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The ability of an SCR to control large currents to a load by means of small gate current makes the device very useful in switching
7 and control applications. A few of the possible applications for the SCR are listed in the introduction to SCR blog post.
Here we will consider six applications of SCR like power control, switching, zero-voltage switching, over-voltage protection,
pulse circuits and battery charging regulator.

1. Power Control.

SCR Power Control Circuit

SCR Power Control Circuit

Because of the bistable characteristics of semiconductor devices, whereby they can be switched on and off, and the efficiency of gate
control to trigger such devices, the SCRs are ideally suited for many industrial applications. SCRs have got specific advantages over
saturable core reactors and gas tubes owing to their compactness, reliability, low losses, and speedy turn-on and turn-off.

The bistable states (conducting and non-conducting) of the SCR and the property that enables fast transition from one state to the other
are made use of in the control of power in both ac and dc circuits.

2 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

SCR Phase Control

SCR Phase Control

In ac circuits the SCR can be turned-on by the gate at any angle α with respect to applied voltage. This angle α is called the firing angle
and power control is obtained by varying the firing angle. This is known as phase control. A simple half-wave circuit is shown in figure a.
for illustrating the principle of phase control for an inductive load. The load current, load voltage and supply voltage waveforms are shown
in figure b. The SCR will turn-off by natural commutation when the current becomes zero. Angle β is known as the conduction angle. By
varying the firing angle a, the rms value of the load voltage can be varied. The power consumed by the load decreases with the increase in
firing angle a. The reactive power input from the supply increases with the increase in firing angle. The load current wave-form can be
improved by connecting a free-wheeling diode D1, as shown by the dotted line in fig-a. With this diode, SCR will be turned-off as soon as
the input voltage polarity reverses. After that, the load current will free wheel through the diode and a reverse voltage will appear across
the SCR. The main advantage of phase control is that the load current passes through a natural zero point during every half cycle. So, the
device turns-off by itself at the end of every conducting period and no other commutating circuit is required.

Power control in dc circuits is obtained by varying the duration of on-time and off-time of the device and such a mode of operation is
called on-off control or chopper control. Another important application of SCRs is in inverters, used for converting dc into ac. The input
frequency is related to the triggering frequency of SCRs in the inverters. Thus, variable frequency supply can be easily obtained and used
for speed control of ac motors, induction heating, electrolytic cleaning, fluorescent lighting and several other applications. Because of the
large power-handling capacity of the SCRs, the SCR controlled inverter has more or less replaced motor-generator sets and magnetic
frequency multipliers for generating high frequency at large power ratings.

Operation of Power Control in SCR

A commonly used circuit for controlling power in load RL using two SCRs is shown in figure. Potentiometer R controls the angle of
conduction of the two SCRs. The greater the resistance of the pot, lesser will be the voltage across capacitors C1 and C2 and hence smaller
will be the time duration of conduction of SCR1 and SCR2 during a cycle.

During positive half cycle capacitor C2 gets charged through diode D1, pot R, and diode D4. When the capacitor gets fully charged,
(charge on the capacitor depending upon the value of R) it discharges through Zener diode Z. This gives a pulse to the primary and thereby
secondary of the transformer T2. Thus SCR2, which is forward biased, is turned on and conducts through load RL. During negative half
cycle similar action takes place due to charging of capacitor C1 and SCR1 is triggered. Thus power to a load is controlled by using SCRs.

2. Switching.
Thyristor, being bistable device is widely used for switching of power signals owing to their long life, high operation speed and freedom

3 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

from other defects associated with mechanical and electro-mechanical switches.

AC Circuit Breaker using SCR

Figure shows a circuit in which two SCRs are used for making and breaking an ac circuit. The input voltage is alternating and the trigger
pulses are applied to the gates of SCRs through the control switch S. Resistance R is provided in the gate circuit to limit the gate current
while resistors R1 and R2 are to protect the diodes D1 and D2 respectively.

For starting the circuit, when switch S is closed, SCR1 will fire at the beginning of the positive half-cycle (the gate trigger current is
assumed to be very small) because during positive half cycle SCR1 is forward biased. It will turn-off when the current goes through the
zero value. As soon as SCR1 is turned-off, SCR2 will fire since the voltage polarity is already reversed and it gets the proper gate current.
The circuit can be broken by opening the switch S. Opening of gate circuit poses no problem, as current through this switch is small. As no
further gate signal will be applied to the SCRs when switch S is open, the SCRs will not be triggered and the load current will be zero. The
maximum time delay for breaking the circuit is one half-cycle.

Thus several hundred amperes of load current can be switched on/off simply by handling gate current of few mA by an ordinary
switch. The above circuit is also called the static contactor because it does not have any moving part.

DC circuit breaker

4 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

SCR Application-DC Circuit Breaker

As shown in figure, Capacitor C provides the required commutation of the main SCR since the current does not have a natural zero value
in a dc circuit. When the SCR1 is in conducting state, the load voltage will be equal to the supply voltage and the capacitor C will be
charged through resistor R. The circuit is broken by turning-off SCR1. This is done by firing SCR2, called the auxiliary SCR. Capacitor C
discharges through SCR2 and SCR1. This discharge current is in opposite direction to that flowing through SCR1 and when the two
become equal SCR2 turns-off. Now capacitor C gets charged through the load and when the capacitor C gets fully charged, the SCR2
tums-off. Thus the circuit acts as a dc circuit breaker. The resistor R is taken of such a value that current through R is lower than that of
holding current.

3. Zero Voltage Switching.

5 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

SCR Switching Application

In some ac circuits it is necessary to apply the voltage to the load when the instantaneous value of this voltage is going through the zero
value. This is to avoid a high rate of increase of current in case of purely resistive loads such as lighting and furnace loads, and thereby
reduce the generation of radio noise and hot-spot temperatures in the device carrying the load current. The circuit to achieve this is shown
in figure. Only half-wave control is used here. The portion of the circuit shown by the dotted lines relates to the negative half cycle.
Whatever may be the instant of time when switch S is opened (either during the positive or the negative half cycle), only at the beginning
of the following positive half-cycle of the applied voltage SCR1 will be triggered. Similarly, when switch S is closed, SCR1 will stop
conducting at the end of the present or previous positive half-cycle and will not get triggered again. Resistors R3 and R4 are designed on
the basis of minimum base and gate currents required for transistor Q1 and SCR1. Resistors Rl and R2 govern rates of the charging and
discharging of capacitor C1 Resistor R5 is used for preventing large discharge currents when switch S is closed.

4. Over-Voltage Protection.

6 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

Over Voltage Circuit Protection

SCRs can be employed for protecting other equipment from over-voltages owing to their fast switching action. The SCR employed for
protection is connected in parallel with the load. Whenever the voltage exceeds a specified limit, the gate of the SCR will get energized
and trigger the SCR. A large current will be drawn from the supply mains and voltage across the load will be reduced. Two SCRs are
used—one for the positive half-cycle and the other for negative half-cycle, as shown in figure. Resistor R1 limits the short-circuit current
when the SCRs are fired. Zener diode D5 in series with resistors Rx and R2 constitutes a voltage-sensing circuit.

5. Pulse Circuits.

SCR-Pulse Circuit

SCRs are used for producing high voltage/current pulses of desired waveform and duration. The capacitor C is charged during the positive
half cycle of the input supply and the SCR is triggered during the negative half-cycle. The capacitor will discharge through the output
circuit, and when the SCR forward current becomes zero, it will turn-off. The output circuit is designed to have discharge current of less
than a milli-second duration. The capacitor will again get charged in the following positive half-cycle and the SCR will be triggered again
in the negative half-cycle. Thus the frequency of the output pulse will be equal to the frequency of the input supply. For limiting the
charging current resistor R is used. High voltage/current pulses can be used in spot welding, electronic ignition in automobiles, generation
of large magnetic fields of short duration, and in testing of insulation.

6. Battery Charging Regulator.

7 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

Battery Charging Regulator

The basic components of the circuits are shown in figure. Diodes D1 and D2 are to establish a full-wave rectified signal across SCR1 and
the 12 V battery to be charged. When the battery is in discharged condition, SCR 2 is in the off-state as will be clear after
discussion. When the full-wave rectified input is large enough to give the required turn-on gate current (controlled by resistor R1), SCR1
will turn on and the charging of the battery will commence. At the commencement of charging of battery, voltage VR determined by the
simple voltage-divider circuit is too small to cause 11.0 V zener conduction. In the off-state Zener diode is effectively an open-circuit
maintaining SCR2 in the off-state because of zero gate current. The capacitor C is included in the circuit to prevent any voltage transients
in the circuit from accidentally turning on of the SCR2. As charging continues, the battery voltage increases to a point when VR is large
enough to both turn on the 11.0 V Zener diode and fire SCR2. Once SCR2 has fired, the short circuit representation for SCR2 will result in
a voltage-divider circuit determined by R1 and R2 that will maintain V2 at a level too small to turn SCR1 on. When this occurs, the battery
is fully charged and the open-circuit state of SCR1 will cut off the charging current. Thus the regulator charges the battery whenever the
voltage drops and prevents overcharging when fully charged. There are many more applications of SCRs such as in soft start circuits, logic
and digital circuits, but it is not possible to discuss all these here.

8 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

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10 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

Posted in Tutorials
Tags: SCR, Thyristors

10 Responses to “SCR Applications”

1. IFTIKHAR says:
September 15, 2009 at 4:16 pm

very usefull circuit

2. Bade3 says:
January 1, 2010 at 5:33 pm

good circuits , can i get some real circuit for 100 watt ac power controller ?
thanks all

3. jay clark says:

January 21, 2010 at 1:11 am

thank u!!

4. chandra says:
January 23, 2010 at 12:29 am

very very well&good.

5. Danny says:
April 16, 2010 at 10:08 pm

11 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

I wonder if you could perhaps help with values to the full wave speed control using 2 SCR’s and caps, diodes and pot to adjust the
point on the wave of starting to conduct for both half cycles.

I need it to switch currents on 250V AC with currents up to 6A. I am using SCR’s rated at 8A. My circuit veroboard just blew up
after 30years. It was a trade test project way back in the 1970′s

6. Edgardo Diolola says:

June 16, 2010 at 12:39 am

Good day..
May I know the exact specification on every component if this circuit?
Thanks a lot.

7. Edgardo Diolola says:

June 16, 2010 at 12:41 am

Good day..
May I know the exact specification on every component if this circuit? (BATERY CHARGING REGULATOR CIRCUIT)
Thanks a lot.

8. seetharaman says:
June 16, 2010 at 2:51 am

Hi Edgardo this is only an indication of different type of SCR application. a typical cicuit can be seen on project

12 of 25 1/5/2011 7:43 PM
SCR Applications

9. Adena Zona says:

September 2, 2010 at 5:42 pm

The 3 phase electric power is common way of alternating current transmission and it is a type of polyphase system and is the normal
way used by electric power distribution grids to distribute power. That looks like exactly the 3 phase alternator I’ve been looking


November 3, 2010 at 7:46 am

really it is very helpul for me.

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