Wun 2 K 6

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Duke University

Department of Physics

Physics 211 Fall Term 2009


These are notes summarizing the main concepts you need to understand
and be able to apply.

Lecture 6

• An infinite-dimensional vector space of functions defined on an in-

Rb 0
has a basis |xi which posseses the “completeness” property,
a |x ihx |dx0 = I. An “expansion of a function” vector of this space
can be accomplished by inserting the completeness identity, f (x) =
hx|f i = hx|x ihx |f idx0 .
0 0

• The orthonormality condition is hx|x0 i = δ(x − x0 ), where δ is the

delta function, defined such that δ(x − x0 ) = 0 for x 6= x0 and
0 0
a δ(x−x )dx = 1, for a < x < b. Properties of the Dirac delta function
that you need to know:

f (x0 )δ(x − x0 )dx0 = f (x): when nestled in an integral with a


function, the Dirac delta function “pulls out the value of the func-
tion” at the x value of interest.
a. δ(x − x0 ) = δ(x0 − x)
b. δ(ax) = δ(x)/|a|
R∞ 0
c. δ(x0 − x) = 1
2π −∞ dkeik(x −x)
d. “Derivatives” of a Dirac delta function: δ n (x − x0 ) = δ(x −
0 dn df
x ) dx0n , e.g. f (x )δ (x − x0 )dx0 = dx
0 0
(x); δ 0 “pulls out the value of

the derivative of the function” at the x value of interest.

e. δ 0 (x − x0 ) = −δ 0 (x0 − x).

• A “Hilbert space” is an infinite-dimensional space of functions normal-

izable to unity or to a Dirac delta function.
• An operator Ω acting in Hilbert space has matrix elements in basis |xi
Ωxx0 = hx|Ω|x0 i.
• The derivative operator D differentiates a function: D|f i = | dx i. Its
matrix element in basis |xi is hx|D|x0 i = δ 0 (x−x0 ). It is not Hermitian.

• K = −iD is Hermitian (for an appropriate space of functions). The

eigenvectors |ki of K are ψk (x) = √12π eikx (k real) in the |xi basis. The
orthonormality condition is hk|k 0 i = δ(k − k 0 ). Any function of the
space can be expanded in this eigenbasis.

• The X operator multiplies a function by x, X|f i = |xf i. The X

operator’s eigenbasis is |xi.

• A function |f i can be written in K’s eigenbasis as fk (k) = hk|f i =

R ∞ −ikx

2π −∞
e fx (x)dx.
A function
R ∞ ikx
|f i can be written in X’s eigenbasis as fx (x) = hx|f i =
√1 e fk (k)dk.
2π −∞
These functions are Fourier transforms of each other!

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