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What is Sales Management?


 Provide an introduction to sales management .

 Who does a sales manager manage?

 Where does sales management fit into the

integrated marketing communication process.
The Sales Force
 Sales Management- is the attainment of sales
force goals in an effective and efficient manner
through planning, staffing, training, leading,
and controlling organizational resources.

 Managing a sales force involves recruiting,

hiring, training, supervising, compensating
salespeople, motivating them to become
problem solvers, and providing the proper
planning and backup support so they can
perform their jobs properly.
Sales Management
 What are the sales managers goals?

 Sales

 Revenues

 Profits

 Market Share

 Controlling internal costs

How do they obtain their goals?

Knowledge of the sales environment

Planning for sales

Recruiting the sales force

Training the sales force

Motivating the sales force

Supervising the sales force

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