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Introduction to sound stories,

‘Back Story’ piece
What’s Ahead
What’s Ahead
 Consider yourself part of an audio show.
What’s Ahead
 Consider yourself part of an audio show.
 You’ll each produce 5 pieces – starting with one
today in class.
What’s Ahead
 Consider yourself part of an audio show.
 You’ll each produce 5 pieces – starting with one
today in class
 You’ll be able to make professional sound pieces
and audio slide shows.
Audio Slice Class Blog:
Class Blog sign-up
 E-mail me now at
 Public blog, but I have to authorize you to post
 Say “I’m in your class” and propose a name for the
class audio show.
Audio Producers Google Group
Equipment Checkout
Storytelling with Sound
 ‘Radio is the most visual medium’
Storytelling with Sound
 ‘Radio is the most visual medium’
 Audio journalism is not just for radio anymore

Example: Growing Up With Tourette’s


Radio Lab
Equipment Intro
Hold the Mic Close…
 … but not too close. A couple of inches below
subject’s mouth
Mic Handling, cont.
 Every recorder is slightly different
(practice with yours to see
how you can get the cleanest sound)
Mic Handling, cont.
 Your biggest enemy: You (handling noise)
Mic Handling, cont.
 Other enemy: the wind
The Sounds of Silence
 NY Times daily BackStory audio feature
“Backstory” Assignment
 Team up with another student
 Pick an article you’ve written to discuss on mic.
 Final interview should be no longer than 3
Example script:

 Welcome to Behind the News, where we hear from

University of Maryland journalism students about
the stories they’re covering. I’m _____, and today
we’re talking with ______ about _____. Thanks so
much for being here today.
Homework for Next Week
 Conduct interview with an "expert" (unedited)
Homework for Next Week
 Conduct interview with an "expert" (unedited)
 Think of it as a podcast interview for a newspaper
Web site or an audio extra to go along with a
newspaper story online (feel free to use a subject
from an article you're working on now for another
class, etc).
Homework for Next Week
 Conduct interview with an "expert" (unedited)
 Think of it as a podcast interview for a newspaper
Web site or an audio extra to go along with a
newspaper story online (feel free to use a subject
from an article you're working on now for another
class, etc).
 Start your interview with some sort of short intro,
similar to what we did in class today.
Homework for Next Week
 Conduct interview with an "expert" (unedited)
 Think of it as a podcast interview for a newspaper Web
site or an audio extra to go along with a newspaper story
online (feel free to use a subject from an article you're
working on now for another class, etc).
 Start your interview with some sort of short intro,
similar to what we did in class today.
 And have some sort of ending, like: "Thanks for talking
with us.” and the person saying “great to be here” (or
some such).
Homework for Next Week
 What am I looking for?
+ no less than 2 minutes no more than 5 min.
Homework for Next Week
 What am I looking for?
+ no less than 2 minutes no more than 5 min.
+ did you find a quiet place to record?
Homework for Next Week
 What am I looking for?
+ no less than 2 minutes no more than 5 min.
+ did you find a quiet place to record?
+ did you avoid handling noise?
Homework for Next Week
 What am I looking for?
+ no less than 2 minutes no more than 5 min.
+ did you find a quiet place to record?
+ did you avoid handling noise?
+ did you hold the mic the proper distance?
Homework for Next Week
 What am I looking for?
+ no less than 2 minutes no more than 5 min.
+ did you find a quiet place to record?
+ did you avoid handling noise?
+ did you hold the mic the proper distance?
+ clear intro and some sort of sign-off?
Homework for Next Week
 What am I looking for?
+ no less than 2 minutes no more than 5 min.
+ did you find a quiet place to record?
+ did you avoid handling noise?
+ did you hold the mic the proper distance?
+ clear intro and some sort of sign-off?
+ did you ask good questions? (were you
Homework for Next Week

 Assigned listening:
On the Media: Pulling Back the Curtain
 Assigned Reading:
Sound Reporting, “Reporting,” pp 48-72 

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