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·~·'Ill olO'bJ I



Ma,plTraii Signs and Symbols

S .. h tfD~·· - ,. - It W - ·d·· t E·" 1-556" 2··'2·J

panls,- I ,owslng' _ DO 'Cll-, -' .. C..·l .. ~ ;O~I.~""I.".i'iO.'"o;",.liO.' •• '".~'.'''.~.'''''.''~ •• '''' •• '''.'''.~~iO" •••• "iO."~";; •• ".""'" ... ,.,, - .

ULe·· tt _ ... 'f' - d - A' bb aV1·I-t'i'ftC! '-c n M' a- ps- ".lit

.- - ers an' .. ~'I' lr~ .- a I,O"'1i:J 0 .... -_ - c ,.,.,"' .. lu ...... ;;, ......... "".I! ... ~ .. ' .. liO.I.,.' ..... ,. ........ , ••• '" .. "" ..... ' .... ' ....... " .. "' ... ~'.~' ••• , ... '~'~;ol~

'Sh,l,dow' and Sun Slip !O~~;; .. , .. " " ' '."., ..-."' "' ,"' 'i,"Ii .. .,.,,,,",,,,,,, ., .. , .. ,.-,. ,.,-., ~.'" .. , " u',. .. ~ .. , " .. , "."OliO' •• '.' ' .. '.'1. 41

M· .. ' ~. T' ... :1 M· ·k· . '". Cal' "£- OJ _ Ari--c .' ''1''1- .... s: M·~'" - . 46'

,eXlcan _I r~ . < ar_ er,s In,· - _,'1I0mI,a,I" .' zona, .I exas iX , eXlC-O .... u~""., ... " ... ,.. ...... ~'.-.n.... _

'Sign~ff .,. .. ,. .. ,1010''' ,.,. ". O1 iO , .. ~.~~ ~ ,., ' "''' ,.'.' •• ,., ;; ,~., ;;., ,.,.,'",~.~"' ,., ,. '.,~'.,". ~,~ ·ii." ,.,. ~ .. " .'. ,63,



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~ .o7/'O'p1 /f? J /

The' very best that a treasure hunter Ilo,st mine huneer can ever hope for is tha't his Information is correct and accurate and that hismineltJlea&ure actually dld: exist at onetime. Then" the' only unknown fa/ctar' is di,d :someo'ne alre,ad y find ilt~ and deal

• th- '''t- ..' U·· ",

WI ,I qUle y.,.,

The next" and all important factor is 'Ithe hunter's knowledge/und,er,standing: o,f' signs, symbols, trail markers, trail sip, and codes used Din maps and in. ,the field, Treasure "story" lYriters have misled tbe hunter for' many many decades". One writer must have surely copied from another and never did research Ion his own to our detriment. For example; "The bidden treasure is hidden in, a covered mine tWOI (2) leagues sou thwest of ?CUI. 'The Mi ter goos, on to tell us that a leaguewas between three (3) and thr'ee and one h,aU' (3 1/2) miles 'in distance .. That is true for a nautical (ocean) league but not on, land, ,A, s,tahlte (land) league was 2.1:8 miles, Withou.,t question, many hunters must have spent years, searching w,ell beyond their true area of Interest - due to the' story write'rs., See p,ag'es on measurements and try a,B:am, it's, cleser than yu,u thou,gh:L

B~ginningin 1'974"1 beganmaJdng' co'ntact bo,th directly and indirectly Yiith arcbivlsts and sub al'cruvis,ts in Prance, Spain and 'the V'atic'an~ Mexi,c·Q City's a rich i,ves, we're ,co,mpl1e'te,ly ",off limi~, however "arrangements" were made through '. minist-er of th,e navy and. I deve,loped. an outstandlng "source", Beginn'ing 'in 1978 'I began '~e'a!ivingnotificatio,I1S of "fin,dings," .fr-om various archl ves, Not having seen the "'inform,alien" available, I would guess, at a value and make an offer for eopies, We have rleeeivedmany copies of',hidden b'eas,ures and mines, 'both inmap form and hand written documents .. Unfo'rtunately, the m~jo,rity, by far, donot show or indicate the sta~" area, or even the country to which it refers,

In 1983, a le'tte'r arrived stating that 1 ~6 pages had been found relating 'to the King of' Spain's, 'rules and regulations on mining and e'xpl.orati,on In th.e .n.ew world .. Included were thirty-foIUl' pag'€!S of coded signs. and symbols to be used, ,in documents and en maps and their'meanings. Also Included were' drawings of trail markers that Spai'n required to be CCn5tru,ctect "under pain of 'Spain", along all treasura/rnine trails" The homeward bound, or"~y;a1 Trail" out, had the m.ostre'laborate monuments and markers because a," colume, the 'King',! fiJteen, totw-enty pe'r,cent would be taken o'U't along this, '''royal'' trail and, 'DO, 'tr,ail,errOls, w'ould be' tol'erated.. This, trail '1\a.d 'to be taken" :if canyin,g the Kings, ,share of' valuables, any trail into' th,e lit,e was allo,wed by Spain.

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Introduction <continued)'

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Toward the end of the 150t)i"s" New Mexico was colonized by the' Spanish under it's first Governor Juan de Onate, Onate established San Gabri,el as the first capital of New M,exi,co, but it. failed to prosper, Spain replaced Onate with, Pedro de Peralta 'who then established Santa, Fe as the' capital. It was here in Santa Fe that the palace of governors was completed in 1609'. This palace 'was to govern Northern Mexico, Adjoining, the' Palace of Governors, the' San Miguel Cathedral 'was constructed and in operation in 1636~

This, was the central point for the' church not only in seeking converts, but to help solve the major problems developing in the' palace of governors. It seems that the chrfstianized miners rebelled if ,they did not have a fray /padre 'them to hear


their last confession or give them the last rites at the distant mining operation (and

there were many deaths), So, i,t worked good for both Spain and the' church,

The' church was able' to spread the word in new and distant areas of n'ew mining and exploration being done' by Spain, and the "'religious" mans presence gave "calm and confidence' to, the' mining/,expl!o,ration gr,QU,PS, that had begun to rebel more frequently .. In this manner of cooperation, the church and Spain worked hand in, hand and assisted each other in their separate goals,

The Palace was the headquarters of' ,Spain',!; enforcement of the Kings rules and regulations in today"s Northern M,exico:, C'alifomia.. Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, New ,Mexilco, Nev,ad,l" Louis,ian~, Kentucky, etc. 'The' major part of today's Mexico Itself W,2S, governed out of Mexico, aty. Mining and exploration activities were' the' primary duties o.f the Pala,ce:, collecting from the' haciendas" miners and religious the King's 1.5 to 20% and seeing to transport back to Spain, teaching' each Hacienda the codes and symbols to use on. treasure maps, the monuments and their meaning and how to' construct to-and-from the mine or hidden treasure, They taught and furnished two walkers land compess/mep-makers to each mining

h . d A' f- • bH hm th ld f' , ~ h aminl f -

acienc a, / 'ter mme esta~_'JS, nent t" ,ey WOU_I, i urmsr a .muumum 0, 'M'o'mO'DU-

merit maker supervisors to mark. the trail. Thereafter, upon the Palace's receipt of the m,ap,s (both treasure and trail) it would send it's own group to follow the hacienda's maps 'to. the minesite and. report back, 'to the Palace on, the precision of trail monuments and the coded treasuremap, Th,en,. 'the' Palace sent copies of 'the maps to 'the King of Spain, the Palace in Mexic'o City and retained one. The' maps were to insure that if a disaster befell the miners or the hadenda, Spain could again find the mine and the King would not lose his, percent,a,ge.,


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Introduction C,CJonHnued',


The' Vatican archives may well contain more records than Spain, o,f Spain's exploration and muung activities in the new world for the foUowing reasons: 1. Spain's archives had numerous disasters floods and fires, 2. Spain's files have never been organized, ie': bundles of documents dated 1682, to,168S will eon tam letters etc, dated mid 1.700'5. 3. The "religious" a,ppointedto the mining ,groups was, of course, one' ,DE the higber' educated in the group and frequently would assist or' be thecoded rna p-maker ~ In either case', a, copym:igh"t ,easily find i:,ts; way to Rome. Little, however, would have come from the ,Jesuits 'who, during those days kept most 10'£ their informationto their own "society" (The' Socle"ty of' Jesus uS.,J.,")

Maps are fun of religious signs, symbols and symbolism and for good reason, The only two things ""going;" in. this, new world was mining I exploration and "religion". Every Spaniard and M.e'xican. in addition to, the "religious", tried to convert souls and! knew l'he' Bible and church teaching very well. Therefore', as an example, the number 1'7" o:n a map or along the trail s,ays: Here is a campsite" an ove'might resting place, taken from the Bible ,1,'1 n and on the 7th day He, rested", Also.jhe symbol lor number 1 iSI ,I,· "dar" or sond (filledl in) ,drde~ These symbols for the number one' (1) are' also, the symbols for watler/ springs, and again is, derived from the B,ible" "on thefirs,t day God created 'water".

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S,IL vmt Constantly De, OR me almlor the ~~sWfide weed~. b' IlbriY'ti; amd smvives, 'only andexclusi"ely wb$;e !j,ulfides percolate up ~D the :s-udace. &;munimes a ""patch"'" or ~artine of ,sUlJide w,eed will1be fmmdmeanderinz down. a,biUside overafauitline'Df"V,am. - -'ote; 'nu!r,earesWfidescllmrlthan ""sll,verrsulfides" butil'"s

,sure wartb IclItedtinl~

FAULTS AND,'VElNS: Me not ,always in_dicated by to:p.ap,aphic was;bes atlid • depftiSiWR Jines. 'Fa:ults u_suaDy accmn'Ula:te and. store, :fM more 'mmsrure;lwate:f Owl. the. S1il!fiOUfldinl Mea. Ther~~ beeS, ... '~guarm~ el1:en bntSA.. if ovet or adjoiDing. will beofgieatn5ize,,~as those along at wa:sh,'aT.5tr,liia,marela1iger. Look 1m a tmil Dr poupmg of N(att@" ,m:' lar,ger growth.

'S,P ANlSH MJNEAREA: LoQkfor a D,me:narea(as related to the sumJwu1mg,iU"W that is remal~,vely "H~t"/. This: could be a "'pationw:h:ere the :minersused! ''M:ercwY.l' '~I:m d1e. 156Ws) fel 'l'e'COy,er ,kom, lOlW"pde ,are" The Mer,C;U"f comph~tely l.iMs ,PJ,wthand ,.o:stu.nts·' powth aI",mmd 81e aD!a. N'ote:Sometimes,bet!rtld:. il!l few iee,t below' the surface or a ~~~ deposit "WiU be the mLl:SeS of a !buren.ea.

:S:PANIS,H ADVISE; In the 156lYs and, j1{Q's Spain nmde man,y dlrawinp and woodruts depicting ~ow to"" develop mines,., shorin:g, air ventst etc. AlsaJ' they i$:mm a list of advice m'prosptnms/explorers 'on what t,o give special attenu'rn:t kl in seard:tin;g. H~er,e ,are a, few: 1. Searm whse thehil!ls/mtns. are dle' most .mgg'ld alQn;g 'theskylliile. 2" Give. wry' spedal attention. to a haM leagu.s radius U mile') of aU "'springs!" (fia,wts) 3" took for areas of' 1~'D\1'~ ~i lUgh in 'the DlOun:talru:. 4~ too' for areas co,ior«i "Qrang~h or '1i,ght p;eert" or '-'burned our' in ,00101".

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The majority of ,all 'tr@aSuN/ mine map symbOls are deriv.ed hom 'the Bibte. Batity Ion, Ithe Jewisb people- used ,old tm~ent sips, symbOls, and re:fefence$,10 :bide meamnp, from m 'oppressor. Th,e 81l"Jy dumh did the .same and developed more thro,m.ghOl1t the Je'ax&" "~ReUgiQU5r"-JlIUDWmL~we_re 'UU!'piJCesfdi-arp-:nmkeIs, aDd at' times, llbeyw'QIwd. design tliIe ~ of' a "1reasme map,q or rudd.en .mmebefore' the,mine was even disW"lemd er the bieas'lJlJie lrlddeli!,I~' and DLem.latm:' il.mal:e tbe mineltr.~e fit die '!:laded, map.

Numerous maps 'will hav,eadrawingof'''Mathew~MM~ Luke,orJo)m;'s" wOt'lK,m'" symbo'~. The oommon Dnes, are:

A "Mim. m'th W,~ rep:msents l'~fu!:W"r A "'Winged Lim" represents "'Mark'"

A "Winged IOxm or CaJJ"r.epresenm ~~

ThI' I~le'" mpresmtls 'john· _ " ll. ~ t' A" ';; ,.1 ~ 1\ ..,

A~ If the ~ymbo!, is: near b¥,O 'to four numbem, it mmtts'100'k to, the Bi);:!e .• 'O$io,1 'ti1ie t'wO 'm four l11!mbIHs bJ, find the Idlap., and lb,e verse of ihe Fspel :wrintm by fha.t figme" that will ,tell you the',d~ outanator'whal, yoo need ·to'know ..

B. Many times, if one Gflthese symbols are' at 'the top,; botklmOl' afi1cthe side of 'the map, it is sayingt'hat d1ds, ~ot is lite map-makers pafrotB or that the ."guroe is: the patron: of the ma:~elS rnelipQus Drder.

C~ The one ~bOl 'that wu most lcommonly used, aD. nmrps;here bt the -u.s. _d m. Mmoo w,lUi, the' "1iagle"', '1i0tmn. Also,ltwas 'Ehemdy-symoo'1 mat.mi.,t be, found. at the :miD:e/-tNtiltte, site because' it tells a story within. itself and gi.Vei directi~ if you :find a ei)gmf:'! 1mrveD.;r lor ~pl~, 'mri. a large boulder, stalldl facing the eagle, look slig~tl, left Qfifswing 'tip, the one to ,oUllett, then loot up" 14r:awmg a mental line ~biI or w1tefever that direction leads" for thatis whem the trleaswe may;. ,or maybe ,along that line yeu wm ,find a final marker~ Th,erellgiousmearniltg,oomresfrom the'Crulonmtion" 101m" uHmownstandin,g;

.. "li-lI..L ·rt:...~l,-,r: "~e- _.....",.,. '11' ,,1:.. "" 11.,,&- -f t"!'JL .. b~,'lI' ~'" "L._ -.. dl Ii._:: "..1., IilI. -

.11. 'U l ,U.IUl -UI, UIII .... """""',' JIo ',"ll.l", .~ ... c iD, .I'WUil. _, 'Ult:' IfIOSS an up ,IIU&~ OD, 'U)il! ,C::E'DSS

is JeslllSl' hilh Oll.JOM,"$, ldt. Thus;: ~re on J'oJm's left ,and up ru,gJteris, Om


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ntreasur-e" (Jesus)" '1hi! double meamng andmessalF IQf,the ,eagle shuuild be quite dear to Ii l_~e¥er" mlId of no meaning to a lisn":beJieve!' Itrymg tD, m1erpmt a coded map.

ICeep' in. mindl'lbat in gQlllel'al;, tRl!' ,dturdt.lheillreUg;ioust' anli the5ibUcaJ ,sd\1(1:1am, that assisted ln, desig.m.g!,codimg of maps~ did so' bemuse 'Il'er were ,,",eU 'vemea ,m symbolism ,err,. Ml.d were requested to,assi5t by mine ,ownemDS well as Spain. Itdges: 'notmearn OJ: mfled in ,any 'way mal they 01 the i~churdt° hlild any ownership in 'the map mine or treasure, - but", quimt salbe?


... .


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C' ,

, ,


lPllhepil'Sl ~1'5''Wi'!M'''eseen five ~ 'ouroflM ivewe_resln1d'Jav!tO ~ ,a.bololie ske-ttb. The fiitth was a (oRV;erted iI1a~ AI th~ Glve Shrine~, by 6rod~t. wefoundJ tiwGn'lea lw.tcanopyTOC.ks. 1liley were about 1 112 ~ thidk and tl~ rto,m, It illChes to 14 mdtes wtlh. They were "red"

O:Ies:nafliteJ'. probably used! f011" 'it." bOOJlillty, am ~,g1\ed about Men~ JOOuruls;::_m

'Every :mme had at shrine naar the IDlmt:5 entJ'anoe. Iv,en a small. two, to five' 'OWl operation had a 'll~by ~~pja:ce'" toT ddy 'prayera, 'Du!!' s'hrine 'usu.ru1y oonl~ a simple C[,(lS~ .. Dr for iii large mine it esuld ammm as weill as a cross" a stahle. lVfine wQrk was, d~,crus ·and it prayer said at the shrirte before Mmring the mine and again upon leavw,s to say a pmyter ofthmLb:givin,g was ,i daily rcn:~tiDe.

~Subj'oct to the ~I tfte :shriJ1e \lan.ed. If muld be' Ii.narrow apaQe behveen large rocks, ef a caw mR'vmted to the '"flays/friar"sL7 daytime "'~casaT', which the mlllem prsfmed ~u:se'lhe:n 'tOe,Padlewouldbe'quicldy a'VaiJalb!e'~o 3l1:yinjuf,l!!d,iUldhemtheir las tWOrrds Won! dying. Spain:"s"law req,wreti IIh,e sbrin.e 10 'be 'Within 200 y,aras {\;valking/~}diers) of the mine's eQtr.:mm.

A ,$'hrine was usually 3 to 5 feet 'wide .. oolyI '~O 2 1/2 feet deep ,and 4 to 6 fee hi,gh. the top of the ~hmte was always ctuVed. FrequJmtly a canopy was set along the radius of' the cunre·a:nd projected out from the wall about 10 mrlt2St made eilther o:f wood 'Of s,tone. HfOlil find holes have been drilled aionglhe 'fOp'(alIVe) of it pas,sible

shrine, then YOlU know' for sure, -

the miners f~emoved the 'caft'opy pieces a.nd the 'a,05s,f5tame tUltil.hid 'them nearby 'when departinl for a period Gf tilne. Thelail.emmg·,areal, mat be as: large !IS tw,enty ,~eet square.















The :bugesl:sipl symbol, Rumbeel',. wovd 'm' fiJlDe on. a map ii mud)" ·the ~)f' ·m cl~'clue" toO th:4! code of tJte:map o,rthe map make .• alert to~y letters 'in ,awtnd malt is $omewhal!aJ'ge.r, or swaUer, fhan ihe other le~ in the wurd. 'QI .patest bnpo,tt:anoe is to ,dt-ecl:: eve-q letter' '"'AN' kJ;gel!, if iWs ,aiOSS ba't .isamJled. 'The :1etl:eJ' "''A'' is a Sp,m:ish w.ord and.meMlS! "Go"'b} - ,at II See· tfCOOed tettel'/Docmnents m) Trea5w:-e~'~1

M'e::ciws ~,&des(' were p:rgtty mtu:b.tRi! same iiJS {he Spanish 1Withminor clBrtrges. 'Th~ were wmpilOO in. l·W ,and dnriDg; Memoo"s 26 y.earre.ip. QVer wlD<t'j$ nQ'W thl!' United5!ate~. M,oo£o w3snot.ablememoreemanyminm..Srnles. MostMQx-imn mining .families or Hadendas used the (lold~f rodes WIld either added Q[ Ithan:gOO. a

few fo·r li£amilyonlY' undmstandmg. .

Keep· in mind ·~t the "Sputish em Sp~) had boon ~QfI,queretl, by ll«mwand inulldaf!edll;lythe'Mool'S'" 00 bath Romm and mabie" influenees"writinl,wordls andllJ!um.heT:5, were wei kno¥R1land. mmmoD:Y'usedj or .mtuC'hanpd. by 1M Sp.:mi!5h on ma.pBi! .1e'fte:m 3!li!Q dorumel'l:ts ..

No marb, sisru or '1nldlcala~~' will ever be toUIlJd ICliMcUy over or IIOD. the ~p or' .81.£'flttanm or trea!iUrl!. Thisw.1S a mrdbtal ruki; 6f the SpUtish and cWttinue(J. b1y.Mexicans, llotthe~lj.lhrestcQ'1' Sfftallestmatt was allowed at 'the Dild,Ndm,gspot I,OCIlU8e;,of'tms ],8iW,. "iItrim:vgles~r ·w, tihe favOrite ma:rRwsOlfllhe Spanish and were' oonsbucted ncmm; mine lmeasure100atioRS", to· be_w;e:d. as tlhec "base" .tor ,exaclmeMu_r-· ing ~o ·this mme/llie~u:re.

If 1Oc11 ~ that yQu. ''know' what area 'the map describes Of Idepicts" yet the ropggmphy ... t d.oes flot.~ to fit flip' u.pside' ·d.own" '"Mrtb" may be ~~southn ~ samemnes'i fjIRlIo"~' ID_ilY Be<tOe a riv.· oot'i[ .seasolil,at stream orwdb or p~J.Lt the'map up to a .minDJ ~ftd view it. Minor Iwat€r~m:a:gemaps wen!:leommon" if ~t1t Ilhe full m-ap'~ tlrtm. a pOJ:Don of the MlaiP' oould be mirror iinage~

S~gns,. symbols a!tn;d] n~, were used mom Usn, 011" (re--l1Sed) whenever possibIDe '00 amap 'k), adu(!v·emare ·than o.neme-ammgor messa~.



'Only Ollie: 'of ~~b will! be found ·on iii: 1Jrea~' mIiaIp. The, §Al' Mt,~ ''fh'Is ~ ttle letter "7" repliel!!l$Iting wBibleal "1'iohias"" .. aEi gi'lire!O 21. num'her ,of -~~;

A. 'Y;o-jlJmneybe@ins htK~oopn, .adm:gthb~pat (Ns pillml. EqpD ·al ~ ]jlGMt' mwmclt iIhllliJng; oum (If the' T iS~m~

1l 'Dilsc~p 'Will .• ~ JOUi tD "ri'Q~:.

C Go: will QrIdj. ilO»m~ed il/OO .~~ 'by ~IB ~nan~1!.

I Nole; 'IOO,@ls. i!JI\WJ~1 ill ~b~' ftorld!s~e'to travdl ~~), oow(lU5'GI! hidden.m lll(I!de:,fuilif is .. ·tied"" ·tD' IWs !i!ap~l~

~. ~ymJml WillS ~~, b1" S)mi~n. 1:be rOAI:D1'dt ,and M~ It ,,"~, dmm tfm[Q tkelDfMe: 'Wherein God ~mteiJ: a,gu;lM~ angel,'[o1 TobLe~D'biMiemwi,Ulhim 'lQa.disfB!~ to.rouec1·"~ ~f H5t\1;~ 8awdIy)1 and IW ptOt~ ToWlE hm aD tviJ:b· ~nd aPI~ ~ Bm.m ~.w:I!l\'~ ~ 'CseeBilile)


'fte ~ ~'. ififltendedbill ·~t ~ OIctuaf "acsf"", MUk~'~ dil~bTlli~ OT'lfsimJl~Ii:ned wim De dm:wn_ :Wi~B ill "lim""wjDl, ~c.a11liru!:s. Q9 ~, ~.p5 the S~ and Mmeam 'would 'U!,o€ ~ la:oub]el~,~ju$t3:!l:~,~,ih!'"'1'1)1l~~1~ ~tllm.a:Uite&IIIMe~~rdBiveh¥o~fttSl ~m~5i to b'awel. if :im: ~ ~. tIUs~;. bi'.o 1(2) ~tenumbe:rsW'OWdI:oo"IiOO"lto thl!'~ 1f,8i~

ls. vatircalU1S. " mI, almap:aJM off to the ~d.e or to, of tbmap.\, it' W'ou til ~ oN',of two ~:

A. N~th is:ta ftteOOliQmllf !1liL11!'pge~ 101' .tl.U!:~p~. '~'oJSkingfor ca, b]~I'.

B., It tb;me ,~ .we. ,adjlJl~ing me ~ ~n: .1mimS,. nat.i't is do,wn.,

.' " ~ ~ ina mml!!·.1!~!oni!i1OclC :w;dI:0rbQuldlf!f poml!iw. :the "':biW:te '$:I:Irine'" .i:fanglecL


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D.i6e t'lreles oo~ted wit.hlll U~,~ tMD'I_ ~ wi th adl'deWitbinac:iJd:j!<,{lnine/tl"ea:ftl:re~l) andis,ustmUy. trail map rela~ bJlhe l&;popphyof the l1~a. Each dftl.! tep~md~.IiUIce: The solid ciJ'de - 100 wallJlli1l",~l3s. th! d'Jde..2DJl' ~gV3m and too drcb! the 'dllt·aoo ~ Cjli't~l!'!ii, M9'e ~ allo'"w:oo t(l1Je~. fiOfleapell:lls_~ [P me t cases, ftIe 'Iowe;{ ,now,able rwliillher was used. 1100 ~!f the liliJge "dol'" 01' soHdi d:rdE. This gmupmg 01 symbols, ,never led to the 0t:-J.a: locatiOn. Q' the minel b'etS'llilte~ Only 1:0 Ile .. ~ .. oo5('biydlie' hiCfili!ire/nUmi.

seldom is this shown 101'1 a mapl nt &0 cover dI bases, if's anQ'thet trail, marlcer" ~~ a~,is, beth ,a. map ,O'!.nd an "i;n,ti!e fie- d ". milrbt to' be ieund i,lQl1g th~ !irt!1 P, ;iI nilla!i~,f tEJat''M:6l. uS1:1a1ly adpimn,g:iil 1'IQ)un1:alD W" a .nve:r/stream. It hi: !.lSlllitny a ~ to 600 po,und somewhat "'6ar rode that is supported by four ,or fiw: volleybidl si2ed. nkb wmdlm I:mn sUupin exposed ~ or a, Lvger fta( mcJ:. ~ ~ din. "t:i:1~t'" ~ttIl~s:ho,wbe'twli!Wl.~m~~ sttppolit_ks to make ffit'ili ~ro~"" point. Stallfl on fflplo:f 1:h~'1i'OiCl ,and m\;e,1 QOm~ N!tding.lm!"tfailltill'E!CtiImCUnga at tblspoint or this.oompass mafprmt'lO a hiD Itlmilies awa.y across, the d'~ ~ your- OW1\'tmil lol U13t rutll!.''''

1', symtiOJ loob, mudll l~ the "'tunnel" 'symml. ho:we .. w, looking-dosel Y'>Y,PU 'wiD note' dte 9f.r Of riglU imlle rum '(oot roun..dOO) ofthe"em:ad lines.. Onmaps l:hb~yrnOOl1l5lliJmlyaajowaJrouJttainorwijlbeal,the t0p. b!fi:lmmsiOIQl'ml'll'letofw1'MP indica:ring "",hi. rWmpil'ss, dimt;tiQJ11 thg ':~nni;lcr~ h~i wiU _!e' 'fo!.UKil .• ~ 10 the mountillinormowllain 'nU:sSime ~~J or ndge1me "R01rh" WIIlW be found ''at'' iM a:~l doorYilt)', 01" trail ell b;mce. The' lower ~!I., wi. a ~1I"'Ied~terboutder., wli:l:dt Iook&,~dl ~]kglli .~nt·"'~ng .~_p&'1'Nrys,: 1b.ellemE!: WO tnJi1$.roae' on.~l:h side ~f -lihe "notch."

- -

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Thisist_~lM'pll\d~inWliddlwBma.*u~ It ~ lDif~~,::JiIdl marb tJlg ~i1 iIn~ the mine/IRa~.IDP'U: Ihe '1!miII. Dl!I t. O.f mmewaRii. 'When dti:sisigni$ kI~ :~* rail ~US ~y c ryed 'OJII'B mr:pbouNe1" 'Dr hiDsidie a.~fhe \tinilland is llO'l1naDy aiboLn c,pt tol~e.I\1eiftt~ It sUnplyalirmsNlyOu ¥eon the ~g. oiIndl'!:it! ~: me T ,DB d\c' Itft.

---11---1 ---~~

Another -X" (lnlhe· nil. as, :ma rker Ithat tells,'~ to.go ~itft ,a ~oor,md wnre Bli'itmnd .~ttrifig ! Maybe -a hill. :FDlmow t'he mpogmilplly to, 1tJ'm IIm:sign. f,llriMl. 1hls ~ho maymost lb!lybe:Si~8'- IItis~message,hl it isdUfimJI 'lol blow ~'Iru£ D~ l!rot I wollild guess af 'theR~ "'ti:nu". howe\,"eI'~ it could aW:I be .. ~. ~'o.r·d~.


th!!:s!! id_so ,,rmil :~Is, 'for ~!! h"aD;. however-, these areused as both in and oult mil marli<er5s and M!Oi! ~ 'mom on. lhm Spamsb. 1lt£' "cl~~ eDthoflhedWeis :tbediredioFl, ·otm'Vet Oft'bll~ in Ulefiel'd.

aJtU' Ihe '~ wiU be IHIe 'caum~ '0, ~~ "'S~_,~t? IOp;m nid.sfa:o:n,goneaootfl~, This Simply says: "'1lI:is lS

1M trd biJlh: in and OUI"', 6w (Sl.~ls -q the most Icom.mon'lJused::rlp led_~waterbei'I'i,lawi~leorsprinpl)tmatpoint IOa.'l:I:ieimp. 1. A solid dot!ciro'hil'. l. Atoowl ~ped sign.. a.. A ,eu;p sIlapOOl sip. II. A Comd, 5.04 wiggly [;Jpe. whim 'I!lSW:Lly~nts a! sb'ream wi Ilh fYnmtingw,01fD,











. ·Thisw,ood~.t depidstwogel'lUemenmbm-ving two ~Thw-sers,N' diWni.n.g for nm ore ~'bOOies 01:' 'poCkemot gold. The mvim~s 'r:odsue nOMd 'Y'(he IDetter IU A,'" • The ~etwr "1iIr~r,eIa~ to tlte ~pirk~~ 'tl,a,~ was used most of the 35.0 ~. ~at Spam oonliroUeo MexJ'~a,md many loll our ns~~ ,. Divirnin"roas~cmne :ktI.QWn as '~anish N~dJ~·.

MOst:eady dra:t~mgsl and. WlOOdc.1.l'U QfmimIlig;·'wre. dm.wn 'MthsimUarbaagDlWl6 'because they betievled ~hat tnt\! '1~ry rirnesto:res ,and. metals: W'e.:re~to be fbnnd near moumta:in tops-that we.r.@he-aviLy wlooded lal,ge trt!'@5.

'Due to ~s ma.nUKriptooa another 'by V, Birinpcrio l6lnem 15410 ooFl'tah:d:ns German and m' mining knowJedg:@' •. King; Phillp' the soo:Il1Id compiled 5pa;~n~s QWPI. miniln.B 'man U:Scrlpt :r&r IdistribunoIru ·to Spain' smiaeJ'~iViLd explQf~s.The Kift,~ 'was so v'ery airtx:iou:l). to J'mine-miol?..;m_l!ne'''' luIoUignout dte new' wm~dtn,at he hired and '1_impe!l'ted'l Dver SO '~experf# German miners~oSp-aw.m.l s:za~,advise,.Jn 1$36, ('V',eT 1 OD German. ,famili~5 were senl to 'Mexico", ftlus· tbie' Ge:tm'a:tru influence' OD some Spanish I 'M~zdeall .maps"

- - - -- - - - -- -

----- - --- - - - - -- -- - - --

Of utmoS!l:W'iportanee 'to 1m. seiKcl:ter is ~D ~mtte"" as, dose, ,u.possiI:JEe .. the map. Dr d~t .he: lis· ~B~ Then,. ~g~:th:bgi'WS'ithe .... genHal"'·area. of1tbe hid:d~ ltm;~m"e;. he .mt dd~ WM~ lh:e d~tion 'f :npe'tic n~dl! wa.s .Ilha~ areaa~ 'ltM!lt· daee.




'I"h:e ~~ S'WoQrd ,!1!II1d da~ ~ lle:~n!lS( ~()~oru~ ~nmth ind~ca~ on maps, ~ :for ma~4Fa[wn'~ the: "Relj~fJU:S"" .FRqMllUj' 'these :symOO1s~ u:sed iOJ ~unilJp!e'" ~ OOyo1lUl JUt ~c:a&Wng, n.o;I;lh. T!he' ~~~ble .~,~iI1fen~~aJmI1d!d~d!sen si,gm/~15 adjoi~

lf1Ns'~ ~i::I a~:t~"te:;pa.fa ~1t1le:M"al:e~ttbt ~ :~~ukII ·be· ~'!l!Ilpsid(! &~. If lliiSi "'N" '" en ~

I ,d~t"ill:'pni~bly~fS liO,:t1E!f~ II{liRh~!}M wi~·m!l'Ih"; Utd .~~t'" wi~ ·~est'. nus meaning 'i:s b'tdl~1i'!iI :by IhI! aDl¥nW~ S1~on of'~ fii'Y 1me oj th!:. kltmr' ""N"" ~ wll:l~ ~inms. 'ta ~·lM!'(ttnm .of fM J'ii1J!.

~~",i~ is O\e leltfef~'" Mi~3~famowht"ad ~hY ,or O!!"IpUl'" sign ~fta~ed. It is m .... re.v~·, a 'waterl mifr-oi ima~ '{HD1d IDa Wiin:orfar ~ Rl<!:cing~)1 nH ~1 g;, ~.a!i~y 'u:ood to hide Ijl!lrooanB!g:'>oii to "~l,LLJ"iI ~ fro:m In!~eIt: s.f~ of the .map~ oiiooth.Flae-e ;a ~g!ht~ge a!nllg ·Ith~ s$d ""puU" U~· and e.'lC.tu..'Ill1 IllIe ~ihiiUli:a!nu~.'lha!rsth~dUbutal ml~vdII'm@ti'\Ul! MliIlh..


I ~ -
- I

'11ds ~ ~ 1~~1i' "'S"":. re~tffi., "'SQ,uJ!h". N'o~ thaJt Jt 'ruts 'tiW"o ".pn" si~ 'tme puU Sip ~ pAming "3'"' dOEs '~eamEp~D_IiiAJ; h nu~ "1M}, 'The~ppe1 p.ll~ kpuWl1g the ~ri:!t)1 fo!!' flU~ "1"'. 1hi$(lVfrilJJ ~1 :sa~"go&lg,th;5$)j:place!5" NiJ;le<.:: i't~yaddi:tiO-Ni:lly:;ay;: ~t. p1a~ HUlm yaH wil:lfindl iii i:riangJ!ei". (D:u;~ to th~, COfi_:B~Mo~ '!!If I1e: t,Nee !il!ots."

1i1lelilpointd"'!);I1ilI ~ left: ~s,noim!dTy;;ld~o~1 p;mtW'. owd,gi~,omy~R)~ .. ~ lh.:isway~ which iotltis ~. would be rt@t:l:1t. IUfie :po~tef an ~e rigJlt :1:;, ,,..~ ~~ ilnlm' two! ,~ll(ILs f'OiI' the' ~se 'Qf.teiil:in,g thE' ~~.otlb~p oo,l_c\kIsclymrIlHeD<_nd:~~the :fit$l mes~ge b dlIe _me' .as ~ ,t:D'I:l:"ierpoillilti "&0 liilio waY-.N '~nd ~~ depemiS" iUf'Oll! what ~thw ~l~/!.ips~pm this PcMt~.

DIe poiMN 0'f'~ diJ\~tma1 Sip ~s~~ from the 5.0:, IMICa~ '"'II:Wo"'h\@'S&lp!. '!'he!1.f has aft add'edlllile,cau'Si~ l~epGb'LrtW torm..llieJ~M>!!f"'N" • 'il'l:te ""~ iII&elf poLJ:!,'I;s:~ w~1:arid .~ lI""IbJeadi~" IN!'

~.r is; ~G" nnrtllrwesf". .

nus ,!li.~r:W ,~m looks mum like 'fh:e abor~fI~ Sip.. k!WeveT.r ~1JiSe rtk@ ~Et letu:'flO'S U:!:e ~~~m;r. it: '$01ys ~~ '0. t:hin;g;:. :F west'". l1ie 's:n!):n l~ne added ,~ like pwruer is II! ''''p.'' $tp wtiLMIs ",pu'll~ni'" 1ihe ~l;()l f~r tie .~ ~". TN!: ~tm;rl.' is "SO west ~ ,la~·.

._------ - ----

----- - - ---- -- ---- -- ----





'Dti.s, p0lnteJ' i9 rIlr .d1~ti.o'U.l s_~,gn lrI':!' ~t;nlwt-~Wre oottl\w;est.1lenll!mmnber "$" a.t I:l1ebGtf®ll)fhS:tWtSiiJ~ lOr fi ... e pl.a~, How'e!i!a'. ,~ote lihe 'tyro, "'cm:ts'" t11!umbef:

O~ mwa1et> ~i are ~~ UNl' witb Iii£! b.1se· Urn:: of Ithe poin'leI':. rt~d:otswue; to Iro,p~t: ""0116," itheywuwd be,~ brtbe~. l'lley K'p[_~t ~.r. ,a, ~r ~se.l't~(!Ijto:~I' and Ilhelil'ue WiU'le5SSF d !be ~,

"'go fii¥ep1a'reSl\ortI\e_~r.. I

~----~------------ --~~~~ _ _J_. ~ ------~--------------~~------~_I

&Dill ~r ~ SJIri.bL'lls _, _ :~r tWng ~n cmri!J.e'lt D1olI~ ~ 11m ~~rW5r. 'OIe~" Ol' .$b:'ifj'ghJt I1n~ ,and T'Qlliltem "'1'i"'iS,ilitwa-., _,MrIIIllIO"i"1!o~' ,liJ(-,y"'·""--~

.11--- . 'iJ'''''';'' . . .JlLH,l'..,: L' D.n: A·

1i'ef~b ... ~,. ~ ,

DIe ".1'" Ol'mund.ed, ~ mp:~usedb,!ma:e'[he'~am ~'to p. 1'ht!lli!js~sM,w:n~~ltraH.!lWesUS-rf ~~: wt',tn~t add~,",. '1hei'""''5~~ gfllhe 5(ltft ~"_

'Tb:iJ, ~1 ,~~ ·IO,.un ten"'. Thrs is j\I: R'Vm t =' ~use cflhe""pWl"'~. A '~.u" srp~JiU'I(!!I:

' .. ~~ iSo. t!h:E d~l:iCl\n 'lO ,p'iSto the.rig~t;., ea'st. If lI:m ptU ~ wu on 'the ~lhb ~dl:!"O\f tlm ""IN" it would ~n "west lW •. N(J:le:'1hf:r,~eis Ite,~l furth:enllll"lhe:r l'WO..

00 ,~A}lS; "'ig:I"Q!Ul~: 14".ne[e:~T n:pt~'u~, ea:5i ad tim .~ ... is, ,~1l'l:L if 'me symbol for the p~ "'''''1E!i:nm to' the ~"" ~~Wra~1d Si:l:ygp~.as11:4~but Ithe ""4';·' ~ool :m ~ lower' pan Qf "'i'" ·@)nvri, ffier ~ IO'oo1il"east~

The'~~""md~'~~~~ w~. TIikisW:es, ~DequenQ.,'i:s'~,~aS~~.n1i"~pa~"hato~ g ~'OIIJ lbe hif"~. Il:'mlnlaP1t~fSi "'West". ,On ~ IlmIlt~'tufn WieSt. 1'hefower'"'w~symboll~:5"Co 5 ~'w&" ~. rtgbt ~ide~,pe;r ,ami! 1DM~~] ~iIS(~f!'becawe'iOf'tM·SJiIfi~ ~:Si~Uy ~r.1I:ys ,11M: ~ ~ '!be mmttOO. If so~ IIiIie 'Ilii~ w.o'llld Sil;y"(;'Or ~·7p:1a~,II' e . brI.lheIQwer.wewtnJld add the "S" ~ "Comt 12p~oe!i:"'.

- -- -

- -- - - --- --





I ,
,'-- 'UPF EItLUT: Are, pzy bi!~ 'Some pry lRrs· ~~ u,'kt,eigh~ f<llimiis in ""mgk! ,md _up to t~~ve a,na 'Que lIa:Jf feet tortg.. 'll~ 'by a ''''feW''' mw, m le,veI:' htlge roa:.s and b!lYld~ Not!:!-lhe "fo~ - Of:!i

pll)'ba;r "C'.

W'£l.1UGHT~ ~p:h:t5tM minef'::i hoe. pi(lit 0Iml'd !.hoyel.

'BELOW~ AR OLe ha~li$a~d1 datt'ble: j:lw, (::;~F '~:n;.'. whidt weighed up ~ twent''y twO' pauild$, The hailllmleT~ ~"', -wa,$: f\edea~~m_l0M5, u:!' ha~e a "-iFo.Tl~ r naiIIf1.ille!i:. m,um lIie' ,tffit~ PII}"

'bM: aoo'ffl.

S~~n di.redoo thall~ Minesoot ~l'1'ked yej'l'fQuiI'IId. foil' w'M:te~ff oov~,and hidd~~!"~~d D'ia'l the WIlI15 ,~OO ~, bl-dd~1:I1 nearll,~ TIklI.5, wtn-: h) be W_dm ~tMly,,I'l:! OJ' 1i.1ip-s~opefmm tlhe: rru.rn£: ~mtm:~lflCe, '~JfIl:QI1!h ~*i D 200'vatas.1'he pmlenred"'" Spal was liie tnidpomt ~nt:he!llUn{! ~u'al'l~ a!itd "pom"., i r ~.ssib~~.

So. ~F .)'Oill h:ilp~iJiI' ~o UI'IOOVeT $Om!: Gf t~ "'old tl:me'TIi". lIiIl!dte ~m.p right I:h~, n 11~ Jdie minel ~Sqfie fII1:~y 00 within Oil !ito~ -UWw.

~"is ~ m,~ f~t ""1Q[d:"', 'the "_~f~ ~QW;, ~;Ia1 bei'ng; sym~:iit:-wth_Iii'''p:d~ :n~. HOiwevet. 1itWo~~d,ome'll!ler~_o:nJ!i Mapord~i

b!i ~:t'~Ll ''',{ltd, .. un_ iltwas·a~ the 01." ~f,f,_ ili$ell

,mTI"'aI pap. T.!wn it wculd 'be ~yiIn.J. "I map 1eads, to

,8nh:lt". w~t it says ·atlmQst ,aJiw;!!Iyt; is "'tI~ is il ca:Q1p!it2. ciI! mlil. FTa-~. pnrnG:ed, and'Wi'th wa ter qarby'", .. 'lib agaln'dem~ .iim.m II:he B~ble. "''-aRdon th.@'~wnthd~ ~ n!Sf(d-"'. n.~k!~g ru-m, o~ the '7" points ,the dir«tio~ Camrnl~ oo-uiid.Ibe!1M1l·i'li'lQJ:e itl!ruain !il_;darf'$-.~1l1iIlef tapa-iiI:;. Distu.m5, vanoo byto_(XlgM:pilli'y as' wdrn as t1mnliDLw ,o·f eattl'e.,p!gs. :S~". Bte. ,In ~tCi_F<!I~nwhid\,oo~d shcWl_n tMd~~~pte$liL'l"il ~t~"

nus ~\lQl ~y[oo:k Bl;e it ~, llIe leua' V ~~ ~n ex-l:en.dedUiflP'E'F!me. H~.IIiHs-a '7 Mi:h,ilihaUmoom. It sa,~ ~,~ ~ti(lifi o£ W 'u~ ,~, 1b.e ~ ~ls t@, a. safeeampsiFe - hOiwewr, Htis b;, emy_ OWl" :Dighf .sHe'. (~ ~~$O~ 'fOr the h.Mmao~)., ~~ generaJl,f .~~l: ~ 'is~QlIDlyw,atef at ~s1I!l'. bul ihl:til is p~~,~r pn!I~t1b];.I!i.

'I'lm c.t:mpjle sprlkIl ~W5 aJ shon ~rmdlcatei 'by 'I're dot 800've' the 5h:1d~.v.m or If.le '7 .~_ing upon: whidu;lj~OJ!ll~Qm1ll5t~w[oa~.~ 7 on th:~miI,.iil ~'lluMsa,~ -"fllI!s1 poor' Im~ or ,aft£[' dte9D' ·d_~fiUm,. i!I SMt:!: , m .eerunpbe.

nu~,'~mps:i1c ~l points 5OU,~~: 'says "'pfiv~ (!i)'pf:a~/d~(pm:haMr'~g5iJhvdw;.gvmas) Iltl! th~ ~k:ante'of~Qllmpsim. 1'hedatilt ~e end 01 1m f0mg 01i~ is· M another number "'1" to be ~ddibd ~ 'liLe '~J ~thex' it 'r:IU?:US de_t (here: wfml be lIlt> 'OF w<JW:r IM~Q:I'·nea.l''b,. rN»t :l'iblya, I~und,"sprlng.








AU three ,of these ~ls/nlillR1l!! • .ere wed to [ndli~ ,tate "':mro'"', '1)''' 31R!l.t "'C' Wen! EO primarily 1iIsed g "~etD". .. at liimestlileSie't· - !!lISedIas"~'" on _ mirmr'llieYeees«lion ,of - - Of 1;'!:rI, a re~'1 retum:imlnu;tW,n,adjolNnglhe~. -- 'tmn¥;in;g,synibOt


""'I'hfeeN is.u·lan i:mpofWiltrnmilbet· 'lifid "'off'loimelr 011 map QI' ~t. Np'rmcI' this sipiles: "'di,e Trinity'.'Cod the faliier. Son a__:nd H . ',¥m't_ ~t wllj~ we an h:Jpe Itt ftnd 'U~'" d~nng ~a ~e)!, allid wbtwe'

wiD, find at the ~nd of d;i~s ti1t"Mufie' (Mit death. but I,

~, -11- we tri.r1e die last d" :J!lu:n1beS (!In thiS


~v"" or is it ""'nin_!f' • "'!!en" crevml, '"'tlrven';>l?' Tt,~ uJd be

ny or all of tl'iese llUQ;'lbers., '~t ,aU dtfm~s~aft the "':miding'" dU'eetion of ~ map whlch _ _ d be: dDd~ (oUflI8 cltrd:.'Wise~ miirmrlR!~ lIltiwm ,of ~'he map ,muld! be n@rth, Ilr o:li ~t .. ~ ~~ crrill!! be ~djoining; Ofi the ,IMp diilId~ iI· "'Mum'" :ma,~g'lfmrfl, 1'1:", (U~rr '~O' ill "'fl,e1lill"" nllilill\hler.,


-n\rer'" is the tmP"!ber and symbol ,foI''';silver'''. The numibei'""Ii'" W,M lI1\~ tIleI;'~. Mfh T tepresenting'p>ld theyeoMiidered -s"" to' be Itfte. ~.lower.l1Ii~ ~o IfeJf~t "'sU\lU"·. ~lfthi5nU!mher is Wfllfto itself" onama_p i~. signifies h~ th~, map will Iud mOil sawr miiil!!!'. silver Mrs, ,i)fj RMin~o-l ~.~.wer Cmld - Oli' jus.~ ID all of Ithei3.~

~ lsinO oodedSipo.f ~l foE this, ~. Six: Qr ~"" theevi'l-mosti_upelifert .. 1'IlJ!riEr'.and superstitioo Raid it WI _lis I\!I~ ,on <I ma" woo.Jd ~~ 11M map never to rea:d 'OT' mme~mod 3i.IId ~ 'b'e~Ie' would lie I:ost lo~iI:'. If rhe nillmber"6'" is IM'eded on,am:ap it,MQ ooSMwnai5: Two "'3"'~b..three.~"~'b01sora "1'" and """"" symbot and nev-a six ,ones "1 ~.

1______ - -- -. -_ - - - _ --- __ - -'-1

"1!...1"tv'" 1140" • Old o:r ..... _,. " ·t lI_ •• ..;_s,,'1

eva' .. } ,Dr ". I' IS ,an. _ le5'W!!.LUm ~ :II,C'1iY~lJ'

110ft numb·_· and ,does, 'not mean ' .. ,40 ", nus number means differenttkmp depending upon withW'hatitw~U5ed. Umuld, moon far less than "40'" Qr fal" mar,s th.aD "4\0". On maps, and, 'writ~en, docume;n, ls,i! eauld mean "mou:gh", "adequaJe'i", "tar ilS .possiltJiie'JiI! ,e®c. fiRCl wiU,giv@you'three Biblical uses of "40" 00 that you \riD Rave ,a betfer,gra&prof it5,useon. din.lI1m 'dra'WD DISUlf! DllIipS and documents.



I. hi Noah"s [N~), time'it r,amed 40 days ,andi40m!g1\band £l'ClOded:tne wodd. The !'.IO'lrepl'ese:Ns am, adeCJJnate amcnmt 0'£ rain days; 'to do Ithe job. P1u.s~ 'becallSe it was such a. l!ram" that mvellN aU maun .. tain tops .. ,it iswrinen as ·11iI days and 40

mghts_ "40'" is, mentioned twite' to inditafe an extremely Ions period of lime, an wtknown amoW'l.~' OlE dlays - DIillbe lJX10 days , maybe more~ 114,0'" is symbolic .only.

2_~ Jesus wQnt:jn,t6tn@,desert and fasted .km"40~ days,etc. It mayhav@Mmonly liS'"' days but'''W~' was ~ bl "inwcate,symbolcaly, 'dun He fasted. f~:r ,an .ade,qtua,te time or the amount of time 1100d,ed/r~. ~ ~ f_fed "40" day,s priOT"~ rece~yi'fig the rcommandments from Cod. '"Futin,t'meant "no water-liD ·Ioad fo.r 40 days".AB WE! aU know" 'uruB» those wer.e ''miracles,"'; no one ,tQU]d surwive.

Now, how "40" may ~ate' to a !reaSUJe map:


1. Ls~'s sa, we IR m I;b_e field at: ·the ~l.i iMtl"lJcdol1l, point· afSle map ,and, it s"ys~ "'From ·this ,point go 40 varas9l'uf". 'Well helL we 'mB"t.- 12 varas east i& a .,ertie:a1300 ,6ootbi gill face of a mountain. We' re-stuay the :map. We'J'ie SUIle' we ,an~ oonect to 'this ptlint", but we earn"t be. So we ,gi¥e"Upll Dr re-:t:hink l\be situa'fion. In :reality" and in this 'case, the "'go fO varas east" m@fU\t "'go as m as you mD.1O eas,t i'larget the fo~" and meum!! ,01" go as direeted ill Ilbe next insltrUmon.

2. A treasure map :ma.ysa,y:: ''1¥ehJd forty pack loads of - in the oldmmein• This could meaD 'tw"o (2) paddoads ... ,ar 2DIl.








-- ------- - -- ----- ---- - -

---- ---- - -------

fo~:nts 'OR!' (1) and Wlo W ofU'tisb'ia!ngle ue idenncaJIO a ([lm.P3§ mmllumerllt (see pal~ 120). they ,a.m,ailw;ays 4CICI for iOOHllpomJ5i eam 1n weight", 'Ittey are relativel'Y Ha;t and are twO Thas~um 1[5 lei ,feet) 'bl diam~r' andaoou:t two (2) iee,t in fhidm:~5. D:u:,' ,aN S1l!ppone:d bJllID D16m 'dmmfi've ,(5)' v,Dll:eftail5~d.gfilS€/,,~ry 'hard rooojjwmdl ~m blm.:reshlO ~(1Ir Iatge bauilder:s - PlllYJe'f didt:smaJl"~ ~,1' anJ:m'a~~ :inm whieh. ,they mula sink ,OJ seWe.Eithef ;ltskY~ or l1ighr'" .m,~t'De seen the laJlge' fIat lOOk belliVeen 'the_vo1]]erbaU .sizedsup,pood: r«b. NI~r, 'never tum dti; J'Od;; over, it nu,)1o R1~ge ,on the 'underside', You;'"l~, pi1ay hell,eve:r geHing it back .m!to it$ Q.n.,ginail etiJd: lixatfon.. Irs possib1e dmt the nOltbed,' palm ,WiD .aLISo. b! l'ike #]l (If #~ h~r m. almoR' aU ~itwmbe difMMDt, Ummlly Flimt is wiD 'be sim.ply ,iI dmic ~ers mcnlJUnentr" aoout one' l'Z;1, in lleigh:t.

Note:. Many 'times ama.p MD. teU YOIll that armangieisrn.ear th@"tmmiiJBie" landfw-dtu~ it mlJ ten yo, whkh pliHtb the ~f" point»,t"'ltmDsa:y:no mtlm. We' need m'ia\,cnY ho,w £ar 'fO go is w'. is wmm mr,emOM from tAe tri~gle. IOfte.nYOUWO,n('t kll;QW until. you aooaIly tmd bmDIIle. AU measurem~nis are mage !l!eRter 'bl 'CeDlm,r 'QeDter' 'to 'point 01 the mmet&nmRume:nl- Mea5W"i;!'tne distance bem,ftn the points ,ano.aldf! ltDe'~ m~en,ts~ ThelOtal wiU 1\1edle,dislan~tn,measW'@. Measure Ithisdis,timm .&nm. diI€'triamgie;'pemtgl\l'.moo &lemap md,p the dlmdionthatpom.,t

. f' t'L - ' .... - ~ ... I ~ ' .. "tnin CI' - --~ 'Q c:- -- ~~ ,. f' &"~!.ii,~ '. ,L'iL u~_ ~.~ •• '1- g,"t- ~"'''''''''''~ ""'" VOlil <" . , .W1~ u; Jjai[ll@E! rspom.:-'O .... w~ .. ~~@mj~,.1 ,'ljJllD,]S U;~e .i!:li!!liU. ~....", n ...... u ULU; ....... J -' '

mayhavelotrip,ie'~e distanoemthe tnapgW's total,:memvem:ent·to rut the jaJCkpot

-- ------ - -- -------------- -- - --

----- -- --- ------ - --- -- ---

- - --- --

II _

31 .. :. 2

~" Iltae ~t ",mrnticn ~~ 1;l.5ed IO~ a ~P' ard .~ near 1111, ~ 00;' hiddim mme; ''I.'his ~gle. po~; krI ~'L'Op of th'.g.pag ,on, ·:iIJ!liI3P iWOU&j1 pM'bab1y fie !ayi~B two ~ A. Ii. l&iansle will ~ f{l~Mm the ;!j'Mea"'IGf:lhe'lif'e3i~/m:me. :8. Thiat M'" is, Imlm!' !lop of the .' .ao::!I mal ~ ~d ffi;o......,., ... n~ .£~.. f Ii:ar- "_':"'n"""- , ~-.-pag\'! .. - -~ ~-. -~. --'":if""""-.xpD __ d)._Ii!,~, .. -._~1!1S

~ RimPl*' 'po~~t <10 ~ frG!'n;). or C. Triple lM Jas't ~nurnl!er'on,l~ mil.p.

~,~ the:~ in 'wlhi~bau !triangle p!).iI5~fiUNt~mthlP:mlaJ!S,a:nd m,·I!IeBeld. The.~ Si:NlIIUwlily pomt is;ii1iI~p pDint n. 'hie. meJlif ~inl R()l'Ih, ~512':.a:nd, at ~~,'~ l!DlSt oomilteri, 'isiB.

NOL~,. ~·t~ YI~riIy ~JI: ~ I'I'II3Jl is·lJrie!U~pwperJiy; Ma~y maps, W_lthawn ·ttl MisI:eadr byire~f!gnodTh

.~ll,~a,.md:J.~ga~.~m-fr@lrd!gr or,WOlf~ftJSian ,iI'II rnap~1tO 81 ~'Rgle'. .A.l\SQ. irmaJ'SiIif mtull!tm.all'li ht.,'il'S,ilhi5-ed~'~-iI)~~JI5!: .A. ~usi~r Itne n~ lis ~¥ 'I'M &:In!Ithem pJiint,. thai~ is ~ :-pq~t,po~t .go' m.. 1.~~tM~~2'amil3 m'tr,aI1,Glei"'OOY~Lp:I~~~:i2:e4.l ~lher - ~. plaeto :meas'Ul:'elSOU~

1lIis 'iiI~ .~ ~ h!I, a I~e bom 'on .~~ .md :wnl!hm.leletS Of doo.unen_ to hd mims~sure. A$ I ytMiI'. know. ~f ,iJ.'3, isoomull'f 'ltre pout, as we3 ,g, me~li!in1hedy ~t~ H~. lie· code sa.y5t "'1ht :IilUMl!er cm;e' 'no equal's Ole nmnbm" thfOO (31".. What it: mere ~perJrJ sap i:'!llE.t,~ 1 .!I!!.~I!' n~mber '"'!c'" u th~ ""imp:nclto1f11t·~.

I ----- -- - - --- --- -

---- -- - - - --- - - - -- - -------- -- - ---- --










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-- - - ---

- -----

This is. a ~eDd a pomter::. Booause ~ shdtdoes.nDt tollCh ~ 'tri3JV.e 'm' ,ilmJWheacil. it ~pifteS ~two '(lJ or mom ~~ A. Go Mnhwest.B. ¥,ou wil1 fiM _ tri.altWe. c. 1(;0, m poim_::ai of lhe b'lilfigle. The ~son. to go to,mnt· "2 ~'11IaJt byeuer;ding the dlIe;WMl shaJt

it wowd .. ~ m~e pojltJ#:2" -

l1\ils; a,pm .~ mud1. {)!Ie abo\1'2.

]. lGoeDD~t b:I.reach a Dians:Je.

I., ]'Ihe'sixfeaJ~on the5hlft$i1"psR,~es«nea~,'"

3. 1(7.D, tn'p)mU]rmthe:'~le;,Ca!,gail1i ib)"1~mg"h' diJtldibnaJi _ ~r "sh.lfr").

~ tWI)5:~!!j found ,on maps are mu~ dI-e ~ - , • 'Ihsybolb S!if ~ the: same. 'J'bey both. ~ Ithat: a, ~e will; be t~uad at ~. site. 'lio lt1~. &om the oo~lJ point of the '~,g3einh'\IA"'UIh(madaU s'h:Mt n.e di;sI~'lis baHl(he ~ ~Iills·ot the ~e"s:~ ~ tri.~rQ wUh llhe :iliiumbeE' ""S~ m.e;ans ,add "S .. '10 the: 'l·otl,.

'1'h,i;, d8 __ , 1IQtmeatl.'ihat SO~ is tr~ried ~tthe (.'Immt' fftheilriangle. nmearu: tomcM1U.e frolR lhe~ler'poirlt, ·of'Uie friaingle~ Note; Newr demoy 01' ~wa, ~ng1e ~, These rNlMlmertl/11'1Ukm are ~~ to, '~.n

.. ~ ......... ~"""''''''';-~'-vAA~·_iilPh.''M~'''''''-·een.-.l'l'l ··m", '

i!iyJIQII'l~ • ~~011'~~~,.1."-- ~II."",I'D 'II. r--- L1C!L;~ - - .... • __ ·_'-'-gl

ape&tiaM1 Cllt'~ mi~t be rmov:ed pn&]lf.a~d la:ter ~ m Iiitrl!lb!edI tiDite& Monunnenm, onre m pla~ were ~ to remam.

, .. ~,., ... :II. .. T - '::k.c1'Pn!' 1I.1;;.:tr1!!;lii ,", 'J!;.ifjPiI ~1Ir , .... 1I..rGL~ M" . O·"1'Tcn..~'rjIT"£!' I._,I-~~~ ~"'I,.n..n..L'~G- nI""I;U <&~"I _ _.C • _, -_.--I·'W!Io.J·W:l..E:d."lI!IIL.I.i3I

-- - - - - - -- - --

----- -- --- - -- -- -- -- --

_L. -. . _~ .. ,.t.1b. d...=~," ..... iL .. ' L .... OC .......... ,.....;; ....... lI.~equa~'·mUIIIIill!:'~ -001l.1D ('IJ[!!i_.~, ............

De~u' - tIds~ermethod tW~g h""en1tam:lf' '10 a mgmtam ~fI,ge' lmd'll(u' the final t'anyo_ tnfcdtow to' reat:b Iheo rnme/~, Thiss:ip W1Snohld'"':alilmg'"' lie ~Iomyatthli: ~llIilildl Ole, Mal ,put' of the' b:ai1, llI.e~t0ps, ,of I~ ~~I 'Orrd(l~ 'WeiIe ,cuI oI!'fIa~ (h Ol!ll1iteJ: .sta.1b.:_ only" ~ were' aiL1, 'Wittlln' t.w.mLy dm ~tel'" arcit. lEven UIou.,gh the:se arre mostdifti~tto transput:" 'the Me.Jd~ 'were '\l:eII)' adept ~t n!ptm~g aM ,_virig hm wrvive. Stranpo ,iIS It may ~ Me '·rans:i.n$laiDoo: ~ ~lI:l1Il'Wii~ '1lSI' Hid Mngsi.'de Spa.rdsh m.on.liI:~ menl:5 tfIa ,"'said"" Ilfle same~--4Ie ina far bet~!lndl lD~ Wting way., Ma~ the M~CilfiS rould, 1m1: ~dliO 't:bf:' oIdSpilnim »,ps. )!@t,b.ew 'Olle wa:y to and! hm lie l'mcation. and! (fwbl:emarked 'Ih.e" 'tnillWith ~ kmJllOmry' ~em.

nus: is, the Mexican ~dGn of Ithe SpaniSI\ nxkl budder lliriangte. 'DaIf:. of QlUfSe., within Ihe sh1tes ad! jlOI'IionsofMe»eo whm!-Or~~aM.~guaftitS~. TheMmCIMU!ed"Jtempom:y'ma.~ ~A1d'i' s'the!i.e, akJ~ Iihe miD, nd ~~ fuU ~ muld "'IN iby"". UnforNM'lely. miIlIit,li!ire no longer amliU\d" whi:eh mdIe!;, are .seatclIImoR!J ho:wev:er. they d.ld use

i".......:Il.tL.,.,. •• ,...,_-'j, __ ..L:.. __ ._,;!II ...... _....A 1.."...._ ·~nentl,n~.; ... ~· W!,LIg,_I!l!"!l, J:IliiI.C,~. <filM QY IIftlW, .u:~~;""."',

O!!l.~ oa TDC_-buu:il~a1l: U:ie',_ tua:l sllleoftfle mkle:1bW:Sme.

In addition ro tbe-blps of fhese'MI'le;' 'sWb being cut ~r'. die b1Jnk ~otmaIII1 '"banded". or ,at least the no.Jth nllJllbef -J is, lMnded..


• ,I
I .~ ~~& this :~ltefi' ..... fs Om . f iD:If I1t:WI,f ];eRa ~ lon~. i1m.~ ~,,!!:Ild ~ls. fk:st 'l:1i.e let1l:er" A"E5aw~:'~nS.~U ~ "'TO'", "(;0'" and M A~. 1'td5 ~ Cilin bec~ U;IiIIlJ w.:,s Msay ~ny ~ .. ii~y ~,y ril'be w;ed: ~ ~"~whi1le Wn,g; "'hl.d:~ w1i~"anothet~ wo-id.

1N5"po~M.5~'~~1J·h~we 1Q! ~ to My "'CO m.'li'it.hwesl: t9pIDaces,aiflle.r ,pu. hI,ve ~ ItbemD.~ 1'h! ~w ,m'lltm,g in .~ dm!ailJliIJ is, "1N'" me'wafW~ftbeImJI' ~ .. , making ~. maw .1Il ~a'~ lMiJ;J:vf'"Ump' .that we .!liM ~. VlewedlpNpetlYI,M3i~r •. we~tNuhem..:e~gt bo~~~lteRp~.-. -~'.

Man,Molp5 lViI. d~ " p~ O'I'~ T:s,l' .~~ .'SMM!I ,Dove UoIiIW'i.tiiM. 111M! 1~,o:r:5~~!!ad ,iI ~cm d~~, 'the m2!;;e '''''5, .,,:1) ~fi "T.,d~I"" ~1miIiII"~ "'~Jd!~o,1!If!and,u:N(i' ~dm1f1 wute JO'W'time.:,M' 11Ie ,ex~o.n is IthiJ!' M~,dRiWlil m.1'ps.IMy~ti1U!ed h~ '"I.'"

'ID n!f'~~Lt ~O"'~ -

1l!e .. ~ en tH~ '[tit Ms '*, U91!d,(01 :bId'fdrte '''N@nn''' ~ lM.'iop' ,of Ile,aFo If ,il.mI;~ m~5)WIOOJ W'iiiS ~~'IiePl_t(lfw~A~~t~b£ m.D, '.1Am to' h oonh"'. 1be ~A"'., die·righ.t 'wUh the ,~. top'.,s:: ~.S(I!iI,th"'.lftms"'K ~~ bm;I.ed .. U ~. ~r :D be ilD ~JI: letiJla "I)"'. blJft he ""led!. it w,cmbJ ~ ~y"l'GoI:wd.

11lise"A"'~wem.1'ilmstm~~toO)~/~~ amal,mJ~t. Tke&igJ:ed~_, J\5i'!{QU~ ... the, "A"5~ To:. Co., At., By l~kUktg £he' 'U~ Qf·~ ~ ~rl"lbe 'I:l00 ·:wWIId~f.·mte~ ~ l1I1l'mkr .. Iatei~ ~ D~~llhal wiI ~y~1iI wOOe ~g go I . ~t..Qr wM~'dj5.~,lmddiR:'dicm to b:avel,uf'~Ufe.

I '~'~ga!i:m~d~b).

---- - - ------ -

- --_" ---- -- -------- ------------- ----- ---

~ bv'Ol ~ ~etfS woRb mme· fl:O.m ~~ wli~ I tlEm.e:ud~ ~~ta EIiaIliiOB stalled:. ""CaMot oor..£:imtif ~w~':ii&ed .~ the Spams1lf".

~ACA'" ~"I"Go, tN8:wa~


&rth, lof ~ ~~ axe ~ttad;itttI:$J of the leHer' ? '~.!imap,i.tmay~d1\ie:sa~!th.aJt~ is,fMIMI.:~l~~t~ .. ~uine/~WR. U-e ~ on 'the Wft :5aI,ys,: ~w:efuml' p1~. norihW"e!>t. leMlof~y"'. ~,s1mbolon -ri,1hl5l~ ~~Iln ,~.~ _Mull lor ~ filW~ •










This is Ulie ~Iii: "tunnd" ~ TIu! ~n ;1 angle!' is usuaRy !he IOO,tnpaS! d:ihdon of the enlmK:'e. fJeqamtm.y Itrus sign wm_joiR,jI m:im:'symbOl '(acirde:in,(ldrdcl. - ~)!'~i1t ,- ofltoit5elfoTiI'I:the NIP 'of (l\e llIoap., -,p:ln jmt mdi~ a~, w ~e mine wi1II be via ~l. If~ 11 good dIi.le, it will SMw yoy which slope Oil" mountl~n ~de ttl ,SeardL

- - - -- - -- -- --- -

-- ---

nus ~l is ,orilmted 110 say the mb'iU\ee U [rQ;m the nonh. However."ilfterSpain"s,rulenm)'.som-eMexitafl maps used tlU-s ~I.. wihl!n lPOintmt:down~ ea shilft "'Sign.

'lhl.s lsfltbe ~ f>or dDg cnv.eredl shah Of Jtu:lUleL. 'The Iop,were,~~ 'tluee (3liaytft 'thidt.m"d 'with the taplaiyer o1lopal:,5i);; "6'" feet d~Qr'''''m~ lhetl:l'r'll!el~ At times. c_ ~ Pil'lifder would,'be 'placed ,ovet ~-shaft ill ~ II IDilrli\1'"iel" Iha~ it":r;, ~Iht did noto ~t ql'll thi! fiU aiborve the: shaft.

./,_; I


nts.l~ ~~rutd~epids~_(3) ~ of .... ro;~ a~dDW'n or:in~ ~!.\!,mme'thr0-ygh,a rom. 11iI1"ihen~w waddl. ~eseel.1boratepumplngstatlQnsWefe ~liI!'lydeve1Qpi¥lot putinlQ use except iql' ~ )ca,ted ~1J:Im, one hWK.'l.redI miles or SO of Mexi~ City itself. GreiJI less C)r tile I1'I!d l:ibur sfIaftl,pS cau&'di moeaUooti:QR J:Q!be glVim to l1!irwntilalion needs act ~t nUlU! 100000lioM In (he

lll!id' 11OO'~ - -




!Ii -i! ..

• .eo

I! II iI !II!

" !II: ,iii; • !I .'!I I III • •

.. Ii -. .'

. .' .. .

'I iii"

LII I. Ie'

'I!-: .!!Ii !._Il_~

I! Ii' ~ •

!I' 'I !.. !I '!

''Ibeseilim dlesyMbotsfor· ,shaft. tumetor.m QlOSt~, i "'pm:;'"' mftred Yii,th~ ~rockorboulder. Umaybe i ""pJul'" ~·tbat ~~mto til . openmg 3i _11 distime lAd thetI sem~ "With c:a1ithe. ,or, the' .. etilrtn ...... ~] ha~ beef! h~ 1m a~, nl1r~mckrooUkier ;md 'tlu!n ,.idmd in pm~e.



//') /

__ ------------------~~==~------~~~~--~~--------------~--------~~~A-~~~~~--------~-------_--------



An ,archivist (ofImme) toJd :me the fOllowmgstory. It ~ tha.t amrtain "King" or Spain, ill the mid 1400"5 had. a very high opmion of his physiml size and shape. The lGAg was involved m adjustiJlgand setting up l_paintSm.eas.~,g system". so' - :iI1aturally ~ he called in ·his taj]~(f' k) assist in this peat Dla~ ilt band. II)f Ithe six "r-oyal" mSUl:n',emsnt;s,foUow: 1.lraza ;1,7" ~th1!dis,tanoo behieen fi"s:ertips with me 1Gn1",s arm OlJlbtr"E!t:ched, :~Estado5"r'lr the he~ght uf.a man (bm). l. Vara 33'i", .his, waist URi! Mld. g,tep distance I(b.,eel m toe) ,4. Coda n /2 vara) 16 1/2 .... from the point of his· elbgw kJl the point of his, little fin,ger (oubitre~dtm). 5. Palma ·81/4' '~tHe ,disbimce be~ thf!:tipotlUs littl,elin_gBud thumbrSEip whenWs pa'hn/hand t-ws sp.r;sad op~ nus aJdU, bad nothimse1f seen, this document. bu~ W,D mormed bfanother udUvistafits exiSlence.An mter-estingsklry'l feJfl' ,and moreso becalJ5e

n., ..... "" ~_J:. __ ~'~ _" •• ' .... "'''",_,;.'.-..''''', - ..... ",-", .. 1!.::" . _'I'. • -. ... _~,

11;.&11,;;.;:, .... .,....._.~, mydlJr g~ .... "..;.;.,j,enl.<J Q,II),e aU': ua.,YBlve meills~1I.iJ! U9euJ on

Spaints be.UI'e maps,

h~ Ifihll"as, used. '_ tnIne~f .. U dOes-:' ·:_kate·that th! mme' has, 011 shalf",~pJy ht the INIplJeas tD a:min:!!' or SI mine whert '1he~5: 3iI\d sbaJ.lS ma,y 1Iii\le be8 Sled witS b$IISwe. ~to sWB/lmmel . _:_~1$. U atiti~y

may' 'be 'tTSE:d a$:a.~". .



A solid .. ~ or dot, R!pJ',l!'SImfS ~ one 0) OF water, usualJy a ~$ I'flthe~n I~b WiJJmt~ tihe ~ze" such as a dol. wo~d :rnN_JII seascnaJI Qr ~_I voJ~ ,of wa~ iuraitab.~ or If .. woU!ld .~ .!l!' ~$'b yRr tQ~ Wi'ltl vo11m1e.i\gaki:fimm (lhe Biblre' ·OIi day otiJe,God ~ted wa'ler.


The nautical leape ~, l.211'11i1!es Ilnd the y,iiJriable;. becauseefcurnmt ~ drift) ~,'roR5ide-:redIlLo be,3.t8 to I 3~1~


'IlIe simple"mcle is the ~1 fM' Ole nUmDel\' Mbv:o". (2" II aaotAer ~p OJ ~1 tOu6les this, ~~r 11 then Wliruld II3b Ion a,1IiD'I3H:y~t'meanm.


1l!e~f:e~ewas2.18,miles,~ewrlable 'oWI!ImMid~ ~ 'to,be,:U1flci21i.

Two 'lI!agtiml~es were appwximatOO 1m eqdl, 'l~ stilimte leilp!.s Narulical; ~f1." S!li3'hl.le ;; land,

The bram 'was; 5 feet: '1 'inclies. used p.rimarily' for walU depths.. lioday the Calhom iB used. which', 6 met.

e~tI' fS __ Jl' nhlat...., .F-.,;i' ~~,~ ........ s-_ft ...... .,: -Q' A~~.~ ' ..

~ _;;g~ ~ '_, __ ......... _ .. p~_ g l'!i~ InC! U""_~

whim bLUiailscoftreal.$U!r:e5 ~ made' on iSlandB o. afong: ~~ 111.* tmas~' ,ma;p!'l seldoM'il'l'mafillf. pa~ or

. ''''~ !!\I\M't'hol:ip Ithe map might sac, ""pac:esar' vuas"'.

cma.'EwnH~ Dar

'l'biis: is Ih ~I 1m the m.m;tber ~ihrw'" (JJ. !tis· 'CDm~ 101 bl1ih W simple ,cbd~ fi~ "'tWID~ ,al!iid U.d(ft,R~'''~UJl.

N~, 'Ii'i..:- '-"""1, - - c·t -, S' Illiafft,~h ,...:J:£Iift, .. iT.- '"(;old ," ,VJ,IW. UIl.$ ... J"" ....... ~aa_,B_r-~'" ~e:,",g,f ~-




"Un eostadQ"" was, Imown ~ th~~ght of a man.. 5 f~f 7 1Ufe1ftd todejJtkin the ground. Olvsred ilm hidden ~. asweU ~ major tJieasuteS were' ro be 'oowred m"'~J:1i es;ti:dO'" 0-' if buried ~r inm.u.mtjp~, of ··un ~e!f'. It '1itm:"" 'Wa'.5I 'l\1Ite .au ticall equiV' 1t'l1t in. ImgUt.


nus is Ow, ~1 far lfW number ""fo1u'" (4)'. N{J1e: 'IhlsJ

'1OiJ\S'", ,,," -.~... ....-k.-..·t -, --"'1 -'.""" 'Ijo... 1'....<I!::~_~. ""'-...""h n' ...... ' ,t"""J:"' ...... r "1 •• ·-- tI~ ~ ....... "'I ~-!i1I;; ,roo __ •

~.:d: I~ in d1e MW worild~ ind ~ KI~y ,diffetm ·meanmgsm,tfiem. ~m. tebDGk~~onIJJ to spantsl\. Orurdtand. Mexican ~gns imd ~




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'I'IUs :is Itt€: Ii)~ one, tilae W'ef!ie many maRy "'\"aJ.'lJ'" dista1'lOO!J.,ea:ch ~late ,and pmv:i!OOe of Spain h-ad their' own measurements for- 21~a. so, SOMe'maps ,of 'tbeSpani!lh fPBy use their mli hmmIand m~~. 301' to 35.9". HeR!. b:@aSll't@/lldnemaps were to \lie:

1'1!U! .. ~ (sokl_m.l' 'lam 33," ,,,pj'~idIMWY· The "Jne.asuood. ~ .33'"'~, ~

The ~tnio'" ~ baH of iii. Yam - 16 1l""'. "'lihl!s mairuy relalied to' wa&er depUl in ~ NplM/d.ocwncnts and ~ oomapswl\erellga~~f()Jilio~mall SUflik. lio'i:e: Ali re,polad water d~t!irs were alwayS meaiW:rS f~m high titig.

1'he "pJmo"'w~h3It lJia, "oodo" -8 ~ 14". Itup~ Qn II ~ m.1f1 waG'll.sual1y slmf{Y m d~ot ',ell the sl2:e of' ~kIl or silverbm..

Aloo. ~d1 tIW"pa.1md"was, u.sea'1,o t.ell Eb! d@pthClt a !Shom. oro;river tilIat MdE'lace.r gof'd.

The M~ wta was, finNy establliSh.ed O,n Jim~ 4;" 1in, fief Spain's rule~at 3as i~,

HoWClirG'. ~Wie ofMmco's"OtJastant tlt~im ,and d~sorpniz;ed p~sedlftg of.o~t. mJinersJmm~ U,e 10M ~I]!mbob_d ~!iiemen:lSw,~:S~U used. ,AlUMs, titne nlIiUli)' ,new 5~ or new sl,gn. ~ .~ pri-

Vo1i~y ,added b) "'f~1" .held maps. - -

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"1'bIoes"' .and! "dis!!al!'tteS~ when, ejlther 01 these wor'!ds a_re ~ on a, map or ~ d~t it \I.5U@IIly teXIs,you INIIi:


A!1'he~~cs,are not;m 'yara di9~

'8. U "re1 igioud" made fie rna~ ~I may '~ ,1Ji (O'l'l:'!:lmn dietalll1l!;e known >loINs hOD:'lemndi, arGemvny. 'rn:n(e 'CDr Italy.

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This sLlD,sign.ys: al, buri~ ,or hidden en~ is -t, hiUld,,~ fiWOY,. frequently tt is, ~alome" in a mine area_ Of at a tmnpsite, along I1h.e tIraitt" :SomJetimes j!, is the 31'0 'pali.nt ,of a triangle. At an e.stabmshed ,overnight aunpsife em Bte, trail (bJlthe mineltrusW'-el usually where theliE: is, water, glle of t11ese ~tbe- found to mdica~e' a b~d/1U, or a ,taW' with

kKlls nearby. -


Thhi, sign IcaD oD!lyibe seen ,at 'h.i;gII noon andaboUit one hOUf'·ejdtel' way U 1:00 IIlI..:m. -l~ p;m.JI. It is 'made ,mama iar&e' .rockor bouldu th_at had 18 UUrt C[uatU v'em, numing through it. They,.:uhlr chipPQ.dit away hl8~ta~,fare,,'then cut 'the quartzface'to'Jonna trimgle' lor pyramid shape. The balamce of the mdc/hlulderwas 'dle 100t01:' of Ole mother rock in. the area - brown or tan. TII,e)" earved Site oo:t:tcm 6f the boulder flat"and placed it either on ,another boulder or bedlrock that had a Wpr bouJder OJ hillside 00 ifs imDtediale' .1 eft (w€St) side :oN'biro 'woWJd blod:, 'the sun. {Jem, ,5trJ;kml' tnt!' quanzshordy after hig;h noon and the rock/boulder wouJdr'f!tum m' ils, 'tan/blOwn m,lor and It.he p)Tamid wlould be lost m the baCkground. C?n~lwt and. sel'~ :the' C'anl'ed rod::/OouIder 'woUld simpl:y be 'tumedltwi$ted ,on .its base 'to Iimi t the tim.e' the brillimt ppamid ,face would "tight up" "


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These are nat aelui!lJ" ioIS\ll'll:'" signs because tltey leaD 'tie He'm aD day":Ughttmurs,~ Howle'ver" Un.ey kindi fit, into fthissediol1. '11tese ,Me lIiJIllmtion 11'ncul"~ 15 to 20' feet in dia~eka' made up of whi,te mct:spiled Mlpther 10J" ORe brae white ~od<lbou~der ~aJl, ana run/mountain s~ope. TherenomuUyarenootbel' "whf~'''~D.n tnesigpe',and these call! usuany be 5e@n,and!\ou~ rorolvera,mUea approacbins ,kom,aJaw1amdor desertuea.

The white, rode aoove' the center 'at1r,lll:tsn YOgrattentioD while you are 011 the'tr,idl or while p~ing tms. mountain range. You then must look beth above and below in an imagiJ'lMY straIght lme to find the actual diJediomd marbr whichl'm this ,case" is wong ,the rid,ge 1iae above' thewbite!Ol:k~ 1iltediJedioMl mar~Sf,ia 'tum, poblts the way to travel In ,adidicIOft.., in this C'aSle, lit mo'poil'tl's to,wanI ,iD\other 'White mdt scme disance'oiftg,'U5e a$ ii, dh~ ,guide.

The dirediQnaJmarirer (see lnsertll is. usuiBllly not noticed, Deca,\&! of its, size and distance CI,wa, 'but on~ me' white, rock has ~ttmemd JOiUtl' B1fnmtion you will nol:i1ce Ithe martel" beea use of the' ''lis:h~ or "5:1;;,," tkatwiml be seeR betweenlhe ndtE!1 ,tine' andpomter in &1ont of and behind- the support r[lde.

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The ah)~e :is, supposed. ItO' d.epict'a ROCky Ml,nmltaiMide. '!he left side dr3wl.n:1 shows Ittle M$ pDQI' ,to n a.m.. Md after t Plm.. The n,ght sidesihows, the sa.m.-e ama between appmocimately 11 a.m. Midi ] p.m., one hOJUleadIJ side 'of'1-igh D.D UN. 'The Lineal !ihad.o~ aRWsible' I~ 1M ~ causwl by ~ or en:~, ,or dug by man. The' rock ,d:esigna't!d by the Wlier ''X'' W'IDj,carved and cut tfJ,a ,desired shil_pe aM plaC:fd ,a1 [the end IOf the risl1)leaeYk:eby iins~tt.~o the'DiiountaiTIsideinsuth,a D'IIamter'that. it PJClFts ,out flam tl!:e moWltal.nsid~ Then" whm tile SUD is, D,ve:rlteatl,. this· PJO~ rock 'wID th:ww a downwardlsll aowin l~bef;Qnnofaha1fa.tTOwhead,a pointer. Of~'this rod:. may well lhrow a shadow all da;)' 'long. but irs, soope will milO' be in is Mir amlw,head form: exa;pt at

RoaD 't1m~ ." ,

... ..

Do not ,confuse tlI.iJ sigR/Ql:Mke:r lfitll tb.e "mountam range enttance ,n:mr.ker''' which is 0'11 the Flat ~Ie and 15 fo'lal[yvi5ibJe' aUda, lODIr










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~ D'G'S'€ICT~

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Spa in ~iHd that a :m6Iitlilment/:marlrer ~~Dna:O 'be C'On8tmcted on the' face Ilf a m6:u ntaim range DIa t ootiJ'd be seen to:r ibur (4) !ea,gul?S (ahn:ost" miles) from lh~deseEt or ,naUaoos, w11m a_p~dWIg the mountains that·(iO~laim ,iI major mine or ~ 'trJeasl!ll~e_ !helle are four ,gifknmt .styles Dr types~ the aoove is IiIRe.of t1u!se1 Sttlidl is;:skown ~em only because it conld M ~fi:Mitfused1l'lil~ tJ:u! prior page~ Another book will show P!:UIl:1;Q'Sl gf iill Spanish rnonuD1cmtsl matbrs whiCh 'l;viU mfidude au' fOl2r different typ6

Q~a 'i',iilfllS had s'PY GlasSii!S, SQ they 'OO'lil'd study mountaliiflS ahead Oin the IAiJ ,faliking fior' Hii'T1;ge en ~.r:aJlCe .:mMi-.ers they amid easily see' ,and diislin,gumsb Me of th2 m.aI'kefs hDm 1'0 miles awa~'.

This one is the easiest of aUloUl'io cllJIlStn1d. We havtilaU seem, bmghmiHnlal sbal,ta.fed.J;e5t sind minetamiUU1Clin stri~, ,along: meU'Rtdin s:id~., some a he1f a ,rou.e lens: 01' mom. The :9paniSh l,oDl!i.iad'll,m'tage (1,£ these Whete\l!lerpossible'Oycomtmcting a. half 01' at~:he'endJo'rwhewIle€'deda~ongthisiS!b'3.taHne. TheywauIdeiilhm-d1iilicavea:n4develop an armwpoint. gather al g'f'sa,t number of :SItrnta coloredr black Of' wihil:e:r~ Htal..woWd. 5' and lout and co:nflgure 'them, Klsether 00' rOITi:i the poi:nter. This pointe'r wouldlpohllt to len her the canyon OT(0C'3'DOn from whIcbJtaentli!lf'tht'FarfHl'UtltWfI:S fromUiediesert. At the entry point wou.Ld. be th~ '''trail entF~n'ce m.onument" and the' 'trail would be mu:mmnmJed all die' wat to 'the II,aR"")'U of

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1~'" Slmrm - Std., -Lo:akmd' find {no meed 1b ,dig) ... ~bvW],leDdi ShmIld. 'oriUUn5D,~d~f~m the ,"~'. The' ~ IlOUftd lhewwu tnmEflik is '-aw ~ti'D'Q" IIha'f nus is, it iD'i!Ubr land not just ,m art of Mtm1!'. §1lUId mJdlertbe~~ 'OQk the'd~Mdiolil!of'~ ,~and IDe, ang1e>O:Ieypoiflt. U.p .. 'OU1.'Q:rd.@~ The eyes may be .oo1dngat . .,a, ibogl!ilfi win. eanmp ... a luge mck witb SQ1'i:lethmsundufl,!l ro& "fOf'£<.ign"" to thea-rea Ithat:~ aiJipDno ~dig",. U:-it'Polnls lOa! Ia~ ""Whitish'" _k. whimJsforei,p mth~ ~a.:the.n if ~n£ The'n'hlte ib!Ckis, simpty ItO ,aOrnd)'Om' atl:eli\tion - nod'.we y~u.iIIlin, of lil... IStanding und£r Orte "'eyer' kiok to l!:be "wm1e'" mdc.ilhen is'~wly'rai.~JGur 'lIiewup-ward hlln therec:'1tm

~t tine. alcngthis, mmyo.~ wru see ei~ - fIOthcr ~'mckOf ~R. CO ~ INt paint .. aAd it could be ,quite til distanoe away _

This ~ol~ qsuaD.y m4iQte5 IhityouC!lre '"'illlI:'· 'the ~f:elmine 10¢(lition,. or. at leHt so:metfdng js,l;Iullied ~.y.. Th-e wt 1~1!er SUtI'J: ~, ileitHtn'l:ion geUeT. !:he banded !!in veri'~ 'thallI's ,ii, ma..n ma'~e' maifiket'. The mms,n md: (mayhe- ~ Jiemati,le' 0;[' Ft 'blo!dt. that 1!nuNd~b!ly.acfJOinstMmain~a:ndfs.p;ntjia1lyl:mJim, indIl'C!!Jtes a linniat Pullting it d WS'~ it :says:. "'WUrunr ~ 'V~_of' lim baAded liIIRiDII ~iflg; is, burled. - dig 1I18e". It could 'be '1!I!te t:l'eaSlH'e. it ftti;hc be alit "u:nmded mal1"wlead y,u'lII the ~ steps to n",el lib the'~syreW' it :nn,pt be bUfiied piM alid :shg\lds fhat you will need fD I.UK:lO\W t'ke i!lQJnIl! dtis~ 'unhetr on!. S~h IUd tOOIr· tool$ wilhin 200 VBQ al the ,h]dden ~/~ure .. liI~l the N~§, - wllQ kno,ws- .. befilu5e' they pretty weU did, their OWR individual dllng:





Note: Then' may be main)" lNIiny more arrns thill~ it1J:w grO'WflOZ' added since orig:inally cut These two would be 'the !Qwest.


A,Sa,paolh'I'e5UJ1' ~300y~'C:a.rdo!n up Itoa1i!laul

200 "ears ,and they look \!eJ}" .' ch ,aU~. Thm is!

1..5 A typie:a1 M~ ~bail" rkef, they'~ it. 1m

'U'le. samE! :Il'\aN'I& a$ the S'pulkh usectilie t,X/' , ,3101\8 Oie ,amL . Y times the main, 1l)'W,ej',~ ~ \be banded b!! mh.firm t'haJ it isa ~ker - and[ n~t nati.tre tilalt cut off the ce:-nl~er stalk. Oliten UU iII1:iIItke;risktu.lld at mters«tiol'lrS, MId bl:!m5oilt Iltie trait lim "'"ann" IS banded. the IlMnd mcuca~es 'thediliectJ - _ to travel 't.a, tbe l'trea~ sure" I fmgm.endy ~.E!'""baaP ctoes, flolt :&;.0 ,a:11 ttle: waY,8I'mmd the ann, ttl. jI.ts~ cut iil1 b~M 112 way,mound dmt woul4 _Yen.fronl Ole U'aIlL

D., AUhemme/treasuR's.!'teilwas«lmmon to,use thls as a ":ru:r riAe sile'" ,(below is- die front rifl~ s:ite~ MId line up tile' ItwQ ~ you would a, tifIDe' whlcb then would pamf pu to. - l' Maybe a canyon to .follow .. maybe _' oliter markeT. IGt - millybQ the tR,uu.__n ttself.


As d~~ thig, l!epEestnts die '":Ifront rilfle 5ilte" a!S d:escn"bed abo,ve:~ Ito ,aim U at 5!llmetmn,g- The. ,rut. a:rms are ~Uy a~u:t twc ,MId lOne .half ,~e:l!t long.. and matdWtg lengths. Always, lQok 'to' see if ~here is. or was~ a hole-lor the SlCair of a bole in tbeot.nt:er stalk If SO" push a 511ick thr't' the old hoWe - a 5tm~:bt stldt. and aim along ill 'to' where the: $ticiil: is f~illnn,g-

.Also, dle MUllCHIScoW!d ~ve intle:nded tlJis marker Ito, repr:esent a "C"05s"" f' howev'er, :a ~ss 'would llIormaD)" ha'III"e It',s ,a-rms OlIt· among: ahorizontallln,e as sho\'!/n m t'be:i.nsm1~ If it .[s al cross~, i~ could mean:

A. YOall, aile :near Ithe "mine 5hmte'" which wQlllldbe eff i1il the ,dilf«tial'll ofo·n!' gf the oat iln1'!S "',C~QSeby-

B. l'ouMecomingupuPOJ:11 the'Q'riJnf'/IIRBUte •. it is close' at' ,hand. _


'DILs i'$lhe:' "'lim SF·~r .. very .:rmrramIy. u!li;d '01:1 ~re 1niIIp6:, not '~)" ~ ldte Spanll1\ but by t.M' eatfy ~ Md:Gem:wl~f'e1'5/~ in this roLlI:Hry. It ~iQntsetf.dI:BI.I;C d~ 1b.i6;symbol lsdmvedi from ,ii, b~ tlit9t1 which ~erulf thl~ps dirrtdi~ft. nis,:~11oob mudt lib! dlefiumber'""3i'", lexmpt that nb'·ope'n"wJ1.el!ehtwomdr{usshaipesi(IF~tsft!iNl in l"iealer. AHnd' of "la~ ashape. Because this,sig,n .~so mu.dl Ub: ,I ""3"" 'I haw ~iP5 where tbe ~I i'~"WM' U5i!d to SIIy two ~ Chanpd~OM gd

, .~ lbr« 'CU wms. The w,ay Iodetttm1ne!:he'

_ on. *he hiltS 'sign wlJlls,yBY Illo pbf,oWldi byplacmg

,a NJer w~ (£5, ed,ge wiD iOabO~ll. wHIg tip _ TIlen pmjedlhat line' (ed~) ,anglm.g'up1r"l"<tIld if ,ill ooI:l11alIiM,. U,a "CDUAW ~ Meidcan map theIiIi ~e do~ w., 'thepmjected lime wHl m~ ii, numbl!t {for dJs,. ~ ad ,~, ~,1 (fOll' ,d1MtiuZiI)' .. pciSSI"bl, 101111,30 mmmerfj)rdl~nteamd,ycm must usethe.propcrad liM as I'ie eompw: d~G!JTI wiIh the lop of the mla!P ,considered mJ1k.

'Thl5 boa "'hmi" ~1: Wi(h.a ..... r si,Gfi.leieause'af the puI slgn 'we'krww~r wtnm_$f. !,ol:heopposite,dmx:tlon ,of 'the "pull"" s gn., TM:t wauId make the di~on (if lb;: kJpof°the,~pi~Mr$rJ'UlSO_t1bwe\Sl. 'lne1il.'bmber·"7" is bdng puled .. 50' if illtMOU$ly SOl", "p !iie'll\eilil pla~ I!!Oribwesr".. Howe •• because the bird symbolls Gf~n used 'iddittiona]]yOlis ltih;.: number "'3"llthe acmat me!&a,p

,my weU be, "'gp-'tnIi ,J~ mm6wa.~- .


I ~

''Mo.,:" ,-_ .: ... ~ __ ....... ' iI'_ oI'L;:_.,I" .......... '_I~c~

.• I~ UUII;;' "'j,uo-ij ruT,~ Ii1HUJ 5, Mn-6,' I'l ~ ~s:

dmi~d:ireclion. It's, shape is arn.dllib ~t ape !iome1imeS, the emis·,cf lhe iynlbol_pomtvd gel ,other line: samewhat'ro~ ~fhe ~isslll[ the same. I .. OugedinnionJo~ fived~(4Sa-)2. Ital5f,J says:

Come bact 'thiS, WOliY ~pin ' ter MIdI ftd in Ji5me for fmtI1er di~ns.. 11Iiisr). is, nna hot1Umtal"it must 'l!rigfeonthemaptDbell"winI"'$YIDbol.bllltli1005·M~hair..>e mile on. U1, omaJ 4!5Q angle.






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1'hege~~uetound·m lhefte1df" ~ weD'~'Dn milp5- TbesedUdOMl!~uepointin:S:.watJ[!'l'/sp"~), De ""dot'" repJesea:ilS Wa:ter (01 ODe).. and 'the lower baU uf a ~ rep~ ... ,"l'lIp,D1"prd. ~try .. ~~_se ~

SpaniSh"erdenma:!Uo :sa,f -m~ u pi)5.SiM~ M ~ (m'l ~md,,~,~g:h 1tIe5lu4ldoesJIWLlchtU:POUlt«, the ".ro~ CO!!Ild,be sayin "Wlter is !l00 ,]a~.,UU dl:n!& Ibn. and the half drde cup' could: be osede the ROlliIBI:! ~ '''c,,~ "1100"". -



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c XMi

10_ n~'wm! ~y ~ by lUte Spamsh. ,~~s OOttCfUS1udNle DfSpamgwellQ'~' ~oo:rS'" :iNlUena! caQRd oom:D')Dnim.~o£ M3btc:,and RQ.. mg,f!1m"Iea1s lllmu:g'imut,!po fm"INiIllIY ~y ,~~ ria The'Mexi~"sm:Abued"to'use'bolllsty)eI~fI1 ,on~maps.

~~l.s ,lire .~Alf fmmd on Oil Mmean trea,'" sure' map. they are bail~/mtersection UIiI~ On iii. mip they'tOO m th. ,I '""'1'". 1hey m~t 3l ~ Ol'Sua,pd'o wid!l, Ihe'amier',wk-ou off. May lime-elUil :maps they~ ,drawn upsJ-:te down. If ~md1 one b.1NI11I on ,I ,mai,,' IIIDdJOI fonne Side:. ,it '~ly means ~ fur ihem.liloll,gb' mHJ:. J' c WiD asmst.


iNs, ~;rt .... id:tsb .. '_ n~lIIS; ~n~. dependt~g :oow I'M, wllei'l: it is used~

A. 'il it' is ~ W II ~l, it pmbabty, '~"',uD"

sign. , "

'I. It_, be Y.SedI p:st ~ ~ oM'iMh'ud 'o1'llJm~

~':&mn golla.

C. llml)':ay.: - l'P' the- ~ :~u.. Dr may say; "'$i!!IIbI;ra__D!" •

'J'h1s~lWl1l'WopD~le,menings.~ ~Id possibl:y QDn bath.

4. Dolilbfe the 'nul ~lInmnber ,on !he Q\iJP' ~t dl, 'if a fI~ m liIi~ syPlboJ ~~~Iy [dOom '1Ns;~.

I. The ~l OJ" ri~ ~'!1i.·~ 1:1m, Q,gn, equab, o.r b: ~ ~-ID~d with ~ .~~ loUo~ this sillb NMmidly this 1NIn5i ~llhe' :majp' you are &J ~ u-.e ~p of mea~ 'e¥er)! lime' you

I readllhat qmnbol ~

, -

'Ihis symwl ~!s' II waw 'welliwt w ~ ,~m!dandl ruddenI(Itaspiqgth:alll'hai_Sbee!lil di:W;'ted Wld~Ilmd. The S~m usMIIy did not roverl 1Ud~\W'lier'5QUKeS~ ~ Md"demJopedit!.'lf' it W,J$ wF)!' dose t.'o dldr "milneR .. ,such, as2ro feet a Vi-a y_ • A'vaJl!bll!! -water- is it mB____gnft,. tlai: 'G,llly kUlmmalS 111inJt Ito IPmspeaW"S,ck. etJ:._ -The Spa__wb did! not ~\!3.lil1 tr:affkemde"dopin bi:rirnmediame'U'lilnle ,area when '~~m't~

1bi:s sy;nhOl·te1ls. a, Hille ~ry '11I~1Ri~liaboter.s Ibm, worked QU.S ~'woe ~be!Qus"., o:r oou1d lle'. nus $311: '11\£5' iii a 'toonel: mine. ~W~., II!t, lh~ :stIJ' a shaft:,.'~J no, deeper thl:.n mJ\re [12'J .I t ,olll.~, ~'i-~ ~''''''I'~ ~ Thms 'kmliPaf en.tranoe

~~ ... !!l!'K.-n 1li!M:'.,,,,,, ,,"" - ..-..,b· ~J".t'"""' -, -

mad so' dlat Itl'Ie' l\ ,could net ":rU$h. our' ,~nd i:bd th.e m.inl! Dwner.s:inf'Otte. hi litis· ~ Dn~1 one:lxruZd CO~OOJat 1ilme..IU, _,~leJdder,la:& two IQr ~ g;u~fds,mtioned' at th~'RmHante"muld cHsann andl mntml 'lNJL1 labi)1'IelS" arb-lock off UiL@ir ,~t.

&~ft of ~ ~ mum the 5arrIe. &ginmn,g alilhe beHolllit "porth atm.,aJltd fono,YIing Ib!!'solid a," probe!)" a.roulld ill 'hm, &en bJ.m ba('l: diRdlY'IJf;po~ite.of)lmB' beginning point to 1"C:Icb - the one cft the left, ~f5: "minernl~ lWlU".1he £liM to 'tlUi! rip. ~ys Mum mine". The dom 'teU the dis't'aliU:'e 7, XD vara~, to tm,~. ~ 1M. diS~betw.ndots with a ml!lf they should be mlaliVd'y equal •.


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ibis is the' Spmisl! s(FV~ Wab~s' ~JtJ lOT IIdQf,h"~, 1b:i.5,:bm US'llilu~5J;sn,and mansg-nlYde;nh. not, ~ _, ~ W'hen tollI!d, on" ,map~ Myw~. ~'1 jKii.rtt$oUe a ~ea1h bilP·'I~tion Dr it telliJ:, the IMIp leader that d~~~p$ ~' _ "Wimm the Niliielbm-

-, "I"!L"'_'''--''tliiI~' •• ,Id • .. \.,-IIi.... .. fiA~-·-~

JUre,' _., ,iI,W_ ~@'r'-' CO~_ 'eI~ K __ .... ,,,WlJIII.!\.

,on * ~MI'~ tile [m~ 5pQi. ,(if wth m, ;md Olilit. If JOU- spil !tlhQ, ,sign Q,J1; 8! bou1de or' 1IDi!lu.~einYOUIi'OIIRQfm[~t;.itmeMllStbe$iil!_me dnmg - be: GOOful Spain ~ and aurnishedi ei'ghItdra~,of",prefemrdl!death. ~p:s' l)thosewmk~ 'mgin, tbenewW9M. 1he,£b:aWlElp'afil,detaUed widI, ,mnstrudlion ,Kvim. These 'wm be PoWD and dll!scribed in 8lJtOIW liGat.

These1M@ "':f,Eabiflglind mtn bcm~'. ~ ~bo15 ~' not ,always, ~., They mn ,-ale: m~ m Mrthw,.t~,we1l asnlA ,"(;be map js,!l~ma,p ~ direction i5, alSD'~. W's, aJS1II!me ,the-top is· M--m.. If so .. :helie~5 wballO' ckI~ :Pu1IlIte 1Js~,Jlm:ethe ,tidflilll, tIu: otdoftJu:bepoiD!s., A3~lPWl ~'Ihe line the book wiD ~!IliIIdriii a Rum.' or IiI1mlber symboi

__oo:~~~ ~~ 1heelldJD:fthe~"gJinepm~~ IlM~OD to'F' '1lIe:n'Wlllber lhaltbe hook ~tdles"" :is '1Jte dJs,1:iln(e 10 travel OJ'mea:stD'e.

This:ilsi a missio.n,heD,.and llSU4I1y it:m~ju$ 1M'" the ~tion of a lDi:Ssio:~ 'On a ftIoIjp,it rould mdi!il'ate the looati'oo 0,£ 'the 'klsi ~ along the trail prim tG ~g'(nmy&eq.uite~d~) '~ueaormoUDmin ~ lOf th.e trunel~. Uaruly h Spris:h Mdt two maps,. OM,r'or tJi'te'lon;g:trip ~o' dlll!'a:rea ,ofm~est 1JrulI. thii ma,~" Md 'the Didssioll$ ~wm:dd pM$' ~l'ed by tJ'Ie "ben". Th.e "I~ure'" map itself WiWld sel'dom ha."ea "bI!n"~. Ifit~it,maybe paWing nt 'the< ]li!CItiGn af 'the "'rnme shriftit' [that Would pmbahliy be lhe"ASII" oflTepadre ~githe ~J al!ld: ,q;u1ie 11iIiI:e..

-- - ---- - ' - - -

__ liiiiiiiiiill!I!!!!!!!!!!!II®liiiiiiiiil~I'_~_iiiiiiIIll!!!!!!!!!!I!!! __ ~iiiiiii



__ Ir-..I1111!!!!!!!!!! '" _1_'-'liIiiiiiIliiiiiiill!!!!!!l!!!_

l'IWl,i,s,m "eas'~s,.wwotandQquite~lhm'the QmIIlI !i~ W1I ~' 541· (~ .see p~ l5-~1 1'Nis sliap!da,gIemeot1'llh~,1tinnr~bo~rENJrODe .. ~ U5ed mnlf 01$, a I~ on"'3l~lelf.'1 ~nrfttor map. ''l'bis,'WU iQimmIolld, used. :m dletkw Wo- db)!' tile f!ian"bQWlJO""l'b-e':U1iIi:IUes, [ofSai:N: Jo1m or Cod. ...

ThIs ~ed~' ~" 'w-nm S1iD'MIII on a map. Idk ,y.ou ,that oru:e)lOK are in dliecaea of J9Uf goal. kI bok/~fofthen~ ~,.~look!ngT witJ!IOOtltheembel&hed:,~~tet'".ltiiiiMdeoten 'be -I Ro!!UQ N~ v. Thi.Si S}!tIlDol 13n a map tells, J'IiiIU 'fhatwa f'01!I find the ~ in tM fiel'd" to ~ "5"'~ or maybe ~ from the T inlhed~ 1M line p;ats., hl W ~g. Ma:~ II Oat met 'tVitb~~~,onllheui~de..

X«e: T ,also ~~ "dW'r"'.

-- --- --

- - - -

'tbirs, Js ·tlbn from ~ eHeE' Id~t 'IIeiisUre map. I 1ii'Jl~'Mn,&;,IIl'portiml~three W'ri.Men U:ret.. Onthelirst lJAeis HI i:Qs,w'd!ion dioat brdud_ the:n~ '"3~' symbo1 .in U'S' '~DmL UDe' D~ tJu;ee indwfes [htt .~"4·in~(':sml:rrniLttions. "l'N: imp~ltline, wilb tht"'bldd,m~" iMWd'~n m.Jlin - ~ 'tt\at'~~i1lpainrer BOd. !haft wi. a shO,1I 1KP line bi'5f'ICWIg the' bottGm of Ih! sbaft. ~ Me 'two ~'" signs"PIiIIUmg kch nUD"dlle:rs a.I Silp "go 'north~ ''1' pllate.!t"'.



T,HE',U~ - 'Til ,'Ill, -


t· I (


Tfl E',N" _, _, -

THI'~J ,Ii\, - AI SU •• 'TEN' :pLAC,,,


I~"NC D ~&.

,At firs t g~an~, Ithi So Itre~'&1Jre leUer to a fdend looks simple morulR 101 ~Q]low .. riel tibeR' are ~oll1r('4) hidden. messa,ges in the aoo,vepn tio,n oftheleJter. Note! I'har.e ,combined ,anumber of '''hidden'' ,eaded msages in tIU5 one [e'tier.

1. The' "':i:llverled"'ltrian,gJ:e_atupperle1t says: .. trifde d'te last'mstmclion .... WIMcl~ wouh:l then chan,ge'lhe' (I'~lO" 10 '''30 p~aces, S01!Jlh,u.

2. 'Ihe le't hn- l'NIJ its the ",eri fi caUon fur I.e triB;ng]'@ poinun,gsou'th 'by representinl DQ.r:Lh a~ 'the lop of 'l'hep.a:ge.



, ... 1.

.AdditionaUy, lD,msum,and agam veri.fydle '1I.iddenn mess.age'ln tllefirs Uine, Rote the I 'fge5tJeHer m tlte,firstURe. Itistheletter""',E"iR the'Wmd Meas~ saym,g:: Frnmmy msa the -.ay is, ME'" (e_ :st).

OJiled ~tle'nlDOCiIiilmmll,1 To TRHure' ~(.QRunuedl'


a. The' Pwn" is -risiD;1 in Ibe Ilpper rilhl ,and] n~presenrt:s, neasf' which alpin is vlerified by the' "'N'"" - east tsto me'right of norlh_. The rising run hu eighl(8) rays, IOJ!' unaded. t'@jaht distances fO go m&t',Il. A full ,circle' is the number ~i\twl0'-' and if ~e ,'J'sun'jl' wali, s'ho~ ,0 ii, tuD. dRlewitb el,ghtmys it womd 'mean, ~idoub~e" (2 x 8) 16 distances ~Ol go east. 'The"ttwo" ciirde is cut :in. half' 5(1, irs <'Jfon.Ef" - ''''ei,gElt rltiistuces: eaf'·. ,_

Now' to read the lettet:


11:U1l' first line of the IeHe!' Hems to be An, introduction - lUll an instruction. However" look to 'the W,t ful!X words ... #llheway is easy". Note the an~sd 'allssbiU" 0'£ the leHer "A," in dteword "wa~', ft mtgIes, up and points to the' ·'nsjngsun'" iieiUng'WI, lhauhe fnt sfepreaD.J is: lfiGo BOO, 9:MaS ($O]wers/ walking) easf"oJ' his hou,se(,c-asa). ,!he letter ,,, A"'~ m,- and, of ItselfII' Is aWQTid~ '"'Go'" - ~ All'" .. ''To,'lli •


The lIi~t instructiion ~s ito "measme 50 ~a:ras north of my ldTge blade ro&:"'. ~Q l1le reader that missed the hidde'ftirWiruction (Ito 80 easO. he would pJ10bably seMdi,the pJopectya:mundJ 'IRe. u~HtJ'm.seard1, oj" .... mf large tilack rock'l from which ~D measure.


~y luge black '~says: YOu wiU. ,find a, large bl~clc.rook with my um€ IQif my inUi ala Oll it;, (800' 'varas, east of my home).

The' letter ays:: Go 8(JO v,aras eut ,of my house. There you wiUfBuI a large blaCk ~ with my ini6aJs carved m,to it, M~ure SO WR5, to the north of this, rock _, th,en .. (more :ins !.'ructions) and, fmaUy I' measun! 3(11 pka:!5 to ,th@ south and diSe

'11' :'1',~_ 'i. • a I,r."" , ~ ne sars - hI easy,. _.... ,Mi," OJ






111 '



ql /'II tSS iON


.' ~ . . .I


~t ~ROM 'fH~ mQU~DERS: G.'O WES[T[ 3,00 V1U!AS TO --- .......... ---- /

(~~ f,rom t.hJ.6 PQ~nt me,;l.SUl:"S --~---~-----

,!.. ~H.ENI MJ::ASlllE 40 V~M.S TO' -------~--



~: STl\IIDING OI7£l1 mill. 'l'ImASlJllj;',S.


f :::::: FOR ::£lIS~GNED AARPS OF





~.- .•.. , ... ,.'

., ..



]. The' long ann Df the Pm"ui'Vian/Mw,dHlt ~ wi:th the[dm!es;, poinb dowuward. If we extend the long ,arm, it wow_d, s,trikethe ,leiter ~ in the wmd -san"'., This aiMS tells us m reverse [aD db-actions. Where 'Ole map DYS SO nol'fh, '\\''e must., south andt,\"here it says 'e8:5t, we mus t IP west.


2. The ~ower left, comer depicts "the e'agle'", the symbol for St. JobA. This[ might indicate thep,atronsaint:offhl!ma~maer,IDritcou1d1,mOecttbeD!lap"maur"segpo:rhis:praJ@I'~ bemuse' ,_

1: ,~. A fa,£'L .. I' 7[} I


3, The' romer.s ,say. St John - '~ ... 7 <commonly 1JJSSfl 0f1 maps) which says; Look totbe g~ of John, C.ha:pter"l ,and v\~47;1 whi:Ch 'reads; di.e'pha.ri5estimnansweT[ed :lhem" ['lia¥e rou, l~D "·een ledl as.trayr' This ,kills 'Ole map r,eam 1:bat.~ map is he am)! eodad _, he al@rt Mtd. mad G!:l"ehilly - 0.1' ,ollll'llill. be' ''1ed ,astraY' ~


4. 'The fourth (4th) msb'umon $aYs: IIthen m.easu:re to[ yaras .,_"'. We know that often urnes JdtenUll1ber "'40" 'is a RUIl orl'aiher ~dnumber:. 'Lers say a ·vertical diffis 14 'lMas awa:y in the dimction weare supposed tosP ''":4OH.~ 'Wen.. Wf!'can'tgo !014(1" $0 wefigure'we screw;ed 1Wpso~be11!',;md5tutOVft,.,Wedimllmake',amist1ke,,. we'just gD as laras we can ... 14 'v:ar1lS~ That's the Nal poiDL We mark il.and. F &om there to dte fiekt'instmctiOIL


5. The sixth ,ms:(ru,onon says: ["Pmany-measBe,3«5 places nonb,- ." 'This tvtdinstrurnon is, ~o be, disregarded 'bemuse it is tfte 1(6tb) sixth insbudtio:a .. the evil Dumtler~ AdditianaUy~ W ins,tHe 'that tbJ! DUlle heli,vef"' Idoesmdmiss the-fact that this is the sixth instruction and is to be disregar-ded in its ,entirety, 'the map-::Dakerstates. '"_ mearure 36, pl~ceslt~ again mentioming the number' ti'6:ti.



So, when's the- ·trea5lJJ"e buried? 1t·5 under the wp~rock atinmuc:tion nmnber "S".

- ..





- - - - --- - - --

- -- - - - - - -

1. PlnD (e'T LumlnieftH) weresman"ap.proximitteJy 24" diame~· maHan holes used to .fonle,airinto ,min e 511 afts md tunnels. Twoeardlql1ues ~"_ in the 1,76Of51 causing landslides and tiTapping' many in :mmes. The Vjceroy~f Spain dum ordered all oMpoms!"tQ,be enJaJ)g~d to ap,prcoomate'ly 31~· in dian.eter and the side wall's 'b::.l!!--hold s,te:ps to, 'be enluged for aecess/eg,;in emer"Sency,. When a mine was hi elden.or covered between, :mi.llmg "'wmk, ~II a pazo w,u'always Cl)SS biockedWith lop at:! vMaS,filed to the surfao!-and aillched ror draina,~ I(away from the hole). TIten, a 6110 to 100 ,pound N ,diameter' boulder w,as-pma~ed abow the ,filled pozQ,. UpQn Spanish return Its mine,. 'the pozos were "opened'" first for two, possible reasons: '1., let "a~ .. ::~o themil1i!' and d~adly fumes r if any~ out 2:. !D ,mler andllO to the miEl~'s tiU corvel'ed' 'er\'trmce and remove Df'd:i:senYE8' any' ''death tmp" thatma.y hawbee:n.set, ,[mr any unwelcome intruder.

2. CaB,dle~ made ofmuttall and beef ,talblWJ were 'the iQUfiC'e oJ' ,light ,for' the mine:rs.A t mining locations distant from "d:'rikation"" dle,Spa:n.lSb, 'would take wilh them maybe' I DO animals:. :mainly cattle and ,sheep .'Olf the candles as weD ast!he' m@a~f milk and cheese .. lithe ~ muld Rot SuMv;e ,in lie mine a_rea Itbe Spanuh. would ,uuo a ~I'I with a m,e.vby friendly Indian tribe: and assign aJE!'wmento r-emadn there Mare for ,and fa,Hen rhe anmlils and bring some' to the mine every ten, days or so.

3. "neath Traps~ were common ooJ,yin,and. aruund majol,uld minesmd where major tm,II1BU; were hidden in mine shahs and tum,els.They were' always made of carv.ed roekand stone - neYer, as ~n in mo,"e$1' WUie flDpeS ordlains with sWin_gingitems,gf "strung" bow am:i ,arrows UJed,. No'rmiillyth.e basis fo,r their traps w,ere': the movin.g of an iNwoent looking, 'mIDativ;em:y smd roCk. that would put ~ "'Crushing' tra.p' m. m.otiQlfb" Ano!h.e:r book wiD show the de~aUed drawinp, eh:. of S.pwn~s p:referred deati1It:r,aps and how they' are' ronstruded.

~. ~Tbe 'Tf1eastue" may not be at the end. of the map/doauneat UtsllUcdtmS~ EXample: Pollowing mapl dc.cwnent :matrulctioma., whleh usuaDy begin in. lea'Iue5 and end witbfinm, msttL1rtions 'being in n:e_d meuured.~' distanQeS~ is aotmal 'Of'standard.Lets sa, the last five' instruet10ns ar,e u~CI'dKectioM W,jfh measurements," It would be wise to "dig" or use ,eleaFonirs to ,checlt ,It all D'V·e meaS\ macaDOm. It was :not 'Illnrommun fm the IUea5me (If mine f.ln'lTan,te to' 00 adualIy 3't the ftnt~ 5'ec1Q)1[d "Ifbird or fourth and, not a,t the finid

I - - - - - -

- - - - --


ruth me,a_sured location. This Is .pedally true in a. wriHm, l@nerer'docWD.en.t 't;ype map ra9ter than it symbol wOad mat_p.

5. Original M,apsIDCKUmeRl5: Itis ltct uncommon Mr'i Mexican family ,to have been I~p~ down~' ,8. u,tesoro map."" Their problem is :two-fold'" 1. The m~ ,eamto:t: be Dread" or llDdemtood by' the fmnDytoday. :Z They kequentl.y are ,supers,titiiaus. They were wId by ,their Nances-tors'" neVel'to sho,w tilemap to an. ~1():ulSider' or non-family member. However, sometimes dley will oJEer them "'fO'r sale'" Of'1Jartidpation.'1 I oru:eBadvertised~ inMexica.n newspapers ,along three U.5./Mexmc-an border statues m.f maps., I n.ealid,:frem six people WhD cla:imed. to ha.vema,ps. I sef 'L1.P' mid-poin~ meeting Io~tioru;, and senff R.T. O\1S, lare' to aD six. POW' sho,~ up fa·r ~e"meetiD:gs.. Two 'of the faur maps were '''bad news,·,t" whim, J saw ,iumlediately. lhe other two looked great and we mil!de a dealsub;jed: ~ my cutting o.ff a 1/2 inch 9CJ.uare oottom piece of the pardm1entlma;,~al that the 'map' was drawn/written upon. In both cases thee Ucrriginal" ,documents were ,dared 7O" to 100 ,eatS btu than the date alonpide theslgnaturecr heading on. dle mapsi. Thepoint; Ifytlu run 1Hito an ~Ori,ginal malt :pay' the ,$350, to $SDO 'to' jl"di11te" the pard:Lmertt/hidelmaterial tba't is 'Written UPOIL Ane.a:rby uru,versity~,gWde you. It.may be'6-8months kI' ,pt the MSWie:r .. b~t do it Find out. if you may aa;v,e the ~~ thing,'~ In 'the ~ong run you Win ,~ve' lots;,and lots of money .. ptus hea:rta:cbe and "'mucbo" ba,ckadle from, Wiggin!.

6. ufinding:" of past burled 'treasuI'es Mlemade fax more ofren than we r~-' why, _, because the finder ,dllll!5:R"t lell,myone .. But 'the im,porl'alnt ,point is, duu fa UU;)H trrea5~S mnm.d, the wo:ddJ ,are' fomld .'1 ,accident than by )oo;king far or 5euchiR,S' Without QUe5ltiGf.I, bnliQ~' g:t doJlars mtMilsure ,D,S lost or hidden 'lodaym the Con6nental Urutedi SmtE!$ .. and yet unfound - and It costs tittle or n.o mOM' '~O go arfter a SfibJ: 100' million dnnar trea:sur:e than a ,5(1, to 100 diotl!sand donar Imtllrldden fteaSure..

1.. The NStat\e loi the AIb,1iI ti:mproves every yeD. POI' O'V6 SO yeus we have had ,a .t'magnetometer.". .It will uread andre8.ea" ferrous ,metals if buriedt~o 'lhousands offuet. A usoWlder""~ or as I calJ il., aD ~~X·,Ay" (mUwill, through radar or sonar, read 'thr,QlIlgn over 450 frot depth, .of fitloCk or pltmd to find ,m rDllow a ttmnel" ten t'hetunneW':s, size and where if may be' ·'pinChed ou.t" and dosest tD the, 5ud"ice (groyndJ (covered entrance). Also. a prolDtype '\Inn was inveniOO. in 1987 'I!J1at w,il~ ,metal. det«t gold and silver' and an

- -

_- -- - - - -



I=--J ~~-


M@,taIs,. if ,PUpeG in m,geeI!lOQgh qUimtitffies" to a. depth of 10.0 feet JUt 31_re oo5Jfly and expensiv@,'rDut indte long :rwI!" 101' ~ M, :I'ft!J~, irs be~ ~o have a. lI'yeff' 'OJ' a, .i~M·' ,iUi,SWS' 'e:ari.Y-(lJ\ r-,a;t:!ler !haJl a. "'maybe'" ~~ whe:fie w,e oontinu£' ~o ,udr:eam/'" ud spend time Mild money'.

~,8. ~Wild .Anim,aI T.raih;,"'"ustully abou~ one lO!Jt Mde" .ma, w~lJl be parl:s Of portions of'iUX:.Ito 30n reM old.'Sp~h miningb'ails.lfyou Roltlm Bnyln ~om ,area of mta:est", iJt rowd ~. worth. you 'UJ'H!JlD 1~'ionD'w lwalk,i~ 'that pa~,Mfhthlil! tltQIJJ:g'pt in mirLdllhal dtw.e SpaNs._hlMe:d~ left the wild anim~ls of'tbe area began to, me the abandoned j~eilsie(, trill.

:St UfalsecCnl,or"" iDfrar:ed pbo~,gw,a.:phfiS aneor~ke'1)e5t (but l!nQSI diflind:t) toaJs

to use in ~m'"ching fur allamg lostlhidden l:reasW1MJT mit!I.e. Aerial Jatse m~or will fevealdtmliusm.d reMold, tttails:nowoowwd withb1'1J..Sll mel s;rQwi;h., Fa!se. m:lmwill nouho:w tndls aatlSS ~smdy ~u. The,ealthOl"FWulmusthilv~ betn t~Q)mpacted"bJ a. 'volm:rKi!' of traffic to regisller OD lEu! film. Al:UmaJtrais, ihQ.w up r,eatUly. ~aJlse ,rotor .ismore l[llilfi~t ·ilan ,ollier' ~ olE infrared bem~' 1.. The film, mEt 'be, kept 01:10001;' ,m wiat irepr~or to 'ursin,!' and immediatel.yafter1!lSing'UlliJi]. developed., 2:. l1":J.e,tOp~!a]labio de'~ellop mdprin:t is K~ labm Ne'w 'York",.:m.d thecffim must be sh:ip~ 'm them in ·an iicedl oo'nimnm;. 3. Then." y0U,IDust fmd a.,f~,'r:j~m.t~lI'e~~ todlartand pQ~FI t Ol!Jlt old 'tr,aiJs", mine ta.ili:nSiS amd various man .. eaeed, ,thaDge5, in li'chlor,~ phyU'" re~dinls. NeaiibJW'livemi:li~ cm!I,\lSuaJHy id,Vl'!ie :rOlil. ,ol'a ilm terpU!'fer" [OI' yc,tu' (.alB£! mlo:r pOO~tlS.

10. ""The Churcltrt's,'" flrst:missimliuy ('lItters: ~oestabish th.e:msel."1,es inM.e:dco, were the· Fr:mds~j Augustffiw.ams ,rmd '1Jo,m;mirn.m~ llte' jesui~ began il'rl,Vin:g mn 1,512 but'werfil!.'t able to do ally real :m,m:s!ona:ry wor.k W'itil·d\e KJl'\r;in t,537 ,a:Wlov.~d d1te J1e5UUSi to lmv8 , propel' and go 'W ,remote ~ ,Diffie n~s,taJnd norfh~est. 'The iGng aUowed, non-Spw..h :spemng Je5uits il!l~~ Me-Miro beFrm:mg adtkmugbcuttht!'1700"~ th~ miliO:rity 19£ whim we~e I~~. Ri,ht £m,m. tlle Qnsetof.J:fl5w~aniva1 up to bemg:lexpd):ed~ th:i!'JesmU Spwsbrelationswp' was 1'oo.r1~ 'teoy the ,tea5it. OOcaI!me:Spam ",anted Inman label' 'fIJI' h~~ ~ and ,J,esui1s always: op~ ~h.em.

'1 t. MMyPef5-oM1, Adft"'er- ... ·[,eg.ding IDStm1Iii~Itrw.5ure ituJiI'tmg is: "1)o,:it onlly as a hobby" unles~ .. of Wllif'Sel yuuhave unJimjfoo f~ orha'V1? a :m~p:r' U.s. Corperntio:n furidin,theopera_tion. ~ J: 'nave, as ·I'm. sum others have done;.

&pmtmillions of dO:Uar.s~ ma:nymany .yea:m~:fdme:""in theield.~ 'Oft 'boihlOC'BUl and lMlff and] si;ped, Itreasurea,gn!!emenb,with a num~ '01 femip, ,gPl'erDmen~. Forei;gngQ'Y.e:mmm\m5are .... sca:ry"'. Generalyspeakffing..llbey em dlan_ge'

1\liIeir .mind a:fIer YOUlhawefoYlW and..RfOvera:l wllil,anoois a.\fanablebu~ 'tlle ms;tis a :mlimmum oil% per ye.Hof w'ln:at you·~. you. wU],bc:l €UoydsJ" Try m5U~ atfol'~ ~vlermnen~ ~d yoU:'leon y,ou OWll-.dIe U.s., ~n~HlJ3m". Xy pr'lljeds',xe'Dow 'mrily m l~eU.S\ .At ~as,there we:havl2' the' ,apt 10 go '(0 Ol'ilf't,. if We make aMt we haw a figf,ltlng dlaftre.

12. '11lfrGoid Bqll!"fHt bites,o:-u1lrs ggttth~ ft1IPOd(O'f bad~ to your d~in,S ,caY'.

Ma.fl!y~eWingjrs ' y,Qum wanta! berim or .. get rimer. Maybe'thaf,spart of i't;. bu:tl trunk lhat mostly irs an acillveDmJe ,and. ,000i\Jjp,g a ma~1' puzzle~ a manen8~e dlat maybe' .You cam wine wILeR: hW'ldlmds or even thOu&lI'lQs 'Of olihe:f$,~~WdfliotAn;~'ayJ' 'the ~ucatrmothe $b~ed wiIItt.()fI.~ W'Ord",~.F.ost ~. 'The -swer~ 'I be1Jev, quik!' mm.p:~ex ,and, lnd~v1ldWJ1.

13. ~La!ftid md, 5-rea T.reasured" ~emd ,me is 'the many.m.any bimons uf ,oo]]am~lf:!i sfTa!RJ~ how iii wo.rks. O'lreD keas'lllRS:De ,easier to 6nd '""fe-. mf!'t:ely" , hut .hudel and loosliler'lol'irl~l\"er. La:n:d '1il'Iil~asU)':es. wit.boui: miDg the '~Sl:ate' oftbe uts'''.is: m~m moR!' diffiMt m~d'" yeLtftudt 'Bas~@1" to .reon'E'· onee mmoml,' lOCated. 'This IDs ,d,\le'to dile fad dtat seuc'hm;s, in d!;e oomn have :hacil,lilo,.choi.oo- they mUlii:t·Ui@'·t!m!· "stale o:t'lhe _tsfl' equipm~l LandseWtt.ers: lor tr.e,asmes·tmlUilly U'J'. '''poor oo:y~ the seudl .. and mncJi up pj},mgmpl~ 'the OOSit (over yew-,sJ' iDll:lempty IUndoo. l'he 5p~h and MexiOU:l5, ,","er,e S::'tremely,Ci1.E' weD alS'w.mse., 'They had manymany centll:l.rie; of ~e. too mmypeople 1mder15mnaH!' thei~ ,!Skills and, '~pertise inmding mines md



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Divining Rods 'became popular ,ia 'l:Re Mardi for, not only w;lter~ 'but (Uf preaOUB metaJs m Spain .and the areas :m CORb'i:c.tlled. A diYinm,g rod was ,called a '~Spa_msh Needle"' •

" -

Mexim ~ :mmp:n1mg' Nepo slaV\@6 ill. large Dl1mbeni, 10 li:u:,pem.t

their ,major labor fQr(l~ af~:. b\ 1570 'more than 18,,000' N~gros were' Rwar~ ih 'bbe mines 01 MexiCOA

I - _ -- -- _ -- _ _ _ _ _


Spain ,imporied" 'unda Ictmtr.act, IGarman. miners and engmee-J'S 10 mnsm'f", ad.vise' and solve :miil!ing prOblems.


:Spain Shipped! Gm:nm miners. ,and. their families to .Mexico. tol $ dle~yrmmllg probf.ems, aad design/mventll1ew manners elf mill" ing and, ways. to :recover lOme ,gPld and silver hom the' ore. '1li.e' Genrum romoumiltylNwqwtelarg~h_d'qlW'terlJlgin lll.smallI: town nm1ihwest 01 meQ, Mmoo.

.Iath Italian and Gennm bOOlf5 on""iiUning were pub~,ed i1:'ll154O. Spain used. 'd!.is mwtmatiQD torompUe if's own, boak for .miners .. P~DSpeetO:rs and explorers in 15'56 "'Delle' Metallica'" by Georgius Agricola, (Georg Bauu).

'154l Thefirstmajor--very majorBrine was found 8IIId.established mM~Xiro;;; ~pirito Sutld'. An.Jm:Jiii_nlady pair:tkld itGut '10 a Spanish 'Widow.

The '1'.60 PlIOftSSlI\' began in 'Mexico. This 'was the pt""(I(ESS (!If lextramng; ,silver &om law ,pade:DN 'by mercuy ,am.ail.gama:tiioD~ 1i1lii$ :pr0C'eS5 'FewlotiQnize.d Spai_niS1t caIoltjal mining. Commonly'usedlO about rg']o.


The ~"al'l';~ of2D'I:, tie' Kml$ FUtb:, w,u J~J.wer,ed b) 10% fora Jew ye:ars aneta labor shDrtages.


lilll-a1. d. mines, Weft' dQSed d~ring tlriSpongd due 1tQ, il!OMtant rev.olu:iitm.s.




'Dlil' .,.:muciismRsR ~e expelled ,from, MeJdal' toraH f', except ,£Tom

:5aDta Barlw:a, California.

11i.e thI:Pe. year w,aJ'DelWreJ1JMuim and. tlteUnitedS~b;.S,. wbmrlm itbe u..S. look 'twa thirds, (2:/3) of M@Xim',s land. ares, Cafifomi~, Arizomt ete., ,etc, etc The' 'lWaty of Guade:tupe: - Hilld3iQ w:as signed In UM9.

Durin,g nus. 'three year war period many many miRes wMie coveT«\ arid hiddenJ" as mill as tre:asmie'S;, m. whal tsPOW paI't Dlf 'the United Statf'S. The r-.eason is two ~d: 1. U.S. ~a-w atthaf time prohibited any

11 __ •• !.: ,~ .... :..if! .... ,%'... Olio - 'I.. •. - - /5- ., .IL.. hld SlL,· '. . : ""'"

~IP 'awner~u.p 101 uDid!S ~ 50 UU::: MeXlGm··" parus:u uldur :. ~I

for possible mmm someday" ,2., The constant !e1ro1utions and marjQr poJitiea:J, ptioblems in Mexioo caused many of ~e wealth,y tg rudel'heir we,altb in nelliS that would soo:nbe llOut$ide'l their wuntty andi h~,. Jet refrie:v-,abl'e ..

-- - --- -- -

-- .






he shGwn iI!lI the major SpSiDish .signs md .symIm~ Imi there aD:!!' ''1onS'' ,of v~t:kms .• it probably woWd like a. !warlyp.nmdl book to mw ; an. J gi,ven sa oftha bmcsmd a ,good nUDl1Jer· al ~fiIms.. I am.hDpefuI d:tat lJ["\?

.l'flli'ilimm···' -.~-. ~~.,. ............ ~ ,-- "'I.·""t~-~--- - ··~,~n_· •• .......L·""--'~-'_D3t1!1';'ftrll!J'_"""_- •. -~ ...... - ~"",II.I.B"'. rso Dr .... you 'mB y..... __ ...... :'rrfII!LaIi;.~UlI ,1.l.II!O; _~ ,U;JIOilI''Y !'IIC-

fi,MS on just aPoII,lit' any Spanish milte/beasme map_

There are SO v.erymanY·b'ealSuzes,OU,tthere-staywithiL Asmyf&dhas,- WiI}'5 told me, "A Iqmter llBVef wins ...

l'UIL.",'f .... !ill!! I" -_ -

. n>-.y ,I( am.. wn".: me.


. . .

'S "F6~Ir..ES


A~. CalitOrnia #26S ,- 101- RepOhliea

I!F'31 0

C4 CiIII:anhMomc. IChih.

T ~h!f(l-n-a. 6lj ~ 582 - 32 - 14 C - eo:

jnimi)_ ,Ct~utmotilrom


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