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email : Archdiocesan website :

Parish Priest : Rev. John Gorman Deacon : Rev. Malcolm Cunliffe 725522
Masses for the week 29 January - 5 February 2011
Eucharistic Service Mon - Fri 7.30am
Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Parishioners Rosary Mon - Fri 8.30am ; Sun 9.30am
Sunday 10.00am Philip Robinson Confession Saturday 11am - 12 noon
Novena Wednesday 7.30pm
Weekday Masses Holy Hour Friday 7pm - 8pm
Monday 9.00am Private Intention
Tuesday 9.00am Sick & Retired Priests
Memorial Book
Wednesday 9.00am William McDonald
30th January James Taylor
Thursday 9.00am Harry Leadbetter Margaret Whittle
Friday 9.00am Charles O’Rourke 1st February Mary Kelly
Saturday 9.00am Win Sarsfield 5th February Annie McDonough (wife)

The Sanctuary Lamp

Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
First Mass of Sunday Saturday 7.00pm Whitlow Family will burn this week for
Sunday 10.00am Parishioners William and Mary Aspey.
Farewell : We bid farewell on Monday of this week to Chris Perry as he comes to the end of his
placement with us. Chris will be returning home to Cornwall for a few days before flying back to
Valladolid next weekend to resume his studies. I am sure you would want to join me in thanking Chris
for his companionship (and perseverance!) during the last four weeks, and hope it has been a fruitful
experience for him. Please keep Chris, and all his fellow students, in your prayers in the weeks and
months ahead.
.... and Welcome : we welcome into the family of God, Benjamin James Green who will be baptised
after Mass on Sunday. “The Christian Community welcomes you with great joy.”
World Day of Prayer for the Sick : Bishop Tom Williams will celebrate Mass in the Cathedral at 3pm
on Sunday 6th February 2011. All who work in healthcare are invited.
Lourdes Mass : Mass for the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes will take place at Christ the King Church,
Childwall, Liverpool at 7.30pm on Friday 11 February. All welcome.
Marriage and Family Life : i) Archbishop Kelly will lead a special celebration of Marriage and Family
Life at St Mary’s, Lowe House, St Helens between 2.30-4.30pm on Sunday 20th February 2011. See
details in the church porch. ii) A ‘Marriage Encounter’ day is taking place at St Mark’s,
Pendlebury, Manchester between 10am-4pm on Saturday 19th March. Contact Steve or Terri on 01282 .
iii) Support for those who are divorced or separated. A one-day meeting on
Saturday 19th February or a series of six weekly meetings starting on Monday 21st February. Contact
Frances on 0151 727 2195.
Vocations : During his visit to the UK, the Pope invited young people to listen to God and his call in
their lives. In response to this, the Archdiocesan Vocations Team is looking to set up a group for those
aged 13 - 18 who are considering a vocation to the priesthood. Please contact the Vocations Director, Fr
Stephen Maloney on 0151 287 8787 for further details
Last week’s collection ; Gift Aid : £301.81 Loose Plate : £236.03 Total : £537.84. Many thanks.
Question of the Week : What blessings or beatitudes do you experience in your life as you live your
own faith?
Your Parish Priest: Fr. John Gorman

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