Green Goal Poster: Family Footprint 1.36 Earths Swot Analysis

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Green Goal Poster

Family footprint 1.36 Earths

Swot analysis 
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
-uses natural oil for -uses two cars -try to use more My dad don’t have
car everyday public transport the time to use
public transport
-do not use dryer -does not use -Try to use No time for me to
for drying clothes public transports electronics when use public transport
-Turn off lights -Always turn ons Recycle Paper I always forget to
when leaving a TV turn off when I
room leave the room
-eats salad Always travel by Use recycle rubbish I can hardly stop
plane bins myself from texting
-only uses Always text with a Try not to use that I need to use the
computer when cell phone much of electricity computer for
needed school work
Does not use the Turns on printer all Recycle clothes
A.C the time
Recycle toys and Do not rycycle Do not text that
bags paper much

Green Goals:
1. In the following four weeks, me and my family will try to recycle paper by
using paper that I have not finished writing on it and to write new planning or
mind maps on it again, I will do it with every paper.
2. In the following four weeks, my family and me will use public transport
minimum 2 times per week and to use it when we can.
3. In the following four weeks, my family and me will try to use electronic when
we really need it, not to use it when we don’t need to use it, so we will not
waste electricity and reduce global warming.
4. In the following four weeks, me and my family will try to turn off the .T.V
when we leave the room , and to not watch it that frequently

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