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Science \ aS hems COVER Jessica Newfield Science) se Decision-Making INTRODUCTION Decisi REVIEWS: Anterior Prefrontal Function an the Limits of Hur Decision-making E-Koeclin ond A. Hyoit Soctal Decision-Making: insights ftom Game Theory and Neuroscience 4G Sortey Decision-Making Dysfunctions in Psychiat Altered Homeostaic Processing? LP Paulos Decision Theory: What "Should" the Nervous System Do? K.Kording Stee we ator pge 53: New so page 55: Scene Exess eens byt Frenke akand EA Mansou etal; See's TE material ngage 527 (0 ot un encrg arp sthonnatig CIAL SECTION Decisions .. Decision-making involves the coordinated Iineraction of many bran area, even for arather simple game of chance. Aspecia ‘ection beginning on page 593 examines the processes and structures that underlie decision-making—from trivial choices to major life-changing decisions. Photo Mlusteotion: Cristopher Bickel und Kelly Krauso/Science (photo by 398 602 Volume 318, issue 5850 DEPARTMENTS 527 Science Online 529 This Weakin Science 535 Editors’ Choice 58a Contact Sefence 543 545 586 659 cd EDITORIAL 533 On Neuroethics by Henty Greely NEWS OF THE WEEK ‘Ancient DNA Reveals Neandertals With Res Halt, S45, FairComplesions National Academies Make Casefor Sustainable Growth 547, Neutron-Laden tls Pushes Limit 549 SCIENCESCOPE 549 Dietary Guidelines Spark ap Over Fish Consumption 550 Wason Condemned fr Comments cn teigence 550 Tinering withthe Climate to Get Hesing at ssi Hard Meeting Ino Therapies RelemseDillerentBekes on impusine 553 University Suppresses Reporton Provenanceaf SS iti Aries NEWS FOCUS ont ale Batting Over Bed Nets 556 Mate Pde ‘Malaria Treatment: ACT Two, 560 SCIENCE VOL318 26 OCTOBER 2007 521 Science SCIENCE EXPRESS NEUROSCIENCE Hold Your Horses: impulsivity, Deep Brain Stimulation, and Medication ‘in Parkinsonism MJ. Frank J. Samanta, A A. Houstof, S.J. Sheaman dopa, a cosman treatment or Parson's seas, ips certain fxm of aming tueras dee rain stnulton inappropriately axcletaes dein aking. >> Nes story $83;Decsion Making section 593 ION 26cience. 1146157 NEUROSCIENCE Mrermonic Function of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Coil Behavioral Adjustment EA. Mansour M.}. Buckie, K. Tanaka nmontey,tholatrl preroatal corey, but nt to antrer rgulate eag, ‘ssa for making dcsors in which cxf ietig nermaton has tobe exited, >> Detain secon 9 32 t Induced O11 26icienee 1146384 Generics AMelenocortin Receptor Allele Suggests Varying Pigmentation Among, Neanderthals C.Lolueta-Fox et a. Neandertals cared variant ota sn cllreceptor sina to thatin mode Exrepaan hha, suggesting ha thee pimetation ray hee been snl vale shea toy Sts JOM 2Wlcienee 147417 CONTENTS t ASTROPHYSICS ‘Cosmic Hlicowave Background Feature Consistent wit a Cosmic Texture M, Cras, Hi, Tarek, P Viel, &, Martinez-Gonzdez, M Hobson ‘A unusal cold spot te cosmic micewave background has properties expected fs cami ere a pried reli of he dcauping of photon rd atoms jut after the Big Ban, 1O.L126/science 114865 ‘STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY {GPCR Engineering Yields High-Resolution Structural insights into {B-Adroner gic Receptor Function D.M. Rosenbaum eal Replacing atthe B-atrenrgc rocoto allows an accurate determination cf the rezapto’s structure, showing how ligand binding atvatsG peoens. 10.11 26iscience 1150409 ‘STRUCTURAL aIOLOGY High-Resolution Crystal Structure of an Engineered Human Adreneraic G Protein-Coupted Receptor V.Cherezov etal The 2. angstrom stucureof the human B adrenergic receptor displays an archectre aed helical erieration dine kom that of thoopsin, the poteypicalmembe of ts fy 10,11 26lscience, 1150577 LETTERS Pulsars 40 Years On 379 Reaction Futuhare et at 36s 28. Borel Borrowing rom Biology 8 N. Nozorend EJ. Robb The Sharp End of Altrism 321 {Counting on Embryos Langer Aton > hs Response. D. Lyerly and P Foden Gallo the Quest 382 ‘noid lewenian Dyramies Close to Home BER Alor ond Frome > teow .622 CM. Aegerter Responses, NeGaugh ‘CORRECTIONS AND CLARIFICATIONS 570 ESSAY Fppendorf 2007 Winner Neral Crcults Underlying 564 BOOKS EAL. ee From Embryology to Evo-Devo A History o 371 Ri Wiion Developmental Evolution HE. Leubicher eri Hoienschein, Eds, BREVIA teviewed by ruandson Bey: Tareingatthe Speed of Thought Einstein andthe 572 ‘Amazon Forests Green-Up During 2005 Drought 612 QuestferGroiiateral Waves E.R. Soles, k Didar, A.B. Huete H.R da Rcho D. Kennefick, reviewed by M.D. Gordin ‘Showing unexpected resilience, tropicak forests in the Amazon BROWSING 373 apart inrenied photoes n epese the 205, diag, cording atte neaexemet. EDUCATION FORUM. ‘Outbreak Investigation and Response Training 574 REPORTS AG Lescro ea PLANETARY SCIENCE Outward Transport of High Temperature Materials 613 PERSPECTIVES ‘ound the Nigplane of the Soler Nebula ‘Maternal Effects on Schizophrenia Risk 576 FI. Cesta ei easy Higntergrare gas oe nea arto canbe anspor : efit omar lng te ipan ct the ently, ‘Thinking Long Term 377 Piokina lsgahing hon such gas acarincamets. 378 SCIENCE VOL318 26 OCTOBER 2007 CONTENTS corsinued >> 523

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