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Brand Name: Metoprolol

Generic Name: Lopressor

Classification: Antihypertensive, Beta 1 selective adrenergic blocker

Dosage/Route/Frequency: 50 mg/oral/OD

Desired Outcome: This drug is given to our patient to lower the blood pressure.

Mechanism of Action: Competitively blocks the beta-adrenergic receptors in the heart and
juxtaglomerular apparatus, decreasing the influence of the sympathetic nervous system on these
tissues and the excitability of the heart, decreasing the cardiac output and the release of renin,
and lowering the BP; acts in the CNS to reduce sympathetic outflow and vasoconstrictor tone.

Nursing Responsibilities:

1. Check BP prior to medication intake.

- To avoid the occurrence of abrupt hypotension.
2. Instruct and ensure that the patient should swallow the tablet whole.
- To achieved the desired effect.
3. Instruct the client to take it with foods/meals.
- To facilitate faster absorption.
4. Instruct the client to immediately report of difficulty of breathing.
- To avoid further occurrence of secondary disease.
5. Instruct the client to change position gradually.
- To avoid orthostatic hypotension.

Brand Name: Celecoxib

Generic Name: Celebrex

Classification: Analgesic

Dosage/Route/Frequency: 200 mg/oral/OD

Desired Outcome: This drug was given to our patient to lessen the pain at the affected part.

Mechanism of Action: Analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities related to inhibition of the

COX-2 enzyme, which is activated in inflammation to cause the signs and symptoms associated
with inflammation; does not affect the COX-1 enzyme, which protects the lining of the GI tract
and has blood clotting and renal functions.

Nursing Responsibilities:

1. Instruct client to take the drug with foods/meals.

- To avoid GI upset.
2. Instruct client to adhere to scheduled prescribed drug intake.
- To avoid any occurrence of drug dependent.
3. Give the drug with full course of water.
- To facilitate faster absorption of the drug.

Brand Name: Mupirocin

Generic Name: Bactroban
Classification: Antibiotics
Dosage/Route/Frequency: topical/ TID
Desired Outcome: This drug was given to our patient to facilitate drying of the

Nursing Responsibilities:
1. Prior to application, instruct client to clean the wounds.
2. Adhere to scheduled application of the drug.
3. Instruct client to immediately report itchiness.

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