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The Catcher in the Rye

Study Questions
Chapter 5
1. In Holden’s opinion why does Pencey Prep serve steak on Saturday night?

2. What is Ackley’s characteristic response whenever he is asked to go somewhere

with the other boys?

3. Why do Holden, Brossard, and Ackley not go to the movies after all?

4. Why does Holden not like to sit next to Brossard and Ackley at the movies?

5. What card game does Brossard enjoy most of all?

6. What does Holden write about for Stradlater’s composition?

7. Why did Allie have writing on his baseball mitt?

8. How did Allie die?
9. How did Holden react to Allie’s death?

10. Does Holden express dislike or sympathy for Ackley at the end of this chapter?

Chapter 6

1. Why is Holden so interested in what happened on Stradlater’s date?

2. Why does Stradlater not like the composition which Holden wrote for him?

3. Why does Holden smoke in bed?

4. Where did Stradlater go on his date with Jane Gallagher?

5. How would you describe Holden’s attitude toward athletes?

6. Why does Holden punch Stradlater?

7. According to Holden, how can you identify a moron?

8. Why is Stradlater nervous after hitting Holden?

9. What does Holden do before looking in the mirror?

10. What is Holden’s reaction to all the blood?

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