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2. LUBRICATION ‘SERVICE INFORMATION 22 OILPIPEINSPECTION 24 D TROUBLESHOOTING 2-2 OIL STRAINER SCREEN CLEANING 24 ENGINE OIL LEVEL CHECK 23° OILSTRAINER NUT 25 ENGINE OIL CHANGE 23 Om PUMP 25 4 ENGINE OIL FILTER REPLACEMENT 2.4 — LUBRICATION POINTS 214 (3) OW INLET PIPE (A CHECK VALVE (6) Ol SCREEN 46) GIL PUMP 2-1 LUBRICATION SERVICE INFORMATION GENERAL © This section descrives inspection and replacerrent of engine cil and the oil ft, the clearing of the oll strainer and oil pump servicing procedures. CAUTION + Used enzine oil may cause skin cancer if repeatedly left in contact with the skin Jor protonged periods. Although this is unlikely uuntess you handle used oil en a daily bass, 1 ie still advisable to thorowghly wash your hands with soap and water as soon as posi ble afler handling uacd oi. SPECIFICATIONS Oil capacity 2.3 liters (2.4 U.S. qt, 2.0 Imp at) at engine assembly 1.9 liters (2.0 U.S. at, 1.7 Imp atl at oil change 1.95 liters (2.06 US. ct, 1.72 Imp qt) at ail and oil fiter change Recommended oll Honde 4-Stroke Oil or equivalent API Servica Classification: SE or SF VISCOSITY: SAE 10 W—40 ar 20 W~50 NOTE «Use SAE 10 W—40 oil when the outside temperature is below O° C (32°F Other viscosities shown in the chart may be used when the average tempera- Sun yourtuing rene wiin tha maleate [ ITEM. STANDARD ‘SERVICE LIMIT Oil pump tip clearance - ~ 0.18 mm (0.006 in) MAX. I 9,20 mm (0.008 in) Oi pump bey eearanco 2:18--0.21 rm 10.006 0.008 in) “0.26 rm (0.010 i) Oil pum end coaancs 0.02--0.08 rm (0.001 ~0.008 in) 12 mm (0-005 mn) Oi pump celery Panp Ar 7.8 tes (7-8 US. etman. 5.00 1pm _ amp 8: 10.0 ltats (10.6 U.S min 5.300 pm TORQUE VALUES Crankease drain plug 25 Nem (2.8 ka-m, 18 tb} Down tube drain plug BB Nem (3.8 keg-m, 25 ‘tsb) Oil filter cover bot Nem (0.9 kgm, 7 fb) Ol strainer nut 440 Nem (4.0 kg-m, 29 tb} i inlet nase nut 40 Nem (4.0 kg-m, 29 it-b} TROUBLESHOOTING 1 level too low + Normal oil consumption + Extarnal ol leaks + Worn piston rings Ol contamination + Gil not changed often enough + Faulty heed gasket Low oil pressure + Faulty oil pump + Oil puma driven gear broken 2-2 [ere pe LUBRICATION ENGINE OIL LEVEL CHECK ‘Support the motorcycle uoright on level ground, Start the engine and let iticle for approximately § minutos ‘Stop the engina then chock tho ail lovel with the ail filer cap/ Aipotick by inserting itin until the threads touch che Filler neck. Do not screw the cap in when making this check {f the oil level is below the lower merk on the dipstick, filo the Upper level mark with the recemmancied oil ENGINE OIL CHANGE Nore + Change the engine oil with the engine warm ane the motor ycle on its side stand to assure complete and rapid ¢rain- eee — Femove the oll filer cap and drain plugs on the frame cown tube end the left crankcase. CAUTION + Used engine oil may couse skin cancer F repeatedly left in con: tnci with the skin for protonged periods, Although this is wa key unless you handie used of! an daily basis, i is stilt advis able to firoughty wash your hands with soap and witer 25 500% 5 possible ajter handling used vil After the oil has drained, check tat the drain plug sealing washers are in good condition, then install the plugs ‘TORQUE: Crankease drain plug: 25 N-m (2.5 kg-m, 18 feb) Downtube drain plug: 35 Nem (3.5 kg-m, 25 ft-lb) NOTE + It maintenance is slso scheduled for the cil filter ane the strainer, do these befor filling the frame oll tank with oil + Theengine takes about 1.9 Iters(2.0U.S. qt, 1,7 imp at) at ol change. But cince orly a portion ef thet ois held in the frame's oil tenk, you cannot add the Tull amount inhialy, Pour one liter (1.06 U.S. qt} of cacommended eil (page 2-1) into tho oil tank. Install the of titer capidipstick, Start the engine anc let it idle for a few minutes, ‘Stop the engine and add the recommended cil up to the uppar level mark with the metoreyele upright. CRANKCASE OIL CHECK BOLT NOTE The crankcase oil level check bolt is useful when checking the lubrication system: the ail pump adjusts the oil level so. that the crankcase is slways kept at the prope level. If this check shows otherwise, some portion of the lubricaticn system Is not working properly. Run the engine first, then stop the engine and wait a few min- utes. Remove the oll check bolt, ‘The crankcase oll level is correct if the cil is flush with the bottom of the check bolt hole. Install the oll chack bolt. Re- check the cil level with the ol filtar cepidipstick iy on ruuen can 0% i Uppen weet (3) Lowen LEVEL °C) OIL CHECK BOLT aera 2-3 LUBRICATION ENGINE OIL FILTER REPLACEMENT NOTE + Change the oil filter before filing the frame oil tank with ol Remove the oil filter cover trom the right crankcase, then remove the filter elament Digcard the oil fiter element ‘Check that the O-ring on the oil filter cover is in good cond tion. Inatall tho spring, now oil iter olamant and cil fikor cover. + Install the element with the “QUT SIDE" mark facing out. + Install the al fiter cover aligning the tabs on the filter cover and right crankcase cover. Tighten the cover bo'ts, TORQUE: 9 Nom (0.9 kgm, 7 Ft 1b) Pour in the recommenced oll (page 2-3) to the upper level on the filter cap/dipstick OIL PIPE INSPECTION Inspect tha oil pipes for damage, bends or eloging and replace if nocassary. Refer to the following page for oll pipe replacement. — Oil pass pine (pane 6-3) Oil outiet pipe (page 6-4. 5) — Oil info: hose [page 5-4, 6) OIL STRAINER SCREEN CLEANING Nore ‘with ol. + Perform this maincenance before filing the engi Femove the right crankcase cover (page 8-3) Femove the ol strainer and clesn it. Install and secure the cil strainer with a bolt. Install the right crenkease cover (nage 8-9) Fill the srankeago with the recommended oil (page 2-1), (2) OIL FILTER ae "| outs oft PN wore 4 | * iso ten cane (7) SPRING 2-4 _— _ ai ane LUBRICATION OIL STRAINER NUT i Bits 5 VSI BRAN BOLT 4 NOTE Zs © Clean ihe screen on the il strainer nut beFore filing tha frame oll tank with ol Remove the oil drain bolt on the frame down tube to drain the oil, Remove the skid plate Ipage 6.2) Loosen the oil joint rut and disconnect the hose from the oil sttainer nut Remove the oi strainer nut from the frame dovin tube. Clean the screen on the ol strainer nut in solvent and blow dry with compressed cir Chock thet the O.ring ie in good condition. Reinstall and tighten the oil strainer nut. TORQUE: 40 Nem (4.0 kg-m, 29 ft-lb) Connset the oll hose and secure it with the mute TORQUE: 40 N-m (4.0 kg-m, 29 fb) \ Reinscal the skid plate (nage 5-5) (2) OIL STRAINER NUT 42) O-RING Fill tho oil tank 10 tho upper lovel with the roeammended oil (page 2-1) OIL PUMP REMOVAL Femave the following: = clutch Ipage 8-2 = oll pump driven gear = orifice and O-ring Fomove the Following: = bolt, nut and oil pipe = oil pump atiaching bots and oll pump LUBRICATION CHECK VALVE (1) COTTER PIN Remove the cotter pin, valve retainer, spring and check valve from the check valve housing Discard the removed cotter pin Inspect the valve and valve bore for scoring or contamination, (1) CAP Clean or replace as necessary. 2} VALVE, Install the check valve, spring and valve retainer into the check valve Pousing, and secure them with a new cotter pin. * (2) VALVE RETAINER (8) SPRING (4) COTTER Pin DISASSEMBLY 11) SCREWS: Remove the oil pump screws. Romove tho following from the oll purnp bocy. |1) COVER A i (2) UTES ROTOR A =0il pump cover A 2 —Duter rotor A —Inner rotor A, 2-6 —— LUBRICATION Remove the following: =Hock pin thrust washer ‘Separate the cil pum body from the cil pump cover 8. Remove the following from the caver 8. =Dil pump shaft and lock pin “inner rotor B Outer rotor 8 INSPECTION Measure the tip clearance between the inner and outer rotor As. SERVICE LIMIT: 0.20 mm (0.008 in} Measure the ol pump body. rance bo!woen the outer rotor A and the SERVICE LIMIT: 0.26 mm (0.010 in} (1) LOCK PIN (1) PUMP BODY 2) SHAFT (21 WASHER LUBRICATION Wipe oll from the rotors and put a place of plastigauge across, (IP PLASTIGAUGE them as shown, Install the oil pump cover A and tighten the ol pump screws. Remove the oll pump cover A and measure the width of the Plastigauge. ‘The wildest thickness determines the pump end clearence, SERVICE LIMIT: 0.12 mm (0.005 in). Measure the tip clearance betwoan the inner anc outer rotor Bs with the pump shaft installed. SERVICE LIMIT: 0.20 mm (0.008 in) LUBRICATION Measure tho cloarance betwoen ths outer roter Band the pump B body. SERVICE LIMIT: 25 mm (0.010 in} Measure the end clearance of pump B. | SERVICE LIMIT: 0.12 mm (0,005 in} AFTER "38: re Rerlace the ail sais they show any signe of wear or dom: 51.1 mm stone the Y vee 40.020—0.043 int se nore + When removing the oil seal, note which surlace of the ol | seal faces out. Install new cll seals into the noles squarely in the specified depth from the outer surfaces as shown. ) SPECIFIED DEPTHS: 0.5— 1.1 mm (0.020—0.043 inp (2) 01 SEALS O.5—1.1mm (1) PuMe BODY (9.920. 0.043 in} LUBRICATION ASSEMBLY (1) Dowel PIN (SHORT) (2) DOWEL PIN (LONG) (6) CHECK VALVE 43) PUMP SHAFT (7) SPRING Bey (e) THRUST WASHER (6) VALVE RETAINER o wocorren PN \é Va, \ \C. (10h gure a | {21 LOCK PINS. 4177 INNER. ROTOR A (13) OL PUMP RoDY (14) INNER (1g/ouTER ROTOR "ROTOR B (16) PUMP COVER B AFTER '88: (7) PUMP COVER A (2) OUTER ROTOR B Jn) Pum COVER B “vy 18) CHECK VALVE (10) SEALS d » LUBRICATION Install :ho outer rotor Bin the oil pump cover B with the punch mark on the rotor facing insiae. CAUTION ‘Before installation, poor the clean engine oil inio the oil pass hole in the oil pump body B until the oll flows out of the ofl ‘pass hole in the check valve housing side as turning che pump shaft. Instal the inner rotor B in tie pump cover B. Insert the lock pin through the oll pump shaft, and insert the shaft through the inner rotor ard pump cover with the lock pin algrod with the groove in the inner rotor. Install the oil pump body onto the pump cover B. Insert the dowel pins through the pump body end pump cover 8 Install the thrust washer onto the pump sheft Insert the lock pin through the hole in the shat. Install the innerrotor A onto the sheft, aligning its groove with tha lock pin. Install the outer rotor A with the punch mark on the rotor faced outside, Intell the pump cover A onto the pump body. (1) PUNCH MARK (1) PUMP BODY (2) SHAFT (1) INNER (2) LOCK PIN LUBRICATION Tighten the oil pump screws securely. _——— (1) SCREWS AFTER ‘88: CAUTION + Before installation, pour the clean engine oi into the oil pass hole in the oil pump body B until the off flows our of the oil (pass hole in the cheek valve housing side as turning the pump shaft counierclockwis. INSTALLATION Install the orifice with @ now O-ring into the right crankcase Install the oil pump onte the right erankease. Tighten the two oil pump bolts loosely Apply elaan sngine oll to now O-rings Install the oll pipe with the new O-rings, ‘Tighten the oil pipe nut and oil pump bolts eecurely. Apply clean engine oll ta new O-ring, Install the orifice with the new O-ring Install the oil pump driven gear onto the oll pump sheft. Inetall the following: clutch ipege 8-9) right crankcase cover (page 8-9) Fill the engine with the recommended aii (page 2-3) AFTER ‘o3: After ints lation, support the motorcycle upright on firm, level ground ard start the engine and let it idle ‘or a minut, Loosen the oil pipe bolt on the right erankcate cover (page 8-10) and choak that the oll flows aur. Tighten the oil pipe bolt. TORQUE: 12 Nem (1.2 ko-m, 9 ft-lb) 2-13 LUBRICATION LUBRICATION POINTS Unless otherwise specified, use general purpose grease. Apply oil or groase to any other sliding surfeces not shown here. CONTROL CABLE LUBRICATION Periodically disconnect the throttle ard clutch cables at their ‘upper ends, Clean the cable end mount in the throtte and clutch lever, then ollthe cable ends and reinstall. Iris not nec: essary to oll the cables; if a cable begins to bind, it must be re- placed "BB: SHOWN, AFTER '88: Similar tas SHOCK ABSORBER a UPPER MOUNT BUSHING \ SAF @ 8008 # 80 | GEAR OIL DRIVE CHAIN BRAKE CAM. Wneet aeadics DUST SEALS SHOCK ARM PIVOT NEEDLE BEARINGS; SHOCK LINK PIVOT NEEDLE BEARING; DUST SEAL COLLARS SIDE STAND Pivot ERAKE PEDAL PIVOT WHEEL BEARING Grease new wheel bearings and dust seals before installa- tion. Do rot reinstall used wheel boaringe or coal. Note ‘Some sources of MoS: paste grease with 40% or more molybdenum are + Molykote® G-n Paste manufactured by Dow Corning, USA. + Honda Maly 45 (U.S.A. only) + Rocol ASP manufactured by Rocol Limited, UK. + Recol Paste manufactured by Sumico Lubricant, Japan, Any other manufacturer's paste grease equivalent to the above may also be used. THROTTLE GRP BRAKE/CLUTCH LEVER PIVOT BOLTS Say 7 STEERING HEAD 27 BEARINGS/DUST SEAL S. SPEEDOMETER GEAR/ = DUST SEAL SWING ARM PIVOT/DUST SEALS/COLLAR NEEDLE BEARINGS

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