861-031MANE Version 28

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Nitrogen Charge Level- Setpoint (in PSIG) that the transducer must reach during Nitrogen charge or a
fault will be triggered.

Nitrogen Charge Watchdog- Length of time allowable for transducer to reach Nitrogen charge level.

Pressure Stabilization Time- Length of dwell after nitrogen charge valve closes until Pressure Decay test

Leak Test Time- Length of dwell during which the pressure drop is observed in the part.

Reject Level- Amount of pressure drop allowed during Pressure Decay test.

Low N2 Diff Charge Level- Amount of pressure drop (in PSIG) (from Nitrogen charge level) allowable
@ any time during testing or test is failed.

Vent Watchdog- Length of time allowable for part to vent to (vent level setting, in PSIG)
before Helium charge.

Vent Level- Pressure (in PSIG) that system must vent to before initiating Evac. This is
set above atmosphere, since pump can handle some pressure and venting to
"zero" would take too long & produce false rejects. Note that delay to Evac
also allows for added venting.

Helium Charge Level- Setpoint (in PSIG) that the transducer must reach during Helium charge or
a fault condition will occur.

Helium Charge Watchdog- Length of time allowable for transducer to reach Helium charge level.

Sniff Test Time- Set length of time from attaining full helium charge until the automatic
venting of helium to allow for sniffing part.

Low Helium Charge Diff.- Amount of pressure drop (in PSIG) from Helium charge level allowable @
any time during testing, or test is failed.

861-018 Rev. E 26

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