بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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‫بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

Sudan university of sienace and technology

collage of technology
department of survey

an assuyano (1)
part of speech

The noun is the word used for naming an object of thought. It is the name given to person e.g (mary)
and aquality (happiness) aplace (school) . Nouns are either singular or (plural) e.g(baby –babies) e.g
(lsent the book to him).

The verb is word that makes a statement about someiling else . The verb formsin the
previous examples are restvicted to their respective subjects through person and number .e.g they
come .

The pronoun is word used pro or instate of a noun e.g (me. mine ,him, he , his) of for several
nouns e.g( they ,them ,theirs ) the pronouns indicate the object of thought without naming it and
makes it un necessary to repeat the same noun over and over again by using pronoun we can
simplify sentences considerably and improve its quality and its clarity pronouns are of serevl
different classes personal pronouns Relative pronouns e.g (this is the house that jack built )
Refixive pronouns e.g ( Ababy cannot shave himself)

The adjective is aword that amplifies the meaning of anon or pronoun at the same time
navrwing its application e.g (the now car ) kinds of adjectives . Adjectives of quality e.g (alazy
girl) - Adjectives of quantity e.g (the indefinite number ) . –Adjectives of possession e.g (their
your ) distributive adjective e.g (every ), Demonstrative adjective e.g (those/a/an) Inter rogative
adjective e.g ((which man did you see ?) participles used as adjective e.g (the play was boring )

The adverb what an adjective does for anoun or pronoun an adverb does for any other
part of speech .It amplifies the meaning of the werd modified and limited mayde averb an
adjective an other adverb or even apreposition or acojunction e.g (some people find it dificalt to
spell correctly ) (heplays the pino remarkably well )

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