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- the ratios of sine and cos with using a unit circle can make a sin and cosine function
-both sine and cosine have wave like features

Both have a maximum of 1 and have a minimum of 1

Ex A ferries wheel has a radius of 15m and makes 1 rotation every 40 seconds the ferries sits 2m above
the ground.

A) Create a table showing values for 2 rotations

X( in secs) Y( in M)
0 2
10 17
20 32
30 17
40 2

EX ) 5.3 ) y=10cos [4(x+360)]+3

state all tans for transformations
(V.T = up by a factor of 3 , phase
shift is -360 , V.E by a factor of
10 and H.C by a factor of 4

60 32
70 2
B) Make a graph to represent this

C) Find period and amplitude

P=40secs because 1 rotation is 40secs A=32 +2 /2

A= 17
sine and cosine graphs can be transformed by using A,K,D and c
A= vertical stretch or compression
K= horizontal compression or stretch
D= phase shift
C= vertical shift

Y= A angle [k(x-d)]+c
Collecting&Modelling Data

What this section covers is the ability for the student to graph sinusoidal functions given
the equation. As well as the student must know how to determine the amplitude, the
phase shift, the period, and the vertical shift of any sinusoidal function. Also to be able to
predict any changes in the function.
The height, h, In meters, above the ground of a rider on a ferris wheel after, t seconds can
be modeled by the sine function:
h(t)= 20sin[5(t-40)]+13
a) Determine the maximum and the minimum
In the equation the amplitude is 20, while the vertical shift is 13, therefore
The maximum= 20+13= 33,
Minimum= -20+13= 7
b) Determine the height of the rider after 40’s.
So (40) is subbed into the position of ”t” in the equation.
Therefore, the height of the rider after 40’s is 14.74m.
c)Time required for the Ferris wheel to complete one cycle
As seen in the equation k=5Therefore the period = 360/k
k=5, sub into the equation
Therefore, the time required for the Ferris wheel to complete one cycle is 72s.
Sinusoidal Function to Model Phenomena
General Equation Format:
g(x)= aSin(k(x-d)+c
A= Amplitude, C= Equation of the axis.
How to fund: K
K= 360/Period
Therefore, Period= 360/K or K=360/P
How to find: d
To find “d” you must estimate the required horizontal shift compared with the graph of the
Sine or Cosine Graph.
Hint: If the graph begins with a Maximum value, it would be easier if the graph was a
Cosine graph.

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