Career Routes: Interest Required For That Job

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Career routes

Interest required for that job:

Assistant producer
An assistant games producer will have many interest mainly to do with games:
• A passion for games
• Creative thinking
• Having good knowledge of the health and safety legislations

Entry level jobs:

Assistant producer is not an entry level but it is regarded as the lowest starting point in the games
industry. Most frequently assistant games producer usually have experience working for a
development company

Example of a games developer

Career routes
Promotions available:
As an assistant producer progresses in age and career they will have a lot of doors open to them,
one of those being becoming part of a game developer team. Also there are other promotions
that he/she can obtain such as becoming a lead producer when they gain enough experience.

Assistant producer:
Works with a game's production staff to ensure the timely delivery of the highest quality project
possible. Typically, they will focus on specific areas of the development process.

Assistant producer will have undertaken some short courses which are essential in becoming a
assistant games producer.
Career routes
A level requirement's:
A levels are essential if you want to become a high rating assistant producer, you will need theses
grades to progress into university and receive a degree. Here are some of the A levels that you
will need:
• Media Studies
• English
• Product design
• History
• Business
Degrees required and top 5 universities:
When on the path of becoming an assistant producer you will have to be educated at degree
level. Here are some of the degrees you will need to have:

Media studies Business admiration English

• Warwick • Warwick • Oxford
• Southampton • Buckingham • UCL
• Sheffield • City university • Cambridge
• Leicester • St Andrews • St Andrews
• Birmingham city • Reading • Warwick
Career routes
Jobs you can get with those degrees:

After obtain those degrees you will be able to progress or apply for other jobs besides assistant
games producer. There are a number of jobs that you can land within the game industry.

These include becoming a games developer or a games producer; working in the film industry
becoming a QA tester or even part of a web development team.

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