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See What You've Been Missing... .. -·.

I· I

Primef'ect" Prirnarq Cell Transfection Rea:g,ents

Now you can get momdi1lJt~lfm:m your prim81Fy ce~lltr!l!os,fecHorlis.
Plr1m e F'e-cr" I and ~I D rt-.!Aill ansJ,e'c.t ion Rle-a gent s fo r DINA de ~ive fyi, u and PrlmeF'i9'It:;l'" s,iRINATratn,sfectiQinReagen~~ farlsiRIMA de'~ive~y, offe.r the ,advantages Oil proven h~gh uilnsfectioln effid~ncy and low cytQto)(~kity with primt!lry ce~js. And wuth Cloneti.cs(!J a nd PQ~ etkg;® lfrrll m2l1r:y Ce'llis, IY,QU have~ he f'lillp21' fow grei',M

• I-In girl trans f e:(tio 111 e:ftidenc'YI:, A.cirI'LeVE!S,taperi ina V i3lriet.y o'~cell ty pes:

r 1e'.><plFessi on

• l,orlN lc:y~o'lloxidly:. Maintain ceU density and obtein higher yi~1d 'flrolr:rll t Ira Mof,~ctiQns

• TI'an sfec tio nlnt hit'! p resene

e h iilinge 5 ar e req ujrsd


air 3i bS€!'I1IC e orser urn: No m eo ia samp~e and tlPlPliy


• EilllSY to IlJse: S~mpl\J1mi>l neiilgentwith

[II C()P,yriil~lt

!'iIOi!,ed"ii! II nade!!!'! ilJ,kshe rlE!i!'!a re mO!llrksof'.he l Q:n!l:,a Gn;,up, 00ri~s a!'fiili<l!~es" .2010'1, Lanza Wa'ikilm~¥ti III@,lne. '!.I'II'WW,:h:lIl1IZi3J. CO:WI .

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The' standard by whkh imrnunoassays are measured ..

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IQua nt ik~me 'ELI SA. Kiii'tsare the InlOISltre·relre nood immunoassays a\1al~ilahi e, Req uest you r H ISA CatCllogl & R!er'eren ce Guii:de too ay @ www"litnD5,"QioIRequest:


Drop. Measure. Done. NanoVue, the easy-to-use spectrophotometer.

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we'nt!<bri ng in 9 s.cLen(e.


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(It work

The' red alll£lolir::Jroilt!rus Cfi:SptlS (Iridl mos:s). , Tlh'i~~m!ag~, taken \ifith a mgiud Pdlimll·arld-s:hoo~ Calihelral ~im fir.5lt pla~ 'for ll~the photng~Ph,y 'category' oflhe' Nati,o!,!g ~Sdern::e ffilUooatlo!'!1Sde,nc€ 2.007 Vi~iU~'~izatlorl (ha~ ~elll,g~.AA~th~'~1l11l Vi'lln9 (ilntri~ are' d~'.5:p~aytld~na :sp,e(:ifll~J~mil(!: beginllliing oill!ge 18S7 nd oi'llfriieal: M'lW.~d:~ru:ecm!llgi.or,glsde:x~s2iO07 ~ ltMge:t..4lrGl'w Q;tttnsl1m
~B27' ~S2'9


Sd~'n(e OnUliU::
lhil~'l SciMce ~ditn.~~.' (I'IQiC)e tOl!rta(~ Silence Ra.nd'om 5aD'l~res~ N'~:Sq'I!!abr:s ,AMS INews & Notes New" Products $:Ciell(,i!'!' Car'eer~

1836 1839 1841 1879 W39 1940

'~8J3 ~JI)JrolP'~il Ynl[l!ii91ln,l;Illl~ttggm~
Df! H,u~t


V'[!(lci liIe'·,IilJe1a:led IP,otl:OOutbrBa:kil'l Nigeria It!!i5!E!'S (clIruJE!rns

Binlls lillke M'u:s:]t. ToC)·A Ges:s

J:rnl,lghff i[)~m!e .,i!irr;mwdAl5i1) :Adcl~esse'5 Gklba ~Wamilli!in:g

ra'i'leL WaU'lts U.S. Progral!l'! to Ret~iml ~ts Ru5rs~an RoO'l$.


. Q_o!l'liorhiit tli! e ~_rI1!! f; Krupp .:~e G~.!t~lr!!ae H. ,HGf1VeY

S;'iIt!rIU:::~C:OPI U~OJ'!leringtheMagkqn J'IAa.glileith: EI~arilifl St!mWllatiol1

~~ R'"PtJitr P. lSll g


mali! Irh:d5~fld(]"~l;!rope!i!fI MYthologv as Ideolog~ ,and ScieJ'!'Qe .'S• .4tvi'dSSlOn, ~j~~~~y M. wtue{
Srelililrii!)! !;lstllDp~e ,[. fJeMcr(JZ; L Dtlf~~11'I, AI. fO:lltJrill~ c~mrors ElrowSililig

~846 1846

PoILutio1F1 SI~IjW5'C~i!1ai':s 'Lil'Imlil Pro~oct

A Fiiir",:s:g,liJltil s,ta ~tfa'r I~~ AgII!'~ Elif!a
~> ~

nee upre rr RqJrJrliJy L StCl'lt ~t a L


iii: c. K.wiek et ~I.
PNJl1iIiIacck"lg¥ fnthe H~)gh-S:dlilcol (]~Sf11ll0ilil'

Tfatkililg PolYIIil~milnt SeaJWilir·ers 13 fl:rmey •.


Reporl p. 1'10".

QUlilililtlll1lJi1 Weird n;e.~in the Lab


w: Br!)yt1~K. W r. OJafl; ..M. III: O'S"tdlfVl'lfl

Rep!IJr1 p. 1891:) ,®~


A5itrl~ulti3!r COr1JlLUiIdmlif1l:H'a,w Cldd .I!>Om Wliliv~r~? ~84E1

DeE!pJ)gj!!c~iIDi'Dm,in~IfH!Tn~~e f! j. K~.lj:lI.g


~fJOTlp. 1921

U. $. S;aJy? No '~cp Imleilil Gl,Qb~~ fest (If Ad\!'a:[J~ .Ma:lh, Seier,,:::,!; $tude.!flt5: .A(cid~nts :Sppr'a! ClQS!~r'Ilooki!i~ fi.isks,att Biodel!ens@ Lab:!;. SeU~!'!glb~FO~'~$tfiji gilt ~


D®es Our IU:IiI~'II!e'fSe:Al~()ii'Ii~or Robust


OU'ilInwlliIII GOl'lflputl~ion?'
~~ R{![)fJrI P. 1893


Arlliirmc eilod~,lltr:s.:Q
]it! COfwey (lnd 1\1'1. I, .5l'f!te:ns

.aID'7 ViISIIJAllllAll:()!N 'OIJ.o;LlENIGE


.Far rdQteJ o.~lin>e'(Jl'Jtefl~go to.


Rely all OII,AGEN ass1cly t,echnoillogies ,for"

• Mu'it'plex peR assclYS • Eftd~poinfand reajl!~dDile~ and RT~PCR. IPCR. • IRNIAi,on,d m~IINA OIS5aYS
• • • Gene ,ex;pre'ssih:m ,assar'
Genolyp!ing and

Slinetic ,cRalysis,

IP'arth,ogren detedion assays· IHLAand ha,plOlypiing*

.!I,Ii!t,~O: ~1!!i'!.~Yl~'OI."'I!' M;..··.,_. HIA 1'1111, , lit" .....

, ..

_,.,h .... ""'fly

1G1~<!fiiI:se.TiiI!l: _~Ii!A(;fJ

r. E,,~



"" Iilllblll "!l!,I~!1I!i~





J. ,0. Kor'b€i et ,at

I~QI~~d.·~ndl M[lppillg IRI~·~~b El{t~iiI~$WI';!tl!iucoo,raJl \f,gjriIQtll)n ) h!th~HUliiliiii!1i! Ge,~(J;rrn~

Seqlil,enonQI of :$trl!J(~U 1t:'tarEatiolils o';'eiFseiQmel'l'l'So~ DNA from tw,o llildi~idurab: of diJifertlfil. ~~liInic9mi:Jp~ snollllflli IIne.~pl'(lNll~EI5 ilJf tiill'H~itiV, ]:(t 112!61saelillce."H·!!l9S'rM· GENiETlC:5 wa~p '!S;B!firi! IE:xpl'1E!Sllion 5IJ1P'ptDr1l:5ilni E!r.Ii(Dllit;iol1:alfllL1'rU~ IBetweenl Mtrterliiiilll3,elillaviim' and IEii1l5itl[iii~il¥ ilL L lath etat AnOi!lY~is Q.f ,i! :!l~~ ~d g~!1~'$~,pt~5f;~d ir'll~i'le br·!!lj~ ,~ il'tn!TIit~1!i! W.;ispslrl~ ,cllf 'Ih~l !ih~ ~ar,e $h~ byW(lr~ef ~~In LO~oi!I'd5ib~il:!~ probab,w Il!;iCl1v,~drr~m IimIilI!em<!1 (!i!re bm.mor.

GL!lIMATlE OHiAiNGE So~th@m. IHe'!T'i1::iph@re-gfii dl D'til:@p·Se:a Wi'!rIHil in~ l.ioo D@glaciiil.l. J\)tmos;p!1>efic COz IR1:se arildl TiroP,](ilI~~ 'Warmmrlgl L Stort A. irmmefiJlonn,.lt Thwu::1l [lallingl (if i1IMllil,( v~rSlliS.ri! lifaoC1 planklton in, a Pa,ciflC. OC.eaIliCOfesll Oti';'§. ~Ila~ ~ilu lh~rl'I hi[lhllllimlld'0.5I\Wiril'fl~cI ]'5 00 )'\1\~[!i; Dclcr~ llii!!~roJlJ~dillring)·WiI11Ii!!II. ,dil!gli!l.(ialio:n.

ASTRrllNOMY A.llbiighi~ Mi[llii~e(:on;r:iIl:adlio B UITsil: of 1t:KJ;ralgi! O'.ri'[l~1n

fJ,ri!~id OlImdpcm~dil!l

itR. Lorimer" M B'l)il~s.M. A. MC't!!'1~ghlill,D.}: Iillo:d:;elljt F. [r;)W/ard .. burst ,of rllcio I!'I<!~ i$ fc!<l,mdl ~h!'Ou'£lh !l,~,ilIlll:~lJ~Is, @hud,~~1 puISai' dat!,sUl:l geslil!le of , c""s~ ,of !'lldlo lbour'.~~,. pe,rn,O!p:s!!llmas~perrrl~1j\a, 'lliO.1l.261Sidi~Ii(i~.Jll-47 532




IC!Ol1llllli1frnt(ln~A Sem!i-cmpiri(;Cil Applmi!lch 110 pr,o~lec;til1lill Fu;~L!1l S,ea-lte'l,l'ellRi5le" N .'5. H~gi1,re.. ,S, J.~~evc, Il. WoQd~·lHtjll .5. Btewe.r •
fl)11 text
6f. Mv~Lt~tle.tlrelll\Og.OfRtYivrill¥MJdi.!jVll'lZ~iS'o:I5.f18.t'i6t1o

(jol'lill!l1lell1l~0111 '~ASe!m~~~mpirk<ll Applmach ~u:l:me s,et!,. Level iRise" t 5chmil'b. loh(J'rIwt .P. ThejU



full tE'.1t


J\f.lm~ «letlc-.oi1Pn9.ot4lcQU(DlI'ghrtfpUl'3)


lilJe~PQfI!le:to (omme!il~ atlil 'l:Semi,-I~ll!I1Ipirr]~a.l.Appm<l~liI.m lfl'ro~lelLfimgl Fu:lil!lrlE! ,~-Ie~,E!l RiSiE!" S

'5•. R'f)flJf}stm"/
!vll Ill. ~

~dmr~IfflI!Ml!WcQil'n)l ..~Vj~




iProbing Quarrnrulllli1 {iI'Imlllli1urtati,il:IIIIF1.I!I~es. y AcMitiGln b aliiI>L1 ,!JIbtradion 'o~ S:irlgl.,e P!1ti:it;on"li Wfmma S


FLuori.lilelfl PhaJlll!!i'lC~li!tica'~s:CUJ/I(ij'!1J9 BeUOIi!dl L


K~MiiUer,.C, .F. Di'ede,irlJi

ijgh~ Filill!Ld V,PiN1.g~A. (li ~tt4,.M, Kim. M. Bellini Z An e:~mme!l~ SJ1'O~fS that ,quan,Wrn atldilj,oll!is not


IPALEONTOLOGY ICiDrreru~ted Ewloolon ill Ilidl Diieti!l (h aln$llein Hlll7 Fm;si L S'tid:ll.ebliil,ok M..A, l''Umell·l1rtllrL We~r p,il~tf!r1il5in: :f{J"~ilimidll~oollfi m,oilj' IhMJI!lio~)]n~ .5!id::ll:!iJijd.s !l:llIiildlloo hom ~lIrr<lI~~tfi oollOrn;f@iooiIl91,EIV(!r2!O,I[IOO y@<I'1'5" nm;pl.yilliJg ahmdl~~~~ if! di~l d mw Illhl'lr ,~"'olUl~ion.

Addr~!i .a; Scllngle photon ~o'ill ~igl'lt rietd ~i'!d UHm$!libtrr.ll~fng GIiLlli prQilI UCt2jj. <iI iilir~I'lfei'i~. ril'.~ul:t.lilan wi'itif,;illlr]ii:9 iii ~I. t

hlYlU,ciM p. 1814

Pl-f'l'S~CS Syllnllilil !ltrizedi ICh,tll[aJamz.l!tiIDnllom INmsy 1893 (h~!imtUIiQ l",riIJ(It'!i~eS ). fJiJe~oil1 effialL A..Q!lItIIti~lry~bi:!~d ,00l'l'prolIn dlrolIt1ali(aI!ly riIOCIl!IC~ th~ numilBr' 01' me~gr~!TIi!!n~ n~~oo, ~D' d~~(J'ib~!hed ocQh~r'ell!c~ ,of.~ qy~,n~um S,)fs,M!!IIIl.,.arneoessny Jo.r ~~i!Ui!C<!lin!b:!1!nO!li!On ~lDr.ilg e.
»J!1!1I1p~riiw,,= IBN., APiPIUE[} PHYSn,c:s


llhe III i!lrlk S,i,de'of t~e Rifl,g~ o~ ilIl1ri!:rms 1888 f?(}~£!re~,at . ~rnOll~~~ urilln.llI~'!iings, wliIj,thilrl)! Cl!me'n.tIlyori:Bnted ~d~~·on i(!f ~I) iEii!ln:h" felj\~L l!lrg,ecbng,~i~ du~ d~sMbu,!i{)n~in,c~ \Ib~~ger'~ \(iWii~ 20 !{e!l!r~OI!gl).

N t:J(leHli1dI!H:~~ Fre,qUlen,g fo.w~~~gl (If ~896 IEmet:tron StYilll (ohe!1ence .11. Grdlich fit aL tsser pulls,esc;afl~ujn~~pin'1l'1~~~S5jglil:Seo~(!rr(msIn an eli1~ii!le


or siIil9Iy(nill~9eG qlllilnlum dIO'IS, 0 iUfllU·di@iijIflM m!J;[ie:~lhiil~ Itl1l'ain 0 S;~i3;bllf! in~h~ d8irk. rOf teRS iJf lfIfIinutt!s.


VOL 317





Demand mae tom your plasmk11pmmC8JtiJn mmlhoc:i-anG

PiUmllink""HIiPum CloooonfiTaili[!flSl-ali

get mom witt1 P,umLitnk"" HiPlDlr!3kilts from Invmugen.

~ .D

~ ~ .... ~

5 ...

pl~Uimid p,urr.iirncatiOlmilk.its ~mvide s:iQtnificooUy ~ig~e~ y~'ekls"mOire ene,clliw Iysa!te 'Ii~ll:8Jtii(Dn,.ana,hi'ghll!l" flnaJ
at 81, olbsltmrtiial~'llowerIOOsL ThmelKfirs also IYrOOuoo ~ow-.emjUtOOml m.N!A(s.eeng,lUi) SO'ImOrna~t1:!r tf1e:~~[caMon, o

you can ooon~'O'J1!JlttfngI!h9' ~lasl1l1lid~W1lffi1elUI. ~,fJ'ytime. 1

HfPw~ DIil~ ~15

J'ushmother wayUut IIwJtrogen is ,@Mllgryoli malmutUi:s:

to 'li1e problems

you mOE! e~lery Ga~ d~. ~ur'FREEPl:JreU~'~ Hi~liJrePlasl1ll[d Mldiprepmrl Mru<iprej) SlarlEr ~1s at
j}w~ .;I'ld r~'(:t:&J I!rtt~'!:'i:lwv~tn10JIIe ~,gr~ ~1f~CIM




ILi!I;tte.Am£h~atrilll;~OSiphle'rk Oxyge'li1iM:ffiClI1l and Atlllilo5phe~k ,Evolutiol1l


Ai. J., 1(rmfmem e.t

Ai. .D., Anib(]',r


AWhUmaf OK¥9,em Be'f,ore th:a Great Ox~diJl:ii{lnl et al..



Sl!J'liurisoDI'I(!I@s fIlfbD ~r"oo er@lfIfI!mlS ilflflptyiiilAt oX1!J;en le'l'I:!Is, irl, 1~<JlrWl's.;3llmil<Y,phl!fl! rtls~ bri~ilf '5010 IDO mimllrn y!!.oIrs

Wil1o[~e·Gelllom!! She:tg~nl Sequencing of Mitm::hondriil ~'rOlll1l AnderiltlHa:ir S!~afb M'. 1.. P. .fiilb/Nt'let at M,tt@c.hORdri~ DNA (01'111 boeW1C)t~sJiu~lY~~l!Iul!'fI,o~d r~'Om UI~(!1l~'!n~mrnoth h,(!ijrke,pl ,ei!.h@r fr,oflelil in ~~r!1l!!lJro~t ora~ r~Ofil1ltempEM'Il~Ulrt! ~n,a !'!lyse urn (~f';l:QO f@als. 5liRtUCTURAL BlOW GY StmI[H1I!,lr~.~f't)h!f!! (015 N J€rm~!ilIJl~alnd o~ a 'I''l!lroiifil!l!·SUn~dIAn.Mbcdy mtllil !H":"] '~1n.20 ood CD4 C, HUfJng et at ,ill 'CiQIiI51~rl/ed~g1C1ii1 lflf1' HIIV'll el1llre:lORlri: gl~rmprolt'in r ilFl ~iiIru'jis, l(Jal 5dlilJ'airedllty,roiine- dluriFl'gent'V~litlio' n,IilSl .reUs, providingl ,a, iIi'lJs&ilJ~etar9~t forUil!i!,ra.p!@ultiirs .•


befonl: ~he~~,*,r 'Iil,re\i!~ 2.4


)'e:ars ,!l!ilCl<.


MC IHAEnlOG Y SiI!ene.Adze C(lmpoll~iljio!;l15.anti t:h~~X:~eint~~ 1907 Aii'id~m Pd~ytil!'~igln \l!OYaJ~iUii~Qjfi!jj naJdE! K. D. Co(l~s:o\i'l ,ood.M,. I: ~!!Jsl;e:r . l$lOlOp~c:alnl!lli:lil'emicil~ da~:a tmCle ~~,es:~aln ache hleads on 'Ille ru,amow:~tlil nM~by~I<ll'Idl SOUI~Cles ,aml!Dll1e ltIa,'alwlaiil Islmllds. .... 4000lkm 'lii,'~Iii@ liorlll, .sllio~lrlgaUl'liI:fun5i~~!iad':Ii ~l'Ifk. M

or EV.A-l, (oflClw,]!OO:S ill K, fujis,(Jwo,


Pmpet!iv.l! p.. .1813

DEIIHO J1l'ME:NT.U BIOl!OGV S;)!!!II~Jjn,ol'lY IIi)'YIili'!,mlics. Dm~n [i,lltllJi.tiatiell1, FaillJlrctl. 191 ~ and RiB!l£:UI:!' Il'f tin e !entditillin(]o~k -------1 H. aj,~f!J·Kr,use.. let;, .It Oares A mood of the Q!grnl!n~i~i(m ~LD(k, ]uplll!d gllrl!:l!K o5dli!~or~ o !iila! S@:(J,1!E!ntiat[vefi!e;r!l~e~he bod!!;' segments. ~ranf!TIi!L~ g roCic~s,.fiUUy IJ!redtc~ the- vellul,ts ~d s.r'slem peuurbatiilns.

J. L. ~Jl"'_ J. ,G. (t1{ot.ti

ml;!nii;lml'le r'I!W~~!Ilr llip'$!1 uid!! d~\'~lkIpinfj b

A. ~r~... iI;m~\y I;I\n ~!il~

OIlii!On~in Lh~ IiI!1!ffiOiltad~' n~IW~~ :5yS~~rni,


lRQiP1:d IIliIl'!ile.~gelil'Qe- ()if Bg'r:ui~,~virU$ I't~$i!itarl(::eifll 1916 ((i1dru~!l!J Mo1~ ilJue:ttl) [)~:mil1~nt :Selii~lifl~;OO If!lil~ritl.!1!c~ .5: Ass€r~~fJfset: e'l ~l Moths haiO'e de';ie~opeclan IJ iilusual,tr[!}e OfnJ5l,SI,an(e M) iii ~ld'clf Lise,dl
m!iiir'Oaillillil!ll'ItaUy bern 9i1i1riml. pesticid~, expllailni I'Ig I'@CBnt .oJalilfli!lget(J <lpple (ooPSin Gi!rmilAI~' al'ldll~"'II[l!.


ifrtl~~(lmfllnli:al Mtl9l11efi~ Stimi.da,tiorl Elil!!iirtrs (:ou;p,led 1918 INe''ld IHellFlioa~n1iittrli1it (ont~eqi.U11II~e5 .E.A. M~;~ B.. M PO"lley. r. Dmmg; R. D. fre·ceman A. priJoodum I;h Oi[ larg~~~ dWllniSl)r'i btlod b:lii!iln m9ion~ iiml J!lI!9(!11t! aru:1 .mji!TI~.:5~Ii.IiJ;lpres.~es,md deliY,rd!'ollJi~5 ne!.llr!ll .. (;li~ty.elret:~ dri:!!!. <!Irefald~rullY l'ern,eded ~brolllll i!1'i!O!!Ji!l!!j methods. ~> Nf9V5 sro.ryp. l846




hlthe l~aJrLyDhl~rm.~gl 1IIIltE:\'S:tif!alIPim;l's:it~ (JfCiJdk"J {omlnio The 'QleflOrne QIthe' ~I,h.oge-ni( (nte~timl. par~ile (jj,i::!'{.df!1l' llr... eil,;s~im~tif~9 me~a~oo~i( systtms, lun~)jPl1I01.m (!'lillhm,e.e


~ I'If

iii .,,'" ~mllntiv~ {J.. 1875

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rr~iProdlJ(l.ioli\ i11f10 splOClialh~id daMeS or "'1itI~milrl~

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A[)y' ..... N'~11\I G ~~ I ENI':'E.


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f,!I~Il~'UJI'!!h~ bp'~~!'~.~i!i!Il>Ir" i!(t!""·.iIf!i""I~ ~ihID Ht,,''IIMIi i!te~ f!iiW.Iii.uIlt~I.""D(,~I~' ~... .. IiI.l.bIW 1Jdi ~~iOJMUi!>nlil~, ~84o.'1~D' oIW.. tii.ogI"" DC, ,.,~.~MI(6iIl ""rlil1lg·~I~ ~hi·O fl'Fo!i 11m'br Ih ~_brl", r.,lh.Jo!...,,_1II ~'!llil;_·I1I. tl;iltti!lWI".i;,. "llIiI«<1Lili!.loiOii, .. r'IJ';·1I.iU& lib ... .,;;I1<. ~r.I1oli!1u.iLm""bml1~,ii:!i~',<ih;.;it;JO;,;.ln~""",~ ~ ~A~ ,rmJ,~~ ~ !!i~~Iotr~ ~"'II; ~~~.g"'oi!·''''~~it~"l!i~,~'' .~~~ ffi)!!"g",~@il!gt''''''-!l,!,I!",I!;~ Ci!~,,,!,~riO!lt 'li'i.IiD~~; <f~«rJ!ilnl!! rJlr,mlil,d<'iiirtM 1~i!l.IlM,llIii1'i'l,;.IIIltI\lil,;llJdm. ... d,fmmul,OIIl5"" OfIJl!!iLCliI,.ojI!l".rjJ"'M'I~'M'I ,"'!L!"f !ll~"'''lut'i!,.I)!i,] .,!2H BB]ll_ 'ij!l~,,~! 1Ioi1.!IiJo._! N"~ ~P~~!ii.~" !Ii~~~ "",~~~ !!ii, ~p, !'tr'!~.~~. ~ ~t!!ill!ii;'!'.~$1~ (iIi.iH. l'rIi1I:01!
1~I;!PIUt~!,!'~!!(l!!-~11il; 'r.>I·!liIj l!t1l~




iiO!l~,~~C!.l<Ii.I''':Uu!I!U 'D..I<lo. t· u.1,·i\!1IlI'''~~''I:iC M(liI!I'-,!:I~.~~!!Ilo~ .. 1"".P"f'oI.:i "I!:..d .. '~""'"poliDl;!O.; . ,,!lEI; "'''''l"o;;j..'''udooo·lUitIlooo~ ,phoI .. ~PI' ... ~o!~'" 1'!II"",01• , pors."..,j use u..r .... <lmJ ...._ . '""1.r.;j!l1~.. ~Iilolli. ~~ oM'J.'i'i!i!i!o'll ~ !~.~[I!!mi1l'tr~~ ~''''''''j; ~ ~~ m~n _ '11i1i_'!1~""~~ ..... ~H""'!(oIF-i.~_ ~ilJfo::mf~m;!~~ ~",,!I!~ ~~, .. ~I#~~ ~iIi! ~1M!l'IPf'~~!!!:! f'!'i~<I'I~ blle(.m R""_dlbl."'.v'" .......~i9.Zl.IooIi!lBilHIt.oJb!.t>:i.·brf<lifrl .. '" OOJs:.!til~_51.M:.·II.'~d<>odl" iI.~··.(lNI,,!I~a·.V,lOiJW!'_. .. ,..,.,..J'!'ffiofiood 1000"'_
~·nl~;I,u..'~',,!'ii<l ~1I!o~OI~!I!1~~;Joo·~~~.,~·W~I'~kO.!n!. j;!l!lii!!', Pill:ti!iIllIU:
~1~.dIII'",..,[jJioI·", ~lUIII!lo«

Prln~.ed011 3OO/~post -consu mer r,@cyclled pI2lp,er•.



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Spa~e: Gi1lrlii'lil'S ((I uld Yll1llcl Eg.r~liIty

il"(!til1igJ b!!owri!il (Jill ·~:sllutltl~r:khl:mY'~ll~ be:st'~~lJrI: Stilict'Q,ts.

IIIS~TOe!ling Up The Kil~r ~nsdu.(t Piiifl@ly ThI~lght 111f1A.cadl!ontlia. But FoS1il:!f!l!din IIi'I.du,st~ ,
f)'"J,~nsl'!r:l IliidLUsti'y ~llIIployetr5 relnshmekm~r irn:9l'irlctin :5aelilli1ru.

lMakle"TIiiNlimkte: .• IW(l"eLyStair~ As,t~~,~r.; di:>(~r ol ~wlbr :~tr;:nl;lf f1!r gl;ltside ,;Ii !iil'l~:r.y'~ Ill!<liJ11 body.

lei W~A!~; M!:ts,~ri!i19

'¥gllfPh.J[I i.~'~'Q!lfe~ ~~\I'l ews

With ~!npad
8. Nooml.'rm and I'. GQslfng
H~re are .some ~ipsfor 'gfmnng sl PIilOlj FeVilew with the a~swers ~es~ and iii plall YO!ll~e;d.

M~S<CINE]: Edlu:co1ii!d 'Woman, P~ttl!tI( lhe' ~o'.5t,goc IHa.s:Two :Facl!s M .. P.; De;Wflyse

EditioJf!, (lilapter ~

M~ceil.a .at:tE!l!npts,~ ~.gll,re oot hO'o'ii~' lliia.~e i~Ih~CI:W!!Ih tlhe liIext.2 mOil'llh~'~lii!htlill~. IMad! ~~ttflilg, her

US, from the ,Ardlllllles.....W,1liti 1'191<l1fIie,slliii(,©n


;. Austin
Wlifingl alllelniE!(II:i~e lileseal!D IPO~i!!I~all 'inport9iiJIt part of y~lulr ts dll\!w~prnll~l1it~iS :~i(;i~lfI'!ist .~

5 D~iy~ep.fI~!iilhfrf~"'E:!'!~s;bl1lh~'!ii~r+








[)(iE HlVJ RON "'Em

~ P'~ljl:S~EOIV~~ G!!!1iIE!·H,ormlil':!:e· Environ m;e:lilt ~Int:el~a:!:tion:'!i ~ illi tin!'! ,R!Il.g~la.ti~f!I·~,f Ag!:l!~S's<i~ Re'5:~c:lf!l~~~ ~~~;;iJ!iit A!i1g.~ysi;s,
I~~: iHll'iplell( B'~a!~o!" C


Dow!'liQ'gd ~~e2 8 Sepue:llIlIbeu

I PRO'I':O(O~~S,t!lld~flg ~mE!g;~ij~=M~d~gtooC~nAld h~'si@!'IaJt tiIllil:

"" ~
.l'iflgl@-Moll@.Cu~~.@ l~n@l~ U~lIlg AIFM FO'rr(@.SpectJoswpy Ie: .M.. Fronz. A. ID(jibl1.1lhl?fgol?f~ fl.·H. Pl1ec4 D,"J. Muller
~ ffiiH!:5betwe!lli'li3d1he5iooJ iI&~pw~alfld

~ D. pjaff Q,rrd.R. Siiw: Title eneJeIC~.®'r t'shg.Em oo,lmlliB'iliiilf are mooo'lallm by da~ leli1g~ll.

Scien~Cit P·~dcg S't~o :h'ea;r1i!ibo:ut

t:~I!.I!@:~~D l!\I'a~~el!l!ieci!:l! ~jty, ilII'iG~~flt P~~~1JflIe5 ialilltra'~i!t9, .afl~ W11i1f1 €!r'stDJf ~llills ''il~ar\s Sd enl~e,and En~i n:i:leruml,g Vij"llializ<I,t:iQI'I Ch!:aUe.liIgre-.


8 ilIlea51,u'@d auhe: le1;I~I.()f:silllgie Ilil~~.e(!ul.e~ =

their ligldlMSi (.WlIIllOO'llbe

~ ~ GOOSSARV Filliufi®u.t wl1lat :5mo:, 1Pte:., &lsl m~<1nril1llhewerrld ai and ,~dl ~'glllalill!J. ~ ~

\'M<'\~6!!!!I~l'miI9~mraoo'l!i!! piDOO1!.d~l


VOL 317


Jo,in tibe, 'W'orlld's 'I,eadinlg clln'cer res'B,arc:h,e:rs for tlhe latesl, 'fiind,ing's an,d .1I10:StlimlPO'lrtaln't scie,l!tific adfvance:5 iI't thes,e !coln,'erenlc'Qs,:
'1I1h,eIR'liIle oi l~b'nr'CQd'ililgi IRrtM.EII'I 'CalilQi!t Phililip A. Sh~r,p. R@1It!!! IB@liF!ard$.gnd fOOl'd R. GolI:!H). , Ol'lairpersom, ulnrJblii~Ie<, ~$$a[husem
No\l~rniber4~8,20(lf7 M(lR 'Cem1:EmJni!a1 Qlf!&'Ii'IlIi1~e~ rmns:IIat'j,onall CilIn:cer Mfldicille: lech:t1oIQg~e5;
to, lftea'tliiieliil

ClclC[I)er3T-N01ifm'ber 3" 2001

Tumol1igenesl§, .~ohn E.,. kk iilllId! Jaoo\ll~v<ldet D los, ArI9~I'~1 Co:!I~fomia

l!february '12:-15, 20(]8 The IRoie 'erl 'C:"lI'Icel' Stem[ Ge,11S:~mtih!e' hllti!J!tiio~ ,0000ndi iPI\!!IP~9FiI.ti;!1I1i1 ,Q'f (m~~perrsom

ltall~ 200El Omicsto, ,Cliniit5: lrilinslati;;onl cd alilc:elt G!!:nJ~m!l!! !,!~glhrtllB'tl) 'l.h!~(I,euti~ 1 iand] IDjagnIOi5i1:~cs. . ~)!I1Im'Chin, JoeW. ,i.]ray,I~I\f.imam iii. Sell~r;S, .1md

'Udl!al~' L SOOilsk1t 'C~'~F:SOrns


E!iisoli11. ttl.! afl~!\MU~am N. H~it Chai[,tifsorus Slng~I)I)r,e

N'oJ,!effiilJj~r '].4-17. 2001 .AdviIIl'!ces ~iiI ,CoEIlI:n[Carn'a!r IRiese,ardl Monica 1M. BElIt;lQlilKlllii, 11HJ~~Cle'!,li~, anal

~bn.i~ry 24·26" 2008 IEnergy Ba'lall~e alnd C<nliCeli', 1r.lh!diM~rs :alild MIN:!h'imii5ms .join[t.MCR·lralil!iel!!id~~lililtlilY R~@.drm IQI'I ~~r~€dCi amid ~!J'I!C€i' (]R!EC) COflf~r'ffi~il' lLan~oowflit Vir~l'!ia AiIlI:v.illmce5 i'rl !Otmcer R;!!'Seiillll~h,; iFpom[tli1e' l.alll!cmOlt:oI!}l'W, tJ111:!' Clmlllie Si'!!mli!' Nl, IKM~l.( Chilp~rs,Q1iI .

Odo'ber 'B-1 .2008 fhimiicali ,ifj[nd EI~oilQ Idli'lmmMioinilndl

Mk~~~ Kgfit1, Lisa 1M,CQu~el'!S; .iHf!!:I


N.a~hali!,A B,erge~,JahJl III :P!llrtt>Br, ~ahyn :H. Sc:hmlu. m'ld Col'J'i@lll\aM. 1!IIri\c:h,Ch'.ai~!!r£OO!5

Ko millia Oahlllllil.a,wfiii

I, Mame:tt.


~'V!:'OO!I!d N, Dy!Joii~ 'C:~!)IW~~O~, Ca[lII1iblli~:~, Ma~ad'lll"eru November 2'1-30, 200, '1I1he:5cielilce of IEa[n~et Hea,ltlii Dilspariities iii! R:a:ooIIlEll!lf!i.:; [Mi~~r.WIli(!Si alld 1!h~M!@•.n~;ill)!
II!Imdell':5'e~'IIIedi In(lo~wdlionwilJh~heAAC:R

Mard! ~s~~, lOOS

Di1!<ld SM.I Jornarl

Rit!$~4fdI Counci[1

IMioomles m

Ap~~ 11:H6, 2:008:


OctJ)'ber 211·2.4, .2008 ~.oIR1"(:'~C!I-A~CR In.~!'inia;t~Q!i!a~ O!!lnfe;relllCll! on Mo,lea.lla~' '[,.u~get:5imldl Itim~ell'iI'hiil!'la,eutw: h1;~~k :Sd;.¢~ki. JaiJili~ H, [)(.'If(lsh~ allild Erk H, Rubin, Scl.entifiL Comfll'l[iwt:eeOi!alr]per:SiOn!> GI!I1I!'!V,1I,Swiitl.i£!IiI'a.m:i NOVreIil1Der :3-6, 2,(I!i'J!B MeR C@~"Ii!"n;01!!11 (~rIe!le:nr~: b:npi\ld ,!)'f IEm.e:rg:ililg 1'eI!l:IlIl'l0.logier5 'Oil ta!!1II1leli'

A.AC!R ,Anll'l[uiall M,eeti'n'9i San Diego. (allforli!~a

11(a~~:en.1fEmotlTy R. R~bl:iedk. Mild Olufu!I'iiIl[~<lfYOI. o:I!cpooe; Pr>Ogram COlillrlil,ITitee: Oh"iirpetf~ohS

Eil@enIP.'WhilE; Pro~fa!1ll Committee Chavrperson

1P:a;thw.a~"W&otll!' Gie;n,omle :Sca,rilS:

Mgy ~(F43•.~o;)~

Atlanta. Georgia,

D:ian[diflile;r:apeutia Mk l<aSitilln.Joseph D. RQ!iemIIMt.

and MD$h:e' O[rernlChai[~;erSl;)I1~ ~en.llS<llem, IS!foell NOIII'.e!liI'1her'1 ~144.20aB: TDII"gdi ngUI@ PI3:~Klililas@ IP,ml1wll)!

Sf/h. AnliliU,alllluel1'.RlatiiD:naJll


RI@t)~JlllciilinglIReslilliU. Leoi(in!g ill!ltolllhe


Gl!!lniellelnm ,!!II'! rl1olfltiie,n iio '(antler Pl\I!Wm:~1!I1iI es@>IIli,t!h[ R Pr>ogram ({)mtmiit:te,~

Phillooe.:lphfu!, PMlIlI!iylVii rna!

, iM'lrper\SllIi)

IF!l!tll!~e IlrI c,onjuIiliCiliorn. dlilltltle Molec!Jiliar[plidem!fClllbgy v W\QJ:ftrng 'GrolifP oflh@MCR. ((lfn:€:Ii!~ M.lIIllihfu and S.~p~e~ Chaffil(l(k, Ciil1lirpern(l.M . CarefTee:. ,Airiizorna

lLewii5 C(an~ley andl Chiil1lle-s It SaW}'ern,

h~can:oor P~~'~!1rti(l:ni


Deom[m 16-9[,.2007 i!i~e R~ll~ (Iii lil;!~om~~:$a~d Tet~[nr!er~!;e i:n[ '(uiCer lieseall'c!h[ Mc:nf<li it ~1\1:SU'l,Woodlrilllg IE.Wfi~:t. illilc;! ~j"gijfil~ A. Z:a!.;;iillmt. O1~irper.~o!)~

M~ lB·3t 200'8
(a,~~e~ ~P'j9~·~"il;!; ]eaIl'Piierirt! II&M[;:mdlPt!,terW. L:aird.. lJos~on., Miil!>.s<lcnrne-ru

Qmbl't~~, M1:!$~~S€l1S

eh.a irpel'SO!rrl

San FraJ'ICisco, calHklfnlia

January 22-25, .200:8

!!!Ib:iquiitilililmJI ,tam:er.IFliom IMo!eCll.lliur iIMgma~d Mema:n!sI'MU!' 'Il~ Cllnili: (Jliaudia JoazeirQ, TO!i!)jlI~ufi!te:r. <3mu:l
~nllletfiJl,C. AIlldeiM~ rOhai[rper:$l1ln5

AA~R '(e;nrti!!!~fiiall (.lC)i!lif,et'eli1~ Tli'allslla1!ilOrl1l[a1 CliMeI!' Medi'l!:iine'

Clooirper.;o nl1lrr)

21·24., ,20[);8:

Chlililperson lSD Wasil'llngttlrn. DC


~QIIf,f,ldif.:f 'Hi·19', 2(101): Sev,I!IiIt:1iI.Alllllillualllnh~li',olilJall'C:olilfere~e Oin[ Fil'>!!l!nitieltSi Cancer PII''eV'emtil!!llnl in RlE!sealrc!h[

[)e~ember2-S,r 2000
,A!i'e'.J(;ll llrlJer


I'mImUlno:logy louis 1M. weinet, Cmve..J'3J 1

Sat! DiIl'gp, 'Ciliftlfl'i 1t! F~ru!ary 3-5. 2.008

~~!!il[k~t~tl)r~ S1900ming bit 'ta!!)OOlf R.8k~~[ t\!ullliiar <I!iidjiUlin ~iall~ Cha~riperoon!; S~:n Dje,@P, Calii'Ofl1 i~

Vanrolll:~IT~ Britls~ rCQ1IJ11!'lJbl-a.. Cg~gd,gl

Aill~lUSrt 3·7.•.2008 ~(llmMlrn$tasi!!o ~~€'!a~d'!Soc;i.ety·AACR Co lilferent"el!ln M,ertrastas;i:s ~.Y R..W(lkh, rCha[lrp;morn

Dmltr)! I.uabiriio¥icn, Chair]p!lrsol'lS Mi~m~, 1~IOi"ida ~~J!illJlbsr 5~7, 21008


Ml M, EggieIlil'l:Ol'lt:, ,[Inri


Tfierapeu:tics,. and lPille·Wr!!ntiOll[ rA:rrIIliOlirJ 1.c. Olia:n. (hafrpernol1 W(!Y!!i Kl [Hong; HOfll)rF";!lY C ilgTJ~so'n ~mll9 Koog, chuliilal . .

ca~l!':!fI'i ,Bi(lWr1l!J1.

,. ,

I I'

,ei,e 'ce
I _

When !Quantum Arithm:e~i,c Doe:sn't Add Upr

If YQY i)lldd~" i~e'm t~, JQII!IW ~hQPip"irrrllgl b,a:s:ke't ilIr1Id then :rellll(JV'e one' tl~lg:t i:~]derlll!ltka[,. YQ'l.IlrtiO'tal bill dees not cla'i;!ng'e. ~i ~!IJ shop ~n ~ qYQj!l~Ym .suipe:!iWli;i!.me~,. hQ\t\Iever,. y the Ipr>@baIIMliitie'5and tlhe 'Sei~llJlelffi\i~e o-ff!'!Jddiffi\,g(lir sl,J~tlad· irJl!J~tI yom' s:hoiPp~ng, baskel1lll3tter and CiI'lmldhange the' ~l)ltaL PilIlngi ielaJ. ~p,. IUB9'O;' 'S€!e~'e Pelr'5pe;~tr,v'e byBo,~et J at) de'nmlOO$l!ta~ t1iruhi '~£Il)!1ll1tE;rlnt~ili~ebe:~:avio,rf,o'r pheII[l,n!li'IlIIt! Il~'9!htHeld. Adding ,ar !i.ulb1;ra:c:tlingl a!>lf1gle plhi[]IIl::i;n tOI o:r 'hollilll .ill Ug n,t ~1i~kIIPlm~:hjl(e'5 dtff~reillll:t r.esutt. ,dJ!l!iP@nd~ a hilg omJlHui! ~eq,Ule'IFI(el Olt the l~v~rr~ with~bUrldl.~idJt!l of .• '~i h~ field lJe]ngl ,d]ftlelr1en~ ~rolmthe lnii~li3 ~,one<.nli~ ,c.aJptl~ g biUty cd e!ng~nE!erlng ilihe 'quaJlffillhHil1"ls,t::n:e of a tigh~ mlifi'y :pmve Il!iSleful triiltlMa:!i .~u(h 'QIUi3JiI!l:um,mmmluinkaltiol'i. i31~

on the His,e



pro(e~5!Ors ba sed 011 llq lliid·smle iJllQ :5ondi-s1:a:le


the rings,




Org!anC!tluur~lfleJs~b:s~jill!!@'~1tll arlilpta,ying

~1F!t:I~~iIil9~ym pc~ta!fI1l ro'r~'jn :s.yfl,~Jme1i'sm!aU

r'l'K'Iliocld.e p~dnTljJJ'eurti'tJiL~,incwdiiflg s~ci1liili1ajor dI~li!!g5,al$ t!pitou; ,arl'~Pr~t:. In ~ ~'e:\I'iew~WiU~ et ,rll~ (p. 'lLBiU;} h~9hUgM~he emerg~iil!~ll!ilnde~$tafid~I!'igof l'iow'fluonn,e' iiiilte'r,ililCilS wilUfJ Iitilrotehl~dUffl:g dgckiJi!gl~e!l!ts, ![luddi!'Hg,iI! gflh~eirvl,i;{~~tecy~ Iii f' irne~,a:ctioU!ls c~,!ililpteJ1i!e,!i!is m~~ tii"ad:iiliollii!l palrad~gllf1!'l' (lfbmine"$ e'~OOlrool·lI\Iitfuldr,a,'I\I~ng e'ffe(Jts, whklh il1lfh,!Ien(e' 5ybs;U'~~e' b~sidTY, ilmldlils li\!iide·!rr<lr1ir.i~n~Stie'foostedrollllk ~liIllpaCt Ollllsu'Iil'>lra1E.> li1~llrlll1ation., Ihe d~sCIJs8iiOn is m ,suppolited by ,ilInaLY5:is !JI~~ned (rom eidl',n,· ,si\!'e!ie,mfuJe:~ 'ofs,MII!ld:ural da,taba!les, i:

Wd~stPre,a,d rr~ o~~I~llii$IIhIOOlght lOI!ma\l(l'

,evalV&lin Eaifl:~{s ,allfif!looplnere
2,4: b~~!i(l!l! ~Igrs

Up in the Air

irJfl dudili1lgl filii Rt wllngs til~t. are blihg ~t~ ened by ~(ilIttered li:!jhtWifu til ~ K&k, tf~~rn,pe illl HlflliWl:i~ del Pai@1' d al (Ih!SSS.publil:sh,m •. all~illi@ 23 A:ugus,1) !illia IJP@d,i:linlill~lraJ~r:ipidtm€iof

Ol'1~y afoo~ aibo' C1'ilfidkj\!;!tes fo~lh~ C"iliSe ,or

i " 2m - ..- __, 1Y- ggen, _fhen._I,I, escape ofll'",jl'c ---

i!:1cr-er1!$eindl[u:le ~lIla!ililic e'lfec!$ in t~e plilnef:s ~ - <;;~I,!II._ "g,I (1;,1 'Ih-_'e ~...IiI1"hrn of _ "Ygflobad~'i;I;. A!iIb~I!'
,ei! aJ.. (p, 19'03) and
Ka.dmanet .1lI[ ((I. nOO}~;(alilil~;lled

lh@' sidie-CHiI r~f!gs. mrr~s~ch.l!S,t.~n1{t!I.ciPs;the ~lfIti!t!, ring ~slml but. hi UIIiiC:CUlIIfI~O!@d \yUh any particlJ!l~r rin:g or fea,ume. The ptJjU~m of dl!!st has C~g iiig f~ sljiQni~ric1H'j'l.lys,iiil!ceo t~e fin !;II> \iieIFe ~~!':S1 photogra;phed Iby 'lllieVay,agef spaOecf~r'l:inl 1~~6, wh~wiJ1dk,f!teuhg:t syd1tc:h,a!ilge~ ere ~~JJilID'M;lUi!i!! the :so~a~ i ,s,yst~iiI'l OCClJr: 'on mUidil and
lil,mge~ :5(,;11;5,tful~ml hllJdi beenexpede£i.

lh~ geoclilerrnis~ of 11deta~I~Bd sBctiiNi

d~taiine,d iiJrn .:I. !:Irrill (SOrethtrmJ g~hthe! Mount. McRlIE!!',

Splint ,AUToqcther Now

I\bn~p'u'ral':(II1. of ~lhe :S:~'ifllllf.ali! eleCij1(mtiml a sing~~ nlOlIillWllm dlo~.~~.11strOll1gl mnrt~nJdel'r,or (jllli!!n· q tum·,inrlDrm![Jflioli1 iIlmal~S~lI1gIprnlocols. ,limeve,rr; the ~piJmJ dlymlilfliric5 of e',uJh dot. d'~fMmd o;t~ol'llgly 011 enrir,on!il'leli1~ and !he di~triblJtio:n r'e31!1 ~t:ing hom dlO~.·t(N:! 1 v,a ni1ll~imy Ipreseliilts a f[J~r,llIfIijdalb~!1 0 pro bleIiIlIin ,ald'dr~!iiil'l~ a ~teml with liIlIany

~ Quantum Noise IIReducHon

~S'I:~rn AustrtJiia, dated to lIb(JIlld :2 .5:

bim~onyela~ ag![l.

i iii

(C!e-sfihJil ~t!.lIIl~mn 'oomllJl~t£r 1tr1!1!~l C'!1(l'r" ;:! tome a eooh Ilre.n~ Ilffocrts (lI!11~ed by ill1t~rra:c;it~:Qn s with ~t5 ml"lm ~l1tS.~(Il'il'~fect:(QlJ~d be mv;i ~ mitig:arUNJ tr th@y r~Uy (ha!racl@ril~, W!ljew 1111! ~ pril~c:ipXlli ({I11il b~ (hJI1I~ proc@:» tom tlgr,ilIp~v. ~'I ~ Hoo~~~, th~s precessr:eQ~~re~ r~(li!!iru~5, 1iliiat ~ ~IOOIN e);lDo.n~tialnywith the nll!m'b~J' ,of Q~bilS inl o ~1Jj

ularl.y of


Th@:f ussd 1!rac:~ m~l1t chillifilimy (partic;aridl r~ellll~um, wh~dh


dots. GlfeiUdhl,e~ a~.,p. [S96}rreport ( Ollfe:ii):Jtnsemnd maYIii elo·Clptka~ pu IiI1Il·pm~e

OX~dm.M rr.€'iIlh~fililg~ !lil[jgorn€' massSUUl!.i!f

im:leJPefldeUiltf~.a{~olila'Ugil! gf


~ the '!:,ySiteun,. ilkh re,!IIdersi~imlPradkat w ~ e:t· al. (p. 1B,93.; see ~he ~1~5IPeCit~web,y de:sc~ibe' 11 theore'li~l 'lech iliique til! f'OtlJgl'iwhich

(Whl'O'hcil!nindh:a~~ t~!i! ladk (If ab:un·dan'l: aml1!i!~W lr.a(;ethe p~e;se~u:eQrrJee ru,ygie'nl, The dlaJt'a ir!Jd~~ ~"U,,:!i'~"!i! 'ca:te the' ~1~:rt h~Ii'l1SOff atmoS(pl'lerUc ClXY9Ie:fI, bWit e:~im!id ;at ItCIW ~eve'ts.,a,t tiflistl!it1f,

~,;perimli::nl~o,ifl ;mlifl.II1$~1'111 il' of S~~h:15$eli1lllll~ f M :i1~h:Qndu!JID[ qIUi.ll1ti!!!Iiil dmS.A.Si~'[j~IfIC,e of Las~r plJjl~:s ,(.ij n imu:il[!o!;l.a:Uof tlI,e a@dJOfliit::s:pins ;l!a:ros::s ~~ ~e!l'S!NiJleta, pr'@ce:;so~hierelifllly. ruthe-


sp~n ~!if'()r!1i1'atlloni:5,s;lored inthe n Udetaf :SP~Jil!. tMs, IPfOces..'S,'i;flecdv>ely re5i~tts f!il g'1l ~·t~mory ter '1~e ellie<,(ro1l1k pn,Me infof!l!l'a,tiiOJ1.

~ keyfua'~Jl,lr:esQf~he decollaerr~f!cecan be ~ delii!Uy fIleas:~reQ, W:hkh li"ed!,l~e$ l!lymbe~ tbe


g e~,111MIiIilel!llts from


Seen 011 Edge

In r1!ra~e aUgnnll'etIt, the p!i3rme 'of IUlral'lu$' ring~ ,[JI~lilealred edgte-a iii to Earlh ]Jm AlIlgllJ!>t 2OC}']. flhis IIInl!l!>l!li!l~.mnirigmCitnOmJ 1~'f-'IIe!l~sthe 1Ili1lLl1s.ide air

Hawaiian Getaways
$Olll1le :l?olynesii;lllille:gend!S:

,~p(Ji~elntiil~. to po~Y,li1a,riIiIaL i ;lfhe 1IlLIthor5, pre!>'~ntt[Jne~lernmeliltallimplelll1ffll~ talion ®,f the IDeJthorll,ooqurantlumi·flilforlrnllltlCllfi

Hawaii'] biillO'k

m otlher PolYl1lesilll1il ~"lland:5•. but

de5(;ri~e my,;,ges; hom

(on,titfiued rOllfflt!' 1831.


VOL 317


Exceptiona,l representation
l~rnilrOdjjt:iingl qs,m:prW"',frremQU~liJ,m BiaSl':ien.m$, .~~~ me;W S~Jlfdard for ~'plPcluoibillity.~~clilic~ s~ancllS'el'l~iti:vlrty i~11I1 eDNA s,ywatlilef;.]'f!;f'O,r qPCrt ,Nor ol~err p,rodllJld delill'ers b mer sample mpresenmoolil. fas,t'et aJllild'fiigter. qSII:r~ptliM iiii .a\lt1!i~IB[{~e~ili'!l severalW,'(Hr:u1'tMs: • q$cfip,t™ eDNA SUp(i! !imix.; nel first and o.:n'IYoptrmi~dl 'on~'Wbe 1:Sil; ,tr·~Wid s dlt\l'A synrthe!liisro~ 2 ""$!WIPI RT·!PCR. • q S,Cfii pfl1llldJlNIA ~Syntlh~:si;sK it; BUMlICll~prodl!ldbn Illy for:2 -step Rlr·P(IR;,


fro'im less s-taft'lng material every time,

'qR;~.~lF'~~'i1r ~'i'~!;'!t!l!"J,~njllQil'l!:!l h";!:!~!:!, ~'II~g~rIi1"9 IIIIlillli'iio ~ 1I""'i!t.fIII ,,,,<!In 'I<


ql'S'l:fip~1l!l 1F111'!i!lX A Kllit.: frumfn'glfle.:lii'bJilitYllIlIiI,c:I cD.N

:Sl{!f!i:!!i'thf~t,y for' 1 st:str a!1lJddHi<lIA, sy~'t~:e:sis, .qSu ipil:ml,g,iI\I.Il<·Step,qR1·P(R Kilt: IMti:l(~mllHiI'lRlIi:~PCR ,effh::imq'; seooil:irvity, alli!dspecificity; lhefu:mJeiN.offJ;l~\fIma ililJl!;aenmi !me' ilI,IEgtiryof temi191lhe df!li@llopmrotof~:on~rr!'lg lleag€liiIts hndudillg. Su'p@~s.cri~iP 1·Si1f!p'Rf.peR 1Ii:s;, .Rati wmM"-aQ; iSOi:pt'!M, amid iQTh1fiUflNfllil( q'S(u~ptil!;llis: their IIa~~s:t induls'try·de'rillilngl [l~o c1uet. To llearrn, lmore. alb out q~!(li~ti!'\Mvii!imt. u'anf:alid.oom q


for Iih'~!!' n~1i:Urfl,l:Jri;psbas b~1I:J laC!;ing. 'C~~, I1Ii iillillil Weiisler (p. 19'117; StI!J;tI1~ p~[~IPe:!c, ~w@,by IFirlliley) fui1lNe eX<! IIIllliI,&jthe (hie<lIIllhtn'lt of ]'9 b~I!Ii[lU adzes (o[~eded 011 iii, rnl:tI.l iftoll~, in the TUjijmmu~I!(!l~a(i~Uiu1liiroliigin" 'Tliiie: datfilitink maln~ of~hE:!,fI;d~i~ l(l'm!!!i'Jrby ~51.a1lIds;, but th~~illm01l@and ~ta,~12' @lflliTlfmt ,Qh,etJliS!try UIl]~U:~ly Lil1kslln~ro Hiliwa~'i. ,3:400 k~'tlJm~!er~ifW,ai'l'.ThU!i, th~!l'olynB's;iam,s Il,ada Iif!ilaritifl1~ t' ~d'~ fliB'ilWori!: ,~xt~,lf!d~'F!g cv,~r thCiUisand~ 'Cif ~wm~m~~ ,aJnd SCiIIlIli! re:p~;ated C,ofItatt

C onw '(!'l'plor,(_! til e wor,kJ 1I\f.h.,c1.7 ..A.':. .I. \:1\ '.:.lh I'•. ft:. ar. ~Q., .. .·. ..~. · d'iSCOlN!W e.'~ceUe'nt Hinm~r,les and' ie:u:1e'f;Sj and co group.s ofUit.e"fJ'linde' 'l,;eJ,e~

I'~ a 1o\((1'ofJ ea' m i'l'g ,d' disco \rery. -


wiilliii IHawn.

nccemibe:f' A~th(li!.l!QJhinSlect res~st;a!!1cei.o chii!l!~ calt agellts is ",ell d ocu!iI'!eiilted, 'tlfI ~s '~ittLe~fIIro!"m~tiof!l (!In ~i'mus ilil~e(~ddi€'s. IGeneJ~U.y, these nave' b~iIl cOI'l5~:dered1 S;gr~ re,1!:genlitS,with liU!.e Im)Spe::t or rr,es~:stalilce develDpiiliilglin tlii! e Iii!05t: rnoweverr" r'esii5,mn;c:e to, 'Ib e m~l:ing m:rMhig ramiulovirus has b~i!il ob~errved iii!il fi:ekl POPlllf@1irms.,.A$~r-lKai$ieli d 81. {pc ]916.} now shOIN th~tl~e ~,es~SM!lr:e 'f:al(1!(lris;!} Z~e'xJ~'ililked :fei3i~l!lre, Aner ~e[ectklin, a pOpl,.l!lIUo.n was 'i5lCtatedthalt wa~ 10,OOO·tol 100:,OOO·foM mo('Drere:sistll!l1:tln'
'!h'e!",itr1lJ5 dilla~lelnge, !i\!tukh~i5lmli1lsidil!rabol.yhf:~h~f thaln Hne natuwanv res,i~t<IinUie,ld s~rains,

1!Il-11l7, 007 2

VO_Yllge to ]!I.;,lj,a Q;1lHl}r:ni~t nd lile ~ S ea of (:OI'llf>;Z on. hna.1"dtheSe~ 1.hJ.l1. )liOre~le~. _UIL_:O'S Gd~ffi1a~)s,"iI'vith ._:iiIil!ilin,g\,w~d¢r.11I:e8S :is~~I1,d~ .mdl Olbuncb:n!l sea ..ltlc •.$2;,820 ... OlJia'

Costa Rii'ea
J;,tn~y I~ 3008 EI.1!jio), auinlJiOducli:on olver ~e

Gruvingthe Brain (J .Mag netic Massa 9 e

Trillm s(r<m~aJllilllilgn~tk stnmul~~I~nmii {TMS} is an inclnea~~1119 ly mlililm'tmre.(hlmiq,llI~ IJJs&!to fitl4.~cti'i,!\ely modify n~~rii ~ prO(delS!)' fllg. Atth(m:gh TMS n~pOIt.f~ly atter:s, Imc::ur'alt and l1~rn(JdlJlll1aJmic
ilc1i¥iW', iYa sk neIJrlJi,physio/loQiical'e<riden [e for ~e !:!ffeCitsis lar"!ll@lyUf!~)lip[orl!(LAU@1fl daE. (p.1918; :s€€:lli@ n~m SUny by Mn~il:f}alPpl]~dllM:S to' ,aF!,~th~1ii z.~dcas wh ~~~m~o1Islinlng :

Co:~tamuca-:rl'O'lllIJi'Oplc<l1 I'ai.rurm'esl:s; t!o, "u:::lii.v,eV'o,r.anoe 5, monki!!'~I'8, • :8."tOI~.'J.~!.,I~~{)01WS morel: &.

$2,M!I<l. ~ ,t[I' ,~

holid<!JS to 1tI1u: mdulw w·~.ln-l of


Cbi.lle ,&: "Ila:ste'r" Island.

JiaQParyU:H)~J~~oa . SPO()l;acii;!b-rPa:t<lspiJi'anfj,on:lsandi
jnih!:ldlllll~ P1.ilerto o'l,-':llil'.re, r::a,.. U:lO&' ql;'~U~.'ik:I),lf!1f.1lltt


~.isnQ\IIIE:'I'Chile fJl"1)J1.'J: filln;llago 10 I!he

:r,)f E.. i!slffi'" ]Sk;i:ild! O~llH::J(tn~ 1 ,e:1I.1lItm'e l;;tr!rlig~ru'<I"


~ eiit1odYf1a!il'lic~ctj\\!ily

.~i![!IIj~lane-Q!:'!s;~Y'f) i

a ~()4Qcali;!:fd

Q\Ii~ len"

reg~oo of ~hEt liiI~COritel(,. ,13fl,dprovide

q,l!!aIUiitatl~~ daM 0'1'1h~ t

ne,u~,1!lieffe<cu,ofi!\l15 ,and

S!tallf!dard Iif! eL!~O~ ~i1iIa,~il1J~te<~h"~qlJe;.hese ~lJ lts ,ab;(li pr(l.1Jijideif! sigl~t ~:ii1tOiltie t !'ile\:h~f1i~iiil!s ff brain [p1;aS'5dlylhat a~e ~11(;iij~Mto'efUe O lQn9·~1!i~~~iIIg ~e~apoet!.~ic ,effgC'l'S'Cilf TM5,

h:OIi!! '~hey relate

Pa rasitic Evolutionary


6~ordi(Ji5111 conllllUl1lil i,ntesti Ilia~ pm1:awan palra.5it,~ a.mldl.CllI"1Iim po rtant. h I!Jman d'i5eaSe'CI!)lffilt Morrison et,al, i~p". ]'921; ~ee ~he iPer5ped'ive by Keeliilillg) !liner iii 'geillome i:Ul!!i!~.ysis O(r ,Gif1'n::JitJ UlICllt re\l"ei3Jh, <I lO'IIe\3JL~h ClJ UlnllJ!>I!,~ril~ i!!Ite§,.indudi fig [llil eXilrenn eRy s:im~ ~ifi ed l'Ille~abol~k capa.cily (rel,i:I~ililg:l:oHs Pdra5.~tii[ me·slyife; 1~'ilUeDNA h!E'lem~g,{ls;ityilll a clel.llillolJght m lacik a 5!exui!l~c;ycle; rl!J1I1ICliolfl.ailly elil~gllllalic:: [Imino addimen1ioln:s, in olherwi5ie (Oirl~!8f'll\ed reg/ions of pmlellli1s; 11111 IlHIIUl511al il,di,1iI~~~t'!~!!tolilthaU!ilc.~ C(HW@IIl~~ olili:lll myolS in~ and 50! p,lilf~eGl i)'NIAr~~'~i Cflt~tlml n dl m a '~,NA pmcilB5i IiIgI madlillJery.

J!auuuy20= hltl'n.JI<l1ry ,3, :2008 .f\. [i'l.tgll:l[n.cenl.i:~.lIlrl].< dlID[]tiOlil to tI],li1'lc1.'b1.ltiOllt<l~ p;ubl ~n~l1l:J"T1e'~ mil e:1i!qU!i~ite •• CU)~t!r."!~ iiiuliiquiiaieiilo~~m:Ua.ili.'Ol.nU:S,"erS lodle 'l:'a(i~ll1h!l1,.iilildud[l1g m:1'e\eprl'la~1i~:r'\f! H.atim'1w p~'ks. S 3,.·69.5 ';'<lir

m.. diu

\17:ill.t!llitfe Safari!



~nd 'nl~ (~~~~bi;;~,.bPl;lJ~'d P!l the

SIte &

t""ebI'WI.Ri' 1:14<3, 2008 E:i'liP~Ollfl1-U;:Il~l;;I.ll'l.lIl1!'ls:ofSea::l~gajI t s:se~.'1ge~·' y<u:i1t. DlI1iS~O". Seie r;GIDro~.~8I<lmul W'or.ld HG:~_

.1.~Ml!'rl:$5,~9.5 +!l!!'

Mammoth M,itochol1drial Sequendnq [Effort

Amci(\llilt IDINA s~r'!li~

d~Ql'llam~lia:tf<d fa5~[y Gilb@irt et ,a$. (9_. 192 7} ~sedl these ad~ !iUa\] es tQ (0 ffilp~~t@l.y ~~c~ t~~ .• sequ 1mito dl:iQf1!d rig'~ gefilOl1!llei I)f 13 S~'beri'a:fi wooll.V fi!i!.arnml(l!Li1s, OI1·e: of lill,e :Sgm~!es<call!11e ~rom·t~e }l!,(j;ilims
malflllm:oth. wMoll wa:sfoundin :179'9 i:'!1f!Q Ihas ~~~n ~'~QrooC!!l!bimt t~nI!l~fa~l!!r€S:f,Of tI1~ 1~iJ,M. 200 yetQr~. This fin dliJlg] ViiiUfadlital~e aUliii!~Ys~;s, sa !il'!p~e:sof org ali1~rm:s '111 Ci3!f)Of!~Y be rgl!! ~dli!1! !in useums, (!f at

W~n imll1af,r,is; [(lund

in ciopiolJi5, '~IJ!(J;n11fti~1m tt;o~d ~n\!'iromlmmt'5i.fllld ICIiDillbe

HiJllula:YiDlI KiillSdoll), oi: 11\h~pi'1

~t~ffih8~'3;~200'8, OiEioo·w~r lihl~ fOls.cinat:i: . ·~ultu~~hmi~e of . lllhe Pokhitl1l.
.&, nmi'e!

l:3tCl:llarHbll.."iIlaya:l!,~nd l'igelj~ &tplDre K.l!lil:li[l'l:.:'1DldILlJ

Su lfated Ty-rosine and HIV Entry






:lItIE E.Y/'.n eal.~n~rda,r' (:SfJ'rJ~ . 2:5'2!4f1U U




typ,e 1 (HllV~ 1) ~o eliltelr ~0i5~: {lens" 115e!'l!,!'<eI,Ope gaY~CllfDro-

'~~ifllgp120 !iI1IU~t ~d tQ the! l1ost·(~U !lurifa(!il! Ireceplm (1)4 an dlln .ill m·.Ji~epli(lr., Ani Iilflil!.l5l,il a~p()~I· hi ~ '~lr!1ln:sLa~ioliilii/~ mlooi6~a~fJon~tY!'~~ilne :5'l,dfll'6o!l,~'$ ]Ol~onta mit '~(I '~e ,~o·~ocep,t:o~inj~erilctUG.!1. IHt!lal~ e'tOl~' . • ~ '[po ~ 930) Ihave'ifllvesti:gated HIV~m gp l!.2,Q 'iIDlteradiOirlswn,tih <I :sildKaLed N"~ermina.~. p~plid e fram !hIe ~ (oi"'ire(ep~or C(IR5il1nd de1Jer1llllil1led ~lhe crystal. !>lmclure' ora f!im51Dlle~511l1~f;'r"NI 1IIntioody ~(n comillex.wi~h ~ !J p,120 iI.ll1d(104 .. f); (on st'lf!IIe-d ~1.t.e11mg/p,120 rE'ooglniz0t3 ~u:~f()·ilyro5nllle~ln.dImligtll ~ iii tamget 1m de.sig 1m ~ of therapeutic!>.


'IGr-e:dient 1iPmfessionalllBasic
PIITlafeuiQl'liIl1l Tec~li'lplamr ~Q~ f@yfilJe ap~iiwliiQIl'~ !Pr~OV~f1,~!!"li!:l!bilil¥

Top per'foMal'liCEil for ,hi9Ihe~1dE!mgod~

~Oi"IlrHilll~llIlc:!irbiolqgy :

....... .r_ _._~.

--- .. n

... _-





G:][:C [j] o0


NElw: ofw ~fItO'J~bJ!I

i;Vi'tft,c!lJ ,iI:r~r~~ai!'lS8'!I:I&le nlod~~:"~



lim Hml:Us ./Ii jJtiim:jp<lll

5;delilt1i~!a.t Qrloor

il~ell r(lh i.J11(,C1<!re 11:il1l111 La~r<lllOr~e~,S!Oulh Mi!T!lm~.UK. E,'·man;


SCIII~~n~:s I NiERtlJATIIQrILAL, BUT 111:5 FUN [)iIIIN'GAN'D AIDMIN~SlRAJlON ARE USUAUVA matt~r t:ot~m;e~fiitieti~ ofiUtricm ~liucs.li1lBiittW;e,th]!:i btl~btniz~ionIOO!~ h),pmL1II~:sl.pemif'S the ~VO~ti8filmdh\g p~J!!IC\li~l,~~'TIi 'l!vhl;'!)"in ~ 8!TI'a1[ OU11l!'D'~!~~I~c~nn~ !'il~',lXlrtm!!y h:avel:k~ Q fur p~m, Ofoou,nle,the ~fmiti:Ol:'IQP'pOOt"'i~S not a!ways"c:lem; edit canbe d:iffic~]ttllideJ:1ti&]!W1 e:.lfi;pcrUma f'~o1dw:dcss ene is if! itt. Tha;t ereates .f~pr--0O1e~.n,ooc."IU~ supporting 1.I~y~ing less t~~~f! suped!i))i ~caooh",~s:~es m~fI_yeI'S' !m,~,ol~y~ln ~nu!~~,countty, hl!~mi~hlgqlUli~~o/ dcpcnd8 011 the ~ fa:ir .a'lld aooura~ (YP~ltQIlS of mlleigll experts, ~Iavi~,g d!ealt S1!l:cc,csd!iUy",\dd\t thisproblem, a: Em:,l}pc-'x~d(: ,eoUmlbo,ra:tlQn toO fll!nd bas!.c n~se!lreh~~ul)!I!.!tW11 progl:ar!il'Can~cd 'Ole EUI'l)pcanYot~ng ~IlJ""cs~ig;lOC!o!:~(EURY[j; w!,:l,IW.CsfIO~ ~ [ 9.cdivities/enryiJliImI]JI has; sellt f'Our 0011011$ of ontslmlil,W~lg 'YO~lg lIE1!IJ1cr['.lC9J~, Rcie~[!lti.sts,nto thei:r i posts wi~. subsla:nti{;m::h SI,l~po:l!iIsilmce 2004. far lbe'lt~ or 'li\I'Orre , ilifd 'prl),gmml\~lhk:b supI~OfIIL':dl:esea!I"Chr".:Ql.lgll':Ig ~.m fhe0l1etr:lcall,I~.r-"ic:s to $oeio~Qgy,.nilad'e its. final a:ppoi]]tmem;~!hf.s Jlca:r. n.e good ne'W'S i.s,llhru: <lilJl1OSil 10'0 mlveSl:iga~ors ,go~ grants Df'lIP to 250hOOO eures per re<iir for.5 yearswilJI, 1]0 slrings atmciitool. An ~llliP~)I:tinal question :unowis ' the EUl:opeanR,eseall\ch Ceueeil (ERcC) wru~rn1~,lrulage ashuiliIJF p:rQgI:a.rn ("W:lJng~;lIbivesl:i;gm:Oi ProgmIume) with the s... e "ttent~ml to the fn:edmn <lind ;iJm.depend,e<",cli:~ofyolll1lil(l; ]nve!ldg '~hiJl ecame il. hallmark o.f:E:URYJ . b The.E.URY.1 SdUell],le 'W"dS lmt,ched bya.ros,terofreseal'c:h oollllrn!ci1sliro:m all m,:eor Europe" ,earlcomilg.ed <lind mbmin~terod by ~he El.lro]Jeillin Science Fauooartrion, He<l(_is Of~lC re-Sl'<ln::h C\)1!Ir!\.V.1IJllrod.tO promote ElllmpeaifiL,
~;.'l~hi;:l: thffiill

]n th'6 Emo,elu1! .~~ei.l:rch Alleli.:EURY,lm~ivedwh0~1, thePr~m~\iOrk

Pro&'1tlllllNmCS ·()f'lheEur,ope:f~1 UlfDiot!EU)\'\'ate ~~r~d:y ~!1 ( pku~~.btu the ]at~r ';i,~,eoot il¥lc!1dcd '10 g~poft l~lsiereseaoc\h. Rai~lor~~)e EUMj;.1ij'd~.~ C:OnIQClt~ liiIot I;fMt!!;r\~~~ m~lc;stQm;sMd&liv~rnbl,os tha:t are liiImA)r~ap'ilO~tc b 'to eTug;imeefing pmjec'~1ol U~:fm.~ lh~r~g:gy l!~!cerl:;;!~.~ltie~of ~s,ie [,es~lJr,ch, i\:fI!;dE!i.!ropeaf! scie!lti~~ hnvc!O'ng: ~QIlll'la:m:ed.ll'bou!tjhe alPpillcOl.ti.Q]l. papcD:"iVQfkJr!.;":qt:Diredlbr ~tJ SIJ~po:rt RcaU.y~ the: Onllo/tnySI:cry h '>"by i.t rcokso ]QJ:lglo ~~I'UPa !;limplc gmm sche,fl'lc st~dh ~8, BURY.! i)o 8~~:i~rt )'OlJ.vng ~ie~uhl;~" A su.clJessfi~lEUItY~. a!OWlidee :had typk;aiIly l1I1Iad:e~u ilnportam dJisoo¥ery' a:sa g~cilt~.le s~'M.den~
made JI!Iiii.olflmras 3.po.,,~ooc~om~ fe:llmMIDJbmad,ol~e:rl iIm, '~he1I 11 Illed S'mt:et'i<, .~11CI. retnr.ned U') then Burope W ret ILI(Pa tlwLving !aloOl:8.1'm:y. I cl~lredihe Life Sciences ami MemC!lli[ Sciences s,e]ection process m~I.Thng EUR'Y[ j; 4 ~TS amiwaJS \i'cry l'nea:rl:ellcdby wl~lt ~ ~\\r, adlnill!lilsl:mOCl!l'$~p3:mlelisl:!!i.!lJtes. and tfueir institutions Si~~ e]1ljIJUlsi.astiicS:llI.y' Sl1p; t:liIe progmlll ':s Jl1illi:sSlOIlstud stmctiJJtlTeI(ri:goI.'Cllls,revi!ew ~y ]]fiitiomd and inU'!rnab!OJla:l!!pOOle]s). liIO MllIlti:er 'wh~·,ejhe.y cffilIl,efmm, IJil,URY:i S: SUl!:cess 'W<ISiI:i]~l~ck~y evident '1Jr"O., t~lle gm\\ftb aftlle OI;\.wl'd'S lJ:II'e!icige,. 'l:liIeinc:re,I5e ~11 the ml]l!uS!~,I:ru,srt: oftJme :pilImcipa;bng ,orgatniirz<lition$, andlile S'oie:ntil'fuc conmb1Llll!olls ort~le EURY~ s:::hQ~,ar:s. O:mnibr:~es eam,term and: h:ff the pLDgt'Hilill, SOUle disoappo.i;nted by their hJil::kofS'lu;,t:ess, OOI! ~t 'ims ]1U,oxtJlIl,];-and <I, slim'llri~t1i1JlIt tJlii1le:re was ]l,O'~~]S,tef1:"tO\Jr"in the Eu.I~n scheme, A nar1!10l11, oCfurud sU:blnit eandidates fur ooniidcrOitioilii in pmpo:rtioll~oitsf~i,lil111U;ialcoliltl:ibutioll. but theee W'Ui,OO gu.trant:ee that ,m,}' ofdll~m would be S'L1.!;;j('"es;::.tbL, Wh;alofthe'J .E:Lm~:Yl11.t1s'el,lG:edbeclIusc the ERG ls now set upwith :s]~nilaJr<lias; a.~d a ~a~c:r bUI~g:e!t.Thle 19 oCIl~ntries of EU RY I are en~ illfged to th e :270f ll'!eEU. The 2000 applial1l8 o¥eilf4yealiS of IIEURYWincreased to 9GOOiliiltlh.e fintye<tr oflhe ERe. 11m! 11a good 8ip_ AdnlimIisrormg these schemes Is 3! :~ot,oh¥Otk. but \'~II\.'l.Qrth ~t l1U~SEOOit:H:; tliillt lYe: th(l E'lC ]m~w p.rograim bl!~[d~ en '~(;. firmfound!f~t~Olf!tSorf W'iI.!:st. fairness, (lO~lS~S1lc~lC:Y, ;;1!nd cQflilinuity thalt l1;ctpod EUl{Yl~ucee8<&ifliny 'nn~ce1$dnational bOiUlm!d1~rics. ThcI!R(:lll1!l8t aUow)ioo!lg sciefUh~ts;in E~!r~ 'lht::l!',c:spo~sibi~~t}'1md '1lro!Cd:OlmfbrW!d!~er!dem d~sco'vc:rie8and ri~~t~ulcrcdit. Giving yo~g $!~teflri1'tl'nndC,e~ldc:~~eii> (al~(l;),~dll ~cu iji)l.ive:r881 'thN.H.lgIii9~lt Bumpe, 1'heEURV~ '!I'\~, were, as my f~iiend :~kl, ":111com,pali"li!ialil~O ~e ~u~rEU grall.t:s, smlll;:thiliiLg ~~~:at ~i!C1'nti~t'S :ffiflilly ~i:ki;."ls ~~"'lI!t ~o~rdb]e'7

natio:llat seieace ,1I.IIU:d co:ooelmd W(;\Tl;:

IItu:ml cm~eer strucmre~s


.~I!rip!§tlha~ .m:ake IJ~ the g~ollal mmlme!'li!al <I'nd IliIilnit1tary fle~t wn!&tiively~rrawll!liUi'orill$ (lfvres~e[-;m'ile$ ,e\1EI!IY al!arge ~i'ad~al'l afl:lu~ ponutioillmlil1Jril~:mtecii by~Oi~:~fuel bllr,ningin tlile transpcnrtatiafl ~edcr. i,lIiIad~ml(lfl M Ih,!! dimmedr.aaiiiltiv,111! effe!:1::li of ~he~'~,e;rmis5iolllls"CHIUllieCl the I~i'ghktilll:eri ng p,roperties; ,o~tin e pi!rti~mes.~liIem!ielve:ll., aeroJl,o~~mmlil by the exh:alusrt ~~um'~ cam pmdluee: thin l~nes of'llery Law dC!!IJd!'lil'll tine m:a!ri liIe' Ixmrui:uy l<f.yer, cUll:e.x.arn ~le' aif tiu~ ,[ler,os,ol 'indlir'!!lt eflmett. It Ms, bee iii showliIl t'ha~ tine leeal efrlocB o~ ti1le:s:e: CJ!L!Jdlsaa be lal~'£!I11',r d e IJIP'l:o lQOWJml 'Hor (Olm pa ri:rlClnk,the' aver d!Jle: !'io1~tlr flux iiIt: thi!' to" of th efltma~pllilerei5 iloobJt 3,tIH) W/m2). but how 111I1[ge allil inrUIi:lencl1!' they ,~ern: on ~liie globa[a~~edo ~~, bee n il.m unme~oL1Jedllolimm. 5dllrll~N ·e:f .Gt. ,alflalY.jlJeda fliJlIl yMr o:r :s.ail:elliite ,a,tmI derived fr,ofiilnVlSAT M1FS1R (Envi'ronlment8Jl SiireUliti:e A.drvan Qed! AlolJfIg~mF.lI:jl( S{.ijllilnir~QIR:<ldio<mm'r~'ifl ,cm:J:e'f to, emlrnlte til e :s:liz.e o.t 1he r<u:l~iWtii\le f,ordniQI UlluselL'l by shliP' tra~ks. Tflley falJlliu;ll tiliM... wnr~[ary t!1l f~alrl'i allis! ng~rcm p~'evic'L!Jsglom.~. mg~~I, es.ti IfIl'l1tes,. th,eglob:alilillilIilIU.1illlil,llan radiiil'tJ],ve faiFdng~rolilil sh~p track~ was smL(, O.~ tlil 0.0 I'IilWfml2, aJl!id rilE!:gtigible ~Jlmpaj,ed ta estimalt:es !)~OOUJillnet ilfllilrlOpoge'liIk ra.dhtthre €ordlli1g~ CJi.6 00 2.4W,"D1I~ .TIihiliIS,iIt seems thm Shli~' tracks ,are'tDLJilil,OOn seqlll.ellItlIa:lm ,a~~e(tthe rME.': fantltJoo,iXIgem 'giooo'lwiilrlnrlmng. o -IH]S G~IiY.l'.Ilt5I. 34. H7,614. {2007L

111l1'i!! lOO~OOO~g"

ye a r" producing

MOII.E.CU l.t!. F,I B 10 lO(i,"I'

R egl U lati on R,evea ted Ui nd E! J St re 5,S

Theslej,~tn~m@re re!i!llQY~dfrom ~~e !H~"i"",IRA ~
m()st eili!k.a!jl\~tk gimes, ID'e IP~,~u:ifi."'Codij"i,~ seq UeillC~, a,r~i ii1teml!p~~ iry fil!JmJ(:odiin glin~li'Qn s,

~~rv.a;tial~ or the IR~A !ipl~dn'g madhin@I!Y•.sim~'~aJr m edlil ilIni~m$ may pler!i,l',ad~ Ipr1~IfIfIRN#l ~:p~gdng hi

.~·ig'h~,r~u'kil!~Yo'l!eS. G:F,I Mol. Cdi27. lCUi)i16Ij.m!:l~li:eUao.7 '()7 .018



·,.,.,:245°(}. Tliu!! m.i1Ittfr1;'tlhimt l~dr}'@Ifj!d:r{l(yt@.c) h~ d~~plaC:@ hydrophlDbi~ InganQs wlll~l@ m~llIh!flijil:~ 11i11ll Iflg s!.!rf,lllCf! e)(p()$u'~~. 1lli!e pfop€N:iIi'so;f~~,ral filaj"i(i~itkLe~"gfi.eUsm for ~ro~ 00';~1es. Iphato· r:::,a~al.ysi$ ~Qr~~~nlhi!m d'lw::ide. iliifi~ I~h~tollnllles·

tralms(:!rrip-tiby RlNA s~~idl1ig, g pa"Oce$:$,tht pro· vid"e$ aln ~ddltion(31 an dI ~ometn:rnles q~t]ca:1 ~~~er (Jifge'~e reg~latiO,iiI, UfliUke mOire' cOl1llple~"oJg1!!ni· i:'lm'O,few ge'liiIe'5,ill~he y~ast $a«llGromyres ''elti§irJ'e CiOf1itaiin intrclI1Is. I,lil tl'lo,>e that dOl, thiE! sp~ke si~.e seql:lenme:s orten ()cm'form'to a. s!fkt m,riISJmsus:, mak]lI1lgl it IJinlikBly ~~a'l: tfule !J!I~eef 11 ~te;m[l't'l'1,{e!';p,lke' sites rig IJrr,~sifl th e diiUt're rratia~. eii:lpre:s~ioli1l of !lien es:. llitlrigullrilgly, '1'I1o'l!l'~h, libo·· .sQiFIlIa~l. prole-in gene"> (1l:!P'Gs.)---(;omporn elilits cd th~ mRiNAtrnln~sl[at:li[)nmtldhill1len1J-alr'elh~ la.rge5,t di'll~) (l1[in1iron "(;ontaJ~lning gelill:i's,

,:~oe 'rlQf cad!1!liYm:se~~m!id'~~~eii1ilgiI1lLgl!led e¥e!iliml~roved !!I:fter $lJich pirol;)~ssifl,g,~ PD:$


l!lIa;li(lleu. 7fUI ..l0~lm!Dn92.a;l WXI7). [

'rillr Irili3llopanides,ynill!iie.si5 f!1-I'lf511ICS proceed ~.rilnon[polair soi'lfenlJ; a lI1ldl,a.mieve ~le 51'!leC'Hvit~ iln part by caJp;ping 1lhe !i}l!Irfl!loes ~1iUn WlnemBa5: the lI!llld!E!fLyil'lg p[lram)~er!> o~'(1(mde,liIsedl ~:li'cimphobkgmlLlp:s" How~er, .afte~IIT~5; prepl!lr .. ~ tien, lm1l1l1Y ii1pp!~ici3i[j:l1ns r'equilre disper'iing HIiE! m<liUenY.!;1em",may be!f~~lrth~eby lilill!~liirnglthe li1Itll!ilOIlla:I'I.idesin aql!lel1u!5511)Ivell1ls. UgtHld phase sptaGein which to va IIYthe' 1'1111ItIE!riia ~·lIDmlP~l~xchOimgle Ireacl.llan~ esn De, IJisedl to inlirOO'!lIC!~ ties,rilh,E!.abilirty to '~une ,I.lila !iIlan ilPuL:ate <llm1~ow l(aP1?ing agellilts ~fliJl ~alr hydrophilk m~.etlllll.5 Uapp!KII'U'! ilIn o;p~ic:ill~ La.liI:keOptll'l5 up 'groiupSonJlt!~ir iffIld~ bllllt.~itJ~5~ !I;I~ liilit j)lila5Je :5pac.I1l"Withsu(lwsli dlmollistJr.arred ,(t'l~", .J" alreaidyinls.yst.em!, wUhlii:otropk~ymrllf;try, r't'i'ld'bm, I{I(hkh oJil:fn WiUn .~ L*, .... ..~ •• ~,Q, 0 ali 11111 (.il~ 'oH~e' slJjpmllJidht(HIJiGtt~ ~he IiIllar lFOO,rn~~liIllpe~,alt!IJre. '. ~ ••_!~ ...;~~ ''(-'In:Sl!~a1!OUralisilliorIOHoollm'Gnfl ~lmd to be- in rn:rllIp~r.te, )) ." .]..0 ~qUafllliatl:ic~jintil'r~s:tis Ifl,QiW in '~!ld (illia lead to aggr~ ~:, __ Gl' dlll'S!!:.rib]~gl 'S1j:S~IirI!s with fill'! Iga!io!r! if ~igi]n:(j d~" '!I~":. U 'l'lrpti(:Jt! dtomiillat~ ~'.. ,~ il!ii!l~50U(lpic:SY,iillImetii'Y ]111iile ,(:Jrn~ t end e":(pgi~~S the l'!!aFa,!i!1:~ter;. ,emJl!1'ericll ,and Mo,~,a.l,~, H

Moot saillJ1!10nmutes

~ ~ ~ ~ '" ~


Plelsset (fl .. 5~ ow that amino 1Ic1:d :Mi:l liVlltiOI'l., whic:~~m~ cesa gel1~i'lI. nlp'rC"75;5~Qn oftraliil S~i1Iu

.•. ;!l;



t~:QIi.(1l$~r'~llhs;IJl (1,f03pjd iJlfl0 :sp~:U~c reduction iii! U1!~ sp'~king '~!fici!erlICY ~Iri!~,airly al~l, f ~1!1tr:Ur!"'wliilUiilll~ln,gIRPG tt all $crip~s. "I11lis;i S !lot




m~re'~ya:Ii1e:HI~'lD:r m~sfl!l duwmst"IIIt:~S. because ~jiIDOSll~e ~,O h~gh Iteve\l.~ '~fetha !1!OI~does rtO"t h,i;!\!'e ani eoffe{t 'C!11I R~CiI~!~lidillg; ~athe~ the splidUilg ,~fdistind :seu·of l~,a,!'!.script~ 'e1I~ejr liS, dOWI1I' ,or 1J~,·re9!.Jla~ed.1fhe~e:t"'!Iered r~'gli~[ltD!i!JIliIiler;:h~I1~5iOilo;;,li\Ihich ot~e·rre\!'id!ef!~ syg'ges;~s,CQl,iIld be' medicat.e,d ~ !t;;o~e,.~,aJ~'erthi::llf! a!cces;50ry,~p,I,i~'osQm<lll CQmIJpg:IiI'ent~. p:rob,ab,I.V ex,lailli the e'll'oIIJlHoml!l)l' rE~i:1fit:UOnJ of irltmmi n the!>eg mllll'S of)! ge'li1Ies .al'ld, glilofll:!nl~liIe (On-




Zha.nget,~, ~aJ\ie d~el" ,oped ,aIIT,CJb'IlI~ifjlIelh~.d ror'


»:: .. ~r"~:~,i"'? ~'.







I!III.. ~


~lllg g~ollp,s llllith ~~on;-dlgi~

PQlyelect~o'lyre~ $l;Ichias poIM~(rylk add), The .mlMcliolll5ru ril iln poIa.r sQ~¥ef1it~d1a1S diem )!I.. e:ne gLyaol wilh a higli1lbai~in;g pO~liIt ~iili1l GI3e, ~hh

show thoove1iCilll.Y tJimt excitij,~gt~e !)'~(!msb:!, 'S~!iIi!LIl:ait<edRi;I!iIill1liii ~aJUeri Fig cal"! ~esl.l~tilnthe 'Formla:'" timn Ilf a (hffkerbmrd·like paUernrilof stalggefEci nux ! (Iilil adj:a;mnl pilaq~eUe5. oH~e 2.1iJ~Clil-

Sli!iIithdesmbe .aJsceffil1!rio,rCl~ iimipril"llt~ in:g ad.~·,,~wave$Yiinmet!i}"'~!'!ittH!n ,gll'ray amjpdaJrilZ'a!ie ~os~rnJ$ {~nrnn,edOO!.~ bvo-d'iIi\1l~l"!iSifiilfllgl'(20) optical. ~i3ttice. Th~

;.' .....



28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR2007

VOL 317


tiioe, 'rlf5l.Ji~lingil'li3ia"wa've IfinOililile'rmrunn dislir~~IJI' l:iion. 'TiilIl' pcrop;!J5ed Kel'l~io (Ii[fBr§,lBiIe prospe(to~ II!ngin~rimlgl GP'H(tIIlljtllic~Jj {or ~~(!: mod@inl1g1 of I:Dmpl~Ji: ]mltera{iM ng :phen(llifl,en\il, ~rom the Likes or hrigh-t@;rnll'@l'.lIi!!ire !iu!J~lUJfldm1i'olityto' liI1if1,gm¥l.ilt ~!Jfitr.altf:Cinl.~ ISO Phys'. Re'L':.LiOlU" 99.U300~ {2,Q(l7L
aHH': H E:MI'5U.\f

men! of 11iI~lJtr~~pHis prr'~~mJt mo.~Uyil1linl:ro~IJ'M!i!!

klifllfl5.. The biID:eni:lll so~uliiomJ has i~een the

of sid@\roillhom~, sm~Ul mole,oull!'sthat ch!l!tiite: F!I!m i)i. fClJU[OWl '00 tilllir Ipr~ij~ Iflg :oulsid!llnmica1ilnl ofi ,fI lborrtl,~·slid t!lrop~o[!! interaction. H(Jnl$ et oL Iprovid'e a 'rl!!lLer chalfiiltterill1i!tiiJ Ifl 'cf ~he e-qi:!~tiMiID~~ ~hE!!~,~ctiO:F! or 9~OI[,(l3~i'ld ~b"

r.aotm~anid )~(relilolll

A,,;: ql~rj ri n g ,a Trace IE l.ell1llle nt

Ili!'OO,.as t~e ~ei'!trat eteme,nt j:~ heme ,cof'adors o~ g~ pan of m.etal d!tl5lle~tel'ld(I!N~ eililzyrne'5,lIilitilllih,e' taijladlyl(ll ca.rry out iI. much wider r<llilgl~ of redox reactions (sll!,Ich as ID(!1$eil1l ~'espir~j()l'I all'ld !)hO!~" .~I'!,tlhesjs)o UlI<l1il '~s.~Wlpf:la:r[led by ;thE!f,l)!ndlooal . glr'oops orth~ ge.nelkailly' B'l,cooe·ri amino add,>, IHi?nce,th~ aGqUlisi~non 'of ]~ol'lis; ill hiigtJIly (ol'l1lpeti~"e'eDlicll1!'lIlfOf, and 1!~,oceaill.n~ppl.el'l1;~ntlJ~:On eil:pe,rimenlcs;mil'MeshmM'I"nrOmi tiln I~e a ~iril1litilliQ 1li~l:rientfor HiUl groll'illh oW planlktC!:FI. r1IllB!~l'mhe:l'es5. maJri~e o,rgani5lifls la(e iii 5peciial,~~aillelllge beiJ!l'!JI5e iran ln amiilqllJeOOl!ilnd i!lff(I!bic~m{,jlrOn-

lfiofe!Ti!'!, a ~ide!'o~hme ,~~: ~rifj~bcr~' sIPP.·lihe M t~fah«;lriiil (ooi'dinalioifii of 11:1'0 IbVI11~ pi:l~!r·Cif II) o:.4hydn;r:(y(lattb~Kylatemo~e'iiesi~ \l'ib~ioferrirlis

~nghly plil.·dependeflit a IildJ i:'Irul!,ll1~~lilglror 'Li;J e PlI"(l!tOOl!sCQI1~lribUiled by ilie .hydW_iI;.~5 es well es '~ni€' d!)lil~l:ed b¥ so,l'oI1et'1lti:'I~o'llledltl1e' a I!JIDO~ to ~~5em· bi.e' the 1~(lIrliflli3il Iild~lng '(:01'1 sta!'!~ 'rm mile m lI~ipte b~ borrdte-viibfl1ofe.[]~illlrnlll1plexe~. lOOI~nding '!his: ,alllaly~s ~o l!nle other ~wa ~p~ o-:f !S1demphliYe>5tme c[ljl:eet1C1~ate!l andth~ hydroX<lm1!tl':!l---re~aJled t&nat 'Ih~ former ,are alse mlillip~tEr:itto blnd ll:mmlll wher&1.sth~ ~a,tltE1r re limt Whether 1Ilmy 0:[ thi5e i!I 1(.8p;abii~ities1!r,~ i'~ tact m)~ by~h~s,ia:ler,op~aire producer!) is ia5yel undeali.,l!hoUlgh ~.ow-pH envi['on IfIiIl:!n~l!rIiIily be om'l plil(!~ ·to looi~,.- GllC l J. Am. liM). 5tIc, 129', lO',:I!02Uj;ll7.37.£18\I' (m07).

Th El'O n ClJ1gmll' c..Mye, Ii\!I1]ch l!n(flrl@s aIm iHlI.~(lf~p'ti(Dnta,(1iO r, i$we:lI kriJOWmi(lofi~ alJiti.ty 1~ ~ ,an:!iI'orllTil'(i~US, Howe'ilel", nat ill n m~1s ~n~·61:1uill~ly
:5@rrI1 si~\!,l'!ti(l

c:-MYC9iin~U'[:editJri3 r:J$f(lllimiJti~n. Parttlmm et aJ. (,Olflilp,ar~ ~pithelli'all

;a,c~,niililiia olf <:lisorgalfillzoo ~Himlfi'i,aF lUre acini fOr!iiII edh,om m'ill,mrn ary ep:l,Ul~liiill cf~lst.IiJ' 'nli@ Hains" forming ,a~mtvof iii fomifl1lof ,c~y.c ,(MycIElR'l1!)act~,vatoob,y 'c~n e~po:srure:t(JI 'tQJmQ'~ir'er!. 'When ep'itheti:Q~. cells W~fe plated hi! M,atri glel (a tlilr,ee-d imensn(lug.1!Il cell Cl!l!ltll!'e e,il'ol'irQn fiIil'ffit I~r'epguedhom aU!!ejdll'ad(;):~: ~uace~~L1!tg!!,m.a~Jl:b:}end MJI'(~Rii'li was ·@(:tni(!'a~ed rigjht away. ttle (e~15 m(mm ed l1l'i lssbapen ildn'l a iild~(lIme CleIJlSto uld be seen ]~ 'the' IJJr;nina~ ~pa!ce. Or1Jtll~ otherrhi31ncl, (j~Illis: gmWIii! ~nl ~h~ aiJ5!:!'IlI(]e!m activ.a.tBd iL-Myc rlC!flil1ledl.~}!irnmetri'(;i;ll a,C]IlI'iwitllil an 'empty hJmelil" <llrIdthe ~dliriwere sm:i:lU.e'r, If
t<liIil1i·ru:~fm Y@I~ addlf!d ,ar~lE!rth:il! lSelll!s; had <lhelldM lrmmJ:!d orgl,miled a)[]llIam5'tmc::1,u re~,litlilm c.-Myc w5ti1:5 Oli1cogeifl1caLIJMilY: The llfI.mpl'l~logynell :~i2!e of ~'I1!'.ae:inii weille IJmdli<!lliflg,E!d,,[ljlild ceHlproLife[,atj,ol1i Wi85 1lI0'~. ind~cedL (iells lin whkh the kim:I.'lI~ lKBl (il'l1ll1l.](il t~d hI ~lIH! e'S:~OIMi,5liii elld ef (;ellul~.alr po!la: rily) wa:s IiIl ~ilelil ed rbll'm~d'di~orgiillllized i:dniIN1~Jhdi:lirulpted (el~ p(l~i1I11Trly e Mlilm I[u'fl~red iiii M,cil:rig~. Hloll\l~\I\~r, ~e:gelK8'j[-defici:mIGel:lbl ~ ~~(i be-comequi'~~elflt. At1willtimll of c·M.y<; lm!the LIKS1·dlm(ijent. ~'[ le!lpreS:5;~n dees 1101 Q(!:lllis :s1.]iiJ]ymM@'d Ire@nUyin1D UI!!!' c~l~ eyclt. thas ,oonnrli1llnlflg~lhl'l: rute r ba!~l. IliHlruarilty pOI~!m(y of IllpilhElUi3Il org l!Ifii MtiOlfi as ill. 'b:rnk~~DrOI1(O'Qi!!I'I~:( '~I[fp~r) '(If !i;~Wl·,~L1 i'i!!nl~ tfiliiilS;[Orfil'lQlti;OIlI.Tililll: .aIU·~~:101iSase Qldl!Jrl'!;ss@[j~Iile: apoj):1mlc i9C,tiV" tj'@IlIJ5 '~~oweld'il1loll'!i:aJllIlm11 'ity ·(j'f (>;M,yt.lI!!hr!cl'l Si~n,~i'~!lizoo Ci:l~~ 'elf' fU'~~!Iorgil!'ni2:~a<:ini t~ adlillilf cuUur,E!:S. TRAit (a deat~"indll.!dmlg a.gemi't th~'t.adh,!',a.~,es; ~p(!lpto!SjsJ glii'!,d rlWe~ood bath UAlJhndl.Myc ~re J~qul~rOOI-Opro(iilIIQ!~~ apoptos-is. HO\lIe\l'er, ii'! lLtJB1'1aefieie:nt ti'lil!t t ceU$~Uh dhorg (ijli'iZiedl ad iIi!'i iH ~~ maJture ,~d ml ij,~he ;a,,:U\l',~t,i(iii! (),:r M}I\ TRA~l cau'sed e ~~ ~pt(!g1 $. ,a'f!d~heselw~ ·Pig:ents~,;ld (:II'! additi\!'~ 'e'~r~d re:~[de'at~, 111l11s. disor9P1I"!~z,edlepitheiija 0''" am~ mQre selrl$'iti'lle '00 b~th the oe1~-[[lro'me.rath.reiiln:d a P!)lptQllkerfe<:1:5 Q~ 'C-Myc., - NRG Prof:; l!Iull. A~i!lI'd,:S"O, U:.SJI. l'!)4"lL~:694 (2007),

WWW'.,:5itk.e •.org. the resp'lJiils~ of orgal1ized


VOL 317

1~.OONt!w'~k A1mIIJ~ NW

·!l.lCE!mi.!lI.I~g ,



MoniGi! M. 9f,~~d ii,:~!!,lI.


!)oll~!d Itt!l_lIlH!iiI'
IU'o'ls ~iI)IIIiIA,




~Ua-Ll'JiI~~ il! l, !.t!!"ner M :~t!l ~i~!I!H

11~". !tI'~ii!1 IlCrnllIlill..,


~lPilJn :E,II1I~'R,~



WiuKoglDfI, IiIUlliOOS
l1>llitooia~2WlN'i~~91). W ..M24M-'IS>li2 ~: ~:-ij~5~i!,~.~~H'it;l.~~~' Batemm HOI!~. 82'18 Hiltl!; R,o;d

~1=o.~LU. ,5IJ~EItIiI~ nill~~: EllfiIiIIi Pmllill' 01_ .!>2]nBm~· lllu n Elliolillij ~;Wil~#tI.H~ID\ (;~~!l> UII!Q!: ~iI$·Gibftt ]\,~I!in,pam(b~,Hiil~ t" Ms!i!: 5.. [;Mill! HiJlilJn:IDJ. EIe!Ielly l. FIIIrlEll, ~ula A. Kil!t!m~ li8;:t!,lon

i'uLnU!MElllrSr-lml5.!<MiII '(h~lil!lllo(jl!l!l!jm~lJ.rlr.5IIi~@~:a~~d!l!ll)lll(lO~ W~~1! ~~tlW; ~1;!!m!Mnm!!'l(l P,~!!!ti!l\iil; 'JI!Uli!JUf!~ llau rie 801m·,liliCJ,l"iI i(~ieol!L l<I't~nd ill [n"oTmord. '!;I~dtiLi~tQn; to"'1J1, ~~'~I,I>~IUI!~t ~lIlhiilO l:(lhill~~; :!,PflCI.I!!,!II!,:!, rcml,g~ IOli!l:gJ,T~~dki!

MJ'' .' '!O!lc

liIiU. E:ri~ L"l'II~', Sllulill1hll~:Sl'>1IMI

JlMlniliTim 1~~~1iIi!


G~ ~_I!I'~yj~ h, Ii,)M~'Smr~!'i" c~~V1!'iIO!i. ~:wId ~~~;' ~ ECIJ]jJfj;~I'~k~s:. ~ixm, l~ur'~1 J!al1l'lj O.MUN! tEIIIrH 5;tEm!a,1i M, ~llJ;!I!W!l~!I!H _:wilE iU!n:~, ~_obert r.r~c!id;, ~ ~ S. Jliia!ilo1h~ ItooO~ M¥liw·,rrilffiiii Sli6frn.:iii I, ~ltIj;H:Aii!i!Mi!llHm"~I(!jiii!tE'~iIi ~'t,~jilll!ll:i;
[~Ia"!!IItU.L!II.uu.os!:lt arill C

iBlUi5IJiI~5lI O~EJtOl:{fJl!l JIoW ADI,I]JilI~UIJi,'I~Mm~OCIIU

DoI!j,(lJ~illiliom~,· ~~S~;l,1!~ ao!nn(l~ i!II.I:I!i'!iIU il)1iI!!~'~ II:! Ril,!W", 'lit ~~")~~ RM\liJl~J;I.u!lIIIlI'.ru Mij'(h~;t,l L~Bul!" lB5ic~ T~I!IIlI!I'.i ~lrtMl],I,UrM.i!lm



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Ti!fl!o;l!!M:{IIl ~1!!!!mI'~Iii]e~·r,i!\' I!', Coo~ (jiIlIB!<J IHilliiI)' :I~h. tlirbli'lli 1'. OtllfN"~I(,1inlf!ilr E !Iii lot flin~ VSI!!lIOim;
lau rell ~ml!l'"

Ni~Q!e r.ri~hg!!!~.,,F-.Mi'd!!J ~~~il];




H~ i[Q1 2;B 32~500" WAX"'·AA'HnllOl,2:'l.~1~~ml 1

Sl~lsnllii~N ,$ti'llllUi r-~Hhii~(! lIf ,iii1d~ltl5<l, fl1l~iifi!!tl~w~.~ jj{!/f t (flj!!BiIIlidll1!iK!l'i1ai!i,,~lJd ~iIlJli1!!~1 questiens; ~,611·>1I]\o1.JI..W ~2:22;r) Ci!~~c3:Z6-6417. 1'(I!I;:I:,~QHj4Z.-1'~60.l!'!ailrngi :~~!,~Io:~ •. p,©', !1m; ~)M,1'1I, WiI~hiljgrtDn.. lOG: 00~6i1!.1!9!1!r JUiM 1,~!!fJ1h!!l·5I!rviu,s, 2 : 1~IDt)~~~lIlJrk3''lefll,!e; tI1ilI, W.!lhi~~tr)m"OC~OO:! IlIInmllIO:M\U :S:rr,! II nN$!$ p,~a~e ,c~U .2i)2"~~~",,?~S I(Jr ~ny ~~i1'.~tho!l$ ~fi;nrIllM!Miao . Ri:P~irjj!i:' A'iilili~r i~iiiiI!in:~~ ~n043f;-;;!,!!.IIl CIl:mitl~t[i!31 I'nql.Jiii3IW1-it5,,}!·.!j!l]i!I Pn!ll:RI!l),,~ ~~Z-3~~~W ~_(!i_u!: 1!:Ii!t!11m
·1'iM!1I'_ii!illai~c(mu1m:; (illr


r~{;I' J,1;cDres!idil(i EO~·O~I\II.


~i)~tcn; ~r~~r!dN'ob~'()o!fi

-t Il'Ax~Q2-i!lsH!li~~'

i'I~t!l ·1I4J(]i,I>~~·Jl!OO([iP!:I:3H41.57, OOiloll ~oo.lWJ(l!..~ooa i\\.AAll15,; .,!;,liAS 'rr~"*,~ BetdJilJn[ E:IpI!;diti~l1~ ~2 5.~..t~clo':Me nl115~r,alH"A!~ ~UiY & smith ~<lHee~ tCli~r 1Im~!n:~ 1!MF!'It!,,~!110 20:!:·n~Ml'~' M\i'i,'I,-'5rn!!IlIiM!r.llrg. ur
~~~IK:C. cdit~t:5@OIiI<ri,,(INlI

:Z~i-~Z~-~'Ji,7; CfCli!it~Ird: ~~N'A, eOO'o!!~7-7na,

ul1lj.5,Ii~ru ·VIP'Pn:i~riIJm


(I,yall}fl ~(:', 6il';'!lr~ Sh!el!ll;' 1i'U!iIJ'*"O>i!I'''.fl'!I't.._~ ~~tCllj~~ D;~, (m~ ,liiiitrotJU\,]!Ji :5" 'GIilI)l]ti:. ~t!!y 'H~1iI, li.a j@i1l1§On,S!uU l.lilr~t. I~n:y rtic~~r,jj~!I" ,~ri;lri W;~itt." An1~ 'Wl'BIl,: ~~W.L·iI!!i$!f!J;lIn E'roil~ 1.iu.'SQ; ,l\1rIrmlli M. M:l~j~ )!rrnif~r A. scibiin; ilI.tru,~ii'ii Oi.m~i\IOO~MIii 5;. t::ihara;· JdllillJ;I.~Ul'Ii!~_~g,r.:\2J)'r~ !OIz;jIlidl Mimi ~ill!~ UI!:!I!I!II'N!!i!u!i~ f,I!,~n Mill,,: 'g,EI'm !AiI!~ liQffi!iIii IllIlb~fI: ();loot; E1il}t ,"'la~i1la~i, Jefir'l?I/ 1>i!ervis, L6iie' 1t1J1!." (~:II111l!1111J111116 ~D!Jl)~ ~lil<!tI>!:!h(I.:!lan~, f'.g~l\l' ~h!6!!llii:J1; ~~ Yr;I;IfP.ii 'ViYdbiiU H lIi1iL1l:J.dllil~(j[;, Mrian IOha, ~i1!j"fll!r (oo~in, I!lill'iflllnmrn. (OO§;l"o1h(~ H~M,~a;lyn, IRi(h~r,~o!!., ~IT, ~~ t::in.1i~ho, tJ,n~ ~~(rtiW!' Iin~iland),I\lI~ Mil»~r, EU!'ilitultll"tnnitoi. J'..IiOcrlF, StmEt {P-.x1f'ri: r~w"., ~ri~ ~Q~~~ .!II~!ltuB!enj2JlJ!iJl ~~.1Pr; oM~lIi~iII (,~a,l~, ,\!,ej1~Eli~ Qjm:ond; ,~fft!M!!ii!!! ,cg~~ ~_, __ ~I)'A. C!p"",,, Jon (oh~ lS~n Ilieg~. O\l', Ililllli~ I'ierb~r,~I1~ IGil}oom:. ~'bE1ii: lrio!]" I\WtdiJ ~~e" (I!~~~ C, ~~nn. ~~'!~n $!!\lY~ G~!y ~!!tle!;oo"n(r!~~ ~c~~ (mran. Lillrl!1i 8<. ~'!!Ila((I, ~Ivi n lli~lliil!!t; .i!iDI,ilrMI5Dl!.mfE ililPHllf S!;ih~r~lm~~~t.. F~fln'~ G ~!!1rI,; MI!I.(I.\I~ ~~ emgJlW'!!I: ~O(-~.q'llc 77H, !iail! ~~~ CA:~(i&-,}4Hi2S~, I'j!/jX 76G-94!J-.o1,n, i'.3cl'lk Nlmillrirl2!>li. S.00I·~-6'1·1.94f)
1!&5lI!1l.!iU,MUUlEII: RIDl!H~1 ElD'sm; ,5E1i1101t :lnwu~~

'I'0Il E,ml!ie!:MiMI; MiUI>~~i!M rn~~bct~ S6ndlkr; ~~i""'Diml!»: ~~m Pl'le!jl!r:s; _~IIiI".iWllilin:~ jJoi!l~l. WiJ,lilI!r; iMl~nl Ptikhl<lrd; lIiWIE!, 11!iG~.:O~ii!lIl:Illl1!~~J!e-Iijiie-I~1, ~ m~nl ,~C)', )ii!I~!1 (l'IMdltf, ,"'laKi~ l.l!i!II:h,. Welllt{~li~;rmlIIIIil'IIII.1LU MMKEII.I!i;,MI<II"-"Y Wiemtl' I S!!!"~)'; !oW!!!!,!~lC !IUI!!!:r:!~~ Jefi !li~ef R~>!:'I'~:!i !UI!!!!i!l!il:""!M.t!'~ lII,," '!Il(E:~ E1l~IUU.l11f11~·lm;liIoRu~k; JI!.- i.!Iil£~Ia'>Cn H~liilliill'\I]r,1I.: Sill i.J<.~lfiSE

Rljillll; WHIUlII_1 Fill~~ ~r3.:"oIlB.iIIlD WSlO.ilU !)afl~nl, l~i:I~~dlff\l :mi r!l!r,s,)'IJ!~, ~~li~'n!1~H,cil~IMI. ~mmip Sm.itlJ:- t~~l'ffI:O~II:iIiI~nlA! il.!iII.u;n Li:0!l!Jt.e1rn lila rrnill"" tUl~~1l1 .~Qcn Tfi'llll,SlI(l\oor; ~~,Wf!'!li.~'" ~I.s!i,S~I1f¢!lt> UJ!!~ ~11iI''O[IIIt :ll!!(UUil'J WiI.ltI!r }illles;~ ,~~!lnlIUI(jM 5~miWIIl"!l ~"i[hel.e JOh.n~,[In.
:QJiMrIJ MC~fI Kim,bf'J,!Y (k~r


1l~!Il(nt!f,~ (5l!ie n(ILi!rl",ertiisimg@2ailoi.llrogl~ UINWl!;EIi:I. S~I}M~OIt5IU I '1!WI~·~~~1iii!nl M1;i,!,,",: ZQ.Z-.~;;:"6"6li'l2;_i,I!O'!'!U,! FlJc~6!iif1~!~lln~l= 'I'foLmg~. ~51l'-'~M,~261i,; U:l'I[':hl'~'l'~"aJIiii!fIIo.C~ri~plre!BI't!lin~ ll.:i~~ Sl;~.o-jH!)" r~ 443-~IHt~~:1l;~ioI!i~~n.""~.lIo,Wdi~:u.~I'i~I'd: ,t4'! ~m:l '1~23·32,~"2lol" .Ji.X ",..,.,1 «I.l 12.2!3·~ 25"532; 1Io'IU l~a!;11)< ''i'O!l:iluw.m +!:Il (OJ ~:3J~!i S~~l. )!(.'(",IU (0} ::lH:~S '51i1~l; ~"i~~ F ·rIlQfcl(n~a. .... lJ'I!i<lndr<1 :~ml1]~ ! !:i~

l30r4.Cl1H'OOQ\EA~ J~Ul'-4~:5·}!lI~l; mil '~DArn~ 'WWlIi/,T~1l'liI

Ir'll! ~tl1~r.l1 ~ilari21 '~Ilarie~

sdeooe ~®-~Q'm

IfOr~,iittiH,~bDiiI:~ttcJt} l
UQ! retu!l!i1r.gmDf\u~rip':~mi~ If,or Ibo~ r,~~e-!'j'(!~er!~

l'ul'!~sfll!d btih~,Iirn~k~ MsodSi:i~n ~h;e~mmemmC:'lIf fii:ie1X~ f\l]t· ~1, ,:!':dev-a ~~~ ,~,~n:-3iIm iH,~ f1lr~1'Ili (ar llli1l ~=tall~ ~nd diScll5.5i.:m impor~iIIll:i:SSIlI!S 1lI!1ai:E'il1DIhe adir.ana!mlmt d :5cim[)1!l incilJ!llnQ 1.I1~ IIlIllS!lflt'!ll(tn (!!. rn~i1Ilrl~rjlf c~lI1ll1l\1lllg points ..rl viM'll ~!li1'r bVl!!u1I~~!Hn9 .!1l.lI~ '~!'Iwlnl~ ~'~CiI1!ot11W! !l!!$!I(fi! onJv OO1I!~I1!i.'d. ilroJ~lIi~i~, cill~~lrt~,i~ ~lJbi.i~lmdlin .S"d.r~~i[lrwdin~ tdil~ri~1J;, n~ ....~ ..c 'CCiIIlff!<:n1: ~O\: r'm~tli'o;ln~ ,~m~ ,~fl~f'l:~t IhI!;ooMd!Ji!I~,~rlh~ ,autru~ ,am tn~ di'fi::,'illlfltlilil~(ff!oEi\l ~dbj!te1l ~'lti~AA!!Sor'l:~ lut1l:Ulownft ~Ii~ ~h~aUililn~~!t :fI'!Bllfd. .


~l'!.~d; u~CI~r lOmpkin:i;~EJ;ffllf!lU~, Sflicg1l!i~IiridJi.Uil )mi;Mu:lj!i:atll AlIi iIL~i!mIl' 1'Ii~1t:;Il!:uo:dlirll: t::iTiiIl~: iI.i~¥.n .!i..ill i1iu(ii!'i: Jl.irton ~\or~; ~U!~~ti01I1i~If!ll;;liE~ ~hlari~e:Sulli~;~'~~~,jnw!!lfll!W Holl:l'8i~op, L.1Uf.!l (i~~liill!l\ Pi~lln HIl~ N'''.!IOmll(wili~il:r1fil''; !lli!OOL!.T.~less:iG!, N!!!Mieidt fI!.WlEm~rtW!~~e' 8ti!lllill
~w'~(.l!!i~ru:(\@~!rI~~~nl,jO_(Lu'~)o tb_ l!o!IIIiIIIl~ IIi'r!1~TIII!<!il!, iI!iI!!iI:I:I!G

~~!ildIY; flll!O!l!i!.!i,!jtiQiit \~Iuf~ K, S1l0ll~k: !fa:r oo"ill!rl (h ris !S~il'I'~,'r1!!m~llff; IPI!!i!!.!~~ ~~~mt D.!l".:id ,1,\

Eao!l.i!):~ SN"


2~·3 :!l(i,.~~.:I]I;1I!~I.WlW,~' WEn

t~~:!m!);i ~~verU~c'@~;i'e!Ii~i}!'o!llllOlll'~'U~g); I!.!!;~. t~~I:'!.!:rN[""r:!JiW; ,.iMliLiiii~li:Ian lkiiiii~ 1)j~;WCI~tr,FlliI" ..W'2S9-6:r~;J; Ilioii~D:i::ig~ ;

,~IUi.llEII' ilIl~~!rnDum~

Alt"h ~lr_illln~: ~I!I'Z-l~itic~ 76,; !!o*-hlm ALII~Oi1Mill~!r:~O;::-3Z~

lIH2.: ~IIH.!lIHI.!;5·'Till~ :Blnl::!;:2il2··326.6:5 ", iiIlntEbSIiI!Il: ;i1ll'Z-~2:1!)-~S~i~;I<i;W,~O~~~j~~E!1k>t
~dililDM.(]:n. L,j!,iI<nOlrnMllt~lim1~

Ilarj'I ADder~lJ:




N'i{lrda~ fo~rd,.roo~~f!


,:III!:! IIlcli i!lol>ll~t fo'r e~~~e;

M!lill,'W~ i'~umjed~~18<l8<!rnlinoOJp!l1IaIt€!:l·i:I"l8,M.llo! rnii.i41~ i~tOll :ltdw~~I!.jj,Mt~d liinm'a1:t.l~ ~lit·Doil!iiholiil!.IIi~~~!rl' f,;,~'IMlim~il: ~aU IP~"~ til!!: '91lol!'1~<l!ft~~'~$Od.m(!l~i!!1) to; ·fil'l'!e-!"JQm~!!rJM;~k!~ iIIill~~~ ·i(5~titiii:5, '~n~in:em afil~·111~ Il~blkj rntJ~lll'tiI!f;nkrFlia1;oo<J1 o!)OPl'!1ti~~ I~ '~IMcr .:lInd ~t'Ii~~I!"!!catl~1>. pro!l!cU: th~ 1!tlIi'O~sl~l~ O!Jnal!l:t.~Il'll,U~llhriH1E~~lOO 'tJi.t:ivmlb!!!r. rri!;t~redlu.r.aIiM ! ~m[~ iii'

~~di~n, 'UJIj~~,Ef!tW!:lPiiU.Pial!i',~~iJ&ii ~ihrmkJirnp' ~DIT.OO;5c.amlln(! M. '~t.e1lal HlmlLey, I~n s. ffl. OiIbornit 5!~lg!1~n .1. SLrnfl'!l!in., (>~I~I' :Sl~'r~ ,~Q(g 11li<11H JO~"Rt IYfltr; EDlf,(l.loW.!IIJ,~~ l}Coolilh 1)'~Flini~Don\ &lII:l1icl. ~lH:ttj, ~~j(c Wh:ill~y; AfIIlJMI!1I_~OOI!I.U'l]all~t Clemrot'l,.~i!I.II'I'mtl:!: IIl'I'I!< EEan !iiilli~lrnii'llildii'l·ir~!o; ~iiPiliiIi~n~imllD~itld C:~ii!Il (Qiii'iUil!iiiii' UII,IIt5IP"(]IIII)EII115, m::'hlilE'l Billi~r ~l'alli~.Doh n llooiln:nOmW'imn;il, ~rrill ~~IiiRk ~~~eml~1!Il ,~I\I~ i?1!ri~, iIlr~lh«il )J,g~1 ~l!!l!_,pllil[l


J~~S~5, ~ ,f-II~ ~~. l~~ ~ ~jtiim.,AiO<~~iU:lfoil S1! i'!i,(\1I1.~, .W!E~,.!.:5~liTA1I~ LDl!liSie1,1oolf'; I!ll'fIlII.IO!w.n Haollilf,llfd:: ·t!.fIt (i@.!S2 ~57 !l3~. FAX+i1 fm) 5Z 7~], .~nl; .il1i!'!',Ulm~~ il!l:i;im~~ H Q~tu;ll~!!:l ,loWlIII~'E.Ii lilt!:b~r;!~T"ornp,kl ~!UllI0~. ",,oIIIl'[.110N ",;oolitlJ15U 1!i1)iJ.!!lt ~~.; r;;~(k, Psn1 H~~~ilS!II~; ~Ii_i!On~JI(:.~SOCU,llr:~lri~~~f HIil~!~ ~~IU' ,000IlltiSi.lII!iUS,Ut!IlI'1i'I.11ji La:!!ln';IJ~iJ; 3~6S~.l;

WjJI'JiIl~J!! 'TI"il'''' HoLInl)~:+-'::4 ~O~l::lB i,l,lH iiMri Itt LIIdld;a,AJltJ:



'''':lIrkfl~~~ ~~Ef Ln~lr~<nn!JQ!yre.:iln~~~~:u 1;!1i!; Lln;deJ~talldi~.;Ilnd iqlprl)(l:oi:lOO(f5(I.'!mH~ ~nodt!![fimill!]!Il'; ~Ild ~t~~~ihl!flwl1lp!lrt f'lII"

1l~!i:lllC~ Ille ~41~ce ~d ~e:linoL~Q"Y

.ibJo,Ia~i!il OfjjCf': Ascill C~PQI"ilIi~1I":Ei!m Islriok.a\, Ul~kil fun~ra. :1.. F ~~B" H,~ra.,o-dio.C:IIU~k!J,Ol:~~JliClh~ IO~, 5i~I!-ooi!!.s.I<iI"l~; 'I' n
I!llft'$ t~lM~ UJBIJlUIi

~~~o;! i.. S!"!~ ,ati~f !:(((:!J~m.~I!I!)!~ A!~ i. tJ!:~~'ntf; lo.wI ~'h~ IE. iOO'AIlmg; ~~11J 'w, 1En~lli~ Su~tn M, fitlp~lni[k:. illi.~~Gal:t.llin.:laP,. . B i':a1e1ili,(berny.A..l,II!Irlily,. Wl~iiI~ D .. rtlilard. i{a{iI1nyn D_ $uIlIl\I2j]

!!i!IIItD Gf t!!!!IJiaUlOU~I!Ii!G,"Dti!1 'C!!iill!i 1!H!5lIIIDIr I}a'rOO 1la1li:m!ili!'O: '1'IiE1I~EIIIJ{nu~JaI1i~ ~'. I,',;:(allhtj'; UU.:SIllIE:I.

1000 1'. HdJli!tn.


0» 6 ,11,2.00 ili271.;




~~O!l~ 'I-~, ~,_ -

U1~ '1I:!i::,n~,~!'I ~Ul~k!g~ '~!'I!eiUlri!~.



ItN f(J~r.M.1'IOf!l


~\I,M,II';!,K8UI~ ~'S,!!3n~~l; dnllfllllil!lgOLmm};l1Iao)li~ 1CIriIli~: +, ~~.~} '10'~~O. 4l't~'jl ~f (i'N'n~1~, ~(IC\I :).'0;~~1''13Slil; l{l!:; cim!l'ltlal]@!Qrn~I~lDmlt P'.ilIIiIY.a Bil~lall~llllh Asi2LI'?l (00 1.12:l:1li

:5~l1lp,ag~~ ll-'ll ~ ndllil:1


,~rIh ~ ~·ItiII)(i~iiY;~{!>07$fU; Qt Ol«1!U I

2:119~ t;lla~d(~niJ'

:!WOOl. ~"iI. ~~. ~ilbitti1fi:!!t COiliq!Q1!l111i, t~~nd9Jifti:inl'll~


28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR2007


NQW recnJli[ing masterteachers 81nd sCil@d~stsfacult~for Fall .2009. for hilrther details ml speclfle o'ip,e nii:ngs arm a ppli catien lnstructl 0 In s !phase call .li -866-2' 18-6003 or contact rm d@ ~epa.m'B~c... rg. d o

t hUQI1IHllllnlWiHllth!iJill,e,di e~d. !H~ m

I ]'h,e Ii IlIk tcthe

~Iea n 's bllo g





P'lopoC';l!d ----------------'





IDon't Be Late.!,
If yO!!!!' rl!!iUi1i IilSi to visit. other s:litlrli. o@l1!1N :liii~ OV€i,rte LOl!idiolfl nr.~L On 15 Nlo~miJE!~, ~_hB' Brit!llsih hl~lWli~i3inB1i:a ~ .society (1811$;) iii 'I!IOn~.s:holP'~!jlttlXl "WQ rp' [l,iU~'e,IFilIis,ter111ill!i .~ig!~t Br~aJking the Ili:u~stdIH Oistil!im')~ B~m~r~~ "W~rp~ Iref~~ 1JO tli:~ f~C::l spi~e III l!idl that '~m~ (ilil! be:f1d, sm;:'lcl1, iii i!iJdls!hrin~; The c:OflJrlef~ ence 1is l~aJsed QJi! ~()rk by theore't!caJlp,hY$idsl Mig ue!.Ah:~bierfei nl(l'W at the NaU!:iI'l1Qil PIlIt!:irlO!fr'l(lU S U mv-erS'ity '0'[ Mecil!bOO ~IFI Me~iC:~ (!ity,. wlila,in 191M sh~edll1gt IElllil~teil1l'$ g;en.eral ~eol\'i of re'~i;IItr,\li'l:y,whid1: 'eql!la~ glraloiUly ~~h the ben diil'l 91 ,(]f' sp~!!;;egod time" CICIyki a ~iow faJfaste",·Uli3JI'1I·llight pmpuII!S:trm. liIienot.ed thl becCiusethe' mnilj,ile\f"leis e~palflidi ng,two diist:ll:l~ gil ~BXne'~ei3Jn ove iI~i1Ilr!: rat"'te~ th 1!1i1 tiigh~ with~ In outeitille~(m~'s mo.vil'llgthal ma'>tre~a!th!e~o ~ne .~pal:e amrmnd it Rullilthe ~'~~lI11ba(kMlard,r nd Ihe glal:ax~'eSrlJshlaw,Hd I~.i:ltho~her" C'a;liIllbilli1ling lhe eHeds" A~clulJilleneslhol!l\e'd ~ha'l:iD'l~~emy" ollie (o~kI lIIllJYe il p;rtcn of onlina ny :5t~lI(e S;lip~rf1il~t.[b~5:l!nrin'king spacle 1111 front or it amid! S;lf1~(h]l!igl 's:pa<:~ bdin:rn U to m flili::('l~ "'If!'-.'l rp

~ iJllbb~~,," ~

i ..::
~ ~ _, ~

~ ~

WlfuJe~y(m 'lh~!ilk~f animl\i',i3!S:i'l;'e~p,ede;!:., ~lne he~hwa,te~ iellvri~h (fiIJ5PedOOOS;t~ 'IOo~.rb,i (al:m"~) IJlm'liml~ivisn'twha'l ()oml'!; to mind.IB'lIt ft~ {hil'l~e na'ti~e ~tk'.l <I, ~ilirm tent<lcJe·holdinll:i e Un:Uedi St:lile:5 ,and nClIhi ItilJP.!'lhl!lil roal!i!!.~o mast. [0 rindl 'DUil mot,!!! ,aIOOI][ ttili.~ amid ather aqu:a:tkini~E!'tlnpers". vilis~it tille' NlliSba51El Weib site from thE! S.m:irth",oni111n Enviiirorilmell'ltam Re',Se:alfch[e'~~erirl, Ed'g~IW.l'ltelr,.MalryliJlilG. Th~ sn~:e11 ~low:ll~(I!IIi~D simllll~ 1m eCluiSly ~(1IJnrnllr1E!, dMtlloo 5igl,51 ~ha.t cO'1;'e'r i'iIlreill~ ali far ilIpaJl1t.;as the GuH or M.eIIlicJ!J, ~Iha le.d~t~naWN~iUi1 and :S·ea" ,i!\u5!1Ira.lila. 1i"be'[,e<lIre ~irllks to' im'[llgIe'5. filcu :slhee;ts" rn IlaSElIIJmt [Ie(!oms:. iJIlld species a(~(ou,"l~om h the-laxol1lolirlY h!ub IlfIi~S:. . sm¥l?myi, yC'lil:J~all leclnil, pfo[blllIl~y h it{h.ed ,al nd~ t\O~h~rUll:li~ed Sffi~1l'\) C { 'illl .Gm<'.llml!lll~:a.lW<'.Iti!lfplillml~s 5t1~:pp.e-d [Irom Ulf Y.alllgl1oelRil;rB 'lfa~ruey. » 'WlIM ..lIlis;oo 1ie'.!Org el1~.o~ol.orJi~tBavid IHalL ",~ miever fo.~nd a P$~~' lild ~.Ii!~h~~ IiIterlrnlamted ~iE!kh. llheUlSiD.A. tea.mli~ " now ,p'~~mi~il'l'!lsO.liIiIe10:,'000 gU[!,Vi3 5:lIlpfin g15, 'il:l tes;t Olrdllln:l15,. HI8Jt~ ~8J:l!'s~ tll~e ,artilea!>tll yelBJf i will ~D",ee ~r the5ie g!lli!lw'll,alrie~ies:, dilHerenUirlOm ~hoseil1l Vietmlarn, IWtIrrl offf p,sy~ln dIs 111florida mange tree5, iI\Ihkill lue 11'IO~. plilMe!d as d~n~e~y as the<,~'111m ~III \!Ii'~tnam. Derris!! Feiber:, a; ;;lIDk,~per!liOI'l for t'he FL.midla IDI!PlJflm,~n~ of II\g nculllme,.5iJiYs sful~,'s(;1IJuti oill5m!1oplirl1Ii5~cbUit pO~lI1l~ol.ll that Qiljji!ilvlihee ittRWt.1il1lJit. ~lie:s. wlilich 'IJ:ll~ld QOllrlpticarelflc:l pl:c:~ ~me .. IJI~~ a,t~ly, ~h~ ocien tf151~~ay, m mig~t b~
USied ,iJiS

There's .:;:!:hit(h~ h~~rr. The 5(:heilll e !!! requ ~lre$~llIe'!laliVJe eli1le'~!1!Y, ·lNhtdr. does Inot ,exist '"
1!~ anynn e hows,. "'The i:r!ea, "'<15 to lIIlal!.:ea line ~oill'lt lI!borut g~f1leralt re~ilI~li.!Jity, ,not ~'5'l.~ly Ol ~ !1av,~ any pra.cticai IIIl eBlm, ,oflr<llI!'Btirni gfaster oi. (han il.1g··· .s,aIU'. !i Mwbie'r~e. htr~' 1! wh ~I wiUl. not a~b~fld ~. ~lhe' (()ll1feren ce. Physi(jjs~ Ri dila rd Tayilrn; ,dl rnllil·' w ~t_;antto B:IS"Ij;[lfY5it's stm. '~qUlile ,e-l::cUing to let :; real scie'lmliiisi:s ~;alk clbollJtthili1l 9:5 tliiiattlrl!' i1I;lrnll5"t ~ mr'~lirniIK"


P~Ui!flls,vb,l'a'!iQia, haJve t~kel!i1the: 'ooflcep~. of ~bio~ dive~.stiLy hQit $p(Jls~~nd ap';plied it t.(lla iilglillage:s,
I!JIsin;guiitfria ~ha:tiinduiCIe ~ge,ne~k di'l;'ers:ilt:li1e ~a!ti:oof language\>to,la!r:lguili9,ef,lImilles,. BolM1l!", 'flU 'e.li31mp~~,haJj. ·135mllllllY la.rn!;ll!Jlag e Uneagecs a; Emupe I~I!JItf,arfewer' Langlmage:s,lo'o!hikh meilns Us ~[lrIglJlagie diveli':5~ltyisth li'1IY.tened. OthN :lilot~~o15 ,are ill !NointlilAlIIleri(lI~ SiiiJeritl,lIInd AJj,s'tralka. The pair, w~o aredoru,lifIN~tin!J l~fln:9 Uii'lg!!!'li with i~iglh·tKh e;qllJi prn,etIl fnl'lIIl~e fIilatio,liI,aJl GeograliJIh~(


s ~

~A,]ui(y Matich
~ fQll~
~ ~ ~
amihUrigl!!ing d.ue from Vi]1e'tn;a~'h researchess if! F!tofid!llJ af·~ )tlild!~ n;g \l!hie'ther glilaiia trees C~f!I ~of!lL~,ola d'e:\ll1!!$latiJ'lg plant d~SEIPSe'calltedldlul!JI$ gmeernrin:(I. pmad by S
119 Olii


cDlflllpounds froil1l {ill ava. ~,~I,a:dS

S()d~ty, ha;v.e ]lIJ)t retl.mmed hom n{lrt~llm ~!II~tIT.aI~l:il:.

whose:Bll (Jloorig~lrI"l
lelllgll!ag~rlfi\Om 50 din~nt.I~,anguagl2! r,a.m]~iE!'.s~l~ a~m.o.s1: all ef1da!n:ge.~ed •. The", (l[)u!fI!ci a ~o:l'!~~IP,~~[ (Jf .AI!'ii!U1~da!g], ill I~~n"


a,ll!Ih~dUke $~$E;:cts caUed ps~lilids, tli1 e ba(t:er ia~ ~ d~:se\;l~e m~kesrl!itl'it ta~1e 1!iI~SI,y midi th~1ii! l<iU15, a
Ilhlj\iffiS,first '>PClU~ inl Floridla! 2 }!£).o, ~ but dtrus g~()w~rs; ha.v~ yettai liglJlrl~ ou~ I~ow'lo S beail:it (Sdencl:', 2B April.20(l6" p. S23), ... :i II.lJ'.S, [)leparlm'e\I1l off Ag,nmUm,e (USDA)

Drj:sappeartn 9 lon'Qlues
or ,6,900'
lalligl~:;:!ges :5lPr*·,en in the'WQ,ITlld tnd1l:~, are 'if:! dange'~ o!FIgQ~~!!lJe;lltjllc'i.. say two Itin g,llJists 'I;\\h,o Ih'D,ve mapped ti'lelh'odrts

~.~.resealFduH recently :~m '. med~ha1 ilmVie1!liI,[lm, ~ mang,e: groves pli!mte,d wnt~ g!ll1lV'a.l:ree-s JI!j€re


'~Iaml guage

I~ O't~r;lO'!s,"

N,anudjllli. IMe: of tlmle 'eadl ,~f'twt) QI~lilelr lil~ 'mll~:e,espe,all::e1f5; :

,O'~ Milgal~ lilil.

'l'h,ee kl!il!;l\!,ll!il s~e~~~s

g~a,~et!iial had beeiil 'lh (]UI!1!ht: 1e.x:tiI1Ct, an dl

~ d~:se\!lse·rr'e€'.So Ilhey went to ~o(lk lor them· ~ selves. "!tWi!S prt1tty mU'oo nlll(lr~lj'b~r" 1illly~

GregQ.~ Arnu:INSo,~and K. D1Wfid H,mi~on,. a visi~l~g pmf'e5sc:m [I~ Swal'ilh riIlIme (o[~egein

1~.aflgl:l1lg e~• .Mag ali Ke

,ami Ya:lhUm.



in' lt1er,apeutlc

Rapid Access


of H eulrh

no Irucrvcntiorial

lDx I!Ig[J~v~Jop:ln~liI:ll ~(l~O'IilI~ll:s[~r th l1; A:(;alll~m,~(1 r

Not'-~o,r-:f~mi,t Inv,esti:g!l!tJor

Thi~ ~~e prem~r >Coi1~rern~El il)O.!~dl 00 tl1emo~t t:!r;l"'IO·

a competitive 'basl,s,!ne NIH oilers, eenain eririeal resonrcesneeded mrll'N~: oov~'IQ,PJnen~:of :Ul:e\,,18,g'l~[[ mo]e>cl,de ~h!et~poeuHc;; ~g,~~£, The NliII=RA1DP~~Q~ 'is

net a gralll!
• iNle'iN troo~lmtmrg!;!t$ andi slr,'IIegte:!l


~dva!1Qell ~in9l1~iild~!11 tE1e an.giogMesis, ilieiJd, ai!: WEll ,as

in tnt!!: dintml 'ffi'ln!!llfllOOFI ,of <If!giog~~ ~n.l'lib~tl:lf~n t OFl(~IO!lrv, 'We. h<I\IIB'aIdiSitifigl"d5h!!dfOlCyl~~ 'of exp~ 'fronil aC<!demi~~:ovemm~li~ g .and il1ldlils.~ imdu:dingl
Profesror H, wtQbeft Hor\ijU, MabelL<!,IJINte til Me~idl'le lOr IPIi1i~Jgg¥-

dMf!: scitl',(ltilic and clinicall

access toihe gov:emIl1eIU"3 contract resources, Services

Sij~e.s·sl~1 p:roJects will ga:i n

~,(~ni:caJ 'Oe'lretQpliIlent u;pd,,~es Ii! ~~lllalolfY and lD¥r ~r'.S~(j1v~

i S;m~ill:e..~isialL~uik of small []101eC::l]I.c-s.; SynUle:sJsQfo~]&rolll:nc]oot~des ~C:heu,r:Ji,kasyrn he.s]s of ~ pe:pl'ides· SCHid~-!i:!'p prodUC'li~l~.; D,e'"el.op!n~~l of

Value ,geileftil.ion,



!I!'Igiog@ilE':>S!S,[j~lI9 IBiO'ma~ :iiIliIiIi:igAt.E:, snd ellll'!brn!illgi ter;;h!illglogi~


.a~~.!!!lyU'c~lI11et1~.od&;[sQ]~uicm ])lJri.fic;ation ,0 fluuural. and pro d~CIS~Ph<Ilm],aookinetidADME studies includiug bioill:JJaEytic:fd H~.e~hod develop:mr;oJU; De;vek~pu.].ell1ll of S!1!!!i'l:aibJefO:i'n1ui,Illt]!ol]s; MflUJ1lf~cl1L~~ of phase I ~g 8'1!!!pp]~es;!hl,gininal to:li,hcoIQgy~ !tirO·, d]I,~cted loxi(lology;, .Product development pbDmiiJ~!llam:l
< in .MND ~'l'rep!l.r:,u:iml]j. The pu-ogra:r:n ..Jsc

,~clIemi" and!indu;t!I'Y treSe<lr<Jn!llr.;, (Iiniciaru, hlopl1alffii'l,oBuijr;a'1 ,~tives,. ~nd'gO"~ilflmMt >!'Inti ,~dvoC<lG:)!' IBiioeril

5iho!lldl a,tt~ndl


llon~U.:S.[jJlt~. AiJ.,pli.>I;:alt~io~l'S rece iv·ed 1I';::~ecl:l'<lnicaUy Ihr;~a,I~~ are O;;},[[):~Si,gOV. ]dOO8 ari:S~ilg :soh~l:y :f:rOm<1l.lO:rponde seurce wirhoatacadeeniccollabesaters are not eligj.b~e, . NIH-RAID
.PIiI.l!I<t"Pr'lllgrnllu OD1e;e 30 .1.-5~44'660; ni~~- ahl@n~~il.nih .;;0\1 ~ iU11Li: bU:pi~llnihf'i@3I,dluap.nih.,g'O'\llraid . #':~ ~


,Scien'ceAlerts In Your Inbox

GeUh:e~arestliile·W'S arid research! 'frofiii! Scitmr;,:lf QlS;SOO'J'! as Itis pubtrsli1ed. S~gn llJiP lror O~ r e-elert
;sewic'~s.3I1'i1d VOIll Ciilil krlOlW'wh~1IiI1

Sdl!'Ilm Ml!PzlnllliPK

W'eeMvto!b'le' ~~,~g"~eFlt~

Wl!ekl'i" ta'bte ohO!nl:enl5:

~d:ItIlr5"lJb!!lki!' Hfe:Hlr~1MS o~t~~

th~ tet@stisSUE! ofSciem:e O~ Sdrlmce Express has been !po$~ed,. pE!wlJ!se'the laitest tabl~ of coI1tE:nt:s, 'for ScierH:e or Scie.f.i'ce's Si~:al iIlraJilSc!udiolf1 t::!n,olWled;gt Envil'OliIr me-liIlt,. a nd feadl sum'ma:r~:esof the jOlHfIllJa~,''S re:si!!i9irm, 11~.S '00 milhliilt., !j)lr'Ediltof'$' ,coiUm rI, al[ froml')fOUIF iI!-miJnrn!)O\(.li:l sri9ir~ l1i!!oeiving e·milJ'iilliJi.pdatllils,g(ilM:





Sumrnarfes orre~e!lJdl!


WAJI'!IJ liU TID 1m A-rt:er 3 'Y~al'!i aJrld

,of'l:ape, IRicim,lIrd Rifkind, mair

SiliOi3IIil"Ke1terillllgllnlsdtute 'for canicer fe:sieaTch 'in

!1!lm@~i'I'lJIs O'f

aoo hours

"W~'llihuld'-,a=h;aJl:fMore yeall'"S of liI'Iise'~!f."·" The fUm is: (1()·prodllcedl wi~~ R~fk;ii'l.dl'~ wnfe, (a 1'0 Ie• .and 'i nc.orporalt;es a Iiideol !CI'i,ary

New Yor:k City, is wra1p'"

pllfl'g UIP a dOCUlmE'lIita~y

on how5cimce' reany
'ge't-sdOJle.Tile lab

ne couple.'s fbst:mm, rel'eased in 2005. eocumented the cftou ri51ID O:JilVe,llii(ie,

thaHownley had !ben, il'ld,ependentty k~ep= inQ "fi)lr several I yeal's.lhe' R'i~k]lI'Idsare in talks with seve'rat broadcast~u, for rlelea~E! Ili1gihts.

d~roni:d~esthe arttempts c,f '9 raduate student

rro~ert: Tmlllrdey

ull(Qverlhe' atomic 5In,u::tllJre ·of AMP,~tli\l'atedllpr,otein lkinase The·filrs:t Wodd COIfIifeJ:ience on Research ~tegrit:y 300 people. foom 5.2 cmm~ tries, :IOIis;t "feet to Lisbon J>(urug<lt lic,icmee' c1l,ugilt up Wi!t~lOJ]e of its o1!~Uiriz~ lern, Nliiebalas,Stf:!ili~k ef'the US, Ofr~ce ofRleseiiJ'Ch bUegri.ty,; 'i~r[[ic:h jained with dU~iIEtU(Dpeil~lScience. Fioood[ltimil 00,gniiri~

'1 propo se rbe fo lloo ing character sequence for joke markers: :'_,Read it


in lawr,ence· S!~.apit,o;'s,Pl'ntellli crystaUo,gJaIIP,ny I .Rifkin,[j, a ca 111 cet reseallt:bet 'il\iho hellped dellellop tIlm,elymph-cHiia d'[ug 1o~if1JZa, wantelCi to' portray ,1111 po r1an~ sc1el'ltifilC ch.arHeill1l e im 9 that also WOIIII kll~(i oik nk'e! on fllbm tn i~'i$ quest
lab at Colu rm1bja UlI'1ivel'dty;

• ]deways, ~

~S~·(lU:F"ihlm,~!1~ ifl"'~~M~Ir'ilgth~ flrs,~:~miJtll(Oiii ~11l '


the cli,cnt.


to educ1Ite' the· pUlb[~k about the' uue IP~()ll:e55 :sden'[ifk discoveiry. Jow,i"lley djdlil~[ pUIll

a llliile~~~agee p:ost~d en aIFlIilI[ectrll:rric. blJU.E:'l.imi h

bOiilrd 25 yeai'll ;ago. Fiahllllllii II, ;a !i::ampUiter sdaatirst at CiHlle'gne Mell[.on University iln PiiU:sll:!ulI'gi'l, Pennsyl'iJ~nia. ,and his ,clClllealglle~s IMt w,eek st~rted all anlnl.lal5500 $mUey Award '~lud\e-nt contest t(ilfost.e~ inl!'lovati'orl 'in t.ecli1i"ilology-


punchss, eUhe~. s:ays. Rifkinc:



o Ill!

Q: Did the conferelil(~ ac,h:i~lIe' whart. y'ou w,amte:dl' My ICXpeC lations ChiU'i,ljed s~gnjfi.can'[ly ,m~r tim.e. I had overestimawd lihe ~e.vel.of ,a,gilg~m~fit[(lIl!i,thms i~me]1~nm!!Ji~; iliier Q 'coW:ll'tlies, aim!. 1]:I(lrc:fore ~IC: had '00 back up and d(il mom bas:iced'l.[c arl:i,QliI.I rom '1113:1 C1':sp0iCtlve. I'm enormous,ly pleasoo, P

poil'lll, he looks at tlile

and say.s,

assisted persen-te-persen lOOl'l'ilmulFlieatijon.

1I GIHliS O'UT. Darkn ess ~UI So en over a. sllve r of eastem Canada and astronomers are thanking


tim less, {rilln~." Were you disilJPI!lDinted


Q~ One speakeli' (;aUed pllagiiadsm



thatquestlenis important. 1 have eften said that pl.... gia,li"',i:m ulay havea I)Os~tu\!'e Ollncome .,.. beeause it


Chloe Legris for it. TI~.eJ2=yeHrioold enginee-r act the Mont-Megallt:ic Observarcry in eastern Quebec pmv iacetook the I.cadl in persuading federal .pmlvi[l~ ci<IJi, and 1,];llllni.cipal.go.vefmnentsto ,liIl1lIi.t I,i,gilt· pollution OIi~the ni,gilt ski es 11 mlul<ih be ebservatory .. hilet effurts led to the ·first reserve recognized by the

stm spread,s SiCrn,e~~;ti:f'i,(;;~nfm~m,~il:i.Q:JilII. ..•. We- really do need to assess which be]ui:liv:ion are h3.V in.g the biggest ~:mpact
on reaeerchi i1tegrity,.

Q:. NOMay ihas"es;labl'ished ,i!Jw,ery fOll'1Rilal .s(.ie<mUfii( miili,(o,md IIld sy'sll@m wi th lain ,iI'pl!l,o,int:ed jilllldge. IDo We' need a World C'owrt of R.ese,arch Inte£llrity?' Tbe gO]1ll~~O~,g h 3'\1'e to be ,eou~h';Y',apF'O')'Il'i:atte'. What is impO:li3:fit ~s [ttli']1 ~ta'bUm m i,l!iJin1ull!~stf!!1illlwdi!:~Th~['c must
'~ a: I)~;we to report., there h!!Sto be reasonabl"" a$s!J['·af!ceGin ~veshg;ilti.on will tnk,c pla.rec- [;and] '[here has '1('1 be alI10'lf}'11l ity 01:
8tllcast. lPmtemoll'll of wbisde'tilo'''I'Crs.

Interna tional D<i"~-Sky .As iiloci,atio,ii1. A]] !.>f the s,k:y'poolliU,ti lIIU.S light fixtureswith in :2 5 ki Iameters of the obs~rv<ll~OI:y 11<1ve"been replaeed wi.tb s:baded mod:els that do notpl'oject Ii sllt up \!oIiII'd. :inth (,l"']tst step of a process Ul.aflwill eventuallyinclude neig~lb<orii!ig Sherbrooke. 3! eil), (if IjO~OOO residents . 1'1I'IIC measures should rcduce:ligh1 pollutionte
the levels ] seen 300 )!~~rs agio,


im::rc'as,Cid level (if Hgllt poUu'tilon he says, had! '''shr'~lI1k' 'the ()bS'Cr'V!lM~·'~:r telescepe '1(1 the po:int at \:\I:!ru·ich "there wa5, researeh "Ie: couldn't do anymore:.'" Legris :says pubU,e offic[3.:ls SElW the H,ght af~er s~1e explained that: repru.achiig 2500 U~d flxt~IN!S w.ith .Elstro=fi',iend:ly de:S~gJliis 'WOuld also '':1.3 giga\wm: ..hours of,cl1ergy c~lC:h year.

Lamoategne, director "of thc obgel:'VauH')I~ The

DI(ll!JJld~ whlal11im~, N(lrth~rt:l N~gi~lrl'a~~.~ ti!llf1g: Ylii~ ,and\liI(jdne·deri~ poL](i\i'irll!~:. M addi~:i'om18S00 :mimutl flwdaltlage. O.r11yrcocrltJy ~1:ii~gJooal. ~SI:l8 droiPped baokto mle:1lfproooywttleve~z.;. AUho(u~ N.jgcriaJ hf~ 8i~cc:~de !DO!1Bi'd~:ook~pq;'I"e5is.\.v~uld po!IO\~~, Mlihry-pe ~.W1iId .~ 3. iN sti.n c~t!If!;~ng in thc~fritlm. andvacdne (.l~e:r8!g.c:there re.,~i!ls [ow. In .2006,. 1~l1Weimil6% and 30%. 0'·C!:ti~lIm;:n nl'l the: nQrth

~N FIE CTI~O III S [[')15 IE.ASe .

hilIdne\i~: ['e(;eivcd:aJ !;iJlg[e dose of(lP'v;' Those are exadl)/"tI.le CiOlldjm~st!tll!1 rentler ~n ~lle!l ::;;1W!.soep:r:ibie 'l'O!l}utllilreal\::s. of ·V"dl;)c:i:J1i.ede'riv.ed] v:fumls., Si.llI::le 'li:1if: ~9GO~, screntiism hi!\i'e lrnmvl1li that au!elulat~d v~l"nses call ilrn.race instal.lQe.s IUllttiilru aJmdl:e,gEl!Umi wrurue:l1ice, b1![i: h 'W3£i. only ]~.l 200o.wltlia, <1:111 Ol[tbll;~<IIl; in rl~spil[l~ i01a" thill1: the.yrealized VD.PVs. cmd.di spread
d!iseasetmmIIiIDl~ll to 1iJe~'SIDI,. The c;m1ie] CiUlrew Jilin
'1vJl~l iI til

techrnc~<lnatthe CD C polio bIb noliioed



N]ge,ti:a ]%11'l been .~i.t by one of the


prmdeTIlim:le! oflype 2 vil,U'iilll:lhe iSlo~ales :sent

I)is:ease GonllrOl,i1mldPirever:ll-

~:a]'gest :know!iI. OUdH'Cilk8 of pol ]o~we]it]s i:~lu$ed by ilie ~~vcp~lio vaodilc U~dr. The Ot'ig(ii~g o~tbteak could be 11 ~riO:l;i!:i 5'etback tbrr the gI!Qbil)[pQliQ ~:!lljdi(;~~iG.ll!oo_mpcign:].~ is QOCi!l!:rri~lg ln a .f.egi.Q!l "'\thCf(;!1;~ll10rfli about ~ccinc :f:idbty demi led vac(:illa tlon eff~rrs

trion irlAti::mlttl,. GeOt;g:m.

Se~r~] p·oHo~xpe!,J!g to·]d Sr::je~jc.(tt~un o\i~,t~lOi;~1lI f~eyW!il~rntand.I'iQI!"Y rerni~ltiw the sit..
~1'lil:~Q'~ ls,

inlm:m: IlIJ:riIem Nigerill. 'rI1IrJ,tillsm.nt~ywi:sedi Sll,Spiciol!il Kew S<l)i\S, because \'V'ildlt:tpe 2.


p:l]~oi!oii!nJf,iha~oo>en e:roo:iQl,'led gIQb~~m}i; Il:iiit T m.e<1ili'ltthe en:li])" )Xl~si.b]e ::liOutCC1iY:i'i::'i the triWl-

they dis!lgrori; with ith~dl,llc~~iQ~l!(I ' ~ccp "ikl'~1 ~m~ililed 'lI~l nhcb:!fuITno.~tioi) f .Pittsburgh

I~!t~ \racci!'l!r.i,,,v]g,ich h01.d'ooon~ed iJI, NigeriaJin been ~si!tg d~

sc:::vcml')'C~ ~g.(1"

]ll«!sn'it CQln(; alII •.absol!u('eIYI" says

pr,i,i1tJ.~ttc~m'fI!igfl~. Si~cc Nig~r.i.'! l:e$1.!lmcd YaIXhmt:tolls [11 2004~ s.."IysKew~ it had "quit!;:

He1lildlc:i80l~ Qf~he U~i\!lC['8iwo




Cc:nterfor Hto"CCtllnly inl .&~lilliil~. MllilryThlml HcnderilOrl ~m.:r$details Oil" eaeh (lwbr.'eak are l1rivalcnt'Ol:(lI] '(lQl:to vaccine (OPV) :i:lll!>ak"~ut cSSient~[ifSiCiemfl!!~ anx~mtUldersmlJ'ldJI;b~t h()'!,~ the l(l!w!Jl in northe:rliil dll~ tj!nese:~cciJle-de:rivw sln'm:1'!S !I:re, Ni.g,elia .. ilmvlC Cmll[0d11he eO[ldUlmlS for' the So :far, lJitm'fl aJ:re 69 oonfirMed easas of attenlJ~ted v,mdne regain H:l>vint~ IP<lrrfl~jls;i.s. moee suspected, eaused by and lenee ~oo:iJ:i.gger an oll.l:lbn~Elk. VDP'\{ in lIDJine:nerthem N~igeri.E1 stares, .says .Ke,w. Uiile case count seesas ce~,·tainml~Qrise, 'Detectfldin Se~~oober 2006, frt1.e utbreak o ofvm;:;dJle·deil;';~¥cd pD.liovirus (ViDPV) tWJ'e :2 Abol!ll~ hal f dl,e cases h1i¥e eccurred <I~OIJID1lcl1 wasimimediately n:pm:iied. tD~\i.e~['ldH~lIUJml Kano, a. .l<u~ty Mw]nn :smte w:here anm,,·vVesi:m1 :sentinlent and rumersjharfhe V'dcCllne 'O<IJlli$ed ~ni:Ztltta[lllndl Nigmlml rlCil.lth of1i!cia1s. Blllt &einfbI'll1.latloni81just ~lm being fl:lleaoodp[d)~ ~:ie'ri,!;i!ty er AIUS led severa:] smtes 110 hmJ[tpolio ... wl,(;c;mH~ion in 2003. Afie[ID~:I]ealted de:morutra~ ~]CI,Y-~11 the 28: Se~:)it:en:libe'EM(}rbidi~JJ.ami Jl/tJrlu,lizy J~€:k~~ Report, lI][d WHO's pr~t",kIJ1 tions ohl:li(!c"'lIcJcine'8 safety <1ncliCOil1l5i.dc,TIillle EpidemiQiogicrJ'/ Re.cow/-~ crueiaylilllt has beJhi]l1ldJ·.nu;; ..scenes diiplo:m1lcy. vm~cin<l.·holls clliU:8Cd seme oonS'l(;matiol'l! ~n the rO]io roM·, resumoo woot;jlj y~fi:Mill', b~t tlle dflffia.,gc had ~ltJ!!ti'ty .. Off'k~alg.s.\1!yt~'!(;Yw(lfeworried ~h.~td~e ~mdy boolm, dooo. ~CW8. if miSCOlliStilUed, ci()l!I]d :!i(gaill dis]'tI~lt By 'th~eli1lClof2004. ~~.e · ~umb~rofpelio poliovaeciMlIioo ~I"Qn.~in Nfg~. cases in Nigeria. haddoUbtod to abriut SOO,.~!:ld "There. we!:lele'gi1ii~ll1i!:te CO'!lCCr~5. t'ha~ in 2006 itoofl1,w to nlOre '~lall ] 1OO.'i\lild virl;!c", ~!lti.~pol:io '\"ll()dn1}ltigq)ruAAQ~ 'i!vwld ~e rok~~ fro~ Nig~:l"~re:h~f)(;(:tcdsome 20 iJther ~lUJ;lidI,ed IJ-y a[li~.comp:lote exp:~na:iil.O]i)Qfd1C cause trii('S.lca.d!i~lg toa g;roool. c."lSC$..rut\~ a. ml o£'lhc:VDPV ·outibreak~'I' says O~I'IK!.c\¥,. 'll1Otl10 ]rut~!J= setbaJc]!{ t(ll the O~QIlmW.Polio Ew,u;licat:iol'l ~~t1sled ICiJ'Ons :to ilIlllalYJ!leilie outbreak iIlOO11l1he hlli:l!iative, w.Mch esti.l1lilltes ~hauhc'VOl'M. sp:ml

'Experts. w;itlil the Global Polio Eradicl.'i1ll!oliii, l!l~r[at~'Ii'c:l.nlPl1!~siZie it1~:31[the wick,:]y nsed e

valt'!J~tt "'~OC~IW~ aga'inst \'likl types I. aliiid:3 Ilm. its C8.P!l:~ gm;" Geneticmullys;ls quiddy Cionfirmed d~ roume.; .it also ~~1ggest~t!la!t ~ve~[ vorvs e:J1iiilergedmdeiPCi~.dlel1tly i1ii1200'5 aliiid 2{106" l;DUI]Iti[pielJtnles~ In elldh::r Qillitbn::J3Jks,ah'c;1!lI,<Irn~]g VD'Vs :l1elaci\J\e~~m., to SiaDP ani:; btu: this e one has persisted despLID four ('.<llmprugrJlS,\\fil:h tri.v" orv ~,ndu::, p~tye;lf. "We slI[S1Jeotit~s :sillililp]y becausefhe cmj~.l:' WillS]U;Qt oo.eq1.mte; oweOOil1ll't be~ievcthere is aJly~llilllJ!!! fixoepl:ionfll. ~ooutthi:s vim!!:' SlI,ys,Ke:w,. /\{j ey[de~llce_he

notes that

1\,'i,10, VOPV mains: jumped trom N~Qern<lto N~g;er. where routlile VacC~[lHtiO[l is

ah.'I.Klst 90%,eoth"b<'Ire]Ylllll1deit:S

k1lrnnete:m 'Uw.y dead-{;j]doo.;~he ~s. POlio ~,<;pcn IOyetva!l(51'owlHm. vlee "h:aneeller of R(;deomcr'':i trl1iVil;]'Ni!ty l!!I!e1l1fl~o~ !':!

and cllairo:fN i.getia1.Jc;:;pen adviroryoommiU!ec ~. ~brpolliQ e:rOOkatil~11[l~ys he has bOOl urg,~,g ~ o:ffi:r::i~sro go rrubHc,He 'l,l;.'Orries~t 5CC!!e~ d mi.,ght fl,l(::l sllspidDl~li! alb out vacclne safe'ry ill! Insiread ofre[llfbrc:i~.g the need ~(n. hllil1ensi.fy ~

imm~ntzatrio3Jsi:lTh Nigeria,




VOL 317


(:oae~Qr~le OilOl~Jel1lyer.~ay fordlle ciinmte.

TI\i,atOo;);l.1lC-mll m~ght Ijl~'V'>C been t~,le~11&kelliif!g ~pIe[for ~~gptfu:wrsi mccttng last ""'"001\ under



ho,pe the IlctioJ:1 gives

M(JnlCntll.!Jl\IliOi~,'wl."!la;ti:o~lflI~,meet:i~gl'O on

m.\l!t~c:barnge occurri ~in

W;aJsh~llgl~!1, U"C, as

New York and

\\;'em: to pllCS~


th,n 8a:icll ~!l :<1!CC\'l~e;_ra:l~d Here Iil;ha~eoul in diev~loping e ()'ulilltlT~ ~~'wo~ddpro<:llJjc~~l\ie ~1!d v~eO!tsavings ,of 1:Bbi Ilion tons of carbon
di.oxlde emissious by 2050. HClf'Gswcre me~lt to be ~h~iti 00 (;hil::gnjcal.~ rOO'WiIuie~ phasc.d O'Ult Cf.'Cs~ litIut"'ey })avc b()~n \1,tldc]y l.!S!oos..'" Cloo,lallillllin til1c ~(nli'!I1illS'eOOllomiel'iof C~,in~ aad b,~d'ia. The: a!Sreel!iimjC~u ,\VO~ldfh-:C'..ze UCFCprodn,ot:[(ln ~y de:ve~,op]n.g 1I1I~ti:.ons: i.:I1i 20132. ),\ea;rs earlier lha.1iIp~iI.n]J;ed:---,followed by :slJ~cessi",e outs. umitH PI:OdUCtJiOl1ll1\'II'a!!i ended in .2030. a decade seoner thsn prc!viom;;ty <Ig:r eed, Deve ~oll'e-d ]1iI<lt i(l'ns a~~p",e d to e <IdV,Alme t~.leh·deadj]~ne :For tI pEu:~se()r][lrrom 2030 to 2020.i!ls\\:'C11.m; pn)l,nis:~~l£; 10 11"0=, vide "stab]e and sufficient" funds ·~or
repL~lcemr.;rlltsw~1.He: "'l.lIk ~ng iuto aeeeant

filte a.cgi.s o:Ftlle UIiiI!i~cdN<ltiomBnv~ro!llmCIiiI:t P:rogm-mc to meng~~IiiI!tl1~ MO!'Wti',eai tto·, ~ oo~, tJJH;; 2{1·'ye'aJr· o[d acc~rd OJl ch[QI!I:~f11;u.o:ro~
(':~[bons (CFC~) ~1I~d (fther c:lmt':mruC:;l!ls thin deple~e ~lrnc o:zone ~aye'l'.A!ll~it worked. The dek:ga:I:es '~lO'rd1!rrJrned.tol:l1ecityH·om whiclm !:Iil.e987 m::!llty got~tq~mne ,;J!~S() .. qdef>:ugrl[fi.~ ] canml pOCtgre$s in Qomh8iiti~g glob1i~: w<Irnruingb:y

The M Ollitrlcal 'rotocol

..[!r(D8~ ()~tof

scic!l;[:iHc d()velol~ml(:llts. In 1974. c:hcmist~ p. SnOC\MoOOI~owl.amd arid M~Ii[l MolinacSJICI.d!ll~d ~]iD:aJt CFCs. ::I cO!mlllO]1lling~~edi!entin
spra:f COCIlb"l.. "olll'dde~1rO_y slratospherie lozone_ A~iW~ou:gJTh discovery ]ecl ,to i>OMe VOI,1!J1ntary frtiM
cllmbfi an iiliD.dr use, Hn,efimJpelu/i {Ol' lM,H.lll1latofY

re:oogni.zhrug the f'ac1: d~~t most chemieals <Ii"ec~ed the tl)eaty seealso IPOie~il;i:gl1eeMl~ by :~cmSiegatlc::,s arid. that restricting them PiliYS

clJcm1ill.edi\fidJeliLd~~ 'Ihethin shell in the st~lltJosi~here t1iI\FIJt p:oo~

afction came ~n ]985, wJm.~lB[~it:i$l.l SC,tent:ists DeaStmedaJlIOZ.(IJle''ho~e'" over the Anta:rotm. T'11,e new a:grecmeiillti5 consist';;:::I1Iltw~ththe fi:Jm!;s o(;tIi scienrificiilJSse;sSnre\lThl ~n Augllst

tects Eartbbo. the sun smys has ,111 '!t<rurie,ty Production. Ofene,'I1I1J:iles,~nlcl the, .Moillitreai p]'tlil'oC:o] ha~ .#1 (b~D1IfHiec bee'l1J ti!1]hrene;d ~ou!rrn:1'le~lIs SCi,CJiilitis,tsl.lave IH[FC ~~ctory, .~. 1~lace,cirestnctJoJm'8 011 ]]Iew~y recegnized iii:: ·~[l:i!elU:S.As .111 tl(l[.lu]t. ttNi: rare of hannful ~ "'i'fi~ -j};>.. __ .e "'~ _. f1i-:;-~ .l ~ -".. .gTaJfLh .- jj -'I m"'-" :' '"'lii __ _.- -,- .-11'), !'Ly. ~ ... ~~_O h <l'" ,,~m.iT;;;\.i! \~c "re .~ '! ~Hti!l 90% offh e j?'(O duetien an d. us e 10 f '~ o~o~je-de:.p[~-t.i~.g, Cl!e~lic,~I:!i !]~ beef! phm;;cd ~ m~t..'rJiie bigges.t~llI:'e.9!ts [ll~ have p~~cd,. ~y -i (':xpcri~s?but 'rh1syellr's \ilJCck~o!llg_cetillg set '~it8eUl'two ~na:il11eoalstto 'ctfl~ilPdQW'.~i O!lil: .~ ozone-I~a:rln~ng-refrigc:ra!tlii~:s ~hat have ·9 .' .... ." :~ bec()iooe prevalent :111 the de\l'e:l.op~ng 'Wodd, ~ O\l!nd~od! \~~~Ui1t {!o1;I~dpl·l)vidennlgi·~ ,~ bl!e side benefnts fbrcUma:~e. :~By U~e'ead ofltli1e :Meet[ng,th.ey could el,ail~1:t ~ ,~:o have :me;~bmhg.oa]s:. Mo~,. :iJiiimlJl~e!iSi\l'ewt)s :~ <l!1l<ligJ~enlCl.w .by del!eg:s!leiS~(lip~lSht'oU'!MIm by <li.deca,d~: <I ]egally bi:undun:gschedn1em,;se SID .----~_.___~__,_~---y-~____",~____.,------...-----" ~ cmt ill dev'clop~.lg natiens a,tllmilyof ch~liIi.~ 'I. .... ..-". ..... .. ...' .... c~h';; mane~ wydroc~l?ro~lI.orO~lIr~~lns 4 2: (,1,I.el, (5). The 19,1 partl!c]pahur; ranens also .~ l~k:dgecl tolfi.~1l1II~lItrru.lsit~an.fltmld. 'Olltrrentty '~ru:lll;ded atl;l)u:gMy $.] 50 millien per year. to j :mpiJil'ort the, cenversion to ;lIj]t-c'.rntl!tive.s,. And ~widllhe urgiQg: of U.S. offiohd sl,lile d.e}(;!i!lll!:es :~ ~180' ~I(;dg~ to mase sure that tmir; HeFe i~ repl:3iecmc~ts \"'o1;~idI~ U~((; rO~$:~possii)le .~. .~!.,~nTI~I~_ - ' 1] .';I",L·I·l;i ~n 'lg .• - £:_,.)u<l._ ·---tIIITfiI" ." ·t.,'----'·H~,--,!m1P"l t~ . "Th(; ooh~ptei:"l i;scrvel.ot~ d oW,crecliit for :g b~~lre~~I~tlITh.g arndsci:drug aJ hi!lt~ic 1Qppor.Yl!!ilr ;~ ·t.'·Ili~t."f-" --;1f""O-t Irth __ __ "'''''11' 1'·-ci'C'r",.. -11HI' till' _~ __. -.J. 'i" pin,..,_. _(l . ~ """,,__ II)I;; ""J,!! _._c :g di:lll~te:' say!! A~e;l:lI~der'\'!QiJIiIHimlamk QfdlC Pr'ot!!di!!!1I. irhl~ 1'987 1);!i(!!lJ1! tm~t~h~s,~~llI(J!l!d .;EIl'ii'ironmellta'lllweSli:g~tiol'l AgentCy~ a i '9~(lIltm[grCl;~liilholJllse ga~ 'f!'mi fi6:ions tliliHt. !Jtlli..nM G~ :~ LmlJClon~<ISJed nOmll)m,nt ~1il;,1:t 1~,fu.;;lno]1l[tm'ed \lHIIlI~d h .. v~ Irri~eii"1 rplJl·. sha

l!ilolJlmi~ '1V"l'l1l.ui~ potel:l!ti.,d"· ~ndec:]d:i~,g \-vhich

ohem]c~ls to ~cce,pt



"¥Oll ooul:dJnit: ~~aV\e[1.m~;med fhi.s; 5·)!eaP.l ] owgo;'" Si:tY8[)W"!!!r'Ood Z~.eUoo. ,of the; iiGiii'IJpmHt
h!J:st~;ttJ'~C: GQv~m lIii1ee and Snst~ iu iilble fo·( D~v~lg~m~t>I~(laSeD) i!1W~8hing~Q~).I),C. Thc cunern f!v~.H:aJbiility i.n C'h:b'l.(J!ofpl:od1i.llclt:i whh !tIiil:a!ll)' I()fthe: HCfiC abcf1ll{!1tives bodies well fo]" the nc·\'\! .f!.g!leU~e~lt. s.ayg DiU'Qf!t chemist Mack .McF~rlfIJnd .. AiJIiI impor~aJllt driver dUlling talks WillS a S"I~'iJ!teDeliil1: from the 08 ~l!JI~l11!it In jI~,u,e, :pusL1ed by the US". pledgiliil.,g; the:industrialpO\'\.-'eI:s tlO climatefr.iend.lya.crion Oil ezeue. ":~rs: beilThg ~le~d.1)[P [as: iEIIli:l1IJsriTClJtilo:~]by aU the p ..:~:ies.·· dlIrilil~ :ne£1ioti,acia:l1lls'Isaid IGSD's Scatt S~one, w:mo attren&ed ]aSl: \\'1;'!ek'$ (lOl1fereliK':e. "This [s,~o~d]1 ~eat ,le'"J,d.e~"ShilPy~.eMljte, House," b 'The Ir"(lV~~ 'We,:ren't eJ,ltWe~y pCiisiti¥e. Deteg1illte:sagreed to US, dCm,JilJlds to wlm,tinue an .eJremptiol1 tOw oz:oil1te.,u]1Jr&.L~Il(Uy methyl brcmide, a fu:W'li!:1)ilntused by U.S.fidil1illrn,. a~.b¥iTI!!i} <1111]]1[111] emiss ion s of 4600 tons .. [)ilvid Doni~ro:ft~:lC W,tsl~ingron, 1lC. -b1L"Od.Na:llmiIl. Resol1~N:esl).i',;fi:1ti,se COl~ncU,li\illID~ch'I,'Vl'.I1'IIIS: III 'full p:hasooln ea' b~ek ~l.aJrk" on an "a othe'J!'wi:liIlSti"Ol1g u.,S. p~d;o!lf!!l!i!ce;.WlUiw f
l'iOMiilC ~['i'i,till'O':l)!'itc,U3Jid.c Jfmne~ C~nffi!i._ghro!l ~ys US. Il~,o:t:i~tQ:rs hope ~ build (liJ]! ~e ~cc~~::;i~ MQ}q~i!C~1nrirl.g a 2.~d~ymeeting d


hosted bylhe 113'Jij:ii:~ ~ll11ilili5t:r.liti.o!tlii, thl') \\i!(;":cJ;. A aUCflded by:repreSClltatives: from I.5im:liU1im:al :1!I8.tions: KINllSrflil1


• ~'iabJe iPr:iEl!te~mjxing LIP t.o 38~w~~lfomnat:s

• F.aJSit nnTlXing alildl pe~let esll.iJspe~sion r





=:J.__.jCTiVo;1l )


• PelifeGU~1 OQ~tt{li~ool
mixing. with alrnlti-iSpi~ ~ rech1nology





.0411 in ane 'for maxJTim:~m


The ;:dl-t'OlIJtnd mlb:Elill"fors,lil'Iallilvoilwlmas.

Specl,allrrV des;ignedifoll' eH\8ct~ve' p~l:altelIMbcintg. Fast ;and precis,ely CQi!mh'o~led miixiflg roIGVement$, c(lmlbfrfl,E1!cI i,tmt nligh milixingfiFequerfl,cy enable co:m,p!~te w mixing in ashort time. 'f,ol!'tiline best reprodudbility , of mi'xjng and test resL!l~ts, MixMate' aooormmoda,tes :PCFI !Jrate$. d!eer;l well and. IMTPs; in 96- and a844i!ell: formaIS., test ~lJlooS (0 ..2 m'~~ m1!),a.r1Id,3 vo:rtex 'function with aJlrJi inn.OV3.tive


adva nta:ge:s::

• Pr:eprogramnood ooU=k.ey,s:.optjmal mi)(;~ngtim€'; ~!md freqiU!:enoy t,or eac.Jhvessel type .Aumma~ic imoalance (l!eleetio:n: 'safety and sta!tliility even in n1ighest mloouG'f!;g~r~uencies • E;drnme'~y quiet 'operation: :nJO m:tJt:li:ng,orvibmtiorrl' For more inf1(ll!i"m~tionv~i!;!it:
w ww .. p~ndorti.colTllllrn;ewM e illtMate.

2 S'€C. oV€.mid!e for an ergaoo:m~cwort



with I:if,e'
67' ,89

liQ<;3~,di:lotribWor: ~.eppendi:lIIif,.e'OmlwQrI~ Eppefld~ NJ" Ge~~ . +49405138 01"'0

• App:i""iI'liionSIII;ppoort: +4911 OW·3 00 .~ Eppefi.dotr NQi1!li AmeriCa, frilc:,800i~.5"3{)5.0


,Ip.alOe IW·" _ ants US _rogra,m 10 ...~ p .. IR,e,lain 111:sRus:s,ilaln R,oots

.. ,·1












'..• ,. .. .-


in Obo~e-:mJsk,Rf~~ S~<i,,\WiI~lted ship.~ strniilll, o,f~nt~1:mx to ii, bib to ~l!l,f'ort Detrick,. M,nylflitld. YIiI,dcJi ~ US. IJWo gl<l]niJlliireJli~d to pr'~lt:folTm:-f bi~aJpo\ns ~c;ieilti~t~fRJrn !iie[[~ngtheir expertise to terrodsts OT ·'riOgluc'; ~a!riOI1~. But the !RJtlSS~a!l govcmmCTlitw01;dd1lil,''tg,~\!JC the OibO~C:lil$l I.rilb all expM lleense. Su~h ~e~ba!d::s .gm::rea:,;i()1!'1li1l(l D\ep~~· ~ nu~n[,of Defense '(DOD) has decided h)
Fanrye1lm'SiI:go" scientists
!'l,iillfiSe OlJJt·COu'!lbMl'l1l]VI;!:IJL'lSie3!rch PlWjrCct~ ~~11 R.!,i'l:s;i;aJ 1!ln!det' ~~S Biologk:m Tl~:reart ROOI1,l(lliil)ll

~i!.W]i'c heah.hi syMem~" a SlentO'rD011J olTIi1ci,1l1

wid &ii'flCelh~ Smlll,lTIei[. The iJCadimilies ~poll1i,wq;Lles,tedby 'I)OD'~ Ikli:me threat Reclu,ctio~A\~illCy (.DTR.I\) at

CaliformiCl GOI,I\elFnm .A~lliIoM S,d~lN..rrlEn egger Ih,i3JS~iredlh e La le:'lIHhotil'l tJ'll-e5t.ate'~peren· l!lIia~ bB:tHe o,yer w ..ter~ Hie's Ipm~osed i!! 59 b(j.~• . IUo:n b0ll1l:1me,a5!U'[ie! 1J[rllmrJ~iiI.~IihIE! ~Itate·.s, w.aite'r ~IJJPpli@) by. ctillililOl'lg aiI.fuJer ~~ep~. bUliid'inll 9 two ,new dii!llill:!liinll ille lJ:lol'ilho'fft~e st1li1~ (lind drnilnll neijl"lg wat!1!,r liilrt!lJJg'n oraro~llidthe 5aCfiHilenKt-SaJlli Jloaq,uiGil Riwr delta:. The1

the lJ.U:!i~,\g ofCm:lgj!~81!l"take~~ &fft:~nt view. "'Aithol~ghlhe 'OOotlomj(; sitw:m~ in R:iuss!a is, !O'Iabil~Zliltg,~!!Ie: larure !)f.S!largc 1l1!,IIl1ber ofbio·,
~ogi,cal tn8tjllii(t(iWiS ~sta'ij~lIjx~",it Sii!!y~""And

'~Il\i'h ..o~me:ntaUy:s~nshl!ve d!el!t~~sbe-silill by ua~ll1ing ~i:sheli1es;,poOllution, a lIiId1iIlVi:!5W@' :sp~(ijes('sCIE'tlC,f;, " JII.I~Y, p,.442t Schw,il.rz.emu:::~gger says the !if!~ llli!! ~1F!h:,,~ SWIJCI!ureis P1lIt ~f ill! ~O)JrnJ pmeheflsi.v~rn~." BYil~ OPP,O!'IJefIIl:S.

t'n.3!nyFor~cr weap'on~,

:H~ e~~is~$ remai ~l i

:s.ay wa~~r

COI!ilsefil.!'1!!tiooiS;a bett€f

Prog ra m. B ut ,a nei\li!' I:eport b)1 til e U :S", Natlona] Aeaderaies' National Research CQl1llc:i] O'~R(') ay~nl~3ge~noy IS lill:lakiThll_g 9 s

:ill unce:I'tl.,':Im. dn:ll!lnstll:r!.Ct'S dun coU!]d. n.'i!ie~ serious 1n"o[iJcf,!IHon eeneerns," The bCln~m ]~ne. accClI:'dililg to NR!C's G~enn Schv.I't"l'~~'Zer! isl:ha:t "Ru$sial$i teo i1~,;parla:nJt a OOWliI!l.)1 to not engmge tDraJ.'" .
'ilrhel!f,llnlrt: cite.~ H'ne pmgr<l!Ill.'ssJUDces,r;ul1

s()~Y~:i(!fII.5cien(e ~h() I!! ~d:he~.p'ser l !Ill!!t the Qp:HollS". say.s. Pe't~r Moyil,e, ,131!i.Sh~rri:es biolog~;5t i at lJh,e'UI'iilhfefS~ty of Ci!UFom ia.Davis;; ''liIl,ere 's ,a: lot !i\I!e: donl"t ~ndelr5,~afl d [alb ~lJiijhow these !~!<i~UliVm iilUec:t fish.~· ~RO:URI' F. SEIR:VIIClE

Where the MOrl'e'y':s G one

!;ormr Soviile!:Union

~IIlPlJoving secmity at iEl11ul1l1ibeT of Russuan ~abs.And i.t St1ggests; that heedi,ngthew~!'ibesof its R:lISs:iml hosn"wl)uM~1:1't:nSiL'be~;l
~iI!e 1Jlf~'ID<llim.,"DOD ornmili:nues to

Pou~ dsfor Paw:::;

Brit"imi.':S [argl~st;medica[ rfSf'aifCh e~al~iw bqp~s 1JO he-l:1ii ~:er'ini3fiai'ls k~e:p ~p With the V 1~~J~s;td1~~l,Qpm~!I!t$wU ill $'Z2 •.S: mi~IijQ~~P1~~ UQ!~,wet~ f'e(f\jl[ thero into 1!!eS~Qjr(b, III 200111., ~h~U.K.gO<'\Il'.lml'!i1~iilt p~~vided543 !lr1liUnQn to
:b~(ls;l the
Ill[d!ililbe,~~~S!derutis'ts; tr';!~m!ed ~(I tadkle'


be illil.teres;ted 0l~11.y ~n'sttl.diying pathogens it considers dan. gereus feit hi ate rroei sm.. , w]ll[e the R1i1~sia,llI~, Vi.~rU to ta.cldc healthprobleM8 like cho]~rOiiill:1,t1j ttlbercn~o~]s,"

Total Fundilil~1

(h:rrlmd C"yo fthe MOil te~t.:y hl$lN:-I,iU!C of iIlI'1Ite:nmaJtiQllaJ Shd[es ill '\1ilasbi!lilgto.!l; D,C, T11~I~ct that mest ofthe m,oney :h:!1JS

oh,[J~len,ge5suc~ as fQ~l'a iildi·momb disease. But ili3I~ pmgra!Jf1 ,en!Ci!>in 2.0109.\e'Bk, ~liIe WeU{onu~ fUl!I!st 1f1I~{le ,alwards to ~even UlI,K, vet· lerini3lry 'Sc:h eels 'rQl' e<Hortis llilldu:d ing :,;ummlN reu rses ,ani:! po!>tdori(!Ir<l~.~rainillll g.. "lhi!> is an a,b·:'lolui~~Yvital. d~elq~lf1im!:. "s:ays: alii ri~QJpner Sroke:!> oflhe, Uni~er.5ily or Bri!>'l:l]Il, (lillie,c~ the'

W'hQlse' tlnl1e.:a.t? u.s. mll~J;JliI13StiJawe roc·e,i-\red ITfIIQst. or the lI1I'OIi'l~Y'rOlf re~eiln:h, on !'erl!.ilOiilgtlile tlnreat ,of [:i:ussian biiOO'tei31pO\iiI~



viSiting sdentn~" bas ..m!lO


I~J~i COlJlJ!ir3;chns ~Ild


Widte: House: Rlilslk=A;veme

Mt~$ 'geltif1:I]~~gJlili!medl bv IDle .~a.ti(l.!il<il!l(~de· 1!iIi!!!;:S:' I~gtion~l ~seard1 (Ol[df](ij~ (NRC), the WM~e H,ouse' Qrffi te o:f Mal!la,ge~ el:l~ snd IBiI.ldget: WMS~ has decided not m l;s(~Ule<I. C'Orl1rove~silillld irec1.]1if (11m risk il:Slle~5iril1le'lilt the drClrl'~ '~u~~elij!il,released in Jliilliluary :2 0(16., Ullilt<l]li1Iecl g uide:~illlle~ ,l3Iflcl:teclilll1lkClI sita ffildia.rd''il on 'i!>sJlIe"l suth a_5;e.xpre'i~;il1lgl ullffidarolrllii esin h!dera~.risk C11~!i!~SITll.en:m!L.BUlBI subsequent. NIRC Ire port Ireq!Ue!j~a b:,r OM,S:call,e<! tile tI~proa:(h ~fnd,i3:meIJiltill~lyniil~dI/ .s;a,ying, fGJ.r~x"'linp~l'!, thai it iiii9M Id [~lJjire 1.I11()~liI:ilIii'lt.y!II GII!i1~~'il5IJ'~ol'la " ·fn ~ [y1[,IT~rn~ :M;at~ the sd~riU" '(S' Ck,frCF', of 19' Jan 1111fY, p. 3:l!6), ~11I rever)ingth~ move, IOM81hi.:i's,inshuict:ed .r.J,g!!\:l'Id~~tof.ol~!llfl' "g!!\:'nl!l:r~ .!lUy ac;repted llilrim:;iph~,5, l-or riisk (Il11ai~Ylln~" iSlS!lJ~d by th~ ,,;: ~irllhmMIifI imS'tr,tIIt'Von, TIIHlI!:"Si ~!Jlood Oeilii$ ~(lrl.he solem:!; c,ommJ1.1ntty;;;.s.ays; Rick MleI~e!1lhtl:r th e a;d¥(l(,~cvgro~p OMB: Wal!:lh ~I1W,Mhi!l!g~:Qn,. 1)1C. -&111:1 S,1OItSTA.D K

It CSiJ~~S 11)11DOD to ~11Crcas.e S~lpporti (Oil"'t1li.e: progralll ~ndlo ll~l\e Rm;s.i~1l IlLdnri~1i. ustmtors !'IJ1U~ !ic;ieIlltis[s <I gl."Jea.teir veiee in d.ere:ffirllini:ng its d[l1ecdon. Siuce 1998, the agency ~.Ur1S :spent more tJllm.l

RiU~)S~a.1M> the p]Qg~am,. ~~erepQrt netes, 0]1 The [l!li::lHC:i'S,recolU!n1llCnda!lions are ~;.ug:1Jn


O~l, di:!lm.u~Uin!il:b~ol,og~cil,1

weBllJonsproduction c~IiIf~~iJilllpl.'Ovillg ,secu~ dty ill research mc'ili~:ies!>setlingupdl1sease sur\i,ema:noe nehvorks., iltfld S[lYpOrti~,lg ~de:llitist.s tlilirou,gooutt~,~ region" The activities ;arcpru:t of ·~~,eUS. ~¥~mln~}fg; h~ol~~l riO\~pro'l~fe'C~. .~t!Q~ :,ffOrll) III t'~le ro~,l~r SoviCll[Jm:m. :DOD .~ Oll:JlCl.fl~ pl,at! 'OCicontl!'!uC. and 'C'i,iCn!.ficro3i:IC~
'" . l: .".. "I!. ., 'I.. .~ su~~:portJot!rlc!e!!m$ts!n~~er OOUIWt!'!lCS III tne .~rogiM. Bl.lldle di:llietdti~ i~~, ,g,al!'Iil'lg aG"C~sU) '$ Itussialmi boo,. oO~11b~lOOw~tih.~ imp~d ~t:..,

Pi1IIi.Ui.psI, a hiol.~ 1 <lit 'fe.u.s Tech 'lInl VC:r:!l ity ~n L ub'boc k and the !pri.ncipiiI.Eillvestig<JJl'Or on 3, .DOD~ fiua~!dccllpWject:ilml Kyrgyzstan aimed .tt map" pilmig til e d:i s tribntlOJil, Ciif m1JllnUlm[ s tI:]nI<ll1LVill < ~fCiServoh'!5 ofiJillJ'ecticms d:ise<l5les. He :says: the

OlThUU'l a~Jl;tIII~k. says C.ElI'[eton :

lJ:estway to reduce biol.ogic<lLi, tbreau, illil the lDnHer Soviet Utl]on [s 10 "'erlR'C ]OCilJ :sci,·,

:~~(lok for
:~ ~]me odd

out. "~Ik think dtel~ssia:nSr ,fin:: oft~lliiiti:oilffiinglheijrfbr~ ._ .~ luer weaprnm,s I~bs ·lOmah them 'pan oflhel:r

,I C~M.!~:!Iy':-! ~!(')b'ii,!.'\;i ,CClOllowlmy,hil,\le~deR.iIJB~~a

11Q\V' pl~dect~y capfllllc
. ..


sl()tcnce th~u sllC!n~ fr~l:1ilthe

ent~tsiin rrne ooibdilor,l'Inollils."' No'!,.y Ullil tbe eXI:M~'rts !la,y,e ~po·kerl.\Vill DOD ]~~Il'~ A DTRA o:ll'icial ~aY8 U1!~:oporft r '''w'jU ddl!lim~ have' .(m~.pact on the fi:u,ureof tl]e p~ntflfij.·' add~S thlWtt]al:; a:~fitCy pklll~ to re~oo~cl b(;liJre~l,e (;ild,of~e }'iSM.A lll:.wIf:Cf ~m d~e :S(,:~1e F~reign~laH'Q!flIs Commi!tee aho Hites i!Jl~c Jri!\~ ~cQtr.IIn~nd~t~()!)s.·'ncre i!i1 ~ basic :r_UP~Ql:t011 thcl~i1!l fur doing IllCrliC ,ooU,ab·
oraH,reres~fCl,~, inR'lJtssm," [~esays.
,,;'(II!IDIiII~llif IBlillAnAfHAllI)lEE



aosc I E INJIC:'E

1.1] :reofill:ty,eaIS. neurcseieutists md psychia~ tiliiStsrnike, hav,e ~mlte.'dthe pot'-"I1lti a ll!lsl'illoh. ~:l0J1iL~,Vl1:8i"r-e brniifl s>tulillmhniolTitedlll1ll.que cuUm tJ:liIiMOIOjni<l1Im~.6tic !>~.'m1i1lioJ1 {T,MS),.1'he ... t 11I1et110dhilliOOG1L~00i to di:Sl1lJ~ti'leurnl, iitcl:i".;ity c.xperimema1[y in s~u,dl,esO'fhllDarg ,ooglliti:Oll,

Electric currents S\vir]:]llg inside, iI:li!Iie pacld,le ~wduCic 3: msgnetie fieldl thaI in turn ~e~liIer!j:re-s C1!I:filr"l:'Iltsin themdei:~.y]['Ig bUl'iJiilI tissue.

cOluleil,lbailian, ;aui:oo:L'Cmor of Clle<gy 0011" :mmp.ti.on ..Usmg optioom imaging methods, dl(l

TIrniCse c;nrnmt':oS iI,lterrJrnieel!ec!ricll]lIcli:v~ty of ~eurons. but: e:~,lIc,t~y Ii(J.w th ey alter it: is


ref1!earehe:1I'S also tmeked l~en1!;)glohi1l11 levels, <IIllot!liler metabo]~c, nTI:lIirll:ef. Po. t:rn:i.lIi ofTMS p:Llllsesl<1S1i1'ig i:irew ~,onds c1msed animme-

andi~has 8l10'W11lpro:i11L~.i:ile
tre,ttiUilg p8ychi,OIl,ri


d1!iiioi111ri,a1 stor
sueh as

C dli scrders

depression (Scienc(j.. ~8 May 2001,p. t2.:W),.

AUI'lOu~\iwi'(ji~!y conSil,dert'(j, ~:(l:~lh~WM,l'; ofpoop'Je ha~ ~ootvcdNS--~!i'!.tiV'cly nltl~

dim~ incfe'l~ein l'Iellrid~1riws~mt ~,<'l8ted fbr alJO\lt.1I,m~11!1te" tblloww by a deCl!eaaein f~ilIIIg b: !1iC'\~I:~1 m~!lllQ,'~~. 01>.yg;eJ,l, ,<!~:ld emoglobin h nUITorOOIthis IDJfIJt'lem.indiC", .~~m: J1Iei[ron:s~
firilmJg and

dernIDJlldsg.oha'l!ld in


alloW: ho<wit aC:lualtll' \'VOrb. Now" a d,~ai,led~ookat ii'S enbc~ sllC!\ltS t~afrMS C~a1!iiL t!oost o.r M~,ell tbe :rlfing Or~el!Ul!'JI\s depOJ)(i~ ~11!$(li1'lJ i;m~iug 'b!:a:if.l ~t1I.ivil~;

TMS had a dfa~II]{jJt~~~.lyl!il''I;lr,e~n: c leJJ~ct. hO\'\fCver" on neural :3!ctiv~ty ()"'(J'~ed by b!~C:k andwhtte bars f1ubed 011 SIco,mplltler
:ocrce:b1"(Sueh :res:~onse:s l'lelosil'lt ,[)'!,I~n in ~ne:!>-

N elu:l'lI:ilCJientists atl!j];e Ul'lh!ii.)J:si~y (llf Calit'OJrllli<l. Berkeley, ~P]l~~ed TMSto 'l::fue cerebral Gic;J11ec'< f eats whl~c rn~li~ming nelliLrBl~ 3!rn~Uv,· o uiiy am:!llme.Labclj,S<1ill.TJiI.euu: t~.nd:rngs,['el!)~ried O\I'Ilpa,ge 1:918-.<Iluru futUI,'e:investi~[IIltUOil'lIS. of

th(':Hzed~~d.~'~s")ln ~hi:sease, neural firi1liilg d lpped sharplyafter TMS !lind remaiaed :SlItpp1.·esSiedforr seve:m~ lui,1IDfute:!l. The nndings lri,~ir;mup~rcatiQIll'l far de;signiug: TMSI.l:iern.pies .. sillys G-eorg:e •. For dcpre{il-


sioo tJlem,PY, ('OJrexample,

t~~istype.----wm hmrreulilil;pmia:uuimpliclld1)us for ho,w TMSis used in people, other

re;seill'du.e~"S ~.
Oae ~~:ltcr"Csti:n~ poss[bi]ity. Ol'cC()ITd!iQ!ii to tilt the NI.ed!ilcal UniivlI1'si.lymSoultl Card:iJ~~1.111 C:ID1l1estoll, is t~:l:tl!t:it 'I1my m aititet\'i~nt :sulbjee'l:S,tlliEik <'\oout

~ew beeome ~adin tl~echai:rt\i,W[e .mmlllat- ~

Illig [t~.lel11]:' George 5tfj1'S ·'AUe~'II.lahve[y,wc ~ .. mig~:lt hilV1e, tlile:Jilllil lel.lIjllge iinfo:rnlil,i!I1 ropiti¥c ~ fher~. th~kingpositi\"-e ~11!QUghts:" Such 000~ sideG1iirnulsm:e;uI~~J~I1'l1]t,.hea.ddls. <IS i~e If?DcI ~

"'' ' e nay need

poo~ ilil· Oeurge" a p!Syc;iilli1im~t

\';httc!h(iY'roe being, sriITi!i.U.I,Med, :at~cto!'lha:l 1:i~5Ii11lj\ece~'il'6d iiiL~,m;h,Colmis]OOt;atloil'l to d:iiilc.

51:1,"1!I1~a!UJ!.gl ~e~liI~ts.~I~' ~'BS~ n:h hlliilt~a t tine, rn:cc;~.:i~ij$ms or !lJ;i1~:Q1n~t~iC IlJtai!'i!rtimul~tia.!l!.

and DTlJ,g A dm ~11 Str-21UOlli S COil sl,de nng ~ ~ apiPfova]ford,a!~t}, TMS oft1re 'prefrontil (,,")rIel'>. ~
'~~'e8~OftI. ~

G~org:c, wh~ IJig~~cf,l~,cdTMS thet'.:lP:Y for dcp~~si<ll!\' ~:il a: bet«.:-r iU~defst<Mlding@fhO'f'"

'!iw~1emdi~eresean::hc1f:i) and >c~bmi~ c;ialmS,to~1"lyitmore e:Wccti.vdy:';This i~I~'" c:is~1yll\r~en:~hefield need .. k'I go~"


Lcd by Ralpb P~Cjl1J!~.i!lg) and gr~d~!Htlt~U1:~ dcms mCliif~A~le~land Bri1.!~.P$ley,.the Jlcrkc, kysck:lldsls aiDP~~oo TMS t,()!:heVliS!:I~ .oorl~:X of~~estl~tU::1ed eais ,flildltrd(lkoo~~e ~HemmaJth
ij}5ll'l1g, ~lIXibeJl d(':ve~o,pcd in Procliil'lacrm\ hlb tha'~
cu. sunu!1:IDl1com;]y I:'em!!rliljile eliocbica]i aetiv-

The fiew fif!ldingJ'iii~ so Slii,ggccst wh)! ~he ~ eft~~ QITM'S gft~tl\r.!ry. ga)'~ ' A~V"d:IQ ~!Wal:~ Leone, O'l! n!()u:oo':logi.~t f!!tl~l<9infa,~ M()dic~1 9 :Scllodl inlB()s~on. .,_Prulcrlal·.IJLm·li1tc SlI:.IlZireststhllll ~ , -',' " "'~ ...'-' ." i§


FOOll!lt5, IC01!.lld

be ma:cb mOlte \Xlli1l!siste:nt~


]n a 'l:YJ1k",,~. MS T





~lng-sha!pcd pa"dJdille:nca:r


n~y Of~lCUI"O!]!ii, andmea.",ta!~ol'1l!il


by ~nQIl~tor:l ngm:he ph)l'S~o!Ogk~l stalte of ~~lC~ Main lJislng Coloo~lrn.ceIWiI~ ori"llnattcmal. 51 magnetic reso.'uaWlCC i11llag,fr!1g,~REG MllllER 'l! ~ ~ ~
OIl ;!;

0:1 :l!:

~ :z

The!firstphase of


massive project to

scll!eduledt:Q, ibe.gillli opernting t~llis ~lIr. Jibm;

l'e~')Ihllnb seme of Gi1Ii.liI:<1 llligllIliti!est wa ter~ ':s ways ]U:1LS fallen far behind soiiledllaAe becsuse ,~()C'.dHll!tior.iti.<cs dion'twant 1:0pay far lOOpl]¥a i~~,e Gfwinkmg poliAllted WII.tei"•. T]u,e S(mth~to·No:rth W.ller Di.\"crs:io]iDJ Pr{)jcc'l is ill:]wQC~~t~!i!:e cffmt to aJh.wi:rl.t~ cnrol@ic'!,~'aJe:r :sb~rt~g~~ ~nthe (;,()untry'~
~lo!'e pOpll[Ollg. b~t

been del.ayed. at least J yetlfS" Ne<u1y ]u:<II.f f the $4 bill o


of th e

tlnt! phase is e:aml,lIrke:d tor iJTI'p:li'twin~ the q;lI:fI [Uy of thewater, U owever, the e e;ntrnl
gcI'1ie:mTl.entis footing lonEy about: ] 0% o.fthe bill. with the lre.stcx.~c,ctedwcolmiuc f:roR~; 1~litiJ~s thatw~~~ i:Jenefit from tn~~roj'cC't Bu,t bccaWlJC ~lob()dy\>,lf1!11iS 'to d(;l;;u, 'l,ijp SO!1lGlJody (lJ]~eg, ir~ wat~r, 'ff;;\;.... tre;;a:~l'!it faeiHd tlIC5havc bQC~ built iidlOllgth~mM!c'j!Wiid \:va.tt1f q,~l!~:~~ity ~ont:i]'iJJue~ h} d!~~e:l"io!l1.1!tc~Q f:!lJf th~ S if: y,ear,~ccord~ngto .x:i~hl]!1, ~hQ; \'Vf!t<:f ~~ drif!i]~ab[e a!t or.dy if;meof dl'e :1 ~ In Qni~(m;ld ~m5 s se>otiOil1llS .in Sh;alld!Ollg. Smn.e e:l'llginclCl:nng eXI)CI1S say the entire

p:[lQj,ecttitselbe~ds, to be 1IC4houg!tilli,with <I !,'Teaite:f empj~.;<Is;i:s placed Oil ]l.1lproying~he ~, eooi:ogy oftheYd,I.o'W and Huai rivr:ll basins, ~, .Dl"eclgilrn, t~,]eOril'mtd ca:l1ial nor1l:lnioffhe:Yel[ow <ii

Riveilto m1JkieUJe


navU;g<:l:b]c,. ~

they SilY.\'i.iOU]d prnllo'w,e <t g; bOllefilt:olh.c Sl region ood, d~.'lJIs, I1tlri'lct ~.1:1oroitlvestme~t Ql<lli!l¥c.i'I c]~mah:lr,(l~e~lI'fChcriillHme ~
U.S. N~ti()':lH~,1 Cenbc!'


parehcd nor~'.Qrn p'~ai:nf;;

(Scie"c'e, 2.5 Aug1!i!M 2.006, p. H)34). The Cf~sternr~i.n:emak!o8 lise of ~!l C:l(,ii:liti~gnc:l\\vork of C~llafts" rive:r,,;;, ,and ~ake!!lto pump f\lld !$lll)vc:""~tertfflmn the kn:v:cr Y~!lg!:,;!;e Riwr ~'Q J i,f111g~ u a:nd S lla:ndc!IIiIIg pI:Q'i" i~ces. 'IJ,~~tlhfs ~!ill(ll1'1l1:lliil!he {lIff:i!::illll X:~llhua neW$ t 3.gency 3!IlI.lO·I,l]lced that the: fiin:s;t phase ofthe mrute,

Res~a!r'c~~1m,e01iAld~r. Co]omd:o. th]!I]~ks :th<; i Chinese: gG"v'eJm.e!n ~ol!M &:I. a' i]~O!f(; oort'!- ... '11e~I~l:si'l!·,~tb~rub~lhy ~h.!dy QftllC: pr()jeC'[~l;\1!t~
C{l~l~id~:r~ th~imiP~'c~

fO!i'A~'mosph,c'rlc ~

of c'limalte (:ha~:g(,':. ~ Ok1"~I\N";:1Jr:mil1g, lw sa-.ys. oo~itdmake China's 8

:n:~:lI:thwetter !ulIdaUow a~fthoriti.'es to scaJe ~ !ill book 1:he oo!WJb'o'\J\e~:s;ia] 'PlJqileot.. ..iHAO<XIIN f!i


28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR 2007

VOL 317


.l.on gl s,ttllJ', A t~!i'I!Jtl!Iy Slediml!vU (tlr'~teills @( iimell [ly 1haw.

Balllllllc Withtlraw,all
Both U.S. ~e,nlltm5 ham INewYork-H'' Clil'l:~onl (D~ aad Ch.arle:s, .5c:tJrumer(ID)-.are d'Bi1lliilllrldi:!i1g~i1aUne' U.s. Oep;!!rlme'm!t of '\FeI.leHIIi1L5A~ftliirs '(\fA) create' 11'ge,ne bia mlk at llil e' ~:lIIi'!J\m~tyat mbfllily in NlewYmk ~i~:'lte. 'ihe !Pililili i3irgl~e.s t~i!ll th~ p.1iJ!lje~t 'was .al~proved bl!lt flilll~.1i'i eVA ne'v,iN loilowtNIth fOU gl~" Th,e i)[!~. Ih'S etllllMnJOus IPot.ellltiliil: MOr~ Ihi:l1il 7 1ITi~lmOll \lemf~m1S w:rJl.dId! Olfil m.~D N A. aut fcr,~ IfiIOW !tis; t~mgled in (oo1JrlD'll~rsy. A' lm1kll1lg11111 ag reeliIIII elilt Mtili~!h,~ unl¥'E:r,s'ily liI~ady4: YiIl<(!rs ,Qlgo. th~ VAt beg gPli ~Q Pl!~SIl!~ a 'r;! ~!f!e balilk proj(!(i! onits O~Iil., IIp,seni!1 gl time .,t!i,jlb~ii1Y gl'o~ P.· whkil1 is< led by G!~c€r lbao~ogis,t f'au~ette MCCoil'mic_k (sd!?l'lce.29' J!l!Ly 2IOGS,. p.. M34)', !Last I!!.!eek (Uni~()nl ,~:ndSci~ll!me~too<klillpthe '4!5e, .S;l!,!g,. g,estingili! g leUe~1o VA )ecre~;;!!'Y11'1, JQ!iIle~ Nlf:dho!;s(lfi! tih3t "\M;u~.rrl epa'rllm'lel'1it W!iP.y be using 'lne mnce;~its: d'~Ioi',elollE'r:iI ~~ Dr. Mc(rmi1iiid: to e51a11!llnshr .H gene Di!llilki Iii! <lfloU1 er mcatiolii!. " nl.l~Y UIWgM~hreVA to ~et IJ p a gel'le haJ~ ~at
:SUINY,-AJb.anIY· .Joel Kulpersmith~. the VK'.!J dhier research <lind d!eveklpmel1lt. mficer, d\ediniN:I to romment IOn the di,sj:m~e. 'Blllt ht'sa~s; t~",l i!I~thmJlgl~VA ImeS&'lIT~~rl)i:llm o!IfILy (d~ll!()j]nng '5Ip&ime.ll1~ fo.r inlldiivit:iual ~r~ji~JSn!O'w, "our ~~anilft UU~ Ilon(g 1~lJIf~ 1'0 i:I ~!lellilbLe i!W~~ stor.!!!1iJ lIlCOUI~dibe itS IL!I:i~dIby ou;tsndl@in'lv~,~,ti9iiHm;. -JENNIHR, ,CO!IJZ!IN

Whe:!iC\~15the th!:lnno:M~t ~wi~~d~ thOlil, Ol,ltCr;;


tJeW!~l t'Oth!lW iliewodd QUlt ofthe ~st

iCJr;: age? 'Pfllcoce!}~o,g~('Iphe:rrsll1g ,aJs~!,l.ed k

Smf1l'Ce'MiiJtern al,ld u~. A!1Im~tic .w~t~n~1a ~~n· glte 8edimciat cere recovered Jl]~t'W"C$t onh~ PIi1lHi~im:: ~s!I.1I'l'Ld :rvUold!WliflOl" AI ill!I!}1 P(ililiiit in of
tiliaC C om,

~lM!ti~ I~ in~he Nort.h Atla_1liIItic(X(lfl~,SOO1!~· whc:re~ then tile t,ropicai Q~ca1ill. ai~ed PQPU~ g
~3fily in so:m(,'::qt~arlcrSi"BW:IIl(l~ll,l~('itroli'lig !lew evIUdentlelro!I~.iD.the u:opiesil]!!C'e'S ~.he stan ye~' far~:!:Ler w~tlh, H1:e'",'a'l:ers ~1lO~I!u;l in AnlWJl!clicn. The .re['l1dt'~:;..Uvery i;i@]id\,VI~' ha~ te quesdOll;" :s"y:;p<l~e,pc;el'lnogr"'l.pher Wil]~'lm R.udd:i:rlliIl1I~, profe~O'r. eineritus al the IU]'IDiver~ sity o:fVbgi:l1D n, e~:lru'~oitlics'¥':ille. "':!3'1i1l1 it 3]:S0 tclUs 115 th:ings are OOml,mICated, There ~l1e ,jl.tsf ,~;[IIyers, complexity to this." of ~F~DldJiIl!i[ where ]t aJU sttWted "oomes dOMl to ti:mi.n£~·' Slliys p~h.:,ooeano~/lfll,llhe.f Lowell

m~crofo\8si I s th~t



Sw" ofthe,U nr\'"f:(rsity Sondlem Cali bn~a ,of

d:etea'm~~.lmgthe tim:~~lgQif di:m!llte ,~~ can bew~shwl~el1, ~" Wilg1.~ i~~ in llile,pi,clSlsreoOrtled ]11mam,e secli~ iJI.lcnl, whcna$W.\'irMii'ilg ln A:ifilJtartticai ts recoiideclii'lg:~aeialiee. T1056;'ire d!llted by :l!l "Ilit'-,';n., "~'~ffy-t - ._._._(;'~L('l ~. "vh' 1l.. ~- tlle>r:;:~" ,"1;1 _m,~ ~ y ---en;i"1W tfi--h-ds ._~C~~ "n";::-·s ,--~l:l mu\~.l~,]es. But L
i~ ~--

o<LIKI. Slot!: had com:;~'u.d' he tf1opt~ t PiI,cific had 'l!V1Innedlf~["s't.lflreS.l11i1il;1Jib]y t:lIillSmg gl1iicilll~ice to hegit:l~llcltiilllg. Btllt their ~:1JCW iil!na, S;iU""I;S dU'I:t more tl:J,lI:n ~ 8,'[100

mooil"&d~~· perature tllel1enl1lllhcir OX.)!~emt "o:to,pic, !(;(l!ni'!lpOL siJtuoilm\ whereas mi<~luif01;Si]s tl1a!tal~)ls ]~lIcd 0'111 the sea :tloorr,(,':e:ordedi the~elupemtl:l!l:,e of ho;tm. v.:mN't1~thad sul}kli'O~mt{he surface of ~1rleSoutlm!elll Ocean l'leruIi An~$l"Ctilca. Then the: glDl~';httedllih.;: ~lUel'lt, l'bel'lL':sw.Hs, reported onhl1.f: at www .. sci.ellt)eJJ]ll,a:gJorg/~g~c()Jllle:~tfab:fim:;tlll43791. were snl.rd~ng."~n m.l cmriliell 'sde:,u:-epltlpe-r.

''\fCm~rm Pac~fic~!,uf~(;\~ters

:~ ufJ.cQmfbm:bTc a:imlo.u~t Qf1!mocrtf!~ly.

StoU .!IIm:1col[e0i~tlcs A:~I. cT~~n1l1lii~mtalmm., a :~ !:nloocier ~t th-c U~i~~~ityofl-!l~\"(fJii.t Ma~~(i; :~ and IpnJcooear~jJgroijh(,':Ii"R.o'bert T.l'Dunoil olf the ~ lil1ivcrsi,ty'ofSooitlm! Crurolina, Go]wnbi=\ e:]i1m1.~ .~u~l~ted :1 1!mcc;r~~nJty, ~tlcagt,. "Yga M~ing hat :~ c:hmlg~n.g 'tempemulJJre i]lwe:SN'~rn Pa,ctnc ~

otner dilhscl records, S:toU oiind eolleagues ~pi~)a 'ril,e ofhOl.v~h~ ice started me~t~ngri .PiF8l, predk::ta!lblc Y~M adon~ il'll:E[!rti'l'$ oroh ~nd tilt lnereased the amoUliil~:ol·sunl:ight hi.t-

years <I~o. Alltarot~c'!;\I<l.'tel;'SliV<lrnned 1000 to, l300 yC<"lrn !DefOre trolpiC."I~V!-'3~6I'S. Staftimi,gtr,om thil!t 'timi!'ig~j]d drawimg en

N!!!!srAIR IIs, ffI:e borr!!l

i~3litweek :3lnd !!iI ow plaJll~ki' omit the 5:pi!!c:~r~rt Iby 20U.,. The' NUiOle-ar S~ectiro~C!Opk: ireres{o!le Arr,[lJYOIh!l51APJ willl,Jse high~m'~M .'!i~rr<ll~ to imag:e UJeilree~ areund M<ldk holes th~tmmi· gregat:e <I~.t~e cerlle,f O]gil.!la~e-s. Uihes:paoe <lglEncy Id~ledthe ildei31 1m!2000, boca !Jl!'IE' of III ndNlA$A ~~urre~ted<I l1fIiiss;i(mto~ltJd~ Ma{k hoi'e'.s

U~lg h~gh 8ouJthen~ h!Hwdcs d!l~rhlig austral

spring, TITh."IIt w;8Jl:medthiug.s


~ W




.~ ,ii ,...

up~(l:(lany ~Ild 1011 I:~nd:.the sea ice baek '(O·\!'~I.·d.A:ntarctitC!I. ~capplnglhc SO'l]tllcm Oce:~m ~!ld frt::dng IilIl'lll:chofHs cam on dknc:i'd:e Uo begtinw~t:m~ug ~[~e whole world. Nice- SloT)/; etherreseaeehers s,\y,.and the, st!lll"l1Ing :po~nt: ail least seems r~h:ly SlO~.i.d ~ ... ~hrnnk they :1iI1I.<Ike... convlndng c<lse that :SOille~lillltlll~s happen~~.lg 1Ii! ,Mgh stmthel'ilil ]3.t~ i~!LI!d!e.'l 'i:ropic~ll. [C'mJperaJnIJlreG change,," sayspa~:eocC:iaJm.o~:rapl,u::r Jell.n .IIl.Y:l1lch~ S~'ie£iti'tZofGeorgilLl ~n::;tih.te ofl'echl1Ology :iil1. ,Ad lIE1ita•. .But. OliSl:ii"le amldRiudJdimm bot~]

ln1lQI mt~alll1l:s. 'Bl!lt NASA ~en(e (hi,~f S. AL'l1il m 'Stern 'laid] in lIs:lti:telifileilll Umt in e r'e1;!ers:ooIi111Jt deli~]onl b«,alJ@~ "li'I\e're gf~tJtiillilgl m.Dre 1II1i1dliTlore frr(!lJ]jfth ~ :s!(ii~{t:!, bllld'.g~ w@ hav,e, ,i3Jn~Ole Irl~~lIrt oflh@' IRig~~LV \i'.1Ii~~edN'uSliAR 11'Til~~~oni~
1In '~)!iilm!Jlhl! orlhat~


IliliIuiSlclD'lli~ tE!llIfljof

Ulelr~se."d~r.s willath oo;Mat~·~ s; lost for-a

11iili~'Ssfi;inoogi!1J;llQy s[a,tedfof ~ai!ifid'! 'th~,s~gu. , ~riiill IP~r::son:a UVimJ(i"tHJ~b~ye.xCiit~, ~. :salYS (at't~di . Iphyskist ftiQ!1@ IHarr!~ ii!. tJi1~ 1)'J'l:lIIcip.ill, invest~@" l'Cf on l~e projec:L INo~ eve~ Il1lro]ect. gClt Igood ,iilews. bst week. Sl.'e·~!ri! ~~. 'iliJJ~rl)\i'ed a P:~aJI'lOOI ~ed~(e the !1U~~ a
:belr ,and (olllilP'lf:xi~V of ~In~~u~ all d,e' Mar:s m et'1it5, Sdelill oe Lai'lm8itory beJ(<lUJI~of(:-o~t ovenUrl5;. ]hatis. r,~t5i]liIIgl ho,wls: frolUlll MI!ll~ f:xptllratklJl adv[J(atl'5" Tille Pal>i3den's" Cail'ifolnnia-ba5lM PI:.!!lii!et[ll)!' Sm~iel}!' ,calle.dlll e m O'i!',E! "perJlliI~-whe .a,nd POullldrooLis!iJ.'~ --AN DR.EW !AINU!R


.Uj; ,~

,r:: '~

~nLQte. ~:mtti['lg~ogelheoT ~.Iaciati;cm :sm:rry the i:s '·iiI ruck)" bllsin(}~.'" Awllthen:: are dig~lfiI,t~

ili1l voi,ee.s. ffU!]lJoc~ali1ograrnlh~]' David L~~ ()f

tl~e lI1ni\icrs.ity ,of C3![i.fl}m ia, Sa:IWt!!.B3mb~r.~> says it ~sn!t ~(!! clc~r'polat\varmilr!; pr~cooed tropie~l warmin.g, giv.eiti the difficliAUy of' p(i.~k~gtni!:te:x;actl.y \l;Ihe:JmJ t~p:~C!!:~ the
12111lU 14QOO
\"~-I: .]jl~[O


6 5 .~





ing bc~n.

IIio!,rg~," !~t J

story in ~;~c NO!ri:l:lcml~cmh;ipheTc;-\\iirtere

IilIl(lstioe :meirhm,gCMCllntaUy


!;l:gr,ce ~'aJtfi1m!ish~!1g 'M.'pthe oocnrred-will


.~ .4 :s;oILltln'erly start. W'lItler from I'ileHf AllIIt!3Jn:tic<! :t5 (bGUD1l1)' warll1l,~d;b~lfore the ~OP~L'S I(Wpt.




iflU rulN11n.:s, [: llHe]tE's, NOfIflIING, HSIE v ri~ei'L :So ~flhe OOSitiooissm:llSi;;i:i!l oolne ~1I:Y.

ofevi~:!l'h~a"xi~mDght~o'\M t~lat fie lir-ii"'iC:r8C ~.ars Iii :strnfil,ge mape or is tMiiting~ ]tooulcl tt'aSh C!o~{):~O,gi~t:;''(;he;fi:m(;ld[lf;:s1[mpHQ~that th~ how~""Q~ld you wm~Tha:t m<l,J' !Swndli!wth~ bC,g[!l!:!:i~,g olf an (.u:m~yi:l1(g arg-!l!!l'!C':(I! a~~'Of!g ~:l'1Ii\1'~:rsehas ~.Q r:;;C!l~cr fIi~'1dn!O ~C1c:i.:d d~rr;;c:· p~i.I.QsolPhy ~.n;aJj!i)n; Bijl Cl)smo](')'gi.M'S have .• ~iOTlls~1ii1e so-called .,osmo'~ @gicallPriliiLdp:~c: OOC1iiI debadllgjtist t'fuis,poirlir a8t1~y nymi~gtl~a!t traces Its odg~ns 1'0 Copejjn:iC~lJS,. Or it ure o~~t,'llellhe:r-j1!,l~t: \ maybe-OllT' 1liU1iUVCfsels oou~d be a I:iilCflnillglessflmkc. "Ev,eryonc e;ve:rIi weiruert.h!D.lhey tJrought agtrees [t'S i:lm.ere::" ~ySi lVlte U:I1lJ:I, a ~osnllo~o· gist at the Un:iv,ersity !l)fOxfol'd ~n t1Thc J{. U The oOlltr:roversy 1l:sJ~ een !Oim~lt-;d1l1g for b
"B[ut :is.~tgigllil~l:a1lt?"
,[,he~'e'sthe ~·lIb:Wit~1 .only one~ln~ver;se W :rlfU'laS:lIUe,.hm:i1IY be imp ossi bl (1: t'Q lell.

hi.nt!it some fuoo:a:mmtd f~a!tUi:'¢ offue ,e~ni:re \l!tl~~,;eril:e. it CQtl:~dbe ,ii WIfl~fI!inglGss peeuOr U@rhy 'of the !bit 'lIli'C: ca~ :sec,. out so-called Hubbk '41()Iii!.rliliH;:ori)bfi,cr~ble 'lm~vc:rS!c. .Deddi~.g~n be ditfl'1Cldt ~8 it's il:npQs~~b:lc In peer ]llt:Q uc:ighhoring H.tlb~k mlm~ll(lSOr
In .1.'C:pear the ·':expel.'ilnenc" that pm(fucedOIJ!['

fus,t "'i.iC~Ui:!!IS,"vcr,gH~npse ~tSo

t~lC axis


homey plltc:h oflhe inl"inft~"


s;om.e time. In 2: ij1)3tNASA'\i;;W:u I.It in:~on Muc:ro~Al1i:SOIIDPY PI~Obe(WMAP), SE!te:I.~ ~[teme.1Sm-ed~,le l:Ught ]iJllge'f,mg f001,1:1 theMg baing: (Scitmce, 1.4 .f',ebrua:r:y 201J.3, [p. 991, '" Re$ea:rchfl~rs c,hadedi thes]i:giful variaJtJiml:S ]1) the 'ielllJl!Cmtl.ll!e oflih,e, Iilid~atklJ.l.b,l,m'!,!:Ji]1 3S the GQsiI1irn.ic ~m'(;IWayC' l'IEICi;]:.;:grQUlld (eM B). to m pmdu{;le <I:Sky Hla:p wsembli.ngll di:lllply linle'" An~l]y]je:d stati, tharicoeic map bolstereda bizarreSCeal\i'lJliOcalled inflation .. ][1

.M.ode:r:~ .c:Mmo]ogi Ctl:] theerymixes the,<iJJIiIII pr-ed~ctahi~,~ i~yof IEinswi:n's ther

"lf our what dales it mleanl?"

__ l!<Ste U~uid, Unlver8~ty

"'Tl1.e Inairti, ]lrob~e'llJ.~w.ith COSlIlItOk)g::l is s:~nllPl,esize---1ill'u: ofj'ltH one: 'l1I1Il]'I1el'SIe," .lm.w:!. s:!Iys."lf (j!IU' universe i~m~.l1lS;uB].'\vlmt does ~t me'3flll?" Thle uln~ver!i'I!i~jhi unllUlsual, question Ilmdersccnes


~fj,1.1lI!ch ,OS~ C

ory of gravjt;y wi,t~~,



moiogi.sts· observe-

illl~he past 2: decadles.

dl ei 1:1. h ere~.nulndo~m,ess ,(I f quantum

cell ani C:S.'!iMiliti ell

wlmic:hilil .1] billionth ofl.:li trillionth of<)IJ tril~ro.l1!dlora, second.the IiWWOOm.l~!li,,'C~ ,OOlil,'· b~od 1Jfl:dredoabledin si~e ] OOtiimes, OVClf, ~Ir,e,tc:hmg eaeh ~Uo!ll-s~ed VO:!W:r!C: tO~hc8i~c

held s~vay wh en the universe wa S j ust <I.]iJJ ilmjfiil1ite~i[l1ja~8~eck. So theorists: can pred~ct t}~e sl~ti8tk:~[ or ~'!I~r:ag'(;p!,QP~:1!ties of tho UI1JQV(l:!"$c. ibU!tf!ot the ]~ldiv~dual quirksalld oOlne:idcnees: c~lI~ed by ra:ndO:i!l qt!i<ltimm

t:a'ilio.e· my~i!:C!'·i~~j.l~a'. nijctUi.!tiJOI'IN all those biUiO!1s Ofye~f.s ~go'.. Mor,co'V,e"" alth(;!l;.!:gh thet~~r~ver~~ ill tOifO ~.rly bei!l1!,fini'~<;., \'iIC sec o~dy11 n!1~!:C p~r~of iii. Because the: Un~ycrsei:s cxipa,lldbg and lill:aJtsl:Iggesil'ootl:iat ~he COS'lnO'5 m[gJiThtbe $kev.r~ B~.espeed ofliglnis :f"i:nil~ei~al1yth~llg be)'Qlld ered like a n}fl:,m~f1]'~nn too'Wlp[ck bf 311 'axis o 50 bll UiOll .1:ight'..!ye~lrsI Wily is :ilomning oW so !

\i\lMh:if! 6 ~m)~~"l'one ~'oolnhad fOlUlThda Q~ri· 01;8~iig!~mcn~ of ccnain u!1dui~UCi'r!S i~(he eMS. Others; seen fOil.l!lliidmete c(l!r:rela,tiom

8'1!l'I: the ~aplod

"In the past, au frontiiet has !lh:vays beea set by ted:unorogy.: you loou~d<JI[ways bll.iM<l, bigg;er tc]e;s cop,e .ami leek d(leper," ·says M ax Th.,Hl~rk of the M~~s~chl!@ett:s ~fis~jm:~~of Th(;!ht!ol~.y (M IFf) .•"For t:I~ flrst~:me,wclv~ :hi.i th.c :final :t.~ontierm~~ ~ lS Somr. 'O!l'~y :!!!m,eai:luru~l~lJ,'e!1tsoft-he eMU ~ h!f'\l\e r!.mY!p ~gai:!illlt:d~a,t~arri,er: But ~s 'CQliS- ~. mO~Qggs~ lrm:n<:h studies U~:at ~ke ~U~llCY ean ~ :S~ ai> one mel:l~!leI1l.cnl:, other efforts ceufd '~ :::i hit it, tee, A few researchers ddnll:that' the ~



28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR2007

.. W:ei~dness ~,~~~d~ ~Wi.lunnll?plSof aU tl~ 'ga~ail(~~S the: unive~e: _

~ I!VIU 1~S:~~lJ~ 1iI1;:;e(J tl;lr

thtlt as possible evI'd:ence that t~1(ll.mi¥el:se Is in f!lN illT<lJ'ied m'ol!.md a sl)fIdial axllis. lfthflt 1WeOO mre,.tlile (mmologi'Cilil prioc:ip~ewQuM go o~ul science, AJl[ ~!'1;Jrech9~: having on[yone Ob5iie1'V~ matter, wfuich ThI~sreve a~ed. ~t:5elf on]y t the win:do~:v. ll1c aJ!~gwme:lilts~re SiU tJl:IC 111000 :Elib]f:~UIl~'iterSe mCi3!IlS that SQ~fil,l.e ofi,t:s qluirb thl'ou;ghit~ :gravity; and. 73% siP<u:::"e~Sh1eOC;h[llgsnmeslliveooc<ll.lSetlilll'lyinvolve' tie' booooesl da;li'k elliler~)1" '\?!'h]clil i.s ct~rre'l:Jitl.y acceleratUlrndrn~tiol1isen the micmwave sky.l.a:nd :says: •• '~Ilem lIIiliTIl fo~everm,ysrtelious" ing "rile e.x:pilJ,1:siio'li1I of the uaiverse (Sa.:,el,lce. "[f ili(;WC ·w·e~emme t.1:iing ,oodlco!il!illQ~og:icai[1., ' thisisww!el'"e; yml'dA~x:pe;(;titro, klick:iJ~I:j' IFimifalre tmillhe (~mlmJon Il!IlnWeIr5e HI Dec!e~.nber:W03.p. 2{138)., Li ke ii, Jiim~.i~1,c1liidri",pa"ver ,ehord\ t~'ieCMB The pmwet Spectnl!llil. ,iiloo ri~$ and dups iii Mi'il'IY<1m skepti:eill"[f you loOk tilt ii. ttl.m reverberates t:iwroU'gh tjnle. The :~:ilifmQfl~C;~ ~~~.~l pl~oo::i, ~e\.'C-a1! ooll:rgd t~-e::l ri,. B~ ill 1.000 hmv di~d W~f8. you GX]lect to- f"1IIriI:d in the el,ectronHI,gp:leddlto:ugh dle todJ somerbi~gthat:~ unusual ~t the ] ··;iW!··lOOO dh:g:mliver!ii·~. ~:JliIfla,· ]e;v~I,:'WM A P' leOl.derE!elf!:~_ett ~;\j, Srn:l1Ci sus~ct~c eclilo reveal the nCC!lSm'D~Dgy m,aty hUlk like: s tate ,ofthe u.1m!iv(,;lme tio]lJJary theory prc- pcctdlat the: a~ii'O mar be sn illU!~iQn lPf,od~C1 a science! ~ b IlJIltlt isnJt a i d~,cted~!~I(;nanire (I f by an litnfl~C01!.DIlJ~ed 'bi!BS in h(lMl tiIrtJe &~telli~(: wh e'l1i!dlli::: c~,or:d \V;iS \V(I[ks. And I;;V'Cf! rhose wJm !l!i!'i.i(; ~·It!died ~he ~tn~ckiI)M~udy <"!fteil science:" because it's the b1:Lmps and ""'ig'· g~l:;Si.~nd fhe 'WMAP ~:hcbrig bang; llUgll~L'm!!soote ~~at 'e~ct!y hO\'1 UI1ilikd~ fhey impossible to do repeatable A(lcOil'ding; tQcmdI,t~fi:I:~liI~ ~In;::diotnarl!i; appear depends Q1liJJ llnidm :math~aHcaltoo~s w n~se~I:,(lhel:S~1scto !!Jlal.y.ze them. st:m.mllil81liJJj' rel1JJltbie,ory. ti1:e ~i-e:xp'8rime.Llts. prec~scly. S:a.~llC]wN.les, Bc;nneM. aJ eesmeloa:rre mldllii,g: :~!t~riou.'S~y. "'1.v".'Ould! s;~f thSil \vilih ::I s verse POpplf: d ~nt:o -James Gunn, gist !It: ]'Qtu\'llll~op1k.i:rls existeaee .h:lf.i.nile~y bit! More t~19n 99% OOl1f.iden\;le you cams!!)' prjnceto n 1Inwers ity Ullrn'lle:rsity in H@J~H~ t~.lf,ll:eI'S$JOmeri}~l1g slmIDige'.:· SCIn,ww:z ;fiays. dense aad het and ersmmed with ]ight more~ M;fII."Y~!lIld, :fUnd <lind S1100um:uic pmtlde&;" Withi!ll, 1QI ~ seconds, leader of tlia!cWMAP rerun: "It celiii:l~dy WBSiiI .lld5,.St~!'ItiilR filiLlS~DJ~ i~;1;~1 a:tkul stretched ~t ~n1 ~nense~y;b(;lforeit,8 ASSHllliilingdu: <I1risis more Ulan a meaS'LIil;t:mel1il I:lliJjor 'Y'iotory for inf"l1i1iollmy 'GosnmLogy:' exp3I1s,i{l1l sdowed to Ellmorek:]slIre1y Jmoe. cTliUr.1imal neiW rnfiysics,mi;ghit it POll~it lO?nlC hl1i1acioneve:noo Ol.dlh~ temper1ltilillJ1e,oft1iIDe 1!IIl~ The' e'merge:s most c;omelf'illatillwe 'expl!lIIrn:ionis,dul!t l11e ,<liligtl~ verse :il'l:lictt:hed space, as!]"t as 11 t<m:t!Jed sheet. Anlid ;t:]llIICcaecphony, however, seientists 1n6l1!1iSeflect COJ:],1Hilluin".ti,on 'llrom some:l1erntly r ~l1d di,tntod to nothing the lL1JJ.l:IWrs o,fc!i:.JiI:ain !~-u-ted OOIl1.e d.isrinotive ~!~l:iIno.Th]:::-s,. :In 20M. Slruift' e~.thc[ mits orabsaros mOCTCI\V<1iveS. e MH''s Te~"1n1l.rk and Angetic<I de O]~veim~ Rese a.rr::~,er:s 3.1ready hav e ~:of]]te:r out tliii,e Ipeskyp"ilTti:ci,est~IDttll.oO:li":~slS So"liyu.ClLlI:d exist Hllc;roW&lVe gl<lIDe~,1)lmll the di,sk but thm:have never been seen . 'Cosm. bO~l thcrJi at the U nive:rsiio/ of Perm ~'YI- "blc~ulid'" Theb~g blowlII;p 1I.lso ooi~1I.rOOI seeds fi."lil· vania, ",epooed "in Pi~J'S,ic(lJ ~·.liewD tm.tthe tile oft-he pru!ll:!'ty. A signal ori,g]l1li1!tling \'I,i:~~l~in ~h(l R ()ff~; ootopolcpa:tlC:imiire i"ioli;;,r sygWm !might exp'.laJ~l1~he Ol1ii,(jdioilto C ~h~i'~ppl.'esn tb;~eMU. 'Jhe ~:~c:hlng!t'iagni- 00:1~i'id cold ~p[;l~<'l i nedri~lyqlJal'itilJ,m tlli1ttual:i,olls in t~e 8~p of ~.·a}red ,Ii'oornill a.sin, .~l.1i:t rui~e the pilliJU;· the eeliptic---.aHhoiiJ,gh that 'lIrouid be fhrmore fuJi!id<llWe!1tt1!lpaf!i(;h,;~. C4t;!li!:i:!llg ~Hght ~rinI~I~ Of! ~ bll~etbaU, MiQooo"'~:r,Ulis axis llppOOtl\\ ]i1k~~yifdl~ 1l?>i8,rnf!~fw.ill~i t(lt~Kl axis (lf~l~ ~IP q:~adr1:.ll-. SO~~f ~S~C!l1l~. !lO!: pcrp:;:!7ldial:~iJl'tl() it. 't!onl' in {til dcnshy. M~t~r kg:.'1i!l 1{1CO~~c:~e ~o:~;~!!l(; with .~. ~mn~r .~xb;fo~tIllte hlJiiJotl\ic dWl;er spots! setdmlg ofl:~ aJ sil.oslh]ll,g (ill: PQk. 'f~iD.(':y eiSthnatedth.e dhanCieslh,SlJt tile Su~:iJJa fQrlegroll!¥i"..'Ot:I~d k sc:.1der 1~1liJJ it ~Iigmncnt is,.f! fl~ke at 1m 66, light ~nd lmIltter ,fl!lId1~oodi!:gg 00' tilllY teillpemsou~d(; ·fIt first. Still'k:rn~!fl says, An thclc<i!st U 1~1Utrc: \i'<lida:l:iQI1S, Tl~,esef1Jr,eI~lm.esame v~~atl.C):[i)S A Few momim!~~a:~cr, a:11i~the:r~eam found would! !:Ievea] I'IiCOV,!I!Stl:op1JThysk:~ p~u!ps some cml~eyed by the CMBj which kg:aJ1l sbll1ing IlIDlI'C CI!.UiJefll'l> aUgIlJ!m.enls,The !iJ'liJis e:fmedby d r~[~y biza.Trnform of diw.t. MOI'eo,ve:r~,'m~gh the c(I!1)]illg un~~~'iiie 400~IOOO y'ca'ns the ijtladliiUjpok:and th(:oc'~~pore lies in the e:l"IJce: ofa f-oreg.r'O!'Nld tm~ the s.ol~r ~'y:llte:m p.~a:n.e hhe solar sysrem,klil(loW]1I .M the eci~ip. woul:dllllm;~ .Ii.lrely oI11ybo'IBt~:iUl~e case ml:lUllC o (l!fiJCI' the btg hflng 'wlilen ]:ig!:lit..:lr8ipp:il1l,g I)m'" ~:onSi: nd e]e!!dtmns. ,comb~lled l:olf-Q:f.I1JilI.l¥aIl,>pa:;.. a ti.e aJlUi.poffimits t!Owru:d.&e eq!,. the '~'l) c::osDi!c aiX~:l;, he: says. Stl":!lllm_g,e dI~m~glm,it m~.y ent hyd.mgen a:~OIn.,;" proi!l1itson .E'arlh:s Oljll:lit at whi.c:llli ni:ght ood dlfIY somrl:cl\, c!Cimpen salting for such iii fo:regrOlJMldi To d,ec"]plle:1i the mol1l.ed CMI9: m~p. v,,'Oild:dl pro~ilLbly i!!ooelItmVl:ethe oodiLties. "Tille ;m:e eqlMl~ ]crtgil'l1,:a]] a-ve:r ~'he pl:fll1et" re1loded WM.Jl:JPreseal1chers, hl1~e rut IJOOffll much <liS ,1) G]e~llJn Stark I.Hall 0 f Case WeS~l'::nl Rese l'V ~ cJm:~ces m,"etilat whe.l1l you subtrad R. U\,e dm:a,ohold ca:n be b~;eui.1il'to ~nciliv~d!ll<l] Univeni,tyi,1iI1 ,C]il:JYc[,t1ml. Ohio. [)'olilrn,i~~lik wi~~, a:_gru, 'e,\,:enle,ss,'¥e!~ wi:H1tliLe ~lm.eoiI'Y than pi.~che-$. Any :sp~ef'~CEI] m~p Ci;llml vie:wed 3S be SC~lW.a:iZ QiftiThe: Un[~ tlii,e-srun o:ff'c©1IfSI:::c'f ,miliClfiim:r'an$ ClI]]ed ~:rsily ofB~eI!efe"ldi~il, ~a!rmmlics or mu~tipol!es.Fo]" 1he eMB. the Germany, and co~coarscst,. tJ1medipoilc. simp,ly div~des ~l:leSkyi:lliiID k::'lglll,e:si.1i1i Ph)lSicuJ j~l~:ew Le:{t(!rs. mtomerruu:d coMer lm,ruI'\1\es. ne1l,t t]ne' quadm.'flile pole, d~vi&sd1,e :sky rOlL'g,Wlly :ili!ifoUf. into the Theml,.in 2005, i ·t'\ii!IO' hO'~t and tl.'l(l cdooSfoogtons;andoo on. Oxford '8 Lat! d ilnd: ~()io Magueijo ,of ~ Rc;se~!'c~lC!,sli~I~!cas,uood stre!1Sl~s ofhllnthe: ~ cl!rodi On~!morucg a;l:\d pl,Qtt'C:d tho:milml rl.SCI- ~·IiW1.p'cri~l CoIl cge: ~.'""',fI.Ur··1 n"'w·r "'I"",_ .. U. .-., -- ... _...~-- --~,g...,..- lon@n n;[pO!OC1ed that "" "' __... ylU" ... ··c. "j';"c'tr'-l!ii~· f~" e""~n'ii:!l"',j'i"',"]
p~tit~ms,. is Inecise~y 13.7 billi:OH :years oM. 1JlI:tlIU 1[11n~,[n()ii:s comfieM. It also has to ,contain 4·% iord:unary ~i111E1Jtre:r.;.23% d!l:rrlk Rlldfl<I!uer
a i j.

~. I

mo~!c~ l't1~.oapp¢.!1!r to The, WMAP :t,cfl)'[Ithentriedm ~t¢h this be al:i.gWil.ed. t'lle: ~ :spClctrum. to tile 'pl'CdJicdo1ll.lIs of CO$]ll.o]!o~c~:~. IqtI:!!dru]?ok mind octoPolu apart. Tlf!!!ilXlS(d !!l.!'~i (poles 1iI~11Ir~ed r'li!dl)'li~salrlJlO~tpmpemm(ulalr to tile ~ 'theory. They rou1l:d~~cy ()ouid do juS!: t]n,at'if ~Mar systern'~ I!!OCis ~pole:s rna rkOO b~I.m) a I1Id ifa r~:rollil th.e :gala,c.liC:,clii.o;, pole.. Theyulf~eqlrelied

q.~lv.a.l.e.:nt.Qf.:.~ ~.1l~'.C~1 ~'a!tl(J.I!ii...p.eC.~fy[ng 11'0. ...s, , Cl!!ifl:uch M~!l~~ play ~_b·W(Ic;r·or SQilkr.


the ne:,;:t:



'fut barll'ne'r1:0 klffi.ooll.,edgc.:SQMe rn!l'guf:"is G:!Qsmology's Achilles' hed. "Cosmology may Ci\1B so p:recis;d]y tlml the bigw::,siI: nll(ie~inty ]ook like a seien ce, but it iSIITh't a seience," now stem s frem the fad tha ~ we see til e Sa!yS: .l!a:lli1es O.JJmlmiof Pri]1;ce:~DIil Uni'!,llers~iny, m~(l1'Q1;\1<11vesky on[y Qne'~dIJJI)b]e:w~luillle~ for G:!() .. foHndJeJf o:lithe SroIDI survey. "'J\.. basic tenet ml, c,a]]oo cosmic '!tani!llllcc. "Wc::/ve' ofsl:lietLOO is tilll:!Ityou C<LiIl b repellMbie e:"'Pm~ d ,OOlrn}(: the metJi~n:eme~'~:" BelmneH:SlI):'S. ",I.t\ no,t ments, !lliil:ci :ymtc:aJIl't d.C! thatin COS~1,~}O~.ogy:' Oiheril dOll 'tsee the ,pl)oIbl!C1mJ. ":So mE, the :fhd gOi!lflli!' to ~etmnybi::"treE.'" thtlih¥e emilloililiy see olieHubbk: vol~Jlne hilliSi:'iol The 'g;eQio~ 'oT ,'he (~m!li),5 b~J!1i!1)Jil,im~ed:iflill~t to tildersiagldling: ,oriyou glQO'ffthe screen 0111 ene ~:de, you come To be sure, l'tIaJ1y ~ings!1eITI.'Iinro ·~l'l'Wa~i1~:red. gillll.tnd evoJimiorl'oftt11C 1!IIrn¥e~~" 'f~e~ :says. Bu'tc()~mic Vlil:riaJnoe cO'l!rndlJ,l,l:ti,m,).t:el,y pli:n,C~'l S()lne note th<'!t: cosmic vari<!l:l!1!.cll:' b~ck OJl1l the othe:r~" Teg;THI§k ~Hly:S •. Other:~ will limit hf~vep~'opose>cl'fo,\(;iirdct sh~:pcs or :o;uggcs,wd ofuer sonsof swdies,. suCb as gala;'!.)" surveys. !ncasurom~ok of only thev(;-ry.' ~!gestii;;1!'Mres ~~~ii'!!the '!.'J'lm~et;tnhl'crs,e could be ~piliiiilliil1g t tescflrchc1f8wh]71 the (!If theuniverse ~nd O1I![\oll~ldlheaxis Slo."m Oigital Sky "The~ ~ f~act,tha,t we~can cmliy tlwt Slliu.~y:u~,g~C!if!~yr" None 'oFthe~~'ID1M]i;dng [dc~ h~ bow]oo S~n'{;y~ri(l us:ing 1.! ~3dslllS!1Ier bUl!mJl:s~rd see DAle Hubb~e u[lllume h,a's wi,g~;les,Inay be more researehersever, 1~.QWeV\eL 1'cgm~rk Sind 25~metel" 'l:elle&~ope . !lJ Ap~che, Pei ate, de: Olivcirn-COSlat;;; dmJJg)mil1.Uit'I)!In:u"'el~e,(lliaJshes .le~~~~1g 3!I:'I)I\.'l'aj( • not, been an impedimen't w~thojj]~;cr Oboef'!,\';;Io!Of.'lai 'OOIl5Ir.!!~ilmt~,lf j}!e li,IHic-, 8.vell ~o,aU ~g.ree New Mexiro. te mai:1' Doundersta ndinq the (lr~g~n ve:rs,e wraf$ .afl',Ol1'IUI in .such ;sJwa.y, then tlu!'tcOi!mdc 'Va:l"li!!Jnce 'El""erydTh til ey mH~, il!lg and eVl],lution of the universe," higllll.ighl's, a defi]Dli~:e eesearchers Should see r.l~)~I.mi:cNtillg ci:roies in see in a qU.<J!rlcr Q(fthe ~Il:y a]ld have 5j:'loued. 'fJne CMB 011 op;'esid'e:s of the sky (S'eirmoe,. -MiGnael TILJI"ner~ to \VI.18:~CO;Hil!lO~2.1 Jlllle, 2J)Q'~.,p, 2~37 )" .~ilI.t none havebeen 8(1 Ill'i.mon galaxies ogy cantell us. "Ihe University of Chicago goml ef ll~lY:S~C,:Sh: to tb1lXIJd. Otl1.'e:rmodels :slIJffur 5,imrl~ilr [piiobl.en15, so far, Theilliopo:sed: ·',lts~.'01Jgb because OIl olle~lmnd,. r~,n the :SDd:e g .4~lIiIu:u:a· I..ange 0Ji11 mlcl:ersmnd l~e basic af:!myingt~laJlth]s ~mm£ilybereUmg lJU!:l, smIle~ling;" S(ynop'tlc S:uJt"V'iY Telesoope (LSSn <l.ll!ll'StD dyna,Mlilics o:lithe: lun:i\fe,~'Se';·'fmaleT' S<lyil" "Cas" Starb~,1IlIl, S<ly.'l, ·'Onthe ottme!lf illland, :Sow I'm ta]ly 3 bilhon, Bytilia.e middte of the ce;liItury. moiogy isalittle d,]fib:renl:. T~ile. eali:s to aeeeng 1IXlJiCO:IJiVil1i:lcd by theideil:s ~][I!1itllla,i'i,Jc been p.ut :ro~~)]e~~ likely 'IovillI.l~,"e s.unreyed ail :~ bil- slrucHhe hist'O:l'yoftlllae l!JI:mvme .. CosnlOlogy 00 " romaril fo:rwhm this Inight bell:e~ll.iugus," In:rnrulbli!ht gillW!;tes £n eur Oi i.JUbblewl'l.une,. says is more akin [:0 ,evoluttamlry bJDllqgy or g=lOl~ Of ro,'![ffi'J, the axi s coeld just be 111 fluke;, ,11 Miclirnel Turner" a l1osmologi ~ a,tdleUni'''mli!i.'ty o~,:y,he !l:~s. ~lwhidj1.fl}se~rolmel1> muirt !limply ,00fChief~gQ in [Iliooift (;,oinci.d!el1Oe p,:iod!ucod by pri li!Illo!\diaD qM.lIn-, !J,cecpt OOli1l1:e fl1JC:tsll~ S:rVClil. Fow exmI1lp:~e;, ~he mmt~uctua!Ii~~j:l:8 it:! QUir pa!rtkul~r Hubfb!lc yolSlilCW&\in~ ,atii:ll to !iti.~; fuedi~bwi;(m of theQry,ofplatltteeW~ic::; does 110't eKplain '1I'~11r' l!lttle,.Mtholollgll Alben Eilillstein ]i:'t'l]sted t.hilt 8eV'cli!Ieontiliflueim:t.s,. the gll~iJAieflClli mas S:e, Of ho\vthe garullxil6 s' Eiirt!!l huproei~ly "God d.or;;~m),tP[~l¥ dk:~"-----':5o Qfi~ 'th,}t iQ~~.- im1l_gt;!8 <too di~~wte(jby hiiJgt;; ~brotJd,g ofd1!fk T~)~dist!nctknlw~~ydg~",o~nihefiif~!'1y .I . ~'ol • .'I!. .;;rs tired 'of hC~ri.Ilg it,---,lhcorlsl~,W1()wtbJi:!lk l~m:J :sprulnl~lguc !.IDIi.V'Ci5C gomgso., IU:~~ •.~n reseflniilern 1[vh:o h~wc C~ to coo:m:oklgy by troce &e i;:v():h;ui()n ~f the dcllsll'Yt]~Cru(!jt!tolfl~, "wry ~f plmly~cs. aJ. i'ield tI'Ia't prides hs.'df O!I'I lis nil!~t.iliillDaking the OOSIl'1lO$* tl~e mda~horica~ cfI(l.f!to,r!loU>ed the bones om:;ea~dwal'ked dliU r[pp:]oolhe ONfJl f1JJnc:!'~'S.because fl~oo(;luclrtgo:r aJm~unpflralldCld IDsmb]~i~. M.anylIDope tloey do ~OIN.'" Stfllilk_nn SII:YS. By far the~mm1l C';{c:itingpossmiHlyis tjl1M ~:h,e Jx]sindicate:s a tM:mJt the l~ll~veI'Se]:5 strmlgeli t:hiOlncosanol.og:is:ts, lin:~e assllmed. FOor exam» ple, tlin:eul1Ii,ve:!;se ,cmdd \vll~p' 'liP stIch "]I: axis if space 111:a:d :aJ;1. ,oods:hiljJe. such :1118 a torus t11imt wmps ~lJonlld and teoOnnechlto i!';self."[f j',on W<I:lilt to explan:n lie tiKis of evil, the easie~:tw.t'liY'Yl:Jl1II,ld betn say t:lm!~toUII.·~mh'e.TISe is,a lot like [the video gilITIe] Asteroids, whereif


Ule CMltRcsea:rclilel:S ~l;fJJye thelenll!)emtllJ]'~ va]'ual:i!C!llS i:W1 the:


aJ~y.Pem8piS.!:Il!il.e hUbkdg,amb!ers. some

cosfID),logjstl'i read too !rte oo;>sed 11. 2: and a 3.

ruat~olJlJJs. also

s;IJa~d!he ifnmne~n:!l,

t[~e fact ~!I;mt


OliilC th:un:g h ce~:ta;un: CoslUo~tlgi:sts

nlIffi/1J:rfigure ,out Wh3!t~lle

rilxi:s of evil

s 'lizy,IWlseeded ~tueg~]axie;s, E'\<!Cll WU~~l LSST. Si()lll(;onJmuse ~rudieswmbu:tt a~ll"lihe Ih11litS of'DOsm,k: vm:~nDe,i>S.~!; UofclllCl~o:t dle UniiveJ'Sity 'ofCalifullulS!,Davi!>.


an-e~lOon~pas:,<"ng ilieocy th'~lt,. at h:~r S:I~t1!sncmJUy, l'VOuldfl~l] o~~ them to nls:them3!tl.'caUy derive the uJUl:ve:r.oe:. HI don'tlilll:e.1LU'Iex.pllllined
c:oincid!ences,," J;e~111,f1rk smY!ii.'~Gel1,era]ly, 1 vmntm~,:e:xll~a:rurl:ion:'

~o'cc!l.'illcctpaIrl:iCilephy5ilCs dirn:;ttly tolihc Ibirlh a:nd cvoluti(ln (')If Ul.e universe to ,~!r:rive,at' an

]ioget: om;: (01: the, iii X~S. many :say: r,eseawh'ern must pI:C~S O'IiI,e,oncoc,tin,; new nl~k OdU:liS :SUgge:fl[ ]Ook,]~l,g '01.' evi:de'I'J.Cc
I:)tflheallli's ~n!;l~bxy:sm"VeYS <lind or]il'CJ:typ~:i5of

dam. AlTe\v


:SHYthllit t1iae~,1.lOS:~Pl,'Oillisilil

rome oo.y be tto devdoptheoriesd:lat c:!tt~.[I;d 'to

tille'_llhIiverllc" of UlJibb]el,i"(n]mliLes
Ol!lf ,QlM1!(Sc;'/el'u::.e.

tc;Moili'!Uli~ one morn: l~Iro~)I, ~, A[I "gf\OO tI'il'I:t, ~n th~ end, ~ley miiliY ~e,~(;t g:
~l:rl:hijlg. "L;;f~fae(;

ask why the


m~~t heip makic o1[r,e",i!S- :::!i

23 Jl]i~ 20M, p. 4(4)

;,'"•• .~., '

:ut N~tu~ !n~gJml~k~ve~!;i,W(l!f!lde~ung f:Of'C"\IlCI:' ~ibo~u oert~:i~,ql!~SHg'fiiS,," Thgm.wrk Sin"." 'We I~oiil'il;gmy Wi3iY1The (MiIJ. (jllladrrupoll:l !~tJop,{~t).ooopllie Il1i'Ia~klheir ~ll'IIiIlletry aili~S,\lj!ni.dil aWiearto Li~eHIP. (top righf),amuj

me ;1iI~

twtlllflll~!ipoles. 1IIh~ffid


1l!ilV(:only Ol1e ul1i[VC'rse" ;;1ind lu~:ps {tJ~h"l:~s ·as·it is.




-A,I!llRIAf.l1 (tID




28 S,EP1EMBER:2007 VOL 317

Nlo to Ne,xt Gllobal Test olf: A,dvan:ce,dMalh,Scienlc'e ,Stlu,dlent:s

IUI."S,I, Says

Af~!I"l'f hiffigllill .sir:hO(llI~ StinJIi!!lifl'f111'S;, did po,o:ll'lV 0:1111 IM,S S ffilil' 19 9'~ ~ liii1l@ T dleddedillilot t:ol P'illtlti€ffipa'te i~ .anotl"ler!i@lrshllili to, b@,gii\ternJ lI1Iex:l:!f'!!\iU



I,ll [<;lSI " the United St,),tes ]~,gg<ed behind 5 ~I!i:(I~l {}ft.he \7i'odd en atest ()Ihd:""n~!ce:d mathcmat~c~~nd physics, taken by gtadu~Hng
fuJrigh s~:!rLoolst,u.dCli1lt~ftoliilm 16 ,C(}1)nntrnes. ThaJ~: <lg:.~l.i.fU)c!Bu"~ Ad_mi,ll]8trf!~ tioll hss its ''Way: It has dlecirdedn~~:~opl\luicii!iii,'OftIr~1 ha:ppe]!l

the new ~t,. which

CKIWi:S ge.Qmetry. <iI~St\brn,

:1 :2 OCr7 'fl M:S S:I"or fourth an d e ~gh th ar gradess, <I fmut1~.~!'lmde IitHI,clIimg exa~ltil. <I 1l1il:till sud sc ]c.::Jrn,c'e· se ssmeat IBJ:S of [.5'''ye:!l~ old!s. a:nd ilIpla:mled s;~uryey or!lif~tlt~~teDcy. They say tllI<ll! US ..Si~JIJ.d:entsln<lY he i1I.tfl. dis...dvEintage beeause some: TI ..M S.S,·A testt1lJk:ers fl1o:mMhe;11" c:<o~mtrie8 tire oldc:lli" and may hll,ve spe,ci.lI~~z:ed [nm,;]!t'h1l11dl science during the :1 ii.UEl:rP'iU'tof the ir s eeonda ty school yeOl:rn. I:l[i"ulditi,oll, :5~y~ NCES ~~!5oci-

ate; c 0 mmi

S~ k!!n.efV'~dcfi'eP~

i.8ko.~",;h O!.'(l

:1!g~d1ol]c!!ilm~aswell a:~OO(;iC;hiHlic~" el~t!'i:dty c ,iI~d mapeti! scm, h c'at and tie!llpcrfrutjUm.~nd


ill the liiI'e;.1'1: 'Ve1l!l[!)IiiI,

,oU~e resr,

The, N!ui(Hm"",~ Ce'~~el·OI"I6.dJuc8!t]tHll SUI'l:iS,~ f 'tios ~NCES}.~ :paliil: oIHlite U S.De!l'S111!nCillit (!IIF Education '$Inslih~~~ afEduc::art[Oli1 Seie:l1Lee:s (rES)" sm:yl> itis bo\!.1ing mut of 2008 TI·MSS~ A~ BIiiI, :aJdv.anced '!,Iers,~oliil! ftheTre:DllJds in Q I.nteruariena ~ Mat~Iem<lt[C s and Seience S,mrdly g~ven ,qlUacl:rennb)]]y eo younger students, because :it canl fit the $,5 million w $ [ 0 mUli:an price t<lgiuto ]~ tkl.t bll.dFt om..

m<i::rHlge::tJth~' '!f.<lriou;sint~W<41iolOO1'l1 al:!Sie&Sme~ls.'·\!V(:l fypi.Cill~y do net beacht M'ODiIc: allildm"u,IC!'l:r physks" S(n:m~rimc: 'laJst mark a§f)l~l~tJmr;;se 0(!1u.11!iltrk:~.'" year" NCES qllI~tly dieddl(;dfu:)lIO' get !But these ~ffiJl'fli~H1:~OIil:S d:(m~!I: p.a!SS ITI.!.l!8:00r im;'olvcd. end :.'ll~ th~1'I Amm8!Ua, Gc!:':rI'lal'l1)". wiU~critics. TtMSS-A "il!li ~otj1!.~st horse a and Fin!a!l1d hav,(:,::aJrnso dmpped out I1WC~"liC:li,ond:s p$tsy Wang-lve'r$(l1lilI ciQordiLe~diflrs hm tl1l,etJ.8.matl.1e.a:tieB.],CO]TI~,· ml1~OI:'ofthe gl'oupaJdvocaltlllg US.I)arlicirp.aJIfI!!JI1~Ity,ine ]uclirIJ!l: the: NatiDI1ii~~ (luncH (I f C t~OIlil ~da:~s:o vlee lPrt'Side'billt the O=ilirieU~ ,of andPaul Ro s,:enba1iJlJmf'o ulIm,d!!Iti.ouu n Bryn

mat:ics ~d:UJCat:ion.She s:ary~th~



~ ==--r::::I!'"-~=--

d1alv.S..ed.1!n!C'aI!OI.'scsn.lem,ll [fom~(lQk~ Lng more: close\1.y flit dltSpopu[ali!oll,."A

is much

lot lila::>changed since

1.995;' she

:!>ii.yS,"S filLldients: <Ire lak]~l g Bore

cials also. qucs.non ,vhelherlhettr:..

01iI,-<~dc,1lts :fin~8h~ngsec""

dv:mn ee:d


who have take n el11l,liL01Iti an d C~

~ ;:

M~thC:~I:iiC~d Socuety ~r!e ~:pin aTI1ii~~ ~I:the dep~rtll1e11llt's dcc:is:i.on,. fin:~ relJlar~ed I,flst month. I~y the aewspaper Ediu:at/oJi Wetll'.k. Jrh.e;)l argue th".·~thi.s elite gro:np of sttldents needs: toile, :monilolJed 'bec! are ~uost li:kelyto major in STEM [scieuee, tt:\O~llilOI~ 'ogy. eIl6"Jil,el:'Ji~m~and 1fI~;llt~,lematics)fi!eM:s ~n moe:r:JIlye<lrs <I.S OOIll~,l~'liesseel;;!;V<I1ysto mlrn,eas~ ,coU~ge and bee: oWlJethe n e:K it ge]<lltfuoam, :(If lILr'Cbow well IDIl:-y ,nl:~ pl\ep~ring stlllde~J.1t:sfo:l" scientists m:u;1ie'Jm~illcer5.. "Irs inconceivable job:s in ,I. s,~()bal.econ()~ny. Alld1'lhhou.£h to Imfrue ttu:e govemm~m 'i'!<1)u.ldn't fiU~id 01iH dlat tDl11:r't\·' :and e~g:1~th~b'l'.1]de s. slltdenlS have U palitic:iptJ,ll,on." ::i~YSStiinfblid m<l! IES performed a:dequl1tdy on the TmMMS tests. .R, James Mil,g:ram,1.I1tl.eMberofthe ~igh:5(~hool ~'l'l~lioo ha'!,;IC bl! 1,995, the ~<i;st 1JJd'l{i~oty bOl<lirdUHl,l expects to take up the nQt tiM~ '!:ml,tc~hon\qs. m~~~'l1!!X:~ .S. :sru.d;~u U i8~1l(;:llJt its ].I} to .11October m~Hflg. "'The :to,pcd on~y At!s'tri;;l i.n 3dJva~oed :mflth ~d ] 995 tcstlillf!iS '(lX'U'emely ~ml'o!"'t~t II:!!s:h(lw,~ ingU:'H1u ~ob]em e;dstll," he: noros,. '''hld the n1nkoo d~ild lftltili!l r~hyf!ij~. Plll.nning for 20018 '[INISS-A beg~u. ~u ,o!lly \iIia_JI 00, know ~f\veh;: Ilti!;:gil1inifti,gtgm:!'~' 2006 IlItthe Mfsing ofNor'V.I~y !lind S\l,red~ll, thiIT.lg!!)~rOlu:)mdis by lQoki~lgatn~' da~ to 5!Ce ifwe':vcm!!!@ ,!In}!pro~reslii.," Allho~g1~ lG paftici~!!ted i~ the fkS:1 te$t.'!)Il:~ Iliflilc-the~'o! pro;pon.e:llIisp!ij.5 In defi,;":~lding thClf deci~io:r:lij.NC'~S Qfn-· lluss.i,S!~rnm[Y: t~u~'N,et~~lCrhnlldls:, k)lve'l1J~~·m:fI. '0]1113 Ilolle that tlilley !I:re!l~lre~dy SUlPP01l"tUIlg S Leba]ltol1, mul ..Alilnen~a.--h.:1!relXl!l1lJi,ed up fo]" int;em<lltional. ,::Isseti:smelltsstlch a1l the l\eg~1"

phy~iC~i OUl'!i!6s-is oompilii'ab~'e C a![QLiild~le\wtld" i),Wf m:mJ!)Y ~~adi!:f1ji~ 'th~ ~:n<1:thlii'" ~~<'!liJC~. ClommunHy bel:iev'c that the Admiliil,ish.atio1J!JJ opted ('rlid bee a~.HH; it rea:redf!noth ~r PI)or U S"pcrfOI'.f]lUcC wonldrrefll,eCl:: bad]y O!l1JJ its s at:l!.rre e diIJc,~;tu011. IIlmgri"llln. t~,~c20r():2No O~ild~Lefl: 8eh~nd Acl:" WlThi[,e ~d\l'(l(;are5lo:fthe l1e~t:IQ()kfor ~M~~el: SOlt~rce~ offrmdjng., Sci ence ~ll::l!S ~ea:rned [hat the NAtian:d BO:E1rd for Bducatioa Science:". which BdvI.set;[ES. willask for a. :rev[e.w of ~lite diec:i:s:uolm,nextrrtQlIth, ,ln~e·mil,t]Oi~:l~l~e·:i>ts~mvl::' ~"'ro~ifern~:ed in

math aJnd science <IUdUIO;re AP [Old vanced pi acem ent] coues es, aml.d 1'.~M:SS.Apmvide:!> u!>W:it~,l <I !;\ltmdcrf~l.op.'Qrtl]ni~ to eV!llmdc their ,p"tf~tm'llil;ee. ]f l1!'e don't G:o ~t:~O\\t,\~'~]I,OKC track Qh~ ,~'tire genern.tilOl1 ofJ)eli'ltiTI '6ffutl$~"

AfOOt NCES bo\ved o~t, Qflc:']_



the!m;f~~ S~i~;i'lce FO'I,l!f!-

dadcm (NSF)
'feflchCI:i!i II)fM;aJtllemB!tlcs; Illind t'l'le Amer.ical1

asked the Ed'IJ,ca-

t:i():!lall'cstilmlg Se:rviClc (:E.TS) in PrnnCe1!(Hl~Ne:rw J,ene:y. to propose Ill)w ~~.\!'\on~d a.d:minis:ter T[MSSBA. ETS:'s

~ppn::lI.'adlalso "!,\'I'(l:J!ll.d hll\fiCl~id the foun$,t:km

for aIOTligitu.d;~m;llstlldly ef'tbese advsneed .. IHllIth and seienee :Sludieu~ili.Btu: th~!l sammer, NS.F off'i.dal:s d.ocli~1.ed toimd t:l~.e:pmI'lCis;al, dler 1.'ev~e-W'e'1'S raised qJlIeJJ!ltLOOS albcmt the t!lr~ gel pq:m[<Iti.on 3.mI.dJIITS'$albility tni_prove 0I1iI,the: d:i:SOliP:PDlllii,tin!11:]Y ~O'I1V ]evels of" U. S" pllj,'"~
tici,p<ltti.QI'I wn time [995
nlOreWQrl:i;.tol1eso~,ve those

test ·'Wetllili.'l!'ii'e to .:illo

:isS;lltes." admks

lETS's Midm.el. Nctt]e:s;,

Mi.cl1:liIic.1 Martin, co-director (If tliIDe Bcsten College-based ceutee that _,lInilges theil,1te!tm:ti,()I111.1 T.IM M S~A as,sCSismerrt. 8:ays

th(;: Sg'iQUP i~ on scbt'ldlll,c

to .iJdm~nts.t;cr

TIMMS-A In(lX,t: s'fingimlp~ni!e~pwt!1ge()!l1intri~ m:!d'li~jjo!1the re-fl~,dtsbythe!~Jtill of2:0(19. Almi)' el'iJall:lgcof hC.!!irl by U 8. ,0 ah;~ '~c adds, 'f\fl)~l't~dt:er~h:a:tti1JW!:e~'Fa!Il'!C:, .,,\Vf,: ~re :s~d

th;:q:llhe Uf!i~~ed Sta:l(;~W!.1~?tbe p'![ftki[pllt]Ilg," Ma!iltli~l ~~.



;U SQmc~oint[he


-:JE!F·FREY .MlEiRVli5

... R~diull!'~IilJI:Y'. AI~!)silfi~-~~s!)J~ "spa\~ Sllilif"~.I)!Dl~ "!IIIIIII, ,al:sewra'l p'rr'ecauti(m~ lIl5edto pwID.QIimrrtoors f[OOlI Ih~ d(lad~lieu l~tOO~l1liSilllil b~OMf'el.y It';'lii'l .: ~.Ilalb,

highe~t :~cNcd. sed to StllH:ly tllIDeli1lQ;~1: u dJ~~~er~

s]JIpporl'tt w~]] also -f·4'" "" ,..~,_, .. __ ],: "'iti~-,-.·· ~~ l!iI,g sites wi.n$, apliiiili:1ed $430 million BSL-4 Ilartional ~grn- biod!!::f~!'ic I fIb f!,.r~dedby thG .Dep..'1!nmeI1lt of HOlU11CIand :Se.;;~rity. So:mci1l1lIecdol,l:;; d~sca:;;'c expcrrswerry that: pubHc h,y~te:rif!. fueted by watclindog gmu:ps over eve1liilrel.8.t~'IIdy mi[iLor labisciclem s willparWICL'\I.ically In a1l:!e~l hamer~o
]~h'i':.-·: ... - ..· - ""'10 ;':i- '\\Ihi-h ._~ ~y. 1 ... 11£-"'Y1I .... _11;; ~n. 1:: __

O]JIS pn1li1:O£,eng, COHnm,l.ur!lty



estab]if1:;h Uuei!l!1mmiIJOSiphe:re ftn~st thetis eS:SEfIo tialte fnmloo,q; ~sa!fe: ~alb.''To :r.i:lll:!1; the Ibd~s al! mild il)llt'l the :fI.,:ietrucks. 'is: eeunter-

A,c:cid,ents ,SpUlr a IClose'r Look at Risks ,at' IBio,defe,ols,e Labs

IFaili!)ii'1i!l ~ irel!)o.rt ~ B'{;U'ltJl,U~!fIif~diOi1 ,a,fid Qthi1!Jr Jii!iliObleilllS artall~ltas m ic 1!0brii,olo g,~sts Siea~dili ng fo r ways; t:o en !ill!llr@ :saff.!'t.y,inidl pllil!bl i,(tms,t'
An Uj,uC::';!Jorted iinfechon wi,dilii] danl1]omus IPll!tho~en and otlil!elr hies !lfe:!~ breaches <It .rl ueXilliSuuiversi:ty ,1nre ftlei,ingfl~la~~,eflldy heated


pmdl.wt~ve~"says v:irokigigt C.~3.1lenoelIlPetm'i> ()iFthe Uni:Vlel.'sity o:fTe:x.m! Med:IC:<I] HI.';0Jm:JI (UTMH) ~nGahlli:stm.,. Ih~ltil~e ils rOO1mL fm: ]mwrOVel1il'1Ieu~:. he adds: "Onle o,f~I~ebige-st pmblcm:ii istnnilsparency. ,I think '1"i'e'n: £ilU ~Qing to have ~"O let past t1tIit:,j

To be sure, blios:m.f'eI:y has cm1fliC mi.tree will e'XEIJI"I,line' the recent <I:ccide-JIilts<lind tbe biooefense bUIJiM~. The scrutinyis seJrn&'ii.ngiIi,l:lI]1ors. UJir"Q[I.~h 1
un:iviC~.sity ....dim]Uisml!tD(S

Ii [ongW<1Jyill

the pm,tfew decades, Befere dl,e:n,. "there

d!eb~te' about ",afcty at u.s. biodetelilille 11Ibs. Thcpl:\ob,lcITIs ,1ItThN:!lS A&M Ull!li\'ersity~'n cone,~ StI,ti,OJ,l ,which, ~,edtedood ,officl:<i!~,S:kl sh;ul dQ\'i,ifithe ~i1Iir\fI(lmity~b,-iod,eteme m~6iu·ch 'll~ig ~:m~n~rt>er. t;g[~!lJw a ~Pi!t~ ef i)!Oci.d.~t.lh;~t (ilthcr U.S. I~b~ ]~, ~l~ past :few )'C~(l,. They ;fl:]OO

lind ~Jm.emicllob:iol-

coir.cidew]th, the acc,Lde!IWt~~ release ,of foot;1!oother·s. :m~strll~. ~!ld-]i!'U)l;l,t)viro:s[miT! a! ]'Cscarchil'o\1,C ilityin ~~e Winliil.i~rlg p;u.:M.~c eonfideece could de:tcrUntwd. .I{].Ilgdolll.l'hatt has =-1~ow~,dle p01lel~tiEl~ lTI!~lI;;W~et~ler ~nli pl1O"posc:d !a1bS,5uch a,!; ecenemie d,e'll';;!!st()tiorn t:fuJ,~t 'C()J]1i, 1l"C.\iI,l~~' ~f,a ,one being !built ]nm3;OiSI.():rl. \~fiU be ,fu:]lOwoo ~o Irflthog,C:!!JJ e$c~pes,. These events a:re brillging 'opem~e ~[bilos,>e,cW"~~Y' level 4 (.BSL4), the
new urgc:ncy to ill. 'quc!>tkm raised seen after the United S;nu:e>began
potul:ing, mQlI1e~ :in~:o bkldefense res eareh "J~er t~l!f~2010 ~!I~~.rIi~.ra:x.. <IlliIilckl;: Are the.natic:lJil.'S; bi.odefeJrn!5e liEJbs safe e:rlO11:gh?

l!;ml"~irng1;vith how to bo,th cmml!e safety <1!ndpin the: ,pl~blic's l~~. 0JiJ,~ id:ea. tlfider di sC:W:5iio:n is <In i.iftlonymmts ~Mion~!] ~;r;t@!)t ~1J~rt~~~sY1ii~1:lth1!,t W'(;Iiu~de1ni~b.I~~!'isU:h!til."!lS tol~am trolUl QfI~
'0£)' Oa!TIllll!IIJIl~ty" 'Ivhi.'d"li:s

!i!(Crel1J~1I. whole [01: 'Clf"ru~es,ust a lot ofcom~ j men sense' about h(J!;vtor~11 ooinfectro1!lS disease ]a:h. 5'1i:y:s virol,o~st Chmr]e;s Ctlli",her ,of Co]o·:moo Sm.~e Uli'l,remity ~n fort Col1~IlS.\;!,llrn,O s~d'i~ bfoMfety {j,ffie~':.; Mfiiw mes~g,e\~; "I.i"~t ~l;]!t cig!ltICUc 'Ot~:;t:Ii@ ~1()11Cf!K'I~~'~ pip~tilTIlg;"'FbtefS ~.~M.E"s, U~!::~",~~~d:!w~~\nd"iof d~t ]~'b-~q!.ll.i1!Cd intbct:k.m~ bu;;;f~the ~97~,.\'i'mil ;Iab 5 begaJll ~ll:;;taJ~~~:g hl)ods.fiih~elds ~IW'~UlliHj

~Oll·l1li& ,mHjJo'lher .safie.gmlnhk ~1119M, ~l(:

U S, NaJl'~'()llal!llii>titiU'l!Cs of II.caWth (N ~H) ln Beliesrla, Maryl;1I!1~. and Cen.te1l'.l!l Disease for Contm~.a.1~d.P.reve:l11iti.oll (CDC) :~n . Athl:l'~tll, (h~orglia~. produced l]~efirst Cld~tLO:I1 ofaguiidooook, c;SJ[ledBItJi-'t(ezy in
M,ic~l(Jbiologic(ll(JIu;I1Jiomedifill .i..aooralfJiJ"ieJJ: (8MB:1.},. thai peeled

"PI.""OpoJ1lel.llts insist

there is


That h. simply WliOng. W]th oome Ii~el:a,ts,. t ~ could ~<I'!1ec-:"ltas~phrnc; censeqaences," uys microbiologist Richard Ebright of Rutgli!'Ni Un~v(;r~ityin P'i~c:at:al,li'a!y, ..~Jcm)'j, ~ critic ·of N~ th.c iIJi:odeR:il's~exPfllml$ion.
AhlLo~!glloth~rsciJ~Hlti:stfill~rj bio::l~fcty C1<:pcrt~ the ,extcn~ li;ay sive b!'''eakdo.·\iili~p~oecdiUros, OiIit

:re;se'<urchern' experiences C1Jud :is ]ilOW Cl0I1:suderm the Bil)~!eof:sa.fety. Oversiglilt. became strlcter <lJftte:r 2(){nw~~,enfed eral 3,gen ~ cies beefed up (I rc!;!!tl ;.u~'Qn. B!'!!(@lh~~ro5' ca]]ed the se]~-Ct~~ge]JjtnJ:c, fer 1~(': ha]!J;dli"g ofp~nmgc!1!~ such as Olllilhr;i'lx 1l.nd the Eboh. virus M\i:al :1l!f1e PlHc:l1Itiaii tli,ow~llIpon::o. T~iiI:c rl!le req H~!\eS'tha~:I~b work- ~ '.~ de erg ge:t aJ sceu.li1ty clc~r1i~c!t'.i for "iiJil"O'i'ld~;!l: thcfOt!g~ly cHiii, 80 seteer S:

... Sl:

Texas A&M i~~ro(~flb]yexeeptiona.I,~h,ey Ncxtwe;ek,a

'lQQ 'i¥Oirry

~g,en~s ,wild
1il1flt [alb


that select·of



~gen1: labs ibeinspect(;d and ~. wQrk'crs lo-mderg:Q tr.f!]Il]Ilg,; ;lnd ~'


i!lildde:IJlJit:s a:regij]llJg:



select agents

IM'~ reported

~Ildlos ses

to ~,

i w,


28 S,EP1EMBER:2007 VOL 317

CDC. Aboilon 14,000 ~eop'le ,n 400 labs now fu! 'de()I~8gellt ~utlm:i]2'.ilrilnll. 5 To. date;,lhe mostserieus bio:!>ilfelybreeches :iim,jCoccurred ourr.side the IUnited StJ:tecs. SUdl as several SMS ~lreGtio'll5 ilill Asia in 200:1 and 2100iil· tlm'OlIt: i 11.led one r'Cs:earohe:l' ;@indilll.ftected k Se'<firnWpoop]e ()'1!iI~sj,dethe 11lib i11i1dfie deat~~, fll o lltIS~,11i1, bib "'~;UrkcrlhJiI1:1, Eboia ~il2004. And somepote:liili,iJ~ exposLlre'~lIch as iirilllim1li~ Ibi:oo~. If!.ced~e::iiti,ck~,. ilitld glave t,e,llr:iir-,lll'e

IOUl1a.who OVierSfllW b~o:l'mfc~ilI!t,cnc 1:1]1 the I 99 Os;. I~t as added to SI)CCILlIBltiOOI that more h incidenta ;f1re~l'tb,e~n;g reported, ll:!IJJiliumond

has used Oil' e'l1I~fec,ords req,ne sts to d~,!1J p u 'l!X.aJmples. of,e;qJOs,11ues, equiprneet ftl.l]u:res" and oUiler: near-enisses <It va.f,~o:u.:s bJ.b:s that "verenj'tpllbli!c~y du~c!CJ\s~d..He s<!Iys~hc)l sug!!Jest ofheitsig:iWifiCOiJil!t ml:sh:ap51lre h]dd!si'i. Rese:ar>ehel's i'ltldbi.osecurity ~pe'rI;s say

2()03~ thel;n IS I,nspee,t:o:r 'Gel1lel'llLl. as :~ev']ed h fine,s ~:a]1J,ging from $12.000 to $L50JIOO on niae re!Seru'c-hinstituti'ons, .1l1d! COIlup<l]1Jli!csfor beeaehes sm;li1I1 <IS una.pp:rovll:-d :se'l.cct~9g.ellt Sh~)Mems.Te:~as A&MI is facing fines as high as $5ijO~OOOjior eaeh vi.oIJ.1'ltiOfl. N:ol pub'lic me:IiI!:iIi~e
One, point of'.<IglJCemeJilit OIJIl:CIM,g ~,llost scientists isliho1Ul ~m\~et scarythese illcicl:ei'j~'s SOIlitOO.-

i~ewi'tfl,bk. U.S. bfo!la.&ty ~';ii;;ports:say. !Dl:l<l of ~he~~'O~t rooont a.cddems occmTCd~n the US. Army MedliC1,jj~ .Itcsef!!"Cih l~tirute ~flIt~bcti~us
Diseases hill fOrilDemc:k,.Mal"yl:~nd,.;;:.jhere a \"lI\orirc:r was e:x.:p!I)&ed tOlllie Ebol:llJ virus but didn't beci()meilli¥fi~,cted" OthCf'S (see table,
,. 1252)1 i.lm!'V!)[ved Sihip!liiu;::ntl'i lOW

serious infecticns \.,'OilJld be dii.fficuh to :iThide fu),m CDC. Butoorne ~~c ~~I~ is, prw@.b]y l!;ilderrc;~l'iI:ing of'mHd i~lf'C!:!1iOll:S and pOf(:lrulii,,)] 1~,POSU!ro~:;. 'WQrkc!1i~":h;o ma!ke f! m.istake1Ui!1l
,ofte:rIc:rrl.b~rr~sedf!l:ld 1U!3J~rfear alil.geringlheir s'I;I:pel"V'isor. aJlld huNmUlOllswMlI'Y ~boll!,[lthe daWl,~ge to ~h(l~r n::p'lH~Jt:it1l~, ~y& RichmomL


illelltiOI1i ]!'l


of8bQ~iI, virus o(n~,u~s the :1 99'S (Jutlnrt(lk~fm: e.,\<1I11!lp.]~d1e [l:L"k tO~le

vcry!;on"vfor most :p'I!tnogeJ1s,tbrtwo r~~W!18. Fit:\!l, dl0ru: oo,\'ebooll no kOO\lfl1.envii, [~ime!il!rn] ~s~p¢Sl-h:iim BSL·4 t~b~8ill!oo~]e efldy 191808and oraJyt\llioworkers are ~]!Q\IVTI to


p!lthogensla.bel!cd nm,p~thog,e!IiD!k: ~11I!m U~ITIe;cl] OUIW fue '!.I'irl!lll.c~itnUl!t ~ap:pe:llledwinh ~uhu:emu!l fn~ostlJn Un[ve:r~ily ~n2004 .. wi:Le,r,etJrn'ff:Jf:: wo]1'k)eI'S 'Were ~kde:dJ. fie incident was reported toleeal nutholikues and l1I1latIDe ~blic o[ll.y afte]' cl)e]<1Ys,. <Lddi~!i]tQ cri.'licDsnl·ofthe pro-pOiood .Bos,ton BSL4 [;'Ib (&'i:e,rce. 28 Jan.lI!1IJy' 2005, p. 50]). The mnob~r:;lw~s ar'Iesas A&M, .IDIowever.m<'lly be the most egregiOll~ tt'!! d:Mc. Th~y filffit tl,1f!.il~~d in A:PJi11;"mml! the se~oo:~ lb<c'hdedJly rep~rt~d 10 CDC th..Jt in Febin,ial)l '1 2JI06. ~ \l,cv~e:r '!;v.i!ii~f'i;:(;~(:ldwith Jj'rj«:·~U(JoocW!'ia apiU;h()§t;'l~com~~O!l :i:iil Uwe~liOclk. ~l ceuses fe'l,'Cr d aJlld faItlgl,[e in b'lliuna;ns but: is rarely ta:t!ll TllllO :u~lcidfnt~like' lOO:l1IjI alh~ ers, ,\Va::' bm1!lgh~te light throlLUgh IrnbUc rncnms requests. by lIEliw3[d II~nl.ond oift1il,e unsh illePro~ S jeet, ~ \'\!,SlJtchdog J~~1JIJ!p Austin, in Pro6fe~a!tiion •.Crilicsa FIe' wo:nri!i~daoout 'lh~p(}~GiIl'~ai I,or llilliectiiOfili5 aillldia':&!:ilP~~tb'iosaMy ~e'll'e1 (B:SI~·4}lalliS {five exi6lil1l,g. a 4 ~ 1!ex~.III June, dte~:~he Slms~inJI:ne, .atsi:( lea~ plliil~'IIi1IG!il} 84 @xi~t~lIIga!l'ld new BS:l-3: biJ)dle'le;n~ ~~b~a.s loom~~lM h~;r:eIbyli1l~Srull!l~ilile .Pmje,C!:. andl ~ .Proj,ech'ei!J'DrteddliaHhme wotkus: !lave become ~nifuct:OO. BSL-4! hlbs" bOl:h arLtin ~ .ml<lid tested 'Jrlositivefo,r ilInti~bodie!s to the "Ws been ilp1:'Obi.e-J1m, ill long tfune:"he s~,. tor .1" ~ 1Qf7e\~[":pB!tlnogen, CDC ~hut:dOIli.\i1I U of'fe,x:as .a Supporl:ing that SlIlSpi.clon, CDC, which 11>8JS sideluhiCUni1m St!lt~s.Wor!re:rs have 1l'i.aJl\y~.9yo .. ....-. '. .. ers QfprotectiOili]I,~u;I.l!! reeorded <lioout:2{1 aoo~d.entl1epo:rts. <I yernr:silm;e :t2 A&.M.'s;el.ltt \Nmk. WIli n,Aiu:gu""llilili'l'C,Sa "Is,p!aq;;!e its,'" <IJI.-.cllreali,l£t]im limzrnrds o:fwo:d:~ w :i ti~r~tiQ~ C.DCi~~pec~tm'sfo[Uld <I diozen se~i~ 2004. hasrecehrc.d 32fejJorts :5i'Il!:'e ,AiI'li.ri I 2007. 9 , .~~ ., .'1.:1'lJn:UlngUfmpprol!o'wexpen~ pG(!isibly becaase Qfthe PlID,I[c~ty WOllit Texas, ~ng wiffll.J~th~!l'Is studicdil~1 aSl,4J,rn,IiJ.s" fur U OlUSi V~QLIOI!hO!;liiI;IIilC \.,mn, det"~li'li'QJl. Olf:OO mif:: no treatme:lil.ts. MM, suys. a 'CDC sp6kiesper5Joo.,. ~m,ems.lost smuipl~s.imllrolPm" safety traiill~g,. Sec oau!; ev eni f au iilg.cnit studi ed ilia, ill ~t!dlab'!;.V()(fEIN\\titOO!iJ:~ se~eO'l-1l!oot 11;lW:iholl-' AUoo.h tl.e :ffi!lI]tipl.e protocol \iiol.filti()l~ B.SL·4 bib did esc<l:pe~, most withthe exeep1lt Texl1~ A.&M m,~y he the exccpti.on. less ~ ~JtiOr! (Science, [4 Scpro!t!ber~~. 1481).. ~ Some o,bsenre.J!"S ~l~ggcstdle (~ fever O1Iinti- ~~:cnmv(:v:ial.ati()li18:~rc ]!LOt.A 2006 .I)ernll't~ non ofslllmil~]pax ~whtch ,can Oinly be studied :<iIt CDC l1ule :11.01 ve;ry ITaI1iSllflissi.M,e. A~lt11rID!, bodyt(;~ts\l,,\ere ncra Ma!jor'~ ssue; I'1!OOO ofOlc m~l!It of Health ,find H1IQffi1.lill, SCiI'\,'roC~ {HH'S) doesn't isplf't':1ldpersen to JI6I1iO!ll. for examp]e ... ~' w·OO"k_,erst1cc~me ]U. ,Sind! t;;:","'O were ,!jjDIP~n'e'!lJlUy hilliPCCt'Oii General ,3iuditof securinypr:,occ1 ~ cx,,~~ed be:fbre they}oined the: l.!lb.But the du res f'('l:und that .~ ~f 15i!liishtuHon::;h!:!d Eballl and oth~ h~!I1i(Hfrhag;ic: fevers rimt ~'ll<,!'!,i(l killed ~l.lIiOOrod~ Africa cw"Od.d ]]ke~y ]iI(!vcr in d:oo~ ~ Bt ucc.Ua ea!'jC, wh~ eh h appl\\i rile dw~cn ,1} ~'se;!':iOl~~\l.iIC:akt'ie!M,es'· ~ch !:ISi!lfih~¢kcd ~ worker ~eaJflled i~~oa~ln~r{lool'ch a:mber to ,a~ldlftce~er$ a'ndlaxi~ve-r:IIt~~y ~oolrdi~, Jane1: cauSe; an (ititb!'cmk ttl Weicl'ler!!l!, COUi:'ibic~ bCl(;iH~C hyg~ef1;e~!ld ~\cdt{;!ll tfef!~!e!1ot8 arc ~ cleaillur. ill,aJ dear v[dla:tioll Qf'l'laife [P[aJctice:s; Shoe.~ke':u:. p~bHa affa:i:rn dil:~ct:or for the: Ameri~ll S'OCt~ty for M i.(,'iI"()!bi.o:~ogy .in '\~slin,· so much bene r;, sa".sPeters" (Hie al:~(l' not4.;:S ~ The ~1l;aJlllber sffiB,Quftd IiI>fIYe been dClCOmi!tflmiingJt()]lI, [),C •• iPo~nts out t'h,f1~ scbo() I 1>, h!l!'\I'C a t~la!t m~ny ~teC[~ge~l~> 8~iCh a\5 a:nthra~io;;.artier) ~ ]l]~~ed wItfu g~s f~I,,~t: say~ J om:f1th.alil. ~a h~ •. R Qliel!,/\er.occll1i (;'Ollu! In I'~:tum'~, pOClp,:le so .., a. cm.1SlJ.I.tallt:IWSout.~PO]'l. Nm.1h Ca.r~ strolrlg I:Jm.0e:IWHve~oadhere to 1~e rules.; sil,~.()e




'CQ1TI:dlliTI,g llYW~:lIf:N~ m

:rI,ell:ra ibi!oo.efll'mse:iaib.) Some sC:L-entistsfllnd biosaife~y experts are mOle woeried about wi,slks ",t BSll~3~!.Ilhs. beeause the stulldards 3t: thesc:::I,nbs are nat ill! smn-~el1t But even moot oftoose P<It~ID~~I'IS:wi:th fue e,.,;,c:liPtioJ1of SARS.~I"!,fiall "influen;r~" and ~'918t1u-lIre not 'Very co:mmuuiclIble" ~Ildm any ease atidl mti;et tTIrei'ltmelltl5 O1I!l!e<1.V.ti],II'b1e. At trl,O'Sit, 8ii1:Ys ~nmC!:iQ'1I5 d]~aJs.c ~'i!odeWerlra :lon, of'the U~i''''{J[::;,~ty of Wa:'ii:ITI!i~glg~l>Se'l,tde:. Utile!le:'Ju,lt coul,d be ,01

'flilLcl:iL'J's one fact that nooody disputes: The risk 0 f ~.cdde:uruls,n b~OiSi!lfetryhlibs goes i up wit1'a, ~~]emnnlrer Of,..\fQrler.l>.iFor HnlElt nrnjusl tllliQ!ie wO.lfkrn.!;l,O'rt seleet lIgel]],ts,,\\VOtdd reasen, w<IItchdog ~;r(nlpS OJ.:u;J,d even SOllll:e be:i:I"Mipec::led a.litd the:y\\fCltd d be I.·eq; to b:iodiefbnse researcherslamem the hJ(;..k ef foUow the, :same oi,e[aH~lgpliocodll,I11;:iSL. Om:' a,li1I~~:ysi$o:mJlwhclhe~," iI.1]OfUUl six pl.<IInneili 8IJppOrier oft~mi$ p:mposal, biQooerui~ ec)tpe'rt BS.L-4 andh1i!'eJ .BSL ..llb]oAntl~lo:nyDell<li~POl;il1I, ofGee]o •• A(~strali.1l, defense ]111083ille!l.c:tmtlly neCeSS;1LTy~o pte:-Jayiii' Ule, P:itl,blernll,o~l!i' is: tbat lJMB! o,ffer!! teet t~el'l<lltiOl'ifrO]ill biorern).,TiSITi (see ma:p). '(;Itdy general gJI~d'n]ce. Others. s1!iIch <IS, Says Gr'OllvaU: "hi tll:ere too much ![b;io'Wi:thollt seci:ng t~~eph~fl BOiik~y.s,,"l;1 i.n~~tul:iQn!j !:!e~ ne.~ibilil:y. 'espec"' def(;!'!se reseerc 11.]1' ei a Uy tmaeffi1lny SSt-·,l l~b~I;:~,O'Jit don't do of IJictiOM!I, it's hard to S<fly,"

A ~uoml<l!d1calide!l is t()i~:~rKure th81t 8:.5[...3 and BSL-4 labs be ~.kcnsed by [fue fedf:mm gov=,e~.1'm1!ellt.111Dsv.~uld me'ilu 100.1: d. these ~albs••

hmldlful of cases aInd maybe dca!ths:~ A!'!~~~~ biocl!cfiil:n£!(; ex:ciCpt.ion !s:foo~ ... lld!.,mOll<t!lmdi.~(:ase. ,\'!,4~kh a
doesn 'It:infu:ct ~~ll!JJ,!a._ns i!ga is e~tf(':l;illdy OOt]lllt[!,o b gious amO:l'!gmllm~~; '~le 'escape the IJhimd K~.Il~dom wnk:h has been tied 10a~out~Jt:oo ..





eflliuc'Jmt tt:ea;tment sys~em~l;!,IOt~~dIitIc ILtIlJ~ilrel.:f ,~:o, eecuras ~n01i~:m,oderu faemtilf.':s i.n the

KCHtl1 NS It Iil:IlJISS~l[lllu~y, 1iIJS~el,l,lJPeJ"'dtllll'eS cmissiens from fires in ~a.rohforests .m}Il)SS I soared diUri. a. he<llt 'iMl1,'i~ in eastem, Siberia. nowi nadeqmlu:ly diOCUl1le"liD.~edl S(}Oli'es 0 f laJrger~re sflared lhro~gh~lm,e m:col'dil~~O ·.[)cmgl]<IsM cRae. 1I.f-an::'!:s,t"firc .Pi<IIUeJl"SQn ef'the SonthwestiFomlldaJtiion fo:Ji' region's densepine forests, For ,:')00.k~lo~ I-esea[IChet~\lith the Canadia:1l Forest Service . McRO]:t:: Im}~sbeencul:lducctilm<! ,expcri,mClifltoJil. B~OM}OO.icil1 ReSCllKh ]11 Sail Alrl:onio. l'eil!.lIS" meters 1thJQgthe Ai1IlIur.Riv,er 11orth v;.~st 0 f llnke Baikal, thiek smoke bIMke-tedtlil,e burns in C~I13dEl !.I:1lI;d assia smee 1.9991lS R whichruil1ls, aBSL-4 .I~lt W]]derllilcss. Offici;iI]s with RU8S iasfameus pa.llit:oflilfiqJ,ect .f,1REIBEAR. (.F~re Effects 11], du: 5aife:ty dlec:k <'II:iruome fores,t fiJre f~g;1m;tmg sewice, Pw~a.le~ BOifell E1!It<'lt'li,0'I Region). are:s;ao\'lil!ci\i, :Ilr~m So how c~m, buooafeity reiml1lr1:l¥edi? Onapm~OO](h'Viimlla, liil,;er,etr\1lIC k~fi g ttl ewi ]dfi wes ,!iif!l~d a:t !3'mdyillg fO!J~sl·firebeili;~V:IOIr, eeoatan lIiTo.ija~e here ~il K,od:ilillsk. a ~.miin[;i1)' logiciil. elfeds, 'ej:njs~omlSi,~m()~rCyding~ru!id p08a~ ]S an'IMnyilfiOi:!:S. ifi'1;Mdiii" rol)' repor~itll£ ~ystel.n.fur all lillboT.\'iihJty accidents. SlIc,h ,1) 'Of! the A.W~l!U. Th~y rem-.ore ~~flm:l} sYl:lt~., '!,lIQuld e.t11)bk: ].tb8,tO [e.littl from (lIne weretense, TQthcIIDl ('ofloe~ved~ ['997. Ii]JRIj .11EAf{. br.i ngs alf!other"s m~stf!ke~. as dQti](l data Clomp'iled i] :secIDJ'lI~d b lzarre an 1]vi,<!,tion acCidlr.:lU'8 bY~ll; N OJ,d,omll Tnnl!'!~ OCIcs~a:r~h{:;rnl'r,olr! the that a tCia.o~'h1'terpodado!l Safe:t:yBonrd" s:ays:Gigi Kwik U!I t lo 1J1I~ Is cJeut~ st & U 8 .[)cp~!'rtrlJiJen ref Or«JIl~~:~ anile: Center f'Or ni(lsc:c~rily ·of tt~.e hllirl! received. p.e~~m~sAgri.mdture (USDA) For,es'i! Servke: and Uni'll~rs lty of P'itt.~h!l[rghNkdical Ce:Jm!~er siolJ!llloburil a Ip~tc;liD fn B!'!JNmo]"e~Ma]"y'~a~d\, w'o en-aurhored a 10 f n.e~:l'by forc'st, the Ca:I.1i~diaTliForest : ,~p e'l' dlC('icrilitlingth~ s :pr(!lp[I sa[ e~die:r~i$ Eve'l1l Mth every local Se'rvicelUge~ler with Y'earin liJf:tJ'9t:'CfM11)~ {md Bimen::(Jris:I.!1. "Otfu;e.; co~[,e,a.gues; at "I:~]le helioopte'r ;EUudplane i'l'!(j!l!lstries have gonelhrOrJilghthi.:s:,'· say:s m:lIrMIc:ripted to serve SHHll:l<ln branch of Or'O~lV3R lli'he: :!>'YsremwQuld9Il!;o Ca~Ml1!r'e.~:ili t.ir1 ei rthe 1':i g hti.:IlI g the.Russial1 Acad:enlY exp OSUI)C·S 'to path.ogens; not 011 the seleetcrews, ~~~,.~M.iQlrnl:SeJf of Sc:ieJ,u;e~' CRAS's) doltars" worth of N., S1!ika.chev lnsti<lig'ent ]wsi:. Sllcb '"'5 .M mv H~ll.d: t~bel.\cll~oS"i.s. .Re!porlIll.lgtbese ~Q N[H or CIDCi:; :l"iU;1l1Ilil;an:lda~ timberwss guilll!l: up tllite~in KiI"d:sn~'Y<l~~k. tory. Rut;gern's EbJf,ight lloteS. in S1uok.e ~Il w~ld!fires. Safe Id'·e'. [}oUlgllas MeiR:aec:h@(j~", a g:arp in As the groul)':S pl'e.Ei:lI.ltSOlmfle m~c]'obiologiMs cautiolll thllt "It's Mot :as.thOlll.gil '1Ve 031 Plirl~ ill)~e~tdurilil,gl .~Ii!,e.:(p~rim.uulllJiHD'D ~:11 V~I!}U~ stlJidi,e~ iH.WC drnml~1 ave cU[):lIgh to O!1JM!iio" C~:f1!ildl~ h :report1llbliei~c:ide[lts slffiourd be vvcll-<lleflned sl:!<ov,'II. extreme, fo'r~ . .Ies,t fJliJ,e !\ystem becmue .g]utrt:edwi.tlit :mino:!" Vi.i'Otl}'a~ol~t ~I.ready,'· e,:St f~te:s ..[,e· gr;aw:m,is.~.1<l!ps.(!PI1:, UT~MB'sllecefit d.eci~ ffil!s(;;d Olle;Q, Mio/ag.~,n. tihe o'!tCrt~xcd Im:::.a! ing. mo'f,e ffoquCrlt in S~be:rua" Andso]1Ji1J(l ~ion t,o wl.(; m~e, ,1It a conmlunily :group'~ Avt(dooo~ld1ir!!!~:m bOilS. "We'l'e i:ll tQo p08ttiocl7I m odel~prcdlc t th<lt:c'iim ift€: ,eh a~gc W] ~[ :reqll~'I:, !I, lis,! ,of~ts 17 ne~"HlIisSie!i ~u the :I)1l8~ to l\!.olp them if'I:h(;;y ~ose ,oonlliO]." 'b:rI1i!lJ!j d!':mJmat.ic W<liim~!ls,-~ndore fOlfm 5ye,mrs.} Aloo,impolttant. says bio~fu~y [jon~ ,eSit des l'r iactiorl-i!l ,eut,e~ri Siberi II ~nd Si;l{ty 1\\.llo!l1ctern to th~:;''''t:~t ~tlhie c.;:;p>cmI!!lliltHHt W. Emmett Biirk~ey of Il~th~~dill. ,other nor'~crlli) regioliThs.The C'J{pcri~el1~1li!aJ site. a~M!p Of.Rl:I~i,~., hlleri~1\ amid M aryl a.l'!'~~ ~r>o:rts ~~m~kl ~nc:I~,d,r;;1l0~j~:st Cani!:rJi:imf\~e~fir;;; hoped t08~J ailes:tfire t~i Ihn~. thePWRlE BEAR te~u~~ hoped. ~: ~ lb1!f~ !m::'tsbt!t~mdr~i s,. .~ CDC ~()W provkbs th<lt would thom1J!gh:ly 'burn a hec;tare ..sLzed '\YO ul d ~ri chi dire C~: 0 b:::·ervat~o!ffil s: bo :: t~'f ~.;:Icctcd I!a'ba·c~i,dc~t~.n hs .~rtaf·hldt{'Y Q;ml pdcThi oflf'lrchro:res~ S~beiia.'is dQlmlili~;aJnt lntU~'less jHlteUite i dfltaJ <"Iud mi. gaps in ~ A-it'oJ'tal'tty f1t1ekl)~.R(;!f)on, '-II ,conife'l'. 'fhdr a]~uwa.s;to q1!.l.Il!ndfy ca:rho:lll the mod.els.

Unit:edSulte'~ RtohMond sa~$. .PeI!el'S \!,IOTT.ics t~l<I!t~.e "hy:sferi.l'I ;<Ulldwitch t ~'ll.l:nting'" by people like HcBilmnO~ll.dof the :SllLllshineP.oojed ~s:,oomlip['mn:i::;~u:g s<lfe'ty Iby :M~k~ng ~a,b wOI:lu!Jrs worry tJruB.~ r.epo!lfting IPote.lmti:lI]e:xposures will gCl: fue:m. firm" "Peepl!c C:BIIl't hete:r:II\ufied, torepore," ag rees lIe'elill

TO'liaUda.'~El! [ dlat;a 1'1:'1<11" ,c3Ir~al,riH!1111l1Ii'~si;OFlS GIlII!il!'g, :m'!ie!3n:h e~s: thllS sum m!El'f m to:n:hedl a ji,dk~lPiin,e f.oi!,est illil CilIl1Ilada ilndt(i,ed to,iglll1li'te a [s,talmd 'o~ lall'lclillillil :5,iberial



28 $EP1EMBER :2007 VOL 317


The sea ring snmme]' l1leut: run Kodiusk I)lie" :5 e'll:reda di ]emrma fur the: :sc]eJlllilific temn. "'We Mlilt the larch to brlrnwe~~ ~nO'ruerto obt~~n good data,." M.cR<J:e exphlil:l!ed. "but we,l~sk ~o:S~lIlg control ifi11imrns :111]~t1t]etoo \"!'e.ll" In the d!l.ysleadii~~ up~:o Une e:l{pe:r.i~ Melltal bu'l'lIiII. bnltl.doz:er;$hoIDc:kedfil:ebreak 1~llecsiifol:mnd~]],e tc'stpatc,h" i.iJilidresearchers wired t~,leforest flooJ[ wit~ probes to gillu:g:e
oJil'\l'(;lgeUU i.oflllnd.
11:t!CHlibe ~,.



oll~Y aries to expres s

d01Ll.bts;, RlI~si1lilJl, seo!JJ!" lily offici_ Imvebeen W<IIry,. teo ..'U:I,ud::s tOo 1bllil!illilsim:a. affuml.d"· iJil! ft om rh e lnterna~i.amd. S,cleIliCellnd:

~e,lt;release, c,lwOin emissions, arid effeci'.s

.McRae had

'fechl1ol~ C\erJreraal1, Moscmv. which :iilliPrNHU lIiI.Qlf!Il. mi~r y

g)oQdrem~o!1 to, be anxioes, bJ! M.i\% ill simihur '!!.!\,I,ea~Jmcr.!!Ic ~~ldl~hPlI.E ,BEAR colle~gl!cs cOlJDiCIDu,ctcd a!!lex,"(;iri1l1JiilJ~!lt'f!~bum

'coll~'db(}r,nji()ll [bctl,N-OOl:l ~~'e~ictn sc:iem:iSl:s and


Othe:r i1ie~,entIs~:s; have joinOOl, ~ldJUIDng mem~s oft1le Siber!iii - .... ~ - A..i I' ·~A 'III -. ·1 ~.- •• ~I" -_,,_Of t 1~M:!!~i!.!t· ·u. ·M 'SUyy~!Il - ~.Uil>t (Ii. 'lM!n~ ~n';.~<l!m~s;,em porr.ll!1l '!j 00':•. '(llli((I!1I'~v!']~ it! .ia:Jfl1RAS~ I.m)i:iruie of c:a M·aiarri test area, IDllluhe f1me .P'fO'duce~I.e~rrjfic e\:i.ta. Cll1.emi,o al Kil1lcd"o s I :flnd i(;oilililbustilon £n NOllos.' as. well a S<lJJilIp1:ll1!e. n ,(.':xtre:me:,mre ye-.;;'lI1:5, they u.s. :res:earollors tlm.cred by NASA. fhm~u!,~ottl~direcr 'Ci!iJrbOJil. m~!>sio'll:ilfrom e So:rneR.llt'lsial:ls ha.vec cl[)]iIil;pbi'IiLoo ofbeiillg wi.ld,fires C1I.1iI be 3,7%~o~· W gre'Hltetlru<lnin '% an-estcd IlUci undergoing iulllrl10lOv:illllgly long nG:rnI!iI,a](lines. because severer fire,s consume more olfg<'1nic maneriu the-flues] MlIOOlJ'. iIlrervile\\i'S" says Ana~o~.y Sukhini:n. a rernot1"" sCiI!'>ing cx(l)e~t \mo joi ned :FlRE .ilEAR afrer U1st~emf, S:Oj~, ..St;oQb.ffi'ld S~.ddr~niJilp~lb.<'1. career lllil. Sa'l{i,~ miii:lilJ:y: ..~ g,till fi\Pii:lild a ]lslmied arev iewe fpredicti OIi!lS of climatem,o!i~OOii"i~g ~qjijtpw'iie~lt. The 'eq~ipmefjjt tCieh- fatt i1niCniril ,ofmy time: ~xplii:i!1!in.g 01i.a:f -;'lVi;'H"k i!:id!ttced bQOOii]lj:m~~lchaf\g,it\ four of H~c:fi ilWilelil:ns;sot Oiut liinharooedwith mach ohhe to the po:lioe," oomp:lainc:di Slikl!i!inill. sitti:ng 'l:lfI!MMfinllilS in Sibefi.n will b~ 40% g1fl..~~er t[~:i!!!l the glgb~lmc;~n, oja! d~m~!e,-~ ii1Jlbo~!gh ~till-fu;!!I(;tigni~:!g.gem! i~ hiffi· ~il,boril.·[Qty ~n KlfilSf!gyalfsk,which NASAi;II;::lped Clq~!ip'lo~oo(,li"le andi~l,iCrprcl be lo!:a_ging to Ma:rl:iJ:l WbQ~tcr. fU gCIo,g:n'i~her spc-rl/l se~-eial\loI\l;:c:ks·,fIt t~f.l P[REBEAR C<'l'I~~J! ~r King's Cti~·~e.g,e lcmdOIiiiI, Siberialmnl'le d~mbeamed frog AliiililJcricall 11ero-K~dlinSk .klst SUll:m'licrt Uvlllg ]nailClmi aliiid Wooste;r b:eiieye~tll~t the 1l:lilJm:Ol!~lt of car- flgld Ilu!lisifH18 at:eUUes,nu doe $<I)~t help lila t sobs i.stirl,g hllgely Oliil tilmJl'lcd:fish and buckbonemiued from If'lfi. !d Hrc:;;. every ye(lri:~ we 're doing tin:eS'C c:x.perhnCIiiIII:5i 11~reg;~O'11 ",vheat cereal '!!.\Vh~1e Compali"lng. ~.O:lIflSwith pos:slbly ~ThaJ~fd1Jl1!trele!l:sed!byossil..;fuc[ con~ whkbwas until rec,cl1Uy seerer and :!1:HII her C!'l!llad~Q]I RI!J~iml cQ~inves1:igmo:rs in f and i!!umpl:i.Qn. lie has been ~v,el:ili1lg the w!i)~~d rolll~im; h~v.ily m.ilitar1i.zed;" therun-upthetest burn, The pl:;edilCt~OIiill'i :!!Jhe oo]]eictllug da,ta to co:nfi:rm bus theory .. In tille, De sp]H~fh e ha nJes ,~~~epm: 'l:llen;)ruip cO-Ir'evie\V'ed., she s:aJYs,. are =:!:i:IJL::!Idty ,colli~iliiilg true in!I,Canada, and RlllSS~9, In Canadiaii test, he Irni:!ld 3~~.OIpportun:ulY to seems tQ be: ]J!I.ying off: bl reeent y.ea:rR,says. g11t~lerdatfll mit gm~mdl!e'ii'e] md ;rut)100 meters Amber SOj.fli. !I. research scie nti stwHh the Sibeai.!I., 7 of ~he ~ast <) years h!ivc 1I'fl!l'ldted in above the ·f1iI:.eili'n.a,earc~ilers U.:S.N!lm:~ou;al ~ns.dt:ut'e of cure" e:)tU.'(:111.1e se:lIiSiOlU'. sl~ !i;Dl,piahUis .• S'pe::1Iikilillg fire wiU use: the obs~nHltiOJfli$ to test the' :m::cm:acy rentlyresidcliIi'1: in tbe Clil.1l3.le .IDYI.l3mics. from ·~le: mu:p, she: :said., "If you <IT1:'looki:ll~ e cseMo1in: Center branch oitNASt-\·s I.;<II.lgley lle tbr c;U,I.H<I.te~chl1!1ii~eiIilTIp<!dl>:IiIl fO[iests:,~li:s ,is o crfs:ateni~edata Whil.,e: IfII:litlkill1_g i!ulliIlfrmled~]lJ.l, Wooste:lf in .1.l<IllHphlJiiI,\lirgil1li,t1 ,.Fl RE .B.EAR pa:pel:s itII1C pl:ElC:e be:" to watched t:lln!Cteslfiw jlUlliP .. .erOSiS the fil:e~ haye wid~]rn:ed klJiowl.,edge of'Cst On !.he day of the big tC:Hst b1J1r.1Ji s;~tm~ this break.s a;[>Oulld the e.xperime.[lltilW ~~t,e ..With~1Il fires1l!n~; the'iF glo!:J®i[ i.I:tmosphe:ri,c efftecf:s .. 1.[1 me:ril~, Kodills.k. however. <IlUpr-edkt~ons :aJ£'Clo.l' hOUliS, nli'orc thil[l l4(10 hect<lire~ of 199'8.,. B:d mlil Stocks of ~h.c Ca:nitclli,aJ n Forest went up in SMoke. :Mi1mlU!ti~S fltlt;eilft)C~] fire ] mI :a~nifi. ce:n t pi 11e fore sts; Wle :tI bhlze .. re Seryic;e reportc:cd ~ pm'i]ti,vc correl.tlti.on crews: iln~ted t1lliepemum.etcr·(I f the exp eif.i ~ 'lrVll'ler born bets,s lIfV ei n 1l.:J:IiCcpi <tiThes, liInd behve·cn c:1hn aH;,-cll.i111 g~i.11:1.p~c ts aind 111'1 IT!ctlt'l.llmin::i1sLt:Cl;\iitt11 ·bellaze,lm,e. d.lilrk douds Wooster's r:cnt~dI wcUcopt(;t ~cr,Hltlbled t{l ineref~~(;']11 the sC'i,ferity ofSib~ri:a!n fir,cs. A s1l.l!ddtln~yaJi'P'e:ll!red and rain d,Qusl':£ilt]imc g(;tl~le sUu(n](l!~~~de!' cO!1nloL W()I():ster 2:00,4 pa~(lr by Soj~~ f!~()~.g;witt~,Me:Ra!.l', liam($, "You~d be:surpfis(ld Jm;ow often this Sil]k~]j[!Ji!'l!,(jnd Sl.~Si'l!!:! Conard of'!]!!!;; USDA (;1!m~ :aiW~)lw~th i,Hlir!:l.W!,~\\jsiv(;i data! hlluJ ~o!1,oHhi!lg. ~la;pp~l1Js!~'Melbe sai:t:illwith :aJ '" '~~lia!tw:i~~ hc~pt~\laUdiUcl!he ij8cfuh~,e5s of forest'Service, eO::ilJduded thalt dli~:l\iar:1t~c$ ii' ~broS,. 'Thaf~w~mt YOl~ gctlijr ~'Iafi~g \'vi:th ~ iimfrtued !llea5,Wre;me,nil::,. he: $aud. huer. BlI~ the ~!1lQtlll~: f'camon ~h)rcdl ill dlffi(:r.·c~·~fur- fire." The r~:sea!rche1"s, whl;) sHU ~eed t'c Q ~ Ontario fu!lC~,t 'off:jcillI8 w~re no~ pl(;(lsed,".1 ie~r~:!.ypes <:lind the' !5cvc:ri~ of fifC~ wid~i!1 'Ia~h dat~.j ~n: :I.l!lref~dy plf!~l!li~g~o ~orch 1;1! fbre$~i[li),Slberl~ ltext ~!.l!l:luner. theM c:ttn :ttffect total d:il"OOt ca:roQ:fll cmisslo([ls· str:Clngl.y doulbtthey·.11 be qlukkrogive per-iPAI,L W.EISiii!ER. !!imissiC)nfctn :morei stu::hlL' fn by (IS rtIl1!lCh as 5ifi%. Th]s i.s '~hy t}ley ~!eeid w ~ fut!M:re." W,oeSleli :m:ud. s~mcif]c da1if1,onl.'lI.'clm.~1res.which e'Wilil I.esl'i p.i!l1J1 W~lMt.l1r ·~(i:~.~'$ To.ri!:i:illO, CamJj:!a [rom

~ear Sa1!.d~S~:e. Marie. Calrr!ada,:in which.a :fulec~aTC'-ISi:~zcdpa:tch 0:1'bO!lile~dry Jfilck-( fOliest f:ailu.led '~n~tef c zperie :ment '\-"i!"d:l'mea!li1'1:I.t) show holt!!' tech~o.logy can be used. h) e:>rt:~lllllte iftle~aouISumpt i.on ~md. C arben e.i ~'5 [on s dhLn·~ng S" .M c~ rile <lnd ]wi:!; celleagues. I'I,of1ed :it: would help tin;enl g'illllge h ow Rus:s~ B:IlI'WUd~ fir-es. oontrilinu:e togl'e,e~;~~iaonse gtli.s emiss ion IS. (R'l!] S s.],IU S eeurityl <'IWS. prey ent il1lfrnredf!l]uli,InIg fronl the <uk:) O~dy miaates before, the scientists i&.'ll~:ted the fire in Ont<'lfio,lic\(iliiliCI gilIstsm:aex~ Ipec tedly b~e,w through the treetops. Afitelf i,~~,iholl. the CJ1I!tiFe test plat Mhtredil!il.lIn cxp]Qsi'w~: ~I]!I:rstthat lfI.l,eltled,r]zed

lnremete sensi~~S'

len weapo~s COIDplex, FIRE BEAR ha~ al]:r.l!!c·~~d fom:u;r.~ Sovk~~ milit~r)I' eXI~1s;



Pa1rt Irocket" Palrt rocket sciuence..

'ihe SUilbam Legacy. With inlirl!O¥a~ionsli~@' SI·DRIVP·'fbr switching b@tw@~Ii'I~uelll'et::onomy i!iril,d penormalllIce modes al1l,d S,ymmeb'i,ta~ ,AIIII~Wtn e~l[lrive ,standardfo:Jr '(j reab!ir '00 ntrom, ~Ihe e Leg,acy 'is ,quick anulllqw~ck"'wiUedi. Readyfolismad~1i

pelrform anee. ~1i:·lS, wllilat li!I'Iafm5iE11 .Subalfl!l, ,aS1UlbilfW.

SulbarUI',S spo"n!So.rship, ,of th,eAtm@ricBII'lII ASiSociiat:iolill for the ,Advarll,oemem

of SC:ierltc@',(,AAAS) liIigliillh;llhts our ,advalrtllood

des,igln of Svmmetriea~: AIII-W'hee,1 Drive 'lechnoi~091Y~O 'OUf '~alFfiile'tmar1l!i!etsand UIlUJ!erscolfils :Subaru's co:mml~lme.~'O fUIi~iherSic:ien:iCe, ngill1ee:rilng and technology edil.u;::atJian bo,th at the' annu!am liiI1ee,ting andl proglr,'am:s throug!tlto'utthe e y'ealr. SUibaru jiS, prolCi to, be 'U1e Premlier Autom ctivt'!, S(poli'lrFIo,r,of~he AAAS.

AAAS, Mem'beifi;, Sive Between $1,,300 '·'$3,.300"

lin a ciD:IiIlinuiwuJ @ffort t!o o~fer eur Ipartm!!m uniQue anu:lI\ol'tJ'lutl'b:I!Il!' be!lilefi~:SI' 'we proviii:!'@5lPecial'off:e;r'stor ,A,AAS M@mbers" the' SiubaJiUlVI~P Par~lners program., AAAS M!embers can salve' between $1,300 ~ $3~3.00~ 1000~lhe mamuf:acture·rws suggles~edl reta]lp:ri,iCe (:depe:m;:ling 0:111 model arwdl,a(::ee,5:sories~Qn tlhe' p!ulr,eliia'se,ar :lea5e' !of a mew ~Sl.llbalilJl~rom pa;rticipa,tilflCj d@a'lE!!fs. To qwalliifyl you must IbE!a A.AAS, lill'u!mbel" ~n good st,andin,q ~Oll'~. l@ti:st:S:ix ,consec!Jiiive mOfl'lil:hs

~Ii'I.OII'to. pall'~h:::~patiof1l~l'!Ithls I~mglralll. JFlI!ecHie !!:o:ntad AAAiS Mel11llbell' Seirv:lce:s, alt 202.326.E4iU 'or e'-Imall m.embelr,s!hip@ai! .,E,FORE: vi:sitingyour I!otal S\u'ber'u,deal"elr;AccesS! 5iubaN.eoll'll'lib:l!~ili'ld a neilrlby dea~lellier learm mo~@ ,a!bol!lt: SIJIJbar!i.! eih:icl,E!s. v
!Umlt:edl~llrieoff,~T~ubJec!:to"c.halilgl'!'lHith~'1.n: ootJce.fmm ~MiC'Dlliclitf~iil,app1y.lhr~, ffer I'E!pl~es: aD~ow5V1P oha!Kl r~MI:~!}plkable' II:!I~ll,and ~liIe~oo ~'Awlla_~le' o rn Itm,. I~~~trilliorl fu!!~~I@r ~b,itctua~ prili@'. 2.003 Sl!l~ru ~.(y 10 R ~lur.OO ,it~ Iit,a~~m 1MI5fi!o~$l1,~g.5..
lOr'!!1m .25 GT~clI W R Irrm~~!'M~tiW !l!'X(1~5 d'@ni'llIilJti)[]fi d~i,;,~1Y cli111r~~~IiIJ@ilnd ailldl

S(IENiliIFI( DATA,A,RE THE. (URIRENCY OF seience, but they ole~l b[lY lit:de !l[nderSWInding outside science itself:._@[ even outillide the ]lj;~''''COl!illfil!!C''' ofasingLe 8c,ielmlific,di:scipl:im:. But wftteu data are bro1!lght to life throllgh imagos"ilhlstrntiO!ll!8, C'Omi;H!~tl:irgJ~pllics:, <1!~ld ;animations" th~:y ca~ :oJtifm:ula;~e w r ~C ~t"'''':''''~t "\~"".:n.... .\"""- '!iI""fl""ld'fll' .... """. .. _," ""', _...,. . ay.... __.... _--._.,1;1;. at d'llmJ',~_ .mit,1 .,,1''''''1''C .•1.1-'''' broad ,"-' I[, i1ti!01l --- ~-.---g... '__ .. ..,"" I!l! ..,.'" ~, ...... - "!P!'.Ylj _•.. - ~-'of 'C'II'Cnthe mest esoteric sCI/omiti ci~li'oIr~ul!t~oll,. The sh]!1!'1i]lil,gp~~o'togJllpililen the C!O'i,ICf ~f~hi:sweek's ~S5l!i!C of'ScieJ'lc(:' ~~ a easein po!int It rovc~l&sthe hmll~le ~l1dubiqM.iWii,i~ scaw'(lC>dIhi.~~m :~J('jss, (C/lCJJtd.'1~~:SCffspt~,s) be a~ ~~ltric;1Menal'l.~rail tl!) corrrus~:r:tL!!~'iO'I1J~~RJtJQolcsliYr aiI~the 'wQrld '~il\:''Can @bEr;a:etp.~mting, t Por the p~t 5 ~ar". Sr;if!J~ and!k N (;I Iiona I SCtellc:(: Pot~ldat~o~ (NS I~ hll'l,:-'C COSpOllrS Qre:<ill.mrnlll1]a] c;haUel'l,g,e-s to cilconragecu'ttimi,g",edge e:itbdsi!O v [st'llllize selenrlflc data, Om: interest ]1) SI.lPIP0I1i.Wtg thes e oOlll[pelD:tiiOl1S is based on our flirln !helief 1biaJt bringffing da:u!:w '~i'i:evis.naUy wi]] beullcl.',cuingly '~~n:portal'lt ot n (lolly ('Of 'pubHc.I!!~mlersullld:u~~g of science a:llid cngllffi;ce1l"ulm:g b1ltt alse fOil" hUp:LD'Ifing
T' ~

'~~j,(tureil eftl!Q'right) ~

Sell iot R,esecr(h kilo





initiotilV;e ill' ~:n!1olll(:lriv,eCQmp'ljti~ C(Jmb~M:ge, M,G.m::t(huse',t.fs

.I"ho.mas ~tK;as P('(Jd'JCti'OfJ5 Offinmg, New fork'

'1IJ!!;',e Pfesi,de1l~;. Sde/lt.f{i.c Altoit's COililllTlUll:li,cam:io.lll llCl.'OSS, :sc:l.enl:i5c d~s;cup'li]1l,es. Srxi'f'.ly/or Wome.Il"s n:eo,f~:hR~Sf,(l{l;hJ This yeu,wel1eCleived wOI:e. thm:l, 200 !enmes,t1i:'QrnJ .:w. states ,m:JId23 'nO'l.lllitJriie~s WiJsll.!llgtQ\I1, Q;(. :representmg cve!y cem'l:me]lt except A]1lta.n:tic:a. A. OOJillimJitJtre ofsta:l'rnembers, from &ielJee :~l1d:NSF sereened t~.le, n~es" ,Elnd alill outside IP\iUCIC]aht.'I;tpelfitl> [jll, sciemi~:fic c GARY llE'ES




,¥hi:ch,~iill be.IT\i.lIiilable ru: VV'i'\I,,:'!\,]1Jj~~,!gO,,r/oowl'isi!'d~,LwrQJTitslSlCwi,stmd~,.isp., Iil;m, to in c(:;lt,;ilbr.~tiftl_g lWi5 j<e,ru;-'s w~ull.l:m S1l8,111il M~!'l(linof NSF' or,!lIlliz.;-ed dlli:!O ye1U,"~ chal.ienge. J3'elljOllwin Lester of Saicflce~ l1e\''\'~~ttl!ff",i1'(ltethe jext t:h,a!t f.I.ccOimpa,]1Jj~Ci8thc imllges in this ~pec;ifl'~ secti,o:It~d1 St'(;"'\i'Mt\;Viills :ill1dThra Mara:lhe pulm~et1m~rii! sp~:iai '\Web p~s~nta~iJ(Jn
~t \ii;!'!i:""1,i\,l.sciem::(:mag,org(:scicllt/vi!ll2:.Q07

re\l,ie\\Jed tiruef~m:di!il:s, nd selected! the ",1i]l[lleii"S. 'The ~'iJlnil1l,g a <IPiPe<lir ClilUl!.': fo~lo!'\\iimli.!!l pllig_e-Si.{ No m!'i'l'i:!cl:S.~lie tli~ yeai!'fQti~,~!l.Jsb:<l:t:i!,.;nt) So We ,ettLc:muage y01!a, to su'bIMi.t i1i1?P~,~.cart~Oli1'S liIie;(t ye'ms diI:lIUe41i~, details of foil"

(hainrl'OJi ,&, fJir.f!Cr()f Depo,lI't,mr:'.~t @f,A,ft· 0$ ~'{ie;d' ~rJ' Medidrw J,oims .f1,(}pkim S:ChooJo{Mmian'f! 8fJtti'fn()M, .Mozyl,(JIiJd'

Uh!elIia~hi ngtoifl f'Q~t
,WOshili'!9ttln. .0. Co

]Elfl' INIESBlff, DIRE:ClitHt. O[ljlFU:r:OIF UiGliSl!JIll,lVE AN



Eastern H,Qspita.l

"(Ji~hl.HJ'f) fun.g, PameiaYoude

HUMAN .#!ilf:IJ AfiOMY IT .'BI'E, 1Illlilii A!IIRWAYS ")"IHATRIIDOlLE THlEsrACI BIEHIINO OU R "J:liflJE rl!ill.5e,~tillke IOn ill'! ,die,1m<lsj:Ded in this IJllleartli1ly relillderingl ,(jr,~a1edllby' KiliHumig FiILlIill9lr,[I rtlidio~og,~:staIU~e Pi!m~l<I ¥{Dude N,~tlltE!r'Sol~~E:<I~emHospHLd.l in IHollmglKong", A Imrnplitedtamog,rl1lpliliy '(0) ;CiallilhlCHI1Ia .H·'yellr·,oldl Chine'Se' W{lmallll beili!'g eX1Inrined :fo r t Iilivr\lli d di"ii'e\a~e plmvi1d ed li'ne, ralli'll d8i~;a far IF'uI'Ig'~ r,~d.erii ng. IHe' .o;ti3id::e.d to g,e'ther la::2th~ n CT ~5~i~"to ue/arte tl3 0 imtlQle l~ookili!ll1J pwalrd tI;t ~h,~ S,~11!lise!; f!iFm'JiI undern~a~lh th ~l:!tI,d', !r'ung chose m use the IJilliielmt':s CT'ima.ges IClr his rel1dering. he remembers, beGllJSie "[:she l1aJd~1I1{1l1IY ~tlFaig'llt mllsaJlsi~I!lHililaJllid li\Ia1!YIIlntI!XilWSiry 1 ~illilllf>~; , •• ~,e ana.tomy W1I!1) e:XCetPtiollfl.a[~1i :b(::illIilifWil ~ be- :S.:J'j'5<,

terms lh@;"'~i!l'tmw'Te-(l1I1iq!JJ~.';

INQrllfla~IY'., ('Ii ~md~rilllgs< m@'~d 5b(@'s;~og@1th@r~!ltQ S!lf!!Q01h Siurf.ilIa::s•. bu~~imWh,at, 11.~ If'mlig~lfl~te:aiG ItDro~ Uu~m ilIlMlriI, 10000e-Mimig fiI IDpograph~Gr!JJl lil1iap' (!Ir lime ,alifSPa!(@S~es~nbe'~ byth~ CIDfillOI!.I!r UIFH~Sof ]fiU·dllvidl!.!il!t:st1(e'~, ,afldr.:olored ,i3!(c:orolin £1110the ,de!ll~lty ~Irlll e t'1SSUfS thart b~rdertl1'eITi. :FlllFligd]g~~.altV reliil1O\1~ ~1hE!: Ibor!l~:S, :50f[ USSlJ€:'.a iiildifat 'rlf'Qml(h~ r~n:]j~liilllgi '00 c:r~,ait~a Sioti:d"cast" o'~t~e sinuses' a'ir eni,l'e~ope. "The Sh'M.!Sl8 arehoiUoi!l.i:i in 'Iih'e bo ne j Ii.listIlitJe Il'i'e cei'ii~~,~l G!v1i1ly iiI:! g, p3pay~, " he sa~5,.0 Uiiew~ t(l 9!elI,~ ~'ee~for the' s:h gjpe .~~ :5'1li~~ CQlvity iiS a to ItO(lIi( ,[llt,[l. c:ros~ ~ectilol') f vl, but, he ~o!l.~51r'i~'sfWlilch nlQr'e lreadily <:;I.pp!llre!l~.f~ !:l !II.Qldl, e The I,lp'i!.lard~tCil():~ilng,g11)gletlat flJi!ii!gl used W!1!sra.scff!!ating, 'Says,pa~e~ of ~,Ilid !ili!e!ff!beT g,e$ Sh~rv lYIam:ts""iOlLl re!ali I[t'o~he ililih!l,ge~ Oil'ltw~1 leve!s; ~itpiqllle'~ you!r OI.IriosHy •... and'IDen .• ,draW'>:you in tQwe ilnformMiQfI~hll("l. mlmt:linedl 'in Dt].~





Andrea OtteselJ., Uni'llfl:rsity of !iAtlfykmd
flU; 5UM.Y; GI~ISTIl: 1fJ411111:1l G MAS.$: Of s:ePiweed w1li$~,ed IY~~11 :il ~s.iiil!ild1f

beach see ms l~glh t~yealITs dI~ist,~nfl

hnm~I1]'S ·lieOJtlm dendritic e~y,

Kbo.mir.u5cri~lJsj treat.ed Iby· .A1H~re'a OltE!'Se!IIiI, <I;s:l. <lind mO~~!!!Ilar e(O~l'lgi"'t. <It the' Uni~ vefsity of M<ilrcyLand, Gol1i:!ge .~[lrIk, "II'~ ·~u ,pu'[~.Cbo.m;Jm.'l OlJ~of ~he OOB1lIrn,
lt's fClfLdedofi 1it~eU;_~~I~ry m~~d c

or Iri$h

up." she·s8IY:S,. It wasil!''!: Il!Intilll


~~e h lid ~p.rl~ssede1;'el)l'one ot these

little ends dmNIl m~th5;e<aJ ~tflinf'S" ;:Ina left ~~to dry JlIJI' 2: dillYs thett. tlile ~ei!iw,~d'$ bfi:llUtih.!ll; !lllmpl~ sha,pe. was irr,~~.akd.
Olle;~1'1 1I~!!:5 only

bla.cll: Ibflj(};:~

gool!!ln:d, ill Call oi'l1E L!P'.W7~rn~,alJli:!;)@{ d~9it~'~Il~l1t;;~fl(kjhoCiJt.camefa,iilflCf P natural UgMlli'!g .~.(:)photo,gr,ilj.phi


of 111il~p~n;t'S.

S!~e ~ff!coolnm,,

he~W<lrk. HerrW~ilmi~i1~ I~h~tc) Siho~jj5.·~ p~,etde f ~riish Ji!1Q$:sshe,collecloooff o

t~e CO'iiiS:t of (i3ipe Bre~Qn Isllamld, No\!',~ S;CQli~, WhHe ca'taJQgiI'Ig '~h~ use err kelp pmdl;l:c;ls as fertiU~rs. fa,r Ci :'lUlsta~ n8Jblei3iglrrii(utUtJiITI~'expe r~mlellilt. ~VOli can get ilus~ as good' iigM.-or 1~!jI1'1'I h!'!ttef~it~ r1ii3twlr<ll iligillt" ~trJi3JnI witm "ihoble",aln:d~PQ~-



Adam C Siegel ati'(1 GetJ'fge M!,

W.hitesides. Horvard U.i'liVi~IS.fry

trs !NOT O:F"I'EN ¥IOIU 51EE A. ·WilREIINI'I'IE.NnONAU V ti ll:dl inlitO Ill. ~rI,(l!t, e'.s,p~'i'f1Uyll'lihtel1l t.hat win~ itS a :Stil:l~~(1r=~Ii'!'~il! rn iCfOSU'll(tU:oolJrlly 2:00 mkl[Q~ rt
mE!llEirs widl~. tII'~we!jN;:\r;. Maim S;ieg8~ iii rmdlc.olleag I.!fS ,ilIt. H~!VilIroUrri!;i'fJs;it)ltamlgl~~ I.!plh@~r ]rm\!'~.nliolTllo p'f'o\!',e a IPO~ f!11: Flex~ bmty is ke:y 11C i!1~:e'g~Urlg r miaocler:,t~h:g~.drCl!litsifituC! fa~rics.,Q(:~ord]lii!g to

IigJM!!;, :she! ~5.ilyS:. Th e 1.5··( en ~i l'!!I'E!ler ·wiide re d al9a:e 'ie-ellll s exotic: ilil~h~~ .i3lb5'tncl: ~ portrfl~'I., b:uIR is iJbilqu~mu!lll:io~hin 0 f1al~re andin 'aUf di3Jy-to'"i!,aiY ~lil~s. -.I 8es.ides beillgolll~ of the moSi: com- ..::::: men :5m1~dI :s:~~(j]esCUIii ~he AtfL.a:nt.l:(

(fI.tes~.r1.lrish mess !ii~d 1!Ilg,ae iik~ ill .ar@ :SOi.llrQ~ of 1I1"'~i!!u,fIIl tMdk€1i! lM:S and 5taIJ.ilurefs(a~~oo(a~~
CQilIstXlY.S. H!lg~I!;!P'IS.

c ):<I='

proces~~ r()oci~ 13:5IdiWfS@ilIS




m,eal ,and ice Cfe~m.

5i~i'1t ~~.he~ lli~1II e.'f!I~IJ,diing!ihewire, Sn~iel ,imd ,ooll,ela;g~e~ pOW!red l1l!o!tt'e'I1QndiU!liillttu! 'Sotderii'it~ g ~krQfitJidk d1i!!'!l1eLifil d~~ ~ili(.Q'!il :3uqdl.!;IJllowed'it to cool, Depen.din!:i Qlnlhe· sailde,rr 'm!l'lJillO:5~tiOn.P he :S~:'fS, thew~ re ca m! be $(llid or UexiMe, a Iii d: anv .Dre<lk!>c,m be· h~8WOO by simply :retlil~"lif1g it

~T~elre 1IR!5;Iih·i~gas,p whe!iii thiis, ...n pi')(:ItOi (am.e up CHI the sereeMi ':::E: !la.y·s I~a.miel ,C!f illd,~,e~ nrI,embeili > Felke IWr,aJn·~e~, sho!;!~d""t fm- ~ ~We
get 'tihattwe! d,onl't. need lcoll1llpliex eq~ipllllelillt illildl1Jechn~que!)] to ereC1it.e. ooClliltifu L r1eprre,>,mt:Jtn Oi~U.~. .." ~






b.rrrchYll".i.s) ~I~efld

I)lJvi'dj.. Willis, J!3'roWJi'P IU{jliv.elS"~'tyJMrtand

MYkha:ylQ Kf)sl()nd() ~
Brown Univ€t~Hy
~1li~~I1!:5,t:ed,1lI I!!' ti my ~ th

thiflir f1~:gh[o;l~iHilil!;l1 <lbolJJ~~1lI the' ,jllll1lg les I~f S!oll~liI,ea\l.~. A\>ia,.111 oweJ.IE'rr" 'iOllile ofth~ till)! rre,altlllfe~. whudh we:igh ~es5 t~ilill 'SO 'gr1ilm~ fUI~ly' glmwliI, te<ld an <lUo'9,e~er d'inBFe'm1t eoci'itetrT~F:ftitlfing 1iIIDO:l!lt ·il"llili.illfd IlJJmne~, lImder tnewilltdll~lII~. ¥5 ol[ilietOdYf1itJmlcS ~~e1liIi'dhM,. Ilnlalmlriililli~' ,n.ightdvma lIIliits:, 8rawIIl

1iJ,lflhli~NiltyooglnHIi' Kelilri~thBre~err l!JiSedi ~a.stlbaiiHji.fi1slliphii~U· cated m !l!t~!i'ciimer,a !ifIIotiom~trQoonQ s-yStlNl1tCl reoor;d !:tow tiueir w!!1Igs; aad t~ea'iJ'i!JoUJlildthemd~i5~,O(hl!daHh~arnmals ~t~p,l!l~d
(J,g':iI'iali th e Vihirdl. $1

B1iIs~don tlrJe @'.'CIP~r~ me:nB;

CilI~OOllfJ,illlU1Lica ~

efi(Jin~1Ii Dia,vid lMms;. who ha sa

j~~rltapPOliJil~!l!1~IU lin.


gJildl MU:f ~ri:lWflIWI!i!ilp!.l1ier'~dei!iltiSit

My~haylo KClst.i'I!'!do!lf,

and nt~~r olle"!Jru!e.~c~e'a~~ o

ii lOOlri'l~l.!tffm'(!!(h~l'~ffllbumgM.~

!Il1.'SlIaJl[y!,d ~.iill!b'is; po~te~,

"When vij~wedil1i sltQYJIm'otn(l!lii,~$~VS 'wmis, "blli. nigl1th;

Ibeaultifum ,9ilild !LMl,PI.ex., l~e gi:ia;~ L"l~ 'thi:s, lllus'lr:aticmi'> tJf;~.a!ptun'!' iat ~liJtywhile a~ ,i1Idlding :sijj'ff!il'iHc l'i'Ie~it:"
d~dnl'~~,9i'i,l'e~ r:e;ad a ~vt~i n:g; th~ po5~J '00 Il!\(eyed ;]nlfo:~ma!iDnJ ,. ,~rom aCJ![oSls(fuie maIm, If 5<1y5 .palne[ lofi:llIdge!i1 IlfIilemlber She:f1ryMa~ )l,IdgeGary ,l!.eesruikenslhe maill! ~nnage to "silk 'blrlwin:g ~nlile wirlld,~


r€s-e.ndiinbJ 8(!i.5~lcil!ii'ite]1m(on:dellilsaltes:-!iUa~g:~ as:selllll:lhs: of 5u!"molld a101'111:5

tfiat.lrGSl:lthe'ir llildw~dlJi'i~~t,y Irldi form" Hl periiitom5"'''-''4o~ot'h ~ ~y5,kis.t~ lIIna s(h~CJ[' iii Teoo 1l101~aJQriI~Ph m pro~oct <ill his th~ml~ho!iflj~ ofthe Ufli'otersity or C(]I~Qrad!!),E!Oil!ld~f,
,h~'~dr:el1, HI~ b~.a1nl (1l!:a!Ul1g CI(niflp!l!t~r $im'Jj~1iItk'm1s;bl!!t he mih~Y~e'aUzOO 11~~ffiIT wi:d~f pmentia& lor t~min 9 physks of a~~~'YPf~ llifild ialiit~ia,te.dtlrJ,~ Physi(~ IEduca~on

all! di be!:! ,,1m chum Illig o~t ;si!:ri!!'!la,t~o!ls. lIodJay, tbe~hU Web s1'1ie lmsts.15S s~ml.l'~aJ~lioo:s g!if,aJilaMe €o~rrele dIOOlfl~oa.d,. 'mn.!s;~ ~ati!llg '~~Irythrili!gl IliiOm Iql.ia,m!UJl!1~i!jUiln;etl.if!g w pro~oct~l<e f!i!OtJ]Ofl. WiE:'mam!;. ~lh() i~

sll!'lii ~fillere rul1

bQised ~ulhe Unir,-,er'sily(If Bri"tis~ Gown1bi~ ~iIi! \t:~nm~veJi, S3Jys;Sleveral miU:iCH'l direc'!J).y'Q,fFtime 'Website'inlhe iTIlrst 16 mr)nth~ OIf 'tl1is, year, but 'Says Ole ~iJie ~$~9~ is Ilu,ilch higher:, IbeC'!~~' fil'iO~t poo~le downlo,a,tj t~e ~l'il~~!ild'rtdfllheiifil o:r'F ~1e1~ Ofld1i n'lacilinie$,. AI: .~ (O.s;t Glf Ib·e1!w~~ $lO,~'OO ,a,ndSSIO,oOO ~.o~,~,~'te te5~ and

e<lch simUillaJ~ion~ the p:r-ojeiUI:I:; .tI! allll.s:ideraMe 'M~eirplirie,.IDaln~rJiJIl.ed at fijlrst byi~e INaLioJili:ll.5cience FmJ mlalion and I..:iter by ill nnedLe-y a'rsooln:es"indlllldiill1l 9 Wt1f'I1Il:[fn '5, '---=--==--'"-own INc;ibe~~.I1Il,~ne:y,"~h~lrre iIlol.,dheap 11(1o Iright ~ he5CIJY!l. d 'Hr:J!,rllev'er;Wierl'l'a:n anidtelCim golliltl.a.t.tll1ey paid rO,IT. "SOme' of the' prilli(~.~le.s of physks ha.1l'I!!'newr be'ein aJ~ !o'I!e~~ dieplded and e~!!Jddi!ted,·"511]!51~ilIll~Lo~judge~ memoor GalY Lee5,"





lemt W.i~mat:l and the PbETtetl.m, Ol1'iv. >of (()tomdo,



WtillAT T:~ES U FE fORMS mG~]H ElR7 1jjI'jioilor!l to tin,!! :bi~ ~olr<l~oriumil] Sa IllI IFlr':llnd!lw, Cti,lif(mnia,. dist'!l'lrH ~hilt li~il!has ImM 1~i3isictr~it5: Lill~~ l'Iel:!d~I~ne~'~y; IUe :S:htlm~ [lU Camlll1,ilnt lIIfI.'!tlllnllll5.; lilfJe(rei3,t~ lilfl[m!'ljJri~; ,anti IlifeQlI1an9e5: over '~II1n!!. lJrri,I-eUedi in 2003, the "'Tlralt'5, of lire" e,~hi biillia 5: beei'! ill u9!!ly lIIap~,lirr i:!'1jl~1Ii !lptliwniill9 :tli trav,el!ilflg road f>nm, Thi!i poo\er ~~flrug fir'om tliIetin'lle ro, IJr,ovijd~ ~~ampt~ of nile wa~ illilwhkh me U~e5 E::1iI1,HI\JY;'G~r~dUlw1il!rd Mgt! $chooliS.1ll!dl~nt:£,iUe;ql~alilfl:~lhe qfde Ihilt rnusdes u~

W ~turn~Ifle'(gyin1;()mottcm.

r!jr,1Jiplil~' diLl'S~gllileirMark Mr;;oowililil., sd~,IiIi:iiIllr;; intli5~IT;lmir Davldl Good~e:~~.allldlh~Jf , relq:lltor.1itor~um cO:~~li!arglJ)e'$ USf: thei.i:::1i:i:.lm p:~~' ofgwipping iii! ~~asf:ba ~L ~o~p$alirl h o,w

::J~e.liits o<f :;:!d~1il!'iI~dl drag tllemu)W1i;1rd~~~n o<lhe~ "~il:)eHIOW DOES A a s:h~~'!i: c:_re~pu~lin~!'!, rope hand 01lelr l1rarn.dl.~'!d MUSCLE. WORK? trillion,s IOf times jn3lUl 'the n'11,115'!':le fiber~o'Fillile l'Iarrtd, Mark MeGa wrll'l (}fJd ~Ii~ rre~liltt~~; ~as!;!iJan '~~~ aGesoJ1! 't f.a!lUo the floor. a DaltidG ()()d5ei~ The Ex!ptori31~ol'ilJ'm has dislr]llimlJii!dl ~he poster 1liIi:d,cl~; 1111part. ~ 'iRdliiding i~ fle Mmlt.e~ 2003 ~SlllJle .fx:prar:(J~oriuffl' 1m! Q,W ,~Kp~(Jf(JN){if1m (hrarlef1r" ~a' nea:rly;;Lo,[)OO meITI iler~5\r5!Jih5:(rilJer~, <lilild tealcrne'r5.

!IO~sc:l~ mf'k.loc!I:!1II!1I~iJil on a C~U!ilt ~f halld n:!uSidle iNith a f!l,aJgll'li'fiGiU!)iill power ~r2{JlO.ij{IO.the' e).'I:g'~ll.l til {)INIOR:A ~~aled p(jIU~M:~h!)w.s~QWdUlIj),·he,a~ed mol~(ules: ,of' MIENT'IOIN myosili! .~.~ 'eJiliergll [rtlm AT:!f1' reili!e~tedly9 ~ii!b I~ng m~ UI






Cathryn run~ and

li'11!SIT to THIE IDO(lOR'S om('e can be' 11 scary, q!ili1flJ:si~9


extPeriiren ee, p<ldi'(lI~[lrLY!MIen tlhe sllil~ilKt unds r di~us~.on llg memolillerapy's fai~uretCl' erradi-

Samantha 8elmont

aG M'etllmed1~,a

~(ate' bre.a.~5t1! liWH. (


Q "-.J

TUIWlE~.S1lrniln~h1ll8:E!lmol1lr alild

tlhenlf t~ilm ;a,1 OC'G lMet:am~d:illl, medka,l ed'!!lclIl:hm cCIiIlIP'c:nyilii!~edil'l N'ewc1li'bfk Cijt¥. m~ated ~lhi5inl,t'fil.rli'!.l'e tooil to il1~~pdoctolis ~xplalin to

the~r p>fl!t~fliltsthe-

I"H'HII[:QlirIl{ tHlid pmgrle5)i(jJ1l (]nlhe-lrr (,i31llicer'5ilil G (I~eil:lr.r .:ls,Ho-~.mderstalliid mfllmlu>!w. 'TI~e e nll1l~rr.tlC:~a.llms dlm:tors 1Q ji;~1oot~L!l111\lr ,find l&~l , !iiz~ O!flflil@'tastaslliS a ftI d dis ~l;]JI:S'~hle p.i3irt olf tlTil ~ IlIDatfie'llf:s, a.ii!i3!U'l!ut1yt nat '~ancefliS, atti3Jcki!lg while ,slugges;ti ~gl trearllJilliemrtopiti~fI;S., The P~,(!g!l'a.m was;c~ea~ed ~,Q !)!'~ii!iIol~eA!b'~,i3!xa!!f!e .• gill in]ed::!Me' drlJgde:.~igfledl '00 'U'!!li'it pa:tie~ts whose

c~eliT!o'U'ier,i3!py has,rgHed.~f'id \iji~5 drS'tfibt!~el(j too O'!l'COI~(!g~5h d ~l!fh'1 g,l",edll!~gti'~n ((111;1 rse HUe d 91 al~ '''DiffkIJU (as:es in Mclan~ltk IS:li,eas:t(aIilQer,." :ffll,l~d"ed by' Ahrru:frs, BiQiStiE~m!H~,. the drug"s dt've~(lper,

Nonin teractive M . e'dla





1lIlJ~l.eicl!Jle~!liI5hrirOliIll 1!he hJl1g~tCl' tful e blood~,~e,lIIn al1!din.1;o ~ the brain'" ,llI'Iere 1ittey bi!iiidilo fL4P2 nlkolil'lk ac,eil.yidlo'Une' r&el~tQ,rs ,u1ci1!;tfi m!lil la te ~.h~ r'el~ell~e Q,[ ~ ~ea.~!liI N!'-~lndU'ci I'Ig dopal"l1lin e.IB 1:11. l1imtijlneis eIJlmin8itffl, dOpiillllli]lme I.elirur8iU~ as almd5lliJiloker.5 beglilmto (rave illfloile,r d ooe" 'OYer tll.rrne;, tlhe b;rain beciOIliIes dtlpelild!~nt: 011'1 ~he d rug, and

the re5'IJit i~iln ilddli:clnlOn tlrIlIt. dai 1"1115.4 mli~lh:11m ~i,v~5al year

,OeSmet and


[llIIilg, (ilillfl(er,

heaJl'It di)e,aJse,.aJllId other

jlaso.f'J Guem2lo, Nl.1fd .studios

l1,ilt ~~Uiu:! messiilg;~ of thiis viideifJ, (f@',at:ed ~:y ert dir'@(~Ilf 00 I'lna OeSIlIil~t ,aniilliiltor j i3JSOIIlGUI~rl!~(D., and

th@~r ~~aJrn at

\ is n :11 iza I i()II ( : 11 a 11 C II 1g~'(


INewYrDrt.: Ci~Y'""IJ~sled HI!;!rd Sill!!di)[)~. a sci ~Vltifij('Wi~liJali,at~ a.1f!CQml~;3irr'lspecia[izliPil 9 ~fI ~t:.i!!titi1I1~~@dlgl@ SCi@,lflcle MIti !ll:dlll,atiollla~. a~slJl~iI5,~ ~,ocaridilllgkl p,r@~id@'mlnilin@' 'Hur1d. 1ih~ ¥ffidoo was disuib:utedilO piilys]d~!lis worldlMI~€~S pa,rt O,r~f! ,ool!!c,a.tJi'ona~CIOl!~se ~l!ndled b-y the ~h1!.JjjfI'Q(iel!tka~ Ompg"'Y IPfizei':rwhh::h 1i'il!!1iiiil:!'racb.JoosIDe smdkil!'i[;i~~il'5i!ialkm C dFl!!gl Chantix:. Pa!l!e~ gr J:l[id:QI~::; !rI1~be~ ~glry tees i!\I]~i~~'f\;Ssed 'wi~ the ~~red :s'~!i1i!p~kily {}fthe vld~. '~[nle ~dooJIpl!!Lteditoo.~e'!IleIT," ~e~arys, ~'fro:r11l 1(I!J:~:stde the world tQihe l"Ii!ol~~l4lr level of'U\ie i3iddktikll1."



D'(JUgla5 III. Am(j{d antj

J,onathon Rognes~ u~ 1'W:fSi:ty oIMiflfJ€so~a.Miufle'Opotis

]lnfinilty, b~t thmwin alill ilflHI!)I]lIlI[llry c!oml!mnefl~ ,and t~e Iline lbeILCi,IiIiI.e~, p-t1!lliile ,[I, (omp,iex nlimbel'S aire p~J!JU,edlOliil boil.l1 '1lli1ereal ,arid! the nma,giflliiHY ax,es. ,Mobius triHils[!orrni'ill'oflis a.m mlill~ennatkiil Ilucti,omthi'!ts:elila:l ~'1I[h poin~ Oliil siJj(~ ill 1P~1in:~ 10 11[(lrrrl~p(llild'illilg p oilit :~omelll\hlE1fE1!Bt:se'on till e pla liII e., eilllimr ~y lriOlfl:l.ilOfll"btlifliSltiti(J!n" ]l!iI'II'ersioli1, er d]~;niorl. lt llililillY l!olmd rnfilII:J~ fII~, Ibut alf~'r !li'dtdl1ifl91h]~ ~imlplf 1II1d ,elegnt e.~ipianalt~1l'1i1 of Mabi!JJ1j tr,lIn:5lfol~mlltij'[Il1i1~ c[ea~edl by IDo!Ugla~ NI,. Armio[d ami jon1JJ!hiilil RiO'!;lIfl~1l!if t~f! IJmJi'l,i'~rsl~v sf Minriu:!'S:QIfi •. M]IfIn:ea~ClLf~,. ~~lYthflng bec0rl1~5 d@:ar, :S~l tCl ( (lasskal mu:sfc, t.h~ vitill'O 'aeIiJiOrilstrat~ thelrilimi sil'a;rrna'LiCDn5 lmi tW[J dtlifl~11$icliI) but t~efl ~fld:'5awav IiIi1C!edds ~lhh,d~p~fl;ci IIIQj ~ptu@f~abo,V!lli th~ p~_a.F!l'l: shilll~ln~ I~ig l th rough a iilf!!~ h ~[. As 'the- sphere liiI1!OVe'~ JQ~at~.s ,a ~ove limlii:I)la ~e, s,"'(h:l~n:~y aU ~I1'~ua IIIsftl'nl1i!~j()!lIS ,i3!nd I:i li'rtDm~ lillllk~li:J"11i1iii way t hat (rD!Ii1'!!ey!l, 'IIiSI.!i!~ly 'ill mi 1IIU1~~S w(llll~d o,~he:rl.i'!iis!i!l:a:kil' wnal: ~p1l,ges ,atg~~r,ak maim ijl\~lat!c!1~~~~e"~p~ai~. a.v,s.RlJg JiI€S;S" ~




G,~gQ!jl ~

nilE CENTEROr:~, I~U.l,r;!·RltAN:E'S eye. milly be ati~m,!lut itswaUs are ilnything bUll. ,Alii NASA's 11r'O,ph;iill

:Shfrah and Loti K. Perkins, IlJASAlGSfC

~airwf,aJLl !iA'ea!511Iring! Mh,s:fo!i! satet. l:it@''Q)roU&labo:\!'ll' tililil' IGllIribbeillf]1 ifl 199a;,it (al~n!ii'ed r,aJdi!l!lr' ima~ es

va:s'~ d(li~~s ~!!lbbedl "hot IOW~ ler!;,.''' IUp l!iIe(lr~J Ut Ik.ilolll"!e'te~ i~~ol Ule '5IkV.,in 't~e'eve \Ma1~ lHu~~ica!1e 1~(!l1ni'eQlswme hl.Jirrrllcal!1f!'lii over;! ~,(in:hw,est alQ~ 9 (!If the: ~ !!):rlihewifl edge of theliJ;aII'1!!'1IIin!l'Ils. ~11 "tow~ ~II'Ithe r,en'!p~t.. . Gr,eg~r:l'w: Sh~rah.,Lori K. ,Perkinl~"aiJiI,d 1li1e~rrco~~~~u~s: atINASA's
Godd.lllfd SPi!lC~ F~gh~ (e~'JterinJ Green'~ eTl~MamyLan dl, me sateli:it,e. ima.'gelITy and s:upe~mril1!p'u'ller .~ili1ll;!ll~'1Jo re\l'ea~ 'tlliese ~o~ ~awe'r'S <I s the lmuIWllikallile's. "e'xpre;;:!>ele\l'.a;~ers., " iIllt:ellllsifyilll 91tlil e

~,1Jormss 1ililey 1~8JU'I,I(:1m sl!'lii:rllim9 ah fmmrtihll'l S~DfIill 's r.liil:se,liP' a ~l. h! ~ way to the edgllt or~he stratosplil,Bre at tB.OO!O IiIlII~tEr5,






tl~t J~. ~Ot\'S can discri~ni~"!iOO: bet\~n Baoh 's foo)]ch Sl!~teno. 5 illO minor~(]Amo,!d SdlOClllx:rg\l. Su:i~e'for P~al1~opus 25. TIll;; bh'dis
IN THE. iRANIIDOM S:A.MIPL~!S,ITIEM "MONKEVS .&ilAVE TIN IE.ARS'" (~INi.A in D' mfUo:r), ~nd S~ho~nbe:~{five On::::l\ieliltr~Piece~~Opu~ loJ ~!)d ,amush,i'lil ~i:lIiliIil'!'Ir e."'Iteg!}riei!it~..e". V~v::J!ldj iSiudmm()u C~r~e~~. l~~.litese t recem: snldy by Jos:tirurua .Mcl[)e:rJJii,10U<lnd M~I.',cl.~,~ilIJ1J;s:e'r (J).ls:Elbe~,~.e ,e"ffilCy.uments., music by Bach II!nd Vhlaklru 'WBJ:';: consMer(~d c1,!ISlt:llc!I] Pe:rctz: isqueted as saymg. "The oi:lsleTY<LiIiOJmsS1J1Blil~1: th,,1Jt Oil1!lyllUli1JflaillS m1;.l:sia~~!ihHe ]n.e ~ IiI1!1$COfSc~l()~:lDe~ and Carter was roil1s:id'.e:rodm,oo~ have <Imlawmll, or. ~11'I1:1tiile. illc~millt~oll o' ~l:gage '~vilihmu~k:?'(3 A,lLI.gll$l:. t 'em :music. Wa'l'anabemIld N~moto (3) Imve also shown t:h,t,gj'l,ll.;lllihe' p. Sn)" 'ill",his stlklmmt ~s [lot quite b'le •.McDermott nlliL:illl~I<I!user .liiw,.re s1IDCJWJiilI djt;)1::rence between ~,lO"V 'h'UlmiL1iI5 and nQmllLll1l1l:m,l ~~If.i~ll,latesOptr:ilOll ofLtn:ee peochesproduclng eiH.u:::rsub,':I.lOe. das;S~,CBill, o:r modJeru ~11




S1!lite No\ 3

respoJ]d~o music,. but they h1'JVie .m ~ shown a di,iJereJllct be-ihl!'fien .irulimillls mild aU other aililin:wls., ~tisawellknown pheneracnon that b~rds use communicate. W.he,tile~ibirnl. f}(mgisco:ooi.d~JTCd mU8~c i8 !l!ri~ldeoo,~:mJbl(;;hOW'(lv"e'r, t~l~ tn~"'_yPf~rnll(l]s bi;h~(jcn b~td~O!lg,lo\1I"£:i!U,!!igc,~nd iTjJ.i:sichi.i\'e;oocn, o1iald! .!iifC 5:tHI, ~e.
00 ...£: to

cle!Jrl.y·cllgflgt:l. alldilro mclVll6dto mpse. with :musk.


mnsie, the Java sp,,'l],'m,\f:S pl'eferJr-edlBach[o 3choe:riIbcrg and Vi:va.ldi. to CUJle'J.l'he.;se res.mhs,liIm,di, th<l!l Java s:plln'll\\i:S Of son:gblil.rl:s pmrer dasska~l~o InoGe:Jfill musie, or.perhaps; J ust ],l,lm:e hasmcnieus to dis:soiliLflnt: sounds, Arlditlo:mdly. the; spanews ehese .~lsi!cthey "[~ked" (e.g., Bach) over sileJlce;ormusic ~hey "disliked" (e.g,. SIQl1n.m:~,lJbe,vgJ,. These :fi11l:dJiJlgS, reseanlJ!Je Ii,ose of r¥tcDelifilotl a!l'ldl;h'llUser and s;~!i!:eSt dmlbi:l)ds" likelllliLm1ilIil,s.
mUle FIt o[ IPs~chi!dogy, H uMe<r C:o~iE!~. ~@I'I' Yorii:, NIYl.O(ll2:ll, US:!\

~iveb~5~~dioo. O.'llfi!;i1J~lly,·~1Qf.C·~!iJooi1,f1l]':~ties. bCl~en hl.l.alii::,:;ailmd $O!n1lgbil'ds in their ,(IbHHyto d~scr~mina~e

1, ~,

!,1!I'BdlJespolldl~ Ill,ij,S](::, For CX(l:mpi~e,. and S,lIltD 1(2) h:ll\lc siiD(W;'DiI

], M~~I'!II1iQ11t.. "'~!.!l'i:~ (~mlW1I104,3 tlOO'il. !M,D, :5. WaIO!~be, ~ :5~. fJth~,I'W.r~ 417', l!. U 999], ;5, wa~'~Mbe •. tl.\. t!'.eil~i(!J. !:J!?Mt::~~ <li3:;.l (:!;[I?ID,

mdu~tiJons in po~hu(ion.l:Oaccep{ II sa.fe:ty as "U,l of apolitica.l (mm~\mn~se. ism 1I'HE.AT,MOSPiHIERE. IAS A BOili1lUM IJIN:E FOR T~IE. sl.Im:mder the, notion of legal, Umit'S on ~~ob'd H Un~teiCIIStates Cm,lgl1ess: j8y 2050. weneed to 1iW,Ulillling po[iutian, No, rug;- pollutioapmblem ]ua:s eVC1f been :lIol:vecl, mlY1i:viJilleil\;:, in the \VO,dd, CLUtOlU otltp'lJAt of g:reel.ll:iim.Jsc;~<Ise,sw <Ibt;;int 20% of our 2000 i,'e,,'C~s,A bill oon8~deliedli:n til l~t~,Kmt:m,m,dm:Qry :ieglJl ~llimit,s,. recent £c,~e,~·ceBditmi;fl~ C'C]hU.<IItl!:-: imine ( A~oo[ cap. a c.'lmo'll tm, ~tmJ po]ic;ywftl'u a <iI evei," o. K.ellnedy~27 Ju~y,p.412S)lIIs most 3afeliy '\1lfI~\re1I1l~llC;reaserneluice ofpoJl~~tiill,!i; as, ~ iI~J!o-ayllJ mscoUlmge it But s~milflrm.e-an8dooo,t [ib::iy to become :Ia..v doe"s not ,c'ut emissicns el1l01..llhh) ;ffiiclru~e'\-C t~;JfItS,md..Theflawinlhis ooo~ss~ri[ypr.oou:cc simHar m,l!t(::o!l'!'lcs. The lCgisl1l;l'iotl.d[ilt.1ed by SeJfl'fit'Oi~ jl''iffBin~1!rmtrl g~al ·of~I!m~redlangc p(')licyi~ J'!otOO ~~d a (DI.NM) and Arlen Specteii (.I.-PAl,. h~[U~.a!t ,rice ~ilflal, Lll1!tw l!OOlUc~~hlll ~m:ntio/ of~lI:Joo.l HifhCludc!ll a I.~rge ICU~~;M:~~ called a "sarely '~!lg p()~lnk.l!lSO as; to' ~tllIbU~~ 'fl1Ie: climate. va~'!,~·' Jfil'OO$~;SM~ tiUl!!:'I $:] 2 tor e:l!l'littutsto Qoly ,~ ~p' wi~llout ]oopholes d("li"'I)r~,9~e a:1':I :i~1IC'ffeclli\l'C );~~M:lk'jll thai ~8 pol.irkaUy easier CUlt o~e '1.'011 Otfcat-:bO~li;miil~~ru; (a mrely $~(;;f.(:i:elWlific g~odf;"Tlle !JltiInllt~ [benefit;l.e to !i\!;>~]]Q'I1!l'+ I bd]eve[). Ke!lil:llJedy u~ld!en::~liill II: ~mri~h the caipis .Iiflcd;, i~'~I~~ffl J(,lao~c\l,I' \li~'Ol- cap-i:!ll a,dditkm .to a,prioe si~lIiia~ r'oo~ces !lla!~ed tile ~n()CmeJ~tl[il:rn. aJlld C!~t QfWashtha~ i3~ o~t ]i1m!jl, :ru1d ~m~~~klns i:U oo~t'i~lue\10 ri~. w emlsslens and p~~s]u;esll\I'ICSlmeTIit- is t' ]~lgroll.fQr~ ret'l!]soltut~.o~1:('H;:1limat~ change, A Di: i t l"h'e s~:!!e~:y alve is e~selldaUy aJll ohlv leg3iUy gt~f1!'lnllil:ee:s cU!S that: :sci!(ln.ce says t]oe :veor ago~J pessimism '\\fOD[d ~1Iarvebeen \VC'U ~ 'lI'l'e need, A [poUc,y '\liith a. sd;ety v~[ve: mUfi, fashf(l!flcdgoVC:IiIlU:~lt r":icc: CQIltI:o] ~Jmat ,~[~ r:OUl~ded.I~I!}\\fe'll{lr. si~loe' rl~.'L'm. a PfIJrad:e ·of ~ ctUI;b d~e HJIllO'lLUit CJifp.liva~ C:f1I.)'ital.f]owi:ngN) 9011" as, I h~ve (b;c~il:led A~a1li.:iimj;1lycaWJoo't :ill~t:II.'estgl11:mpr;~nd formerly skeptica.1 ~egisl;8J~ ~,
WI."'!!1 WI

'C,limato IChiang e,: Don't ~or'e iiI the Ili,anle


il1lno"mtion a:n.dnegate

the m:ll!rke:'tt Qo:nectiou e-ccm,OIuicgll"OWlih ,!'!';ut~l

l)liQIllIJUJise l1e(;cssary alrrS~eali1.1se~, a:roo'lli,g ti,e c:n:nJel:'fhilmgs, no one kIlO'W!l wfu:m .Ieve~. Ofla::i{ will :i~j1lpaCt cooOlulc '1be'i'n:8ivl:orenmtglno IPl:Oe dace the lIIec::es:s<urYl1ed.l1I!Ot UOIJisi:l1l1 ciI1!erg:ynse Iindern~s;si.cnls:.Glob<l.i \Vaioo,i.l1g po~~:Ci:es mm,d] C:adilOilii illlll'iretS. i'n the rest Qf~l.e i~jldustu;i3Iizecl worM are based on reall ~~m,lil:s. 'l/VJit~lO{lt lQO'p~ holes, ~:ft~;llited States :Sl~lCurnb!'irto ",,"ibest U eWol1,~t lIiPPUJil;Ch, witholUtlletd. <'I,O;;ountability for <ImII m:~tua ~les~:I limit. we will uncl:enn]l:le the:pos!ilib~~iity an elective [post·Kyoto af a,groe~ll(;flJt 1:~<"I'Jt ~flS1!ilreS {hat ~~~[I~ti~n~ eentrib~luthcto!ii!-g (III· mis~:iom: R'ifuctkms flCCCS:~ Sl'IfytO so:~~ 'l:hrispW;rlel~ty proo'tem. leaders; inW!lghjn,gt()~ m~gh~ qpc~~o 'be

28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR2007


o a..


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'V Is it W'oIIw.m 1111 pore.~.::J m fa r I rrtOrn'lij UI;II'I en til ~I.. t l1.s.t til ~c C\'o!! rles tH:I i nn CoVi!I:i[Jro s In LJf~ Sc lencus.

tors have :st'J)od upilJThfavor OF.SlSt1i.'OftJlg action.
Cl1r'.llenUy,~.26 major COm(l1<llli~,> ~~rniejo~num eMllmftJlme~fta~ gl)Ol~I)S in d\te tL8. CUmllli~e Action P'al:lm:rslili:p tOo ~obby all airtight cap f\c::JI.' en greeo]Jhouse g<!iS..eI1Ii1i.ssuons.]jmnit~ tee, ,c~mill[Jmln llioimn D'uUF]] '(D~IVU), previmml.:y

0lll,ose th:is plu,,",i5,i.oTl t'J!n~t CI:J!Uillg ,elll:i~ioll:S will be :m]ative:,ly d~eillp.If they're right, the safctyvalve will ne\lleJbe :M.sod.But l:vli"l.en comes to dfs; a policy 1bu: (~a]ls it this bel, conf~dr;:]],ce: ]11 ~ow"cosl so.~utions
mY~iri)oliS~y 'e'i.!<IPQf:lIK:S.


clumges (he



:r0li" oid.siyJe

a. ~ei.l1tiic, ha'lplrUooisedml ,eflbcnve-bi.]], l[l dle Senate:, the ~eadcf ofthe r-.e]if;\·tmtcc:muru;uiue:eis clIrti(:luly tb~ iiuftu:nt of olfile ofthe.:oolli~'S. !l!i,vebi,~,I,s to sohi'C the'ptobieJiUll,. ,hl, U~:epilist i~lQI'I~l,the lI1I:eedfor ac;t.i:ol1 was mdoll1:lcd. by tih,e EI~]::!ii.1ll!e~sR:jou:w:dt'lble. re~ro~,e!lti,llgW 50 compm:a:ic8,iw,dttdhlg El'!.X(lifl! obil i!':ow:PiJ~ M ViOllSly ::.irepriCO'l[ fllO,hl~tC Wld OOll~e::rv.iltive ~I!!aror8-ti!ld8!'i)'y ~hf[M (,R.·SC).Blancl~c U:!'D(;Q,I:I!I (])·AR}, Mary' Lar!drieili CD-LAli and John W~l!rn(jf (R·VAH.\1!m~ ~~~thcr t()
~!U1Q'-l!ne·(: ane"\~t

I.believe thai! those' selatieus do ,,t and

G:ool.:t''iredp()\!!''e:r pia:m-s, Any dimattc pl]fcyduu 1;:ee:[I)S' thu~ opmmll, alive ls :oot. vvtlr~:iru 11l1lld,~" The;8Ju'l!3in.specn.· hill meets tlris teSil hy pflO~ '!tiding new ~Ilce]iilives,fof 1ca:r:OOI]. ,o3.ptumeillil,cI stor.age til.1fi't. CQuplcdwidl a ,rk-c on carbon lI.1il.deli the ,ellu;liss~Oljl1S tf,iilidil~g l!Jr"C!1i:rmilrn;~wi.U

tM,tHlfl cost 'I:<lp ]nihe:[l:il'lgarnlln.spectel' bill

\11;]11e i]m,v"'OJred f;;rrety"if illt ,i111Blit ~ Idsoreoog· b Ili~zeihill we are ll1i1t:'1l,ergrnllg to PllSS3,~'a.Wl~alle!ls we en QOl1Vmoe' ie§stOJtot;s &om he1lVi.I,y ~OO,MS· trii'.!UlJ~, Sla!te~ thaJt~,l.eir eoneems 1.1ibOLLtUS .. joo~ and oo!:np(;t:ith,~~ss ha:'ii~boon addressed, Tme. ilT~dndJing tihe s.<'If:ety~r1tilv'cmeans opting~t l~st ~l1i'~.-!ny~f(lf ~O:!IHjnlh:: CiCrtaifity 'Q'\i'ercm[s£,io!l~ oe!:laim-;y. Eliul d~sf~, ~ trade·oW

make advanced «mIl. plauts 'with

cQrnpeti6vCli\,;j'mh COl1'\,'c;l'ltWml



p.f1O'ldde- a mOO!!




'i,;ll(!r~hl!!.~ing trit h~l~ (lJ;tdlOO~h tlltl endless n

commull!ily OJ[ begin m pilovid!e <lfJI8,'\';ffl for oar r'f!Pidlly\l~rmil'igp];;gJle'~. H'llIl HARVEY wm~m flor~ l'Iewteu Fou.ndl11!lon, Mienlo P:ark, 01: 914025, USA.

stmi~~g,omtfut rong..te:rn!I a!CtionB'!!tt fuMilhet del .• y in p~r:s;u,it Qf~d.eQrogicilli~, pUJ.iry- dO~Il~t r advaJ!iCe the shan:::dgol\lils. of the <'ftIdh'Ocf!cy



~11glhe C!i)~tof~ e~p lm etniS:l;i'~(H1$ wi'tnOl.lJt

!>!IC:fi~dng t:~!e e:1'I¥i,ro~mellit!ll ~oa]$. Alld 44

House Repulblieal'l'i: bl~!kcra!litik~I!O ~~Plj;Qr[a

reJ))ol:talim1 c!l,~!:ilm.g :FO"I:SiL'lI.'i:m,lS. !I.c~~on tOCl.'liI e:missi,QllS.


i.1iIIhis,coomry!b!r('l\'eraoo~de, valve is sillso i:mf)QifI"ita!n'tl.i!:i g~lrord :S!~ill:sr exeessivepriclt": ';i\o~~uUilty all,O'lAm~lec .i~ marlllets.Thi:: po~entiai fun'l.Ich 'VQ]iIIlility el{lstl';
J]I¢ safely



have 'M{')c:kediaclion




"'hard'·' emlssiens

'cap" eSIPJec.i;ElUy in

OIN"A S emli ~Empbh::8 ~ A.plp!.r08chto IProi,e:c;tiillll,g !Futulre Sea~.lLlerU'elHiSle"


ao1,riey. the: iI.l:tlili~]Y years of"pf'ogmlH :iJlilllJI~,el1:lJenlE1ti:ml, abTe in tiliti.s, .cO'Iligl:eSs.. As a p:r:ill'n.cipaill '!.I1oioo of" N m.htng would erode suppoo for ill. eaibon CfIP" fh.e sciel~tif](l COIllIUMin[ty, D, 'Kennedy aud <Imili~tradie p~.'am more qll.dckly thrn~, ],lorID'~ e SGieJ'tce shOlJlldi'lli>ist 011 it. FIFIIIDKR.l!IIPP' price spikes: caused by fllp:idl:y€lliCW;<J!h:llg 8I]]mV:ltlllce p.ri!ce's"VOIa!m~ruty serves no one's Erl'Yirol'ilV!Alil~~lID~le ~!!I!. ~ew ¥llIrik~ !'II'\! IJ)(I,10. USIl ,eli:l"lI1<1h'!ilegi:siationis

S;mo~ I!!IGigate; S\I'e:1!lil!lfIaJJe'iOrejeva~. PilMoLi'p Woo,d~or1b., SiimQIlI BIIlilWllilr

ll~mslorf(I~[;lQl'l'!:. 1'51]'<IIlI1:!0lIY2D07, PI 3613) IJlres~!1~~d Oii'll ,pp~iia.t:1iiII]{ pr~;tIil:tingl '!l~ Hl!!Jil'l i"ii~1!! ~s@d ,[iii iii pm" a ...


Chang e:::

Onle Oo,al a.t ,8 Tillmie,

ILEG,ISLATION RIE(ENT1L¥ INTRODUCEO BY SMf!:tOrs .Bi.l1.g(.i;m<l~:, SpCl~ t~f,I~1.'!ifki[l.
AN;aJka, .SlHho,~tg,h CSSleiltia:1 elements of,a souad aJnd durnbl!e ,o:~~ma!teO~]Ciy fo,r Oill!l" P ~M1Jt]01J1J1 It w,():l][ddeli.v,crDW:I1I.dalorYl ,eoOlmay .. wide: reduetieusin !)Ugl)ee~[ljhousega:sell.~
Stl;:VC]1l,5. f1]1ldi

iIlte,rests-exoep,t those 'of ClOHlj:l®nif:s that pl.ofU ~y pl:uyilill¥. tllllicll!Ilarllret ltis !ilia SlII.pHse, th~l!!I',h~jt blJ!llsiliil!1lS'8 (li~I,pOOitlOil1. t(), rllic safety t W.llve i~ Qcmtmy ']ilot from ene:~y 'provioor£, but '00m fmIDlcial tta.dJ~ and bl! A:li the 'CCO!1!Qra:ty ~dj~;Ij~8ro c~TIb(m 'C;QN;~ ~tt.ilirus,.t",-e'n ll1cOO~mii:1~iQJili~,,ce:lii!-;.tinty mere

po~ci ~Inear ~1iIi~iranlinnween ,glo!bi~mEl!,m ~u'dacelem· i:l~l<!lJUreo:!ndlh~ rate of '9!ob<Jll'l'lerul ~f)'a-l~el d'~!l g;e.We rnnd 11,(]sum lj'oOOl"nB'lMil!m•. A'I:~nou9h w~i3,g~eth~l~lh@1'@ is ,(ol1sillleralbleUIilCierlalinID/ in the Ilr-edirlioo of fu,lm1'l ~i3i"' Iel'e~ rise, th~sappro.ach dOes 1'Id: meai1ltI'l9f",~tyconl1ijllt!le to ql)l~I1!U~~i~!.Ji;lml'wnE~Iiii!iinty, FuU t.Q:l:t ~l Wl!{l't.S(il!lit{~MI'iIBgl.olY~bglir(iOIiIM,nIl~ullllJ71 i

Ml\,lrko'wski, I:lot perfeer, OQllltRlllS


we ~ood oostpro,1iC;ctiot'!, 'flw: B:i~ga;ma.w.· Sipecrer bm P!lJV~d::;sd1.<}:lkxibiUty toadjU8t to

ltiliben Sdunitlii~ :S!Jj"~\1ii1 ]td;ia~en!, hte~ '1JhejiU RaIH'i'ii~t01F~Riepor!S. 1.9 Ja i'iuar-v 2007" p. 3 &13) llisedilhl! ( ~~f~,dll~Ii!~[~m !~!\!Il!!!!1'iI r.!~~ iJil cnill1igil! of glob.:!t ~ur" r'i'lC~ltlflflp.!f:~luir@iiln.o~ 1@'I1~~M prftiict Uure s@<r~I!'t@l li>e.Wer~~~it ~h~<!1~pIi:Cilr(Ofl' oJ ~hulah~ic.~:ll!1!eL"ods uflOO~liIliI 5h'DI'.I'Ih~ ,l!!Itimmlion, of ~h~r~m~;{jn ·DDcltIijdeitt is liI'O.t rob:u~L .Me'IJilOr1~ rnonlly I.u~d (Om wi~h.ilil

dlaJllgiJmg ,(drc:~tms:m~lC·es by 'C!rC3!tfng regu~!I:r

,opporllmrtti(:(l, '(:or Cangre:li8 and tihre pmstde~n ~orev~C\,!,i' and !n(il(!.ify tne ~~:fe,ty v~[v~ ~Ild

eover mest e~n.i:ssi!O"ns wHhout: a Vlil't ne,w 1:l1JI,~lJea1lll!el.'~cy~ l'faJd:UIl(gto aC~Ii.e\'e ]]IMIXi~· uS;{! nmm oo~lJefHs: ,)It :miln;i~~amn cost"; :aJudge:mlel'ate s[lb:sta]ilti;illi~~ ne"wnund:s liOdevelop thri:' tec:b~ ~.lo~ogi!es m':.Iededfo.r ~I!O"w~cm:lmnwW[e. SlOHU: in the enviroJililmtlilt<li~, cornmm,lity. ~:~O"veVC-T ne oppo:sing the: bm be£ausr::: ~t; •• i~,l!;;IHde:!l ii, "safety '1<Ii~,ve"-a pri'eel pr"Otec~ t1o.l1lmecl:mnism dc;sigllied to 'eusmre: thilt the CJosll8· of reducing greel1!lhcI"l.l8C gas ,eJT[lissirulS e,!,o!l'l ris'131ibQ'V'G a kftOW!ll, proC!,ctcmli ~l!illd ~cvel. They vi,ewthis fe~L1H)e<'IE! afa:t1'l1 flaw. I

,O"therprog;~mpar.aJme~crs.. In rille meantime'. the sare~y '113J~vepl:a:rs ~ th:i[[d m:ruci~[ m]e: [t inves1$ t~u::FM;nds fro:lflallow''31llce s.81~e:si.n~o' lec:.hno]qgy :i~1!OelJaltiV'es irrldR.&D"- The S;<I.fety V"dlve\:wU .only belir:im1,\el.~d IUt'QlI!I'IIim:1le redli~ no]o,ID" pplliom, ElI'epQtlif. bl.l!l itcolfIsl~:.aJnf]y hedges agai]l,s't, that pos~~:b]]~ty uUil.k~:ng by
deepillivestme'lillls in tec;l:I:nol.QIDI;


may I~ mOore i,PPlI'!opriale Qf pro]~t~ ~-IJl!!i1[!)ltri,~1l..


A'key, lestror .awy d~llate'policy ]s whdoor

Fu~l tt!](~ ~l ~s(il!l'1!l!liI'iI~g,.olg,,[,gli{()DIIi~Q.nIf~ul!lfl171 SM6.11:!l&6c .

letters to the Edito, D'

l~tte r~{~300 l'Ion:hl d.5(IJ~~mate! iill publi~h~-d
il'l SriE'tl'{E' in lh ~ pr ('Vi ous 3 rna nU1s or ~~:ue~ 01 gJ ell ",r Oil tiller ",H, 'hey (iiI~ b~ ~ulim i tte·o thr !Jug h lBl£! WQb {1J\nJi,w.slJ,bmit2sci!mc(!_orgl or by fQ9ulcir UiTldil (HOa New'l'ork Ave" iIIW. Wl1thinglt!Jn, DC 2·00 05, U SA.)_ Ll!'n~r~ mil ~l:kDlO\l\rledg G!d Upolll!l JH! fee e ipt Pl·OI ,Ui.' ilutho~ ~ 9 en ~ d It)' {onsu[lled b e-fme

IRESPONSri 1"10 COMM 11N.·irSiOIN "A Semii .. Empl! rie:,a.11Appro,ae:lfll 1101 ecti IiIlg P:roj

ciol!ldn"t dig~gree man:.

F!I!Itll!!!reSea-i.e/l,eII R:iis'e"
Skfan IRalillRilsto,rf .Mdlil1o:nalanatl(Si$ perfOImN ii'il ~'e5(PCMe HDtgale el'I:lL to ~nd $I.;truilil!h e,r(At ~mo~In..U~U! 9l!Ii1lIi~mpirtCi!~.O'!!nollft l [orproje(tiln@ i'L:J:tUIlf $ea~ nie ~~illett~lof prooir;t~ i!ll9 one hal1 of lh~ ,cll1ta :!ie\t based' on, i~~ oij1~r hal1. [t Iyr1liii2J" 5hD!II51hi!~.Ih[!' GD:rlthliSIoW; am' wlimsl wLtl1 ~[!1Jt. m dlolc!6 ~!da~abil!nln~,:5moothi!!ig,i!!ild:d~dL!lg> Fu!ll~e:;:t at wwu.S!!:iE!fiI(ema9!.o,ml;Qglii'ciO!ii!e nl1~ullV317f 5S11611SrJ;6,dl

I.'!o'~er!.pe ~]lil!tCl]I'! fromth~ nmi.nei3!1 ,eOmlSl)qL~e'..I'I!e(l:sof e:mHtW~lg. eo .. pa~i)e~ il;l<"Oiiild buy ~dditiotil~] alkIW\\l!flCIC& ,(')nly W tlhe C;('I~tlil Q'fflCd~lci:ng em~s[i,ionsel'lic¢eda 1hreshokl t-lli;at S'iaJrt¥l 1U $l2 pe:rtQn. 'of CairbQIiI: dw~a:de ($44 per ton
of'Ca:ribClIIl)' alild of,'Sca:J'ates 5o/~.wovethemte of uffillf1f1ittOn eiVtCl'y YCflr d~!ereafi:eI':M~n.yviho

U1moor B~,~~"S-~c~cr~'~'8:

p ubl iI:<ltiOf), Wirlethe r pub Ii~h cd in full or in poan,

MiMr~ .;aC·i.' wbj~<'l tOo ~diling rQI «:1~:liCy ;.no:;! ~"(!l'-

28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR 2007


... 2




Give rlse to controUed dlfferenttatlcn.



oaca WRY



10.... 1111(1" 10

t.nd with you In uur jn"' in.nd c:.ontmi tmcnt c .. 11 iii ~iI r e h. By I:orwbi n Ing Up,.t.t" It1d th e mir;0'Il r p..-od U I:b ..nd M.rW:.u w tt j, 0l.Jr ye.n; Clf u:p ... suppa rt InU Lif• rd. cb, W35uct:usfuM),pBrtntir .'!ttl HI•• orldls It ng s.c.le.rlt~sts dew. lop pr~ to sofuotkwlsfor hum,n .,ct n'Iuf'lr... t .... UIt!'td .-nbrytJflit. ,t .., U r"'lW"Ch. u


to, .h~

1,I!1lt: _ •• mjl~O( ~I


•• &:om for It1Cr1II lr.ftw-iNII:l..n on t~




.. III.CIt"

lit. kI ...c. rueartli'i,








and tlThc


ab.·outa. 'ItO.J 1..g.,.go..[l.·.•e•. h. )1l0t!1..e.t~ . . 1. I!Ciil:I.peap]e, the .lndo;.E!:1.uopeans.!i\mo '!!~e.,oooe·wronsly called '·Ary.i11I'i:S .... liNe
.~.·~.SOO:.10. ~ ~ .. ....


thel!1l1. t~~roLl~l~leir


raeistH ons to:ll,ehiflmb erl aia, wheseldeus bec;)~'1!leinnllent'ial.i]l, t;]ruede:'vle]op~.nent of N~zi. oOIlCielP~:s:unteneeh~a] fHa9JH!rlr!nspid sneu tr:I.IJrlruedi1:lliO reaJ;;life po':~itics.. Umfo;mm<lrely., Arviidsson '!!u;u<'Illyrelies IOn sec1ond<l!1)' seurees, Thal,i "',pxmc:lml i,sp:nlc~ il:ic.1l when det'li.ingwitlii, :200 Y'enr:s. b~t itic1d!l tiO oorne imib<lru,IJiLCe:S,


,~<lnSluag,e, ,"!"hich W"<l;S. spoken

Thus. the

~!!'ot~ 'of

~ro~.!rldJ{IOOBCE. Moot ,~.tllgWHlg:esofE·m'!!J[le. as ""'"en a:8lndo-mH!hl~Ia:r!gijJ:,,~(lS (.Pefsi;\;;r!.

~x'l:i]1tC~'Thclrlflrii~n (!!:f f'romit HO\V~f. AIJ1t!jill{IoJ;~. (lfig~!!ll\l!Uy !published in S'!,l.1cdfuh !s(lV,el~)llCars 81gQ (1). deals only .~urgi~l~~I)! 'with .I]odo~ElJropean. Lingr~u~kR.iita1~~e:l·. S:tefau ArvWs~on (a sclmoi,a'Il olf!I'Cli,gi~ll iSJtlhe Un:!.,
j!i\'~~1~f1lljJCh~gli1!, escend d \~C1'Sity oUI.ahnSllad) !I!n'fli~YZCi! the :n.S:USle tlm:aT .i.n;IQ-.GtI1!Ope:.anlil:ngt~isrn.cs ~a:\li!been p~ltwOV'e:v

SlO1'lJnsmt. Hindi) ~ndthe

'tine 200 yea];; siaee ~lsrn.ce;ptOOIfll,. Thfsl:ui'su:SG is!lyinte:m"ned with con'lffl]u'l:ed.h~smry 'of the term "A:ryml"':; al.Yfl wa:stbe se~f~.s~WlI<1don ofdlelrtbiilli;mls-mroll :Mca.ns"(tilc::country) of the Ary'l'Lns,"-!lS we.l] as of tcliIDe ancient Ve()]ic, l.nclii;1ulS,. whose des'Ce.fll.tle~.~ ~,OI!,.V s:pc!.illik Ind.o ..Ar:y,ulI 11In~ g~'lges, such as l~l:i]lidi.,U]'du, etc'. Hewever, clilUl'ing the 19th oCllmry A:ryi.HiI Wal'l ofi:en used '00 d:esigna~e <liU [ndo-Euw,peanlroltgWlgel'> and !J~~k ~,cak;~n;;.rom this th(i N a1j USiI!6of f Aryii~\V~ oofi.¥ecl, in which it m.e~nt aJ~oothe "race" @fih ::;T,~~kern,pllrt~c~l<lirly that gf

.PJl<'Ii!ll:B(lpp,~le acitu_<'I~Ol~!lder f o¥ lnd(l-Bmop~~ Uw,g!Jistks,is 1mrnle:nHoncd ~Illy fn '~helmIiI.lIrgi1ml. and A_r\l'i<Wss~~,r:Ie8criptio~! 'of Ind:o]ogy does uo:~irdicmt:: the tliiiSlUlfe olf the discip~~I~.e\,\'eU. Aitlmujl Dle q1,lo~:es: a:r.y pa:sm :!la~es.thankfuUyi~ the IClligi:I1ilaJ~ ]9!ngWlges~ the tr~Il\l~atiolli> 1].1un Geunan (vii a SW'edJis1in,'?) ere ~lO'l: always c ~;l:I"I:,ecl: (nor <lire :i.n.:iJi.v.hlu3.1riefere]1lce's in
f]nl(.': i:l1i,II):Uogrnphy)"

in sum, A.fJ.~t1rJhiols ]:5 a ~.sellill:!Ul~ly$as ,alld sllullima:ry. even if it is not il.lways['lel]~

a'ble; 'or coml)i]c.teiilnd



cca ~

is even a bit b~a;s ed,

ss will be seen. It is on~y rlOSlilib]ero g:ive 3! fi:.w :~ghli,ght~ Qf'th~ hi!Stoty ef



~orth(;r~.Br~rop>ca~!),. UmnlC1~d.oo.(l(lllSeq~;1e1lilOOSQ'f'leClmica11abcll. il'1g and the mi~c ofthcli'C~~ns, or Sd'nola~Mi"

b)' ll'Innspec~aUs;t:;; llIi:,e

IdoJ!s lii,da-[urropean MyLholo'giV 81Si Ideology

both IJb~quit!Otls and &pccific !1m parmcw.1I!i

'pcri(l(i:s. TI~ hL'>lCl)'ef' '"A[;raJll''' ideas ~s 'l:1ru~l:

8111d SCueJlc,e' ,1Iy StftfBr! AinidilssM Translated hom the$wDdis!h ~H by SJ}ni.a W·i~lHl1antlJ.Ul'live·rsity or Chicago PI'~ss,[;t;icagClo im::6. 35Sp pc SS:~,£:35, ISBN 91SI!l22I6[1Zll500.

of ,Eli senes of fM,~ne:s that; .in scmle :slmpe m


still COtlifulitie.

They simplyret:lectt~'le clll.ttum~:history O{Elllli'"

0iJe ouldlAmC1:iC<l rn:run the ~: 78Q.s lu1l:il,u)tlr:y. ERiN IW.i~g~f rhor~J ,iBllitd'eAglJ'in.:rt the G.iIl'tUlf ,and "he l .M.rog'iird S~ear' {lsn). hilltlile 19~ <l1~d20llii Cf!I'I'I.ulries, thi~.~,el~i' B: U!1:~pe1)ll,,al1gllaJ;lles!,\c~s:first ~ApoU()'s.stn.!QIgoo ~'1airlst Pyl:lil~n. a!iid1lndr~'sli!i,hl '~~11fl Ci.flhO'l:f!ltoohlJ! a Cf!ktu~aspeccih by WimalfMl Jonc:si~. 1786aliiid ilntlwpmedl .... ,ilS th!.i>sUUl9gl~ of the tIi.nyalliagail'M b®t;hlhe i:lrllille lorl:e:Jl~lIIatullie and p~im!ililvepeCl, ~ ]11 Bop,p'sws:mJn:m"oifl:816 :(2~ ntIJring the R()liiiMi!I1ITicpe!l"]o~ l1beit. $l!Dch inVlenriolls ofu'adIiIii Oll.l1:1i[!,Y:S!I~Jlea:r the palll-EIJ]'(l:pean seaJl:c~1lb1l' orjgl:W,i> ~cdto linu~gwni!llll@; a:nhdo-.EfII:ol~e~n home] !I.llid. in .only to be ofh~tm~cal inte:resllm,ow •.but people ,El!lrestill fhsci:lil<lted by tl;lea:r oU'.igi:ns ad 3:nce!r IndJi'i1I. tiS sa.liIlskril Wa.<l seen as the oldest rami :>' !Ci:::' oif~ndo-E~I·Qp'e'lIin. The second liiilfl~r of the ~; IDI'S, as ~ililJe cm~rent ,enthil'~si<lsm far DNA veS:lI.9tr.~1,ce'.llIt[lryw;rus; dm:n:irmtetl by tl~e Oxfcmdl ~: lug in geneiillogy 'shows. Thc:,.A:ry<llll[oi.IY'COJillr;; IndQklg~st M.":~ Muller and ]iIIi,s ROilililtlnticl tinues with enrreut chaavinist f'rumfasi!es ttmrt ~llterpreta.tiQn of Ved,](l and bniQ~El1m'pean il"lnu:e:I~c'e Oim;e MmoJilI rnw:illimls now.. In their own Aryan :1i1IilY~h. {liliottreated by A.ii'i...:idsSOlil,):, Ill<tteda.l S <IN p:rinlitivr:, :myUloklgy" il' A:ry~I""'llLre the ~lldjigeJ1J;ou!l "sons of the i~lO,]rjof [I}~.ltl!pedby the "disease ofblJlil~lliL.bre.'; ~Iow- ';l!'

T~l~n;l:Wlw~ship IJQt'>Vi:l!ill!1 S!istlskrit ~nd d~~ othc:I" h~do-


dle:ir "fa[he:Jrlltl!rld,'~ wl1ere they constitlli1e"tlne constsuctian of ~;he ,(;omtry. Oilill(.': peop, eulnue," We have i,:I1d:o~E(~!1opelln ~l;iejfg~larl1p~S'C in tl1!C e<l!riy he~mt1i~] ofdliAl beful'co ~9th C~Ii.l~l~!)':n:;s,Qt'l<'!,ood l'VtlUwith tl1;(; search A!'vidsfiOnp;roViide~ a ,ootall,~d d~ClilSBWfl O'f t~!i oiiigi.ns, [lro:mincliIit!1it the ti~'c" dl~tIr""ilits 3!!~IUrng o:f1.he d(lballC orver t1~~gt resui'l:i1i1JJ,gin filtit'olsy-lad<;::lII hi,sro!'i~s. The miO C(i~ltD!'i~s"!~~ful L Sl!lnmmJ<'I~~$, OJ,Ifld some ~iMp~jficd tables :th!lt: ~~l.oiW t~r qju~ek O!"icntl~ ~on-I~'do-E1tOOpearr! F~~lilIJi!l Hij~l~rj,!i!lS,. ~ml tiOQj Siea:rchcd widely for their homelsud, i~l IimL ~!:kp:rc~elfl$cleaflyt'L;: (lQI:iJ~lrAic;@~d web ,of !mn:h1!~di!l!tlHC;:r!cer-f,og: ~~~ple; thC!~e sjnl!Ca.dilllg.lh1lii11r..4l~x Milner to Sylvai.nL~vi The re'liev;<!r fHl UiI!!'DelP~rtifllenit Qr Sa ~~lI:nt an!lii ,Ind~n ,arrndH:mn l.J6'II'i to Loopo!d ¥l)ll 8c:h.moorn". The S!liflie~. aMfllli Ullliwlr~il~. !l~'S:~r1!~~. ~ i (ambridgi~.n.!iA 1.8!t:t:eJfllll<llS !In impo:n:an,t:f~g:lliU)e hlli tbe dIl1::'!'e of 02'138, U:'S.:A ..IE=IIliam::. wiill!l@tilSJl~ rv~H:I.,1?d1ll

The successtulre-

ever,in the ] S70S"l.'1.1heflt~le snict rgeogTilimnmrimll seheol realized that. SalliSkr.itw!IS iOOrt a d~l]ghrer of .ind()~Eul!opC~rl, sch Q]an
started to look tfor al!loth~r ~nsi~f~~ [:IldoEYIi"O;PCiHl ~o!'n.d.~d. (:ot!c!!!;rrent[Yi dJ]JJili!\gthig ~Ciliod of El~!'oPC!!~l

;;: 6li




8: I;>

\van1(ll'S h<ld ~~l'u{(IerOO.'lI~'C5t(lrll a:nd :sorl!il:hem .:Ii Eura:srna, Some s!Chotm:s, s'llch :iI,s MijIller fiftH] ~, w, ~h.e:lingiIJi5t: 1.lerllla:nll Hin {negl.ect:od by '-I'

d!omil]:!jJ!lcJi;;. D!Ili!:\l,I:i.iJWi(';~ a!!~ "f~C(,: ~d- m e:~cc" C'lne:ryed~md .a ~e\'\f Jl"o/I:I:~ ~~Qk form; ~ i E~~pe~n Qf ,,"",,,,'Cn NolYJcA:ryan mcc of!fnob'l~ ~: 0,



28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR2007

Arvklssonh OPIDO&'I':d ffllY call11f!ldi(l[l bctwr:en Immllag'c audimoe. NOIlethel!essj t~lis new frilly

was ooimhiJm.edw:DtJru


rml~si!e-s ~fIIbOil.U ]ndo~ Euro:peaJls m. Nomii'Q agJ:i,c:ultr[mill~sts. which reS!Ji!lted :~nilie later Nmd,"lbiood and sci I"ideOk}g)l. Mi:xi.l1g al I, of the !),oove., i1J1i1lirteur 'IIwg,te,1:S of the ,early 20th Den~:ry Alfred R.o:se'nil:iC:Q!l laid the S%Dli.Ill'Kifor N iiZiidookl£j<'. l~iWe studies m'ld ,eug;enic:ii, eltl,'ersed aJs'~~ci~ enees" in m<l~v:yQo~mtril~. DI:I!wiJrnS tl11e [:2 ye~.1'5 ofNfJ..:.i.!1e~£~in Germ,IJ!1IY" the hC,ldy Aryan
oklgy;.fm:1iFillfuff:hcr Iblfie\V had

lnay lse fashio'llclb]e (fo:Jll.cau~1t, .Derl".ida); :Iii,ow~ ,evel:~ Arvidssen nullcC!'s an an fO!lf~'u of [l'-----<lS, wlillen he even delec'ts"m1~:1im;o~ic" fP: W. Sclirim[d~" W, .KioIlJP'Cl'S) ood. ''pmtesllull'' w1lri~el:s on :~nd.~EIEmpe<ml~l.Tyilll.T~ntmglm;oHld.lebook, \7!le find :suc:hlinka~~s llietween OOlrn~!eilllill'OJ~jlfY 9OcLO-re]i(giom. de']qpmellim .;miC.'l '~]e devclolp'· ment of A:l}I"iU,l, f1'lml11<lsle;s .. Anri,dSSOiml's Sy:IDl1JPid:1mii (:s't:~e,mdy a-rc\'\I'ith Bnlce lincoln, whe has tece:!lildy turned


diSf!8t!!01.!~ OO!lSOqu~1)CQS~1

tilte exterm~1\\lJ11on ",f~~OOlJij,·Al)"3!ns.~'·inc~lJdil\g

!~,e~~do-A'YfL1li'IRo~:iJl~ (Gypskls). An!';!' 1945, other, ~~·ill-cumlu. iI'I~(,'1pro:t~ 1~'iolls nndlo·!EtE'lWea:rI~Y&S ,SlIiid~fClinaeol'o.g:i Q tnokO\i\er.,.nOlllil:lg!l!lilii:ts ade wrong, use m ofthe,oosu~r5: !!:If (llliiJL;-: selenee tooo.ildtl'iCiorie-s ftll.r i!1!DOill1c~~.Thc 1I1d:o-.EIl!I:l}p~n mJlt11()!~i:s~ OeO!rges nl~me,zi~,.~:he sC:~.o]ar of l:,e~igiiOn M:ire,calEli:3ide~ a:n1dthe ,m1J:h<leo~ogisti .MariJa ahn'bntaspred]Oluouil:cdiu 'l:mcPQli~ pcr.iod. nBe ~trer still is SOIm:,W~limlt fuJifilIerlitial in tm~ i:wrugfillido=EllIropellM, horsemen:sin¥lIisld!:Jil.sout of ~:b,eUk~iIliman a:udRussian sle~1pesulThro a Sl]P= l~osedly iIleace:llI].m .. tri,1Ili'thic Old Eur-.ope. Tline ~:lrureehavcreeentty 009 attu~cdo:ffjjgcist tencl!ew::~:e's. '-Uta:!AwidssQil even spocubte:s that tiliDe Liithil~Ilill!ln-bo'm Girnl:ru.tJs~ stance 'I\>tiS due te mter;tnli,·Russm:lil fu~]m;g~ Diis:ldl1c1 Of1l!lHI~ysig

f':'QUl IOIJeaiing ever r.tC'l¥1l1yths, ,(e.g •• IDe (lUCl'eMilA~"yfI!n eae ~nlucl:i;<JJ). Mydl mflikimJlg aad t:;!Onsmnpti!ml seem to be jpermill]l;ent:p1ilCils of the fu!r~n\1!llgem.·ch fm·origia~'s,. An'idssan's way eut of this ,oonm.uillrnm~s co]]lnl'l'\fcned ..sthe \'!:ritln!il: of~li sturyge.tsi:lil,c:re<llsin£lY hij acke-d by ·~OOOID~C;ali. relis;ocms:,. andloc;}j. ntIJt:iomJ:<l~i:stic 1l1OVeill1elilts:. What then7 Cle'l.iflY, mcrl!e S6i1F.LUllS: h],sio:rn,cal, iHlI,d compru;,altM~holai(~hipi:'l roq~liIW,.We ;7I[sQ iJi'ieOO 11, cl:i:tic of ccrtmlillProro-hlldo-.Eurnp>ellll the 'e~lg<'l~meiJ!a,1 of '8cIilQ~.1lJrsw:in ]g,l:gto take hy,othe::sc:ii.!T!!linl1l]niw,g that the: lJ!lice;~tnd p1lll.b~icsm]!!;~-wbeth~r in ihe b~,It~.~"iJ ere(ji\<er m~it:h:ology of ci[\c~ 3000 BCE, esnnot be a:ti!or.!~8m ori~thc ~"C(J1mIt attemp.ts by Hind!u I1CCi()llStn:J.c:IIOO. B:t!t,. ns '!.~th the al'lce~:~~~ t}:., ~ IlaJtilO1"lf!:~fstsand 'hurdiaJlnent3:1 ists (in b()'~inlndi~ ,o:]ogi~ ool~gmg I~ oll:heillarng1J)~c fa9;_mi]~es~. and C1!lifu!l1!lh!) 00 r~wi~r:; hdif~llruistory ID. Ii] !llytho~(lgkal fa::ilhio~ (4). Ary~;r!f!'!]mIt~sgCS '~HJ!t·u~den;;m!ldi!'lg of it Cri!['iJ be p:1i.!'t ml~c~l 'on fi:l'i)ller gml;lnd thr,()I;IWilll c()1iii1~bined hi,&~cJl:ical Il~vc: ilindica.t:C1d~~e i:nheJrC::l'il: diS!lltg,l;:fS most lllliDd~mu:pSirnD.'i,le lfDilCIiliD.oos (as 1 ~.mpe~ tOd!;;l here.lies one o:Ullt: endlLll"i~g ~.i[lcr~nr3!rein ~1:Qriuh.{;o..i:J1g00ok), i~s ·of Arvn.dsliiOifl!'S book: it ~nd!ka~leS: hM't .~ Arvid!!l~on u,LJe'lii see om.,: \WI:.\" !onl: (lIf onig;U~) call ~S!clr~(ilny'~eruurom. l\i.i.s:tmy. f

mytInis oi~'~he A:rya!nki]1d."tbm1!lgh~~leCQiI1l1l~ pa.V'a;tive~tud.y ofh~S~!(I:ry. Buf.he oll~rlooks the recent interusl ,c~.itilqlue made byl:m:i.'CI~

:1." 5>,IIMd!;~ni~ritlJjjl!'ll!l,er:~l! JrI<heuJ"l)fJi'.i#U ,G.lyWi19;rn'!:(i:fjj lJ,yjf~,(;K/i i.\t2jeJj~ .(EI!tiJl~lI! O~I~fi9~

as Sl~ifi[n Zimnu:r (3); who ha,\<'C,c:]elldyp!'On01:.IIIICcd :tII£,ain5~ using "[[ngr~i,s,!i~c pSl~f!OJltol.Ql!lY;·'·MallY a.1I1mel's .1I~SO distllnlglllLisfu bejtwern!il.e~ulline linguisti c diseussion and grll,ruilloml specu!a:tilon that ,c!I):JIlJ'e!1 ate!> li]1Jlb"uUsticsw~:thaiICMI'lIeol.o.!ilY Oli:, ,oo;rren:tJty, '!vidl ;poP']!q~a!ti.OTIlellletics. Stin, saeh ~toodlol~gi,eal dj~'l]::;8ion5: do ~'KJitdaeJt some

lIEl.1JtIJOPIi:l\1li1l]]llgllists. sueh

8ml':~ilrll:l!lSoim.lI!l~I:um. ~t!ld..n,c.,1m..200D~ 2 •. F:,.IBmp:p, [jbt,,. tlm~'('D.!?i*lr.Mlr~~¥I~!Vll lkt Sall'Iinlli/Name: fll' V,ffgleJm\ll\ili!' mil j'(!Jjem'der f!iedl.f~· (;!'refi!f,~hen fHN-tir.Chen.r.rtl1lgerma.ffltI;t!e1:r ~r!~ O1!!l\!Ir'~. h~lIk~l!l!t fII~I!I, ~), ,~Im n 3 .5,Zil1fil]1!!(, ~ frildD,iM't. SiiWl. 1:8; :l!Al tl\iHlO}_ <l,. [I" ·(j!lltd!!l'l.,~\iilll SWlI!,rJili~rool. 2:5Iamu:a~i)i 2,006, p, ilL



blt'ast r,oplle.,


k{~ttl/if tJ'l'll)h e$n

overturn, from kU{l!" ,[down]




11.)etu.' ... ~I..ih.:re< 'IJt.O.f ...d ..i1I I ... M~es us fe·S!,"' the unexpeeted, .ti~...S..~.. anI" im3.Jjnaliiol~s <lbo pireJl! us fO man3g:e dis:ordle.r and suffering. Oonsequent]y" gi'!,'\en sOliliLeperiod af peace after <I eatasnop1:te.OO'c[etic-s rn; 1'C;g110~ and aol: not oilly tn t1iSi!:l]sUhei.ftl'im members ibkaft alse to he,lp
pe. ' ...

·!il.~.).lh. . .. t. :'1: ...•

The cl{hilihiliion (in Frem;:h a1l!l,c]Eng:~]sh) br.i:ngs a :I1I1IuUimooia peI'specHvet.o c!Op~ng wi;t~:1.d:~asrer. AU~,le!:.iart;,
<lire sfllT,(lUI:Ioodlw:y the somu:Hsofdl:oOJin: \I,~, e:'illrnlq~ak!e, killa:xm:l$, radie <JJlUlmunceme:nts, J.w;dw<l~Ung children, TJirJ,ey aiJle theu s~rdydeli.ywed into a subuarb.fllil :s~nrnm:gliooililm,wJrniCl1e the tei,cvi:s;ion cJmtl:ers <Jill <JImiil,b]e;OOU1lli~~poii,n't. Hia31gin.~ Ollil. thewalls tmd i'lhdv,e,s ,of tWicf100m are ,I ~c·]ecli,on of

Archetypal. rnl>ei!IIIIS of51IJnrivat A mooelof N'j)i!lh'sark rrnll1l. JW,~~la .. oys!l:er~ SfXJ~uJ)ilt,l:S pl'imJeps. '!fbiis

mo~.~lJSc ~'nsdoligill~.iy ooe~1 adOJW~ed <IS a vorave, ,obj'ect by pre",Coh~llllbi.rnlIl

people: 'OjIst,el·sheUs washed ILlP Ol~1 the western s]]J.ore 10 f Sonth A:Jmlu'lrica pre Sillge .HI. N~lD imnl.cliai;iQ:[Is, Js~~;i's species tem;i!s to

~ eurreliWtly ,1l!t t~e Ml!!~£e d' ctllil1og_Taiphic de il GClle:V~, AI:! a,cclOf!lip~nyi~lg volulTI!e Qnb~
~ (I1!l1thorsth~t ~I:tO~udesfll1l:hr,opo.klg,lsis, artists,. -, ~ Sioc,I~ai~ptJyo1ll:::lkl;!,,~:l'itS.~~I:SlI)!ri.S!mi,OilIgl.u~l.omisls,. ~ aid workers, and jO!'l ..

mhers •.ooon f'lHdRst<mttllndquit.e tJInoo}'ltlOll!i,. if: to rebuild the~r ~Ilmmtcitme ilIld~be~r fhiths. g ilil The oibjects thid lllle~phllllmfilO'li!1(!l 10 be iSo'!1esi.!i~,tIIt iIE ~. are ~(;8u'bjeC:l of the ~h~bitior! Sc:i~ulrio ~ CCltrlstt:oplic'. CUf!ltoo by C~ris,t.iia!n D.e~~ra;t;,. ~ ~ L!'lune Dl!rll!~~H:i[.and Ah:ssia fO!ld["Ln~,.

;; C-I;~:mys'fro~ an jl~.~l;;rdi~c~pl ]!1~ry l"".tnge 'of

fetish O:~C-dlil. PeQ.p~.'emkJe<'l v~:ricty of arppro@chc8 to satisfyUu.(;;[1' dc~iro for adV<lilCed 'I.'Vllmhlg, ofi~~,pc:!illd~n:g .r;:a:taJstr,opliie, hl most 8lOcicl'i~ :W!1'!lI.lctscornmom:y fcarurern'lim~:~. T~e I}lifi~ ~m}' e;;,tp~anatiIOilis th~tJT!!!n¥ ~~,illi1iirus i:l!(ill· ~re tery ,()'Vi,j;r~l~ nirl1!i~1 '\i;"Oi~d. One p~rt ,ofUli;': e-1dlibitiOll t\o:J1iI:5lde.rsCIJiIm~itive to a'!'1!d aI~lled 'by !iJooHc ~nvirI0ll:lilm~1i1I'~'~ ~ignfdgthatprooo& e,'(~_c\~~1!her~fi.!1e.avn!II e.or~HQ:! a,,\'~udm.pect of :ciQcielt-a1 1~Ilcl:iJe. a:l1id e(lrthqrlJ!a;lkes. An. 'ex<.'!mpile -ti!IJllt !X;p~ir:.WiUll sped.lllc CiOlllmelll()f,a~i~ objects deviates .tmru the Illorc-expecleld selbction flf' and oQm:lll.~!em~I[UC:)Il e.vlcnts, pa:st d:isasteors bi.Ms,eiephants, <!cows '!MIS the r,ed spIny can be Ica.1egori.z:e.di al~.d psydmlogiJcally

d:ie: eJ:I masse ;ifthe:se,l\¥ai~l'telll:pemiilituI'C<riSJes" De.:sp:i~etlilC conlillill~llg~:m,p'orttlill.ce. (llfo'lt awull~,ets. soci.C!t:~e:s itIi'iie iJnC:reil:S~~lglyfh\!im'ed ~ <I tech[dcJI~quesit for ,an idea] ~ecIlJi'l:y thl1ollJg:lrn r-ece:nt devc]opmelilitsi]]1 :i!ei:lm~!oA grap,l:1s.1.!'i,i.1iblmlche and tsunalTJ] dietectors. mC'IIllort)]ogi.caJfuroeastiling,. ~!ld;gO OIn. Not 'i;ViUlS't~lii!!dliflgtbeimp:reS-$ ~'!,I(;l'Ce~l'!:ology ii'lrnilab:~e:; '!,;\-lIetill ha,,'c.<'l 'Ii!~cl~tUu~or::r ~,a8s i

ixnuained whUe societies rebui]d! B11iId:llh'!'.nwpt a to 11erur.11I11oa sense of li1ol1n1lli~ and :soow]ty. Cleeks make potem :symbo]s OftjI1C delieete m£lclinline'ry of ~Jin;ehiI.H1I1iflH oody. aud the stojilpool. dock nl<liS been <Idoptecla:s aparticu~'[fly haunting ccmmemeearive object The mten:l]I),ted hour has beeflt1i"e~ne'IlIU~ d,¥ict:oo ml!enm<llil,ffj {lfclaclk:sSl..l.ch1Jis~lOse sn['!;,'~vi,liI~ t~:i.e$.1IIil , ell.rt.m'Glll]'ll~of I,g Apli] [906 (I}S:]4); the W-Ik,o~him!l liIllcleal! bomb blm,t of 6, 945 (O$; ~S); il11ild thepil&~g~ ofl-Wlin.riC'".'l.nii: K1.I,trin,! on .:H) Angmi12005 l'IS ,~ menus ()if ga]llimlg powe:r ;f]!lld k:eephlg >co'liilrol The curamrs offer the u.s... f¥i!motAct:of26 Octeber 2001tl:l> t'ln ~tuupk: of how <I modern de M'lOClll.CY (:;::1[1 pessuade poop[e ofthei:mportm.ltle ofabandOlilling same: oft'lleur civ~] liberties. The Iloo]o~ism "Ii,berti~

,c:iclJe"i s <'I p:rov"O,k;ilJg ex:hib~:t]j:'I ticn, lhe~ned~,a are ;t(]ep] <It P'~oritGd~yol)et~lIt~11l O'IS veliilidc::'s ~otplllM.ic ~nfCitrni.i.···

(02:{i2to 14:3~>
The ,exhibition


us I1QwiD!p:lmt~rlt

lIillplif,yins IimictYiillrld m<1inip· L~~, ,tiw,g the ge~~nJi a pllMic"s pe!!C~pHOI!,!!of ~]sk H~re"lh~ ,eNllm.ibhion ~nv.ites lI:\1 '~o 'C()!iiI,"

has Ii1lOWex'Bnd\edi~,llo ailituge g~obft~e'llIite.rp:rr:Usetrooi:ng in [1The~oo]s OfSMrVl¥al. The seale of the b1!Is~Jm,ess led to dedi!c3.~ed trade has st:uJ'wI's,. .h:ic:hrealtiure speciiBJ[~d s,ll~des, Ib~~]~ w dezess, h~ih:red dJetf!cw:r.;. e<u1hq~1I~em.oo~" tees, Il1il:d wut liii ave Y01:]. "Aid. ~rd Trade" :is :i1letd fllll!1ilU.i.lly in 'Gc,1iIev,;'i. ,ca,piil:aliz;1ng an the ,c:ity'Sloci'ltio:l'I S'c::ei1l<iJl"blll' Cala::;'tmplile ;as ~,hub ful'the i.r'itC4'j,loTI1tiOi:'i<'l1 C1i.tiSHtlili'DeMtNliz. OifgaliYgf.:li:iiorn tml,t: focUSCJi], diisid!Jl'i.fl f)',pm,lssei. iHld aster ~ll<i1nag.em.e.:lllft AliIii~i!l Foodfini, l:.l1J'~J'$ 1~"c~tt:iO,trophegnaikel5' poop·l.;:

religion ~ as a s~:\I~,W!'Iaid a_tid,~sa ]i!1!!00':r'!8 ~f .s!<ille~ocilety\!'Cspo~~ 8 to' st()· I;;)cC;plng8iOCiet,t~, Im1)ct<li!ml fur!d~nlngin UILc rles .",bOl!It' alvian ]~lt]~e!lZ1! :1l!mJ socierty. forirl~1!l~C~. Armtilik Cl)llnnmIOllili1lllcre:~t \1!i.11~nassail,l.lted Iby d:isas~:er, the r~mJHen1l1llilJ!m bug:" .101 :;W05 e.Qmp!ei:;~.heSio~5i~edUsoolli _R.e:li,gi{);1,J:s objects, serve <us,el~.d~IJ~[n:gtooll" fo:r the: ~hi~~]slI, gm'emme:~ta.i:lllil:ed eSlr1i~qwrkcon NO'lh"en,l;ler 1755, emotknlal sUl:'vivai m~dIrorwardiugotFiurth~, to buy a smekpile of 14.6 "I!iI'hic:h.~ f'aCil:alfec~dlnl!1d\oF Sc:Iiii!1I;~II"PI!U' CM:a;strolPf,'j~ I:l'I!im[rn1Il COf~l:seSf);f the Sluiviral ti;ain.ger: fm.· l50Mime C!l~astro[l)hes (e:!!lpedaU.y 1:he~beria:nP,eni us n la !llld drug 'fmmlliil'lu, orne! QVf::I"600 till.ClSe caused byh1Ll:m~,1iIIS) SIJ!Cliil~t]jshes may f ~he nertheen tilP of Amml., lhe ChFisfi{UI' [J,(::Uir:'l'lllilmJ uhil:nal.dy be ITI{)J1"e df~ciivejhan a spad.!e orE'.a reSl!iltJing demmDtitol~ pm_pn,d miJ~iO:Ili US. do[lflni wm:'esrtent: t!r!JFillD.l11ollS$~Jt Em_ ~]aJe e facto ~~eil!d tlia,e :Poril]~ d of g<l!$,mask, A~mrt &o:m ph::m:ii.lllig for ]utClJccs,., be,tweel1l 199:5 and 20 00 ~~l hn1oliCl, GOIiiOIl, Swit:t8I"i:;lIrnd, sien withUl,e gods via g,uard,iml angels and tliltCIIlJ.YI:S to ;EJ:vertan al'lridpal!ed glle::tiCg:C)verrmlCJllttheMa.1\1IIl~is 2111l1.352 jl P',:P',~j:I,er.CH FII6, tOlmllpultc,r sys,tems liI1lJ~]tdo:wll de .Pollli1,b<l~. ro cOlldm::t1ill enpariaMe o:rawJli~es. acts of donation CaJ.li1l1 be El11SIBN 9lB0621 8589115_ 1IS1,lime]1J1iLi[~:e:[tiniulil1larrivecll Thi.s C!Onsit:rneJ: i!.sorfuri:~g:s .. Neve,l·tbdess,. as q,l~in'Y 10 find III nniomtl explallfl=' the cl'(Jribi.llon PO]I,lts out iI11iue ,oc(;,lsiomIUy hmu<I!1l tendency~o illllilgine tion fOT~~,ledrnSillS~el.·that lMIS e.''';t~:e:JII~e levels of ge;ml~:S~ty raise di~tJi.l.riJ'i]ll.g the, 'i,1'fO:trst .dsClpmJu:pted H c11r.i DmUiI!nl (th~, free o;fJ,esuirt influe[lcclIadi divinatiorr, H!e ~S[I.'e'S ~1u,eJfIj15eJve,S. How s!l(m~,d. the- ]1IltOIlCY 1Je; SW~!>fo:ml~er oft~,le HIed, Cross mO"'l!:nl,eutl'., ~.leaJel:l:yri~.c:rcd a m~e- of ~olqgic<l,~ill'\lesli~ r llsedillil a iCCliiIsideru,re <lIlld: 'effect~ve:~vay2' HolI.v in hisl~ter ye.'lI~:S,to, illuSln)ltehi:ilvifl;~(nl ofthe gations aerass EUI'OIJC and allewedthe do 'l;VCe~pbt:i~ the; g~,obairl!l:mN~ ofth~ emo,end ohhe 'Il!'or]d i.J1iI 11. complex p!1'lJinti[1g dis- foo~,~lI]t of Elllighte:r'I!me,'lilli' t~d~lkingili!l!to h(l ~ ·~.'.i"~ -:,."'. ;,·11'" --_]i'" i!lIi. '" __ ,~,~"",,_._g, 4"'t-'~ tio~lr'~~Oilig.o to sow~.e' di~~len;j. ~ch (is tile p_a} ",y a ... y~ _1;lVC __ ,., d!. ~t."fri;i1.\,l~i1li:-. iII!"'_<iliI~. Pon.~~I6~e b~k\Wi.oo:r~ OiS!ii.:iM-et ctln i.iJ[ so be: good for business, S.upcrstili,Otl stillpre;"<li Is WhMit comes ·~o Il'idonesi~t, tsuna:mi. and t11end:a:l-u:ve s:ileooe ~~!IT'Q~:tt!dif)g tOth~~j,8l;!,(;h fl~ 'Jbe uni:b,ldi:ng h~ 198:9" 300poop~~ H-rod it! '!lite·~·O\vnf pre(]i~tiQJ1!, \".!mi~:g,(1~dprev'G'1IWlk'~), Nevero ~ve:!1ils,inDarfur?' \VC dJ~n't :fi.Til!d o:i]lJS''IM:lf8 ~Il Lokidho):iO!~n NQri:h~, Kcl~~,W~r b, s.o~~l\J..· thc:less" ;lllp~a.!y-ptk~ \;'i~uo,~hel:,p ~11j5 p~pare to dlii.5 cxl'nlbitiolJ'lJJ, oor 'we: fin;: fon::od ~o ,qucr;,UOll · ern SUd~fl bn~l,lghttQthe to'l'lU 25.000 ,~]d for n.llture 'C(I]\j!s;lropl.1CS, T~e f!llal ~(lcdo!1'I of Ol!lfn;:sllOuscS to IiCiil.Qt·e hU~lan dt~asters, \;li'otJkier5" ,,,,,ho,had needs of~hejrO\"'I~. The the c;t~libitklll i~, devoted to C(l!iilalC~n porror)' l'hee:xJdbutioll cons]der~;1m1'il)l, OIit"CfI 0011· infhlx in tum. sp.a\\IIlcd IlU'ucnms ~.a~:~ bl!Jl"i,., human viC'iVS (jMi ~sten; yet to C'OlllC:. ElmdRol:' nesses, few of which S:l~rvi",ed whe!W.the wa:r f~lUestories Ol!1i,cetold~~l the smokyllrdi:ght A!icUng. atl:riibut'es of 'CO(ping. Quite c:liea]']y. disast~r is uera ca]~ily for ~\I'e~o:rrlc. The Ino\!ed ~,~y and the ~d li'roruer,,: '1,r~lls:lIerr'cd might' l~¥e been rep[aced by bright e:leC:II:Qllic the'ir oper.ating eemer, The d~saster bnsiness, media, Ibl.l!t the monsters, tsunamis, 1iliiid spei[lte~1" O'f doom has ""~ W?lYs been exp~oli.t:ed eaJrthqllllli<es, aswell II;S ili,e fern:, dimml!ge'. amd u1t.i.meiy cl;e;a;l:hmUl, still. be fOlM.ndin c~c:mtem~ porEILry s~ories, Scenario CaI,as/ropile is tht'!: bestkil]!CIi of

MLlSeD d"Elh no gr Iii ptlie, G~~e,;,e', Switl:e~~arld, ~rClugh 6Jan'lJIary 20008, W\lV1.i'\i'_vill~·I!.II: h/mlJls3 nrl[)l 9 etl'lg!e.'(j)o©6_tik,~p

q;u:e8tio!l the ]1JJltlUral o~.


call pm~'~de Qll'leii ,oppOn~Il[lI:ies-t1Ipp.onunruti~:8 UJ' refo!llJ:'!

The· Tete!iCiDope'. lis HlistOlry, ieG~ lIiJ(I~Ogy,. and l4ut.ureo Geof~ Amu:ler!ieln. PI11'Ge;tOIl1l Unll!ver:sily Pre'.5s, n l~rll1l(et'On, NJI. 200'., 2.56 pp. $29 ..'95, £18.9'5. IS!!:I1 97 SQ69'U2 9792. Ais we< .alp,pro!CldlJ ~lie<·4·00'lh an ni~'$aI'Y elf ti:a,flS Upp~r$h~~'s 16a81~i1J:~~ntr,(Dr (j Il!'Fracwlr t~tes~op~, A,ii!den~nJiQffl::H ,ill!']' ,acc,es$ibitll',. Iif!O!'l'~dl,!I!k1lil ;a!l:GOUiI!lcl'rifiMflii!T!€!1iIS that show lil:il distillnt o~jed's. IH@'00g1~ J;1Swin! tn@' !l~,koo"~e< 1lll€W' alflt!~· li 1I!1~~ '~!ld ,) r~pid :51\.1 '0£ In~w d~s<iQflS.,. t~~:on€~ .00' li¥€y lig ht ,and aS~lI'Qngm~(C!~ ~ !lJ(J~ng!ifm!ill! Ga ~ileo, H l!!yg'i:\ii!S, N ewlDf!,. ,1I1I1d O'l~e~s. Bu~ h~ S(I!:PfI ,illban~ doos 'L~e cihrOfi()~(lgkall1~rrativ,~ ID add!m~ssv,aW~gl!!SlOpi:C$.A series (If chalptEfs C~'l!eI~S t~e 00 s;i~~.(i'~ t.e'~e:sml~e desigl!il, ~pti!!:S,il'!:strl.!'!iI'I e!1ts fo:r alii a lytiil'lIg light,. i'!!!'l!d eve!'l()C!Jllsidel'a'liol'ls'il!'lg (I~ e·.sOW,!iIob!5e,iCiJg~ry. ]here gl~'e'sh:(!!1lbl.l t,i!'1iff(l~~.1!tive dij:sc!:!ssh'll(ms{If ~!1te",rerl;)m,E'ru~ ,glnd gdv~med!~ql[le$, (s;e!J!ii'iiile!iRed Ifij ir;[(i~:5r 'the ijSie ICif IC:Cl:n'iiplldt.e,rs, to 001.1f!Jler tiile dus:ooniQIIiI! of ~ifl!ages. by ,~:~mD~p-herit; ~iU~blJllmce, e~~.}, atillb:Ir'~ r'e'~~lnidh el<Peri~~ces ,pm!baMy .e~pWi3iinh~iS·ded:SllOJ'! the tn pre5lel'!ll~ppU'I:~liQ,[l;;of~~k'.$Copes:t~ rellflQ~e :S!el'1tSiiilg, ~i;lserC(im !fIi!YI~ki;l~ion!S. >1l1'!:d 5:~rl!el!~!alllli:~, Gi;ven ~he ni3ivor of ~he bD!)i~~Ulles:~o.rti3in:d h::liQsyncmlk ~i:;t oif "key dis~!Clt!.i'erle$~ ,oo!J!ld have Ibeerl slllllri'n.loed 'Ill! I~no\!'h:le f\!:lpall'lde,clrneatm ellilt. of .Unc,oovemHtij(lnil~ illDll tilUll'~tBe5ioope's," dru


e,dli:bi:t'--lI1I:t1J'1be llliO aos>vers.


nmybe :smue OOl:d1u'sio~ bl]t ]11 evel:)? 'il'l'3,Y s~ 1J~~'Sfngumd ~~mVQcative.All,thpugJ~. the p~t:sen~ l uuio!l1isiliill:ri:lfI.<iedi1:0 be obj'OC;' mmdneultrnl tlh.';: iMprecSslO[I 'V!.i'C OMlelefit '!I:rith is cO:ltlpiilisl:lionlJ.teaJ!I1dIP'osi:ttiv'e:

sen8e, thart .Imiln~ns wi.U


al\)iI'ii,Ys wo.rk Mge;U]C-f

:repair l?roke:l!l 8oci~

~'tie~. But lllre u:ow thig hi lfliOt !lhvays timeC'J:se. Wh:n ~~:i1!pr,cn~!;.l1h(:n t,~tf!8tr;\')p~'tC l~~¥t.}S~h(ll ~mt¥ivi1il,gpoopll~ sCn,l]maHz~th~y a!r,~ :I1:ot
abIc'to ~build a i!~lct[~ingsooicty'! Orwh'il;[ alboult {:~():es\:v] the soc~elY th(l~is relbll;l!iU *(l; diy~furlctio)li!~~. c~~!:;ling Ii!t>!hc:r ~!f~rmf!:!1id

i:rauma 10 its me-mberf1j~'



28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR2007

Pharmllcolo,gy in the Hlqh-Schcnl Cllassr,oom

IN~~'iilme IKwielk.1ji' MVr:aIJ. H~lllphti!J1erIOO'lI!:= R Reilte:l';~ Lea'n'ne: A.l:llildflle:w~~' lliloe(IlI'elllle ,1111. Sl(lhlwari"Z:-IB:lu@lrn"1Ir'

Ma,kiilliQ lea r1lfli ng Irl!'hi!1ji.lIl"lt~1iIII proves. lilt! denU' tJI;loll'iileage of hlD ~cgya!1Jdcin@m~.!i1I)',


tion'l Sc.'!i:,dTil,l:gs,~d mck ..on..r~U.of us. hig:tl~choolsHld!e~ts ~xlik[t,';lati:\"'eIJ1

say t~]at :meir :I1I1IO~di~'.:. ~ ~~dth~~ i,~ ge~t~!lgSN,tfu;~ts,:' ~tte~l~

nen, Wh<l,t d()e8,g,e'~ ~d()!1t(l; <lt~en~

'<lnteachers y

Du1kie Uilivers;ity f1lculty and lIDi<!!!ih -schcol teachcr';'ii acrass the U~li,ted Sttllte!'>. The: PiE,P

'til deve:!o:pmc'I1Iil OlfpllaJrnf]Cl()~,ogy

P!'OjClct comprised t1w~c- rmJjo(r oomfone>nts:


lewi n SC'i~!lC)(; achic:vc:ment ~'omp.arcd 'lIJi,![th ~I~,ei':i :iWiIICFIlall!!OO1lS!l pee:rs (J).iFa(:!mrs ti\!l1l' m~¥ oonnilblI~e 'lIOP(IOI: seieaee aCh!UCiv,e:~nent inehuJc (:but are: :f:lJot ln]ted~o )i:nalk~q !,I~te U teacher u:aiiin:ilrng. hick of:ftJrn:lIl1iT~~b~sed.~e:acb~ 'Ing. iu:sufficienil: hsuds-eu mIillde:ut <J:cavttles., and stud.enl~·vle\1I'~ 'of seienee all ho,fing Oil" tOQ llriBlI,'d (.2, 3). A I,)os;,ibve reladO(f!JJexists bet>'.c'een :srud(,ll~,t~nferest and s,hme:nt I.eanl:ing:: Topks a~~d ;31)lJirOacbc5 ~1il;1I't aro1l.lls e st!IJ.d:ent ilThlel',eSl can help moti.vaile s'ru.die]UstD learn rund increase iLch~e~V,ela,1!enit4). Theories ( of cOilstmctiVii:sm (th,dk:lIrueJ·s;mrnlml.<l!t:e new
Il[l:Jiderflt:andjli1J~by bMi.ldil,lg O~ their QWI,l puo]" ideas) [room DO£!~litive pSjf,e:hoIOg:r OliI,Slllindi<

mod1!!:k;~, (H), iPf(lr(;SS~o!~<li~d~elopm~lror

Cllm tIl,~tlmmiQ£iimIJro~s~wheoi11illtionflll,nlon is-:,--I ..-;U -d·' t!iii"~""ii'-'~"i'i .~ CIT!!-.l16YY!.C .';j',!_J!i!J._.I;;~_._,-;"'- h]-$o 'I w!iil!.~t~ - ,r~!>,U.i _. _oj, c'- ~JJ"

When hDgh~!liChM'] :ilbdenU areill!'lkied u),iflldica'~lhcjlf ~m"Cre~~ lW!!:lellrni!~gab~t!~ v~do\~stop~cs ilm 'their ~dc;flcc ctasses, d~.(ly

teadlcrs o:f higllH1l¢hil,'l"'~ bioLogy ~ml chc:~is,ny, ::and (Hi) .~ss.cSfii~ment:,ofsn~denlts' Mmvl,eti,ge:ofl:J$i.c b~ol.ogy allil:d!chc:oosby oone~riI:S" E!!:cl1p11:S;ITI1J~c~~C!g:rmOOI!,tI!e '~~. deslg"!ThOO in !Ill :~ nl!,tli.ry ..:bm;:ed fm1lna~:.Details 0:[' the ,COJm1if,:lltS oil" the: .lnodll1~e a!lil.dl ~hel~.;u::heFSi' guid~ are :fol!!tlldin tl1J~ :!l1lJ.I~port online iug IIItIlelial (SOM) and on tilln.e !!I:P We/l;l si~c (7)-. P The moduiJes foeused O'n ,fI [l:hm,l11 a.(m]g._giJc:.d IOpi.c thalillu~MI'm:ed bm.ic science plF.~c]ple8 III b] o]ogy lI]td (:~lem~ stry whh ~!)s'llI!e$I:lli1):IlIf[ otherlieJevmt ditsciplines such as ~Iu.<ttlhemat.. ics, public polilcy. p'iSydmlCi:l!J~" ilnd secial!s,.l!"opi.cs,'(!ieoe,fi,gure,ri.~iII,t)!,Vt'ir-e ch[]!~elIl !tvil:liiI1Il1i1e-Kpecta.tioll hl,t smciClilits lvulUWideil1,tifj.'w] th ~:1m;e s1!iLbj:ect matter ,00 '~hc baiSi~ of pc~onal ~;pcjf~c::.[jee olfi1lWte~t !/(j'ijle:failt;d fi'otfi popumr c~hire a!ii!lJdItl1e jfiJJ1ledia.



10_ _ -, _ 1_


• /!.Ii:id~,9a~s-; and

.Ii)r~ re~Liln~!AH;)rr·BI'i!I,u~d Id~i1 • !H1Q.WDftigS Kill w'eu~G'J1~ .lIt'sIRatlica~! • -Mm~.lry1PiJ.~rm<l~iJ~[]!r.l' "Fake:; 1N'.~rv!!!i, ~I~ • 1Arn}, D.c P~allIl!$ ,Mil~ DI1U'!jt (Of tty man 5:7 • Sl'eroios a,mid An~~llt!~G~IIiii:!s,WiI[k OI!;\BrIlmQ

i!:'ivit~d tl'iowt 'fJ!ecxtbii't)'; we :ooqu~5tcd l ,oiiJytbat

ers were rucruited n~H~nally 'tol~ke p~n

in the ~'~p. :stii,l.d!y

1~ligl~~c:hQolbiQlqgy ,1l~d .. 1I;;m:*i:@fy bc.§f.!t'I. WhOl]


(:hoo~e ropi.JCssuch ,~s dlisease (c!9!llce:r ~nd HIV lAmS)! drugs; (thC:l1!!pe~ti.() aMid recre:! !:Ind ellle'linkal '~V\e3ipOIiiiS, aJm1 gme~~1m.ouS!e: gil.!1:C'S (6l Yet" the u!SUa] higJH'C'bool ~denoc CI,I~::I:iCWUI'Il dO~$ m,otaddress ~JeS!e lP;pi!:::[';,.
ali IOlla.l.ll,

del1l~.!p1i1,'Phk:5, hi!

SO;M) ..Thep~c!(:ss,


reH!;, use ti:Srimi!l!y modules a!!po~ib:]e 1_ijfild ro~or~ ,,,hat ~l]Jl;ly did, Of tl~eteachc~\:vl]CI !.I~ml)dl!llcS h:!their ,t;:lb~lsc.J'i"lh~m.oot CQ'."Il'!Illoo~y irC[pork':d method was ~(Diliiicijrpom~J;: thi;l (;~~ltC'llitin i~eirm:orlrud '~CSOO!lp:~~nSj-vith\

t'ti!lic o2lone:layer"

IPhiiH'm!tI ()~logy IEdllICililiio~1 Pill'il:mer~hiilp IG~.\!'enthe :ilTIire~'e~l s;mdle~~1!siu d.v:u,g,s and ef ~liIei;rbodies, WJ.::·hypot~lesi2l(ild ~haJtscience i:lili:stmctiliOJJI ~I.lthe COilillf:ext of d.rn,g~e.]ated top~ ics (i.. .• pllallll.1na,co]ogy) 'co'lillid ~il,nlJiOO-VIl:' stue d)euUe;[lim~l~ of:smndlllfdlillii~.N.d,100] bi:o]qgy

!l't~~l1doo d~y-:~orlig pmf'(:s,s~ob'IJa~d.e'i;'d~p!llJiii(,";1lii:( wmlk.s~ho(lls; :::It one of three eonferene es, incl1!Qding the CO:I1!ien::noe 0iI'1I Sde:l"lIceEd\tlcation fm the Na.t"i.(!n~.~S:c]emce Te.,"Ic:::hers J\ssod9l1i.on (NSTA} and. the North Carolina s.c]e:nce WeaJchers Ass,[lci<lltio'll (NCSTA) in 2003 (SOM}. T1iniii:w~)irll:.s~;liO"pS SI.lO\Vcd 'ilLow b[o~,og:y 3lTIdi chemistry concepts s~ppor1

(l1i.i:t "pililiilig on addjtuOl'!l,flrn nla!t,eda:I" (80M)" The mom ClOl:rulll~Jon~repeeted reason fUI" moot !.lstng the lI!J.lilodl!,dICSW'a~;I~c];: oftime "SIOM),. Sl'Lglg;csliingthat pr.iorrity \WS giveCllliw'preerist]ng clLIirrielda. S1:Jl!ldem A5!iIEMiml.ent W[HI rullprut fi"o.miull,


]lh3,milllaco]Ofi!y~op:ic:.~ in t;fu,eModules,.

'COliilIOOpl~.TO ,snJ.cliy this ~!'l~ue. . we de'il'e~,oped th.c 'hilmll!lcok'gyEdu:c,:a:t~(m P\m!rm~JI:l:hip I(P'EP).1iI. partneftlhi~,:l! between

atnd c;hem~5try

l'em::l\J,eJs dlsmlls£ll:d how ~Q tiling these:~op'ics into thei~F al;r-eady ~;rowded 'cllImLc1J1l:h:uu. After the workshep, tem::ihe~1:l Q,llabonJitedM dec velop classroom and bbonltory ;lIcli,\'wtllie:s t!O SUPPOiG'it h :iiIIilOdu]e (activ ities are a,\f(li l· eac lIb]c 0111 U1.CPEP Web si.'tc)" ASiSec~s;meIDIt of

tC<tiCherkno,wh~dIC one.


:af:1Jer the \liOr:k-

sl~ops ind:iC:!l,ted pil.'!s il.'! iJ:l!llowled!!.!.<l of bioli~ry !l:l'l.d ciha~8itry (80M). The :fC!ll~tHviqg~car aJftier the \'iiorl1::;)lhops;,

o (five high~s,",hQo]~eachcT:S (]~,l!clleplIDdc'llIit of ·cmr. Wsti. gmt~p). we deve-laped a testing instn» ment to determine studenrs' kn rn'!'I,e.d,gcof st,am'l,mls':b;ased biology ,1Indl dlcm~Stty concepts. The test CQrH;i~tedof twaparts '(see SOM for!; <lDil!p~e qllle~ri(!l'~ts). Tl1e"billsic b:owlcdgc" !l]jUCSti~H1S w-ere Sh.l1i lar to tih,ose Ii'lulm;din ~tand<l!rd h.vgll,,,scliu,oo l bio;logy alilld ehe~li!ist1lJ~~,tibool<g, n,c '~d"'!!!!lCl~ know~edge" q;L!est:[om~te8t~d~p()cific.."IiIIy :forllmow~cd£,(;: albout dm~.!iJ8~~S~~g ClO!h')e~s pot:Jli~rmaUy t'a~ghti!!1ill]~e':stallJdard ~Yil!fii.'c~lt:!!m+ '[":0


'95 ofdmset~ch~fi,
'~~'seM .!!ddre~; Cnl!io Si!<lte IJ fill!.1~r~J~, Ctoneg~ Ph~rnl~ilY. Co~lu:rnbl.!s'i'OH 11132!I), USA.




in ~~cir cl~~~s (21 tc<'ld)f;r::; d!ropffi)~dQt!~d~fi:ng, 'il1Ic yea.'I"lb!r 1i.i:llkn();W"Il IeaSQIl:fll)" Beo@i;I_:5C: ~eacher,50nelfli m('!;d~.fy tis.;: 'of insttiLlc:tkllla] Illif~elial:s m::0ordi~g todll::ir own style (8). '\1l'e

oflgt(i:~oo,flilr~'1 cla~a,650Hhi;: ~)5t{~ac~~ h~Jd i:hr;:'liVQli1tilihop :ROOtl enough dlat '\Ii.~r,e~bl~ tQ ;aJd!rnnin~s~er~~lC tests to a seplll!l'm~ grl)Up ·of
smdenls ~nthe yefllr beflOl)(~they lLu,e!Cll{ fieid~

tested) the m{)dl'~ftesa:l'i a teach~~m:gcmnlPo'ne!lTht. "fie other 30 teaehers jO~lled the ;ilrudiy biter and. ~]wm"di.d. llotge:MleI',l'In~ (;OrJilj,.

lEol data. '[1I!luiQgthe·fi~eldJ4e:sti;ngyenr., -il7 (If the 95: te<tcllers used the: nl.(Idules in theirelasses ..11u::n. , IIlJ 95te;acl:iiet'l i1dJ.rn~list:ered the
Sflmet~l:it( M:f1'-Hltl!O~Il!1iCed}1 t~,l,e~.rsru!liliel1.t'S" AI,



IRepmmlu:c:ibi~;~ Ou re:su~n.€or bodlr treacheram:li :stud.cflit cOIilil~nt lknowl!e;dg;e an"€:'s ~'Ill:i]ar to ~nQn' stlll:dy inwhich 'We. provided the pfofe:s~ sional deve,lo~rne.ut Q.ver:) days <J:tlClll~.C UMlive~r:s~tyand used a wd:it"listc::dwndmn~z:ed oOllih:tJ11cles~p. (.! j). The6-111i01~r l;!;!ol!kshop ,aolill,tent\!!!2.s, the-same- ,1IS that p]i'ovi.deiCI ~rIt]ll;e prehlcilt :shuiy. <lIUhoU:jAh t:ellchen. hoB!d some "hands-on" time andinteractiens in srn"d~grQ\ups dW'iJmg t~li,eI!Onger WN1:1I,1lIt.

ClOlluol d01ta\vt're: dJeJr!Lvedfn'n~ di~br(;:nt stude!lts than those


dOO1ogrf~phic profil~~\\verc the ~ll!n~, A t{'1~a] of 1(I stud(;nt(;,prov~ded dM'a for the study. Sruti:ent i!!lmt deln(l!lmlsh~a'l~da dlo~e-:r'esp~!rn!!;!e relation: A:~ the mnnber of nlOcilLllles e:."l:peri,el1cedi ~Ulrea~d,



m(ldJu~cs.,ro.] ss, bath f(}lf!Tl::! of pmfe:-;~io~<]I. e d~\'~lopmenitar,~ a~8oci,a,tcd!\vith:t! sig~df:.. h:::a:ntincreasein Stllid:cnt: 1.ichkvemC]1lJtill bi~~ogY<1!'!d che~li8tty. From ~ practic':n~ t

s:l:~mjiPohu.afull.d.'1!;Y pro~t:s~h:mal deve~-

oplllcnt erxp![,~ri,encre re~lficilent andcest]S frirel1dl.y; :i[s dre:sign aiiows, n]Ore:~eaChl;::r1l~() I'uniiieipsite (co'lThl]) w~tha re.s[de!lm:H:I;l1 S-day wo.I' eve~'1:~1I.!!IUy affecting a much ]a:rger s:!''lliI!dle!l1. 1: :popul.<UtiOlm ..
A p~va:i.l:i'lllig!iloeJl. of ~S;~Q e!l1l,colJ!I1I,g.e stlld.e:l1Ils

tiline students'perfonU(llllce ereased (see. tii~ure. right).




to use

sou eace to

We used ~I~O:gi5ti!Cregl:ess[rnral modelte a,clijm>l:for dillffeJle:occ5

i~rl S'l'l.n!de'l1lils,'

Number®r lliJlodul@s used acteristies (ge~1deE, raccfethn]Q,. Student impliiD'ViIllIiI.elilt withl e'Xi~'IlIrI~to mlDdllJ~eI.Perrmflfli3!~l(el' . 1ty, course type ..and !level) witJiil ~I ,a,lJl;tlLld'.ei"ilts. leii'll qlie~thllfrl~ ~r !)aS1C hreill)aind aav<lilfrlC!J1!ii {bllie)< tilJ.c WI,se of rnndO\w efOOcts tQ k~~'\il~tlgi~ ~p!l!JI!(jii!l!!lI (lJii ~il~ !"llJml~!lr of IPE,Pmocl~t~~ tlil~~xpl~wijrc:"orllm)~for teacher e:ffecb 1(.9. eru,@t:I. i):a,taare th~ m!e~n ::1: 5ElbulrIB hm 91!UlGeflitsifi bOothbl!lt· UI) r(SOM).F'or ooth basic and ®91Y allld c.hewllir>tli)l ml!lla'Se~ {If:! :=nlrO,~r. Bnlilrornria1 re,gre~~](jlill llltefe:ren()i!~iindl~Jljes. ad~fiocd kooiivlcdge qi.!;e~rnils~ 1"@1oi~~l~ th~ttblllJ~IU!I()f rat 'b::ij~tQr~ IIrN)(II!.!~~w"'S sijg!i!ii6~ill!ilt lpr~ra 1. S.Taltamira, Wi: Go~Me~, I~"fra~, lltl. salq,iillllil &~ :Iqg~slie regre·S:'ii~ifi.itldtei'ilt:es dlGiJof oJ higher iittidelllt S(.®rc~:'ilio:r bCllh leiS'ls. ~~vf~-9°of'l~·E,'5f1;Q!'!Ii})_ ~h:at~hepm!bi!bilit:y of ~rndeTIll!il 2. 1(. LM,t~tll .•h~t €diit~ Ri!'l.M,4:l!3 (1991i), a!lf!"\,"Cri[lg<'!~.,y qUICStio)m. rcorrocily 3.. ]llFt 1M1i.@[Jt,!!'fllj •• }. fills, 5d. r~i!Tdr.j!lOI40S (1'Nl31. 'l., ]l :!lOlllidDrill Atmtl. ,~&. ~fdt. ·4.11,ass U ~5~. ~l~JOre~S(;fi< :5lgJrnJi.fica1J!J!lly ~Hl~eS!chersrise ~nOH~ !OO~l::dS1:ellt\llifh edu,c~tti ~l~~lrteSie arc:h ~ili1ld5" ]l, G. Bf~II~,M,(J. !BrQCI ~n In :si:1ard1 uf'llilde'malloItilg.:' kl;, modules I(SOM~ Srude~ns cxPQsC!C1 t~,a!~~siJ!; lngs, the S'hl!dclm.t-le<\1!f:llIing ga.ins Jmm:fi!)!' h~ve; file (~~ f()f CQn:ll~l!!,'li'mJ".:1iI~1~l!\t (As~JKiQ~~ fer di~[crlem mQCllI;~Ci:;; m~r'C likce'~y arc t'h8111. stubeen ::;~reli1lrgthc;Ule:d byrept;ltit[om IC;lftmtportmu S!!peo!'\l'isi~!l <iml ~rrKi!Ii!J!1li [lj:~!ill!f'!l1i9l't,tjh~~!l!dliij, cl.elltS;W.~n~rzem eXpOi!!iUre~omls\;Vrer a hiilslrc Ill:lnc ~pl.e:s am OIlg Modu[e:s (11)" Alt'll!tough "'A" 1'W9). 6, ~~ !ili_~!!Ilki..IS", NJiV, ~!e'l!;mfll,li~ $(~~noo,I,.bdI¥_ 2), k!l()\vlred~ qluestimll cO'rmct~y. Tltis carte .., we ca:l!lll1Jot fit!l!te with ~ertS!illil:y whe~her the <1:1 t~o.~). '~opk:~ Or!!" reiP'e~ruI:iUO~l 7. fEll; 'WI'YW.I!II@!P$D;~rm[{!U~flII!;t. s:pomds, to about: a ~'6-pereen'l.'3!g,e point use of s(lC]3Jly I:,e~evalrnt of s.e~el1itific pr,ulllci.pies is ms;~lmrsibh~;~Qr the mCl.'e;l'Ise (emnrnmmd with zero l.oodlt~les) in t;he e., R Il. ~!all~~, It F!r~lltq,SthlM'i Sri M,011~ !lie:. :14'9 (19Sa). chance of<l \!;~}itte1im,uEI:]e: ~n BiolrogJ' OllMl (tlile 'educa~icmal. gBi:l1ls.8It ~Jm!e ery least the IlhaJr:. v 'il, S.W. R~!lde!1rb!l~, A. s. ~I}'~"h~ fflef(HiChJ,~ £Jilellf bB!seUne, SOM) !l:l1lswel·.~ng '''Qrl~ectly. W~le!l 'Ina.C::1ology tD[IllC S i[,IIJ!l, slIlP:pOl1:repeti ruou Itfml~: J1pp/K(lti'Mt. 4Ild ~r.aMi!?l.y~ .M~,rIf.!1d~ ~'S~~e Ollr1iJ.l:t1[y!'i~S inelndes oniyUl¢ students frem w~t~lmutbari:lilg studeets, f!JbliC<iti~!Ii~, NI~bu ry Par~. (~ 200~_ t1iJ:e6:;)teacherswno sened as their own "<OIlTheteacher-eainin g workshops, c:mc I:ild. :Hll A Geljjj,;jiil, pt Oraifi, ft s, Steifn, DJ!!. ilJublli.BiiP'M" GaIil'AMl~ (,(h<llPmim'l~M Hall, BO!:<l ~lJlml. FIL,!!!dl_.:1:. trois. tl'n.e ~ilooILlIes: s:till have :S:lgIIIiJ'ica:liIIlPOISl'" to ~h:i:sprlClgl'<IEliI,fu]fiMed sewra] elellilflel,l.l"s O'f ~~ tivr: ,eftb.::ts, t1SSI]F;;UlCeHla:1 the lJlIm;od· thil:JNtI't[on~l, Sdelil;cc Ed.l!a,clltion Slllndm:ds u, R E. Mail\E(, }. Eil'Uf·.f:!~h. ;r.5.4 O ('198;J. ule e~c ts are not likely COl1!rbmldied by 0.2). In p!anirculm~, thateaehetaleamed lilleW 12" ~atiDl'IiIlRe5t~rdl(o~lu:il. in Till'e S'aM(f ~dli!U'lion5tWlJi:rtm~r~lqD~i11 Jl!;iJdemy ~rlelO5, tcadler ;(lliIIdSlmJerU e:tJeclS (Ie"g." only- ttiebel'!t infouII:,H:io:ll (in this C~:ilC". a.s]c phl.ulUJU!acol'~ b ~~I!if!!!I~I1\, I'l(, lW6), l!!'fl, 5~7~ te11.chers 11II:\iedthe modu~e~s). rO~.y p:ri]1lc~p]es.) E~.1towhicJI they cOll.i:d ~nt.Cl· J!3, ~H"MIi!~~miJ],arli'D. L ~1I.J.;r~ Edur~.43,3<1,7 U.?9~~, gr.1ite: b~,Qlogy 1n'ild ciltemislTY <CO~ce;ptiii,. l"his :ll,t u.. E1af(b.!i!'rhL rI.t_ U!d~ffiljaii!, .<£.It!jl,(ft! 28~. :lL7;1! ~ I (].')98~. ~Oirtof croSl'l-(;{JM(;ctiv(; I:Jtpene'!!Iccis I1lre l~lill1i!!i!!ilI(e~ R;epl'!~~~OJiI~ 1:!1rU!llraUoliI its. It[l.. dl.jlifllt1!"e,IMrl'l, ) •. H~lpirl.J Iks. .~j. :r~~.46;, ~ !Mi. The PEiPr~OI~]CS sn.!ch as drugs of ab~!sc and ·fur ~eco!ld~r:r ~e~o~~reachc;rg A~UlOl!!gh (13), 922 ~lOO3:). c~h~.ica:~w.a!rfar·~arry ,en~O:l1il~. oe'i~ta[,. VJ.iC d i.d ll~t~e ~~ fur '~me~ftbel' of ~l1rogr,iritig ::Il6\ 1i!i~oofhfi!~ ~UPlOOntedby ~{i~l!{le [dlK~tilml)~Q c ~ l Ab!l!l;~!'\!Ir !J!;~r5liiiip.Aw!id (5ED.~:A) ~. ItIl10904rn:iln r ~i1Idglobal rell~v~il~Cr\vh~c~~!liJij;~ have StiP~ dh;,>(~ip'li1lj:(ji> ~l\id.c!1t ~eliuJir~ncn~.thc pha:f:·' o~ lin!;!' lIoI!I!i(llli!tIl1iilJ~y~e' ~llIl)rY'YAlb:!!:>eiHIH. porlJcd fh~ :~uQoes~fiulO!:ltCQrneon~1i~Od~IClI- m~¢d~9gy 'tJJpfc;s:~IU!I'Pwtcdi$i!~,rrovoo stiudJe~lt tj();!I!!!,'lffi!ti.Qn, Simihwr .f~U~~li(l~} w~hie pcrfQr!1li!il_flOC ~n both bioh)ID'fmdel~ir;;mi~try, !iifLiIlP01rl'ing 'Olli~ine ~lhi~lal sU:ldC:rlt~"inti;l~s:ts m.ay imprQvce:I:l"eC'live .. Suclmr .i:nleg:m;liron acr,oss sC1C'nrce "n~!C~pu m:::;; ~s~i.e;[l!:et1I~g:[J!)}i'j:!liJJl~111~!l~JI.i'~1;n~~&!1lI7J!OCl ~~cs:s l)f:SC;lIClloe edl,]cli!!th:mrefQrm ill:~t~adve:s 1['; ~ plJi"O,oscd go!!.]. of so j:ence ed'1:u'::(Ir~ O~I ~IDlrather disci.p]ine:s a.s wd.L Ahc:r~<I1ive:I.y,. reForm e:f1hl"ts: r{.l 4).


thrunik b,~,itkill:Uy when ma,king deeislens ~Illi<Ol]t til eir dai.!.y mve 1:1 (2'). Altho u£;iThpreve,ndng drug ahu se wmi.I;101: a goal of the pre.:se'llilit s!mdy.mQ[1e howlcd!il~ ,1Ibaut street drIl,!il pho1lr:Dil1i:01Jicology llY help stum dents make better deci sions conce:n~i.~t1!l ~~~icit drugs.





D ~ U
':!i ;O!i


& ~ tt

v ""


01 .ie'


28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR2007


Tr,8'l:eBlemeflt tmd iso·rope an<llysi:s

tldj1)~'!i rlE!IlIlOllwi!ltellOiragl·di~t<lfI~

IO~ ~tlSilj~t

VOYiig ilng

palh!ii !J~t!,~ iii! IEaJH PIolY'nes!l'i31 rigl IbdQrl! Lo En! rDpl~ ug illf![Wat

wher~ tl~e.y1ilett~edtbeprevw'J!,1~ly UIIiIIin1.mbit:ed ,oowpru:iwns. hlbllffil of Re:t:llo,te Oce-i.!m<l: (BllJtcm Mcl:<l;fiC:s~~. D1;!ringl]~e

b(H.l t 41),00 ye~r8. .~go. Stolle A:g,e vQy<lgms flioml:i!~itl1ld Sadidl!~;1I'iltAsiil. be;g~lll!l sajl c:~st ijj'gtoth~Pll.cificj' to

from 'vari:oiUs lllt1iIT<liti,~es{IJlilJd Ci(!Jm.l:litlied. olheT scholffiity sins. N,o:timhe~'e:ss.mellooditedb:iildi,· 'lions, ~m!1~l1cvetlH~ing;brSiopl~i8l:i~red lil'l..b'tli~lic

These ,effortS supi!Poned theby:pot~lesis t~.1:a!t .llJenl0te OCemilll,lli:1S were t.alpable ,ofpuijlQse-

Micro!l!e~ia. and




m~gmtioililptJi~18" 1Pf15l centlJ.!:ry,. e~bno:io,g~~ts <lind .a~chflClologi~t'iiooughtto trace these paths by


bcg,;u'l e.'l(.pl:(!Iring ~l\ilePadfic, tl\ie.~~"\'Cm~urpwiscclto fi~ld d\ll1ltmid· oc~~!}L;;I<\li!ld8 \,\i(;!)e ooc~pied by s~~i!lgly ]lri!miri\l'~ flcSlfarc;rs. \l,lho had 101l]Y i.dilllilliL IC~OOC:~, C'''l''vcd shll~e 9.d!;:re::;.p(nve:l·~d by ~niS!l ~~s,al1d. navi.gated ~ with(H!U instnllue:nts, SaDie Eumpe1'ln~ eOll!J:ld that sueh :!!eeilliil!~gly m-e"1IUi~I}j:)ed peaple had settled theislands on til,ei:r m1!{[I. T~1ey :hmste~di.lTlagined snojm, t)oe~l<l!l:iosas storms Of ruw:e:'J:l!ts pUslli!lilg cooastalpe;pp]e fffi"
Olut '1:0sea, dle-S]!lilkiUng ofa grea.t oontru..

Ic-."!ItlPrO\l!ril1lgarti'.jJJl;~t$ frOM t

varlous i. d a.nd.s" m~xod results, C1}~loe Ciomp~ri.s()iflS

mrgid d)()b~tes ~\i(;r

fu~lymakmg lQJrn:gI1I.l.'l'igated qy~g,~s and !5etv t~Un!,Sdi:st.l:nt:i~I:a:!'!~. UlltoJil:~m<lite·ly. p(H:tery,:D1I!!:li ded,~n(;>d afterU;p~1a voyagcrsf(:;(!dh(.-d ~Jm(l'm~d·.Pac:ific:,


typ(l'IQg~;. ~utl"i~er ~ltacibllle:rul", aliiid IT!lI~gm,. tion\1!'!I\'e;!ji. S:lym~1ic'eO~lp!l:rillOl'l:>.Orte!~p]e·s, S!d:zes;~. a:llI;dn~lm:~o()ks famd bener, bW:lloHen (WIer whe'~:I' feaarres from diRer-

en~ isl,mlds.!WeIl.'l· si.ilmrbe<%I!1ase Qif<l.omnlTlm:l oligjlmll Or.'cooverg.ent ~d,a[lt:R1~OI1J, The. bl.'e~kltilin:rougJra,came .Ui1iJ the 1960::; aud

and \,,~S !Il(ft spr,rod rar~here~~ by 'Ihc:rr Poly!1C":(l;i1l1'11 desc~nd'lJit'8... Moreover,. a:iith()t~t~ditlsid~ar! ~()C·l)!:~in NI;\l,f Z!Cal~lld awdl Ea.iM~rh:laml. to(l<I$ l!ll;mJdeflO{m this t)1llC ,of \"ijlC!anic g]$iS we:I'l~:a~i,pa:IretH~yoo~wi,d:e:~y S]'1!~d :In.·muthese Ileriphcr~ isl~!'Id!~. WlmJ 19:20s !i:~dR99Q1~ arellai.'lO~ogist~ ~[~;e then~dbre ag.mnto Sl:m~e ~~. prnfiClI]a:rly 'those n1IRdiil fmlTlfine ..gra_ined oceanic biElS<lillts of&e: '~I)Dt"$PQtaooh~pela;gos'" ar.~15l

on[y h~gDl pe(IJks and

snrvhrU~;lgillil,h'lbi.ullnrrs; abeve water, and d];e S{peCl(IJ[ creatian ofliu.lJmmllS Oilil the,.
A.~ffIJ:eiliilisturi'1Uillf,j. 'Slill.bqrudge

st\afalring sk~~]s,.'i:mt more ·trHnl t'lw cj~i:iwrie~ ,off,e!fj~i#.rch l1il\~~ led to




widesJP:iiea.d a.ppre-ciation ofthe~(ri:aL»tical c:arpalbiMHes. Ol~ p~g,e;~907 of dlhi:SS;l1.c;ICoUe!:w~ andWdsler OJ con·t]rmlhC!lvide e:Xlc!IiIlt ~ifh~ncshall '!,.\O)Ia,gl!lill,g by d'!Cm~c;fliiy rtr act ng b~S{!!]t
ad?JCS found on (lo.rnl a~on~;; spccifk~ to ¥okBJllic soumel>. NOt ~llrH thel:at~ 1700~ dtd fnrciguruexpl!Ol:er:s ornrnl!dd:er:selwrm:lyOO\II!' CaJiI.(le~,eop~e:eotlld ~m~' actively ~et:tI!ed me .Pacific. Captain Cook ,Ullrl Jose~1:I H~u.1ks,udged Tllihimi; cmll.oe~s j luKiI"EaI!V.ig.uIiollmeihm:l!O1itfor~ong; VOY!, By omnparmg Talliti<l:rm,\\tJlTIS; \\flOl tttJose V,llie:red Ihl:. ~$Imfl& rIlr to the\vesl,~ey r~lizecl~il~t Tahiiiiml, wasrelated to .1~ng;ruI:ges of tirue ·~R.'1si rJllm<ls:' froJn tliLeTahi,t~inS3;V"dnt TlWp3illl how ~~MriillJtOf:Sw<ited fot :-OC1l\'JOl,lHiI speHS Gf\ ..-e-Me~tY\.'\i:m.& to sail against ~11e trade wind direction, Cook: prescie'liI!ti.y Sl]g~ 1910!1l. '.lihcn U~e d!is>covery of d~sli.ncHvc]y deoorated Lapita 'poUe:ry leI~'$b]cd arel\1!llei"I.o. gi.S1S to track the rapid IEmt:J.~ of the ~Poly~ nes:ua:M' ":UM~estor.s :Wnito .Remote Ocea:l'lli11. The, '1nart!y :po~herds proved rd!eal :fm·srt}'l.i.s'lIi.cCOl'n!l· pam:i:smms., andin SIOll1f: 'Q1ffise~,g!:,o~ogi:sts\!.'e~,e lIhle~o S01!ll['Ce' c<lnsti.tlle*tellllper sandstc isl;ElIKlllsne;<iir 3Jilid.I:'a:r. 1"lia!ewide rEII1I,ge ofL3{11ita. VOY<lgi~ll~\\j<lS: Gienlons.tmted: ,enin J,lil0re draIll,ltilcall.yby ,cl1em]caliy nThCml ()!bsidiill]ltDOI.s ~ovok:a;l1!ic SOUlOC-es scattered ove;r lrntlindreds. fulylle&ia 'fhis lltn'!C~hr;:y MS:cd InaJol'·'efu;meflil ~;omposit k:m~o trac e each pk:ce of 1~:3!~~t b~ck tu its genl!og~c!l] seuree ..'[]]'i!OaJp~mm::h alk'l;!,led ]~iltr<li~ .lICilli:nte:mTlI'lh:~pe~.ago eenneem dOlls. to he !:meed. olVer much pf.P.o~ynm;:ia. bl][ didlu(}lalw<Ljls O!lI[o'W~llie precise OOll]!c~,Saf~.le b~s;;1illlsii'o [dfnrif~~ (i). be 1'0 ~liIQre]y source b~S<I~tadaes col~ ]c;:'Ctcd, ove,r 70 ye<llrs ago ,HllI:ong E<1Jst:PiJly~ fle!ii,1'I~TmlJlilwtu <'ttoIlSI, ColhtJTSOI:l1'100 Wci.::;Jer tumed to mere d!iscmTl~OliI:i~tS all,dysesp!)'ss]ble with tJ;<JICC el,e,Jrl:lcnts and ~sotope::>" The

gested ~lmt'!heirll1mce$tors had used.thesewc:!.1~ Cf'!.lC8 to 'S:i:ai~ east intoti:rc (J~ U). Dl!i:fing the ~&COs. 3!maWlJr sehelars c~ll lloe!~d·oraI. fbl},nesi.:nll Migrntiontramtiion::'i. n~(J ~ hist()ifi~lhey prodiu:ecd were highly Slif)pC-Cl,. ~ be~au'~eli1.'cy c!,!!t: ~:d ~ 'P~Jstoo~tl~r pa~ages

aoo ~nsome case'S thoruands ofkiim.ncteros

the We~iemP~cifk;(3).


~ Tille '1I.I~hor i:~in !he ~(;I!ll11:illl~"l @f j!jn~ltm~pcILogy. (;j Ulll~Ii'~,~~~ollla!r.lan, 1M OOdllllw, ,HI 9~:822. tJi5ll. E'I1Ili~~ ~ brin'[jJ@,,@h~N~ui,;~u,

At about me' same time, ,oU~rr,eN~f\ch~r::i wC!lCreconstrucU:n.g Icx~inc'! hl;me~i~!l vo;t:<lg .• ins CO'II1(:)<lSll mit~sri:ng :~lm,(;m oyevl~,ef1jda,TY Q'. I''''. ~ .. ~. "1', - , r.:~ "~,",-''''I'). 7"1 ",- .:1..",,,,,.., lJ!l.ll '~"m !)I,e '~y _.w~ .•. iU~!l....'" ~o!lg~distanec ~ilt!lg fOlttes (scelh,c. ffigure) dQ n()l~heil:it,,~te t~r¢]atca~ir.; COt)!leGt!oflIQ ]~,(4)" SHtdy~lg h~ditiOlud ~lal'i.iigaHQ:1) O~ rem'*:: Milf,!ro!1C~iiii!!fIa~d Mcla:l:!(,t~~a~51<1!!nd$ ~ 'l;'h:CI'~ ~!1Jds Qfc~oe; '\tQ)t,a;gingber;,veenl~l<p:jfai'i~!!lmd ·VQY.f!gj:ng :bad Ilot died out (,5)1 a:nd 1!.ISi:l1IigCQnt·· Ta:hid vi3!the ~n;laJJl1iotij:~~alS 'Jll'eUasthe 197,6 pl,uc:r simlJ:laJti(llns to el1!l.ddalc str;uegies of voya.g,ei over 1his :ro.ute. !o:hhc:moliL;'lI'u do:nble 00001:1111 cxplbmdo]1ll !I.Vile:! s]and Icolmr~tion ] (6). CB!!.lQe .Ho.kldrc: 'a (Slel:: lhefigulIe) {8).
.,1. .,. c

result s,~['U:illicatc: the aclze~ 'c:al!iL~IC fmm 1~.1;fit five 'l,~Qh;a!nic~re:hi:pel.a:SlJ«~Surrolll!1dilil-Y~h(l s T!Jl:1imo~s> and top!.uticulali ~f,;I.a lsw:itl,in m t~l(;:SC,. ~'lXe~]a~~lawai'i's; Ka1m,o',ola\li;.~CSOItlI:l
y ...... ~. ~._

lNW'N.scien:c:ema 9 ,org


VOL 3,1728·

SE:P'TEMBE Ii: 2007'

O::m$~EiCll(le (9) bch:vee:lilIl dispru:aI:c ~:eiseareh a:pprol<l:c:tlil:sworks weUi~~, lfu]yllesia (/0).

need to :1001;:rOl:Pdj!~mesIan l:tilliSBH: OOlzeslihere.

ReI'er'~iilGffi 1. K, D. Cllller>Qn, ~. II. \ll~lIer" Smncent'. '],9IO'lt20@). 2. ~. (i~. The ~~~ ~.tlrd·~WT' l76'Hl1~•. .~, ~ 8~!i'eill0L'!:. Ilicl, ~1~kl~!S!ld!l~ 'C:aITobrid~ 1?S5~.~" ~_ C. 6rl!!!ern,.lfuIl ~" it i'i:tl.titt ~«,. :15, l'il~' (1!J?l;}, 4.. (I,.R. rrlil~; ~rnPD.!'jm.!!~w~ rll[r,Ilfll!'I\'I~m.1)':,BfilY~ Wl' HD/l.r'Jt'oJJ(, iP, rmrul',G. A IHi!I~ltlflid~,r ffl'.. Ed!; , (B~liIIlfl Mm. Spec.. PUIl!I. 56, i'lcoo'liillu:, 196,jIJ'. pp. 141.-:~J56" ii. 1)1, l!lwiJ.. Wi:' (neNaKfga,1'D13 (Wnw,.~! Hal'!il~~ Pf'I!:M;. liI@olJJ~!I. l'97.H,

Fll.uilierintegr<l!ttta[l ofo11ellll~C~lsom1(:iiliDlv.,rilh oilier 3!ppm,m:nes., espm::~iEl~]Y ,IDNA 'i:llN'est:i~ tiens of .PacifilC isl<llIJd:e~.'SilliLdlheilir pktl.l~S ,Bile] t iMl~mll~]s.loO:lkspromisi;D1Ig"fOf exa:m,piJr:;,fai:ID11c of1l,~o~nesi<Ul cil1cckenexCllV"dted in !['l'i;i~e has ~,"Oce,lJItl,y ~wvDded aJrl[;h<leokkl~;icll.] slI[lpm:t' few Polynesians hii'!,'ing,lie'i1cliu,6dSmdh Ame-r,iciI, ~lTi, prc~C()'kl.l]lbiliiitltbne::s (,l Now we


6.. G, IIMliI'l\}, Po!)meslem 51'.l€,'iB. 1,67 {1l'l'i!l9}. ? M,.II. 1Mi!I,!l~~,M,. ,{:IteJJHtOO'l ,tMg4)JrlltlJli(~ lrll',(fftlt",f(G"l' ill Ocetll'l'J\x Alii tnJ~J(ipltOOryAppwtK" (N. :1:. ,!'I,llh~eQl," Jl!l.;'Wt, ~~r. AlllikIiiIMl.l9'!!',I')" a. So R: !1,Mey, Sl:'ii!llt~ !!l'96,12'H tHm. 51'. iE- 1'), Wils~!'I~ (OI'itSilie'Ji!'e-; Tire UJliW(}tl<tm~Je:r!g: ~):~,~I; NMYork; 'll99iBL :][[1_ 1':. '!!: ~F!lt~,. (_ 'GI1!!!Il, H~k~ 8:, MCJ!>tlmr,lI'al~tI: Ai)



in Hi:ltMr:GI{ AIlrJJWpe4~ ~lomoodge 'Uni'i'. Pr:~'l$, Cambridge', imOu. A. II, SlW)' e! m, ~fX.lVruL ,/ltw :)(( USA. :I!()04, 1033·5 t;:1)(m.

PHYSloCS T,iI eS!1!lrpri !!<iflg ei:fect~m!:f ad dli ~!l1lOr !'lulbtu.;rtiflg phatoll!i frem .. ~i~Moo,[lm may ~i:elrl tml'fu> lor inlmm\il;tion prob~5~lIIgl.

u.,olrliI1i8r'l arit1:umetic., IUlCtimlll:lca1iollobej!'!! a omn.'l]ta,t:i",e~aw. ,[hati:s. for 3:l'Iiy ~Vio'O - -nl1nn~rs, l"1 and! m,1i11~jrlr,oodllGt: i~,always mt~ equal to 1'tI;1l. 1.T;l, classical physios" IUeElSIure.. ~,nenfS QiI"phys:ic31pl;qpe~1'ies aliso ob~y it Gom~ ~,uWitm:iVlel<liw;Far ,ex,H1mpIe.if ol'f::fnr:si: measurns the :positi'~mof apurtlele aad theuies
~,nO'me:l1lltl!lm. OilitC O!liJtillllS


1ID1Je.Ped~I'Inc:d. This ' lack of Qomm:lLl~:a!ti\i'ily of ·qU3.D1ilmn eclranlcal m eperaters, Mcmeovel:, the auttil,ofs preS!eJ~.t the st~'m,lgly 'ao'lJtnte:J]"~llitJL[itiveresldt: tha,t, l!L[ld~u


plll'!l~pn)' .. ~()lIV .ID U~t1:!;tUl'res tlruecensequenee o:f

str.i~jng GonfilTilillElrnOn oflhe'

frrsi: adding a phal!OlltiO t:&nefidd Jild then :sub~ ll:adiiillg \!/Ilere3,s:mw :J3:iHILls:lrlJlres the sill]aii!Qllln whic:linl a :photon lis fl.rsi slAbill:aded aad ~,U':n pl~oto]JiIIis added. Oae sees that the <Ii maT~d1y duff'erent. Beyond. theccnceptual

the same- result ~ this

ceetain COnd;]tlon:s,tili'aIl'llielIUowl of 111 p]u,(J(m,l from iIIlliglnffie'ld Ciin~, leadto aninCffit:lI5e in the mean ]iJJ(UDI1berO'r:phot)Jm;~~ll.ha,[ ~]Sliutield, lIS t f

fi,c[ds creaied ia these two siruatiens are

intesest 1:1iI the

fi:rS'l;m.ea~m:ng th~, p3mde. 11MOnlellrum illlld tilJ.eJl its posjtion Ho~ve!r:, ql18ilm,tru.nmechani~

rll:c brelIkdO'i,\'TI of th~ ,eo~~muta:ti,,'C'law]:i~s,~:lthe h,e1!~t ~f

rn1.Mtmti()ln[~I:.l:'tioJi!l filet, m<1illytfundarrientiil ,~a:ntli.Ii!Il properties.
~$ t~l~ej~ej'gb~~"'~t~-rnti!1o/prilln!cf~lle.

C:1I~JlwTItiitiesd.onmin q

U). In



ppedi,crod eadier (4). The b1l5i,c ide.. of the cxperimeliit of .Paiagi ,eta/.
and OOM;(l ofthg::ilf reg:ll:ltslliill> !l~low!:'ii!:! 'ti'!lCfigur-e. In ihe to'prm~i. a ltiger beiill1 pfiS~C:S la~.r. ffwol!gh a rl,)t1iting ground ~!I~S pbtc (dl) to ~liI:bntc: 'the: rallcl'ollll1t1Cumtiolls Qf a lhcf~f!l SlOl!!fCC an d .~ detected s by .A q~WliiiillUl1i :uaw ana~yzcr (QSA)" Thefle!>uh~ eftbe mea~relne:llt ~I:e ~hO\\fn Of! the righl:.I:\I!el:e~p{I!}g;uVC!l the: pfObalbiJity diSIJI!~ul:n~lioll the of e]ooh~c: ne~d iimpilrude E. Rows:B ti1l:llI:na.~~,Ei]htstrmtle tiIDe consequences Qif 3.diullg on the inpll!t st<lite by V,<I]",~Oti: qlI3.nl1IDm,1 ~.uecJiJ:mlical opernF
t1!O],lS." [it.0\\i .~ sJiltCM'S Of[enlOI!{,~ll!lII






h~ !1~,e C'~J:!iI;p~C ofpos;ilio!'! and fl1.Q.f,;ln~~m,'me laek

where ;1t~nd P are tlmc qil,l~I'I'tiiJmll1iecl'lanktl~ 0lPerawll1> 0(2) assodklted ,!~r[tbpOi.ilior:!. aad 1'iIl00Il1ie!!l1iitM:m"reSp;ecbiv'e]:y~, and where }fis .Phl!IlC;k's C0l1;sm:nt.

Qila ntum .5:ta1.le

,~~ -

of c:O!mmutat:ivi ty it'] QOlwe:ntiomal'lys tared b means (I' '~' lie I' "'.. . f tile _Y ,a!,ucnJlJ, Ji"P - pl. ..=. ~_ Ye" ii'.
AA '/"",]-

:[0 a.~1inmguin,g

3IId .illl!J15itmti.verellort


j]'<I!ge Ul90oft:his: issse, Pari~ (!~{d. (J)prescmt U1.e I:e$ru~tsof ..,I~bom~OI~ydemml'! of whBt:113!ppeMls ~[1 thequ<IfnwMrI, mf.lch<'l1nrnc;@J~: otpel,'<J,tili1i1is, of phottQiIiIi creatti.o:n an do mjJi[li:h~~



' ' In_'"-'",)'

"~".- i


W,A. '[



~atiQn. whkh

]acks CQrmm!t<IJtav:ity,


<ltclldii, 5ililgie llhotomillto a H~h~: beam,


d.rum qUlIDru:mm:echanloo[ ereation opemror at. They C~1l al$lo subtu.lIcl iii. :S:~~y'k: [phooo:mJJfrom t[lclight be:am,'wlrni:c:l.!I cotresPQJl1l,d]s,to the ,l]1l!ll!i~ hUaHol':I openltor ii. Paingi d"J. mcasu!lfe ~lC qW!:!IWIt!i~H mecll0M1icc.t~1 8U!ite:ofil 'lhemm~li\ghtfiCl]drrllcr pm'onni~g thc~!C hvt'l OpC!ia:ti~lli O:ri it:, ~ndU1CY iSha;.\i ~ll~t the fl!lal stal;c depe:liitds Q!Jlithe O!rder in
T,Il!@' ",:u~hO!'~are at EIiI~ 1!I'I$tHi!Mte ,of 'O!!'tf!!;$" IUlI1i~1!r$i~y oJ ~d!I~iI!f. Rmhil!'~Ii!'r, NYU,ti:!:,. 1Ji!S;1lb Ej-IlIUn~ bOclflil@t .oQpti'C!i,rocil:~nw; .. dlui. ~

whiclm, com'~pO:r1dsto tlm.e 3:c:tiO']II ,oCtile U(JJn~

singlep]a:(l'tOl~, from iliefie.ld",,1:lh .<11 beam ~iue:r; C01!lllIrerinwilii,\,.-e1Y. the geilnnumberofpl.mtu[llS. II Dr!!. ttle O'll!l-put tlrsld ~Sif!Cre.'1fiG.-d by' thio; oiPc:nltfon.~w C
il.Il!8tta'l~n'ifll OOfise~I('1'!OO of adding, ~ il!ii:1glc p]1iO!un b.".thc inp~:~ ~ta!l1;'i,vitj[~al:1i op~'ka1 fill p.. nctric a~pliffu:r (a dc"vi~ ~ Ii: ~ha!~sp!]~'sone pI10'l:0I1. ini;Qh~, Q'!.I!lP,U!!i!'! iJriith!i!fldi~. Sdf!!l!m1!rtk ~~[)Q:li'im!llrn~l PI!fIJ(~~~ of .p.~rig-i .i!l',gl. ea0hw~ll!appl:(lximat.e[Y' half allld~orm~ orthe'lu labororwl'J{ ~e!I'!Jl~ts.llile®rderi~ which lli1l9te,1iIS <Ire add!~l:I ~; l the ene:l'gy of the 0I1ginai alrld~iJb~ra(ltmhom ,8ligllUlield ~lmiflg'ly inlnueml~s'the f~eLdI's~nopell1ie5, ~,

28 S,EIP1i'EMBEIR2007

lil'::5uh:s of 'Paiigi (it al; t:MehllbCI,I~~tory tech:~i.qlml:S the::t df:i~mrifl)e eould pave the'wiilrY ~m\(.aird]iJ;ew llossi.bilitiesrnl the fields ofquaJ .... trIlml! :~nfOI"M!!ltuo[lscience and qlJ!fU1tmn optDC:S (5-8). Theseresu:lts show how one C",1I11 eeule~.lgi:rJieering.'" that ~s, the crefitioll1J (If :states will~ specified quanmm pmpeli"ties"S1:<IWS. o:f this sostare expeetedto P:~<J,Y H keyrolein qll.,ITilIJIl:UCOuputiwg. qpDilum cryptDgr.<JiphYl rnmd [;anl;ilJ>1 of qmllfl!tmnsyst£lns.
Flilli1:ffl:IKfl'.5.iiliiild N:al~S

vert a


1y thermal

]~~lmiif"ieW.rwhich [KIS~

sesses l.l!oll(}l!iIida!i;s~crulpl1Opertics, ~ntoll.light: f~eld with :s1ii;"O].lg~.y nm1!Cl.<JsSica~, features. This ~l)trk 111m.oonmrumlJeS 3. !l·tep t;Q\WIIill timedev,el~

1. f!, A, M, Il)il~{, PfiM~" rJjOuofilmrl' 1I,1ecilwfmt

~:ailrem!bfl. fil:f,!)rd, UK,l!958),

opmei!lil of i>ec,iwng:ques for ~'!l]j~]aJ!il!i;Um ~ta~e

.2. IR quO!ru~ummed);,mics, pl,y::;i~I'lIViII1Iti~'es Ufcn <!~ ~'" IMm O!rld 1!1!1~nentum.~r~·eb,1i!ine.d by ·!!ppMr:!~~~ ~rO!~ ,,~~:"tO' oil ~tel!'l'~ ~iI~ f~IKll0rl,

~ .. 'Ii. P:ilrig~.A" ZiW~tta, Nt Ki I!!I, ~ .. GeI!ini,. Srienre .31!!. 18~O~O~7)" 4. M, l!f.g~ riI. O!J)g~, T.[Iog<!~ PIr'~.~1t.~4!. JIWl u'?rrI1l. S.l. M:oIl!d!el" E. W~I~. Op~i!'~J C;cher~m'e{f,Il,dQ,f,im'lf!!lll Oplig (C~mbrid\~· L;I~~. PFe:~.ClllllbriD!i>e;!UK.19~)_ 6" "It o"5o:!1Ilty, Ill_ ~iJilla~. Ll!J1b.a~fy, Qwm.miI Op!!irs >(Cilnfjlln~!! IJmli~ i'r~~~1(alnMdge. IJrr(, 1 'i9'1}. ... l .it '.J!Hlikln.\rhe Q'iiI',MIjMtJ' 't1it!:!.Jl}'of Ug1l1 ((Ur,Dr~ iLlhi1.l', Pi'i!!~,llirilFdl iJ~ !i!d" ~, 2:000). !l. C (, GI!I'i'!/. "" L i(filigJlt,. tMradr,n:l(1.ry Q,~l!TIJhtrnl (Jpr.~ ((~rnibli!dg@IJmllil.I?i'@~~,~mOOlilge. UIK,2(00) •

N!D\!I th."~ Oe ·gemlOJilile~:f a. Ulli cE!lilJlalf l!Dara~itE.' has be'en d eciuiLed, calli it Irr~®hre ~he delIDam OJil

the Il.nigi n !or-IHJk.aIf'Yoces.?


~,~dght IUl)'i,li,die


to Ill.'l.ilia.U!llfU.!estitl.I'IS' .f~l.mllt. t.11e biology ~I:d elffl>h;.I1i.QJmmy rnslnry of ~1 Cluom!:!ivemllie.f •• • c~;m~pl0:~ ('i118·t~s OJ !'Ud~g;~Il<!~~~



Qr!1iilllfDlisl~;l. Alie:tlll<lii:!lve~Y., might 1~;Ye'<I~ h nlore

pf1!,Jblien~U'mn S'o~:utio:n:s,. and itt's 'oeV'dlnc, .~ie-s;inidJe~nifj{inJ wlnuqlU,cstkms to ask, Fleri'la!ps d'le mosthmtelil::S[i:11ig gell,oJnes d'o both; ncy are apanacea mild! !I. PEinaJo:rll:S bmt .. On g_as,ci 92l. in iil:isi ssue, Morrison <It al. (1) describe f,''[u::h~ geuooewrn the dipl.ollil:1)OJlad proti.fitGiaraia lamblia. a hmlmninresJtiJilll] pmi.l8~te. The compl.\t.1: Gi~I:(Ji~ g,eooN!ei!I rop]e:lt.iw.iit'~ ~~lfu!":mf!kl!:'irMgliig fr.Olndle ~m.. plieity ofilsiOOleclllu S)'Nttmm.:liW h{!!WliIDepajf~ ~i~~i~~rn,c~ \vi'dli~ envin:)!oo~~t HowWi,\~r,.


~ n~l!I[JliUNdl~ ~u 9~enlids'G' Hll!~eroillloo~a, •

t>he ~vO~iuli!1)~l~ry h~SH)[)!' of Gtflldifl i$, rlClt


ok,ad.y writtc1JlJJillt t:l\tcgc:l1iomc~ncigniUliThg ,a Jalkobids smo!dcri~g dl:;b~re !!OOiU~tI~ OO':uginofGimv;lia (')i):ymc;nadls • and iL~rela!tmli1iiii:illiiproo~hc1iCLlkffi'}iUte.~. I . Pi!fO!b<!~~io! (fnkJ1O!Il\(lMS~" The: 'CWhll'ioll ofGitllt/ia hascoJnlllanderl Re'tot~>aIiili)liI<Iru • a level O'f at:re!lHiOll~ll~~ch()d byliew mhe]" ~...... """""~~~ IEh~lo:f'lllO.oodi. (G!m:did)l. orrg~~li:!lm$ beeause it difl"e1l"Sl:rom d'n.e "~:exit~ book" elli1:aryo'l:eilrTh I~ ways .. Mol!l>t not;s!l;aly. tl1,ere !Ire~lO nritocbomxi<l in GimilitJo:iilsl1eJl. IEul!:<IirryotiiL!: evoluion., The h~lpmilile'liGl'levcmlll'i()nary tree tOlil.sii~t'l ,of ~il!Jen'SUlper'9lr'OiJlps''' based O~ "le'o'erra~ alive!'; •. in kecl)]ng '\,vrnth 'Its tolCI::llIJ1lDe low for ~~rlIds:(If 1~'ltid~,i'lOO (ls:tiTbl~ Ibralrrlching Olrdf~ (]:i sUIP~.i1[Iro>LfpS is Ulil ~Siill"md:, flil'l;pLyr.,g t~t Ihe .melatiooisi'liPs B.~e levels of o1ll:ygen(2). The absence !Of []Ilis ~11! k!!lel'l,llll r~1:~~lrthan iii :s,hmJI~t~ IiI~C.u:s r·a;di aIIiarl. ·eM inQlliciles~he pl~s;~,nt;1ll1iI !!;J)'iptk liJli~Qc;hlOllldl,rli~ 1~II1'i'drogellll).50me5 ow 'mi~ooome~. flo. Q,ilI~fidQ~hlfIin~ilcdil<i~es th.n 1;1;(1 QrJan~Ule: ~ilI51fet 'been fmlflld. 0ll:1illrlcUe' flOO" on n(l,W :S~'~li:f:icaj,l~e wllith the Archeaoa :h!ypothesis, which proposed tlil1lt (Jtamia '(<IInd<c~,rtai;n otber plwtists) diverged of' the gr1!!atesrtttransformarions hl evolut[ml. (I:.g;. Entamoem miwSQIJl.e8.). In l('CF Wol]l1. .otihrt el]karYOi1e-S before ~b;:;eillioosyn:lbi:. irQIl"!'mlfI.JiI]" cluster a'Ssembly n.~eArnt;hez:oah~oo~lrnes~spr~edtoo good to teins i:mf>Cl:tvediJlil: otic ori,gilil,o:fMirocoo~ldriil.1m.d was ~11ro_erefore bejrue, Nudoo:rg.enes plJy[Oge~Klt[caily rokl.rod <lJlildpriote:l.l'a. ro:lditllg .apiPe: <II elos ely rehl;tOOl to ~]f[itocJIOJlildci~1 homo,togs "!.'ere: d~QO¥ered ]n h) lu:it\Jd:andria~. hom:o[ogs and lncaiize to til ancient <lind ~imil!i'!,~dy .!.miIl:OcimnIClriate (3). including Gir;{)'(;/ia{4. 5).1'.hcprolC~[1 relictmansome (6\ 7) ... fiDestilro,g~y~ IGif1rrlili BOld}' mo:leciUl~rphyIIQgetl!ics ~mp~JQrt:ed U'1i1.5 t\R;h~ l fhe g~trl,(;; eoomnslitlll~I~loo ofidentilif-milk'; l11:il((;products ef'sueh genes l1<:live been ]oc1!~i~cd viICW" pil:aci:ng 6iw·di:a and i~the;r Arc:ilI~oa at t[lC bese of c~k3r.~'o:tk~ iI,l:vohJ:t:i(ll!'l! 5) ... he (4, T ~o d;oulbleme:mbraVile"""'b~deiJ o.ga1m.eUcs ehor!drial.!!~lOe~; No adler fl:!!1CtiO~: lean be ~UJe seemed c~ios~d::Giw'Cli(;j' arose 'fiiJ,ydrog~!'!oooml;;~ ormitosomes) ];rn: .11.]] ~jO'r plfC'd!c'rod and pro~~~l-i~n(IWrt.eo~p:~~:s are the prokMyo~e -i;jij!(aryo:li;;t!'3:n~;i.ti.(,HiI, one Mhel:G\M .gro~!i; ~'8~c !:'l.Xfu~ed orh&g_~iyd~~t (.J r8), The other ilU[l!lkatkm of tlIle ArIQhez:Q~ round ill diS~la!llt!yrda:t·ed 'Clikal~~es (~e dIe figure), SO.I;: of 'dle'SC (J\fgmiil~rks at'I!ddlCi:r hypod1e8i~r---othait Gi(ffflt~i~ an (;.;!l!rl~br~rl'Ch1ih~ a~!hl':)r ~ Ith~ Bi1i~a rD~ll'!Jrt!i!;!~adla f'! I~~mu~ 1:r:te'U'l_O:~tC"1!i;,1tlV~t.Lei>lal'C '!o"re~II1..· i 1m n:v b ~I' """. '_AI illg IC~llIk.a!ryQte'_":has anracred ,C'i,icn IriI~Qre . cuaractG1CllZw (.C'.g" f~r.Mi;\<!rn~edIIRe~~rdl~ U~w~>F!;ilf (l'f Bril!,~hCc'lurn'bilOl, 'El'fcilO1:l'lOJl{I,f/ ~lydrogelmo:s.'Olnes~ .•but: the: II'llIlm:::cO\r:tJtl1o~rlly, TI~!e "deep'" position of some lJIanfi~W~r" ~C! 'W'6T 1!'::4 ('an:ali!l~. [·I!Il~fJ~: [!Ik~'~~ga, int.@rm~IiI!lI@,u'b('GlI A:irlleIDSJ h;BJsooen com!v~noillgly n.mdergilE:!(I mas of other Ol'ytPlDc ol'g;311l1::nle's :oont:1!~l.dw:ive

by sl](}'I~]nglhil't they bc~:O!l1llg elSe>'.lfuiemin tlc phyloge:DlLcl1cln.'ee, the'>[ ase bei:n,g dlc c
~cI,m:ionsh~pbehve:en micm.~poridia il:l1Idlll]iJJgI (5l for Giardia,. such a ~pecifi.c:!3!HeTl~iflJfu,rles i mlt so clear-cut, buttthe ge.litome may WllOvid:c c:~.lIes. [)~i!omona(lsITI~)' be~o. . '1:0<I¥l)mw of
g.e~ll\;,,iitlln,ClJrII.'elm,1 phylogcm(JiHc; metl~i· ods, Bilild kll~ge: ;8JIHOlJllintS of diBlta tinJilIlt vi.ol<l!te!' e}!lOiuriOJrniBlI)' mooels c<un ~ener<lte' '1iVe:Il";!>I]~. 'pmlilt:d errors (/2). Morn.son (!.t tI/. show l1l.ig~!l levels of d,]'!,i\e~:.l?Je[lce anllu.l.cih o.f the .(Jim:riia !C1iIJome. so rulUwugbtla!e g;eno:mc; HliiiI)' CO]I1.t&~n
dlI~tI toreO(}]lS~llr;t
t!. 'Go .~\Qrrii~~ '11'1 S{j~ild 1.7, 192:1 t~oon, m.,. 2. H.flj~Ili!i'.~!rn~Oi!g.n. ~:I9512:L ~. '1'.. (a 1/ilI1ie:r·)fI1.1th, 11'1£!M!GcjiMl1lGi\\;!9]t It JIl.UfJO!.I!ut.rrf ~rJ"INJS ru~~li'eiit. H. E.A. S~~emk.W, s, Sthffil·~ri.!~le~. ..>dillGI1!Jf~t. ~ertirn. ~e-w 'mr ~ :~~.e3;.l. !i~ (








rel;m:ed to POlfFlib<ls1l1i<l such as 'liic!mln.emas:{9. U). Like 'fr'.idvUlon'G'S,. the Giardia g;emMrl.1e does rao:t encode l!!i!,q-!y!OiS~11 ,(whkhi:'J ritrely abs:cnt IT9m ,eIJik:iiIi'1'"Ctic gerlOJiililiei:!} and encedes :aJ bll,cteJ.i~ mrgil!J!inem:etotbO~isn!p\\1th~ wa)'~ slilptJOIr1ing.fl ckl'S~reJ11!troi!'l!sbip.This does net wrccllude Oil1 c~rly, dli'i.i~r~ell(:c :Ibr both ,Gtmiflia rumd P!Elliiibf~iilldl8. f-ouhis d~Ji.);C!l(b on


C:iilll:riia;'s hioltory;.it

.11 c:ho.d.~.e]I~.~eto 'I!


Ai. ~!ilr. Am, N:af. 1$4,. :S146 ~;li999l. 5.. I£. A. IP.Willnil~U,. P..). ~~~ilii!li.AtIII: ~:StM~

~54, '9

The o~~tJ:1Oille offuis deblillentfu"ts :JiIi;Qt ()n~y ol.rml~fi1Wlding:afc(ul\y eukmyottc e'\i'Q~ILl,tiOIl, but aliso o]!q.Tview orfG'mlrJ~a bi:ol, 'Cll:ru-"dOl:eri~~,c~ lldd ~·PJ:il~titi.vtl or derisedvia m ood~Jctro!'J!; !dwn:~:tive8 whh\~cry dHferl(;~u
The s.imp~idl:y 'of Oi{wd!tl !li .!o]~··· 1m:' 8)i~1'Cm8 difful'S from(hM ,o:fk1mtr'lvl'i d~'(;d pa~~,ires 13), ]i.Q~,. U. di~~!X,ll~t Unoogcili Icar:lflo.~]o\1ll' d:il.fc:rollt ~dUi!l:tive pl'Iltlh$ (J4}. :50'
I~i~. de'telmin~1g (JJordia''s Qlrigln[:lindel~ndell~ly of its.$]lnpUcilyis 'e~scl1Jti31. GivCin ~hede'p~l of dlese ql~S'lliiOll~ tile 1'IeVl ~Iife MoniSOIl.t:!'tal. d~!Ii1: havebJieai:lm~d into tbe deihatesis\1!ek:mue,. and \:viU 'f;lll~l!lUre OQ.1iIiilIlled .a,tllf,mtion 011 both a :£&')cIlJiI,llngcem;SJIldi ~.e oogim, Qf,eU:k~uyores.

!l. f. I»Le$ilI~ V. t~k;r'.I.T;a~t1;~, ll~itlilg.OOI, s.r:reJXt!' 3:Jl3., .3'H~~a~). 9'•• ~ Q, Md~~~olii. S,!Ill, $"rdii~I'!!M,"',J, Ii:~~r • .M'OI.i!liQJ f~. 2il. M (2:0.05.}. :li!l A. ,13. ~irmp:!i~II"'1':. ,j I1Iilq,!lk~.A. }. R~r:,. MrIi. iUoi, Ev«. ,23., iII'l!5~.20Ml U. i,~, ~mbl!i!t.It R lHili1;. (Ur1. Qpm. (!g~l. Vev. ~" ~~11
a,)9B~. li2. 0 ..J~If(l)'. H.•1mdll\lJ: m.!l1lJ1f(, IF. O~I!li~, H. "li~Lipp;.!,. rlii!rJdS

120(0). 6•. (!,. R¥i!S er,al;d, BtttL Cl'iIMt 2:8[1, 7. )i.ltw~i'.i\r ~., Wiilrtl~!1IZi!'i. 1.12:


whc:re~hc foot 'of ~:fuc'ciU]:.S!rJ"(lrktro~ lies,

\vh:lcilis: di:WiC'u~t t()llesolV\e, ~;liI:deed,there Sire' dot~b,tSRhotlt ho·w 1~:iruy~ogenc:1i(,'; eeonsnucr ti011'l m~th()d$ C3n dete:rmi]iie t1~i['i roM,g)lven u~eql!Ul~ ~.".l:esof sequence c!wlution !I.nrl gEBtg.ene:ric di$trnm!bieberu~c:1iI1eulmlYQt~ <I.1iId pill'obl"j9~e!_; (.I.1 ),. There ate also dli.mct:ll~~:ue:s irliiiherent:in recQ'IiIsttlll!ot:i~g t1'n;e bislory of]j~


Gf.l!tL ,2a, .2:25· t2:006J. A /l" 16e~~ !l(i. MIOIrr1111ID, A. G. M\'A;r!h~{, M. IL. 51l1g']1!!', Ii


]l O~e.·~ G.i!JiI~.IiI&:mli!I,

IS3;1 (2iOO~).

ll<l, C. Pal mal,. HDlwi!} 4:40. 6~ i t~eo61. u.. fol·. t:e~iil!'Il1eMf .• FreJ1as. f'O\i .. ib'tJJ. OliO, 670 (2000) ..

Our tlnlverse A.lliow for R,olbu:st IQ,U, amu m IComplutatiion?

,ofw~\u::th~rlhe1heorern flctlJally holds: inan brc.aJk tn!!}dc:rn cryptog:rnI1h]!: codes ,e::"i:,perr:ilmlC!l:n."!W:$etdug: Docs OMIt' lHli~ aUow (1).Ile'!i'olnt~onf:1.x: qWl!ntil;illlli che.ical cak:1!tla. r'Of' ll)bll!JL<;:1qU;mJIltMm OOlll'll!Ia~'ion? 110ns (2). ~nd overruw'll the mOiilt basic ]:001'1$ to This; is ~ luudql,lcstioll!l! becsusefhe eost (~he IlIlb~lllberQlf experill~nts Ul:leded) of chatO{)111IPutmg (3», Standi~~gi1l!lJ ~~~eway of cre~tti~ these dreaJlD :m~h:rnes ,f:!) tTh'E: flllc~: qUaJltl!MU that SleN~l,~zing the jtllX'llEnics of' q~~I[l.tuJln S;rSlems us.iflfu~fnr f!Rli.t.tol.,er!llm,t emnptu:a!tion rises oOIU[plufer:s dio 110:1 m{eW I:I'Hli.l1im:i;wldu~i:rQlUllnnlll~l:lbell'of quantum rum ]~l:s~e'ad ~!lIve 9. :~[\OpelIlis;·to lexl,!Xlne:l1IItill,]]:yw~tl.lthe deca)l into maehiaes Q:beying: the; d;0Jss:ic::l.~. .sys,tmrnl (9 • .lfJ'). Emersonl!!l {fl.~I<L'Ve :lDuw:d. !I. ~<i.w:s of phys~(ls ..'Ihis ebstaele is knewn 3:5

A!!II ,appn::ro'!!ch for arI;aJly.ziili!!J qUlg,~:tu!iTil dE!(IOher~lr::e m,~ help !!lush th e

bO!ilndi!liii~e!> oif q!.la iiitll'nii ('i:implJi(i

o• ".H.' . ... l.PlltC._ IS ... QP.-' ~.- c._fa ...g p. Ui. 1[,c.·lY : .... r;;o.l"d. -ifl. g .. ......_ltf'l •. .. .... (1Q. to· t}c~aws !t)f qualltli,[llli t~lCOry I1ligh~

'I u;unsyst(;m .. I!!.ICH "I!. (1l~t.~,~O\'\fe"fl;)l'.~.5,t '!Ii:

~. l"<





probe qml.lWlum.prooc8Ses,



cost d~t. O(lnitl1u'iw]~. s~l!es p~.~.olfl!ianyin

the ~~mbc:r of qY,iint:u~

tsys;tcms (tha~is".

a mHet~ :~()"vcrcost per Iq~3flitum s.yi'lt~IfI!). AIU~olJgh this md.mdlil.1Wllll'S mvayll oe'lil!

Qnnftm.ll.~IJJOF% it ailso Mains mueh.of

d.OOI" all

tile :relewalt: :i!lil,f()irg.~Holm. 'rhus, the: t[l;I!thoiiS

IlSJW' opem,'}d. the:



era. where

quan.tli.IJH d:e'lIi!ce's can be i"pid.1Y ciruEII.'9!oterized IiIS lLISefid air no1: useful tor .!he task 'of ~'ILIDld.iIIlIg

tlwi.sis:!m.e, .iEmef:SOJ1 et a,l. (4) l!eporE<I way to ru13IY~""llrrom.qtlimmtlTllP[\C!!c~ses. torm,d tJ~e

!o1lI~;S~.ruIJt can

decoherence, !I:lrud on 2<1g,'e I 8.9.3. ot


'(<IldIHl\. hll1iei~OUii ef (ii, il'r,opD~~ ol ~ ~~ $<iI;l~m~ lin

stand up rolhis clec~. The :so.luti:on to the probk:m of q]mHilih:Uffi decoherence, I1t [eils.]: in tlteowy; has been knmv:nror mare Ulan 011ieCO'ldc <lll!d is ciloodcd d ~fi. fi:amous th'{;l'lreID For fa,ulHiOlerunt quaJ:l~ mm ciOlnl:j!',lta'~!o!l (5-8'). This '~re~h\;;:ldr'.~(}-. ofem~ays~l~tl:nll!itip.k: q!iJlcl'!ti!'WJt! sygt~m~ e~l bc u$i~d to gi~mJmtc: .aI. singl1c c:-:rrow-ltecqU:all.The <r IJthor ij~un Ille Dep:arlmli! Co~mpL!ite(S",h~r:! ce 8. E~9me~~ ,,~d th~ I~epi!'!imef!~.1f R\1.~r~, nhl~'~l~~ or ng ! U 1Na~l'iil"ul!Dn, 13003:523;50, ~I!nu~.lVA 98[.95, USA. .E·m"il~ i

whklh "he @~ol!Jtiol1l of a q Uli3II1l~ tuml S~Silt! rnis ~li,ilIfIm,etjriizied 1j(l 1~liimi;n.aleuffi!lai'llMi Ilf:Orll1l,atiOIil.. TI'le~~e!1IlC!Homrofil fiLl'Igle

.quhi~ are5~®w~ as UllIliIISfcmlfls ,Ili '" 9alimb~nlllg AIL 192 ~th d~e, 1;lj;I>!~ratiCi):!,!~ (ina: die il!~ di~~ played,. 2.4 roi;at1Ci'l'li5 .arid eig ht ~'E!ne ctiu~ o·~.iii die: ~~'Cli!i9ha
plill1i@ ~1Qi~kh areilll'1possiblUl'
I(lu:rr wMldland


~ml WClIIl't

fll1ldl~h:o~ dim (1111 ,a r::.iil5iII'i,O M'!b~. The p rij(~iJ~ r'!2 01' IEm~r~0I'l1ef ,al.G~ be ffI(mglirll: of iI.GHI ~ot1fIl~y ~~lectingClWl~ ldi,~for ell.d'1 (!IJ\lIIIIUUn1 bitilll llie fljIlitelm flOClrnllti:e] 91 ,dlimla~'5al1lditlilen ap,P~)iiii'1;g~ileIral1l~iCl'm. coJnifspon:d:ilng lioU)1U die to <lmrrespooding quarmjllf1J bit


28 S,EIP'li'EMBEIR 2007

technique of chafflc~e]"1izing H:.e time evo~M;iiO~l we ~ullly SOOj~, know whether (IWt u]'I,iversei:s of f1q1J.<IJD.lru:m,:sy:stem is kaown :~ quantum ge[le:rou~s !ellmlgh~o allow fer ~8:rge~s!c!lle Emerson (!(,. ai; itis ,comYe(lJIleJat to co'l.l!>lde:rn precess ~OIIIog;mp~lY fR 10]!.fior IJ 'tWO"rnevel rdltli(Us;~qlJm,litl.l;m lJomjpula.ti.oll, elsssieal aill~]o,gy.Supp(),~e th~lt yorl!l~'e' t:b:e qU.aillltl!.m1!sY,lSteilliS.thu:s metiod 11eqinu!'es~prrn:. .. R!e~J!!;ren(~~ imately 2';';; ,experimelilil5 to,clinamGterize a ql.!lJ<lIlrn,~ op,el.'atu.f ora c;Elsi:no~;tI!t runs iI. ~8i!ne using 1.P. W, Slhor, In PRx:offI!Jm~~,~the J5r:h/j~~S.r~~'UR!' s~x~sided dice. Vitll] tn yOlllr g:.1mbling 1:l'1!~si~ tum rnn.iOCes:s" EJii:lcnoll atai. hav,(!, p:mpo:sed a ~" rbe f~~ii·~ru:.Qj (~ffiJll:.ri~ Sm-Me. s;, ~,ldW~~~r, 1111,i~SS~gveri,:iY~I1Sth<'iJt t'ed,~oe ailieoolru.looo.,By newti;:c~hnigj(rethllit;. by ~"nuuetg.'i;ring the qliilm1,· E(I_(IEfi:: CDmlfJ!uI1i~r $I!ICI'l!:y, ~~ l';!~ l~itillS, ~, :iL~~,},Pfll.. r~:~B,jj, ~:nir-o:\l\I]I,lg ,), di.emllllti,p~,e times. yUl'I emln estilum.Pl.'ooess,DiOOnC;e!l this to 1), po]ynamiid in 11 2. j1j_ Jli5jiinu-tiiilit, /I, [I. DIU[oi, P.l- ~~, Mi,.!f,ilIld-GlifOOJi, g~re~he prob."b~l~ties of each of~le six dJiftbt... {see ~]le · fil~re). As ilfil.lhe ~~mple. thi.s S'6ence 10'9'. 1L70~,i(::!Om.$), ptOOe:5S di :SC,lTds,inrolrlt'latiotl aooillt dlgep[,ooe~s ent 01!il,~C()mlT!"es. :F'OIf 'i!vcll·,b.ll~iJ.ficed diQ~.tlmese ~, L.l:iriil,~r;i,!1,.~~I~ .~fhe ;?8~IIMIl!#lj'<'1CM t S'Y"i~Jlb.lium a~ ihe f~ ,O;f (ampillf"'9 (A{MI'~E!~~, NE!'iii p:ro~babilities wrn~] ,)]1ibe around I,16, but fot be,mg:~~d~ed.l:ru,t Em~roon era,l. point Qutmai
~ ]arge'"~~fu qUflinm:m oompU!te,[, To :M1[1de:r.;ta:l1d the problem

addresserl by

IO!'lded dice. the:-Jeprob~biliti!~ miMybedl:<!stican,. sikex\i\ed a\'lilif frem ~/«" ]3,11' mc.tii()l1!fing ~~~J(:s'e prob~b]'I~t~es, yO"IJ have in esS!e~1C:C six
ch<lj'~c'tr;;rk{;d thcprooess {)If rolling a i'i(;i~ YbU'f~ a casino ~;per,a!IOr~, ~.lO\ll~"vCf, arid s!')
}'Ioo ~re le."itmlu~l¥ pa!i;Uloid tI~t)!O'Ul'
g{l111C:Hkec~.·aps;wh~re ~Il

!heir 'wcihmqu..e c1!~lbe;~edtQ ut

some ofth~

main <lS~-u~~ptiO(~I(such (1::1 'wilc'IIDtcr :the erronj, .~ indc~ndcn'l:) o-f'lhe thtres.lm,oM t:iitoorommr mil!1~:·:IiO]~",.unqu.ru1fi1!.!n CO~pUMltlon

'n'~IIIi. 19116.), pp, 2n2,..,219. 4. J •. tJm~i'!OO ~/aJ~ ~feJl~ ,'li:t,7',:ll:35t'~, (lOi!l7). 5. [I. Ah~illl'Lml:~.Il!!n·o.:. ii~ Pll'Jtet#ing~altfrt29Jli'

A'fi..r>re devices am fO\1!briiC3!tcdiu\\ibich

dQm:iliii,[3jtc:s:. aCC'lJlrflJt:eunder,. .sD:Rtndi:ng, of qM,!l!~m1m p1',ooesses; b~ooime:£ "iulI!. "he ~~nt1l,l. proCC$iS ~:O.i)g~phy ~edrliJJiqu.cs de~c:r,ibed hete .~.'cpres:ent it first s:~ep tmvd.Td nocu:rntely a:sse$sing, the pov.:ers mrnd l.imits of dle::se .new Gillrn:l1J1llln1.machiilles.l.ndee:!\ tmamd.;s
1.0 the,~ecbu:iqjuesde,yed.oped

galll~ ~f


ehanee c. be beaten..m:11i prulic~d~",C(llMicle:r

do jllou hm/ciha.t these dlee .aeU;IilUy bdmve ]ml'*iP~lldle.lmrHy < have' Pljombll~ ifies for 01!.l'!l;;OII1]leS A aad H i!h~i an;: a poodtlCt af the [pooballt!.i,Hty of cmtcamc; A 'ii~l~~es the l~r-roa,b~,]~tyfcmttro:me B?You m,ight ~ell, ou!" o y ] rnn f:.iXpe~ri:mellllts.w];lOJ.'e' hvo dklie are mlledlogetllCl.'. 11<1:01.1 has sh•.different OU1? drue: cemes, !>otliIDere'iilrea. total of36 different Ollt\~ cmnesf'or .. roll oiftbese two droe •.l'l:ms ..yom testers will now need to n[JJI expe;rilfl:lclliLS tll ell'Je 36 d~1Jel.'el~tpl'iobabi~itile!:i. And mtere ~sthCl en]:); ,of&e pl'Oblem for cl'lflmc:roriz,.,



d'iee. W~m:at

U,99'd~. I ..E:. Kmm, It I1.ilIrl.arnme',Ji'Ii_IiI.ZilFE'I:::.JiIf~,.R_ 5a".~I'J'M.'rJJii 5e,]i; 11!'IS!4, 3 6~ W!il!i'3l 3. I!._ ~ia!!il, Owmw:r:I' ,(;o~tw]il'nM:.!7ua.n,. C.ru1i{l.lfIII'1\!l1 Will' ~-jJMl!em.!!1iii' m@lIJ~rm! 1r4~~ 'furl 1997)', W.1!l.:l-,:Il9IB. 9. I. L. CljHJ11i11~1"M" A.1N1~~ii"J. M'oo_ Op1.4!!1, 2:~5S, U W.'1.l. , ]Jlj. ),. P~y~t(lS, J.CI~~r, P. ~I.@r. ~ FIft~Il. Ul~,,',8, il9G

Aifll'l\!l\!l\!'Al;t.l.S",Jil'll~rn 01:1 rht! !ljMJf)! 6fCl'J'tfrtJ'lij~ 'Li\CMi IT'i~i!!!~jN@w''l'br~j 199n PIi!l lf6-'l!.!Ia~ 6. .t" KmliLl.. It lill~Larnlt'le. w.. Ii.ZIIr!!':, Sciim!e 2:79, 342.


byE_ersou etal.,

A· __ ntaretie
liII Colier milliorl s of





a~ureYO''lilirsC!lHM:t tl:w,w iire nO cOiiliela:ti,(illS ~mof!:g!itot~l dice. ygu","iH!~r:ldtQ£;:h~f.~!Ct~lI~ lze (J" d:iffurcln ~baJb!ilhies. n'U8, ~rne OOfil~r }'lour p;a!I'~lloi(lis an e:x:pom;:nit:ia:UY'i]tI;;lre'~sing; expense ,YO'1!i" ~UIU$'l: pffy :YOl~rti;:Sre!:'S t~ n:tei)j5,ij;f(; each oftl'Me 6,j p:lDb3b~][tics" In lUaJll)l' g(~I!1I~)es, .ho,we:vert there is ~Il ~~:!!Ul!1lm:plion~hllt TCllltly redil,u;':C:1> U11C costs ~f g l~csH1liilg mnltlple (!;k:e{. St~p~1i()Se 'fbr your that l~r~I:PQse~only the tots[ sum ofd.ots on n dioe :~<IUeir:s•. Far udic:e. U1.Ctotal of the dik:e is iii. I1ir~lnIbCl:'iI)e.nlVeenntl.Ki 61,I.UlllH ]fyourte!>~e;r:s a :mcoild tlite p.roiJalbility of<llg_llivcn rota] (Jifthe dioe, Oililily 5r~ + :1 pl)oil<lihilitiJes Jliteecl 'jiO be recorded. ,lns1:ea.d of roqui:r,ing i<l IlUli'l~:l1e]," of' l~roiti:l1Ihilitie:i> tlla.t scalle~s ,ex,p.0I1Jl;:!llItially in :no Y'GU ,only re!Ctnu~e ii, rI!!lmoor oflll'ooOlhiHties dam ,,"ca]e'sp!:dytlo:m.i,ally (]ili1mrlym~hi:5 ,case) widl n. If', !11h:f yO'M [d~:d YOU[' dkje. you had ran~ cl!om]y IdlOlngeCiyuuf dice sm:lmithat the rollli] <\ltay~d the same" tbis wouldl:'!()1lO'ltl1lC:l your Measm-cd p:robaJb,ilitics. At: 'the saJme tinlc"

in_g th6 p,woo~~ of ifOlling d1ioo. If )\'Qli

\\1'a!f!t ti,j

Iro:[ms ·of ~liIlllilt iIll1H:~ ilnilma~ life {Om lbe ImJlml amJiJS:5AllIto1r.cti:~1I that h\8ii!re sUllvhrffilIQliic~,"ll cydes

inf:onnll.'l:iJt'Il 'l:iedllil,pl.'OJ?'Crth~\\lllbes~da~ tho hMil

is averaged away. With 'll\iJii!l PfiOCC:;l;S ()!f"S'~i:"!~ ~e!:l"h;in~"y~~t c>!~l'e'l~i .. te \!m.varii:red ~~f~l!~ ~:~ti(JIf! ~ld IOI}lyi(Jo'k .t1~the· mu¢h s~'W!I'lcf:O;ll!bsc't Qflmiilol:erdewilit ]11 l:brmaliQ!l , Vi,l'hatl3lnet:oon era!' ha'llt: aol1ieved ~s sitn:i'kur but tar q,mnrutmn :>)lsle'mliils. !rhe l<lJbor.:ulm.y

describe a ca.m~ ml,.n~ity .as~e,"bl.aJg,e:, ifl(::;ll!.u!dn!ng~l1d!l'a vegeta!l:ioo aJIiIJdi te'I"IJ'e:st~'ial Sind fi'e'~hwater f31U~:mS, that sl,J:r\,ive:d lheiim:mcal:i.QIl ·Oft1rlC ~uc!esheets and ooYe'persru!llted runisol.alticm feetens orm:il~ i,mtia:ted ~~on::,d'n'~n:;'H)million yt\a,1I'S OlIO b:i!.u .. ~iJilnsOi€ ye.:1II:s.. HOVJe~:eI:~i.ce shoot: mode~rung ort' beC!IiliUe E!{h:nd belwee:rl 12 aLnd ~ 8 m~mo!lTh Ye!:EII[SlIgo. The impli()ati.on I~Sthat theter[\es~ Ul.e Last O]adal .M:.r:dnliU,.1 (-<2!O.OOO Yil:ars ago) lInd prevwO!l.lS.ic;elll<il;(il~11<I.illilhe MiOlC~lllie, biota. 'live ;see today cOj,lsi,s,t: olT t (23 to :5 IlliUiJOllye'<I1rs: .. gQ). along ,]nlreoon~ thai h~e lbecOiI1l1l.e eSl:.f1b1i:shed since the [,;8JS( .ylac~al, M <lxi,mum" stn:.u;;lklllS gf pirevlous ,g~:acrnl extent, :6l1wst that waS!! OF :tiI]] c[JITeJilltl.yic:e-"&OOIQ\¥"'OIl~tude A dj,Bere.l1llt lPile11ll1lC eme:Q:'l~swom e;w~y bioslwl!cJes.w()1IiI,kl ha\'C beel1lJ ,co\liered"v:~th ioe Logical 8tlld~ersmd so:merec~eli1tgeo~()lgical durin! plleviJOUN glac:imllTlru.;i:llil.~a.(I., .2). Thae \'vo:rl:. B,ii1s.d~ne '~nt,Qmo]o.brilcflll)esearch C£llf£lmde!1.s lleave tlO ice ..ftee r c,l1ugi(.';S fOT ]1Il:osl ter~ :riJ6d Oll:t in Ant~retica <'IS efldy :as '~hc 1960s ro8ml.1i[ biolfl. and they reqtl~rorecol()ni1.a.tiot! {5~ dCctlftllQrUoo. :m~!C:t1anile atti1Jropod l.1io· afiC!" cacb ,ghlC~al ma.xiinttM;Jr!. '~'!,i\Crni~~ pam!:iculkl!!'Iy fr('im 'dle T:~~Si1J!.'!mr(\f:~c MotH'!'lah'!s1!m1di the Almt~rctich!fl!i:r!~l.l!la (s~e: 'd'ii;figur,e). T1m~e::;e a;uth(}rs ~(')gi:'i~,:;J;;-d:tJmtat 3:1 Po. Gon~@y i~ Mlilihl~hJ!! Ilnli~'h .l!inMmt:ic SUII'I'@'\i',. N'HJ1Ir.!1

gcnc:rnUy small ;sJlldi:sol!i!lt,ed,B~ldare popu~ lated by s~.nil:l'l,llerre,11)]:ates, [m.!!i!Crp]!l:nts, and ~tiC['Oifut,es (see:~~e f~M.Ile), R~cel,u: SfjLDd[e;slimve show.n tilil::utthesebiotlll a,re of ~ncie~,lorig~n


~dyalb'l)llt (11.3% (it A:1:'Itarctica, ls ~roe oifi(]c. The, tcrrJ(';,miaii a.ndfu,s~w~te1i" C>coSiys~ems in ~~lis ti it)' mc t:tm~. aJr,c

Tlhc: h!!Uell '!,I'lC:W has been rc:ililfQi(:ie d by

'the d~scoc¥e:t)' of !lb:;sU]s th~1 YVCf,e refurred 1Q

as thcl;aJS:I::::urviving



AI!1Iil:a!rct'ica 1[3'., 41. The:lIoss:i])!

IHliljl (ross, ,M<lding!!l')" ROil d" Ulrilbridgil: CB.3 IOEl. UX..M, ~, S~emisili [hill ru~nll!liltscli Ge<lI!lJe('IN Mij!ecul<!r EI~o~og:f nliJ E'lIOtulion, 1n.~tibJite, ~I a Ii,!iQilec'~!il~ lii~Sd~iiCJ~, M... ~~y iJ~li~~r~il~. fi~JiJ~Il:' P 1i~9 11-22'4. ~'.!!!rnler$t~mN.or~h ..N,ewZe~IaI'!.d.E-m~r~ p,comrllW Emii f'JJl'lm~R R@Sil~f'(tiJ (oUliidl, @:b.3Llf...lJk, {P_L] rnc~,!itJ!'l'l!m@IIIliIMIeY_il'C,m

It:as~: a ,roponifm

Qf ~hcse biot~


tbl]d :IiIal


le~jli ~ be eCl\pl1!:l~.~d aJ5 r'eClC~l~ C>r)ioni~~::t .fijtthennore. ~,n.SQ:meisonaJtOOl»r~s Of'CQ]]ljli~ nerlllal Al1Itarc:mc~ ~col1smtcti()!rlSi of [1rev.IJ()(US g]!I!ciiBJ le.xl:eln (2) dn SlIfpm'l tl~e elds!e~lce: of


Wingjtess !lnlinonornlid5, Iii,a~ bee!!! ~res:.e!1!, iii! 50"ulh~Qrgia, 5:o'ullii Slruill;iindlII15~ilIIIiG:S, o'Inol!li@ ,Pl:nlaf(~i". ,~niUlwia ~IFlC:e'49 to 68 mMion y,ears O!!}OI !(ill,
1 """.

- .,





K1ll1m1ll:tf!i· l1Xt!l'

doody related


exalmple, ondmlllc '~O




'CliadCi(!e:r:OL Iwtifer5.~rld




idiiato:mIl h~~ bQ,1!J1I pim,~~nl

ilil ~a~fS sjlilct aI~ least B(l,OOO ye,i'l~S~CI {U~.

Emilemk. mlt,e<s· <ilIIdl ~prilng a~r~ IlIIl1,w been l!W~iiI'~, en ~i'ilandlmii'iata~s Slii'lCe be(iOul IJh e brnakup ~rGondlJ,!,!O!rn!! (91

redc'Ilimd]y d:istrunct p,:,fIrts.of the J\]iJilarc:ti.c .Pen~l.l:!lll1am1;d ScoriaArc p:]"Sis~ed far <lioont 50 mi.~.~joilil' yt':lBil'S (,1 3), <I. bio]ogic;al. siJilmd of the sep'<l!"<It~oil:ilof AliI,tlllfCticiil. aad So<1!Uh Allleri!t:a(J4). Lilk;!\vi,s.e. o1i!l.lCi:eJi1!1 d,iv6I:~:eooes between endemic spriJiilgtail.s fr'OJllEast Aliimoc.ri.Cii 5'IJ~est rnd:~;'iti(m, i1lJITi <110011111 dati[Jgfromllt~Cllst 2l tiO 11 ll1.1iHiJOli ei'lTN '1g0 y

OS), .. EV'ell. Jilem<l'I_S,w~ilich

are cllp!iliMe 'of


C£!p~p~~, irl<awe

. . .
, .

]O~i§-di,~rn:nced.]~pe:rn,d O'IInd g;el:l.e flo\,,' {,I 6).. are e!ild~nlk: species iso']afed \'lfithin the

NemaUlde r'atlnaanlli~il ffIiIicroi:iI!a~d,';'el:5!ly hot ~p~!s, ~,g!leSl.glrlil;!:al re:r~~~.


been p~ue~lill
Ml<\IdCOl:5iin~~ 1h~~~p;;illiEltiDlnlof ,PlJ'll<l~UcOI~r~m AuI~lJam<l (10)" __ ~ __ ----,L.

of contim~n~al AIlUlncti(::a V 7)" Co~~~crive~)'. these :suId~esptr'O'lIidie c\l~def!c~ tll~t terre~twfal biotl! per~istedillil bOi~ih the AlIiI!tSJr,c tic 'PeliiliilmJ5Uh~ ~fldE3Istt A:l1it8!r1ctj C::!I! slilggC$t~~)!I!l:Sep8ral!eand. allclclmilorigjm.f:o.r· these bk:lIa 08). 'f.~IIS~ reexa.nlil~a!HDT.Iol't'Jrne e:dstiug l~tc:r.;Itu:re provid'e~ ~tibm;I:Sl1pportfor<IlIKl~el1i~o.rigius
of AI1~:arct:i!t;terrestrial biom (I.{l1"05S mQ~i pm1s of [he Donli:li1ieu~ and inw~.V]~.lg MOSl exta.1'Iil


!$ep:arallon m.elweenlhe

Ali1,t<rt~i( i!'en~lilliulla <100 IE@~'A!11t.J~ij~<1 (lSJ,


.. .~.
I' •

S,plfIDlil!litJil~ mlu!@:l:,

anti ~al1ilil1l~ade'~ 1iIa~e<been pre.sel'l~ In die r",n~n!liIr(~i~ M,@l!Jnt<lins. ~rn,o~I~r(lo~~ tl1~D;r!]"~!lIIHlr Gand'w.ll1Iil (9,1$).

[DWI!~ pfaiil5~~(h

815 ll:dit~ii1Ii: ,i'll'll! <IIi



esse<nA+a!.p,au ,o'f ~ife arr@ssAlntarclijca (5). Th~y Ii'!<lfn p~boo~ bool!l p,:rl!~l!It!h~n! ~inci! D<Bl'om diJ!l' 11IJea~l.Ip' GoOOl'ji'lIla •. cri

higher taaa '~s~,the, f'iJEu,l\':).Und~:stllm:li:n:g~le e!\!io~.uHoll au~d lbiogeog;r(Jjp!1ic<Iil history of the t'\)iltrm1cdc te]'iJ'e:suiaJb~ota;-esped3i]]yi[l coos tal a:reas--req~.I'eS amore clJemiftednl!MlI:i~ d:i~;ip]miaty :sru.diyofthepe;rs~'Stem::e ofb.lie!itrial hab]~1s tll<l!1l 1me Clli'iIl:,'IiIl g,em::mticm of ice sheet mQdc~s pefilni~. Tefre!itri~A bio]o¥~c<lil e:vid~:DIlec CQuUJ h~lp r~searcher.~l,ili!ill:pI!ove u glaeiQk).gieiilfiCeOO~l~tiofi modeling. ~ndlio gainei.llihG1f~rKI:ei'll"!aaldiili.g oft~leevoliiiliOOilof
t~~c Am~c1!c ()Q!1U~"1'l!l
:iI,,, Po
H ••





~; ~, ~

"" i



~cJC-frlec lbi!i)~OIgkalrcfl~g,e:s at lease frem ~J'l IillilHon~o I D;OOQ yea:rfii a:go, Ev~deflcepn:: .. ~:rvOO .fron;I V()k'an~.c: IeI!UIPlillnS bclow ~he ice ~low~l:so~~IQWS for Ule: IlDssibi.Hty oflmv,·clitJL,t'!!1(1e;ic~f1Ee .bllild atg,~cm~ ~in~m.::ima(.1, 8}. 1 MOl\:!, reeent bioiogj!cal srud:i.cs a1i.soPOilIl,tto ~ut~ch OIIT hmre:shia] biota :Im 3iVi:mlg <I ]oil1lg. 'UlIe, Qml'l:i;~uous but ~sQ]aLe:d"Il:istory on rlfa.econt~ uent, Bi9gI::q,'"Il"3ph]~1I] an3! of~'s.r~:\~r~~ copepods and nunat<lIk~:~~d]:t1bi~i:Jm!ll; mites (9. UJ') ha.vr,;:, ide:.JilLli.fied Gl'i:strilmtioD pallenl!! om ...


'!.iIli'i:lh evolltliOllowry


IRefll:I'En(~' H!l!)'bmilt~, QJJm, . .sd. Re'v•.,2:2:, ,2:03 ~:IlillO:tlt 2. 0. E. lit ). Ber!tl,!.'iJ~C. (1Il'<li!lI!, Pt-lH&.s. R,S!l!{.~QJi!'lO\I1' 5'0:>,; A< l64.11601 (lQ()I~}.



AI1I~I.·crtica,over time scales bC'i'WoontbJe Last Q]adal M~xi:~U!m 1!:nd~'efi~l:!Ji~ seages of



[t l


GO:llJi:lwallla bl:e'$ku$l ('"""0 to 60 l'D1iUirni) yt;:$I:S, !lgo),Wl~.'eJl AntB!l.'ct'ie!l. hecmneb:ohl.wd frnm

S:outh Am.eri!(m. ,<lindA,llltl,;El. Othe;y studies

at3~ 6Cj, (2DO'.n" <I,. A. (, A~rlln. f. c ilil'llfrnpscm, N(J,t;rg,f! 4211. 13JS, {2003}, El... ~tIL 6res:5itL, Ed.1J Ant;'Qi'l"tj\(L~s;emiCbStri3·JJ''ICiI.l.IO
~/tIf!{){lfi.f1l11cl fJ'(ffIM~~DI.

~. "l

dC$cr:ibe (:o_mun ities I!IS ~B'!.ii:Jlli~ deve]Q'ped over tih.e[IJ'.<Ist 1 millien :years {j. 7, .1.1 • .i2). ..8 Rece1il'1 mo[ecull<n st~J(!iiespr'Ov.ideev.idJ~.<ce for the perslstenee of several sp,ecies: on IJJInhhni]]io[l~yeaJr time S'Hil~ifHl (eVI;;:J,11 backto

'11/J!~hri ~~, IDC,1:96]1). 6\. K A. j,. ~Vi~~,.L,Gfl:l~i~1;,Nmwe t 11!ll t1:~65}. 7" L Rfl!i'iDili.iI, liI&t.!IitlftfMJt;·y, I~" \11.i'b~'~t~" Ed_ ~(.u!@nl[( f!\r~~~ 'L1l>i1Ii11rnil.. 19'10), ~p. ~·1~3" 8, l~ :5nulillil. 'IN. C, illlriniLm~h,It E':lm, hI!fj~gf!r)ljr. IL .~llreocliillUi'lm P&fJewml. 231. l3.~~~,OM"~. 9'IJ 0. J. M~r~iJl~ L. CMl~eei!.z~). LJM'~S"QC. '11,1





~: 0'



QOOO~. :HI_ U!'_ It Ela~:. l~" E,. I'liIl!!!iJ!l, EI_wagilH!lf, Ii'Ul'L S;TI.i~d~f!g. 1 Allti:ll'l:'t Sd. 1S, ~39 ~:i!'Q03}. ]:1, L Cr!lilflj!r s ,~. A IE. 6ilhlioil., K. :M'''Sw.:!d IrJ~, A.l"CilIiIij!lil~',

w, ~l lit

Ii: §

:lilt R [M!IYrlIlte. (.-(1• .H~ler!llbr,aLOO. M1,!Iil'!C1lill, G. E2I~I1,!~..i m_

J. fj~rx.Jr, 3), BM!20061 ~2. r.1,A. ~'!!'!Ih, R«. 39, l3i~(',DW). ~mf H. G. ~llIlg!'i;ltd gil' I!l'J~ !PO!'.[If );b'~,t~9,..3.20UQo:~>
GNtbem, ~. Gro~~.
U,.II.§,t'~'I\~rl!. P. (i1\@@ru;II,:uf!!,I<.I1).IiI\g[,


~ ~


II, Qt::IilOM (2IOOi).

P,.Slfl'l!In~I!!I:~ .M:~.. a



••..•. ',

ii(lll; ill'cr. 2:3. 8::11'4[200~1. ' . U. [1,Ad;,"q~ elm" ~&.airJcJ. 3iO,a09[20(m, ]7" ~,R. fi.'la~e-n, p_ r:«n'ie~,S~iJ~ ~~,~_ n, ;11411..

1L:3, 'ii, t, (iflmn, p, 6lm~~.J!lhI1M ~,Jl ]'o,109Ili.if§!Ltil2mil1l,1949 (lOOn.

:5M, .~Mda.!lS&: B;


28 s,EIP1rEMBEIR 2007



for 1ffi10J11l-lnll!('l ~()!l1S !IlI,~\i~t!)

I~ 'Ia~L3lrI, Itlil~n;;S!!!~iIL~

AAAS Cal IIlis for Na:lio"na!1 SIa,ndards, As IN'o'Chiild Ileft Behind Te:stiilng S,tarls
A~lerilcM public s>cl1oo]

bav~ to be: in," 8h~ s,aJkL·~·ml.0Y h1l!Y'!:;$O!1clan.y 'ot!~ l.l1illl,s on d~ir pllaro dw !hey C<'I!l't a!l-ordi
·~og6~ worried a loo1l!IIi'! is, ye-L"
'Ille NeLS lawreqlllil:es, <lirlUUoU :slateU::~I:~g





lil(j(c,{JCY~I1d N,(J~iO.~i{}j'I'

i~. rC:!I.ding llm[l. maHI.elt1tat~c!>r:or grades 3 tllOOiI!I.~1!1,~liy il'lIJlldcdsciloafu;, Sd,1OO:ls that do Inot sOQ!rc Il!lp I~O s~tm,v:~dc £taDlJards iI~
tI[~S!!l Sl!lbj.~cts ean faca ZI rtI!I1.!1;@ ,()of{~o~{jr'~'l,!I~ actions, ~1iIJm, ct];jTicl!!~<.! ,cll~~ges 00,~chool 010· s~re. The rir~ scienee (~!i.,s.!]]l!l!sI·~ ,oo!NpleOOd 'byO]C'C!Ld ofillte20(f7 ~20!)8 sdK)(!] ye~.r. CO.ll,gr:ess b. keelPJI]g l~nli.'Oil:o'l SCk'Ht1C sttul"..·

l:nol~ulilnpor~;anl~. lXtt1t1l ~II!~I(;lUr { h ~e';ldM~k: calend<rr"S (111:8~te1u'~ II!nefirstsc!.e!]ce assessruenrs !leql!!llred! by lID!enatiC!'lilA No Child! Left .Behind

.&ie1~,ceEd,!fC(;J,'{i.I')'~ SumilarrJs.

~I~.GNatipna:l Re~e;l<!rc:bCouncil's

(NCLB) law; UI]der the 200':1 stil!,.sci~(lo:~ (lirsUJicls: IliLM.sUest\ Sl'Ud'ell~'!> in slC.~c:noo 8l kast G!neein CPI;ch,
of ~~:1rcegrad(1: !i1lns: 3 H) 5, ~ 6 to 9" !lndlO to t2~Bu~.ib1 the ..E)s~iJlceQf rnl<!!~i(lI!Zi~ sCin.~ d <'1Hh fOd~ tl.l esc ~ei;ts, du~ e xam s v,~ryfhl!Rl $.( [1']('; 10
s;:U:ltc. and AMS C'Xjpartl> say

SU~P"lf!edbya 5·yearU.S. Nalio:l!lElii SCietlCC FOY_l];oo.lion!1i"l'ru~t~ fwj,cc:l a0611lllO illS (lQ~'~bfr. rmors:rure buillding a daifa~

base of appropri:ole .Ilil.nlljj.·~ p le- t':hl~,ic,eu tams a lila

(lpc'oJJlo{ln~drrooKtkll[lS. f(!ll'



tcsls in mlndas

iit co~sidcrs

SO'I!:le oW~i~c tests !J1J]:fliY not I.MIre Ilh.e ;g,ace . . na IS Al~gtlst Of"·{ld in l
tltt;: Ji~J'i:1¥gtQlI1Vij'l'(S


mud.d!~ sc;:ilool and ~~rly hugh !\1~)ool SlJI!!:~:rlts lIml S'1mJ1:es eeuld use as a, ~i,de :illdcveio,ping d;lctIiNCL:B tests, T.h.a gooup bas, 11·.00, .. s£tenoe .C:ljjrri)el!l~f1a~d! t~l~ m catim!l0Xp~fIlI)S,'¥tmvs, 1ll!1dpil(!l:l t~8thtg(J\r hil.m-

roaJlldlOfi2:at:iol'll oftlte: NCLBIIlI.W !BIds ('lIIll Om~ ~rsf.on·o:f 1lliI('l reaillthoriza.tjonbi~!j spoUls~d ~ S~b1l1ltDffi Li~rn~ J~ O-CNJ)j M;,try l.amdrieu



Nom~ C(llcn~<!:!!(R-MNl. calls

CEO Alan L Les!~!~elU' IliJrg'oo' U.s.. l'llwmrukers to ''scrap' Uw cmZY"lui'llllal;tMl orw~.MWy (I:~ff~'rit~g~eSlS;[lima p~'ofid£U1cy thiIN:slholds ~muu CI!IITool!ly vary [n:mm, lflt~ t>o! ::Illlte" :and.adopt velS lInl~liImi{lll!l.d slamd!ards in sc.tL:lIlc:e and math ~dm::.miOJila-$ NeLl:) ~-il8l1iffilg ppliOO~.e£ 3 ii::a[1~~rthu~>,~ar,AAAS ti~llik~dR~t¢<~iI'I~ til~i:l{c¥en~on Ehlers (.ru-MI) and SelmlDI: C1ul.s Dodd CD-eN) ro:r tW!C:Lr S,[JOI~S1o.rshil:'l' offl~e SPEAK .A(lt"wbid~f[llvo:rcdi \t.Q(lrnnnrylw~,o:um~ ::;;Ian(laros. Vitr,iatroUl.s iI~ :~aru:lcm:n:illgirutltdams all.d~S'l'!i; '~l1l!.~{lit dii1C"lllh f~f pmm.l~ teaCh·
~r:st(:lI.t'a(l;<lLIlingfYiUyI¥llllg¢how wtU d]~jttt,~ildnl:'u . are!~mitngr:Jl",!l!.el:lli~tic~. <lnd ~t~JOO in.OQinpar. f~l;m In (I~eiv ~I}CI[5 ij.!~tcr1!MI(:io:nO!Uy he:re M 'Of h{llm~,'"~lheSPMK.. all!~hm;so~}t;itll!ded. NatiQI~al s~iill~dFlrd$for scicnlcc' edacatien wQtild not.IOeI~f1m ~o'C'OlJIiC b.~. Lc'li'I!lI~cr luned ~.Il
the ep .•Qrl, as .AAASalil.Gotl:lcr Ol'glllrll;Lzflltlons s~u.c~~ th,~ :N amio~~aIR~5~.gIJrC~C()rul~c:i I, tI~e <%s: N1<'!!tigU!lIICQ!J!lcj~ 9fT~.cIll}~QfMlld!.C!~(!I!C~,

dreds of 8l!.l!:dh';l~~!'l lG develop ql!les~oosthat target


fie.; stilllJdlllrds~

U..8." .[)Jep,arunen t of EtilUicail kll~'S Nati (]Ii(UII ASS:CSis~nml~. fEdJu:ca~um~al Prqglit1:$s. A proo pOSi~d8Jmer:tdmGnl~ spunsored ~:y Ehlers !I'liIr1 .R¢p~8efltati.v¢R~siill:i:l)h (IJ-Nn \voI.dd 1ldd !Jt:!·enccl.'?>.an~eoees I!O l!Ii!iC re~di!'!.g ~~dWI~ame· s ma,li!cs scores 'l!IscdLo C<l1~I!II<1i~esdh!o~ils:ove~\'" a ,a~~ yc:atIi\ly progress fCjpoft.

fOIi' sclenee <lind mmbCHnatic:s s~an.dams based on trocO:l:tlll1LOndatlonsby ~~e

,lSN~8~nH~IJfI;I~ '·w~U(IU~!.y[l!rovidil$ ul.e;al]h~gfii!i.I. ~fO[!:n<lliQn

til!d. 5lc:[e:!~ce

basad CiOOlCC:I}t w:imillcruJ~; s (;QI:IIFI!H;jll,g s~ud.eIl15 "dtll Ulldell!r .lru:uglHI~ ,or 100 ItlUCl:i j!l:llWnl. "\~lK\1iI. we 1~:ali1k.aboUlI the W'Oli'k""'l'l~red:(]lrug, 1J!OO,~l.e~t e'i(d~oo. abO'i!lllllim iIl~ghqi!l,ailily of the ~es~<r(le$~i(J(I~s1!md pli'e(;~skll'l (lrth~<l!H dtl} nW'il~1; :r~~~mJeq.~!es~i'IJns m'cmlte'~t :stan o :DeB(!ICiI: sald •. The sUU~ o;f NCo!.,! science ~:c:sHnl,g hi:gh,~ Uglus: the need! for ~ighe:r~ql'la.lhy sl;f1tetcsts, Pl~ject 2061 Difoc;ro;r Io IE:U~n::R,.o:~~m!l1lJ rote; w iaa :~i)1~tn~wS~~'!IiL1irem the P[QjjtlC~, Slmoo the:

INe'wM ission Stat'llmB'iDt

IF:D'CUlS,IS 0,10 10:loball

SerUI'C'B; Iea dB f:SlhilPI

TI~~AAASBoofd! of[)u~c~o[S :has 1D1l-¥i~d ~111~ .f\sS{)¢!<'It:l(ln.s lfii's~ton iJl.aleimerU~li1p~,lia.'i'l.1.:i~ng

it lh~

betn.cllma,j;s:andi SlandfWds:" W:h,U.e experts: wa:ny ovc.r rC!I.dyi:llJg tile ~I:u:w;s.dae OO\vi:csting ooqlllircmoois 11i'I~y:IUll'bc a pdorhy yet for !>(:bool ~~. C'on.lillLe: Befifika,
p:rogram d.l[CCII:(t!,:l' AAAS"s (I,f .tHaJQglllltl


.ar!;::'lm~J<!H8J~ed hrapor~O'
!;,lII;Cb esthose

In: na;tiomd


QI!~ lJit~Q!lal.pdi~te:ri!1llti~!~ 5ici~n· n ..~

1I.:(i:ciS811!e:'l" the .~~~liXIfil1!!Hl role o:r'C!~:Jili'!~ee!:S :t~ilt!l rm::mbe'rship, an,di :~~s eornm i~11Ie~tto se lenee

Tbc rulilmtdOO.sin~ll' .20 Aug:us.t,. :roilccns <11 .5 .ye.<1Wi C'~flnsi<lll 1m,AM!)1\: slnl!l~ic rQ~~i1~~t i!~dY!@~brOO~!l!~~g its ~~li~.GrI~ .. t~gJfl:ID lead.efl!h~ i1C!:i\I~~i~s<!:!l:d il5: !'!;I!e as ~ien~f~cadvloor in a \'<iI:rie.tyQfOOC~elll! :~j!Y~~::;,romool!l!catto!] f to m.wt km<lI silXliIrityio ~~ealih C@fe. 1~he:lIeV'ised S!E1l~lm:n~; addr.esses clDnn~ :im. ille sc.l~I'Ilific also

lltr!,d the NiI!tiQ~t'i1i~ ASj;C5'S¥I~~!'l"l f~{])l!c.atiQ'!1!IJj~ Q ProSNss ha,,"'"e'''{Qr~ed '(If! these gi!Jl !o..e!ines r~r!'
s;ifWiI\Il.'II'"a~ decades.

"'1h~re arci,w.,}dl'l,nl ~~nsesdli!itstfll:CS InIJS~ InCle~,"expl!,\uoodGoo~~ Dcl3:00!f, d~llIJty(l~roo~. tOil (If P'mj(ilc~t2061 •.AAAf!i.'s :\>ei.~llOelitm:a--cy ~nii~i~t;'¥~, lll~ fiml. is to ~,,~IOiP ~n~~.qllal~ty w *,.l?l~d~r~, "b~ ~~·~(I!f!d l!il,b;. d¢v~l~p ~~S~S~I.
!'l!L~!1!t ~ t~;l!t ~.~ ,d~[l;~ed ~:(i!·~hQ\ilest<l!!T!.1;i!.<!r-d$."

Sit;:~.el"!oo,~~I~lCj)OW!g; ReUg!ull, ·w~~~ II J.•~ [J:rojed by AAAS :m~d.!h~ NOltkmal S.cim·.g,1 Boo,rCls Assoc:[iatlall, "ViO£k:~~gwith leeel schoo,1 boM:l!s tomak!:, Slc['CIl.'Qeed~lCffiioa a CQmtUlilllJlil:t~y ,'f.ily .. S:I~(!offered thi'~ Ill~oodot('l: .At II JUflC
1!UG:!!l'lingw.Lth I,Q!ca!, KG:b.ooll!J'D~I:rra:emh~rsi!n. Rma~cfl C~~y" ·'did!lillClt b~ ~~Ol Qfql!l~tQfil!'l .~~~


'''mrk:fnim~~lite pN~.ifcmtion. of



~w:. 'ho-w,~~gg;~kud8~W.y f~rNCLB :r~:~g,"

~ ,.1'-,,,;111".. ~e _!~~ _l:l<'lMo
--:--'If..", ffi'CrnliJl;1!1'j

~IDl-tB er~!'<-!m"" -_ ."I.n-"j'.' .. _<!., ._


- ,c

d~fI~r.I;'tt:lgss t!ill;ilflmgnty of sciel1cl;l. 1.0 MAS'~"tlili~l(l1i! stal,emeut: ~~ ev(l~~d~ub· ~~@l:l~i.:J:niy(j!!W@its fiJINt cQ:iJl.~il~lti.QI~iFlI SS6~il~ keep.img witil the ,growdl 'Of .he U S ..scienlific

Pr(Jjec~; .20(l,] 's sll!I"'\I\eys gnaw dm;lql!lestions, on

ooct~sed onWilyS: to aUrned"llil:(!I!'e



many sl31te;fi.\,scssmc"nU:ests are urnlcl:arto(l10 ~~e ' key scie~lcc' o,uflcep!.s 11:11,(1 s:k::i.lls ollUiJl~CI. :i.ll

tlileir d~st ric~~pmiticllI.18I!Ii'lY'more hi,gl~~quIIIIHy !)Ii]'ienooteadhm1i, ":1. thiinkil~,'S sDill to<l!,faJli a~

oomnlilllui:ly and the rise ofsci,e.lCi3 madtedulOil~ .agy~n,~mb!ic life, Srnn:: afd"e ori.g~1ilJI'~l1li1lesml(1 ObjClO~:!l'"oHbc As.ooc:i.ati00. sucH! ,:!ISfo.s:terilng

eC!mnH.u:'l~~~ion ~[I~w~n !I\'l~('lar-clmrsalild sup· porth~,I~J1ii~~Loolil:Wle~Plmrpt1~j 1~I~n~ pri~~y+

MlissbJn! '[0 ad.'\"~1111oe science. e~gililooril1g, and ~.I1inowmiollllJ]ul!l~]lirul tire wur!d f(Drthe ooncf:it
Qf~'1H pc<opl.~.

~Cb"_~ 111 ~mm.e;liIit, whll~ ~Idaers h(IV(;nlO\i~ g w...o 1~(lrijhippooS~llQJils i.l~ ~ad~lru.<l!;I1.Qnpr.Qll1t O!l¥lI~iZilti()ns,..atI'!dU'!e 'prl,'ii'ate !lecfi1lr. In.~n, thc:reilve h~2 Fellows dl~S year, iUl.0~llIdil1lg 46\%1110 arc: ~main,i.I1\1l.wi~jh. Ure ,Fe~;; .bws1~ip fo:r II :s:eoo~aJcl! ear: Their ~.Il1.cte~in dn ~ y mate ailid s1l5;1:.21~na.bili'ly lssuss C,Q:fn:lif~lICIS a ~[lillfld;2; y~1I11"!'i~.~Oj .!ii. g!ro~~of f(ln(l!~v~ 11~(l:l monthly to ;;"d!dl'~fl~ ~HU.~il:aiflabiht.Y and W1'!I~JGr

'Cru~D~lm·~!ii,UnlS: Olrl.dil'lllli~.OCh31r13el ·elrl~~gy,


:!lind,(iltvlf\otlJlll~IrI!:al p~li~ wH~ItI~d~b;U~d ~.I~ this fa]!, :and UlOWhiooliouSill ~I~!ly .Irnss;ignaled re.ldin.ess ro. illct ~Ulo:re~res.sively

on Sl1,dh. :iSS:lII.e~s,. J.osh.tlah. ff lsas done [luJch of ~~is :l"Maarel,l ~JIcHnllat!lpoliCY:!lmd. CO~ :sequeslra,. 'll!i)J!lll)dimol,Dgy"aIIld m.r~'UI"~l'k fOli lfill.~ I.~(ll(t. ~ iu th~ Env! 1fOl'l~l~:rltilIPw(lI(;cliQ~ Ag~!u;:y 'Off~oo

.. Er!ha!'!lcecon~W!nmic1!!!iQ!'l OlllW!1lg sci,oolis'!S. enginws:, a!lid ltle ]'H,'!bl~c;


i<s~~;. b:~


gf>ou_p 1'!'I.e( re;~I!!I1l!cliy ros]mre

"' .. ..
.. .. .. ..

S,& r IFI'~I OWl: Push fO'1

on !l:~s~ainll~i li!y Promote and defend tlileirdegrity ohdenoe PIiQIl~el'llli!!" inchtdi l1I@cI ima;!:e dlall:8.e. "Alltih.oll!lgh 111£Fcllmvs rep~nl diverse $C'1~ an d its 1!I5C'~ fie di.sdplim::.s. I]ffi:Y lylP~~ S:~lt.1lgllll.m slJppon for I!BI.~ soi~ru::(': 1!IIld tGCi11.·· et~t~ ailld ~1]lll~lilc~r.infl; nology oo.t@rpr.ioo; cally co:~mtoW:!L~!li;I~.~~QI~ to Ilpp!yllmirMpGn~ Provi~a ~ioo fm ~eicnc(l iii! soc~nt~1~SSIUklS; isc: OOd;tt;lseeletal cha]l~lilgG~ of '!ih~ rimes," l>.'1id C)l:IUI'IJIOl.RolbinSQ:!U, director ofd1.CFen(r!.!Vshi~!!" PH)inlloteU~e r~pg!l.siti!'le !I,'!:sco:f science in "'Wciie :pJ.easoo ~:oseelbi s tread cm!1tin~e as c!~ ~ plI!.b]icp;oliic:y : liI:lillte cI'!!iingemidi rclatecl suslotln:abi Ii:lYil~ldJ seCi~l~ S~~·C:.II,gthellJa!lldid ivelisilfy the scieuce and ri1;Yissues gailll ~lore fcco,gniliJo:n Iwtllionilily :ru:\d ttldimoloID' ·wo:rkf.hl:l::e; Fo<s;IIZf'oouca'lioll .ilru scicnocmm. ll! Ll!ltemm:iauaUy." htilllttlrvie1.'l'S, stNe;m12{10i~03 .r~nO'l!l'Ssaid fOIrl.'m(!~oo.; II\Cm:L~ jY1!lMic eng.!l!g~~l~nlt W'Lllh ~oim]Ce and tl:i~y cwmilte:cl ex~~or,~ iI1Ulltidls(;~p~~lilaryli Fe: to t,Qchn(ll~y~ ;all.t! bcyoind tl1~ t<lb, Tl:iJe:y'r~ dril\'i!Iil~O \.vork thai. Adl\l'anooi!"~[I1i<)lll(}I1I1!!1 ooo~miol1l! il~ :S(;'iencc_ C((l~es djsci~~iJt~_ n~YDx;;"I:id oo.~,l!'!i'l,l\~.~ s~~k Oil" lid,eaUsm, and. some cxpress,oo f:ms'lll(,I:t~.o.1Il. that ~ckyU'Om US. policy :has hlo:clwd. P:UQgfC'SS om .critical SIlI!F ~inabilityo.'lJla;~kng:eli.
Befo:1IC she hCCfflIlii.e a Fc~.~owilil.2006, Adri.~ cm1lL'lHuston tlrilildl~ fmllu ~1;ri:.PS to 11l~!C'l .AliiCtie <lind
~~! (."'\'O po~dool~r.i~Y'~JS

~eS{l~.roes ll~d collllborate

,of Solid \Vois~~ ruH.lE!1!l~~~I1CyMOl!lagenH~I~L ~Iee.~pecl!!; th<I!tFel~o~!VS wiU prol!{1de vOl!lWlble 'iZXpoI'iD:ise: whLlel (he lmt~m~]; political. Cnmalie :is
dlmngillg. ":Energy

and ,dLmaul: issees h:!l\!'(': b~CI~ fmal hmst.5 Oir ]O~. bu~ Ihis ~Iilli

'Wt!::'rescl~ulilg llliliU 1lliI.~ pri.QhUc .rWlnykn(l!\.\I'~ ~ffi~:;u.

'ihey'treI':tlpGJinllrlil;' Sto!1!:roff ~~d" 'There's" lot -ofl!tlO:!I!:e!Jlt1JU1Il bmLdi !~g.lfs vcry et1Comagi ng<'ls :11 sO!e'ru:b(lo k!~0\:vtim :Ulere 's p'~Mic SUPPOfi!. fOr d;]c'thi you've; been 'woifkillg on." COM Mlil N ~CATION

Sci:enC6! An Adlv'anco' flo r' Sireen Publ lshi no

Subscdbo~s fire i1ie~ding agrecn,c['c(!l~py 01'

Sctenee tIDIcsc c,fIJ!'s.I.lHl:i'a.ks to



Ilm.pi,Hct: 0 oS IIS:lid na bUlly

~l d1l@Unilfflrsity




focl;!~d! Q!1!J how

to its ,fflgc:S,. IIil:~rodlll~e;J in April., the lmIewFP~w ~lo(;,k is 1~1<'!d¢r(1)l111

On ~le fiml lU'Omtn,g of~i.cul!ab!1 for ~11C!lew class of MAS SCUCIt1.1C &~rool1lilQ.liogy (&&:1)~I~ . ky F~IIl)WS ~.i~r dills; l1ilom.h, ·~HIl;181~ .rnld~nmr:gy siCi~l~t~.slH:01Ilt¢s:f1l1!1nll1l:cJinvheallll f'dl()w s

~.I.~I.ef(;$tediimlelinl!;llr;: c~iH!!llgl\l.~;(;rg)t, ~Iild

eiUl!lfir"()!mle~t<l1 i!l~'iteS

to a

~.lIll!!;:;bt i,I'I1I:CIge1;-


UlilClil'lg.. SllOOWGd

tows, 35;
i ~:S YI!;:S are

Of .116 new Fel~

diJoenzynilC-s em~Uoo bySm1;le Arctic baC:l~ia ccm. a:[fi:ct gJlJb!1l'~,CilIIbOl~ dimid'ek:veJ:s. Q$'her i:£'s{lflill1:biIllVOI.\'Qd. :L11~1:matiC)l~t'll (llQUa:oom;{imfl, al~d she has bil'iC.0iI1U: ll1i1~ ad'V(I{la~£: ef SiJ:lLC:fiLO~ diplomacy, This J~ar,. she' rml·~rMdl h(;[ fcUm\ishi~,r(lf:a s~OO'l1dy~r tD1.lnllil~ om{l~Ofhlt~rlmdO!la~ Science .& :EJli-!!l~ rteeri.Il£l"~:the Nat [1,]l]al Sc.!cll(lcFmJud.mion. "1. Wfi:n~: to ull.der~ stflnd. how SCI,L'lllC~ is
d.o!n~i.lll a $Qci.~ty:·

30% ~oSI·C'O!l!S!'!!i!lermlJl,er~Z!~s. Th-e !!:lock i~ also c~le~ne!1~a~c,Mo~1ne~.fll'e>e;. precessed wath eh 10 fine d i,olt~de in:s:tead of 'pure ch.~.oririC
gas, wll:Lc.!a. [.(l:(J'lICCS ~~le(00..0.0 hy~prodlwts of 'paper J)1!JJphl{;8.cbLng

.1 ~fillYW 11b~t sliairner, btU "'~llil(;

most s.igl~LrIc:alil'! ,eh:;al!lJgelha:~[¢l]d(:rf! IInight liOD.ic¢ i~ thM IfiI~epa~r d.oosn'~h.~ .1!Coa.tlnl.!l:,;' Silid J'a!'lle$:D..omdiIY, Science & ipmduc'li:Oll dl~ieC'tor:. The l'I'Ialtepaperredlilces Nading gltJl~il~(I ·'.is easier en ~lhceyes~" Ihe e,"'ll~ai.ned ..
ExcmniYIlBdHor MOIuli.c[I M. :II. search rO!f g[~Cllei' ailt,e:fiIl.a:· '!i.Yes; a1fl.~atilell.dll1l.gll.s~ioril onfii;cyc~~d! rl'l~r

B~adf(ll)(I began

l,lI.p-"l'I. c:1~<'lf Si.g:IH!~ thi!~ ~!;I t.y

a :ill11l ~V<l·

1~[zluS <ClI:nce:~nmli" !Ill<l'~yQhbesciellllsl'J ,n~d Q~g~mleerswm.o wfl.lserl,"e.. ~I] 1~YC31i ooitiol~s i.n p

Congress !1lld.fl broad ..a~rayoiffederal agCItCle:ii. 'Wlwtim wi~. \Wsat~ofoosolve," $l'lM H:lli.m!l1le'I~f1.Con:gJlOOsiolt.'tlr:e::Uacw; ".fOf the
Ill, ~fl;\1i,l@'vehe1lil'd


'Wher>e de ,l~W<l!lJI t'Cll beil~:20 y.eau, <lnd :hQW d:o we' ~t liIu:fll:?" :l~keHa. ''I:. ikl'" J'c4lkum s says: Utfli~suS'iahn.~ ab:Ui~:y is::rtl,cs wiU. CQiIll~rise a," ~.m$'O[tmd pElrt .f:ell.orwii'h.ip w~. 'i,;Vi~iIlId1~ Mari!llc ri.S~I.c'rie;sServioe ~,fdh~ Nfllrl.onal'Ocoalll:i.c8ilil.d
Atflil.QspIDI~i!e A.dml.l~l~istf. t!·OJfl., Her ~setiJ)~tlr'ly . work!'!ad bee!'! i!1!!w;;tr~!!l~CQH!l~rw~.~Q'!i1<!Iild

'~'h~2J.106Pl:~el.ius~f'tI:Kl CQ~I~.cil!!)r&:i~IiIJ;l~ .!Eiiitors."Ow CQrl 00 nt 11TI1"l<:~S Clear dw:\~ ~re i,t




JIf)o-e4~v:i~~mHn~n~: .: ~lhQI!I,gh~U~al it was :Ln~P"lil'· trnIt iilit;fl~;Scl'ence jp:m,c'iice 'what it pre!lch~ to iJIle ex~CI!Ilpossib~e.," Bmdr'O,irl c~ip'binQd. In Ikc0P!i:n.g whlb Scie.nclll !.>ildGfI~all.ion8il :re!lch, ihe new p!l~r .!Ia·s ~. 1it1(l!i,~li!lful!tlQ!mdIlCdj,· .g~~ Qfi~'S Q\VW!, 'TiIi!~ ~~t(l{:k ~)~I!I!t:!ft!iI;;tl,!~d! ~y i~

l·ead~s<'hip ~h<!t c~im1!]ed¥Ol!'!p 1J~d!muiQ:!l_<!1 ecy· ~ rity issU~8;~la~ed"wm lbeml!jm probl~ns fw,ow gcn'Crul·iotl .. Now\?!'e'rc ::lIeCing. m,()<(C ellrly--si_< CfII:eat'OO'i,eI~t'~~s .fIIDlS'lWlling tblecalL:' For 34 yews. th~ AMS S&T .PolicyFello!!;v. sjhip.~h~ve: I11iatch.c~$Ol~nti.!'lm3nd { ~[la rlllilg~ .D!ffi,~~d.$;Ifi,} :ato~l~e ~d p!11f~t~s ~o~1~ItQe· ~~tiglil ~ ~1.d &f~I:IJ~t~~t· r:lQ!ogy-with ¢;{~C~~vg br~~d'!Olig,~!tot;:ies !.Iml cmligiIDeSsiorml oiffiiCC-S. inYJ':rushingoon, .D.C., lillm~ allC, s~kifl~. soicinlific c,'> of F'cHrn.vs llilave oo!ntimUlcd (l'n.lo build. higl:l"'i~lpaC~

~11l~~d!~clmQ1Qgijes. b!J!i ::;:he !lu.spec~d m <!:~.the plllrS\llI~.l(lIfb~'luI;l'e might'oo Hn1l1i~j I~S. "I: 40n 't. Wairlt~o ~,fIIv'eto COmllprollruisc!ooQ ~nd 5m 1~~rn d.o1ng \wrtlk. 1]),rn:1s,om~IHilC'll:oo re~~s m.e is ~m,lf!!)rm:l~t ~fQm. lean g~t Go\l,IU 11.0 b dO~flS,h~ dl~n!}"l th:"'iltar~ ~fllly gail!lgi(lo !):fI'~:l t 1lIl§q~B~y ofl if~feJr pl;;'Qp.1~ d ~~umllb itiI~~s ~ in "l,igrlld,~'J!;lnki'~5 8<lid, 1II1~eciOi'l\'c'lltimml federal :sci~ elloe~licy i~inl~:hedoldll:umi5., 1:lIlJltSll:WC!l1oftlle .Killtows .Geoor.ibedHhis as a l~ime·of(llPIIDrlrnlily.

fg!!nis!h lP<!p~WCQmpaJ!ly UPM <!i~thf:1rA~g5b1i,!r:gj,

'Oe!TI~aHY, :mm 'oofQrebei I!£. s'hI[Jped ~\11 U!e jCJimi'" ulll 'slong.4il:Lle US. (H'imt:e!l's, BrownPd~ill'ilrig

iin.WEIsec 11 Mimlile~s0l11. ,

Browin. WIiIS &1\\ii!llid.e1l'J! {ljrcs~; ~mYlllJr.dlsl~~:p F S e(!!lUldl (FSC) cl~aln-of-e'1!I5'!od)i' c(J:r:I:ifica&im~ ftJif ~Ildlre~of ~tsp:Frni 11I~lion!lilrl. dIe V~irI£d St(!,t~~i.l~ ~()Of., FSC c,@rtifi:c;;u:i9~ ~rI~~r~~ tffil~ d~e pa~~ wrOOI~C~<J ~~dl ~y U!fl;lWt:! ggn_~§ f1l\)im materials ~lSJilNested !I fo:rest Imlag,ed .ru:;ood :i~ ins to fI stri'cit set ofel1l.vimnnlCIll13~ slrurtrunl(ls. -.8'€c1tyHOm

28 S,EIP'li'EMBEIR 2007

VOL 317


gf i!~QFv~btin bQYf:ldl

Irre\!iew expe'rim~l~ pmgr~, ~1iI this: '~inlamd add ()ompl,emeilllta~alilallYsliiS based!, M mmprehemsiVE' ~~ardlesilil l!iie (;'niibridg2 StrlJlttulrallllaitabas~ 31ni:! 'he~roteillil naw. Ballik.

2.9'A)], hi!i'lting,alilJ f'i\'oF'Jbl!e: PQliU'irnOOi'a;(;t~om (I J ), di$C!ls..~d ~I!l. diMciiiJbclQ'w, Atti'iol'igh pi!ibli~hoo!«!\tcI.Y~cti'i.l'ily rela:!ieH.\c'5h~ps for ql!i!ID~mie ~n1ib:iGltcs (rJ) such <IS. cilPro'nmmoil"l mlight ag:1li~llhi~t 1II:i1 lilVor:a:Me po~ar' iilatel<i.C!lOIii. of. IlliIc ~c:ntia~ F SillhSDiIi:L'CiIl 8tposilioi1 6\d.te 'f1IlIOI1lIilElsl!JiilmmentJi ha.w OO:iQlTle a wioo!1pr'ilad andl im:~outant drug rom:~OIIH':IiI~fuB1J IJ!bncilJlmOfi absel!lcc of gl:n.mIr1:il31ii~f.onllilatiain U~1liJili>, oonfir ... ~~ad'itate!ill rDy 'lilile de'!llei.ol!lmenrt 1Of'5ai;e 31ndlselective f~lIOfiii1atn!l age!nits. O.r'!lI3Ii1ofru.orine aHM:s n:~~,~.y l'IilatL:oI'l of .<1.111.:1 !\gdJi ffiI~i'l~i~ (:r~[t O~eS!I!;~ aU ph,y;kal ,an:d ad~!!):Ulpti(lli!, di$lriibllt.iol\ me'taIWUsm~ ,Q_liId~1~tiOli!I P!'iOP!!1ti'~ Q~ ~ oo~d cOIf'llP'OlJIl'ld,. il,~ ·ofcipro:ilQXowi!'!oo!!!l!f!!i '10 'U;1,C: AcrE: ~lt~dfYg i~dI~ctiw~!ffucts are: H~tai~b! ~~l !!!liId~rstood~. e 'imhii!lliIdng biogvaiil1!lb,~~ity,fQf'~ii!ml!d~ by Illdl!lcilllgi t'hi'l eftll,!l,'(pump. see tlhle S l, c'~lm'y':n l~flSi;(ily of liIe,'noorirltgil:mines. 1IIIflG()r1llr.ast, @;(!pLorailicn af the ~p.edfi(:irrnlilellce' IDf (arliloo"fLu()nm! ~~9~!~E! bonds 'Dri d~driltg inte;rijnfioo~s,.wIl.etll£!r tllwugh dir@~t co:ma With, '1ffiIe! p~*in or IIlmoogh Synl1~c Amr'al'lc@'$ ~r·e(u!lemoliliil:; effect; om molecular QordoITlltition Ofllhe d'mlll~\,'i"lilli. omly rec;enIl,y i:I~UIll. Harle, W~
LOil~li]f;I:rn" Mnissoll's I~repar:a~[on. f clenlltml:ll~. o

IF'I:uo,riin'B' in PharlmacBut:il,cals,:: Lo'oking B,e'yondl Dituition



;~(;I HM(;~M l!le'dtllC~ .2) revealed I[lHII. IDlhe 3'IDl1il:lliti.c ~igaltd ,mpproadlle:s ImH~ !bJrua.ildiilnimn g

sid'c. chain of Arg~90. l[dii>~:rulCC ~~rF·"qNJ)

F:i!. IIffi ~886.



ru:acl_ijvily gliMli~l~iilf:ld


n'~o:riniltio:!IlS" sil~Th1s

abeJ,vc as ~xam!,les;!he elF" group innl!l!oxcH~e (I~lb~.cS.I, cnlty ]) amcil.IUlc: f SlJbSli~llIelJlS in ItL~nrial F' is Munclin ~usohmlerur:vl1. atONlL'l:lmiI1 mad c:iproi.ffilo:.xOO~ll ll~lumcc pcnlmmy. 11l1.isgain CfI![I. iIOO ('!;:qplain~di wilh COOll~nc~ f biliLdmilll,g lI,pimk~ b,Y biO!ll'lfl.i3.lJlnsll1l£. Ullt~.] .1'9$7 •. bt~~ only ~br 3ilC!lV$l:M.ila,. wl~~chhill> fu;(M;;'11 Slructur.1[1.0 F.o:mt3i1~[ng dD,ig had 1:;0011 dll.Vlllopoo. Simoo
1!1Ill~~,0'",~ 150fh.lOriirJaro" dmg,<:: l!\1v~ roU'!e: ltD ]lldel and !mi'W"nl~e !.II' ""-'20011 <DF .000U ~IKm~~ oe!!!ticals (2:-5)" 'w:Wh 'e'!le!1.I.lgher fiiglllCSIiJ;, ~~r'OOlJ1C!tl~ialls{Ilp ~o ].I[}%) (4). Top.S\1mng~luorifffillli(!d

:~~~I~~I=~.=~l!.l:O~V:=~l~~d~~ ~(~~~:~ F

tig~ d~,ooam!J!!'!d :1970 ~th Ul'I;liJlu!'Oduc~O!l ef SOlre ,uldl sc~ecA:ivc ~luGri!l@l;illl.g <!~e11l<; '~mt
WtlJre0011:1;,palilj!c w~.Iih.o:rdilli!uyla'b omlo:l)!' 'eqlJI~:P" mle111 and.~lmrofore IImmmblb I~O< Ie..":].d OOllljpOUlads (.13'-1.5,). TOday, an lJilCro.."b.'ljfllgIliim.oor oii's"'lnlS are dlirreclil), alj1~lablClore~""Ch~ ~ ~Q:Ull"


bO'!t!.!lld 'l{) its lMg~L


rn~iln (m(ldian inl'!rbitoWYCOH"'!~~Irn:liofl""8 riM)

ITIiere:iail su:ppl~ers. ~nples

of nucloopbiHc

~h.!}II]UaCmltl:C2I!ls imdl!l.dro:


nI[lO'xet[n~ (flm:lt(;)

Mli·· (6).

,a~l.:cho~~ro~·lo:w~!fIg dDill!g ,~f\~," I!amln. L~pJl!or)(7), <!.!!.dlbe~l!lfibilCll::riai C cip!Ufio!!!acin (C1p!'Otmy)1 (8) (Fig. :1). ChcmL,>ts have known sbout F's irl(llL1mh.~ d['>llClSi fm decarlesfrom sml&U m.o1ocu.l('l studies (S"I!1.c!h as

r:e~adO'.!l-' ~paCily IIQ erd~i :~ue~aboifu _i~.ily (m~!i!ln~ by lowering the: SilASOOIJliMlily of W1earby

sl]i~, Alw.F~

inno:tili~ ~o cyllx:hmrweP450 UlZYinllfl]ic Qx.tdlil;i{l~) 1:t8IS.~ 11ll~"



· O
0O-' ....



illlg~y door rocel~[ly ~9),fml C(ll1ltla"n.


. '" ~


~.'iwI'.. "I·

!.u:!'d~~~!.ldln,gof1Ill00w F ..«~c15


<'!!] id~i';


ILl pito.r


~Ki~eclIl.arI.evel is j1oot. slart[t,g to d!e'i'lcl!op.. :H;~, .~ hi~;lli,~~t t~ceIII: fLinld~mlgs (If .F···protcilli!lllumClio;m;: and oomple:n:umt ~e dis:01!ISSL'Un wi.liIlI. '~imatrla;Iy,$is ·of S'I!I1I.I0Il!lffiSin ~£ Ca:lllIbiri4~~ Sl!~chl!rul[:l\\lt"oow (CSO), and thePmleht!l!taO~n'k. (PJ);).

fi'g. 1. Majt)un.uoril!:la~ i(ift!);gs:tinl'il' ,i1!n.tid~f~:;i!:!lnPrn~c ('t! tte: S:w"~Iinry1),. c.h~li'lmm!~.·ICIW~~!:l1 "1JIg l~iIl'it~ ('b'ble: Sl. mtly Zl. an!li tj;uinoLoliIE! .antibl:oo.c CiproilBY ~tali~1i!:51. e'.~ 3). n.e molecular-medel WiITlJOO1iIidiol!l$ G!refr,onfl ay.sta~~ru1lIDu~es•. u,. gl~llII; iOiiltoms, re~~ N atmlll5, oiillrnk l~lu;~;tlndF arto.rnlS, light lillue. UI'1~esliotherwise rtated" .. this (I)I.{):IICOO~a.b{),~~p~l~ ttl, tIiIe~m(!g~ifll Pigs, 3 and 5ii!lIIdl tim 1Ii!l~poni!1;g olill'&1,(lI:lil*ri~gllts(lllll~.m:g;ges g!NI~!lmd I with I'IlIi<ic~ol ((jet il~~ibJts 3'':hydro~y·3~lncil:ytS!t:llary]-cQe!11l'!'jnle A. (H'My,ICo,A) m;!dI.I~, tm e5s-euliill el~nJe il!ldl.e bl:OS)'1nd~esiis Oi~'clw,lesi:erot 1m alii: ,early !>~8.@,e of de\!eloiPin.lIill~. 1'1 s~nG$ {If tmahiihlwrs f~ltl:rij~g apyrmh~ COil;: simtlar I~O I~mle O:llt:l in
~tO~ia!iiflJ W~ ~~n~dL, AAlgegli5 1!!5ed 'IiorQmC~F

bonds {Fig. 2A.)~Il-

S4liruO"!I!l!I;,lIimlfrnmnfltiQH ;is ,esse.lltra1.ifrn; mlj,Qna~iztll,g.F cm~Jtri~tLtiolli!l'~n pmmin lbilldi.lrt.g.~ilil~" i~y., l~inglhe dwt'e pl.IDmii1LO(\"llItical:s :inlmlnomecl: lFmrl:n~OE!J.1i(il~ itlivi&iDm.Doom,,~1Y Cliiern5'lJy. ~. If,@fInnalflnUi, RoI~; (H'~'0>70 W.sell,.SwitJ:erlilnd'. 1:l.ah:l~atorili!m riir (Jlr~ii1i!.t~ i(hei1l1!i~, Em 2Yrl~h, H6F!1i!llEirbetg,. ("'.(8093 zarid!, S."wIl!erla!'!:~. "'11'0 w~o!n OI!'l'e~IllO~~im~' :~I~l!Ild I.l~ .ti!lr!l~~~ed·. [-II!~il:

Th.e: 4-.flt:!J;lIlOflIlil~!iiyl

~1h1.m IfJD.)

~ ..~U; ~ I?cderit~ @Qrg,dJielifi.

aerhralhlle was foumd to be ~ll!~l(lr [0 Uiga!ids wtfih, hydroill)' (!by a facwr of 2.),. Ih.ydrogen {{acrol"ofS), o:r Illcil:IDiKY (f.wio:r of 1.0) gmups in dru~pOOliGi~~Oldy thccb~(iri"atOO. ij~atiild! of i!ii!~tlacpolCfilCY (U;I," ni'l )l.;nty cty~~aJ ~I!.iOO

elude dieillY~ml.r[l;lo5'ulrlJl" ii;rifhllo:rld:e CDAS1) ( 16). :2 ,1""in~Qro~I.J (DF!) (1.f),. and bis(l'.J.lHl:lfulo.xyed~yl.J trif1J1[u;lrid~ r[)OOil'll).f1rIllOli) (IS);. d:lC&i;lreagelll .. 1m.1~",ro:[m .t'lil;o\'io'llsinil:) Il'!!;[); ;lJ1d Qll'" oo!1ijLs i~1!o :genl~ifh!l.Dri~. A wi,r~de range of
I .'. I rc rea£lenl:s ~1illg e.oolOOp.u"I' '.. .' . '1\. __ ".


rI, ..... ,

'~';1:1''-'- !()IO'I"3,1~

D ,.,.~ -

F ~1U'~~h<lS alsoooen d'ei\,rcloped and. oomullietl'Oia!~

ized, ,~l!aoorarti:JcI.lh:i.iu th\'::~.fS:l ,slImlil[l:gr;ml, PJlridl~inirUi:ili.{lIiIyclrogmn.ilI.i1tDlri.d.~) (Olahl~

i~~ibLt()ffit16D. Tille C-F and C-O d ipo!e:sC>lH ul'lde;rgo S1l.n~ilR!I'mllli~~ipO:~ar in~:emo~:iol1swid'! fh.lorclbenmrnc"sulf.ouimide (,NfSf) (.13]. Tl'i.~ n.ei.gliliJolling dipOles. Bioisosruri:!rnl of e-:.r-, C-Oml (19),. and I1:lLIo:rollj'U!dlY~Sl'r.!!.l;Ps oo~.v~tIriMdyifllmdl1'Ced are wilHfi lcim~:th.yi~mJ'!.,i(lmiit1JLlit:hyl).~~:~!i.J'ii,l; (Ru,pP';'dC,... .riM~ (wII1~mMe :b'l"'i~iI,~~I)< :a~~ M\,\ia.'l Pr_5h ~tl~~IJ' {IJ) g:j ~~1~ t!t'IJO(g ~~lly de- ~tOO. fo:t:l ~riie.s .ori:licyC~ieio1~ibu!~ (If I!tUiOJI1~1~'~Gped lti~l!,'(l!:Q<I.cC!~midlSs (Fig. 2C) (l9), ~jl!'i, ol Ser ~~'l'C fW.!'il laae b!ood~oa.g\!kU:ioo cmCli_de (30). :Si!.ni!<bI!'pafel'Joy was f~liInd for Pro!);)co!s for a.ryn!l!Iaelric ftum'ilrl<!lio]"!s <B_1'e also in~~ibi~ors:inwilidhm1i.y oflhe ~~~r:lOO: ~rollJ?S were ~Xlfa:lI1dl]~g (10), Nenlllll&lelcss. most ofdtc:se OO!!lild at .specificpoirilkms.oo dl(;; (jCi~.l caffokl s ~Mgellts ,ruIlil: too t'lXpili~~~fu:i" plMkscali.'l< jp!IDSi) as to ~lmt illito .he re.gklill (i~' 11lI.~eat:31y~e dlwl1icm,. '\Vihere lraditimlll 1:w.c~1od:!ls.ueh,a.q the ~~ (lf~!~t]~I::!I1 IFpl1l,'"I,I<l!~I, b'ijacl !ll~dte:ox:nu:l!i(u~ ~ole (If 1I11.l: rnzyaTl!L):.,C-f" ~
c!]b~l1~l..!!o [2,2.21~<ilJ~ bis(!oomtc) (s.elec~~hl:or)1(13) and .N~ IPtvY5icall. al!ill!! IPlilliilil'm:a(Dkindi,~ ~ml~ell1ilf!~ is tim m,osl C~ClO1roIi1G&9i" I~:iv(lL::~cmJC'ii~l..n}C C-Fooil.di:!! oue ' of 'tlim:g~Iroi:tg.~k!nml;'n (kili~L'l S2}1 andadj~n~ e-.Cfi~ll~h;; OOr!w :~



{F~s:, g,'[H i!!.Clyde ~~ ~oo~~~d,,1 g~!~ ~!1!!Xln~.¥!~ .gf 'COl!~lep-~~!l K

i!llnQ e~rQ!,;cM~dt~ !!i!.Q~l f~v~'~!e W!~r9!1M'~Q!1! i.hrowgh rigkJ!ifiC<1!tlQ!1;Wh~ ~~!!di~'!gf,fOOrpa nizern!ligand, nooeJXaHllpy loss OOCllUi'S tQ< reoohd:le ravo.rahle'lg goomelry, fIIncldncreislibol1.e~. 1.0, f~{l mU tbe d~l;(J bii:tdhng ooniRmnalkm. iii'l. l'91'i~ltliltl!p~¢aU:r [lr~\l'.orahl!e: ;"Wi)!" (:clI.~ft'.irlitilU tiolf4't ·(If ~. ~ilil<i,lJds .~ ~~~ii" ·det~ntliilOO e1i>pet'h~Pl!1dly i~SQ!UI!i:o!~'by IH NMR r11W~ mJmlS, <Jut:! !b~s inK:m'!1ati:O!il isfmqueDUly coonplf\lJ! g8l!;;..pha.~e tlW:flrctL'cal e<lk:ll~ali:Ol1S lind OOI~r'(ilinlaLkuli!Il 8e.'U:'ChJ.1sin 'du:; c~n'31, 32). (






is: iL~y~!ly eNJml,CIMfr,mn ~!'Otf:);imI:~liga.'!d



Su.blS'~iluliO!'! >orB by if CM lIfOfu!iln<l~y !CI\iU,;e 'd~e:·oonr:om~ti'oRaB p:ro:fur,~ of II snu.n ~:lOloolllle beeausc ofsrl2:e $mG stcroodec.lnxm:ic
A oOfw,parisO[I'D.bel.wcell !];i~l.ox>,ph~n}i~ !i!1di l~wifh,!!{I~H~~ l!~O'xrp'lil,clf!yl ~ro.ll!pS flTl!IS!r.!ll~ U~e: b1iOuJl:l11oe oFF Oil! oClDlfurniml!on. M.ellroil!.ygr.oup!>~ie i1il. d]c plane of lD~ep~lcmyl dl~. lX}CrulISCllih,~ ~p o~tnl arfilne ~- ~fu:ybridJi200. 0 is ~ffil :I!:oonjrug;.::atioiil ",vilh tlmammati~ It \'lYS!~l~.11lisoonfi:H'!'!l;l~{I:~ i~ pru:r~rrrOO!~y "'3.0 kc<Iltaool (33,.34).

a~sosnr~l,glilk~!"loo, h~~a]lylk: w

d'oub!e lxm& ,~ ''!'<'C<!]!.-.elloo by.F StL'bS~iltII:iQXI(2 l).1ib'le very low ~l:ari2abi~ily o.r~3i~Oflll.oriile m~ ~ill.mrusalSo, il'iii,pa,OI!,qiiMcrmol.oou.1ar inlm::actkli~ (2:1). rtl~llher, lIliIL'lnoolc~.




ar~nJ!.l)~tc: re._<;Q!l@n()~NMR) ,ii!(;~ ( I!:ivi:!yof F's S'O~,e 1 ~ h;ompc, I.~!F,is (lO~VC!l!ieH! f.or 'c!Il!~leriZa.~ ~;iou(23)..
fi.Il!lOOllle ornlmn.~pihlOOil M iil. orgsflltc ~nO~!:lCla1ru! 111m ~ bUll. <If.IId sl(!:~lootrolil:i.c ~iIfIlnlll~n~ orille I~V{l 1,lIoms ..e·qj~re djff~l1el~t (fl:)r

Cl~~~sn x»;

ln oofltmst.!rifl!lloron~d.loxy gmlps: ttmd to 1I!R. out ef pJ3J1C~beeaase 'Of: I.bell"l~r size and, pre:sum!lb]y
n'lOfC Sl]'b:>lai~tjj[ny,. i>~~C~oclroiMc ~Iffi"oo"'t nri~mt[ng C-,(1 ~~ Olililiperi~<tJiI<!f ~[)drelone pairs 'OIr Inhc !1Q~li.! s,p,~~hyli:ridi.z:ed. 0 resl!ll~ :l.r! ~r!.

lengdits :ilId 'i,I',<l:1I! der Wom~3 rndi.i and \"oil:!l:nes,see ~!e S2)'. TIle bond I!oogth of c-r (l.FtI A)


!]()""O:"''::'"f QOIdllg<l~.{m wittJl. oot.lOOnminMll lengdlCillililg ofdre C-F'

is aclnally :itmHitlIC to C-O (1.43 An, dJlfl.lil to e-n (1 .• 9 /\)1 0

<rl~)ou_gh lJil~ki!l:g-:mdi~l~ CO~Tlp<lfISQIl.$ are <it slubjec~ of ongoiln_g


bends Ct5). This clIoot rod.Uoos Idill.': aoojllgatiGm bet\Wltl 0 andjhe

IFi'g. 2 .• ExiJmITIl1e.s: otiiafe and seierniiivllfll!'t8itiim ii3gel1ltll~,00, Nlucleoph~llic ag;mts:, (0) el.E!d~hi[i::: agMb,OII!iuill ,~C) ~eflt; to, lliltmdllltLe (~ g~,~~. al101:rJa!ie

~ySI~rn @Ild C;1:l!llin'W(:5


(24);. TIle VlIlnder WaaJs \IIo:luna.c ofi~11Cu1.ft~omlnetl1yl (CF].) gf01;.ll' (all in. t1lL1oNmiut>l), is ~n (hat .of the ell~yl !£OOIP (C'HjCIHi;!) bill. dli'l slNlpes ofl.h('; It:WQ :gIlYUps8!ill: v~ d:iffierel~t D~lro suggesli.0I1~ ~tmCf'Jm~ iooPw;pyl 1[(C·~hl!CW] ~ il1le~b.l,lltg~l~ (21},. ioopmp:ll hasa Im'ger VOIi,m]iill'ltld Ls 1i!:X..!i!!lly a!l'l!S:QlfClp!C ("~\ ._ ~ I;'

~le C!'1eti~ic :pref~l1JC ·of a fu;l·p'laJl~oOOlfom~liolll.

O-OH. aml.G-OMelhm ~,i11eafto 00 bio~steric {in 'DMillS of b:[ndlIllg tCl'ilcacy}, ~:f Idan ncgaHvc poi(\S (0. f) kn®iiilCl \"i~lI. tnh.~poS!iti'!llepl1!l~ of lM!lOdl(\~,dl!J? or a posit~.j!l;(;lty ~lmwdOLlntcr.

t':ol'll;putaJt!onm:l s~lIIdies ilnd searehes: indro (Sf) {~ig. ~,) (j 1. 32) rutddu;;P])]3: (36)wt'ID S Mli'ticd. Glul loiml.vesl.igate: the: oonfonnati@naI



(h;:l!1 ijle



C_,OMecaJ!J !be

p:~feffiUl.~ of a.ronliltlc


(](;H3, QCH2F,.



Bkl\~msteris:nl~s an il'Wl?CIf:lruU comcept iu, ~ood: op~jini7Jiilio;ll. .~~ refers to Itllile capacity of .. al:mm~or fl1!nCliO:~I,ilI~ gool;ip8 wid) $:mi1ar sizes; Of' shapLl:S~o 00 i.ll!tL)l'ChMgOO. wil1aqut .s"IIb51talt~iflilly

@.I~ring, bi(ll~ic;l,~ beh>liVigr's!A:h


<wcollln:,iJdafed wlil~(JLM! Ml!OIi!] and ~i'lil ~lIi!eON gr(u.!llfind.s a H.,txlnd .l0ccp10r. A ~~khl:8 cxaJIllple anlitis:mmi~{)gy 'iJen'il'ili."ellC-O:FI:aJlld, C-F has ailsQ been nJ)~cd (.l1l' it~a Clysial SlruCltlire of a "try ~r'otca')eooJ'Uii'~~~. w.ith a WI!lI'id ~pe.ptidic ir:lllilibiitu[ COili1lain~mg :8:. cei'tulml o-d:il]uQrokcl.O:n~ hydrn!ltil tmh (~ble SI, e~(!:y 4), 'COl'd'I}!!'!1Ilartional,!'!!ild
S!l.l:!:rleOeLfld!'()n~c !lrwfil.tNlli!I!i:ElS



subs1.i~ulecl,\?!.~'e w,mi:d~, .as two InOJ~·1H onl!o groups lead to ~11hogo:n<l1 o.rri)Cilll;a~iQns 0;1' all. 3Iko~.y :gmu;ps for s:l1'ric f.'Ca?1)ns.. N\;lrtlmr CSD oofP[fB ~~(\Ij; yMd1:d.8iny fi!fii.clUrus wiilll. aryl-OCH~f 1:1!'!I.oli:~s; co~rlllpul.atiO[lal srllldioo

O!:liycasesi!~whi~b.~l!~t (if !!he :aoo'J1<I~c:ri!:!i£



(~~.; $.4], t\l!.lQ



affinhy (2·(,)). 1'In!S, n1en.u'Q:!'ovt!1yl gOO1irp (C-CHf)lias ooe!!l, used as: ta, luq::I~acellleU!lt fQJ;' 1~ltiJe [}eplid'eoon,Gi (27). '1llIorime tru;:c..s. ~itleposi.~ I~~on (if 11m:rnrbm~yl. 'OJ, and. lh.ep.1aI1!3fi~y ofth..e 'l;'il,~yl Il.m[il~.m:!lk~iJ~ qu.i~e:.t'I good m1iidhin 5;Z~ :!Ill(! ~-O:1l.1~~. .~ ~bowfit in. t!l~inhib~iou (1f dipep:~idyl pepU&..«e I'll. llte ('-F bond 1l;i!:ig:!1~ and Oi~oolllil ·e;.xleHSio:~ ·ofa C-F 1!I.Ifi!utOlresi m~l~
i~~, die

v31lJ.!lcsfoli Ilihe C-O Sj'\O{~P(l3bJ,e S2),. i]1w:: ~CF'.~ fm~nmnhM a:1so boonl .h1JmroclMccd !:IS a ~l1bl!~iliilll£f:'or' ilhc C=O~M"I!ip,. pro\idi.n:g. a

KnrIo'wloo.~a'botll the ~ll~'rn~C3l~y ~lClSt favoU'· abl(\lOOllifmul3ti:Oi~ 0:1' a~igand ~~ Gs.oonli.a,I. for .opoimiIzil1g 1!IJi\;l lbirKlil:tg ~fflCl.l~y. \1,lhic~ ~n(:rua.~ w·rHI, ~l,.·i:i . Iid"s o,.II~gree >t ... - '.,;. i7~:- .... D-__ . __~ __eq~<L _ ..~, '.. G~ preorg~ .~_~., e ,noire closely dliL': ~!llelf)! or IliiJe Ixrurnd~:~gand ~mbles iLlle iowesl~~.IID' oem fOl~alaitiQl1 of the ~~ H~d,. iIlIm !!troili!t'lrIDlull gaii~iri bLlIdiiIDIg fite~ 'Ll'IifI~y. U~'Id ~;i'lXirganirll!il:iOii'i i1.~~Iy lITi'3it!llams

1'l1i!!~~maJw1ll!i! dil~edr<ll .<1!]gbl: ij rC~i"jI.-C'~I.O~CU:!l1!f')lof24~ '~iiEl -0,,0 kcalJmo~)'a:ndO~ (~E.~ ...4,2kc."l1!:1110[)" ·\V,be~t.sdn,~ Il~gh~ll.ergy ·aonfOOl1l.l1iOJlis puClkilcd 10 Ioe ,1lmar wid.10UJI :;m. ilnfiit..m~ e;1f~t. :the tow-oo~ lwi~clJooilfmm1l1i'Dfl ~a.'l Inh~ 'C-F li!u~liim ai~ 3n(i!nrnilt:l~~gemml:. ~fetaU. rLh.e·dhang.eOO!ll OCH3! to oc..H;~!f reduces the ln1l~arn~eo(mfGnllati:mml piiCirel\."lnce. The CS:O seru;cbpoov idee! :sew."Illlryl-OCHF;! fmg,mCli'lts,w.ilh torsional alligles ,[C;<yi-C!lry!~O-C(HF ~Hbet\\'i..~i:lJ 10 l!iit'!'J. 001°. Th.w, lI.tcre :!!C~ilI'1S



be nQ





QQ~~firm~d by c"!01l!!<!liQ1~s Ihiirt<lfforcledi

enillrgymili;iltmi at (II 33" and, 900 . The orthog" (i!lnal iOilllftlli'Jina:nimlll!a.S: bo.1ilil C -F boudsia an anomeric (CIlOO) oricntarncna, Siill1ri~lIf (.£ll tili'm Iri,~ fl!iiO'mm~dtOxy gwllp" Wh~[!Slt,"t l\,\li~IUeomlh~ ftuTI'iliIliolfi ispmdicOOc:ill 10 :haveo:nl.yone C-f
bm1d~n .til a!~O!~'ieTic p!I$ilion (\vi!llii. a :sUgMly iO!iigeil'C-:F bond I~g!h ~1!!Ii lIreilo:n"i,lm)rhe!!i'C C-P ron, d). '[his p'redicIi01~ is.pru1icl1ihrw'ly nicely 1,1{)1U'e cm.t '~SJ,~ryr;~Ii~slnllCt~ (~Ic S~. '00I1fy S) i~\\l:lIjch, the ~i:l'iilfl~'u'ie I!mi~ Ciilllllairns two im~~ltd~~t ~tIO.t$e~~es; '\",iib :,m:!L:IDp:mxim3l~ OD1~ (lirlh080ril,doonfurHl<U1Q!l (€I' = 8'6~, Witll 't\!V'O !!!~aJTI'eric C"",if




J.;a~OfQ- ~~li~tI!e!n~<;:i~ m:1!i!l't~l~~d ~~ p-!Q~Oll.wOO .J.;fl~Klro"N~_~~lpiperkf!jtfli!;un srul(5 ~n~ C"{l;lf:]f'! i qlla.teImilBJry3~tlflu)Qro~N.N.jj~,~,kylpii,peri(l,lllium. &tIlts" des;p'illl: .slmio aOOlgcsiliom. Irnfw@ncl! of 1~!9g1D'illllU!1 pK~ Eff.ects B!iolog;~1 ab.~rp~.QllJ <lUtd,d!~tll~t~Of] ~ laug.~11' ~O!llronw'by id~eiO!i'iiz~li{;J!~ sbleoll!'id b.aIan..ce of l~pophmd~y <I!1Id bydrophiHo;i~~yin :jl d!'ug nooloollile,. .EnhBII,tooci 1ipophRicily C1l:nim::re.asc d]~ il'lcasl1iit'ld b:~lt'Id:ill1gfooe Clterg' lI:tl"cm~h l'Iliorc fa.lVOOlb~e:"8finilion~l1g ~I.W(.'{lili 'd~£: polar 3q!lIG(1m .soIilIUolll:.1!llIg] Ule ~~'S p(l~ar 'n;1;C~I~J ~~_ A IB

~W-~t~gn~~~tw by .!lJ dgp9!~tim~ @nd ~~!ya~~m 'e.rr'Cc~!J)'dle~Qg:O!lii1X~y Qri~!~ted OCF" gmllJPl pruti:aU)i" sh,ieldims one!!! raoo olT d:te aromfl.tic riifflg, Ai.;o' SOJl'lL""WIl.'lt. $1lI~ingly. o-n'lJ.OO'O~I.}
(3,3,J..i~liIlio~yl)~i~ti1~ am l(pophill:c dl<U'i ~onn~Qtiiliil~ p:mpyloo~ne;wi(h d.~GgP ~ -0.7 <i_fld-0.41,. re~pedi\'Col)'{fl,g. S2). 1l!ls: result em be e1<i:plaim;:d by 'dn,eilnlrodli'Ctikm~f po~rui~y In a, hiWl11.)o'bydrophobic dorna~lffI.!il [hisexmup~C" 'nillc:p<ilm~y

be!~I)¢abld Itt~dlly

eiliictMl ~rofii~ct:lbr 0:1£:'l"Wi~.ot1i1o'riitalCclI tl'il~ilg i 3 dl<lJ1l fOr' d';t;: Inci n:i!.Io:ri!!ll<'l'~OO >O!l¢'

F1U'O,rhm: ~!~!wOOU'CtLQn~l ..o,

~<lnds.dWl o~~ler wi!il~a l'Wisled 3;n"ul.~:I'ii,eni~ ,(0'" 58t..) ~md{lilly



{i!lilC'31tOlllCn!c C-,F bond. TI~1s ~O:'iU(][!!Irepmvi,dru;: C()!~rr:tl1I)IH'Im~ !lI:ldii~t>!.'f.r~~ \'!I'id~ I:h.c hERG ~'I.'id~l1~ ~hat lh~ I~WQ"OOI]fu~~(j1"trJ1tlI~ ~11~r O;~'tJ-If.J-ndtJ,e.;1 ~/~~) K-f. dliOU11te1 a5..ll:X:ial~ wil!l~ I~Li()ftsan!l'Ol be 1.1~ c diWc!lellt ~!'diovascular !O!l!lcit~ (4.~ . :9). illl ene!'8Y as dley ooexistwithin UseFl1l IProdkuvemlies l'k'l\l\c ooen. In~le SR'Il.le 'm}'sHliI. Sev£\l~ s:1ru"''' 1~lIiIresi:1lltlePDB fcawre' ligamdS t devel:opcdl for tunla,g !IDlep}(" W1uGi> {wboo;:l(1Ij iis lII~cacidl disw i.dl ::liy1-OC HF::1; fnt.lli11!iel1ts !>Ocill'tion ;((lIlillttruU) afba&c 3J:I'llilm (t'!blt'l Sl, ,~Irii£s 6, '~.OU), 'rhe ~'i~!i!!1;d! ,a:l00r01 .<lug!~vary c~ro!?l Uool!!g'h o.ilfa!Il-'~nlL~Q~ toom (;11= og~o SO"'. "Illroo ofd1C e:fIioctsof F• .(]I, N, !!nd S nnw'li'O!~liifjes (38, 5"(1), Thm... U]I:: seven: ;';"\mY CI:yslllil !!.wuctU!leS Frig.3:. (A:jl.Amyl-<lCHf;1;fragment W:::: 19~j',of ~olUlmilint oolme'oo pln~hDrd'tesm~",mre ,oom;plllxe!> of 11h~lltooi .. ~e 4 <tall~1!!51, ,~try 1) $how~ 3 multi,~Qltar ("",." "(~O~ClnltairtM1~diIe pK" \IIa!~I!IC st~dUy decreases lilat:khMe' . ~~ - A(: 'r-rp.::!<;!"'.''''''J'-V'-i""'o"lF'3 ,_ c- -" ... "•. (£I ~: Q'~""4. a.!1I. ·hiib·'J."",. '" c~, - -'I t~.,;¢. _ f 'd r tII,panFil~l:WOc!uctL,{)ilin ~aes~ CSIICr8iSiC 4 with re (lulillil:ilst amL~ II! ~ ,~'?"l'm\lI ...n'I' lIo"glfl!,." _ - Q.i!.. ~ '-I! ~ ffili'l... _ .... !.!I~"!l!i11!.!1 ,I) 'I.!!'~ 'e~, CHJCH2NH:l, pO.?) ...... (D~S), 3J drug ag~iilsl ros~J.~ proteilS'e tlYlPlsilli (1a~le 51, en1i!ny13J. Airol:eilil, 'Giame slimwilil ~1iI QJay (a !sa. app~iieSro IFig. Siamd the S0M) .. FC.H~CF[~NH:! (9.0) =iO Il!<lml)' di*~~ Int~!'I1w<'liS 'Ivimh.drowl] ImlM t1De!l:tJrk~1 ~I'I200S F::!CHCH~NH::l p.~3) =ii' (Fig. .3') (37}. OO!1l1\f~lilei!~[ of .Ilipoophilici~b' is the 109<l,· F:'lCCH~NH::l(5.7) (J8). A Slllrr'lCj~f1t nUj'!]_OeI' of l'h~w:tl;le!t SI1\l'CIlJireS: \Jt.lilhi !l.1j'~OCF3 frng~ rid'l.mic ,coeffic[icHl {logD) for dM'~u.ticm nea.rbyF ato.w1S can leiill'llle<1.11 nline IlJIfI.,proOO,mned ~ illlOUI.tS: were fm:lJIld,bn. tbeCSD. The rn3jmi~y :fllOOi'l'il.POIlll~.d bt.~Iim. OOiliLli'IO] aind wmrn- aI ~H rat p:1iIys:iolngjC8ll?.H,~lling ~ll h.lglmr bio?A·.ha. g,en£ml, HIF!8ng~ lead.S 110 2IJ mom 8V11Halbiliny,ffi :siIIIOWI~ inhibitOO'S (Dflllrlehu:l1~IiI. sh<n,w a p:rorm:~Uloo fi()r a diit'Cmal angle C"'Y!:S~ff[m nwe!lllll" 1(39). Iill a&[cyclk: s;ys:lems, c;~f""()~C(F.3) oHI ;::;:~,iO. Tll'l!lS dlC: O-CFJ bond; I~po'phnjc rnO:!e:cllllla TltL'l ~ogD vflh.m.s of nearly ~ub~~J1~;'i;1 oool"oon;M:[(l!url ;~ldl 8'k.'fflOC~~IffiO!~tc SC:i@Jit'iS p~rer :m orti~(l!!~ ..l~ema:~ion (0 dte 1:0 30Q' 'OOI]lPOYrild.~ ha m~'S'UIlr;,'d.iJ!!ld dtey follb\'!,fl~:d tills I.'!i'end(43). A singl(;l Hff e;u;1l!i.l!~,ge cfilt':C[~ ,<l;OO {ll!l~ 'beg;lnrdn.g '10 b¢idC1]til1e.d ru:!'d <U'O~l']o;l!licpl<iJlM. OlllJ~oo.ghjhe cakulatiQ!lS :s~gg,est I~~<li~ Ihe ~t~etk: diflb!ltlJ~ces lndl'f~ dilwdJ"a!I,~ rn:lse.s, Uw: 1Q8J!) vilihllc by ap;proximawly 0.25. A u![ldcr~l~ (38. 51,D'.For. eJlru~p~~, CHri!J!!lS!11mO~ Irugeil1cl'lt'ruleht :log!) is,l!ISlltlny seen when F is alitgJeratl;,ge ·of (iii' 10 900 are swmll (;-1 kuaYI]lol], efi"ects: w.fh~llC'll'libered (ml:ih as, 1')'1'" iiatrodiuoodi nearby 11 basic N. Alrumle bfl1;ilcilyis 'I1le PDf3: 'QQn~aims, ei.gJln SU:'UCtlllfCSWLth, ru:ylro.n,di,i:OOS)' are o.11lly10 to 3li]% as e:fficiJcllt as thesein siJ.;;·memhm:'0d, ri~gs (suchf1.'i ~ip!':r .. OCF;lbgnl1loots (table 81, ti'lilme.ll tloo ~9); sJx. d.eo.roa.'iOO booat~~ Qnh~ ,o·iiiLdueli.V£: eiltlkt off, I!IIAm dms themtio of Iil.oou:al 10 pml!()j'I.;.U:oo ~:aJI,!IL'l dihmirnl. 31l1lJL'l ,€I betweoo ·81'0 end 8;6'\ .S!) a kliiaeg)" in which lfWff$CI!.y slag~~. C!Ollf(t!n:'l1~ u1{l!leI;;l;!il~ i!:!C!'ea.~. tku~,~', ~Imil.wl(l :I!hose~f :ilt~ih<Jtic,~'ti1~ha.s.'catI~ be h~ ~ \!Ie' see ~. p:~r~H,'~cefor Qct!llog{l!lat However, 'Illerea.rc '~'C\;'VI.ionsw:f!e!ICiwl ~;he <ldopLed. (.M)... ;!,li£l'ln~~~I; 'of liIile O-CF:3 brnld. (fi£j, 3). TI~e:olle SUM!:ltlllfein ~Ie ,ts]) i(1ab~eS,I.e~tr:y20) w:t~h1m inlrOOlIIi;ltlO!t G;f F, in hJilO .. lll~I!Olti.c CIa.ai4~S 'Ov'eii ~tle ~<lst: ;5 )'COIl'S, we 11I~vec(1.I1dOOtedi a 3fy~Cf':;5 bond, a~so s1lIows aOO<:l djbm~~I;.glc~ rillilgs, II;,-a~ Hill, l\(ixhJlcllon ~~~lIle 'lio'gD va:lll'Jc.. "~lIIorille !iC!iQl'" o,f tI:[(\YGU';i~b~tm'S Oraaro:l111b'~n a~:ld :F is ((lima!) Inlm Ithromplnj:~icJmy Rn.&or fllimliOphobLci~' 11~ h~~i:oll of ·Fi:li1(o ~~pcridi:n.e ltimlg.'> .togl) vflilrues :OO,.incUIil:m d~~\v1tum iiil!:li'Odiuood!lilearO (4J) Or N al:i(i!J'l'iiS (J',IJ), Sucba ·of ~e CirtiZ"yrm~ 3.clives,il~ (30~52-:56') .. :FlI1,Qrif'i1!: d:~oo;jL'\eS IllIl~ 'Iha~ic~ry (:If 'n1~£ N (18;'

sltmas:ly rod!uce<!iU~~ne basicity. :fwrlp!lCt~~'1gnlIemibr,a!lJc pe!:m~ abIlity (415),. !IDlepo..enfua~~:iiabii~ iruyfuli ~h.o!llpholipLdQS;is: (oiIli"h

em or




1~i1(C~y impmcv:iing, oml hi(ii8i'llailalbl~.i'ly, .~sha.,;; Ib~f:! ~hQ\~lbrl:ig<!!qds 'of .~~~ h1l!!~l S":H1fm ..n rl;!~tJ~o-r. a"j.~ hl m~grnh~e i~her.t.;py.19)I>!ncl ( rQriiUi1l~n~.m of ~,e ~S~HT M iNOCptor;, a target 1m So!;lh~pll~l~ifl thempy (4Q). f:lt!ociu in ~II'O"
l~cma:l£.d. J~nIl!laro· Il.nd 3,5-d~fh.Kl!ropiperi:d~],H!S


W2IS ~[\~


~Iamgly ~R\lf~


8iX~!lI.p(H;;ti(m in aquool;b.'l

W~~~Thla.~ illll:er d~p:irtidO:~a!iiOfi,d.~ F :S1lIib-

sttll!!ent acrolpts ,ui! GqIJ<lllOrial pOOtiO!fi! (4'.I" 4:2). [~ l~iIlea;!dalm'enti.~ion.1' lillie ~ar C-f :Li.lfldlN""'-:H fmgmnenls w~der:go mvoraIMe!linHt}ilI:'a~l,el dl~polru" i~tei'Utlorns. Thcse'iin.~OI]l.'i01!lI!l!i'"ili1tcrac.tiOiiiS ilf@ qiUjt~ ,~lToo~iv~•. !lInd Ihe~i!ll i1fref~r,oooo of

oo!1lIbITrwi~ ·11.:f!lQ~,~t'!ilie\?i.~ 8:A!Jner ~~illl 3.1 A" il!il.d ri])is;fi!ld!!~lll h;oo beefi] ~mat~ve~y expla:1I1'ed by SO'IV:fl~ion ,enec~. onlaae otto~' hand, rcp\l.ace,ln~i~ of ill illC;dl(i1~ygroup 'by .[fl. Im:noom:lfl.~Cilih.o.;",ygr:.oUJp atHachcdi 1(1, 00 ~llU~ill. i~lII:yoo."iI!.tlt inl a 1.'nl8tkcd ii1crn:,1."L;)ii~ l\~phi1fcil.!i'a.\l S~~I f6:1" GN~~p~el ~tI 1I)e: Alogf' ·of L:I b~l. .~~e!'i lrifll1!ow!'ilelhoI!>Y<I!~ lQ~!V'-IC!\e!gy

I~t 'ooe



O·,;F d;LS1llnO~

atI~dlncdID>(ybeliZeJile [dle k}@~9~ll1Iic t:lart~tion coefH~iel1~. 10' (OO'I:anO~lJlie,r' and. ~D ru;e icllmti.caloor IIlliliOOlizabl.,e :!>olutes] (44), l"his fim:lii~~rnm !bo2. ,exf]a~iu,-d by 3, prinmary HIF

was SY,$I)(m~I:ical~ :inUDducoo at van.'mIS posa.t]Q!].S: Qflhe inlJ!ibi~Qt tQ ,@;;p~Qre ~ifl~ l!~tet'tii.cdQll!s Qrn~e!1ak,gc!~ wlri) @c]ive,siterunlnQ DCtdr:esidlilell oFlhe elllZ)'al~e. The blll'd~l.g f~ of Itiale ~riC)!lclicimhi!blio:l'S ai~ Ihe thromlbhl IlcElve Silte~ W'~ oouifim1loo. by :!lcl{cmlcrysrnl. structures of: pr(ltC):iiiL.~iganJ.ool.l'nIP~£)(.~ .:ffii1d1s 5:C:&I:~R:I8I.icaUy i ·5ho\VIiI1 m. Ff;g,4 {$O~$2,561 57} Rcmat:bbly,.d.te pKlI\!alue (If the OOrt~'Y~~it~e cml:ef if:! iii€: ~ibibil(lliS can be ~lII!1.edilfroHll the usllilil",aiue Iileaf '10 to less than :2, IlliuTIl!Igho(I·"lmnsm:issioai, elIecls .ofilt.·iiU01~ F:s" lltC1 pk'".vlline oflhe Irei1:ii8ry~amil1e c~t~,irl. (±)l i~ 7:0. 31mill! IMlowd~e

@:p.p~xim~~ ~~m n~r

liHl]iamid@i~e,ll. IUlelhylale<i. hc;.,.ahydwpy,m;jl!zi.~ dine 1i1~~~ Ihe clasest (lOlil'iparisOOlOO<I~;nd is for l~iIlI,c fmgrnclfilt Iililru [nooIJ!OJiatc:s Iilil.c Iterli.'it)I-ai.T!Jiii'leCL;'lifililir (3~), Thiil pKIIO l~~i;'ig ms;ullC5from the ~I~!W"-.;"vitl.i.d~""fi~g e!l'fl'~L~ of 1~lIlie h.\iQ~rf'llide c~yl groups, neplieu'i'Y[~ aJll!clhliu:rnmole!y 'i~l {:r)Zredll!oes:~~lep'K:~ vailL'e further by 2.5 ImilS. Ad\:lil~~Q:~'(jF 00 dlC ~oJju·tiu811 fiv'(},!i11cml'uilred rilfl.g [{+J3 10 (+)6] Lowi.'li'!> the pk'"",\!ah.lctu -:3.3. In 'C1acllofllffiu~CCiiilmIPOUIild!S, l' ~ ill!bol:fi~ ~ <lJnd YJXIsi~~O<'l...!l; Qflh~ ~.ert~ary an~i!te OlJrtd titus drniws: el~! delll-'lily ~1:!'io~h I~'!!JOa l,a-nhw<liys. "W1~ef!K;~ : ooQootlon by OH lre+)'i] and MeO [i(+)8]gJL'Oups lsmn:d1 :~esseffoo!hl'c'. n~ !prolonll1txl dillll!.loti:n@i~t'iloom,l?OOnd" (+J9' aut! (±)lO aN evCl~ moo.Cliat~ly :Sl!li'(un~ .@leads
(pKIl <2)6

(-W,~) and so:iTne 4~lili~

8imple tri<)!kY!1li~~ij!1;e CQ~.n1~rt C~'3S01N~h (pK.= ~lu~1i,~dt~ ~K", Oif uri) M], ,(60),
Elocmnl]J~galiivily eonsideratiens
that C-f b~:I\i~


!(i =4 ~~ the 9~!';erv~~ ~h<l!I~S@i~oo;!f!!!b~~1!!tiQ!1J. Th~o,: di~~ is wen ~oocl: H.iooJl!cl.ed!oo<!~~.ctdistanoes. b!!lt 'Ihe: (10rn:fOJi1lftul' mm,d:J.e resultimg gain, :~n potency jprovidie pru:ti'Culrur:iy strong evidenee foreiJ1e.rgGIlCflt~yfu\fo.retble dipolar iji~I:~j!:lc!icrlil;g. OOogona~ :1I11i.!Jlinipo!:l!' c.:F··'(:=OumU~~~ tig!~", \lo'e~n:tcelyre""e.deGi (!Iwi!~£ U~ n!.!!grin~ scan of tricyclic dm:nl1lbl!il ~!i~libi~o:!1'i S2')I. (

S~~eClii'.r@ Pro.t@illiFl!.i~a~ldl IfI~erac!tll~1IkS

WQ~~d Slllgg~~:

s;iit~~litrlyki· C-O;3!I1di


fraSriiil~rf!t5and ;)cMl~5 agoodfil-oo,td aooop!Ol'; Howc<vC!', an ,e:x~~,'¢ .s~. ofiliIC CSm) and UieP:I!)B reveOl!led lmiis ~a! ~. 00 !il!ie~: (,t'U). The C-f lInit is iii PO<f:r H~llolfld! a(}Cl~tO;u. Oii'gaJilic Flm II, '\!I~lo\V' proton. a1ffiffilily !lind is ~kty pa<larizabl:ct NC"iIei1ft1~~(l:S~, 1~1IiI~11IDl'g~ !illJiJUbf. ·of'C-F ..··H-J< (\~h~re X = O. N,. S) as ... wc11 a~C-.P"·.H~,~~ c~n ofa ~lWing.a'C~id~) ®ntlc~ ,,-~t!1:lS: to 'lhe fact th~tit is fa:'!i'~ble for (backibonc ,am.idc) iI~~rn,lCLirnlS are: .a:b~ni\(bmtl1lllhGPD.!B (36) .. On of 138. C-F oorntltiniID4l;.sUl1LCru~, coMirailllmg I~C p. NsG,p!iiI'rat:io!] ~!ow the:'lll!] dewW~1s OO!l~3C!d1smllC~ of d. = 3.1 A ar1.d Iilile:,H1I~C$ [50~at!~d9(1'il ::; 0.2 $ ]5l()O~ ga.'!,fC' ~.I S11!'1U~tl.!res [n w~fch Ole C-F moiety of the U\g3.fJ.d pointslOwrnrd I~nlc H_:N oolild (flg .. 5A).lll Ut£ case of two IIJmOltl~b~1l

Vi}, C-f'··H-N

dle C-.F d1ii'O~elo~!1.dergonluiUipo!~r in!6iol.CI.ioo'lS

·of 6 (MG = -U ~.ea] :n:lor • 'f..t:l~~ MG Iij. i1t¢ diff~nce ~!lllJljur.djlllg~. ,~I.I'!>alp:y ~~WGen p!:U'"4F-st!'bs.~~I.!!ed and '·llIumbslin.lltoo ligru'l.ds) (51~. X"!:aIYcly~lf~l'a[llt)l revealed! (llltr:le S~, enu, 23)
lmI:i1t ilfh£ C-F resirlr~
~.l'l1i(.'f3C1S lUll

II:lib"OO!iID~iol;l·af F fln IillIc 'pampostDiQI1 ofO~e: bauyl rillll1ooc!lIpyh:tg Ihe Dpook~lOf ~fmnb:illi, (Fig.4l ,(\liflh3iOOM 1i11cIbll)(jil~ aJiii.1il~j' by 8.~1lO.t{jr

an~Ylilt sh!.1!,n

dfult3lnc(:: with H-c,. Id{.F·~C3.1 A)] Inll also 'im,

I!II~ mhog,OJrI8JI. fsshtton., \li\llllil. 111m 1b<acJI~OO11l~ =o c ~m:!!!P {J!r A~n98 (!F~ SoC). Sue!] (!JrtllO~(I"id muijti~l!ar:~rHcmclig!US w~ !I.lJ!llJseq!.l!cu(~y~,!(a\Q ID' be: tlb!ll!!MIat!l(i!!i! oolhSfll!ll~, ulOlecllle ","ray myslal stru.clIlres,rnaCi in. pvolCiI~~:I;LganJdl COJi1~ plexes (fl., 5.i~). aI1l:1;01JJ.~iD. l'Il.ey Iliad. nol OOcn. moognized as such [1l'olt:aJ1Mdy' tl;![:!Ibq'lI:t:l,.,soo fig. S4 (62)].. ]lw(jS,(j;gmirnliS of.:iIi I:lilOO~ ~!'lll~illl. c~~mit:<l!]dotiM~·'m!.I!~U cyc~~. !;;rl!!b~ ~ntb' confimled l!he~li'ile m!.'!1we oift~le orthtlgmrn[ c..P""O"'O :jjnlCmQt~Q!~" wii1~ a c011llri.b!l!l!i.on :10 hinclling flli'Cc'rnlllmipy in apo~ar CiI'' tMG ""-0.2: 10 .. (Ukclillit'llol.-'u • a liIlI~m.0'.1' dlC ~ilil rmmn !I. lumttal H 1:I00ld (6J], Such .


~!ilj]ydt.'b~ U is .a:illOth)~$elif.tJ'"l~for

w!'licl~~am(linlUOriIU!e e:ffu~~ em ~hy~i~l ~r'C!per~ I!'~~ <UHfJj biind'mlll e:ffi.cacies of 011~ph~lic<!ind boozeJ'I.fSllI&fm~aJ]lid~oo.._r;ocl jlliil~LbHm'!>bM'C been: extensively studied! (58. 5'9).. TIDe illtIDchml'ioll {)if F ~m:ar dl~ sulfolDamide rRSO~NH~)Ilil.Qicly ilrlcroasooil\;Coo['(Iilly of 1I.~e: N-;H OOUldi, f3en~~3ti~g ,d.cprolot!:atttll]<l!1d ,slf;Qag.~!' i![.di!l~of tl~ b resl!il~i'!lg~l'ioll!O Ul\,::.Zn{lL)t(m at Itt~eacliv,e s~oo of tire e!~ynlC,Tlais poJ~~tis !l~~ly ml.!i._~rnwcl! by comparing (he im,lUhillItypoll::UI!C]/ of wea:ldy

"'i ~

il! by O:IDJy Ofilkl: HJF!'lI!l~l~tn.U.'OOl (4.3),. rthe .F-OOI.t~aililil1ig .llhihuwr is: m:ornpo1 Il";;!it ~y ~. fa(j~or Gf;; ~'!d ~tg\~<s ~ ~~;l!!ic am:ro!Ul!llijOOl<li! dl~!liSC ]n Its oo1l!Hd ~te when CQ!liIp~;tlCl ru, !lIe IW:nl1lUorinartedUg<!nd (Fig. 5D ElIild fig. 33) .. l1:t~ cr.y.s~l'll .s1ru;C:~ (udl~c31.

addic: ~.11:ctIllyL'>'LIH'onalnldc: (ClJJ;90JJ\lI!H~) ~pK~.;, oom.G.S .2rnaild!221' ~'C:VGa~ fi]'r ~rn.!enl!l!oril~fI~ed .:'Ill<'aio.g dipol:ll!r C-f·· tI-N ill~l.mmticm wMli!l a ~.i[).5,ill~lilhi'~0lil. OOl!lSlnnl (Kl) = 10-'1 Ml ro thar (!Ifill.;: m~e1! m.o~ tiC!dic l!i1~l!)lo!il)J'I!I;etffilylitHOO di'\t1I~~~ofl_S .l.. \:vl~khcould be re.~.lls:ID1¢for


OOl~E.acl'l< ,1'II!le. O~ILf'!;I~[tJ;r

!)ad! al~p1iia~ie :ruld


Q_ .'vs.



IIt\ R.- • .•. -, :.


tI PD~ket

'.. ' .~.i ~. ...•.....: .N

H IlR; -I

• .' a




0 F~

..•......•• ~ ~N'


~ . ..
(=)-1 (:±)-.2:


CI~ni'D'll1 hcllie

(~)'3 (4-)-4,






·M], :1!A 2,3 :3.3:


Hll F' Hli H',



III H', OHl'

Ii H

(+)-7 (~)·a, (4)·9'




Hll F' Hll


<2 <2




,tAl' p}(:i!i va!~ue~rO'rhetertii3!ry'\am~r1e (emerrll'iitJi~!la,~ iI1rnlbjwrs aftlie 5er pr'D'te~l~e tm [(in bilfi. (8) BinldJii1l 511 oftliile t mode limy X-I<IY clnystam~JWC~IIIN1!ii lf Ipmtein.lfl£lalrildl o C!Ol'1IIp1eiti!1.s.
!fry. 4.

illilhiiliJi~(i:r!l a~'oiiiiTIirmed


A [l~ic!!~~r I,!br lvW~id! <!Iigwl!luwlt is Qooewoo r'hai:08~bondillg:" (1.1). Tricyclic ~amlub:~Iii. i~'h,~biKlIi'S dimming :~oorooDky~,aad alky~ OOISidUC,5 of 3ppropriilr~~ and s~mlilar size i1illOille 1tam"i!\V f ~k(lt {'IfI!iii~!btn, wl~lch .~I~n@d b'y U~~ ~deo11:l!un.'l:(Jot Ttp60D, l)r{lOA,. ;il~d Hh'S5'f (f~g.4). .sa·ve: :S~lilar ~h~dh~g, afthlilies. HoW'ever, overlays of crystal slltll:h!!uesS1!tggcst !hat a

~bleh1!lQSM!sEl!' ;'!",di 5\l.l;1hUne<lr C-X"'O=C


:S!idechitim ami~

CiHFi gMu;p in ~fl~e pook:clpohus :P

!Iway .fro:m

l!~iC l1:IOOOOi1i---fichl'i! surfaee of 1[J~eii~doJl1:nn~. af Tiip60D Hi~ii~ ill!': poekm (55} .. Aprefcoofll.oG: fer poRi.liiv~ty ~~~rnz~ en,'!.!'iromn~el'l:nii cons i"'~llIt 1.1: wiOl F~s ~l~h~loc,ltO!1eW1itiv:rlY. nls concllUSion aLo;o fl~nd!s~PI)Q!'I: if! a PUB !!eo1f·dh, C-F inlernc:tio:ru; wid~d'le guml:[difor nilui'l1i, goolilP olf.A:rg;,. haspired by obsm'VmiQ;ll.~ for 1ItI~ !.1(:Unllklx of Morvaslatin. ootlfHlI !!.o HMGGoA r~d~l:l 'tlalil~~8:1. ,@:!l'1ry 2}, Iil'I





In,~d I!'~ ,~UiOtr:li~i:!l i!.t!f!~ !noicty gf k!JJ; (fl~. £5)-. Howe'l!lel. na :Unc:ar C--1"'''H-N inlcmcti(Drnl W('.lJre obscrvcdli,iilll ~agrcelt'l!]n~ Wjdl I~ibe poor :Hi"' oon.d"\ac>ccp~:ins Cril~fl\lil)!' of f~ JIUlS'~c.adl. IC-F'


W'(lUC fOlLmdlP

om:(.' jpw:lI11c:l lO er

urthagm.mHylO ~A~~ guru~cd_h:til!llnp].3I1e:

of 32 ,slrtrohJ.res ,$bo-",,~d ,cl:~~l(l~ betoW" 3.8 A (dle d1i~i!noe cu!~If!:iIllCS in!:o ,actOlml the

willl its d~~OO!Ii-'!oo pQsilivcc'hame. A hlElh OOm!

h)f~gcf'rnlilgl.1: of il~rom<:t'Bonsil1iV,cil'l,l'in:g charges) hctw'GCn Ithtl F :tltoillauadi 1I1Cec~tlml Calrun 01'

gl1ru~Ldif~ium~dlm~ wh[eh d()3J],Y ~~gh.~ HgJni.<i Ute~UOIfQ,phme chllrat~r ,o.r lit(: AI]: side Chlll!f!t, P1LL'OrillC *0 .lf~ n~e <l!roll!~"licV!llltrnc:-timilS of dJle p'ILcni~ ring ~ow~ddi1 ]S <IIUlDl~ed. i[ 'iU11C j?oo1ti'ii'cpOlanmuITn. ofnGI_gI'ioorin;J1l ()ro~Q H 8!HUI'!IS i,s;imcrem,'1'ld\. stmngthmlimg C-H··· X (where X = OJ N]! and C--H··"il! iililt®.IiaCdau

!FIg. ~. (,I.) nl)ll{lrinei~·1)ctls· f~V(I~;aJIi~ wij~ peptidi(: Nr!H (tt!J~d (s~!il gliEli1!fdl ~n:d ( .. 0 ~1~i,g~lIildl (~ (8) ,Fluorine una.i!rgoe·s dipolar lrnooractio\lils with sidlli·chlilliiil ilim~de:s of ' liI,iIId M,Il ~ig<ll~dl(!'lru~ yel~low).. (C) The (-IF re5!idlJ1e ~f a''tiir~~dkir;lhibitQr ,nmid'Bl:g:oeJl: ,EI m!l!IltipoLau il!tt~i1ig:ctiO!il with ~~illb!'!(kooml!'l (;:::0 olffAsJil'98 'inl th·~[!I' P<ld(_~t ,(If' ·thromtbi!1l '~bll!1! n. '~flt1!~y 3). (D) A ~ dilXllilll~ N~~I. '.' .IF"'( inter a.(ticrlin[hICJI!S~Il'E! Slt~wfl wll!lf:orllfn.ilIiIii~f1,tl1ff! tlfil'cl'ntlbin 'gl1lfiibit:CIf whirl till! e<W:VI!li1I!! (fig~, S!3i1l1ullta.bLe' SJ.. !erltJny 2:2:)1,

i~ ~~rple)1 mo!mf!'s.

Uponlll(JviJllg f!'OOli be<Jj\~Il-ero he-:~lluofO~n~Cllei O~e q u~d!mpoie mo~'!lClll d~~gC$wiJth


C--f and


also iseen.ful" eF~ !f0'Up5.

In 'fil~c srmmottlre 0:1' an illlbibJlOr 0;1" ~m rn~l1ioroa.cctyl. p~p'lld:eiclass; brrl!md 10 poreinepancrnat.fu e:la$l~ {mMei Sl, t):ullry .::l4 ).8111 illiOO-.Fall)~ns, of ~W!e CP.lCO~wlllpi"~r.l(:t :tnJ,"1II! of!t'l'~~{l!.la[ faSldO!~wid~lh~'~ b<K:kJI.'XilJ1C CeQ gl!'OU«JS of' II~
fll'OlCil~ AI; short CQ~mc( d:tslance,o;urI!bmS'lJlud.

~p. - C-0 fn~IQli'acl:ioas

.f1U; m.liIc'Il. nl0refrequ.elu l~llil8!r..IlliI~ "';llcrgctt-cal.~Yf:l'norer.,9.II,!>Qr8ib1c mufparnHc:1. dipolar a]ig~me:lllS {It},. whk:h cam 00 cXil~rilhnoo.

1J:y rrcduoodl :s~.eflc hin~c~. A~" ,~llcr s~!iCh reo!' ,o~o;g:Ofl>'\t -~···C=Oi C i~te~dQ!l-5~!1 lI~eP'DB ut, .f4) ·Vi.~as~~wd wl~I~iil.lIl upper cl~o;ff ~In~.trorinhe .F·"C distmlce o,r a'! - S.3 A (f~ s:A) alld S:llg~css~t ~o villm::s a,fn~~ ~ 140.:0 (e-:.F···Cc-=oJ and 70.0 :S, ~"'. ~ UO" (F~""Cc=o=O),. Tlruilflsea;rch ylc~clcd ..lOhjt~ s!w\vn
i~ .f"i;g.SA.


:h;i.~ 1IIsofu:;;tl:l!-If\I;! addijAno'!lledOiy 0$ boUl

l!Imilal ra'\lo.t.lh~e C_;P'··H'-C!ij inre(;aC,tioliSbdow

l~iIle v;;mcl!er Waa\sdl~outce.

C;..,F-"H'-:N and C":,F··0 0 in~:eI:ao~iOOl:S m,1lI& ·

how' Po:rgaiUlii2~:S:ilro'I!lIiLdbacl::~:iim .:1l'l'l:U,dcs,

\l,Ih!c1~cltwlYp:i'ffvid£IlfhjJli'Opln_ille ei~\i'imili1iiOOI.

llrl-crearsl~glllUot:m;;u:ion Cronl .<l~qo negardve ito a.W:ge positive wJlu'C {6'il-6cfj, ~Il: benzcnc,dlc; nega:tiwpole.s <\IJ:l!' on. t'hcll :S1!l(,faccs ali1ld!du~ poslili'ili('J IPO~LlS en tile C-lill li'ffi:ictl!l.oo;in bexalw..oro~UI2f01]L'l, ~e cll~.'" dislrirrl!InoD'ft ~Sff.'l{adly O!'iI!:Q tI~ Hl"'~ !.l1.Qiety,w:idl th~ p.. N a,ppo·sile. l'bi... diMilfl-C!tICm :hall $lml~g ~.lpri~.· d_iM(ln~e as .he slmw:lest. (d], :;::.3.1 .A.).. 'Ilhe tim~ rtl~0lI_I'a!1l1!lllic inter.a-cl:kl!!6.Bc!~~!u: ould !()"'F-C and N ..·f-C an£lles M~Kl~!iL~ l2~'~ ::::: hexal1llUOf·o'benmu: tmde~ ~g, cfl1cient eClipsed fll~to·f&Qe ~,,;tmik~lilg[ulwr.[cttolilS, wh[cll have OSlO, WI~l~~i}S Ihe C'O«:I"':N··.. and Cc-oo .. O· ..:r: F bcefnl l'IOOd as a COOlSh.clii,ollprinci;p~,G:iil. ~Sl!Ip.rn.-_gles IltfllVle values of 600 .:5: 0:,;11 ~ ] 500' (Fig" .513],.An ~mple .~Or·~!b~s ,dc:~.hM:eractiQn is m.o.l.eol!j~.archcfl!lhmy (67}6In I:l!I:Gdjcimli. ,dlrlmlLllSp Ilfy, ~t. was SJro'!il!ln that f:ace-ro·f~.aL'l stilck~f.lg found lBl. '!!l!(l camp~~ ·(lr t'llldo,glucanaoo 'GoilLiA ~nd!o ~. n!ilQri!~ai_~i!1ihibllm(~bl~ S!, ,e:!lU:y i!'!nI:'ro~lkl'rrn ~!~vee!l!.d\'C pe!~~~fW!oropI1eflJ~rin_g 25<); belle, ~e J"~'Ndlis~a!fIc!: is:;;!,9 }", of li\1,~,,44I!ili;J..diOl!<n1'17Z.d~I.Qgc·basedhl!hibl~\1r !J1II.dyl'155 o:rihc :~ne!,~nop.Nie:~: l siroln~l.ys~fI, .B~yG:m:1 '~,ll ig11li,l]lg ihe :rilv~b't:ech,arn.c!er h of ,000001llogPUtll C-:F·-{'-{), i.n[m.ciloms, i~a.e 1'11110" (t3M~ :~U,,entry 2/6], s~mllsJy oolMiribute10 dle rine &C.'tI!I of Ihlm duon1ilbjnirill~ih~~ors leads lD ~tCl:ilil.':~iganc:l. btlldJilUlg ,ruffiifnimy. Nt..~rthc:tOOB, a varlety of c1ool'iMialic :fQro~ !>mll~ ail d_iiPC'lTh., SQlliiIC generaJeot:IClil!l$i!OI~ OOQI1I fll](uoplho.bic '~~'I[[l1~i:S, (:...,r OOn,d,,,, P<lilairnlg into hi!?ib~y diPQllll, dipt]k:.ii~UC~ d:~!6" (JF{!tj[!O!~uypt;J~e pQl.w m'l'irmi!l1Cnls :,Wo1i,<1$ tbeo:...;;ya!:!!~(U~ lIl!o~c ·of ii!fi!emcH~15 iI'li!a.yd~nli!~ale qwd!1!!pOle-~nent mle<.!'acLijm~souildinduoe oiilcr orie1litt1:io!iLa~p:refUlrombill werelbWl!lld 10 rediuocb:ltnclJLI~g a:i1I][ty. A1loo"C-:F bends avoid! [loin1ins diroot'lyal t:he erenees be tweeu m:tmlillic<J.!lldlfl'iilG:ro1lirorwatic rimg.... 111.1:18, o. iJare. cdlg(}4Q-f;ibce'iin~'oil ~ <0 atom 0:1' .0"'0 gtn1Llp$. TlIl~s.[h~ oolmvior of F OOrnOOl>:1S w~.IffiI till!! I. O!W [h@: .~Gr. i:l'~.Cim poiariz. lWGL"ilPi1'1@n~ 3ud3. ~rlfliJLO~hei1yl riiflg 'Wlli.. no ~~ew seareh also reveared iii. sJlccilliic gGOJ1iI;L:.1rlcPrerere~oo for the: uliWlJ:ractkllfl bclWIX.'11 I rC -If and siJde..chaii1l onmt-d.e fl'.5iclttJcsof Qlu and Asn. hI. 11 iIl!ut of 23 bhs, e_:fpt:l!jl~IS frontaUy

~ee!i!~ndl.e~~~. !'i~il!re QihH h!l~~biro!' ~(l 'c~ronic aQh~o;:e Il (tl.Me :s;~, ~~I!Y 27~
!QmW~,ok e:f!1cat.y


h. i,g booQi'nlingclear IImt F can enhmilCebimldiumg and !l~!B(; livit)' ~u p.'Ilai'tll~i,!l~'ical~, As


7•. It II. Ill!l!n~ f>t~r.iJS'~ m Mi!dki1tlilI'Qj{~JiiiJI"" \fOL~o, in, IF. Ii). 1I:;;liIg, A, W. iQ:dord. E:d\.. (Eli!i~'~. AIlI:!IBHI'Hl1. :1001), I'IP,jd2', ,8. t. [)!:Ii~a.r~. alik. C~fl'. f~, Il.'!e.d, M ~W!, 3i. 2:~~ (,,003). ~. ~,~. F<iflk,. ~, ~, t;ii'!llleringh<!1]:!" !"'. 'I'J. O'~~il~ MI'IM ~~ !F'JilI~~",~ j'~L ~l.. 4,0 (~iiI(!l

39'. M. I~" \I~'fI ~11i!~e~ dr.•

liD_ Il_


IIb!i!lu'f ru\J~.

,O'!~li. 3:3, .:1:1(lW'Dh.

{1i1!ill inl.

~!lTI.,iiU~~otn"s ~ii}1~~1~~'n~galiv1ly. of

RPo!luHnt 'ft MUllt-er, F. Dl~!'ii!kh,Mgti!l


8t!Jttlel!f!ts, {if! Hg<lnds pi!ieferto Qri,~nt l\:n\1<tr-a deCitliOpos ilhre regio!lIsof rcoeplirn: s;itcs. DisfiilCl fluOO'Ophilie en,vfrollilfl1CIfIIS inpm~etns: b~li1lI® the IIiI:biqu.iI~:otIS~t{de hcmds (p:M:tLcula1lly 'nhj}!>c'ii~, ~y_p:1Jlobi.e'CilIV100ilmerllB)1 whiCh I1Ml~~'in.ll.n~

~oi,f;lOO 1l00!~J', U.

Cimtr7l'l!rlll~OO~1l6:ut tron'l~, il!f!ltr::.4ttiCI!!..~ a~'Wen a~ d\~5:i&-cl!.aijr! amide,,~ n.B. G. s, Lill,.Iii. p, Pel!, fI,.~,h5areil. ,", N, 'rouniie 'idues ,00f Mil <4!l.d.Gh.!1 the pClsill'!,llelye'inm:pcl .md It (1'tef)9. J. Otg. (htm. 164, 7C1!4i8(1999), gumuidintl!m, sidedimim of A'I,CCitt~dI;Wlgly;. 19. II,.[IOOJber! er (jl~ Anger!(. (I!tJl1. I'!i!~. !!la'. '~l... lB3 (,,003), 3 Fin_ltoctiml, into :r~ions ofh.igh''OIl, :ll0. II•..1'\ •. ; 11). ~hard, ~, .I'l!;¥. l!i.~4, 6oH? GlOO4}. 2.1. [l. L ~!~rt. i!9'.()lflUf1:r;,rlIJMPff ~)l:if$rry:i It I~.EI<!~~~, dC'il'lsily CMl,adVCf'Si~~y ail£:cl dl~ biil.dii~:gaJffijl1lit~. I), [; :;;~!1, l C. H~~, E4!" ~Pl!gIW!(I, yl)1~,W~4). !'il~ TIlt'! il1lrodll.cIiOi~ '.01" flUlo.rofilkyl. SIilooti111111UtS ~Jt1I~O W 5<1-100. I!igllil Upop~~lk: ~k~1S ~:il'li~ by ~1'~IrO!~-r!cl~ 22:. ~, L ~Inart. J RlMI{m;!!' Gltm. lLll'?, 3, {lOOlll, ~f(ijl1!1\1icri~ n'C~l~~$ increa.·,c,s !f!OrOO:;~e8 :n. It M~rtirilijo, 11. Glllmll ~. l!)~flMllliljlll:, M, l~tt,.Jl'I~rUoo, IJl'I!JfJrHi~fJ'1 ~!iil:,215 (~OO61. ~iindil'l1g :ilf[I~~ilY ~'I.II1llsmnt:lan" as (l()mpa!1oo 'wi~~ !ii!l1ni~arly sized 8l1ky~ residues. HorweVCl'•. lak~~~g :N. II, D..Ounit!" W, II, ~C!J,WIlU,~f, (1l~1l. rtr.r:,). 'ta, 680"1(~QO), into a.evQUilt advrul~sgcliJ~S c.[[oct:> Oil p.1~ysiOCJ>. :25. if. ler'~~ (nem!li\fi!iCIJern 5(, ~,~ £2Q~). c{hcmical pmpGil:1£5,.91ii. o\mm~:~~Ilc~jti'lilay \,,~~.~. ;!l~. G. II P~~m< 1;, ~'. !.a~,~ Ol~. no,,,,,. '~!6., 3<M., n. 9?6l, :17_ ~_ £Jl11!l~"I), S. Lim, l FU!1l!!ti, t.t, Wf!llco" 8iooI9' Mffl, 1~'iLlll from thc dooomtiOiDll Qf~~gi!l!Ulclis win~ GiMm.lJ. 2.07 ,[MOO), fl~Ol'O~]k.y]~idt!;~ 'l~ ~py !lpol~ af'OlIWlC

I!u,polltltc-:r ·"H-N. C....,f·· C'=o,~ndC-f:·~H-'CIl. "

12. II, J'!.I.iilmrlillH.l:I ~I Moo. 'JII!'~tt 27, ::l:9,~ U ~'1}. P. :Kin:ctil" M"'i'.t'ffl fWJIOi}tg.(lfflC at,ooji;tzy t' IWf.ijfll!1ei!l'!. Goef!!t~!Q)', :N'!04l. ~~. M. S~~i@~~f •.~~~ ,(h~m.lm. 4 <liS. 5~:3:Z ('21006:~ f ~5. W. R,. (I!)lbie~ ~r.,J-Ru!iiI'iIJe (!fteJ[!'~~i :~57 t!OOS~. 16 •. '1\\,. [, ,rllHllillehifl, J OIJ: [lJ8I1l!" <lIt '5,7,~ {l'Jl!>}.. 17•. Iit_ H)¥I~I~I, H.. SDf'lti>iIa.~.~iJlk.lJiljjlifa... H~9Bt.!l. {~m_ • I


J: MiWL C/~"i1\I. 42:0 2M7 (1999). 40\. M. ~wl~li'.~,ral"J. Me,a. ("'em, ,44.IM~ ,[200[1. ~:iL J.~. SfI)'Ikr. N.S, 'h~lldraklJlm~r; H, SaIQ, 'i). C. llarlkim, J. Aim ,~~!'l; S"'. 122,. '54~ (2:0001 ~:;;:, A. !'i.I.Siw!.o ,1:). '1:. ~"m~fiI, K. "'~'r!;k<r~le,. ]!. P. Snyd1er, (b~, £!!If. J, lI.l. l!$~9' 1201ll',i}~.:l.1iI_ J. lil! <?!! m" CJ:ttmBJoCher:n s, ·63.':1 (lOOliJ. ~.t Mf!~LtIi!!M I!fAtal!:t.a!i~ \ti!f~r()rI Of:,(Di!f~gh~ Clb!lmiaiL j'mjrorrrlo!lliDII :5~!!ml~ j!/11!l1 \IIllju, CIi; ~''l!~lil'~Dil\IJ. 45, l\, A\ldtld, em•. TDp. ,M,ed, Ole.ifl.'. 1.. ~.?:I'![tl0()ij, 46.. H. Fi5cli!er,. e, iK:iJl~iI'~ C', Bur:,ChrmMi !ii4" ,MO ~200(tl ~7" Ill.A!IbI!'r~tij~, m.. :fI\ioo'g, i'i!ed. ~. ~erlt 16, ~3U (:2'0061. ~·s, Ek !Fe!frr.r1li, JI.,o,.IF!DS~. JIkr.t ~. il~ .005«JL'..O!, 'O~


Ml.C., Damlf!:~!!Nl, ~ 1!.1.. ,M~~r,L. ~[j,~DW'(, 11. Wd!l1ll1F~ JM£t.r. (h!lll'l,~I9•. ~02.9 '[2.()(lI5,l, SOl [). D. Ptrrlll\. s, [)eiillJi'$.ey, IE. F,. $er.j,e<lI'IIt. {NZr:r ~1 frjr Q~ti'm' AIl'i4l ona .8milj: (ar1ilpill!~fI:8. Hiill, llonD~II. 1981'1. S,:t H. ~ •. I!:n~n~ l ~ ]iefl~D,. M. B!!l~,CJl:e,m. E1.!f;J €I, UU (;21002). 5·:!', 1- l\ O~!1.g ~t c~. (hgll:!, ~; f(I~ 4,~, :!! ~iI' ~(I!);I), H J. Oi!en ,~ !Ii" ()~I9i(iVM! C~i!1't 2, B;Ii~ {<lffiG4}. ~~'I.I!i. Om el at>; ,~oo~C/i.;?m S, 666 {2:00.:J~_ ss A. Hanl:ili!imil·~~r81~I.".(~l1Mi!tI{~j, 12!l1S acIilO~J, S6.. Eo. S::l!rt'Ii@i.llilt ef' (II" ~6JMI'IOJ, .room.. 4, 23M 121i106).
S,7.. UI. O!ll>~ ['I, W. Barmiflr. L W-eilJff, 11' .. Oiedentli.,.~, 8ir,il, 4 •. :llB? (19::nt 5,8, CdY. t('im tl.Q/ •• j, /~~ Cli!eJi:I. soc.. 12,; 12;1!:2:$ taOOOt 59, \1', .lil. ~i;hq<! hl~rib~,gj (l:J" C:~m. ~"]. ~, ,~~ ~~~07L 6[1._T. Hi. mllel), CW_ (~l1rD~, J-Bktl. {hem. 21~8,. 16H.3: (:.1993). 61,. J. O. IDwn1t1. ~:•. ~ytili~. (~m. EMf. ~i,1:19' tl~97}. 62, ,Z,Wil1'~ ~I .S\troau,!~' 6" lli.H U:9~al.

l-!JookclS. 109 'dle ~~ ..ts gf ~Ii!~ com:;h.l-'llloM,'IlI.f(l slJlsgcsl. SY51.c1l1,uic :~uoriHe ~:lS of ~igil.i!ldlSas a

I?!I"OInisiil,£ 5fil':atD£Y m. ~eEldOj;ilHm.izalioil

I~O '~Ulh9ilCie

.. IIDOl;OHI.y

1?1:~ystcodl.CJlllliad. 31nCl ammptiQUI, dil>mbulil.on,. IWCl.l.lll<OUSi.lfiI. and c:u:rmioo. properI~r~, 1t:u,ll",loo W gl~lilglllii~[i proteil~-~igal~d bi:rn!d!ull,lt
ilfli'eI.)d~QI1ISL Ftiffl!f'~iIl:tell"illlII Ni:ltli'!!l 1. [I, S, H'<l fp!!r, D, [I'iii<lQaIll. t. I),. M11rIDlL'j, in, fhf: r&r!Mlb!XJiI cJ ifTM"<.Ml'l'Ic.lI,iaJ (m.ll1ft'?'" ~iIIl, :liP; G, W. ,(lf1b~l'o'I~,EtlI, Bpli I~r. "'etdelllERJ, ,GEHIlliUll,l',

~9. "" C. £I~~ €l d~.8J~ ,~. {.\IJi!m. .~lfIl"l!S,4;!41 {~:t.. 29. 11,.C. IBifliBg~r,. tt. IN,. t([m. 5. Go. D~ilgl-.o, CItm:-,tIi.ocl'wlJ'l ~, i6~:2 (2iOM~. 30. !E.5il:II~iz~ eJ :ilL. ae~{'JlIl &11 (2,o~;.).. n. CS~, Ve~c~ 5.~8 I.c:<!!'!lbri~ C!'y$t<I!t~r~~hK:!1l0!!~ Q"'t~, Omb!lill9eo, Iy!!\, !J~!$:i M~Pj ~OO" !.\!IF.,Y. mf(n In ,21UJld]l l~_ .i\lI.~e\!Ir~~.~ h~,'I>i!IIi>!!@iJ pt!lrrlilFifi@!cl '"m :~Iloctlnl!~ .lI11 Mtll ~ (alOOr ~. 0.1 (IUlllfll1fi,.r.~ liD ~rtiall~dfl;tIl!IiI!H!dl ~fUCt!,jf1~), ,erttl!Jdjng PDI:j'ltHl;M(. rl'li!\t!llf.ool~Ii'I~~.~Ilil Ji'lii'jd!!~s'irmllJirE!~
3i~. ~1IIl~!JItlt[.mal !iI!JI!li,e:; VW~dOll'!! "~mg ,l1effiityllllKtill<ll<I!

ii~,.~:, ~f~ I) ..~. $~onrt!h!., W. :8. s;r;lmffllEf, ~..D1e~rid", H



6<1•. J. !ierMrn~j~~"!!liUo..

JJllt Ed 43, S!OS6 t2iOO4). {l.,\l\i:l<i. j, Ph;%. Qr.iOTIl" ~~O, 1$S.24


tl.\'I\l~. ~"Ma!!~!, iI1!j~ta, I,. NOO!!, y: 5iiinwMma~lfrl, f. '" m~,frtm,I'I"&~) lL;!iI,.225 (~OO~_

:;:OOO.~. pp. 141,,"M'il', ~. !filil9rifY Wi'c(J$ S6illit:e, I!!~f~el,lin.a, Sii!'!ill(, d~ra~~e 21'1,aRV!it~ (kJ~ (!n UIIlUgtJ:!I.M!lIfi;
. _'PFO~H!lfiil)"

~IMlQI)'I[B~lYP (Se!:kie :l,Poilr~ IIlffii~r,IL1lIl. 'l'ill1!!l> PilfI)] Wo'lll ~I~ II!ia~il.52~ '-3~.&'wiU!i~ :5pali1im0684)1, 34. :S~!'l~m(J'6 M,~,!e~!;IIII(\io~, !r~~, GI" ~)O~). J~. IF_ ~er,ijiA. P, ]e!di'~g. Jil.5~liol~~r:. (Ji~_ 11~. 1l!.Q~" ~]

ill!!.•. (,;' .... t:'Im..po. p. (liIilnd~~, AIl!~m, I1t~. '[]I~lian9llill\. j.llim._ ~111 s.1X'. lOll, %20 t2001t t? E,.A. ~I!'fl!r, R ~~ Ctii~~<ir~\, f..flii!d@nd~, kllg.~:, (n('iH. lr;t,t., Er:I,';;2, .12~lliO'[20f1~. 6a. M~dIJ"'llol w.99IW. l.. O~I:.aIRCI\ ~:f'"OI. Malfl'1lLl1~r Gr~pf!ic. S)\!~ill' (~l.ii:oo 5t~miri(. f<lile 1m", Q'I" ,2006,
\\IWIliclN;(II]Q!,Il.!'ll1}]!. 69',nfi!~ ioW!fk;"'~~ !l;i!,,;~i"-i!d~ f..• Hlfllfrrnanm-La iI:ocliie' . 5I.!pip!illrtin~ On'hi!!M>!lt'i!!riill

'tl'!.e 8[!:I~~~~i!:1i





p, ~.

,rl; B(lMl!t·ffiIi!lil'tlfI,}.

J6 •. mil: s~aJ'(jliii!s rru!F!! pffr.nml!~

RJI~i!! Cjl~m. 12:1,
'I'4lr~'i'DFI O'r ~mlil~@,

U!d'ilgl tlli!! ~m..!J,~~ 1I1l1p,:tt,'[!!lIb~~,mlt.Gun).!~,!II~

992: 12006~, 4, C..II~3!"!bu;o.'O'Hogilll.}: F~iJeChem. 1:27, 303 ~2(06), 5,. to:: L K!r~~,.l. Nlrori~ (h.tR!.[~7. l:.Oli3 (:2:006.':1, 1$, 1)1,. r. ~~~g, F. P, 16~~W, f, A. EI~~!!1<!~ lifo· ~~ 57, 4U 11?95]1,

(t:i!m'll:.ri~ (~II(!SW~liIlni~ (J1iItiI t:emr.e; (a1Il1:i~~., UfO, AUijilm 200~i. }7. l Wolli!:I" D' S. BI.!!;!I~!!J', A.. \W~be!Q. [)l, fl.ta~. .. II" ,6~I;!~i.~' p~!r1(!i;~I. k. 19, ~ol3 I(:;lQoot :!:~_ h. ~emltl'lal!er !1l :at. Qi.erm\fed(~.m' 2. 1.l)Q~ f~007L

11ler!i~~11 U2


f!gIi.S:l lii:I5i~ Tabl!!!; S1.aoo ~2:


111).U:t!6~"!e~~e-UJ J')~l

B, '_

IC,o'rral,aled Ev'ollulion and D'iel6lry 'Chang's iin IFo,ssil Sliclkleba,ck

Ul~e dl,;ilJ~ intlllfe~~l~c eoo~Qgy ~ siiillraifLCatn(~y 1000000000naled. wittll.e",oll!ltBollil'lfYcl~wil.gcs iail lm:!}orpl~(\lrlo:lwe lI_mgh t~me (3), (Fig" I E). nFsooii'CS .8:l'Ccmre1J8l:wd: wilh d,{)rs,alll[l1lm~pami'"


mILl(. , (I':S)I= I1!Q3,. J?=

over~.o!~get ti~rne scales is ~ ~!\'ei:l~m~ evoh.!!~iOl~ b[ulo§. Tm~ieeool08}, .md OOI1ilpel~tiOl'! fm ~ fUJi'e;.;:1!ilnl)~e-;<lire 'dmulilt I~:O'dr],"I!IC specialio:~ 'd,trol!l~h, i~i,(bcd!itfle~t1ilialio:m, c:,h,l!Iira~~eli"' ,d:is:~,I,acc:nll~'D'I1. nd. pbei10 t~,i a e d~~~)OO (1~,Y!!l dime!, 1.W,~dmll:m IiIIImfuOOJffi1g

OOeL"J,ex~rin'O;jjIS, lludliilM ~nl.lld!ies ptovicfu ev klkmc~ of th(l: coo!ogieall OOil,lro~t>ml effiluticin, but ~j(ti<lpoilauffi1g


,higlirOOSo:llllllio:n r.cooOOl of ,e'i,ilQtlllti,m~ruy d~

'Will~~~, I~neagc ~a:l'liiil[rI,~ runs a y~(3)\







~r~i!~\'est~~~ I~~C: e1"'~"O!LShip ol''i,.,,"~rlloopl· r o ie ~rce l.l_'\'Ca!ld ewilltior~jny dll!mFlh~l I!l]L!OUllUaHve <1IIlQlysis af&ntal !'W!cwwe,U' (4), .u1OO:milwl)'reo.1il~ C:Xpi!ri~1MZ1l11S _8J~ rulli of 'wildl m!ck~J!~k (JOp!J:1alicms ~1tl!VII1I:uatniniciO'Wllru" ,e.rl~r~i'I pro~~~ .shif:l .ffim.llilpiallll,.'tiVQru.\i to ~thi(;ri;ooM{~~,I, A ,!!~dEo) (ji). DL~rin~inilt~

O.'O-],It~= 89 lisb]aJ1ld ~vi,e:,l!m'ic;.<i"(rl, = 02~ .• P> 0 ..(5), ft<!haredaisily ,..-.i.ijJ~d~I.~n.iiQor(r~~ O.~4, p~, 0.02). ,Iflle~ti~g~y, .•!I.e~h!'ft(0 a mnre be:nmhk: i.'loo!ogy wid:liu s,\'tmrpile ~.9,8{~~~. ~,D8!rldl E) p.~es ll:ieine~ill i:w,am, aI'iIM;r9.W.~ ilfll'9.6, (a nlfllll ~~ of circa] 00 ~). l1dlle'il'id;cl~ afilrni. !';oo!OSieal ~'iin p:u('"Oooiug pI~~lClt)f;C dCiO'lll1g¢ !It!Rt!$l\l: d\at dli51P.mofd~c: Be:qOOf'l,te n~~y :JiCCO'.!t!I !<!I'ld evoluliOl~Mven by shifts i~lUbphic i,,'(:o.l~ m~d.M~ptll'iOn to :be!ld~ic I]LCCi:les. ~hllis hypoolllBis:

~Q'!Ml!''Cr,lillie low l~l!ImJb,cr of~tJno~s

diflpi]aY[~lgii1~ml1Cd~31nphGlto~~ il!n(ld~~r (3)


is pV'.1llinJg,

I!Ind. dle SiiXlnl'll~o ofreplal}(,'1'tI£nU of'OOIclill(!:l1ge by

a~.~· 2,11, i· 2Qi i!Ui "'


'~9c.U .. 1 9:11.40 ~ II .6.9.

,r 0




1tJc·I1!I.1GdIJI,I!I;, 11!1v~~rad!)l~~!lJli:ll ( to! l~oontJ~ic ooolbW g·VCf tJle lIilext I j',(]On~!'S .8Up,pc:!i'l '!I1ill 11lll!~t9tim~ thm 3 re!urnto!ou,l"
a:llilorphc'l:"lotype--s re!n~()r,s dJ[~ iIi10l1:lL~mlll1l"a1. se1.ecDioo (3'), Our amly.sis: .shrrws lfilmt d~.illal ml1k:ro~ ,:It!la1y~o; caUl. p!1l)vicie:


1_;~'1 10 i=.

~ e





\~I~.&iijjiiiiii!l ••
.. .... ,....... .....-~ .

dlrec~ evidCooe far d~8'(;S<iingrnll



'mlt!'"~!I!~~fI.!l f,9!iilf.--..

rt!'qli1ic niolile .arnil resooroe e;;;1P~ol~



"--':2;:' ,



::I '" <5


8J 9 ·1'01·1 a S' 4· :5 G '( ,8:9 F:ea:ll1Jfe letlI[IilhllJMi)


.~t:::JII~ .. --~_-"'1

m,\'lliOll imlms:sul flsb('S.

be detllClCd .ilU),. of mOr'jphol~ica~ d)angehi:gh~iglillSihe ~I~rlti;!l~ of

'1 2$ ~'~. [JiH~al!Sjl!imeJ pe:ivii':!.SOOH! Ueam mltira

tth:is <i!p,prooch 1['0 !proVideirl1,~QJ:Il f'iy.l." Mkfowearhfl sl!iid:~~b:a'!::kbN~il (llllld co,liiIfeLate:d e¥QIIIUniO!iI!;:u,!{(h,alil'ge', '(A) St:afl!ltillig eLeCITOrn ITilio:ogr,a,'hs 'L~L'iiSlu~nl(l tro~ic 'oool!ogy dill!'i ~hlJli'l!in!i root'h mi~I~01I'feilrirnl fO!licl!~:~ '(mp)ilru:! ~taJnltt loomi1ic ' (bottom,~ ,fltic;'krebildc. ~or ,det a ~i~~, ~iig.Sl. ~ll'e :lIlfl) OO_a~\.C I:adtiattCl[lS of {!£Ires ,.~ Mkrll!)l!'!Iear ifill ~ld"I;~!!!ghlta!1d lal;NallS!1!.d :stklkwbg~, O~'~ i!'!ldi~:g'OOW~b dlis.tri'b!!!I¢h:ms, (bl~!l. b~rn;h~( ald oll~r O'!{olll~ionfW}'ewnJtJ;.,. ~resiIJl'IU!!lliUS; red.. p~fil'ikilii,\iiJ:re; :so~ial,. llastiE!d\,ill!lfi,d doHE~ tlne5: ~r,e all.irsto, me:arUiiilland 110 5al1~ Sii!'llifrtra,te, Ires<peclli;vllly). I n, M~d ftiislh. mirurO'we.dlr' tJ',a{~ '~mp(liIk '!loof~o!:!~·.;;g ]ndi!c.arted by % ben:frlkr.t!(I1i1'18J[iII CCltlilt,mtli <lind III1:Bal1ll R:etie~lli!i!~e$rnI NI~$ i1! l!Jill r:al~e~ [jOllD'iit (MlllIsl Lakl~, mo~t: ,beIiIthlc; l>ong lllike~ Leal$1:: Ibel'lthid. (() f;o~~i I. rtiddeback IliIiIiC:~.WI~:;Ir;i!i1S!et (D) '~. I)) sehkit@r..ffle ff:~gy ()lfl,~~.~ shgw) )ampk! 19,5 !JNid@drnoo @:aJrLl@r 174600 1753V~I!1~1 ,and lG,t~ (1757 w,l771. ~a:H) s~l!!:HImpl.@$ ( with, shift R:fJo!Iimf(J!fI$ (rurof1ii Ulnl~. P'Pf!!!!; mwalrn 11IIII(]!ue' bE!'rnth~blJroilhik eml!ogyiiril I~atef intelli'lJiilr Ky. thcn!l!>l3Ind yeBIrli. (E) Tiro[pl.hii: nkhE! ,i3ind lII'IIorphokigyilril 0':111'0 Pd,. 2000'). 'f'(l~sil~ .~ld::l€bil(I"thml,il!)hliiim~ [0 d()l~sal!:llrrmoil';+ ~:M!;: :armor; ¢ 1iIiI!~1iI f~lJtur~ d~niS~ity~ '[lIPS~IClres 1~liIiIiniml.lm (If x 2. [J', SfI'lW~,@~,ID.Mf~la~ll, Am.. Mali. J. 140,,3S, tll9'9,;!l. 0.38 ClJlildmla.:d'nlllmnil o,ff ,ii!. 5.1)'], Cd~ored h.oriii!oOUllbaJrs~hcw ~khe sto:res r,efte.mlll~ the l~iHJSi1li;o1l! f the' s;a,m,ples i'n O' .a:.M. A. Bell. til" P" 0.. M, !B[gw' • ~1iI1il b!ilnr~liIic·plilrnkhmll minowlldf Spllli:ilrm'L!Im Tillllllll'5l((1le full.oW'£ ,~3),. ,(C)'. . "';; Qrlllyhall Iiib~Ih~<l1 .~O'Id, i~:dtm~!;.ilt ~Q,d~lai!~ b~a;yse :~~5 ~Iy p(l!~l;ibl!e dirwtly to <l!1.~ly~ diet:u:y C'll<l:!llge: in Irn.,g~~d Ol.!limll~ Funl;t'i'O!~l clliUl~'S IlJiust be i.I:Lf~I1'eti1f000n chm~ges im iIil1I~I:lOlo£::f. and.altt;jnp~ 00 odl.1i:enminc\vhJlihcr ~1~h.dlogjc&l cha.nges w:~re ·eawoo. by shit'lsin. fiOOdllrlg calil. boocm,l:l: cifiCJUl8lIi. ~:Gf§, ·~v¢r~grt ~~ il.W~tl~<l!tiQ'~ (If ~iI'lJphi¢ ~~-SQU!roe 'Ii!~~l cii! ~ii! :SQq;ii!~H)epte~!'vW!g 1!!1 cVQlvin£ !!1!'ICOl.gc or tI'l!!il;e~p;~ne stk;k!!c~,ac·k
(Ga<Hen?i!i,t:~Il.~).. ,,\Ie roCIJISO!1l stlc:kaeooQk for' 1~."il,lOr:casiOn,..iF'j,rst,. ~rillla;plldl.e best..k:DOWIl work. ... :liIiQl)'fi'l u.'liu~.~y~I~~ f ~,iIddi:m.~.J illfi~ d~3'~ lfbr ijle tfiP.'t diB~mi!i'!...~~fil!!l.di'O!~ (DF)
.1}. ~


or lm,phic erolQgy;


fish populalimlIS ~l - 4~ Hle;}l~scores "'~!'iC sigil.:ificru;d!.y~laled. with. diti {r"" .0.95, ,pIE (!.!Q$l ~md 1i".J,.8,HI,;M.II.IP. ,jJI5D5UP.p~ru;d lit NiERC .At:liIIa fK:.!dl _G gill mk(1lj mUlrnibe.r '(I' = -0:996, P"'" 0,0(4). f\~lllJlil'imp NHt!:I\l'St2'OO2l''OO673. IF05liil~ti'lWtlb~~ ~DLfeC!t~ ~mli Flr·ep~Jl!ld'1IIlr::1~r ~:Sf ~r.~t~ IlAR98?Olia:, Ail!a:ty:siso:r~bwi) sdc1l:lebacl< tt1:eil~ lrovOOlM M. ~rnd IOEOO]·:u&n ~~ M.floJ6. <lfI~ f. J,. !tc~11. QV~~ ~nlSg!li.oom 9'r~"Ltl1!f§ d~~~ti~ ~!]d p Sup'pD,mil91 Oiil'UillE! Mi3,Ulrial, le.ngoh~;s:i~l~!,Io, ~~~. (If ~i~~t fu;I~,(Pig. ~C)j.S~'· i WM'f, g;i~iMtrp.i!Q!,QW'JurikQM@m!Ilt!LIV3U{s!lii16fU!l:?tQCli ~!i!lg ·~~~.n!IJetbsst~ In[QtQ!,?,'l;l~reoo.!tl!s a S!!MiIO!!'
Millel'l,al5 <lfl'Chk!tl1Oth fig,. ~ll

.l~'iUlp.!l'!!r~ngr!l~!!erioll !.',~ Sr~ce Omline. $, M. {\. P,~m;:~L P. J. ~•. !;iarl, ~, c.Il'fing$". M...A. 161i::~, J J1irtlilii •. f,(;i!Jl 75, 'ih',1 (::1006). ~ ~~lIi1!!i!I Dy N:a~.. ,al. Em\1rmn fl!'ll!ii'lt il>!!{!arda 6lruliilcl~ (NlEiliO g r~iilB N,ffijBI$;r.MOOif!lIO~3 e ,~md It€lOOOo'125Ji to ,M.lIc~,

.Pa~il!lI~~a~'!lz', ~,62 (:20063. 4. f!"'~>ilfi;!:il: ~I'!ti ~!it~ <!r~ ~ill~l~~~

'betl~io"!)Il<II~k,toIl1(:clbeclilfllg speciMn. 1.1ds \!(1!S !>IifWO:Ii'I:OO .. by ;appHca:i:on of I~ .I[)IF OOi'iVOO. !mall (il'i~,~'\tklil,infishes oo:mC\':nli.:~ i>tiQklcblld:.ii~ wik~f~lru i~:O~~ r~h;: DF ~ vary si;gH.i!fiCl!ll~y ~\'\IIOOIIl S'lll~ploo {F = ] Ol, df of'7 alldJ S1. !? = fooiglaeta:l cooma[ ~3.kll:!'lirnl C~.n3.c1\, wbere f,l~i\lg~;;i;i'idi bet'i~i(; r~f.s cQ~ist a'l: tl>VO rQ,OOiQ,I). ai'icl:a T~~JK.f;li.i'n~~in~~~ I''''''''''"l ~;~.,.d· '1~'.. '1',' ,--fl. "'~l" ."~ lie, So' sig!l!:~C1lntpairw'i!1e diffi.j!ie~~ tl~[s~!)I~ all<io NV,,_,,JJ:!O.,., e.y ~,!!O~",~ m~ v".e!!](!i,ypcca.) ,.I:~ I!ind:I!Jjg~ic ~l$. miie dilTerelio~ ibel;wee!ll ~~e:ile gIDlIIpe:i.somemssnsall'lpies ""'lib b~llhic-~dins W'~ldjpopui:Itions (sarllples '1'9.6, ]9.7, ~.9.5. !lnd fonns ;resullm.III. oompe!ili<n~ fat ~ood. {l, 2", Seooud, fos.~il ,!lIDickn~1hack ,from tile Mi'OOOlte 6.9),CIIilllG~ wit.hplankli.vore ~iPklilat:i(iiils (ll.S)t TRickneFOn:iil:l!l{{fii,~ (Nevada},rm'vtl.d~ ill de!:ruil.oo, 'Wifil~ soiml~p;l300dbGI.'lI"OOin. (2.9 :and. :l.8),

] My

~(Iil'; .a~pl!!d l!!i. JI,~~~OO7 lJllll:il6~~ieII~'Ul~].3.3jl

ID.eiJI~rt!!'!lI:l'I~ 0'1 GetllOW, IUIr'riifEf~tyoru:i~ter" IIJe~CE1iier lIEl 7RJt UK, ~bepaill;me!ilt,or [colJ!!!W~nd t\'Ii)lUiiDf\!.~tOi\' I~ U!l!i'rm1~. sron), ~~, ~y n19\Hli2il5, US\I\ )![);!~'F!rre!'li! Iilr (ljd~~. J;.illi'o1J!rsityilftil!,~[!!;ter. beiiC~;5:I~r 71t1H~UK. I !JE.'!, ·~·o

~!lrre5pmldtm(;l! :!ihlooLdi be ~1d:llr'l!SS1!d[·rnai!:

,rna rk,!luffI@II@II!\i,ol11ltl!r"ac.l!lk

by ~ufn's RIr'X in 1995 (J'-J). li~l ~~iQ!i!lm, o'i)servaJliioas of the "'darlk."o:r lml~~ si,de ofd:le nmgs:---:.wllilclil SYIiII and Earth ~: Oil opposire sides




clil::lliloe fa

~hamCWlri:ij1:i f!lint, Qpfka!~}1 IUQi.n


Mag..~· pG!li~;g.angle B d~~~. o

rilVig!l. brigl~l~

As the oplical1y IM~

a s l/:siin{B).\""i~~~ {)pl:i~lJ ll'!idk

llilir.'le),w~ of dle dark ,!>icll~ o:f

The rings .0:1' UirrafllJl;. <ljfe miii:!nlrec:i edi!:leo;(!fl W Earth im leO,' ~()r lhefi'stlllJffile

l~rev,1mjsvi!lW!l. A broad '~~OIlIdlo'ff.l~liIt 1iIltI,tl'lrilll p4lrm,~.1I1tEislh,~ sysl!!NI'I Imt is 11I0t loorre!a~ witlili 'd1e: Wrel~rmDII'i\rI nliillm~OIll! rings. air wi1hIITIEl emlbedd'edl d'lls:iI: b~1t5 iirilmgedl byth~!JOya9EN"£etrafl Althooghl .~ome' d~'ffifer.elues; tilln 00 explail1leld by' thEl 1lI1l1111llltml V1i~ilil~gal1lgJe,. we (·'m~llIlldelilll8Jt liIiIe rdlil1S,t distrihmiol'ilwirt!hin th~ $ys.tem !has i:haJng~5iubs,tlnti~Uv :silil~~ ~e 1966 V()¥aglil!f' I~OOl!!llirt~~ and ~i1it it ,i;jCCufS O:~ m~,i;::hi,gr·gl'lr Si~l€S thg!'ii h'@S~W! ~!!ilJi1 '1iiI,i;jIffii~r plaWi~ry :s~ms.

d!'!~,~~ 'UJ lI!~rin1MibllRy. IbllJt '~i1!~trif!;~~~llg!1ll!~ fliU!!ch lilfigh'tJl:f. 'W~ p~~rn: a gf~!J!Il.H~~ l!lifrnr,ed ilif11ilg;e: ofth~ !.!"Ifltlt ~tdll ,gJtth e lrings< thlrtShQw~ thm: the s'V,ste-;mhes (hirqg:ed drnHil'atic,llIn¥Sl!liC!!

dh;:~~\I~, Th~$~~


~ ~~ !)iPPQ~-~ity t~ (I~~

:5'imc.e~heir 19Ti th~lf dark ~!'!Iit) ~iid~. h!'lr'~d~s~ rifi;gs w


o1bsClJmrfiol}of pru:tic:1.e!'l. On as: May 21001 {,u.lruivl.:.'1:sal


fade as a result of mlll~ll!<Jj~sI\Ia~'in@. OlM

~rIX!!!m • Sm Umn~ hal\: . ci~telf a 9Si!>,.SCI it ~resc!l!S !:xm_fenlC dl4!!l~~ in vie'Wija,g groo[~ dluring it'> l'M-:-yearCJ.l1bit The VOy<l~er.2 Cj1COlnr~r winh UraiDwin 1936 ooclliil'l:::d IICN dlat

~~:~f:~~V~=~:s:::~:~e~ fi_lIll~

Cll!fImll'lUyin d1C mad'st. afUm .tirs;l RPX since: 11m r:i!~ wc~ dij.~\<~oo ~nl(J'j'7 {F~~, ]) (2), Til~e RPX O!fI'i:;P.l a :~~)~:!iI1!i!!'l~ly 00 5Wdl~1 [ealuresnm lL'<!l!<lllroo~eNabh:,l. as ~npHflw

dte U)~1I1 M. K:~k l~ W~ IIiISOO U:le !lca!'-i!~~ C<l!~~a N~RC2, oo'Url~dto IIl!e adlIJI,)tL'i,IIe oplies: (AO) s:ysiJ!tl~,. 1'"h~ny l·ani!l,~'m:l,~ were OOll1iI)l~!led. lltc pix.e:l Sii.Z(': was ....] 46 k:m (01,0 I'), y.h::ldin,g am. c::iI1'l.!Cfivc 'r,c:soillmion of 660 kin. .Abso!ru~pl'llOW:.rn~lry '\WH OOaIS1!I'ap,~. from. Ur.musilSl'llf" will:l d1i!D..'li !!b:t'liil]OOil~ JlJ!~y20{)4 (6, 7), Mcll~I'le ( ,mdhydro~.en .~.a~!'lorb ~u!t]igh~i~ Ig~eK' bould (2.2 .lltD'IlJI so U!'mu:l!~ is rel<lidvely dowli::,aillowil'lg Q1L)r!!nt
~yg!i'lI1'! wl1nh


I;l~ruml's sm:.udoom rultW(X soL"miro, w~:tIlI. ilS .ooUllh, [[lol¢poilltoo. a,I,lliI!)Sldiitre'Clily I~QW.a!i'd.dH~ SU1I1,.SO

l!ffiI~ wil!lg."~llcre flm~m and fully il~un)!il1,uoo:;t. . 'Vo¥3gerawroad1;oo (/). l'w~re dluring.<I '~l'Ilini<m )I"e<!f,. ~!!eri!~'Rs,appear Gdig;~!llhr <} :brief peried, ~c'femlo.iliS:a :I'h~gp~f4ne cr~~:I,g (RPX), \\'e
~As~ronorny 1i)8p>3rlJml!n!,Ul'C:~.rmpbil!l!. !H.3It.Unj1,i1i!'I!ii~ 01 Ca lifDrll1li.a, - Rl!!bli!.\!" a~4:720', U1.5JI!..2:~:pa(i~'ki ~m01' lri~"i~!llte, 47S!O' W<iJlnul: :5tl')lH~t., Sui\~205. ISouid'@r, HI 8030[, USA, ~:SETI$!i!arch lor Extf,at'~nremiil~. In~f!lIig,M(f!) ( ~[;]5l!i~u[e.51S If!jOlrililWhiilman R.oadl, MOw~"un 'llie~, ('II 94043,U$Ii. M. Ked:. OI!l5e:flI~.tO:!f. ,65-11.20 MamaI<!~~ Htgliill'f~:f, ~~y~~a, HI 95743. I!.lSA,

fig. 1. U~aIIilUN~i'i~rd la,tTItllId~!li~ ~grth, a:nOl S1l!1fl dn!l1l1g 2007 and @arly200B, Eiiirlh aofSeli the Iring plalnellin~ time£: 3 May 2(107', '16 AIIIIlglllilj,t .2 00,7, a.IiI~2~Q Feb:mtilr1ji 2.0108. ]h@ .5UlI (~c!Sse~lle nlflQI plane 00 "} Decem'be,rr 20Ot! (requillJo~. 5:hi31ded r~g~Ol1r$ii'iidicatf!the tillft~ wI'lfllil, ~irih and Sun
,ate om oppo:~H:e' 'id~ S

ring Ipll1l11e~ (i.e,~ en Il:ppo'lite sndEl:llof 0" I~tldd~, pri)l;~idin:ga r.;lft'l' Earth~bast1!d


lookaUhl! II!lf!liBi~@ ofthe: rm,gs•.The! dM~



imiil!)le is ~:llId~~ited..

'''Til! 'L'li'mllil oonrt!~jOOllI~l~f!!' .~llOl!ild I:i~ di!li!lr~ss~d" IE.-matil~ imke@;!rkeoo!iJldli





IF'ig•. 2. 'E1iIe dark side of the ITii;lIIg!S, U!rraIIilUs:, as O'~ im~~edllby KeckAO. Tffil~ im!i!g;e~iSrot1OOd ~90'~; '5<0 ~n'lil rin~ plalliUil' 150 mie,llItlldhc<rironlially, .trlild (ele~j;11ia'~-!ilo;u1h. p~~ts '~a:!d ~h~ right ,~!! ~mI~!kated I~V m€!~(j!iIfiPi'~ Iros!)'., IEI!€!'~ th€!·f~ufflare p~~~.
of lrililg illltt!liI!ility ve~us pl'ojecilred ril![i~iil ,d~\ruIIlit:I!!'. :HOriilon'tal~ w:tilite· har.!:UnI the' ~liIiiilll[!eiir'lli'~cate '!h!!



of th~ii profil~, TWig

ver:rioll5 of sseh lpr,miile dire ~IIlIOMI: Ollie 1l1ltHgwated IIJVrff" mime pfu:els 11II!ll:mlilila:~ m ~liIe ring pliln:e '[i.e" ~hrn~ ~~~~mn$ 'ifllth@ lIli1i1lige oof~:re r'Mati10!il'; lbl""clk l~ine)' Mid the !abI1eM awrlS pl;Jlei:s. (red line). 'Ilie: 1~!'Dader 'il:!.teg,~.;Il ~~l:I,!Jrres !1'1(1f'e Qf the Iri!i!9~ lig!~t $liiows SO~~ less: d'~t 1ih~ j',a;(lls j~'VIF" orverlica[~~'liltegmtm it'.. He'rle,. NF ill 01 Id~lrne.n· ~fficmlt~!lI1iIll"n1l]ty; wtlilere J lis. il1l,ten,~jy allld '~i~ 'Ill!! s(lla~ fll!!ll: d!li~sity, Nlo:t:@ that ~h~.s!(g~fur 'Vilf dififermrfhe bN's, ~1II1te.~r.. ls,mitih thE!! black profile's sCilI~esIii!llW1I'! at left: alndlhe redl pmrile'5 SC1Iile

sh~iM'l at right

~~g m~!eriallo b~~\lrOOv~ 'C!Q5e!Q i~W!.e!JI];;j!~et (Pig.:;!), We d!k!Jnot .g!:lr;:ctU'Le ooc~:!]!b'dL~Q<vered (lIlumrnn,g ~ystCI'll{8, 91 bec:alW ·of ~er:e~iIltMvdy short e:llposlJLre tu~. The riffi'lgs sJ~ow su'b~I8int~3~,chfl.-ruges, flllial lIre ~~I.~di;1; (Fig.. 3).. ril'tg;~ pi,;'ciOLtnror\'v,iih'ii (lI!riei'iOO~Q~at~ 1i1Q:~~~ni,aipO'i''<iI:1t.Slii'' in iiil~ 1~IIli!iOO ,~oCl,"5. Tire £ ri~g i!;. ~,~~w~t at peri~ cell'!!.er,SO i~ Sll~~let: area remd;~in a briglit.n,es;s rninilil1mn n~is.a~lows ,easi!cl"clwroc~~IDCfJ1 of I~lhe (I:WJI.m\lfui:nt:er.) ii~nb\iriil~fl. BceallStl the IE luilllg'il SIOilid1iL1:'il t~pwas. -2,$ IUi~£S.:lilIi: ~Iri~t asiu, 2(1(14" and 4 '~n~ ~ brigl'lt ag.i1il21}()6 (~j'lV~


fOOlJ.~ Q!!!:ai di~<}St'O!'1 Il~ {)r!(he!l!g!lnh~m ttp' of

1!W!eringS. 'fhemdil:!l exlen( of dill;': rl~ss !:!~~rs nlIllich snilsi~~!l:'in 2007. 11112:E lriltg;,lire dominQI1~ ~b.ature ilfl,clbseI:"ilMio4l!; befor,c 2006 (1:.._13)~.i~ OOftlplete. ~, ab!>~n. 'fhis rime; had! begun eo fade i1ii'12,OO6 (Fig. 3). [Iii Ma'.y 2001, Ibe M~hl~M :part {)if tl~ If:~g s~~n is a tea!Wlre rer~m;.~to as ~he ~ cil'~ ( 1'4), U 1h1liS re~mi"e~ a!fIlbjg;IiI(I'~, WliLCd1cr this fCillinurc! is relaloo, to, 1m! e [MUllbilll.d of dlls:~RJl 9S 6 U 2. lAl\Illieln,was seeain a !l~n8ile,Voya:gerh.l'Iagc, D'm ring lS}ISlem~salso cx.cept'kill19l~.y brigll.t rnl!W IriIDlg'Il which \M1L~ aJrcady ~1IiI(;l!brightest reg{oR em 1!ItiIi'lnorolhern a!!~. ill! 2006 (Fig. 3).

OfJ~icall,d~L\1ik :~illlj Ill: riua,gs(4.:5,. 6, ,C!~ ~. '1'1, y, a, 3iI~clie), du; Qi1'ly d\:u.oo19Mc li~blis tIl,fit. wlM\ch .etd~lli;rgcts Itrnn:m.'lii.UOO d!iml~:gi1Jl. fmlu ~he HI~sicl'e.or is~,,~I1~rodi fi1J;Jn~ liQi~,~e;'$ d 'LXI~c. U:IC~,.II.~ri,~S n '~~!1t~1::.' dl~~,and 'tMrel1!ectivil,Y \wlllllie .Jia I', ., _,!i 'i:j,.. ...." "1 'I~', 'LDl.t\alOOy ,Lb"l ll ... ....... [11. - . _""!~ ._.rol.l!S:~1 OP1:.C<l_~ d~tDl regicms(]lf1nll,e S)'s:lern. A detailed. cmuparis01i'I oJ 1nJ],epmmes: (Fig,. 4A]" hoWoe'l!lGl':, ,ooiml1P~icm:cd by lhe f9c~:lIlilU tlile is :20017 IUiO;lll~i.s: ,oogc,o(lf1, $0, a]l lfilm nn~am ru'~~ !n~ C<'lcb (lih~r; To ~I~l thCf.1l.diaii
u ~.Ji il:.

R~cl:i<!~$i;<l:~SdWQi!i!~h iiliIl@im~g~, (Flg. 3,) s1l!QW~1a!,lhee:ri!~il, I~ been rm'j:~I~g pia;tyycw ~ by ye.1r(f'ig., 4A).11le ~ liin,g,. on ~hc otllill:.W' ~~ill:rldl, increased il1lMiglt11]~ by 8, facror oli' -:U ~. I\VOOI~ 2004 and 211061 as i'l eNipectflcl fOii' sn O(iDlea.l1!/, (him ciulg. O\1l~~l1.n~(!!slri,'ii,gS h.rt~Qf 1.0 e ~right~"~~~lW~'~2004 (llni;l200<6, lIffilo~gI'i (illly b)" afac&Qf 'Oif -LS .U !~Q$t (;6), O~r2007 profUe d~lfers:nlll!t.edly. O~ I!he lillil ulsid'e of ~~e

~~~h.ttmll~lY·Qf dt'¢f!~~t Y-O!l.e-h~"\i~


mimed!, !ilJ'l'i:! won,

T.hed~oonm~ved, proilil~ fmllil 200? (Fig. ~B) i:):co:rnpared wilhdu~ 2i(]11}4d!ata,an(li1l much rcoohJ~iOJilprofile oMrun,oo hy Voyager (6),. DIns b:aek..~CiUitt~t~d g~i'lift.etry '~qJ~a'liiw.l I.h~ 13rg~r (> i -C!fi~OOdi$.l \.vili;,~ ~!lLll ~OOfi1!i. We d~rioo Ugl~,tung goo~'ll~tzy by the pl~a~ ~!]gle¢'- llihe Su~t<lJ;geL~bsefVerOlI'!,gle;w:hldh~s !!!Iea;r~m f<)fall :Eruth,ba!lCdi ObSCl'VlIl.i,cj.1llS. 11\-e p,ro:H1k: frOltl.2004 is aelese ~inmlJhto ~ffileV;Oyagc;rdam ,m::oopt for its ooi:"l~er OOS{ii~u:~:ronl, The 2.007 prome,h.ow-

~~"'~r, loo,Rs '!,'cry diW~~I~~+TI~(l h:r:Ug;h!esa f~31~ i~ !i1QW ri~g ~.lblto~ tl'Q~~~)'~ylht;l broad, hl!1!f!r ring ~,
'01ilr ob5ervatlo!1!>


optLClli[y 'li~l!1 s,'heels

of l1I'19~~L IEI!le\vh£re ·ilil Ihe !iON, oplieaJUy Ibil.~ r.lililg,sar{; akn:ost ah'lil'.%)I'.!!OOJ'lMIliStOO: h,Y' nruiorolrt--s12Cd dwl, 00' \\!e Inay '~. !>~.m1g .fu.ian dU$l
dolJ{1<;: ~Ul1d:iilrlgilw: ~ll(!!ilt lri!~

,~f U~]US.

dis.tri~.i!l,m:lofl mn~d'!ese @


wehavea;~!fGd an

''o!1im~-pecl'' dcco!1lwilulio:n to U~e:15·p~xei"w[de scans {fig. 2, roo plUmes). 111is l-cel!mtqlrehru; booo slmcess.ifld'ly a,PP.l1t'C:! to a vru::iiny ofrlngs: in IIJ.C'past (5, .15, .Ui)., 'Slill'ilil:lig fm:lu 1I1L:: (!UJ:~t':r ll~e, 1I~e.ituf:iIlsity Qif~~~(i OII!OOMSl2,(}jilEl :~ dCIBcffiil1l1ilrod .~m~!.!!.b~tW fFl)Ul U~~ ~n~il1e r!,!1JtlN whPcI.l ~

disLi~~<;:hod §rol~l ~<lrg.efbOOles because it :~ ~m!i!JllJy 1bf'\:var.dSCi.lJJt~ril:l,g.\V!heri Voy~crpassec] UrnlJiUJ> ~ookcd bllIDk!owmd and. !IDle Sun. 'Od~h, 'til),. e:IDt£ll'iive lanes of dwl\1i,'(,.";I'e sct'flllruroD.l~IOUl {he sy.'>lcm.{Fig. .:Ie). One alher Imuag,EllMmallil!~~f9ger'~ RYX d!~q,,'C1nda failnl, il1~t~{1r r!ID,gRII'!\l'86 U 2.
C1!in! be


IFig. 3. Com:~ariiisoUi of Whe [it ,81mi unmit .sidles ,Qif tile ring!> ,of IU[,;liIlIS-, (A~ Tl]iI~ Int$i~e ifl,ea.rly J~l!lly2:0104, Wh'M tb~ angle :B to Earth "", :mll1'allld ~Iil!!: lfilflgl oi~i!!lf!i~g alfI'gb! 80 til th@51!!n .'" 13 .2" (5). (8) Tine I~$t!Iia@ IQI'I i. AUgUfit 20QI6,wtblmJ B =3.6010 : gllild 8\0= 5,.2'~. (,e) f!1~ Il!Jnll~sicl~ '~!'II~& May 2000" WliI'M :B= I(U~ ilIrid Bill = 2,~!", The dotted Une:s show ~hli!: PO~OI1 '(If lunlll'gll ,~ (to(p Innru ilnd ~ ~botl:Qm UDel'" n.fl peri,Oenter of s W~~ !'IIe\1!Iith~tip Oif t~e' ring if! .~OQ6,wai~~t ~OO!!!lt·tJh~ ~~!iI, o'dt'l(k l~tlsiitJlonliIli201N. and ,at Cilbow: tliie' twoc,'ci(u::lk I~Q!iilJinnlill'l 200].


2 ~~~~r.l~~~~~~~-r~TT~-r~~~-r~


o ....


July 200<1
VQyiB((!~r,;, rJi.... :l8~'


Y ,6


T ell


";::;:, 2


415 .D.i;s:l8iril,c,e' ,( [0' .km"



f'ig.4. ,tA) Rl:.ldl,a~pnJme5,llr~I!I,~h.fih,e nerthem allli!jiilofthe maim ril1:~ synem (frlom Fi~.3·). 'lla~1 (all'iliip:ariseo ,(Jf' Ute de co liI,va~ved(ii.e., olil~imll~oo'l~d) rgd$~l p~or'il~ of~O(l'7., .1W~!'i!gled ,g\l~r both f!O!tbaW!d:SlglJltlih ~iiid~ (roo l~in!~5mloiltll.edl fa,di!ally air/ler -,&5~! i~m~,wilttiithe nortme.r~ '['(lilli!~e fto.1IIiI ,2000 ((lj'.1rn t]ne) arid the: Voya[l,llr pramile in, b8ld:sC'an.ereci I~igh~ (bl:1!ck n!ilE!). WE! shHtE!d tihEl;V' ·13ir~i1[l1'00 m:m:h ,th~ KeirJl!:


:], 16
C2 ~



'6 ;::. ~

IIl"rlolli'~e, ()(!Ifl'ilpern !ilMiilngl forr .~.t:5. I,a'r'@ll!' lE!(!oen, I~~ft.¥ ;1lixi~ SI'lIOW.!i ~h,e 11f l1Jormlallto 'TIfu,eri'ilil!g plaine ,of 'dle 2007' p,~o:rnilej. Th,e ~gtut y a)l].5 ~hi()lIiI~ th,~IUIil€\1!Sl.!lrr~ lfff~~ ~~~a,~)lM d~,. Th~ SI4!I~~f~r ~h~VI~'itger data is ilirbt~rt!,1Y (orild orh'Cl.ite for £). (C) (omli1ar~solJl 'ilfthe doca:litwhl"oo radiaru prrofile olf 20!Jr7 hed tii!le; .s~ale· Oil! 118ft f ,CixD~.~1


.'" '~,:.~."




wi1lh 1h!l! VI,;i'Yi:!g~~pf!l)fUe if;'! f'(l~~rd'~C'aoo~d t]igiht frornim@g~ 268:52.1'9' '~blad~: line-; ~~Le alii riglDt, .a;::is:) aillii':lthe 'Voyagll!f ~railiiWeo~li!e ljjI',o'yager diart1l Wi1!'N1: sliIloo.ed m IiI'Id~dil thlE! Ke,cl( p:nocel.Sl.le.



ItIl.986 11.1,2 ~lIfom image 2l61N,6.SiQl 1~I:due- I,ilte:~ sGaile- onl left: y a;l~).lihe


~fQfiI~ Wig, 4,~ ~d C)I 'oo'k:

OOlllQ1l!!'1';, bli!t <1. re·''''~~L~ c!~ ~y iIlOJiiii'CSpomdiro'ktm~!iI'1][ri~gs, Swl ~ar oocUi~ti.ons l~m,l'i,l\e il'feV.caled that 1\,.'0 !J!I'Wlb1i1ril~ have hroml, optically dJrimlooJn,poments (J 7),: Ring "il lim.'i a S5~ :lI::mo'iLllw,an1 $X[r~skll'i lilld ~J!g 8; ~&~ it 12-1;:111 lioil1.a~ r'CifQ~ (il4lh h~liitg,-R~TlNOiI1 amd I~~aq!itl dt1lg,.t~I1lJlOl f{lm~) (21). The tiJtl.i}'ii\'<C~ ~mw.m;l ei{lC""<;:t(l!~.the: t'i !lUllg's ,~reiL~om ~ifOence e.i{pecIOO 00, represe!~ta .~teady~tu:coolwOOr! v i~ ·<!.!f!a_lw~ ~p~<i!~atim'if~u' ill'; I!!ap~dg_~"dl hi d~~ creat~(l!iland remol,l1!1 :p!'OC~. Ha\'!r.~v«. ~!ri~ll!i.eSS OlSB' dccueases. :P1!I!rtl)etuiiore, Fig . .tiC ~ll.Ows!l S:lIblic:: ~jjdlootiA:m c~ose~y ool:ilgnGrniwilth, 'We IfIOW 1i'Cl'lli.z.e 'd~l'1t I:lile.'>e stales are far fl'roln ~\1I:ll! be dominalM b~ {~Ifreql1Cf11 ~~UlgS, stl~igJ)."~:i~guu. ies op~iclIUy d~if~,oolm~ !>D~a.I'IGli d ,('J''iI\(~i''IIS, 's~ell .. 1Mii l~iitii~, ~8linjOOI .hi~b~.y fillillicmiS~rowimlg luighMra.t SJn:3J~:~ R~ng 1 .B.. illu[;Lr:;L'~~ !,lotv a dl;h~fy 1If!ml;El: Shouhl ~p,~<U'iJ~ "i... qU!llltbliil;lS (I·f dh,:li.~1:, i~;le 0lS1~'1;: ~~. di~il!lS~~ al~r ,t[~1a! (fig. 4LC)\ [tis visibkl b~t $I a Ieve~ fa!" &uum't\1 Anng {J3),

Ch~~~ o",~!'yw-'~o4G!i;<lde ~.i~le ~!es ~ dym~!llk<l!!Y p'iil.m~lc 'ooC@.~ ;ijhe d~ po<ru!<}fi;Q;ffIs ~mu'lli. we scerepros!CnD: cxtrelThdy tiny alilliounls ·ofmate:ri:1l~, andl dm .oJibils of 9rn,a~1GUllil graills t!\fol\lcrapidly if~ rospoillSe [tollongr.JIvim.



~i~ ~, IIlliIg as lI!thliifl'l1i'i,i!Id ii'll (J~

~~ . IS, M.

ootaljfl'lallli!l!i.wr,.IlgIs,~'j'I~llpe'f1d8.,ht~. Iter, ]" A. 9illrrli, J. 1M. (tH2i, Ic{/n~ 69, 45B l~a. ,2!!A ~l9'99). t (, !iW~, IE. A- l!I~r~i!t, EIie."r~m!I,.It ID.Mifl5. ,M_'lie ,Mdtlllio!!~

:l!6, !I,!k:. P;;rtllr ~l ~" I~S


A. (i. F!'e!iClfi. i>_ 11). ~ithl'!l!lfl!'l,


LS.o ~iTllesas faiirrn as


~,e high~

,;Imse VoyqCl" 1!1Iage. SIIIOO ill ralio is 'OOllll~ f,a~i:blcw~~~~ (YipiClll~ig.h(eSrnutcril~pmpCIII!. the [~:ics o:[unk~rol~i"sii::z~dI. dm:t Alhmadi :~GaIUrc'a(

4.3,.000 km (frof1lil.1i1~1L'l t'lL'll1iliLlr ,pf UrallW!:) cOIJI.d a~SiI)be f~'IMool!l) d~t ~] 1l;I)~V6y~~~ Ibu:~[hiOi: ~aU,l!rere!1l!li!liS ~mlCi\\l.ih.. t "i!llbi~oou."l :i!l Ollir data ~eC<ll!Se t'I, "WIlS. omty detJe<:tedo!l Ute SGu1:]aansa (Fig.. 2). .Many (llf tire other ring ro!11t'IPO'flJ!f~lU;are dH'flmlh to I~()m::i ~~'wi!tln,ikalo\YI1iliiings. If such featl!lll'iS a~ lOI~g.<1Jen1ilm~mbt:r$ of b:~: !':Yistmlll, I!ffile~ltl~y :S(I'm~how~ta~d d(:;OOtt:Loi!t .:l!'~~id~ C critic fi~jQn ~IW 45~OOO Ian. w!licll is nea:rly devoi.d! of' d!JIsl~ acoording ~Q 'VO¥.lJ!'C'r bm~s aoo1ll1 1.11l!lfas bri~~l II:!> [tlIw !1 rin,g m. om IPro:Fi.~c. One CI.'IIl d'ev.i;sc run (lJptiea:lty thim. bad::scat~ [~:cri[l2, pOpu1!."IltOrn. ~~liflt £It!! 11m! daia, Inn (l;:{~
[~C1'1si'ii~ ~m~umg byvttyag¢r~veal~d [me) such ~,oplI!!la1icll:iL Even sl~1gerus the ~ ri]!g,.\wbich ~l!led ~mf~:ll~y from tile Voyager epoch ~l.')dlep;!'esoot Because ofd:le dliihli'cn~( phase lUilgl'~mae CIlIIll"
~l(lt .make ally

IR!!;fI!r:en(!~.!l' .und NI)1!@<.,!i, L Iii"ll!"5mnlil ,tit ;r,I" 1cMMl!l3~, 4,~ 1[1.!(i$6)~ ~, II.l Elllklt,. [ '1M •. O~nrnm. 1[1 ). tl.lilflk. ,ffltlu!t' ~iIl1' .• .32'8 U:9'l"n, ~. P. 'D., Nli[I~koj}JI,f/ (d" St}tltl{~:!n. S 09 U ~6}. ~. G. \I~bil!lliI(~ I. ,Ll~ if'~tef,_M. ItSlflQ'1i,lill!~~" i. J. 'Li§;l;<luer,
l{o~!I!~il:71l.2'11 Gl~(5).,

ll. Mi. (ljfliv. ~I' M1l!lma [fir,e~, 'TWt!!lJiil, ii1" 19fn,), pp, 1n-orolil. ][8,. fit M,.H'~1:IiI n ~~' ru'" lralltl 18a" 69 ~:l.:Qrm. :1l9" M. II.. :5iI!Q\'i\iilter, lOOllirl 1:;1':1" !lli.6 [2.I004.~. :tW\ 'C Dlm~. Fl., ~. 'F~rril~"6 • .rtSmoi~fI. Go ~~i!JeIl'" E'.!t [6~C~!!, N~w~4QO. 13~' O,95!~), 2~. !l de Patllr el aI.• tcmus 1.14, .~63 (~OO!5L 22, J. I'_ ElIJIR! f't tiL 'III J!ljiitec l!'.e P'J(fl'V!'~ ~Cl!'eliNes.:me' M~Ii1ti't.w:rJ~I'<!te:! ~. ~!ff!f'lli'L i. ~. Omii~ln~ 'iN,. lB. Mdtl moon. IFds.. !Qllnbfh::l~~ [lJn1 , p~~~~ ... G~mllliid~. ,20~), 1i'f1. 2<4·]"'26,2:. ~:3,. L!i\\, E5p>ll'.l'itill ,i!t «/" Sd'flXe. 307, US1, (;2Q05:l. ,:~, W'I:n~~k, E, M.!km~fl~'5!iII~, ~'.l' SlOOllli~ilr., R ].SUII'!IUlf. J. C. 'J. [!trim, ~mr! f;. !... Wi;lirUlwidl ,!!'t ,hi;: '1\1. M. KlI1t~ Ob5e!"f~~(J!'Y [Q! L!I~r;;ra:i!lglti1e :l!;O' ~)'5!i~!1l'.1iII~ 'WIIl~~ ~~

S. !.!fe P:"~~r,'5" M<!r~!I\,M. Fl. 5I'!~lI.!l!"


~((!M 1J~ .~4Q

,~•. loltltl!iii:l1!iaDdiTiE'thi!!d5 ape! :t.iallabll!a~


(nalof!in~l !M~ISdl!JICt! Ontli'l!!, 7. t Iifi! 1!I\lI~@r,,:5, (j,G1Ili)jru,. fI, a" ~fnfnel., ,l{tlJfli!: :1:.80. :lS6 t2cOIM,). 8. M, ft :'i!~D'I'I<I'~er; l,~" lililil U~. S(ience )11. ~U

~ N5f ~nwjj t~~F~~~~~t9w (g(ifl)~f j~r ~p~"'~ OplJ&, u:!alla!Ji!lII i1f ijl~ univl!!~t'bJ 'i!i~ Cl~(~fr:l1~ ,:!t. Samt::l CrLil wlrr::l!!!r aKi~fali'l'l! ~~t!mefli.loo_ Jt:S·~-')lI761M •. fill! W. g,. ~I!d: ah!l!!Mt~iT)' I~ 'Dpi!l~~d ~s iii :1(1.i!i'ftirl~ pilttlll()j'~I!rij:l <ilr~olll!l tl~~ ,~u,!ilf1llia IlrwtilJJli! ,or V~cIiFl<ill.ow. t~ UllWef.i~~~m ~1b'fillTllia,<indlhe f1j<rt1olllill,~mll<lu!i~i "'I!iII :5~O~ ~imm.iilial1l (NAW, ii/!C' Wil~ Il'tuill. f[l\;!nCi<!l ~'IIW()rt ~!tl1!e W. ,", Keck FQYI1i~'lii~!t fur1!1er ~~PJlgri \j,i.3~ pr!!!jr&g.1l!y NA5A!. ,!!r~ Nt.I:~~:r)'l!ItG[liG


(RAU'.). riltw:)6J\011tb"",~ r>lN:GffI6G.t2~6 1[H.EL!i.l NNi.'@MBIJI8G IJIIUtSJ. $Up'iMlIftlngl Olli'~i e' M8lt'l!!rial D ,\'I\1\'1\!.I!k!rll!il!~gl,~gi;Ji:~Dmill!J!ll!ti.illm~"'lil!lll,1l,OCl M.atf'fial~ ~)i!I li\!:ttiOl!l:~ FIg, ~~:i. ~~reliK'l!~i 210]).IIi( 2:()107;~n:IlP!,tdl :l!.~ !\ugJl~t 2,007
~'llli5!1ed 1l<~lm~ ;!.~ Alilglf!t .2007;



~. !. d'e: f'at~r',. H. [ill. Hammel. S. 6. Gib~fitI,. M, !t ~~~~r, Xfffl~ 3IU,')!',: (0006). i(1., S. G. 'Gi~~,w~\I. de Pat~, H.. B. H~mr!fi!!!..I.!;'~,~~:i.7,q, I
253 (:1!D05). U_ I,.·ElI! ,\!i~~r~~' P al.,

11611,. ~~:9I[~OO),

11_ ~. Mllillh@ws, ('ic Ul!;IlI9!b.1i IIU, fI'. (I<_ Mld'tol!wli'l., ftll',ru~. !j,.:l!, .l!2;6 tll9!1l2}. U. IE.~(L~~5tl!ka, ,k~'~J'.I llS~.5,1'[;!OO:H. l,¢. file tlllJ!:r:llilln~I!il1 j\j,trclW!rlital Ul1lia~ ,~din,Hi~~ !M,e- ,~ G! !i'fng id!erufr~~~ tt!e rr~1 Wi~h Rll.91U U :2 blL!l !!Ilce~ th~'

110, U26'!5,iell,e;U~l}l0<3 !!ldiJ!!e t!ri'l i~~ormg~M !!Ihe~ (iiti"'J .M~ p;!lp9;




~<Wtid('!:~ Ne\ltl:iitlml~'>S, we roq;i!lim a broad, ~~""'5Ca;~I)~~g ~l!!1ruiQI~ ce!1oollOO .a;[ 40';000 i(nl Cron'! lh()i~~lew of Ura!U:J:S a~d <In: oV'e';I'ilapping. si:rghrl'~y ]e.c'lS '~tteringpopuliiMion ~aned ~WI\wru.'dby seveml dlOlllMDldlki ~o.nle~cr;siSl!tc;h,,m.
explaIl81)IWl. SlIliil:rn1S mtbC$' ad hOO,alil~ ~tis dir~ f:icuh wund~ how m1!ooicles :sligilillily djf~ oil' femll'llsizes a1td iSCaltt:i':trrag p:ropeft~e$ ooulrl

Pr10lbingl [Qula:nIIUm Comlmutalion IRull,es b'y Addi'i!ion 81nd Subtract:i,on [0[1 ,Sinlg~le' Phlotons to/froml a ILigllhl Fiile,l'd
1ifiIepmibli~lty OJ·f .artitr:arily' ":ad:rlitDlgl~and "sublir.amnlg" ~inf'~ pl!mtom to anc! fmlilil[ al ~lghtliil:!ld m<ay giilt2 a{(~ 1;0 (! ~olil'lp~m e!:ngilii!l!eriilii!Jj'oT quan.'IIlIIm 5ta~c!l ilI[~!iI W' fuJndilililu~liital qlil1lnlulilil[ Iphenamana. We· ,~eri~~liitally' fmPle!'iii~liitd ~ii~P~ ,~lWnQJ~dl ~~q,UM~~, o:f p!lm~!'I~~tio:n .g Uli:I,gflliil;~ilatiool Ii)ij, a th'i!rm~l fi@ld!,and IIIsed qlllil!liItt!f1".tomo9r~ph,:yw w nfytlte ;petl!l!n~f(Il:aracmf IOf lie r@snJtJl1fl~[ states;. Ill!! light: .Plllrtii'Cl!i'~a:r~ .a5tl1e lilili'd states d~pendl,on the OI'der illil w;hich the:tJnirD a!iOOl1iS.are perfommiecl W! directlv 1Ob.~med~~!!IIICH1G:i('JiIUil'lut:ati,~ oftlle [!reatiooa nllli ,tll'lliIiililatliofllloperMOIfS, ,Ollill;of ~liIi1! c.tlrdiniill «IIiIc:epts of '~.flltum m!!(haflli~ ,at tlnll: ml!l1"l of the qjualiiw:1iIiI Ib@fiI<MI« of Ijglnt TI1~ res'lIIl!'s Irrep~!!'Selii~ s:t:epmward iI!I, the: fl!lll IJ)InWn:I[ mmtfllllJf ill fie~dI :an!! ma,y provide new l~m(1es for ql!lillllirnrm[ imtorm:aoorl liIr,ob:i~.


spafi<l!ily !l~,gal~.

A ~hll:pl,e:r ..~te:~~<!:!iye: itsthaJ 'nhe ral.n~ n~<I~ ~eria.1'We see is hilee.a. dust b'Utlhat its, :radlta~ dishi'bu~:iol] bas dluaugc<i s~lu:'e :19.86, in fact ~mch, IW,QIX; dramatically tban WM S'Ilggcslcd a rea:f ago (f) .. Oint'< W'luaHy a.~rul1J.,es ihat ring
sy:;OOims ar:t: slaJ~iot;. bl!lt we oorw hil1{¢ s~v(!!m~. oQl![!Jlb~~m[)~e:s. AI~ S<)i~um"dle ,D ri,~g ~<l!S cl~!1£edl s~1}.st~ti<li~~yfrmnU1Hi: VOY<l_gere~!~ (l9S,o-19S U 10 Un:; pxesenl: U 8), ii1Iradi Ille IF Ii':l1ilg:JI~SO :!l~i1ow"~UIl1CllmrUS changes (19), At U N~tuli'l!~ ~J~e p:atten~ of du.sly rux:silTIl !he Aclruli'1l~ rimlg i.~\/i,ll)' di ~lrcml~t~{!!~1il a."ci[)~li'1IiPcMlld g

w~th il:!I,a1.frr()fl!lJ Voyag,llr'l:; fir.fil.im3g~ .~[fI. H'J;.f!9 (In, 2J). \Iife coric~!Ii!cile Ula;1'ch~ges .tufj dusty ~ill,gs Qver ....,20")"ear dme 500liles are ccmmuHl. TIle d~seetl in th:mu:g;' gJ;j~,g ever,. i.'if.C Ilm.UCi'IlI Jarge:r jjl sealG thaflJ ar.Iythin~ ~I~,

by one

tical ..'lie prob:tbilil)' ,cl!tm-~blllion woull:l j;ml: shilll l!llllil, w'I'!ram laI'g,ey,v.d~Jesl,.l~henO<IlC!objoo~ is adiJlccl! and thren slnill" back 10 tlsifMti:li!~. :posi~ion 'W~~tm .\\ll(j1d\!)tis ~lrnctGd~ For .m 1il~lt~bl~ of

~~~.Il 5~b~Clil:lg ru.tQ11~f1~~~ l~jhil:ltilaJ~'i\lIiCSi,g!wrered, a~ ~o~g as: "n th~ oojec!s ~ ick!\'"

lassicaHy,. (he: opemLiOJllof d~ermill~st~· ~~Iy adki~ng3f~objL,'Cl t~;m 'OOOOlnblc and


fllml lh.e add'iltiQn and nae' st~bil:llOtion of sii~"gle!;!n!) andfm'o~1n Idm ligllttMt1lldl~m:loodl.[QjfOw gm1;l,'rnl ca.~e(iii' !lIej;l!iru'lttl1ml lig1~1 :MC~.,d1 mcllmlby d

quanwill pru1idc~, IIl()\l,I(lli,rCf,UIC: siillfli" l~(m [!'lay OOdJ~f:f!lnJfrtt For ~alrtlpl~,. ~:fth.a: partic~~ \l,i',e.~ph(i!l<Ii!ii' tn. [~ ,!li:rngl~-li1.1od~ r;td~ali.olil rl.eid, one 'W\1i.1!1d ~a'h,!rnUy u...e Ihe roS(ll!~k: ~ a~c:millllcl! anJllihillatimil opelarorn afaa,ui .a ~jJI, per-

~ ~"!;ly m:,;i:ri:\'i, P th~ t~ b~a'd ~(l!~!!.cs'YSi!~ ;I. ~lIh~g ~e~U o fthe O1pp~icil:!iQ!1 Qfdw c~m~ ( oPCI3I:o:rr; iil1foa (dP&1'1Intll~''P;lOrolll.~ added" ,r"'li:mootoo") sln.kl, afrorproper Ilon't'lal.~ i:mt~oma. 'DIns Inm:k;uey derives :~ln:tU 111'0f3Ci~tlnlil~

~e;!i~ simply d~t¥es ffttQm@!~mislewJh'lig hN,1ld~~III1ptiO!]d:mrt .>1; de~e!"flIi~~ isRica:ddi~!ioo ,Imd

sllIbtracticm ofpm1icles

!C31l be

!CiI'C~liOll 8i~C1u:mihilaliOlil op~tUI':\'l r

oq~li'(lSeIlled: by the wi~idb, olll.!lm

whG"i'i ~lIilL'j iP,ho!~ c~UtDl'i o~t:.MOf lit .RC~ .I):iil a ~~~ w:~nti .01!. w~U-dCirnrI~ inl,!!ltiber ~iOr piio!!(;i!i-~ ( ..LsQcall~d <l !foc1(; ot¢. !:llll~l1!berg!:i!!!:lddeglote~ by ~/!)). it :ii~C"~es ~ili lfI.iU!nbet" by (me: S
~f~l> =

,/n -1-11"

+ ~}..


COlwm:l'm1.y~ ~'!ihcnl IDffilephalcm. mUlilhHal1:Cm QI~~.m('lr /j':!ld~ii).!fIfille S(!J!:IiI~ s~l!~,i[ :s~b1rJ:~1$a q lIIa!'U)i)!!l~ of ~",eil;nia~. lffil:usrudJuC'~!ilgOn.e!'!umber (!i·f ~lotons hliiteslale !.l.r CO!~e~.y ne (1• ..7): o ail.!}"", Jitlll - I).

oon.lm'ary,workill, aprobabi~islkw3;y. For tighn. It iilslraiglJJlllbrtvamd 00 ~howdl1UIjl~ P:ho~QI!I) ;~ ~h~l~ted alm~gi3Jp!,'lflicijllarr .dlil~llom ~pimltioiiorpli(),~:QI~'lddili(m (il.w~~s p!1OO!.IIOiil5::l willl.(ij~i'it~I~ ener>W, 1ffiiL'l: spalij.(illpffiperti~ iimd iii';: ,aQ[gc!a<;s~ca! l~~!sl<lle (J-6)i,w:Eie~ p'hotor'islJ!be!~eQW are oil5Q 'II!mUlrIDli~1i.!~ly·deLr;j)cd(]l'~ gives afi!'!il~oncla..~CiliI fiek!.only if~~e ~r!'llin·ed. If one: t.Ue.olS II sood !lghlfield~n(o the ootlino:l mlt:;w!iS:ilIr:eady It'OIlC']{Wica1. (7. 8). ApruJil ,c!),sml. t!~en S"1l1l:II.1~.lucd. cII1~ss!km G'!C!(Mril~tQ fm:mIOlep:articuilali C9.)e of rook ~~, 9i~.d in an 1t1~saltlcn~oo~.a1tIdl d~!ij d(!1tl.lclio.i1 die ~r af ~.paro-ill (l(l:lI1ti"$l:o 'lh~el&:·.sicail !>irua.ti.on~ d~ S;3:t p.h~m~mo.w ii:tdi~: tlte OOlttl~timlOl ~c'itemlkllli qu<r!}oo(lfphot~n~~t~QIl ~ allilili!tils;!iolil al,w.. ys ·of'lh~pI.tokln-{ldd~ 0000 st:M~ hl a we1:t-<kJtne\l

q~OI[!!~m:-mje~!~i!1!"1J~!;~e~ia;!1Jg~~c;!li'nrr.~~ OR) II)' pllQtQ!~5 m-t¥eJlt~g~ll\!g cl'lff~!U~ direo1iiQ!1.8 (Q:~m.servingdl1!:Wlil Ir.I)Onile!lilU.ltm} mnd. \vid~ CI1I.CI'gLei> liiIs.t smn ~p'IO ~Ihm~ !(D,nhepare~f p:IJJotoil.\.ViEnelil. Orle::: of dro two IRphQtiOf.~ fd~e so...c.aU.ccl! ~f



Mlen Ihe:\1 m.llnber·of~ie~csisproe.i~ Idi~ qu<tUliI!lm.amlm Id~l)c~~k::aJ caa~ ~V(; ~~ily th(l~~~' ~U~~ fur aro.t~ !'ieqUCI~~~ (]if ~dd ilm","; and Ml'bIrn~ii()!'!L<:. HOWf~¥ew; ~i~e ¥il!.l@t~O!~ !y






mi}!JlllIresof :Fock ~ta~:e.s~ .fJIt~ Olt': opcmtir:m of A 1;i!1~~c~e sl:bblmmion, the avt.'rngc mH:Il~U'ofqlmrn,. 1~lI!Im. prunliclcs in cilnailil staIRS iIirui:l( IlIflexPCCfcdly gtl(}W unst.ead ()!f dil]'!Ji"L'>Ilii~g, m;: ~IW: wo~ld! be
~aII~rallli' 1!~TI!PlOO '~pGct (2).. FI!!!!'!, to ~dh~g Qne pll!1!ic[e [0 !he system by ~ c~io!l (JIipcmtuf and 'd~cl~,inu.1Cdjm:dy a~kr, :iiillb~tmg anolher by au iu:mil~ihnjjJ]I. pcm~:or WlOt.:lC!l.~C'8d!i~:O ~ a liilml. 'pooMbi~ily diLttrilmtocm (if lbemm:::mblle C1omp~e'!@.~y diJfc:rent :!'roOm 11iI~.(J ilia! Ol~~. AIm 1~IIiiQ1;lg.ll (:O·l!nlt.~rilll!~li~ thilio~'avi()ris 1lIL';h't urn~,l~;,ffltC<l~ daes l:t{ll P!.!I.t energy ~Ol'!Sel"Y<lti.ofl <It ;;u~d Ih! labor.litolYl~ NQrj~l'SpeClr~y ~UE.N)), Vi:a. ~,~Uo a"~f<!1 i :50(1:19 Se~.o :F!orer:Jti~o, ~lo:r"'!1IO;::,~!<iav, lCep~~ent 01 f'h,~1~ !Jni~",'lY !!4' floren.~~.t--SOoo. Se~i) 9

cre.a!!~ a ~n.ttc di:lf~~H from ~hea,vigi~l~Or!~f!.W~tiQle!'!lpo~1 mooe. Ulc!'!'IlOre, dille 10 Idu:: !l.'O!lOauml~I!i.!!<1IDiVily of <Inc! U1e iwn~:ooJ~U'1lio:tr! ofphow!~sti~c!ian m\-.a (:i.e"j ~~,at) O}, dIe reverse seqlilcnoe (]If OJ)" plies ~e oonlrolied relloolkm ef asj!lJ1c!,h\'littm ,~mi'!> ise..xpccted to pro.dUaC!91,to~~~rStDI!!IJJiat is off the riglnmnooe by ~.bMm sp!'ilOOr(i'),.A "'c~ic:k" dl.lT:crmnfir·"OI11 botiI~,a.~'&,?l (itt)*' .~. IIil.a:J1I ~m.tof:fipllJC!tooetC'CtOiii :p.lacediin dla.~rcl1oot.M AII.umml state ·is· Jl'h~I'nMi cJa.~qical ~smtc of path 'iJldj~ the: mJacc.~SftIJi.sll!lb:tirn.cli()bl of .'lJ gUIiIli~Bit, f(Dm~ il[)y asm~islical !i'ttl;X'I~m:,pC ~otle"~n~ ~I~ ~ph~Il)J~ fwlt! ~nl~it1~ux f:iL';ild,U~.'1 00 ~j(plieil,. ~~. Us 0018[1)' n~x is ,dJ~"O!'U!a1 il'! Ihe flock ly pr-C)\tcndlal!dte ~ne i~!tJ;OOd!llIres fc)f"cQ~dijH(I~ snarta ~0l!Si!!'l and, aocofdiiV1~~Y, ,e.Xhilbiu. !10 ~!U!8e desinWe·pl~o«m:add;i~icm ,mdi!l!!b!~ir.urronl a~lgl~t pelDlcli:m.c,e.. [~calil.lh~s 'be c;OI!np:I.e:lelydl.-:s:et;ibed lickl. lire faitillli~l:ii~iliblP.liernOOlnlfiOOlS, o:f Inh.Ci ~l:iot:om ere.ati(m aind 3JlIl.ill~i~rilli.oJn, OpcratOfS U;f :md [(If iJ~ terms of its P~flClt.DWllllLli~lbenli!1i11irill)ll~ioiili. TIle ad('!ul~n300. su.blmetlQll o:l'l3i :singre ph.moo from Imll' clji"S1lllIPOOlnt~rieg.lliln8.1ilcl!oo.qm1I~c: J>p-all.o~imlprual mod.(': (lool:a.[Dling 1I1L'::1I100ill~~ splulUl.r mfl!L'lt!liviI:Y (2)~ COlil'lhlnilng .SJlI1J,gJl~"WJIlJC! mld. sl!b~ti.{I~ by ~Il ~:l~U~oo.'i: Cg!1~ !iglll ~mca!:I be poclbf~l3cl~n a o~:tditi:o!m1 w~y. ~ilign U:l!Il is, ~2i' ~~flodl!!!c[!l.g t~·~!pllQtO!'l.i:l!ddJed.o.f the slill![e~<l! ~Tll!ldl haroer e"'lPcriW!l~ml d~1J[h::r!ge beeaase irI requires <I, per~ec( ~naMling ofOliIiOre · sl<!!ei()!l~Y~ '!he !1oO¥ili¥e OIllil'cOH'e jlfl:wi~vcd fl.Ci.cIl1Ilooes a dotlbl~ CO:In~ of II. sc,p-nmrrrc: lilI1CMlli't}llilent ]npan:ncl~lM,.nIICOOU' Ironed. !I.d.dl~lirrlll of'a $[ngle :p,:hoIDJ1l.ea.nbe ~:8iliz,,"'d ditio.lll~llg, w~,tffi} IIIWfI!lOll. hnwllf SIllCOCSS ram, tOp:l'n~ by lthe t'lOJild:i~iQndl sti!ltlllJ~dI parmnc(l'l,e· pam. 111(;lliul8!ll~g~.~t slale. 1:Q~rforan I1t'(; o~rarrLun,,~Du. il)II,!'Q, :IWO s~p~e OO:IIiIV~fS~M :um.a fl!Qm.I:1t.t~<'I!r op~ical C~:SI:at (3-:5). WiEle!! :1liIi! I~ ItI1lViOrel p~l'!lIp ~;hgroo[l i~:I~el'llc~ in ~~~ "'~ have oou1lb!ued 'I:I!I('C di~~~tmtr'!oo~ UleC"ry~<!!. i( :my !I»,mUtnco!!!.S!y decay ll'llo ~'W'(I ules., e~b ilJ1ple.!lm~~~tiffilg a.CciOl.J of <! specific .be




~iQ"rl'lilIDFIO; Fl\jlHm~. Ila~y,~d1odl of~\a~Ih~I;ra<l1ii3 .all1llli'ilif:li~ T~ QIlI~l'Ir5. IUln~i;oi!f.~lf, Bell',ast, Illi;' INN, UK.. ~!stillilii INli!!i!iQn;).~~ iii Ot!l[.il J\RpN(~"I:.;J rei'IJ!It Largo II!. F~IiI1~ 6, I~O1l25.1 ftoH!;liiQi!,. I~ilt~, . ''1iJi I1jhl);mtlj)rr~.5jiKim~nre shool.d be .addr~ied. [~nfI3il:


lFig. 1. .Schemilltk oftihe !iffiJuMilnm!of mool!l:~e:s 1~~p"~~illtIiI,~ spociffi:c '(!llI'anblm (J!;D~iigltO(iI'S a.aJiflg Q!iI' ·aJ QUilIlliIll!1illI l~'lgirtfield (denoted by its density llilllilU'b;: y;il'i\1~' .A modulefolli singlfr.p~ol!olill uwtJiom I[d~~'w~b¥,~'t) b: j!:!1:amdllb~!!lr:l twg, mQdi,!l~rgr ~ffIii91e,~hotoo ilIiiinihl1fa"l:iGlii (de;ifietedlbya).1lhe: finial. !l:tate PtJ~ Is; m.mdriliollally lprep\llJed ,8In:damla'~¥zed lby Hi!.Il!' hQltiodYJ1et die'OOdor wilrli~,Ii'I~li'ef'a :5(pooflc ~'eqU@'lllee ·c;f ~dli::ks'" amiIiEdro::m 'ithi! l~o!il",I~ CiftdilS: l~aSlledi m~ bylbe Ilbgk ciuul~ (0. Sim9~eo;[)ti~k ~~!'ItS h~raM ·thet l~ro(hilm(lfll (If g "ph!(ltnn"add~~ or "lPho'tO!:'l·,d"· :~1lare. Double-did; e\i'lelill:si • 1~'E1iI:aldhf~ fl\fodurno:1iI o,f <I qUidlil.tJum ~tllre that 11a1l t 11l!f!~~rgOO~th~~q~!i!t'!!l gf' pho'OO!'ilI!l~dlitio~ and Subtuiawolil ijf'l/tke, Doil!til! jIICli1Dlilewbfimolii IIl!v'!!lrrlll in.a mot cDIlI!iidllrriE!d 'ifllhe pre!llent.~perim!!\nt

W!lip.. PWes .a:t alwaJww.n~ sf 7861i1iill ali! .!ifl.iittmail: (ilrepeotij.1i:iOI.i we: ora.2. MHz pjc,o:simond l1:s<lpplllire· Ia!ier .. They'i'lNl ~1J1.i11y 11IlIIiglill-tral1lsmlSliiot!ll (Hill) iill1Id .:I ~,hb f,~fm~ty (1Hrll} ~~Di!1 ~U."·iOO :5!~~ ~s (~, th~ Pl!l~~'rb>r para~i'ltfk.,d~wr:li"{~iI'I,II~non ~1iI 1I.3-mmo1hick. tylP~1 b@td"':biUili!ffl.borate: '(BBG) uy.$Ia~ ~f ~~~I!I(1f'dcl.!bt]nglinl ill tii'l~lim1fbDfilm WSO) 'C'I .:II; (ji) Ihie!>eedli1l1i1Bmrillli!l!~.lie,rdI~ a.filEr .!>ca1:l1Pring 01 <Ii rotMlll1lg gro!!md Ig~!> disk HW') anid :~pi! gl by al singb.H!'lode O,~~ca ~.Iii'b~~ ~h(ll!Tl~';aiildUii~tI1~ lo,,~l (!!Soll.amrfireklf,or bal~g;iII~~dllno.m(ld~n~ (!11M d~OliI (HD) cllfiter mi:dlilQ 1ffiith 1heililVe~g;mdstaroes~!:'l1l 50% beam 5fl~ii1iter(IB5). F i~.a wmWJnaoolli of SiJedtal .and ~1Iil:i8ilHlh1fli made OiT!ii p'air of J{1ta~OfIil1irerrer'BIilIiEl fi~rer5wiil!iI Ii lfIarrow (~I GHz) ~c:.tri3il wldth, ami i3I i single"roigd!!l' fl'b~f dirn~tI)v("{i(!f!f1~tOO ''!:g. ·al~ !g!1!g~~h9~d~d:~r p ~fI~fkinr~!!lf SPCM .AQ.!l.~l1l4. ,denoted by 0:1). Pairs a:~hlalif,;w:al'llle:~pl.ates 01./2)1 a IiId pol.arizin.g ltiIeilim .~plitE!irs (PieS) sel'W tio im\pLem~ltttile fiig\, ;2:. Experime\liltlll



ptJ,oWlII-Sl.ibtr:arn(mmloolul.e.~ tOg:Bthe: with. :liber-(lOllI,~l.ecil omloR pi!OtoderteclC!ll"l]

(de.~HDted I~


qtl!~~tnl!m.\1I~~'Qr Q!I~ I!!i!eU~~t~i{"~(fig, QQ~nb:~~<l]irn'l8 ofl~r-w<¥Ve p!;ues ~!td p~;:llarlz~n,g beam, sp'lillcr:s,I:og,etb:er wj!llil Of1VO:ff"phot.G<futec. I~Ors, dl~ rel1lJ.'Jo~edChQUlild, fonn dJep~llQ,t(m~ til !lnblmonion nlOOol(lli IfIml !lrepiaooclil~ Idm pill,11lof I!WI~~~m'iB!1 Hglr~ .fie.ld, ~gpe~!i.~ly ~r~~ ,mtru an:~i",nt~~pa~i'1'1~~i{:~ry5t;111h;'U:, ..v~d'i 11i¢()'iii/off pho~ocl:e'leclnfi~ !he Iri£~f cliJa!l!lieil. f~rnls lJ1~e [llwfrnI.,addlimioll rlKldule. By rcY.\atillilglhc' ~.\!;'Oli~df~ wave plates, w;e ~UI, cOl1inro:lll1~cbca1Iu~s;i'Um,'lu& 1 fl:oou,vi'IiGSto :a:~~cn\Rtc<ly ,s'Witeh off Oit~ or both of I~IEI~ stllntrnoliou ltIiXldtlil£s, ll1ent 'by choosing lit'!': l[jw~[oo~nbiIDl~~iOl:l·OfCl~~OOI'mililS: (rami ~~('l I!!!~'(': e!~oo~, \:ve .C;U~.~cl d thedesin..~ ,q1larqtrYm Oi:pero.~iOl'!, Of any seql!lc!we ·ofUlcm. A sir!~_e eliek slu:uply oondlitimlS 'dm gcnem:l:iofl ,ofElpfucrto~,~ added orp'hoton.subur8()!joo. liimlm'l9l stale, whctea.') a dooblf: iC~Lek 'MIl ~ilhC(prOOl1e~9 fLlrsit·~~lOOr 1~lheUl.·oodcd.1l1cnnl!;l]aru: rviC£'!,!I~8, d~(lndiumg a




E OAl,'





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tUllLxilbrmli!\ boililnooo.lII!ooloo-;ynce dCWClo;,,(9) ~n !!n!ll~ d]e:o(m::i:i~i(llliOiny IUqlOlred

by rcpeale.dlymcasunl'lrg Ilheilicleeuie ~idd q um:lrolll:li'CSarncli buHdil:trg u,!?, ,q)tk"ldmtufe dl~stribu,. It\too.~,nc refi1r:Gitleeflcldi (USlLI,ilIiUy 11\'11noo. ~1omJl QisdU~lQr") for the: h,o.modJ.yn.e m:e:ilSlIlooniLj,ln~s

i1= '1,.8

oomes frar!1 th~!!mTI:e pic~sc.cond p~l<;~,

wh~(;b ~l'lro'i,l'ildc,~U~ctlle!lnliilsoedfi.eld! and, onee froql!l!€'.I!lcy=d!oub!ed, liIl!epullup pul~lhrd~e prna'" ]ll(\lni".icQl)'SI;~~ (iFUg, 2), As I:h.egcllcrmoo Sttl.ICSa!i'C~ bY,Oo:lil!>h.elli!o:Il'rhasc ili'ld:C;~lldcml, \~ hll'i;'( qU.1rodi !lro!llt ] It qilladrnJDl.Inl: lln~tl'eIlm!..~E;gPLlf sbJ~. lea~'il1ig m~ ~hmH'l ofl!1~l~roc.a!~o*cillMor tllii~oclb(xt As l~heooiU~bi[Jed! <!coion ()fo:!ddi1oiOJfl ,Illldi .-- 0.4 ,.,

li: __ 0.2
0.0'"-"" ......... -

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~.Q!dl~gll)li~~ distribl!lti!o!ililhirtogra!~s and th@~reti(a:1 {l.!!!:'\1~ ('S!llIpoerpoo~d ~~ldll~i!1@'$) 'Clfi,glooll!l1,e:nili. ,sUli1»; ~B.) tliJelJhDWIIi=.Sl!nma~(!I1 stat:@,; (C)~IilE! l~hOliOI1,,~~@dl stm; (D~tIt@ phomn·<lJl!'d,f!:dl-1:helil·~I!I'illr..cted s,t1~('; I~E)the lphmoo ·5lil:dr,i:lClOOcl,.;thBl'Nlddedl~ti!l11e. tine' ~~Dilildi(!,dlllnlil . the·~(al~ (f!~d b~rs) ;;;md'~lIPe:rim~V'!ti!~1:y rfiOO!i!$,tn!!:tOO (sIC!t1d' d~ wlth ~r~ We have Ill:'l\t li'OOa'IUroddl~ IlLlilpertu'bed thef~ show's th!!l !l:)Cff~Jidhi!!iI bi'lffi)'ph()'tOlll IIJl.lm:ttle\r diS'tribuibloolS" StMe-s re:mttl1'lfIgl fRiOm alHrnll phOftilfl a:dldion prl~'l1It ill very ~iIIlll r!1<'!lli;gJlt!ie!dl; til",,] ille 3W'¢ !l'eSwt!i!!igrrom s:iing~ ~:ho':on ou:ldition, 5~ul\lie-m)lwt'm~8111ib1.!!ra_c:!.ion, ,iJjm~ lI'<3l~UUlmlCOililtribdiolil,wihkln make:s them highly 1iI01il(hl515icaL'lrh~ r,esi:du\8JI.~ru IIImoom derives frGJflil fO:li ~an bomb.he @_dditk~!'l"sub!racli(!,G!n~ i!l!'lJlPerli~M. illl, Ii~'pIllPiifatl:l:ml of tli!~s,tama~dI 'is satlsfa(lOOfiy ,acool!!!1:ted :b'V thet!lilloof'~C3!ll~()ci€!I. , adklioo,H. iSeql!lCI~Ces;Flg.Lnrc 3 sho\,>rs the e.xperi~ (2). ne 1iI'I:~IiI'I~hot:O:Jfll1ul'lilberilfl thE! £tah! ~~; sh:01M1i .~; 1~1(I!Il!atedl homlilil'E! r,@l:onstrl!l~dj ,~ai5'l!nbl!litio:Jils. :~n(;ultal,ql~1lIre dh;:mblllkms 'or all.ilID Sla'l~ The: expe.r.iUn0~nfll.~~yrccmruS1LnB}llil>di d,e:nsity (!I:btajmxl. mm,lnan. miUlaB.llli"i~l8Jldtismlhureioll wi~, tWI) fimll SlaliLlS am differelDl rmm ea<:h O'Ih~ruld. foom the {)rigililal.l!Ilmm.lf:il$lff~!J, .h~. otib eases, d.~e b n'latrilx elmuelill>:: fQr ~e s~m;rt'Sl~al\l\L'ldl£U DeOO w;t':cl ;:;: 0'.51, togc.tilt'f wirlih, 'fil~ccrne:s cakttliated = : f1.mcliaJII.'J WF le..\h1bil1l, .. cleae c~nlli1;;l,i clijp..,;il~d~is; <!!OO@9(~!! wl'li'l!;l :ke~h:l!S,a u. ei([l'~~leD1td, im:A:ici~n.c~i!~~o 10 ,o,b~in. thciroo~dil:!,gW!~Ile!" I!le WI grOW; Ul'f;)fmillk:~d. S~J~ a cli'p n:acllCS (\-VIF!!.) {I 3), Ql!ac .. &·~rcthabUity 'd!iS'!l!'ilJudon.s flUny @..cwl,ml: (2). 1"\1' e;o;;lto ~~~e!J~, he c(Y,f:aI~:,sP'IJm;lin~rhoi d~be ~!bet~ ·of~ qUjm~l!l!lw SY,S~IH hlph"ll,,_'lC· ne;gadve vililllJJ~ f()fthe slIibtract"'lhe'!l.".ilIdd ,S~ s ~'Gnmnnlber ~r'\)OObiU.ty distriblll:tkms ~p'loUedl as: daeOl:eu:c.lill~y Ci)~;CIl1300d,rn!ldl .asr,ecO'nsln'lictOO, qm::nce, WIl(1fCflS it: Slays w.cUiu, Ihe fIDsit~v,e ~~ sp.Hlce {dl~ Sjplt:!.(i)e s:pa~mcdl by twoollilD~ogml~~ Sioo tbrrll:ic- 3dd.idl\,:I:l'-Sl!lbira.o~sequ.\)I~Ce (14]1 TIds o :[pra foom lilmcx.pcnilil.Ctlilail dati byme.SJilSqf alJii~lilffi~ qUQdratl~l1~f 1Ji1!3~'lcctoom~ln~l:icfllild d-',re m:~i:llrum.likc1ihoOO a[gmlthrD] (1()~12), 01)£:silllgle.;m(lilc $'nfltc' 0 f la~:I, as iu CflSG)iI~Ilffil~ provid.C$ a diflLliCl C1IlpOOllle'ntaD. vooCCeat1o!ll, of dIe :Sa:flri!C: miUlilfl(;F ail. liI pos;live:-d!~!lin,~te proba'bii~.i.ry lroc~inig,[Or 11m r.flt~e d~~~llQIl.efficiency (2,~, I1QIlCOmrliJ.lJiIllIl:iv:l!IYOlf d:H'l'll!l8ill1ll!inloo."l(I!I!I~f: oredi5J,ri.bil.!!iQ:~t Q~<!~o!ed~;es !! c!.~~.t;@~.~:sicm., ..~m~..nd .a!~!l!~i~.. d.QI[! otpernW!1l: <!!n.dg~.~ ill, vi'ru'fI1.e f~ int~reslin£l ~iI!lt ;;l!~ wl1e!~oomThe inep~ivity Olf'dlC WF ~s:iIKl~d! a good ln- Ill~y 1il1iW,U!lgth~ me.U!i p~10!im~ !I!rnb!ilfS: or ~~e stmieS: H 'OO;!~¥!!~~h~S, ®!]'!Of!S~tro'!1l~hal: .. sii!wple V!~ of cl.!lSsicOliI [)mfli[',Jn, IIUd! S'IJ~trncdml is :r-or9te pllQ~OOl"<lddl;)d! state Olll~ fl liI.ds, qt~~iIe11!rn,~ <ii.ciltiolil. of th,e: I~~g!~ily'11I.olllcl~siCilI Oh<lAo1~O'f j,llCO:liil' e..'1~. 'Jhe IKlllomnnmlruWity of 1~lI!Imn)'.,~~~ ~_~e 1l1lCiUai.~,101i.01~1iI.UiI1l,lbeJ:s '~arg« dll! I.>lillc. i 1~IIiI3!UI iu,ilw: .Qri@l~l th{..:I.,&gJ~tigh~ slam, ibtll iIJI~i" t .A d(l:af negall.vily of !fineoooOl~~I.ed WF.s bosonic an1ili.l!li~lm.tiQn nd ,~iio:ITl 'ope;rutoli':\il i~at a {w1~iCl~ ..iillJ:1iliVlliS JIWi'ln wiithOlJl ,tXl!!lmCling for d12· I!~!i:lbasis .of ililUl!ny ''\v.~i:l'd'"ql1ll1.tnu~I!II ~hGnQIl'!eI1!a l'Xpooled;l~i' 11Ilc sallOO mstl1:l. {)(lOOm, for InI~e~oml~~tuOfil t{1!&<liil$),i$ooiBlirnedl~11:il!UdlI;.'l ~(lS wl~fI.\l of HgI.t~,Uf;i ~]~I\l; ~",il\ffinl)i:\l I) f ~ va()l!l!.l.linfi~l~ S!l'blrn~too ~ llU'l o~rM.iol] IJiIW~~:lovil.1f!, {JlbI'l o!fiJhe (with ~!tlal'iOO~s.'O!~, IU~e~lfib sMI\ or ( [l:hofrnl fr-oHlIlheAe;ld ba~ i~c~ (d-oub!IOO)1 ils pholQ!i addilioll i5:lh(:~t gpel'~rat;ti~g ~~e Casllwirefr:ecl as S'Ofl1e of lis m.liill mOlnif~rJ.i!<lIIW~<lI1l. ~h{l'IOliII'IUllmi:t, Such .alII ~1.'1crt\ase .tes,IJiIUS sh.ow:~ng lhe.J.iItI]~gb d\:i@Ne of Iilon· tLoII!S)is <l,dJille.Cl co:~seqlllem;e (Jfdl~S:,.F'urthemwre, i dllassica:llly. Ho.w~;. dlC W!fs of slali!ilS iIiC-suiWu! I!llkcs ~lao:e: for tllle seq lIIern.oeof cpernkl:us that dil.e difl~iu iI!Iu.t': 1~I'iil:g $1:atGS®L:lI!inoo, by SIIDl:Jil~ iil'lnlri!, Idt~: ne~C1.bacl::. to the ~'m;ml'ike two SGqOO"tCCS elf: adll:liulln, ai~.dmlMac· 'liio.i'l ~h.CiWolhoilf jmlt~~liifl1g fe.aJDlIilrn.q {Fi~,. 4), TiIIII2 ~m~t1;alSlam. awl,~iBg lIiIMooa.1IiIiUunin"gerlLi8;iBlUrnla.pamlofS tiB.~

su'blrac:~o:n is rather !illfe (w.hh ol~ly.a!bOII~ W dO(l'bie~ltcke";1S every seoond], !l fli!1n 'q,l!"ldro~ 1~!llu·lildlimoo~iQll lake up to,S hears to acquire IlDJaY i~l ca..,cs, s,~r:I~


Fi.g. )~ 1~~rili!1~

~. lIL. Z~<Jttl!. '5,~[mlm.M. e~IJlilll P1iyr. ,~®:. 111'2., I02:JB211 (2005). s. A.:zav~t~, 'il'. 1i';lIig~1M. EleHilli, Phys. Rat A 1~." ,O:!i,:lililli




6.C, T. l!.ee.. P1i~ il'e!i; it 5~. n~'4 (];5I!l'S}. 7_ J- WI!'foj~,R- TW~UE·BrDi1Irf\ P'.. (jia~giej. rW~ iI1.~Ltlett ~!2, 1~,~61)1 (J:OM)" e.. ht ~, t(ilm, .L. puk, p" tL i!J"i~!Jlil It !eillD9. Fhyt.RIN, A '1, OJI~~OS (2;OO~,). 9 .. flt.. ZltlfoJUil, M. 8elfini\ ~. IL Aamazzll. F'. Milrill, F:, 1. JIr€'!i!(h~ J. Opt SM. Am. l!i'19., 1'J!Q9 (200~)' lOt !t ~!liI~lli"" '(i ,fll. D'AIii~I».U!.6. A, ~~m.\\. 1'. :S~~dli. I Pll~ !le!i; 1'1 ~l, '0m3(!4(~ U, 99!.i'1 :n_ J'i" 1_ i[.V{!Mky, . OPI. !\t' ·Qucnr,!lIm sem.~;li~1 Qf»- ,6, J
5.'5'56. (2iOD<l). 112.ii:, IiIF®J!i~~. M.ogU~~, ~.fIi~'II'j(.i!l~ ..Mf'ii; .~i?J!t 9~. SUililf'oj iigflt


:230(,:0][ ~HlQ6J'.
U1. L:WIl~rdt.M.oo:QIliJ19

(c:a.IIl,bridl~ !.llriil!'~~ty freso. C(jm'~ilI,~. 1997). 114. N~tl: ~Q~Uhe j!lQl,itivit:t 04'IJiIi:'WI' ill ~11Ie(;I~ ,(if Ihe <ld'IlIf tl'!ei)"~!!ib~~d seq,~no:e .t!. ~ d\!e !.Ill eiil~fIi!l1eo~~I. iMlperl"el~il;i~~ •• ~ !"!ilr $q!lee\,eo;!l :~rate5, t~~ l'ei!J1!Jj1llQ ~"t~

rt1.2 ~fliIJI

t~ ~iJi!)1'j1l1 ~~ ~~ 11!(I~!';la~~1


!I~~Ur!;! p

p4:Slilill~ \?IF • .][5. ii'. n~tll';lmn~; S_ !Ill!! S1mot If. ttlwln,iMtl .P.i'i~ k¥_1l2.1I., ss t~OIl). 1[05. J. EM;~rt, ~. S:ci:Hlili. U. fl..Plflll~. P~. itw'. ,! 89', • B790.3 ~200Ill'. IFig. ,4. IEX~trim.eR.tal WtF.~(c:1[JTediedfo r '~eteutii:[lnt lliletftkTI@<lilqr)((If (A) tiile '[lfigiffilll fuerlDlilii!L stilt!; (8) the ]'",l. W~ tlii.1~~ 'F. 1. Al'Ii!tdl~ A Ml!mil~il. <100E. IP~~ (or l~hoton,added,.thelil·5il.lbtr,a(bHi slmJle.; (Q'th~ phlltH".5IJlIJtramd~:mlile.IiI·add:edl5ta~. (liil') p:~elilt; :o;ec'l!iolfl~Q~ l~elpf~:I. cl!)l!!l!i!l'l:m~ <!ndi~cr ~ tritK.1l re<d~!'\g ,C;j't!1e ~h~ C!b~~ Wigner fUinmoo:s (blao1{ sql!a~e>s C:1iJjiI~espo!l!d ' the thff!ifla1fi~~di r,oo(l'dif..$ and blli!f'm'illnglt'S w Inarn~~npL .;i~ ~, I!\og!li~r tiM! ~mprffll~m~ ~f I~Ofrl~ond thll phO'tllltfhJddiedi-fuem"5lJI,bh.iilc;red! elm:! the p:lllOtoni"'i.iuhma,cted·1hel'l"adiloo ~tI~, felipe"· ,di!t'l!(!lilili1li!!~r~ics,. liIlJt.s i!:I!ll~11 ~~. pJ!,rti~tJ!I' !l!Jp'potiI!~ furELy)~wg;e~hif!rM1h the m~,~e:spondi1gtheo~e:lifl:al priOOirnDiIlis bolidl wrves) !'2~. b:r EiIIIl!' Cassa III ,iili~pa fmlllo,~ tFif~m anI!! Iiio! ~I~ m;a'iltall ,Mrllilitl'ij ilIl IJllrIiI@f~iL'l.~rnd :5d~lI'lmf R1:!!i!!3i'(i11,iifl~r (lie l

~i;iI!lill~lf!Jt.a~ti:u~iI9~~.~~:rIigl.~ ~



,W'd()lf~a.'I: in

t!lIlie Helse!i!be~ Uil1ccfla!irny prim:fi!il'I~. 'Be.'\lide~ m~!!' ex:peri!'llCn~<ll res!.!:tn.,-.: O!l!S~tU!le a step ~~l!'oud C itsrimrl.MlortilIll~linpo~:aJlCe. l~il1ec'.Xperi,llllet]tB:~, da.eflllU qlliln]J!lIrn, QMIro~ ofillfield md, dle gell' inlp:~ella.eltultion of slJJ)ch, ['I: !!CqjltCllCeofba~l>ic lenui.oin of'higbl.y ,oolnngled SI:a~ilS (.1G), qU!llnmm optutions is al]: cssfmtia! wol for !he full-lS(::!llfl ~~gi~!%'fiillgofi!l. qiI!Ji3iffi1rull:lligl~t SIn;,'lII~ I!!f~r:e!!(!e!li "'!lid Nlrtt'!! L P_ l\. ,M_ tlit;;l;C, nrePllf!Cipk~ # ~_:tuJirM'~~ru~ (i!lp~'tI[l!~ [i)f a !'ltil!ntv~ud-e of dilTi1lre!lt [aSks {151 ro~liDrn Pfl!!~ 19S,4l i~dll!diRg ro~l!!.~ qM~li!rn. ronool!lnicati.o!!l As, .2. Mall!rtil~ <lml mtlillo&aF!a~itlbbh~' Il~~IliPJl!!lFllmg anY' 'tlI,Llanll!!~n 'Oi,)I.'rt!lijm~,~~dMdi~g iIiloo·G~,U;_~i!l!~ ma~1fIal 00 .~d.!t.]!Ja! O~tlne., s, A. Z~catl'd, :5,. VidJn'i, U. B!llIirrn, Srjfl'l(lj' 306. 660 (Z{tMl (!I'PCm'UiQl:lI!>,is,OOIVl~ (If ~lLQW:1'n addilioos aad


case, ,~ tlbe .~

es~nce' eJlr $illbtra.clioruJ{i.e,u~ '~n ~ ,~~~d

M/(al.a' ),

ti'RIN iflilf<lltoj\~. Mi.5.1(~~~.Redw~ Illnflll(~1 5lliPJlort. frolll UK: EiIIgj'ne!lfiI19Ii)f}jj rlT>jsk<i1 SGftiilfe 1'le;!I!<irl:h Celll!ldi. ~E!r'Sf!!O ,imd lJu.m!1.Im IIfl!ri~rlna~lIfl t"H!I~>!:~iSin~ 111'1t~rdijW~!miO!'Y ~~5eilrch t:!:n!!P~ ('QJJPI!!R(). .



'~,~iI!l1i!.!!!'!EQ!·o!l2T!!;g!i!~n!JtIl~.~?J~1!46I1e9il'!)C:l Ma~M.aL~ li'l!!tMdi! all~

aoo ~~

'l'!Wl1il' .:!i!l!OO'; ,ll(~l!!p~lId 10 I!ll!!Ifj~ 2007' :LO.1126ls(iell~e·.U<l~~

Sy'mlm,e,tlriiz:led Clhalll'la'ctell'il.z81,tioln 0'1 Noiiisy' Du.ant:ulm PrDCe~SSe's

]IO!i@plii Em@f:$Ofil,:!!'2 ;M!alf'(US

S,i,l1;tiii~~'~ satmla O



R!flltn~~~ MalD'iti:Jillakl,I'@SIi;2~

IIh~Unresh.okllnhoo.rorl1L b rl<l8:ilt-to!er.tilll (Ff)Qri;.l&1Il.", wn~ cOrl.lp1l!bti(lft (3-6), To m<i~ use !I;IfqU<l!I!!IJ;!:!ll

hro:Hce <lioottllg any ph.~i~t lrea!~do~. ofq,~<l:!'tl~ul!nfO:UIlladan l~roce.soors(QU?s·J' Ap~mlfll strq> im Ihns d:im.mli.on,ca1fDE 'wid~ Int~C'dlli,o;(lO'IIC1)' ol:"~I!I&m,., wm. ,~ rorrediOOoo.rlllS (QBCOl) U. 2) 3i.~.

]!Ol1la;UJan Bi!.ug~;~ ID01iwlilGi, ICOIiJ~~R:aytmlOlfld I!.irililtlllillnrle~·t~

A tlilll'li.jor ~oa[ of ,al!¥elopillighig!h·prl!c~s,~llrl (CmIICl [lif Im'al1lv~!lod¥ qlualtfltllJm~ltilli!iis; ta f@ilt~ ~1iIe'itr-patellltil11 as. q,l!Iim~lIIm- (OInlputetr;5. It ~I!I bttatliltiill~. ob5t1de to ~liIi~i!i tin!!!' e>i:t~erne fril,gil:q of
quamtu.1iI1I ~ys,telms to ·'rle~ohll3renoe.>'" frem envire:rilmen:li'all n01:!lielltllldlntlile,rr m.rmtml. ~'inillltartioDls. Althmlglll qU!dlliltiutlflilCllllmplitarlffiolil i.o; po~,ible if 1!iI,ol,sealffeJC:tilllgl lie qll!l<lntmm ~y$letlilll 5atiisfi~ (ertain oondii1k,f!iS:, ~istililg Iili!d~od5 J'(!r !ito!is.:e(]hatrraJderffi~@fI are ililtract'a'ble~ff'(lr prt!'Sient lifllIu~'tibC!dy syst,~rns.W@'ifiJIi!fQ~lil(@ ~ mich~I:q;~1!! ~~@d en SY!ir1WIiI@tnzatlliorn thl1l,t!llnaJll!'!!!i dll~@(t ,e~pelttim @lIIta~ rneaSIJ[l!:!m!!rn: lelf sO'tillie' key !pro;pe!litliies a,f 1IIh!! decohelme!nci!! .{Iff@t:tilUg) a QjUiltliltli1ilfl,s.~ml" tOut Imetliiod r,edlu~e!i the' IiIli1li111b!!ro.f ex~er;jimel!lti requir,&i hom ,!!)!ponBtilti~~ flO poLYllomi~1 ilill the till umber of .!' lIn,e 1!e(hiniq,u!eiis d:emonstra1!edlf,or ths '®ptim~ti(lilll (lif (o,nl'trol O\I!er I'Im~e'.!Iu ~lPili!.sil'l lJIl,e .~olicl $:tai:E'.


el'fO< oo~dGn. ,a:!'!di prodlllCe fa\!il"tgl~n~; pm1;00018, we need, 1.0 t!!ld-cr.sl_m~d Ole InatlJJ:e O'fd.1e nO[:5o 3fill'ecttl,gd~ system at 'hand. 1ihctl'eis a, di~l 'Wy to If!]l~ych.8!mci.mire 1iIlI(l IfIlQi$C 1Ji,'iilflg a pR.lOOd! p~Il)J1Ijogfltp!il:y (:i':__9). H")\\!Ievll~,thii p~U.~~qlI1rog I~~ Ithat !SID'-'l,I' ~!J!~~:r~y ,vJ~ ~. !l!!;m~b~ (if ~1l!OOys(e!r§ (m1!it!y" tw~eN'llli 5}'5tenlS ~nedl '"q~IbJ~"}, <lnd is h~~l:ilc~O],~!eror Cilliilmcieri.zillg the mflllltio;qubit qlI@n,I!J!lll sysl:ellilsdmt 31\e ~resently realized
l[k~pa rlrm!Oln,t ill Appli:ed!Mi3tm ~ niv.eJ:S.;I/i' of W~~EirlQio.. Watl1!rlOQ" 'ON ~2L3G1. '1in\ld~ ~lni~ifiJIi~ ~:o;r Q,ll<IiiltJlllilii ..

~dJ~l1g ,of oO:lIlIJulliliomalc~npliex.ily. H<Jme..'lSing dfi.e adJ\l'~l1l~ges the qiuaHI~u;nvmli~ iUieqllilires of k~c!~V'il Gfli~i:~t soJiunioft. in Idm C1.mi.Ul~. dl.Ci abHj~y 110 oobllSl1y OOiMrol. q~~llinl sys:teJius: . WlIr.ld, 3it-dil h~ :i\LlSI.litpedOtlr l!i:i~d;~f~ < PlM'ttrul9!".eo1lli1~~l IlhL'! iIlCl:i;,'ic!line!dooo·

~Iiable-s e:ffu;ient soh.!lti.ans to certili~nl~ dWltha.\'C, no

CoIfi:~6ii~, .uri~wei"5il1jo~ W!lterloo, Wii~~;lool ON N2L. 3G1 Q~idll!, ·lI!!1)aFlmeUlt ~~. fh}l!;icsanlil AsIW!1lO,ffi)',UQ~dit.1 @! W~lt;[Q.Q,W~~tlI_QQ. ~2U~. ~~~~, ~O!li~~~Eml1;,~I ON

N~f~~<!rSliemitl'!'anlll tEngilfll!illfling. M:!~~cl,uS!!tt!; Iftl!itI!Jt~ '01 'I'~(h:oolt9" Cambl'idg@, mA '0\2]39 .. US/I, 5Pe 1i1l181i~ IMitute fOll'lhool'e!liGillflllrfiiC!i.e W.1lf:J!r~oo.CIH N!2~ 2'1'S., C.m~43"

(UJ~l~). W~i'!r!!n'OO~;l!ge~emJ ~~'!nl¢ilri~Q~ 'rilenl~Qd dliat at~q\",'S tgr dJwc~, ,~perinl~mil c!~


3c lL'illwlti:O'n of SOl1li!'phtysicillyrelevm.Il ,rea~!lIr:es dooll1~rut:I'IiCC'and awly develop an e.::'.....:~ .~] ........ ~ ~ " Ciirm...."1i."lll: ~pml.~llbJ.l i!'~' ~.ormt:tea!Ml'lng nu!l!LIil.~

Q,f trn!!~p~.!ld!e~t p!1!~~OO!'8ref:!~ci!inlll U~esep!,QtP·~Jt!e!; {!Fig,!)" This sym!!!ll!~ri:tl!li.(I!:l

is aooievoo. bym::mDI.I~~itl~d~e noise (Fi.g. 2) will~ it UIJlimry Opt,nlllll" dm~1Il mDldamlylhnn !lm fGIeva'l1t~nllT.l;OOY group and Ib~. a!".remglllg ow, qiiibit (jgrroil!al!iOltili ,mcll ~ii1(lry e:1f~em.~i[,ill~ i'itti~. '1I1¢$L'jrmii~Qlti I~ci(lills {U-Hfjl. W~ ~IOW b~l~~'ii .g~I~~ ll~t j]~~ CQmp~dI""~lh ~i~ti"giIt'ii~lihoo~ (J.J), ~h~~iliO- UW 5Wli~~t;'iJ1 I~oodlyie!d.5 ~!~exPO!ie"~l !'!<I",i!i~5 :~!'I!.iliiei~l:l!tlber !~lJiPllber .orex;peri~)tmlal ui~1lo;reqyiliOO 1.'5 indept:!iidetlt ofllJ.e dilfuens!c:m ord~e gJUl!!p.. Helioe, l.1I,f ,ex:iJCri!M1l~ ~'lI!II.ired l'G C!b1ai~ s~chtflf'O"l'haI~:~. -In d~€: COIilt~1 (Jfaw~ie.i:litLoIl&, Otis iltf'Of~ om" i~ind(u1l1b.;8:~iOO1 n:KlOl(icil~ It.'1IM to (;If~cicn~ IPl1Iir~ lr.l~iOll ciii!lbh:;s opt~i~tiflalij)~l. oil' ei'mf~01i'ii"OOlioi~, ~al.eihai'ael~rizati(m ef t'Iltl: :1i'J1ap A w~~ooe\oleutho .grollP dioltl!ctllS:a<iirul ~r]ieieilU oimtttl dClOOi:lii.· Sil!rutegy ailid Ill!lIil:; OOil~ 8S!Sl!Ii~l,p(kmsu"&r~yi1i1.g of ~tUlI~ru~o:W illeR I~b~hofd. MC!f:OO'!I,~r.lI~ :pos1cion~.

a,r the


fI, X;, .~ ZJ ~~h,fyingd'!~ Qr~~~g~IIl!l!!ily~~"~Q!l! Tq;[Pi PIli ~ ;t' ii' 'ifhe C~i~~Q!gro~p C~ L5 defim:ld as tIIlein~llllilizer of Id~e-hull SmuP '1',,: j~ (JonsJ sis of all del'l1l.ennJl Vi ofdne- llI1lilmy group U(2'J)Sllli~isfyi,llg UIjU; 'e'Pll tnr Cii/C:ry PI ,e ·'P


11i~ p:m~I.~~~~

~I~:un~~rizingInh~ cD~iMfirn.e~ A -0.3\ by ilw~gu_n,S:.o.VI~ lria3~in! 'i&'lIiiichihe ch<Jf~~le:lis OO!~~galecl, by Ilr1le dil'.!iti!~!i! gf C I

!!pp!ied. incieper!den1ly to eaCh qlUbil (P:i:g. 2), AI'! a\{cm~c ovcrool~I!Ig,alioiiiIS: is: kili'lowl~ a '~wirl," lIS: V,O), and. we eall the above .:1i c.~0!r"' S~~ruat~r.g (Jut Item]!! :2iOoo:roiimg110 thcdJr Pauli !;"'~Vsll'n'1iV~ tvh~~w e {O,.,4lJ :iN Iiliil:l 11iI~I!lloor~r
!1Q!tide!!~iil'1 fucLOI'S :~n P,. leU:v~g tile il!ildl,!,l{ V~. ,e .~1(N'il ~--11; '~' 'wli' ·"""'IU II',,. nu..•... · v" .;i!~!""~n"'-I w,.,..., -.~"'"" ~_M_._""', .. IQ,II:,l~ 1!1a;~:w l~c!nidcnt[I,y~EJ.1JI~:tO[)CI7I;lo:rs an be diS!" Im1iI,m.ted o\'CrLhc ,~ ;factor :5\IPfl.tle.'>, 3I1.ddw:indc)(. ~ "" {i.~.".., i1!f' ~ wiJ~h.~ E {I. 2, :3 } drulQ.1C whicl~, .of 1llil1l11'QI~id~llri~.:y Pt:lIiIU ' ,CM)(lUpt~ d.~e j~~ooeupioo $i~e. we OO!a!IIii(,SOO SOM~n
·r~ _~~.JJI(.~,-


for C1p~im!izJi!!lg ... er~~I1ental oonl!ro~ !Mcd:ID&. e. p



:~~n.l!'InOOia~el.)i rcgeva!!'!t


Foc,usii~g on a sy~[en~ "'II!!Ib~Its>EIi Ollllljl>Cte ·of C

g;ememl neise :~nooe'~A rcqui'l:es

0(24'") p:3JnnmH:crs. ClrCrn"ly' Ilnappropri.:.u&c C();lfS(l:..;,gmil[ling 'ilf thi.. roq,iLlimd; 1!1tilL;: dlaU~Jjj~~· to id~lfit;(y (llli~i(ll~t !m~UIQ~for is ~:~n*tin~ ~~lCfea!!l!!refi. ofprno!~c:!!~ ~l~(,'j~L llw~ :~llen~oo. W'C:pmpm.ei.'l ba."Cd on idl::nmi~yill,g a sY:~'llJ:l,~associated. wid] 11 pmpoeny 011'imere,gl. and !I:tu;~~op!:r:itniQifl8J~I.y:sy i.mneb'iziilg lire naise I~O yh::l!d an ·cffooli~. map' A, wi~~ a lucduood,

p<!~le:!er:s d~a1 del:enalne dUlpeI1Ql.1a~atIJlC:e o:fa broad class ·of rQECCs ariel ~ililc:8f),p:liea'bm~y of ccrmiln, ~mp" ~(!IIS 1Ji~.dill~Yill1g; Iililm<ilo[ids, I:~l FT g.ooe~. QEGa proteN q uannnn inforrt1aHol) ol~I~' ag~imI:f>~ c~,,· will II)'pes (I·f !lO~l';. A d~.~ta;;;.~) ood~ '!ieters 00 cedes t!!<Jt ca~~ .IllI e~i!S8im.1!!!l1}.ncoClSily, affoctil'l.g ~p 110 ~ qlJlb~L8. rH~ncc, lIllie disHIiIWCof ~Q'ECC de~em~iI~c..s. which. lemlS illl tim noise w:@1 b:fJoorr,ec4od3illd~'i!c!I. wi~~ :rollili'Ltn lI.iIi1cortromoo. 'Wile ,lattl1:rcO!llJuriibrllu.l W 1I~l1: ovefiil.~1frailulll'lpm!bilibiHty. Ttl estimam Ilih~ f~iI_-epron.1l'biliily.!l1<u~:yfilul~~o~~!·l,wQe U'!corems ~$9me d~al the !f!o~eisin.dCpe!lde!l;] from qll!!birl ru, 'q[u'bltor ~~\'\.'Cen b~ocks ef qebits, Anolhc~r rol.lilnlOl~ .:lISSUl.1:Up<UQ,rI tS th'am. d1Cl:~.oisc:'~5ml.mmo:ry~ess Imd ~,mlCll Marwvirul i il'l Ilinrm~ OUIip'oloea~ enables mG3:S:IlI:romool:s oJ dle.~ ",(riNC QO'~ilM!on,<i In:td~f 11.giv~n I~X~ :

\lVe;l'_'p~y!bbsl.;lI;!1eral i~ pro'bdem ·of cstL1~la1i!lg IUae noise

IrQ 'Himi!l~hU:i.1

",r .

( ~I )

w b~oo. the :roducoo fl'... .r:lllim:~.·. ets F~"":I;. ..are fiX. '.00 'l'1' I:f' A '--- /1,. = ..... v...1_I F I>'W'!1! 1Ire dm: ~.ro_._ 1• 1i-ha~ -'I .- :ll!1.m -- - ._'!


b]lili~s 'of w !'>i!T:l!11I1~n~oU!s >QIubit lerm!!!'> in lire noise. Some i!!1!I!I~t[io,na'b{)lJi~ho\:\,' .!I.e ?tl..:twi rl sil:l1IPH:~t;S, lllilelIlSlk. oil" liloLsec'l~ar.actcri.Z2L~trn.l is alntaiiroc1l by anal~i:vg Ol'ccasG .of a :siinSk: quhil



1:0 m~,Iil~ '!he.ile prrt)!oobuli'li~.\JIo'ept'Qbe

le!I~sembl!e Q'. 'wi'd~, ~'hly m~lilcd SUl' U 9').. h . We StDrt by e.xpan.diilllhc neise opernlors~n II~.C:iJMis PI E Pr:l' ooi~.sij8uing of lj-[thld tCll,'~or

,ex;PQl'lenIi1I!1 oVC'rI~ead o.f :prooess loonL')gw<!pi1.y~ TI1i s protocol is effiCle41t also in the CQnte;;o;;t of an



~lTIllqgenill~l'lt'Xlith.Ql!.Il !he



10> iiiiii 111!l!}~,rl)Uowoo'



j(divenl~!L~lThe!n of I!.~emupl!!t s!~injhc bas] s:1l}. 1111;<;yie!clSM J~-bit strb!(g ,l~ (I]~.]] II. Lct(JIi!' d~ tbe rm:fuajMH~y Iha~ 81 ran<iO'.nn SlIIbsct ef w bil~"l Giflltc blllflfjl' S'llrinl1l l ~~ C''IIem. ~.

produd ·ofnhe u.~[ 8ingk:~,lIbiIIP01!J..!U o,~raool$

W"" > = 2qw- ~t wld \!i'eO~l:alU

~~sgJ'I!es_ the ei~.~~?ll~l1£' a;f'A~-'I.()'"' == P,L" = ~,!"C'~''j


IFig. :2:•. Qu:anrum drcuil:.

rO!iI'~ e:lperim~liI@l 0: m:n_

n~,J, S

!fig. 1.SdIl!!QJi: ,of COO~9'3limm!:i Ib~~~ 1tioo Am~~!tlile :~s@ A 1tryt\Mil1fuqgll~_a ~


P:1lO()~: If.. l1h:e mll!ldial~d'Otnml l~u~~oojll!.g:!1iiCI'l

oofiislim, of g! of 1he~M,ille


afillicleJl(!lilMp~~f5. [}i;t[1ilG.: symn~JWj!Jlm '~IIIi1ii 1~~~*dll~ (m) re:JI a'ld 00 lbllll:~] IJInil'ormjre daffel[em ~'l!Ibsets :Oif param;~ter5,

gJoup _ ~d~ll~mr'

ani e.ff:~



Iqperi3ltors IPi,,,,'

d~rd Ili'r~gru. r~QmJ~'


emflll"1b!.e pro1D(jct


,on£!'~~Pi!lt stgt~ I O):en~wh~as; the ~!iiI~mbbl:protOOlI" ~rlites 11·d~~ct !1!:1)lH:

~or1ll1!1l1ling A ak:o by'iiI lpemlilli:l:ll:atinlll

'!!:~ of

I~y by


me 'ql1lim.

<I.n ellemel!ltClr



Tillb'le:J!. I(three

sm Oii!

SIL.IiI'Imaryor e.iIlipeD'i1nffiltai~ rl~std1li. tlmllir~5;t fiOI!lf sets,ofexpE1illlimllmts 'lhetlMrq,!.Ih1t l~lq,l!IidcS1a1!e: ~ii!l and ~l'Ie ~lhe' th~~Ciliitit :~m) Mr-e: des!g,!I!edro d~ar@ct~e ~~ P~rrnrgnQ.l (If 'IW!!! KmlUs oper,atOiI'S (4.,) (JICI~ CIHCI~ ClHCI" C3HI~O<l C3H:~O>! &iignlflBered II "". rO'~iO], ~gnlfleered: p '" rO:,O,::H ElnignlfleerlHt p' "" U;r~.~J. ~~mr:i!~ ~~:'S!!i!

O'.ClClO""I!lI.II!!i!<t 'O'.O,Cl1. 0\.254 OiMl~t~

W9q~~!1ld; p "" rO.·l.Q,IO'j\

~tur<l [ Nois<e- (]i)



O,~4!~~ O.s4;~~i

Q.Ol~;~~ O.OO'~u;:


m.l» ~!.\" ~is .. !T:I,~~ ~f ~!11~ bilmlmiottwc"!Ql'S(SOMwxtj. .. If :trl ,e.!iIil~1rl Hgle~ slm'l:experirn.cnt,. Ol,e C~ilf(llird 0iFH.'iIiilJOmflre chosen UlI.ifomlY atr.mdom:. InI~,rnl,widl .K "'" ,0 Irl(llg(21t)fS~] c:I(pecim),'mu;:we esn CSltina'~e eaeh wlmed.~
a,f ! (~""00 [l!~iS;om 2), WLU~ con~tant pll'6biibil~t!i" AU iIIili~rfli}Jt'iI'iol~~ijj 'I:h~:pro1~(lICgloo!]b'ilbUiOO: ro !he llJIOli~p!iO~:.mi IHte-s
M1M'~Qvi~!l ~n~i:gro1l!rpm~!1_Y A~ .. A~ = Al'~ (23), illm w'~,~II-l!I'!e ~wMed !~<!pI" "'A. =,1\-2", C(lli1.seqllJooliy.d~,e ,ooefficifllttli: e...(I\IIt)1il1eas.ured 0'i,iI(M' 'dl1C ~il~11C n.l.t ~:u,~~iSIWC,,~'l~'.) ""c..(t]I":. Ob~ d'c\..iotimilS rrom this ooaling iml]li~Y ni)i'I.M~rkov;ait ~1T~aijil'i HIt: li)il~.t\l,iicl!~ lii.Oi~L\i. Hg~~, asl1!~n the co:tflVCnJ~ doosrnQI hold!;


1'1~'ii:p:irOtOO!O~ c<!ln 00 i~ufl'Cr,recti:.cms ~nlt~einp! lr.1GaStli:'CilJ1JCn~, and, lwirHllg :

!n<!db lloousta,g<li!iSl S;19!1~ 1~llCprmlti,o:n. by r:acIMtng m.n the


W!L'>i5!firnc}, with


Uial fiie U!!ilwir1.ecll!i_oL~ olJoC)fs the

\!':alll!.l~ t\~O)1;;)[lr,OOwlISl[ tile ~i'Qtoool LSi~r~ fQml¢idlwithol,l~ 1lliI~ l:l(li~ ,cffil8irilutl: 'Cw .-;.. (:1.Jc\,~ij).


se~tru~g,roup I;lImpcl1;)'. WbCll~ awlytHg { c'" 1 Ito CSI.i.1fll&te {p..,.}, tho !>DaJmi5niMIlLlnee~:ali1l1lyfmp,.. .~~W5 eXJpo:n(:}Ii1Iii.3U~ c\.",..rnl~ (SOM t!;:!::Q. 11ti~!;niU allo\7I.~ f()1' d}~e· W

,c,.,. cal~ beapp~ie.d dirootly to SOlne (]i,i ~e as~!l1IIlkms. 1!liHnl"ecles!:h"mnes: ·of the a nU~[I~~t) ~nre.<>h·old.(21, 22'). Iilflparti:m.liru:; a IUloisy chfli'li1~e! ~lI~dJlan t1i1.oorrdmoo. d~strilmt~{m oft'U'ror IOc..'1iliOO'l]l, bUll \'Vilb arbi~ ·co:rro~ati{m_;;; im diJ(l etm)f I~y~, is. nl(1Il1~;d uifldlero1!lr~~roolril~llio1i! 10 a Q1l!m!I!le[dlat~s .. 'lOO¥oc~Ci! o:r }J si~~s;!, d'cpclla;d!zil~g cl~H!lels. Adimnne~ !l3lis:[yi!l'l1"l: dllis P,1i'QP!.'11Y will exhibit the serui!tl,g c.., flCllCC', observed dev.iamiofisifo.lU this ScaJ]inlil i1Dll~Y:ru 'ilio~at[m~ of lillie aoo,ve 3SS1I:mp..

I~~i.(li!l g;fo-nller ir!1Jpa~fua!llI!~~of t'h~ !!.oi~ Sp«:i5ca1:~y;. ~e 'prQ'I.)a~jH".tJo is di.!'eC,(~yre!at!,ed 10 dle~,wl!n!!g~~C'nl 'fidelity of (he ChanJle~ !i.Q 'dru~,> :pr:otOC<l![ fmvidc,.,.,an expon(;mi~1 sa'\!'bJ:gs over' recen;tl, fmposoo.nlednools fur cstiJtllfMing drli~" gi~gl~ figure of m.mD. (161 14,. 15) [Fo, .:.iJI~LW aWfO"'~~j .900 {!1)]. Hcn~~jb-J' ~.clll!id~~i im~le~:ne;.!ltl~ .. !]~ given! eede, we C~ln bO'l!!nd dlCfuH bOlibilU;I dUll code 'widl (Dnl),
OI[liGg( cxl;mriml1iClillS 31DldwiliboUI m~k.. in:g, any lD~oorotic8jl as!ll:lil'DJ;l'Ijrrru;WQIJJIU.'lC noise. MbroO\ll~. on ~;h:yst.cnl~l!Il:'1ds, W-iil iIl1Iay ,(l}';:poc:~ th.e l1ojS(l :!O~Cmtill ii:ocJ~H)n('h;mt bf:nw~!1lil q~br!S o!.l!tsid.e oorwc n~ {IilU!! '~lllnQ'!\IWl)' b, ~d~ w~lich. lU1c IJ,., decreases exponeIMialTy wuJ!ilil w. The ®cEllle b can be dC!emlin;ecli emdenlly widl O(I,ro) cxprn11fD1(\lnu .. , s A~tboogh ;2IJ (!bara0~OO2l'JIi.o:ll of du~ I~.widoo. dbl.\1!lil.dis lIS@lIl!I[ gi'lmi[ die rul@"I!'8JilOOof f\!,dd,cd

oon~e f<M!ll·~Q~~fil_lll p:rQLOO9~522), ( il1e r'ttH'u!re 'pro!iJei~iHty of the tM~~ed! ~liili!~nel !!lives lin tlJ?pct" bOllmd II.ollt-e: [hElme rro'bill!bi~.i~.y o:f 1!llmo~rigiiuJllll lIlIi~tw~iI"ilcdidumnal ~Yhcnevcrd.lG PQffOlml!li~OO of dIe .C<:!dc h.. SlQJ11e I!lol!lm:ll[lfial~s as jni/:!I!riant ~I~.d~tr 'ih.e ~'iI'i'fil;ti1a!:ooe:~d! Willli 1Il1~hiiirl TJfiisholc:l.~ 'q,uite ,g~n~rany ilike CQifiill ~t g:f the s)1!M'ielry con..ideNd aooiVeoocau...e ti1e failUille prob.libl~~l}' <l. generic disl:oiJi'03:{2~+ I.) of t::OOL': is MUIl:ded.Mo"l,!'e Iby Idbc'h:mliprooob1.~il:r of COOl: OOrnfiiil! i.tth'l. P:lI11.ti\VCi~1'It~I:e, w Idmi~ 1", aid lI1~is;wni.gII~li'iCi1llaillSii:l\!'ruiiMt I!Ind~r comjtiJgal.iolfl b}' ,MY Co',e C i@J. Oi.!:r~ro!oco1 is. ¢f1'tciel~t also in jj,leeo!~lext ·of all Cl;1._~H~ble n~(.19), \Ve p,refWC aevilltil!"lrllS Q :foomlhe klClllli~y ~le oflhelbn!l p...- p ..® ch~!~!m':!i~
'-1 e(ril~";}


. .,. • \1!,Ilu.~·W E

f'~' ,~"

-! ~'.. ••• Ut:, ~~e,IfICC."uie ("!~101"D~

seal:iliIG:) ~~Illil'at['Oi~ o["!lm !>nattcsis 9\'~ld!OO.A:~mi!ElnUd! 'ii~Fig...2,. IUm· (In&il!lb~flp:roroco~. CC).Ili)iSRS ~f (lO:iilj~~!~ lIl'm p~~ A~ A~ wilh a ramkwnly d;J.(DglNrl :~r (C~J in ea~JiIn:!I'!. w'hcre :n:.• is: a I!Ol!ndo:mpcm~w<Mti,m of !IDle qubits. F([( iiJ!lp!lll&1pClrntor P.~.Idrc m.~~llIl is t!.;,.{p,,,). Av\uagiillg Iilile Q~rtpnl. opemtor.s G~ .. ovcr i ruld.,:~ remms l.imunplllto;pmmtor sealed by c..... \i'lkPITIJlll]l.~ allill\P~ml'll!lIlfia:Dioo of!U~ 300Ve: pmmool o~ rod'! .~I\?i.lo-q~bt! ~cl!~{lm:ram'l. C_HCI.~) liql!!id·~le ilnd .aJ ~llree-qlli~il( (si'll.le-<:rysml Malanic.rokl CjHfI(J,,~) :soHdk;:I:!ltenlicleOl.f m!.'!lSrn.cli.,elleSOnlu~oo Q']P (26),. 1l:te Ii'CSl!IW of




1~[Ot:l..I1~V(l';1'Gr. I[I~~~

1!~!l!!111800'gh.'~ri$e0 i1Ii!~5:$~ili!r.& so the ca.J1ve~ " implic"UOClIU doo~ mot hokll. FyrihemlO:re., 'We 'C<il1l !!estlh!'nQ~'!M ..rt!lvi1m l;lIiropertiCS: b¥ repc3mllg I:II.e !.Ilbove ,:>01!lctt1:e for dislim.:::t urm::intcNals, IJtt 'WidJl iJtlo:roa.sf:ng .rll. U~ ovnr dlG: IHine: seale '1'., lilIm nelsa :salio::llcs tire

am co~l!a.ted! em:ii rnnod(\~s

Ill£Si3 c;1(p,~ltlmll:s are' m]ljj:n~ ii[ T~'bI~ 1. S!oa~istical. !ilmlys:is for one: I:iqllid.statG: S(lt is i'iIU:HVI[i. ~11i til} :s ~I(llld f(liJt I~ifi~ finilI two S!)!~ld,oI_~ : !ie~,~i~. fi~.,. 3 f!1I~!.\'i.!Q set_..,of (~!id.~) eli:p~1lit!eD!ls.were freirfonl1.GCI to. o'li!~cleri.z..e jhe


lI!rI_klIlo'wn re~sidml noise ocou._mu£undOM' onc c,.rcl!eof ~0I8 ~tlilse scql.llcn.oe(27) will~ Uil }IS



0.2 . O,O'----...._-- ..................... --------------------"'· 0.0 0.2 {),4 1[1.6 0.,8 (1,,:2. 0.4, OJ~ 00.4 (1.. 0.8 6 0,6 008 1 .. .. 0

pulse :$pfflC'lllg, and. (ii) t\VO cyolc.s: ,ofc:48 with :5 !Ji.'~p-IIL'>Il:~oo~Ai'lg:. TIm C48 sc.q)l!lrnlcc: is dM~OO OOs~pp~ihe dyna:!HIC,."O doo10 dl¢ s~nl~ i~l~c.!l!il<J!1H<i_m;il!:O!1!an ~mdrol!!ld be: ~d,. for elHUl~I)le. !hI" qlll1l!rllll!lll rnem.Gry. 111l:l ,e'!i'ollUlk:!J~ of the sySlle!lulII,ndcr dlls pulse sequmJ.Cc cam,00 Gvallllfl.tllld, lilearotically by C8~.m~la.lim~glw Magi nus c;:,;:p8ill.wn (28)1 of IIDlO russocia.tllldi {;ff~Cliv6: H,a1i'l:'lilJt111'i~i:aJlI. !1l~r whrdl 11m lresMlual etw'e:c1S U "Pi~r Il.!!. a ~J~ll of ~1I,,'IU!S a.5sQci~tlw:idld'].l;l Zee~l~ .• md di.p!Olilf p;u;t!s 'l')\f 'U~!: H<lImntoniau. Incl~dJmg C~,W~'J!lll!~ l-CJ1.IgI~ly spe.ill;!.ng, eftbc~ tiVlc Sl~Pp1'essrol]~rilll; l~rHI ·ofille Hamn~ wi~~3n 1t.iJtkt'Splac e5 when: "f 1:: let« 1 ,1,%I100r,(; ~s YJ; 1Il,11flsLlliJIIi'Igl!b of' llIiIeroml.8JodI. ·i;~ Id~~ rrala at is: w:l~ld.~It is rnOOll!llal~ by 'd~e wulSlli: S"C{[lW[Ice~ G~~_tallJj 5h.Q!1!et d~l!:;i_y1!;!eadlQ g~:n~. . per ... f;rnl1mmce ].!!~t:eS8 illi!,~eis ._.COII:lIJoetln,g prooess: at the SltO,rliCii ti.lliIie scale, A~tlIDUSh, two, ! timi'OllIS of ihe seql.ll,e;lloe,?,r!l'h,jhc pulsespflCii,ng ofS ~s, has l[w1ce :!IS nlimy I;mlse.. 9S. 'd~e:stllgle: .


~G:q~~:(mloowt~ih. W, ~J! .s·pa.cing,.d~(l proM!" II;lm biilili()s 1;).f QUI,~.i\~·, and 111[~e·~dyrnoi;!l¢ ~. Pl Po tern"is~II decr~se s~bst<!lrgti<!lly rr<l!b~e t!~dler Iilii,e 5 ~,S. r<ll.~s 1F'~g. ::1,.. IReslll'~~ for (1:.., fmllin lexpeflimelllts5 <illl1ld 6~in 1Fill~' 1. :ShOWn! a[1I1: pmj9]onlllo:l' thE1 fw!~· HO'l>'l~ever;. (he a'\~erOliSi!~~ s!holi'iliol' i:d'eal p~·:fbmlillllCC as II, re,suU Qfill.~ dimelillsicllat Uk.'el@lQQdif~Dlctiolil IQlilto'IJa:l1icU!li5prohabiUty' the ,alsyml'lletJ1i~een iliiSQme of the ,coi:Wffil~!~~~ (ll.l,';~miru.C!lMr) doootipling o:f the (oofi'de.Ifi~e .ari!!a5i$ aJ r'etlui~ of1!hJ5 p'Iojet:::tiolli. lih~ IUe5I!i'tl;s~cr one !l:ydi!! wilIii110 1i.l15, gJi!ii~~ .splllOilig !(e.xperim~liIt S)iue ~n fed, iI,ndilihe m~U1mti.f'o!, 1IWo· C)!Ic:ibElS, 'lII!ifrl 5 !ills ~pBldng (expelnimen.t 16) are b~ue. ql!lhits (1I1iIi\(j'Cea:moiii m.'U.e!~i)fronl lillil~ Clwi-



(!~~y :hy<!rogen. :~~l<:~~) {SOM l~'J, P'Qf bQih ~Al1u~~j the ~~QL5eOIJefficile!1t<;c", dQ Iilot sm,lisH!:mIl.y dm!!lle from ~illle scalin;g, im[pH.edi b~yIlInOCJol're,I.!lledarrol'!S, (fig. S]), aithoogll\a.,. flowdi .arove,. this ,ones ;ilO'Ig!;I_itLec drl!il:~, tire
WQ~roJi)!'i! ~tl'O'.uN a~ !;IIHoomlaillb'd ~J!ili ~!e !;;11!O~

¥I!!!cl! d~:

!~eCQIH,~itkm S,i~








f(u' dte: ,dh<l;t..tclgr~!fI gfng~se in CQ!~re';l!t8 wlme the'l1Ltget ~1'lSlimmlti{lnis the idle!,t~i~y (lIlperatar;.[w' ,e:x:SlIlI~~€,." II qualJitl:llt1oomilfl1l11!1iCl'l~ l~iQn d\mii,el Of. qlllantmtl aucltlo:ry. Ho.wever, the f:~~ also Iluovid'es 8m, e;m(!~mat ;1l)2aJ:'L"I llbr cll~~ci:;:i'l£, Iili!~ ItOis!~ ~ndl'.lr 111:1~aoCtu(liI~ {IIF a ~Ol~i~!r~l:I' 'l!u:l!ilm'y'~!Sfijrnl<1~Qn:. One Olp~roiid~ 'is to diecml1lUnSe ~lllle IIH~i~ry ~l'ru'I~tmnat!i{)lm illltO!l prodiYC(o f basic q!l1lanllllm i!7lares drown:
I~~~C sm

1. ~. \lI,. ShDr, ~& ~~. /I 52, <litl,It'9~, ~':Jl99SlI. 2. A. Ill" :51!1:~!1e, .M..y:t. Ji1e~ LelLn19l U.996). ,3. II. W. :5MF" f!tiX«!di~ ,Q/lhe !fmpa'.iic!m OfiI·lJrg fo.~'al~Jji,lU Q;f.c~pulet SOOJr~ 56 ij!E[~ p!,e:5$, W~ A!~l!'Iitg!;. Q~r~!!I1i~. 1!:l'1l6t ~. 11 llharOIMW,r.t ~fI·gr, Pf{}(Jet.tIirrgso/ r~ 2!9,tJ1,<lmJli!i'!!J AUM 5,71JlP'O'.5iUJ7!'M ,tire lheotyo.f C,;>mp~~frg;.D6 (.!l.(M lPu!!!, NIio'\j,1 c~Dlk, 1L9%)., 5. l\. )1. 1!lIt.!@l,(, (Ii$ll'JJji fl~ill.NaW:'. sa, 5.31 U'9W), 6. IE. !mill, II. l,]llamrne, W.l~rek; .!ld'tlKe 2'~~ lot:!:

IRll~refU::e:.s NGtIl'.i arnd

!t'l e. G. CiliI'I' iN ,Qt..F\t'iJ:!~'d:" I'Jl'j'! 4,8, :~i'5 Q.IQ 00). 2~!1 c, S~IIWI~I. Iil., [liiJin{lffIID, J. 'S:n:l~lliil, W'" WMttU!i, ,tiy!." JIlw. A 54" .~8i24 U:9'16). :2.:1. F'; J!ljfeM~, D. GOO~5m~i1l, ]1, ~re\s!<;ill. Ql1!Mtlff/: C~iI1'Jp ,~,
')7 (4QOQ),

~2" £. !)fJ~lt~Mj!li~~3~. 39 ti100S}l::t It Alit~t tL ILend]', QW\!l1,iim' L!l'.fttlffIiirn 5elrli!gmlJ,~ Mill' ,~J!ill~lI\riIMIs; ltliiH@ 1t.ii!1l!!~IB lfitlq,!ks .~:B6, :tl (l~Bi). U 2:~•. E. forum 31to m'rrJ" t ,CJjIR"R. ,P/J:}'!.;, nfl, ~.~9'9 (~OO2~. zs.. lit ~i@IMB.p~" Left, A 310\3:, ti49 '(20112)"
:2:6., ~tffiill'~ ,ili'U;! 11~'lM00:! are ~~iiiillibJI~ 5II~pIIfl1n~ M ~5 IIMXe!ii!1 'D!I $(ien!'1l! C!1!li~e',

~7. ~. G. C~,~.

6"Mil~~. II; ~; ~rr~1.

J, .~.~



1. t (h.~ngl; U; Ni~~~\,l. M'~. (lip!. 44., 9?:l'1I a. G. M,. (I'Amoo,\ P. IW PH1!t1, Ph~" kl1il:. 1,1!'.ft. ili~.,!j195 {roClD,. '


2:a, u,

(,(0' • .2G5 t19~Nlf)_




where' each g;atc:i

9. Mo, MoltltflL D. tii1ar,.~


fI!!rt;, ,~fIlt. W.H'D50l


;~(ns 011131 UilO~l qlllbiLs :5i~itlJllIl19l1col.1i."~ 2: 11I~~OO~,L'J nna,p-l1IctlJllg01l'l:ll1l u ql!lbims a~llQ(;i:!i:ll:ld~)i,li'd;l .. ~yl'W'(I-q!,lbil ~w cal~ be u dIMCf'm:vuH.'d ~y a:pp~yins. I~IM;:~OOVC :p"o~QColoo (lIUaertJ-'2 ql:lbi'l~ while app.lyin:lll ~',mwS:8 1~:om{Ugra,,;h,y I~:O ilWO qubilS ill tI!e, 'II~c' g.:!lJle.Altoll:LG'r approaclru is to CE~hMlc Idm: Il.Wt~ age: CIl:'OJIi pL'[ ,wrIB [UU8i. mq.IlIC1,tCl:l (If.m g:31:cs. such 'd~gt tll'fl coonposili.Wl gr~r:.s l~iI'midlmJt:i'ly (illpem.tor; Sll!'~ <3! ~y~!W~ can 00 g~!le~t~ by rll~~rlig IJl!seoflite ,e:ydicpwp!I!n-y U'" "'" ] ,of ,my gale in 0\ unl\fl"fS<ll gale ,~etor by diDooiS~ng a scqlJ:eu~ of nr] n:.mdkmra ~at:es f()U!l]~vOO an ~.:Y

i,. f[~rn'I(lC'.

lIO. It !ililIA'ruer .~ oj;, .lVI1r,!l!!'e illS" ,643 t2iOO5.}. U. !), ~i~n:~~ ,~~" t!i~j!¥;g~.38, ~~I)l'(~oost 12_ (. f!.IlI~r'i!Me<r,gil;!!,{j Qj., ~" ~6, 1700U

0 •. I\. ,C!MIrll;, I., CIiILIllflg,. 0. [j!UiiI!J,


PJrp, .~,jj'v,A

(,4" (I[2!1~U11

l!i!ad~jjjl;~. ri!!I!.- NSiI' ¥iilfk tl:i.l~~. P t:9. 'rl;rl~ rn:H~li<!!nflilr!dfllilrl ,!!ig,:I&iOillM\ilth It. BllJiIl;i!;o~lllOOl. R, l1:[e/f. Ni" i:lit!ll Iil, Gotreiflliill, ~, KIML~ IB, ~f!\!il ~IMI J!!. NOl)'iI~ ~OO W\lS ~j:1lni:l, ~ '!I1e NlnliQll<?.l CS(jeooe 'iI!rKll~!I!lineerilMJ !Re>~r~! (lJu!IK.i~ (!!f (,aJflilw ~rqsii!;O '[If<!l1iiS 25001'3 ,~!M!3,77 78, to!Ji:a~ RlMililth [le~~~:nlIOha~~I'!ge' ~~!ldI(001)(1') glil'ill. 123210l!.~.i !'!!!I!1f ~~!~ho Q!!~~;\ll!l"l ~~. rhr~" ~gi!!!KI;!~ (/tflOiIJ"SJ gJ\lIiIt !AAlU!r4ft.OO·ll·~\i', ~lIJ! Fl~~i'L1l l[(fitBlTilalli!!iTSits !lil Ilnrrcrm!iom T;i!Chooliil(D' andl C8rntpk!i ~~iil!l (!!,1II:i!I.!r.~'1r.!il9 ,~orrt rd,

,I. WaIIJgh,

Mwm~f'! Iiri'


l,~. II, I:JlIIier~liln\ 'if. 1j'j!~mireirl •. Ill. SiifilCllIIO"

S'dMce 3a2 •. ;t.09a {21003l. 15. 1l.i_e.1ii, c ~~lJI':if.~.EIV!~.SO~".0. IG. CQf)',f'!!~

:s. Uo-yd,

0\, Cory.



SUP'iIC,rtifl91 On!~i De .Malt>ilrial.


l),n3;M ~)OO?'t 16_ II•.Ern.. ~llIi1i.Ill. ~Ii,,~~ 1!;,~!/'G!kov.t!il;1. tOpi'. B: f !!lJ'd 5mkla~i~ Q{iti~ 7, 1[~!OOi). 1]•.(. !rurn'~l!rt,lfl rCli~~,.1, Emi!r~[]m.; IL ILi\!i~,



~rnll·pl~D6(i\S];6l ~2ffi;D6l. ~9. "" DI~. ,lit i'l(!~.. J. tCira:c. 1'1.-]1, Brill!l!l'6 P'~. kev.. A. 12. IML2.3i2:6 (:!!a~~.

25; M'lJ .2007; acc~~!!cl 2'9 j:rr1.112'6!'sdeil(l!.11.4~~99



Nu,cllei'-llnduced IFrequ:e!ncy' IF'IOCUslinlg 1011 Hectron Splin C:IDlhelre~nICle'

A. 16ireiiUic:h.,:l:iO :SMbaiev.2.~* D'.. 1iI:•. 'liallM~ev,:M A. A. lilI. Wrued~!!lM. fI\J,eirt
1!he hYP_UiiEi
!Coh~l~ 'i.1Itefoi,C1jiClfl

blilt 1l1sof'((J~llWirilltio:ns ,~f Ilhe e]~l:!FOriJ ~fa(:tnf. g lcOO:iltg to difll'eliClllspil:l Il!ib'te.~io" f~oo'bCies;_

.AI!. II.. Eifrn.5,.2t i. A,. YIiIgOlVol" tS !1lI.IReurer;6,

111e ,dbph~Ltlg ,d:IlIIC lU, ~eseu!~\l'Qidol_ble \fl.l.ri@~ tim:lSc<ln be pruily O\"Crooo!]lJC 'by r:!'iOdC".lOCking (1'9), w.Mch S)!iilol~i'Ol~iz.ffi theprooe:s;siiool of'speciJic dClCtron Sptll IlroOOI1'i fIliI. jd~e'OOllcI'lilble wiJUh I!~il',g rntt'lof!lperiooicjrllii:!>oo ]ast,'[; Srt:ill, it

'c,f ani


(iontr~l (Iflh~ ~lectrIO!'i 5i~lnifl sem!c'Of!:di:!;cOOf'

wit!lrl th~ n1Lld~i'!!i (!(lI1~idoered as lie pimlUiilaiYrobstade to ql!!ililiirt!l!fil doB. W~ S~OiW)h~~~r.,ithM f~i')

lea1;f,~Oi su~il!~lfall i"hlclil)l'!of d~I~Med ,el~imr! ~p~M. 'Wi:Kl!:liepreoossiO'Ji! rmqU:~1.'CJcs do :!lO~ s~ti!lry
Ihemooc hlh~g oond~iJ!JoH:S.Vk.denl0ns~


l!fIoclei m !llilflgly cmlllledqll.!arltUm d(J1$ act ~anstrum'lle~ by Kllil!!!sillg ·1h8I!leClNilffl.sp.f!fl p~eces,'S:tooabout.a IlfI!IilIl!lIn~tkmlieldimo well-deHnedi lli1IIode~:!i'YI1d1inall1i~@dWilffil laser pl!Ils@protomii. ~11iI dot wiilia ,a ,a ~ynduon~~ed leffiedm:n.r~e llig:lilt:·.mnfndated fJ~udlllm:iorns of 1h~ hypemne rnlrn;~ffi1r 'fie'~ amng (ui![he l~lec1roo areslIppU!5IsedL l1heiniformam'CIliIl dlbooit ,electr'GIlI ,!iplan prKesSilolli ~ ilil'lip'inted 'in the nlude] (!lind 'thllrel~y ,cal!"l be· :St,oredrll'lf '(!;!m; 01 millillltes In. dalrklilieS;5. he fr,eqlJlel"!.cyJn,ru~ililg d'l:iille~i;ln el~OOrM T ~pir:lrE!Meli!'lible'intCl d~ph{!!'~'b9·!fr~e SlJlb~l'l!!:Swidnth~ I~~fli'ml~t~, I~l~ii!l'l ~i~~~!!

spin prlM:ess:i:on, fmqmmcyin ~'ach.qUllJnltl~iIl det such tl~!n~iIl~ \,.mlo~c ell!S~l:llblebeool:uiICS lookoo.OOI
very f~l,!i'roqOO11C:Les, Thl;l '~peri!.m:;!1t.., weredont;)Q.(Il ..<I~ 1~'5elnbik: ofsiiJf-as."c<Jn'Meicl: (li!l.Gii!)Asi'G<l!AsQDs (/9.20),

tile nuclear Sfli~ poh:uimlIDn adJjml'> lkee~ocu'O.m



mfi! ,utire


.. Jmpol'lS;iJbl ~ify ct:ooodillg Qll! if.'lf.o[~ ·of .Il\<lt~_onu III Ilh~ .sp~~soir,qu.~lll~ den ,(QQ,) . ,~te.c~:fQ~ ~;l!S mmr~~ed i;oos!de~b.le ;;tt~ 1~~:H~!001(to 2), U~e spaio.{,d ~:~mr:bm:".lent pIDlecil:l ~!he:spins .~ii&msl ihe plib'mlifyreliil:X1l1Pon mne\ll~r.ismsilll.ln,dk~an. of wh;~d~ari!>£rrOiu cOllplimg of

spi .. ruldrnbimllnoJ.WL'ltlj~li,.~o~~;!lli!lillmfOOti'(li~

tim e1cctrrm

wt~ih,lirl~Ia:li~ia~ IIltlQI('li~s c:lil.~ b<il!:lC~cl! by ooWifi!~e!i'ie~I;,,~cadh~ !Iospin d,~o~ ~~!~e and de~hasi!tg {,J:"J'tO)<li!idl dn~spOsung

severe dlfficlll1lies .I'br ~ro(lessil,g qUI}!IliIiIl1Il illf'Ofi. nmlkNl. (leneral ,S'Chea'l1leS frn: sliIiPp'fessrng decCF hlei'Ci~ bwebe~. di&~oo.ll!roady 1(11). Elecbxm !!pin, relaxallQ([Iin QD.S:iMy 100(lv£'room(l: ~:Y Ii'O-

larlzililg Ill~Cl nll.el~ar ,splm (1.2" J3)" rrlU lb~high of polarizatioJ1l ~Ilin",-d, do~1.() lO()O4 ti~ .~()lllti()f1Il(21).{': ~s .gell£:mllli:!. (12), h~ mJlooe:!l !!chieved y~ (14-1'6), WeA~~d ~1wiiiihe 'hytpelflne in~~rno1:ioH.~e;r IExp@'rt!'!l'!entelJ)~ Pl\I'sik I!, ~JniW!ffil.ft ~1lJ'I!:!rnJ!!., rr:t.-442:21 dilan 'behl£&;:idril:ntlll, C<lID: be used, as a,prucision fiIlIrtlimuni!; Gef.lDaJ1I1' ~Nt<i'i'<it ~l'"rdlt Laibmr<l~:oI!)',Wa~ingtol1; de~m1f1Smt~ngd:m1 ;vD mooi:~es lffiIeoon· DC 2~375" U'iIl. ~ool mr Coitnp:lJi3t;jfm~I.~efl1Je1~GeooJ[;! lim~ow ]noo~ SlPOOirtllWl of I~hclL'll!eCDrol~ rnnm· Niasoo U'liIi!.r@'l!~t~. i'aiJila!l:,; '!i:ll2:20:30. U:SA. 4J1. F. l.~~~F~!iica.. iW'~n ml~si{i!'l~,n. a QD lfl:m~'II:n,bll!:imto 3. fmY discrel~ i h~hIlLUlI~.lnsmu~~, 9'4102'1. re~ersburg, !!:W~~iil, ~ nsiiilute 1 ~t ~r PIrtSK5" St fel.ersoor.g 5~ati1 Uni"'ersiily, 19Q!BS,1J4 St !i1(l!des.11le lllil)ontlatio!'l G!~~rn i~tals~WlI!!~ (!:EltN,sbiL!!~, RLMi~. ~Mg~IlIJlldll~ re:5~k~ifperphflij·k:. RUnralJ~ be ffi'ored im Uie !~uClWr sp:ll!!'isy.sle~rQ'r i!OOS Uri!iW!!'sit&t BpMum, 0-411·700' lS,ocb.!!f\, CEr!f!lalfirY. ofmiootes be-calllscof [he i~g Iluclear Iwernoty

eadh dot: COJJllilll;]~~g on a:vernge a: si~~gle 'e~ocll:an (21). 1"hee~oo:lro:ilI. sphru lu'ooessi.on alboui apc:r~ pettdlm,~1!ar magn.el'ic field \Vfl!.'l stuJkld.!ll~ poo'be Paliaday ii'OIill:,iQrn; (Fit) ~niquJ; .piIl

lim iii QD ensmnbh;_ [;ast ~~OOIi1'Onl !lpii~ dcphas. iil,garu~~ iilOit on~y from ii11tc!MIi't.i~id fliuot!j[!jl:io,trlS

(n, 18).

'I'il"~'iIo'hail:rl,c~rr~~Jl'IIn~l'II:i~ $houldl be .addr,meti. E;oI1'I10!'i~ E!~rai!i@dil~!!! ,nl~l;mlV",.mil;' . Ifi~mrre!!lJll"I'l'~ r@ph.~~it;,llni·


·Th~ ~~tilQ~ ~(jI'!lj'~bl!!~~dI ~q!ll~llr ~~th~~~t

!;J,yci"cl!!I<l!~ly pgl,!W~·oop1l!mp P\.!l~c~ '''':~~!'1i,'.1!i'ii'~ I~!o ~ ~~!lOO gF!!"R sts!~ ~.w~ic!~ 'fl. 'ii'~oo!'!le! 19 ~le~c]tI!'egfQ~:vtI~~is ~'rods) ~!!Qt gnly at ~)e l1itOll1ll.~'l'is:gf p!!mlP P!n~ arriv~~ and d'emoted. by rottFltfan onillc lilliC:ill"pGlmizatU(ln: mIl aJlsopcriooicaJ1y befa:c' and. aim lhe PJllll ..Ie.. I.n . . . <I!.. ~. .~ • Q,fPJiO~ pllIlses. TIm excimiciOOl laser jf}nu Isp~..ds~ ~lJIlliel. 'W:Illn 8, ..i,""' ....... ~ ·'1' !!D, 'IF- •.'"1]'., ~ese ._j':O '~M~ wid~ 1.5-ps.dural:im.u1,fj mtcof1S.6 MH.z, Gq~ljv~ from ool:'l!.OO'u:cIiVl(!: ulLl'Crfl1OOooe oif 'll~ l'W(lpl!ili;~pmlg.col ..PSt ~F 00,= 2ltKtfl} (23), 3.~!:ii!llt ~o.~. 'u]~l't Si~@,ru;a:li.'rnfI 'fLIt = ~. P 3.2 :ri;~ {s~ ~kctt:~hin P~g. l A}\ -n\~ excilalio:n is ~GIil!allil fR 8~gllialpaU~t c!l~lit~~ U~ ~.",~. ~)I pl!!l~ w~th Ilite ~l!!!td sla!!e cI~ed ,e;.:,'I;M!rnl w!U.~stia'ig pm!o<;;;olisiilenlg~dl alIter n'fii!~YI~ O~le wot!ld oif two eleot!'o!liS with 'Clppgs.iJte spins mad a Iwle. ,e..xpecl:dl;Mbl!oCki~g Oir!lies~o~dlpu!se in :a JlUiI1l1p iIilre (>OJ' 'nfaec:iu fi,f,l" I A !illO\MS·fj FR ,sigl1~~ of d{l!!lhict" wouild. dcsnroy ·d.mpenooic fR bMst 1~a4· 1~IhB [); OOllCivilbllc1 Ci\M.hi'QI bys. :sin8h~pt:mlpp.1JI:ilL': Q ·lMl.o:n dt¢ ~ts:time scaDc:aflllile e.lecJron Sjpli~ ee1~ii'aiil1. hcsi.g.i:Iii~ at positive dcla.ys skows!I, fast T .hklil@il100 tiillll~, T~" im lffiI~oolS (./9], Oll1~Y dle FiR d~y an ;'I !~S ti]l~ ~JI';! due 00 cli;1;p1iI~"~ng ofLl~ si~ml'Hl)1)ll1dilli,l; fll'li:t pi!,ll'l~Pl'ihO'MkJ~<1iilil O1,li~r

pro~OOQI. T!~ ,~@_y Q:rd.l~ btl~t tamplitude w~~ il'!e~!1c!leMg!!:g li1l!_rI1l n"m~~il; d~e ~o ~~e !!1!.CreM'in,!!, tiltllC ill whid~ lIIle oOli'li'CSpon.dling !>ig;nlll 'Will. reeerded sinoo s~"il:o'lllil'l,& ~U:ll1p 2. off \eVe~m\lnn::oordcd.m ~ilnl 9. sh.o~ delay
t3JlI@(;laIDi!i11d bi!i~t 0 r~JtdjlT~rerU Inii~

spi"ooh.erenc~ b~ 'lI~e~!k<:e!'!]Ib~esp~d! ,of p~ cesl'5lcn. fteqju«lCtes. ''fhe modll!hltlom arises from ne;ulml ex:crton oonlfibutiom: {.?OJ- The signa~ at
dcl!sLys~s due I~O,crUllSU:'UctiVC imterfcr:~ cnc~of c~oolmn, spil~ [l"I()~e;sskln. it'l(ldeslUl fIIlumg 1~IhBphasc $!i'ltcitrol~IZllill()nOOlt{UtiolilS (JPsq.: ,{d= 2ro'D'¥:Ii!, w!icI'Clf is ar!i!it~~ (19). Mu'Ch mere f1Cc)t1M~ tl!iioring Qf !!lIe' m~

~oCked,,dliS'~rib1Jlkm·of ~il'l!> is ~li}le

I~:wopunlp fll1l~

n1!'m.~] a

p:rolOOol (2 J). Eac\l~rrumppul!>e

was !>pUIililllo.:ill ,cl'olJlbl~~widl!l.delay:rD "" 1.8:6 ns ~ TRf7 lOOL\~'OOI~ IlWOpru~Si~ (Fig;. lA). 'f1lCOO[~ llilm 1~lidlng FR :sip ls .sl:toi.I'.iR by Inlnelrudm~ Im.OO i~f~S. ~AE~ioom!~ by ~dIi! ~ p.b!nw doUblet
iF'ig.:Il." 00 trIIo~ a;s·mlflctlOii1 ,of de~",y' time be.twee.n pnbe ~~'Hildl

i~gthe .s~gll{j pl!!!~iP"h~Iilii~ .~~. {FIg., l~), !;,\I,eo~!'Ve .1). ~;lro:!lgF'!R signil e¥i."l ,<l!ITh~j 4'(i!iliml. Bec<lll.!Se noplilase sh~f1Ille!:weeo ~heF'R I!it.l.ces eeeurs, 'W~ coo.rooor:d lIIle d1i?JCi3!j' kin,e~ies; a~, I!j, f,Dijoo. dellay of rn.S:S? 1:1i!> oo~ndf[l,g ( 10 'I.h£cifiUflXi. iml1lmfiJ FEtsigtt:l~~J\IIe:~ '~i'W.C a.tfur ~llit~hin~ 01[[ plI,U.l1Ig) 2: rMu~el!lf!.!'¢ ilI'i'ig: l C), TII~ ,o'b!j~OO~!'i:$niCS (<Ill ~e '~n de..8Cribedby;'! b~~P'(»~~j~iija~ U1C; 8COU~"~ !~g~ g frump~Elooood.~lays'.R.eooro· in:sofUle mid die 'b:ace in Fl~.~ A 1\01,(1 :!1il!n1IJle dcpe!!'Ioeo'JfI ,e!01psoo tillite $.t'lllcXP(-dti)' !he + n.h:nninated. IfOf --.2:0 :1I11.nb':y the pump.-dollbl,e! a~e.\llp(-I'h:':!),. as S!llOWrl. ~'Y~1>C!roCiline ~t to the !min:, Dllfllflloo.iott:lyaI!tCir Idais mC8SW'eunmlt,. lhe :sec· data, [roLtl wt~~chwe get {l, nUll'l10r~' ti,ilD.e 1:1 of end 'P:l!llt1p'\vilil hloo1l.!oo,9n~. a FR lii'I:l:eaSllIUllIlClt1 1 :m~[I, h~l.c ~. i,l ~,.o.4 nnJll, '-11l~ dlceay, liIOWCV~', w 'lI~ng oflll), tile i>~mgkl l1WI'P'I~1I'ailil P """as SIal1:Gcli(I00'I;. eri~MII:y d~~.mdsen Ithe li~n mmnuli1ation. {)()IlIDnf!nrao~il1. :F~~,] A) b~~il'iniu~, fr.cJ~n:ne:g<'l~i",,~ di~iO:!il\l. "Yllii~!l ~Jill'l~jI~Il:l1lltil' hcgd in 'OOrklll~ (iOO'Ilb deIOlJ)"s.C(ll,!~t!'ltr:Y ~o Ihe Cl:xpea!!L5, thitli ~1$!l1!!i pl!!rn~!! .~([ ;are' blocl'>ed), 00 rel1!;'Gl1tiOl:! occum ,.n 0111mil <1111IIDur t~!1I1C seale, Th~ is i~eJlll" slllOWS: Q'U<!!il:ali,\'elyaU fe<!!!ure.8 ofl'lp1!mpooub!et pro~:oo!().L A S1mllilg FIt .!>i,gll:1l1 ("'hursl 0") appear:s pli~ed. by lire red.cirotcs ~Il Fig. lC,Vl1hi(lh give <lili1),IHndd,~c:dC~~,s wbct:e, th.c~sccoudpump was 1!~.cFR amiplUnudc, WIU:ll S'\:viteh,wg on. PUUiliP' I :lI:S .Ioc.ainoo .• Fim:tilCl::\l~13.1s, dmollted burstl 8i1l(].ItR~~ w;ctl ·as I.impro1OO aiRier 3. dark pCilliod. ~'. 2. else 9pp~r.n~~ s~Brr~!be,~roro lrul.~Gl1nlhm:s '\)'lk havcalJlo !!:':llIml!nOO i:H)\lI JasDiIl. 1\)"10 P'1!i11l'iiP p!,d$e !fmn crC$l~ iilile perio'IMc bl!lf:ill p1U!lem i!ld:~ tor· ~rnnl)!l~'l:i!Spn;yuu'!!"" ~1'!~ure to .~ [WOO PUl1l'





:first pump pt.I~ m~I,!II',~d en an I'lli!i"' ~mdJl!e of Simg~(Iltar1Jed ~lo,Ga)~: q uamulm doitS. line ~ffigrn al~ wer'E!i Sl4}rnn:oohom ~U1,~ W ~osiij~ d~ ~ays. Detajils oftllle op:I:Jli:ale'l(cMIilollll IProtolldi are given inthe slre"«;h. The top traoe w:as. I~l:l:rrtkld IriOr iii .slili'lgme:
IPUmp pulsettai'n. For liIiIidrJlelira,~e: we u!I1sd ,111two pDp pube ptmoool with tlvi!~OO!i!d P[;lil'1lp d.~d by To"": 1.s61f1~ r'~'l!a'til:Ve· m tl1.@fir:il: OlfiU!'.• The Iioililm UillOO'W.8I!i taken [or a .~irnQlI'E!i IIl1'U!1!ilPuls~. Rllloordiflg stllmd miight p SOlIIIIe' tmffi at whffilil the di~~erent IfR. sffi!rlJallbursts 'we~ !IIl~roo arE indi'" cilitedl. 'whe 'p,umpililfi'id pre[IiDepower dens~:triii!!sW'flre50 i!lnd 10 W/tnT, I~~ctill'~. !~ie:~1 s.~gn:a~ m~g~u~dl AI'!:


, ~)tllnpl1



GiJtt:er'Ifl~Sll!~mJl\fiU: oflihe middle t.are. I





Tim.e (ns}

'1i1me' < ns)

>i'llfOurndlhJ:! riJllrst (I -lIM'IIimum [a5in:t:i~~ !cmoo ~. tlitl'l' 'b:ti!( m 00] Ir(lr ,dlir'~l1It

:s!lilIIa~~ Walllgl@ of

'a l!!~il1ytiiml!!s



sys,tem hold



. "1:'2 =2: min

times ,aftllerdooll!lQl ~he se:~olld pil.ll1l1iJ:; <lit the: !i3ll1f1e' time, IPUllflpl i!lllilol j:nobe

W!fj!~·aMays 001, (() !WlalI;411'tiQ~lki!1rii!:$ P',~ 1001W/c~ ofiili! P,Rililfillpliw(ie'ilit ,1J ,a'e~of l.8!i'1' ntll (mmmtlllilifl Cliff IliUlIir:lit0) <lIS 11 P2 10[]1 W/crrf D 'ffif!Jii.d1iOf1 ,~~ tim~ ,~r~r Sl'ilb;.hiil:lii! mf , I~ump 2. Befcooh'afl!:l,th8i ,sy5,tem was; :2. 8 o ~liIe'atedrior t!.(]i m1t!il by the 'tWo pump T~m,e(min) 'lime (min)' 1~tJ!llsl€ipmm{Ot The< bl~e OOIIlIl'~ was, lflii il!ClISilllre:d Mt~p!.!!lrlllp2 btocked at t =, Ill'. iFh)E1 red lime !>lit ow>!) i3I lid·exIPOI'I,entiill~. tirnJe dependellioofitt:ed to,liIlIe da1ia. from the: ~ingle to' the '11M> PlJllmp plJIlllie' prIlJtDm~. Uine'.s-ingle IPlJIliDP IPlJI:~W Th~,d d~tW5$hgw the' F~~igifl~la~lr lke,~ifti!ll th~S!yst@!'iiI ffi~ darkin,~:; fo:~ expDsure l~d:He '~e switili ~$tedFcr 210 mmlil. IFor e'a(:b o'ff ~liIe IIii'ump5 'the E!l<ciMisn ,!iie'Uimy Wili51.1]:Q Wkml2..ihe red Line is albi·'~Xip(i(fi'i, ,nt. Fi:lr different times .art!J then a;d'dr!!!Ssiiil!;j ~ by pliilnilp lind proDe .. (D) llIe IlCine'tic5 a:f AR.[flmpl~tu~'1!!'8Hhf1']' !'IS wh !>!lYiilIcMllIIgl <lit t allll.ll\1I!lU~I~!i8= 6lamdi 6 K.






IFig. ;2:. S,~mellileof elem Ieadingm the ~l!IdIIE!!l:· hila:~~M r«!qil;l~~ 'focu5ilil!J of 'Ih~ etectr,1}IiI ,spim ~r,~ (@iSSl:J:1fl mdli!S. The penoo1:i:: rl!!ioo~lliJt'~Ui,tioollbY;:l1: Imlol'ie-!QJdled dn:ulEaJrly polilriz:ed It:aJser,SYIIfI~hro:JJIi])~5; lie pre:OOMim1l5 of e~E'i1im1ii ~iniS wIiIosJe ~q;IlI~riIcie\>
~,'1 (iIOO



1100 -

110 rnlJld~e<lrrea!fll'ilngeliTumt ~ntJllase' QDs" wiliIich do., ,II ! lrilot$a~;ry lie PS(.viaopticaiiy ~ldatMe~ooI;roni· liiiudear :~~i!fi 'Ojf'}'l1.op pr,OC'fiSlse'S" Tihlii re~ilJQ!fi~m~ntt I _ I A. lliTmdffie~ the eter!ilioo splllT Pf'ea!!jHiomifre~/IIe:lI!~ sueh ~1iIi<ltit beI:~:me~f~Ii!,Me~th~ f1illei;l!IlI~nry readhes t'h!:l IPse. <A), A:wra!Jie: !!iplfi1lf@laxa~ootim1~ of the: ,As Ilimdea: l,'erStlslilile e1.&trUiliT spm, Pf8wsio,1fl fre~/ IL1I1IOlllllltedf,or' th:~ ,singl,e IPl!lriI1lP'~rrm~ .lInd the twa, IPump (b'~llI.!el'~H~wooLs;. TI~e: :spiliJ r~~a):i~tJf:01il1tim~ l(illlo!lll .. tOOI ~III E:q. :n, iml :!NlMooi;d WCiS dlerwedl b)' II!ISll1!g '(~i!J,;li.:n. (I,) Itlelill$ityo,f ~lertrCllil5pin prel.:~s,iQ!ii'm(i~ inl ,an 'lWe~ll~e ~f siiii~~ char!J~ IQD!li modified' lily thEllrill!lde~G8ladated fmllle! simglll! 2. I:)ump (r,!!d~li[I!ld1 the 1IMJ! PIlflT1J' ru!OO) pr,i)ttll'i(l(r;~. De llii!la,OI!;.tin@ !~imws m@, t:l~niS,ff¥ of mi:1lws b~(!f@ rllfetlJ!!II!mcyfJ(lul(\~~ duel to 'BrilseliDl:J~!! ispersi:m ,off d Ili!iectrlm .9faonr Qlltd I':!udtoor poki ~~iIII i100bua' tioo. (C) A d(l:sE:li!~tlf '(Bi~'fc[ Ilide!ll ¥ts,lbl1lft¥ ,m ·Il~ I~t)w density of :stlte1i ~anQe. ,AUca!loola.tiOOIl hCiVe lbee:m doo.e< for B ::' 6.1[; l!giJ ~ ,~t55S" Ag~ =0.100:37,

sGtisifylie PSt. ,Ai; the: ~!IrI~ tHe. the ,9dta,tlof1lll~.d~



1b-_Ii'!\!_¢_ !_:~_OIir_$p_.c~_!'I!i_:
" [1'"'



'I ·1


1 GHz. Tit. = l'3.2: lliI$,.T~,.~ Tr/1 m$,.and ~~ 0:: 3 !J:s.

,'r~l.Ie~~ (U2r,OOliSing

FR sigl!al. F~r tI'm( 1P~,dt~ sll!llpl!e\%'~ first l~h)!I'l1!in.aJOO{)!]Iy ~ypUimp ] .a!rDdj Oren pun1l2 .~~
s\'1;1!c1il,ed Uotl~ pumps: had apo'Wcr of Qn" Wren;, Th.crue Olflhc fR sii~rml'wasl'l'll.e~ all III ~naJ(h1ilmnwItilin ~llID'5t:1 as [u1ilOlioll of tum~ ~I<tpsoo.aficr ,ifw'lto1~!l1;g on. ~l!l'Il'iIP:2 (F~ ~D)b Th~$!ow !D()mpilncmt of 'I.hUi :ns~'(:r:t,i!li on a 1'l1IlinYles ~ime8C<l!~e.<'l'U!d! 'i( !jlu~nell~ w;!!IiI e1!i!c!UUnOri






The ObSC1'\f\OO kmg memory ·ofexcim~QnI, p~ toco~ must he: ~nroil:uil~tc!C!l Illlm OD l~lflC~ei, for III whud~. 1o,I1!!;spIIll r,eiuetIOmlliltH'S in~ighmag~ Itetucile:Id_1;o u,tJ!, to hurn or ~'O!tc;1il ,dia.lfShavebeen r:epofliOO (24. 25).. 11~{: I!JUldel in ;l parrk:!!!.1l;u'd)ol mnst iilaveboon i<l!]igned.aitongd~e m"'g!l;~:k:r:liCtd. lJ;, d~!xu.~g~. Ire i!lle!<l.C11\D!~ Ida.eelee~ili!e 'l'li~
UIGI~ dwinge.'IipO~1.Ire tOd10

:p;1r.t1Ilu:ain. 'Ihlsala:gll.~


0.. 4

IlHlfil:, in,~lml, ci:L8f1g,esIdl~ ~~GCtroI~,s[nill ~(m,






lime (ns)

Pu:1iSa @faa (1C)

1.. 0 0



IF'ig. J. (A tl), C) 1~R.lraIOO$r\~ralil '~fllS~m:bb~ af .$i!illg:~!fd'1I!iH[I.@dQD.~ !S1Il!b]€!(ttIOa sal1l1,goo 1~~liiIlP IHlls~ f'~:tlliti1oliJprotO(:OlMI~h puii:s,~area (7) :;:;:n:: at 8:::; ,6 T. (A) F:Rm'a~e$ it.iJJb::lili[ated wiith~tJli! tter!:s,tty o,f el.emmm1ipin IP'N~(eSliiDm m.odl1!5 nlIrnc:h'alm g:edi by thl1' nudel, l1he I'ol,tio, of ~h,e IFR am pMtn d~ before,., A 1M!~)iillndliilfter, .A,po~,"the ~lJmp p:r!Il$e~hows;l!IiIait ol'l'~ J(!ll% 'CI!flhe elecb'oli!$ are ~PlVQL\led illl the lifIlIade=kn:I~t!d sp~1ii P:re(e5sia:lfi, l.eflidimrgt.o iIIl1f!'di.i~ed fiR :~igll1>aIL iil!i!'9amre delair.! campalr'ed with tJirilit iIIt of ~oc!liTIii\i'e.dela,:ys~ (B) FIfib"a(E'.~ ca~!lJIJI,affidl 'wilh '!the: delil~ity elf e~eCilJ1(lI"I~p'in 1!lI'iei:eS:S~:i:m In"lIClde~ IUIi!odified by the' IiIl)1dei.n~ 1~@JtiO af the All gmiIflU:l~di':lSAIK!(A!J'l!~ shi!)ws ~haJtt90.010 ,~f €!1~drl)i~S are IIi!'CWil"vU~wt:liilli mcde..lQotBd :PfiSCE!SS,]OIiJ.(C) E;;,;p~~lmi!!lIffta[Ua'c@' ef tlfr'l! IFR S'i!il~i'll CMa~I1~ .:rIHer e:duBictimgtlire IWIlIb'ibultiiio:n from nJel!ltlrtde:.:uitlllffil~ whikh Ile,lIch ml lliIIIodl!lh!tiome:f~he IFR $iglliltll aJfteu IIfIUIiI'IP puls~ !1Irri,\I.a1 O~ig. lll). 1i~'e! ~~lrimleJiI:tal ratt~ Amli!rAiP!I!~ (O:!IIfirms ilat9'Oolb aHh~ ~I,~trt:lrn ~r~ llf1wlved ~n the mode=~o'dk'Edprecessilorli'1fl OUil' e.!q:l,erimem. Gaiklil~atd raiD ,of the FRo iiglmatt <llln"liPUtudElli A.rIi!:JA'INl~' with •. andwilhout (b!iuid including lliIUlde:[lr reillmmgellTllerntilsfl!Jlilctlon (If jlYIllil,P 1~liIllse al'.ea. ~E]I Depen,d,e:IiI'Of: o!~ ~,e l'eLafure IiI!JLliIilb~r,~f' eledmlils.. RpJt), 'in ~ OIl) el1lsemrtd.e involwd ·RiItne'!cessiolfi ,~ fliilfiwol1 ef ~ump pulse .area. 'iI1te same S:e<t ,e~ p6:ram.e1l!rs was usedl M im f1g~. 2..

freqp~,ffI ee ~ _,_ @M,."., \1,Ilrere !!()~ = ~B/(/} ). ,,*13 is Iii'"" Bohr magt~et(l!l, g~is 1ffiI,~ e:1~lro:lil. g fa~CI!\ .md d1~ ml!c'~CIU'col.t1ri.b\ilia$!" Ww.", L., p~ pG!tkml!J. t{l<~h,e!~1i.Ic'~ear~I'llJi1_~liou. Ueslow wi'l1ll ,md dOCOly dymmlVcs ()ifth~ 1fR. ,S\gililotliill fig.. l j!ildl~c..9Je'bm, t(! ~~nwi\l optical plllscimln st~n.... ~d u11l1£5 tlae; Il'l!lclui ~Q ~,Il<:re~ lI.e ll'l!ImlboJi of 'ODs: for whiCb 11ih.e eloonJ'Qfrlspimprooossiorl r~(l~nai!3S i~itlry IIlI~e PSt for 3. pdiiclililliitC:i>idl:3lnol1. prulooQI,



What Ill!d_~vi!'ligdlC; p:rojeo1!iQ!~ ofdle nMcle:i!lf mll,e'l~gnetic f;kitd to .~VllhJe itmtL'IJIon;/ifs an '~:'~eclrOnni.o ~ Siltis:~ Itfil.e ~C? '1]lfe nuelear PQ,I:ari2:a!ti,00l. is c]I,an.ged by e:1:BCtron"I~uc:ll!:a:r spill. '~1~p.l1op[lfQ(,':~l'lS~ult,. imlgf~rtrilF~i-(i9:1J'1~~ b~f.MI.11il' illJ.m:a~tr'OrIP6), Sue;!] ~iroc~iSes;"hO'wev'~. Oife iSuppre-s~d it] <I Sltolil;g:nl~gJ'lettc fldldooCOlU5e of ~he C'lletg.}lrnisl'I1ili'Lkih be!;ween Illile !3\l,ec~'ron ou'l'd, Illl.'lclear ,Zeelill<'UiI
S]!ifll po~<lrlzd:km on .. SpLU~IDillllllsby iiOO'lIlt dll"OO OM~i'S Offil18,1lJMtl!ld'c. F~i,..:nllp IrafilSiiUtlll;'i,. whi:ch MG ~~sted byplliO-

C>Ol'llliP,~~~~.;tti!1gd~~ n~is~~~i!)h.h"ve ;,l, ~QW r,!~iUty iOOcau,_..:e otl!:le p!m~OOl oolt!e~~kin QD.s {27, 28},. This exph'l1LflSihe llribuS'tIile!>S of the ~n.wle;J1CSPllll polaciizalio:nl in drin.css to mrCir an

{Fig, tCJ COll~lli~nl1}1 IU~i3ail,c~Fia:nlo;plicat e.:i(.c,ilalit'ii~ (ji,r urn~·!i<llj;~~l'l.1'ic:Jti b~{Ililes (1~1i'Kil~ C!flk!~ril "l~h;,tr:iis!"!l iii! ~hen~deat Spi~l ~t.m:l~'ttiOll dy~

Uked:~~~-i~~tlQ~.Ev~~[~~ny wlwl.r; Q!!) enUl~ \Wmlb~e prutidlPa~ tn I! cQ!le!l~~!t ~~SiQ!l P locked on Oldy 3. f~! preeessicn frerqp~fldcs" 1.1Di mggcsl!;. thaI alassr pmloOQl (deflillcd, bya s '!lUbe scq;UCllCC, ,Wci'tilD,. and mm) c:mr !be des:ignoo.
h;I fOOiLIgl.llil: I'lI~ti!QIft~~Iil.


lJ!~nios., The: ,~cii!.atiofl process raptdly har!i5 "nff" n.h.e, rnlyperfi~el'l~M of a Gicfunt eiectron,
aclmit:l~, 0:11. d~e tm.1cici, and dilcl:ic!d is sl!.lbse.qi1Ci~~I'y l~iI!In:Lcdi onagBlim by the IriOfnJ lradiativtl ,dooay.

C'itltlon pro;locoL TheOOI'll@lex e'!{,o~ulionor~~~e uloo;e dClllsity C<lusooby !ihe ;g,wi~lJhi'l1g bel~eren ~:nnpintllProl:OOQbis d.esrnibed l!.!yEq;, ] 6 in (SOMm!(ij. SOlin~of ~Jllil fcarures ,oh!lCrvcd.iI~ tlile FR. si~8iI. ean be er-1,p~.ain.cdi ql1i3lL~'3.ti\'cly•. Fo; whc~ S::(!i.IJ<) ;~ the' cOJ!I!ponelllt of~he ¢1~1~ '0Xa:tII}pt~..,. U~~<i!in1o-..~ il~WlOOi!.lS FR s!Siraal ~ 8pil~1 poiafi;t;atiQ~ al«w; Ilhe~igl1lprolP<U-J;.1!~iM di~ W~~(;41sMi,fi~ooirtgrrol"!ld~e :sVut~l!e WI·lh~ m.woPU"~ looalio'll 1!0l~1 <l! di!e !h'Onl;~n~:of purnp pu.tsc Ol.r~ I'Uls-e p~~ if! f.i;,1 [) CI!!~ tmced. to d~e:m ~. hellOIll, ofQDslhat. ~Rcr: cxpasure to tine,single rivllIl.11:1Cil'C'[0:re, rI1~c' ex.,ci~~io:nrn~e rl(OO~I- [U2 ~ pump I;i!tlilli;cpt'OIOOC)l, atu.dyfJ'oHill th.cfSC for SJm))ITR;. for Cl'ooUUliS mrisJyiuS 'lim fSC (H}}: dmlwo p'1!llillppul,oo Iilroti(]OO~wil1l~(},umal1J.ynud£arr S''i'M]' :::::. '-;~12. Idm 0xd(!atim~ proooMliry is 'vmy ~«~WOOeS!lIS41lofPa.uHbl(, :Bi:l{l2ll!le of:3Jvmy ~lIIl1g(llillml! (Fig, 2B). In [he oppoS.i~L(l:C:a8~ long.d~lm~c:~ time. T~,i!lOll!r Q'D~ d:l~ ·e~.~ of swiLCh~!li8,fro'ln'l h:v'{']' to S~IiI.g~i") Pll!!]1[fD' ~rl!!b~ ciboo!l !'iIl~fOt la~c~ecleCltltiln... Ls ~I,!oed [r)' lwo iexc~~tocm, .aJ~nl~ai~1 QDs,l?!rlilich. 8lIti~:fy(he PSC (]I!roe!S Qf ~fI~..g!li~!lIIde fi~ fi'uJiI]I/Tit .j., ~1T2fur, 00,1 'bdooe llike s'wittil~,OO!l!in'll!e 10 be mooe-k~"$red ~hc ~ of moolro11ls Qlru olllCe:q).:.-"'Ii1fllelllS I1Tg ~ Elil[erwam (f~ 2!CJ. Chrung.cs (I fn.uc.le:ilil" ~inpo. 200) [SlIppo:rn.ln;gOniHne Mated!!l. (80M) UY..'(~].. .laJrizailiOil arc .!>1II,ppreiSSl,,'dil~ tiJl!~c:: Qns, li.\ifldhn:g 10 a ,dlYl1J!lmiesil~ !~lllG Jml~nl!n~ time [aI1Igt:l (80M Because ofr!{oo),. 1ffiI.~· Iillm!.ear rulaxaliO:llra!e ha... 3. !i:1I(U'Igend pmodj(; dep¢ltd~m.o~01] r;J), Mlll~ I~XI)'~Uld e:i(~lll'iniillg ~h~;slow FR s~gn1i1 d(l(;~~ in Fig. ~IC. I~lhe period del~fnnil'i:OO by lihePSC (If da.e pol_flO fOCusi.!!{,l of~oot!JG!~ !J~I);) PSC mode-sis l~iol!l1!!!" xcit<U.iom~I;ocdl: 2:ltI'r~ !for il~ :S~l1iglie c ~'u'lse tm]m m~d1 2rrorTiElb !be ,dGub~e tpuilisclJ:<Min dBC~~;Ynll<t!ljf'C-Sted by the FIDt s!, ]~~ fig, IA, OOauR it C;!IlIISes o:~nparnblc' Alamplirude.s o 100· (Pig, 2A).inl'e ~1U1geiifclIDIloo in"dlf:: 1fI1I.dear. nip d fom and! afiar jhe Pl!lIlIIl;)pulsC& 'Em MlooialiOOls nne expla~ms'\~by6iI.w~in. each Qn ~OOM to .roach. l~iI'I~ value: 1lI11,0\'\JIl.1l,g c~ootmfil spilTh to, [Uilfin tiro 1I~L'l deflilo~stnnallm.t" wI'UIJJ"ulfrequem::y fOOl!1s1.n:g, Iffim PSC, I!lQD~ \\igdl dlee~~Cl(D'!CII] ",pin :1Il)'~!.]1<l.lChililil,!l, .. FR<'!!r!lptiludl); al !.I\I\m: dleiLo1.ys, A,Iilg,' d~ I~()i~

n~~by it <lllo'l:w,::IJ fli:p-~qpp'm~~ d~.w.g tl~ s~vlltl~U!\gw!lill!oU!l.e~~y c(l!Jtq~.!"\!'a~i()n. l1le f:!llIc'le!iif sptn·!nipm~emrlh~rnlecl\af:!ism is jpflOfIDrtl(m<ll. 00 th.e roue of o!lt~calex!cimmjQn of InlncC!OOll'llU, n({l}). AeooMin~ 00 l!~e selciClioml :rn1Jcs, I~IDIcPro'b8!Jryil:iJ~y I ofcxcium.g the ,elcetm:l~IO a !ricm IJ~ e:'!"poolrui.:redI il:ghti£ p:ropooru.onaJ ~L!1!2 + S::(~)

To ca~· c'!l!I<J!!elhe!!:pi~ p~'O~lon !'i"iOO¢dl;l~sil,y h~Fig. 1, wel~vellif.lpHcdl <I" "00x rllode~"(29)j in whidl d~e elcclrOul ~SJwr:tJncti{m has a ,finlll.': !I'1l1p~i. IliJJdfillv1'~lIfISidG the QD 'VOillill:un~ R sud ~,szero ooll1~id~ (90M text)" n~ qi1i~uMit:Mticvl'; 3!lIP~itr:'llaCl';(/if II~ .~p,i~'1 l~~·
ii 'll~g~elll00~,

il!! OJ,~QD 1')~~illM('l 10


p.roi'l1li!iii~lgpcr.spootives 00 the luse.of an!msem1li!)[e o:f charged! QJl}.j; Idnc :si~g~L': doolronoohe:rm~oe'Iilm~r~.,
Rl!'&:r,i!!ilU1!!>ill~d IN9h!~

q~!'fhJ!rn bii, whioo cx~i~ depl~ng f~e 5\!I~,!;~e-~. TI~isl~;l' g~rI

~b~isih~s .1Iro~tk~~~~~OOiJitc

:1.5;. JJ.. W,c4f ,i!! M, .•. firfl:i.ll.ce, 2", 1.4£18, (200m. 2,. liD. ~!lI~~.I).IP. DMOOlrulQ, ~ Jl:1jI~.~ !;7,]!:W (:1:99;3.). 3.. UI.,l&r!O!!illl ....AL l,IHr,05, .~~ M Rrn !i'6il, 2.0!l~ (:20M. 4. J\.V. tIDOI§'l~kir,!i), ~~~ t G!"~ITl.~, fl'h:y$ •. fI.ev. WI, 1~30l W)OI!lr. 6, It'. I'll




5. A, (.liQhl1$~r! et or•• N~'e 4:;15, 9'~, ~l)Oi~. L KiI.F\i!En!:e~' at, 5c~e 311&, 1}.16 ~:2ro~ plilJll!ll!dMllrli!!:l:llll~ 2,oo.~iM,Il!26!!liMlliHll!:3ill '9l. 7,. J. R, f/(!Ila ·~tm., ,S'~~l'C~ 30~ •. 2:11ID (:l'DOS;!; Ijl!ublhllll!d

[ji~IIM ls:t!iJl{llffibt!r2005 Uo.I1I.26~citfi!2~,lU'~ri~). 13. W, A. ({Ji!.11, [l, ~n5"PIlys. fIe~, 8 12 1:253:37 (,Oost 9',. W .. ¥<lq·,.Iii;"~ liil. l J. :5'!~!'Il,Phfr.. J!e~ ~eli. 98, IOn602: •. t.200'). ~O\ IN,~. 1Mi~~, :j;. I!lai~$aJrrna, Pih'$. kr.. ter.~911!, 10.77601(

:n,. fi" ill"

[{lriTl!lii, G". ti:~rlilt~ fitlys. I).


U!!l't 9:1, 1l()..1,D6

1l'fM, B:


(~,OO4l. G. BitIikaru.

lG:!~; 0. P. IDtVlllrm~o.,

2070' (1999~. H. W,. A. (gill~ [l, ~I)i~


M, Ill, 'G~!"flIl'I!Ii,n r (Ii" s"{1i~JlI(eil:n. as til, 997). e 1(5, ], M,UOl~ii<r, L ~,~~fl;~ M. I). IWIlkIIl,jJi!~ ./i!g'v• .igt, 9a, .2:1)6303 (2:1l1131 lii'l•. A. hlMffiID9l11J. E, Kfl~ll. L ~'lif'l.. P. Zull~ ... Phys. nfl'" Ult 9~1, OH4J02 t2:llo.3;). n,.p,t Klkk8\.\\9. D.IO,.Pu~!4~~ Scli.>n~ .2111;01,13 (20001• ],13•. M. N. loil'lJIlIlOOr>Qllf. 01, loo.!:.M. P.fl9!Iio, [')., [), ,Awl;.{[)Mtooi. Ph~ Sell: ,~rt" &9', 0l0760l f200i2}, 'li 9: )\. Gf~j!.iCl~ Q~ .. ~imr,e ::!i~, 341 (,,006-1. el ~:I). fli" fjr~q[ijcl~ eJ' ~1" ~" ~Lt~m. ~60. :~V<1'O'l
(~,ooo$)_ 21. Matm~I!~l!l'Id I1'IMhD!ili!
OI'l~1Ve\, ~11e'





,8 '7Q,195,~4c!


~Y.'lilab:l.l!cm 5run!M

~2. ~3,

J. M,. KI»:~wa'.D, D. AMdtatiim. <!!~n (:l:99f~.

flj, G'r~qli~l~ elQ!I,,~.

nIN .. tM'.


l~iI!ePSG, ..he

oomribUl1Ufl ttl m CI1@J'lges IrandOluly IOOccrlllSl:: of'!JE!e li~l s'l:l1n!t~tccl ~Iu!! fUp-"flQP Il:uooesses o:n ,Ej sooollds Iljn~.esca:te.111'0 pulsesim lhe !eJ!i.peri'lilcll~ adl:Jress, all QDs. and dleilr ti{)t.a~,CQ:lillribulioiID. :sh.OOId.~1ak:c tilt; .flit sigJ1~ai~ 1~.ypi~i.'I~ Imng,(l:tMDNx of ~hi.s OOiUlln!rIll!)OOl 10 Ilm,is Ilmdl rsnrong_(}u airer III'i':PU1.S~ Ibhanl oor"(!~, ",,!ton HmLloo. by st31isHcalfiluCIl1.Ot1.0n G!ifrtlim IlJllIclcar spin, (lnly !!IrlL'lnlOOc·limc.koo electaulS aru mlevant. ~l!at:ii:mUOl~,.fen illfl !S~udJioo. ~II1l•.GalAs QDs) ~,.<: .

,~I'. i! 75. 231130'1 U~Cln, Ill. ~<i>!iet. ~$, ~~: B~.U",!~ t~51!!i,;!~. 25 .. 1;( l ElI!!Ihi";IS. )\_ I'. it"'iJIOV 'Ii, Ie Saf.a,fIDI, 5tw. f'lry:t lfIP 'exceed 3 O'i~or~ron:::poslti'i,l\e delioIy sign<!! a:~lp'~~· lit 169 (1.9 :t4}, llll!de,. ApiM ,(Fi,g,. lA.). l'~e strOJ~g olnic~. pump 2:6•. M. t (),rilk.<IIIIIl'l', 11. I. Pffd .. in OpJJm,~O:rll!~i\lIiIf"iil. ~.:l,

F, Mieielr"

8, 11'. Zi!~hardle~.i:t Ed:~, ~MQr~I·Hil!'ILiiOO'"

is on


wiml~ lhe se[J<I:_~tl\m bet~!~ !lIi!e[~lm~;e"S)"!~chu:Q!n" !t~gative ([clay signal (0 ~.~. !cbilll!l OO%,{Fig.3B) .. ~dI m'Odes2:Il/Ti"t ~ (MS·GIi:b;~ As alfeS\!U. the Tkis ls l.n ~~!'II;.'Cnlen~ iith.h~ el'qJ!efbmml<l1 dal~ w nlilclear c~nltrn.bllltioll occasionally dln'Yes {l,U, ill :I':ig. 3C, wl~tch sI];Q~~' on'I" tile clootl"\:mcoll" e~Il~ll 10 ill, P8C 1llIQdC', ,vilrl('.;1'i(; ilS pl7e(\e.~Lon, Iribuuion tOI.h.e F.R Sillllli'lfliL Tlfle ~w;ge 'I!'3illl.lco"f froqruoocyis 'Vi[ll:u~~ly .on time A'J.....I...I1'1'I" ClOOl:i1f1lii1S I(hal ino'l!.l:r J Se;]~e. Th~s l~~ to Illim :f~~llC-Y fOCUiS<lng iI~ .;in ~locU:ou, iin. the .opl:ic.lUy eNc,ited Q<D CI..~tlilb!~ mme il!1!VQIV!}di i!~ ~iIleCQI~eoo:~t f.~sstQ!]l. ~in ~~b QD ~!1:d~:o ,WOlilll~I~,d<l!!iQfi 1f~he'Qll~l ~br Q which ·eh;)cl(Q]! ,spIDs umicll the :PSC. The C1!~cubiiQ!!$of tll~ i!!iells!l),' dependence gf
'fhe rn:q~IMCY foolllsing

OH.z ~~e (SOM ~~l) @.!'!doo!¥!pau;ili~~

.H()l~V"e\'cr,d)e !WJCk.'af @l;'Ijl1!..sht~~u1 h:t~~:


rumLerdlam, :l!~S41. 2:i!.. M. b~lIto;'ar er M,. N'alm 43:i/!.Bl WlQ·¢), ~a\ ~, ~i~~~~k~i',¥, ~~~,,~v, y,~, ~. ~!.'; fJ '~,'l" Ull H (2'OOI!.il • ~~', S;. M.. F,t)'Ol~IH;:rlI'~ Y\I. r.;;. $~!!lellll)i>', $~. Ph~.If/Ji' II!!!,
lI,AU (l~rol 311\ 1ft II.. 1lyO!JOO:fIll!l, V, L P!!I'o!!I, Sov:fhys. JErI' ,155., 3;62 (TI.97:9). 31,. k. Abr"~ilm. liM fml'Irfpk£fJfM:JrJ,rf!(JJ' ~,(lff~ll1 rOj(~rr:l, lJI~iw. li'ra~ ll.oodOl~ l%:l;I, II- 2:i~.. 32. We' ",f~ 'Slr~ti;l~l ~~~, EMi~" i. !(~f!Md:r.~~d II. J\. ,rile~tu~~ lOt ~11l!;lrUiiliC.a~~gi!~iom~ i!.~t~~, "MJlIl.I!olpt. fll';~ W!IIill; iI1\!!~ ru~PIl'rI!er:!i bl' tifle. fHii1J(;I~~lnJll'Ilst~;fl!1llin I(UlcI ~1'Id 'Fili'SclliJmgpr6!l1~jJ:f I'Rj~ ~ ~miilooq~it,.~ tl~~ ;DI!!!@Il;~.~ AMOO!! ~5!Ni;,c11

ce....~[,onm.ooe dellshyin ihe I()H) ell!Seillible (,Pig,ZB ami. ~tsclosel.lp, in C), W~.lIrotJ:~. foclJlSing. lt1m dCl~i" ~tty of thi'l eh~'ir.Qn5'Jliml Il'mc~~ioo ~nooes,u8 G:3!~i!l~:ilI:lw:itlh a w~dO~.

m.oo:ufie;s: r9"1e spiN!p~


dle mtio Ai..,jA':"""sbw

oohi!:rolJll $;Pinproo~jon
Jl'~I]! 3~~E:OOt to

j] incrcascs ihe m~k) or eleciroms~R.vo~:veCi l.n the




Ilomj. ;ilJltlbcr.,




h}[iflfilFl!ltfon ~·alI c>eoiIOO VtdmiJolr>gj1 prll!!ltiml, !ille: OUif.:e ,,,r Niilv~1 Rli1~r;l;ll. ,ilIlKi tiM! l)et;liL>c!1Il I'w;iCmq'5oQ~m,e-il'!SctMft 1fi:!~(l!Je~I'r:!~P!:' '"ijUillltWi'l OP'tiC1 !J! Se!liiOOndi;!t+!!)r N.!ing5i!~J.(~!lIe!:'l.

iI1.WI:I~~Y (F~l}

3~ Damdi E},
that U~.e!~iu,c'~ciinsiW'igl)'

Sup'p!J!mfl91 Olill~ine .Maitllriill.



dI~~,ed QDs e1>i:posed0 a pedooic p"uls:c:d ie;x;d· 1 filion '000us ahnosi <lII~ ek\(1irolls:illl 'd~.e ell" j]~e
is the g far::lox dispbVSkiUl. FmqUCltcy l~nooi[iru;d~eQ.Tili:ili1i'i~ooltuiliLl!.llJliJlJ} d~ly :fOO!:IiS~m.g

M;a!.ei'll15alld h'IiI!tl",d~
50\'l,!i 'T,~;t;t

sctllli,lbIl.c ~t1Jli(); !I (jo:tlei'!(,'I1le~ootro.f:I ~~n froccs!>1olll. The ('lXe~lillg l:li..%lr acts a.~.91lit'leltroilti!lmea:iJlcll ~~-


21. T", lie ,Zoo1 .amlpte~ 2:9 IWg.ust. ,2.0011 1!O.1I.12~ck!il~!!.:n~,6!B50



tate ArchleSln B,io:s,p herie Oxyg,e':nati On, 81nd Atmospheric .EVD,llulion.

Allan J. l{all.lliman.,.l", DallidJ "Ii.• ]lohnSllntl.1. Jalm~~ Faf~l,!Iliia~:/lAndl'i~w Ii.. Maste:r5:olt ~._ ·W. 'Ly~ z Sleve BatE!:5,;i!Ari,eJj Il~Anb!lr, 3,IiGi!'!~ll~ Aimokl .• ·] GaIM!Il,5i 1R!i)9eIiBl1Iid!:5 ~ Ifiligh-re·.oohiltiillfl goo(~l!mica[ ;anilil~)!':Ses f org1Jim('\J[idl shail~·an:1i:i C.afooliHtlietlilntlllllgiil th.t! o 251001 m,i~~iCiin·yeiu-o'~d.M.ollim .MciR.i3le Sliii'l~e ilil th.ef.'lall1rlell'~I.IlY IB.alsin o~ l!ilol'ilhwestelTilil AllI!S,frii~i.a l~emrdl d'l:allil!ll~"lifll !!Doth th.e ox.i~atian ~,t;t~ ·lh~s:urf.a!Ce' ,oteal'll a.lild tilIe atmo~Jlh:!!ri![.ml1f1ipo:ll,~~(m~ af 'IIhe' MOl.lnt MciRali!! ~;cord of §11.I:~furisoMpe5 (aptul~. the widie:5!,prea.d a.lildll:l'''''l5;ih1,~i'' permanlllllilit




i!1e ~!~Gr<ilQ8g.cil<J~-

5itim~ in !:hernle!!V~~ bctw~n 13 S <!~d!IS J Ill, where !l;P to ~€I wt % C and S rn"etIJoSIXwdL ~:n. theintnrv:!I1 betw~m~ .~30 and 135m, '!fisua~ ~ovid.enm of,pyTIru 1100l!Jles, lamllULliotls, alild .guado1 bi,,& ~~'l SOIne~~a.f sulj~d;; ttmdp;jr~tioliii.w1!iich

tg~l S


h~lp [0 ,~pllal!!i. the !!JliUp dmp :~Il im'i dlC: :1~(I:~logcf~(JII!ig~~,ale


,of ·th~ oi.:dd"t1iv~ ~'l)Il!lI~c)!Idre for' I~~~aps. ·tih~iI'i~t '~lIiIiIeiii! li.a!rth's. liIistory. 1i~e CQ~lation !C!f 'th~ tim~·.Si~~~.$ Siillth~1!i !!')top~ sig!'lals~n 1!i'I·o!'ithW>fl$l~m A~s'tralii!'! w:it~ ~qlllli,i!'!I~~m ~ strat1!! fr~m SOIUIIii.. Alfrfca slLllllgleru~~at (hang'E!5irilll@!~ogen~'( ~!!!I!fur (y~i'E! rE!wri(:ie!d illl mariln Ii! sediments activation
Mi'f@ gloltlalrlil SlCIJipe allild We!nl l~illlkedwi:r!!IiIi1OiS~heirk @\[ol.l!li1ii'DrI"Th;E! (l'i!tI SI!J:ggies;tllat 1lX!i9!;!I'Iil'ti mil iof UIIEls;urhlce IO(;!l.i!11iI pr~wede!d1 ~en.lasii'lI!l il,liId 1"!lll'Sffistlmtil~IfIiI0.5:pheln'k o:tyg:en:i3ltiolil I~y :50 m~I~lioll1! yealiS. (liU I1Uliue.

Thchj:~h~roSQ[u:~iOOl SisiOttlper:oom.Il(..'Verus oousid~i'able SInl'Ii~\llle va!riatcojl ~IillW"s iliI"id A:lJS (l8).illlelu:dilng s.u'bI>l1tnl'ial.lood,.w-ood 00" eiQja.IJiom, 11'1 '~""lmI:11i,~s Ole t~mt~·~ri~ .S isoto~

data, IIJ.e


McRae Sillal¢ can 00 divided!

S~S 0lf:'idI

(19) info a ~Q\!o'Cr ilt (> l:53m), wl1m W

.8?"g sh~! P!)S!ttVC CQRtlltuon,. <liPId! n L.~poer a Uini:t«153m), whine ~O!:s: values become .~I'a~ m::~uve. Of pillrtLculru- ~m~lBntisdll.'! IID'It~NaJl above BOm, \\!lhG<C posiu.vll: .A~3S
",.alu~ .~ ceJl(lplQdwid'!J r1e.~ti""'~

:he hi~O\ry ·of &!!!'fiI~~~oo QX'y~e!1@t~O!~ !s\'\.rurollen in I1ihcs:eolG.~ic<!IIiOO()ifd of redO(l!.-seJaSlilivc !ell'\lne;!liL~ iPilleSen'ed ln am:itmt}Jilts·. TI~c: d:~()V\t'tt)!' of lru-gc noo::lill.:ll"S.dciPClild!Glnl {NMD) 8isotop~: :anOl'lla.I:im; ilil. Areilllflill~alil.d.di~e· elilil"~i(,:sl.p,%~{l'Ofl:~ill~o:ic s~~ls: .~ bel~evOO In ~ cAl~g~~i!~ almOsphcric Olt~e\lIelS, as Illest': re.sult from [):ho!oohe!M~! !~timus. in .OJ! low O~ilI!nlOSl)Wlere (1~~). l'odOOmVlell~. lell1l)Qral cimnga: in the ~m~gll[i~udcof ·dU.1!ii~ iootope ex.ctI:l':!>irDl!ls,. we tocu~ on ~tlgh':SO:[1I1~J)n $ijII;HJ!y.sGlll

snr.ttigmphic VaciOllio!L5 in Q:]cmcnw @bl!md\;lnccs

[wel:i'i1t -peroent {wI: %)C and S]ndUJC conl}· '~rlioll~ (lJJ cmbo!limtc .aIIi1ci1 nl1'l'lliCll~alrur 10 ad"
dress IlllilCcal.lSC~s) ()~[ Jh1cJM1a1fonil~, _NME'I ciTeCins :proseli\'&d tn 1iliI~ 3mcicl1![st.'tIl~OOI1lI5.n~"f; rc.."-UItns \'-'In)loom.pal'lt'ti to 3. p:~iOIIJJ> sDudy ·of I[lne MlY~nrD Mc~ Sl~<l!te In and to ~ew S ~'IO!~ daW! ( frrnn ~e ~~g~l[lCllI1y cg,I rivalc!lilGOl'lTIolclm .



lilis Sioom~e reol<Ilior! !1.'!ay mcortill <Inhrl1pa~l ern.'\!'!ro!l1nle!lt3~i1incl ~iolo¥ event neal' Ule ArolilemvPro1~ic bm.mdruy. The lower half of dllC Mmu11. McRae Shale
from dim Amh.M1ll .Biosp'hm'ii'l Dn.Uin(l1l .Poojci:l


h'O!~ mnaTions

in Soul!~





e.wbolmlC 1irom a

1~C¢!1illy ,dlriUed \lciel~tHlc core (5) jJIiJ!'O"'Igil .he

",2500 [!~iIH(m~Y"eaJ--old Ol!!~t McR~ Shale o:f M lI!oml\?{cster,nP.!!II sn_m~iiil:. Pn:,'I,f;t<RJ!S studie5 IJl'C MOllJill McRae Sinle idcutiJmCl 11ruuaaruU bO. m~ttla.~ 'J I. ImpallcJ,clS (6~\ pr:OOll!Iood bYe}'~liIlo'bi!lclnria Ihat

V 5)i~cill[ l~reseJ!~reonwo depositionall qdcs; eard~ segiOOllC1G stfll't~in, c!lmnzliln OJ :sinoicda,~ltic nubidiM: or breeeia and.dcejpems i~nOOI. :k.6~y gc:nc;lll1too O2., as well as ~Iil.lmlYa!ic UP\ilfliMS ,~:o ~id~~r:~I,agicsha!l~ er baudeel H sW:m)lls (7). whi~ are. bi(lilllOI,ectlt~ thilt rr&!Iuiro imlfl·fol]l!Ialrton (Fig:. I). TIm StlCCJ~1il has m:.. 01 for Inheir S)"rql.i:lesl!'l (8');. We iJ!\'esti~ U~e perie~ood (D!~l)'mitd re:llli(lml!lnle!a~ht .. !n I~i[m,·~ri~s ]~l.s~ozy -of e:lcrnen:ml <!1U!dI~SOlOpe (pretm!lie-jnllmpelly~liC tac:t1i:S to <JiOOI~) and
mll~imil d!elUml,nkm {gellll,o fokttlilg


(12~J4) to 'C'ii'"hmlelhe spatial e"i:lleill of ,Ihe' inllCf= pm~ e\'nI~,IS, The Mallin McRae Sh:a:l~oor~inll.':fllicel:S Ililm~I.~3Lt~d \:vIG.ll-p:ro®@;jJ\Ioo. i>@dinlellts I:h.a!~ and <WQli!.nlY!~000d! n i<l! l'!!Iarline en'!.!'ifOl'lrnlerl( ~eh:)I!iM Ihe wave base, A regiomrn :roc:IllC!]'c'c<!J!<l!lysis

(AOOP)-900m .~ fnlB.~rGhld Itoh3ve8icellll.~uhuooin 11 d~p.. a!lol'(ic i@Q.wir:Q~~I!I~]!~!l..orm: ~ sedl.!~!~$ ru'e dominaledby skleri!ic iilwe ou'Kil muhl:!ed m!l"R:n'111<JiDO:n (13, 14\ Uepoo!Sl!i ..'tl oorrda:liOlll 'Ibdweel~·o:lJlg ruKl.ll.:ljSin tlie lo~r MOllltD. Mel:.a£ Sh:llilc has been .inm:crpl'Ctcdl as ~ith(lrll pnr:ttnary <l~illo.!ifl~mleMli'ay i(1 0.1" Ittn:~~flg bet\~ atn~p!1:~cally dt'l'i\l\~ NMD Switli

1~a.\jij:-dC'pendC\!ilt ~err:eSlria;] i!~y.1!S" 111is nitul\il'l.f}, m~ 'WeU e11<p:tu:ll!)llJ~e loog-(ernl and bed·ro~

vUJ:iab:m:tyiIl S !so]:opeoOl.l1!posI~i{lus (f~gs". aad ] 213).. II is di[Jffim~,~t10 inlCiependcmly ,~d~c: ql!la1ilt~l~livc: con1[jbt1J~i.on OfllUiIDSlrialil\iplits
[wilh S;!4Saliid l!!:1JS... (I !~r m:l~ ,(%g)]] ool8ri'(l\~ to

(1,6), .Rad.i.olnlmia age QQn5~imllS; l800 rlil(l p MOIJi~tMcRa('l Sha~cycry nMrI:l~eArohG3n:f PfO'tLm)1!oie OOIJilildary (...,2500 mimmlJ yron; (llMl (9) ;md jlh'it 'mefttre 1111(1,dli!lawoorun~~ ,(lif .Im;g~ NMD' effect<; ~<!1l.~t,~fe!lWf;ldl to n~k dl(;l ~ in .a,h,lOOl:iheri,e 0" 7}. GooCltelll[c~1I dartanal'l. d1ie Mmm.t MC:llae SI:Wlllil(fiS. ~.) S1!Igg~~ il, l~ghl ooop1idi\!! bctwOOtl 'Ll'iIir~llla~lal ,MId biological .sigo3ils,. with. a S1!IbstmlJti:a!~1~!iIll.wni,oo ~~ at -t51 III in I$I~ ~~CQr& (&3'!S,.~~3S,. ~rnd~3GS) h] COf!'C§!1: '!,,,~~~ OON.A..c:id ~e,'1ct~bmJ .f e1'>!f~@.b!eijro!] g oon1 MwntM~Rae 'salI~,p~es indicates that 5,i>d.crite ~DepaFlR1.en~~ol~G!lolo9V andlE<ll~ Sy~wn Scfenai! dO[l.lll~iesln ~,e Im'Ve!f Ihililf Qf!!ll'e (Q'Ji1lJJ.1IitiOIl!, ~I'!1Je.Jdi9;f;ptitNII} (enerr, IJniMeB1l)! of ,Maryland; Co[\~~ P.ark, ",~~icllis 't<NlSfsl~l~t wiih iMI,e 3bs~O::Qf' O:~ in M!iJI .~74~:::!'tl, USA. ~O~JlariJnl!'J1ll ,of Earlh5ctemc~,~, d.eepLJrdeposilimla~ (1;llvironlirum.ts. O~~d~c onllimr IIIml!@{l;!ly or !!:alifiomia ~[ R~\lg!tid:~ Ri\r~J"i~L!'I. 92'521~ Immdl,,~ldl£ i.s :iI. primamyMrOO'lmt(\lphuL\ 0423., '!JISA. !lS[hooi o:f ilUlnh ilndl~pa(@' E:!plID~a~, M~Qnil S;'liIt~ll!iflivero~,TemllE,.ra. 8S28i44Q4" U5.l~I1le!Ji'il1mellll !ip~r MCl1iuU McR,a.e: S Il!a! (':1 iud.iC3ullg I~ihl$ or (ihel1fl~ry ~n:I Bi@chemj~fI)1.A~iiI State IUlnnversiW, :g.eneml a'oo~]]c:e of~iO.1w1eu!'Of:I .~ the sll<i,~10iW TIlii1il'e.!f1. 8;$2S1-14l!M, UM. ~De~rt~ent O'~. ~M and Sp~~e5de!'!l1e$ .a~dM~'b[dOli~ f~af'l'!,. UIi'I1'>'eliSi(lJ i1!1 wOller OOh.l~MOli~. ~is: titwe. Ca'moIWe<lmill hJtai~ otgllHic; C ~ I~e ne.s increase!Xo~essively vlli up Wiil~hi~tDl\! Seait~1ljWJI,9111.95o-13:ll0,USA. d~~. oor.(;. T;o,tll!.O:~Mie C and tnt2il. S va ~u~s arc 'Olio t~nlll1ll rorresptJllId!!IlIQ!' :~hol!llJ!l ~' ~!lIre5sl'd •. E·mail: b hi~l~!.hrol!lgh(fii!l~. tltfi .Mo'l!l:nt MeRa~ S~~a:ll(') blJ:~ ~il.IJ~IiIJ<lru®~!!II.I~md@du

'ifall-mtlolls thr~sh d~e SUQcessiOOl ilnd 'hu:erp:retecl I~~le!!lppl%~~fI~(iif 'dle ~blill:na~ion f <lISc:ap~luill:g lire {IIxygm~9IlM .of Ilih.i3Inr:rlliim~~Alii'ChC8i~l sIIr,faoo . lIHle..1!m.andi b[.o5pht~, .3 ~~!llt fMlmr ~PPOfffid: Illry aC(!I'rnfl3!ni(lu. 1ira~ll!Il\\t3.l .. sl.uKiy (9]\ :~!:]~lIi!eIPfeSe!1~ stIUd!y, <! !n~ified o!m~ill!e \i{lm~ Iblllst:l.m~ ~~:Je~]mdj, Nl~'ro:rrl<l~Jidl OIJlilysi:s or ( wholC"IXlck S alld iii htgh.~p:recis~OI~ thJ(I~h:lfl~ d(m toohnn,q;l!Ic :[ d!m:~niCf'lny cx~ I~mclfld. $lll~fidL:;S ~ appl:i:oo to sru:n, from I~~ 0000. '~. IilsOO llI~p~i~\ti\\D1ood!,hj:gJrt~~l!Itl.fn~


a-So )

poS:!~hl\eA.:B8d1ro1l~1I d~mstmli~pl~icil1u:crval asi.n.dicalll1lg IbIm p:~rm'ii:;lI1lfial ~noorporutimlJ Qf mdUcerlNMD S (ITmlO$,Phen~ e:lO>ll!l.en~@:ISlin10 !.uwe ~dI~'11eul~ tPro:b:abI.y f~cilijt.ll~by ~hic~ bu[;1,! el'eJlllO!~Iiil:~S!W~cdO'!~. ThJ..,m ic~b:t<ll priGCtl:SS :is capabile of O'aJ1iSibmng ~e .~n~l to pyrii.l~, while hl:lpali!ing Ih~le ilil) IlO addi:Hou_al. Isot.opec .fracli!II~!liio:ll in. S3Ol!S. (lllO' el at. {I1) prev:1-oUiS1y ,exptal.llecl yooati'OI:b" il:l :N ~D stglta.W!~ w~M!l~ifil!II1~e M01iIu~!McRa!3 .S[~'\ ~¥ phySLca~. ~'~Q! ~kilbgl!l;,dm:t;.; i,~g ~r U~e ~bnQsp~~~C w1I!fCe.s.lheiooloplc 8ImH<!1!~~Y (h,]. a,:l4g. <lnd 13 ,:.,' 8) betw'eeill ihelJ: iQQ~ Ilnd oYU"s.p:rt-senUy J(lO Ian apool. po.1ttllS to 11. ibilsi1ll~sca'le pheU,(I:lJ1ilem:ulI.
1imk(ild tlWOllg!,l
~\ler, raiPj~

I.]~ked to ~U!.",es·of s!!.!lfa!e Olnd ,e~e!:rJimllll Sfroon tlle iillI'lto~lrorc. Will hm.wprel. in1n,e dOO1~1111IJliJC ot

NMDil1pu.l", H)()!w~~'~u,!'lQrn::t~''\Il1h,:L¢S: of .&.3~s: (eHher pos~lhre(If !lC:P_u \l\Cl) !li!,~1 lI!l~nlllwly 00


(10) .. 1[0\"'-

boo·lo·boo. (o;r, t." vari.~1!JHity ~~flII3n .dl~lT(l:oolil~Sin. th~ m~itu:ti,e gf the post~i'l/e .~~3~3 'excW'll'io!ii :probab~y reflect loc<)1 C(Hlitliols ilfehded~o 'i,i'.OO"iol,Me mi 1IiLqg ors fron~. dis:liJl.CIl sUlrfill~ I'>eseWO:LIlS, :11iulh.ld'ing
the d£ep' :wd sh.&Hlow






Afl ~gt~d (li!,)Qv¢, ~t'i~ !l!fP~:f b~! f ,(If ~~~~ MQU!!fll McR<!~ :Sh,,!e, w1~ich is dolni!1<!l~ by i~lIiIrbi'dii;{e,s ff c;:~a1~ o and! sha le dlat OOCl!ImlJli" :illk'ldi bclowlhe storm wavc' base, is: d'Wil!CJt>er~ i:md: by ~llIlfidas: 'Wiltih, Itc.gali ve a,;J;gs ¥2I!lues C!otip.ko'dwilh ~t~",.lS AJJSwliti~ {f~J.l, l ,antru 2A)~ TheS,1l'lS an.d l'l.~J:S\lalu.ts Qf Iilli,~ s~'lfud~ .~~ s\llf:ak: ircd\:.mtlOllin!l~.c, wa:tlJ.' oollJlftin (21~. lpossibly Cirn!lpled. widl tfulflg sllJ,~f\l.kl:oonocmJ:ifi:~ion" (11). n~.i'l iitrl~(;}'tIfre~miiOn~s QOO\5ii'll('J~1 ~th ~~e;I~igh, w (lI.garcie COO!lt~til'il'l ~di~Ji.l~'Ul'l~OOVL';~:531'1'tiu. 1!1Ii!~CQ!Te.\~lic~ are !p:]:illL'5iblylinkOOlo hi~ r:at~ Oi,f prinw:y I~roducbvh)! Umt lretcase,d! ox,i&mls il!t'o d~e slmllO'wllliilirine eU'l'iro:ml~~I. On the OdleF I~wnd~ l~iliillXl!>il.iw~,:tl:S valucs re:t"iool 'ililoor~ ~li(m of Ii'CdU.oOO. pll<itOI:~i.c S" To 0000lI1ll f:or I~b~ fooll1l'eS, w@ :pro,~ two 1I\at. ~e :s ~oot~ ~i~rn!ll~ in Lhe ~~pef MoUII:llM~ Sl'l'(ll~ lrefflecl .he le~1!l!l<li5l~!TI:~n of :S!\iI.!idespr-caclia:nd ~~bl)' ~n:mmc!iI! oxfd<tive Scycle,perIlalls b I~k:first tillle; in Earth's hislO:l)!';.in;o W'ln!.)1j'rolutl:ln 1~~'mI\1llas strnufied. widl IUCSJlCClto ox:yg.lJI~(13], ]111 I!he ll:lLl:e: .AlI'Chean, ,a.c~. O~ woold aceuIUl.llllil!aUlil~ h~ghlypn:Khlm\',L'l n:)g[~flS9i!ong OOIIQ.-~oolOpi~ fui.cLimmtiQ:]ls,

iT!lply micmbi<U

8Y1t..:!e ~d~ctiOf:i~~19~

lesser ,~);~~ 'v;,we high t'!lI'lOUgll I~Q sttlllUliat'e o1>l)'"\!}.elil]c pbotoSyn.tlIile5~S:" P,'ossib!e exlP!~.lIIatiCl:lilS,to aOCO'llllr~ For d~eiisolppic OOsc:rwlions aixrll,'lll ~S3m.~i1I.d~d\::eli()f'lHlff~gl S m~;du.OO[$ CilpaMe: ,of pmd)i!J~fuI,g latg¢ 34g d~pl.~'~o:tfis(a.'i~!ili'k~~}'~I,lario givg!~ ~~~e ~;)jU !)I;;-dblt c~~a!lge~8SO!Ci<!itedwilh n~i~~lWetaoolic

ih~'@"~id ~~~~~!~"5 .md! P~~i!pl,'l



(wll.'Bl. po~it!.,.e

if! dislal51~il!\igs, w,igefe !!1U1trl~rwl levels

1!!m~ tl,.l3S}W<1:~

~·!'edtil)~i~d by


sl!Ilfllte tedtlctio~loifon'l1.

sulfides d:e~p~,e~oo. ;~m.

~:l<l"" ar..;i ,,)JS, OJ ~ ._ ~Q

6]"'8 bllllrct8hJLi~g POsil'ive' ~JMD AJJg vlllucs (fig;s,,~1 aud :2A). n~m'gan1i~ C 311(1 5Pi1l'<~~tWOOiil 153 mid IJ5!ll OOm..~Oltd'ii 00, am ill~e~lW~~li(l loo'fih


'II',1I~!JI'" i::S

t .,; . ;~R ·_I~'s;;!··e\.'" . . ·wca_~y II' 'I:~v' t1



p<lll~'W\<li)') orlhe


:P()]'i~iOl1i'!,eaclk):I1:s (2'4). Bec.a!1!>Cllllie fomle:r r ~ i.'l_~ful, I:JiUlkr1rlOWf~, IDihc~aut;l, arefl,OO and, clcar.ty ,LWi.d'cfrut lImli~. dlC; u~id·P"C1Cilliiolc (25)t C!r'il~ $!.JOOMI ;'IIiI 3)t~I'!~~ti\1¢ &I.rnl~Q~. ~!~IOO 00 imc!'ea.s[}~ ill) ,~ i!nitiatoo during dIe prwl(!cthl'hy 'ev.~ml recQrded in the co.!'!::aoo,ve 153 m, InOIII.mic S o!l!ldal!'LQ!iI ~.c~lml.nyroqli.lir,es hisll 1~'IIIels of dissol VM O2, whereas m}icmb~o,1 S oocidalli.ou, wl~i.cb is tlUJl!Ight I~Obe ~~Jeicl~~. ill oogi!n,. WOl~~c!. lroC(l~d 31 ~oweu (or ahlUlf~t) 0,2 E oomOL.'Olmratugl~~mn st:ull 'w(l~ddl ~IUlil~ill!l '~]GC-

the IlJ.!pper Mol!;nt MC'R..9C Sbalc [uu.'Ci"'!i'1Il, dlese !iCdl~ilt1IZlilU; IjlifO'll'iCle


AldlOU£lh b!Qa>dly binnoowith



9. Sl:J.Uf:re

of S (\Vid~a n~.ative ll..'l~ OOf!!lpos~li.(m) IlIiiddle . lIi,,~hall!~m fl:¥f :~ns:sil1killlOO ~LWi!welr~.Lo.w

A!'cl~ean ~:n!#S~~~ O~ le\"eL WQlldd S~l1er.ity .. lin~t a.....i&nlve we:r.ljhL'l.rh~g> ~!rindIJ;ilsOiJrce ~e of :su~:fllle to Ule ll~odmlOOeans, WIth alulosphcfii.c o;! ~£vc~s, ~~owe\ler, so:nu: n~.cta;ls
S from 'lfMf:CSm.9! SOllroCS A.18}" Ird.e..'iJssd, to t!~~ slrtaUml,1 tWar1fte ~m\"i'ml]nl~1U (9)1 but connribl(!t!oll.'l: frc;ml jU"'\\lJli.l~ S ~.6,~JS= O~IOf !,,~l'!:~'iti:q~ sed~Jmml<!.fY ~IllKK~ · (8. 35:> 01)1COlmHlt O1coounl for I!~e Ineplive .6,uS value oil' 'fiI~.c, fmm dlis ~nl:mval. 'FilIUS. a major S SCfI!UCC' of Si1I:fililelll tire ./!;.JI'(lIlC3fru ,ooe.lmal rtiljs llm:l1l would havc:bL"flfil. 3IJoo.sphetl:e~iIll or.l:g~n Md \VoouMI~.:l[vtl caMioo 3. ~lmga.t~V1(JAnSsignatrtre afild havf:bsM


If-on ~cce,~tOf 00 drive ~h~:lob'Q,p;Jrlcoxida1icm. [n eWhclf c1.lSej the n13g!~i'ludeor isotopic tirolC· ~,OJilat;i.(l!ln,3§SOO~RtOO with Qi:dd8itim~ 'hl; srruall (16) af~dI 1111!ikc~.yto a,oooUfU fox the in~gMivc ,8.M8, v-3J1I!.I.cs oil" .5IutHd!es tn dlC: I!.Ippcr Moo.11:1 McRaIL:: S!oo:if!!m:flt!i Thus, W~ pUOPO~1 'fiI~al Ilmm




i.. rai,

: ..


. . ..


,. "



' '",

. s
grey 'i:;atbO'!I'Iateh:l"!lfI~1 ()o:l!Jlplet:s m dias,ui:e caJrborli!Jte ,org:ar1'1c r!Jct! milr,ll su lif! I£OlOpe al':l<lllys:ns ~!~~k~11\l~!!;P!!:l.t~ b~aek~~mi~i!!in:ed :s,llhale SF~. Blf (s~de:rite]1 :50 • BIF(~de) .

b....l!.".., ..............




:1: '~l:


.. :fim'allchen'flodules
,0 .(1

in Gad;lQJ!~te

:z:o:n,ecof remotiiiliz@d 'br~oda

!and Jl'todr~mi'lf pyrtiteMcurnt tl.!kRae S,1la11eareoCll1liel,ated JM1tfil ~lents: i'Iilla Slepa,ratE ((!fe. drmed SOIifli!300!tJm .aMilY rrl'i:lfI1th~ fi):Oie 'in th~s $W(iy (U~.IJ:P09, Vii!I1iM P,et! he bl:!li:!mPliti€-;¥Oc,. tol3l m1g<!l:Ilib. (; 'llCDT" Vii~nril[l C8:liIym 100a:lldoTtrli:~lite,.

I.F.1q•.. :Jl.,._ M.~.·.'.' . alb.gic. and. ti..1I1l~erh~~ el.emen...~.. U(.L and $). ~.IiIdl r~.',.pic:'($.11.3(, I . 81~O, S~~S, ."IIiICI tlIBS)In!ii1dsm'i:he ~2500 m]j~ti:OI1i,.yea;f.-o1d Mount Mdtae Shi1!il.e,. Sequel1lce sl.. dKlNrisiioo!5 "ue basedl 00 (15"). lmrutll1l .A~~.5'iril ltie' lower

(J., if). If:! ll1~~pi~g

:sca:\?faLl!r sr~lflllre asho,vim!!; a neg~1ive~:33S oomposiniQ;lil m.C!. acling as (he lrii:lYli:oJ'lS to s:tnIfmce (lllllo'iroillmcilts('.V(~i!I Wh{lJl rml!jQr .5otlm::e of S in thepyrilic~mnmr'l,lal.above 'lh¢ a~6luOO i~ag[lili.iiB~of AJ:lS,ig oSmaU (~j'" 34). ~.53 ~u. :gl!!lfal~~1fI ItllL'iarn(lif~e doop 'OO~ljW,iih" 11~~ :hi~'I'i.;!\~tl!!~"o.m JUS, al'iid.ys~s: (J!f'~ll~ MQilI!,tt ~{jil~thel~~lii~ty~c)h1i!VI~b~!iilol\,v (p(!~el~til.llH !f!lea~I!I.Irii;ble ,dJ~ff'ere!fic;es ~y<200 JJ.M) (JJ) Oind'possibly even low~ O[!~ McR<!e Sh<!~erey~15 for Ll,flGSJ,6,13S wiJ!~i", dle SUCceSSLO!1l (F~g. 2, :C Ililiie oon1:ineilt<!1 sh~J'Iles~ HQ,\:VC<VCf,.weslII,gg,esl 1~I\l:Eit enl1lal~oedlUtlcro;bial :SllIlf8JtcreductLOIII,. awJl D), l:'iJJJ:1ilile, lll1PfiOru Itgdnc~ 5h:flI~phtc s dis, Sti:mlU.~8H.'!I, 'by :hi~lilrn~s of {ll11amlic C burial ii~, ~nctioi~ ooll.lnoo aoove'.n~c 1iUOO~'v:abIG dil'l"tlU'· t'Inre bLl>'t\!Jl}cii'l.the t!~~'SItJ.~CJSmtati(mirn;'~lIiIeup,~r l~iEI~ i'iese~ec: of :rubllll:1d,mrl~CI:ive :iron wOIJI.d ~ a d:W\$~ ~!>r\l'e <l-~ilrn «r;ctive lon~¢fm 81!l1:r:iil!~5<il~~an~ ,<1Illmloi\~\I'~Ii'Mo1!l!WMeRae SI~;'II~illdi~ ~ ina!!mOiJ£lheci:C CQ';I'!pot:l!~ition,.~au.<m acoordiR~ 003~~'i!ably resll!UU~ d~e'oonc~ntrati:Onof O~!i!OWOUfl S. ,(wf,tllil tl~~ti\lle ,6,3JS) into tI\C sc'tii10 'CIlQ !'!'e~tkJliD"lI'liXI~c:, S!I.IOOshins em, only !be :~ne~~l:s ,(28). Ci!~ b~i"ch.mS'i!!g ~ll(lilOOI,l:Cll1lJicai, fe.wtio!1!,in· FW'iI~cr insigh.~, in~:n d~G:Arehc:±I11I S cye!le., spe. vul.'lLng 8"be.ariJ~g ~ (35), If' Inlne ,elmil~c: imI9UlrlOllphcric ooJ1llpu...~tlou dJkally ml1o:sphcirie ,(Woh!luon, ill g:aJJt>cd Ih:rollligb 1~IhGleV311111LkIUD. ofthL:ll!.:.l~A.:J:.'Srola1iOi~. '\\Ih('lr&\.o;; !rugg@Sl!OO 300'VGIS :ruaD, W~ G:X~. 1l'I.(\l si;glllal to .~ wL!f:;!~~dI iUi Iii~UUm.. To t~ ~1s p.mdlicti()11J, nlacQS-c;OO~Ki~nt ~fOO~ll fradi(l!1~I~ J·"S and j'~Si" systc:matic W<l.ys {tl.~USI,6,l:lS'""-7) {29.', JO)I we: I~ve l!l!lJie'flaike~ S L"IGtelp:c<maly:'le.<l ~~. o,f p1esfro!l1 !lI~elilfooilly eCJili,!i\ralc!~( mm;v<!al~~n T NMD I,Jl!moclte::m]cal c;1!perinx:nls (1. 31) :S!l.l~es{ 1I,\1;,faV~lelli@I'h.depL·ndCillooto ~lliIe l!!j"S/tl. fls, h~ S:Ou;a~, Afri.m. ne :s!;uclWedSO'l!ltl~ Africalll oore itamcr.;;!(l(!1S tlae Gmuohaou S:iru KlliIntllla:il :I:roll nl~ 8ilIOll, and watha, fc\V' CNcl~l.imlS. omiC'it'\la.. 'F~orm.qti(IiIS (5,. 12, .13, 3 6).} w~~iehff.\lDOlrl sillw· I~iaffiil fr·mn the Arehaan rooQIruJ gGlll.c:mlly funmv



MlI:W. (2.7). 'We i!ll!lt~t deep-

W h"~ f(!leYi~

<l;rgyme~ts: for

tJ,3~/!J,3:j S - - ~,11~is v<l!~t!~iB; b¥Q~.1y "Q,!'!$i~ll] wtD!~ nl~~~~'l '(Ilfwl~:g;~:room a wide IIW~ of Archean sed,kwenls (.1, ;1,n. Addi1io:tli1lUy~ the ll.J6S1A 11Srel<lti:o<.I11 Il1!.flY 'Ch,"lrnQI~z:e NMD 0011-

th,d 1lIiI,e:5!!:: two SlIJCXlCJssions,(mow o'l;'cr 8'000 kilill alPMi~) acoomulfiOOldlialo:ng l~iEle argins oifa COIlm tlg~j}w OQC:furu b~ID1. iJ1'!'::lHnSJl:!L~t'ic ,ii'Coof~sln:rc~ tiO,il (17) of th~ '1;\,",0 :Sij1lJb~in~. {il'i ~m~~~is: o:f b
gxisl:i'l!g,Qi(itcmp @rM, suSg~~ 'thiil~

i~r I itllQlQgic tmr!-~i~Q'¥!:S ~9~llQ~ Q~~~d ;~!1! !'Iortl~w'eMer!1! AlI!-5tr.<lII'i;]!, Althooghit is possibile

lOoca~OlFi~we!1e <it l¢~t l ,000 kml

iip..m~~I~ the

dle c~

Sledinle!~~ :1l.o:c:tI!UlIUhlted. lJ~.csilrl~larityi iii. 8 is(}topc;R.'(loms

~1e SOlil.dl Afriesu.l ai~.d AlqSUi'all~8inl sooiineilt$ is p.roiuim~clJ (Fig,. 2) .. llte: coiil'C'latiofl, b~nwceiii. diI~~ wid~Uy ~'P;mltt;i$~i!lssoongll'y ~WGr:u: U1-a!nill.~I> :'I ~--l'Va~i". e 'Iwa-;"rtf Q- AJ3S·. ':::lIJd _e 8,P. ._c "'c""'_ \--'~,!l,6S) f!'Od. l!!c.lo,~' im',Jrlyims; ',<1 d~f1o'e oifl~m,_',J t , -:;6>:33alll'l!O.sph!!flC Il,on1(I,~leit)'. lI1}e.a Sf.o. S ·ofd~e il.OlWCf (IDi1~j}nof the South .A:fri,Cilini core ~'t1JatifJhcs 1!f1:i1t orIlle Iml,icr MO'l!lnl McRae Shal.C", whcrrn:tS Iirl(J AJ;6S!A3:ls: rrom 1I:oc:up,~.prInl.orn.iili qunm
~mi!an' I~IO I.!l:M ofihe
~h~e;!'IL..\l" ne ~L"~~ 8,MS .lUll &:li:ls vem'ru! 1,!l1}~fMoYnt


of lil~e5MS~~!)!.<;









-8· "

- ----------~ ----B 10---------~-------------~~ -~ Ale


"'~.!~'" ...--.A ~,~il4"" and "3.)1,, "'_ ..., :1fo;1'!o,.l,nJ!UI.IIJI. .) ~!!~Om1l1y !l!! ....] fiO rn m ItJ!~ MowU McR~~ CO:~ and :~~ cg;liIivah~!!.( k! :SooUt Am~ i",!.!nkno'lWl, b!liil :[)S fro'b1iljly rela~!:idlro .~ pulsed lim, of> to ~facc 'rnl:v~amm:ell1lS 'I1ml i was capll:m'JCI over long distmDoes in. sillmll:Jl.ii dG.p.. n.~~ion~1 :S(i;lJtiiii~~.WlmlMllS III'I(] [rmlsi~.oiii. ~IP 1JtJ[~ al. -U3m :iJtrlig;lit :Ilefl(lc! chal~~ ilfllhc aIIM.ospi'lleriG 02. li)!i!;dgcl, it ~s oil~ possib:le IU~al ch!Llil£cs ill! the ~OO_I'!&_f\'Ce o1IL'!er!!l!~Qspheric of speeies ,{C02 and CFt!): Ul1lYbe ~l;ls~'b~eoor. dii"t'ret'lCosin d~e il]"s!.t~,3-~ lre.laooils. H;owever, dil('l bildcpcnd.mlt 11lI'aOe.~~I;a1 ,(}'I!'jd\.;'l'lc~ (9) and. k»;rcr .sla!biJ~ly oJ ~ID]lrrI!m~ :UiI~d('iJj (I(!(idiling COll~ dili!i):lI1i'; poh'll 11(iI. @!l il'!'Cre.%~v!llgty .[!f!.lpO!rbptfO'ie
!i...,'J' "'"

.tl3 S :relO1doM 1.xl!'II'!'C(;.\rI t!ile Au!Strniliim and SoudilAfll'icon mu indicates t!ilat tI:m S ~sotopc:\'ari~li()ru re~lOOl widespread. 3indpr,ooal!.!~y :W!D'D13i1 In. Ih~ Areirn.."lltl S "'Vo"! '"
9i[i, ........ 0-,:' .. ,I.LIlL';;, 1!I.J',1J,~b~U
1(iI_J.L! -



lOr OJ in S'lJwf:aoee!:l!vi!'m!men~,
We in~e'1m;:l oU1rdiau!,foom Westenl AU1S" tralia and. SOlII:dl Arn,ca, ~o ISlL\ggcs:lapro£re~ siva oxy~mli!Uiml of the ArcllN:;ai~ blosphere, ·fhu.~COi~olus:ioi:'l is tn. accord whb tI~(l~iIi'3:ee:m.(;taI datil. {rl;, which .s:u.nitany 8UflltCSII. the a!l.s~' ·(If Q.",tdOlit~\!e~!roc~5e~ C.ombil.~~dI.(he,'ge t~L~le~lries :~C(lr& (!if mhter.dogic. e-le!l~e\!lti'll. m~dI Si'mlollic 'C~a:!l,ge Ilrorvide 'ctUieslo C(D'I,I!ptecll changes, in !IDlerednx slate: ortlK: shallow OCt4"1il (l;.u;g~ly bCJfooo ~m.(\,;iiUllo.sph.~mboeaml!; ox:-ygeu3t,oo:)1 hl :1'(;~allt1,ll. 00' bi.<>logk:;1i.linIilOv,a.. tlOIl bitll'ore th~ A~hG..1IDlff:m~e:oozoic b(fu:n.dary. h¥c~yding,he:'I~d~l evkl~lce b!l:~ (!ci.ive;:y'l'd t glloooUy dimlrilblill~d ·Q,\;i&llve $cyCl~.






·8· \


IPig. 2. mi,1e i~tlpe plJI~ [S,a<!s ~r$1JlS, .&a~S' if1l'(AJ .:ll1~d(B)alili:! tl;3J;5v~!isl!Js ~36S iIil «() .and ~D)]J(lw the MOlIfltMJdRoe Slna[@ 1111, W'@s:tml IWs:traHa 'Mr. AJi':IIIId til@ @:!Yll!!iN~l@nt'GamOOi'liJIfl ,anti 11'liil!!1!mian! f~ru illl S,OOi1IiJI IlJril;ilI ,~ ilL ~:fI.1il!fm:1frn bn:!iliJ ~eres dIe dMded.~Rto up,per [(Al i!ln:d (0] ,allldl ~olll'!er UB) .aml (IOU llilwrva!;s, A!~d~t!:l oolts:ioo ~'h~ 'ti!r~t strmi!:lfgp.'hic ililID[!1 niS, sholNn iriil 11~liIt 'Wig!)!' frw 'oom,~~s~, 1TIil~ ClIIlOO1akll!JS; :S;~isoW,pi!:GolfrlpositjklliJiS. ~Otfde~ W W .areinter,prmdill5 If! r,~gl oxidizing w:lf!dltiOti1~. M!ilSSiMil Uii, ~()alild ~D)]" wm:ereoo dtkl f~OfIl nut;; sw:dy At tine' generaLAlidlea:n:ilQPE ,~r~4 u:~ ]he .A~~S ~f!J.:I:$ t!i.~. iIfelati:OOIbeitweE!liI,ithl!: I)an;e.lalte~ Upi' ,ilIria wili'er ililtienrarus ~5 SWimealty di1fefelflt, poimin~ mtile evawliliolil, of ,8r'limsphBriir m.I!I1IPas.m:J'il i'I 'Il!ie IlBm .tlJme.m lEon. I.. ~.,irOlil Iormatio:lII.
d~perld:~l1it fraookll'lkl,tiionJIof .~.~
iI'lfIdi '~~.

(;2,OOilil • .2.. J.Fiirqul~r:,~.

it. J. F'ilrquhillr, HI, r::~D,MI.. 'Th,ernliill~~,S"d.eil!:.",~ 2S:~, 7!Hi



an <lrray with <l15In:pe ,af -,6.85

Go:. 32,1' [labeled


S. )\jrit~ M. iiI. T~liiei!l1lf!n5,. l0!6 •. 1I:ll.8i:!9 GlOOiU .. 3. J. F-"'pt\!~r., 6. 11-Wing, .~I(1i ff.t!'!e'1. Sa: ~ett. 2l!l3.

J. G.eaptr,t .. J'1;e::;


l!, (;:;OQ3). It fli" A. P..I!.Ilrn~, F. I(;~~!im AsrroHfatI~ ~ ::11 (2002:l J. g. !i t!l!!l>9ii!o d trJf.!! IliJ!ili.i :5!d~l'lt[fi~. oo'fle', ~l'hOO!i Ill' ~,~I~~ ~IID ,~lfWIl!Ii~fi!!' a brl@ifJ!!!ld!!W o.'I.SII!.tihllJi! jj~Fi1!~DtI!

IhF(ju[j11 tlili!' ~1i.1 ~~fOFd\ aiild, Uml!-~@n:~~ 'fFOiIl data a b~oalfly' ,eqlli\\~1~III1:~ClIrtIQM,rlc~i'I' 'OOrl!i'iHl ,~y'oiil~~lt! (Q~;I with ~i~i:.iil!ll~) a~, ~1JI,PJI(Hl~~'!J milterf~ Oil 5cim{'I1' Ot![i~'Ii', 6. It !;.s'!!In~s. t, t, J~~rd~, " M, "'~~~,'G, ~. ~~~I'lI, J ,M!i!'i.ife 401iJo, $ 5<4 U !JUl, L .~_ BW!:h. '(i It Lmgali'l, It itliiid:; It IL !)1I11'111'1.0ii!. ~ SO!!l'la ~;85,•. :i.m<H (199~)" 11:. fl. ~.SIllft'lmm~ I!!I .mI,., :P,lil'las. 1rmlS, iii. .~'oc1.M...:IM SIN; III 3!l(1, '1Sil ~20(6). 9" A" I), ,Ambou ~l.ti[r,.5{':ilI'1Ce il,7,,:ll90!~ (~Oi'), :1.0. !(, A i6~I.i!IJI;!'io,S. ID. 'G!lI~!I!g. ~~ ¥O!l~, as, KiI!lI1ber. ~i!~ (~n!ffi.~~: 5J1«~If!;;. ::ti!ll2165 ~2:oo4l. n •. ~ Orno ej M~ £i1IJh ~e.Isa. tot.!l:•. :2:1;1:,~5 (;2(){J:31 l!2:. ~L j, 8!!!!J1:!i!~ 'edliwntGooI: 54. 1. (198:7). S .U. C. Kh!!in, N_ J. 9~wk~.!.,i!:~. !I'i~ 84, nsa ~,]99"'), 14. N. I. 8~ul!l~!o"C. ~j!!l'rn.,k J. t:~lJIrimm. ~. M. fI!"~~, M.oo. @',~\, &5, 66~ 11990). is, B\ Kf.iip"'i. M. E, IB~r~i1)'. t, ~(~~rdl ~Mii.fle.;IlUij),!.W :!ill, Jr.,

~~1~1Ir d:l~.iiI~ mr ru&liJ f iJI0noo;td',~, 11I1I~ iM!@n, ~1lIiYi1J '~rl dfl:s,ed>(t11l pIl;QlO(l1tmict!l tql!lllim!lnl~, (J) ro r~u'lt illl HMD' ~ililIJ~lf willi i!I!l'!Jil~'Ve', [Il; ~o~ esses !l!!Iiilij~, liloHS 'vawe» ~!J!'JI~lermm'~l :!i ts:.a, 'Wi,~1 pti'iliiw .::!.n~ ~I!l!eil. VII=~ r~~~'i~m$ ~r,~ ·~li!iSi!.i\let·c,Ilv~

2~9'. j![,. (ic.lila~t1s~~\ G. Tillmdl!, imM. f~ H.

M\ (:19.5,;3.). S;, O,/lOll,.tJt ffl'" Gti'OC.i'i.ii'll'. (QIS~ii:n.Aclrl'

~t. 54.84



itO', ,:U:;S,

(2006). ~l!,.J. F\a~liaJr, .~~S!lWrf!l~ V. t. [Ri,,~~, "' HI. Thjig~l!Il,

3,2. j'I,I'a1~ ili!lll, .510 (2000) ~'ollllii'l~1:'I1 el' fI',l~ GsiJtMm_ C(lsJilvGl'lm .. Ai!'t!i 1111.\

:1.0. J, J. BKKb, !t B~ck, s, A I~q, !t IE~5LJ1r!!lUl!ll. ,Geooilill'l. C~lI1'lI!X!f!im. ftCli!'167',~200 t~OO~l 1!)'. {:I" 8~kk~r ~~t" N~l#lt ,i!I:il7. 7 aQ~l H 'm. lIlllbtdk ~I!lIP!l!O ~.ef>i!' "rul)':lilld ll~ lilli!1 ~!&fwr!MnOO1i~ ffi@i!iloil imll:Iliplial~aiitil [I!Ie' 1~i!:_~iII 'I'~IIJe~ ~~
,:!\!\i!fl!!li!! 'illf ~i@!@ IIMi!I!lii1!il!IlliltS,'@IRli~ IiIU@~oI'Il'iI! bi!t1!!r ib~fli ,0 JL for b!!l~11'i3~S~IUJ i'i~3S ~alU!@5, M~ldl h '(Qm~rab'i,~ tl!ltn, Ii1I1II.'eMntill~ b,a~oo on mu,ll'i p'le~t<lfi" ,D;i Hi!m~~ur>em eRl~; dl.l!in'[l ~dl <i1'!1l1l(!itill ~~iol" F.(I:r 5!',~ ilrn~Iy:5e5" III'11le:rtai!!lij~~ ?f'e O:M, (1,(106. <!!ld (t;2:. rilr ..;l~~S,.!i IIdl.~u5, ~~tt~bt. ][9_ ~ti! Cirlo, i'i!~Itii~[iAg iff 'B:i~ ~ti!l!¥.l~!' th~ t\'ill fnl!lMil; C"afl!!' a ltiLio.w~Il5~j),pk: ill!!~rn. !1Itlie Ilmwer hall', Wi!' GlI.'flJill!t~ fifl@t!~ o~ ~J~!i '" UMi C±C;!l(l) and AJ~·S,= 1.98 !~.4'l1. Inilltl@ IJ~~ iIIalf. illdOOlmg ~Q@ (j@n~( ,iWld Il',(Iiite·ridi 1KH1i:mm. t~ ,dlirla 100:',:,1,11 meaJlj QI ;fi,u~'" -1:.41. t:loO.3:41 alldl K~\~ UQi (~.:l:!fl. "" (i~!Jl!~.~4 ~~, w~ fr~r!IJ II]!;: rzyrt!it irl1!!:!'II'll ber~~1) ~51 aOOl18S n:i il'Kiliell[e I!i~!i,~~I ",~O\.SO ~A1~

919 aOOi)},


.2I'1d"'~~S;= -V_SII,~1li1:n •.


"~Ii!"'9!1fi .of .a.1ialLob~uLt~!i.!$ w~~alti~!'Ij~M'[~ patarnl!fEr d!!pi!rnd:l, en .Blmarng oUi~1I' Ihings. ahf:Kl:!jlhetl1: O,~,mom«!fltr~itlmiiM_ViI!! Ilf~ ll!ifof!f patlw¥ o~ S f'~~rml ,~u~ i!lfm.1l'!~r!! 10 IE!ifI!l.·~ '~urla~!!l!;(1 di!lK'rntl 00i O2 UiI1(€mtr~titm. An ~1~~leri( rilOOtl (4) '~Ol'l!illliiiIlS <III uwer ~mrt ,~r<W.,!i ,o~Ilu~r.ti!ltjj~mD:lIP'hilHk lti'lfli!i G'I QJ, !wth~tJ<!m:!E'r !!If !fI!!oIuero ,,:1J1lS;(a!1ld.tI;]~[1 CI!I~ili:!~r~ :SQl' ~r!d~.1 E!!r~h'~ ~!1!rf'!!O~;~t '" 1hi91I~r p;;!!1ij~l tQ Ilfll~~~ (111{)2, '!Iiri!' I!W'!I S ~~!IlF\l'~~ 1vJ!ttIll!le,~ 11'1 ~he aUli,tl:!!pm!F!!. ~IilDi Hi~ ~iIIDt'll!dIIEmk.a'l. SIJn1!t 1£ mot fioi1!!ii!N9!I. 2L ~. S, Kiinnoot, .Mi, l. WhIWMIJIIl!, &GM~? s, 5 (2100~" 22. ~. 5, IiIilbidlc!~ 'l5iIdl~, fl.llllil_wp, M, P. 11l~~" 10. s, 'Cill1li~ldl, S~.mi1 29i8, ,iBn (2002~. 23. J!1i~ 'iil'lt~pret,iI:;O~ ~iw$ea 011 til!: iI~~lJ!l1lltijCf1 t!lil~5 !1fIetoi!iol!lisrn!~per~ti~g! <it, t~, J!ir(~1i!l.. !'Ii'!"rt!t~rgmk llollu!lIw!)' i!fl;l' :iimi!;;rr ~!) tlJc~e~' '~~y. lit P!!1il~~!. we' ~'ii. 1!il!1"'!h~r' ~,,~i~ii~ ~ln..,Jr~[iI'!~IR~i.f,I;~~r1!)< 'U~~ ~j)~l!J att~lJmt r~r ~i!ll Wlm.l.:l~. Si~'!$~ C~Il!I~~ijgm~ ,Il'! ~hi! Illl'fJeJ M.OlJml: md:a~)lliIle', 2~. D_ ,~. lflj,il~, it.l', P. PI~ll1~, AippJ lml'llm Mlattb.l'oI'. 1lQ<, 2994U~~), :.::~.). T. JolI~'llI!tol~ e:l aI•• S:Cif'nte 3:Jl:C:,:I.477 GlOO&~ I 26. It Fiji'"~!, D~, !HI. 'Ge:;I~~,M~ H<I~5,}. 8aae.ria/, H5, l!2'8 C (1~a6~, ~7. II. f;:.rq)1llm,1;1, A. Wlmg, in lt1\\A§lo,f f)~'IlfiI~ ~d /5fJ'rth Evolurioo, !'_ Illcli)On;!llI, l\. J.BmY"~, I. Il!u~r!!r. It J. i{1m'ifigtilli'l) 0-_ {\. i"llIy.a" Eilk. (j.i~ l, :5oc LClIWOm !i~r.IPl!ib\, l(i;fl&ilI.. 21005). ~, ~\!l9, pili. 1,~;t'-ln 28. A Moott ~r!B ~,If;'Ip1ln~ ~r Ih~I!I'I;~rll1' Mctt~~ data !l!!1: ~~s;.. iL.2S, .~ ,0.17). 'Whkl~ :mfrror:~tMt ar Ilhlll emir~ ti:rol;llelilrl ~1). !lOIliI1l1:ta' ,a ~tiW ..:.\~~:S,r,e-:lief\l\Llir I!l! lil!e ~~<l!'l 5 .t)'I:~. ~!!r'QI:I!!,19n~!'llIrn '!l~91i:~lDgik'<!~

ij;12~ (20il6}. 3J. iii. QI1fMt~ lii' om"~ ~1iJI'l~ !l42" 900 (2006). 3·<1. J. F~rqul'lii'r e! aI., tieoc~. • C:rur.rI'oo'lilm, Airm '~1,iol69 1 (2'OO1t ~,S" Ma5:5-ftper!tFemt rliC¥C . . ~ !II!I~ Ibeoerl'I1tI:N ~O ~~W!!'!!"'t~>l~~i:tl.i:~~~iI1 u5 re~!i'~[!¢ ~r~i~,m Ullip!e~,.:b~ ~<t)'diJIIg' l" pr,I)(;~'Ie.~"!$g.6~~11d With ~i~ b,' '~tabli~llliilI!nl 0'1 NI,IJ};t:datl;ve :5. q!le iii! tile! ~l!lrfi3~e (i(£'llil ii'Ila;:( .lIi.!:o, aC(olJinl: 'P!il~ !iIlm@ 01' t~, '\iiilnatitiJI m'~~ 'ID th! ,iJ1'ffen1fi.l: '[~-7 ~.!!,?'~S/A]":ssl.opi!!~ M •.A,i. K.lllrJn~n. lWtrfflwkul f!.fS. :1'9,In til9~6). ,7" E', s, (h~!f!ey. pfe{ollil1l~J'Q_1'l iI.~" '9', .~ U;996~. 3,80 W'l:,t!f!.ll1~ ~11!e~f'il_llis.t\ Mlr,(iiroOlog), !r:!iIil:U!\J~ ~Il!!! tile Ge;j~i(a! 5!ffi1~ ~1We~_eml4.l!Si~~Lli~ !'!l~ dri!!in'll ~ the ~J6Dp..~ WII;l';the: ~:~F r~J:~di~ijfi);:fUodil!!l,rQr ~!II!l' P[~I:'t;~; l. S It 1!JI!JI~il)p,.l c, OOm~,r, ~. "'~!iJ t;r~!*~[iik, l\. EilW::mam,,~mll t~ 'GB!llogi~aU ~l1l\\1ly 01' W.e-.t~rl'l' fll!lll!lI,~Iia. filr <li55Il1ti~,(i .... 'ClIrl! F!I:ll""i!ti(, R IR!Ji'Uilll!I~r ilh ~liKllt Gi"jmIl~ ~l'ir lailmcll1 my lliI@l!.!oI'fl',dJ:lQIDg~ Oflllllmg 1i'.1I!l!!i,~m;A,.H. fi!nC!m. kif oo~'~@Fm S!lI,IljrlOrt. uStIl!! prol~(l: I. K<I~~ng, Bi. iim~m;oll(,arHl iflrlo:m)lmou~ ~e!I'iel'l!!!if:j:tiJr 't~r (r;)mmems, <!lldl SugQe5,tiQ!'I5; QIlC' !hc~ Gi!~ S41UrCIii M<!~ s~emtln.;:u)! r,e5ea r'~11~t;lf( ~t tIM;: UflMt:l<il)' M ,r!l~ryIland,. i!fldl;l!i1ng N.~tiUill!.~ ¥~~~ma., I!. Wi'I~~, ~IOO1\. :5!1ri!!t1~ ((JJ 'Ifll!i r "fla~ti(~L E!rr>OOt~ Sal'ri;fllil!!
'~I!\ll'fl[Ille' M!·S, ~[Jr'i! ~~i! prcM~et!I 'II!I NI, Bl!!likllS. C IKMm, '~li'I!I A,ll,I!:, liV (iFl~p;!llallid ~lIl'!iUOIli ulill fifl8nl!~ l~11¥ III South, Mritli.


SuplJllntingi On'hl!M811>e!rial

:~O. Atml!Ji~plil(!fI~. ph!Oit!cII@lm~1iy ~~ 1X!!!~m~:I'tl~' oot k:ri[JWI! ~l!!fMIl1~ml lil!ll (.m:!ll~lll:JiII1: 'Imr (II!!! Mi'I!lIlm A~S datil ,end U~1!'i fI!~liol1l!<li'ip, '~!JAl~, \o\allli!~: iill tM Ar(hIl'~1il r r~!ifli1.-'l. 17). 1I1l1il ilIrtnt1jii11il ~'OOm ~ s: III tllilt A~fl!w!ilii'i ( ,i!l:m~sphej~ W'~S \\Ill1tami~ ijjIIlhOO1!~' biogtllic!jQl:ir~.~ nlil~ 1ij(j,'!o\I! ilniQ~~~tedJ!, Ga~~p.1~5e ph~QClhtmisiJl" ~I'IVoG:'\!i!llQ

f:vicle~' fr'om ~ii!fecl: j~Qrm~itniii; ~k<i!}jC rma~si\ll!!l!JIIJi,ilIf!. dePl~i:l:l\aM .atifH:!,r '~e'd;111I'I!f Ii!lMr,mlfio l~i·1I.!: iilfllt ilIlilrll,ali!ly jltilll.l'ltl!! I~,~ 'Ill!' ~ ~jjlf1!tl!! ~1l1ll1!mtf~tJo.n ~ii'adrl!rulln Ihe' l\rtll@;!!:I. ,O!!~an ilM' ~~ll,'! ~Iii!! II'lrs~~ry [Jr tile rrni~~h9 fM,911ti'l!! .&ll.5, H~5J!f'\I'Olr. Ulm iiII!ItiJIi/l'. tJi:!! ba1~1fIOI1' oD'I ~50IJlrM.~:liHl!! sHr.ik.!:, malmtaEfl!!ll1 !)eAer,alt)' il.0'W ~~If~t{!CClr:1O(-'!1fnf.ati!llm thM illl.O\\!ild fBf ~pa!i~l, imDp1'i: l!Iell~r'j>g!meil,;~5l.

SOl\l.i'T,~tl FIg!i. s:il1) .5.4 TatililS Sl ,allid S2'

Ref~re:I1!t!:~, l.1IDlt~elllb!l:r ~Q06; ~a:fptedl M Aug!JIrt :l:D01


A, Whi'H of IO,X:Vlle'n IBelolre the 'Glr,e',8t Oxiid,ation E:v,e'nt?

Pllriiellti. Anb:al!~;tI,;il;~ YUln Duan,.l i'hl1lQtl!IryW. ILYIlI'IS.,~:Gail! Il.. Amo~d~:ll IBrian leooaJU. IRl!ilbertA. 'C!1~aS'ef, o1A:lan J. Kgdm~n"S Gwy~Hrth WI•. 'G@~do!i!,.m ICUntoIJlIS(!l).t~".~, ]ie-.sska G~!'!i!1iIi!;~Ilk!:gli!ir Il:.!i~~

'Highr-re.oollllrtion chemmltrail:igl<l[pliiy Ir~<l15 <11'1 ep.l~ode of 'ewlricllilment of 'diie ~ed:O);;-:5ein~iti\!e 1imansitii'onl 1iI!I,&a,1s IlII1Iolybdel!llIJln allildi rh,e:IiI~L!Iml ~111 the I~atte Ar,dltle.:lllili Mournt .McFrt:aleShall.e 11111WefitElll'n Au $tral~. Go rr~larl;i(ll~ 5: with org:;lmlk 'ca roowindi ~~ ~~!lttibe$e Ililin~tablf\ler;e d!eri\i\ed :ri!iOm
(O!!1UiI!ili!PQr.QI!lI1;!)'Y5 s~awaoo~, !ill

~h~Ji!j!ll ~~!I1If'!lIm g!'lodh J'@fiQI~~y d~~o!!l:5l:J ~s ~ar~ ,ith~ !)!1!1ri(h.m~m: is prirn!1!!'Y 5I~irne'Ii!M JY f€l~ttYriljl dmirlg tg· ~~O:m ::!: :f): mil!ligr!y~ar5 ,~g:~ (~:a~. Mgtybd~I!IH!1iII! arnd IrilE!ni'iIlTi were Iprllbtlll~.!f Slllj!ip~'[ed t<l Arci'll!<alilll iJ!OO,ilIlifis o.~idill:ttiw w~rtht!nIit9 oftlru.stat ~uilfia'e ~.
IliIlIiit!!!rall:£. 'l'h~e ~ltIflin 50 millijiorn
illl,d'ilil:g5pOirirll:m~~e '~~\iH'5befur'l1l

e,,1doooo o:floc<l1i:z~ o;rs'l~ort·1i¥ed O(ll~~HLIiifi(}ns ofO~ oofo.l'lll2.4:5 G<1. The ,aibuncilIIIK;C;S .of OOlUC lmmsilio:n, ele.I1I:1emts; im :>illdlbn:mtruy rooks oBlOOSoClliSimivG' to diI(\). 8wllaF bil.ily Qro~(9),. [n lParilliool81", i.n lite: modem oxy~lIaIJedi I!:I~virOllll~I~~ mnlyM(M1I~m fMo)mr~s.lS 1[11. rivers 1lI1d 0tI)~1'h'l primarily .1$ the: olililL'la(;live IUQiyb&.te ion (MIOCi4~' O<Mlive WC{lih~ri':!g gf :[!,,11!,)"~~;t,;ingS\1~fldeul1i!1e~als iu crustal.!lOdks; :tcfld.s (0 the .3CCHlfIll!llat[on of Moh~ dile ~<lmlS. w:ll£reiID.isdle I1'J(1Sllfl'blllfld'ant II:l'aa~i!liQ:l'lct~nooll (at .a ·OOI1C~il.IroU.o1llof-lOiS I(M) (,U), .11;1 11'l1! aoontlmace of' Moin. '!he ooeat1s lo;:!i1il!i~emoo]11
be ~d'dre~cllb:>,lookilU'l,glbr '15thlNll ~r t<rrtli!an.~ 'Space ~p1or,~ti~lfll Mzoo~ S!.i!te lIm~\'ersh.Y, r,emp~\ AZ S~2.e1, USA. 'Oe<,p:u~l'!'!e'n! 011
(he!l1liSlfll .and ml!l(hemi~try. AlIi:Ml~Stat~ Ulli~eF!lil)l,
'I'~lfIlPe, Al ,8:52,8:7, U'W'L ]'~rlnu!'f'[t 'Ilf [arUli ~(:i!l!~O!!,5 .• Uni.\'@tsi~ of (alifmnf.ill, IRj~l!!r5im@', UI 92521, UISA.


~rl~!!IIiI(!E! v:ff !llilili1l~1 ilmloUiIfi't5 010.2 in the' ,emrol1lfnlmt o,f ~h,e Gre'tIIt OxidlatiOl1il Event.


sent. ainaJOsphmc ~e;"el, {P~\l.)belwoon 2.45 ,I:lucl: 2.22I:ii~1i(myeru;; ag.o(Gil)1 (1, 2J. a ~siU.oiD. Qinlm, lro'[~iirod 'Il) as dli':Gma! Ox:ida:liO:Il1 .Evmru~ {GOl,),

~.y 111i1~of ev:ide~.a~ poil:t~.I~O1I.rapicl

n~GO.E oo~1d ~lai\l1~ b~l~aifl

immBdii!li~OOIl. s-equea1ce .of Hie: ev'O!Uilio!~ .of oxyg.enicph>owsynthesis (.1). A'ImcnllLilti;vdy;, O2 biogenesis may

~Iil'e~litlirent ~~ ~mh if!lid A~mQ;Sph'~Jk51J!~n(]~, UmiYflrsity jjif ,!i;.Lbeltii" [dmooitOI1, IiiIb<Nta.. C~madilUiG 2E3. ~[)epi'lrtllilent o! (ieoJlo~, U~i1I!::f:5i~ 0:1 Mall}'~lrld..

00 .!mcienl (-I). If so:, the OO:~ W'IlS<Ioonseqlllcllce .of lim ilh[(Dti.e shH~iI~, the !bala:li1.oo oocidm~ts lind ·of,cI:m.t$ a~.Eanh surfllc£ (S-~\ dal~<'2n. 's

Col.leg'~ IPar~" MD' 201742, USA. 1l[J~l!!'!lrtrmer:rt o! ~rtht arnd Spo:;!ce'Sd~qce~, IUinf'ie,[~~l)' Wa~hln;g!WI". Se~~~!!!. I\. lot W 9B195, IUlSA.
·~,o ~hOOlI ~!lrre:IjIDool'I1(;1!

:!ihlooldibe ili!ldr,~d



~~!icmari~ ~i!l1e!'l,t<; d'1~~r~oo W'!~'Cfg\l'!;1g§!f!~ dl~f\cle!1~ Q:~rm;!J)ili,Ql:t'il,W:heN MQ b: re!llQwd! !h:Im soI!lItiQn ill [Isrociat'Lon with orgal~~,C eaebon < 12, .J J), jp robQb1y afm. OOru::1in'B W~;d1 H.:!S to moll crXyd~irualO~ybd"ifi:S {MiOO~s~2-) (J 4J nUl such ~iil1~ml<: d.Rit~d IIOOlil:y ij\it!liiElb iilltil Iifllueh. (l f 'nh"elPlia.~emwLci Mo OOIfi.~Ifl~ a~ I!j!'pll;;<illy >100 Pi'll) ¥e~~ s ~I pp:~lin:~v~~ge crusr (JO, 12. 13, H, }',6o), By oOlil'tj}miSOOl, 0:111an DliLoxnc ~Eardl. Me! wCilllkl be :l~~y IICtaiuodi ill I!Ilto:~idi~. ~al

sulfide lunincrnls cll!ll'iiltg wtMLlllilGrin~,.l1h(}jj'c:f(lre,

Me 'C:OM~~tr.uial1silil Ih~~~R1l

WQuld ~


!l!ndaf.Q:l!U1ic·lrioo~i~IiIC',I¥l~ WQtl~d ~hQ\?' l!i!llle ll1!~i~lic Mo enrichntCilln as QOlll~ 1.'0moo~ em 'e<Jl!I,bi'!lle,ms.Shll~l;J;r loSjcElJ~p:~ies o stllfW'{SJ ~ lin fool, sllllcii:es of Mo and S OOIR'lOOlrolim~s and, iM=illc ~m~opcs in blacG!:!\hal~l'C'I!Ica:l ~tCl1n:atLC sillifl:$ ill ocean buclgcts lliitmm.'~h£~'mlmlllJiTIlligh, InhC ptl~"l.ero:~L:c lffiIa~ ~. ~roOOl;YOO'1.~b~jl wm~ 1!1h: ,(JOE. and wiU~ <l!~dl~ rise iml Po, lMer WI. the P~!m'lOic (l'o !7-19) (udj~eS l), Rhenium (lte) and Ur::1l.lIlnWnl (U)are a:lm pOlmisitng iml(Hcsil:ors ~usc mhcir a.q11'OOlIS gGOO1Cl'WIiJ>u:y ffi siimriiar Ito
I~h!ll. of


Herc'w41l .~, Mo,. Rcl1, U. and :mea.;;u~ ~le~ts, ;,a_~ \eveU ~ OUliCf~,OOd'!~~lit<l!1ata 00d '~<ili~eda!!I~~gh !j1f~lilPJr.lpbic~hJtkmin U~
~r'bcn~ (WI.%),


v19f'!Jlittl¢ d.m1ugJl. tlUIi ~cliOI'lI. ooh(;'~.~~~h~",idir (if M(l, Re, a.:id [I ne ct1!ieilnd~~cled l\cvomleNab; cG!~A:ah:'iing m'.es it [ioosiM~tall!se ReJOs gooCii!tmQ:!~]~try pte!"'ltlasive ~I~:C carlmna~o'l!s shale, whidh we I,Qlverify ~~l;lI.!t1elJli)km!'!'d<mces \\-ere um'lffucled. .r:coor 1:0 as: S~, (:fi"OlU l2S.5 to 53.3 In) aM, S2 by m'lliObm~Hl:m. Poslrn\;:pas;iilio:nlllil additio:U1 or {troml 171 .. Ito ~.&9.6S~inl, Sho!lesii1 oolh in· 0 lass of R~ (or O~) wOlli~d fml~.t in si~i~i:~CiIDll reN:!Ils Orulla~n .Se"l!l~i:'8~\~~~t % (wt %.) S ilIHd iflOClwil scan~,.We find! 'dlOtsal'mlpl~~'1~'lnrID:11n fypieatl~ >J%lr'iJtal o~n:i¢~:li1 (fOC)j WIWl:ch 128: 'Il) ~49' lin cle;llmI~a~ :L.~l1.r(,l,,! \''\l'iihlt~11 i~,co!'L~~!t~ wiUlmO'xic {md!~!JI."IllillU'y s~UIdicJ 8q;1l!<l!re \II~iglw.'dd~\i':i<Ut:o!~ "" 1.] (202) {Fi~.2.u:K!l ~blc S3)a:!ld a!fl ~ge Oir 2;5,0]. I ~ 8.2 !l~:UUo!a 'ooUcuu\';'l!rers <1f:ld. the pre-9e'!!ICe or HiS ill! pore \'i.ralers dW'irnS!hel!!C d~sltiollal :lllllrel"\lals. Ye!lfS. \?!l,hk'lh 'l!:; (lo:_nsiS~C\Iill wllh l~revim.!s <lge:'l Ibr TillIe lllost IPro:Il}illJ::u~lfearure of lhe dmaL<> 11m IilC Mnun~ M:c:Ra~ shale (2(J•. 21.). The: c!muool !e.'li.i0hll'Siouil~ Mo oolntel,t~ wIthin 811 (Fig, 0 Mo cm;,CillinJb1li1ts are tbC'il:'C:[Ore: ,riimiary sOOlln:t1:ooial'Y fM~jl!l~ (u is theiaek of~da.lGd U ~,aurn~) oom::mttn:JiIIOJIIS~I;GW thi~ ~ycr .am r)l~!eany <5 :~r1S ~r ~lUJiU~QIfiJ(~l~!~l)which 'is rn~ Ili!i~ c~'!..9!~ dI.~ilOO,n 1lI~~ oo!!lnc(!1ll!)' ~rthe: Af!dh~ mJdi ",alue and .~ typical ·of Al!I(;heru~,cruixDr!,.~l)m! Pm~~!!ro~~ OO!h'l.,n I~t 50~li~]iO'l~ .YC1l!lSoofo.!'e 1I.1C begi!Wling of Ithe (l0:E. sllmles. Cm~centfa!l.ions I:rlc~e Ijlr01dIJlIIU)' Ill!p ~he secu,O:IJl froJ:u InilC oo.~c' of 81 1~:03i peak value of Thc Mo cxcursLL:m: CIUl'llOl be ,e:x:P'l8iI'I;OO by -.40 ppm. all43, mand liIIloo, decrease I~O' <~O variillble cal'bonatedlillilron,. aJ> dOOlill1iiiCm:oo by :ppln by -] 25 Ill, ThC!S~ '!.I'm~tionsa'lldl th~ Mo C)<lmIE (lnn! faCIal'S (Fig. ]). Imlood,dle oorm:lmio.lI1:$ '(lrMa w~t1h TOe .am !ll!ro~, ~vld~nce :~~n -143m. aremore profnJ)lmc~1 wlron p~ltcd a~ a~~m~i~U!ll{AI~nOfmJa~i~ ~!!ri(:h· ofa'!!!Utigeilllc ~!W~h~l~~t(Fig, 3), $ydl !r~l1ili.~ U'!eUM:acialS (24]\ Vle~ f ~~i~ I,;\\i;l!Y,. Mooonte!l;] ~ol~:[!mJili u ~dk!l;e!'!ts fW'!ll !f!Kldern an~Jo!ic
l1t~~ ~ii'ipl~ \V!'l:~IliI~ .MIliI.~ fiji S i~I:O,~ io'aria!EaOilL<:t!:!-- -11 .: o---l!lI1fI"lI----Y\;<'-I" ~Ii]d;, '23'1 c r::iJ (i0,-- • - •.lion ,', spa

MQy~t Mc~S:I~e, ,~pQ."U!OO. ",;4.5G~ h~ ~e H~~~~leyB1l,si!l!, W~5,~~nl Au;.,~~.h:l.(20. 2'1), A:ppm~:lrl'fl~eiyl 00 SIDllp,ies; were ru:l!lll~d m.m. fII~hly fCC()Woodi OOOll1i1illJlOUS ·dJliiU (l~ 'ODmjnoo Ifot· dilis Slltdy (12) {.F~ 1, .iig. S1, 8m;l. I~~C :S2),.


y~, ~e g~(im~ ~y



fl!m,.S sl1;:!.rp~y QV\:!'<1!!I)


~ elilric'h.1il~mt on:cla~~: wid)lemri.chmeDllsin o TOC alnd R!.'l ~Dld br:oodi~y ,oolooides w.ilh vari8i~iOnSUIiI.
and! S (lol~I'm$. Howcv~. U OOJilICill ..

hl~~.N,~~ '\')ir...;2 U1!. lhe



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1:1 I







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... ., .
:lO ...... ...6.....11........11"11 o.. ileA !

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................ ......1.·.......:1·



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11:1'::10 :l1:l 4~ __ -~~~~

""l6!~·"'WI~ 4'fl1.o.M! .. ViIlbl@·Jt)r In. PlO'ltto.lCI~,



.r.l'Il!!li!:t@~! ~~I~tIi


I!1.Mik 1Imin:MJ!d ahrillt

:mS9,'7 iV!'i1', re~cti\fiely.. [F(!I~ (~:!i!l!parilsr!)o~, d!:!sh~ 6f!JIiilS d~fi!OIl~ fi!i!~I!il~ MOl «J:ji!" (Imtr.mOO:~ ,a.lfld:EFs in hdeillfl and PiIotelroro:ic Ipyritic l!ilill~k :sha~e5, ;as indk.a.tedin: 'liIiIe ~BtI:~n:d ~~ .a~ '[18,. 2JJ Il1raJlJ~es S[ilIl~dl :52).


!;J1Sh«!1!Il-'5 we ~Q~~~~tiQ!] gf I'hS exeeeds w!wre -~ (I ,Ic!M, [~m!\lh..~ed.h.]"Ie!1!~'l, Wf'OC M scales '!vi~~ M.G< ·oon(le~tmliomsilll deep 'wa~(;m; (I2~ W'e ~~oogmljze two tn:mcl6 \%filllliml S rn ,oorres,oouJiiltlg I~Oilffile :ron!!: of inersa s iinlg Mo cn;nehlllCnt ,(-143 lID ~.53m) ~mdIllii~ (}Vt;"El,i,~iS~{]Ili!;til wlti.chM'i'} l'i!IL", t;!.t~1~'i!¥i!L5e!~valtd a~ :iiVet.'i~t;i~11iJ vaki~ (~US to ~43 ~tl). oITOC sl(llpt!s.;h~ these ~!lle8 M are -3.4 ± 0.5 (::b ~!O')pp!l'iM'O!~"'~ roC~lcl % -L8.:I: 0.2 (Ha:)pplw MoIw;t %'OOC. 1:U!i~
'~ively'(1.i) .. Byoo'i:i'ljlatiS6lf1, .MotrOC is 4.5 to 2.5I]i!'p-1t1i MoI'i!i!i~: % TOCin ll~riJtkl :i!G,d.trtl~UlIS from



UteIO\-V' rol~bi

:sm91i ID1iI:Oil1:lill of M'o 'mler.; seawater 'moon), as ,rerull of lGw",~rn1llJl'C'rat!!lre ~ydrodil€\m1a~ ~a l'loor wC8l_h.cnl.1:&; fl3]\ but ~JhisMoisp:i'l:IoolMy di!n.vM.
frorniNrtW~m Ma-rich ~~!l1oor ~~mt'iJ~Ig, IlifiS[~d!, th~ g'~rv~li,on;,; ,~ be snigM-

f'Q¥ Mg. .1Ii!'!d! R~:ooC!M:l..eof !it~~ of MQ~J~d .~ Sl.!~nd~ to.

S'! d~~~~~~~i @!ooe Qr~ooi~n~1'5· .<lJ.IC~~!!!Il!~.. thrl,g in lite m~~!Mk S~,w!~ld]impnes ~~.. t Ii:le oo.noonlm1ioil of Mo incol11empol"ru;loou,s se;a\W:D.l'f. 'WaS of .sil.wilali"ma.gJllluv:i1l as 'fiI~.3tiltl d_;.~ drop wareus of~hJ!' Blaolt Selll,o:,';;:] % Illi\atQffU_Uy
oxyg1l>"ii:IRlIG:d.i:'I'iOd~m aoC~nil" Th~ ~fil~ pii'OOe5-5OOl!iM have OOIii.lttliiJte(j ~o

fOf:'!;vil!tdl}j lrit~re:~~dI"s

ev id-ct'i'Ceof O:l'ddatlrve

!Ale cl'CI;!':!~()n.


~llod~ alililililc; b~imls

MiQ/\\I'l % (1,8) (~~ble

roc ~~. A~<u!elV;{oic IPrci1ic btack SI1aJl~


0 2) andl3r~~~


!but :s1.!!I

COllce!rt_lWItm~ of diiissrilvecil M~ Vl.rere Ilreseinl d:urlJlflg Si de~oonl" Si_mi~aI:' reasomling esn be

ll1e iang..te!T!1l S~ rooordl ofsedial1l.efI!a:!)!' Sli!1fides:exldbil.S a mll;1itu've sl:i&ft ~DWC((\ljlV~ tlud. simdltU Oi~n. Ole slmllo'w occam; Rrl1dpoossibly il~ d~,e ,all:tlosph.ere t1:nIrlRm.Old ID'hc ra:D:e (l:f dis- 2.3 ·GtJi l1l!llis lfilKill~ln Ii) indical~8JI'lim::rease~lIi. !loI}1i.lJti(1fnJ of mbJi'l~a.rid:'le and ,sUMCl"i"l1. :flIlU'id.~ 0003:111 i>Iillr!at~oollcm~tm~io:m~. This inc~ is <l~nbOO to O'U~ililc~~d ml,L'! of.(,»:,idhli'i,ll~ 'l.l,'!;..'1Irh!11~1Ili;)fal~, s!JdIl. ,:ac~ ~]()~llM~llJiIH" (MaS::::), 11:1:31:ati'l irnm:lartaut for t~l" 'Ii1udgets of Mo and Re ~!'! ~!'hns (J!rpyri~ i~,c!l!L~idrOCks dUrllf'ig and ~~r igtlOOl!1!Sil!!1!di ~lg!a~oorpl~ie ,cllIUSttl web. Mo Ule OOE (1~'.110 !l'C@tlV'i;: shift iiii .sed~TIlei!~I<I'!·Y 1 :at!ild 'Re r,e'reasod flll ~llilis 'Way 'would 1!!I~,ttmarWl~.)' ~3~S begiulling!!l, "':153 m in tl'he MCXIUHMcRae .e_nrioill:weu1lS 'in 'OOeaJ} S~ilaJ~e:UaiY moorCI. lite: c:l:TeclS oflJess C:xtrcllile l
w~<!iiherifi£l (hJlrl~g 81 d~itim~.
gcdiLtll.m!l$. o>\yg,Ctl~a~iQl'IarI 2.5 ('121.

:s C{Ulm!itt ~!id $~S

ifI S~. (2J).

3:M.]I~,OOI(0, .Re (fig:. S2A)~ l1_tes~o'b:>~r'iIa!lirnt~aro nat ,~ty exp!ajmed, ~y i~yd!'Qd~~~ .in.p!!U,,~ ID lfilm ,ooeafbs..!EI'I!l;)nC~ Wlydvad'!~nm]inp~l $ihol!l~d ~ui~t. ¥i!li1 :amlcW fare--

crlrichrllel1lS G'f iron (Fe} ru~d :rll!tnpncsc (Mn),. yet liiIe 81 1.I11i~ is dep1.'tcd i1l1 these e~Clnc:nt:lii li\'!j]_auvc: I~O' S2.~I~ .m.y evclJit,lrtig!n,. ItOJil:1ipcrnnure midJ.ooL1:3u l~d~fJ--.r~ sysll:ll:t'l!l shmJilcl,

~S1uHid('l mnirtcrals wCilinlnllffa[l!klii)i' in In!UlPre.,,'~Of'~i' roPo• 11~~dnO'~havcoogn. Ili.git.flo;r 'e:x.mlple,.~n if'P9' ij__~(Kll!ly ·';~~~·~Al. a pyriliOl crysml .(11" !OO .lJml vol!!lm.e w~nd~SSCI\l~e OOlrJi· p.l~tc!yin, .;:..;20',000 ye.mrs: (26, 17),.lhis is 11 :!i1l0liil '~~lJifl OOJft1!pilfL'A.1.10'~]DC Inkeily dlJri'ati:ol~ 0:1" 81 (28),. em:t5'istcI11~~viil~ mlOOlow POt' M,of[1OC in

IFilg. ,2., ~,~Mmmlllrmm dim! [roml [we, ~Is, witffli1 sa {i28,71m l~,BS m and :14!5.22m 1483~ !ld.

'OitI:r ~.YlP01~~(:Sl!i: mUd {fi'lyg@~Hd!niOl1l.: ~ ~pof POlled ~y the ii~i:!{l~ (J!fU ~fi"lln~c!ltooh~cid~l!lt with MO<UlcW.Re c!w0l11!llI!!!~ (Fi~.!) ,a;IlcW Um mel:: of c-~l<1~on lool\1i!CC!fIU and IDC in S:I CI'l~. S2B), Ob$erv::lli.OIllS i~d!['C1IIi£lg'dml dissOlved, U OQil'Clmhti'Ol'liS \'\Iime .VllrY low. U iI~Iffilcerust is prillJaa::i~y hosloo. by [cldlspas, ziiroon,apotiAe" !ltd sp:llBillC, bulmn 'MiIIIfid:es~ Th~roro dlL': .i'1\It!': o:f rel~ (If U rfO~11rook<l is. oldy w~ly a:['~a!ooby {)'.XY~1!!!iOlf!,llID'llil<ie Uclili1·of Mo ,m'" Re; ~~ m~lI<ll
SI.u:dies S!l!~ '!!ial !.'he !mw: o.fpyri.te

th~Mmrtt!l'(iRa~~N~ ~

A:g;e;;; :250~1.11± :a,.:2: lM'a, MSWD .~. .1 ,fllli ~. gl} 1





uxidatcol1 ID!:CGOOsOwt of fddspal' min.cmlsw~~II. Po.. ;;. 1(f'lli !PAL (29" 30], U ulIay !tisobi.1:' .I~ Inob! I~ liha:n. MQa:nd! R_,e wliUm 0,2: is low (3/.).
H;~iIl00,. ~1:lil~lln~I!:Iel'lll'\; ofMo


s.a .~

ritelOs - <I~,

.0lJ4 :± ·0.06),.


out U ,(iilill~':!Iii~e!'l:lCntOl:l'e~ ~

and .RcL':iiifiJI!.!N M!'lepr:e.~~ Qf

of 01'-

:~;j15be1ween pOOr 'BI£!E5 a~ 2479:1: 3J .Mafbr-k~~ [n:a~ Gm-!ge ME!1iI'W'00&

'Brocli!r:ril1lli1 lrom f.ommtiofl I[al} a!ild2S,611l:!:: 8 NerOI' ~liIe '!!Ildedyilllli IBee '(iooge Ilrielll'1loor pf 'lheWilmn()OOl'l Fot'iTIiMioo (21). ~.5 iiffl diKtlisse.dil'l (22).

iO\!rr i!1tcqll'cWttkm. is[llsooomJ~ent 'Wi~~~d]e m.;:tn.muely ItOlndicgcl:liL-cimi~ialllfl'O:il! ~~S~IiI. Ii~('l M'OOun Mc:Ra~ 8Jbahl: {fi.g. .2). Sneh I.ow valuL'fS,also ~~l'IIiill :;\lal(l;s ..,.2.I:ffi lli'iIiII~Qn. ~

ycu,mg_~r {J.n·lindi~¢ tI« Ilhe ~~

·Oil ~!.ldg,et

wa"! domiil~aloo b2f hydroll~em~al. OOt!J!f(;es mUre!:

(hOlH by ~cliiQg:eni(; Os!ll the Woeiuhcr:w.g Gfliligll~R.c1Os C:1lllS1lai mb. A~ 'm. 1 U, ox!d.a:Dive: 'Wc31'lmring. of sulfidE, In~!:l(;[8~.SUIi. j:gl~oou.\~QI" ml'ot.9lll'lioqJ\lia roots mlgl:rl ha!'-'e ~md Hi:~le 'l'lffeCl~ (mdle bal!aJ1;Cs belw~n hydfOt1mr.ilJ.'IIl)~ ,md ca:u"til ~;un:~e~·gf Os to dlC(M;l~Sl •. because I!le Os COlllem (J.rC'~st!i~ mlfid); .IJ~i~il~b.aJ'r ticui~ady m.ob~ntte. c~m~ low. The ~ow!ev",,-JsoJOl ·dmt cam ac-tlmJlil! for O!l!f data. am simtlar'~o dae lIp~r :Hmlitof l(rs lPAL for lyp~calIAro~l~~Po't derived! tl11i: )IOOefV31lcuil { ·of !IlO;n2CfO l~P"'S:illl. AKb~1'I ~d:llfMn:1S (33, 34), po~s~~Y' ,ex'p'1..1ni~g tII!ejw,\:;i<L.;pooi~~o!] MQ ~ of Roe 'ef!ric'!llne!!~ls with i!~e Sln.~J~ 1iI.Q!1.~m:! ~ns: ~~i!ils:seen ihrotl~I~.olilt SI (1.3), .A,llerufm~iv~~;y, Po~ .a'b-i:!¥ ~oMooui!d ~~¥e ~lprnse;!n e[phcmemlly wilhimtgcQgmp:h.icl'lA~lyrestdcl:ed. 3fl;',M i.rll_d~ ..~ biOllfl!'ai.cally PRJd~CiDivelJil;,gimtli o<f III ~ (I!{,:eml,". h1 CQliitB'II. to dle observi!lions. i!!f! S~. Mo coliICe4iU'l.ltic'RS and '~~ridhn1enl,factors Olrt!. very low below -~5J In,ir.chadlh~ig in dle GI;gill~ic '~n-nch,amd ~fri~:ie 82, ~'!llm-reM~ is ,~ntian), fUlv~allit\1II'.ifl~ 'fOC [MotI--uc -= 0.15 ±

IFlg.,J. .R!~1!ati;(')!:!~"Ib~" 1lWE!i!!r1 M~ a!t~ roc 'il'l or!~:aflil: Glrboo:.;mm ~Ytriliicllrllhll"l!i3!~ ilillhe: Mrull1t: Mc:RilE! .5ha'le.

'[12:S.!i m l~~.~ m,)", lillie liliietat-enrh::hed~@ne ,(!f $.1. l~e~Gw 143 m (ope;n d~~res) i~ diifl'ere,lII~iarted fmrrn,l:IiIe I!!IPi'P~~I(!(IJIl! (sdl/idl roci!tsl, lifi!ilngl.@~ a r,e Ir'OO!l TitE!rv,,,l S2: ~:i73Ul)m. 189'.1 tlil1~ 11"00

(ides are frOOl inteNa~ S1.

of MonO( ~!rC)p~. (tflllrc-'I1':dl thri(!l!Iglil 'the !ori!3illll_) ,()b~ SEiN\edilli m.od:enli ~tlllfiide~
triiCliI lItlllO'-'iJiC

~egiooil1drcates, the Irange


10 mefwl:%)!



1]:.3" (.h! .g): p;pm MW",;1 % TQCl (fig. 3w, W~ QQ~ .. IiQN ;:i!PiPeatoolw~n MQ ~!td Ai in $2, !;l] 'dml SIIi these deplliS lhe M.obrn:i,gcl: wasinitll:10Jl1oo(l Ib.¥ denriial oom~,lools: sUld~, Cl~:]8Ikms, areaJbsml fromSl. n~csc,observilll=
l!tDI\S poi'~IIIOiiiilw1~


~~ S(llJlth ATriCii1. fQ~dd:]


.. t!i!!g·

and :2.5 OS! (4.0)" ~ldlOl1l£hd~lal


2~9,TI~~ oor~Il(i~ ~f .S1. i~ilIllfl(llllt '~o@~~rI1!M~ bllit i~ .;16 Iflilim !It~r$ bilse:ll QI~ lIh'e ~1I(tI1:iljnw III ~It ruua~
i50d\ro~, .A:i6Umil1!lll 'ill~\Pir;a1 ,it¥IHil~ ~I~ill~' 1i;('{IJfIT!Lllilli"m r-~te !!~-2,$ mfmi,lJI!an: yeilr~, 'tll!e' duriillHm i~,~n millillm y~~~, VlI~e ~~i!ll~w~ ,~re CQrnoi~~\IUI10fIm~~I!lL1i~i~n, ~~~~ iI\~iel1l1i'i ilild Ir~m, p,ri~r 9~h r~j)ii'D9Y~f ~<lifl:ipled

s~dy did.


.a'i!iLl.~ig~i'I~.c ~ncidil.MQ

Im'l,le~he slrrnt~g~hli!c n-lSo~,Ui~iOll Itoc3pture rmlm sc:!ll.eof V!I:riatIO:!ilS mlJKlrtecil!I~(!OO" lm:n~!'ii il~ S C ill(ilt~~ S}"gltLl;ITilatic:s Gk~ Itl~,~ ~H th.~ M(um~

l!ffllt~ {.?,J!!l,21~.
2~9,. jIj, it Blum, it.. l~'liH~fIoJg,
~i'l ..

:52, d'i~li!~ SI, lhe: d!ffu!'e!!lcC: iliMo C1mchr!,iC!~t sti~ts l!ffii1lil: ~eMo, 'i!1!¥e<itofy'in oV'erlyii~g,'i was I~mlch 1!I~r during S] d£poru>imiOl~Il1lIM dlllrilo,g,
82, dc:posilIDilil, as.\1i,I'OlIBd, follow fOOlll ajll~i~C~L': i~ C'mVi:i'OI1rcncnti1il. oX,yg.ct'k"Ltl(in, I!.IP d~Gl !;OOltCIn, I!l~ilill:intl: i!lI -~:53 ~'IliI, "fl~ :rnl~.n:;tl!li:olrnUs oO'~np'lit"'tQd! 'by U!:~ fact that Ih~ MQ' ,oo:!!'it~I!'!on :dt fferences bell?,!'ecll'!:I'he u!Ii!ilS wewe also

Shal~ abe, app~1' in tU:ITi~·cO'~liitiv~ i.I!!~itsr-or!~!!lt1tdh A(clca {2Jj. "ID'hoorelical ~¥ldeL'l f


.MiMml .. ~l, 291

~~~lJmre~ :pH- !i .all!!! P(.Q. - .20 IMl H'igltler Po. woold lie req!Jfr€'ll if CiO~rrere ~lgl~er. liI<~LIlIl reldi;PI1r!,!-.e;r~!!li!ii~g Jii!l~ .~~~. flfe!'!!l ~l!Iootiol1!'lif pfcl. ~,;tW1~b'~ Ii"" iI<!~ be 'Q~!""'~~ ,~ i~f1Il~t}ieq)i" ~~r ,t·~rlditign$~tf!'li!41 ~o ti'rG~~ t~ la\l'Of Ired~dM lIf f'>e'~" im ~h<!t il:. ellMroJlfiill!l'Ili!: ~~t ~r~ ~lI!lr~k or O:~l1ilIiildC.· (H~.By '(Dnjli"~ tlliOfl, ~fld~iIII: imITlllblll!atim-1 'Dr ilil'j)@illt.!, 'li!f' 'OO:lJirin ~I!urfi!l~ 'lint !Ire fl~illi!::[jjgl '~OO!J)~ll tlililt Hl~' < r:~' remlnefll [XffflW~Jter>. III 32,. J. L. 1lIi111ll'~I~. B~kk~, 1lI,~. :tteill,R. J. ~,rk.~ A H. [l. Hlimillul, fffl'lil f1miet. Left .i!!',zs:, 43 (,004t 33. J. FiiI~!'!<!ir, !t A. Wi~ig,i5i:r'fr)! ~~j. SCi.~eN. :;!:l!3, l[~O(3). ~4. fl!.. A, ~lM" ], f. !@~~~,g.M,!I'q.tJ.~~ ~ ~1 (;10Ql.t :35, li"iC<r~J.i!.trrpl~, Illle !.'!!i!l.lJE'~ll'aU"r1 of MD il1'li, l'If!iIUciilS ~i!d~fll@nts b <lirti!clJe~ by Ill'.! 11w: 01' 'oFgarnk aIIfilrnn andl wab!r-06IIJil1:ilI Ji;i!j Cllnt:!@lilti1ltkii1i!, ,~~ ,tMlim'Y !Ill' MD 'li!f, ~@!iI~lrI@n1:!; :!In, b!t .. f'rtcl.tdi by cl'la",~~s ill IP1IInulY C prll>iIu(:lij~I!,~uli~1rl <A'aillilliilir1, lit' the vigQr 'Dr oo~t~iill nl!aDli' redlKlilll!.. 36. 1IlIr:il\le~lUf!i5 ~~r<l'~r~pfri~~!'ift ·~~i!l!li«!ti!tg., '~!fiange in e!1'li!1t~!i!len't~II)1t:fflI~~!ffO~ 'Willi! ii!l'!~'.!l i5 <rI111'!1it\3[W!!IV po:!~b!!! Iha!. !!hoe,~Ii'i~h~~.!8i!~fI1!!!1frts ~"'lIlrr~ailil'lg' llIt i!Ii'I'~lIremt wn~i1 ,di!\[Mi11S i.m<I H!tlml.· ~Ii',!lmild W.lill!!r '~J!il>imln. Ilffl '1!1.~i!il (~~, 'Jlij,~,MO:li1lH'l Iil.@ ~micIAlnr10111.!i,~~~ '~~rnte of ifl(i;1~l1!;'@ wfhl~llflfl mg


shi!l1l (O\'i,lam ITI)Ore (!:,<ddi~i!i£ condi~iQn!> ·CM. OOCIlIrIlefurn Itl!!!: rise of an Q.~ygoo.


~ 0\ 'TlQi~r~!f!'

atoo. at1ilIn~lmre {5}. HGUlOO, thi.'j\lJ,h.iff IOf'O'Xy~.cll il~ '!1m MOlIilI M.c:Ftrul: smm!eln1aY iP~g.:fl l:'ill3 .ti'1()i~1 amd ilTI;"'f(;;l'$il:lt~lro1l.~ti~l:1J 10 an OX~l· <l!tlo'dworhl
IRJl,tiE!refl(!~!l:alild Nml!'!l
1. A, Btl\l!if!r,~nn" Nar.iii'I!' 42'jl, nil' (2Q04). 2. I). ~. 't:.l!!l~~ld, An\!i,il .. RI!!rI. fOllJJ' Plan~ •. ~.f. 3:~. ::It (2.o01;\]:, 3. R [~ ~p.~ J.. L t:lir.dw[~i:::~ A. IHfj.b!,lf'f!, C. ~, rtil!5,jl, Ii, IWK- WIl'&'A!:~, 5!'.i, .uS.A, 100,m,1~ (,2)005J. ~. II,~, Elrmcks. G3t Ilogem, it IWid:, R_ t.. ~umilll!Jn~ 'l,'ffl!ii~~ 285. 103.3 !1~')g.), 5, M, 'Ol:tln!, ()it~ng. Itt J. Ziillnl!!. GtMMologyli. 2!M (~00S). ..




a~octed b;y d iffuoernces i,~ ~(lcaJ detuJs~l:iO!'!Q~ e;rn~dition.s {hat iI~crelised tire CiffictCl11GY with, wh~ch Mo wa.~U'9:lilSf0U!t'Cliifroon ",:rate, to :s00i.~ i~)lmlS dllrll,1i,g 81. Iri:lrI!l: (35). Howcv~r, a dif~ r~,,(ln~: in the {!Ii5.5Qlve~M(I tl1~'l1tg~ and i,~ (ljreaml o::w.~~e!1:;J,t:io!'l pm'Vidlf;$ :;)j.oo~lllPCl!.iH~ ex~'!a1I~01!t~onor dlesh!lrp ·dJ~ffcre~!!Ccill! MoffiOC f be:IWo(m ~~e '~m£~:s; (3'6). Od~,(lrdB19.~00m the (lore 9~.SO po~m togrcMer ~llIi'f3.eeoemm (lx.ygcl1ar1iol1, !Ibo::iV(il ... LS3rn .. ilrlcilldi:ng change:!: in.~4S",A":liS. systmutics d~3t ~na.y rooo.!ld l!Ile O!L~l (If a.!'!oxidative ~'!'df!1ir Cll~1e {ll}.. A ~::t!ihil1t eaa a~o ~),;p!a!u~ differel1ces in Fcomd! M'!1OO11'C(l!1l!ir.itim~ .aooveamil bc'low ",,]601'l'!l. (Fi!!l.~l e~ow lI~isd)£pn.h. Illost B (11,[ dJleF';cls plU!>Cnt as s.tdmile {f~OOJ), ilffild boo~.,e~cmJooUl .am m.l!lc'll. ~.O'Wl]r in S ~ d~oo.iI~ S::t Fi!:: .(;i1ild! Mo \\!',oul,d' have ~:I ~iiynlQlf:JJjtizOO dlLrillil.g ;lno([lC'!;'\))3jlteri~lg. c!wichcdi!lJ @nQ:)J::lc ~ S [loo!' ,A.Jdle!lLl ooe!!.!~i1I!:}d I~er!ce <lrvoriilable for ~w!oo!pl.]m1:ion iuto, sedi.m.ems,. Q,x;:yg,cl1m:iOl'l or :illtlfaoeo~.vtroll.1il1l3l11ls, wOllJldlhovc: lI'eillIoodi the a:vaHahility off oo[h, tl:IClillmUs. J\l the satn::: I~ime,



n c.

6. C. 'Glilltn~Mt, Lilt. U!n~orn.,fl,. ), WII~lQm.NatilJW1'o:l.tJI3:, &M


1. I.. It KlilII1p,. ,M. [ Bii!rL~:.r.Nar~e4~:9,:lD3:1 :12007,1. B. "'. 11). ~L!)lniI!lId:,. Gec.1{Irim. (asmochlIJl, .~(ti ,66" 3an . (~~(I;l). ~. HI 1'1. Hg~oo, w~, (h,g,n!r(ll ,&.!;.ru(ill\i! fJj J'!iIm~M atJtj' :(J{Mru: (NrlOelOO Umw. f>.roe~s., h'lfK~I.oo. Nt 19$01]1,


37. ~. E, ~~(jre\l5l';il.. A. J!!. N~.h~e'\I'ol, ~"fef!i'iS!lJ!6, ~49

10. ~. '~~ 9Jei'lliJl!!' .• IK. ~~ 'r1J f!!k1an\ G.f«Mltit !L~h1m, kftl 3:l', loU'S, U. 973)1. H. It W, !coll~er" ilinIIIi~ Ore!l?ll\l~. 3(11,.HSI U~S5), il.2. '1'. 11!!1geo, 1 W. tyc;m~, ~_W1i1OgrD;fIy 21. PAWlL6

U. 11.I'\Id.!i!loo~ tit ql.,


Y;~,im, .4!:ta



tl:~!!Il. 38, C~l1$ij~·~!it! Uii~ !iI~I,ii~11!, the !ii~~i~, Mlltiirut~'~ iii '\'jiih ~rI»Bat!!! ~blr.Ir! 425 m Wiil1:lllir1 t~ ,a~!lrC~~I!!~ FE! 'i!dJSei'lll!!ii cli!i!pl!f 'Ii'i rlIii! f!!ir~ irll:t~~ '~i!i9Pi!1,Pllrnfi Il~' th!!!~(! rmlli!i!: iii'! WiI~.'f!r~ t1lilt. M!F~crnlV mHdll~ ~!'f'I:am~. rr;l~\·'aMI ,Mrt'" 2IF! Ir~'II'IOb'i men ~\l:h:l'i*d ~tl ~:e~'· L!l
.~IOOMfl4 .. , H!.lj:Iool1;'@ly. bi1a1.i!l@ ~r tlliil '~~riflolltkHl JIll fn!iQlIlble ~~lilYl!rl)1ijme:!;, Hw~wJ, ft!2~ i~'Dxidiiiltdlilt .a I~~ EilIlQilIiIU1l2~.Siegl'tgatWni5, (fllia: Iildli~lii~ Ill)' '~h~ ~[g~~r 'Wlidilti'lrll!arM! 11l)'d'!llb1!i~ ijne!!its !'ill' MIl~"' Wr.~~ f.~., 39'. F'iJo:r~~[lilpl~jhl:!i~1L1, rI~1iI9 Oz~oi;l!dilli!i;il!l'! ~ t~~irnFli C1 lim~l tllii!' ;w.aiI2bltir:f"'~ 1iifl,e!5.elt~iail. F~, thi!-rf!\b)1 ,r~IIII'if!9 Il'Flldlll{llil'lty1!iiIid ~liIe' rM~rnr O,~ pr~ll(iiL NijnlM"lugt~n~ ,o.x1:diitl1ftlI!rOOOIl (If a
m;a:hallt '~eli!!1$,

111•. G. It Heh. el ar .. ,~difli1'_ ,(,osIl'liX:rtim. A(w 60,. 3fi.3.:li (l9l\!6), 15. II, t MIil~oro. $. IEJ1'I@BDII. ~'f«llIMol, Cru'JIlO(.I'IJM. ArrU! 63:,

crlk~~ ~'II~mg~ya~es


:s~ighlly ,t::i~cvaJncll above dtli\!lugllO,tlt d]e;co~; ,ilIfid

ilH~~U'!i'l!n lL6. !iI. R., ~5:,rt.1.M~lef:l:llilfl, Rw, Cie,~, (1995),

~3, 24l

05 vleU :as Sl (~S. 8213}. ftc 'COlJ] oorn.mre nlooi~clban Mo .awinsoxlCliltV'C iSWilfide\"''C'aihel.·~ illlg {J7), so 'dl:ls ~islmlRc mnr:i.cltlfl~nl S'I!Igges4s IllIml S'OIlIIIC $Irian de,gt:"Ce or (i(Kidmiv~'!MC8dteri1l'lg


is I;l, pt:)!ild\l\eoa~ ..tiQIl aCRe whh TOCi!~

17. G. L. AlrlLlld:, A. I). ~llWr, 1. 18arlin[t T. 'iN. ll)lQm:, Sroienroll 3(1~, 87 (~o:<I); 1~. (. v, $l;gU, T, W, ~YI1l~,,,,. 11)_ .l\nl;i;lr,~{:Mm.

n:~. c.)l~bi!itt,~ [ll_ ~ll riil~f:!, f.. rlM~~ p, m~H!I,. t t.l!,J<!gl.~r.

~O. GtMrhIm (~.difm.. ,..t&.tII '~,9,n97 (2065), I). ItN@!i!;(II1\ I\. F', 1'rflrtdii'16 W. Alle:rflll;Jn1t, i'«(1i\lllillllan flies. '91,. ilO5 !i999}, 21. A. f" Hend3Ll O. lit N~I!' J. K (Ie laet~r;,5, W. Ha~~ler, 4r$~•. f(r.~ 5(l; 45, 137 U9ge~, ); ~~. ~~n~~, milUi~ ~n(I~p,j!ol~me~lij'l. tfiali:a ,~re ·~!If<lIa~t.g a~ slI,pprnttlf19 ma1l1!nlllllni S(rtJll!'e OrlliAi!\ :U •. Ill. i(auifpafl i!'t.:il~ SdtiMe 311, 1~ t20l17). 2.-1. fml:l~fI\!!lWl r~JIlm (['F.l '" IfIM!talM'J}-W(rnI1!!l:ll1~",_ .. I'f~f~" tllrt 1~e:I~I'tIOO~ 1~ ~m~g-t (1llI!1 (16). nil, lil:lrm<tlilati~1I c:ompilru;ilI::e~f!Dr wrialltii diuli[llil Ly ~~!bar!iJte 5ediiMII~~iom i!Ju:l r~c imte:; 'o1S;uiOl~!io!h ,~!
<r~~~[~ ~quijc~!m!n,


JIlrjo!li58,1\1:3.1 (:ro~).

g-.filif!I'II~il'Ii!e mlul,!! Lud lowe~~ fio,.




'temper;ilM:e~., 1I~~fo' l~i911l!ef5Dlub1LiLy01 O~lfl Mliio[~ : ~O\. Ill. ~~,~ gt. ,~l~~diim. C;N.!it!l!:;"~. ,illg'('!'i!'l, ~)I!i 7 (:2007). ~,l. 1m!!' illjllliF~ I.iiail~ It. HI KMIl ~ilJliI~raij!ln a a,nr!l

OIC£tIImi'il. d1i;,oUgl!.lflIit 'rIlli:


Mo w~te"t;;t~dI MOfOOC

<l!bQvcI4:J; ~rnm .._y

d.!UP' l'n 'lhe;dI)~lved ilhri~ Jnlidalrise, even dmu~h ~Ilile Sl1fffa1;leQUlvmnm~Jl ·~PfJanmtlyliell'llljn.oo, ~e6~lndy. if miMIy,. o:~gmnHled (23). :Re atld: :s also ·diecreaoo.. :i)iagcl!letic oomp~i~,xnion:i1 [II.(ltw~:.ffit~I;andrlflg (2Jh' ~ti$ tll1:rllpt~lIi1gw ~1.aJba Mio,iR¥enlm:y

.ret:!Q'); ru_e!~d~1 1(,J8),M ~ re-s~~~ biQlogioal or 1il{ll!lbiologPcil~, feedlx.-tCks (39,.How~


mi~' " drop i!~ ph1~!ip~~re


:!~.i!,tg.,(f()(~t~~ at 1ll,e. tiinf!'

are pnr!t'<!b:!y

~.I!'i\i ~~per

~11O!11i~i!!i ~re

ll-.f~lf!po!ii:i!llf'l\, oot:aIlSi!' ilP~al1oc G'I fDlIfll:!,

R. GI)!i1i ~ '!!l~ l!!umthlllQg llu!li.!;ttollilJ.irllO!i:t r!iilili IiI!I ~r~[ll; B~, a.~l:Im'l>efg f.Dr gJ[:Jpc;rting the tl.ti~5il!n I.D IE<r!1I,V Earth rO(!Jj GrQcIp o~!he WiSA ,,f!,ilJlIbi~!~ IInLillJl:e; ,~Il!d J. ~:arIM!~r, R<li~weU, D. ):rnll:llDrn, A, 1l~~~er;lI. It t!l.g:e{I., J. K:a5Crog.. ,~rMIm. f,1'~ooil11iIDr 1lt~lpM dilltl.ils~icir!s.Tm <l;!1OfI,yrn~!1!> reYi<;i~r~ ~lpl1\! 11'!![1lfl1lile the I11<in~~ripL j,.~ !l-, !:i'IWI)p, I!" C, 1!(l~!'1~r, ~. 'oran, !Ct~~I!Irii~t" A. EilWtlllarn, ,~fjfil ~me':GB!iLBgI[a~ SLIMy of \?l~!ti!tl1' flI!l!!iIr~liaa!!!l,illl!!t!I witll(lW! i'ea:ril'~1. f'uildlJlJg 'Was proo!li!'d Ilti tll@ iIIJ!i!lA .1\!.IroIiiool~ IIfIl,lIlllli! alfldi
,j!,fK(jilfag~ntI~r1l:; ~ ~Urnril!g;'lf~i'I'iI

ever,. de<:~[uaiilflgumoe IfIl(liW(1, ahllltdSLIil~ooulm !>i1nlP~Y :rofIootdlee.>d.1JI1Ili.lmOll (if ~po.'iedl .~. ~1~.dB illO!lrooo. Of are..~~~paL'h~(n Oif slJilfi!,ili[c lJas:[irlsil~ Ih~ ~Il" in ~"'-~ Imo lio;;i!llg lialf~ INd:~cIIOO,drll'wt~g dow!'! ~~\%~ MOl Re; atfld S 'fli:~ OJI:m of \1I,!Calheriillg<II .2.5 .oil: w~pmbaibly wi.d~-i!lpj'lc:a:d~ A IUCOOlt~. ~)(llIl11il:19i~ 1~:il:!ilJOifeonl£:~1~[.ail'l.oow> &ed~lwclr~F,; :fmin 1I1~(':


kj\!r s~~ S"3 0(994). 27. 1tih ,!ili[;!;m~DII ~1i:1l1!Imut'lill~ ijl~1 <IId@tMI",1 r:rY,li~ (J)\!illal i~~1:[)01ied ~r1 ,11~ :~ide~ oot~r il~ ~ilj;Uililll'i~m tD nilll O~ ,at 1*11,~, !j, <lu:!! 't~lper,3111rEi ..:: 'O"{. lll!e ~tli!!i\fi1i19 r,a~eil, ,{I!l'I&':5!i!11I(1,V£~:~ili1le:t.a, ~1]!!~rii!t!Jre ~. ~"'9m'jy~~!!,I,ol~~if ",,,, if]l;l'!l~~~ '1;1 <r !,}Ipi~~ll~'ri fi!t i;'aliil! 1If ..sJ. fi!li!~ f~l!!~:'f~ I~f ~rr:rit!l I!.!!~a~~
IJr.e~n!!l)lert. ~lire'Ir<l.~~!!m~iamc'~i1g ,f!'IlMs 'iiP'c¥ML d!!h!llls ,a iId iirinDIJ~O!Il ~~iMl.:)\,

jiI!lfJei'i!.il~.a:ll~I,il~ iIl!.!l('~~~iali*iiii!ii~. :ll6, M,. A .. rj\!m,i~fmljjf1l, l D', ~iin5lidt, G:rochJ:m_ (~OCi!rfrn.

t~ N~F !I3~lliol~ prll'gtilm,

andl ~.m,~ Tllm,pi!r~l;!St G!!OCI~~rmi~tl)'

SIlP:pil,rtifl91 Olillhe


mwr,SJ:irliKf!rnilgl,~rg\i'c@~rntf!IQM'lIllll~,].:r.i5S4·61l90:li'DC:ll rI'<lleri<ll~ illI~ Metl1Od~:

!'~. S;1 ~11d1 :)2 Tab~~ Slti!l' S3 2,11: )amll1ifi}' 2J!!Dil', <lC«!,[lt1.'ed :][6 AiIf,U£.!! ,ZOCI:il 1!0. 2~f~I~!!.n~OJ:2~ U


Stene Adz,e' C,omp"os'it'i,olns and Ilhe IExia nt: D,t:An ci ent Po Iyn esi an V10lyagling and Tlr'8d'IJ'


nesiia, n1<Kieit'clWffiooltlo fmlnlMn, qxlemal rt':~alions

arnumg InI~tlm.£WId; IlIrllfl. of kt:mg.di:smRiJ1me voya,gingisihOl.l.g!JI 1:0 have dii1illi~~sljtoo,{lij'. HO\~;"i!lr. h"(I_'\wypo~j[co!on~zMio:n V{i~~irn,g·oo.lW~l

~~~~~~'St§m P~gi!:lc,.~W!~de~r~ing.illl.u1d! ru~di_'i9!l!ti(ll~of OI!~hi:peI~~:<wr{IMI"Q~y-


T~hrli is

\V~n :W~~~


'The last ,r,egia:riIOIn ~ rttI, setd.edl by' hl!lmans: dUr!11i pr~'I1is:hl:1il(was tI.5'It 9 IHa,waii'allil a:rral 1~ki:Ol'~S !iIiIMtiQfii !!,I1oy~if1;grf1~1iIiI Hawaffi1 to, 'Ira hili and bad::viia, the 1ilil<l!ili!OtI.lS, ,aliil Ili~ U! oooaill jo I!lfl'F€V of $Mf,a'~ tI1Qusa!ild~'of kiklmHtSi. The' tRIce !.l1,~l!llie!ilt 'Isowp~ chHtisme's: ,ofi raJ sro!ilead~~ ~o-v~IDed and ~llOm(he ruamOfi~ :Arclillpe:~~o ar,e untike thQS'e: of sWirces ifill cellltflll, PdiYlilesia buttidH! slmJl!ilirto ~Iile l<a~o;~olaM' IsI:alild 11lewmtte"irl the HaiWa~fan Isra,oo~. SUip,po!iftJgtJ;l,e ,Otrall1iillW:ms~ 'Otherad~es. mllected from the low' '{GlIal. iS~'liIdS,oU~e liIorlll'lwsitiul1IJiJiloIim oove swrlCe5m the Minque,sas.AIllSitJ:iilI and $ooe1¥ l!iland~allildl ~!;! ~im IG~OOp,m.nliimoongl ~ha1l: trade 'WMli'l!i~i~r,eadi within I~t 1~dl;WiIe:o;;'a.,
ln~ ~," ",ll~3t:l, ,'liin~ m,,jgra~:~,:(m,til' h,n, Ulan hlSt(l'~ Ctl!tlt1~n_di 11I11ih!l g~ml~mL';mt o:WIl~ 1 _ '~'~(';IT:I n~ar:~ilt" ~r llihe Pacific: OC~Iq, dle]imi~oo!by Hlawm'i" New .:zcal;:mdl, ~.Ea~~ l.slOlud, Ole la~; Irlliion G!]Eanh eo lbe selt~eCl by ~UlnmlS. 'SQl'lleresciil!rdl~ :s'I.Iggcsrodl d1ll!i1 sClll~i'W.en1.was 900idOllffil ,orli:!y drill: 'VD)'IlIg.cs:


'H,~vaihu~ g~] ~islories (7). To ilN'~Wial~ !he ~~l of Im!e

llt:Silll,we ~~I!Illd[LOOtine:trace C~CIl~cutco:InpositiOillS iIIndisow;-pc ch,wstty of CX\Ot:lc s!nli1eadms. Ml.GcmD:!.tmm ni~oornl. Molilsim, 1iI~ Tmnliittrus:d.te
l'IiIi1.I'poJil!lI e~~ O§Ea;!.~i:'), (1) (Fig" I, A .u!!d. :8). .a~ <lire of 1ba'M11!~-fur wldch Ulcre is rno loo<l!lOO~ClI1 !he ~ atOlls. lln~s)liliIeir P:1!01!1'(l!l.<l!!l.'Cecan be ~ Ito I[r.WC .Po:~yl1{Sian rm.\~l3j'li!:IIJl'ad::. e\!alt'~c sotllit't'CS, liII"C <!l~ To vOOptda d:u_ (lu.'lifiain:~ugmajor, elCnlCll'l. I~

m ea.~




'OOJlilll1tC[ SUinltll!arl~l:tS 1(2, 3}"S2I!mrng ,'iliS~"'in:gtrudit~i(l:l)idl!i1vUg,mtton.


al ~~bni~~~ (4),. ~.!l'r~~w of '\Ioyagh~~Ir;;tt· 'e,!i,li~ (2) indicaoo iU!~l.~,Poly~arl! rol0JT!!z4!llioo W'i.U! p!1!~SCifuil.p;c:rll@pS ~a_idns: O100l!'t ~i~.hll!mIOl.f! gcIllCr:;];]iOlli!> lDOQl!olli2e ml}Jst~lit!ldpoe~t~oes: 00; fooo 000 CE (5),

'ISchl)!)l of P!fJ~Sk<iI~ '~ef'l~~-~~1lI SQ~m~~ nfilliJp~(~it!l' .. ~. O~en$lilmd,. 51:.II,1;iW .oW 4072,./!;I1NtfaliaL ~li1l~'loll •
Sc'CialSI!J(!~~~l\r(I1!a(!owg~. 'Th;1!! Unii;'~riiilY-of Qm\~ml!iilo:l(, 5~" lud\3" Qm· 4072, .Au~1I<1Li .. _

whom {OI'H!s,poodill!D(li! sllmuM !JE!' .allldF@.~§;I!'Id. I!·m<liil: hol!lE!rs!.'lfi


IFi:g.l. !(A)' Pall5Vll,c i~~!3!nds :S!hOwiJ!l91 OII'Bi~ '(ea:s.t of ~he AIilc:lllm:elnll1e),.iIA~,ilIlilel~liI!e nmt:e Ibetweem H1aiwai1 a nd Talhiti :wi:thiiilifle Sndmy 1~lallild$

e~lbU:;;hed '~:I;;~rime!llitQHv (4). (8) The diitri~

ixpeii1mElnmll . Vbyagi!'1!g Rtlw!w Ii'lUlIJiOIilIef ad~e.!i ]rll"ll\~ga,tlld fin oUlrs1aJ~.



ro~ I~il!lk adze l(l~a1tio:~uf.solidl ci rde:s) 'to 'their I SQUf('~!i· (g!ay' sql!!!aftl·s;) in thi@' Ma:lfQju@:la:). So· (~ety,AaJil:J:iilll.ruamotll, Gillrnlbie;r, ,tllilcl P11tci1l~rn
~~~and graI.!lJ~. (C) 1i~e Hawai,liillill ~~!and!>"Mth COmllil'ilpDramyverns !O1l1 H!aiii\!!iii'ia n~l(l'ih~ desfgIrJilImdl 'with b~lc;k drdes. Th~ two· Inlllle<if 1lrll1m:i~



Il;land n! es


Rap;! r.lUi

no~ and l(ea1 ,c'erirte ~tnctive (hel1ll'i~l and. iSGropt!:: d~flf'l',lfe!ll(~s ~1~if!1 1h~ l!1i!iIli'i:!ii.i!~ 1!il1!1!"~

Iplurnll11' (27)'.

cr; Marqu:esaslslands



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iii1 ~






<lind i-sQ!,gp!c OOr!~6Offi Q~ ~ VQ~~!ctlOO~ hn IlllPOlYlm~l ~'~!<\gQs, "\1&!~ootOO ~y ~ (8) fo:u ocealOO ~~. basalts (O]Bls~ r-ille~lne<l; 1l1!E1S31t adzes and dluirnfesulliug ~rml1illilililclmng d(\\bis:ooctLii'l1lIfOi].~'IlmIl .Po~rniat, ;[,Ilrn. this om])i'l]Oi1W(joeh);,~il.~g 1J)011f1&~ h,~t:i iI!l~OO 10 [&iuify [i!\~hi~:C~iOOJi'i~6Qri ~\7i,~.~ isl.iild ~ps {$I. Hljl Es]iud <lit:VQ~iCii: (lAV~) <lid oms .~ cl~~'iiC.ill,y disliftct ·lbecau._~ of diffe~~ iRIll1infl'e SoI:mrres nd 1fI~lItng lP~~ a (11). Tile .[AVs '!.'.'eSt ofd,,,; Alldes~l€: LiilC (Fig. I A) orullp:rise volr~~i:e I~d~ U1g~ wIl.h im~I:l(f,~1:~ea.rmlu basalt It{)~~'W. d<'ICil~andl myol~le. 11~ V\V$!hnll'!
ihe T~<t!1~:l;nloo,Ma!lqIJ~,.




'COO:~.-A~tf<!!.~~I'!!ilds, {!P1S~l~) ou· i!'l1~fIf~ook:l h.< lhili> process (17) .BQc.ausc: of di~emllCX:S ~n R.lIln,(~e:5O"l.Iroes nd a

from OlB~ (18). alfld I]jn~di:Ir~IMi'bO~ p.m~otI~:li.

Ili;;ibugt oon(5lt;'1iliJt fM ~$Iat~~~qg


s are c'hci:u~h:::ally dislimm~

;;l.nd i.~9~~1}ic diff~~~o~ <}!B I:!!lC!tipe!<!go.s, soo~es of Imsill~liIlSed i~ aoo.e mUUfll'Ilmotme C0i1il be dcter~ Il1ililnl.'lQI\vidi.ou.t mq,uirill;g: k1mwb:lge o~'specillc romllrions .oF ~lIffies or "iI.twtics. !l1;;;l,!"qt;i!li!I-..oo




I.9 ~


by EliI:lO:IiY

roy mel!tng of




:wnes: H1J'. "I]l~e ,•.u~ ·of 8~lCOl! ~!ege :h~ :~1~ru!iS ~n~ fm::bmw aysi;a1I:i7:.atiOl~ Wilhh~l cll rullOOrsand Ith.c .~.mli~aHon, of ffiile~]YiJ1Llgfl.1~s!i~. Sl (13). By iOll1fIlrn£l,lIml,cfi~ ~ ide :md ;alb;Uc OU3;s and .3SS!OCiall:ld silk~a.. . 1~!1.d~~!1;1I;li.1!,(ldlkaH!1~ ]3va~ ($)I (f~ SHihIT!'! a
lJy ~~a~ n!C~~!Jig ~f!!~(lc :aw<lyroom si!bduci!]

Jlh~e ~QW Cora~. lo!ls(.h~i!a. M<ikal~.N"p1i.!bi. a Ta_k<!!"OI:!, KatilU, Ma!~li!ii. Ahe., Tajlli!u.~, .LndI ,elkl~'OOl1t:1lrlCi (i9): Nukllm~akc) {fi~. l, A illIldi B)I l1lCjl ru\'l l~.ruIl nell. dam. cai~also 00 I1mdl to den.milc ai'lJfncm .Emt .P:oIYiE!>~ a.&re footli'l {Duff 1~~16A.IIE, ~ !!O~" Majo:"el~ml1t ChCd1nismcsi~3y (linm~lul.O:~ 3A., 3:13,. A!mtd .:5B)1 (23), wilh, typr:; .3Aat,ld 4A 4 .~. di!l.IV:loolie OOL::$.l;kW:si:ll:li:l:)J'~~i ¢11M:listriiMi ~~~l~iua~I!!!IL;; ~l1!hiO;kni:ie r'm'i:l\i: (:6;S, $iJ 1rnil~ cam !tie Ilrodut~d. dl!!cing Il!i;~ fracti(!i!!a~e~m~I~artifuclS, 1!!nal}~~ by .i!!ducli"'~ly CO'lfIl'ed Ifl~~nla laOPl of simiiar'minero] pbase sequ.e.!I!ces: ,cl!wi!!~ Il%~ ~Irometl)l :OllI!clI witb rOO!~{)~nicsoto~ f<),. i tLi,'lii; <!IiID~yzOO·byOlCjl~1.\ll :C1l1.l'ilS ~l~ ooaili~lgill"! higl~"IC'I,!e~ u'!!l,gn1ia d1;OUnoors .• a.] Bs arecllili.'lmcten.2ed Io:y :sup;crell~Qndrilic elry.requ1ireCl <:~I [) ItIg of SIlllrlpl.,e (8} (lBh~c82). O Zl1Hfmlio.,> (cboUGritlc I~io, 343.:!I: 03)8fn.d sub11~l;l md'[ogmlic~"olOpic dSHI (T3b~.c ~. a)ld. d~Ol\dritle Nlb!f91:3ttQIj [clmnMlic :mll.o 19'.9 ± 0:6 F1i~ 2) al1o~~lihm('l3M~ 1'0.00 .a.,'lSri:grnoo to InbC!" (2'))). fU1l'i~'!Jm~ OIH~L:;xhuM~ low~d1 disootl~1i!~ ('2365 fro!IlRll~"U, OJ !9IWol];iPtrC<iir:n.

Inhe: p~!V¢I~llee ·of P.·O:U1!i.e;l:ial] ~Il .adiimioo, 0113 ~ii,lo'as f!'rnn d~tr-m:!1i~a1Cliirn'lela~ @!hib~l. dilf~!1i~. rLtaoe


~929 19.34t8, 221 ~'nabl~ ~lQ S~.)

Q\'e'.I'i.rj~,g 0009n.i.clidiiosp.1iIeric p~a~(S R.mE!> 1:mIl1~C upwe1,., ~h:tg!> looi ofn:k'ilrnillig; 'CXplaiililll d:u-;~uamn or of .~iill:JSm wkru:as, ~~ili. om. a3$ii1crea;ing~n. 'dro dh[lrnJll~ of pia.!!': fit))1j'il:rl'nCnl 3.\vay fron!1J 1i11('l et h ~t (151 ;E 1Mriaw:~'i (J6). [11. ~'mliroIY!lcsi<l,
I!ion miles 1ill:(I!i,I'e~le!~t of


,md (:Tr17 wilffil :a:vI.isoOOpi'C ,ooillposi~gr! ia'!dic1JJ;Hve :s~p~~riJticZffHr rnllO$ ·gf 3S..smo 435 [d!OI~~Lijc ~iCl .34.3 :i:: 03 (20)]. Au lJd!i~!I.')~~~ 'il~S: derivIIliOl!!fi;mll Ka!m'ohn:ve" HaW01ii'i. IllclIDd f« dii5crilnimmcl:IgbctwWIllOas..'lItts is ]pm; is a.pht'lliloorysl",l'i:l:le ap.1larurutic rock (:6.ll~i!liled. wh~re IWlnCmlphl1lscs aIiC' lilot.d.isCli._ablc\?o1ilbd,u~: vided by Il'Mio~mic Sr;, :~\I, JIb, isolOJiC ,ec.:vn,JiXI" and,. fO' whrtcilil lhero a:e .tl'(lm_~~"t:: dala.[ilr naMd. ~Y€) I!Irlmis typical. of rocks .se~~c1 f()" adm Pl:IlYlmiaffil vol~oiN{8~.1.l) ]rnilial~picool!rDplml3kiilg. The: mlradiogmlk Pb~lDpic oomposl~illi03'1S of are dij\rerse (6} In Vi~l';' o·fllihe tiom gf C,'i1J i~dli®tin.ct ·ffrojif:l t!m~ ohll (lUrer



Ifig. 2~

ItA to D:~ ~:iiD.




a:d!rns ~ttd

dn:fEs)' alfld

(omlPcs~fionalliields; KIf diftr:efilnrt flotyn~ O~8!~

:So!'!r:l)~~l& grlld\lliiiilOO
~y m1laiil1 t:J}frlle ::15 and


~md]es mool in (8).\I'ilriOO:onsin· 1~00Ii0ri l(itfiiioo the: Il~' <lmi ft,','!1e of C~g blt~m!JlIIiI~ltywij~in !1i'I~u!" ~le sooff.i:!S: ef alBs; (11)r. RlIdlio g:sl1ik Il'b iliol1:opk (~liIi1positio.~s~,f ad~


.3;8 ~15.4

2:1 ~PibPlfb ~J1I\7Ab7~OOPib· to.1850 n-~-""""ii-"'""F-""""'-"'F"""-""""''''''-4

1t!/Pb e()~IP1!:)1;;;041IflbJnd a
2\OO~bfO<lPb) ,r.1iitJIo.Silli.d i
<100Un'1iMb ~~Ab;)

it reHect \1.'1IlnatnloUlh.

R;Q. 3; A and

~15.S !l.,,_--...!----'---..!L.--...i!l--~ 11ffi Sffi 9 .i:!02;1

I~alb~. Fi,gl!!~ 3C shows

(ovariamlfl b~el!l Sf isompk rcolr;npnl~itijiolil gl!'ld Ndl ioott;)~c (~po" 3D sliJrOit\lS l~ovaJriation IlbemlHllliI




111:5 rfi'~s.I~rati as. IBased I IOlIIi~oropk mm\p'o!'>ifIi(llil~


I~i! i'i:~igll!led t(l thei r

~()II!Cer>:(231615, RliJlrubJ;



10.450 0.70515 T.g)b~


IC~:31'9. Flitcg:in1i~ and f.77.H; Hla'Wairi [using ~he aM,wagE' oflilu:ee ~ID,





i~oo,W1~ dWl!fri!i1mi~:!ilS: 9il,[,00 'iill labk! :l !:!ft!dlm~s<i~h~g();mmill

'lldesiglliMedl IDY'" 1i1e lillnra:mtlQimk Pb ~ipk dimnlrnVll'!'milomI1l:ii2iltof .a~l. other e8lsterlll Il'lolli'n:~iallll


~ompOsitioo a,f (7727 ~5, mB~.alllldli~~ilil'iilartl} loa

tthDleiiib1~ whelm C7?2J. I'JIJ haiN~ii~ (fiiig. Slj, fifwrnJ Kalia'olawe .. mer wrll !Illnow 2:0: CI'I1.aiy,lliml ulrlClertailnties in e\lldlclii<

tnmd!S!l!tts fig,lC).

Atth@'lI!gh'isgtgril(g])~y sim~!~f. Lar!~~ ooX!tts ,~

rol.)'I!l!L;)~I~ O!~~ ~!i!~' .~~~n~~<!!!"~CI'~idt~!' K~Q'O~~'i'~ Of boo'l U"26)" Bolh of ~l~ isltt'lds: lie in Intne Hn;\71lB1uisll Loa ~ci11 {27)! (F~g. Iq.AJ~OIJ!?JliI :umi,'ibasa:!l$am jsoroiPical~,y s;mi~.oc 1.0, iIlIO$C.oillKaho·d~\w, I1nGY lll;'nh~~tic:,.~lm1J".as am en17; a liIa\~il~, L~alka1i~ $2JA~ 0727 (t1bl~ 84) ~lj 5imi~~SiOl' Al~J" MgO, TiO:~, F~O}. ~d Pl0~ oo!~lia~ 'Ioh~waii~ ftwn \~; lvfdlokll.'i and Haleakrih!!,M.vlp8. 29) ~bibikl SS} F~. S3A :sbiJWlllfihat hawaiiM1Slil'Ol1Th .Ha:lJc1lkrnl!ii lIIiiid "\'c!1..Mooo 'i ~mw oons:idem'b~(l 'VIliliali.oi,~ 1i1i. (SA 10 -].0 wdg;llt %). A~ Crn,"ll~ sill1ibt 00 and 110:;: OOlO posi(~\()t'.l to 'Ca-:rid~ l1i;l,wai~r:ron1~elkaila, cO'~

1'000 ~r-.-..-..-"'-.--r--r--.-~..-~"-"....,.



r=ir=irT' "TW"1FrT""F..-.-nnF'I'"""T"TT"li"T,-,;-rrrnFlrl""r1









rif!llin~ a 'OO!lUliIDfl ~ftk; evG.1u~(]('iJ,iiffi.'I]I.'t1l nOIll hmMli~ fl'l(1m MllittM. ,Kea~dI \Vest M~~~.

A..m. C777Jftllh Vlilntltn 'lll~fieidl of CiO\l'a'Mliocl CNilldbLood by ollta' haw3iirrrcsfi'onll Ha,\?il8ii~'i ·~~.p'1(Dt!l ·o:f MgO w1lth. Nb. :Sr,mlcl n. (~.g, 4) and wiith. 8 "il]~e ~IJa'i1



u.Of:Na~;. N"b.!Th, 1I.Vfa, Oill~h'ltfla ratioo (~ S5). a ~!]ui1lfOtOfi",b..,o rnIb 1[0 ~j~fi hil\wj'rn~OOln Hruieo:abllol;Mm,!~~.lii'?S~ H{Dwe\I'~, itljj .P.bisttcpic rol~i~om, exclums 'W~Mobb'i. (28) (If' Mooi (Jt:i) ~m\aiiilcas .:3J !>titLi'rn~Mr dtkad2c.
hD.Sr}Ce!''nI'lRl.~P~O::s flpace, :.'i.dzG:C7127 plQlS widlbrn. 1ll1~ diJl'UflCU'!I1L:l l:9t'Ii~fl of corllpalSlti(lll£ ex-


= ~~~<l, ~ofl!;-~C23iHI



11IioiOOd l~wniiW,l !tiro~]1 Kalm'Q'law!:l (:~ :$6). ~¥, S!!I!oll v~lJlon. ~!1ecns oo1!b si1lOl.Hoo! ~Q'W1"~~ ftacti(JJla!~iOOl orp:~gvool~ (a.5 ill!! !H~eak.,1a. Afllaui 1~w.ruii.leS)and"presiH.lre bctLl:lImtocm of clJiJ1iOpy~Gi1le (:os il~ West Molokai'] and Maullll K~ealt9.wa1LtI.':~i), (19).F'mherm'Or~, Kah.o·(l!~awn IKtt\!'ili;~ .:i!iN') ll~fIi) c!:'amct~ri~ by hUgJmr Ni. CQ:ilI·, rout<; (rnl!~e 54 ro 226, ]43 :I:: 71 ,~jjl/g) (24, 11) 1l10lill!Ll@,willires ~ 'liVest Malab'i [l I!O 40 Ie'WID (lSi, H!llealwila (4.5 ~os.~,I-lWg) {19), ·iJftdMWJ!!a K_,ea (400 9 IJg/g) {:l2JI. Will~ ~. 5 .1JLg ofNilrg, .adze 1
C71.27is cal'l&iSI~oolwilln, dcri \I',at[iorl from. a Imo.:vflJiilflsOllroe an Kaho·Q]awa

Fi.!:nlIher~1!!~:toI~r Uw idea d~ crm ,origulatcd fro.trr! H~<li"i Is provided by bolce cicna'OO( !'Iuio,:;;; nd by Sf md Nd :tsolOpC tlltiOS given :ur!. a
~ IUi!iMII 7~,~ TIil'ioi\i:1OQI;!I 'W!!!,ll!,m¥


1 ODD ,.----,,---,---,,---r----.-----.----.--.----.---,,--,r-,----.----r-;;;,

0.1 !b!b!""'-4I..b..!,.!!-I..!bI-b.!"",!!-b.!",b.,!l."b,b~b!""!~,,,b,,! 1000




l~ ...-iIH-,.

.-+- '~.l~~~,nWl.tOld 1.!i'f111'Nb~~'Ce~ lH1~iU _TH_lb',!~~c_ 1 -

Toole ~, 1~ru:rJ.e.s84 1bnd 85. ~~tg tUtti fig S7. OIBs . .3, from Ha~val'i almTh 1II~liit'i;oot a.l1OOsalifu; frorrruil:vc: .E\lUptiWr Sea1il1Ciill dJmill!, whiclln,";!1!rr&~1:S HmVfflUiaJil, m:agtliil;ti"illlt.il1llgiln.gil~ 3gtli fronl 85 to 4:2: mi~nOl1l ~ ~" h~¥L;lB<IfIll ~ttO!5 >-] OD ,(53). D!~~t r()IYi~i<l!, ~1tl'>hH~, R,,'i<!llea. ~too.le :5::5)1 ou'!d "~mi'a,(J4) .un~heSociety Isl~J. s'bQli!,!'1] &] Fig. 3,. G and :Ii, also ~im'!fe~lihm'lioo >l~ 1:WW'c¥eI", !walls i'rum. iIllileS:ooL1;:iy~sbml~ mw. sigmlirn(;an(~y high~ r;ad:logcnic Ph iool.Oplc OOI,Wposlil.ioru llI~an. 1h~·frolll.Ha,.mi'1l (Fig. lB\Thbh: 1• .nd Ulh~ S$J. A~~oo-J#! ~.Yf'Vib, I~i(l Qf C7iJi OiS) ~~b:!e co .. ,' bllshed 1.. .~~,,,,,_I' "'1.,..._ ~~, IS IIk'''';I·· iIiI~Il [X1y~-!W W!!i!Ie5 Kl',I """,_lQ' Q!O!~ ~!~~ler __ la\>'aS, ItlU; mile c-arth ,e!eIl~l!i;s ale' ,~l~ 1:1JO!biie beesuse of ai1mlUOll1il~ SOiml€lposkhicld!alkalnc la.v-as {J1}Tloo .L/Vlb,rr1liio,is .IDJ~~3I&:tcd 'by lfilffi: dL':gree afparo,rd ll!'Q~.nng; tI~lL!5, 1I1¢ higJlefr..1Jticn of Crt1."loof!l.'lcls :a t(l'1l~r d:~roe of .rI1I.Q;'lti~g.[1il 1l7StflGSra:!lcW ~4:lii"l'd!I~clI space (fig, S7)., adze: Cn21 I~I~ wiO~~1iIheKa:ho"o:]awe meld on a mhdng l~nC:l (oorrela!iam ·ooefficicl~t,R - 0,97) d,e.. r' 1\!\W.ii~ :ti::oin~:KfI', ~. Moliabii,
am] HilIleat:liila (Marui). Tbis tracllkarus d* a

IFiig. 3. M(ldiJli!'mIcal (lJllilIIparii~Onli", '~A.find B) Siilillili! my l:!tet:!Neierl '(235)5 dill:d Rmul'tu tm;aU:s;, U:ilndliEU Sililililgrity Ib~elli [)4'i!i5,ail1i~ 'l:h~ eiao SOOI"(!!t i'IAilHil,lI~::;gS, ,mE ;gnd f) Simi:~g:iifltV b~~1iI (1319a!ild Tautarn:al ba'Satt, Piltcalim l!Sland. {G arid H) .5]i1IIi'~aiilybetweffi 12367 alild basalit~lTomllillllililhilile "lIfld; rahill'a ll1tliJeSociety 15IilIlUj~, ith h~ghl saffIIiJ r.1I,ti(J{~ (I ,[1m!)) CO,IIIiIp!lrli~OOi w liletweffiOOO'J~ (.7Tl.l ,i!llliUjl hi!lWiliites, whh ~fflilil~illar ,i02oompositiCl:liI rrOi!l1!1 West MoI(li(a1i (ilWMa~-4) (2;8) !lInd H;3~eakala. Mal!d (IHS~Hll]'(29). ihe S 1 sirnJ~ruatii'bJ betiiiI:!,en (7727 and lHatea".ai~iliI llwaii1leWr!,rj[r:ites h tliJey lfJ\iildl.a GOlflfimo!ii, pe1nigeliielir,: I9'w~umm.



i~ !.~w,'!iiJ!ie

oorll!l@j)iQ!:\ °flhis nltOOtl!kie:ly t!lvdl¥l~d f~l~i@ INI~wecn alii.·elllidwd. OOl!:lj1O.1ileilt \?;,.ja~ ahi,gJlRhiSr mHo rudlow 'SrWNd l!:1ltio am a dqllt1!led iCOOfIpo:noot with, alli'\WOJi' .RlbtSrfalrlo Illioclln:ig!u SinlNid muG.. Wi! i,!L~d~1Iii~;SaiI:i7l:ill ]lj~~fiI~('id()&I]~frilbwl .antru

3. M, Ltvi%D, 'Ill. W~Fd, ~. ij'jI!.'bb, rll~ ~/rf.!!;mNII (j/, PoIji;I1il'!lf!1',;A ('(';JI!lpuliO'r ~jjJl\lI!af.ioo UJnrt". 01' Mifllnol:",,[a

F'i.f}~2. arid:n I!Oidel1h:fy il'i~ SOUl~ .or;ltti 1'9 ]!fiJ addjti:mill~o i!!hl': .ad.7.¢!l:rOOJ!lKa.~o"G!<!~...e, Hav\,fa,l'i (u ~ '1 )jlhe· !Pikaim Group (~J~I ),ami IilJUnlltJllI.(IJ'" ~I)",~ were :11150I<t~.tifle.d Ithm were[ll1tfDC'~II00di froi~l b~1t WlililC.(SQjjI Eiao lIfl1. the M3ITIUt;l:s;as~lr ]);Rap~ifiIJ IIW.C Awli'ilil!; (Ii = .~)~ = 1~1h('l Soci~lyb~~lt{ls\"i[J,l BalTh r:Mi01>: >1'(10, ~,uch uRai'WJ.'C<l!, Ta:h",'a, 0.1' HII!~!'le (.rJ = 7): ~ the Soci~!y!slru~dls w!!hBafI11 rartios <100, mlC'hM Talhifi. (IJ - 7,. Beca1ll:Se adze c.n27 was eel 11e<l((ld.lfrom Napuka, 9. lm",ooral ailoll. ~m~dle 'Wl.'SICI'fiI. T~lmil:tollil$l ir.. Ci.:!i1IlralEa$l.folynL'!S:i.a.(fi!f,l, 118,). ill(!: li!C!ICk from whidl it wa.~l1~d'e wa."l lfti"!.'qlQI1~.<11. ~1i!'1ininrnm distance of 4040 km f!fO~~]illlS SOtltroc' OR K alli1o'o laweln libe Hawa! i<!1!fI C!l~a:ln(PIg. :1 J A nc likely m,uJtc betWOel.1 Ha;wa:i"j mel. Tah~li\1la I~lhc Tllill'ITI.OI.tIS (3.5) (Fig. ] A) bas fa.vorablewiIM:ls

I'lll~, Mi,oo~po'li~ MN,~n:~. l 4. I.R. FIIltIM!'I', SfiIDl.e lil;9i\,ll277 (197'7}. !I. I'l. V. KiWi, Oi<t rh~ Rood &] ftfl.~ ~~~ All An:l\i1!M[)/~kaj HiJl~ of .rhe imrlfU IllMdf> ~ejrJff ilfl'(\!l~1I Ca<filti(l ~U!1ii,;,. ,~r QllliJ",mia,Pr~'l, e~rke~y. CA... 20ooJ'. 6. Go h'Wllll,,. Pd}~"j,2:siall So(. 107., an rtil9liS:~. 7. (. ~K.Ci!~IQl<i.J\m!l. N..l. ArtJ\ae'oL A1~. t.Ilrm. li!9.• 1:3.

2~9'. ( .. ¥. Ot~.iI. ~. A.Ft>!!)', til, 0.. '~ffla, ·furjvitl; MJ:Mml .. l'i!trol to!). 1~97 (1'i19,0]', 3(1. H. [I; W~t W'. p, ~~~~PilI!.!~r~~Qm,!; S({;. 'eU; a'\. U1L


3·1, Ill.. 'V" IFmI'or:. F... 1" Fr~; 1

6- I~.B,a.IJ!![. Ii), .~L(laguE',; (:00(00, Mrn~ ..h/ruj, ilLUI., ,14:2: U 9')2). 3:2 .. F'. J!I. fr.e,·liIl:. t ~y.;.1I.1!L ~'d Mill '!l'!l,nn (U90l. ~3. A. W. ij{o!millIITI.. t::.. P. J!XI~lIm,}. 6ec,f/J'lyJ;, ~ ... SlJlid


mlrrnm.1S for



nJli~.~ill s

sud'! :;):jaY~ley in 32 &!}'~(3,6.1,.

myag,il!l. Ex,eu1rncm.tail nr:iliim'nM~ iItIfiJ\"iga;ll.m~lmi$&

lllere i.'lmudl! Wditkmal cererllOJIY mprupara!ic):n Il()ng~~]lm~e \'O'N~'lg"lilind tOOay" as I?ossib~y in Id~£ allcic~ll past, c8II:lOOisls olku S'IlOp at illil(!l,,,"'CSre.nllnmt ~ip ofKallilO"olal\,!,'t:: Marndl, Lsc 0' Kccail.alkahm1:i (til£:m!lly~ ~p(Sl or ~K\a.dll~d ofdre W;I.jI'1'(1 TaJiliti'j (F]~lll C) b~fIil'~be,gil'ilniiltg'hcir


.6. Iletail$ .ltr'~IQurilll jn the ·~!.iIp'p~r:lnfll!j Ill1il!1ieria~ S'ciell'fe on O~lil1e. 9. :5. B~n. P. S1u::pp,m.l,!t 6rftl!. ~. fl<lr~~r,.J. f{jI'.Vm'M~ S'oc. ·U)1lJ.45 (1'!l92). liD. M. 1,ll!Ie~lie~, ZAr(li'aeOJ. AlW{. ~~·on. ~H'!ll). No :ll:lI. U. A. W. HI~frm~!I!, MlruR' 3i9!!i. 2119'n!~9il 12. '1'. l ..Gr:t!\I!l,lIt. O'a,uel'j!lili, S.w.. P'HlIl'8In. C\. ~dml\ fm\!r .~It~~ Sfi. ~e'll; 249. 1'4 (~.of!!i6~, B. 1'. LGID'i'~ ~'IIl .• fMim, ~m( ~ :L>t!i. 51'S {2iOO31 M. 'i(. l..lr4illll\ M ..], O'IiI~ril·.l.!.'ie~lj~ .~j. SQ/XrUmth l1!l9. 2'2J0I9WXm. 15. W; .~'. !)r'~II.AAI, ~~.Gl:(tII. ~ &1,[ !i6.003 G'9it!'1. 1,6. II..A. Timdillno e1 al~ kfm,Al' 30Cl,11!l64 {~O~. H.A. B4lImll'Vi~~,L Ot:i1S11', A.IHlll1!!nmraoo, &lltir PiI.~.t Srl'. !:ell. 244, 2~:l!. t2·OO6l. lB •. Ii A. f'e~f; l. It Canm. IS'ru1.i\1:P1tli'1et :I'd: ff'I1. 19;.2'!10 {1'91·31. i:9. C. H~ C. 1Il1. IDew,(, c (1IIilUt'll~(JIefIl'. 1iIeru" ii!!, '1' (19'14:~ ~O. II..A..ffilnd!~r; C. Mu I)):{f. A. S!filcke, .1<. M~liQtl<r.,farlft iI'1mN!t, 51:$; l.elL ,254. US I2@Q[,lI'. 21. A. ZiliKIIIll, S. Ii!<fl, AlUm. li'rI': .Ml.tJ~ :PI11l~t; SCi. '14, 49'3 U9a6l 22. t:. P..Emcl"!/, .:'I1cr,ailTl·CiJ.IlIlTe Ofl1t<f: 1tmJJ1(tr~ i'lKhjpet~ {P<icific: ,I!,~tl!mt!j;!Ollogit!llReCorc5 ,'2, E!o15!'!op~,~I.I.~!.Im, HQI~I!l!!I.~ HI, lW~~. ~3. !ll!)!!!~,~Mr~~fi! ~~Srwth ~ 11.1[1, fr~f!!<![11~ w, It. ,~tI;;.~ &!~..O!i!'IIr:)a!. tw'ffl!' a. ~!fil.. ~~ f\!~Yih. 2~•. W:. P. U!!fiI2Iit,. D. .: G!lHIlI(!li, .M" 0" Gi!rcJ\!!. fl. r:IoW!!II. Ctm1llb. . Mfm:;ml" AtJrnJ, :Iili'i., 62 (19"M:~. 2&. A. R, Bd!1!l.\. ,9 E. J. F'i'H}I)il~till f(/f'r/t ~:!:~f\::1I1I'!Ig .• r1le ~r"Pj'(M, A. BilSU, S.I1I~rt,.Ed!. ~meric<lfi ~Cjla~i2L !J1lilrl~ Wil~mngtom.l)c.. !9'l'6~.pp. :1.~'9-U9, :;16. S. Co flLrIlI1i9l ~r4l'~G~ G~ ,~~. OOl~06


4:t W. WUIi~eo;. per~Il1'M~~rn~i(a~o(!.rI.

37" 111"It 'DiIlk)~~iI, Mqrog~Dgl. f'W~~'fjj~~; f'bIiMOf!(!():i,,:!!1:l 251 (~OONt 313•. M. I" W.e1~ltlr ,ill GeocJ'jO£{rlilc:a/.f~de.riit:l't.fM fu~j)il:t.lIJiIm lull~i!; I'!.l VI. 6LmOlCk,:EtI., ~.r~IlI&. Gi!~. LD~~ffi. 2002'1, 1ItI. 2Si!=l.'l'.!t M. J. H. Chell, G ». 1. 1jI,"a~~~,~~.Con{. i!i!Jst,.. tlli~.f na~. 1I:i'.Ir. ~. ies ma,u 4(1. F:' !lr'~!!!~oe:. To 6i:!'i;.!:!t c. 1!i!l~Il!'~ Co !fl. ~. S'll'io~ . .:!,t l~!1l1 '·4.j! m~aot

[j/rlli ~G~ llilJ3.1 [19'90). 3·<1, W. M ..\lIlait!:!. R,1\" Elu"l)!;am\ rirI.~ f.'f~$;R~~· ,i!'D~f!;{9~.A,i!l~"". ~JI,m, I;~f.(A~Ci!'11 ~1ll~1~~ IlInl!oo,W.:!IIiiiliglli~loc. lW6t ~p, 100-.2&. 3:$, 8,. ft. r'lillli!1/, ill .!'!!IIj.\ii'tM,:r Cul'hrfe f:MlimlJ..i; ,B!f<!t,i'5 .fll t1MOUJj'K:trl~rli P.~mat.V:, itl\. Hi~I~,arl!ll, lit ·W. ~'jJfa~ it !!I1IiI\\t~di. Mi. Ktll¥. 'It.. iii. S'iooto\ &Is. [Siihp M!JI~IHI!l'I P,r'e'~'t Hl~oolwlll, HI., :1.96111 j:!P" li4:i-li6i. 36\. Bi. !l1'Me::y:. ~ (ljl'I!!kOl't!y, A (llII'wmIO~~ J"q{~ {Unfo',,![1~ (a~f~lflIiO! Ilre$:i. ferM:~ QI\, I!n'4L

~:!!" lJJ~pill1AI!.fue~ ihi.a ar>!! ·lrofD Riit!! l1Ilmrd1y; MWJ .Malm. .~IOO WMllif1l!loofl St~~, UlinMf!:~r1 M. "" l·~rnalll; ~r!i;ln.:ll
43 ..

~lamd. 1.9Wl; liP.


,oorl1nlfjmic[llll!iln~. 'I. ~rl!£il\j).at'iil 8. t'.a1lll1iJl!;'l! Ipeflltiisl1~ilIMHft ~!ii'!~frOO!! 'I!ie B~p· MweulTl, ~i'i. AIlreili ttl ~Ie IVW<Ii~Ill!1til:i!li~r(J Ge!!~5 k<ro~ 1Il~~.ili!.~ WI'~ liltiLit.<!ll,ed Iby J. 'ST!t~ .~IIK! t 8~b !l!i!il !!t'!l~!!) li!!«it!i! UII!l!Ia~\li.le ~!l!!!r'~ d en}..7 i ,~~ ~!l;,i<'o!~W!:r.~ ~ljj~ !:!t $, I~~~'W. P,.~I:lO!I[l,

SUjIlipiilitili!3J OIli'Uil'i@!.Mi3Itl!!tial.
.\'i\1w.Mi~:rI!!'\I(~Qm:W.nlJl:tll1l3]J'J$~.~fl90l/ M<llflflll~ alld MttIKld:!.

vQy:mge\l(DYi~t S<I:Rlple (7727, II [)~I"I"lype 3.A !l!:dil.:e, is ul<!de froa]1 rook tha:1 isc(D!I!Sisljei!ll;wjU~

~~'WIljit'cdepoSits fOl!l_;_llldi <litonly .~few ~l!)ces <lJou,g I~~le Cotl.'1tof Ila~lS i.Siland, ·mlC of w~lich. l.sdooe ;t:o Lae Q' Kealaikalru~~::l. 'nll~ arltm tYPCLS t1mknown. from H@i!I!l3I.'I. bUI i~ COmJ.lmlili~ iJl'l am llUa!i~lOllll& ~. froUliK;'IiI(I\Il<iw(l Hlay lh,I!J_. I~v.e b~!li lab~!l . ~: a g~flOJ' nlemcn~0(as; is done ~ 'by modem 1~!rndill;o,1!<l1 oyagers) onlSk'li:l <ISb"~a!Stj :aI!~dlhskv !o!ledi~nt'G .adzes lndlC: t'i.wU'OIiUS. 11tcl1ll31ooltls,almng wiil) tlro:Sooh~~y I~~[nds, Clo'uld be appmfllchc1m' from aU qrlllfl'l'~rs .an!! W,flS
l~iIlw;; pmbaMy

21". '"'" Illoou!!tl.a'lirli fif tit, Wa.tnIre 41~,1!iS.:1. (2)OOS.J, 2B. Ii XiI ~. tit. GMt~m·. ,~t@J!j'J& ~.·.B,
]!]).'I!!Qi2')1/2:Oi:ltGCOOil~S,.a (20:07).

$O~'rm i'ig;.S;11J!l~7 Tables S:l. to· 55 ~~r~[fiQ!i~. JLi iii'! .~1OCI17; ljidOO ~ 2:8. AIl!i~t lO.112tlJsdm!.U"; 7013


lilfIJpoUitain h~ .P{lily.uesnoo.~(l;
T'IiJ<)1l10~U, Ol~a~tgil1late

Our &Ib


(2). [t'gm

:P~"caim~A.-:r.1II, ...:d. Sod:eIyISlZiJ*" ~Wm1 ~~ml<St is. oU~eis~aud. gl'Ol'lJS SIiIJTo1!!!wing the aJrilli!Aihitpelago..Funhel'il~, ~Cru;liSC~lite ~ow coml atolls Qf~llileTuam(i!llk'l (}m:et'geClallIur tlOO CE (3' 7)•. aIld ~ae SliiTIYi!lildii1gislr:blldi ,WlYlllpS "l,!\~re QQ!onired v,'C'lll3eoore dtco, all ~m.!)OrlJOOa&es IreoQVeNd in .~.~ T't~mot\~re~ ~<lI'~o,liQ!1i~tiQ!~ !n(~~dQnMiI~ @.dip;crn(..rddpe!l!£.oes. ''Ie ~e~ fONagree '?r~hbl"~n (2), ihat ]X!S~oo!km:tmdon, 'iiloy~iJ'lgllJU;1112IVIil oolmnou l'I.lOlltg.btt'orvo}''~rn agingkiloQwloo.go tnoo pas.~ ~CiD(lS .gcmClJiiltim~ 3J1ddltlt it OOi1lUallJiOO Uiliul ~I M.50 CE\\ihcliL iln~ '!f~imlg ce&~ irn,E$l.P(!I~yu~ii3J{;?8),
Refer.ertl!!eS !lndl No~s l!" A.~5ar<!~p,4r!~~ V!,1~~ii! ~~!l (Urn;". !)r.Gl~~~ !?!E!~ Eli!rki!l!!y. '0\ 196111. 2~.G,. I'I'I:Wn. lIiil!! P~mfstMc E~a.rtrl[M aftdCol.,nJsClfiOO OJ' .rIMPMQir ~C,amMd'gf! Uiililj', ~l'~t(:!ffibtili!~,l!99;l:JI.

Synchlrony DY'n8Imics, During' I';nitiati:on, FSlilure, and IR:ISC:U'B' of the ,Seglm'elnI8Itlii'D,n Clock
IJilgmlilia~' H •. l!tied'e,l"Kl'1u5'e/'-'t Cl!al,!ldia .Mfiill~~fAln.dlr~w (., ,Oatll'!:'St lib!'! '~S!~9ii'n~ntaticnii:kiclt is t~ol,Jigh~ ttl ,ooOlrdriiila~$eqlJeiiiti~~. ~~i'n.f!iiit.rti.ofl of t~e II!l~dy !ii!!(nrs ~1iiI v@rt~lJrate' lembryos. nis (;Ieck mmlpns~ a l'IfIulttlic@llt!~aJf·g.enet!c IUlE!'twork of sllTI~hrolill1md 'o50Ua,tors,(o,u:pLel~ byintten::d~i!lIa'r l[leltfl~N!Mt'h .si$lII'l(I.l~1il91. IHow th~is:sv,nt~rony~~ es.Mlbl1sililed :tJnd

!~rr~tkal point bey'C'rlti Wti]dl ~ym::h1foI!lY decays. WE!!(l::IlIfNl'iJllde th'at :~ynch;[QI'IIYamCDrl:g th@Sle !:Ii@'neth:: 'oso llatQrs~n !tie e.s.talb~i~h sdby ~imluih;an@ol!l$ ilil~tiilarIiil(l!n .antl. ~@~f·!lrgltllli~~tI.tian.arnd th,aG; lie :5!eglmentaliirondef2d: position is del!@M1inii!iallb,y 1m e di:fifllN!n.:oo. between to:IlIp!~ingi !itllrerngth 11 di 1~'Oil~l.ll. n c>JiUedsomites, ~~~e~RlXlU.oors of.<!!.,>;i"lbolle and Ifl:lIl>clc:, .•lcs IllI'lougl~t 1~(iI be dliivcml byd~c: s:cg;n1tmtalioi1 e1ocik. (Fig:. IA) (1, II This; doek CllIlIl-

how m l~iIl~Sdetenirlil1ll!:5~ltIrE! PO!i'itiorn of stlgmE!nMltiori 'rn~f'ectJ;inl IDelta and! f1ijlot(lh Itl:l!Jt-ant) Ollir'! ufll~nillJlilnl. We allilil!~YllHII th~d~od:'!i 8,YlilchmlllY dYlril.amiell Iby 1I'i!llmfll1l£1~lJertgthi amdl ~un:ling of INoldtil . ,ool!llpling llil,zelnafi,sh emi:lryo~ withl ·mlcihn]que')i. fm' '~I!I'aJli!tfutait.ill'eper1:UlmiDaiof) of ge!ile ~\lJlncti 011. 'We! dewLcil~~d ar p.hY.!i:i:c:al. tlile,o!'Y ila!Sedl om l:!oLIIP,lE!d plilase a~dilator~ l~p~ail1,iiiigl t1hie olb~~II'ec1 'On5le't: ,~fl:d r~mJ!le ,(If $!1!!Jm~!'Ita,tii!)lIilrd ~rl~ru~ d<!c;r(s mbtl!s~n:~~~glQJil'lsJtd~!'!lopm,~tat the ~ I1rO'is~ ~n:d .1;1

IP'riW5 ... rnl!!HiQ~1 !tll~_f S~t!i~LC 1f!,~wQ:fli;. (If oscill !QcatOO wy~l!iJin ~e [pOSterior !'"!1'e5Q~ deem (F:ig. U3), (3, 4Jli>dll).No[eb sii.l'I~lin,g [~as b~il~prOJiIDSed 1(3',..5) co ooupk:llu:-se O~ CiiIl!ators (f'ig, ] C) suc~~dmt tile1' are ~R'iioIt." ~11chml~~dI d~illL'i Iili~p~~e~ ~r
WiQi~. De..~Ylt'Chr'(i!fiiu~oti.!I)v~r develtll.p]tL~lt!a~

$hQ1i,!ldl b~ ~~odifi~~~. W~ ~lQc~~NQ(~'! ~~:rn<'!Ii!lg,Ix;T~ 19 inwr ;)!~d! del/I- "~(;Hdd", ~~~!t'illo:zygore :IHrntalilt) (T), \'<lrying (:i) DAM' ooliloamlmlio:Jils 1.0 fedll:C~ Notch 3cli/'iI'milion and (ii) anLismlsc m.(Drphl(l~i]]1C1MU) 2Inl:00!1lL." 10 ra( due:~ ilmll'lh'iti(lli'l of IJ(JJdM,~ lidtNA [Fi.~" U») (J,. .i 3).. B()I:h I~lli;'ilel~~ for q ualilt~~ilti\tepeu;'Iurb;llig:~of ge!~e fll!ll!c6C:Ktii gil/Vie OO!i8isOO'!il resalts (Fi£. 2, A <llfld B): ALUsM lIted

I!:i~m: (5) oou!d e1>!p]aill U~e

ieb~fhilt Deib~

No1!d] ~luta~t

phe!iQly:peS (6:_.1O) in, whicb 0'111), li1'i!l':~rsl 6< to m 8:iU~rkl:i SC£i~llecnts: fo!nl~ CiOUOCt1y (11); altmll11aJt~v,ely, ~CilJctiiC dl:fb~ enees in ai~tcrio'r aad ~s:~riG!<rp~III.t'iuin.g

defoo~8 VI, J1):, A p1i!}'ll:i~ai I!h~i:r 'U~al <)C~ couts fordiesCl defoo( PQsi'Ii.OllSbaEedcm des:n~chmniza'Ho!l dYI1l!lmics .md Dell:~Nolch signaliug; slreng~i11 is laelk~llg; an:dhow I:bisclock ~fd~IIChro~Ua:fii()I'! i 'nh~ ca~R~ ·of D~~ta.. NOIth nl1!~U p~el~Chty~,su~h a &ca_y I~rooc:e.~ should ooim,hllciilllle tha~u!!lgluuM s0!11loogeIllCSis. We deiivereCi satUll1lting doses of N"i:N'{3.5~ dillt1orophennoel:yI"L..a:13nyl.)];\8"i!'JhclliYlg~ydlre I~;~bl]tyl es~C'JI"(DAPT) lowi~dAWC: '''\1'1) emi:;rl)'OS 31llilmu'ly iI~'Cf\,I'll~ (iJ~.DAPT binds I)) and: tJ~OO;i... '1.l!einil!'all~emb!ou1~p!,gt~'l!e!1>q~i!lOO far
deOilv;agc of lhe No!cllilinlracc! !I:I~!' dorlla!in in ~cs:po!t'ie to DeU<!!binding '~iaeoooeptor~: cx!.m~ cellular dom,:;;dn (Fig, 1D) (l4).\¥e quamHilld I~~l~remrl:ii~g orgruruu!rn1Jfllphcnotypc willlil. Il~.e .ulII:crior ~~[II)it ofd~rcclS (AID) (fig" m), tbat ~S.i'lhe 1]!!Im~~f ,~flnh~ ii:1fi1~riar,.aiOtd d~r~llV¢ segInttler:u (J.5), whkfrl, lI"'C'm£iodo'iJ\~r :~ Clllbln'yO [}oplII!la:tio!1l; i~:ck1!!rac~crislicfu!' ,~dil HJlu.truH (1.1" 15) and is h~dI:lca!~>d (h;eunlyollom,i(l by bomadlmy mlfU'~e;; cbM)4S CUi). '[1m A1J) of fLx:od 'enlIlI)lYos 1tl'811Silal:edilu,olt~11 de!""elop~ im('ll:lla~ I~:inle~~.of I:lIH'lfirst misformcd sogrmm:t bocturtcl'ary (Fig;. IF), ~1!!~se s~gmeril~ f(Dm~(,-d is !>la!Ji1I:cd!liil('lm.t8i[ilS~li'Iilial. !zyn.cln:n1yis l!I:nkiI'lMvu. also

~ui~l:1 ~'l th(; ~~ti(l!ls

o~~ 11'h~


:posk!rio:r'~ywilll, lower 'lreaUtil~l1( ievels, and. Cil.I"Ves: fur d~+!- .1U'KllI 'lifT sl~i.icd8J~iLli~1ll 11,]10 IrealltnmnlM!tis\reqt!liil"iin~ ab6uthru:f d~c; ai:llOlnr~ o:f U'~<lliitI~!'I:1 (k~ '~o lI~hi~'\le U'!~ sarr:u~ ~f:~ im. +ffoot a~W'T, sll!@isesling .!l! OS-~1d di~lb~.m;e!'! ~ 7,(\3 ~ O.~2 ,r,;V .. .IOa:) (/ nwtl'l~reas !i31~uratOO, .DAIPT OOll· ccll,tm[:hL'ms ·~.~WL}r,' Al,D.~. as: above' (fli.g,. r, E ~iKi F), ~W:liIi1:[i'lny b~C3USi3 Oi~' DAN
Ia!~gli~~ ild:dlil~allalN""teb~plars


i~i'l!~, ~'~",el.y, ,~d! lli.'<;~agnt~M~ ~rJ~r" n~i!!les U~e ;:;h,IIMiQI] gf d~!r;ii pro'~~s" Hence ill A - {I{)r of Inhescoo~led. osci.blors UI'l<iCiI'gOie,si a dmmati,e qua.litative change,. 'whkhmm the (lriiticalp(lii~t at 0. ~YI'ilChrGiI~iziil.iO'Jilpb,i1_~ tmfiL~u~iol~ (.18, 10, 21)!, a~iilo~i;l5 lQ 19l.e !r:-~:2;lng ~ill!'i'l ,<i!! Inhg t~~~r~ioo tr..!~5itiQ!!i. H3). A !Hm 'i!qwtiol1 OWCOlJ!n!sfor ~e :hlk~biml'y cffe<:t OfJlrea~iI1lCllt leNt'll,.I.!, with MO _eft DAPT H'>I!I:i~.'lGCI act ItGoooopeuath."Cly l(i'

p=ij'J1 .'Il'T

'(l -~.) ..••



s~!p¥1,~~ng.S!!J;mou;[qg MO ,A.lO !!:lOllSls[e;nt wiidllltt.s-J-,


,S~(~ -





l?i!lletfc 2S = [0. :1,,;2,] is the number of <l!le~c;s per c!l!1bryc\ is Ihh.e'WT'

ill~lerocUul~ D~!t!l!-Nl)l:ch s~,mdiR~

0 I),


here is l!!lot stun1ply !I. qwiHI:al:ive oo-£:)r'-'offsW'iwh. instead itcan lmnmlit St:Ll00lhlypoo qmmti. Iai~ivc s~gnal!l~ :1iJitd 'dl~S :signllll S;Iron.8'tIiI SCI!l the d£e.ay titm~.
We :sought
3. Iglh~l'lk:9l dl00~

l~vd of acti,va;w:d. 'pmu:iiill, anicl :~s the treatIJiIJcmt ~.(lW,~ d~M. hal'\IC.'ii ,p"l,-"f..Wllilen. 1'pp:~ioo.I~O I M~ 11~\wlIM. rtll~~ '~m1~dI to IID'h~llilerarnzye;.o!!k'ilOO.ilmi!ui011. CO!1rnbi~iqlg IEqiL! 00, 5 yilil& ,<Jill ex;~~ sion !!Il!1!!! ['llt'didS Il!le ALD o:r!hehQn.'!OZ)".~{l~
,.} AI.;IJ) -


...-/- - \.... ,"I = t". = (.,...". !II)

dBscruhing !Jim

dy;Ul1!!l~i~of ~oc!.OO!"Y illi! 'die ~WIlIN!laln{ln c~ook Ulalproclltuts IhiC firs( dcfoodv,c !leg!'l~enllbou!!d:aJrY' s'"w, (-'!\.LD') f!Ul!u [he ~I!ne!lrt ~evc'l, fl. '\Vl:: oomidcl" Iilrlc SC.wn:£ul:attOn elnek .@.:!! 3 pop. u1alkua. of ide:ndmlil, il1l!Illll3Jly coupledplme

1.. • !!l.I[Z~/Z('.~']/{2dZ0;



which i..~set by dle !ihQ.!l!~ ,decay lU'I'!e d~,~!'" mined ~ the uelse in ~he ,syslem (0 desyn~ ellron.rne cells innlu:fl<1bsCliloo OfN'otdtil sigmmling.

nn Iilil('l IPresela'

of !no~'>!': (13,. 18)~



linear rote

wi~l~segrnle~t Illllmoor S, :scgmllelll:alii.o]Jl.fate 0: ... 25 ± (1,25 IlQl1i-~ lund Qm~1J:l. "= 2::5:i: :3 (IV "".f:i , em.'bryos) {nl1lfl3l~ l;I:Iloorttnnly "" 2 Sl:M and 95% ± Cio.l~:ide~oe U!lle~ .sl:artc~ ~ikel!"l'il~).DAM de1lvc!'ed illef{)!JC to .~ ;5,.S :I:: 0.5 iho1i,!!'S,C<ltJ!!led. a c~~!a:ln AW' of S~~ - $.2 ± OJ 8 (N- 3l}, whi.::r'e3;s i!llt~'r .cI:cUvcry .shJfic>Ci.ille AL'I) flos{e~ Idarty (F~g, ~:, B ~,ndF ).Tbes~ data arecOI!I~ s~st('ll:lt 'liv:i'lh a. dGMYproc~ II!lmdfli~}'i.iligillie D~lta.-Noldl llll!!I,WlrliI ph.eIll(JIYpG'.amu:J~ asSUillung 1~,tWf"ln .. ~~i~rul00~ "'O!~m~ of DAPT~tfl1OO!~ 10 \!,Iill!~d! Illl.!!'k ~le ~~!mf!]lg 'QfIhi:s p!!OQ~ whh iil!

1'L~I~liUl@; thes,pl'Il:ii!ll !lSp!1ict~af qrclic g.clle ~iMI,CtI~S (2', if) oodll'Le ~wenIlic;;l!~ demil s!lLndi <l41'lp~(~l!des of the ~~edcenilIUlOflOll100s Her ..rcedbilC]; ooolilators (1'9).\.Vc dH~i~, dc;scrUbeCI dil!C sym::lurony among oscilla&= iiffi~ cells iumean.;lidd app.mxhnaliol1 (IPi.g,. 2C), (.13) bYrrll1l. oOOlcrp!lirnm.eter Z, Wiil.!u.Z= 0 aJI~d }5=1 f(I!rnOIflLi: ~Il;d ~,efr~!I;i!SYWlc~~r-anYi're~i'Vely (18).iE3!eilowIl,e ~.ilJtr.esho1d~.'Pro!-~r S'egrnc!I1 fOm1afliion fans (,Ftg. 20). Tke ,cliy:. nannk::s of Z appm'.'dnl!aJ!e WI} ["-}(lPollcutiai{18) :S~Mting .t\I~.tu Ih.¢~n.y Zl(,~} = ZI(.~11 ,(rt(i-i:J, ~ W:(I,b.

More g)OIil!(n.l~.y, Willflil.d lhe des1.rodJ cxpres:.sion tll!llt lProo.icrt,~he AID for any reduced t N~ld~ C(l!~plingsl~l'Igth dJl!!~ m 1~11ii~~tln~1III1 t I.evel, .~~

"'_ s;.~,.Vl' -I- fI~)

(~ •

Ef! =!J) . ~t'~1l.-I-

flo) (7)


= I~m • (~'·.R-l) (8) ill pl"irM~i,lc tUlflnitdymany OCUtoot, segll:1clus cOllJ~d'be ftlrmom. 'H,~we dctlnc



R ."" ~·.fJwrlCZr?-

A) == ef/!~1{2rl-- A') (9)


202 - s


.d crrup'ullg Ml:~lJg CGl~s il:.. 2cr oomp:ii':i$es •.

:fKn.U:~,lik.e ID~TI!P(\l'alU~ nu.c!u ..tiorn;. in]~C<e!lYI;M' oo~f~,li~e ·oo~l d~v~\'l!O'!~ (;~-j)ii!J!ld i!ilter-ce!!t!!l~r S'lJ!l!fiCCS If~e !Ie:ta;i~,vc cell mClven1cnmsin !Dibe ~s:M' m~xhag cells OOIll. ~e,g~.o{lls.ihi~ {inffCNtl~;:pI1l<{S).1l: ' d.e;pendS l.iilBar~y Ol~ .flCtiV3i-OO No(ch protdll I~'i,!lel, p

detcl,mincc.!: by ~~~e:m]~ngonlistic ~unlle[noe of dl~ :I;ol31 mo:isc CX:W'OICLCI:tccd by lIh.e ·" .2o:l!:"

a.'l the ro1;U,!.'l;II~, (22.)0i( .&egn.'!Im~tl(m <lW1!!tl'~t fu Note'!'! .slg!~i!i~t~!g, Q(iI~e!:l~n1!ai~ CQI'!!Illiu!£l p<!:ihw.<lIy,s,rnldi l\'Oise; a dDW>lllf&y ~<Jilmcc !iJ1S!tqtlll1inlli:lli~. for iimmmce., InI~Q'fold. re<iUlJltiCm,:UIlI. N.otch sig,l!alii:lgd~1llt isiol!ooah~(;i (.1J). .Filitilil@;:Eq. '1 '~od:l{: ,data. (Fig, 2, .AaUld! B) allid wiitEl. S~{D'and t1)' fr;...:.edl~~ aOOiiJG, \w fQ'ul:td lhe fit ~ni~le!~!S fQ!t DArT orR = 8A; :1:2.2
.;)-'ltd !!1o.-

Hun~ of6.5 ~~Q,urs" Frnih£nwore, ifdesyla.chfl,"d~tiol~ m in)l.ecame of .Deim"Nctch. p~lIrntQ~ypc$,i1lLiq cleM, 'uln:e
IPRamk Inititlll>~ ·Qf NiiillNlJIlilr (~l~BiQlon .a,m Gen:~1B ![MI"HBG,l. Pfol~rI ifJalll~l}'tr,1i!1~ la8. 0.13 CDr ,Dlfesc'elll, Ge~m~j;ili'. "P!lmf'!~ ~dd~~; [JM~IO!'! M 1!l1~9(y, ~~~rQrlfl!~ '!!'!l~tilM!(!' IlrT~~liIn(l~g!" Me 139-7'<!I. P~,~~d!eJ!~J' '911250, USA. CA


~'oorm IOOlwl!'9,prndBmQ!' silllool.i!l


1Ie·03!!1dr,~I!d •. E·tlfia~: (ilIHtlR",KJ; lIiI~!!;d~ 1 (/I,(.O.}

11.34 I.m" r,roi1- o.o:n ± (M)o,:5pl:rtO'l; d~e mll.ll;t~ i.llg cr:irirn(l U:t%IiII!:l!::IYlliev.eis, ii'1";:,~,, ,am It'Ilded.ill. Fig. 2, A and .. Itt .BoihV8~oos f{)if .R 3m ]nrgtlr tll.'H.~ :2 ,1:te:i~.Ql'lQQil"Slstcnt wi.dl a~.~ abs~~loo ·of a !li~{l:lilei!itii~ion ~he!i.ct;~ ill l1~el~~~~i';)".!Jli.!!~ mllLtil~t .~ tre!!uHsprovide qWlrt~oow ev!(I) No~ch sig!~alilig a;s: a coupling w~~ere A1liOCGIiIH1s mirpo~emiilll a,cli:lil.ic:mat eeJolI" de!~'fut mledmuilsnl!, Cii) desYH'Ohronizalionas dUlClUISe pliJ~gpalhways. The sign Ofit.Ill'ell deter~nil~es w~.cthcr ~y~.ehrony decays (iii' blll1Jklls ll1.p, ohllile Delm"Nalch rfi1ltai~tplielBolY~ .•{iii) tlt~ r,o'hu~;lnes:!l .f{: - 5,. ,lMfjd. (Iv) tlte {Jill d.epoi; oiil.'I!.{h!~th~r itI~t'!:' C!'r OOlLiP:~ifiig OOtli- sy~lll:~n'!>

O.M z ij.l~ .J;lM


forMO, R- 2.1 3:

, iii'






fig. L A aeca,y pf"lKie:ll!'i 2o,Wl1!tin the :s:egmm;ati~liI. dClC'k l!!il,d~r~~s~he DeUi'HMotdii mm:flt~IWIl'!:l1ItatllClli!l

i a;!;. : ~+ ~ 'i,t ·



W OsdUatJicmphase




5 /
51'1 is ~ 9l!gll11enmtIlliltltoo[l
[!i!11a ,~SLFKJI SI£lIi'l~IIi'I£I

~m cibck lbIIue-ye~low) iIllfle ,o~l[owilll9 P,SWll is, mtill:ilnOOIll~ilinpri'lmd atm_rnt di~~e full'lil th~ pomrior m:d ~ii1Il @I
~liICIti'lilg glraB!I1ft 02),

,;/JeiJ~Hm ~gll1llenti!-

!~ ...[hll


P!',~dll'»i!l (!I)I!!Srm~" M IfOOrpOO[Cgical, lOOCly

ruutt liliIis ]111

the ,Hllterislr-~5ttellior .aOOs.ll',eI'iI!!!Irbatiolilliin


~n llofciiJa ~~- ilInd ,ds41_ (1:) Shibilll ALD ,of 9i!igrllumt boorndli!lriE5 (lIu~oli'llhBadll) fmmadd~lilg sa~ratililg IIJAP[ levels, <lIt 5l!!ru~'i~e'y ~r t!m:es. (FllFunct!orliiill fflpresento:ti 0\11,of ~E)I, lIl\a~ph;{lLogkfl~.ALD '(Iffi] IDti~ oJl1vell15 [liItC'ilb.\ioi~ure time o~ de'l'm ~~ghi: axis;)', AU) enQrbars;, 2,68% C11~ $il~rEdil emhliJ!O~; :5offid lim e, li!1e~f fit: ~.j!J~hed Ufles., 'ViS:l!lal!It!fd.aniOO :~~rk~!1,g ~W'~~f)g AID" S~,arJ(iG1lle'~ Oli15eI firnilertco

,o~cUMOlrs Withlilll PSM., <(} MI!i.t'Jwl~ mlll~in~ villal ~~t.a-:~otch5.iglillilling !(green.. $f:gl:!al~ran5ch,[mM~" GCUlIiillitPlQI am; to de(~~e phiallie ·di"e~en~ ~fI ,gsdllamrsil!!ild '~POO~ the phil!!~"a!ild~l~iI!gl ,~ms of Ii~. 'tl,) PmdIuCliOtii, ildi~fltio"rmil'ioW(, ami s~n\illijilfigl ofliliiis pa~!jWly {l.I3);~1tmiE!f'I~ IIJ5iOO iii! 'thii5:s1:l!ld~''to fEd:l!l~eorr (O~M1 bIod:: llimoollutar ICh:ttai;NotOO~CX!plirlgl ,[r,~cml:Mo.~ 1[l'AP'[, lil'!ild!Tii!i.tants

patllml" 'i.e_.,ilil~u[fifdent ,~oh~relilce <llm:mg QsciiU~" .:kI'~iI.iIll: segm~nlt OOIfl~a.n~ (8) N~tliKIfk '(Df g~~




- de.!;'~


~@ ..





at dome,oo WIT Mue) and ~!m~e~t ALI) erro:J' bi:!ri" ~6a(!</li.of scored ~~b~J :sQi~d :1lE1!s;fits to Eq. 1; dash~ tl:iile:5 U .•'~sual !JUldilfill!' ~jn~ sifll~ratilll9 AilD. S~i5, ~nrd cmltal 1reatrrlll lIl!It i~eveill. i:I<,,'l.- (8) .#ls~in I[A,) lblll'!: 10m .MO. (o!il~liitrriltiQm~lISiQr 001'$, 2 ~IJ, ()M~I!'l"1fi!1!ld iiI~P;rQ:dNllilQIiI" wi\me '~,cta 'cel~fliWl'age~ Q'IJ"lef the osdi:Uiilioo plmilSi!3 of ether 00115,. nlilg!ec:il!;,Cimiiimtl':MiOO:SI appl~ed

Fig!. .Z., :PI m~!'Ii":ffi~ldil~ory ,m: rotlP~OO p!iaoo: ~.dinaoor50 p;ved1c tslu:l syndlinolllY d~,y tim:e~lfIthe .5egme:f1ltaiililiofl dod!. and the 5eylinelilil:atio:1iI deled pos'itio!i1!' >(:1:)' :AiLD r~uft'iiJ;lg froll':!l vari!Dl,Il> DAlF'f emili


MPf' ,oonooJli~atkm ~~~.~I


ptiu!d~:and :spatil1ll fu'atu~oiff ,~dkwg,\I~ilim~s. (0) SyndhrollfiYall1l'l:ang Ci@US, dlestnbi2'di ~ orll1er pal"




... ,des ../~ (N..7ti),



r:alllllll1e~l (top) or cy~ffi~ !1llile amre~ Ilf'i!ItI!BI1IiI (bolilIolin)l. (IllEr' time!! wilt! Irate depefldin.g OililtreatmMt: Stf\iWi!J~Iil, n; lllil~lgi!\i 1!hf'@.stlO~mlZ~:. iiil1@lIIt ~~!ild"ri@s ~ ame dlefective,. ,@miilll!::!1 an AlD.


o·--~no," fi\:i,t





f11~8i lFI1olijJM~l1o iilllOlUll:


IFig. ~. Wh~911N!~b rt}:idh~rsof m~~~gm:~~til)fI dock ,g:~ ii1~ti~ ,sy,ndI!WiilQuslyinl ,ilj ~1tiJ·N\Dtth·iltd~l1Iend'@Ii,t manner. '(AJ Sclnemalir:Qf ta~! ~bliati1'h lbla!!lI:ulal~tal1eimlll"ll!!!diilltpl¥
o'3lf1dfir5it (~~e of ,lru7 ~ression tlpresurn,pti,w rnJesad!Mm Ir~lIIgl«lnl[ma~. l~d~.e'~ew). ,~O 1i~I1rIPffi'i1IldistribwOii1 of p:r'l3'-' ~om'itcgfflesi~, qrdic: !'l:ell~o~dlla'ti:cms; flll1lbryros,OO Ifor CClliltlllfllWU5 "ring" ·~i1l1ped e;!ipre5lstt!Jfl bediilSlmri§lRsin (0)] of dicil'lBady mesooe~IIIiI', Red baf,. les1ilrrnated IlIl11clfrtainJty for t~
1~~~O!1:! ID~~d~!IiI'!1! ~~d'i!.U::1il~iII!, ~B~Fir:Sl:,d~t~cti($~ ,Ao.

~~ntati\ii! silrotf1fi~1 emD!¥OS, lafd !(jIj'~ 20 min, :sl1oMn!!j osdl.~ 1~<IItrilY e~preMi;;:m <I,n1i:e!rnm£l1hlllS:lItfiaxide die r (!DM£Oj'camil:!r 1]l'~'Im~!i!t ~G~I ,and IOA.!"f tr'~~t (H), but !:lb.l'i;'iM:~d,sti!!~ .EI . __ @<:lipreSiSilQ!fJ i'ifi8r MO't:!lrWlelillilgl botlii :ned anti n!r7 biHlLH V!lf1~IE!~SOf

1[[1.) ·~iIlh ~Vll!S tf; iillfOUfird !1!'Iargil'llff.orn \iI:!'iiirg!L to dOl!f5al. (P) SdiJl!!'ltilam:et Ch\illl.gI!S~'1fl ,r.:ydk g;efle '!i(pmessjOI1l lp<lrtl!erru> dUlrimg ditfelrt!l1It ,~veloplllllel1ltal. S'tl:[ie5: (~~ qde l,dt!riflg ~~asUl,!lIDa, ,(Ii) cy,dt~, 2 to ~ ,dl!lri!i!Q '~,rl.!!I'g'g, Withl dor:5llll side m~lrked, !(iii) '~leli S and 6 d'liI'"bg llate ,e:PliOO:~wiil:h IIImornord prliirno:r<iiUlIll1l, <lnd (M 'ClJI(les: 700 :9)~+ dlllri!lgi .soq"'!'lirogren~~5 ~g,~5 with tlilbl!d, '(0 .~ U l!'I~P!ie"

~~e~ dll:SYf!d1I!iOOgtioli1l.~tg~.~~r bg,fS., SUl ~~di,fiii!is~~d 1 lliineisfur wSl.!al~~i:.!id'~i'itE!. (D)dEr.: ,~p.~>" mr~'@niI~IIYos (v,~etall view.• dor~<,mpJ'. (1:) mrnu<lilffionl af

A~ilJ time l[miJi(J;



f &l~~p3~~

1--,--. -,-. - ~ --_


1" Q:~I

f 5!liirek!1



lO~oliHMI mll!NA. ~~'.



D R+·!..


VIIf .. 50 ~



IPig. 4~ li[)elta,-NQttdh '~~UI,ptililgl is; ~Iilffide!lit forr ~elf'm'9'@n~!~d res.yw

tine' !'ilegmBl'iltation

DAF'Tw~OiJ1: S;tq~ tJl'IIIG' [Ml'll

1 ....



Z;a'- - '_


glild 1~'~s(lIle: 'of


s@gIl'JI@I1'Ia1!io:lflcMeC& (AJI Timet]!!!@ of IO,wr pulse-:d111'51!! expBl'lment, IfJB~ Six anterior se~rI!Ielilt: :[orm;M amectly (5. ~ :n,roUJJ\!ttd by-IS disrup'1EdI seQnIilfn1a; '&ed briu;kg), !f~wed by 1iI000lililaly Shaped ~ lifIlIl!!i1IlS p~« ill 21~ segmo 1t$f1!.D'= 2:1~1. Carrtmm 'E!\rnb~in

00 SOmllo






00 ~:


1(l_4); m1'blYcs llilmlaimn!lln [)A11?i ~lhcrwed no ~swe I(f\~, 1I~1. to, !GI' R!~~tmi\l'l1! dk PSM~~ion l~atl:em$, time 111lol11rt:S mariWd refer· I"mgl to 'I). lJ:wri rElI'R-5BllI1aI:ive '&IIIhli!fOSslmwlngmarnmm il''Ii'om mil.dlyCJi'~dl cydk eit:pre:;:siOli!:*i,~~ I((~, ~.ildmgl gradu~lY (~) to¥i~1 sa1it'1alild!l-ipepjJeli d l~atI:!!Iil1il1meaJlillil!llWjndiJrooiillIlti:oo amting (ells ~,Elwi.a1rnID ~perjii!d '1InIT I~atterlm (f). ,and, retuffilil 1m' l'I;almal,r~lmmetricill I~liib gelrrlEl eii:pressicm pal:teml


(Gl. Asterisks ImI<Irk l/k. qrc;1k: sm,~5 [{Q,. (Fj~.amlJl {,ti)!ll o;rr dioorid'erecl: ~Sliiom di:llmani!i1$ [(10) alll!d an]. (It) S~maific ~_liICh~~~'iliigl p_e dhllg~lm {~>
ililnldl O!Cil'Vtlr reGtJ\i'I!ty

cOllJlting padu~ d~pe'Jl~'1!1OCy(~1'. Pottenti1~ a~'itiJ.rtk'iI. i1~e IrrieglEcted ftllsmpidty (4 = O~.~iI*EllI: nmoo S1care. .


~i:s VS, 27),. 5h'O,:\',Gd ~~~~ (tk: ~~f§8. ~~I~e!H~~Qr1i! s~~.~~,~l:tli:!:kI!~tr'''~!)i~JQlIli~ ~ [loOpll;!!,0l,1'!QIl of ~iQ:t~gic.:llgooetk: Q·scll~~t9rs ::;ion (1:"11,;,. I!wicad:ng I~ of cydi.c ge:~e (ill, 2(), .21)" oscillalio~ilS,. nUllS,. 'dllel1lfJ'S! .s~tncl1li\:mm.llS oisoi:~· Mo:re gell£'MUy, the allalysis, of odler oom= laJlio:m;afdae SClgltll'llltFltiOll dook ooCJIire h/E(Spil ~lox ,dC\'e~j);p~.l1ig$ySinlns: {2.l) WDlI~d be lUliLetlill:i 1r'.1Iblsooptl{mo1. rcp:ressors:, butt. oonsisren~ 'willill,the bl~ 10 d~ qijlU'u~arivL'i SI!'<~"g1 U,%'d mu~~, h~ d$.o'lI.tchml.~~li.M :ia~ttiI~~~ (5), w~ r~i,indi1lO f,at!fitU~I,a:v, q~lllil;l!Ii"~ MO ,dcl~\II~ cari!oo iri!~ ,~dI;:ltCg foriiDeltii"·~h ~qlJ;li~n'H~nl I~o;pooted ,(ie'S a tOO~ 10 sp~. '!i.!PJi'iINA '(leoa.ywm~ A~~hau_8hthe clock <I_tlain,hlhial 8yrnchro~ ..





:1. J. 'COO~t E. (, Z~U!1a!!\.}.mror.

S8.. ~515

expectedi i!i! vivo MO·mRN A bir!dii!'!g !<lIes of K", -I.'~ ~I s"".~ (13),. C'onscqul.cn11)!,I:tlolcculilu' ~aw.ti,Ll':Im eM I:ic, cslim~dl, such, as dl{,; ;,1fJleJHtl
:~nRNAdcea.~ ;1<iIIe<.,~ - 0, ll~'~i:l- ~ (13)., 11ti!!O:~~~ (Ir d~elrironiWl(!in (Fi,~, .1. W) ~:redien.o;:d~~dock's h'l~nia!!ion <It ,or before ~'o= ,5.8 m 00,5 how:'S. Around (his de'!,'el~:rn'!C!:1tall 1!~'1:le pcDlnt,the oells;ofU~e zeb:rn:fishpreSl.!~M~~I,ive mesod,~nn tbal\'VmlalCri:!eoom.e: tilG: scnnil'CS,aJre rum.\d,Llllll. :ll:wg~~~SI~ ril:t,g: ,of lfilm hl:astOOGrr:I'l1~ e:p:lb:},~y nKlWrn'lell~S win ,slJlh~llI('nlily dr,:iLwUlII'l 1:l1:a,~od(';Ul~gv~ the y.olJl1 (Fug. 31\). W~ (ilbse~edllhe ~~i~ e1>[pre~..iOl1of,cyc'lic g~e8

vla, sin,l"l!lll~eolJiSinil~aliQn ,of ilS 'oscinaliQ~ acOOrdi~ilgto Eqs,. 2 and :3 ,fj o01!lp~iiIlg..d.qm.'ldellLt, !OO!:lr:.oi'gai~i2cd. ~o1iunitizatioln ovei"iw!Ult~ple !PC' riOod!!: ru~Oltg, iilir~i!llly l1iiil~\CI~mi~i!zecli Mel1ku.m"S (/8t 2(),.;til ~CIi[!!I!cru~lso ~ ~ible.lEm • .yos :Sl!!bjee!~ '110 ~~DA'T lJ!I.!hlJefro~n 4 [(I 15hpf (FiS;. 4A): slro,:\,ted! !III'! ALD of SALD ." '6.1 m ru.1 (N - 9~, {f'1£. 48.) O1ndcrn.loon.lil~.u;!, Ilm:.found loss of SYI;}CI:II"!:)UYLlIl cells ofdre W.lDlld aud :ptruOa:W~lic nlc~.t'II '(m'SM) c\I'ici\'.nnoo. byZi .diS{lt\d'crod ,dicexplI@.'lsion pl!.lle.m. (Fig:. 4~ e k'I f), ~'[!!iva~~nUliO th~11i~ D~ltS!-Notd~ !l~.Y·
•' - ,-.,~

(:1\l7~. 2. Ie i';aliiii!linm, n He,iij'li:jllii!·, !L 1~li·l-lilIfl~,. O. PcililrqiJl~ ml 'ill(. M9 i[lo:n:1), 1. It,oo,. IK"l~h~maiSli, .Y:D!.Ih~ifoo!D,!i" ~ t:!iPn~\ iii. 'TliIledA, "4r~ MI, 719 (21006). .>l,. 't: i'Il;l!;;lmiw ('1. aI.. PWG UtIfi, Alcm1. Sd:. US.A :1:113, ~~Ooo.). 5, 't,~.JiillIQl.ftal,,, U(JJtlfe ,4;08" 4;150 I[~~" 6\. S;, f.!. HgIl!::,o, Pi. Geqil!<f, C. ~L!l~I,e!o~tlLh<lnil, ·GeJlE'5 ~ lIlA, .: ~ 7iiJ~~OOO). 7,$;. A. HtiJllI!." ill. }ll11K1I, G, ]. R31J!:iI!J R. 'GE'isle;r:, C !'Jli!~IE!I!fi;Vo11fL:l~t!l. D,!wtl'DpiRt,.:il·129'. U]·S (2002:)" 8•. til. Iitolu',r ,tll~ ~:I', (1lI'~4. 6.~ (~OO), 9,. ill. JI.ii~()11~f «1., ,0&, B~'o1. :28~\ 39il t2J)O~l', 10\ ft,. C, O<fLi!!:i; C. MIJf~Ler. Fl, W;, H)(jI, ile~" Bim ,28(1, B~



U. iC•.. 1. '\f,J~Eei!~ .oevelap.!m;:l!tl i!!';!~~ :l5d (;lWl6l~.:ts;,il H~llI!y" ,(i~r,es:lliov_ 2!O, 1,~3:1 (:2:MIlol. :u. ,Mat~a'~~1fH! II1'I!!:iJ1U arl!' ~vallab:ll!cm 5mnt~·li)nliliW!"
U,. ,\. (jelll'lg, H,.Sh~irl!!r, ,M. WIII@m, IL, S:a!tt"C!lIIL C Haa~~; mgQ~tp. 1. 68 B (2000). :l!~,.A. (:, Oil1i@i;. rt IK.i'k!, o.m~r 12'9, ~29 (2(](11I, . :ll6\. M. IDeIllf!iil~ tlf 01., Exp.. ,MIRa., 31,3,il56 ~2t0:r),. n, .1. \?/.e1ltin,. M,. LilrneL~i\ D~, GeM.\: lfv.ol. 21)7. $,1

.OW! ....



"': .! ""j


, ..

"'tTl ~YJ'

~. ~" - .... ,A. "'IT' . - ',e 'Ii· .'~.!.","r!.l__ V! W.aS!10~ ..

hert, her?" !)!mdldJca:! '-5.25 ilO1.ns p;o~:~!til~

(hpl): 1.0 ]1111] elapsed betw.ecl1I:l'Il;'S! d~OGli!QiJ om':!lcan,~dl fte.1'f;.pOlliuvc: I1Iitlda~ 810m it iill.b:ooqjlllCnl :ring ofcx:pression a:n:mnd the cnl" I[ire ma.n,which diiSappearod 3 OIUililia .Laror, ~l:;'l![1;in8. thel1ftlt e}'cle ~:f UL~ segn1\)!IOOVCm ciOClk (f~lil,3]3; and fi~, SI) (13), He!'!(ie. 1I~ dOOik~itnit~.tiol'lmiW!cides with, or shm'liy pre: izmion

!Klnllal POS~tiOil

!'!legmen1. fmmalio.llrnl.d oifth_c las~:d!ilf'CCnivtl;:

!SCi!llill,e.l'Il d(;ii,i'lCS

pfe!!simll was I:C-oo:vcmdl (fig. 4,. B LO G). nac


tl!~!17t ~S\.lL "iko\i'5ky. f

rru. R~.!!btl!l!1.l

:posttlriClr~i:~nh O~'de:ID~:HS D), wh,lela. Wel (PL. l~l~~tlJatoo. at S~'JI..[j, =!L2 ±:U (",,2] llilpf),

/I lJ1i~,l\'!rOj (~ep.r

m ,r,!,mui\I\&lr

~~iS. S_mrlm;l\iii.uti!llli; Ui~;gs:., (aililOrl!!l!ili!

Nml'1,!irll!!ar :5d~,Il~E Sml!!!. (C)lf!i


jj[ll.~" p,rl!!!.~

ir!dic~li!'!~ a. !!'Coo-ve:1')' li~~!,l of ....]O (D$ciU,ui(l!l

cedes, liIiIe illf~dJ onset of d~1;'nc:lmlm:al'io:Ul, and initiia1 :SYlldm!I~Y 3JlnOlI;!ll t~~~ ~(]nc~ie osciiliatou:sa~ 10 00 achii,,'VOO.~ ~Ullltliialnootb.'l
:Q;L):fieunld\IDtklllL 111:U('e !'!!lO!IC osci n"In:!fy ,cJd~

pcrio.d.~. 1111!1s, re\~~Q"'<l!tiO!il Notolil cOl:lpling is of s!!IHlc[cnt tor self~OO'gi!niz:ed fesYIlch.ron:izaHoo (18" 10, 2l]r of these :prCl:V i01!Jsly dcsync~lwo. Il.lzed :Il!mlctic; os;ci]lai"o.l1>, w1~£~i'Cb)' lOOfh.dCC8iy _dflXOvcry~(l:S can be rnpmsmlloo. ass

IRlij~k)1)' in. 11. Y[iol~fl)r.y-()oupiiFig pln>;ie d1tagrnllm S (Fig. 4B. ~(lp). We havc de~lo:~_stfll!!OO ~W!iJ gencm_[ mecin<!,· orn:t!l1n.eC1 t(l lhe r1J!,g (If ~~e g4l'iJllU~.ui~g mesodeml \:vi!flall;Clll!;lID!:~!lll!i~U C)!PIlCS'" !Iklrn by\""'illlicil ~.mefi!C QS(liUm:ors C<l_~ aUain sion stales of ru:ollml 3@i ~nill~ c()rrespm~dtng sym:::l.tmn.y: (i] simuhnnoofe>iI!.durrd.o:il and (ii) :se:lf.o,Ig9rn.tzOO. .syJ.',. whIch,in [1m I~O I~h.~ [pCiiiodofthe :>e.WJ1I1I()[Imfltiol'D. clod. (F~g. Jq,. Ih!lrillg ihes('l cydes, dlt: ,~~'i,~tQn started; case ()if iIlt{: ~rn'lllll8tifm docfi;::, \V\(l'iliC) NioM:h· ~( In:heve!]llI'~l sldAi: (]iF @Ie ,~bryQHUC W!l<1!r£iJ~ i!]d~d:eJilt ~I~d Nond!-d~pc!ld@ill,. re-~~h,iely. <t!ld!uo,¥,OO dOfS<llIIYj. ~llilen.bY' f~nniwl.gallmvcl~ De1m';N~I~rtl!.JI~amzcb!<l!6slI! enwwyoo wo~dd allow ocroooingf~oon~;~III!lds re.storimg Della· !~g\%'aNe (Fi.g, 3" D ~~ld E),. FummJlen:m::u!c" po~'tod.oocnled 10 dccreas;;:,wlll.~·eJsce[lu lair Noldh, coupling (3tJ)" wi~l ~~l~ii:li thcr.qJeulic e)lp:reS5ii}l~ l~:15 incfC<1IS!OO, wbi.cb~s chl'l:mc~ illiiI,p~:i:caU.QiIlS~blr~!llinan g£tIDttC ~J8I.::;egll:l£n1M!ou 1~~ri.5ticlb:, ~lliiUlS~.GrllS ft!,110W~llgMfl11icathl!'ll, dlSOlfdm'S {J' These D£:~fa.Notc'h Il'!LUt3llt. pte. nl)iypes are· 11{fi~?!I q;l!I8:nutatively I!II~d~andaIJl~ evc:nts U8')I, liJllLlring the: $"1!l.~ql1le1~l Hnbey(:~e, .acydi(: c~p~:~iQ!:] dQ~'li!:ci1l 8ep.tmt>C>di fil'·{l:mli11~ &oll1'ld1~~)I1~~;Jlilmli7 ..ltt{)l] ~~,~" ' (J) in g~U:!J~Ol" nl~in all; ~lL2 hpf ,<!U~dn~1,}\'ed IU~~ lem18'ofih~ d~ay !lIte.~ Umlts,d1f;:: diff~'!ll!~ce in ~et:ig~'~y; 'fhe ~lue-sl: previ.o]!sly rqponed wa:vll: nQise" 2C!~.E!iIldlcQ,\!~~'lUil,g slren,gi[h. ,I> CEq. 3 and at 8".7 I~pf U.s, 24, .2j) msjil;,oo. 11:~es~xd~icy,cle Fig. 4tH, bo1iI'O''tl).,,,,rIJ~iC:h. dc!l:cnni~neslllli:' segtMll" an.d ~wetiguood t!tel'lil:st segmcili lJ,o'llIll'CBa'I'Y. ImiCllil dll:roo~pooill()]'l. :Frollill Id~1.} ~OVIrCSl AlD

2:4•. M. MiliLtr. E.. wWeusa~kltr" ~,A. ~lI'Ipms;.a~i!!ia, DfWJ~ntf.ilf 12:2. ,W')'1 m:99&1. ~5.. t :Smilli1.~r~ C Hildd!oll, Y. )iang,~, Lewi~ .Me'!h. O@'. '0,

C~rn~d~,20ro). li L~I~ ,CU,r, mel. u. 1L3.'l'S '2003:). ~!l flj" 'T. \V:inkte!,. ~rkM~;298., .2il:~6 t2.100'2')_ 2:::L J. Gardii-<lf,.aIvD. "fit. Lt ~lowitl.S., "', SlrllglilU, p,,,,," MIll!: Aool£ Sif,u;,i,4, :'!!CKt,.:1.0955 O:o~), :2::2. N •. Bar~i" 5.I!;eib'e-r, ~:r!#e .~:e';l; ?13 [191171. 2'1 s, ~or,~~. NE!Wl)I,3i1, 80i.;i]{ P'~It::$ oj ~k l!MitJPNtg F-mIll}'tl (Caomcritlg!! Ulnllo:. ~~e;~ (arnhriilg!!,. lOllS}"



":;I.C. A. HM:lli eI ,ot :O~~E'f!! 1~1jI', :U!?,3· (,HIIJ21 2:8, 5:, s" Sl~nlo:a!f~ n e~·rI" Di!Il. :liJf.oL 304, ,61'5, (200n. t ~:9'. r.,. !i'~1 b~fi, ~, 1'to!LI!!j, "" H~IJ~ef, MiJ!l~i!!Ilil·V~lIi:3ifd, D~, G.!1.r'1!,~2:3i,M! ('li99W. : ~(!. ItT. lPt~er~n !?t ai" l!f,~r~ lNaJe-(/ml1i,. 22, 595. (2004~. ~]l,. O. PlMII'lluie,. IK. i(mumi"CffJI .. ,L1.:1JlIfit!!iO. 40'11 ~~!OOn 3,2, A, $iII\ya:ll~ ef .af~ ,dl'elldQPIJ'le.llr ili2i9\. 48 7:3, ~,IWO11,.

:U9 j,200O), :26\ C, I~~,. T,. ~m~r:a,O.~rqYie,. I (~'OO21.


:l~~'. Hm'·


n'msenve cyc!.e.s IOcf<oru oomiro8.~esjs lifil.2i(lhm~ fislli1.oolxl!m.'\t ~o l:l.vo {jJ~..".oo illl c:hiok(llfj, 1lru~ 1~~ro1i!gh(II.Ud~'elop!'l~e~t,1b1M' re~.<J.ted sp;)'1ioI~~'n:l}or;jl OIcinwir'{)!~ O l)al!t'!'!1S,,,,f i!~.ez~r,ilrl-!ih's

oo-~rved (Eq. 6)aildl 8Slfnlmiu.~g 'U 'M.'.- _. C_QCr.· ~ flQ~

OMI!' p1:[IIl{gpodlWffyS

lh~ng ql!l.< techllldql!l~ for ~rlQ!l:bl1tkln .ofgooLi: r~n~I!i(l~ ,OI]nm~;1l13tkDm \-l,Ii~b:!l imI. physical il]ieory of,oolillpled 'pfi~e oscill~iOl\i;. '\\~ were able to det_enMhae 'U~e essootial d)!!Il<lllnicai~ il!lcl!~;~rI@!I.!ishat\le froltl! ID!Iliose ofWT (PIg. 3. G pm,periiesdlMqumnHtllive!y ,,",,"c{'!untfbl: <l oo.~" and H).. mil. OQl1~ .• ernbtyos iI~ected wilh MOs I~~'iil{l; IJD~ hlE(Spl)~mcs: 1ie.i"i9I1d hrJj~7. loctiv-e,il'lOl"llihl))!o-gj~1 j:'i\'OOR'lS ~n a co:unp1ex jOhl1iJ:y rni'!iil:tiU! .lhr se.gmruMuilnOttl :l,\lOfl~ ~~(\l ern,. d~veklpit'ltlii11'OCl ~N.'m:1J.

se,gln~ntatlo~cloc:k aN lilowd!iS'itl'gtl~hii1ible (Fig. JF,). Ttl tl':ll'l. tine roqUti'ilmtrnll ofinJl:c:rocUular .liJdm-. si~:al~lDg for c~OGkililitmi.a~ioo,\~ Sitlbj6CI~. 'Wf ~mbl)'(lq 10 DAPT. n~Q'..~~.Ilru.iimg exp~o:r! paltc!'!'lS.g r dle ~. 65% ep.~l:},i.oly were

Itt ur..,..1 , corn!S ...... W __ 1 ··'~"i""'iill _·_0 ,sttrnun~!'!gfOOmoeU UlOvenlCriis 1($) and geueti\;: S(Hlirces, 1"!J;!i:; :!i~lls rob1i!st!J;C-SS R CEq. 'g:) dH~ngives ~~e W1 Nok1h oo'illplinlg stm~Ulgthof Illw,JT == R.:2:cl'~~4hQiUr~.
of2..) _ . _"

m~gligibte:I] (
~I\'!J.<;! '"

O'h\""~eslil.l'Wle: I$I~


33,G. 'Weil!!N~~f, C. iKbJ.IlI!er,AIi'Ji'(I!. R,E'!>i; Cefl.l)eo~ BJd. :.!;91, 3:61 (];OO3J. 34. W~ibOllmk tlite· r~E"I~BG irim laCml)'i S. A~!!, l. MtH'i!jL~ c..p.. H~I~@i:'I~:r,. L lI!I!i~tIi!\ i'e'\fIl" fo.!l~. ~. P.!iWcflil, Z, St,mlllil, ollOOml!!ffib@i'!l ·ul' :Ih~ 'Olll!!! andl I!lIllr~nl Il!Ib Ior· itita~ ~i1.d Git1'c:al (j)i1¥rn~BI];; Z!lIH<1Illsli illl~rmilt1ofillill. ~e;IItIf(E(e~~er I~f !tbl04'S 1i~~!lnid\; :1. IIQ'~ro. illl~ G, ~~pe·nt ,ii! Oel.l:;! M.iilltirl rellt!'l\l~!lil~, 'ille ~~~!l ~1;i!:!!1I!I~~(ln. ioo 1)1, KflJl.erJilr 5UpPgfl gf I JU!.4:. W>~ < i1J~i!'9Q~ t'D·ai[lH'I;~r~ w~~ 1li!J! (;it:e!!1 ilmo beC!!I!!IS'i!' ,t[irlp3~~ ool~tr:~imK Tml~ 'oorlo: 1Jj3! ~'iJwmt!eti hy 'thi! ,Ma~. H:3:Iu:k ~~ty. Ail~ilir Uiiillfiiculi mng 3F~ .~~ro.ulIW!.t Ull,R;~" anJ::lt A;C, D., ~JeH d@sI,~n,d<i1.lai 311a1)'S1~, <1100IImam_lJ:lCM\pt
PN!'p<lf<ll1QI1I, all <I:li'IlliIir~, ,~p$r1mi!mt~; t!:JM;J'II ~~d liUlng,


O'r !m~~e US)


Slijil'pc,itii'i!3J On'~iDtl! .MOiItl!!rial.



Mal.eri:al5 <IlId MetOOd~.


!'i~. S;lIJ!)Sa:

l,i!!! ~-n 2007, :3~~el'1b~~~~~J\ ,007 ~ 1!1!J'l!.tiill1e~ IInliliJ~ 1..Q :!l.1!lg if!t21J07j 11Il1121!iJ1r~I~!,11>1.ZS3a, i~dOOI! !Ills 'lii'lhHlrna~,tlB 'W~~ dti"'!llhh piilP@i' •.


IR,ap,i,d ElmergleRice 01 B,BCuloviirus IR'B'si:s,lanc8 in 'Co,dliing MothDlue to Dominant, Sex-Linked lnheritanee

S. :A!l:"~I'·I(,aise:r.l E. IFr~!i~IiI.z K. Um:dla.r1f..Slil,alilml.1jIj JI. ~i,ende," It IE.. Ei!le~bl"l ~ . .A.. (j,ullId,.l.A A. IRe~!i!,ek~,4'c. p. w. n:b<ilb,;~ D. G. tI~d:)e~ 4\rr J. liil!lb:£!r, I'i·DI.A. J,eMeil1f
~1ilS@Ct-'Spoo1f;ii1l: Ibac!Jjlovim~$ iilul!!mcr,~singlv lI5l!a as IbiQ~cgicaW ,oollittolal;l@ll!ts. a,f 1~~idQpt@fi!!~ p~.lfl a;g~[ll!!llln'@liImdl ror@Sl:lj. alnd they :i1IavE!be@n prEVVDu,slly rEQ.rnde<rn: as IrobllS: til' If@Sista'~(@ deN@~~m:~1lJt IhytliJe im~ects. .&!Oi\I.met, iD! .lTtoretilalll 81 clailHm Clil:.!les<flli'eld Ir~~tilnce' eftha (;od~lng mcrlffil ~yd'Q o prJ.mGn~la moommitl!ITi1llly applied C. pt'l.mrJn.ell:t~ gr<lflulDv'iru:l! ((jpGV) hli Gemli1i1mlOIidfrlamds, reslS'tllfl(e Irram~ IeJ!i)Oe;E!,irl, 1'00~. the rapid] emlNg,en:ce! ·ef Il!esi.lllce ~ fillicilitated I~y :5el{··liflltage'i3:liId cOIIIc:.en1r.arian· dfilp~iild(l!n d~rnlifl'an:cl;! ~,f~'fi~maj~r r~i:;t~iiI~~ g;~~gliildl g~iiI'~C: !i)!r:lFr'(lf!illity ,~fth~vi~S<. WIfI~ th~ g@f!~ isfi:r.:ecl, 1[@Sista~!!i~~~€lsi1l,p.roach 100 . o~M'OId. OlJ!~'rindings ht~I~!;ttttth~ LIT!~OOlf~ d~€!~~!1T1;lm~ 1 ~f n::Si~n:oo !rL'-iIoogi~mlmt~tIait@g~e:s 'bawltMJliJ!!.Sl!!S, for

,mdfur~~ ~~~':;u!'!dydi!~£ ,cOO!~i!1g m~tlt (C)1fli'(J


.fl,fl"""""I",N" '!rl!'~u

.~_. '~iI.,l.!'!_~\.~.. '!:~!I!r!i. I' ""'i-;l' ....v..""· ~~I


,::<'!L!'~!y ~'m'_

...1d.· 14) ",,\

~ ..... ) \~


One ·of imile ~:lost sueeessfal


brum:lov.nsinsootlci.desis !.he C fNN'Jr,(1Nel!d gmJlU:~ovjrm; (CpGv)\ 110,V a oom'CfStOiJUl of coCl!~nj;j.g !tJ.iOth COI1Iro[ in bod) g.fWi~i,c iUld iiil~egF;i!!OO i,Hp~~g :produc6(1!fi, JI:lJ Itl:l!ny ,ooumries. :-b~,-', ------S._!.C; .. ~'1iI'-Iiim:ill C--..cV ·v ' !"'" u:c;-~ ~ 3lMml' 'II: -\f··ery-e\'. CO .

[Qr Illds pes'" ,<!~IOWied i!~g:~<!illic,~pikl pli'OOl~ctkil~. WithoutOOlltrol, codling moll'l~, ifrlIcsUlliO,DlS·eM i'iC$L.Ih in S~~~G aod

OOl'lil!pilctcloss ofimarkcmMe: :rrlljill,~" hi. dlC! ~aJ!~.J y«ttS., ~lti;g,ltI;lIt;.c.~cld 'OO~i1ti(Ul<: iPl oll~lIIie

apple g!'ebam h~ Ge!,!b1:!a1li)'andi F!'m!c~ .su,llU~_(CpGV 'wasl'aiUng!ocon~m~ ,~ple

d'o>ClJmcnrud OWl" Imh.C p<iJsl 50 ycar,s (I. 2). ]n oo:ntm.~, baenlevlruses thave beoo used
I~O oo;nlIOl IQPld'oplcf8lfllpeS:ns 011 2: to :3 milli.on. 1~'I!l1(:III~ru- yrntr\VOIklwid:G.wid~ lIiIiW~ s;poorrtop i~y low ~!lviroI1wn~nUJl imlXic1o:md] witl.l ,I)!'ll.y 1I!'ld

........•.....•••.•.. '1J!!lOO

.·.··me 'lba~ 25100 eases ·of ~!IlS~( :~i5t~ l'oc'hemical pesfk:ides Il~.,rebec!~


ln 200,3,-061. ·wc UndlliftOO!k 9. !>ysoomalic slI.rvay afl3 orgruliCQucl1!lU:'dJ> in.SOl!ldll.1nl Gei11wlY where ~c. cflie.o'lCy of C~V had. been repofil'l.lM!. as ~Il~~lhc~ory. CtliiOOla~ion·II1l()"'al~ly 1~li,H.mtffOwho!ll nm~ o.aOO. hi~~viJrul~"\\:e~lake d:le1M tiom."lwere cielllmlili!oo ml4J..Ch.)l' b!()as:!i<I~ t:.I one of I~hc lliJirn[t :se~ootive pest cmuI'QI. lIgenflS, es:~hllare' Ure medi<1l!l. l,eUl@I ca~n:ll:;litlm1S (~o) w[dcly used for Ihec!oI]~1 Qf Imu)!' agrkmllililf'1li~ of.' I~m.e C:OJtlilrtlO~~,y used Me)lican ~sol ale, of

dam~e (7, 8).

"i g.

sPQrOJd.i' am.x,ooml reports re,,,~sl<:!~ce (jI-:5) B,1!ICui~oviws v~U:lm~sarc ,rotecte~dI by a l?!rotc~JlRC'OOIlS ·ooc:ltWon~y (OB) dl~\{OOlflf.cms ei~v'lOO:Ilm£iltal ~h:ulily al'ld8!~lmll5~dd 9pp~!ca,. I~Joo.will~mlvtil~iona~ c ii~diddc ~ra~m:l>,TI~cijr


1. :CpG1!J su!lrep,ti:· b~~rty ~1s 'llf ro({lJilgJ mmh PQpulmioo$.!irolilll


'ermalnl '(j,n::hialidlsiin


IlaOO~I:CNYO~ Ei'~Il!!~IlIf'M1il.Q!1ii~1(i~opf~~on. I!!r~lf!n~,:!!


A!J,rff!)lllllir~l$~Ni~'(~I'IWlPa"'liflil~i!' ~n:llR :l!lnsti~~l@

71, &743,~ t,l,Hl51:aflilan Of!F [or I3.1d~oglE<l!l Go n Ilro I., h!Illlfa1 BlolIGgical Rl!1lI!<lrm (@fitE.'[, IH~irlridil~ 2'4~., M21H [);lTlllritiidt, 'Gli!fIl!Ila~}I'.. ~I~tJ1l!Jil~ 01 FtlytQl1IIl;',clidn~". ij.ilM:l:l<i~ til H~hel'lheirn, 10593 ')Mt~rt G;~lmany, '~D~nmtn! of IElUomol~!l:I'. M3~.P,I!i!I!ilri: 1!i!~lUJte for
W@tru~r<l:!<~I?, G~~lMiIf1i~.

rnlJ[ml!ie~ off D& Iper l m[ ,m' ilIll'l1ificia~. ditei\, !Wall. estililil:.'!toolJ.y p:rOOttalliBiY" !ii~iIirotin 14·dla,v 1iIOO:~.rty 1i!(l~Y!i!l'ill'ttiil neomate' laliVal\l.'I'h~ re s1istaJ!iia! ri:irliio' i~ ditNiimooal.cs.tJne rartiQ ,m: ~(50 wTl!IE:sof

~(lC!!!~~. irh~

testy 'i'!



1 1

1000 x ~


SIl!~~~bkl' maim. G~ywltJimjffi rep~esenlt or~ililIlrn:I·[O!~@cted



(ho~ll'Ii,cal Eoolo!11. rhlalms-l{lI!~ll-S~r~,~~ ill,. QH4



:S1:ralli1) ,i'!lildlwh~m I:lll"

"'To 'L'IOIlI1ll ClII'lf!!spa:rndm[l!' ~1~1Li~ 'be' 81lI!!Inm~cL iE-mail: ioh~n 1fI1!!;.j,@h'L~@dllt.fllp£l@' tl.A.].); 1liE!(k:d@f.{!l!.nJpg,.d@,

1~1i1e L Slii.rvl,vo~ip at day 7all'illi jpliijlM:lcnat day21m (ross~s wfrIi~ (~GV~Yrloop[ihlli~ (C.pS]! ilIlna I~es:ismmlt~rplilR'm]S1\r.8Jm. o~ matimg moth,. 'exposEMiroa dh:~rimina:Iin:!J c:O!IiI~entr,[ltiono,f liB .x:11l0~OBJml a!!l n~OliI,artK. Be.•Ibadk. cro~; '~.f'_fll!,; InlII, lliT!iille. ProgEI1IY!l.enq@~ caire :silimwn flliIT nwu· hyjptMllileSE!:5:(Z),a ~alllg~e Z'·~liIkedllrre~mJU;e gene". ,00 W• .81~ngle' ilIutD5lOl1rhallr~isl:am(1l 'geme'. 11: and S delilCitre: UIf1: ~i5taliltailo1 ~'lIS!oop1!iMf1: Uele§,. r\~~m,\1ely. F.l'fII~liIdf:catE1!.5 a ~h~ total f1!l!mb@f of:~llIiI!tie-s. (F) .i! i!Qd !'!:OOftia1ie'S1 ID)iOO~te:d. [&p (Z~I]is~@ IIf.xpect.ed fractiol'l of SUrviivorll, IUlildfl'l the ~~he.s,115; o~ .. single Z·~lIIkedl IF/n ICpS IC p1i! Ilitl.

:zR:litilty dtilmina liil00 .Zs'., I[E:.:p 'W]l is;iIH'i!~ '~peW!d framon of somvors,. IL!mde:rthe hypalhesls, ·of .81.!ingle· .aurtoso.mJ. re:~fif,t3fi;:;e geli!e~,with t!~e d'e!!iree 'flf dCimina'r1~~ of .If' emmatMfrom '!!lile~po~e' of 'Ihe 1F1a sli.l~r~h~:~.Ait ,21 d~s, "m~l@S''' I~f@~ tlJ~e ~I\ i31m:!JfIg ~;VI1ing pupae. llhe mi·~,IJi3ire' value applies toh~ gOGrlne8'~.of-rrt 1ielilt of ttu~ (j[IiD>~lIVed 7-day ~untivo:~hips ilil therol!lr b;a,d((~ w' ~e e.~,umd lialuie'$ 1IIlf!,de·rthe Nir!ka'~e ,(2:) 'oo!i!DJiSO!mil W hy'pot!il,esiiS•. ~N.O •• Se:l: ~c nm oi~5lBJi'\l'~d be(.Q;l!IS1el]he:re :werle no livinQ p:upa.e at: 2il ,daY1' in this QJ~OI!l.PI resi~1! gelflf!',wih

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