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11 The Nicholls Worth

Bookstore and students find solutions to high prices

By Katie O’Hara most students do not even look in
Staff Writer the bookstore.
Samuel Benoit, biology sopho-
“The one book that I needed for more from Franklin, said that he
English, the bookstore was out does not use the bookstore “ex-
of,” Tammy Lopinto, psychol- cept to get the ISBN number.”
ogy sophomore from LaPlace, Angelle Caillouet, bookstore
said. This is a common complaint manager, said that the book-
among many of Nicholls’ stu- store receives the books marked
dents as they begin each semes- with their contract prices, which
ter. makes them more expensive
Most students, like Lopinto, “We are a brick and mortar
use other sources to buy their company,” Caillouet said, “and
books, such as there are other expenses factored
Because of the price difference, in with the prices.”

photo by Tressa Lafont

Kalon Johnson, computer information systems junior from Thibodaux, helps Kyle Hebert, freshman from Raceland,
find a textbook on Monday at the Bookstore.

The bookstore’s expenses in- the bookstore began renting initial wave of students that rent-
clude the cost of the building and books to students in fall 2010. ed textbooks in the fall dropped
operating it. However, only 33 percent of their
In response to the complaints, stock is available for rent. The see TEXTBOOKS page 6

photo by Tressa Lafont

Cassi Coleman, freshman from Morgan City, and Mallory Theriot, dietetics
senior from Metairie, wait in line at the Bookstore on Monday.

525 St. Mary Street

Thibodaux, LA 70301





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