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It’s very rare for me to pass a child on the street, or in a restaurant, or wherever, without
breaking into a smile and saying, “Isn’t she/he adorable?” I am naturally drawn to
children, and they are drawn to me. For some reason we just relate to each other, even
though I’m 24 years old.

I was born and raised in Miami, Florida, surrounded by my parents, my older sister, and
two sets of grandparents. I was the cute, funny child, always laughing and making people
laugh. Nothing was ever too daunting for me, like getting back on a horse after falling off,
cell – 555. 555. 5555
or flying by myself at age ten to visit an aunt in New York City. My hobbies back then
xxx @
included collecting Barbie dolls and Disney pins, which I still proudly display. In fact, I still
love everything Disney.

In middle and high school I was a member of the swim and water polo teams, and was the
editor of the yearbook during both my junior and senior years. During my summer vacation,
for about twelve years, I attended camp in North Carolina either as a camper or as a
counselor. I loved my campers, and still keep in touch with many of them (thank you
Facebook). During the school year I was a babysitter, and during our annual winter
vacation in Sanibel with all the cousins, I took charge of the younger ones. I guess it’s no
surprise, then, that I recently made a change in the direction of my career.

I’ve always loved scrapbooking and making photo collages, and I originally thought I
wanted a career as a graphic designer or photographer. While I still enjoy those pursuits,
and have an undergraduate degree from Indiana University, I now want to become a
teacher of young children. I made this decision following eight months of living and
volunteering in several elementary schools and kindergartens in Israel. The city where I
lived, Ramla, is made up of many immigrant communities, mostly poor. I worked with
several handicapped children as well, and had the time of my life. I also met a great guy
from New York, so this past summer I enrolled in the graduate education program at
Hunter College. I’m excited about living and working in the city, and in many ways still feel
like that ten-year-old girl from Miami who held her aunt’s hand as they stepped out on the
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Hunter College, expected 2012

 M.A, Education – Early Childhood Education

Indiana University, graduated 2008

 B.A, Journalism – Graphic Design & Photography/Jewish Studies

Smartsitting LLC.
973. 637. 0764
smartsitting @

XXX School – New York City, NY

Pre-Kindergarten 2nd teacher Aug 2010–Present
˚ Teach and supervise 16 4 and 5 year old children.
Service Corps Member – Ramla, Israel
XXXX Oct 2009–June 2010
˚ Volunteered 4-5 days a week at a diverse kindergarten, initiating and
planning outdoor activities.
˚ Teach basic skills to 20-25 children.
˚ Teach English four days a week at Elementary school.
˚ Plan lessons and act as a private tutor for 20-25 children ages 6-13.
˚ Once a week participate in and help run an adult English club.
Child Care Provider Miami, FL
Various Families Aug 2008–Oct 2009
˚ Supervised children ranging in age from 3 to 10, assisting with homework
and hygiene while providing food and entertainment
˚ Planned daily activities as well as organized and managed birthday
parties, play dates, and swimming excursions, on occasion up to 20
children at one time
Summer Camp Counselor Hendersonville, NC
Camp XXX Summers 2003–2004
˚ Looked after children 8 – 15 in the daily camp activities, on field trips and
overnight hikes
˚ Served as one of the American Red Cross-trained lifeguards, CPR and First aid
certified, at the camp pool and lake.
Regional Board Member Miami, FL
XXXX Youth Movement May 2002–May 2004
˚ One of five members of the board of Young Judaea’s Florida-Puerto Rico
region, representing 500 people
˚ Planned, organized, and facilitated monthly conventions for hundreds of
middle and high school students
˚ Ran weekly meetings for the Miami chapter. Created the region’s website
and produced its monthly newsletters.


09/08 – 10/09  Private Family, New York, NY
 Mother of two children, 7 and 11 years-old, sitter

Mobile – ###. ###. ####

E-Mail – xxxxxxxxxx @

Smartsitting LLC.
973. 637. 0764
smartsitting @
09/08– 01/09  Private Family, New York, NY
 Mother of two children, 4 and 12 years-old, tutor and sitter

Mobile – ###. ###. ####

10/08 – 07/09  Private Family, Miami Beach, FL

 Mother of two children, 5 and 10 years-old, sitter

Mobile – ###. ###. ####

E-Mail – xxxxx @

11/08 – 04/09  Private Family, Miami, Fl

 Mother of 2 year-old, sitter and assistant helper

Mobile – ###. ###. ####

E-Mail – xxxxxxxxxxxx @

Smartsitting LLC.
973. 637. 0764
smartsitting @

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