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Evaluation of my TV Listings Magazine!

In class, we were asked to make a TV listing

magazine front cover. We had to decide what
picture, colour, title and information we were
going to use.

I decided to do a magazine suitable for middle

class families, as I thought most comfortably
off women aged around 16- 40 would buy this
magazine. I designed the magazine so it would
appeal to most women around that age.

I chose a bright pink background because

mostly women will buy this magazine and most
women will see it and want to buy it because
the colour will show them its for women. I
chose a picture of Stacey from Eastenders
because she is one of the most popular faces in
the programme. I also chose a big, bright white
title with a shocking piece of information, this
will make the reader/buyer want to read more
from the shocking title. I also used white text in
a smaller font to say parts of other stories that
are featured into the magazine.

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