mayinh Ilhe effeclive' ~]];fIS.~ fru:m the lilleflr ~enn ~miI, the he~l. eil~e]ly.y .,{2'3~ OVC1 tllil.c oo\remgc mng.c 4.0 lO 6.0 mn -,dl~ effective 11] ass mllo ~1~·/m$,E~O'li\i'S m.[lde~n a jn(;rea~' Hum 2:,.8 ~{l3.9., The~ttrul III is ~ :omaJ] :;Ipparenl ,ol"f.-.;;etin tbehe'!lt c.apacit:y '0h.~,el:'Ved ~l 'Ihe'lowes:t 'lel.l;jqp.crnltur~s.s,iljJ,]i~~r l'O thai I.b'mld





VC~I!l'O~fI[~Y ~uri'bHtoo

3[Nfc atoms locsl ]zcd by w'c8Ik :611.11.bSlnre lmimeroge~.e.ilY I( fig. S4).. - i3He Ib~b,ye~:Heavy-~elrimion phals~'. Heat

This [e'rm is conroa sman, propertion or

isotherms :show itm[ p.~molim.l tOil, second !!m-lc :Iayer (L2) occurs ~~l to~aJ~.,(;ove:ra~ a fl = 6.3 ± 0.2 mn 1CPu in Fig:. 1),. As ~he f1u]d

·oflili~ii:s q~ali,]a;ni'!ICly new effect

b]~i)ycTlhnns, the ~],1L(!'M slr.ik~lo;a;g i~~lure fhat dc:\'clbp5is a maximem in the :~0a.t COl.ptlC'ily (fig. 2A, m&l:.'[). 1l1cl.C:mpc:m.R!ie ,of([\Mi; Inilli.ximWII,. T9 depends :f:ltfongly 011 I~rnedC'~ilX of l~yc!:'U~ To, decreases '\:\1'.ulb inc:reas:il1g 3H,c -,,-, ~'"'I"'" - ,.) • -.J """i;J! '1' oovt:rnge, .JUI·I::'L'\~ e\::lI]- "i'" dr.llll. r'I, ,f!. mn. 1,In de.e Cr€OlSCS flOJ~,~i :5~ to .12 g~:iI:({ (24)" The app~'II;<l]1l()e

in ;!.fle mInts is

Fig,. 1. Pmposool IPha~ dnaQlrai'ilil of 3He fllli'ii!1 a!d:~arbed on ~Ir~phi~e pl~~edby. ai,,~ila,~~ af 1Hi1; •. PI.2 llil!al!ooies fOmliilbQ:!iiI, g,f lbi~ayeif, IRegilJWlIt; t -e


reqalres Ihcindw!!km of !lU~cr.mally aC'~1vmed term in [he heat 'C2l~1:~i:iy £wcb tll~t efT) p +

i['Ddvci!:~,llve ofinterl;)yer ,c(}u;pliillilg beU, and l2. Drt Fig. 2A'WCpiQ~ the heat capacity ,C.1T)Ml.di y(1) "" [v(l) - ~]/T$,~ a fl;l~lctio!flpf~mp~mtUlre. On]y well below 70 docs 't(T} tend 10 ~m ~p~ prO',<m~v;].IU!e:, as, Ch'{'pec;too fbr a Fea:u:um:i aid, hi tffi'dis,re,gin]e,w e infer an effec~· ]iq t'!V;C mass rarlo 11,,*Jm fiXHU ,<'I. clc1JCmruination of y(T ~ 0). Det>c'l'Ilb~·~gn1.C~1.e!ll C'~Pa.C~'~au T<1h SI:rO.~~)'


<'PS>l':1~Ud.(}WIP''' .8. A~,[emativc Hl iMtlCtiOI1S, 1(:Ii,g:. S6) ykM cO:[lls~~ic:l1il.values of the pilIamClwf 'y]. The

Y] T + 1'2 cxp( ~ln,inf[ooud:mlg

10. Ll and l2form


h@'a~y4e;rlilm]oosy5l'@',m. R~~ion B: r» To. Tl~,elwo, I~a,ye~s:rCF p

c!lJcClit'e mass i~JcITec] [tom "II shows apm~1~!].Qed increase ~"illh i~~!creasing, 'Coverage, The

g re's:sli,l'el[y deco upl~ei n~o a SlJong~y oo:~reQa~dl' ne'alrly local~~edIfi1I:iUf()W~band l~erm~isvs~em (U) and a we~kly' mrll"'Ellated ,2:D fermi ftU!brli(U). Regnon C:; ,If:il <:
:ij <lito


largest vrulJlC observed dimctlyis m*An ;;;;;; at H~.t} a of9.0 n:i11TI :2. These oboo[\l3:~] thm!l. hi.eavy~r~mli ons,tll;TO oflJrn.e bi'llay,er dev'C;J!Op~ bel OWlil.C: C:haii:'ac~eti!.~,~lc tc.mpcrnlure To (region. A

of phase di~g!IDnjFig.. .I).

n1C;:lSUI1CJ.menls of

n~f.:llc:~v)i'~fenHiOIl picture

.is snppc)I:iliecl. by

in~erv,eniflgphase. ~~ Lll mth


the nuclear mmg,mLcl:iz9Ifion.

910111 D~The ®No tal/lets deCObJlple

~Intoiii Z[llowl",mru:nment
(MQU ir1~ulta!torj


~1IE!~!<ly(0 r~,e'latE!d 2 D FeiFmiUuii d ow ~~aIYE!rL2:) .. PllJ~IJilldi(:at~ the formlltJiiorl offal thl,irdl 3H e layeJ. 1111 ( set '~:~a schematic o:f~h.e bi ~alyef ~iHe .s.yst.elfin'~~eE!~E!xlfor dE!ta~ils).

tll1a.~d mtr'BI~alfEil'5pin exrnaJl1Ige' and no magwn@llc p!fn:ClI5e traJrlsHio.m11,at fi[1inete'fIljper,at!.!lr~,jI"r!JI "" 0., ,and


oI'B''''' 28 roT (25j. Forcovcl]i,gcs,bclqw 9.0 run-2, .IVI is P~pDrtijQD"l.1 ro Lite lJil:1iirQlI]~1 magne~ic SI(Ii!'i,,' ooptibH:uly of n:l~ .lbmlim1:~c syslem. U exh~1hiils a

F'i:g'LlIJ.c 28 :shows [h~' :[ol<iLl, ::>ail.llpl'c IriIMigrwluz;l]:ucm M M ffiM8imred by fi,~!d-Sii~pl continueus-waee tlljJld~r magnclilC rCSQnm~cc (NMR.) in a sootic Ik~d


'10: 114 ,n (nm~2),

:20 40' 60

T l(mK.)








8.100 8.S0

€kOO 9'.25 9'.85

,.............. Curie ,ekSO ,.............. f1enni gJSi$







160 (mIK)



10 (mK1



Ol Pig.. ,2. Heart carpac]ty !:lllflld m~,gln'~til;~rijQrqd~t~lf'Ql~ a se.ri'es· ,of C::QV\~f~lge~ ,ljIave INMIR~U~le~t,~d ,~:(Dif,~r'.\!lge$, i),jIlta ~'UI.,OO, 8.50~~lild 9.00 nlli" shoW ~ ~!iilm-2) {!QHes,pondingtoal b]lalyE,rfl,UiidUlm., ll+ l::.l. (A) Heat ,c!3lpadty dear maximllilm nerar T(). lhe (I~Hie-law maJgn;etll!Z!3ltiolrl!l ,or ~ocal momlel"lUs wi~h a dens:hy orf6 .•3'O' nm"'2 allid the mla:glrn.etiZ{lrtiol'l Q'r ,~nilclle,al Fermi gas dMdii'ild!by ~emlp.e~~L!re.1m;al~~er slUbtlmdion 'of a :smalll'(l'ffset,. ~ "" (1,25. ::Ii:: 01.03 Im,J/I<" a!Uribuitab:~.e to \!i!!eak $1j!1!b:5~rateetje!rOgenle:i~y•. Inset: ~~IO\'il:5heal~ alr:e shown fo,r I('O.mpi:uit~Olnl, IB'etoV!!' To,; a! coherent l'nearVYl..ferm]on liquidl h '~o:mm$ with w,e,a'k\~yermper,atljjr~dependent t '(PaIJlU~ SU$(eip'tlb~Uty. 'WInJe ci1lpald~y daJtafl1O!liIIiI1 which Ulese Im:slu'~t$,ue obtained" and includes hlle CI)"ul~l~a,gies ose ~Q laJyer poo,motiorl ,a~ ,6.,.3 :::!l:: 0.2 rlliIIiI-:2" wml@l'IE! 12 starts to d IJ ptlllllrl1l, at ~hE! towest temp'E!ral~~ res, whiclml~:s (.ovl!!raQe: depend eiiiill~,Im,ay mO,ii1M. Th@ di$UIIiH:t1J\I@ ,~eat ca:p.ald,~ ma,ximUlIil1 .i1lllr~, 1S driv,entoward 1::: (I aJlr1sIE!fmm spins localized bye !;uiJ.srrftlt;@ heu!m91@ne~ty .. Th,e m~gni!'!iti2atlliO:(1 Mthincrelg,S!I,ng' (o¥eragie,ms~o healt ci:! dBlta: are :5~own in i~il'hefml a~ 1 ..0 m.K UI" Qf shows a ;rapid gr'owJjh~n ~He nUdei3!f €Usw, lO~y-ite;mpe'r,a~Wlllreda~forr -::::lQ,(n~ dashed line');: fits: 00 datil at 13J[l ma'gnl;i!:iZi:!ti.QII'iI~ :5~a[till'1lg at a ,(o,veralge of 9'.2 nm-:l:. F,or ,efetellm:ce'. the![l temlPelITaltUI'IElS (e:<teil'il,ded, so'~i:d II'il1l11}. d~t\li~, S'IlHl~text:alrn,d .5upp,o,rtnll1l!£i For '~igum$hows thie~em:p'eral~~I1'~ de:pend:en~e o'f~h@ magne~lzat.1io'nI :a!~ (!O'iJ~ o Iii lin II! i'i'1IaJilE!rnll (II) Tota I.SaJiifiiilp[.e ~,. IMag ne'Ul,atllo iill~in'~err~d from contl'"I~'O'l:IlY''E!l$, 9 ..25 oliild9.,BS nmr"'.. o~






masimum elbsc to ihe chrJ[1\Cl~ri~.ic temperamre At higher tcmpcrah~rcs,. cku:a .1i"QJ;¥1 a:n coveragcsconver,gc ]D\:1J3m the Curie-law t1:[~gnC'niz.1.'


tian of a nim witll ?I dens~l}' of 8.:3 nm--2, cQme~poruiing, to [h:e density or hlycrll {lli} This CIJ!r.ieroll~tibu[,iClIJ1, of L:I dOJ]~lir.l[l[~s .Mrelil.~ li \1'0 00 the Po.~u~j ]'J.'l~ple:li!C;a.~~:(;m; l2, Fmthea;.· ~ (nr more, alm.e l1Jighest te:mpcrnuJtreS,. ~h;cvalues or y(7) oo~pO'J1d to' .~~ cffbcli\f'~ m1!So,<;;rilltio of !:loom 3. 1II:l~C ma.gI1:C[i.~lion!l~d ¥lcfl,t cap.'ilcily data :silO'·IIIl!ul. at T > To (region ]3, of 'phase

HWro.,~,arises :liu.un the .c::mlVcrsil!ll'l >of the Sf~in enImpy (liftilileah~~O$[~ocaU~ed dlccuutliic momen!C'l {28}. h] ~:Iepresenl C~~, '~:lee~]tR:!ipyarises &0111.

This behrndor of~;~e 3.H.c bi~<1i)~eris oonsiSil:en~ on ffyslems l,[I \vlrl:ch~~c ~igh ql1a_si·p~1l1tclic mass a1 ]owl.C:tlLrpcr\\~I~hl!l:l.c sual pkl!U!w orhoovy-I~.~i u

tiOJ1.1'It~,M: same eovesage, we ideJmil.lfy no as .0l:n:Ji apparent QCP OfLiw )'.I.-.k,11]1Iud brnbl.ycr :sylUem" 1111c "pseudogap" Il slse decreases approodh;~

i:r:l~I!o;.llowe"'er, ill'e' itmlle!1.00 ./!!'. depends Sll:00llg~y

fill Iwoc;edll.ll]IC adopood (fig, 3 and :fill.llpm~ter.i'a~}. his: p.f~\i\e:llns: IJIS iOrJ:li T dffll>,ring rob us~, couclusious o:ni!s 8c<'i~lin,g::lliIC<'IiI ['he pumlhfc QCf, Nealf '(he Q(P': Iint-en!'eniing ph.a5e:. Asdle j,Uc co'Vcmgcis incu.'~sCdOCi\"rard ~!~. pU1ta[ive the QCIF'IS preempted by an "i~]~CNeoi:ng~{I!Sf.:'~l p a


!hcllim:]ear sp!ins, ·oflhe :lHe atoltlsiJI L]. IEl!i~e'f!c:'efu'f q us ntUlmJclriti.calffity .• Ap]Ol of

th>cinvcrnc ,cffective ~1~~f,;,~ratiogainst oo\rcroge a (fig. J)is U~lear' [her:m:~ge of measurn~~cms, ever a:~d ]l ~xirnlilo~.a.h~5 [0. OlIm. '1~:<lr;e'IIl mass dlvcrgl11cc ,i:D: n~ 9'.9 ± 0., J um ,rh~ oO\l'e:rnge d~lul~n:cc (~fTO. read dirocdy ko~1 the heat

diagram, F~.g:,. ~J'., U and L2 are


d.ooolJplodiJ1l!I.o .<U1i Mde;rw:n lattice ,of almost ]!oeaJ]z,ed 1"e:umiio'11S (U) anda h\~r of 'Ii~Ic:ak~y cOii"reI~ru'Cd ill nera:U1il 1.'CrfnfQ~1iS (12 ~.Thtlls. To a:ppea.~ tig pl.a:y 'nllc: rol ~ of ihetGofldo-ln[lice


C ol'l]t~fIisedi~lgran~l. 1), :Fug.. The-lower oound of '~l.l~pIHIS~ IB d.early msrkcd by th~,:s·h~1rpi[l(1:C'asc ill'!. t1mc- ~Q'iiV-OOm~fluure c:apru::rr~y cotls~s~e['JJt;vil:h. a pOWe:f~]!IllW , sc'€l~il1i,g!o\ll3m, this erii~ka·~ OQVC:Il'i-,§C, J~ OJ;; B,fII:, magne:[i~1~l('l11.iootlle~.'!I.'l!, Hlkei'l al ] mK. (Fig, 2B" w~th 3< "" I. - {ub!~h:~d = ],7 0.1. Beca,use .To. in.'>tt). Thereis ~~o (il) 'clear s~:~iI!lMre .~l,~iujhe of aud mint"" both app ear '10 vil:D:llish, hy .exJtr$lPoliI~ []]Clg11CluZ, data, lj;]m7l!eV eJ heat c"lp3dnv {ba:la Icr coverages iiDll the r.ung¢ 9'.2 to 9. 85 ~.lltilJ'il :2 (Fig.

9.,2 nm

:! (r<:g:von


Critical behaiVlor inmerrecl mlmm heau ca pa all{ data.. lti@

efilililctnw ma~ ,~tEiFl1ll1fl1Bdl from y(1) ait. SfuJOil.lltS an apiP\\lif@iiilit dWe<fgl!!n{)E!att G'mcal~.I(.'(JllI\eralgE!':n,~ ="= 9'.}I :i!:: '!)'1 ~m~ obtainedl hom a

4lJ ~ho\v a Si..·txmd"lttyma:'!.~:ml"l] .<'u~~;ighl2t tnm~i'amrcs.inad!diliofiw



o .!I. (€!x~ef'i!d!l!d) .,1'0

mlrri" .d(L1Ii')


rempoeral!Jfe af~his fhuure J~[·l'.l<IsesloW1!.m Z!em,<Ip;proxinmld.y ] inC<ldy C'lpaci1:y

w~1h covern~ (Fig. 4" ~I]sel).h

re~~.. he T





linear extra,p.oiatno!'l ,oTmtln*. The


lil1~ar ~xtT-ap-(],hlitjOI:l. ~I 9.95 ± 0 .05 um -2, thus [In:aI1k~i'JH~he l:iPP·(!i' bouad of ~h()' i:iJlirl!eot'J,rcnJii1ll,g
p:itase. Th;h;; cov~m-&"lC CQ]l1icjd~s \il.r~t11n~.mbc QCP lro(cuod p:fCvfcrllSly ~mmllliu: exlmpal~lfQn of mll.~~*"\i\o!esugg.esll~fUll~leunlerv'elJ]jlrlg ph~5e is Iii ~~.o!~~op{.'d MO,tt :ulls,u:IiI<a1ior; Se~iIl!dj~e Mott: 'tralnsffit].onof U: D'e<oOl!lIP~.ed 1~.ayier5.. oovc:mgc,s,a1bQve lhoQCf!l~ 9.9' ]JimAt hn w'hk:h ~hc donsil,yof L2is 3d) nm :!)\ a Ulm~jfum~~o~1 ..m(li!;]1.em MQI_~ l:~II.I!.blliOr ph~c L .~ .:~~found (regio~ D afp]w_se: diagll?ll~~,I·ig.j },. Ovec, Ih;: OO'!oiernge ['<1Ilg~'&o~.1,''JJ 9,8:5iD' ] 2.0 nm-~,

Cio'!lerage' dependel'l:~e of To ~5 !iZ ml1ls;]st~nt~mi~h poweiF~law sea ~lili1igl g a !5!l~.rMth = lIl-nln, and ,(ill = 1.7 ± 6 O.t V!lheH;~~th~ ilifor[fl the e~i" e pOlll!e!1~ Ire'I1~ed5 the' uncertalimlty~lD'l the (rffitn(:al cowrage:.illie inm@rredi "pse!iudiog.i3lp" 11 ,~ ",.~Ii}t sefls~t1Iv.£! Il'o ~~.e iIii~ procedure. Flt5,~o IlOli'l" ~mpe:rature d~.ta for t <: Tal '(LT,

th~·$critJtal cowirage<, To, 0::


4100 -



bki~ di~!TIQnd5)' .~g~}e~~ ooU~~

its owr the e'nltir'etm!pemture range are (IOnSJIstent. with £!.. ee 86 an,dl n ="= ;;!!.S I 112. Fig .•4. Hea~ ca,pa city data in
tihe' jnterven]ng ,,:Mlase.Starrt~ Thnga.t a (.(l,wr,aig:e of 9.;;lS

w ze~ol1!ear

9',2, mil]i~; exroendedl



all 8,.5 g.,.0 C~\I'er.agen (In m·~)

data from d(,';~-ailed measurements ofdl~ C'ap~dry r~nd m'fl~et~zaroi.o~.l Uilg.~" S2 and 83) aJre Hl by d~£ sum. afn:vo inde:;pe~uiemCOllLri,b\~1[{)llS:
~ locali:z,ed solid (L'~) amda 2DFcnminufd
in !he



as prev.iolU,s d'fl<il, en l]];rugne'li:s~.iL~




secoad layer of pure 3.He fihns ~]fIJV'1;:' bee'.~ [OO'l:D(>(i. n~c he,U caiIklcitystiU ex hi:bils a. n~~xJi~· U1Jumill Of ... J~ '!, now ;runse;s Ilh:lltiL shonrn:rI,g.e ~~ut:gnc~ic omcr l,~~tl~e fl!lll~lrnlCd mag,mel 2D U. l1~c ~ffect1\!c: Xc:h3~gC OOilfilam i~derred C

nm-4, the. l1ea~call~city ,e,)!~

hi'Oits a broaJd seJc(mda IIY m~xillTl~m ait hj;glhil:!ir temptl;!r~



from the h~a~"~.pacily~


,~c., dec~~\'i)es


A.s:shlnminl!he~n~et ~~e le:m,peri3Jtum ofllh,is ~ec~



Clovcf<lge mn_gJciI1!Jm 6..:) 1:0 4.5 .I1l1K,. dlC dOO1,~ity of LI remains COt'lstatrlll at

6,.3 ± O.lmn

ol1ld!ii11l ml1l.xim ~11iIi1I ~llilrnBafly e:xJ1ir,apo,la!le5lQ,zeiro all a oov,.. =,OCi'· Ir1ID • .~r! erage .'-11".11 l'Dea :;r
I; ....

~. This dl::ils~t.yis oolnsisoc:nl wi~hh~ forma,~i,o[1. of a 13/.~9mm:lg;ular sl'llperl~l~i.ce{291 w[1hresped.l (! (he lmderiyinJg "Hela,ycr. ~,~ihicil ~~a~, Jcmi,i~y of9,.2mn :2. A19 ,85 ami ] 2.0 nm.2, it ~hem~.grlctiz<JJriioll.a:l. I :mID{ O()irre:SP::U'I!:i~ to 0 ,,1M~:





9.. 4





o'~~~~----~----~----~----~----~----~----~~----~----~ <0 10 20 30 40.50 610

Temperature (mK)

Illitd O.7M':!;II~ .r.esp~tlvdy (fig, 2B.i~sC1:). w.~~(lre A:i~ is, II.he g;il~m,a[ion milgnctb'..ati (ill ,!Df l ~.. ll1C: nall.I[~ of the m:agneli,c ground S~'{j,tcof this Ihl!s-tra~ed 2[)' magl],el ]s not u~d:crSl(lOO+ "fhe effective: .1llil.'O!\; :r:)[io of the' .Fcooi. Hquid L2, i:D:llfe:lwd from fims, vJOllmc h~l 'c<I!ll,u::i[y. ill]c:re<lsc51 ~nooesUy 1];0111, 2,,7 10' .,1.i OVet this oo,vC'rn~ range, ~';hcliCm;; hs:m3gnC] ic dcgcnmlocytC1npcr-· !l!.Wre from mngnc1iz~ufo(n dflltfli (26) is abOUl[ 500mK. We' Cl)ncludc lha.l ~l n >~!cnbe:bij.]~yelj cUI.npt.uses, a 2.DmJ:slGI:led 1],~i1igllel. (.U: )ii:Wii:nJ



~1~i~:a.e:mrUIfI.u~d ,oveday~r .U:. .1E1T('Ctive mlfl~'$ rcnermalization due io crU~k'i1l1 ,!lrLlI.cL~I:alion8,eJoi-·
peered er ~~ :> }~c ami ;ar.hli:tog f_m~~ 'couplilllg belw>ecruMle!l1obiile q ul~si-p~!tidcsin L2arld l~~~gne'l:ic fTIWl\aUallioIU:, ill 1.1, ~holl.dd be mmlife::>l :in t.h(:i.empemilL!1.~: r<lli1ge T <Jrr, but. I:sbeyuJiI:d O1.I:r OllllJiem e1'>:.r.lctumeEll!~1 roso~,ul:ioa, li'5Cl!ssi:on, RClMmil1g ro d~c new &",3'(")'-' fermi.on ph~'i,C (region A), wciJ1Ile:rp:rel the: a;Pl'aoont mass dh'erge~1,CC' approoch]!,gmc QCP .11. 1~1l ;1IS ~'t1iul.ldwoclth"ooumtJ1!)~lecl"· Molt":f~:~ubbam l'ransi~~,cl\l:ll; or JL l, dili-I\IICq,~by v,ilryi[~,g~he denUO) sit:y oftlh.{; ocvcdfiyc:r L2,i,v-ilh ,ordy sr:a,l~~U dhtlrl~re5, ]rli~'I~ densll\Y of U. TIl.e l]]iIil'i.:~m:li1l1i:lmin ':1'.(1)1. OMC1i'Vcdhere in bi l~yc:r .lHenlld 11m SOC:I'[ iii'[ the de~~!i)ity~rivell MoUliI1UlSitio!!l ina n~i:dmono~lyer {l5),ns, evidence fOJ~mill1;porl:.mce of oon:t:espoliil,d:ing to the,],ing of the cllistjintt energy seale 7'~ (Fc:nni teiil~!Ji>C[,)nl[c}. lldsapa pears 10 bean cx~mp]c of'Jocal quantum V5). ;~lnd .isi~ OOI1Ifr3l>[ ro~le I,IS,Uk1] applic,nio~ ,of C!on\'eJlIl~or!l~~ (]heary to heavyfennion sysrems ".J )\. which aCSSlJlrlll:Cs E:<;{)ndO" sc(lk~alt the QCP. CO]]SiS,trull,1\Milh lhisp~'ClllJlre.~,\fC find Ihm!u coverages,
1!.a. M.'SHQlLieir.a.

J. :Nyelki, iI. C~In" J. Saund~ll. P~y.t 9&., If'i'r. 7g, 2161)0(jIW7~. 19 .• M. 1R0'!!l@r;. Bauerl@o 'lfu. M" lB'I!fI1i~O!;',A."S~ Clilll'n, C. It 'GodIM'!1.~y$, tI\I",~ £elt. SQ,lJOS (](998), 20,. G.. MiiSguich." B,. Bem~, (. Lh!li!lI!lie~,C. Waldlmalrlfi"
litf'V; L!'tt.

8:ll!."1098 (:1999},

21. The'llIare sl1blltrate 1ii8edliffl tlil!ii!: wrL i" a 5amgt~ or f':dlJli'~lt@dlgr~:phiilli!':willi a ful:alsl!frl<l(lf a~ {ri~ 1:82 m~'.

above ,~ theu~.ifowll'oca.I"lllo:mem c,


]rUc:ri..ryer .1 nl~ractions. The natural modd fuu the JI-Ie bi blliyecr."is,l:he

pCJ~.iDdk ,\rtde:rsolti.llood: (PAM) oft\\lO :l1ybrid~, iZl.~ bands (3 l1~i$ model rea!tum; n sharp

peak in:n. the qW<l:si'"parlicIe 'c:~].ergy dem,ify Of51(1J1:oS. 1U ll~e fern:1!iem~rgy. giving rise to a bn~e Ii1mIS~,
rcrlonlntIJiizld,o'O[IJ,",lIda, ··pSC!lJI.(jtog<'Up··'1. 32). "fhe (2 P&tilMOOOrs of th ifil-la['l,~ii~Ton:i<1ln, ill:!. ~rLiou.larlhe

and Ole Huid ovc'!'Iaycr L2:are d)eco~~led. .A rIIl,Ill1ber 'of unresolved ~W~5IiQ:I11S rem~j~ ooooe:mil'llg ~h.cdeffi~!.ed behiWio[' in the \l'i::ii~llliity of (he QCP, The apprcaeh (0 the Q P <ltt flc, irlctUi.fiod by eJ\:!ni]>Obu.~.()[[J e,f ITI!ndmhr~!Ii.i:s il1il,C'mllHOO by a sharpincrease i~ m'llgf!CLlz,,1IlO'l1 at r~~. his ~a. oo~[~flybeen di$I;U(tSW." in t~mliS T s Oil' the KOJ1d(}-bmalhil:O\ll,ll~ QCP SO(!l]<I1I;ilO,as evideace fora QCP ia1, ~'II {361.Wc nme jhara eol~~:p!Se: ·o.f t:i]C '·pseu.dQgap" scale iii. III is OO]1,~jS:I'C:i1i1 \l!,iith the dI~lili,flfid.~ulil~m:ig onset of

~IH'~ h~s a i"liglhrr bimldln91 ~1I~rg~IQIIii~9ira'rilhi!i!: ~urfil;[)e tliw:! i!loos ~Hle. 0i1m!sing:"am ils s!lTlO!lIer~r:o.paint l~ruH'.'l'~. 'Thi~ I!lreJi!~re,nl~1 at!ISfJrprtioli1l ise:qJlol~d to lP~pla~e nle 5'llfrl;a(e., 1ilre' '1~e c·O\riBrage ir-eqllliirediloc ;precisel), t~ atO:rlr!il: la'Y'i!r:5115,21.2 nm-l" as slhOWlil hIy pllll'liws,~r~ U9.~
~2, $s~ wppgl1ing m~!l1fiid,g:n xignif!)' 'gmlijlll~, 23, The effle'!CUy! ,1'ft!<!SS!'fl· ~s de,d\Ked Vial the ~e:latiolil '( = !l~~m"'mi~,w:nere h i~.Plafl(~'s ooil~alI~. k'mi~ IJdltmlilfflJll'S (jfJFlS!~l1ftand AI ~:>l'heIDtallsub~rrM.e al\f~1 af la;, m~.1ih1! IFl!iflIlIlll mmp~rahlfl\fl is gn'o'l!l1I byr;' '" O.:505nlfilJ·'lm) 0:: nrrn!l 24. nae·l'ligihe>l valllie of Ta ob'!la'~1 In lIIe (liIDl(!I biUIllf!r plilil5e:, SiB mtl:: at 7..'5 lifrn"~, lGiafil ~I'der ~if lIl!fagf'1.1t~d~ grrea~J;lr 1lira III tlhe wllirl! ofl'n~ ~'fiI~ml:i!.r!;!e:!:mang~ imffiifdl:an Jg ~n lIile 50Ud phase IDf LL A '" 6.5 fiflK at II '" 9.'g' nm"~, W:hm thE! ufi1!llf,Ofrm SlJlid fif!i,t fmms;. 25.Th@ i!1~~ urif;ljl~rUl~ NMR Ii~~i~nUifll~nOlIl!i'int!lgra;!~d!~ ~!llef t~e~:ffle !ill!c~el!~ Illi!ag~iz:a~;[W! .N'MRse~ecllvei)iand difietl.!y mea'SIUe5IIh~ 1iH'e mag.neti~alij@fi, At. in the <llwlie,t! !!J1:alir ffBld. Ville (lI~e'DDnSt03nlM!> bssn df!lwrnlllii1!din as!J!p.~raiIE iil:q:!@riml1f1uin th@ sam~ slImp.1e dh~liil'Iber on ~ p~r<!lilljj!·gW1flt1~ IH,emonol_<lye~ ~d'~~rbe!!l onl ~


ase (,ioi~cicle-s v,li]h ]he C'f08S~ il~ t~.1ClWO cne~ sC<l~:es7:[1and J~, C~furi.~ liCllI:!uonwi.1l1 .reql[]i IT: a, I1I~OIie deetllil.edullv,esligMno]]J o;fthe:m1odYl1iiIJn~:C qlLl~nl'uti()s diose: 'I!o n:his CO'W!fo:ver


i~~>e['VC!llll~g ph

bare d rt' Ll,~he ,com;:]ationsin U (modded b~f OMl eI.fccLlve oll-shcrqpulsioifl), ,Mid l~inc lln,ybridb:a,~ion interaetion (K[)ndo~lli ,~'J(-. ke dlange of 'p.11'1!; between U <lind L2), areall s Hie eo,vcrog.e dePen:I;OOIH". ]1:i~~,ei.rllll1C\\'ork ,(I rille :PAM, lrl,elflY\ir 1.1. whose d:QI]silywc find rer~:1I~hJlls appro:;x~~llflmdy c{)tastarlII. eorrespcndste n tl!l:!'T{fiW llia!ld Ckise ~:o half·.;f~I]h,g:.. llincre~si~ ]he

ijg~ M we'll as: !SI,1;tdi.eSl,ofth.e sp];[[J dYilli'Lmks to t]le ~m~!ve QCP;


ba~e ,gr'alPllril.e. 26" f'orra 5toong~ (~fft.I"~

.2j)~Ht 'Uuttll [If]ooola~,,

3Hcis ;l1f1imriilSJlcally

isotropic, nellnal

sy:slemin wWn.idll[ne qu~i.p!!tni!.::ne cff'ea.ive ~]~:ilIS:R

pn\r!'\l:iOIllS wtlri:.U.l) has mDWIII Ihaillil'u! {m51J<'t~rrr{if'fi Cl!llri~··la!!oI ~~l;ISoopti'bil"~i!1 htghlE!,!'I1g)@%atl!ll!l'!S,to ~

direC'lEyre:flecL'> tite'li:nnioll]c COHelm ionS,~lil'!: i1lp'ijlii,~mJt f1lncr~lC'l±onis fie~ligiM.e, allt! el)l~a~~ nc:id ]mCfllC1tO:flS· ,are 3ibSlCllt Milpplu~ l~~,e ~ilYC-.r bi system onto the vadeus eand i.daioomodels ror
qua!nlll~n crid~.]ily fC!:rminB a" b1lil!_ilCIDooredca] ch~IIt:;!'l1bfC,The Ci!l~.erge!nb.Qe: ,ofdl~ rioo beiliu~viio:r Iinmllie31,le b]laye~ s;ys,ti!i~~ V~'ilrU~lIIt of~:H~: :f'.(:nni,-in:qllJid paraJdl(gln. liqliJlid,J[He" Willffi,}ndbly \\'e]II~t:'lblish~d "'bi'U:CP<1r.1II1I2l!I~rn"-m<ly oo]'ljlr.~butc to!Hl improvoo ~11:deil'SW.11djrn1lg of~]!e fatr HlO!:C cClm,rle';o.;:~~ea:vy-rermi(J~~.imermemUh::{i. such ;j)l\1JlR'!lt~S iJ; (J 7, 38),
IIll~fe~l1Ice~ almd Nol't'!l 1. l trerl!z,. fIll~, !WI. :B 14, l1l65, il9?6}, 2. .5. :50!cl1de'l\', QJ\lOJ':!Nm PhrJ'51f! rronsr{~Jil.:i Ka1mnlbrililge lI!IIJ],v. Pi'ess.• r4eijij YO<F~,1~9'9). 3. P. C!J~EmOi~Au l~ SOOori~.d" .riJt],t~~ 4B3. 226 (200S}. """ G, R~:S~~rI. ilte>v, M~Q; PIJ'~_ 73,'1'9'7 t!OOli

f·all!ili w5c!lpUbiU~tyi!il lhe d~ge~er'l!1iR «!g~ni!e i~, \Mell descri~ Il'l' ~l = C' j(r:!i + Tf,·2 ~j2, with Cwfie: oonslant C, anti <f,n e'Jlediv,e degen eracyLelillljlE f'jjt~Te'

IF" "" :ry;(ll + ,~)~(mrtm~,I!o\h~re (Ii.Siil5J'J' (K nfifl~ is Uitf! ~rmi!I~rr:Jp~ril~ur~ orl~!f! (;OOfI~~~rrdilil9 iooaD femll gas .amI ~s a lFerm~tlqu~ Lam~alli.i pa~aJI1}eler.,


lOla.1oovemge: ~:n{;n;:m.'li(:$ de~~s:~~y the ofL2~.w]]i!c4l h;,t~ a rel!;M:iv~]y \7!iudi1:b~:rebi'lj~<1;\1i,!~d'~]" dens.ity l'hlil'
of 12~hOllk!, 1mc;l'<lc~im1h.
TI~e 'phy1'ical mech!l:nJi50lns!)an Ibc pl.ctl!;!ired ~: .Ib.~k)\vs.l~e cftOCtivelum:lcon: l ['!;:pu~~io.llfe~t by L.I <IIlanl:'> du'C' tU L2 (1(,"$[:ricls d:leif :zcr""poilll 1:n1.0t]O]]J non:na~ID~]e$t~r:~.C(.\ and gives dse rO;), ['eduction of tl1e oon: b1ll'b:dwidJthwi!t'~]in Ll. Eq~ivalenUy, '~~l~v~n dCr'Wa£!~!> ~~traclil(}n hel\'\,lccn t~1:C a~Cimsin L2 ~liJld the compo!'ilC' ~l!bslnmie CI:eates;, an d'i=c~'ive p~s.urerIl)O!p(lr~· [i!onal to 1!he density of l2. whicl] cvemmd]y


1h~ He IbJlal!'1il1!' ~em



Ihat.llrle c<n~

b{a],1:d1>\fidLmI f L.I, as o

LiU]iI!O comilmions 'Ih~ IIlind ~re wen iUS: the hybridjlZ;}.ti:o~,

'!JD",e~ned by 1110 rafrlerl:han fo[ eJ:3ffrf1ple,.,1 ~tO I1Im-2, . ;;;60 mi:. ~usirlgl~he pall~m~l!r.5 of ttl~·hBa'!.IY'~E!fiT1IiDnJ ~aI~ at r "".,; wiIi,[@ r~, I~ '" 12 mt::. 2'7, Po. (, H'ews:Qi'!. 1J!eKof!,~ P:tl'lb~JI He,~~y fe;mion5 Kam!'irid9~ li.Jimii'l', PtE1$S, C<imbfid9:e. :ll99'lJ', 28. C. M. V.ilrffi'loJ,f:ihys.1U.'I.'. rett ~S, 272:11(1'985~. 2.9.• l'lt. IRO'!!!Ut?fu{,.). fow remp. Mys. H2,. 451 (19'S!8) • 30', I!lI.. 1~'il'!iJa\,A.. fu~mOiri, ~_ Ti!lkyr~, tl'~~ ,M~d; Ph'~_ 70"

of spin deg~ei'<lcyi5



5. P. Gc!lelllilllil..{, Il¥plfl, '0. 5.,. R, ~mill~a5hyiti,

Calm!, M\'1,tteT 111, R.i"23: [2 (!Iil:ij,. 6" 11.:5i~mli1lil.lit \I'll~a, S. :Sadhdel.!;,p:by:;;, R~

J.. MIlS'.

1.039 (il9~B¥ Ande,rsoo, Pfrjt, ;!?"'V; 124" 4]['!U61). 32. IP. fia~fh.~, ooc/mif'"rites 0'" ElertroJ'llCOITdou{)1IJ ·rurd Ml:r!lIlil~tJ'w {Wllnld 5<~n1fifk, 5ing~p:1IF@, 1999'J. ~:~, M. ~~ij~r •.J. Phf1, ~(1f'irJ ~tt o1·Q.,!.4~1 ]9?~~, { 34,. S. Tami;, ~" Thtot. Pfjp. 7'9,,1311 (19Se~,. ~5, Q. Si. S;, IltMlellla, K l!i.mer~em. JL l!irmiUh. Malurf! 4B,

n. f.!iV,

l [ to so:U(l]fy. 'mhe hyfurid.~amilM can be: thought Oifiu terms of "valence :~1'~Cll~al~Qn~~" ~n 1. L.I , 'U1n.c CreailiOilO f 3i vi i.~mllpartkk-weal'iicyp~:ir:

13 6 51,035Ul

A particle: inll jumps,inlo! L2-.~.~.vf:l1g [lC"flCY ~\

this vnC<11.~Gyis fi~ledby ';)110tllQu pllrnl!'ic~e from .L2. It is expce~ed 1l~1lL~. 1.hiri> 'pllfCF·

un Ll,.

cess wim d,ep~ndS:lnl~g:I'y on 'fhe (h:.'i!fllS ity of L2 (33. 34), 3i ~JL1IIl~liiLl R'i'acy 00 OOSIOO rhcorel,fe!!lUy by path ~ntegm~. MOfl!Le Cm:lo ·ooicullTIJtionG<. Con(mlilldi~llilg remark,s" We ha.vcidC:M.l:llnroa, Ilf::\!,i l.lTIooel.s:y~HJJ:m.lor phy:sucs of~!lciill·-,l:!l,~ome:n1Il Ihr:n'l3.I:uoll <'I1[1d KO'Uildio cDjJjjp~,:iirlg, [0 ()()ilta~re ~insll:fu,c bei~'ilV~,clJ,~ of .f-ckx:tro;n QCPs •.Our kDyre~lI:~l .iisl:ha.1, fhe Chflii-'

l. II). Iiind\1u, Sm(. .PirY5. ]fIP' 3., 9,20' (]9%}. D.,. Pln!l!5, II'. If\lmi~~>!, Theory" oj QWIIJW/Ij r;q.riid~(Pf!ifS@11)S" (jill1'brid!:g~ .MA, ]96,6), \!dU•. 1. 9. H, Go<mfrin,H.,"j, Lilwte!r,in P~r~js ,in' .~,oo, rit'mp~.fJ]tW',~ I PirYj.ft:-S, 'iN, IP. lliI3'lp@IiI1n".~dl.. (Niorlh IHdllj}nd\ Am>tl1!rnam, U'\l~), ~~,~4,. ~p'.2:n-;:1!.-4.


1l04l1~:2l00'l). 36." C. P~pin. Ph~, i!?f~;. [fit; 9,3, 2116401 (2007). ~7, f. ~!mwami j]'f at" 5d~(£ 3:l!!i. 969 {2Q(lJ'~\ ~jJ. G,Kn~e~eft1l., J• .Ph)'!. Sac,]pn. ·15.U-4 7'09


:1.1. (" P. Lushew.


n. :5,(1~~1.I.

39, f. liom1a. the~i5.. lito~i 1I1IoUow<lI~.t!ll1!rrersilyoJ Looo'oo (2{l()1I). 4(1. W~: ~hi!rn'l: P. (oU~man, 11. Ecw!lrOs, M.. Gr'OGdll~',. A.IHI~OIll, C Ipeper!'!. ami A. J. :~~ofie'ldr@l' df!OCU:l1;l;!)ns. Sl!!PIlO!1~d OJlllnd~. iflIfant G~l(JI567rolL.

18. f. (ClWa

PIlit'S'.Rev, 8 41, 18~,2U9901 UII.. J, Sa~!lcteI'~Mys, Irev-,

Ib~ line UK ElfIgineeringandl Pih.~bU~ S(ie;n~ IRle~es~(ih

a..clcriS11iccnc!:'gy sc~k: h".aris!:!~giom

which '!:clivc
nTIilI.~ <IJ)~JCi!lill'S

Kondoto d:i'\/'Crgc,

]i ke il~~J;!diflyertOl:l.pJin],g. ""'Elllishes.b~ IJoOwcr-~.;lIiW e'xlr.l]ID~aJlior.l, ~l [hi::,:: ~nle' oov,e:mge lie ~QCP) at

6'1', 24'51'7(]99'lli). K.·D~ Mt:lfihillro 1ft a/., AAp,. Rfv. B ~Si3:, 513(1:9'91!»)~ .26 13. 0, 'lisup ,~t,,,J,, j, Low Temp. Phy;.. 134, n. 1(200~}" l~" M. Siq,l!!l!!ira,elF'; lllf!!h!lf:, Ill, P. ~mli, j,. SO'iulld~rs. PhJ~ Rev. Le~t 711., 1~Or7 (:1. 99i31. !5.A,. Casey. H.p"tet J. E!., iP; (lm'~Ill. ] .. S.auillders. ,Pi1Y5. I!?fV. ,tttt; 9tlI!, (2.00:1)' .. l6 .. M. 1l~l!r" .~hys•. iWi?v. I,~t. 64, 297 (19m~'" 17. lhl!! mil'!irll.:!ll frILl)df!~ijnCiorp(l<.~i!I!!!~ ~·,I~lr!!?>i!·. ;;!!ld: JQ!U' il3!'!- ei«ih:alil[Je. An ert«~,ve nea~~'I'!I!'i;JIi1'OOr H:EiiseOOerg IiM.cIh~llil'ge J "'" 12 ~zy~ . :; '0, Ji'lwril'l'!J~lilrrOOl ..gnetfim, i5 l frurshilfh!d ~ bur-]panidf' ririUli ~rlh1il11l91l J>l'

as 3m.


·~!,MW;sciiencleITiag.oJg!tpgMtonl.etlitl'flllll1114aOOim]C1. Materla15 a fi'd MJelhOilis Fig;s. Sllol S8 labt,E"> 1 al1ldl 2 R[lifellll\n~



9 A~ri~ 2OOi7; ~@IP!!!d 18 Jul~2 oa' 215 h!t~ .20:07; lO.llQ 615"i~nre.n4·3~~}7 1rn:llOOe'tlili<s inlorm1'illiion wiTtefJ d~illl.'YI'ihis JhliP~lr.



VOL 317





Huma,ns Have E'voll'ved Speciialliized Skills of Social Ciognlit'io'n: The Cul'tur,!,1 Illn't,el,l:igenc:le Hypo,thle's!is,
~IUI'~l'U!liU hall@ mo!i'inll/ cogi1Jithr!l!' skms: not p,o:::sessed by the'ir n,ealres~ IPi'~m:abl!' r!l!.tat.1iv'f!s.The cul~!1!Im ~,'illi1llte'~~:ige'm,c eo lm,ypoth ~s;isallrgl~(!:s~hat tJrn~IS]S: 'ill]n i,y dUI(l to ill specieS'"s;pecitic :!lIe,!of S(),da~W (log n!d~e sJki lis,. emewgl]n91 'elill~[yi:liiIl ()'n~og'€ny; fn r pilInJdlJat]nQI ,E! nd esch a'li1Ilging iknO'lAlit,edge in wl~l,Qra~ groups. W,e'~'€!st,ed ImlypO'tllesis !by Igriving at comlpreh'ensive bauery of (ogniti'!jli!; tests ~o thi;5 lar,ge, nunm,bers of'tlivo o,r h~m,i3'IiII!l:' dOis:e5~ p,nimate r~~.aI~iVlllS,dliTh]mpi81n2~e's an1ol,orangutalitillS, as \ljIeU , a,s~'O, ,2., 5-yea i"~o'kI hu ma n ,~hi~Jli'elrl! lOe<fo m lit.e~'a(y and sclhlMII.ifll g., S tip por~iili:li,gl Ule ,eli!] ltu i'~ll lin~elmnglence ~iyp,O!th esls oil Il1d !Con~radidlll'ilig ~lhe Ih,yp'Qlthesn:s~I~:at h UlI1IJiiI,rlsS'Im ply have more "[Ie-new oiIl~ ~n~em,gle:n(e/' wefoullIiI:d ltnat the dlildr€r1 snd ,~IMmllPi.llllilrzee:5 ed very SiI1l1l,uarcogl!lhi'!i'esk.]~l5 i()ln" h deal~ij~g YIIi{~~he' physjiiC2!'~. wQlr[d 'b!.lt tha~ tine !cihUdlren 'nladmore sOlpl1~l)riGated(ogn~iti'llie:~~mst'~n either of the ap,e' speciesf,or deaUng 'with the SQdQill 'worilid.

Theee have bee.[II:1I) dirocl t:e5L~ahlle. ,c:~llmal b:li!d~.gc:ll:Loe hypothccS~li. ITIIOJ: any direct ,CO.nnpafisons of it will ·ot1!oc:r lliypcl'nhcsC8 of human 'e'\fOir~hon. The' soci:a]intei~ugcn(;e [~YiI?01ih~t5 for p'ru!nal~ it.g~Jf~! slJIpplrled by positive ocn['eI;UID:n~ bCli\v·eem re.~ative bmin size (i.e .., IK!OOOI1lCtX. size) snd social wlifitlibles sucl~as group size or g)IOOmmg,eI iq;lle size 1[315 an '. ~H ,t,.. I.''7 '"/. ,. ullS U1:uLl!X .ou. OOCJlilliI. Clomp '1.· Ily ., /·1 , ,(-.;. 'iIT'Il' 1·~1· ex .' ( evidc:nl:ocpraV'id.c..s. 8'U1.;pPOrt ford~e generalsocial direction 0:1" the Cl,lt~urnl i~tdl:igellcc hypothesi.s,.
but ovemU cocr.~-e~.l!li(Dns, do malneUI LIS the mlsus of fh~- brain size dj[C]lCta.ce~ in terms of p.m:ticl1Il,ai' cog[lJit~'ire ski~Jls~m)f d(),d,~.ey holp es to id~;tj,fy whkh ,cCIIg'i1litive skiHs humans f~~:Eiy ha vc ~hm

oither pril~]~le8 l~d!:. Th~ have m! b een:;ionu: w

exper.imf:ll!lalS:Dudim. dud di.rc:cdy ,co:mp,lmddm pe:rfortll].mee of ~'\I'C:D'fD~. p:r:im~lilL\species on a few c'Oglliitive tllil,k.s, butiu the Oi~.Iy mota -aualysis of t:i1,QSC snidics, none of ~hc ffiliS:lItB l::u;gctl::([i,SQciall oogU]iti.on :~d IIlUHmns were net :rep:rese~.l~od {J'.I).



m'UgMy ihree


social grolU~~ [the sociel imli;)]l:igpn~c: hYirOlhesis

]1~UlmUI ~df!onlnUl~~!l prinuu.c which~ms: so f~rnolbeen O.onc. h~ Olile hypothesis: ~.s; ~,U) ger.icra~,inh.'imgc:nce such a oornpiifioorn. 'Ih.,e eubliral~~.].e]l.igelilee ~:~.YlPO'~lel5ltS prod~,(;H;hai 'lI'n:er>e should be an age t hypO'[i:l~5,is. lil!r&rer bn1iml CMb.~O 1,1,utr.iln£ln:sto per,WOI]:ilnliln, kJ[[l;dis, of ,cogniti'fo'ie opc:rations more in oorly :i:lum;;r[;l o:rlil:ogcny (spccl,fic-aUY.iilUil age before chi Idren 1~!aivc oon :scrirrusly i.1m,ll.ucncoo by b Crnd~.J1ILly (~1.i!!11 other spccirJ&:: ,gfeaJ:c:r m.en'ICII:'}'" mnst rca]'lll iouse lmoc:se ~rLifacts ~nd roolssnd 10 f~lm!!"]ca:ml,ll:g, filsl'C[" pe:reeplu;;!!:1 'iU'o~s.s,ing,more" wriUeol~u]gu~~c,. sy!l~'holi(: mnd~C!llat.ics, ,oo.d p~rticl:p.are in these ~~miCies" whvch :~qtli:re' some robust infefie:[lJo¢£.l~o.l.~get-rnnge p'hmning. mod So spoci;n]. ~oc:iiil.I"(:og;lrn.itive'sk]lls of ~,c;:i~1 formal edUlca~i!on) a'l whi.(;:~~Iin~vmm~s'skin:::: of OJ]~ The <l.IIi;:m.~[ive is Ul\: a£~!Ipled inleUigenoC' c::ommlLl!.11:ic~lti.oJ], !:~d"lheol''Y 'of mind' < (13). pl~Jlsicalcog[l.i[ioJ] (col1t:e:mi:ng such as Ilypothe5is (4). Cobmil:uve .:ibJ.lhi,es evolve ]i[l. Som.c ,O[hielFapespecies 'r~lliS~'1Iit some b(tl)i~'i,d)Clr:s space. qU;I,t'llliil:ies.,and ,c.unsflllily1, re vel.)' sumJilaT a response tOl"Clati~'ly specific cnviro:!~ment'o:!il roci;fllly .or cuhurn.Uy (14., .15). btU 'Ih~jr !iip~d~,s,. to tE10SCof .o~r nearest primOiiil(l relatives b1llll at ~llle~.ges, iSind so' \ViC lI1li1'~y see c~c~~iug b1rC/tg, lyphia] cognition dt:!!es no.r depenid ,on pmidpliiilv"rhJlch ~hc,ir sldU:; ,of ::;ocl~I-CU~~1:!rol 0~gni~]on ¢x(:eptuo~'d ~]:lem.o:r'yski]!s, h01i¥ling pi.gcons, b[l_gUtlll (':~I.~~m~illler.:u;;tio:rL", i~ ~he$l~Llnc;: w~y <L'i, it (s:pcdficarly thQSCmust d.~recUy r~1Vol\ledii~. cld-· wi~hnlarnr;::d sldUs of ~(tm[:Ha] :n;arvuga[i,ol1. bees. do~, .in IUII~~ifIns:, ~u:~] i:;reation ~lnd ~~1r.1'lling., liJich ·all· soc,i,,] ~~1~m~ S wha, ml;:lllt mlearnlheir ~liive wi~h. oomp!ex.s,y:stc'!:ll1!S, oOfcon]jmunic.<I~ior1. <lind.~o li(Ulgu~gt:' in ~oc~a].il1tcnlcLionswith Qthtn, (ii) i:llIg, omntr]][bIlicatio~]. <Indtheory of nl!l,mft) <1100 fOrlh (5)., In~l]!e case of prill~t1!l~. son~.elJ!n.eor:l81L~ acquitre neoe~~~"lfj' l.u~:is il'lin SI:ailt sllbsislence :ski ibby parlidpi'lJl~ 31iremly diSllinc~~,velylmmal1i. ~~awi~h experu. j;l:1cswbiiS:hcd cuhural p.rac'lk.\cs,. CJ(lfllmg,] OOllle g~neilllil ]I'iiLd'lig~nee: hypotl1ici'ih;" have propClood l~r~m [lite distinc!i'Vc L"J'loc1's of wh,j,ehpredic~sDiun human o()~ittoll :s:ihmll.d cHl'fu1r prima'~e CQgm~il:iOll evOlved n~~i~]y fespOI!m$e too and Ci.iO (in~ny oo.h~)~~~ire skms with wrilin il:~_ IMgunge ~nd m"d~Clmi!:tic~d sy~mbgllg d1irollgb from ~h,,] of ()th~r primates ~:mi,fQ!11dy" with 00 the 'e~p~iaJ~.lychallc"gi~g dcnulmds !Of fh~gi~g for seasomd. fr~ui,rs aJlld ['CSiOUf(iCS coobed.dedlin rmm~l:'\dlOolillg (UO' .hl t~:~e '~~d.lllLl!mtul O1.du~~:;; d.iffereJ]CC be:it\!ll)C~] I~hysical iJliudsodml co~itlon, C Sllb~lnles [llli1.e t)(;.'"OJogicalin:alt~llU,genccYJl!Qi~he,~:us, \!;'ill. hiil.W tin kinds of cQlgn:Jliriv,~skU! S mTI.OI paSF b En []!teCJLII[en~ s:llIdy. t1iueliu:fo:re. '\VC s.Q~lghJl to idicll~ify.iI~y dfi!;~irr:iJ(tiVoe f~tlJnl!ls lllJ:I[l'Iflll ,eog~ (6. 7)],wl~(;r,00l;;; O~:~.cffi ~~~\'e:ropog,cdU~~1: Ihe , ~~cd by Qili1)erprinla,1f'S~ '~lil. [~,isO1!:Iil.rom~ w~!~1 be ~jli(1I1thm, may (;'iiis~ ill ailleai,~)r ~~e: afc!\Iili.~:o,g~jJ~,y djj~ :~mrg~ly ol:1.llldren's cai,ly ~O:igi[i)g, di:uita.etiv>c il~C'l!::S of 'Pfi~n!fboo ,eO,'11ilkul 'U'lIQlvcd. hz)Cdsk.Jills:fOor absoliibing lbcaccl! m~,]rnJlNgki~]m~l.]Thly ]]1IJ f'e5pOI1Se ]0 the et1pcd~l~y challcflginlg Ili:ll:d.inU~isway~ to fl&C'i'Cs-!i, ~nd d.ifl.':ct~y oomlXlre d.cmaooilili of ~ ocnnpl!cl\ sfjloia.1 ~:ife of 'Q(l:rliSUlI11 flUl.! pllnc:]hx~sfind lk.l! oflhd!i SQCifl.~ ~,r d'le oulmm] .i~llt:eU~gcncc mrrd. gunemt .illWUigem:::e t:MJ:mpe'l][noDlJ <lendooopeITIII:iollwih oUmrs:in. the. (so'l[l~l.~ ob~ildgrowing tUp oursid.c of Hmy hunlmn hWOiDheses of hml1~1!1l t:oglmili¥i1:~ evoh!lll[OH. We cli~l~n"Cw(dlc] GGwl:op few di'1ltillt.':liiwly hUail,liarl d]rnl]:~]s by adnlini:s,~e'rui[IJg<'I oompIeb~~rn.~i",e Wt[!~ Piland: ~1'!5li1IHe r~f E'!!lJtilli(!ooi!)!' Afltl1ro,pctogy. 'Leipzig, lO oogllii~ive :skillls).HL.1ll1mHiim.s' ~']leciill iy p!JwctFlIII OOU~I)' ,of c()~n~.'I:kvc~e-8t:~ a b.i:rgeillllllOOr of IHI4]O!J, Geiflif1an.y.~DepalrtamE!nlC!l de lIl\E!~eoolu9r<lde las. skms cognition early Jil~omo-gchimp.,"tinZ.ioit:s (Pun II"ogJodyt(!.~) {one of hmnilJ1i.'ii,' C'rfI'lLias del (um [(I!Orlamimt1:i, til nhrff'Sidild ((lIn,~I.eiil5~ ::Ie' ellY tims SC!"\IIC' asa kind of "'bO(lilSuap" fQr~le f'l.1i.iQ close._~Uving OOlal]Ves)\ o-roJ~gUltfU~$ (Pungo ~lfidi S~hll,~Oep.!!rhlJ:!eil1t g~ i:l~~lQgi~:! MtliU'O',p@tQlj~ ;p1J<li pygplaej;ls) (:a 1l10:n:: d~&tamlyrel~ood great .1lpc)" ditstine'ti.vely COlnplC'x d.e\!'elor][I]];el1~ofhmU21!Il mg,I\na!!omv" IDlJ~ Unl~wlfS,ilV"·IDurl1a,1ll!l, NIC 211OS, USA n:~tuon in general We' m~y Nl] ll'lC cl.drum_] ilI,nd human dlilld.l'er.! (Homo s,op'i~ns} at 2.5 )'\e3:~ "'To 1fjl!iQ\rf1 oCe~ponoon(~ .lihooDd ioo. add'r)l!fl~ed" Il:-mail1::, elhenFlfiian@e~.If11P9,.~ ([H) ];1:iI1e1,.~igmt~ hypollt-esis,. orage. OfeniCi;iI,]illl:pm1t,tniJOO to (mr<1rna:lylli!> ",vere

l\c].rg~"(fl:'ltcflll...~h.O!se.o.~.t.~I:hC:.if..1~'<l.( re,.;~.' p.:rum.a.I: ' 1 td,ill~a:"rlSs.!'he gri;li1l:l. apes (1, 2). and QI CQIiJifl5JC~l~\!e ~lfIIm~y !l:!ogrnill,,,rc ski~J~nO'l, possessed by ,~:n:ll:er pri~nRltes as: wel], Fool]] l!aI1~! to Sjl'1ulxililc 1~~~thcmatic.'5ln :sdcnri11c U'C!l!)OIJ'n.~ng" 11]~' qucsliom, 1]10111 ruml evoi.u[iOJ]~ry 'poil.1~ of v·.&ew-espetiid~y gi'l,?en the CilOlJuauS; ei'l;e~lie K>(,PDII~~C a l'a!fgQ brain Ul-ftfe ]~tOW and wtl,y of hlJmmlSh~\i'C evolved such po~rt'li]JI and disl]n:c-' live oogniitiveabi1JiliQlj req lliJUJ:l!g~Q fnUlChnell_m~ [iss~(!.

III fh~ hypothesis

S~vCl:a:l,otliler ex~rimc.l]l;nl studies have dj~C'!:]y oompitood some :individual oognulhre :skiUs of hlUmruHl ,(~.1:t1.OSt~,y ,thiklren) ;iLnd nenhuman pmb
[inlf!jOC,.'S {mQ~I]y31pes).IYt1II, eaeh o,mll.~c £lr~idnc~ l\i,ag been O{)J],dliC~ed wW] dinemnif~.dhr~.dll~~is, !ltlld indic:ool.lhe ages ofthe dhHdfOlll sndjhc members o:f~.111e nOflhum~n pri~]~~respecies i1il'e hu:;oJ]S]sttllH aeress :MIU.di,es (21), WIII'ill is.needed !JO tesl~:ho ,clu:!tiUm]lunLcUligen:ee hypothesis is, :11.:;;y:;;tcmm.i~ICQ~~f1rison of a

of ~~mans, (line, rea!io.m~bie

j~volve.i;], e:;;tcnd.i~~g ~hc

sQciill.inrelligcflce hypothesis to .reOeel [he fac[

lh~l hamans :?Irenotjust SQd~i but "iUllliI1l.. &od~r' (1 2). n~<II[is.w.l.u=reasprim~LeS, ingeaeral .i.m.'ilC O'voivcd ~ophi~lic~'I!LMgOC'iil]~Cogtiitiv'r: ~i.lllq l"ilr

OOmpCl]~ng and coope:ro~i fig with cmlspcc:if]c~, hU!!1Iwns have alse cvo.],.red. :sIi>i.lls thal enable thoor:! to aeR!alJy Cf'CailC dHrere~~ Cl.l!hIU:J"~1 gliOUP&, each ol']emti~,g with :a. distinctive sell of {l~·ilifa.ClS, synlbols, ~r1dsoc~tIi~ p:mc'~j:CCila[id. instullllionSl:. 1:0 f~1IrlCLion~ffl1ctivc.~y lin dleClilll~IJ]ild world into \\~' '~,l.Cy are born, human childrea si:mplr)'

repoooolltallive mngc of oogn.iLive skills among a

si~1Jgle&el of


(:i) ;lIlIsmbiects from al ~, thJree species '\..~""~eliOlhc 1.e~8 [he: ~cst biUitery: (iii) (l~c :apes ~i\1'cd ~rnrieh, sc:!!ru-;~U!!lil!L~] eJlvif(l!,"me[l;]:>; and (ii.i), the:~ wa.s a .s;uffic:i~llit.

til!!:' foUowing~


prilootetl need sk~,U~for meil]i.rlgwith ":sp;acc"~~o d0CK:l5Cwis.eliy an.~.O:(lIg l1~1iple food m wU.ICes,II'!:cy "cOO COg1Mlhlc ~[kj]ls for dbr!li~ \V~l:h<·'qU!IlIlliDi,es:':. amd for e'i.'ne;:,t illg food. fmm dimcu~t p](ace:;" ll~cy flCOO 'cog~~.iti\"e ~k]U~ fzyr Ul1llC['SLam1ing "(';<ilUSi:'l~ity"(inc~ndil.I:1:g, fur some
species, the eeatext of1iOo:11sc). In~]jis amdysils. u

!1Mwmber f sllbjcct."IO propcrl,y ~~r.:as virtual]y o 110 previous stadies :hflvedene, thero.~e of gender;

agc"omd lDm~.:Je~me['I!t (~:lm~!u;rodin Oil st"p.rn;,ue lest) as possible: mccJjators of ioogJ~i[hie per-,
ro!'l1'Qarnc-e ontfu.e rusks. Me~(ld5: tifl.e 'ttS;t IbatlieryaJ~d its: a(!:m~mlS-' ~rati'ofl. The .lP:ri1]'l<I!i.e Cogrnil;uoD:l Tesl Banery (perTl) was consnucted btlis.od on tho~:wo:reti.c<i!ll ,u"IJ<'l:liysis f p:ri~n.aoocoglJjiliora. by Tomasello and o Clln (2'2)... [1:1 Illis liuna1ys,iso,'H~.cprim:3!ry division is. between physk!l.l oognl1i()1Jm, nd soda] ,cog1)ition. a .A.Ullil01llgh. pri:nlil,tes i!:n~heilr :n~tVlm~. ll<1bibl~~, n::gubtr~y uses-kills: of physirn,1 <lind SQC~3l,,eog-· ""1'-[;'''''' "<f/'",.,-,.'I]-"'r-·- [e 1:' .U ... .... ~".]""'.,;. lor .1,~1IJI!!Jj \1i.1~1-'1"" {'." .{'".~'II . _ comp("I:iIll;u,g vi,l~lhgroIJP:mllJte:!l (13, 24n, i:llil. [hl':!lty tlIn.crwe ~C[::;,ofskills :lIire dislilt~CI, Ix\c'JIJ.l:St'lP:~~ys.]ca.1 o{lgn:iti.o~l deals with i~iUllirniillC: objects and d~eil"5p~tial':l:elllp m:akijLus<l~.1Jc::1A,tiQlls, whcr,e;:as, Sloci~~!cogmtitiol] deilb; wuth ol.her!llnllilll:!llle be:ing,~, .md theiri:n:JIlef;l'lnmillll~ ~c:rions>, lJ;Crce,pl~O:r1::.,md: kj.~,(jrwloogc. Mor:e sp~lific{!llyj' if! lhls aJli~~YS]!ii" r.imame p cogflili()~ oil' (he physical ~io:rld ovohred]y lim the cmltcxl or .fomglr!lig: Tok~c~lc .~o[ld,
U ... .JJV,U ILU,~l;;llI ~ .~.,~IJ~ I\IJUb.JJil~ .",

primate $OC~!.!j cognition c\l!olvcdbecause or~,:c

havioref ,o,[]n~rn,PJ·.unm.~~ need skins of "(;01]]mlmicati,on"~ to. hi1l~'iI:l thing.'i v iC.lrUCHKS:ly f[(J([]fJJ ob~C:l\r~ng others, they need. gkil]s {)f "soelal l'caming"':f)[Qd to p:red,ict the: beht.1v:Uor of O~lCrg in. oompeliI]O!l, lhey need ,co.gnitive skjl~!li ('Or !.1I~derstandi~]gp8;ycho']ogi(;~~~],Jte$ ch ilS g,cwls ~ <Iudpercepdons '["ithemy of m~mr;)+ ThePCTB lherorore comprised t]1,l3: '[wo do:m,dtl~ of phy~i.~all
oognIJ1·ion. Rind ~Dc.i<'llcogI:lJitio'l1,. each ofwlIrie'l:i. oomprised three <cognitive SC3]t1S ([~~e six, tCMlS l'e!lsio:~berwcen ,ooO]'C!ii!Uon and cQmpe]]lio:~ among ,g;!lt1upme~]1jbe!rn:Tb :nn.a:~ipu]fI!tc '~l,e be-

Le1pLig, Gen:raany. T<'Iible ] brie:l1iy summarizes d'l~ snucane ofPCTB (25) (movies S I. 10 S3.2). n£ PillS "\ra\5,mk~'l!i!1i:srered0 three g!"01J]PS 1 of poo:.ic:ipa:mt<;,. fim~1VC1Je WiG chlii~,mpAuze~ (53 U~lres: a:n:d 53 f~lnal~: J to 2 iye.;JJfS zyf ~g..e'; mcan ;iLg~:: 10 years) that .Iivooeith~r a[ the .Ng,amba, lS~i~nd cliJlimp<'lllil~eC S;iiflclmHy, .LaIi;.e Vie~ori~I,. UQaJ]'OC]~. or at the Tcfuiii]~JP'O!l~ eh impaMec sa~w;;lr.}i. ei~!JJbI~cof Co"go, Second \VC!:e J2 R orn"gl!l'ans (n meles a:rld L5 fc!'ll!llcs:.3 ~:o 10 years QfoJ:g.~~ mean mge~(, y>e.~)~@lhvod ali'he .

Ord;li1Ig~uli[D:I emil: Center,lllil.d Q,u,aral1ltiJ:win .P:1J."l]rlr

PMjMg, Kal:nmall1J!an, mndon~li!l. All. of~h~c a,pdS llvein thetiehest soclal ~nd ·p:i,ys.ic'8i~.,t;r:l~
vlronmems ::;,ptive apes and h~ve grOi!lvn up in elese >con!i!!!JI~!IIhh lTh~mEu15who



feed, and careful" [hC!J1m. n:im. were: ]05 luml.u c:hnidrt;~ [52 males and :5.3 romalcos~ 2.5 yeOlill'S or a~e .(±2 moulfttfl)] .lThum a m~d.i1[nm~ii'£)c:d city in


I:~:li:deen liSiug, b


enclosedin quotes ~bove},~,""'ilh seale bd~.g each

I'ln!!l~ spec:nfic [(Ish. oompo~ecl of Rcve:rn] .iLenls CBlC1in,. Mma of!he illcms:w-cre' derived rwnl previoll1lsly published :;tijj.d,i~ of p:rii]~aJlc COt,!;'1lfiilion (I:..~b,~c 2}, '~i]a~:s. S othcif]i were ercered lor d~ePCT,B3J~d v~lidiued before use Wi1h ~hc chimpanz.ocSi an:d ora~gutrul:S,

CDn,~iIl1ctedw.ith. (me

for-l ye~r(25) OabJeSI.). i?!S 'Ili,If."~ indivi.druaUy ~eslOO bya

~i~IIJI.IJ]';I"ll]e'xperimel1ter,M.thlhe l


~:esling a S~:Jlbje-Cl ]l:iro:ugli~ou~. [he~ el]jti[Jl~:llmuery. Eaehp31rtidpa[l,t oomplC1~d 3J~l, t<lsksin.l, Ui~,c .PC"IB,. whkh m ek ffun'! J u) 5, heurs ~l!IOg.e-lhC:'l", generru Iy


Kahle'I"PrimaJ~l;;: .R<CSieillI\t)1~. Center



the same order across· seveml day-;sl oj." S].l The E1i~unm:~ctJrildlliC~~ were

Spatial l!1i!emo~
(.~ litem],. 3kiiil~s) '~:b]e!(t~~rnraallfl~rlic:~

vtrtms" I) tria ~s)


(3 ire!1f'lS" 9trria ~s)

Tlr,a Iir5p~itj;on

iftem~,. 9tlri;1~S)

R@tativ~ f'll.lmrbe ~.S

('1, il'el1rl. ::iIl3: 't~rial!;,)

Adld1~riorm Noflse

1UI!I'I!I bell'S

(1 irerll, 7~ri~.~:5) irte>ms, 6 tlri<'i~$)

(:2 iooms" 6. 'tina ~s) Tecl use (] ilterll, ltirl ..U

Co mmul1h::ariorn

Tool ,p'~~'Peties r (~ items,. 15~lria[s) Social. ~.earn':I1I,g! (!I iooms,. 3itlria ~s) 'Compreiruen 5~0I1 (3 irelil'lS" 9 trria ~s)

(l it~m,. 4kia~) Ane:n!t1.CiI,nall st~ne

(~. iKtms,.4tJr!j]


'Ga~~fu ~~I!)!Wil1g (3 iterllS,. 9 triii1~s)



ioom:s,. 6tll"i,1~$)




l:e~lOO ora. .5 dll,y •. ~,vith:in:L 2~w01:k pcri.oo, and the
<liP£-S '''"eTC

coded fl10m videotape ~Re; thebt

A second

a ocn~~{lf R d!!lYS.. Gnl1~p;:1!!1_ZO~s and O!:'a!1_gUUlIJ1iS, \¥ea.~ ~es:led in a rami.1i~r nlQ1l:)'ll, and hmnalll
cllli~d:re~~ We're: t>C~1)di~ a oldie!. h_lllx)[~l:ory Mid a&co<.mp,ulied by apru:el1Jl whowas ~oM,not [0 flnnUcnce or 'he:llp imli ,<liF.II:y 'way" Tom~s:me the c,omforl, k\lic.1of p~rLidp~nl$in (he ~cst sil\!a~ion (bC'Cau~e lilis I.XHlild be a nl!xli~[Qr ef ~hc~r perfon:ri~neei!llhc PCrB), wealso g~vc subjcn::iL'S.

tested on consec



ob~r:ytw ]il1:dcp~ndc:im.1JiYcored (From \'id.o[nirupc) s 100% (I f the ~r[~h; for human ,children 8Jll.d eh im:l1<'l[1~es and 20% ofnlhe trj\;lJ~ Itu' (li~J]gut.lns. The ~l:l.t~r-~bse~'V\lr' ~gree;mi1:rnt ~br'!IU m~ks,combined was 9811/1;1 far ornngutm:as,. 9VO~ :fo[' (;11.111]p~Jirl£.\eS, aad 99% fur htll.mflill,d~;i Idren (!;:q:bic S4 ft' ~hi!'SII!d,ts. figure .~ presents thcresrll.lts ar jhc loom g:e'~le!ai ]evel of.oo.alI.ysis. Ave.r'olbgilrlg acress

(w:iiihi[li.he first 4 days ofl.e:)rijngJiII.lelHper<l!ll1~nt.

lil;).~l d!:::s;i~l00l() <~~~5:S, 'd](.:rirl:cfJt:lionlo~rovd objects. poopfe:.a!lJ1ld ]"Ccwaa:m (25)1 Oabl\es S6 and 87). A.U lC.-S1:jil~g as v,ufk;()tapoo. w F .or mO:.J;;t of ~he mst::;"a hl!nUi!il C',xJierli!noo~i;_,'i" (E ] ),sat behind a w~:lle fbci,l1g H]4;:~b:ieCl.~H"QI.iI,gh 3.r:lcxi;glflS window ,(dli~dn')nand 3Qmc <lIpes) 01' <I. [il;1Lc~h prln.ei (apes only). l]~e \.'V]ndJ]iW El'ad t~:~:roe: bolles, at diJferel:ll pesitions, t[:~:rough, subj.oc·ts cQ,lqldilIlse:n ~ 1it'i iooic3ilc~.cir cJ1Qicc \'vhell flJ!tes".'>;;l!), ([1g5. S] end S2). On an: trials, E I always wailed I,II)[i t!bc ,~!l):lbje(:l\lll(lis. racun,§herbcfbrc begiil'illlillg a trirut For u~Hn]~, requ iring ~Ic!~oice,lie ~]OSil~t(]!naBbe Fe\~[-d\ns, ·c(liU,nU~l'b~llii1lfiood acress either 1WO or jhree ]OC~U]OOl~.(dcpe!ldi~g on d1;e task) bm ~he reward was ~"1()VCf hidden for ~1,OfC than ~wocolll:;eculivc trials ilm.~hc ~8mc p!.noe.. la m: r'C:\i\!'I~&k.~ subje<:Itc~;

ajJ Qf~lel:as],,"S in ~hc I)h.y:;kal dom3!i~~.,humans and chi:mp'Ul~es weiie coa:reC[ 0:[1 -68% ofnbe nials, whereas o.rrulglU:CU.1S were eorrect Oill ~59% ·ofthe trials ('I.Il~.aJliSo.luLC wlil,ues are not e.s;ped,dty
moo.lf:Iins:ru:~because SOi~:ileulsk.s had a: 50 or 33% ChMCC of SIl>CCCSS by gruC'-ssin,g,and some iasks

oae rnm,al.he1t,. bl~l l1O~h were ~:IIJ10r~, ski[ilfil ~ '~1;t~ ornngulMS, (P -c (lOOt i:D:I a~1 c~es), The dU:' fefCilmoc bC-W'CCD C"hiim:pan;reesa.!I1IJll O~J1gUIE:!l!i renlai.ned ~Ve'I1I, aflCr CO!JintJ1!D~li:~ f(lr ~ge (2..5)\. h~ Ute roc]a~ d(m~~i~ the pattern '1i'!t!t" ag:fll~nJ diffb:relU H.1lm the ph:ysit:a] domain and lm~.C same for all d:uree of 'the scales .~~hlimaJlJl childlre~,l. ere more w sklil UilJ'llhan ciLlioc:r of ihe ape species InC3c:iTh of [fueUi~roe soeial scales {P< ]11~I ca:>~h.and [he "PC'!; did nOl d:iffbl" fll"rum 'oneMo~hel". Tab]!:: 2: ]ists species.'p!i:'l1ImIla:l:)ue onl the r6 d:iffe:mnt t:P1)'Iks: ilm:l;[1 et~d~. w nflh.e ~1:llc:S (:oote dNW social ]C'<lmirag is a seale and a task). The overall ~ucm is [~~<'l!ll;vilhin [hie physi,eal doltbain;g,.]mm;]~


children ,a~ld Ch~I1lP!ul~CfiCh

'I:VCf:'e OOlU,l'm 80~

ms].;sih;ln the o!her; with Oraqgut;lllS oHm .rep~. tUJl":llililS alldd]imp<l:~ees; did nO:I di.lIer ftOilll Oll!e: senJling an mu!]it.'f, Wi~]in~mfu1J]" sp<I.l:LtfI]l<1flks, OlIlaiJ:ler in [h~. p.1:ry~ilC1l1~: domain, but ~hey~~i()[i~ C:ill.ldl1c'u W~ OO~l~ thruilJ cfuJiJl],1L~~ a1. one' ~as,k both morc sk]nfi]I~.l~n ihe ,Ol1mgUI.uliS (I" <: 0.00.1 (objOO[.pem:l.1I1:UlllC<!), r~ih\.\£C'lslll.c· eh:im.pimz,e~ liU1l 1)01h ~c~l In. Un.c SOOiiii dom:aJi:w, a \ICi'y Q:j,jj,~pcr'rcmn.oo the ,c]~i:~droil i1Jl another ta~k ('Iraifi~I'"'

had no possibility For g~t!;!ssing). S~ti,.,,]fc~Uy,!he

difr~renl panern cn:n.erg>cci. Av·t::ri!l.,gingcross all a

of 1:h~ tasks m]alI domain, the human chil!dren \VCn~ oon:eot. mm. ~ 14% of ~hc rrisls, wllef' Ur:te two i'I,:pcspecies \1!.iC'11® OOl'l'cot. about' half as ol~~r'I 33 to 36% of the ~ri~~ :S!tfllt'i~l;ieaUy" ( s). the ~U!!m~Hl:;; \"il~,~ mOf'i:l: skill fid li1a.II eh~1(::r oflile [\;0,,1'0 spe species (P <: O!I]{H in bom. cases), whic:h d£d !lOr!dj,f'l"crl' a[~Olhel: 2 p~s:eIlL'"lie Ne!'i:uk"i:, atthe level. of~le
sixseales, htlhephyska~ dCl:rln<'lll'l,!hlliillewe:re ao diilf~m:cs mn.omagpC'Cic~O:I~ the qmtllil:1.ill,i.cssc®iJc. s all both jhe spoce :an.d ceusal lily scales, h(nvc¥~r" hW~Il!3flS ai!:~d chi~.~.~pO\lI1ZCeS did 11<01 (l!i'fl''Ci" foom

pooitiOfl). ln terms of qU~J1!I'itfes, rul tln~e spcd.cs we'1\;: SinlUiiitr <IllJ~ldgillgwhich ofn:m qurunilk:sis 1mger, bur chi !l1JJ!) [l1Zees: were be~ler[h~1I'1 llioth of the o~'~cr spcc:t(!~ tl!l,cOIrnbinnllg q~~nlil ies in 'Ol'-d(:ill'
to tiOO!kea jud.£ftlIn,ci'it Chn, be.1LCf'I,

both ape :specie.s a! ~.hell~,rocC1ilii.18aillily~sk8,in

\!j,lhiah a JI!l(lgmC:f1Itmust be mm:l~ before manipula[iOi~:or cl~oice. \~~~rea" Ch~l1lp~I]Wes~.vCi:e boclltcr

[cs:lCd 11l1Io[ller !'le'lllp~,n';!quirim~,glhem to dlo such, IUljim'lg.~ .'JJs:nJ) use a si~.lnp~.eloo:.~, foUo\\\!' gaze dircclim, or gCSUH'CIQ IE~,1(,25). SubjooM' lCSp()n8~8 were i!l]il~fl:ny codedJive by E [ except liir g~.;roJlO'\\III' 1f1.girlals, whi~h E l

than ch:ild:ren and ,orningul:3Irn:Sat the one' c<msaliLy


.iJ:!v(), :active


li~J!i.Willm,ill tlffi:C :s.oe:i~ll

di'YInain, agail'l th~ p;;mcm'''~s vC[j! djfl~l:Cfll .• As, prodlcrod. the ~llQlmrum, ,c~:illdrorr:n. wore oons:Tt&w![lt~y more sikmrllJl ~l1l.1J'!i~ .. bo(~ofl;hc ~pc, species I(a.llil!.l'c

Fig.. 1,,, Phy.!lic:ai[ dlo'm3'in fA) and socli1.ll Idomain (It The bo.xplolls


show the t!JJI~I. diiS'h'ibutrolfill IJ)'~ the p:ropol1a,n ,O!f IJOfHd responses for Ilh~(al and .sod:al d~oma]m of the'
IP:(n'!;~o.r eacinlspedes:

quarti~es,.,and em,eme values.

rep~nt the ffinl.erlqua~Fli:lE! rawtgle that ,oontaaiiiliS 500/0 'mvilll~:e:s tallrnge ml'1omtJlile 2Stlhiro 'the i'5ilh IPflttient~t~),.11h~line ~u,os~the :bo~indica~~, a; ~e lliliooliain.lh; mi~~ersfe'pr'esent, ml:Jx,imum and minimWim va&ue5" eX(~!ldinIQi olJ~lij:er5· [indiic:aJt1ed by drde.&, art IleaiS't t..14mes tih,e inteP""' !) qllJilrtil,e .range (i.e'" llL5, bO:l;. Ite:l1i.gihs, ~11[Jm{n,e'upper or lo~li'ell' dge of the' e b~"\~ .a!!'1L1 eXm;me .. 'f!;d'''''d -"""'J .d'hn-" ul!'i!':!(;il!!I!i.o;;_, 1;". ' ' ;1' ~st 3tiim@5 tm:E!!int~r~ qlJalrtn I~ r,2In g~ (i .e., >3 bOiX I.!l!.n:glth$mr1om, the ,ed ge)IJ. :St~dlsticaA com parirons on Il!!alCll dloma,ln \!iiere made, by mlJllU\!'i3ITia~e !llliil:alysis ,of vfi!flali1!,(!!'l' l~lNOVA)., ~~Uo~dllbyaJijJ:a.~y"$i~ It)fvariaJn~e '(ANJOV.A)~e~~ for e~db dQmalln, I?QS!I!-,hOi~:


holds arldi '!he DUII'1Imliettt3 ~orre'(!tion wals used o(herw1se) cas,e a s!'g!llifi~nt ,elTed was detedEidi, Pi€rWorm,iilll'1l.ceon ~'h@!pas , (lIS ill whole' dU'fe~ed sngnin[iimt[v aIQl"OSs. s!pe(i:es; (MAN:OVA, witl1 s.:P@d~s(lnld
alSSll!mpti,on ~QHow€!dI i'rI gelld!~r

tes;ls· <the Borrf:eoo'!lii t(o:rrectij!olnwas 'illI!Sedlwhen th,e'eqllal~hy of varian,es

doma~ns.; physicall {F~.;l37= 19.9.2:1,. p'.,,:, '~lOO:],ll:iJ:;::::: .i4} and sociall (fa.~n<= 0 311.2:.2:-4,. P' ..:; 0 .001,. lIZ 0.72)., IIJ:Uilivar~at:e:::!nal~~s ·r'Olr' I~he int~~,~u::,lio:il11 b~'~~1'1 ~p~de$aWild ge<fIIderI',~vealed'~h~~ ther-e W~I~a signiifi<~lrI~int~~a(:tio~ fiQlr~he: physical domelimn Viii:37:: 5.4:51" P'= 0,005, 11'2.=0,04) Ibilll~ !:1!o,tforthe s;ocnlal GOlrmin (f~.23' "". 1122:4·; P ."" O.799}. ~015t~hocle~t:s (D'ulI'1I'ndt [3: (lorreJ(oon) If@\l\€al€d thaJ~ Ihl~lm!l:l1i115iIll'1ld J(hnmpallITl!ZJe€s perliorl1ll1l,ed beUer tlhali'l (lmmglUitalns 'in ~m!f:l physical diomi1.lil'1l (f,or Iboth .P <:; 0.001, mth 11'110 (Hm'[lerelml(e


beMeen=~sulbj e!(lt factorSii3lnd perno'rrlma iI1lce 11111 ~O!th d Olil'lli3~ns, oUille fOlO'i3s the depen:~ell1lt 'varialbles; Mliinc"s lalmbdal: F.4,4?i!:.::: :123.'9<65. P ..;: = 0.'51). No stati5~ical~ly Si'9inifical'li~ l~iilYefeliill(es we~e det'e!!:ted between 9 endJers" but there W0i5 ,an irrte;ra~:tioiilll be,Mleerl species; .81f1dIg:endew (Wnk's. Ulmb<d1a: ,f.'!l.,~.7;J: ;;;:; 2.S1'5.,P <: 0..02,5", '12:."" '~lO,2).IUil1~\i\aniat.€!amlllyse.s (AIN()vA) shewed tIii,jJtthe diif;[lef~n)ce.5 ~coosss pecie.$ were. .$~iigiiiI~~i(:anthlir oth b

belween hillHlillall1!iS,l1l'11d '1l:'~I~I1I'I,pan~ees). Howe;v"@r, post:~~m tM'l:S (IOunneU ~3: (Iormction) stm~1,Iied '~hi1lt hUim:ail1l chi:tdre,iI1l ou~performecl bo~h (:~mpa.n~l!'!e$ a!1~1 QlraJngl!J!ltl3!'!l!I$ill the $odgjl,diOmah'1ll (lbothP <. 1110(1). PO;$t~llOc~eSIts fm; the lnte,ri;H:tion be~\!iIeenspedes l1!]lnd!ge:ndJef in tthe phy5iC!:!II. diotmiliJlin s1hlo~lj!edlhat IlfllmaJb~! ch~llldtr~11'iI1 were be;tt:ew ~han ·m.iilille clMtdlr~1'II(P;;;:; 0.001'),. No iO~~,ergi!mdelr' diFl'l!! ri!'n()ElS wlEwefoiLmdl .•

O!UJt,of :!liX~OlS:~S.), <lIrldl'fu;e't\1i,I~) apes did [Jot d~1 f:I~~ rrom 011;(\ OfInothc[' 0:11, ~rr-y ~aslk,

ttlsks, 'w~;i:h~hepo.~sibil,:~lyof

chance successin the

]ndi,ddum va:ri,albitily,. W~ 'computed It coefficient of v:ru-iai[iQI] aud ~ 95% [~ro-~ided le'xacl ,oo:W1Jfij.~, d.el1ice illltervill,1 fur both dom2linlS for eac·.~ of the. ~hrce ~c;ies '[liM,Q 85), l1u:,'fd' W,Cl!rC: s;ign ificanl no spcdC'~ d.i ffcrerllces 11]vm-iahiHly. For two of ~hc three species (i!lUmiilIlS ~nd ch:~mpID~e~s}, l~~ere was more h~diivk]l:hfl~vmabUilY ]~lImcsocial [han illi~,1,e phys:ilca] d(m~ain {thej]l;:11d fnr '~ra!!1g~ul~l:Iis, wa:!lin~.le ~(:! Jirt'Crion but net sign:lli~;c<l:mt!]ly so), ltrlU l.1l11is may 00 due ro Ithe' b!.rg;C:fpm)po:rl:i,OJii1 of

10 t:c,st for :possiblc specks

difl'ere~oes i~,

physical domein (90'*, ilf.1l,~·I~plry8ka] d{)n,1ifli~ ~md33% m~the social domain1 whitil providcoSa
h]gh~'l"basfd~.D'!e for ull~kiHf'lJll .individuals (1.5)..

TI'l!Cf'e '\1!.1~ no eff:cC"'~of g:el~der for ~nyorb~ any ofdte:ID.ei<1j~ scales On the' p.hrY:Sr ica] sc ales, d:alli1lipm:1ZOO ma~es. outperformoo chim,~jWJcoo~J~ on ~hcseale space, '!il\l']~er.Ci!IiS
:ip ecies 0011

.fe~~~~efl o!'upt::rlbrmed hum~!l ~'lI1laIes O:~ the sc~e qua:m~~[ii!&.]-lumo1!:!lfem!l.1csaloo 'OUlhU~"ln

SIK~d.e-5" there: was

.]11. tenus of ~el]m;~nl!Itle:~1(Oip~ratiol:la,l:ir.:=ed a') app.roOlch bdlo:1viOf 10 [1O:'iIC~, obj,ccts" peopl'C;,MI..d re'l.:v~rds}, IhC'lu.lJn~11 ,dhii\:]ren ,,1c:re shyer er less i]1li:ereslcd iJldlC'rtO-Vei i.rerns .in the It':sl]]Oi.n~ U~111 \VCl'C thl1: [\.'VOaiJ'C :l'jJpCc;ies"w.Mch~IofCII~'eooldcw 0."1" [[~Orei~l'te['e5[l"li1 (P <: O.OQ]U:1lJ bo~h c~ses) [(25) and ~a1Mes.86and Also, childro[l's I:eB.l.lI,pocra~ ment measures did not cQITclare \!I,ltlh a;n:lt'aspect of their 'CO.g~ilive perfo:rn:'4"lIlcc. For the ~\!,-'(Iape


~~SO'flO oO!:'reiat]a.rI


humaa males ~l th~~e~;i of the physical domain as a ,"':hollc {a:li~1oU~:~, (his\lllotS,


not so for the two ~)p~ species),


U'l>en[wi[h ;)LilYof till!(: ~:iia] scales. b~ui ape ind.i vidll~ll~ tha:t approached novel :S]~!!J!~ti()n!!> mote qukldy I[L~." were bolder and more in~



~ ~ 0





r ..
~ a

~ ltIM=


~ ,e

:~ :~ ~



I'::, 0


~ 0












Theo!j!' O'f Mlndl






i;l' ~OO
E!? ~';()


~ 0


~ 0 '" ~ ~

1 e


§ 1:





fig .• ,2. Spa.'Ce 00, q'U!antities U~),.calWli5al.iity «(), $,ociall le~ming (ID), Will" , ~\ , mY' "''"1'":>~~"fl'l'~f,p '" n;.!il t h "",I"lii' ....f: 'i""l'n- ,.,.I -(·F:).The ii...",,, elots .:11]'1"\" the '~l!IIrl IY ~,J""" F'W .J.!I'II II. I~ d]strilbil:J!tion iQ,f the pl~(Jportio'rl of coned IfJe:5pOn5'eSDim ~he :5"ix,s'cales'of th e pas for each sped~5: mediillfil, qU1'lrr,tite:;~ and e'~tffilil'1l.evaL~@is. IBo;('8S;, l~lrles, llihiskeilfS, oum:ers,. and eX.~mliflilles are as describedl~1iiI1 FJ:91.1. S'~tli!slkall (!o!fIIiIl~ p'ilJr1:sonso,oO'lleach sca%ewerre made byMA~OVA,fQUol\!lled by JliINOVAs~o.r eadTflI5ii;d~e, P,o.5t~ho·(:tesls WH~ Boruf,errQrli (OWIFi&ltion was ~sed wtnelilll ttne' e,qllU!a~ijltyof \!\ar~;an(es assumptiolllli ~:o'lds,,and !l~le IDI~rJJnelltt3: (j(Jirr,e(~iOn was used othe'lrWijs~)i ffDUO~dil'n C(l,se a sigrrHicant lE!ffed 'was de~t\l!.~i!ld. Ptr· mo:rlmalrnCtl'~ 111th~ phys'ka l domai ~I ,din~n'!d s~,glnimicaJfiUy aeross sp,ed~s
- ~~ '!io~~~y '!i.!! '!'.~ !IIIII' ~~ .. ... IliJ¥AJ

y. n!'


q!~a~tijtn,es·f~,:O!~:7 3,14'7, P ~ O!I]~S~ ::::: 1,2::::::: 10.03,) bWlt not mQ:r'~llIS!:!LilJi (F2:,~~7::::: ( Q,l99r ,p :::::0.820). PQ5t:-l~.QC~eSts (,BQ~r,errQn] Wrre'dlQIi) revealedl that humans and el1'~mlPi\!llI1~e,e5 pernQ:li1iImedbettert!han Dlralli1l'Qurhi!r1ilsilnllihesceles Qf spa.ce and causality (for ,al[ po -c 0.0(1), wiith 'il1:0 d~flferlilil'ilC!e' be,t\lII~eili1l c hirmpalfilzee:siil nd hUfIIiIJj!irl'VS(I n ~~jese scalte's. PostJnloc: tes~~or tile' inte<~ adl0:il1I between species and 'g,ender lor space showed thal~ ch~,mlPan:I!Zee'na les r ou.dp,err:Qin1liIe~fe:rnates (P = O.04n W'osHu)( '~esils s;howed t~i!lI.t ,1il1l.)11i!I1i1lnl

f-em\lles o'~tpe:rrmm:e:d males on the qt!an~iti:esscale (P = 0.004,), No. ether

(MANIOVA ~th peli'formaoc.eii'i


t~e three ~~~es, of UJ;~ phvs]~'al do:m.~~ln ,U thf!' de;pef'ide;rl!J~

lil.. '~ b·..!II .. ~
E _


fllnd ,g!~flder


I'l'. " <: n 0""1 v,,~Io,I',c~,

'~act'On, illnld
n o·'!!'·) V •. _'O .•

(A!NOrvA) 5ha~'!I@dt~at t~e dinereii'ilICeS ili,\mlS!S sp,eci@!i Wfm:, :sign~Hci3'n~mar the s(al@s !:iPi1l.u' ~2,.::;:!l7 = lUB3, P .<; 01.001,.'112 = O,,'~'9)' i!illild (;aU$al1~l( I(F~,~,. = 8,.,617, P < '~lOOli 1i1~'= 0.07)', NI'e!:5iP.edes diff'f:!-reru::e wa5 found fgrthe' $'cale' qlUalliiltiUes (F.z.jl~7 1.97'0, P .:;:; . .0.142). Unirw:n;at:e a'ln~ly:5!e:5 for tltnemnteraidl:on b.etw,eH~1l .speciE!s j]rild gi!l!ll1I.der II'I(!!wal.ed] '~nat the:r~ was: a :signlj'rica'l'ill~ '~in~E!ractl,C'm fu,1' ~liiile .ua&~ss:p.a,ce (fl,2~1 4.1)95. p"", ,(tOle" !1J2~ o'.O:;U ilil'ild

s;tal~~;5'1:icaUy ilfi,(a nt dine re nces w1ere detie·!l;:ted be~w,een 9 end ers, s:igln H~owEVer;there was a :~gn~fi{awnt ]ntelraction betweerru species and g,endew (Willk"s lafllil'Ma: f("lafJ g 2.3'B., pg 0.:027, If g a,Ol)'. Un'iV',alrl!lI~eall1latys@s


c· ..



'~'~l~!:'i;;>~.... ni,lyg; r


~.";;!"!I'., r:

'Q'~ AI


N.·'~ ,·10

g@lItdii!l1'dl[jft\l~Emc,es 'we:rero' f~r'(\ormancE! i:1IiI '~he sociall. domajilliil diini!lred s~glniric:nilitILy across :sp,edes ~~OVA wHhgelilllcllE!ramild s:ped~s as lb:E!t."VEl~JI~ subliect 'facwrs allmIdp,er~ormanoC£! th~ three :scales ,of~n:~ .sociaL,o!o.Wlain as 1~ ~he de\pend!er'i~ V-~Iri~b~~~; 1I.I\Iillk~s L~mbd.~~'6,470 =96.846, p' . ::;: 0.(10'1. Il~ = 0.5 5~. N'o statisl]!caIUys-i gnirfi.C!]lrl1 cliffe r,ell'llces'welfe det'ect.ed be:ttween 9 emd!er, tlilliitd no sngnifkant '91eflder~spede5]nteTa,c~io~ wasro'lInd. U;liiIlhfariaJ~e anl:llly;se,5 {ANOVA} showed~hli[!t the' difi~rewnc~ aU05$ spedes w,er€' :~gn~ifkamltfo,l' the aJUthree scales: oodaillearn~il'i,gl {f2.0l31' ig; Bt12.U5, P..;;; O.OOill,lr g; 0..7,6), ('OffiIillilIUI1I:1J!::at]on {F~.Bj' ~2.:'1,.7:m7', P'< O.rCI01. ~li! 0.17),. and theory; of rmili1ld ('F:;!.~~,= 70..64,6, P< 0,100.1, ~1,:ll::: o._37)"P05~~h~).(' t€!sts (]DliLmneU t3 (iQfre(oon) reveal.eiCIUlat hum'1l!'!:5 o!ll!lpe:ri:OHllJe.d cMm,panz~es (po:::: 0.001) 8ilJiilldor,an9 1.!~:a11ili5 (Po;:: '~l OO:lIl) in so<:iallea mlng, ClomJmI.!ni ca~1:on,a nd the ory' o~ minid. The p~,r'[lormanoe olf dnl'mp~nz~e~and (DU,3I11gut1lil'l's1in a~l ~fulrE!e$(aJle5 did Irnlo~ diffelr'.




RESEARCH ARTICLES i'alb~e :2. Pm;pomon

gender ss bel\~"sutgec:~
I[);~~ correct respOril5eS. onl each of the tasksa«iO$S 5pBcies, Sta:tij"!ltka~. (om,panoo.ntS: on 'each 5~al[e 1IUere !mlde Iby ~OV:As; (with sp€des ci:!!lId

oochsca[e as dependent wrta_b~5), fji~J.owedl by ANOVAs {1N'itI s:ped:es and gendJB~ ss be~lIeoo-sI..Jlbj:edfact:m) fm ,eac'li'l :5cal~aJrrlidl ~k Pos~41I.octe.sJ:s (tIh.e IBonferroni mrrediOfI Mias· llood WMn~~e ,eqlUl3'll1ty ,m val.ant~ a~umption hold~aii'1.d the DUfiii1leU:a COiW(tlO:I1!,1iVaS: UIl@d otherwise:) flllliiiiI'Wd li111 catse a $i.gnnfi~all1!.t ,eff-eCl:.was: detected. I~I (aj!ie Q,ffmnpom!llt devii:!~oos; of~e mode[ ~i5SU!TIp'liQm, a Krusb~.· W~~tis resm with Post.~'O!l:tlllann-W~il:Dley Ule51S with the IBol:1ferrom ()O'Mecoon was perio'J1lnoci. l1~e tto'OO"1U~etaSk was ,1'Iffl!EllyzOO s~ilrall.llllf with ,a mTrSqll(l[,e' aJm'~ysis ooGluse it. ~runsf5!t.ed onty 01000 'bia~willi ,11"yes or liiillO're.spOJil~. :Space:: F'@·jifiJmance ~nme scale' S\pi1IcediHelned Sig!fiilfi(ili:O.tly across :spedes <i!MIIIIIOV·~. Witk's larTIbda: rB,~ = 1lll.273,P 0::: O.oO:m., tlJ~ = '0.1[6). f!IJ (I signifli~al'lt difr'e[;e~l.~es.were Idetected

~adt:ors Bind pem.rmaooe· on the dHiIlerent tasks W'L1hifl

lP«rlofll'll,fJlrI~e~n tool uS'e was 51:gnlfkil nJlly difffurmt !ilJC~OSll;5pecies (.:t~.;::::;;5.5..8115, .P <:: O.OOl}.lP'alr"Vliise< oomJllramoll'll n;eli"OO~ed~ha:~ d'ihll'lIpan~s oilJlljperrom1@idl humatniS I(Fi5her's. exact iteSlil.P <: o.OOl) and o IiiIiJJgJJtans.(Fish€ifS e~ct ·te~ P' <: O~OOH•.1he SJpeoi,es; diHem'€lii:m~inltoo'[luse beblJieen cmmpalrll2ees and or:alrnglJl:al1lSrernafnecl '!i!\l'eiliil

O.OOD! and fOfloo1 pooperltle$ {(him,p.anzee5f P < 0.001; Qranguta~$, P':;;: O.OOn.

S'lia1ijsti:caRy slglili'llican~ dHlferen(es \li'€'r~ diete(il:ed Ibe't\lI'eerill genQiers, aiM ~heii1ewas 00' 5igl1!iliiGlln.t: i~teracoolP'l between species ,i:md gender.. UP'liv!3!ria~e I:l!1a[yse;s (AiNOVA) SlhmYedlhC!lt.lille diiff~rem:es ,acr()~5 s,, were :sigmHcant For ,eaJdll a:!l!I!l5atilly '~Ic lor '!i'tO.iSF;l·{fa~jt."" 74.:1l63. , <: 0.1)01.112 "" ~139). (F:2,tJ37 ~ 2:9.335. P' <': 0.00l. lIz ~. 020):, ,aoolkd. pr,opelit:les (~2.:m 20.2:U .•P <; O.OOl.'1z ~. 0..15,". IPo)t~hoc 'tesls (Bom~N)n~i oo<r~ctnoi1l')'I~,evealedUbfl~IhlJrnman~pM'Ol'1'I'Ied Ibetter 'dla n chimpliln:~ees (p <. .c1'{I01) and ,mangu'!i1lililS ~p <: I[U)O~) Oiiill Ul@ ~ci9@ .t;3i5k, Th@ s:all'i'il1!' .iI"":O-I'1 ." .. II"-~-'!,!!!~!gd.~ w'ii!15 .I· I'liid- :Qr '1I!!e: s..ape *"-iV"&'] i ..1· :o~. ~Sl.. \V.!.mp!i!!!l!ree~,.F <: O. nil"li'l. ,o:ra!!IJlh,~ . <::_ ,."",..~ ., - .. I h·n(. p..~




belVlleen geod.ers,81Tl!cllie~ was; no sigl:1!tificant irnNactiOml :b~rl

genoor. U'l'Iivarn:ate ail1;a~~S '(ANiOVA) s!hl.:l'Wllldtl1altti1:e

specits and

we;~es~.gni~nt: flJf each s:patialta:Sl<: fc~ spatija[ memory (F:O!..iBl = 3.329',' = .0.03:3, 1)"::: O.U3~',oblect pel'maOOnGll' (12,;231::: Z7:9~~.P<I:U)O~, If =.0.19),. ,r,O'taMIfl (fOl••B1=3:,:5.64., P' <:: (UJ30,. l}~: = O,(B):, andlJran~o~illQiFiI (Fz.23l =. 14 . 0.36, P' <: 0.001.. ])2= orm:1).Where~'las a stat~stka:U,y~I~ifh;anm!eHec~ Jorspatiat _mory, burt poiSt:-noc ·rests (Dufln.etll: t3: oorrectio:rd lW€veaLed oosig:oifkalillt ,dlitl':ere:nc:e ,iKI'Q5S the three spedes ..Pa1r-wise 00 m.parisam '~Bor;lIfeirrolilii mri~ecttion)£Ol"Qbjed. p!e1'mlil1ill:OOce s1mowedtha~ hUmltr1l~ perlommw better than ,cMmpanm€ll (P ..:::O.OOu and m,ullgultilim (P' < OJ:J(1). ChlmpaM8e'i 1P'!!I'~Ol1lll@(j :sigrriirkantiy lbe!tter ~al'l maIlQUil'illn5 on tm task rol:ai~on (P' g M28}, IPost"ooctesll;, rO[lram,po.s1iooll reve!l3ltedthatdml11panreesol!JlllJperi'o.f!!il!ed human~(P<: 0.(01) and 'O"Iangl!ll!tans (1'<
0.0(1); [see' (2:5) J'~J age eHedJ.

difemu;!~if!'l; an~

COITl.f}arnng ·tl1e performance

OJ;lOl). P001·1101;. il:e~,. dM~rii

age by mrat(~~m1gr age' of andli or.allgllJt1nsiuidl [he of lilu.!5e il1l.dMduaB (Fi!ih~mls ,e!Kadtmrit;, P = O.Dlal SocialILe.amfng: Ti~:f.!soci;;Il-!eaming sc:al~ was analymd Wii~1 .al KruSka~·W,iJj~II'Soneway.ANO;VA. A. s'1Q ~i'Hcal'Dt ,dllfferMoo IOOitLru@i!!O ~ped:e$ WasroUIOO (~= 183.301[, r« illfter rontniUiir.gmr
IfIFWh~b1I.ey ~~ts:~ ,(j I~,~a~ed

:56.5~ z "". ~;93:5,P


Which did not dlH,ermrom ene aooiher. slgn.ilic~n~ly a:CroSS5pe;OO.s (MANOVA,. WUJ(s ILamMa: FM],o "" 24.462" P' ..:::: 0.001. 11,:1: 0.14)'. ""

I:lettertlhan ohimpam:ees. W = 2 55.,00.2: = -l;!l.593 •.P -e '~MJJll)andi 'QifangUlaiElS (l/ =


hihu~alm. peori'Of'ffif!d



inltliE! ·~o:mml!1!ln~~~on ~l€mHlillfw

s~~es, ~~~~ ~~'$ ~m'txh!l;f'Mn .~ 3.'99~, = P OJl03, l~ = 0.(3). No, s.tarli)~[:alLy $'I.g;il1fi~[fjJt ,cJJr~erenm bet~ g~lfijder) was demd'ed, ,1I11dloom 'Yra!S IIl1;Qi :s:ignifi(!i3lrnt.inllerad!on between ~« goooor'. I~cause tthe model alSSump'l,ions for ~Ul A'rrI!(liVA~re II:1!Ql _t martmh~SkswTthill qWlnrities SG:['e..norn.. .1ilfame.mctes'ts were Ipenfonmedl. Kruskail"llaUis ol1E'-my p .AJl\IOVAsoowedloot ilie dilerooO'E!s ·g)C[IOS,S speci:€Swe~e s1gnii:ant: f:or acldiitWfI mJllImoors (X~:=:9S74, P' = 0.(08)' lmt. 'l1,oi for lfi€llaij~ nUiTloors (l~:=: 4.149, p "'" 0.126)', foi5t~hoc t~st5, wilh ~11'lI,~\M1itooy U 'res~ riJr addition n!!lImbers. rewallad dift~rool s~~~icant~y!r~ Q

Q'tlanititiE5:; Perif{lrman!Jennltle sca~ ~IOO!il!i~ties


{Fi!,,~:i' = 67.021, P <: = 0.36) amll atl:en!ti:oool·5i!a~elai5ks (F:2,;2n = 1'9.15,5:, P' <; 0.001.. q!! = 0.14)'" Hnwe~f, tlIe~e W'i!re no spedes dHfer~{e'S~nlhe IPointing~Mp!l. ta!'i&: = 0.037.. P ~ 0:916).. F'oslcihoc tests (Boii'ih~rro'~1 com~ctioo}l\e~OOih\ldth1lt hUli1l1lJmperri:ll1'llilled bd'ei' tll'nan chimpanzees tiP .<;; CU)O!) !lilod orangut.u!Si {Po::::: Q.()O'l) O~ IDe '~OJ11Jlirehens;io.rt!llask:. 11b!esame diffeif'6nce waiS {iQl,lmdl ;11 tile at:ie[IJt1onal·stateli3Gk. (chl.rnpillrgzees, P <: 0,001; Ol'anQtlIlL]IIlS.,P <: (UJ01). 'Whoory of liIll,l:l1ld; Pe~ormai1lOO in ·the tooory-Qf~mind S~~~ dimmFooi

INo sltatisticalLy sigl1l,i~CilJnt dlnm~nc:es w@re d!:~ded be'~ei'I 'gel11d@l's.,aoollhere was no ·irwt@r:ac'O'Jl~m.v~ii'1I ~peC!i:es ,fliIiI.d good«. UniilJ,flrlaJmi3nfll~E!S Ul;NOVA) -!l:n- ·dm .. :u:-- - -.- ~ ,:. -- - .. -'.., .. " . "fir-- T~- ·Iih .-- -.-.- ,.Il.--_. S!.IQ1N!lL _ilI. tt""" !J!m.erentes,aorQs.s spoc~es ~1IeJ[iff!519mJcan~ ,~or ne oom~I'lleI!1lSl0!l:l _!!I::


mflll (himpa~@@s



hlLHfnallls· '(U := t14!6.2~.OO, .1. .:= -2..556,P :=

and tMm was; .[ll.o,i[llle!r:acittion between 5pOOflS and gender. Univ,ariaJre anaillfse's

sl~f1ificantl1 (;I(Jo~~,~i€S (~~VA ~1~5 L1~bdill: F 4,472=, P' < to.OO~, 11 = o.28} No Sltiltisli.c~dlV .~lglmff~aFilJ~ (hferm~es, ~ d~t«t€'dl bel'weel1 ,g!mde~s,

-.2.6a8., P = '~J.OOSL'J'II]e SPOCle'S W!JijliJA) ~omdtl1atU1e ,dif~er,eil.ces.anoss species were Si!JI1!]~cam 'for bolhlhe diffe~en:tc,ein arjJ:dlfitfQ~1numbers be:l\'!Ieen chimpi3l~ee5 ,andl orangutam remnned gare.ifQ~O\win.g~Sk(F~~:;t:':' 23.00~ .P< 0.001.112.::;;:,O.1l16'! anddle f:nt.entioostasi< (FUS1 .,.. 87Jl29'j'P <:: o!oo:m.,it .,...10.42). P-ost:-hoc: tests '(BoJilleurom oorrec'~on) ~n ,Bller·WJ1ItIDW!il.glfolf age bV ImaJtching~~e a;g~ of,crnm,pmz:ees.afild ,o!angut:i!lns alild '(ompa ~li'tgltoo pelrforrlilllance Oftmie5e individuals; ((I"". 315.50, l "" 7 ~2;540. P "" wl€v.eafedbit hu mns perlo~;dl betro.erthan ch~mpa~ees (P <. OI.!OO]j alm:d 0 ..(11)'. Cail1sa6~ P,errorimam;!' in 'tt~ &ate GlUJsa;l~l1i diH~nd .s1g]nifi:clllrnliyacross: o iii rn.gutans. (P< Q,DOll' (IntiS! '~lZo\¥rd~lowi~g I:arsk..The Siilill1lei dHmerenc:ewas [lQuiiil:d species. ~,(firA. Wlt'S l.ambd.1l~ F(,;;470 .g; 33.093 .• P'..;; 0:.001., Il~:~ 0.30). tIJ~ flor 'dle~n~:enti!Ons'ta!Sk (m~mlpamees:, f! .< 0.001,; or.mglUtalrl~ .P . .;; 0.0(11),. 0.(11)' and !oralnglJl~ru (U




I"lly~ica~ :Space Spatia ~ me:mol'Y

().115' 01.91 O',79ic.o


ObJ,ed permanel:lce·


Tr a 1i1•.sp,os~;tio IiII
Qli!1lntides Rle:lill~W Ii1ilJmb~rs Addi~ion ttl ~[[~bE!rs,
(,)!JISOi1l tilly


Tool. use

01.57' 01.67 0.71 01.1)4 (t6S:o ()1.,SS:'.o -').183:,,0 0.:23. O.1'lc.o


0.560 0.70'".0 0..68 0.66 0..69111 •.0'



0'.59 0'.60 0.85· (l\60 0,,46 0...47 0.. 4 6 0.61 0~S5 0,.56

038 0.. 3 6


fool. IlOOp(!!r~ies:

S,@ d~it Il·e~r!ii!Ji'lg

(:0 !lhn1llJll]c:aH:OIfI
C>!Jm!pr,~h~IIiI,S'iOllll PiOj ii1I ti Ill'g. ,elup:;

(It,,66c.o O.7·Zc.o 0 ..84:c.o

0.. 2 1 O,5·9c·,o Q',6~c.o O,4S:c.o 0 ..85:c•0

01.61 0.3:6

0..63 01..7'4 034 0.40

CUll 01.55
0...65 0.7'3 1126

At1:e~li~~,~l :s:~are l1he(!l~ 0'( mil!'ld

Ga:z:e fotl(WJ1!lrn;gl


0... 56

tere;sted) per[ora:a:1i.ed c~t~r i~.l.the ·physic.l~dlommu. b IJlii.erms or h~~~ib]~ory' corUJO I. chi Mrcn S]Kl'I?rorl a t grcawr ability to ifllJJ!lbillh$!l either .ape species,
Ol1!in~!Il~lllll'. here T

Also, anod:1!errecel'it'study


'~iiliU; Y'crmig ~.11U.~

chimpauzee1': ~l~j~.ibffitedlm~· thalll "~m~ a po:'O~Mvc,eor.rellnli!on fzyr

of roci3!l. OO~jtiOfl (32, .B). The ro~e,played byind]vudual varu~bm1'y~ltl.d gender i~~ resuhs fcquil:'C$li.n1hcr our ]f!w$(iga-' tien, TlilC .~~.dlill.g th~li, ala. vcry genc*,~leve:t of arm~y~is., there were un species differelJiOez; ~J~ c(lg] vali.4ibilityis: somev.ih,u ~mte.'\pocood. k1:l,(I\i!i,l'~edgeinCfltliU!llII~ ~l:D~: 'Cfimmllnl.J:c1'Ul:Ulif!; ~iv~i1 [hi a.p~-s are mudml~~.' ~C:llQtk:O!lUy verwith mh~~ k.m:nil,g. from.o~lI1ei'S, and '~readi:l1ig iabre iJl[ gC'.,Il\ira~IlliUUl 3!I:'C 11tm:mns 'P'!),· vendor dld lhe mind"!iJf oihe:r.; il1.C~pCCiilUy con~]lie..l( w~ys,. ~~O~ p~a!J a Jarger:ol1e eimher. The o:n>e .I'i!ndif!g for Y:Obh[lg human dl:il.d~.en whohad boon walki[lg gcnd(~r w.u:ch.lliJ.C: ~lpCS (that male chimp,u~:l)ecs <tndlaikirrllg for .a[u:r111 I )f'oor, but \V'J~~) were sllill w~ro better ll:mn fOO1l!.'J~ehi:mp<liJiUjces. ,u Spftoc:) c Sl':.vCirn] ye ars .away :iccr::l'~llitor.t\:)i ~1!lI.d.f()[I:li~tlll fils with p:re"ili(1l1:i>1'C-s~(';lm,. B'Lu 0111" :l~illidi[j~ ~.h:."It ~~li.Iima~. fctl,~a]eS wore b~toor thaa:!. uman meles at h ~e~:looH~~g,pc~:bml!XIilI!l ba:sicaUy an ~qull\'al!crn ]evdlo' c]~impa.[1zces on tasks of phys~(i:a] c~aoomle cu~tyral diff~ret1!ces between grol!F~ tasb 'of p~l~ici!!l co'g;~~itiolti!l~m::!m~ ,(amd qUnl1:cognition but fm:r Olltsarippecl both (;h~mpil]]~r:;:cS. (Sm. The ecological (londilil)]]1ll within which dti~ i'll pi!llrtlc'Ul.13r)' does not Ill' so V,cenwilh prevl" and nmn,glllrnil'li'> entasks of seeial CO.gnuli.OI]" This pOSh~rl,'t'lm' 1lImn:tilrli".' ~e<::ial1 skiUl!;; of mcifl~.~ (lilt'>. res.em'(1h tJl5).I~mt:ljgh~l(J1 w [l'lUch re~rc:h W.fl~In:IC ~[ boL[1. t~ gcn~m~ and LlJic most ·culmra] ,ooglmiition evelvedare [un knowu, but' rr~~H;l. bee~ra. d,OiIm.e w.iti'l drildren th:us. YO!Jlllig, and sc spccific~~vels 'O:rll!iliii~y:;ljis" :rori~diviclu1l1g. ~,ove[ one l~ypotl1.csis~ls thaI these ski~l~ (f\lu.:iJvoo ~;j1 thero :may be dev~·lopa:Q~.Ciiltllidiffur,aliCcs l[liKi~.\iud. Sllpponof ci51poecial~y COmplc.loi. lorms of OOHfliID·U1tCp~_~t. y~f5 have sccnl.hCt1Oqll:endng few beilre' 'e."t[!l'Ol!iedi:()lhc~e~~ICE., across lhemo~ :!lit:~d cQmprehcnsivc~e.~ b.4il[Crycvcr ,givcn!o muh~plc; mli\re ~C]IVily, such as ~~rLltmi~,g r g~lithOiing, o of bmh the hlJ.A[Q1JaIl. mn:dllc ddmpanzee genome pr]1l1!Ue spt'Ci,eg. Suppo.Tued by special 8k]1~s of oo:Dn!nunfC1lll:~on (36-38') 1[]·heoIElng.Ylllfll!l!nd oofllOoo (P p.(mi.~(;.ws:) a:md SQc:i;tll. ]c,'U'[rlin]g (3 fl. These 5>kiUsprt'SumTI]f: cI,Jn:eml1esu]t .. provide no SII,JIPiliXlrlforl.he gellJo:mcs aile clllremiy being scql,le'l!lc::cd], w~.[h ge'l'J;e~. ~ir:ul:eI.~.ige:lI1C~ I~ypo~]!esis!h~j[ human 'CQg~· ~!bly gt:e'wout of earlier ()VO~ved pritf'l,u.e· ~ki:lI:s. a major gU<'L~being to ~Ide:~iify demains ofh~~· nitliOlli diflbrB. rrom~l;u of :apes on:~yin genc:m] of wei ~.I eugnltien and loomh,gill genera], U1'illl gcm::tic' d:is[,. '1)) de this !i.vith cognhivc processes such <'IiSm.ClllO[)" :I:eaming;. or sue h as those- that lTILO['!J'ml.u man ,rimllJ;~cs d isp~.~y speei fie rcterencc to bCll1fu'vlior<l!l'ldcogrn:itioll,. pclticplllal p!:OOe-sS'I[]g.\~llrich should h~:vc led to i!~mlcir 'evc]'ydflyi~~~r.aC'lf:o~s wit!] gr(lli:~pma~ what is needed rirs<tare tComprcfuit'llsi \Ie end de..· c]]i.~rlme[1. di:[¢rill.g frOl1llJ a~'leS inlbmh lile flhy~ic~[ i!~ wild, hl'1;ro,lving an IUllidersI2l1il.din,g ,of tile the [EJiled 'con]pari~OIl$. among hu!nUli.~ ande:loscly relaD.ed prini;'lmeS iat the ~,%I\el ,ofthephcl'iOlypetiQ aad social domains I~:o~n &Jwi.I oogree. lIQ~ver; ~I:nent~o~~s .. perceptions,. iinc! D.'iliiOliv.1tionls of _'.~. of),', t611Ilrl1;:S. ofiliea.clual b~hav.i~i[[ld oogni;live :s:k.iUs we' .S:hmdd nOl:O lhalt OOCOiliUs,e the ~dtli~dJreil1.\;l,tere O:hlel'S l,;Y",'J. oom.c~,~h®it m~iOre ~km thM the .fIpCS ]1'1 the: flU] itis ccrt;; Mis-sue [h;l.l·~lC: test b;l,ncrywas ~tl:al hml'c; Jllromoted sYrvjva:l andrellfodw:;l]OIlili c~us~dit'ylll$k8mJil In\1iol:ving aCI]v;eIOO!.mani~ both oonsl:ructoo flJl:dadlminis<lcredby mD.lllil1~ns. (39) ..A major ill VCiU1C of finu.reresc<1_reh is ~h'1!J.~m ~hc:se ~~ethe peTS ~o dHIiIJ':1l,C'reri ze the bc'lim\r~ornlliul~['ion. ~. w·e:llas in I~~etask." Of800j~~. 'cog'l1litioJ'l,. [hnl :~!:I[m::'!lj!!]IJSSlUdies "i.\V:~th same msb rmm the. ,~d.]1 domai~i. lli.'f:I.'C ~. no. cvid.t'llCC that oog;D:li[i.'>Ic ]LI!l prn;!liiible:· [hJlt"ih~tis. distilldiw~.y h~mElntls. p~]ellolYITJi'l ofawide va:riely OfPlfilll;j[ce 110] 5im:::i(l!l~uhul'!ll.l oogni~ioo <15 ~ speci~ii~ed the ILlse 'Olf]ruluinaa1Vel'SIJSGo[J!;~ipocC.ifiJ;: :i:[It~mGt<lllts· spe:cief;. TI,lis tiolJ]d!llie done thl10ugh .S'yst;;:1!lJ1j~tic dOIlIlJ1'lJIIli. :s.we hflv·e hy]JO·ll~.esirod.llaJlher. n '\;~hat had! .1I1l1Y :'lUg;l1iiJican'l: eff'eCt OEI·pel:fOnniiII.oe i(~abk: t~aiing. of c<lmt:fll].Illy cho;se.[a. ~cp~enmt~Vll'::Sofdl.e rDny be djstumcti\llcis Ih~ Oilbjjn~.y to lInd.e:rs~Md $2) as). And om~empcnJLn1Gn1. m~lf'C8 did not U1.orethan .5 0 gM~rn 0 fplimalJCs, which slmu1d uilWbrervcd ca.lJ$al forees in gC!1er~~.,illd uclh1!g oorrelatre 11l,dth ~rf'onnawoe OIlUlC soci~d dom.fMln d\len e.rnlbl~ us to ~n:apout c~adj~tlca]ly th:eevo(~ 3! special o~&e) the. meilm:~8·t.'lffiCS ·Qf other:;; as. h.l!l~On ofprimnifcs;' moslimpoi1a!l:1.t c:og;I1~lri\lC: ·Ofl~~CleSI: ll.Eiil1iCr.y,\vMch ~s'~'i,iI~crelhet'C wcre~he C(lUs;es ofkhavior(21, 23, 26)..E\!\~'.!1i ~Il ca.'ie, this skiiUs ~lth~l~vel of b~t~] the pheno'U:yp~~Qd,. Im:g~~'l ilf~noesanm:l,g d :~Ji'Ccie$(:md indeed Ihe b~H~icver,. .il i·~<I pl<li[H!l~lb~c hy'po!; th<l[ ch ilidren "",,,ere [more shy or h~s iu[en!'iirW Jr] 1J]I:iIllOi.tely.[1m gcnm'Y]Jfi!. lIJld~s1rm:dling linliddC:lJii. ca:lJl:stl~ forees ()vo:.iv,ed 1Ilffit ge:aemi ~jnthe tc::mpeJ~m mS:k~ p:IDvid:h~ JI10 IRefe1l'emce:5. <lIIlIIliNiorles. to cnabll:: hmn~ro umlcrn!amd ·l.1lM.":·mc~:md fiUliI.c:s, SUppOrl. fordH.~ nOl~,oI~ tha,t.Ii1.C: :ll!pCS r,c:lamed ]!c~ :L H,]. ]Ji:rfwn, ff~Uri~lI ,Q}' rhe 8~i" o.~ m~ltf9Wi"~ of othcrpe:rsol'1ls,!uui.tlhis gei~:era:~izodQn~yl~oor to "!''ili 00 ·~helCSl:ingsHliI~lioll. 1:l'1Imc~ ()If 1l'Sl {li.tademi:c P!'~, new York, 19nt the I?~]'ysic~ dOH'! (22), ocm5~rucll.0J1, \'vc@f C01:JIr.>C oO!IJ.!d have ob~aim;xJI 2. f. I-laiM)l', R. Martin. r. (lutlm·Il~~ llil Mmal'e \iV';;:' Imry dlU~ I:hink ,or 2,,;ye:a:re{l,ld chiJ1drlCn':;;. d]i~(:~\!ml1!l;:$I,I]I!."W.ill;~.a ditl'krellit lCM lHI:Uery, Bur S@rie,liif't, HI. It ~m!!lil5.. [I. L (heney, R. M. ~faiill~ It W. WranglillllJl; li. I. S.11UMiilk!Ii!(, IEds, ~Ul1lill.or (JlIk>iig.O C()gl1iliv~ dC\lit' in lhephysliC<1'I~ do:m<)]~,'l the 'CrB was (.'O[lstrootod froJ::Jili<iii QOlll.]p:re·lLc.IlSiiv~ !l~~.,(M~!Ig~ J~'871.PI),·18~1-1\96, as !'ItiU b.'1;s,ic<l.llycql[~.iv"l]cU'l In th,u IOf dIe 'WI.U'"I:heoil)' ofpriul'lte cogtl ~1t"iolJililascdo;n the 3. L C. Aiifllo. f. Wheeler',. Cull'.~'lhro.po1. 36, il99 ~1995t ~~.o:ri.alili.o(.';~Or (if hl:liman~an.d. eilimpal:1l.Zocg some cco:~ogn,'c(d tas:lk,:;; thatpl:"im.iuc:s. face mO:S.l 4. ]1. 'TM~, L (Osi1l1id~., in 'ffle: Adopted Mifl.t'1,.I:'ilOJlltiom!'lY 6·miUioilm yCOlliI'S ago fwiU~ pcrhapsa lIH~~cm()fC; commo.nly in lbothlhd:r physl'ool andooc~f!] Ps}thoJogjil' O(l.ri fhf' ·GMf'mtiolli oj Crr/ru/e. J. 1M.Bilirkm, L Cosli1'ljd~5, ~. iJ'aob:y. EAlii!;.(O:clarrd IU'f11'o', 1l]!S~ 1~I!!i'Ilj'o~'k, p,mdcr~.t;andirrn.g of Q{ll,Is:rllity out~· enviroil1.menllt'l.. ~n ,gel'il.crn~,w.e· suspect tha:llhcre;;: 1992'.1, pp, 19-:B6. 'the QOllle.r'l.~ air ·DiOQ~. IUI.~~) ful1~1 their ;s,()ci,')]! be I.nare ,cornse:n,,,~~:s atIl101.'ilg Cr'tp{:['1lS abc!IlIl' 5.• S, ll. Shl'UlewaHh., (tlgni!'i(IJ'JI,. f~lu.!i'''I'1"..(Nld ~Jir!'lril.'f cognruilijo[J ~. aJ.llfC'ady dliWIl nJlc S[[lcc:uc.s~ the <Ippropriialenes:;o of our '~m;:ks of ph)ll>i.ea,~ (O"dor(l !Jlilfll. Ilfe!S, Hel,!,i y:o~~,19'98)" spee:il'i,c Ptit~~ A~ (D'110 e:xfnnple .•I.h~;fifidi,!I].g ~hi'i[ oog'lliiltj.o[Jj.,.\.; i;i,lIigiht be mifl:Ore CO:l'il~ .. 6.. ~. Milton,inl .M{l(ljia~lliot.l"liIreii~e/i)re;: .social &ptrtise rm:(l th~ fva1U.tiOJ1 irlt,f'.IJrn in 4'k1ffJi\f'YO.Ape; Olllr;/ of 2.5'-YI.'\,;''lr-o~d chi~drel1t8 qU!lmha.dve skins arC' vCrI.ii.y ~.1bomd1lC :sodru t~Rk.s. BU1 o:l m!!ior faclor in l Hum'om, It W. Bymf!, .A. 1l\IhilE!n, IEds, (C~r.mliloo p~ bash::;fl]ly e(,1uivak:m to tl]ooeof f1pes suggests, a the choice of the soc!m:I.oosb, W.O$(ll!!l" .fOCl.!S 011 OidQrd, 19lBlU. IPP" 285-30&, i grc~l ~pc "'Swrt]i'lg ['lOin!C for ~n£1I11~e.· hU['l'l!;:ln~a:r:tcl ·d~.c CiUl~1ruI:m1nroH igcm::e hypo[fu.}si.s:, 7, It IN, ~m~, i:nMo.dfii/l'llg tf~eEarfy H1!I11M'Il ,MI~d. lnan:i!;lI~. s.kiHs before se'r.ious inSI:ru(:rioll1li'om. and ~fuis ~mea:n~t testing U.lOSIe·:£ f.MElll.lr5. It Gill§oo. IEds. (M~DoMlilIlln:llihllle ll.e:se\Hcih adlU.H~ (uS;~II,1.g\;\i:,iltcl'i~liUtl].el'<'il~)has: begJ.jj~,(1'7). S\km,~ool~j'fll.l'illo ·pal.ticip;llt~.o[l.ili CiJ~~lIre by yCl1JllIiIg Momogrtapil5, Ca n:Jbndg~,. 1['996), pjil .. 49--:5,6.

all i.l'mi!especies. of i.llhib~,~(ny connoland ,cog~ Itil]ve pcrfOmlfm.oo in the physii,C'all, blll notia the ~Qda:l. domain (25)!, llOws(I!Js.s~ The cunenr results provlde on. sU'O]1!gf'Uppi.1'n for~le c·ULIIlI.m3!~ iilUdli.gc!'!cchy-· pothe:sis that ~~I,!I[Jfll1ll1 eings: have evolvedsome b specialised ::;(J(;i<li~~oogrlil[i.ves:kill:s fbey!()nd~.1n'le (i!rprima;!~s In g~n0:m:fln for JiV][lg: and ~.. \''l.ch3!ngjtIJg

t11dr cl1[mrcC, :rre~ln1!;;lb~ya$afC'$l(Ihofe'xmx:r~.ellcin,g [he:if c~ulliu:re'is \'VllI;yS of dealing 'wi'~;n,~\1fklGe, 1111>c]lt~dJil.lg use of pflrtiol~lail: .kJilliasof sp.u~a~ the
l~mgli.l!agc 1(18)1. This provides one Cli:alnp~c of the kind of cognitive tra!lisfom:rJ:;u.i.o~. n~;)I!!may l'CSl:!~~:I.rom children Ill!!;inglheirs;peci,;Ji~iz.:lX1 ; skiUls 1:0' p.-lfiii~ip;lIlC il]~:~ec'lmlhn;a:lp[0C", rices <um:uJ1~dJl!hcm. ][1. ~cmilSor Imn~oo,cvolmioin. it is llikc]y thal Lho: crucial do.-"rl~lopmeltli~s:ntlsik.i lis ofooe:i~~00 Illi.l!ra]cognilion pNNb~y haC! l'1JOl yet oceuncd i~H~ ·C~1e(,:ttJ'" ~lo2 nl~1 ~.ig:1:l yean> ,ag:o., lOOc01IJuse l ~.) their rapid p:aJtlierlll of orailll. growth during OJ.lltog~ny wasmore S:Ui:lIi];)t[ to ~:I1iflt ch:iinilplln:1l.~ .~e.:sU:illljllOLffil:ia[ OflIllod\(;mJ ,[29) snd (ii.) tllicre ~[e few ~lgliiiiS r~ this ea:i'l,y hominid of

man C:hi~id!ren~.a'Vepoofu:~oo.s fOIF 8p1ali<JI1 orlcnmtio!l sjrnJla.r 10 L~O$Cof gJemil :apC8. but older ~hitdlllen ha'lfe prelerences tham ~~.ign~.vilh Uilose of

chil~reuu. end then seciu1;gI.he ~owhid~ doselyrdiliOOd ~e:eic.'l have ihese skills as \\,dl lt Is perl;1aps :!iC]cv.o~],. ill this reg.ard. lIDD_~t domestic d.ogs {C~u~i.~ .firmih~wi ) (Wlluch,. ]11 5ll)m.e sense,. s [~~"'cbcc~ ::;ek~cI~cdro'iive tn hll!H!lUlclllmres) do


'perfunn aswell as cilimpilLnz:ecs olliROS,k,OS. of ~JffiD,y8icll] Qogni.] i.o:rn.'hut OUII.Jerfon'all them on ~;nS:k:f>







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35. D•. Voy1!r,. 5., 1!JO',j'@r,.M. ilI)'dlm,

' A. l3~ei'9Bl'!'i~ster. l G1e'.5<e\1rna~il"III Lagii"ier, T. tlli'ai'!1ilfe\i'.a" :P<~ Mi;~ S., Helmlig. [ Stih(!l6 and A. iWsaln fur the'.'o'<Iriou~ hfilllplIl malOi~this stUG~5ll1((}~shjL "Thantfmlo [I. lHiiUIii for 'hdpf~ lio:mmfi!lnls; on 1Iii~.

I'll,. Mia~!IJ!l'IIIba., G. Mu~ng.jj, 'P. Me~llk. P. Usan. aiitl f.Voyalng. WE! a.liso lIPP.Jin~dllllE!IJhIl! lPe!niss;imlllmm thE! UI!!ifln~n Niglil;i:n1l1(aiund! for Sci~n~ oi!mlliTi~~lhrn~og~ al~dlhe !IJIg<lJJldtaMldliie AulhO!1tl\', ii!15 weli a~,lhe< l C'ongo~se iWni5l11f,e de la IRJ~herche So'ienl,ifiq/Je e:I de 1.'lllniJ\ilal"on Temiii![!jue,lli!! mni!lonell;iiMI Iinslilul~ of Srierlre'S (UPD, amtl tlite rni!lOin~~1iI Miinil5!J1)' of ~or,~Ifj1' kIf" oaillowi:mg liS, 00' ron d'w [t UfillJ :res!Nr[n in thEtir WUlilrnIl'S,. s~~t lhan'~~go ~o A. lo~~. I'll, 5d'i~r!!!r. 11:. (i:~li'e, IE. Gralf,. II. Wc'bbe.u, J•. 'Clis.9.!wskij. and 5. HI~stin!is ilorlhei~ ei1lormous lii;!1pwiI1h ol'!g<lmiz-iUig, iIIalacolle'.tion ~!ndl (ooilfJ~. ~n ~1d!QiIiQn, w~ tlilan~ }. U1e1be'~ L. ]oo5!:nik, .1\. Wim,pe, IHI,Rol!ftlit~ ii;. Habf!tl, It fI'. 'iMis, J. IR:iBdd, !:!',.1i 2l!i\1lI$, S, 'Gi~n~, p, l~lti~" (, ~~fi!,. S:.IRo'~t.

m~l'!gwi~t. We ~h!;) Uil~ftk~~e IP~II!~t~.~~. tliliidrilll! who pa,l1lc.i,palledl iUlIl'le :5li1.!i!i1~.D1e< resE!'.m:ihIO'i !l!JI. ;s 5IliP~i1i~ Ic:;oi'l Soffi:~IKe'l'atev~~aji'la~ro, (rom nile, A!le!:~liIdil'r1oI'o:n Him lifloo~dt.IFolllildahon iI)iidlli~ 'Gili!liIiIlalil fe·dlE'.ral Milfki5I.rJ fur E.dutatiDn and Resea rch, lihe fg~:ardh Ilf IE.".ili sIllPRJ'Drt~dIb~'a !If.3rnlblillll!hi@' S!!Jlili@n~11~UJ'lgd:!:5~'!4!S~!!1I! Va!Im;.

S'i.!PjXIrti!Jfi9 o>n:ii~e Miitii!ria~. 'w!HW;sdiene'ern:ag.iJJgllJgjitoonl.efiliflliJllilH15:B41{13 60iDC Maren\l1s 11M M!~ihlJlils




Figi5. Sl al!lilil 52 lablle$ Sl~o' s:;

Re:fel'lMm M(t\lii:!5 Sl. Ii[), S3:;2 Tl! JI.IUlIil 200'7; O)()CEl[il'lecl Z4 JiIIl!!' 2(111:17

C~1c.i9o, 2011n. 25, S~,~ ~'I:IppoF!tng ma~@ri!l1 'Dn 5£i~(e On.linE!. 26.1\. Wl1!ilel1,iii! J~f't()ri~s .at fhtooti.e5 a.f /l1'J"M,. P. (amJtlii~rh P. i{, S'mhlll. ~~, (;Cmllmlbmllge iIJIlli'l'. IProtSli. Cam'l'i:Jri'!ilge', 1:99&), IPp. 2"i~:292.

nardWQr~ ofi~helllnnma1,[aregi1lE!rs,


sanal!!~:rif!5:J;. Mabflro, It MfiWmbaR;~, A. 5i1oul Me JiII~R;~ya. 11 l!is5arij. C IN~o~~, IBoolty. ]1.#1. TchiRi!Yl~, L I~l'i[mbou, A. Ma'Iws~. C. IBQ'w~iffilh Nrca'ba", til B•. Ngcllfrloill" P. Kiblr'~ge. I,. MWfj:a'.3Sil,5. iNyo1lnd.,..i l Mugrisillil.

th rft!


lO.n:2 6IsrlBnce.1'1I.4 6.282'


MUI:sc:ullar' Thln Flilllm:s;'for IBuillldinlg A,ctlu,atD,r~s; and P'Dwering ,D'Bvii,ces,

.Alda iiiI11W. F, lUe:x Fe:mgle~.~ Sli!r~ey S" SI'! eVtk.(!llplya,s~ Sean She@!hy. til: b George M •. W'lilit;ei,5ides~~'" li<eviimrul1l:it P'!lr1ki!

dl,c same hil~1.~dens~ty ruwrgy


11l:us. en-

gil1:ec~dm~sde:remainsfilll m~Live I]~d~.od [or bu:i~din.g,aC1!wnors ~Hdpo\ve~ing devi(,i~ f'rommhe ullicro to Itl~crn scales, ][k:"i;'ic!;!' dieS.ig_a1.wi,t.lllengiIDl~!:::nld.tissues faces

We d'E!mj(l.mttrate~he a~:SI!!mblYof !b]ohyb:rtd .m;al~@riat$ fro m @l1Jgine;el~,ed tissues iIInd syrl'~hetD.( po!l.ymer th~ill'illHtms.The· (Jonstmds !WElm Ibluijt~ by ,cllill~.tur~il"lgl 'Monatall. rat '~entri(u[ar' ,~alrdliomyotyt~s o~, polyd~me:~hylsi.~ol(anetl1i~Ji mmls m,icflo:patt.@rn:ed w1i'~h ,e.:dr'a~lei[JIill.lali' matli'ii>: prot~in:5. to pli'OliTI'OIt~ sp,atiat~y oiudle:rled,h'l!o~dlilll1l elillls'ional myog e;~e5i$. 'rnh'e '(0 ~s<:l]ri!l:cb,.'~ermed 1iIlI1il StU I~n nHlms, ~hi aJdo,pred fun dio!1!i!I~~~hrr,e,e-d]liif!e~si,o'na~, C!onformatio 1I'l5~¥he n fie leas'ed from a til erma Uty Sell'i!lShivle pOIl.yroer .5ubSlr,a.te ill!!1Idweil'e desi'9ined to j:lerfOnlIilll lijiclIlmU]metic ta,sks by \!',aJ,fying t]s~l)le aro[l~l~tectUl"ef ~1TIu]n.;fijlltm pe', ,and ele.(~rical1P;a.(ilml,g protoco l llhes'e centti Jlei~er-s(a le coru~nrCI!5pe rffiorm ~1JI1[JICt]O.ru5 :sha als diw~rs,e asg ripp~ng~ IPllIM,P]Iiii!,gI,. \illall<iiiilg,aliu! ~\'jIilifli m,ifig wi tJh fili'll@iSpatial ,;11 fid !~em,Pol~'(lII~. fi~~O[i3ilimd ,m g(!IFileiJ,]ti~lg spe:ocHk forces as! high 1:1Is4 rnriltilrne-wtom p'er sqlli1lr~ miU!'IIiIln~~er.

~:m~ny of the same Iechnical c}].aUe[lge.s as thCGl:pCl~tic ca.rdlia,c 11SS;ULe ,cmgin.oorif:llg [rov.iC\!verl in ,(7)]! the nmSl ditf1CU~t ofwbiichis ]looper rep~ica~io~ n1~rpbt;lgC'.I1I.eti", (;:o~plillg ~chcn~s of ir:! d,u"t'lC dinleEll>VonS,TisS:lt~"-engi~~erod .rnyooar~ d.i~um biil:;od on cmd.iomyo-cytes seeded iuruo gels
(8). m.lloo IJPlWm


,dce, fu~dftlCt~n~ work ron, ]ilthograpl1Y (U-16) has p~"idoo new tCichil1,iqI.K~-S to r,ep;Ucilile ,con and lio:Jslle mi.crociim,viIOnmC;mt~s. im~. \'i1ro" sugg.t'l~t~

the pOI~b1iLj:l'l~ to prOOtL~C:nctllatQI'S PI). ~i~lilue gra:a.. (l2),!liIld [lQ\"\!'er~:nicrodevices VJ),· The util:ity of lbefiC u)cJm iql.lcs is ~imiled by the geomerury ~f~:[e de,.

U 0)

s.ooC'!;s, (9).




't!sc'c~m.,., e. n.licro~.'1..• .IC.liI1C~r~flcn~:a-, bl:'mld range: ofproccS&'es, from :saremlflici:c_gencsis M ;~ bynhc ~Ctl'''mt~O!1J (1[" acrl:t1i-· 1:0 the' .illlt:cgratiofl of tile hiod~e'lnkal and. dec,. lrica] n~rWD'rks~.l<!1'l suppOTil 1.1ILI~lcfun.cDlloo Ill). :my'OSii.~l m.oruOlrs:, COQmjll~iI!C':d .in. Spilae.
tOI:S driven



alt.cma~i,ve mcrJi!lS of achkvingU~e fum::-

tioJ]aUty of ~~lu:ec~dimem;~Oln(l~ a .2D lHs~ue.

:lO~eilSe IBiap~i~

t3 D]' devllce


a:~rl Lim.c lnrou!;l:h e:-Xic:ila:~jIO:mJrCOlume]J!L1\lii fEq. cDjJjjp~,:ilrig (I., 2). Stli'ttehIR1"liuiTIi.ction rel\aLi~)in:s ;jUre CQI1HiiCrvcdO'vcrseve:m'~ Ofodcrs of S"p9tiai magni.-, tude, ..ITOrH the sareolnere W lhc mwde bund~c. by V1d1LiLC ,of ~ hicra:n.::hin.11 an:h~~edwrc. llu;!se
a:!lC~li[oeCI!,.l!rC's. ;areac:h~(::v,ed. by prog;mITi::i '~]oItlEire oo-~ponsible

~lehlf.l!tiail1 oeCtul'S.

Q,ve;r .....,.vide r3l:ng~ of 8rooPI Sdl®oio,f Elfl!mi~eenng and ~plied Sclei'lles. IHarvam lI~ll~e:r~ltY-r C3Jmll'idge, 1M. 012:1.38,. USA.. zOepa'rliillil.tnl 'Oil CIh~IIiIliMry allKi Cllf!olfll'll(al I1!idogy" l1IaWolrd Uni~.~ly,. C:~lIfnb~icr,g", MA02:13S, USA.. ·'To wthtl!'!'l I!i~r~sll'c:nde!iii(ie' s.11 >ultd beaddress.ed. o E=ma~l~


(0 to - [00 :Hz).S~I.i<'illl dilTb.eil:S&CnlS

~un~{I~~, :m),mnd ,Fooc.c rog]mCfi (-5 :IJINlO;::] kN) U. 4)1, A!1I~.ticklJl mu&cTes 0a'!1: mMoh 'rerhli:~
~.I.] afthcs,'ii:

urtorplm_g.e>aes:lls; :~otCOUlljl illlgii.

wmporol, :SJp.t1fial,or fmue re; ~ypit~d of b~o~.ogical Illus:c]e (5., 6), bU[. Olley Ga!ll:[JJot .lluUry
rep~ieiite ,c;::m:pElbil.:ill:ies, Mt ,c<iUntll{;'~ use


,Ilm ~l<Ir'l'"il!fd.fdu (G.MI:W.); ~JkpBr~.N@


We. reasoned that l:o :mimic ~he' ,ru[l,cll)ollality of
llI]ucScicbumcl!(.';S" a 2:1) engineered ~,'lI~J)$dc tiliSsue ona iec-sUll!_lld~~g, ],exibJelEl]f! film would ~~rQW [ ek:ctJ[()Jtlf:Ch<l'liIJiie~ coupliag (~ig:. is.l) U 9). lsotropic .2Um:-y-ocillroi'iliirm had ]1Q net ilI~i,snmol1'lof oc]1 b::dks I,fig. IA) or SJIJ:'COmercs (fig. JC~ .Aniso1Wllil;: 2D myocattlliulH h~d unia. .. ~Iigrt. .ial Once cured, caroii,ol11yocytes


d'lf! F'N 1'(~ncliora,OlJl~t;d P.DMS/P~AA[D~r-co<lIOO cover sli ps and clIDulrod at 37 C For,~~o (:], ~ys d

tbree ~:k,:~'ree.,.,of f'rol;!dortl during OOI1hc:ttiolm. W!i;hui I[ 2[) aJni~otl\opic 'C~]a.c ~~5..'O!.I~ by cdituri'lllg
1,100Il<'lt:aill riU velllID'.ieIJJl.liI~~:m:lxliomyoc)'t:esi[)[~~o~y~ (

djmc!hyl~i~,(}~""am.·i tPDMS) el'astomer thin 11l1n8, [~'Dl1sC'1l~~r '[hin IUms (MTFs).~vlThid'rcJlll.dned p!~u~.ardw:ifl,!l; ~yogc!l~fu; and~lc~ were sbaped and released ium 3D. Sbt'lrt:cnin,g ,gf eardionlY'OC:Y[~5 during s-yucluQllous, CQl)tr.<I(;:tion t::.i'Iu$.em!hePDM:S min mmlo bend during sy!'r' role I~CM~nlClion) .:J!ndroLiiJJi1ll1l.oilBorigiin;ru~,s_p~ dMlfing dilaSLQle (]IC,I~.1'u)!On) Based 0]] [b.c' ~lt!il:ily . ,of~hcsc 2D pianm:· shapes to adopt oon~plex 3D' Co[!f'O!1:m;l!tiQlls (f7" 18), '~""el~veragod the ~I)h:~r~
mllt c:ml'tm:'ilC'tD~llly of'lhec;curdtomyoeylC!l to c:.~[(I:e ,].

n~~ll ,of ce]l ood.ies {Pig, ]DJ and smrfCon'lCl'"CS (.F]g. I:F). fabriC-flood by. ~CP ofa,liet.lliU,iilllg hi,gh~ and lbv!;,~d()nsi[y fN lines based oFllprevi,o.uslIY describcdmetbods r(16). The ru:my of dis:.crel!C
muscle f1be:n;: w~s,i~~~lili~f1y f:ab!:i>eatcd by US~]lg .~GP(If IfN ]i~]es. end had IUl1:ia'l(i~~aillignm_.Clu of cell bod ies (Fig.! n) S(l,UlCQU!'CI:e.'l, (fig. ]I).

P~PAA!ll\Ji,l'a5 hyd!!"o-p:hdbic; ,~rnd '!~J1mi!loo oohd when in 'C:;O.rlraclwith w<lter.\~im e:nl8'l11~d [,bat

a: 2.0 :n'l~![)c~rdi'~nl~!JrIru; fO~Jined. All 37>lCl,

.!~.!o'\,\~v,er,riL'e d.octriud

ioo lo:tliitmJ betweenlhe

flb~ pre'~nrocd s:p~n'ltIinC01!iS CO]1ittaCtiOll ora &llllDgle from e.allsin:l~ tilt::, 'l\illtiro M If LO OOf1!ltiltC[ (fig. 8.1)\ Fer bothkieds of 3:1'iiiscUlopk:


liS:SI~l:e,. t]~(:FN

lines seU'\,I~dns: geometric c~s


tissue, Oneeull SOliMiol'l,. nH~~ MTFgporWLarne:ousiy :J!JdJopl:ooa )0. con'Fori'l1!llth')i'! determined byiils fib JlmIlefiii~s Qr wa."~~shio:!loo 10 create more
eemplex 3][) S!,lOllPe.<;. Whi~,b~m c... uu.iomyocyLcs

~:hcPDMS,rcmaiilrD,Cid on ihe ccver s~jp. Wh~ffiI removed frol:l1Ji IhcinelJb~lQli' and coo]ool!O((lom [;C.!1fl:petalur~(-llQC), ti~e d~s;irodMTF sha,pe""f~~ um!llu'll~y~:wq]irurcd~l!.IiUl a sro]pe~: aqueoes d.1iB1" SQ]~~]ij'O[I .Qfth";:~1!~l'nl<lUy[]I5~'tive; PlPAAl1l ~~.}'\r;::1:" ~ released the MTF:'. Th.ePDMS (hus. served as at d~H'tch,olb I~. biocompaliJlJlc gr~b.m:arue for the 2E)1

\laril,~ny of pro()f",o:f~oom:e:p13]) aClooto]S: and ~ofl robotll:c devices. "\'Ie cilg,flfi~rod ~hi:'C>Cin:ds of 2D «IYocoThruia] k

lissuc~is(ltropk: {fi.g.. l,A to C), miS(llropic 21:)

(fi:g. I., D to F), 01" <Ill !lfmy 'oJ'discl1e'te muscle m)e~:s (Fug. ~. G to [) by pmJ~si\~esoodi!lig of dis!iOc:iiil~l'!d 'V(':nlricu~~r c'1I'd:iolH.yocyles aafibronee[ill (FN)-ooflted or mierocoi'itae[~p[i!il,tiOO. b,i!CP) sllrfacc..ri. (14 ,I 5}..Eacb ~i ssue type was characreri~c([ by if[crcl1ocs ~g] saroemere al ig1ITl.-· d 11~CIll{ic", di[\eCl~tOIl C(Ul~I]lCli~ily) aswell



oiftca.l]y"ll'lc PUMS fUm thickness dicfated Mff' (N ~liiDp:~pylm::;ryl:m.m ide) (pmPAAm) 011 gl.;Ji~'" bendin,g sfi.lTnc.';;s" !Iud ~.t'ii. s;irucfurn] :imegrily cover :s]lip~ and then spin ,e:OOIlii[JJg 051 PDM.S:~hi[l aUow(>d t]~c DlIliSd.c sheet 10 be furmed iJrn.l'O;J, 'j~j'i~ly ·of 3DgJ]fqJ~ "i]tho!U( dlimipling [i.e: 2]) 'f'i~,~~, ui:1J~op ofd.1C: .PlPAAm (fig. S2) (HI).. The thidmcss Ofl~'gePDMS nhn (]4, t~ 60 um) '~,~~~ tm!!5c~e[igs~Le., ooJlirro:Ucdby vmying the viscosily of~hc; PDMS TIle 3D dcrJcc~i.()ra. MIPs depended Ol1dlC: of dilwi;:tiO]'n. of;~il,JjC !!I.l]gn~mCll~ rda!lhH::! to the l::lI.-epo]yn:l1Jcr and the: ~inRca;lIlillg speed (fig. 83)" P'HMS lh~:lm,-Jilm goomeh.)I ,(fi:g. S.i!Ii and Ilml.Fol'vie S .1 For cX:lmp~c, en s:imil:triy sllztid ruD1li'illli!;I~, ),. 3Jli~,,"il].g ,aalisoHOpruc .2:])imy.._pc!lmium, !llonglh~ w~.dlth (Iig. S4A),,gllli1.Uig" .54.13), and. diago:ml£lll (fig. SAIC) !!'CSUllCd in d.cfom~~ti()!fl ~~ml.g0Wsc
UCS: '\1!,fir]ru mi!l1.urna.1

the inter- andinnacelkrlar 0I'1'<111y.nlti:o'I~.carof dllonlyocyle.s into atissue and the uniaxial eoup[i~.'D,gof saroomcw ('llsel~fi:ble!llovorlt:miI~trh sC01Ii.CiS, [rom microM to eC':i1!l]m~~:ci:'S" rolymericdli~~ films were b1.1!U:[by :iipin 'COOLE!]~ <I. Ihc:nnal]y :senslirivc;: :sac:ri.ficiaJ~,!a~r of poty

functien, Ute:PD.MS l~lI:inli~m OiLi~owod mesoscale ~c~u.lp[ingof[mctio[l~~ ~,~i1t1iS" 'fC:S~ora~ivc e;1!liSlk ...·

provided C~I~'I.Qr~P~)I,llfun~(IjJ,l.S o:r paced ,COJI1Ltmctile

hy,a:vWi inl[l(rovQd.lla:ndUi~~gchamc'tui51£c:S.


defOflnfl.~iO~l. ajo11;g I:ht;· or~

Pig .• ':1.•

llhe f!'!ii~u1O'slnJi~lti[!llrl~o~ th~ 20 mYQ(@llrd]'llIimW;:l~ '@iflIg~liillie,~re-d~'Q'b~'ioo<~m,pic (if @lffill~QU(ip'i( ~o ~onlfol ~QinU,actilli~y. !1!~fon1l!1!FNI'coa~l1Igs pl~odII,lICedlis;o~ro,p,ic 20 Jlll{!ocalr'Oluro (I to 'C) With !mO'longU ra ~ge (I rd fir. (C) S.tari i ~g for Sdilicomeric: a"'aJctiinin I'evea'~.edno prei:er,ential a Ugn me:lml!tof~,m::o'metr'f5 n
alk,ng! any Mi'I'J"opaJil.'tems, of al~€mat]ngl Ih,i'Qlh- and ~Qw"'d€mrity 20~~IIill-1;Vide !FIN I~ines (Ill) iI:o If') p!rodw:::ed (1lIrill~intlloU'5 aJnllsiQitropk .2:D mvo(aJn:Uum .• {F) 5tailining for s;a~com€ric a~alct]nin r'€wa~ool UlliI~'a~J:al $i3irmrnle~e aUiglnmeif'i1It. ,M]('OO!paUe;mfi1ls of al®emi1lUnQI ,2:01-lm-w~dleI~nl'il@s f h~.glh dell:iils:~ly FIN o i3lnd PWJrO:iiil1:ii': F127 (BAS!F- Corp.,. floM.a,m !?'iIIlilk,N:e,w j€!'l's@y. US,A.) '(G~(l! pr,odlJirl:t!d all"! .army o~ dis<rete ml!l!i5delfibers, St:ainingmo:r :sar,oo,me:r]c a-,,(tirrilrll, Ire:~e.3!led lll!!rll!;!xi,a[ s~rwlme:u:e aJlig!l!ment ~'malges a f'e ph ase COn~rQi5t [(A); (10). ai!i1ld(.c:j));i:mmu IIl!Of~uiO,U'e~r.:e:lliillce n ud:e] (bh,l!e)l, F -illctnillmi'~glr,ele:n) o,f glnC siucomeric a-adinin (rred~ [(Ir:l), '(E), a,l1!Jdi !(Hn~ and the s:ig.liiI,aIHrom sar,comerlc Ci'-,;:iictiWliilll! alolliE! I[~()I. (18,,:iiilil"ld b'), ind~,catf! and ,em,p~asi:!!e the di~ednOIi'ii1 of S3ifcomere .1'illigi'iiment

axea.These l\.""Sull~i:llmurnlc '[herela]io:~ between ul1il<1ixi3i~.:::'ffi\OOltil.cro flli~niel1l fFig.1 F) and OOnlntCliol'l U~g. 4}. A $h.1.~lil<1lf S cor:rehu]o:mJi has been reporrod between cru:dtOmyocylC: alignuf!!.ema~d ~o~lgitudi!1al and [fa'l!$'\Ierse oo!lduC'l]O:~ 'IIclocilie:s anlllf)OlNl'pnt.20 myoo~iJI"un (16), To l'~Jt O'~liP' ~)'])oihe:;;its [h,b[ thecQ:[l$i:mcfs would displilY biomimetic fmlc:~i()I'l,a:lily, we Iabrieared si mplc OgCiUaliOffi, s.oU roool'ic, aetna[o!'&.and mcrlirne devlces tha[ oould wa,lka~.d SWitl~. Sail'lObatic' IlCm:.a!LOffi·were OOfl6;~ruC'led wilh M7fs, by conJt:~UiU],g proo~S5 pammel~rs and EC mULpliElglo diJl::m,te the 30. ']1mllim of the r~o<s.t.ultding cOXl.SlmctrulJd t1ti3: conl1aC:li10tl klncdcs 09~ Thin-HII1Imi thicKlfDCS." ,[fllg .. S3) could be vaJriod to OOillrol dia.'iltDHc Ml'!f ooflf(jim.~ifjtioil. Th'C elasticmodulus for Sy[g~rd I84 fDM S elastomeris 1.:') .MiPn.(20)" whereas fhe elastic moou lus fO'f rat cl.l,FdliOJ:~lYOCY~S;lS ...30 kPt'I. {l'J)1 l a diffen:::m:e of [WO, omc1fS of m<1gil'n:itll.d.e. The MTF lJ(1mli[lg :stiffn.css \"\I'aIS clominau.1l bydlC rUMS" vvhfch frotli1i 0.5 ro 30 ~N/m. MTf~[br whh::h the PDMS ~hicb~.cs.'i, ~s

pbna:r duril~.g Iillruus adJop:It.-d 3. c:i:ilVed eon :fb:liiI:lfI':iliC!~,1. as, :Soon m~ litl:: MTFs were releascd rromtfu.c co·vcr sUps (Fl,g. 2)",iMd~] dcfinod n:vo possible modes (If" systolic l~lm
djmllole. In oonb:ru;:I. U11ilmer

gl'"c,:,ucr th1'U'l ~25~U'n,rem'linoo


Hle:x]o.l1J, or e,.'(tem;;iml. Which



c~m,iOllly(lC}lle-;i; ~re
oont[ul]ed byllie



or concave.

c[tir~ t~]mpil:['a'll!Ilre of 'Ule




PDMS, .22"C {roO~],1L4~mperahu[(:Cure) (If 6SOC (]n,CfU cure), ~eclivc~y (9).. We dcsigned a tltambcr ef2D shapes <lI18, lCJnpllilresengil]~red to adJopl defined 3D 'CO~lform,uiO~ii::!I0~ rereas~
lfuum the I)(l'vc'rslip. WI.len MI.!F:s;. with 20 nly()caJr:duu:m (J([1 the. C()I1C~WC surface COJ:l.~:rocLoo, :nhe radius (If .m 1:11. C'U'1V~ure decreased, bC'J~dlmg~:~,C' m.l11L fila lil.her {1m OfP~~flC mc..'(i(1!~). for 'exar!np!e"l!(Iflgrom:a!1~lltlai strips \!I!'llth a!niso:rropOC; 2D ~i~sue .aligl!1cd ~~O:nJg lhe:~r:lcnligth(F:i:g.2A)~ In this ~md]~rn:tion" the rvrr:F' tr<l:lls;it ionoolWom ~lloo..,~lyro [!ed~:~ll:re (d,uastoh.~)to al.]gh1~y 00]100 SI.<lI.ll:l (~ysm;le,) dnrhllg s:pont<'Ul~ffl1~,. cycUC' cOnlraC]il:ons (movie:82), The suess produced by thi sro]lcd MTF~upeak ~y&-' tole \II(I!S at ~casi ],S,kP;1l pe:!" .c;onh{lcticm C'[IIIa:1:cd by mt113ufn]'J:g MTF :roWUQus,ofclJlnmllluc at peak syst{)l~ and solvlmmg a modified SilOil:ll~is. cql!ru~ti,ol1 (fiC. S51 U9). MTF c(lnlmct~OElIWllhS, fatS~t\':rhan relaxation; l~~:iB~C[ljipom] as:ymm.cLry t was !11CilSiUi!ledby iPb,)ilt$rlgc~li1f!ge ]f! the diarmcler 3S .[I. iUlllcl:L>OIl of rime {Fig. .2.13. and nmvie S2},

thel.l'IJ[]DJimtl' s:tocl.cll!lln~ of the ¥(;tat:ri.d.e,\,v]]£l)r;:: anisOiropic sheets or eardiac ~nrm;ck: arc ·wmppoo to for.m 11 c~wiywhose b]o()d-fi'U~d volume ill reduced sysl:oh::' r(24). \lVlhen MTFs en~i:!lcercd W.itEl 2D myoc~d~.unli 011 theoo~\'\II:x. su.rfilee cenaacted ,d1f:mdius ()if fllm cm'lio:tl.uil:'C ]lrJjcl.·etl~cd '[or evcninvened), bC:[Ii~illiIg lhc Ji Il1Ii back frI~ planc I~CXMlSiOl1}I. 'We m~Ielu;l]c~] MTF ~c:ll!mOffi cilpaible: ,of cycl~i(;, a,1Ii.ial C'x~iC~sio~~uuirol:mi01~.c._rcm~ by S!~lgnimg


\Ve built a oonr:oboltic .b1r[!h~1 uses e;loctricil~ Sl im~~lfl:t iora,pro~iOcols 10 pmdJij.cctOJ'lJic comraetien orO'~ MTF widl pfli.'!5c:rrllcd slre!1gLh ~,r1dgri[l mdi~s (Hg. 2E ~Ild ~l~O'\fie: S4), A:~ electric f~dd Wf!5; cre~oodl!:lsiJlJg. P;;'llr,~·UeL ]alti~um p wire e1JeG~od~ on eidiler side of the' grupper, and a flli111lClioirlgCllcroIDor connolled vui1age amp (W V. HI' mspulsc .. ,:virlilh) , a~d s[im!Jl~lion fr,C;.o q}lIleflC)' C 19)1, S~:i![fica]ly,\1iii!S mod~lla~rX1 from '(125 to 5.0m,:m~~(l C(!.l:"ltJ!l,)1 syslo]ic an amuy 'of di",c~1e m~usde fibers 51;> .~J(J0,1]: bendil.l;g oft[]1;: ga.illlle'Il"'lI1d ]dd. 1:helollgib:iina] i.o' apreseribed l'lt:lllaJr.U1IO:uiI, rF'ig, 2F). Dmi~~g axis ~Q thc' length ofl~ng .P:DMSrect1U'lgk'"S fFig. 2C), These COll:5lrnets sponl<1!lleou:s:ly adopted ' oonnmetion~~lC' ends. of I.he gr:ippe:1f rome; wgmhcr ~'IliIm~hlc}roueh andsJ:op' due lO thO·CQill3.1\1lCl force. helieal oOIlFoIil!lllifll'ioll {Hkc Oil papQI" t<Y\vci woo), RalhC1 t1Ulifl s;imp]y fjpc~i~g and c]ooi~g 01:1«:" \'vbcre 'd~e pireh was a fune:li<u1 of the arigle bel\~e~dlCk)l1gitl.ld:i:n[l] ~)l;,]S of ~h!;:'a:niSOb'opic th~ gr.iPller \'ilaS Sl;;heclOOm a:!:I opcll S!~D:e (dii1lSLDI!e'), alO:[Ik:. closedstare during :s;ys~o~eby tJ) lisslne and the mid IHne of the lh~:~ ~.]m. Conlll'tliuliO:r1l.on~:"DeMTP resLllllOO]11 ;1 decrease ]111 hefieal increa5:i~glMe P< ltll:J:lillhil1- MTF CIU"£rci:I tetanus. ,at. :5 Hz [gcm~rnitingcotl~'MIlU s:nre~ in p~lch '1,II:tHem13ill1L'I:c'liIli:ffiI,g <11 censtant iffilllll,~'fr.ld.i'ii:l!S excess of25 k]l!l fl1ig. 86)]. So, '\.v,hcreils gripp~lmg (~lnilr\'i.e 83)1, pli'OO,lJJldlfilg -300 ~lm ofaxia.1 '0:";,rem.ion and -SQP of cireumfer't'lmliliml, milat:il:l!l (Fig..
raie and meter

fean:JJrt,::has app~;~calklin in valveless pUJnping ,of viscoes fluids simi]~]'~o tile

U'mbry,onl'e vert:r::brn:l:C heart [tube by pcri::;l;Il~ic: aenou ,2.1) or t~ydr,()cI~stlchnpcdilulCC It]]). f1!]lti:ncr, these 1.'01 MT,Ps are remi]1jisccl1l~ of led

ob5cC'~s b.y h~W!d iil'i acMe-v,cd byincrea~cd fir1iij.g unut: reeruinnent, in ou:r Gcvi:oes,. we COltuld ~roomp~isfu Ifbis only wi~h ·~hcmrnnelJT' fILu~cl~onill scheme is (;al1:i1iSI~1H \"!i]~h a~ilfl:fI":E<'Jtive (26). S~l~:pi!lTIg and .fUll(Jtiol.l~hiiu:Lg o:flhe d.isl<lll ~itds of (1~.csrippeit hllSPOliCiUiid fot cfiaibljii:li.g th~oties of dlJaSLOlic vC'.ii:iItti:Cu~lIt f"fic~jl:oj]jJ. w];uie;]lJ !i'Ygge~ tlun ~he \I',e~~,]ri~~,e5,can as a sucl.lo.n file] ~a.'lkSSl!d~ bimlil~~g~mdm~nilPy!a~iQrn. ofs;vnglc as pmmp (2j). cells and small bio.log,ka]samp~,~.
2D}, A~thoughlihi~i~ in ~ontraslt ~o the'rolll~ng l:'lInu~m~rSlru.C'~UIlC dcpicl>ed .un fig. 2A, tbis

Pig .• 2 .M.1iFs were used to blW~kl A

soft rotDot.1:c flctual~ors Irmth [!im1r ~om,iz@dl fUl1lctiol1lilHry.. (I) f~e coHee! s~rip ~'ilid .a n~lsotr(lpic





m)l'<lGlrdium {on the' (x:mcave sudace) a'~iQned 2Jllong the red·, illfiigte [,ength ~hat «YdkaUy
oonlt~acts [rom

ul1Icoilred '~o

(O]led stalt·e'. ~) l~is·i,sa 3D Iprall SI~tohl:'i5 noted Mt~: ,as!terisks. 'Whis s!~i01l'IIS UIEl' It:em,pora& (it$ym-' meltry' b@tll'll\M'n UIiE! rapid ooi~li~g

Dime coiled strip's dnarrnetelras o1ilFuflCtlOn of time, wi~ere ~ed

rate ~(jl}:~~~aCltioffilQ' (lOITIpa ~'E!dWi111

the .slower unrol1'h;tgl ,~ab~ ~e~

lai!:<iaillio'oj.(C) The


adoot~J WaS a focta li; strip

~vi~ d1t~CI~etearl"a~ed Imll~de fiib!!i!ffi [('J~I !;he IQOflVe'l<, ~lijrfa:~e' ($eeilffil!S!I:)r) thiil:t 5ponll:aln:eoM~s~y a(j!optfd ,a l~fU!(,3lloonJi:nrmrnatiol1!, (lEt] Tlrr'ac_k~ng IDe tips. ~eUow tirn:le!l ]n (0]1 :~h:~nv,5CY<ltk @)ii~.ensffonalrild rotal~ion a~ 0..5 Hz plldngl. OU The< "glripp~r" WillSa ton!g~ :M(:tanlgu lar str~11P w]th tengijywi~~lig~.~d anij$l(litropic ITIY'O,cardium {on the '~iOnCalJ,ile surt.aoo)t!~at: IbI~O:uglfut~.etlips,

~gethew upon (iOn~n:u:ti:on. ~P)


tip.s fy:eliow dille!; ~n 'lH as afUffil;(ltion ofp.adng


rate demQII15Jt_Ia!t-ed coo'I:rQll. of

di\1!&to~!I;~p sep3~a~io:1II1and

-' ono-


......I.(]I (II:i1 3 4 is

TIme [s]



Tiilii'ie (s)

,P'alcii'igRaile (Hz)

8illmdmill'ill(H~:ate d'irediof~ il,)lf tUm i:lem:lil'lg]. The v~,clJeo striU imalgle$ s!lO\Y the pe.riod theglippe:r was dosed pe~ second (e,ll!lOf ibalr:5 n~pr,esel1~ SID), IFbr eadl (loostl1Mclill1ll dia5'm!.e aJt ~lme OJJiO s an:dllliI ~ystol@ O.€Hl t~ llL2:0 s latlM..S(,a&~ M.TF.,~hE!!i(:I'iie!liIl1Iatk Uhll!itra.tlesthe 20 ~~iaJP(!a nd C1I mno !m\Yoc,~mal ignment beFore iflelJ9:i!!i~and ~hie!iulli,.seq'tlltu~t, 3D ri:iOlnfol'mation I~~,ed·alr~,\I)iII,IS W,, '~Q, baus, 1 mrm.. in


,_ 1.lHlls


Fig,. 3. M¥oIPOO(apalJte of a uW!lThO,mOIJlSi, or ·fEmOle-(l)n~romed ''''a[k;]ng.The my-o'poitl ~asfio!rrned mliQffl a ·~rian,gllE!MTF,witl'n lsob1o-:pfficm~OGarcltllm (o,nme

mn asdUllmatit

side yj]e~y and live' rop vilew as i~sitalils in ,d'tf'!;)sto'hl! al1d5't~ps DI~rilrng s.y:slQ[e the Imyocardium {o~tl7a,d.~d1. cal!.lsinglh~ ,NL@g" to erxt~nd and [piiJI)ih thie iIiI'I!fopodfoiM'liMd. ,Ais the Welill>:.~dldiiJIlril1lg d]l1Ill!tQLe" llie' tiJngl~@dFoO!tPild pre'lOl'e:lfllted the my'Opod~mm sl]pping ba!ckwa Ifrl.!l!~'x $'i,QI~f~ce} ITi~I!'l!t;qa~~~~o'Wed ~ 3D shape, (A) The mq)t1Qnis m~I~!Jr'~red in~o

morward dur~ng :systote.

(:l!O V' amplil.!!!IdeL ,I/yopod rleLat.w,€ vetodtll(-,2J'

lemJg!thslmin~' fiS simi~(lll'~tha.t Ir~po:rmd lOy Xi ,tiit 1(1,r •. hl.i'mlin) mornl,e~~' musde-powell"tld mklwodev1ce 1{j3~: h:o~r. the Ilfiyopod rall1l be rero:l1llfigllllred by refotdliiflgitill1itol1i:iiilo,the~f (On~'Ormiltion and does; not req~,i[fe mk~f03lbri(altion to bulikt Sta~e, balrs, 1 mm,

fwam.e"bWffilrame ~!d~eotracikilrllg ,OO'm.eWIfO!nt. of the :myopOClla,t1-5 in,~.ervals I{d~enot~d b~ b~lack clots;· linear regrlession ijienot-ed bV solidi line) shows cq)nsili~teP)t l~d di~~cred tocQm(iit~QnO)~ ~~p~edl o~ ~1I3 a Imrl'dmin ,a~III~~. p~dl!il!·9!

rate co~tecthfety mlltrib!JJ~d to metili". ,(A) 'mile' MTfiTia n:glle s~lIimme;r

was Ireiii!lti~ed aligmng annl5'o~rlQprk 'by ITIY'O cardium lparrOl~~~ Idle' hll!ig~ilItom tiJ' t:~le ~r~ll'ilg~:El' (fElt! armws delmilO!te direction om-Urn oomlill'l,g~," ]racking tile' ,MTlF throllJgh sUlb~eqw:en~ vi~eo

fig.. 4", 'mhe't:ri!l! n:g!li!lar MTf swill'll~ msrs demOi!1!stralte! thflit ti~~e Imkm~ sbllrl1Ul~e, rilm slhiape-,1ili'ild padng

100p :rea[lach:ed luid\:wJ!y ~~Ol!iIgthe height to CiIDt.UiC a fO(,),'tt1ad (fig, .1A)., The M.TEs 00oon[igure beeanse ihe expooed iPDM 8 i!il ~:I,ydm· p:ihobic en ~he non-ooU skk. whieh slicksm l1sdlf
in aqueous sohnien and proVide5 ill COIli!orcuaie:ru \\lay lofil:J))l'ic~re oomp:lex. 3B s;h~pe~itWhe;n~

paced, 1!l1.e y,opod m

mO'!lOO 'w~m

,cO.mJJsm:f111ll. velociity


(F rilB. JEI).

~ram~ ~.h.Q·~dmt t


the r~,da»~d

oo~~tru:ct, t:onb"aw b~ (C) p!!l ~Lijmlglthe ~~il,(tiIP},of~~trlia~glrein towarol th~ haIS~. {O,) As, th~ trirang~e relaxed and retuirliITl:OO lo~:I5, !oriigr.n:al shalpe~ it prodUCEd! al pro,PUIIs"IV@ force Ulat dwove (he MTf~Q'~aJrd .. (1;) (Q'~par-' m~on of s.imillad;IJi' S!j'n'i3nedllrf!anf!.itl::!' 1 '" ,., s'tvimmern wiilh !3Jllisatm,p!lC orls~ ~mpic rmyocaJlrdiium rev~a:~ed the' ~importame, ,af~sue slti'urtur,e ill p~ ~nwti ijQI ,mGtij'~it.y, At 0.5 Hi :pad n9!,
.1-. IU • •• ~\ •

,,\tr.rnsonedtl1:1l12l) MTFs eeuld ropll:ica:lc thcal!1J@}[~i:lililform S\vilnml;~g motion ofa /J(l."iloS(lun~ wi]hptllOpcrly e!,[~erod ~;i~ucregiffi-ered to Lh~ arppwprina>c'Ul:i:nc, g:eomefmy. Al,lIJ;rnQmon~ and 1r-elilQ1!e~y ,,':!v~imlnillJg, M1f:s w'~re~Jll,~i]]oorod

~.:_~ ,n,."'.·... ::::
1o.I!;> ~

falms, eut juto jscseeles tr~la~].gJes, ~ilhl!1m:e w

.MiSo[ropIC iI"'~'~ l~tr'!(;

-30itJIl!1.dthk~k :PDl\(~ S

ani SiiJilropic iII:tIliJl()!c3!JtI]~messcmbled palaU.d. to []!c hdgJn of I:h~ thull fih~~(Hg. 4Al. Field




!e'am,lsowptC MmlWler, 'I"f starting 'g. mlr'Qlrm res~! (G,) surged! a heard ,,!l!fte'f 13 s, ([1,1) Tracking -fJr,ame"bry·fr.(lrm~O'O



stimuIJ!iQJ:tinduccd ~ l:lmP.E1gal:i:rrn;gco:I1:l:rndi.le wave (Pig.~. B ~oD) j]l~l re1'ill:llltoo in il.lcrn:acs,ingly g;re,'ll:or urt~:aogo:na~ deflection of the MTF toward
the tip,. Compadng si,l]uliar lriftnrg~,c gw~:mmec:s \li,'i[h is~:m:Qpi'C' or Il!inlioooopic 20. myocsmium (:Frlg. 4~ an:dmovi,e S6) de:m~!lim:'il!:I.oo l~~ll~gUe nlic~'O~rdllite\:n.u~w~s critiCil~ i!rl ]lote:n~I.;~6!]g mi()bi]i~y. nlllJing a lypit<1ll. ex:parume[Ji[ (r~g. •. f' 4 and G), [he ,<l~:is.olropfcg:\vi[1).~.meil Hf),wied -5 rimes as faJ, wi~h an av~mge ve:~ocl,~y 3 r.!Ilimf of ~IDiir!. Thc-irottDpi:c tissue K"l1lkrl to COJ.MmC-l iJm a maaner ncceS$i~ry fo!!' g~lm.~;flting, propUI.8,i'~mj, [.w.ih;;hhltg<l.1I1.d! d[ifuJl!1;' <tit it ~!e of O.fll mm/min

'0.2 'r:11

dillptaoom(l'lI'IIt :shl()~d
l~'iJ''''Pil!~ ... Willmll'l'le,
';""~,",, ':~. ~c _. -~ ..

reveal]ng a maximu 1iIm, swimm] rtg1 Irate o~ -2:4 l'I1I,nlililmlln alt 1.0' Hz tPI.!~]ng.f'adn91 ~oUil!.gewa5 mer spcmtaml'l.'lU:s cont~~u::t101l11Silr:ll (0. R,!!II~.elirnilrk]ngs fin (f) GUilla! (G) are 1 Iilrn'm.

~ast as th·e' is():trop~[ S!iy·immer,

~~at th@' 'fll"lI~ " - .... w.." ..... .o.:m- '<:S ,~", u
~ .. '



m' The

Tlm~ (~~ .


·10 12

~:2 ...

iIiiIml€!~} (




iliniso~r'Opicmri.mmet's velocity was; ah,lnc'mll

of Ipacil1lg ratte, 10 V l1lU:!.l'Plt

We' :(;31"1. 12l1girncer MTF <tUlliUQJS with UI:.IIIiY ve.~idt'S".lmu. this centest, remote (;o:r1lt11ol r-.o'fers LO rljJl1cl;iona'~ :slffl'il!P~. b~!. dOlllO:-Y gCllc,mte ~[1('1'"lIl:g~. ooF'lilml of oonlr.a'C[~OI1 rn:1~ la&1l:ig Ol~lfic<'li~. fJ:e~.t1 [000(: to 00 lI00flli't :lwm!Jlric' ~un~i1\ClicDI1·o.fMTfg, s.tinuj la,tiota Locomoling'i"nryopods, demO[!Slft!!Le:clsp:ccific fcrees of :Im 4 mNlnmf were des~gnedlD w~dk ~iOil1!g heucm of 11 P,~mi ihe dlc~11ill a d.i:lleclcd ra[!]~under $Imtilmnoo"l.]s; or (fig..S7). 'co:nnpamb]c to ti:515UC: cngim)ci.'Cd myo-· Ci'lmil,ulIf'll (8., 9)flfI].d native c<m1iac muscle (19).. Uapacoo ooIJIn.crio!l1s "fig, .3 ~[Icl1 movie S5), The ]ilke:aa1~liicU~d mmcies, MTFs d::mollffiTa'le ~fl~m:lerare m.yqpod 'WOlS fo:rlm~ed r[{ll]~alria:[lJg! TF with M il.:tlilli.o.iJj!,iill1ld, isotr:opie 2H myoe;H\di[~[rjfl (Fig. ~i A) tlUhe:r~lal:'i OOIUtl"l.ctil:e ~'O~" ~~:ig;lmstmiLliJ, f~'J.'I. ,IlU ~ow PO\1I,,-ef cunst:lI1lplion (S~ .19). tllC 008[,~,of the aini:iiO.t:ropJ,C .2:D1 myocaooturn U;:'ig. I CD:), ocm,thesel1!](]i~gs. WC!"eaSOl]OOt1l!-ll MTf'scould ~'KJ,ve onslm~'iflg that ]n this case, m[cro~c~k: olItrol of o by n1Ii~]~~.c.kin,g IOOO.1.1(lI:Lun of simple Ol!~ni~m~ TIle [iSSitle[l"liicoos_~l,1Lrc \li3$ nmreq~lirecl for m.o.. M"f"Fs 'were: engun~.t'lel"Cdlbr '~eas ilIiu~m]o- li] ity. R.a!tlhier, the ~il!)fl[ia]s;ymn].mli)' break was 11:iJQIUS, Oir eorU'lto.l.k:d.,. son tohotic ath:~eV'~d: y f6ldi['l;G '~lel.i:p of ilie h.ufUllgi.eim:JJto .;] b

(Fig.4H) .. As in 'Ihe case (,nhe


son roOOl~C grippc.,du:


])flc·in,!:ocolil:wlied 10 '!he MTF :,.wir~~mcr COl! ld be uukwed ~(I ma~'liiml~c: s~,l,:'imnflli~lg ve:iocilya'Undi nllJi~.l:imiz.e the .mel~boHc 'COOl (i,e .• maximize di~lal]ee uaveled per eonnacrile cy.c:.~c) ,(.~·ig. 4IJ:!1U1.(J]j mmri,e' S7'). "]]]1': ~viu~Ill]~.g ~nrOliun WiiS :Si:paral:cdin.l:Toh,\1iO P:h!1I00S, burnt (systole) andco,,4JSll~diIiliSLOk,. p~sivc pooP.'ul~io;fi~ This swinnmh,g techH~q'll:!!c !s used by spcdcs sud~ ~., the zelm!:lh;),1.\x/[1, i'il s~.l'!gle lai~ mpus to]~



W~1,ert: Ute

.fiRh k:ee,pil ib> hody


sltaigi][ {27}. M;ii[:.;::iilfll1l~l \I\~loe:~ly24 (




was a.d:lic:ved at' ~,.n-:h. pacing "!rt:q'l!Jl:ncybyttlki:n:1Jg &dvorunlag.e of this vc:llodtyproif]'le (fls. 4[). SlQl;l,rcr pacil1ga! 05 lu resl:Iiwdul periodic dips, ]n the ''I.'Ciloci(y3$ 11he:co~!liwg i:>pced det~'1".ionued befall!': the~eJi4lco:mra.c[i le C'}"Cte, Faster ] at. 2 I-I:z:inlerrupted ttL.: power st:roke Ix;! it was comp:llctoo. These f rlJ:lurl!,.":ishaw liImHt the stin1.u~· l)mk~1lf~qrWlCnq may 00 'Va!rlioo to optimizcM"fF fl!!!lClklnJ. Zeibr~f1if:]~ hu~\!'aemuns,i,(ion from low to

pOlte[u irn.lfo:r ~iMdyillg biomechanics (If myoc<Jr~

dial ShOO~;5, a model as the vc!U:ricU!JI~~rwa]L fhrlili\w ]:fliln]n~jf muscle of

1i.a. 'it. IKLll'iiii,'E. mraili, E. Sh:llIfOn,. S{iMCe 3iS, 1 [t6 ~

19 • .1!ltatllriall!; illnd' !WIfitMdsalfe availaltiJiE!as


lIile'f,elilE!lilii:es: Note.!! almd

:1 11 fit BI!:r.~,~it6Ii(N'J~(Oiift:a{,tiiln (.(lupJ'in'g om) (6wli(l1\" Cwl/f(lctJl'e ~tJm: (t(l~we~,IBonD!'!, N, 2,. 2rOI,llll. 2. 11 lit Ber5., Nature 441!S, ]98 t20Gl2). 3. Pl.]. Br""a(j~~ .5. 1i. 'Tan, r-l. V. Ricc:hluti" NO/1JfI!' 282, 728

m;!~m[!l'DIl ~ifl!'Il(,~ 5 Ol'din~, 20', .1\. QIOl!h. HI. lim~rgl G. II. V<l!i!C$o.,. ~p~ Sr.Jrj. Sd. 2:3:9:, ~l.O''(2005.)' 21 .. s. C. Liebe:r eJ' ai" ArI'J'. J. Physial. fT·ffi.ft (N'c.Pfuy.;r.a/.

h:ig]~Rcym.(ih:hl !lut1.11t;er swhnmingby~f!)c~:easi~lIg l{liil.beai .fi.\Xjl.lency IILnd ibend a~],pli.]ude '(dcgree~l ~;[Ldslt~fling bend IOC[I!tiOll, wl:~ic"h511gge;;;t~, th.:Ul ~i.milar p~rlb:nmu1:ce ]S po,:l.Sibkl \"i.d~h MTF swimmers (2~). We havescaled t1[i:s. wimmi~~hes ha\~or from Re -0.1 to -.10 f'O"t 2 mmrol.2 em ]engUH"c.l!c: MTF swimmers, rnt should be possible· to scale-up these swimmers I(to .RE '> ] 00)1 bceause zebraflsh use [he ssme ·blll'Sl=·
beha.vio;r (rol'lll, larvao (--4mD~ii1)' l~21dlllk (-35 tmn) ~.~ilIgtl~-sC'rucs (27). Can weleverage these ~ilies~iO bl.!!!i]d

4. S. Ni5h~mur:aet


Am .. J. PfJysi(}l. /reM Cit...


n. w. Mad'mi1111



2;B7. Hl64S (2001l). 22.• l'lt. C Fi!tiim:iln, t(, R. Oh~'IilI,[I~I\\Elopmf'm 1:!!4.• 2099 (l!9'9]). 21. I\. S, foroohar e/' 0/" S,f~f.lcl.1' 3:12, iSl ~,2006h 2<t K O. (osta,Y. ialaya mOl, Iii. 0... Ml::CIli11o(!n~J. (O\1eLI. AiW. J. Pflys-i)l}1. ~mt arc. P1J"d!Jf. ;27,15, H59.5 (:l:9'99). 2'5.. ~. TiDr~t-Gufisp ~. af., ,iErll. A Ca[(lwtlir1l(J[. 5Ufg. 2~,


~~I~ H!.ff... Oce.a'II. Eng. I:!''ll', 106 J

1500 '(2006), R~, 71, 419

I.t V~ HI" IEbron (!J Cll" Sbi.t'tJ~ 3U,

376 '(2(104), 26. S. A. Wfnges. M. Sanldlo, .l'I:!regt:. C&!!¥l\. Bim. 45. 679 {200S}. 27 .. It 'It Mulle(. L ]. S!:aiTtihru~s, . ]. ~d!1~ff.) .. ~ .BiGL J
2;IiHI,. ]'~3 (2{lOO~.


'W.IILlimm~nn~nJn iJl,"/,.


9. [0.

12. 13.



Slofl robotic



devices'! One po:ssDbillily is I!) barrow biollogi.ciI!ll

fZIJr.l6t W. '"'. ~j~mefl/!1!"nf!. !I, Mefllyr:hil',f!~q, l .~che!l!~1lget'!" .B1ol:rnllei'Ull~ 2'S.,. :]'6.l9 (2004~'. K. l!.iIar ,e.t~1.,FMf8l 1'9. 27:5 '~2(10St 1. SIlii!Fliru.. M. ¥amo~o, It KJ~udlJi!. r. OkallJo, 175rJ,fI fN~. 1., ]41 WJIU). V. i['an<ll~a, Iii. :5i!io" T. 'Shimllzu', lVI., Yarnllato, T. Obno, i?,f ,al.,. (all (."~P'7,.Z{I'7 ~200~l W. H. Zimn_rne~Jilqa!'t![1 ai .• Not MeiJ. ·:ll2~.4\52 (2006), el J. Z. Xi, J. J. 5clilm[~. C. III MollJltiMla~nG. Nat MaIl't.ilI,
18(1 (2'005),

22,. 50, A. ll'i4ldd, I[trl'l. O'M~II(ly, EIfP. Blot 213, Z56S< l 29 .. c. L IHIIliIrar1l,F. IBollJeh, R. J. hU, S!l'im,,,,3i01,.1'927
{20GS} • (2000t

3it We a(hm'il~d~· fimm:ia~ Slupporl (wmllle ~{E\nse


Proj€!cls A9"'!'Iil;CY's IliISo:rrnol@{ul;ar 1!l'Ioims

P~o!1~m, !!!' OlT1oo @f Spc!~o~l!:d R:e~:;jr,(9,;:god t!i!-e H~iMlr,dJMati!rfa'ls RMe~d! 'Sdii!!i!ce and O!Qj!i!ell1ri~gl
(Elmer (MRSEQ. 5;5..5 .. ~:liicl ,AJ .., a[kllloWled,)~5~la II)' IIIJLS.Army I!'f'S:lliilrdll O:fil'~Q~,'We thamlk ~t 5t~m~ ror on th~ milnuscri~t.
SI!IP!J(Irt homlihe

~le.s;ignprin(; Jronu .(}rg1H~jSims: suoh as (iotop'u (hilt useelasue, nlUSC'1jlar il~~iUi,il.&l:~ 001'cem[)i!ex :m(wrcmellIlfS suesas bipe<lID] ~oo()mo~iO\lllm1i(l. !l]dcu:liarod joints 1(119).. A[lO]h~is te :scalc.r~p Ibroe gc;'I1era!t,im~by ~,I]cm."<'I:Sillg~U;: ~.hickllt'Ss of the 2D myClc"£lrdiiulll orby oombi:[JjiI1.g lllull:Lple: j\,,[[Fs iIm'I P{ii't1l1Iel. Be:j'oillJ.d devices ~Iliil'ysig of
MT.f dd,orrmni.on dmil~g
oolt[r.J!.C'I.iCl\ll ®i~SO

l~t l L Tan, W. Liu". [. M. UeHsoo.,. 5, Rilp'~i!'l'. C S. (ben, Nf£U'e Ei!g. liO',86·S rnQIl4~. 15. G. M. W,hl~e$1i!1es,. ~h.m~.s; TakaY~FIlIm".x. Y.)ian'!J. E. 0 .. '~. l1nglb~r• .4r1.rMI. R&. f#omrui. fng. l,DS

S'ilIP'pDrtilliig Oni~.iiile Miltl!riili~


:U'L U. '8MFSilt, K. It IP~liker.,50,ir~nii!riII;

91, [4S 12(02). 17. M. SoIl!c_llIrol'ta ,~. ,,1,. i"ror:.NoU.AX(ld. 39'24 (200:5)'.

t, Tung, 'Sci.

f.;r(; ~.:

M~reri!a:ls 11 iiOOI ,M~jh[lds S,OMTeM fiQjS. S1 to' S7 .MOi!Ii~~ l. 00' 57 S 22' June 2007; .O!ocew!ed 8 .August 200:7 'l(U:1J2'llA 6BBS


u.s..A. 102.

Illm,8,glDig,eniic Co,ttreIIllAtm,oSlph,eras, i A,r,oullndSiiliiICQ,n Defects by ThreeDimenlsiional Atom IPro,be Tom,o!QllraphiV'

Disuete control ofindi,viic!llllHI~. dopallfl!t

[he' dcclni>i:a~ o1maracteri~Tics of i~ld:iv:udl.laldevices.

.hiIJiJi.lging of i[1d.ivil1UIii~, d.o,pilru,rlti~,ll!s is ,~~e:JmI]all ~o the dcvclopl:liJ.en~o:f advanced iJil,mOSiea~:~ devices end istlheref:noo: an area ofiril:cnse ]il1il.cre~t ;)i;.ITIongIUhescmiceeducior oomllnUli~y (1-4). 5i \!i.',afe~arc· U~OSl ofte~~doped, 'ri~I~~h As, P,. or B atnms, Becallse oflhc n:11I.[i.v11:lyltlrg¢ si,z:~of the As ~].Qnl.ii.., dit'flliliiliv.ity is orders of 1:lfJJagnillJlme lower []mn t~:a~]!il' P or B .. Thi:skHM o dim'i!:lsh11ym'Oilk~s As a desirable cal.l{i]d'ai1.~omf tHI:n!YJ!J:1Icte:r-sC'arredevice wc~~no]ogy {5, 6)..The iQl1imp]~ma!t ion of d()p~fll 3!1:on1,s,parliculady ~he he~vi:e:r }\sio!1s, ulm(l1~;1 a~w...ys :re~".d~,~,in d're simuhaaecus creation of uadeslred deftr:cls. The subscquCl:IIl eVO~,tliIDo:nof titC'.80 defects ss a

Q:~ imp'W!rilV' atoms]) (ri,tiG!!ll 10 tile' e~ectri(a~.dhi!l~aueristics ' f11!lJd'fabri~~6on ,of ~ni(on i'iJ~IMde~cll!;il:,The 'l)Ii~!!JIVil'i!dl~b,~e inlroducl;JllOJiiJI ,of d~~~(~ into ~1~iCOfi dur~Jilrgl ~lTIIem,p'I ali1ltation prooeSiS m.1lly pl1ev'ent the ul!1!lfrfonn distr~:bl,itiOfl 'of dopallJ;lJt atoms. 'CoUTeU i al~mosph eres aJllie ().In;e such non uiI1Iif,o D'rnl~ty' a nd olec lIf 'lIIfheli1l ]ntefstlitialta mmsi nte:~ad Vlii.~1l'I d]~~o (atio:nJS<,. piWII ni 1l'Ig nl@ dis-locatio n ·aln d~raJlPping th e'],[UterstJ]'tiaIL .A.tom pl1obe: to.1;n,ogra:p~y· 1ffiI.fl!5 been 'W!i5edl~oquant:HvUlIe [ocatiion and eLemerntal~~dlentity of~~ie atoms: IP~oximaretiC!defeds ]n

s~~i(on.We~Q~~dl!:at GottteiU al~mo$pheire$ Oir ~r~enicaoo.m~ f(ltl'il!l a,~'()i~lndi deh~(~·1if~eriol1J , ~lmlp~(Jntation ,allne'al[ing. Furt:hewmore .• lhesie al~!I11ospheres and pe~~i5t in S.UHounding dfis;llocatmon toO!)S e.nefi aifier (oil1l~~idef,i1Ibte ~he,iifmall ~reatment. Iff not poo'pterly tlccommm:laleci, the~e' atmlos:phef£'s
c(lel]J~1€! op.a nt ~lu:ctl~·ati().Irlstlfnat ldli rnmartely I,lml]t: th@ :scala b'ility' ofii tkoin d@'!Iji~iE!'S. d

. focI:>·in S] form t~:~c~ls1C malte'l"in]s; l,I~ed liD fa.1iIri~lle ~Imi.oondm::~()r r'iu:kl~(::II(:c:[ dcvi.Ge.<;.
.&It:J~J ehi:ctriCifI~:~Y ''· dOp'-'1.rI1'laruom 00ratnlo..·
Sdi~n~f[( IlftlSlrulmefllts (0~r<ilti()jf'I, S5(10 Nl:lbe[ nnw. ~lSQ!1, WI 53711. I,;IS,A... l!~fI,It 'CoIiP!l~.IDI;I!'I, HQP~eU J!,J~C' tioo. rill( 1253:3. USA.

l'urn.ctifHl oiFlln.orma.1 a!lme~~;ing. i~ ';.'!Iiel] d(je:ltI!~ltleiltcd(7-9). A(l'Ci.·ioil :~i1tp:~anh1ltiQn,lllil.c: Sil~l-· dce t'8 $~eavily diflm~.ged or pClssibly allunp.l~iz;cd becauS!e the' S i. a!h)lm. hllvc bC;e']'l b<JJ~ls:tic<lny removod frol'i111 th~~fI'.bl.n~C():il'eS" 11m,ere~"''ldl i~a s ~iljgh oollc"!.'mlm!ion o.fullLerstitial S:il aJtOJ~,~IS,.Si i.

he cOlllrol~~dpl~ecmen'l of d.o;p.(iltt allid thc SlI'b5e\lUem 'croa't~,Of~of po~m dc-·

"'To Wii1®ffill MI"f5PQI1demle UJhQm~ClIiI@~ rnrI.i!igo~(!om

~h~tJIJ be ,llddn~53!1d. E-rnai~:.

~al1lce;.. Ail(i~~.w~,[h!l. ,coin:,cspoi1ltli~ S!!i$l~r.s a.1.ur'[l!l'uo:i'1 ,II) f 811 homQ§el1.e{)m~disn:lbl(J!lion of dQ~IfL aiorrn;, H vacmnci:es, '\I'~. "fh,e 3p'plict1!tion (If~.5;mall amm!nl n~asllirod ,(l!verd:u:: I:lBllOis.G{I~(:regillll;l, ool.lM. ern::". of~lc"nilll en~gy (-..40(Vl to GO()PC)is: suffi~icnl" ale a rnrrespo:~]ding f~'UJcllM.lJ[ion in '~he ek'CtriG.l] [0 the Si cryslm1 SUlLI.Chm:J. l~ reasolHllb]y chru:tlc,t~'risLies ,of th,u rogi.QJI]... .IJliJ ~lm~t!::ro,,~izc.'iI pUJ:fC Si, [he Sil nmms to.a~~"'be iilllla, en.(lJ~tieOlLUy dev~,oo!i:" ' locflllizod nl,te~li1iliOiJ,~Sll'\i'ttllgc ,olit la",o~bki {j I ] I rud.~I~lcd.e:fucts (;11, '9). Where i1 h~glruarea] cu~.ccnu:atIofl I{> -IO~"!/C'm2)of im-· ovcr~lerelfili'wilylar&'(': area of me Ge\doe Md thcrefure ru~o;lvC at t"tcgl igtble:i!llpaC[. on overal] pmily i!ilOIf1l1!S,]s, pFC'","Cm:,Ore Si,. ato!!1ll!Sinstcild. forn:~ i]]ln ~[lhemidla] defeCls of va:ry illg $.ize (8, l,(l}. perfbmn~, NOWU:l<I!l device ,~<lI~ ~'I1~ch= During OO~Hinl.led·I.her.m"'ll1'l'C1l1mcnL, sphe~ the ~!]~llhe[1:m~orrn'Wteir l:t,gi;me:, ~ocali~ IlI,lC'wal:io:ns. ar'lJ hav.i.llg .1lm:l iilrtCre.1SU:IlJ.gly:lriport.'im'ilt]p:aC[ fin:1J midti] def~el'lij oo[l](ll~ce Mil. gID'i1il' iilllO ]1il'ger de:~
lil~S lln

,c.:~(.'Cl]ic31i Ci'l.rricrMlJi~~

Laser-assisred jprobe h1 ra:a,ography (AP!]]. al.cch[liqw! cap<.ibkl of rnpi.dly !l1:lJt'llty>t]mlJ.g Im-gc volumes of nO:l.1l-cwcnica]!y C[J:IldUCl]lmg ~lillo;lrerij:a~t au p.~vidc thre~li Im;.nsiQ[lUli (3.D~, e of ;~~diV'idij~]dop~'~t!lJl~d (liU1er impLlJ,ritya:!C!1Il15w:UU;a.UD S] (13-25). ,]],]C l:ec:Jmique ceedl !OOO~C. and lTfU1Snwiss,ion elecunn :mi,C[os.copy (l"EM) involves app:llica1vo:[1 ()~,: a h,l~h volmge to '~lC Wbc:nintcrsl~l.i3i~, ,impurity atoms ~~,F!Cracl. havebeen usedto IOOrl'd3!lC imiireCl,]y the; presbase ,of a Iczyob"Crucal]y OO(]~OO, uecdlc-slsspcd ooce ofdO])il!n mIlams w]lh [J!C evolution !of dewjth a d1isloc.1Ilio !l" Col1reU iJ!.umosp~eres :may specimen !.'lind eenueueus puis ing of the hIP of ronn (12) .IU1Itc~tilial i1!"IJ::HTh~,-ftU' OXi!imp~e, M, [hespcc~!'1il'Cnwilill~ a liocusodlasc'f. In [he ease ~nd dewilikd moc].!e]s have been POOllOsed 3tmllsi:~ S,il-disi.o[1. d:~,cbltii!D;: sligfuJl~y,. C<lusiJ'IIg to aeceu nr Ibrihc._~ ~'x[Jer~me:umt:'ll \i'OfiI"e;l'ai:&on::;. of Si, the :~l~!'pIJe: isfonned illltiO OIl .m;:ed~.e....1'i,fu.trlped (7-1J). Jlm"''e''!,f(.)r~ ~]J:J'il["Ilb]gU(iIlI S ClllJlt]lui'L<'I!I:ivei[~.- speci]f]]e~lwulh: a :lhcusedicY!'ll beam (2,6, 27}. 11m aSiJOlin Held <tliOulld the' inl\:rsJ:~I:i<lLW.hea.l. the il1ilC.llH~(i31l. aiom ditllasCiS ,ilf'i~j} tliw pr~funil:y ,o:f a foooatio.f'I n~~;rdillg tE10 precise lceauon of applkd V(dlagc creates a high electrk Jlk:ld, 20 disloe.u£on . l~:~.(;ffi~infle;ld rol';llJriJ~8whcnl,he findi.\!:tdwd dOplLr.n tin the- kno'fm to 40 V/nm. atthe :oIIpdx of t~· need le, The lsser pnlse lCmpo:mrLly hems fhc :spoc:hn::.m lip,. intCi'S~rliol!l moves intQ d'l,c disIQC~liDfl. .[kcalUsc: dcfeC'~ has not been ~vaikiblc.
i r

Jeers, fof~ow:u$iig m-ruO~'hlil<"Q,ld-ripi~il1gpm(;ess. Conti,['JtlOOIlh]Cfil~~iII~, lre<1i~tlllenl:S, irosuh inthe compk:re dissolutkm ·Oflhre~rigi:l1J:~1 defects lm fa:vQ:!" of di~locariolllroop$ ~~.igned ~O]:~:gthe ~~II]pl~llf;' (9. I f). lh~~ kjo'~ ~re$,mbl!c'~gaim;t Ii)ourinu~d [henl]fII~,atnlle<'l~.i[lg >r:!'i,!cn to l>enl pel:al.u:mi\l, ~h<l,t ex-

thi~ is an;a,e"lilergcti,c<]lly I'avo~;bIJe :illtlile, beih jhe dislccaticn aad the Enl~is.1itifti arc pin~l1l1tOO. The presence of' Conrel] annospheres inimpk!i!1ood S] m~y ~l.elpl!(l exp~<Iin ~Ild ~:opredict the evol.l;:!Jlio~ of di:fiI!C!C"~tionloops in Si. Secondary ion. mass s:pocuurn(!lty (S..MS) I




SI ·•





HI"I$ lli..~\.


..!!, 'Il


(lepti'l (!ililfl~





providil[ilg just en.ol.lgh~.len]l;a1 energy far a siag]e kmto escape .Iron'ltilc Clod oF'l1!n.C needle, The ~b crnrod !Q"!1 rlbu!o'il\!S t]oc: freM U!:!J..~loa col~()C:Iior bt~·. whj:ch IJrovides the X~Y sp~tiaill p l'C;;;olurioH. Theseqaence of e'\f~I'ulraTi(if! ev~!lib% ... provides the' dep[l~., OF Z, dirmen~ton .TI.n:miJmi:[JJg oiI'!hep t~lscd events ,cm'lbl:csmass rcso ~IU.t via io:m timc·o(~fUghl SpoctffiSCOPY. TIle rowEl is·· by~a~(I]nql~;IDpping of :s!. m~wri a] of imerest \Vill~ as]Ui!liR~res.1Q1Ulioll on the order ·(if ]hie mom.

The 3D ·,'JJtom mapelnained v ~tIi AP7. :Uli<'l~~ OOnSI,i'lliIt, .Tis the fcn::ltI~ttO:ri t:el:m,]pern:lure,lIl.1d uis
)l1lis is. show:Jffi. ttl two d.Hrcrcm~1 viewing


in] fig. 2. A and B. Knowledge of the

i:dcnl'ulil,e,s.and Jeeations

~~!kl'!.:vs I~rae con~ fur

for 30 11I]:il1 •. The second san]ph~ uuderwent jhe sam.o .armca.liilg al. 600{lC foU.o\:vod bY!lddi.~·

·~O,2[0' 0.4 ~:m. TIlisre50\~~t~oB is sulliei:Cm~o describe dop<'Jnm:I<l:wlU pOS~ilk~"DJ.'l. rel,UINC to and wi.thiill1l. ioc:t~~. defoots. U~25) .. Tho safflJ)~b rOt .m1I1!ii1.ys]s\'lI'Cooc.reatoo byimp:.lwnlng 2 x ] O]:S Ailia]l.1J]i.<;fcl~~2 ail!lii'!i. aoCC]('[!UIUlig e:ll>I~rgy gf 50 lkcV irrlO ~] 00 ~ S:i. 11re wafeiSw~re fi l:~:ed at 70 to IDt:·(.~OO) pkU1C durung the .impkmt The ]]rst st!ll:nu:il~ U['Ic!e.I\VeiU :i'l!llnetu~:ing .. ~U. 600~C

slnU.c:~i(JI~~ofisooon{le'nh~llt:ion surfltC'~a:roii!~1.d regijDrn~ unique chemical JCOll1lpooition .. rn.r1 ·~].is of casco an OiS<UiLII.rUfice liS. eonstmcred atl 0 a:I01:lIli,c % O. vvllic:hh'n:igh~iglns thesurface oxide, The c'henl~c"l] rough ness of this;~~y,ef'l!L'i'c~ic'l!l:lmro '91 '0.3 am.Iscconeemranen surmces m:1l!y simiil.<liI:,.ly be dtlil.w!I:[ W.ill~.D:eSP(;!Cll.oliliae As {lIOI:!]!;.

d'lf! 'binding cflc~y bctweeathe d~fecl andthe e1'!.C~S l.mpuciily atom, ]:0 Uu:: case .of t]~c 600~ ~.l1ineal:s,lud.iedhere! ab»nd irnge'llaCrgy ,ofl(J..~ eV is calcu](!!roci l'Or the A$. !I.Vonl~np]lCd wi[~~i!lUl~

idk:n~i.fied ck:foc[~.
Atolil.],ic oOI:lCenlltllionOlS


of depiLffiI

jmo l:1!telv~i!FC:1" be oolCm'llined by both APT cam an:d SIMS. We used bQl~~ melhodl: [0 obtain these

profi~esf'OrAs" end APT~o oltit~inLlli~em For0

.In~.[l~ils. case, 51 uch 11 SIJJD'.W-"ICe\lli 1.1:'> defined iilt ,m As. c( of 2. iltoJ'lllJlc '0/1}. The surfaces display s:ph~['0\1dfd £e!tio:ns of "si,.~:lil.!iiooofwllik·\1
2 ailO~1L'ilie%. COiiro~ai:io~l .Fig~ ] and 2 i.l1!.di,cml"t"S. of lh~ltthe~ AF. re~o[!Js; oceue <Ill" tho same b(dowlhcs:.:ll.U~ pille surface ;).8 '~h:Cldefeeis observed try IE.MOlllld ari(!~~ef\cfo:re fI~umoo 00 be dnrec[ly associaicd the As conccnLmlioi1 exceeds

(Pi!g. 2D), Ovem.U. the ~:>u~l. correlatewell, The .. 2.~ilm.m"tl,ick ]1,fIlive oxide is ;apiP<lir'Cl1ItiA1. ~:he ,lllJlllCl annealing ~l IOO{JPC rolf 30 s, lFigun:: I shows T.IEM ]magc.~. fo:r [he sample [~ln;8!l un:de:n'fc!I:n.l the 600'"lC ml'lne'il~. Two delbct. n~gi.,[Dn:s.are app,:ne:nl,.".n.1.e ,e-xpcctoo end-oft.lI~C diHllik"iS·e: ro,gj:OJiii occurs 85 iI1irn im,~olhe S!lflmllPic. A.I. a; del),d~ of .15 nrn, there c,,1'tisis 8. second region assoeieted l1!;ril.h fI! hiigl CQ~!c'ii:!I:1wl{l[ion of A saroms, "fhe h'igh";[C$;olmion ]mage.s sfm.owl.h.!'1. F.1te~e: defects are sph.emid!.d :Uml.i]f1!~l1iX::alit! [llfi:fill S(JI1l1.e 0 fl.he· de~'eC'i;s have t"Q.lroa:dy SUH'I:cd to evclveinto d;isIOC'allio]] kH:JPB.

.~. 02f1/cnf~. PT pmvides e!1U<hl A oo~.le~lion efflcieneles for ,UIOItlSacmss l~~cmflss ~cilrrlm. wl,,e~ S.NS al:l~.ysi:s <'IiIimerfaces siU.ff{)fS foom OlI00rra~· t lens esse c'lalQd \~i~1h'lffiri able :lpiUller ;mndlen lza\"~Ith the dJcfoc~im~ed. by TEM. tienrates as fllUflc60n of lmueria.1 ~ype(2ft- Jl). fi:~"li!ire 2C disp~.;JJysLhe n~lS'8, 8[lCC1'Umi as ebrained foom severn.1 ·oflh.c As":~i)h defeels. AI''f 1:here!lue provides a :mQrC<lCCl,lmte .!I:~lii:lruy~~,is
speclfum,dlcre an;: 52,88.7 ± 230 Si

prooo lU~~l,jrol:llD:nt O:lflsid~l'l11bk As: ~~:&,w.aa~ rioninto th!r:c exide i:fi revealed, TIle APT il'ld~~ cales As .~~1 IC ~~live exldeet a Cicn.cenlmtIon of U 21l 1) x ] d /cnt. where~.. 81MS an.aly~u$ ~~diC"aJk:s


2:539 ± 43

A£; iU.oJ:i1fil~ ill

the di!ipl\ayoo de-feens,

an As cOilccnlflMioll (ilf 4.8 :TI!Lo:mi.c %. Thebe£kgro1.l!~~,d 1\5 oQncenlQl[ion rl~~ :regio.n theof lji[c dcJ'cc:~s lis, .1.2 El,tmnic ole, i~l.(!icmJillg thal the sc:tu~ll A~, ailfo:ms trapped within ~11e dle~l repws:enl 3, .6a:~omiic %l of the Ol:orns, The ex-


itl.lpumfY OOllCCl'itmli'['IIli"iIt

1:F.Il. IfJidd.i.l tothe defect,:", the ir['UaJg~s show n iOJl1l.

nadve oxldc layer, -2 of [he .sam~')lc·.







~hf!lmppin,g ·of As atoms ~ili:l. the end-of~mnge can 00 donned. 3S AS= CAt, 0:. !C:1I:p(iJflkT),.where CJ\.q. sthe ~~()Calh:edAs o(lnce!lO'mjo~, eN. is the i d~Jmlgc ~~yc'1'"is 1.! f1dem 10 dii:stonlfuc I D 'CO:~I-· 5f llhc .As.. ieh defuc~, r .As ~om,:cnt:rmioll~ is Bo~ttm~~l~>!'l ccnlralioll. !jlrofij,le, whe:~ t

aI.five to ~hc b<llCl·q;~r01 imprutrity .. td n

a del~c:~.ite,. re~.~ s ooncclur-a:tion,

[fu:an S.~MS!lm 1heirulerf!l(:e ,ord~:l'>s~:miJlfllr nllllleri~ls.. The As. pmn~(!·reaches a peak cmu,"en:JIlrnl:ucm of 6 ':;':'.1 O~fciilm~ a dqith of 3:5 rnn, whi~.his tU d~elo(l!lHof! ·of the: Al'i,,:rich dld'bcilt. No. mW'IH-· alie~ in L1]C~D (lonccnLrnlioll prome are deieced in [hf~ rcgiOJ:"n.,.BOI~~a:n1~~y£c'C~11Ql\vever,. demon}.· ~mute a Umle'ElJi afI~~.e As ,Cm:I.celil.11r,lIticm pl'Oo.fille ng il1J~le 75- 10, RS ~J:1:mr>egicul, :hnl.1.~.ed:r!tilt~1iy before the eml··of-mngc d~ma.£:e.h is ,~mcrl'$ling f~l~t

mare .As. aliO:nm IlhtJiri ,occuru:ffiI 'die C1td4.)f~a:".rung<:egien, do ~.ot clistor;! moc"Ol:U.oci]~ r
lI-",hjidl [;rut


tr<l[ionpro file. FigiJJI.1t'C :3 8~~,O:~"'SfEM ]magG of the: " ~1~~rli.JrlllJi.,:r ;~~~e.alillg !I:1!O(U]i"lC(br 30 :>.• The


Fig. 3. {A a m:dl 8:)1 lW ·imag'l'!!s.


~HI H<

~l:iii@ Arimplant sa:mpteaHer .a·liIi""' ne.ating at ,600"'( ior 30 min, then dit l{WI}"I( [,or 30 s. (0 IE[)S alml~dVsis o·f As in dl,5I.oca~:o'r! loop.


15 10 '9~

DO _





0-.' -

IF~g.4.(A and B) APT dalt:a Oli'illPLYillil1p:i.alrtil salmp~@ aiftif!ri3iii1'neal~ingi1ljt ,f.iQog( ·ror 30 mlli'il~ ~~J@ni1l~]OOOO-( Jar 30 :s, ShOt'WlngAs. ai~om) trappe:.dl ill disID!!3a~io'~ Iloolp5. :5iji a1toms I~ont.r IO,50/t are shQW"!I1I fo:rviSl1l!lal clarity) appear as Igrav dO'~, oX.y,g:ef'lll atoms. :illS lrgl'nt ~lUE!do~,aMI .Ali, dOp:a'FiiIt. atoms as purpte IdOl~"



5,. IPlmx:im~~ histogrillm

of As (oli'iUde'"~riltio in dniS!lo~ n caliion lOOiP as rmH:~asm,e dFlrOtm ()entel~ ~I;I ledge,.

's' -r--------------------...,

OOU1:Ullg .22-EIim la:hm]llog:y ncde,

rea[lll:e;s, on the order a $i!1g]c-do~m


of -] 0 nm, ThcpresCflcc of
mm.osphere within sueh

-Anneal ~- tlm~ll: ~ ~n!!lil , - Ai; - .Ai'iiieiiill '~ - eI!IIi!llt

~ de'!,{ic(l ogtddaUer

Hl\:in:dividual MraflLuIlOi:iol1ml,or tfi. ~.COi:i\;[ renders it di~sinl,ill<lr to an kk:ru ica~.d~vice ~]Ji~l not eomain il('ourelll did

I1te eleetrienl pcr~brmcallCC of deviee ]~ a way ~~~l'!"CI'!dc'!'5it

d\cJeC'~s:reSi~Ui~lgtram a high-dool.::' i\(m i:~r)pl.af1imUo:UiI proce&."i mnd subsequent ~~:igh-·


II!I 1l1.5 11
15 2 2.S 3 3iS




~~all:,pernllJ,lJ:Lre!L[lnC:iL~ '~lI,ICre.m~iyzOO arld Qual~.tIDfied ; wi~.1: a cm.ll~bi:IliJ.ation (~t' EM,APr. ~rd SIMS" To.T g(jI.hCJ these l~hni.qtillL\'ssll(l'(",c-d f~~l ion in.].p.I;a[l,mlti.OOlin]li1d~y causes 1J:I.C fOi1:lmlir~.o1ll f sph.C::lICidl,i1] o (b::fecl's wilJJl ~rap;ped As !l~"(lms. llle[rnnsfol'-'

mtdl-Iof-rnn~c:' dcf{"CL~h~:<ilVe Dompletely di.:i>.'>oh'txl, <lnd the spheliOid:!l~ dufocl"l ha.w mll.lsFolt1lWd into disloca:Hon km,ps. T]~c leops ]IC~.1~{Ii:[J1 the Arr ill rich reS~.o[l otthe samp,lcai1ld ilre aligned i1i!~fiUlig the ~l ]I} p~!l!itle •.An cklne~md mmp of a region CO:l':Ulainii[lg a lnop W~IS obt'(Uin~d [lit 191.un n:~II,l;= tion b)'G!I1I.ergy..di~pe~ivc spCClmsc;opy fEOS) <!]ltfllys;is. A oonC:CllmI:;;utiol'lpmfi kl[lCroSS the ~oop ~:lmcl(id :m::.[:J1'I Ilhc As, map (FiS. J,C) ]~li:Ip~iOOalil,

obtained Jln t~:le dc;plll dllrecl:ion, is sJ[oVi,Iir.1,inl:;':ig. 2D. "[he As ~egro,gmiOJi1J,has increased to 9 x I Of'i!crn3, the pmme shc.'1pe has ibroadei1iOOi,and (he As proThe oom:ellJlil.<IItton plUm.e,

to As

spheres associased

U41tklll of' lhese ~fucl$ into d,]slocati:on ]oop",,_ a4'; .1 flm,Cl~Q[I of bigh-rempemtuliI1:' <Illmmling. also re.\m~.lSJI[l 'dUl fO:llmu:iM of Ai> Cmtr,cU .urno~!, djisl~ocatio[JI~.

rcguon now dissolved,

m(l ~m; sn~oolhw

OUiIin i1lC end-oil~mv~gcd'i)m~ge '~]~l 11he elld"g~m:lliLgc defccl.'> lUlive'

T,hcsellooins.'i may ha.vcimplk~tiol:1~ for do~nt eomrel if! [mpl~~l:cd Si atSdle seale of doped [~,liomIS appma.Qhe." lite S(:a~~ 'of [ute de:lbc1S.
IRefE!:r~li!ce~ 1. p, M. VO)li~ O. A, M.!![~l'.!',.]1.GI.m1l ~'. It Cilfim\ It~J, 'G,QSsmHt:n.N~!trl'l! 41&" 826 (20(}2'}. it f. M. VQlliIe>.,.]" l Graml, j), A. Muller, UUnlmiuao)lrrlPY ~\6, ,2 st (2003), 3. I!ll R. (~\5'IlgUI 1). .A.I\I'II(IU.!!r, p, 'V,bylA.M~f.M(l~£•. ~ 129 •.

As ooclumuhujm~ lip to 3.3a~omi~ % m:our~dthe edges otthe clis!ocmh:lIlloo'p, \\Ii,t'h a background As cenecnnarion of -...1.5altQmk:%, .Fig.u:re 4. shows 3 D atom ~lJ.llI~pS,of 11110 As:ilmp:~iJJllL(ldMmple ~~eraJifi:niC1llil,~g ~l t OOQt'C Ibf 30 s;!l.':acb 1tl."1iP I:CpfC\llCJ1iIS a ~eparM,e :iilm'lysis.

The -2 ~:!iJm surface oxide is agoon apprur,c:rI.t The: chemical roug'l:I1I1:CS& of Ihislaycr was ,cah;u!.a!Jed

in 0.3 1i1n1. ll'aefirs,] i;!I:Il!11.~ysis, shows one fuU ~oop aad one ]ili'!lf ~.OO:ll; ~h~' ooctiJiI.d aI13,ly.t1i.s. shows one Fililill [Ibop. :1&JC0I10011J,lIi11,iOlm, surfa~\;l,~ Olglllllidm'NIl I,\rith respect to the As asems ~1,OlJta, As" cO!1cc;nJtrnl~QIDIaf 2 amm lc %. T]~.c surfaces d:islPlay d!~g,,,,s]:u~poo dcfecL" omrelat:ing to the d:is.lot<llt~(1I1100jp:s een iilrn. the: TIEM. s Che:l'nica.~anal)! sis of these d.isloc,ll ion ]oops

The As is> clistrilb'w~ltxil abolll~.lC t!'efa"::l i~rn. dec. :3. lbe;},ll~c:d VOlllJJ:1im;C few ni'tm.O]1Jl;!1'~ iiieX~eiiiJL a This di$~rib!J:Ii:cmisi!ld] ·of a CoUreUaiUtl()sphere. GoUrc:l] annosphcres, flrnt described []'[j 1947 (.I.n 1iIIWJ lCl"obS'etived. c."'jperinu;:n~3~.]y (19), b 3jp,pear as <I eloud 10 f i~npi11l:,ilJfatom s SU:f.muncl~in.g d~sl!oe~li.O:[J,~". W~m.(:Il[liI.c},1armijJ,]S. mi~ gq:;;acinOClthe pnYXimi'ly of a, dislo,catioll" the stlfal:r] fkldoo~.oL'\C.s~s ~~WiI1W.fS'l;iIJa:~11bOve.s ]fitOtI~~.O dislbca1io~, Thss st1i!!lC i!.5 cm:::u:geitic~llyfavorable tor bothl%.e dislOcarion fINd Ut!;: ilWle~I]I:na]a'W:m.Pl'OiX~lDl'ly h~sroogmms o:fAs a:t.o,"l~ asmeaitered radiOlUy <'IIw.ay irQH'il. the disloc<lli:on ~oop or 5p!1h~oojm:~ dei1c~ edges, arc shown in :Fi~, :5. The dOl,ta fo.r cacl~ case are Jilt to au eJq~~nefnill!~ [~JmCtion. for the spheroid~ defects ;~fllWme600~Ca~Wleill,cill!.5e"

4. f. (iMeuti. ,~.Gol1ijmIJ, II. MO!'<!I!ldlf,..ANt.i¥lJs,. le(l~ 81 4SlS (20112)t. S. [I. Hll5,nl'lmo e1 al~ lHfhr:rs;, Elr!'!f!Ton. .DeVo, 4.'7, H20
(;;!lI00). 6. It. IlIr~~d.. It. ~'.Rn@n'~r, in 2()()J I'rJru:fl'l(ltil9na'l 5M1k'O~lihiictl.?! ~c.e l?ese,arcil5ympositim. Wa~l'Ii"9tOOl; D 11)(, liD tiD 13 :~(eifl'lber 2003 ~IUE, PkiCalaway, N.J). 7, L lim.Jhoog;, ~. s, ]o:ne>.;, A"upJ. PhJl5~left 73, 3748: (1l99S). It IlI8riil100... Ii'. ~~. K.. ]@~~ M. l ~w.~£ Phys. !I,~~t 75. ,'.29 ('l:999). 9. 11..Basu, iIil ]., Gilberl, .5. ltB;ane~~.t V6l: 5ci. T«furJol. B 24. 2:424 t2mD6). ].0. X. "!!br~l!'t {I.t,. in A..rlwaJJ~ 5J'Ji!llJiI'·· l':"~mlal Pfo',~~Jl91';% ,Si'8:!7sed CMOS £Ie&ires. t ROQ~boo!l1! ~I ~t E~" (Electrocl1~mr"a~ So'Ci~~; Pem'l'irnglOOl, ML



shO\v:s th,m l~elwo,



in Fig. 4

have 26.,429' ± 1.62 and 37.665 ± ]94 S,i!)~Gms,. a:ltd 975 ± )'I~!llad ~4·09 ± :17 As

~p~cli\l'dy.lie. 1mU' loop Qonltai:~!S.~ l 5,6 ± 592 Si a~(ln1!li,'tild592 ± 22 A~, mIOI:!1L'i,. The ~vl~ge: A;;; ,eO:L'loe:~]tI~il~ion the!!c loops. lic:pre5>c:n,ll'l. 3.i in.1. .u,omil:c Iyo ,of the Mf.ltc.ri.<ll wnuposilt"i,(D1l 'COI]:1L~·
palled ID an As bacl\r,gl'Ound oro.S:~uomic % (4

cases is arbo'~ulthe l'iillll]t~,. This si:mi.]~riry pe~i5Ols d.e>pite lhe dift1:n;:ncc .i:l'n! measuredbi!1d,. E[I,ge:m:crgy, I~:U,~.:Vvcrsus~117 e v:. 1'l(l cliccaryi:u:tg
li~b001]1:o ~po:nel:l~ial

the relation is, A~(~') = 4·Jt e,.'l:p(-0, 861'}\ and Ibribe: d:liS:loc<JJtionl.oOll}.'> inill;~e Mm~Cp~us lIOOO"lC,,~,. neal, case.jhe rC~iiltion is AstJ) = 3:7 e"';:p'(-OJ,~,'), \\~l'~ ,.liSthe radial d:iS~lllillOO from lhi! ~. of~1e As loop,. rnl i.~irneremirlg thmtlrlc tCxpo:nlcmial decay

200a:l. pp. 67'-7'2.

:Ilt. It. Gl:a\!leirieet ,Q.iI."i n .A~nt&'J ShOft-rMlre lfrefm(l'l PtlJff'SsiTtlg t[!f S.f·8ased CMOS .Oe&li[~, ~,R1l0~fboorm ~t@I" Ed:", (ElmrC![ll@mtUi~5Qd~~, Fl!l1Ili1ilRg1m, N]~.

~(f'IJ/cm) i;~lhlsregj,ojft Bence, ~hc ASlmppcd lbcal~ed (Ill the na.n!m~(:rer scale, ]nlhe l{)o'p' co~:npri~e52.9 ~i~mic % oflhe lo;tfl[ 1II1QJll~S within t1~eloOjp, A~i]IJ1 we; mei));!,I[W the 111eUmpi!ftc;l~1~1 n:h~sc C0l1]1!1d~ aLl'1'10s;pheTI;:'.'i, brindinlg en-ergy ,of the As ~noltl~ to Uil~ disk'tC1'IF· i:!'fi<ly have' on the ·cOf:Lcccn:J:lni:!iion of 'lO.~c'Uric<Jn:y
lkm loops. ,Arror ruln~~inga~. I OOO'4C" thii.'i bil1.dl~·

:rola!liou:ship (fu~M:nb~d. 000 iJlllcli.'COlJ!L~';S 0 lh!llli~(; l~pphlg 31ml &\Ibseq1lnCill rel~ase mechanilsm oflhe d~[,i;o1S CfC8JLC oOil~cnlmtioal gradic:i:Ulli

2(1!X~). pp. 79Hl~. ll2. It Cottrell. lit A. allby,

Pto,. :P1lys. 'Sec, lOIlQM Se" ,A!62Ii'fV,.

49 (l94·9~'. 113, IE.W. Mlil~fr. . It f'<illlilz. S. iI. Mtllillne, J 3 9, 83: (:ll9~).


Sd . .fnStIum.

]r1g ooo,fgY ha,Ci:il'icroasoo t)) 0'.17 .eV. A di['CC! !cW11!pru-.i~(m. !Jif ~hc ~moLII:U of f\S ~rap;fXld:in ea~h de~~l lypc $1]0\\\,150 (]1.!fIt druring the frl''l'l fWIll SIlI'Il::midlllld~clhct$ liOdi~doca.[ion ~bops.~ alQl~~!Smiw.<JiLOO iTo:JI1Ili 1l1e' pher-oid~ As $ d,e~,~cts ba.d,ilut) the 'bu:l!k Sit. O:llJ.Qelroecl lrom :the defuct. IJmc As ,a~om8 ,eo'lltld dll~,fuseru1id possibly

active dopal:l,~awmg--mJil~ tlinor,jJ'lorQ Olill device pcrfOim,~\ElinC re:m1'tuiis, lIfid.~limmi'l':iiL\d bl!'l~.oouM


pr,{loessi)rmaJ]~{'aclunx~ USi~lg 90-]~m tcd~.~ 2eil. I'll, K. rlAi11N, A. ,CBrfiO. M. G. ,j:.If!kflrngt0o, G. 11)\w..sm_ih, IEds" ,..:1(=' ,filfoO,fjFkJd !;:)IIl.MiGrosGop,y ~Q;dmG IllJn'W. I'IQ!ogy .. l1hi'l d.ev.icc has dl~I:rllne]I®'~lhs: onlh!e' Ilrmss, O:d'(i!'d, ] 9}6), ocr:tiler of 50 1.1J:~QJ. l1u~ measm(ld ComeeUilitnlOH. T. t I(eIJ~el ai., MK'fOJt". ;!\fjCttWn~~ 101 373 ~20(ll4'. ~hc;res ~:UiJfig. :5 ~m1i'C<ilteii, fa,(;j:O[ of lO'inerei}se 22. K lhoFrilp$oo..,~. It BoO'Sk>e~ [I. ]1. Larsolll, if. F'. Ke~ly, Appl, mys, tmt 87,05,2100 (lOO5.}. Ell As conccfllmHon ovcr f~-J"mn fC'giofl. ,Ilis on

]mr!Clrtmt Cox~si~er the sm~1c5l device

J!.4. lA,. Pa"jtz,R~~ Sd ll'!.l:tf!!m, 44,. 10134 f19?'3). 1:5. IE.. W.M!lIlIer, 11. I. ~0I'!g. P!(J;9, SUft Sa. 4, 1 (::1,973), figure 12. ]6, G. L K@ltogg, i.t lisoog,}, Appl, P/Iy$. !i'], US4 !198l]t), 17. 'T,. ~~!!l:.1ti!l"SfJrf Sr;j; UO'. 3'13 (~9·S~l, :JlJ3. A. ].. Melrnedl S!Jfj: Sci. 103. I:]J 9 (:l!9SU. :Il9. 11 Bli~et1e'. E.,.Cadet. It ~raok:te:wi:Q,.It l.1enaml, S(Jen(,e'
2,86, 23:J!] t(19'519),

oOC'Ulpya V~+, TIli!8is OOllSisteli~l ,:vhhI11elbdl~\I'~or

of Si.~ <ltoms. whid~a]IlliLO'J!]~h original ~y .. [r"pp~d ]11l pQSl~iullp~~nt defects, are ,emllucdoo.e'k .imo t!te' S~

therefore tJ!!l!litcly~.~at the local~ed dopam conc<JIuscd by [he Af> CmiTeI] almoopl~crew(l'~uld COlUl.'llC ar umioeabk: e~ec~'rica.] ~illiJJ;;'Le~ ii,~]. 9~ntni dwLtie. Nov,; ,tOn:i~ide:r ~lm.(i lipa
cenLrn[i!lJ)~l in1'OrC'a~

]. VQC. s.d. j\~.~h.nCIl,B 214, 4211 ~2e06:~. 24. 'T. t [(e{1~, M. t{. M.'j'lller;. Rev; S'ciflitrewm,.78. 03:l!14Jl
{20:0:7}" 2'5.,.'T. ~, ~EII!J.etal., A",r1,u. Ii!!:... M,atf'r; liIes; ~1.•66][ {200n,

23. K. Ihol1ilpsoo"

,~. HI. BUJ'jwn" T. F.• ~~lly', Ii). ,I. Laoo.n,








26, K. llho;mp!!lin Hal,. ,rJIj,r;\rami'l()~y 107, '131 {200n. 27. K" ]J1O:nmp~m e, Ifl'" G,omul1. D,. J. lB,r$(I:rI, IBe'!fijln tl)f!f, .. L, IHong, MiuOS(' • .M~~\I'lal; 12.. 173,6 ~2~iQ6~,. 28, W" VomdemU$!, oft ,ai" ~pl Surf. Sr::i. 23;1, 6'l8:~oo.l!)',

29. 11.r~lm.iiffl~ lit jjJ,.}. Vat. Str: Ttfh(l(}J. ,24, 399

(21)05), 3®. 1. Aai:i" 5, (liIib~" ,I. Matsuo., 11.'Ji'flUfll" ]1. P. Bi@fS.d, NI.lC~ JIl£rlINl'l1 ,Memod's fhys.~s.IJ' lEUl1312 120Cl:l!)'.


M. H. V;alilg" Go ~tol.!l:iil, i. M(M'at).

24, 42,8. (2006).


s« r€tJ'Nii,w. ,13

!I!"'~20e i; <!((ielPteodl ~6\ Ju~v ZOO? :110.'In ~ienC!e:.'n.il5.42S


S,oft: X'~ra'y-Dlriven F'e!lmt:OSec,ond Mo lecu lariDyn,amii,cs

I~Jti>E!nllile GaIQ'I"IOIi1I,1., P'I'!edra,gl RaJnilO !lk,,2 .xj'l1llcl~Minlj,cmlg,ili ' HenllTY C. Kalpteynl m A.rl!fiilmlder.5. Salmldlmlul!I.",

:ion izruio~, C<'IIn:urli~iate co:mpl:e.~'\ dy:rulmics~1_al are U'lJlXch, less wei ~ Wl.d!CI:'8100d. l~~n. in IitcaJ.omie c-~se:" h~V(I~vi:~g .m~y CN.cilroau;nd (lQrre~aled
Ch!ltl~e~S~l~nc",m~lal: be

e"-QsiIy calculated


L (ocl~e\"Ol:IMalrgllllr'et M. ,MI!III'lIll!1Ul,e,l,

(',omp]!::x. spootra. that Cl;lIUlOt be 1j1~OOrsLood (J]1JJLffiJ.emcis of spectral J:Jr:tJi::OjHm:n;el]:ICIUS h aleae, lll~I~. tinu;.-ro.solvoo meesuecmems or
dr:iVCfl. dynllmics ]11 mol:aou.lcs Qlinplaya Ciilioo] re·].:; hli hldping us 10 dcv1clop a bctte.r ~~d:ersnlHdiJlJg of tll~e com:;ept.'i,HowtweT, uUro~ las;l~11'1lIItosccci[ld~ul.<lItion X""I':fI.YS h11VC I.lQl tJirev]~ O'L~s~ybeen used .1S an ionil2l11'l1g pflg]~p 00a1:i1;], to in~[itJ:Le d;J'iUiI;ffiJmic8,iamelecules, ava:ilabl;cf!I[ji,lol. ~odili:i.~ was sim}!ly too. g~ma'~~exd~c a,SM:Hld.cill to. ftrel]oo of molecu]es i!~ s:rnl1Jple use 81[.'!.I1:~!1Y to dael todn.niquc;;;,. such as n:am,ielln.t..:1.:.s{)lp'l1l01l ~1oeCwosco;py, roobserve xoil<ly-iniiatoo c1iynamic..c;. lrort!1:Jlrll1l'lel)l. o~ler. :11:11:011: seih::tti'llc !l>peerr1llscopiC::i;WOOUC!le:s CililJl oog;r~~fli~ly ernployoo, as ">,,,'C deloo~~stratoo U~hlg ooim:id~ll!l ek~clfi.m-h:m 'Ibmc-,

'ne d~lIrred'obslilNation of IlliIIQllecliJlhu dynamks in~thllil:ed by x-nlIY:S 'hi!;!5 ,bee:nl h]ndeliedoo' d1ale Ibythe la,dk 'or b:r]ghtW~!1I1lllQs;€(Oll'1ld SOUrO€'5 of shQlriI:~w.llI,vel~ng;th i,tglhil.. W,€, used SKlift .x-ray IbeamiS gen'l@r,atool by i"ligh-'h~lIrmo'l'lii(l[!!lp(o''lIJlJ'eniolrt! .J~ a f,emt,ose'()olod laser ~Q' IpnIO~OiiO!1]ze a ll'i~ro9·[!!ie'l m~~l'3lting highly 13':l<!citedmolewlar o(,1}tio:ri'lls, /!t s<tml]~ ]l'I'fr.flmd lPulise waiSt~I.HI Il!Jse~ probe ~he te

ultrafa~~ e~eJCtml1lk ~IFiidll1l:udear dY,liilo'lilimics:n the mO~.(ljCuLe le)!IP~oded" We 'rolulnd that sUib~tantn;al ~lmg,meiNlltlliolml OCClllluis~hro'U:Qlh an eleCJI:rrollni~ml(l!I<'€I.!Pproti€s;s,i~ which ,[! :!i€,(:o'nld electtrOll'1l1is p,oltermltial. Our !1ilpp:roolch am (apt!Jlr,e~If!1 time and with ,a.... stroom l!feal g


~wo"oentew molecular

siill'lluLt1.!neousLy le.)xited durim,gl ithesorft x-my phlo~iQlionizai~ioll precess, IDlIJlring fr:algmentaJllilon,. ~mlt! mo lee ula r pote:rn;fia l seen by tlh e e'h;!(tm!l! cha nges. r,api,dll~;~'rrl()ml f!eaJrl~ :51P:~leri (a~~y s:y,mrl1L€tric to aJ p:robjin!gl dynami('S

fe$ollutiolri '~he iid~t1e'i'i(!e ,of jio,i'Iii:zing r~di!at]!oi'i on a ~ai'ilge o~ liTI,oLewlar5}!st.ems, ~~alt are~rI.1iIc:ces.s~b'le'Mlh the use: ()if other techl'll~.q~e:s:.

nllS field ofradia.l:uo:~ chemis.1ry, wh icb seeks tl~ro~. hm1iigh.'T .Pldse~i~.~.~. e iin.f~d. C..rn!R.}1 !)]lld ~Cllr lj]hV'I'ofel (U\'lIn;::gUJ!'Il£ UJ undersUlmj hovv ton izing l:~d~ttOIl ~nlC'm{;~l'i w~l:h,cJl.em:tcal systems: «9). has made con~ldcrn.of the ""pcctru.IH are IUI£ed C;ltlensi.'i.I'C~~ ]U l.l:ilaJl'i)" expCif.h'ill~ntsM) ~mJIOO\'lil1it tht: detailloo dy~· bJc proglieM, i~.ihepast decades 'l.hrllligw the ilamksof~hc lfi!!nsiliofl srates :ifr\'o~.vod h] chem- usc ·o:fsynchretronand plasma light ::N')U fIOCS. k~:dreac~i.o:iiI:si (.l-SJ To dfl1:e""!S ofl.hiSj 1:ypc: l!o~\-evcr..sofarihese suidies have ~1.0~ achieved have OOC'I'!I Hmiloo to rehuivdy ~ow-]ying eleethe fcmroseeond time resolurion uecessery 10 lmnicsla]c,... in ~[OIllS a'lld ]]'!Io~ccules that calll di~n::c'~y ob,5e~vc ~dia]~IO:~1J-induced dyll~11~ics:, I cithct be duree'!,]y excited by :@iboorb:u~.g11 visib.le' F,ouril'l'i~ger'ierntio!ffiII sources (e.g.. Ild~rnshorl-:piJ]lse UVphOlO1l owim:liroc~dy o:1!.)C'irod with· ,[roo-Cleclmrl .l\"'f<l:Y ~as.e~) are cllmlu~y I.JG~Jl~g,deVUi>1 ble,

d.imer]~i011ibr momell1!lltn .i!llag~[lg. JhliS tc()j]rniqIlC c~]1'~d'Qnll]y ,eoll(lciskmizoo 1~!1oki'Cij]arfi~tli1cnt" [n~'lgit
a Skbgli1i'iollitili!l:ionfllld

p~lh~c to rll,ll]~yreoollsl[iI:1ct

:bgm.cnt~\io[1. cv.CtlJL 'ntis: i~ oo~~n."lnMlJ~()nd-,

roflctio;r~, miOI:'QSoopc: ( 1'7) rodmique ~~~ been used Vl2(1)' succ~s;Il~:llly fo["a variety ()if sLilII.dij csofmoJ:lJ.I:lik:

:Jt_l1:d olecular m



expefi.mcn~l"(.I fl', HI).

ion ,C'xcautition oocl!nlTllikIUe8 (2-6). Hcweves,


monprocessesin nature, sud] 3_:sphowi()l.1.~a][on of ~lmo$]']~er~c ,~]()I'e(lU ndueed b~~ sofl X~.r.ily lesl ~ol:ar i:lfrnduation. clt::aJl:e Jrn,igh]ly C.1'I.ciled stil!l:Cs hy ~e.h::tt:live:~yIJjccli:ng (In i[IJI]~il"..shel]dx:t:oon 01" by
sil1l1uhan(>cms]y t'lXcirillg I:rIlOrelihflln one elc:C:Ilt'On

v~.oJlX.ld"in part LOITIlihkic such :stud:i;es possiole, Uk.%:r:.gClllc[¥ijood fu:!gh-m:dcr :I'1~rnloJrniics can be

usoolOp:!1Oducc blight. eehereu beams QfshoflW'hf(l~.en:Ilglilm.]jght \v:iilh U kra<;lulllpU~se. dtl:rntion. In hugh·hm.mQlIl~C!:etl1!ernlion. aairaense (>.101"1

\VI!: 1~1,~~d th~::; t.ype of :reJcliOril m.:icmls<''Ope (.P]g" 1)1 '10, observe t~~.cis..iOCi;u]Oc-n:l1:fa molecule d o iQlliized by ~ml1.x.~my :md~~n:uoninre<lJ tlme, [llili our c,xpe.riJ'W.::n'l. a JC,llil-fcJntoscocm.d son. x-ray pU~seiOfl~."'.oeSN 2: by ~jecling an doctlllOn ~~(nn the VOl.le:mJ.O~ ar .i:[IJ[u::r 'V<'IJ~.c:nQe shells, "[hc;mol!etiJ~ci:'i, lelnin one 0 f the Iiligh Iy t}xdt;ed SWiles of
N.2 .'

W em
liruLO a


fcmtQ(Sooml!d 111.laser p!!.Iise is




~lUO H~1

i.o;ra,aJnd a

gas, 'IDll~ e;'{lron~ JJ:tol1ilnl1ear~pl.&eal i'llll1ICraction o~hc:rently' upshjfis ]h:cinddel1illa~e:r ]igln I~dil'ecl I~Ntit~ltiOl~ wid~ ~~l1il[:!hipho;t!.1ll ~tchniq!,J1e.s, ii[Jfi.o ith~l':ofi );.,;my~nd even b;: ki~oel~In;1~ 'Volt iI]~g C;;JIn!l,gltpOpuhue: these bijg~ly e.xc:li~~ s'tat~::>, pj,loton~~lel:gyra:nage (.Ul)'•.Beca~use p.]mt~a[~Q1111bOC"ll:ilse~:his api):road~ lends to Slrip!,~. ii, lio]] c[()ss ~~ttion:s fo.rl].b.os~ l'lJlo!ecule:;; ar-c larges[ i]J, • "".1 .:I., I - I~ -~ for photM ~~le; aragjjng. ioMI 12·· to .1.2l}.~N ~LepW.I~i) rnru:tl:nl.Cf. Slat:tmg W]u] lu.a~ ..~S'hjO'Ll.1JJ!JL J . eleclr():~~. ThCfC'liore. to 'CllI!pru:re dynamics,illi-, (.1.1), ha~'I'l:Qflic~ are .!m ~.d'ea.1 :<O'UlOOC [-Or ~ia~cdby n!lPoni.;l:illg e'vcnlill ~~ ·aJltQ!n or nwlecuWar ~XdIJI~ijOll. FurthermOlre, thdr \!Iei)' m.olecuk, ~ fils;[ (Iemms,'eCQ!~d)P!.l~lI1iP pu~~e Wilh. shgfit pu~~c durn]irn~~mi. p;:rfect 8~chn;:m.i~hQ~1 11 ~lhoton,e:l'l~rgy ~nexc~ ,oft ens of c~ocllon v0111:.';;, w1th the' ddving laser puls-c 'presc[lJls j~hc'eroli. S ud~photo:io;nnz .... dyl'i<'lmiot'S 'pi <'I.y l'ri~:ing p,o.ssibi.l~l:y 'Of!iludyung; e~f.':C'ln:ll1ica;J[d tiOll ~n~mpo:rt:' leirli 1.hc <luuo~,enc chcl::!J:ilhuuyr nud~aJr d.Yl'llrllm:~cs "\fil:l~, r:e~::tniIO&'loomlfiil1tdl! Q'i.1'lm r o ilI.lO:SOO{Hld. ~[)~~Uil±{):iil I( 11)., tlro.cpl:aa:l.(\U1iiY SY;~:'1cms I( 7, ,8J Moroo,v,ct,l:he physics ,of p.'I'lomim~i:;mtionIUf~dcdiesvinlillla'lly al] Up n}~i~ispoint,a few pkmcerhlg si:l~dics ~{I!\'e usoo h~gh~ha[1jn(Dnk:1 iglM. 10 ~plore ulll:~l't1s[ ir:uC'lliilcli!Om~ of kmizing :radiation '1l!,1i"nh mn~ler. dyu'll2LUlics .in.[l,mrm. (/3), :rr:l)locl.lles V4, J5). M:nd ~olicls (Ui).For'I1Iple'~ll~].r-cc:en[ wad:: a :soft : 1.1IJI." Ul!iliv,ersit~' @I (ol.o~ado, B(u.J~cJef. (0 13{)3:09-D1141, I USA. 2jame<.o R. Maooollllid Il.atmralOIlY, rhysits De:piilrl'x.~:I'<Jyp:uIs.~ M:S ~ood lQio~tize1.iD,td :~Ii~.dy ,~tiite rnel:1t, ,l(aFl5ai5. Sl~.3ileU RlilVenity, Manhanarn,. 1<5 66.50'0. LISA, :Xc.poplula~i1lffig 3i nllmber of sllakcyp SL;)I!lCSwilh ~hlSitil!J~~ Orl'i"U~rf,a1s S([ofIliC~ .runci Omt'~fr6r (Ol1lilPUtar· li~!lo!ll, Sde!')(ll's. 1lJ.~~er$i!,v QI r~~~~!)~I, n~~I~~~.. low prob<:1bilily [131. The Uf'Ciimes ol'lhereslllllt:llU !'b~I~~l Auger d.eci!l!y vmme ~h~cmllfitmed 10 be~(ii a'rlJd 3 ] 30~8:S H. Jal~aIlI.

Ena molecule. These staiesarc simp;ly not d.]roe'~]y aoct'S$ib~e l!s:i~,~g isilble or UV u]mlf~sl w»llmons. v

ue-:limlral ~tom. Usi]j@;the reaction microsccpc, \,10 carl deled decuum; a~ul tOM" ~n Icoinddcnee, :;,md

[['Om i~hll~infonni!l~io~ ~

id.enliry~he dif~ Ibr.el!diQl.~i.zai:iQ~aFJd di.s.~rJ~l~tiO!n. ~~~.





Dlilolecuh'l' cxp~oocs".\l\te ~rldcrS'!IH)d

o'b!~CtVOOr~o m'.iIIi.nd:iss{)c:i.u I.M fotli1. wacys: One


re.asonab.iy wen

whc1Il a ::loft N~y ejecls ~n ir!mer 'V~k!~ce

(20'g or 2O:t!I)electronft·om. the N.:!.mol'ccu~c, The seoond d~;~od~lt ion p~thway OOCII,lIS when the .. so,1ft x ~rny l1.mlJoves an. ol.l.]or¥'<1IlcllIce (3 crsJ ~I,cclro:lm. nd asecooo e~e:clro~,;o'ULs~y ~ D:'l{d~cd ill a p.I'OO~S known astIOCTr.,Oil shaJooup. . Tl'tese slli1flikel!p st."ltes .in flm:oleculcs h~ve In-'
[:Cre.'l~t illg

fcawlJ1e,.'> iJI!]1Id! fhitgnm:;!J]t.mkm. d~a:mics

[mil h;;).'IIe nOl been

pl1i!,ly oC'.xpl!oliCm ,c,I;II.1!CT' [.hem'~I.ic.:l~ly or cx'pe['.ime~mlly., We can lbli!ow Uta dy nal.1f1li,cs ,of l~,].e:so i1,lm:1l'kcups:~tu'eS:ils the ~lI:Iolccu Ie; di s.soci alC'S by USiillg Ii S~lOf~, tprobc U

p1.l!lselo tufither ~o:!1IL:ac 1I1C e;:(!cIOCid N2 to the N:2;g,ml!llnd sD,m:~~ .bl'l1il1g t~ItO N+ .hgmeills. the






~h~tJIJ be ,llddn~53!1d" E-rnai~:,





]l~'i,fim,J:il ::;;y~D:rjMS't

~pecl1'n~mea."QJlre11.qwevet~ x-~

.alMi oo'e~@ji llilu:o~O\f'adutJl~

1:11flllltS, .hl g:irli.oleclll~n;.

re.;'H;:lion mL{;U;)SCo;pc UI:[!n aUa\!./E U1!SID' deleclmhc ki'lctit en~rgyonhL'j,eoinddClmll-WfWiori ]l1i~iras


a IhliLctioin of'time delayto fOUOiW the dJiSYIOC i,ltio~l, dynm,;;mdcs.. :sofl x -nypump-Ul Our pnibc scheme lhus makes il: possi~le ~om~p ~he clocIJQ!lk: and nuclear dIlyna:tl!iic,,> of highIYe;ll:.('; .~ -r smrleS: wi~h fumloseoondUm.c 'I1i;!~Q~u1:i!On and !U1I!P'tr~m ~pOlltiaJ~:I!eSOI:lution. .By <'I compaeisen of these

2 ~ :I09 'pitoD'o!nshi .. P.~11of thoe laser x-my pump beamto serve as

C)llliPlJ~. was

SP~~I. el ay0d. and fhenrooomb~lI1I.od 'with the :son d

!J eol iw.c~rprobe beam, Tile' prebe beam 'was ftll;ltu;:,ed u:fi,i,~ga 75=c!11Ie~~$to .~. ]OOiJlm~d~~:!1}etc'r .spot w~ltha:~ il~lC<!lS:i~yof ~U)r~:2 to U)llll W em -2., The Ni; gas measu I,CmeEJIISwi~,~, '1illa(\()I;'e~ica] c<l!clUliIII:OJ:1S"YLH" W;[IS cooled aad ,co,[llined lJ.1.~inga supersonic j:ct i ( expansion cmpilloying a 301.~lm nOlzzic;.. "fhe cold rc-5lliltsSU,ggl'St OUiil fMs rrs_gt1ll.oo,wtiorn OCCtl]'.S. prOOo!n]mu:lJtly via a~~ sntibollding sha~.:el!p SWI:C, sl1persmlic pert o~f the J'eot.was selected \1,' iUl a where a lOlJse]ylIDurtci ,40'01 oIecr~!l su!l1Uun& !l!Q 300-pm skimmer placed ~R mIn from. l~lC gas t\\;plod:ing N 2+ core. The:loO$ely ])01,1 nd Sih:lkel!Jlp nozzle, The gas density ~r:l.t~~~ i[IJ~ernc]ion~g~O:[IJ \""IS estim.l!;{ld to 00 II II Inok!cU:~e..Wcm-3, l1'Dis 0 ek>(;l~-O:n:J1 expcrie:I1't'CiS a rapid l[~UISi'~iol~lio:m,!. Ile.:"ldy gph~ri.(,'a]ly['!Jc initial :mai\L;c'!Jlal"' ~pe:Jilneillil:l, ~~.nP\:\t.:IS. m:lJiloontinuous]y 'iI~I]llh,CX~ pot(!1J,(iaILO a rwo-cel1t(.'( poL'QI:lli:.11]and AnaUy Loa, oo]!ol:hI,Sl<lbUit;y arid m:in~m,d loss in d~tIL;ClQr(\Ount i:tH.e fur dat'l-~cquiooiOfi times '0;1">]00 hours, sep{flim1te atem ,Md Ion a:ltOO d i&'SOd~tionliin~t furiJl>emlllU!!':' our da~a show evidence The re~ctiooJHiC!)ID~ap;: com'l'Fits ·ofillrl elbc:body dYilil;lmi.c~ aJnd qmmitulu i]11f.Wfurun~, 1.'U'lUIt-· Lrodre' GQ:I1IfiglLu<ution that gCllemlles <I milh:~m clec:lrie fi:J~l\dnn the 11l1I.1'emctlon Iegion~:o accelerate ]ng. frot~I~.lelwo~e.I'I[crfl;m.nre of the mollocfLl:lm:' reaction :fu,'Ilgltle~,~rs towa!id dCI:OCMr.s.A magP01Ciliuiai (20')1. n(jlic :~c~.d was also usedie eenfiae the fast"\'Ie ~PillCi~ucd highi-:!llflt1I:r!cmicligliM in a phasiJ-' movb,g 'C~e.cIro!lS, The lie:llU!1lwas ~ear-4:iC ooUoolion matched geom~u'Y Ul) by ~psbifti,ng ~ntense efik:i.enay fo:rrbolll deotrllQlls and ions, The fm:g~ l=mJ, 2:8~fs pulses centered all 800' FIlm from 01. memswere then deM;~Clm by mioroch~IJ])]d p]al:c.;;; l~kllz ultrafast Ti.sapphire laser system (, BOIJ~d~I, CO]I ]1rn. <'1 :t:5~I~Illi~I(ling,. a IPoo:liti(mHiCI1:l1i~ivo de]ay~]infl filmd.e ~,50b~I[l)~I~i.flmc~er g\~hy,v wiliV'cguidc JIBed ;,vitl,~, (Roe:iIlitDe'k., K<c;lkhci.I~,~;-Rupperls:hlllUil'i, Gennah Ar gas, The pe~Jtk~ai5er inlCfI!sUy i~ the: ~,V;fl\fC-' ny), These detectors record the posl:tlen!e WOlIiS-WI .. W cm-2• and the ~rgOl1pli'C:$suro ccordinates find ll[llCof :llighl of lih.e f~el1(S wJ;~l Si'lillli! lemr!ipol]ll ~SI[)r]Ul:ton& of.",] no !,!;m was typicmJlly ]0 tQIT" A single harmen ~corder at and .:JOG p.s. respocct:i.'V,('dy;. ·.Fog,!l~.lhe a wavc~e'ng~b (If.3 0 m]~1 was :sei!eclCd fmml.he comidb of ,odd halillMie~ em,ergallg froml,he .kmlo\cv.led;gc of~]e il'l;i,ti!al] ooilioll .ofll~e :re<'lCln.fil1l p .unLcraotiorlfl.,'gim:a,) <l[1iI rthCC!~crliic \"lai!,lUgtllidc:m~d l()cM:ioo to -IrOo ~Mm\~IEth ~;wo (dcl1!l1;oobylhc r~~:lllIlLi 1{iI.ycr m lrrors, '[his oos!i[uhci1in ,1p1U~'iI1lp and magn.C'licl'IClds, uhis,infonmul'O:f1 enables lhc beam of -4,]-eV photon Ic:rncrgywith a 1C'\:v- I:COOIlS1.TUC!tiODl!of~11 dU'CIC coml10nCJlJIs ,~!rD;lo.lT!C!tl~ tmn ,or,~ac~~ par[icl~'mat hilS ~ dClleCLO!:: Uo;;illg 'I!lrni5 elciC'lron volt barld~w~dl~'~'j' pulse d'[Imlion of a "-'5 fs, ;i~[Icl a fl I1HI. of ~ I.06 P~]~:tOJ:asp'er iPlU.Ji!'>e Qrr' react iOin-~.[lMilgiillilg tuPP"ltolI:luS. '\iJI'e aecumu ~aJlOO

electron aoo ]o:~ da:!a, fo. each laser shet, ro.~t 'H1;a·~ys:n$, of the d~!<lI,,~,<ar5 then used to deduce elearon-lon cm!'elaJiQ]~ ~Ild ~:oil11p]emcnl coineidenee conditrQnsdl,~lijl[:er th~ da:!::a idcr-Itify 10
[he di Ifcre~l!1 diis.'IIoc:ia[iol1 >c1'~il!i!:!ne]~. The photoionizatien ,of N:ll by x-rays 'G!U] i[litiale a series of camplex ~,1I,1.oIQ~:>~:·im ~ro~

ecsscs, The greund-stete - I 2~ 22 22 .~I ~S.(j~ ~O'IjJ_:O'S '0'",_~I;I

'1 our l)Joron e!1:crgy (If 43 cV caaremovc ooth outer vf!k~llICe {l7tg4']Og~ and imi!1'C1: valence {20g~ o;UI~ d~c,.
<'I,~.2: ~,(l'I1 .~I.!!J


of N2,

T:fuJc~n[J;cr~\I'l:alenceiQnijffil:io.IIJJpalhw';}.y (sdh(U1lmkal1y sl:l(f\li,irain blue in F~g. 2A) ros:u~~~~ ill1ilhc Ibl'll1~u,i.o:IiL of~I1Y hil~lidyc:x.drod. i:o:l1i, la;lCS S



with potentia] €:'mergies lypLcal]y l'd\,vcC'~ 2-3 and ,.:[' ~V (rehll~~' to lftu:N.£: gr'l[ll,l!]d sl,aiie) (22),. TIle CI'05S, sections for fonn:ull,glicse SIDles


are kn:o\l.r.D1I lrom syum.chrooon IIml'LcasiliremMl!: (13~ T:~;efin~la ~I!fldwi dtll ,ofo:U'f: plmo!:Ocr:!. seuree UOOft I'l.o! .a:U.oIWus te resolve each stare se;paml:dy~
[~O\I!leve!:t previ.{),u.s
\1IIl)irk (22., 24-2t'n ~ooic'; mosr ·of these inner-valence i011:ized IlI0k~",

eules ~pi.clll, evelvete sl;jpar.ated N(2s22p1)!llI1d

N+(1s,22p1)ITagn~n,ent~ (i,e., dCC'Drmt&c

states wilt.]]

8CJ:1ttOOby po~c[ltu~~.-cne~ curves ]Iuu l:ie .indlC: bll(:l;e~lnd s~u)wn in Fiig. 2B. .lIFigIlJI:re2iC pl!Ol'" :iO]1J:~ and el.e\:lrDn-elu.\rgy : (;()If:I''c~iuioti. rulalP obttdm1,ed [:Or ,eail:icidenl.IJag"
~iII:I;em;s~~8ii,gLhclx.';)\CliOJl~1'ip,i}] qlj.ailhj[l)'~inLlInlJer It = 2) (27). 1l10Se d:isoociat:ion cha~!tld 5 ~re schemmica]]y I:'Clu.t,?'


11l1:liieoo&;opc.Wc can ide:lil,dfylhc k]l;lft\lJIi dissoc:imJiofi :p.flth~"I~re,s"I!li~ti1'ilg from tm1lJle~-"'~Ie]loejo~tlr(m ,of lll~emolceue ~sin.g energy ,oon."CI"I!<llti!)n: lEtT + 1~* ""ilOO;.:~ E'timi.iIi 'i,~'~]ith tI1efil:il.n. of the rmgn.iL~l1iI1t ki~tetit ~~s[e:ICC1'ron Ut!f') andion {Et>l+}'+ lm.cutml]is
OCitl<l] to the so~~].l,.;rayphol:on t':l1;clgy (Ir@",~) ~lIlI~l!JS tile CflCrgy


oort'JC:llipondii[lg toiJ:[C dissocia[~()~]linli] (E'~1fI,j1)' Our cfum oolll1Jrm gun :inncrWLl!ent~hole ~tes; oflli~nloOOJle dcc<i'lYlo fher.! = 2 d~socia:~:io:~li;mi,t. (ev,e:n]t';Illi~iI[ ]i~ hdweeoi.he b:ll~~ ]iIK~iIllFig. 2,C)Iih:rcmJgh cha]iJII:cl~[hm <lire h1di.caoodin Flg. 2 El The hor~(m[iIi~. 5"ll~ll'U:emoo at 14 ,eV (If C)!)CI1!'(l'!l c~el].Y !U~dl eV'Qf l.(Jill! energy is due 10 disrocia~io.l1, frol.~I':i!ic ~ :)lfllle;;tlm~ ~ie i,n Ult,: mJngc of 27 [0 31 e V (2'b,,)•.

This wdJI--dJefln'Cd fiboalure h<JIsm:so boon observed in {~l]:u~r sHldies,f)s ~he:Fbarad (15,
Dj S8oc;latiol'l l')~~~\~i,ia:ys~hm yIe~dI,bQt~:a a knll,f., Cfi;J,)qgy doc~troil!liflcl :alm:V'-CflC'i"'~Y lOIn. (iil'l.dic:a:~~ by ';:Vell~l:5'.dwCle~ the wOO. ]inesifli Fig. 2e} .a:iW l t.htll ['ep[i~el1il ;<1 v,e:lylarge fmctio~ ofdiissocialion e~[lJt:S C.Mllnl)( be expl<llillcdby 'l1~edi:ssociatton of inflcr~'i'a1Iit:1OOho~.o SI:<ruros.. mm O'ne.rgy~1fiIOOL"'\MtiQi.1I:I1 F argumJ:l:I1IIS, these ,chrull1cls mm;;[ represent ~ moloC'u~fIir eXrC.i!:ai'ion r~,Cllf Illite d()ili!b~,e-l()ln]zalion



dweshQ,ld [-...... eV)ltlm@l' dis8OC~~h;$to ~ gm:J,md~ 43

Fig .• :1.. (A) E)rperilll.entaill ~tlipl to probe ra!diiaiti!(H"I'll1ld ~ic.ed dyna m~(s.:, liFligi"n-l"iarnm.o<il"lilcpljlisE's oent.eredait , ~3 eVar@ QE!nJera,ted in a wav~gli~id!e, to serve: as the pllm.p beilllli. An II'!: I~as@i~' be:amrgewves as tih.e pmbEt IRiIHG" g@;!',aUon. (B,)' Spectrum ,of the sort x "€ay pli~~ea~itr@rmlection fm.1IiIltwo milr1l'1()lr5.'~(-J'IlfIIside the' reacli:onJ microocope. ,Aner t.i1eS'oft x-rraYSl!1t:elact ~Yith a superSQ'nic IN~ g'as Ul'1IifDnTl electric (£)1 !8illiildlmag netic (B) fij·etclls; 9 uidle the rea(:tio:W1I~mglm,enlS poshio:liilc-sensitiVie rd!elt;e(tors;.. 'to 1ih~ ,c;olmlbinool position alii d tiilifllle"ofcnill~~ in~lJ:lffima~!olnyields: ~~lll!! edo'r' mo:mlen~um fp) of ead'l flrragm~nt v '~in c:o~ii'lddeil1,c:eo.lli) E:d'elrioIF$dhlematk ,m '1ihIe- fe.1ldion microscope. vvww,SJclenOO!' Slli]wi!on :illld!ll~ ,~citecl nel!Jltrnl f11om..w~~hdle ou'le, eloo)\on .in.m~! "".3 :priomtd;pal q[IlfIInmmlmnl~ OOr~I.~~e. {fiI~d oond hi Fig. 28). '[Il!eS(: P.1Jth!\lI,ii1iyS ~~a:vcno1. bocl],investiga,too pr,~wioll!dy.We show
l1C~OIW lha.t

'Iili~csedlssod~tioll d~~flnd8 iJl:recon'of ex:!cired sl:.:1!le'> fe'-

~il>itel1[ wilh!iag.1l1cllIt,nlOlil

suDtin.g Wonnan decLlOn~.~ak!el[lipI~ss

a(ico:mpa]iLyillg Otll~er-vid~m::e](JgiOl'i

(Fig.. 2.A)




rese:[;JJts the p'olellti,<,d~en.ergy eurve ~nr N;! +'*~ . ,I~. !;,'I' . d f:' rcprcsems IJI~iU, ~O]'~~,2 ~~ TI·ie runeas ~hcy dfiSgod!11~aswell asto ufli.q;wJ:~y ali:1. "2 ...~ -. ,. k]el1Lify~heml. we used a limt>Cle]a:yed [Rprobe dc:pc:ndem KER data call then be used 10 ded~ce (he C~l;l1ra!o1cr~licsand d!yna:mi(;'$ of the pulse 10 ejcm a secand e11ed:llOll fhO!H Ul{: mQI~ u!1kIlO\~c:xcited sta~'C{:;:)\. n~H~:ely Uu;: £"1«1') ~'1i.llIe:b)lmll]ti;phot~n .i0!l11!Zaltion. is second .i~· 111 curve (Pig. 3A,)<, :rl<1~'UQll1Sl~p''S the excited 1].1.olf:\;uliar ion (N~<!I *') eo ihc doub]yiorliood I(N:;?' , gmolutd SlfIil(), We, :!1n:td~h<ll ]]C<l!lf" zero time deb!:)' betwecnjhe soft x.-my pump end 1Ft poobe, '~le N:!.~\,V;;!lv,C whichlllCI1 explodes mtO!:\I\,IO N~ iO:tlS of cqu~ packet is iH&l~mly InU'ISil'red 10 U~e Nl+ iU1;1;] 'O]lpOSile!HOmCfllmn 1(19). n~e s~fmmre of this fiitullpoo ch.!C1i channel can be isolated fi:,~a~~. 1)J~..mia.l-enct:gy curve, ]c'&dLng 'm ~.Iargc ion KER tbe dAlta very effoc[:iveljl' by de~ctD:Ilg [,WOWiCiI:liS, Ilutn 61.0 8 eV (H.g. 113). The ~]1ji[espreador:KER
1:0 IbII!o\,!,f the t~mtevoluJi'ioJ]. ,ofl:fn:e«: s1Nlk,e~p


process. These sliU~ u,l'IIc1:udc Ryclb~~ SlfIilCS {31} Sl,jltll:r~im:Ung a dat1iMy chergedmoleculaJ" c.Qre. as have ooeli~observed ]I1! :!1:ca11'.;t~]reshold

l'lil1.otoe'leulrow~pea~. obmi ned by Krommadle'l" 3

a'i. (21) in the 'e'nergy


lI.I!~~IDCI oV; .::H)

ll!owever, with the e:::i:.cepLio[l afhind il'Dg e.ncrgi~, no riU['Ih~ri:n]mnna:lio:n has OO~J.lreportod cnjhese Sl~lCS. Our cabl~alioru; l!rocref:ofC' censmet jhcsc

:un coincidence '~rni~lhave

the cemcr-ol-mass


• 't., . counts. ,nn me corre I .1 '", 1"'.Ik'f~ ,a1lClilI.~ Ii>;

zorn totEd l.uomt:'llI.lUI.n ]i~l. framo,. Because we dJO not

produl,ct C;il!l'lilllc~in l~lC abse~l.oe ()f .~~~ [R fj,dd, we ~iln dealll.y prdl~ tlle ~vO]U~:iOIl lillu: Nll+" o


W'l:'!lC pllckiet,



cO:IliI:aJnil!lm~tion [)iOln' al1~er N+ ions, By v<try):n:iJg t1:bl'!!PllI]llP""~robc time d~Iay, we billl:eullpt ~~m.c :ll:a:g~ ~~.ci1mlioiloFd1CNt"'~u. djffcreilJ:~,~imes(l.e, dif~· rbrel'~t ~l1!temudeaf scpllmi:iQlls) I(fig.. 3A), Usi.~g rhe :re<lCllonl]1ic:moS{:lopelo monitor w+/N+ co-

slmcs ~o oOIfl:e.~[lO!l;d ap'!'(Y;I;.~l1m~ely~@ d!Jub~y a iOfli~d. gmu!:I1d)·m:a~iC 22'1 '!lloteclIll!lf core with (N <I:I:'l,uj:djtiomd excu[ed electron, For ,!] giv'el:li~t~~ ~~Ia :is ,<'I'! ~~su]l Frdrlik~Qilrooll vibrnrioJ,]~liI unclear 5q:Jfll[lltio.l.l, we first calcu ~cllLOOlllite 'fl:'j[et""· S[liteil:d 0 r ~he wave pack(\1 released M l:he N;l:+Iii rive pcm:::nlla] o f N;!""&ol1!S m, ~hc ground S;~ll.m b"y th~ n1,elllltipl~fJ1U.ring s~lr:CQI1Si~e[l,1 melh.oo. (]2), pO:te~ltal, Tille llimi,[irr:n,~ i V:fI'IlICSof K.ER. sre dcp~.dC:U1!I, the exacr SIUlPOC ,of po,ren~ ial-cm,1:"gy suroa The Q:l"Oit.1] e~~c~)Iof various exdllOO i)~mkcl!.UJj:'l ra.'C~s ]11 the F!iml:k:-Coi1do!lil regi{l~~ ·as·explained SIDkls""1iI!sco;Ji~cuh[l.ed usitlg mi. eff~li¥e porenli~~ liatcr when we disenss olJl:rtht,(lretit<l~, c,J!.,oo,la~ w~l.h 3. Cou~ombl;OIi~. iQo[1U':'tio:l1tilll.~leOlsy[lct:pIDt·ic i uons Wr;;, otserved that the ion .KER dec]ICa~e.s regk~lI1L. k\dd:nll.g, tlli s omit.'l] '~J1e:rgylJ)~tegrou]iLd~ statiC ,encrgy of (30). w~, dbtai:n:cdthe sh<llJll:y as a f[lll:iction of time dcl1lY~{)' -4. eV iO f~.ForlaQ!;e p"iJimp"'l)robc rime dd,ay:s pcm~iltial-{;;f'i;ergy CIU,\,'es :l.'brUu: ,cx.cirod slm~keJ~lp \"~Ithi,il.15 ~OO fs, the ion KER does ~~ou C'hR~.~geapproc;ia.~ SbllLc.S.(Fig,.4.j. 111~se 8t~~esare popu.larued when



ullJc'~dences, e' w



ion kill'C~k: energy

My.. "Ih~sundicatm; tiha:l rfu.ce:xcired Nt,.. has <I~.~ ready evolV1ed i~no 1\1\1'0 Sejp;;lfl!i!iC IUlni.[Jj!CI"mc[~.n1Ug
rrngm~nfs: a 1rr{')IIJIJ~d.-smte ~nd anexeited ion

the electron



fKlEll) <!I;S. ;ru flJ1lrlOlim,l of lime d!e]<lIY. The von KER!iJt ~~ygi¥'Jfii, 1.idC d~lil.y I bel'lr:vee;rlIlhe fiOn: x"'rny Emmp and the lR probe ]5 derennincd by the sum. of the C'oorgyllli'!s. gain in (he N:/* S,]1)tc([il]~c~"O __...1)1, as they eVQ~.'II'e[mmlhe Fl'liUd::ronclonregiolli ~n\l!,laru~he dll~~c.ia!~iQn ]itni'L pl:ilis thee energygmitlooan>er :~i[1j,~;e en the .1 known N.21+ diss,IQc.l!ll!i()n 'CriA[,\,'C ,(30). tna ,c:~~S$iCf~] PI~ctlllliflC. \'>'C caa lilirll~,~1i,irilc t~ :i@nKER as Eq. :1

n~~i~,raJI atem, The lewion KER (..;3 e V )am large lime dd~ys. O~~]erlll!c,kar ~cp.m:!lligns,)' ~ndicatc:s, lhfiillhc: stares ewe ~roprobin.g, aJre higldy cxeited states dUl't. from C:'Ilcrgy eenservatien, ~'~irlli:I$t decay ]olfir]C II''''' .3Iim:it. (.Fi.g..2). 11.e observed time-resolved KlER d'lm CilIJIbe o;(plaifl:oo by considcdng dec1ron-sl:~ak:cijJp (J:tOCCOSWs:.,.in which a second eicClOOJI is s]mll~~al1ool1~ly excited when a Jos \lldC:l1!Oe-B,1~cll,e]ccu\)J1! ~. ,e:jecllxl by ~ &lit ;:':.-.r.. y ,~,'Cd :in .I"'ug.2A). To )j:yppo['l. I:hi~ ~~Y]l(idit"Si;s,\~fC Ijer~Or'llin:iiedcaleulawher,e It. and r~flrethc jl~ltermjclear SC:P~f.fI'ti(Jn:s, tio[iis to ]oouilY 'possa,ble ctlindj,(l!mlo.s for'lhe hish~,y ,u time dle]ays 0 ,and f. re-specli\le~.)'.; ,B~:rep"· ~c.itcd N2' s,nOlltes ~hfl~.Ib:rrnoo as, ame.:~il1 ofa

p]~o~onj,and 1lI second valence 3n:g cr~c'nron is proIDlllod to tile' hI.nghl':'l' 'V~kl[l(:e levels 3(J'u~4o!ll' ,<l0'~, ,Me! a:soo~cd.!l: omim~:s" TIle ,okctro.i:i SI:a:!:c rorrespondingto a 4cru sha;ke:up (black ,cl!J!1IVcin .Pig. 4) is Ck)S'CSl [0 the N12+ .gnYllIlmci Slail.e and 11aJs the ~'.BIlgCM ,c}vICIl"lap 'wHth [he' valence Jcr.s (l'rbilal l.I:l':;fl.oet ~h~ss;nan;;:: is most ~ii"'~]:r o ibe :poP~lJIlaledi ~ :in dle' .Frnl'lik.coild.oullre,gi,Qj:1 .as.ill'es;llli~ ,of an d.oClt()[I.~ shatcllp' proc~.. This smtc thC'j~ decays H)'lh~ dissociall;Qn :llimil. wi'th the final conngfl!iiftl1liotl oj' f'rn,g!JD.CnlSCiO!re8:POf!dk~g 10 arrien N+ er) :i!nd ~. ~~euha~. alCuH (n "".J ). N
(].loo~ilmg litis 4a!l etbthioll !l:latc (Fiilg,. 4)1l~

,;a, SMlltfCHS, ~jcc'l:cd:by

a 43~V

Hlrely ,c~i1dklk1Jte.for. ni{r)

lin Fis. jA~ w'C C;llcrUi~

latJ2!d lml,c; .KE I t~l d:iffe:ront Sla.~

of fragmC([lil,U]O:[;JJ

Pig.. 2. (I) Sc.hemauc of '!hEl [iOrmatnion !Oir h]ghly @xcUed INz'" ~~lro,l[91han jinn~r-vajtElm::~

1,on~2altlo;1iJI pr:ooess (lb1lue) ,or Siiiill ele(~'(ln~ shilll~eUJ:')' p:r(ice'$$ (Ir,~d) ~c~omlpanying (iu~~I'~
('~.VJ frle:rgmes;iilIl'e li:site:di on the ~e:ft, Mler'ea~the mQle(:u~~r lorblitab ,alre labeted om thfr rigJhtt., E.~, ,elec~m'n. knmle.tic. el"lellgTY; 'OOx.i.ay. x~illay photon fr@queli'ilICY. (B) :Sl!:hematn( o,ff the'


valence (0 •V',:)iorvizati'oJlI .. The 'e'lectroll1l, bl,!'!!ding

p:rf.d:llf1111~natrn~ dissJociatlo:rrI challfllilliels. of N,**, wherethe']n",ef-1ia~em:e][lrdza!t~on (In'annelis sho'i!\Ifl~n bl'~:e, and the ~al~e:l!p challi1llrJ;el is



sho'WrlilFliI :u'ed. The: 43-e.'Vsofrt: )',,'"rr'ay [pn:otOI1 (!~llald<.:aiil~'OW)', Frall'i,clk (o,ll'ildon e.:(clitaltlon regiofll (doU~d ~fJ(t~lmlg!te) and disSQci~I~M timit5 {atomicstal~SR =: 2, 3) !lfe'indli(a,tecl. AI aln9s~~om5,. (C) Reo),il i3lwnd 'ete,c.tron·,el!'l,e~9!Y corrli~altiol'lt d~~gtr.afl1l1 ~h€ di~fiO,di.lition of J\q for ~rdualt@d bV ,(I n lIltra~ast S()ih. X"'lray puL~e. .f'"'",





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