N3517 Exam 1 Spirng 2011 Outline

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Exam 1 Outline - Please print off for class on Thursday, January 27th.

  We will review
the outline together.

The exam is 78 questions broken down in the following:

Multiple Choice:  52 questions

True and false:  17 questions

Matching:  9 Questions

EXAM Length - 90 minutes

You should understand the definition, process, and/or function of the following:

 Active transport

 Anaplasia

 antigen

 Apoptosis

 Anaerobic glycolysis


 Atrophy

 Autocrine signaling

 Benign

 Cancer in situ

 Carbohydrate

 Caretaker gene

 Caseous necrosis

 Cell (ribosomes (free/attached), golgi complex/apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum

(smooth/agranular; rough/granular, lysosomes, mitochondria, cell membrane,
phospholipids bilayer, secretory vesicle)
 Carbon monoxide poisoning

 Coagulative necrosis

 Cytokines – proinflammatory – IL1, IL6, TNF-alpha

 Diffusion

 Dysplasia

 edema

 Epidural hematoma

 Eosinophils

 Exudates

 Facilitated Diffusion

 Free radicals (ROS)

 Gangrene necrosis

 Heat exhaustion (temperature)

 Histamine

 Hormone signaling

 Hydrostatic pressure

 Hyperplasia

 Hypertrophy

 Hypoxia

 Inflammatory Response (Know the cardinal signs, know the two stages and what
happens – vascular/cellular)

 Ischemia

 Leukocytosis
 leukopenia

 Lipid

 Liquefactive necrosis

 macrophages

 Malignant

 Mast cells

 Metaplasia

 monocytes

 Neurotransmitter signaling

 neutrophils

 oncogenes

 osmosis

 Oxidative phosphorylation

 Paracrine signaling

 Pleomorphic

 Potassium

 Protein

 Protooncogene

 Sodium

 Sodium-Potassium ATPase Pump

 Stress Response (General Adaptation Syndrome, adrenal cortex, hypothalamus,

pituitary gland, limbic system, norepeinephrine, epinephrine, cortisol,
ACTH,aldosterone, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, glycogenolysis, glucagon)

 Subdural hematoma
 Teleomerase

 Tumor cell markers

 Tumor nomenclature – different names for benign versus malignant tumors

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