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Kashmir Explored ( KE)- A team of 3- Mir Muneeb, Adnan Qureshi and Basit

Alvi. Three people who came together to promote their motherland- Kashmir.

Kashmir without doubt been a lucrative destination for nature lovers. There is
so much to like about Kashmir , so much to incite the tourists to visit the
destination known as “ The paradise on earth”. Kashmir Explore aims at
reviving the lost glory, it aims at reminding the world that even in the most
testing times the people of Kashmir have not lost their nature of being one of
the most generous hosts in the world.

Kashmir, in the news for all the wrong reasons, is much beyond conflict. There
is so much to explore in this disputed region, not for it being a dispute, but for
the immense beauty showered by the Almighty. Here at KE we give you a
chance to explore Kashmir. We are determined to take you on a journey that
will be mesmerising and leave you with a strong urge to visit the paradise on

People in our motherland have been living in agony for the past six decades.
Our heart reaches out to the people who lost their loved ones during this
disastrous conflict that has affected the life of each and every compatriot. We,
at KE, feel that art can go a long way in turning tears to smiles, grief to joy and
trauma to tranquility. This is what we believe and stand up for.

Kashmir Explored is in the memory of all those who lost their lives keeping the
“Kashmiriyat alive”.


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