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Marcie M.


Justice in the Philippines

As long the money talks, the justice won’t be equal
“Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are a good person is a little like expecting a
bull not to attack you because you are a vegetarian”

Have you watched television or listen in radio everyday? As we notice all the news we heard or
watch is all about the Visconde Massacre last June 30 1991 the gruesome crime in the nation where in the
family of Lauro Vizconde found dead in their home, his wife which is Estrellita Vizconde and his two
daughter. Made even more controversial when the son of former Senator Freddie Webb, which is Hubert
Webb involved in this case as the primary suspect even though the US government said that Webb in the
US on that time. And the star witness which is Jessica Alfaro has no enough evidence in that case, Webb
and the 6 other suspect accused for rape and murder case. And they stayed and suffered in prison for 13
years now. Finally for almost two decades Hubert Webb and the other 6 suspect were acquitted for the
failure of the prosecution to rule their guilt beyond reasonable doubt. Vizconde earlier claimed that
money play a role in the acquittal.

“Money buys Justice”. When the Supreme Court decided to free Hubert Webb all the
people was shocked. No one can say the real story behind that murder only God knows
everything. Vizconde and the other Filipino people said that the justice system in our country can
be perverted by the use of money and influence. We should know how to look facts, don’t accuse
a person without any evidence. The bible said in Romans 12: 19 “Dearly beloved, avenge not
yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay
said the Lord. We need to hold our faith never give up, we can’t hide from God because He is

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