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Michelle Lewis

Head of HR Department

Hello Inquiries,

I’m Michelle, Head of the HR Department, and To give you a little information about myself,

one of the employers that you will be having my favorite color is red. I love Disney movies. I

your interview with. I personally love a man like taking risks and trying new things,

that I can just talk to for hours about nothing therefore I am very spontaneous. I live in

and never get tired of it. I love someone who Hilltop so applicants near this location will be

can make me laugh, but also needs to know looked at first. I am also very independent so if

when to be serious (sarcastic is not a wanted it comes time for the bill when we go out on the

characteristic). Six pack or more of abs will be date 50/50 is the way I do it. Age: 19
a determining factor in the interview process.
Oh and I love little romantic things… if you Height: 5’3”
Therefore, all applicants need to step their gym
don’t know what that means, watch a chick
Eye Color: Brown
game up.
Hair Color: Brown with Purple

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