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27 Weeks Pregnant 

You're in the home stretch — two trimesters down, one more to go. Your baby is growing steadily as he
prepares for delivery day. He will gain weight rapidly over the next weeks and, as the size of your bump
increases, you may feel more breathless and tired. Your baby's acting more like a newborn now, too. He
opens and closes his eyes, sleeps and wakes at regular intervals, and may suck a finger or thumb. He
may also be hiccupping a lot this week, which explains that odd rhythmic sensation you've probably been

Your baby will also respond to loud sounds or music by kicking or moving about vigorously. Let your
partner and your older child begin bonding with your baby. They can put their hands on your stomach and
feel the kicks and movements. 

Many families conduct the "Godh Bharai" or the "Valakappu" (Indian Baby shower) this week to celebrate
your pregnancy and pray for the well-being of your baby. Check out our tips for an enjoyable "Godh

28 Weeks Pregnant 
You may notice about now, that your baby is much more active when you are having a bath or shower.
She's responding to the light and noise by moving around inside you. While you're enjoying the warm
water, you may also notice that your breasts may begin to leak a little. They are already
producing colostrum, the concentrated early milk that is the perfect feed for your newborn. As with many
aspects of pregnancy, not all women have leaking breasts before their baby is born — so don't worry if it
hasn't happened to you — on the plus side, you won't need to wear breast pads yet.

29 Weeks Pregnant 
Your baby's head is getting bigger and his brain is developing billions of neurons (important for later
learning) at an amazing rate. His nutritional needs are growing, too. To meet his body's demands, you'll
need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid and iron. His bones in particular are soaking up lots of calcium
right now, so drink your milk (or if you don't like the taste, try calcium-enriched orange juice or
these calcium rich recipes). Keep eating a healthy diet covering all food groups — green leafy vegetables,
fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, proteins fromvegetarian or non-vegetariansources, nuts and
whole grains. Keep yourself well hydrated and try to avoid junk food and fizzy drinks completely.

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