Failover Clustring

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SQL Server 

failover clustering provides high-availability support for an entire SQL Server instance.  SQL
Server failover clusters are built on top of Windows Server failover clusters. To create a SQL Server failover
cluster, you need to first create the underlying Windows Server failover cluster.

A SQL Server failover cluster, also known as a failover cluster instance, consists of the following:

 One or more Windows Server failover cluster nodes

 A cluster resource group dedicated for the SQL Server failover cluster which contains the

 Network name to access the SQL Server failover cluster

 IP addresses

 Shared disks used for the SQL Server database and log storage

 Resource DLLs that control the SQL Server failover behavior

 Check-pointed registry keys that are automatically kept in sync across the failover cluster nodes

A SQL Server failover cluster appears on the network as a single SQL Server instance on a single
computer. Internally, only one of the nodes owns the cluster resource group at a time, serving all the
client requests for that failover cluster instance. In case of a failure (hardware failures, operating system
failures, application or service failures), or a planned upgrade, the group ownership is moved to another
node in the failover cluster. This process is called failover. By leveraging the Windows Server failover
cluster functionality, SQL Server failover cluster provides high availability through redundancy at the
instance level.

SQL Server 2008 failover cluster setup uses a new architecture, enabling functionality that was not
possible with the previous versions. The following are the key differences from the previous versions of
SQL Server with respect to failover cluster functionality:

 There is no remote execution on the cluster nodes.

 To install, upgrade or maintain a SQL Server failover cluster on multiple nodes, you must
run SQL Server Setup separately on each node of the failover cluster.

 To add a node to an existing SQL Server failover cluster, you must run SQL Server Setup
on the node that is to be added and choose the Add Node functionality. Do not run Setup
on the node that owns the cluster to add another node.

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