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Installing and Using Filezilla to Download media


1. Click on the link

2. Select the correct software to download. In most cases it will be the first option.
3. You browser may block the pop up window. If it does please allow it and then click on
save and save the executable to your desktop.

4. Select Close and then find the .exe file on your desktop and double click it.
5. Select Run

6. Select I Agree

7. Leave the Default and select Next

8. Select Desktop Icon as well and select Next

9. Select Next.

10. Select Install

11. Select Finish

Downloading Media

12. Fill in the following:

a. Host:
b. Username: in email
c. Password: in email
d. Port: 22
13. Select Quickconnect

14. Select OK

15. In the first Section select the location you would like to download the file to.
16. In the fourth section double click on the folder name for the media
17. Then right click and select download
a. In the bottom of the screen you will see a progress

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