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the Navier-Stokes equations: theory and numerical methods edited by Rodolfo Salv the Navier-Stokes equations: theory and numerical methods 121. P. S, Midjevits Nonlinear Functional Analysis 12. © Sadasky, Analysis and Partial Differential Equations oh... + 4123. R M, Shortt, Genera Topology and Applications 124. R Wang, Asymptotic and Computational Analysis 425. D. V. Chudnovsky and R. D. Jenks, Computers in Mathematics 128. W. D. Walls et al, Combinatorial Desians and Applications 427. S. Elayd, Differential Equations 428. G, Chen ef al, Distibuted Parameter Control Systems 129. W. N. Everit, inequalities 130. H. G. Kaper and M. Garbey, Asymptotic Analysis and the Numerical Solution of Partial Difter- ential Equations 181. ©. Arno etal, Mathematical Population Dynamics 132. S. Goon, Geomety and Complex Variables 133. J. Goldstein et al, Differential Equations with Applications in Big, Physics, and Engineering 184. 3. Andima eta, General Topology and Applications 195. P Clément et al, Semigroup Theory and Evolution Equations 136. 1 Jarosz, Funcion Spaces 137. JM. Bayod eta, p-adic Functional Analysis. 138. GA Anastassiou, Approximation Theory 199. RS. Rees, Graphs, Matces, and Designs 140. 6. Atvams ef a, Metiods in Module Theory 141. GL. Mulln and P. J.-S. Shue, Finite Fields, Coding Theory, and Advances in Communications and Computing 142. M.C. Joshi and A, V. Bafokrshnan, Mathematical Theory of Control 143. G. Komatsu and ¥. Sakane, Complex Geometry 144. 1. Bakelman, Geometic Analysis and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations “45. T: Mabuchi and 8. Muka, Einstein Motrcs and Yang-Mils Connectons 148. L Fuchs and R. Gobel, Abelian Groups 147. AD. Polington and W. Moran, Number Theory with an Emphasie onthe Markoff Spectrum 148. 6. Dore et a, Differential Equations in Banach Spaces 449. T. West, Continuum Thoory and Dynamical Systeme 4150. KD. Blrsteot etal, Functional Analysis 4151. KG Fischor ofa, Computational Agobra 4152. K D. Eworty et a, Diferental Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Contol Science 453, Pi. Cahen, et al, Commutative Ring Theory 454. S.C. Cooper and WJ. Thron, Continued Fractions and Orthogonal Functions 4155. P Clément and & Lumer, Evolution Equations, Control Theory, and Biomathematics 156. M. Gyllenboy and L. Persson, Analysis, Aigebva, and Computes in Mathematical Research 157. W.O. Bray of a. Fourier Analyse. 158. J. Bergen and S. Montgomery, Advances in Hopt Algebras 459. AR Magid, Rings, Extensions, and Cohomology 460. N.H. Pavel, Optimal Control of Diferenal Equations 181. M. ikaw, Spectal and Scattering Theory 162. X Liv and D. Siegol, Comparison Methods and Stablity Theory 183. JP. Zolésio, Boundary Control and Variation 16k. M Kiidok ola, Fite Element Methods 185. G. Da Prato and. Tubaro, Control of Partial Differential Equations 166. . Balco, Pojectve Geometry win Appicatons. 167. M. Costabel fa, Boundary Value Problems and Integral Equations in Nonsmooth Domains 168. G Fomeyra, G. Goldstein, and F. Neubrander, Evolution Equations 169. S. Hugget,Twistor Theory 170. H. Gook et at, Continua 171. D. F Anderson and D. €. Dobbs, Zero-Dimensional Commutative Rings 4172. K Jarosz, Function Spaces 4173, V. Ancona et al, Complex Analysis and Geometry 178. E, Casas, Conlol of Pata Diferenal Equations and Appcatons 175. N. Kalton eta Interacion Between Functional alysis, Harmonic Analysis, and Probability 478. Z Dong ofa, Diferental Equations and Contol Theory 4177. P. Marcelin otal. Partial Diferential Equations and Applications 178. A Karteatas, Thoory and Applications of Neninear Operators of Accrotve and Monotone Type 478. M, Maruyama, Modul of Vector Bundles 480. A. Ursini and P, Agiand, Logic and Ngebra 181. XH. Cao et al, Rings, Groups, and Algebras 482. D. Amold and RM. Rangaswamy, Abelian Groups and Modules 4183. SR. Chakravarthy and A . Ata, Mart-Anaitic Methods in Stochastic Models 60, J. Banas and K. Goete!, Measures of Noncompactness in Banach Spaces 61. 0.A. Nielson, Direct Integral Theory 62. JE Smit ef al, Ordered Groups 63, J Cronin, Mathematics of Cel Elecrophysiology J. W. Brower, Power Series Over Commutative Rings 65. P. K Kamthan and/M, Gupta, Sequence Spaces and Series 66. T. G. MeLauyhin, Regressive Sets and the Theory of tsois 67. T. L. Hordman etal, integral and Functional Diferental Equations 68. R, Draper, Commutative Algebra 68. W. G. MoKay and J. Patera, Tables of Dimensions, Indices, and Branching Rules for Repre-

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