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Copyright © 2008, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers Published by New Age
International (P) Ltd., Publishers All rights reserved. No part of this ebook ma
y be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other m
eans, or incorporated into any information retrieval system, electronic or mecha
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ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-2627-4
ew Delhi - 110002 Visit us at
Dedicated to
“To My First Pharmacy teacher with Love”
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Competitive Examinations are the order of the day. All Colleges conducting profe
ssional courses at PG level are admitting students based on common entrance exam
ination, which is of objective type. In Pharmacy, M.Pharm admissions are based o
n qualifying the GATE enterance examination conducted by Govt. of India. In this
book, The author has done good work in preparing several objective questions wh
ich help the students to face the subject in the examination with poise and conf
idence. The book is well balanced and consists of multiple choice questions from
all the important topics like carbohydrate metabolism and other important Bioch
emical aspects. The typesetting and quality of printing is good. The author is a
lso well experienced in taking up this type of work. I recommend this book to al
l the students preparing for GATE examination and also for Medical and Pharmacy
I have brought out this book basically for students who plan to appear for Bioch
emistry in the entrance examinations like JIPMER and other Medical, Pharmacy, Ph
ysiotherapy, Nursing and other Paramedical PG Entrance Examinations. There is a
dearth of good entrance manual of Biochemistry for the above said examinations.
Hence, I have prepared an exhaustive Question bank of around 5000 MCQs with answ
ers covering a wide spectrum of basic Biochemical topics of the subject. Some of
the important topics which are given a good coverage include Carbohydrate metab
olism, Protein metabolism, Lipid metabolism, Nucleic acids, Enzymes, Vitamins an
d Mineral metabolism. The objective questions are prepared based on the backgrou
nd taken from previous question papers of Professional medical and Paramedical c
ompetitive entrance examinations. The book serves as a ready reckoner for Bioche
mistry as far as objective pattern is concerned. I feel satisfied if the book se
rves the purpose for which it is intended. I have tried to minimize typographica
l errors but still some must have crept in. If they are brought to my notice, I
will be rectifying them in the next edition. Constructive Criticism is always we
lcome G. Vidya Sagar
I wish to express my profound gratitude and benevolence to the following who wer
e the inspiring force in making this book a reality • Prof. Dr. Kishor Pramod Bhus
ari • Sadhvi Shilapiji Principal, Nagpur College of Pharmacy Chair person, Veeraya
tan Vidyapeeth, Nagpur. Jakhaniya, Kutch, Gujarat • Prof. Dr. R. Rangari • Prof. Dr.
R.K. Goyal Principal, J.N. Chaturvedi College of Pharmacy L.M. College of Pharm
acy Nagpur Ahmedabad, Gujarat • Prof. Dr. Anant Naik Nagappa • Prof. Dr. A.K. Saluja
Pharmacy group, Birla Institute of Technology & A.R. College of Pharmacy Scienc
es Vallabh Vidyanagar Pilani, Rajasthan Gujarat • Prof. Dr. Srinivas Rao • Prof. J.V
.L.N. Sheshagiri Rao Principal, VEL’s College of Pharmacy Dept. of Pharmaceutical
Sciences Chennai Andhra University, Vishakhapatnam, A.P. Finally, I express my g
ratitude to Mr. Saumya Gupta. MD, New Age International (P) Limited, New Delhi,
for his encouragement and support. Dr. G.Vidya Sagar
This book is very useful for students appearing for GATE Exams. Recommended read
ing. Prof. Dr. Subhas C. Marihal Principal, Goa College of Pharmacy, Goa. Bioche
mistry made simple in the form of multiple choice questions. Strongly recommende
d. Prof. Dr. Vijaykumar Ishwar Hukkeri Principal, KLE College of Pharmacy, Hubli
Dr. Vidya Sagar can be applauded for his untiring efforts in bringing out such
a good book. Recommended for students and Library Dr. G. Devala Rao Principal, S
idhartha College of Pharmaceutical Sciences Vijaywada, A.P. This book will be ve
ry useful companion for students appearing for PG Medical, Pharmacy, Nursing and
Physiotherapy competitive exams. Prof. Dr. T.K. Ravi Principal, Sri Ramakrishna
Institute of Pharmaceutical Science Coimbatore. MCQs are well framed, mostly fr
om previous entrance examinations. Commendable work. Prof. Madhukar R. Tajne Dep
tt. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nagpur University, Nagpur
Chapter 1
1 5 27 75 113 141 183 209 237 281
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1. A drug which prevents uric acid synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme xanthine o
xidase is (A) Aspirin (C) Colchicine (B) Allopurinol (D) Probenecid 8. Which are
the cholesterol esters that enter cells through the receptor-mediated endocytos
is of lipoproteins hydrolyzed? (A) (B) (C) (D) Endoplasmin reticulum Lysosomes P
lasma membrane receptor Mitochondria
2. Which of the following is required for crystallization and storage of the hor
mone insulin? (A) Mn ++ (C) Ca++ (B) Mg ++ (D) Zn++
9. Which of the following phospholipids is localized to a greater extent in the
outer leaflet of the membrane lipid bilayer? (A) (B) (C) (D) Choline phosphoglyc
erides Ethanolamine phosphoglycerides Inositol phosphoglycerides Serine phosphog
3. Oxidation of which substance in the body yields the most calories (A) Glucose
(C) Protein (B) Glycogen (D) Lipids
4. Milk is deficient in which vitamins? (A) Vitamin C (C) Vitamin B2 (A) Phospho
rus (C) Iron (B) Vitamin A (D) Vitamin K
10. All the following processes occur rapidly in the membrane lipid bilayer exce
pt (A) (B) (C) (D) Flexing of fatty acyl chains Lateral diffusion of phospholipi
ds Transbilayer diffusion of phopholipids Rotation of phospholipids around their
long axes
5. Milk is deficient of which mineral? (B) Sodium (D) Potassium
6. Synthesis of prostaglandinsis is inhibited by (A) Aspirin (C) Fluoride (B) Ar
senic (D) Cyanide
11. Which of the following statement is correct about membrane cholesterol? (A)
The hydroxyl group is located near the centre of the lipid layer (B) Most of the
cholesterol is in the form of a cholesterol ester (C) The steroid nucleus form
forms a rigid, planar structure
7. HDL is synthesized and secreted from (A) Pancreas (C) Kidney (B) Liver (D) Mu
(D) The hydrocarbon chain of cholesterol projects into the extracellular fluid 1
2. Which one is the heaviest particulate component of the cell? (A) Nucleus (C)
Cytoplasm (B) Mitochondria (D) Golgi apparatus
(C) Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogenase (C) All of these 21. The most active site of pro
tein synthesis is the (A) Nucleus (C) Mitochondrion (B) Ribosome (D) Cell sap
13. Which one is the largest particulate of the cytoplasm? (A) (B) (C) (D) Lysos
omes Mitochondria Golgi apparatus Entoplasmic reticulum
22. The fatty acids can be transported into and out of mitochondria through (A)
Active transport (B) Facilitated transfer (C) Non-facilitated transfer (D) None
of these 23. Mitochondrial DNA is (A) (B) (C) (D) Circular double stranded Circu
lar single stranded Linear double helix None of these
14. The degradative Processess are categorized under the heading of (A) Anabolis
m (C) Metabolism (B) Catabolism (D) None of the above
15. The exchange of material takes place (A) (B) (C) (D) Only by diffusion Only
by active transport Only by pinocytosis All of these
24. The absorption of intact protein from the gut in the foetal and newborn anim
als takes place by (A) Pinocytosis (C) Simple diffusion (B) Passive diffusion (D
) Active transport
16. The average pH of Urine is (A) 7.0 (C) 8.0 (B) 6.0 (D) 0.0
25. The cellular organelles called “suicide bags” are (A) Lysosomes (C) Nucleolus (B
) Ribosomes (D) Golgi’s bodies
17. The pH of blood is 7.4 when the ratio between H2CO3 and NaHCO3 is (A) 1 : 10
(C) 1 : 25 (B) 1 : 20 (C) 1 : 30
26. From the biological viewpoint, solutions can be grouped into (A) (B) (C) (D)
Isotonic solution Hypotonic solutions Hypertonic solution All of these
18. The phenomenon of osmosis is opposite to that of (A) Diffusion (C) Affusion
(B) Effusion (D) Coagulation
19. The surface tension in intestinal lumen between fat droplets and aqueous med
ium is decreased by (A) Bile Salts (C) Conc. H2SO4 (B) Bile acids (D) Acetic aci
27. Bulk transport across cell membrane is accomplished by (A) Phagocytosis (C)
Extrusion (B) Pinocytosis (D) All of these
20. Which of the following is located in the mitochondria? (A) Cytochrome oxidas
e (B) Succinate dehydrogenase
28. The ability of the cell membrane to act as a selective barrier depends upon
(A) (B) (C) (D) The lipid composition of the membrane The pores which allows sma
ll molecules The special mediated transport systems All of these
29. Carrier protein can (A) (B) (C) (D) Transport only one substance Transport m
ore than one substance Exchange one substance to another Perform all of these fu
35. Enzymes catalyzing electron transport are present mainly in the (A) (B) (C)
(D) Ribosomes Endoplasmic reticulum Lysosomes Inner mitochondrial membrane
30. A lipid bilayer is permeable to (A) Urea (C) Glucose 31. The Golgi complex (
A) (B) (C) (D) Synthesizes proteins Produces ATP Provides a pathway for transpor
ting chemicals Forms glycoproteins (B) Fructose (D) Potassium
36. Mature erythrocytes do not contain (A) Glycolytic enzymes(B) HMP shunt enzym
es (C) Pyridine nucleotide(D) ATP 37. In mammalian cells rRNA is produced mainly
in the (A) (B) (C) (D) Endoplasmic reticulum Ribosome Nucleolus Nucleus
32. The following points about microfilaments are true except (A) (B) (C) (D) Th
ey form cytoskeleton with microtubules They provide support and shape They form
intracellular conducting channels They are involved in muscle cell contraction
38. Genetic information of nuclear DNA is transmitted to the site of protein syn
thesis by (A) rRNA (C) tRNA (B) mRNA (D) Polysomes
33. The following substances are cell inclusions except (A) Melanin (C) Lipids (
B) Glycogen (D) Centrosome
39. The power house of the cell is (A) Nucleus (C) Mitochondria (B) Cell membran
e (D) Lysosomes
34. Fatty acids can be transported into and out of cell membrane by (A) Active t
ransport (C) Diffusion (B) Facilitated transport (D) Osmosis
40. The digestive enzymes of cellular compounds are confined to (A) Lysosomes (C
) Peroxisomes (B) Ribosomes (D) Polysomes
1. B 7. B 13. B 19. A 25. A 31. D 37. C 2. D 8. B 14. B 20. D 26. D 32. C 38. D
3. D 9. A 15. D 21. B 27. D 33. D 39. C 4. A 10. C 16. B 22. B 28. D 34. B 40. A
5. C 11. C 17. B 23. A 29. D 35. D 6. A 12. A 18. A 24. A 30. A 36. C
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1. The general formula of monosaccharides is (A) CnH2nOn (C) CnH2O2n (B) C2nH2On
(D) CnH 2nO2n
9. Two sugars which differ from one another only in configuration around a singl
e carbon atom are termed (A) Epimers (C) Optical isomers (B) Anomers (D) Stereoi
2. The general formula of polysaccharides is (A) (C6H 10O5)n (C) (C6H 10O6)n 3.
The aldose sugar is (A) Glycerose (C) Erythrulose 4. A triose sugar is (A) Glyce
rose (C) Erythrose 5. A pentose sugar is (A) Dihydroxyacetone (B) Ribulose (C) E
rythrose (D) Glucose 6. The pentose sugar present mainly in the heart muscle is
(A) Lyxose (C) Arabinose (A) Polymers (C) Proteins (A) 2 (C) 8 (B) Ribose (D) Xy
lose (B) Acids (D) Oils (B) 4 (D) 16 (B) Ribose (D) Fructose (B) Ribulose (D) Di
hydoxyacetone (B) (C6 H12O5)n (D) (C6 H10O6)n
10. Isomers differing as a result of variations in configuration of the —OH and —H o
n carbon atoms 2, 3 and 4 of glucose are known as (A) Epimers (C) Optical isomer
s (B) Anomers (D) Steroisomers
11. The most important epimer of glucose is (A) Galactose (C) Arabinose (B) Fruc
tose (D) Xylose
12. α-D-glucose nd β -D-glucose re (A) Stereoisomers (C) Anomers (B) Epimers (D) K
eto- ldo p irs

13. α-D-glucose + 1120 → + 52.50 ← + 190 βD-glucose for glucose ove represents (A) Opt
ic l isomerism (B) Mut rot tion (C) Epimeris
 tion (D) D nd L isomerism 14. Comp
ounds h ving the s me structur l formul ut differing in sp ti l configur tion
re known s (A) Stereoisomers (C) Optic l isomers (B) Anomers (D) Epimers
7. Polys cch rides re

8. The num er of isomers of glucose is
15. In glucose the orient tion of the —H nd —OH groups round the c r on tom 5 dj
cent to the termin l prim ry lcohol c r on determines (A) (B) (C) (D) D or L s
eries Dextro or levorot tory α nd β nomers Epimers
(C) Glucose
 + g l ctose (D) Glucose + m nnose 25. The monos cch ride units re l
 y 1 → 4 glycosidic link ge in (A) M ltose (C) Cellulose (B) Sucrose (D) Cel
lo iose
16. The c r ohydr te of the lood group su st nces is (A) Sucrose (C) Ar inose
(B) Fucose (D) M ltose
26. Which of the following is non-reducing sug r? (A) Isom ltose (C) L ctose (
B) M ltose (D) Treh lose
17. Erythromycin cont ins (A) (B) (C) (D) Dimethyl mino sug r Trimethyl mino s
ug r Sterol nd sug r Glycerol nd sug r
27. Which of the following is reducing sug r? (A) Sucrose (C) Isom ltose (B) T
reh lose (D) Ag r

18. A sug r lcohol is (A) M nnitol (C) Xylulose (B) Treh lose (D) Ar inose
28. A diss cch ride formed y 1,1-glycosidic link ge etween their monos cch rid
e units is (A) L ctose (C) Treh lose 29. (B) M ltose (D) Sucrose
19. The m jor sug r of insect hemolymph is (A) Glycogen (C) Treh lose (B) Pectin
(D) Sucrose
A diss cch ride formed y 1,1-glycosidic link ge etween their monos cch ride un
its is (A) L ctose (C) Treh lose (B) M ltose (D) Sucrose
20. The sug r found in DNA is (A) Xylose (C) Deoxyri ose (B) Ri ose (D) Ri ulose
30. Mut rot tion refers to ch nge in (A) pH (C) Conduct nce (B) Optic l rot tion
(D) Chemic l properties
21. The sug r found in RNA is (A) Ri ose (C) Ri ulose (B) Deoxyri ose (D) Erythr
22. The sug r found in milk is (A) G l ctose (C) Fructose 23. Invert sug r is (A
) L ctose (B) Sucrose (C) Hydrolytic products of sucrose (D) Fructose 24. Sucros
e consists of (A) Glucose + glucose (B) Glucose + fructose (B) Glucose (D) L cto
31. A polys cchh ride which is often c lled nim l st rch is (A) Glycogen (C) In
ulin (B) St rch (D) Dextrin

32. The homopolys cch ride used for intr venous infusion s pl sm su stitute is
(A) Ag r (C) Pectin (B) Inulin (D) St rch
33. The polys cch ride used in ssessing the glomerul r fittr tion r te (GFR) is
(A) Glycogen (C) Inulin (B) Ag r (D) Hy luronic cid
34. The constituent unit of inulin is (A) Glucose (C) M nnose (B) Fructose (D) G
l ctose
43. A polymer of glucose synthesized y the ction of leuconostoc mesenteroids i
n sucrose medium is (A) Dextr ns (C) Limit dextrin (B) Dextrin (D) Inulin

35. The polys cch ride found in the exoskeleton of inverte r tes is (A) Pectin (
C) Cellulose (B) Chitin (D) Chondroitin sulph te
44. Glucose on reduction with sodium m lg m forms (A) Dulcitol
 (C) M nnitol (A)
Glycoside (C) Gluconic cid (B) Sor itol (D) M nnitol nd sor itol (B) Glucos c
ch ric cid (D) Glucuronic cid
36. Which of the following is heteroglyc n? (A) Dextrins (C) Inulin (B) Ag r (
D) Chitin
45. Glucose on oxid tion does not give
37. The glycos minoglyc n which does not cont in uronic cid is (A) (B) (C) (D)
Derm t n sulph te Chondroitin sulph te Ker t n sulph te Hep r n sulph te
46. Oxid tion of g l ctose with conc HNO3 yields (A) Mucic cid (C) S cch ric c
id (A) Sucrose (C) M ltose 48. St rch is (A) Polys cch ride (C) Dis cch ride (
B) Monos cch ride (D) None of these (B) Glucuronic cid (D) Gluconic cid (B) L
ctose (D) Glucose

47. A positive Benedict’s test is not given y
38. The glycos minoglyc n which does not cont in uronic cid is (A) (B) (C) (D)
Hy luronic cid Hep rin Chondroitin sulph te Derm t n sulph te

39. Ker t n sulph te is found in und nce in (A) He rt muscle (C) Adren l corte
x (B) Liver (D) Corne

49. A positive Seliw noff’s test is o t ined with (A) Glucose (C) L ctose (A) Gluc
ose (C) Sucrose (B) Fructose (D) M ltose (B) Fructose (D) L ctose
40. Repe ting units of hy luronic cid re (A) N- cetyl glucos mine nd D-glucur
onic cid (B) N- cetyl g l ctos mine nd D-glucuronic cid (C) N- cetyl glucos m
ine nd gl ctose (D) N- cetyl g l ctos mine nd L- iduronic cid 41. The pprox
im te num er of r nches in mylopectin is (A) 10 (C) 40 (B) 20 (D) 80
50. Os zones re not formed with the
51. The most und nt c r ohydr te found in n ture is (A) St rch (C) Cellulose (
B) Glycogen (D) Chitin
52. Imp ired ren l function is indic ted when the mount of PSP excreted in the
first 15 minutes is (A) 20% (C) 40% 53. (B) 35% (D) 45%

42. In mylopectin the interv ls of glucose units of e ch r nch is (A) 10–20 (C)
30–40 (B) 24–30 (D) 40–50

An e rly fe ture of ren l dise se is (A) Imp irment of the c p city of the tu ul
e to perform osmotic work
(B) Decre se in m xim l tu ul r excretory c p city (C) Decre se in filtr tion f
ctor (D) Decre se in ren l pl sm flow 54. ADH test is sed on the me surement
of (A) (B) (C) (D) Specific
 gr vity of urine Concentr tion of ure in urine Conc
entr tion of ure in lood Volume of urine in ml/minute 62.
Fructose is present in hydrolys
 te of (A) Sucrose (B) Inulin (C)
 Both of the o
ve (D)None of these 63. A c r ohydr te found in DNA is (A) Ri ose (C) Ri ulose
64. Ri ulose is these
 (A) Ketotetrose (C) Ketopentose (B) Aldotetrose (D) Aldo
pentose (B) Deoxyri ose (D) All of these
55. The specific gr vity of urine norm lly r nges from (A) 0.900–0.999 (C) 1.000–1.0
01 (B) 1.003–1.030 (D) 1.101–1.120

65. A c r ohydr te, commonly known s dextrose is (A) Dextrin (C) D-Glucose (A)
Glucose (C) L ctose (B) D-Fructose (D) Glycogen (B) G l ctose (D) M ltose

56. Specific gr vity of urine incre ses in (A) (B) (C) (D) Di etes mellitus Chr
onic glomerulonephritis Compulsive polydypsi Hyperc lcemi

66. A c r ohydr te found only in milk is

67. A c r ohydr te, known commonly s invert sug r, is (A) Fructose (C) Glucose
(B) Sucrose (D) L ctose
57. Fix
 tion of specific gr vity of urine to 1.010 is found in (A) (B) (C) (D) 5
8. Di etes insipidus Compulsive polydypsi Cystinosis Chronic glomerulonephriti
68. A heteropolys cchr ide mong the following is (A) Inulin (C) Hep rin (B) Cel
lulose (D) Dextrin

Addis test is the me sure of (A) Imp irment of the c p city of the tu ule to per
form osmotic work (B) Secretory function of liver (C) Excretory function of live
r (D) Activity of p renchym l cells of liver
69. The predomin nt form of glucose in solution is (A) (B) (C) (D) Acyclic form
Hydr ted cyclic form Glucofur nose Glucopyr nose

59. Num er of stereoisomers of glucose is (A) 4 (C) 16 (B) 8 (D) None of these

70. An L-isomer of monos cch
 ride formed in hum n ody is (A) L-fructose (C) L-X
ylose 71. (A) Joints (C) A domen (B) L-Erythrose (D) L-Xylulose (B) Br in (D) Mo
60. M ltose c n e formed y hydrolysis of (A) St rch (C) Glycogen 61. (B) Dextr
in (D) All of these
Hy luronic cid is found in
α –D–Glucuronic cid is present in
(A) Hy luronic cid (C) Hep rin (B) Chondroitin sulph te (D) All of these
72. The c r on tom which ecomes symmetric when the str ight ch in form of mon
os cch ride ch nges into ring form is known s
(A) (B) (C) (D) Anomeric c r on tom Epimeric c r on tom Isomeric c r on tom N
one of these
 L ct te formed in muscles c n e utilised through (A) (B) (C) (D) R poport-L
ue eling cycle Glucose- l nine cycle Cori’s cycle Citric cid cycle
73. The sm llest monos
 cch ride h ving fur nose ring structure is (A) Erythrose
(C) Glucose (B) Ri ose (D) Fructose
83. Glucose-6-phosph t se is not present in (A) (B) (C) (D) Liver nd kidneys Ki
dneys nd muscles Kidneys nd dipose tissue Muscles nd dipose tissue
74. Which of the following is n epimeric p ir? (A) (B) (C) (D) Glucose nd fruc
tose Glucose nd g l ctose G l ctose nd m nnose L ctose nd m ltose
84. Pyruv te c r oxyl se is regul ted y (A) Induction
 (B) Repression (C)
eric regul tion(D) All of these 85. Fructose-2, 6- iphosph te is formed y the
ction of (A) (B) (C) (D) Phosphofructokin
 se-1 Phosphofructokin se-2 Fructose i
phosph te isomer se Fructose-1, 6- iphosph t se

75. α-Glycosidic ond is present in (A) L ctose (C) Sucrose (B) M ltose (D) All of
76. Br nching occurs in glycogen pproxim tely fter every (A) (B) (C) (D) Five
glucose units Ten glucose units Fifteen glucose units Twenty glucose units
86. The highest concentr tions of fructose re found in (A) Aqueous humor (C) Sy
novi l fluid (B) Vitreous humor (D) Semin l fluid
77. N–Acetylglucos mnine is present in (A) Hy luronic cid (C) Hep rin 78. (B) Cho
ndroitin sulph te (D) All of these
87. Glucose upt ke y liver cells is (A) Energy-consuming (B) A s tur le proces
s (C) Insulin-dependent(D) Insulin-independent 88. Ren l threshold for glucose
is decre sed in (A) Di etes mellitus (B) Insulinom (C)Ren lglycosuri (D) Al
iment ry glycosuri 89. Active upt ke of glucose is inhi ited y (A) Ou in (C)
Digoxin (B) Phlorrizin (D) Allox n
Iodine gives red colour with (A) St rch (C) Glycogen (B) Dextrin (D) Inulin
79. Amylose is constituent of (A) St rch (C) Glycogen (B) Cellulose (D) None o
f these
80. Synovi l fluid cont ins (A) (B) (C) (D) Hep rin Hy luronic cid Chondroitin
sulph te Ker tin sulph te

90. Glucose-6-phosph t se is sent or deficient in (A) (B) (C) (D) Von Gierke’s d
ise se Pompe’s dise se Cori’s dise se McArdle’s dise se

81. Gluconeogenesis is decre sed y (A) Gluc gon (C) Glucocorticoids (B) Epineph
rine (D) Insulin
91. De r nching enzyme is sent in (A) (B) (C) (D) Cori’s dise se Andersen’s dise s
e Von Gierke’s dise se Her’s dise se

100. An mphi olic p thw y mong the following is (A) HMP shunt (C) Citirc cid
cycle (B) Glycolysis (D) Gluconeogenesis
101. Cori’s cycle tr nsfers (A) (B) (C) (D) Glucose from muscles to liver L ct te
from muscles to liver L ct te from liver to muscles Pyruv te from liver to muscl
92. McArdle’s dise se is due to the deficiency of (A) (B) (C) (D) Glucose-6-phosph
t se Phosphofructokin se Liver phosphoryl se muscle phosphoryl se
102. Excessive int ke of eth nol incre ses the r tio: (A) NADH : NAD+ (C) FADH2
: FAD 103. (B) NAD+ : NADH (D) FAD : FADH2
93. T utomeris tion is (A) Shift of hydrogen (B) Shift of c r on (C) Shift
 of o
th (D) None of these 94. In essenti l pentosuri , urine cont ins (A) D-Ri ose (C
) L-Xylulose (B) D-Xylulose (D) D-Xylose
 nol decre ses
 gluconeogenesis y (A) Inhi iting glucose-6-phosph t se (B) In
hiiting PEP c r oxykin se (C) Converting NAD+ into NADH nd decre sing the v i
l ility of pyruv te (D) Converting NAD+ into NADH nd decre sing the v il ili
ty of l ct te
95. Action of s liv ry myl se on
 st rch le ds to the form tion of (A) M ltose (
B) M ltotriose (C) Both of the ove (D) Neither of these 96. Congenit l g l cto
s emi c n le dto (A) (B) (C) (D) 97. Ment l ret rd tion Prem ture c t r ct De
th All of the ove
104. Glycogenin is (A) (B) (C) (D) Uncoupler of oxid tive phosphoryl tion Polyme
r of glycogen
 molecules Protein primer for glycogen synthesis Intermedi te in gl
ycogen re kdown
105. During st rv tion, ketone odies re used s fuel y (A) Erythrocytes (C)
Liver (B) Br in (D) All of these

Uridine diphosph te glucose (UDPG) is (A) (B) (C) (D) Required
 for met olism of
g l ctose Required for
 synthesis of glucuronic cid A su str te for glycogen sy
nthet se All of the ove
106. Anim l f t is in gener l (A) Poor in s tur ted nd rich in polyuns tur ted
f tty cids (B) Rich in s tur ted nd poor in polyuns tur ted f tty cids (C) Ri
ch in s tur ted nd polyuns tur ted f tty cids(D) Poor in s tur ted nd polyun
stur ted f tty cids 107. In the diet
 of di etic p tient, the recommended c
r ohydr te int ke should prefer ly e in the form of
98. C t lytic ctivity of s liv ry myl se requires the presence of (A) Chloride
ions (C) Iodide ions (B) Bromide ions (D) All of these
99. The following is ctively sor ed in the intestine: (A) Fructose (C) G l ct
ose (B) M nnose (D) None of these
 Monos cch rides (B) Diss cch rides (C) Polys cch rides
 (D) All of these 108.
O esity incre ses the risk of (A) Hypertension (B) Di etes mellitus (C) C rdio
v scul r dise se (D) All of these 109. Worldwide, the most common vit min defici
ency is th t of (A) Ascor ic cid (C) Vit min A (B) Folic cid (D) Vit min D 116
. He vy proteinuri occurs in (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Acute glomerulonep
hritis Acute pyelonephritis Nephrosclerosis Nephrotic syndrome H mopolys cch rid
es Hetropolys cch rides Proteins Amino cids (B) 40–-60° C (D) 80°–100° C (B) Thyrotoxicos
is (D) Cretinism
117. Mucopolys cch rides re
118. Bence-Jones protein precipit tes t (A) 20°–40° C (C) 60°–80° C (A) Endemic goitre (C)
110. Consumption of iodised s lt is recommended for prevention of (A) Hypertensi
on (C) Endemic goitre (B) Hyperthyroidism (D) None of these
119. Serum cholesterol is decre sed in

111. Restriction of s lt int ke is gener lly recommended in (A) Di etes mellitu
s (B) Hypertension
 (C) Cirrhosis of liver (D) Peptic ulcer 112. Polyuri c n occ
ur in (A) Di etes mellitus (B) Di rrhoe (C) Acute glomerulonephritis (D) High
fever 113. Norm l specific gr vity of urine is (A) 1.000–1.010 (C) 1.025–1.034 (B) 1
.012–1.024 (D) 1.035–1.045
120. The heptose ketose sug r formed s result of chemic l re ction in HMP shu
nt: (A) Sedoheptulose (C) Glucoheptose
 (A) (C6H 12O6)n (C) (C6H 12O5)n (A) 4 (C)
12 123. (A) Fructose (C) Ri ose (B) G l ctoheptose (D) M nnoheptose
 (B) (C6 H10
O5)n (D) (C6 H19O6)n (B) 8 (D) 16 (B) G l ctose (D) Deoxyri ose
121. The gener l formul for polys cch ride is

122. The num er of isomers of glucose is
The epimers of glucose is

114. Specific gr vityof urine is r ised in ll of the following except (A) Di
etes mellitus (B) Di etes insipidus (C) Dehydr tion (D)Acute glomerulonephriti
s 115. Specific gr vity of urine is decre sed in (A) Di etes mellitus (B) Acute
glomerulonephritis (C) Di rrhoe (D) Chronic glomerulonephritis

124. The intermedi te in hexose monophosph
 te shunt is (A) D-Ri olose (C) D-xylo
se (A) L ctose (C) Inulin (B) D-Aro inose (D) D-lyxose (B) M ltose (D) St rch
125. Honey cont ins the hydrolytic product of
126. On oiling Benedict’s solution is not reduced y (A) Sucrose (C) M ltose (B)
L ctose (D) Fructose
127. Glycosides re found in m ny (A) Vit mins (C) Miner ls (B) Drugs (D) Nucleo
138. The component of c rtil ge nd corne is (A) (B) (C) (D) Ker tosulph te Cho
ndroitin sulph te C dmium sulph te Antimony sulph te
128. G l ctose on oxid tion with conc. HNO3 produces (A) Gluconic cid (B) S cch
ric cid (C) S cch ro L ctone (D) Mucic cid 129. The distinguishing test etwe
en monos cch rides nd diss cch rides is (A) Bi l’s test (C) B rfoed’s test (B) Selw
noff’s test (D) Hydrolysis test
139. Benedict’s test is less likely to give we kly positive results with concentr
ted urine due to the ction of (A) Ure (C) Ammonium s lts (B) Uric cid (D) Pho
sph tes

140. Active tr nsport of sug r is depressed y the gent: (A) Ox lo cet te (C) M
lon te (B) Fum r te (D) Succin te
130. Cellulose
 is m de up of the molecules of (A) α-glucose (B) β-glucose (C) Both o
f the ove (D) None of these 131. Iodine solution produces no color with (A) Ce
llulose (C) Dextrin (B) St rch (D) Glycogen

141. The gener l test for detection of c r ohydr tes is (A) Iodine test (C) B rf
oed test (A) Oedem (C) Rickets (B) Molisch test (D) Os zone test (B) Nephritis
(D) Osteom litis
132. Glycogen structure includes r nch in etween–glucose units: (A) 6–12 (C) 6–10
(B) 8–14 (D) 12–18
142. Glucose sorption m y e decre sed in
133. Amylose cont ins glucose units (A) 100–200 (C) 300–400 (B) 200–300 (D) 500–600

143. Glycogen synthet se ctivity is depressed y (A) Glucose (C) Cyclic AMP (B)
Insulin (D) Fructokin se

134. E ch r nch of mylopectin is t n interv l of glucose units: (A) 14–20 (C)
34–40 (A) Si lic cid (C) Glucuronic cid (B) 24–30 (D) 44–50 (B) Mucic cid (D) Hippu
ric cid
144. The r nching
 enzyme cts on the glycogen when the glycogen ch in h s een
lengthened to etween glucose units: (A) 1 nd 6 (C) 3 nd 9 (B) 2 nd 7 (D) 6
nd 11
135. N- cetylneur minic cid is n ex mple of

145. Cyclic
 AMP is formed from ATP y the enzyme denyl te cycl se which is cti
v ted y the hormone: (A) Insulin (C) Testosterone (B) Epinephrine (D) Progester
136. In pl ce of glucuronic cid chondroitin sulph te B cont ins (A) Gluconic c
id (C) Induronic cid (A) L ctose (C) Fructose (B) Gulonic cid (D) Sulphonic c
id (B) M ltose (D) Mucose
146. Hexokin se h s high ffinity for glucose th n (A) Fructokin se (C) Glucok
in se (B) G l ctokin se (D) All of the ove

137. Blood group su st nces consist of
 Dihydroxy cetone phosph te nd glycer ldehyde-3-phosph te re intercoverted
(A) (B) (C) (D) Triose isomer se Phosphotriose isomer se Diphosphotriose isomer
se Dihydroxy cetone phosphoryl se
156. Which of the following met olite integr tes glucose nd f tty cid met ol
ism? (A) Acetyl CoA (C) Citr te (B) Pyruv te (D) L ct te

148. Citr te is converted to isocitr te y conit se which cont ins (A) C ++ (C)
Zn ++ (B) Fe++ (D) Mg ++

157. Cere rosidesconsist of mostly of this sug r: (A) Glucose (C) G l ctose (B)
Fructose (D) Ar inose
149. The re ction succinyl COA to succin te requires (A) CDP (C) GDP (A) Succin
te (C) M l te (B) ADP (D) NADP+ (B) Fum r te (D) Ox lo cet te

 Glucose will e converted into f tty cids if the diet h s excess of (A) C
r ohydr tes (C) F t (B) Proteins (D) Vit mins
150. The c rrier of the citric cid cycle is
159. The purple ring of Molisch re ction is due to (A) (B) (C) (D) Furfur l Furf
ur l + α N pthol °C N pthol Furfurol + H2SO4 + α -N phthol

151. UDPG is oxidized to UDP glucuronic cid y UDP dehydrogen se in presence of
(A) FAD+ (C) NADP+ (B) NAD+ (D) ADP+

152. G l ctose is phosphoryl ted y g l ctokin se to form (A) (B) (C) (D) G l ct
ose-6-phosph te G l ctose-1, 6 diphosph te G l ctose-1-phosph te All of these

160. One of the following enzymes does not ch nge glycogen synth se to . (A)
(B) (C) (D) Glycogen synth se kin ses 3, 4, 5 C 2+ c lmodulin phosphoryl se kin
se C 2+ c lmodulin dependent protein kin se Glycogen phosphoryl se
153. The conversion
 of l nine to glucose is termed (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycolysis O
xid tive dec r oxyl tion Specific dyn mic ction Gluconeogenesis
161. In EM p thw y -2 -phosphoglycer te is converted to (A) (B) (C) (D) Phospho
enol pyruv te Enol pyruv te Di hydroxy cetone phosph te (DHAP) 1,3 isphosphogl
ycer te

154. The lood sug r r ising ction of the hormones of supr ren l cortex is due
to (A)
 Gluconeogenesis (B) Glycogenolysis (C) Gluc gon-like
 ctivity (D) Due to
inhi ition of glomerul r filtr tion 155. Under n ero ic conditions the glycolys
is one mole of glucose yields __ moles of ATP. (A) One (C) Eight (B) Two (D) Thi

162. An neplerotic re ction which sust ins the v il ility of ox lo cet te is
the c r oxyl tion of (A) Glut m te (C) Citr te (A) Seliw noff’s test (C) Molisch t
est (B) Pyruv te (D) Succin te (B) Os zone test (D) None of these
163. Specific test for ketohexoses:

164. Two import nt yproducts of HMP shunt re (A) NADH nd pentose sug rs (B) N
ADPH nd pentose sug rs
(C) Pentose sug rs nd 4 mem ered sug rs (D) Pentose sug rs nd sedoheptulose 16
5. Pyruv te dehydrogen se complex nd α-ketoglut
 r te dehydrogen se complex requir
e the following for their oxid tive dec r oxyl tion: (A) (B) (C) (D) COASH nd L
ipoic cid NAD+ nd FAD COASH nd TPP COASH, TPP,NAD+,FAD, Lipo te
172. Conversion of glucose to glucose-6phosph te in hum n liver is y (A) (B) (C
) (D) Hexokin se only Glucokin se only Hexokin se nd glucokin se Glucose-6-phos
ph te dehydrogen se
173. The following is n enzyme required for glycolysis: (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyruv t
e kin se Pyruv te c r oxyl se Glucose-6-phosph tose Glycerokin se

166. The four mem ered ldose sug r phosph te formedin HMP shunt p thw y is (A)
Xylulose P (C) Erythrose P (B) Erythrulose P (D) Ri ulose P
174. The norm l glucose toler nce curve re ches pe k is (A) 15 min (C) 2 hrs (B)
1 hr (D) 2 ½ hrs

167. C ne sug r (Sucrose) injected into lood is (A) (B) (C) (D) ch nged to fruc
tose ch nged to glucose undergoes no signific nt ch nge ch nged to glucose nd f

175. Oxid tive dec r oxyl tion of pyruv te requires (A) (B) (C) (D) NADP+ Cytich
romes pyridox l phosph te COASH
168. Pentose production is incre sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) HMP shunt Uromic cid p
thw y EM p thw y TCA cycle

176. Glucose toler nce is incre sed in (A) Di etes mellitus (B) Adren lectomy (
C) Acromeg ly (D) Thyrotoxicosis 177. Glucose toler nce is decre sed in (A) Di
etes mellitus (B) Hypopituit risme (C) Addison’s dise se (D)
 Hypothyroidism 178. D
uring glycolysis, Fructose 1, 6 diphosph te is decomposed y the enzyme: (A) Eno
l se (B) Fructokin se (C) Aldol se (D) Diphosphofructophosph tose 179. The fol
lowing enzyme is required for the hexose monophosph te shunt p thw y: (A) Glucos
e-6-phosph t se (B) Phosphoryl se (C) Aldol se (D) Glucose-6-phosph te dehydroge
n se

169. Conversion of Al nine to c r ohydr te is termed: (A) Glycogenesis (C) Glyco
genolysis (B) Gluconeogenesis (D) Photosynthesis
170. The following is n enzyme required for glycolysis: (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyruv t
e kin se Pyruv te c r oxyl se Glucose-6-phosph t se Glycerokin se

171. Our ody c n get pentoses from (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycolytic p thw y Uromic c
id p thw y TCA cycle HMP shunt
180 Dehydrogen se enzymes of the hexose monophosph te shunt re (A) NAD+ specifi
c (C) FAD specific (B) NADP+ specific (D) FMN specific
189. The oxid tion of l ctic cid to pyruvic cid requires the following vit min
deriv tive s the hydrogen c rrier. (A) Lithium pyrophosph te (B) Coenyzme A (C
) NAD+ (D) FMN 190. Physiologic l glycosuri is met with in (A) Ren l glycosuri
(B) Aliment ry glycosuri (C) Di etes Mellitus (D) Allox n di etes 191. Two e
x mples of su str te level phosphoryl
 tion in EM p thw y of glucose met olism
re in the re ctions of (A) 1,3 isphosphoglycer te nd phosphoenol pyruv te (B)
Glucose-6 phosph te nd Fructo-6-phosph te (C) 3 phosphoglycer ldehyde nd phosp
hoenolpyruv te (D) 1,3 diphosphoglycer
 te nd 2-phosphoglycer te 192. The num er
of molecules of ATP produced y the tot l oxid tion of cetyl CoA in TCA cycle
is (A) 6 (C) 10 (B) 8 (D) 12

181. Under n ero ic conditions the glycolysis of one mole of glucose yields ___
___moles of ATP. (A) One (C) Eight (B) Two (D) Thirty

182. Glycogen is converted to glucose-1phosph te y (A) UDPG tr nsfer se (B) Br
nching enzyme (C) Phosphoryl se (D) Phosph t se 183. Which of the following is n
ot n enzyme involved in glycolysis? (A) Euol se (C) Hexokin se (B) Aldolose (D)
Glucose oxid se
184. Tric r oxylic cid cycle to e continuous requires the regener tion of (A)
Pyruvic cid (B) ox lo cetic cid (C) α-oxoglut ric cid (D) M lic cid 185. Dehyd
rogen tion of succinic cid to fum ric cid requires the following hydrogen c rr
ier: (A) NAD+ (C) fl voprotein (B) NADP
(D) Glut thione
186. The tissues with the highest tot l glycogen content re (A) Muscle nd kidn
eys (B) Kidneys nd liver (C) Liver nd muscle (D) Br in nd Liver 187. Rother
test is not given y (A) β-hydroxy utyr te (B) ile s lts (C) Glucose (D) None  of
these 188. Gluconeogenesis
 is incre sed in the following condition: (A) Di ete
s insipidus (B) Di etes Mellitus (C) Hypothyroidism (D) Liver dise ses

193. Su str te level phosphoryl tion in TCA cycle is in step: (A) Isocitr te deh
ydrogen se (B) M l te dehydrogen se (C) Aconit se (D) Succin
 te thiokin se 194.
F tty cids c nnot econverted into c r ohydr tes in the ody s the following
re ction is notpossi le. (A) Conversion of glucose-6-phosph te into glucose (B)
Fructose 1, 6- isphosph te to fructose-6phosph te (C) Tr nsform tion of cetyl
CoA to pyruv te (D) Form tion of cetyl CoA from f tty cids
195. Tissues form l ctic cid from glucose. This phenomenon is termed s (A) (B)
(C) (D) Aero ic glycolysis Oxid tion Oxid tive phosphoryl tion An ero ic glycol
202. Amylo 1, 6 glucosid se is c lled (A) (B) (C) (D) Br nching enzyme de r nchi
ng enzyme Gluc ntr nsfer se Phosphoryl se
196. One molecule of glucose gives ______ molecules of CO2 in EM-TCA cycle. (A)
6 (C) 1 (B) 3 (D) 2

203. Glucose enters the cells y (A) (B) (C) (D) 204. insulin independent tr nsp
ort insulin dependent tr nsport enzyme medi ted tr nsport Both (A) nd (B)
197. One molecule of glucose gives ______ molecules of CO2 in one round of HMP s
hunt. (A) 6 (C) 2 (B) 1 (D) 3 enzymes of
Glycogen while eing cted upon y ctive phosphoryl se is  converted first to (A
) Glucose (B) Glucose 1-phosph te nd Glycogen with 1 c r on less (C) Glucose-6-
phosph te nd Glycogen with 1 c r on less (D) 6-Phosphogluconic cid
198. The 4 r te limiting gluconeogenesis re
(A) Glucokin se, Pyruv te c r oxyle phosphoenol pyruv te c r oxykinse nd gluc
ose-6-phosph t se (B) Pyruv te c r oxyl se, phosphoenol pyruv te c r oxykin se,
 diphosph t se nd glucose-6-phosph
 t se (C) Pyruv te kin se, pyruv t
e c r oxyl se, phosphoenol pyruv te
 c r oxykin se nd glucose-6-phosph
 t se (D)
Phospho fructokin se, pyruv te c r oxyl se, phosphoenol pyruv te c r oxykin se
nd fructose 1, 6 diphosph t se 199. For glycogenesis, Glucose should
 e converte
d to (A) Glucuronic cid (C) UDP glucose (B) Pyruvic cid (D) Sor itol
205. When O2 supply is in dequ te, pyruv te is converted to (A) Phosphopyruv te
(B) Acetyl CoA (C) L ct te (D)Al nine 206. Re ctiv tion of in ctive liver phosp
horyl se is norm lly f voured y (A) Insulin (C) ACTH (B) Epinephrine (D) Gluc g

207. Before pyruvic cid enters the TCA cycle it must e converted to (A) Acetyl
CoA (C) α-ketoglut r te (B) L ct te (D) Citr te

200. Fluoride inhi its ______ nd rrests glycolysis. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C
) (D) Glycer ldehyde-3-phosph te dehydrogen se Aconit se Enolose Succin te dehyd
 se Glycogen synth se ‘ ’ is the phosphoryl
 ted cAMP converts glycogen synth se
to ‘ ’ Insulin converts glycogen synth se to UDP glucose molecules inter ct
nd grow into Glycogen tree

208. The hydrolysis of Glucose-6-phosph te is c t lysed y specific phosph t s
e which is found only in (A) (B) (C) (D) Liver, intestines nd kidneys Br in, sp
leen nd dren ls Stri ted muscle Pl sm
201. One of the following st tement is correct:
209. The form tion of citr te from ox lo cet te nd cetyl CoA is (A) Oxid tion
(C) Condens tion (B) Reduction (D) Hydrolysis
210. Which one of the following is r te limiting enzymeof gluconeogenesis? (A
) (B) (C) (D) Hexokin se Phsophofructokin se Pyruv te c r oxyl se Pyruv te kin s
218. Acetyl CoA is not used for the synthesis of (A) F tty cid (C) Pyruvic cid
(B) Cholesterol (D) Citric cid
219. The tot l glycogen content of the ody is out ______ gms. (A) 100 (C) 300
(B) 200 (D) 500

211. The num er of ATP produced in the succin te dehydrogen se step is (A) 1 (C)
3 (B) 2 (D) 4

220. The tot l Glucose in the ody is ________ gms. (A) 10–15 (C) 40–50 (B) 20–30 (D)
212. Which of the following re ction gives l ctose? (A) (B) (C) (D) UDP g l ctos
e nd glucose UDP glucose nd g l ctose Glucose nd G l ctose Glucose, G l ctose
nd UTP
221. Pyruv te kin se requires ______ ions for m ximum ctivity. (A) N + (C) C 2+
(B) K + (D) Mg2+

213. UDP Glucuronic cid is required for the iosynthesis of (A) (B) (C) (D) Cho
ndroitin sulph tes Glycogen L ctose St rch
222. ATP is ‘w sted’ in R poport-Lue erring cycle in RBCs s otherwise it will inhi
it (A) (B) (C) (D) Phosphoglucomut
 se Phosphohexo isomer se Phosphofructo kin se
Phosphoenol pyruv te c r oxy kin se

214. Which one of the following c n covert glucose to vit min C? (A) Al ino r ts
(C) Monkeys (B) Hum ns (D) Guine pigs

223. The following co-enzyme is needed for the oxid tive dec r oxyl tion of keto
cids: (A) NADP+ (B) TPP (C) Fol te coenzyme (D) Biotin coenzyme 224. Synthesis
of Glucose from mino cids is termed s (A) Glycolysis (C) Glycogenesis (B) Glu
coneogenesis (D) Lipogenesis

215. Which one of the following c nnot convert glucose to Vit min C? (A) Al ino
r ts (C) Monkeys (B) Dogs (D) Cows
216. Tr nsketol se h s the coenzyme: (A) NAD (C) TPP
(B) FP (D) Pyridoxol phosph te
225. The following ex mples re import nt heteropolys cch rides except (A) Amylo
pectin (C) Peptidoglyc n (B) Hep rin (D) Hy luronic cid
 Two conditions in which gluconeogenesis is incre sed re (A) (B) (C)
 (D) Di
etes mellitus nd therosclerosis Fed condition nd thyrotoxicosis Di etes me
llitus nd St rv tion Alcohol int ke nd cig rette smoking
226. Whcih of the following fe tures re common to monos cch rides? (A) (B) (C)
(D) Cont in symmetric centres Are of 2 types – ldoses nd ketoses Tend to exist
s ring structures in solution Include glucose, g l ctose nd r ffinose
227. Polys cch rides (A) Cont in m ny monos cch ride units which m y or m y not
e of the s me kind (B) Function m inly stor ge or structur l compounds (C)
e present in l rge mounts in connective tissue (D) All of these 228. The sorp
tion of glucose
 in the digestive tr ct (A) Occurs in the sm ll intestine
 (B) Is
stimul ted y the hormone Gluc gon (C) Occurs more r pidly th n the sorption o
f ny other sug r (D) Is imp ired inc ses of di etes mellitus 229. UDP-Glucose
is converted to UDPGlucuronic cid y (A) ATP (C) NADP+ (B) GTP (D) NAD+
234. Which of thefollowing compound is positive llosteric modifier of the en
zyme pyruv te c r oxyl se? (A) Biotin (C) Ox lo cet te (B) Acetyl CoA (D) ATP

235. A specific inhi itor for succin te dehydrogen se is (A) Arsinite (C) Citr t
e (B) Melou te (D) Cy nide
236. Most of the met olic p thw ys re either  n olic or c t olic. Which of t
he following p thw ys is considered s “ mphi olic” in n ture? (A) Glycogenesis (C)
Lipolysis (B) Glycolytic p thw y (D) TCA cycle
237. Tr nsketol se ctivity is ffected in (A) (B) (C) (D) Biotin deficiency Pyr
idoxine deficiency PABA deficiency Thi mine deficiency
230. The enzymes involved in Phosphoryl tion of glucose to glucose 6- phosph te
re (A) (B) (C) (D) Hexokin se Glucokin se Phosphofructokin se Both (A) nd (B)
238. The following met olic norm lities occur in Di etes mellitus except (A)
(B) (C) (D) Incre sed pl sm FFA Incre sed pyruv te c r oxyl se ctiv te Decre
sed lipogenesis Decre sed gluconeogenesis
231. In conversion of L ctic cid to Glucose, three re ctions of Glycolytic p th
w y re circumvented,which of the following enzymes do not p rticip te? (A) (B)
(C) (D) Pyruv te C r oxyl se Phosphoenol pyruv te c r oxy kin se Pyruv te kin s
e Glucose-6-phosph t se

239. A su st nce th t is not n intermedi te in the form tion of D-glucuronic c
id from glucose is (A) (B) (C) (D) Glucoss-1-p 6-Phosphoglucon te Glucose-6-p UD
232. The norm
 l resting st te of hum ns, most of the lood glucose urnt s “fuel” i
s consumed y (A) Liver (C) Kidneys (B) Br in (D) Adipose tissue

240. The hydrolysis of Glucose-6-P is c t lysed y phosph t se th t is not for
med in which of the following? (A) Liver (C) Muscle (B) Kidney (D) Sm ll intesti
233. A regul tor of the enzyme Glycogen synth se is (A) (B) (C) (D) Citric cid
2, 3 isphosphoglycer te Pyruv te GTP
241. An essenti l for converting Glucose to Glycogen in Liver is (A) L ctic cid

242. Which of the following is su str te for ldol se ctivity in Glycolytic p
thw y? (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycer ldehyde-3-p Glucose-6-p Fructose-6-p Fructose1, 6
- isphosph te
249. Which
 of the following st tements reg rding T.C.A cycle is true? (A) It is
n n ero ic process (B) It occursin cytosol (C) It cont ins no intermedi tes f
or Gluconeogenesis
 (D) It is mphi olic in n ture 250. An llosteric enzyme resp
onsi le for controlling the r te of T.C.A cycle is (A) (B) (C) (D) M l te dehydr
ogen se Isocitr te dehydrogen se Fum r se Aconit se

243. The r tio th t pproxim tes the num er of net molecule
 of ATP formed
 per mo
le of Glucose oxidized in presence of O2 to the net num er formed in scence of
O2 is (A) 4 : 1 (C) 12 : 1 (B) 10 : 2 (D) 18 : 1

244. The “Prim quin sensitivity types of h emolytic n emi h s een found to rel
te to reduced R.B.C ctivity of which enzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyruv te kin se de
ficiency Glucose-6-phosph t se deficiency Glucose-6-p dehydrogen se deficiency H
exokin se deficiency

251. The glycolysis is regul ted y (A) Hexokin se (C) Pyruv te kin se (B) Phosp
hofructokin se (D) All of these

252. How m ny ATP molecules will e required for conversion of 2-molecules of L
ctic cid to Glucose? (A) 2 (C) 8 (B) 4 (D) 6
245. Which of the following hormones is not involved in c r ohydr te met olism?
(A) Cortisol (C) Glucogen (B) ACTH (D) V sopressin
253. Which of the following enzyme is not involved in HMP shunt? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Glycer ldehyde-3-p dehydrogen se Glucose-6-p-dehydrogen se Tr nsketol se Phosph
oglucon te dehydrogen se
246. Dehydrogen ses involved in HMP shunt re specific for (A) NADP+ (C) FAD (B)
247. Which of the following enzymes in Glycolytic p thw y is inhi ited y fluori
de? (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycer ldehyde-3-p dehydrogen se Phosphoglycer te kin se Pyr
uv te kin se Enol se

254. In presence of the following cof ctor, pyruv te c r oxyl se converts pyruv
te to ox lo cet te: (A) (B) (C) (D) ATP, Protein nd CO2 CO2 nd ATP CO2 Protein

248. Out
 of 24 mols ofATP formed in TCA cycle, 2 molecules of ATP c n e formed
t “su str te level” y which of the following re ction ? (A) (B) (C) (D) Citric c
id→ Isocitric cid Isocitr te→ Ox lo cet te Succinic cid→ Fum r te Succinylc t→ Succini
c cid
255. For conversion of ox lo cet te to phosphoenol pyruv te, high energy molecul
e is required in the form of (A) GTP only (C) GTP (or) ITP (B) ITP only (D) None
of these
256. If the more neg tive st nd rd reduction potenti l of redox p ir, the gre
ter the tendency to
(A) (B) (C) (D) To lose electrons To g in electrons To lose/g in electrons To lo
se nd g in electrons
(C) The free energy ch nge, ∆G°, is equ l to the st nd rd free energy ch nge, ∆G° (D) Ke
q is equ l to1 264. An uncoupler of oxid tive phosphoryl tion such s dinitroph
enol (A) Inhi its electron tr nsport nd ATP synthesis (B) Allow electron tr nsp
ort to proceed without ATP synthesis (C) Inhi  its electron tr nsport without imp
irment of ATP synthesis
 (D) Speci lly inhi its cytochrome 265. All of the fol
lowing st tements out the enzymic complex th t c rries out the synthesis of AT
P during oxid tive phosphoryl tion re correct  except (A) It is locted on the m
trix side of the  inner mitochondri l mem r ne (B)
 It is inhi ited y oligomycin
(C) It c n exhi it ATP  se ctivity (D) It c n ind molecul r O2 266. Glucokin s
e (A) Is widely distri uted nd occurs in most m mm li n tissues (B) H s high
km for glucose nd hence is  import nt in the phosphoryl tion of glucose  prim ril
y fter ingestion of c r ohydr te rich me l (C) Is widely distri uted in Prok
ryotes (D) None of these 267. The re ction c t lysed y phosphofructokin se (A)
Is ctiv ted y high concentr tions of ATP nd citr te (B) Uses fruitose-1-phosp
h te s su str te (C) Is the r te-limiting
 re ction of the glycolytic p thw y (D
) Is inhi ited y fructose 2, 6- isphosph te 268. Comp red to the resting st te,
vigorously contr cting muscle shows (A) An incre sed conversion of pyruv te to
l ct te (B) Decre sed oxid tion of pyruv te of CO2 nd w ter (C) A decre sed NAD
H/NAD+ r tio (D) Decre sed concentr tion of AMP
257. Electron tr nsport
 nd phosphoryl tion c n e uncoupled  y compounds th t i
ncre se the perme ility of the inner mitochondri l mem r ne to (A) Electrons (C
) Uncouplers (B) Protons (D) All of these

258. The more positive the E0, the gre ter the tendency of the oxid nt mem er of
th t p ir to (A) (B) (C) (D) Lose electrons G in electrons Lose (or) g in elect
rons Lose nd g in electrons
259. The st nd rd free energy of hydrolysis of termin l phosph te group of ATP i
s (A) –7,300 c l/mol (C) 10,000 c l/mol (B) –8,300 c l/mol (D) +7,300 c l/mol
260. The tr nsport of p ir of electrons from NADH to O2 vi the electron tr ns
port ch in produces (A) –52,580 c l (C) 21,900 c l (B) –50,580 c l (D) +52,580 c l
261. Sufficient energy required to produce 3 ATP from 3 ADP nd 3 pi is (A) –21,90
0 c l (C) 31,900 c l (B) 29,900 c l (D) 39,900 c l
262. The free energy ch nge, AG (A) Is directly proportion
 l to the st
 nd rd fre
e energy ch nge, AG (B) Is equ l to zero t equili rium (C) C n only e c lcul t
ed when the re ct nts nd products re present t 1mol/1 concentr tions (D) Is e
qu l to –RT in keq 263. Under st nd rd conditions (A) The free energy ch nge ∆G°, is e
qu l to 0 (B) The st nd rd free energy ch nge ∆G, is equ l to 0

269. Which one of the following would e expected in pyruv te kin se deficiency?
(A) (B) (C) (D) Incre sed levels of l ct te in the R.B.C Hemolytic nemi Decre
sed r tio of ADP to ATP in R.B.C Incre sed phosphoryl tion of Glucose to Glucos
e-6-phosph te 275. P steur effect is (A) (B) (C) (D)
Inhi ition of glycolysis Oxygen is involved Inhi ition of enzyme phosphofructoki
n se All of these

270. Which one of the following st tements concerning glucose met olism is corr
ect? (A) The conversion
 of Glucose to l ct te occurs only in the R.B.C (B) Gluco
se enters most cells y mech nism in which  N + nd glucose re co-tr nsported
(C) Pyruv te kin se c t lyses n irreversi le re ction
 (D) An elev ted level of
insulin le ds to decre sed level of fructose 2, 6- isphosph te in hep tocyte 2
71. Which one of the following compounds c nnot give rise to the net synthesis o
f Glucose? (A) L ct te (C) α-ketoglut r te (B) Glycerol (D) Acetyl CoA
276. How m ny ATPs re produced in the conversion of phosphoenol pyruv te to cit
r te? (A) 1 (C) 4 (B) 2 (D) 6
277. Reduced glut
 thione functions
 in R.B.Cs to (A) (B) (C) (D) Produce NADPH Re
duce methemoglo in to hemoglo in Produce NADH Reduce oxidizing gents such s H2
O2 (B) Hist mine (D) Throxine
278. Phenyl l nine is the precursor of (A) L-DOPA (C) Tyrosine
279. D-M nnose is present in some pl nt products like (A) Resins (C) Mucil ge (B
) Pectins (D) Gums
272. Which of the following re ctions is unique to gluconeogenesis? (A) (B) (C)
(D) L ct te Pyruv te Phosphoenol pyruv te pyruv te Ox lo cet te phosphoenol pyru
v te Glucose-6-phosph te Fructose-6-phosph te
280. G l ctose is m in constituent of (A) Milk sug r (C) C ne sug r (B) Honey
(D) Chitin

273. The synthesis of glucosefrom pyruv te y gluconeogenesis (A) (B) (C) (D) R
 the p rticip tion of iotin Occurs exclusively in the cytosol Is inhi it
ed y elev ted level of insulin Requires oxid tion/reduction of FAD
281. Glucos mine is n import nt constituent of (A) (B) (C) (D) Homopolys cch ri
de Heteropolys cch ride Mucopolys cch ride Dextr n

274. The conversion of pyruv te to cetyl CoA nd CO2 (A) (B) (C) (D) Is reversi
le Involves the p rticip tion of lipoic cid Depends on the coenzyme iotin Occ
urs in the cytosol

282. Glycogen is present in ll ody tissues except (A) Liver (C) Kidney (B) Br
in (D) Stom ch
283. Iodine test is positive for st rch, dextrin nd (A) Mucoproteins (C) Glycog
en (B) Ag r (D) Cellulose
284. The gener l formul
 for polys
 cch ride is (A) (C6H 10O5)n (C) (C6H 12O5)n (
A) Fructose (C) Ri ose (A) D-Ar
 inose (C)D-Xylose (B) (C6H 12C6)n (D) (C5 H10O
5)n (B) G l ctose (D) Deoxyri ose (B) D-Ri ose (D) L-Xylose
β−D glucose are related 294. α− α−D Glucose and β− y (A) Epimers (C) Multirotation (B) Ano
(D) Ketoenol pair
285. Epimers of glucose is

295. The sta le ring formation in D Glucose involves (A) C 1 and C 4 (C) C 1 and
C 5 (B) C 1 and C 2 (D) C 2 and C 5
286. Human heart muscle contains

287. The intermediate
 n hexose monophosphate shunt is (A) D Ri ulose (C) D xylos
e (B) D Ara inose (D) D Lyxose

296. Reduction of Glucose with Ca++ in water produces (A) Sor itol (C) Mannitol
(B) Dulcitol (D) Glucuronic acid
297. Starch and glycogen are polymers of (A) Fructose (C) α−D Glucose (B) Mannose (D
) Galactose
288. On oiling Benedict’s solution is not reduced y (A) Sucrose (C) Maltose (B)
Lactose (D) Fructose
298. Reducing a ility of car ohydrates is due to (A) Car oxyl group (B) Hydroxyl
group (C) Enediol formation (D) Ring structure 299. Which of the following is n
ot a polymer of glucose? (A) Amylose (C) Cellulose 300. Invert sugar is (A) (B)
(C) (D) Lactose Mannose Fructose Hydrolytic product of sucrose (B) Inulin (D) De

289. The distinguishing test etween monosaccharides and dissaccharide is (A) Bi
al’s test (C) Barfoed’s test (A) Glucose (C) Sucrose 291. Cori cycle is (A) (B) (C)
(D) Synthesis of glucose reuse of glucose uptake of glycose Both (A) & (B) (B) S
ucrose (D) Maltose (B) Seliwanoff’s test (D) Hydrolysis test (B) Mannose (D) Ri os

290. Barfoed’s solution is not reduced y
292. Cane sugar is known as (A) Galactose (C) Fructose
301 The car ohydrate reserved in human ody is (A) Starch (C) Glycogen (B) Gluco
se (D) Inulin
293. Which of the following is not reducing sugar? (A) Lactose (C) Sucrose (B) M
altose (D) Fructose

302 A dissaccharide linked y deic linkages is (A) Lactose (C) Cellulose
α -1-4 Glycosi-
(B) Sucrose (D) M ltose
1. A 7. A 13. B 19. C 25. A 31. D 37. C 43. A 49. B 55. B 61. C 67. B 73. B 79.
A 85. B 91. A 97. D 103. C 109. B 115. B 121. B 127. B 133. C 139. B 145. B 151.
B 157. C 163. A 169. B 175. D 181. B 187. A 193. D 199. C 205. C 211. B 217. C
223. B 229. B 235. B 241. D 247. D 2. A 8. D 14. A 20. C 26. D 32. A 38. B 44. B
50. C 56. A 62. C 68. C 74. B 80. B 86. D 92. D 98. A 104. C 110. C 116. B 122.
D 128. D 134. B 140. C 146. C 152. C 158. A 164. B 170. A 176. B 182. C 188. B
194. C 200. C 206. D 212. A 218. C 224. B 230. D 236. D 242. D 248. D 3. A 9. A
15. A 21. A 27. C 33. C 39. D 45. A 51. C 57. D 63. B 69. D 75. B 81. D 87. D 93
. A 99. C 105. B 111. B 117. A 123. B 129. C 135. C 141. B 147. B 153. D 159. B
165. D 171. D 177. A 183. D 189. C 195. D 201. C 207. A 213. A 219. C 225. A 231
. C 237. B 243. B 249. D 4. A 10. A 16. B 22. D 28. C 34. B 40. A 46. A 52. A 58
. A 64. C 70. D 76. B 82. C 88. C 94. C 100. C 106. B 112. B 118. B 124. A 130.
A 136. C 142. A 148. B 154. A 160. D 166. C 172. C 178. C 184. B 190. B 196. A 2
02. B 208. A 214. A 220. B 226. C 232. B 238. B 244. C 250. B 5. B 11. A 17. A 2
3. C 29. B 35. B 41. D 47. A 53. A 59. C 65. C 71. A 77. A 83. D 89. B 95. C 101
. B 107. C 113. B 119. B 125. C 131. A 137. C 143. C 149. B 155. B 161. A 167. C
173. A 179. D 185. C 191. A 197. B 203. D 209. C 215. C 221. B 227. D 233. C 23
9. B 245. D 251. D 6. A 12. C 18. A 24. B 30. B 36. B 42. B 48. A 54. A 60. D 66
. C 72. A 78. C 84. D 90. A 96. D 102. A 108. D 114. D 120. A 126. A 132. D 138.
A 144. D 150. D 156. A 162. B 168. A 174. B 180. B 186. C 192. D 198. B 204. C
210. C 216. C 222.C 228. A 234. A 240. C 246. A 252. D
253. A 259. A 265. D 271. B 277. D 283. C 289. C 295. C 301. C 254. A 260. D 266
. B 272. C 278. C 284. A 290. C 296. A 302. D 255. C 261. A 267. C 273. A 279. D
285. B 291. D 297. C 256. A 262. B 268. A 274. B 280. A 286. C 292. B 298. A
257. B 263. C 269. B 275. D 281. C 287. A 293. C 299. B 258. B 264. B 270. C 276
. C 282. B 288. A 294. B 300. D
7. A Polys cch rides re polymers of monos cch rides. They re of two types– hompo
lys cch rides th t cont in single type of monos cch ride (e.g., st rch, insuli
n, cellulose) nd heteropolys cch rides with two or more different types of mono
s cch rides (e.g., hep rin, chondroitin sulf te). Mutorot tion refers to the ch
nge in the specific optic l rot tion representing the interconversion of α- nd β-
nomers of D-glucose to n equili
 rium. St rch
 is polys cch ride composed  of Dg
lucose units held together y α-glycosidic onds, (α1→ 4 link ges; t r nching point
s α 1→ 6 link ges). Hy luronic cid is the  ground
 su st nce of synovi l fluid of joi
nts. It serves s lu ric nts ndshock sor nt in joints. The process of shift
ing hydrogen tom from one c r on to nother to produce enediols is referred t
o s t utomeriz tion. Mucopolys cch rides (commonly known s glycos minoglyc ns)
re heteropolys cch rides composed of sug r deriv tives (m inly mino sug rs n
d uronic cids). The import nt mucopolys cch rides include hy luronic cid, hep
rin, chondroitin sulf te, derm t n sulf te nd ker t n sulf te. Molisch test: It
is gener l test for the detection of c r ohydr  tes. The strong H2SO4 hydrolys
es c r ohydr tes (poly- nd dis cch rides) to li er te monos cch rides. The mono
s cch rides get dehydr ted to form furfur l (from pentoses) or hydroxy methylfur
fur l (from hexoses) which condense with α-n phthol to form violet coloured comp
lex. 163. A Seliw noff’s test: this is specific test for ketohexoses. Concentr t
ed hydrochloric cid dehydr tes ketohexoses to form furfur l deriv tives which c
ondense with resorcinol to give cherry red complex. 187. A Rother ’s test: Nitro
prosside in lk line medium re cts with keto group of ketone odies ( cetone  nd
ceto cet te) to form purple ring. This test is not given y β-hydroxy utyr te.
203. D Two specific tr nsport systems re recognized for the entry of glucose i
nto the cells. ( ) Insulin-independent tr nsport: This is c rrier medi ted upt
ke of glucose which is not dependent
 on the hormone inslulin. This oper tes in
hep tocytes, erythrocytes nd r in. ( ) Insulin-dependent tr nsport: This occur
s in muscle nd dipose tissue. 230. D Hexokin se nd glucokin se re involved i
n the phosphoryl tion of glucose to glucose 6phosph te. The enzyme hexokin se, p
resent in lmost ll the tissues, c t lyses the  phosphoryl tion of other hexose
 m nnose). It h s low Km for su str tes ( out 0.1 mM) nd is inh
i ited y glucose 6phosph te. In contr st, glucokin se is present in liver, c t
lyses the phosphoryl tion of only glucose, h s high Km for glucose (10 mM)
30. B
48. A
71. A
93. A
117. A
141. B
nd is not inhi ited y glucose 6-phosph te. 251. D The three enzymes n mely hex
okin se (orglucokin se), phosphofructokin se nd pyruv te kin se, c t lyzing th
e irreversi le re ctions regul te glycolysis. Among these,
 se i
s the mostregul tory. It is n llosteric enzyme inhi ited y
 ATP, citr te nd
ctiv ted y AMP nd Pi. 275. D The inhi ition of glycolysis y oxygen is
referred to s P steur effect. This is due to inhi ition of the enzyme phosphofr
uctokin se y ATP nd citr te (formed in the presence of O2 ) 291. D The cycle i
nvolving the synthesis of glucose in liver
 from the skelet l muscle l ct te nd
the reuse of glucose thus synthesized y the muscle for energy purposes is known
s Cori Cycle.

This p ge intention lly left l nk
1. All proteins cont in the (A) (B) (C) (D) S me 20 mino cids Different mino
cids 300 Amino cids occurring in n ture Only few mino cids Only L- α - mino
cids Only D- mino cids DL-Amino cids Both (A) nd (B)
(D) All mino cids cont in neg tively ch rged side ch ins 6. pH (isoelectric pH
) of l nine is (A) 6.02 (C) 6.8 (B) 6.6 (D) 7.2
2. Proteins cont in (A) (B) (C) (D)
7. Since the pK v lues for sp rtic cid re 2.0, 3.9 nd 10.0, it follows th t
the isoelectric (pH) is (A) 3.0 (C) 5.9 (B) 3.9 (D) 6.0
3. The optic lly in ctive mino cid is (A) Glycine (C) Threonine (B) Serine (D)
V line
8. Sulphur cont ining mino cid is (A) Methionine (C) V line (B) Leucine (D) As
p r gine

4. At neutr l pH, mixture of mino cids in solution would e predomin ntly: (
A) (B) (C) (D) Dipol r ions Nonpol r molecules Positive nd monov lent Hydropho
9. An ex mple of sulphur cont ining mino cid is (A) (B) (C) (D) 2-Amino-3-merc
ptoprop noic cid 2-Amino-3-methyl ut noic cid 2-Amino-3-hydroxyprop noic cid
Amino cetic cid

5. The true st tement out solutions of mino cids t physiologic l pH is (A)
All mino cids cont in oth positive nd neg tive ch rges (B) All mino cids c
ont in positively ch rged side ch ins (C) Some mino cids cont in only positive
ch rge
10. All the following re sulphur cont ining mino cids found in proteins excep
t (A) Cysteine (C) Methionine (B) Cystine (D) Threonine
11. An rom tic mino cid is (A) Lysine (C) T urine (B) Tyrosine (D) Arginine
12.The functions of pl sm l umin re (A) Osmosis (C) Immunity (B) Tr nsport (
D) oth (A ) nd (B)
21. An mino cid th t does not form n α helix is (A) V line (C) Tyrosine (A) β-Al
nine (C) Lysine (B) Proline (D) Tryptoph n

13. Amino cid with side ch in cont ining sic groups is (A) (B) (C) (D) 2-Amin
o 5-gu nidov leric cid 2-Pyrrolidine c r oxylic cid 2-Amino 3-merc ptoprop noi
c cid 2-Amino prop noic cid
22. An mino cid not found in proteins is (B) Proline (D) Histidine
23. In m mm li n tissues serine c n e iosynthetic precursor of (A) Methionin
e (C) Tryptoph n (B) Glycine (D) Phenyl l nine

14. An
 ex mple of α - mino cid not present in proteins ut essenti l in m mm li n
met olism is (A) (B) (C) (D) 3-Amino
 3-hydroxyprop noic cid 2-Amino 3-hydroxy
ut noic cid 2-Amino 4-merc pto ut noic cid 2-Amino 3-merc ptoprop noic cid
24. A v sodil ting compound is produced y the dec r oxyl tion of the mino cid
: (A) Arginine (C) Glut mine (B) Asp rtic cid (D) Histidine
15. An essenti l mino cid in m n is (A) Asp rt te (C) Methionine (B) Tyrosine
(D) Serine
25. Biuret re ction is specific for (A) –CONH-link ges (B) –CSNH2 group (C) –(NH)NH2 g
roup (D) All of these 26. S k guchi’s re ction is specific for (A) Tyrosine (C) Ar
ginine (B) Proline (D) Cysteine

16. Non essenti l mino cids (A) Are not components of tissue proteins (B) M y
esynthesized inthe ody from essentil mino cids (C) H ve no role in the me
t olism (D) M y e synthesized in the ody in dise sed st tes 17. Which one of
the following is semiessenti l mino cid for hum ns? (A) V line (C) Lysine (B)
Arginine (D) Tyrosine
27. Million-N sse’s re ction is specific for the mino cid: (A) Tryptoph n (C) Ph
enyl l nine (B) Tyrosine (D) Arginine
28. Ninhydrin with evolution of CO2 forms lue complex with (A) Peptide ond (
C) Serotonin (B) α -Amino cids (D) Hist mine
18. An ex mple of pol r mino cid is (A) Al nine (C) Arginine (B) Leucine (D) V
29. The most of the ultr violet sorption of proteins ove 240 nm is due to th
eir content of (A) Tryptoph n (C) Glut m te (A) Anserine (C) Gluc gon (B) Asp rt
te (D) Al nine (B) Glut thione (D) β -Lipoprotein
19. The mino cid with nonpol r side ch in is (A) Serine (C) Asp r gine (B) V
line (D) Threonine
30. Which of the following is dipeptide?
20. A ketogenic mino cid is (A) V line (C) Leucine (B) Cysteine (D) Threonine
31. Which of the following is tripeptide? (A) Anserine (C) Glut thione (B) Oxy
tocin (D) K llidin
32. A peptide which cts s potent smooth muscle hypotensive gent is (A) Glut t
hione (C) Tryocidine (B) Br dykinin (D) Gr micidin-s
43. The mino cid from which synthesis of the protein of h ir ker tin t kes pl
ce is (A) Al nine (C) Proline (B) Methionine (D) Hydroxyproline
33. A tripeptide functioning s n import nt reducing gent in the tissues is (A
) Br dykinin (C) Tyrocidin (B) K llidin (D) Glut thione
44. In one molecule of l umin the num er of mino cids is (A) 510 (C) 610 (B)
590 (D) 650
34. An ex mple of met lloprotein is (A) C sein (C) Gel tin (B) Cerulopl smin (D)
S lmine

45. Pl sm proteins which cont in more th n 4% hexos mine re (A) Microglo ulins
(C) Mucoproteins (B) Glycoproteins (D) Orosomucoids

35. C r onic nhydr se is n ex mple of (A) Lipoprotein (C) Met lloprotein (B) P
hosphoprotein (D) Chromoprotein

46. After rele sing O 2 t the tissues, hemoglo in tr nsports (A) (B) (C) (D) CO
2 nd protons to the lungs O2 to the lungs CO2 nd protons to the tissue Nutrien

36. An ex mple of chromoprotein is (A) Hemoglo in (C) Nuclein (B) Sturine (D) Gl
i din

37. An ex mple of scleroprotein is (A) Zein (C) Glutenin (B) Ker tin (D) Ovoglo
47. Ehlers-D nlos syndrome ch r cterized
 y hypermo ile joints nd skin norm l
ities is due to (A) (B) (C) (D) A norm lity in gene for procoll gen Deficiency o
f lysyl oxid se Deficiency of prolyl hydroxyl se Deficiency of lysyl hydroxyl se
38. C sein, the milk protein is (A) Nucleoprotein (C) Phosphoprotein (B) Chromop
rotein (D) Glycoprotein

39. An ex mple ofphosphoprotein present in egg yolk is (A) Ovo l umin (C) Ovovi
tellin (B) Ovoglo ulin (D) Avidin

48. Proteins re solu le in (A) Anhydrous cetone(B)
 Aqueous lcohol (C) Anhydro

us lcohol (D) Benzene 49. A cere l protein solu le in 70% lcohol ut insolu le
in w ter or s lt solution is (A) Glutelin (C) Al umin (B) Prot mine (D) Gli din
40. A simple protein found in the nucleoproteins of the sperm is (A) Prol mine (
C) Glutelin 41. Histones re (A) (B) (C) (D) Identic l to prot mineProteins ric
h in lysine nd rginine Proteins with highmolecul r weight Insolu le in w ter
nd very dilute cids (B) Prot mine (D) Glo ulin
50. M ny glo ul r proteins
 re st le insolution inspite they  l ck in (A) Disul
 (B) Hydrogen onds (C) S lt onds (D) Non pol r onds 51. The
en onds etween peptide link ges of protein molecules re interfered y (A) G
u nidine (C) Ox lic cid (B) Uric cid (D) S licylic cid
42. The protein present in h ir is (A) Ker tin (C) Myosin (B) El stin (D) Tropoc
oll gen
52. Glo ul r proteins h ve completely
 folded, coiled polypeptide ch in nd the
xi l r tio (r tio of length to re dth) is (A) Less th n 10 nd gener lly not gr
e ter th n 3–4
 (B) Gener lly 10 (C) Gre ter th n 10 nd gener lly 20 (D) Gre ter t
h n 10 53. Fi rous proteins h ve xi l r tio (A) Less th n 10 (B) Less th n 10
nd gener lly not gre ter th n 3–4 (C) Gener lly 10 (D)
 Gre ter th n 10 54. E ch tu
rn of α -helix cont ins the mino cid residues (num er): (A) 3.6 (C) 4.2 (B) 3.0
(D) 4.5
60. At the
 lowest energy
 level α -helix of polypeptide ch inis st ilised (A) By
hydrogen onds formed
 etween the H ofpeptide N nd the
 c r onyl O of the resid
ue (B) Disulphide onds (C) Non pol r onds (D) Ester  onds 61. Both α-helix nd β-p
le ted sheet conform tion of proteins were proposed y (A) (B) (C) (D) W tson n
d Crick P uling nd Corey W ugh nd King Y.S.R o
62. The prim ry structure of fi roin, the princip l protein of silk worm fi res
consists lmost entirely of (A) Glycine (C) Ker tin (B) Asp rt te (D) Tryptoph n
55. Dist nce tr veled per turn of α− α−helix in nm is (A) 0.53 (C) 0.44 (B) 0.54 (D) 0.4

63. Tertiary structure of a protein
 descri es (A) (B) (C) (D) The order of amino
acids Location of disulphide onds Loop regions of proteins The ways of protein

56. Along the α-helix e ch mino cid residue dv nces in nm y (A) 0.15 (C) 0.12
(B) 0.10 (D) 0.20
64. In protein molecule the disulphide ond is not roken y (A) (B) (C) (D) R
eduction Oxid tion Den tur tion X-r y diffr ction

57. The num er of helices present in coll gen molecule is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D
) 4
58. In proteins the α-helix nd β-ple ted sheet re ex mples of (A) Prim ry structur
e (B) Second ry structure (C) Terti ry structure (D) Qu tern ry structure 59.
e -helixof proteins is (A) (B) (C) (D) A ple ted structure
 M de periodic
 y di
sulphide ridges A non-periodic structure St ilised y hydrogen onds etween N
H nd CO groups of the m in ch in

65. The technique for purific tion of proteins th t c n e m de specific for g
iven protein is (A) (B) (C) (D) Gel filtr tion chromotogr phy Ion exch nge chrom
togr phy Electrophoresis Affinity chrom togr phy
66. Den tur tion of proteins results in (A) (B) (C) (D) Disruption
 of primry st
ructure Bre kdown of peptide onds Destruction of hydrogen onds Irreversi le ch
nges in the molecule
67. Cerulopl smin is (A) α1-glo ulin (C) β-glo ulin (B) α2-glo ulin (D) None of these
77. A lipoprotein inversely rel ted to the incidence of coron ry rtherosclerosi
s is (A) VLDL (C) LDL (B) IDL (D) HDL

68. The lipoprotein with the f stest electrophoretic mo ility nd the lowest tri
glyceride content is (A) Chylomicron (C) IDL (B) VLDL (D) HDL

78. The prim ry iochemic l lesion in homozygote
 with f mili l hypercholesterole
mi (type II ) is (A) Loss of feed ck inhi ition of HMG reduct se (B) Loss of
polipoprotein B (C)
 Incre sed production of LDL from
 VLDL (D) Function l defici

ency of pl sm mem r ne receptors for LDL 79. In et lipoproteinemi , the ioch
emic l defect is in (A) (B) (C) (D) Apo-B synthesis Lipprotein lip se ctivity C
holesterol ester hydrol se LCAT ctivity
69. The lipoprotein ssoci ted with ctiv tion of LCAT is (A) HDL (C) VLDL (B) L
70. The polipoprotein which cts s ctiv tor of LCAT is (A) A-I (C) C-II (B) A
-IV (D) D
71. The polipoprotein which cts s cti tor of extr hep tic lipoprotein is (A)
Apo-A (C) Apo-C (B) Apo-B (D) Apo-D
72. The polipoprotein which forms the integr l component of chylomicron is (A)
B-100 (C) C (B) B-48 (D) D
80. F mili l hypertri cylglycerolemi is ssoci ted with (A) (B) (C) (D) Over p
roduction of VLDL Incre sed LDL concentr tion Incre sed HDL concentr tion Slow c
le r nce of chylomicrons
73. The polipoprotein which from the integr l component of VLDL is (A) B-100 (C
) A (B) B-48 (D) D
81. For synthesis of prost gl ndins, the essenti lf tty cids give rise  to f
tty cid cont
 ining (A) 12 c r on toms (B) 16 c r on toms (C) 20 c r on toms
 24 c r on toms 82. All ctive prost gl ndins h ve t le st one dou le ond
etween positions (A) 7 nd 8 (C) 13 nd 14 (B) 10 nd 11 (D) 16 nd 17
74. The polipoprotein which cts s lig nd for LDL receptor is (A) B-48 (C) A (
B) B-100 (D) C
75. Serum LDL h s een found to e incre sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) O structive j un
dice Hep tic j undice Hemolytic j undice M l sorption syndrome
83. Norm l r nge of pl sm tot l phospholipids is (A) 0.2–0.6 mmol/L (B) 0.9–2.0 mmo
l/L (C) 1.8–5.8 mmol/L (D) 2.8–5.3 mmol/L 84. HDL2 h ve the density in the r nge of
(A) 1.006–1.019 (C) 1.032–1.063 (B) 1.019–1.032 (D) 1.063–1.125
76. A lipoprotein ssoci ted with high incidence of coron ry therosclerosis is
85. β-lipoproteins h ve the density in the r nge of (A) 0.95–1.006 (C) 1.019–1.063 (B)
1.006–1.019 (D) 1.063–1.125
96 Pepsin cts on den tured proteins to produce (A) (B) (C) (D) Proteoses nd pe
ptones Polypeptides Peptides Dipeptides
86. IDL h ve the density in the r nge of (A) 0.95–1.006 (C) 1.019–1.032 (B) 1.006–1.01
9 (D) 1.032–1.163
97. Renin converts c sein to p r c sein in presence of (A) C ++ (C) N + (A) Tryp
sin (C) El st se (B) Mg ++ (D) K + (B) Chymotrypsin (D) El st se

87. Aspirin inhi its the ctivity of the enzyme: (A) Lipoxygen se (B) Cyclooxyge
n se (C) Phospholip e A1 (D) Phospholip se A2 88. A ’suicide enzyme’ is (A) Cycloxyg
en se (B) Lipooxygen se (C) Phospholip se A1 (D) Phospholip se A2 89. In dipose
tissue prost gl ndins decre se (A) Lipogenesis (B) Lipolysis (C) Gluconeogenesi
s (D) Glycogenolysis 90 The optim l pH for the enzyme pepsin is (A) 1.0–2.0 (C) 5.
2– 6.0 (B) 4.0–5.0 (D) 5.8–6.2
98. An expopeptid se is

99. The enzyme trypsin is specific for peptide onds of (A) (B) (C) (D) B sic m
ino cids Acidic mino cids Arom tic mino cids Next to sm ll mino cid resid

100. Chymotrypsin is specific for peptide onds cont ining (A) (B) (C) (D) Unch
rged mino cid residues Acidic mino cids B sic mino cid Sm ll mino cid re

91. Pepsinogen is converted to ctive pepsin y (A) HCl (C) C
(B) Bile s lts (D) Enterokin se
101. The end product of protein digestion in G.I.T. is (A) Dipeptide (C) Polypep
tide (B) Tripeptide (D) Amino cid
92. The optim l pH for the enzyme rennin is (A) 2.0 (C) 8.0 (B) 4.0 (D) 6.0
93. The optim l pH for the enzyme trypsin is (A) 1.0–2.0 (C) 5.2–6.2 (B) 2.0–4.0 (D) 5
102. N tur l L-isomers of mino cids re sor ed from intestine y (A) P ssive
diffusion (B) Simple
 diffusion (C) F cili ted diffusion(D) Active process 103.
A norm lities of lood clotting re (A) H emophili (C) Gout (B) Christm s dise
se (D) Both (A) nd (B)
94. The optim l pH for the enzyme chymotrypsin is (A) 2.0 (C) 6.0 (B) 4.0 (D) 8.

95 Trypsinogen is converted to ctive trypsin y (A) Enterokin se (C) HCl (B) Bi
le s lts (D) Mg

104. An import nt re ction for the synthesis of mino cid from c r ohydr te int
ermedi tes is tr ns min tion which requires the cof ctor: (A) Thi min (C) Ni cin
(B) Ri ofl vin (D) Pyridox l phosph te
105. The m in sites for oxid tive de min tion re (A) Liver nd kidney (B) Skin
nd p ncres (C) Intestine nd m mm ry gl nd (D) Lung nd spleen 106. A positive
nitrogen l nce occurs (A) In growing inf nt (B) Following surgery (C) In dv
nced c ncer (D) In kw shiork r 107. The m in site of ure synthesis in m mm ls i
s (A) Liver (C) Intestine (B) Skin (D) Kidney
113. Control of ure cycle involves the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) C r moyl phosph
te synthet se Ornithine tr nsc r moyl se Argininosuccin se Argin se
114. Trnsfer of the c r moyl moiety of c r moyl phosph te  to ornithine is c t
lysed y liver mitochondri
 l enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) C r moyl phosph te synt
het se Ornithine tr nsc r moyl se N- cetyl glut m te synthet se N- cetyl glut m
te hydrol se

115. A compound serving link etween citric cid cycle nd ure cycle is (A) M
l te (C) Succin te (B) Citr te (D) Fum r te
108. The enzymes of ure synthesis re found in (A) Mitochondri only (B) Cytoso
l only (C) Both mitochondri nd cytosol (D) Nucleus 109. The num er of ATP requ
ired for ure synthesis is (A) 0 (C) 2 (B) 1 (D) 3
116. The 2 nitrogen toms in ure re contri uted y (A) (B) (C) (D) Ammoni nd
glut m te Glut mine nd glut m te Ammoni nd sp rt te Ammoni nd l nine

117. In c rcinoid syndrome the rgent ffin tissue of the domin l c vity overpr
oduce (A) Serotonin (C) Trypt mine (B) Hist mine (D) Tyrosine
110. Most of the mmoni rele sed from L-αα mino cids reflects the coupled ction
of tr ns min se nd (A) L-glut m te dehydrogen se (B) L- mino cid oxid se (C) H
istid se (D) Serine dehydr t se 111. In ure synthesis, the mino cid functioni
ng solely s n enzyme ctiv tor: (A) N- cetyl glut m te (B) Ornithine (C) Citru
lline (D) Arginine 112. The enzyme c r moyl phosph te synthet se requires (A) M
g ++ (C) N

118. Tryptoph n could e considered s precursor of (A) Mel notonin (C) Mel nin
(B) Thyroid hormones (D) Epinephrine

119. Conversion of tyrosine to dihydroxyphenyl l nine is c t lysed
 y tyrosine h
ydroxyl se which requires (A) NAD (C) ATP (B) FAD (D) Tetr hydro iopterin

120. The rte limiting step in the iosynthesis of c techol mines is (A) (B) (C)
(D) Dec r oxyl tion of dihydroxyphenyl l nine Hydroxyl tion of phenyl l nine Hy
droxyl tion of tyrosine Oxid tion of dop mine
(B) C ++ (D) K +
121. The enzyme dop mine β-oxid se which c t lyses conversion of dop mine to norep
inephrine requires (A) Vit min A (C) Vit min E (B) Vit min C (D) Vit min B12
130 Chemic l score of protein zein is (A) 0 (C) 60 (B) 57 (D) 70
131. Biologic l v lue of egg white protein is (A) 94 (C) 85 (B) 83 (D) 77
122. In hum ns the sulphur of methionine nd cysteine is excreted m inly s (A)
Ethere l sulph te (B) Inorg nic sulph te (C) Sulphites
  (D) Thioorg nic compound
123. Sm ll mount of urin ry ox l tes is contri uted y the mino cid: (A) Glyc
ine (C) Al nine (B) Tyrosine (D) Serine
132. Net protein utilis tion of egg protein is (A) 75% (C) 91% (B) 80% (D) 72%
133. Net protein utiliz tion of milk protein is (A) 75% (C) 86% (B) 80% (D) 91%
134. A limiting mino cid is n essenti l mino cid (A) Th t is most deficient
in proteins (B) Th t is most excess in proteins (C) Th t which incre ses the gr
owth (D) Th t which incre ses the weight g in 135. The limiting mino cid of ri
ce is (A) Lysine (C) Phenyl l nine (B) Tryptoph n (D) Tyrosine

124. The mino cid which detoxic ted enzoic cid to form hippuric cid is (A)
Glycine (C) Serine (B) Al nine (D) Glut mic cid
125. The mino cids involved in the synthesis of cre tin re (A) Arginine, glyc
ine, ctive methionine (B) Arginine, l nine, glycine (C) Glycine, lysine, methi
onine (D) Arginine,
 lysine, methionine 126. Chemic l score of egg proteins is co
nsidered to e (A) 100 (C) 50 (B) 60 (D) 40
136. The limiting mino cid of fish proteins is (A) Tryptoph n (C) Lysine (B) C
ysteine (D) Threonine
137. Pulses re deficient in (A) Lysine (C) Methionine (B) Threonine (D) Tryptop
h n
127. Chemic l score of milk proteins is (A) 70 (C) 60 (B) 65 (D) 40
138. A tr ce element deficient in the milk is (A) M gnesium (C) Zinc (B) Copper
(D) Chloride

128. Chemic l score of proteins of eng l gr m is (A) 70 (C) 44 (B) 60 (D) 42

139. A conjug ted protein present in the egg yolk is (A) Vitellin (C) Al uminoid
s (B) Livetin (D) Ovo-mucoid
129. Chemic l score of protein gel tin is (A) 0 (C) 57 (B) 44 (D) 60

140. The chief protein of cow’s milk is (A) Al umin (C) Livetin (B) Vitellin (D) C
141. A w ter solu le vit min deficient in egg is (A) Thi min (C) Ascro ic cid 1
42. Pulses re rich in (A) Lysine (C) Tryptoph n 143. Milk is deficient in (A) V
it min B1 (C) Sodium 144. Milk is deficient in (A) C lcium (C) Sodium (B) Iron (
 Pot ssium (B)Vit min B2 (D) Pot ssium (B) Methionine (D) Phenyl l nine (B) R
i of lvin (D) Co l min
153. In the tot l proteins, the percent ge of l umin is out (A) 20–40 (C) 50–70 (
B) 30–45 (D) 80–90
154. In the tot l proteins percent ge of glo ulin is out (A) 0.2–1.2% (C) 2.4–4.4%
(B) 1.2–2.0% (D) 5.0–10.0%
155. In the tot l proteins the percent ge of γ lobulin is about (A) 2.4–4.4% (C) 6.
1–10.1% (B) 10.0–21.0% (D) 1.2–2.0%
145. When net protein utilization (NPU) is low, the requirements for proteins ar
e (A) Hih (C) Low (A) 1.4% (C) 3.4% (A) 2.5% (C) 4.5% (A) 30% (C) 50% (A) 12% (
C) 10–11% (B) Moderate (D) Supplementary (B) 2.4% (D) 4.4% (B) 3.5% (D) 5.5% (B) 4
0% (D) 60% (B) 33% (D) Traces
156. Most frequently the normal albumin lobulin ratioratio (A : G) is (A) 1.0 :
0.8 (C) 2.0 : 1.0 (B) 1.5 : 1.0 (D) 2.4 : 1.0
146. Protein content of human milk is about
 In Thymol turbidity
 test the
 protein involved is mainly (A) Albumin (C) α2-Gl
o ulin (B) α1-Glo ulin (D) β Glo ulin

147. Protein content of cow’s milk is out
158.In qu tern ry structure,
 su units re linked  y (A) Peptide onds (C) Cov l
ent onds (B) Disulphide onds (D) Non-cov lent onds
148. Protein content of soy e n is out
159. Molecul r weight of hum n l umin is out (A) 156,000 (C) 69,000 (A) Anion
(C) Zwitterion (B) 90,000 (D) 54,000 (B) C tion (D) None of these
149. Lipid content of egg white is
160. At isoelectric pH, n mino cid exists s
150. The recommended d ily llow nce (RDA) of proteins for n dult m n is (A) 7
0 gms (C) 40 gms (A) Lysine (C) Glycine (B) 50 gms (D) 30 gms (B) Bile cids (D)
Al nine
161. A disulphide ond c n e formed etween (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Two
methionine residues
 Two cysteine residues A methionine nd cysteine residue A
ll of these Insolu le Biologic lly non-function l Unfolded All of the ove

151. The sic mino cids re

152. The d ily c loric requirement for the norm l dult fem le is out (A) 1500
(C) 2500 (B) 2100 (D) 2900
162 A co gul ted protein is
163. At pH elow the isoelectric point, n mino cid exists s (A) C tion (B)
Anion (C) Zwitterion (D) Undissoci ted molecule 164. An mino cid h ving hyd
rophilic side ch in is (A) Al nine (C) Methionine (B) Proline (D) Serine (C) Ch
peronins (D) All of these
172. Prim ry structure of protein is formed y (A) Hydrogen onds(B) Peptide
onds (C) Disulphide
 (D) All of these 173. α-Helix is formed y (A) Hydrogen
onds (B) Hydropho ic onds (C) Electrost tic onds (D) Disulphide onds 174. G
lutelins re present in (A) Milk (C) Me t (B) Eggs (D) Cere ls
165. An mino cid th t does not t ke p rt in α helix form tion is (A) Histidine (
C) Proline (B) Tyrosine (D) Tryptoph n

166. A protein rich in cysteine is (A) Coll gen (C) H emoglo in (B) Ker tin (D)
Gel tin
175. Arom tic mino cids c n e detected y (A) S k guchi re ction (B) Millon-N
sse re ction (C) Hopkins-Cole re ction (D) X nthoproteic re ction 176. Two min
o groups re present in (A) Leucine (C) Lysine (B) Glut m te (D) Threonine
167. Prim ry structure of proteins c n e determined y the use of (A) Electroph
oresis (C) Ninhydrin (B) Chrom togr phy (D) S nger’s re gent
168. Electrost tic onds c n e formed etween the side ch ins of (A) Al nine n
d leucine (B) Leucine nd v line (C) Asp r te nd glut m te (D) Lysine nd sp r
t te 169. S nger’s re gent
 cont ins (A) Phenylisothiocy n te (B) D nsyl chloride (
C) 1-Fluoro-2, 4-dinitro
 enzene (D) Ninhydrin 170.
 The most und nt protein in
m mm ls is (A) Al umin (C) Coll gen (B) H emoglo in (D) El stin
177. During den tur tion of proteins, ll of the following re disrupted except
(A) Prim ry structure (C) Terti ry structure (B) Second ry structure (D) Qu tern
ry structure

178. All the following re r nched ch in mino cids except (A) Isoleucine (C)
Leucine (B) Al nine (D) V line
179. An –OH group is present in the side ch in of (A) Serine (C) Lysine (B) Argini
ne (D) Proline

180. Edm n’s re gent cont ins (A) Phenylisothiocy n te (B) 1-Fluoro-2, 4-dinitro e
nzene (C) D nsyl Chloride (D) tBOC zide

171. Folding of newly synthesized proteins is cceler ted y (A) Protein disulph
ide isomer se (B) Prolyl cis-tr ns isomer se
181. Edm n’s re ction c n e used to  (A) Determine the num er of tyrosine residues
in protein (B) Determine the num er of rom tic mino cid residues in prot
 (C) Determine the mino cid sequence of protein (D) Hydrolyse the peptide
onds in protein 182. Inherited deficiency of β− β−glucosidase causes (A) (B) (C) (D)
Tay Sachs disease Metachromatic leukodystrophy Gaucher’s disease Multiple scleros
190. Apolipoproteins C I, C II and C III are present in (A) Chylomicrons (C) HDL
(B) VLDL (D) All of these
191. Apolipoprotiens C I, C II and C III are present in all of the following exc
ept (A) Chylomicrons (C) LDL (B) VLDL (D) HDL
192. Apolipoprotein A I acts as (A) Enzyme activator (B) Ligand for receptor (C)
Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these 193. Apolipoprotien B 100 acts as (A) Enzyme
activator (B) Ligand for receptor (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these 194. A
polipoprotein C II is an activator of (A) Lecithin cholesterola acyl transferase
(B) Phospholipase C (C) Extrahepatic lipoprotein lipase (D) Hepatic lipoprotein
lipase 195. Nascent chylomicron receives apolipoproteins C and E from (A) VLDL
remnant (C) LDL (B) VLDL (D) HDL
183. Tay Sachs disease results from inherited deficiency of (A) (B) (C) (D) Aryl
sulphatase A Hexosaminidase A Sphingomyelinase Ceramidase
184. The largest alpolipoprotein is (A) Apo E (C) Apo B 100 (B) Apo B 48 (D) Apo
185. Apolipoprotein B 100 is synthesised in (A) Adipose tissue (C) Intestine (B)
Liver (D) Liver and intestine
186. Apolipoprotein B 48 is synthesized in (A) Adipose tissue (C) Intestine (B)
Liver (D) Liver and intestine
196. Terminal transferase (A) Removes nucleotides from 3’ end (B) Adds nucleotides
at 3’ end (C) Removes nucleotides from 3’end (D) Adds nucleotides at 3’end
 197. S1 nu
clease hydrolyses (A) DNA of somatic cells (B) DNA of sperms(C) Any dou le stra
nded DNA (D) Any single stranded DNA 198. Positive nitrogen alance isseen in (
A) Starvation (B) Wasting diseases (C) Growing age (D) Intestinal mala sorption
187. Apolipoproteins A I and A II are present in (A) (B) (C) (D) LDL only LDL an
d VLDL HDL only HDL and chylomicrons
188. Apolipoprotein B 48 is present in (A) Chylomicrons (C) LDL (A) Chylomicrons
(C) LDL only (B) VLDL (D) HDL (B) VLDL only (D) VLDL and LDL
189. Apolipoprotein B 100 is present in
199. Alanine can e synthesized from (A) (B) (C) (D) Glutamate and α-ketoglut r te
Pyruv te nd glut m te Pyruv te nd α-ketoglut r te Asp r te nd α-ketoglut r te
207. All the following st tement out hydroxyproline re true except (A) There
is no codon for hydroxyproline
 (B) It is present in l rge mounts in coll gen (C
) Free proline c nnot e hydroxyl
 ted to hydroxyproline (D) Hydroxyl tion of pro
line residues is c t lysed y dioxygen se 208. All of the  following re requir
ed for hydroxyl tion of proline residues except (A) Ascor ic cid (C) Ferrous io
ns (B) Glut m te (D) Molecul r oxygen
200. All of the following re required for synthesis of l nine except (A) Pyruv
te (C) Glut m te (B) α-ketoglut r te (D) Pyridox l phosph te

201. All of the following st tements out  sp rt te re true except (A)  It is n
on-essenti l mino cid (B) It is dic r oxylic  mino cid (C) It c n e synthe
sized from pyruv te nd glut m te (D) It c n e converted into sp r gine 202. G
lycine c n e synthesized from (A) Serine (C) Bet ine (B) Choline (D) All of the

209. Cysteine c n e synthesized from methionine nd (A) Serine (C) Homocysteine
(B) Homoserine (D) Threonine

210. Methionine is synthesized in hum n ody from (A) (B) (C) (D) Cysteine nd h
omoserine Homocysteine nd serine Cysteine nd serine None of these
203. All of the following re required for synthesis of glut mine except (A) (B)
(C) (D) Glut m te Ammoni Pyridox l phosph te ATP
211. Hydroxyl tion of phenyl l nine requires ll of the following except (A) (B)
(C) (D) Phenyl l nine hydroxyl se Tetr hydro iopterin NADH Molecul r oxygen
204. A coenzyme required for the synthesis of glycine from serine is (A) (B) (C)
(D) ATP Pyridox l phosph te Tetr hydrofol te NAD
212. Non-Protein mino cids re (A) (B) (C) (D) Ornithine β- l nine γ amino butyric
acid All of these
205. All of the followin statements about proline are true except (A) (B) (C) (
D) It is an imino acid It can be synthesized from lutamate It can be catabolise
d to lutamate Free proline can be hydroxylated to hydroxyproline
213. The amino acid that underoes oxidative deamination at sinificant rate is
(A) Alanine (C) Glutamate (B) Aspartate (D) Glutamine
206. A protein rich in hydroxyproline is (A) Prolamin (C) Collaen (B) Procolla
en (D) Proinsulin
214. Allosteric inhibitor of lutamate dehydroenase is (A) ATP (C) AMP (B) ADP
215. Allsoteric activator of lutamate dehydroenase is (A) ATP (C) ADP and GDP
(B) GTP (D) AMP and GMP
(A) Synthesis of carbamoyl phosphate and citrulline (B) Synthesis of citrulline
and arininosuccinate (C) Synthesis of arininosuccinate and arinine (D) Synthe
sis of carbamoyl phosphate and arininosuccinate 224. Daily excretion of nitroe
n by an adult man is about (A) 15–20 m (C) 5–10 m (B) 1.5–2 m (D) 15–20 m
216. Free ammonia is released durin (A) (B) (C) (D) Oxidative deamination of l
utamate Catabolism of purines Catabolism of pyrimidines All of these
217. An oran which is extremely sensitive to ammonia toxicity is (A) Liver (C)
Kidney (B) Brain (D) Heart
225. Maple syrup urine diseases is an inborn error of metabolism of (A) (B) (C)
(D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Sulphur containin amino acids Aromatic amin
o acids Branched chain amino acids Dicarboxylic amino acids Metabolise cysteine
Convert cystine into cysteine Incorporate cysteine into proteins Reabsorb cystin
e in renal tubules Histidine carboxylase Histidine decarboxylase Histidase Histi
dine oxidase
218. Ammonia is transported from muscles to liver mainly in the form of (A) Free
ammonia (C) Asparaine (B) Glutamine (C) Alanine
226. Cystinuria results from inability to
219. The major site of urea synthesis is (A) Brain (C) Liver (B) Kidneys (D) Mus
220. Carbamoyl phosphate required for urea synthesis is formed in (A) Cytosol (C
) Both (A) and (B) (B) Mitochondria (D) None of these
227. The defective enzyme in histidinemia is
221. Cytosolic and mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthetase have the followi
n similarity: (A) Both use ammonia as a substance (B) Both provide carbamoyl ph
osphate for urea synthesis (C) Both require N acetyllutamate as an activator (D
) Both are allosteric enzymes 222. The followin enzyme of urea cycle is present
in cytosol: (A) (B) (C) (D) Arininosuccinic acid synthetase Arininosuccinase
Arinase All of these
228. All the followin statements about phenylketonuria are correct except (A) P
henylalanine cannot be converted into tyrosine (B) Urinary excretion of phenylpy
ruvate and phenyllactate is increased (C) It can be controlled by ivin a lowph
enylalanine diet (D) It leads to decreased synthesis of thyroid hormones, catech
olamines and melanin 229. All the followin statements about albinism are correc
t except (A) Tyrosine hydroxylase (tyrosinase) is absent or deficient in melanoc
ytes (B) Skin is hypopimented (C) It results in mental retardation (D) Eyes are
223. ATP is required in followin reactions of urea cycle:
230. Glycine is not required for the formation of (A) Taurocholic acid (C) Purin
es (B) Creatine (D) Pyrimidines
themselves (C) When combined with some other lare molecule, they can elicit an
immune response (D) Once an immune response develops, the free hapten can be rec
onized by the antibody 238. Antiens and haptens have the followin similarity:
(A) They have hih molecular weihts (B) They can elicit immune response by the
mselves (C) They can elicit an immune response only in association with some oth
er lare molecule (D) Once an immune response develops, free antien and free ha
pten can be reconized by the antibody 239. The minimum number of polypeptide ch
ains in an immunolobulin is (A) Two (C) Five (B) Four (D) Six
231. Histamine is formed from histidine by (A) Deamination (C) Decarboxylation (
B) Dehydroenation (D) Carboxylation
232. DOPA is an intermediate in the synthesis of (A) (B) (C) (D) Thyroid hormone
s Catecholamines Melanin Catecholamines and melanin
233. All the followin statements about pepsin are correct except (A) (B) (C) (D
) It is smaller than pepsinoen It is formed by the action of HCl on its precurs
or Its optimum pH is 1.0–2.0 It hydrolyses the C terminal and N terminal peptide b
onds of proteins
240. Liht chains of immunolobulins are of followin types: (A) Alpha and kappa
(B) Alpha and amma (C) Lambda and delta(D) Kappa and lambda 241 Immunolobulin
s are classified on the basis of (A) (B) (C) (D) Type of liht chains Type of he
avy chains Types of liht and heavy chains Molecular weiht
234. Pancreatic juice contains the precursors of all of the followin except (A)
Trypsin (B) Chymotrypsin (C) Carboxypeptidase (D) Aminopeptidase 235. The only
correct statement about chymotrypsin is (A) It is formed from trypsin (B) Carbox
ypeptidase converts trypsin into chymotrypsin (C) Its optimum pH is around 7 (D)
It hydrolyses peptide bonds involvin basic amino acids 236. The portion of the
antien molecule which is reconized by antibody is known as (A) Hapten (C) Com
plement (B) Epitope (D) Variable reion
242. The molecular weiht of liht chains is (A) 10,000–15,000 (B) 20,000–25,000 (C)
25,000–50,000 (D) 50,000–75,000 243. The molecular weiht of heavy chains is (A) 20
,000–25,000 (B) 25,000–50,000 (C) 50,000–70,000 (D) 70,000–1,00,000 244. Secretory compo
nent is present in (A) IA (C) IM (B) IG (D) All of these
237. All the followin statements about haptens are true except (A) They have hi
h molecular weihts (B) They cannot elicit an immune response by

245. The variable reion of liht chains is the (A) N terminal quarter (B) N ter
minal half (C) C terminal quarter (D) C terminal half
246. The variable reion of liht chain is the (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (
A) (B) (C) (D) N terminal quarter N terminal half C terminal quarter C terminal
half One hypervariable reion Two hypervariable reions Three hypervariable rei
ons Four hypervariable reions One hypervariable reion Two hypervariable reion
s Three hypervariable reions Four hypervariable reions
256. The immunolobulin havin the lonest half life is (A) IA (C) IM (B) IG
(D) IE
257. The half life of IG is (A) 2–3 days (C) 8–10 days (B) 5–6 days (D) 20–25 days
247. The variable reion of liht chains has
258. Reconition of antien is the function of (A) (B) (C) (D) Variable reion o
f liht chains Variable reions of liht and heavy chains Constant reion of hea
vy chains Constant reions of liht and heavy chains
248. The variable reion of heavy chains has
259. The effector function of antibody is performed by (A) (B) (C) (D) Variable
reion of liht chains Constant reion of heavy chains Variable reions of liht
and heavy chains Constant reions of liht and heavy chains
249. The most abundant immunolobulin in plasma is (A) IA (C) IM (A) IA (C) I
M (A) 1–5 m/dl (C) 60–500 m/dl (B) IG (D) ID (B) IG (D) ID (B) 40–200 m/dl (D)
700–1,500 m/dl
250. The larest immunolobulin is
260. Complement system can be activated by bindin of antien to (A) IA (C) IE
(B) ID (D) IM
251. The plasma concentration of IA is
261. C1 component of classical complement pathway is made up of (A) (B) (C) (D)
Complements 1q and 1r Complements 1q and 1s Complements 1r and 1s Complements 1q
, 1r and 1s
252. An immunolobulin found in exocrine secretions is (A) IA (C) IM (A) IA (
C) ID (B) IG (D) IE (B) IG (D) IE
253. Alleric reactions are mediated by
262. The components of complement system are activated by (A) (B) (C) (D) Micros
omal hydroxylation Phosphorylation Glycosylation Proteloysis
254. An immunolobulin which can cross the placental barrier is (A) IA (C) ID
255. IM possesses (A) (B) (C) (D) Two liht chains and two heavy chains Four li
ht chains and four heavy chains Six liht chains and six heavy chains Ten liht
chains and ten heavy chains (B) IM (D) None of these
263. The component system forms a membrane attack complex made up of (A) (B) (C)
(D) Complements 1q, 1r and 1s Complements 1, 2, 3 and 4 Complements 5b, 6, 7 an
d 8 Factors B and D
264. Factors B and D are required in (A) (B) (C) (D) The classical pathway of co
mplement fixation The alternate complement pathway Both (A) and (B) None of thes
272. Gamma heavy chains are present in (A) IA (C) IM (B) IG (D) ID
273. Heavy chains in ID are of followin type: (A) Alpha (C) Delta (B) Gamma (D
) Epsilon
265. The alternate complement pathway doesn’t involve (A) (B) (C) (D) Antien anti
body complex Complement 3 Factors B and D Membrane attack unit
274. On exposure to any antien, the first antibody to be formed is of the follo
win class: (A) IA (C) IM (B) IG (D) IE
266. Antibody diversity arises from (A) (B) (C) (D) Gene amplification Gene re a
rranement Alternative splicin All of these
275. Constant sement enes of heavy chains are present in a cluster in which th
e first ene on side is (A) Alpha (C) Delta (B) Gamma (D) None of these
267. A liht chain ene is constructed from the followin sements: (A) (B) (C)
(D) Variable and constant sements Variable, joinin and constant sements Varia
ble, diversity and constant sements Variable, joinin, diversity and constant s
276. Cell mediated immunity is the function of (A) B lymphocytes (C) Plasma cell
s (B) T lymphocytes (D) Basophils
277. The most abundant T cells are (A) Cytotoxic T cells 278. T cells can recon
ise (A) Free antiens (B) Antiens bound to cells (C) Antiens bound to antibodi
es (D) Antiens bound to MHC proteins 279. MHC proteins are unique to (A) Each c
ell (C) Each individual (B) Each oran (D) Each species (B) Helper T cells (C) S
uppressor T cells (D) Memory T cells
268. In metabolic point of view, amino acids are classified as (A) (B) (C) (D) G
lycoenic Ketoenic Glycoenic or Ketoenic All of these
269. Diversity sements are present in (A) (B) (C) (D) Liht chain enes Heavy c
hain enes Liht and heavy chain enes None of these
280. MHC class I proteins are present on the surface of (A) B cells only (B) T c
ells only (C) Macrophaes only(D) All cells 281. MHC class I proteins, in conjun
ction with antiens are reconised by (A) Cytotoxic T cells (B) Helper T cells (
C) Suppressor T cells (D) Memory T cells
270. Constant sements of heavy chains are of (A) Five types (C) Seven types (B)
Six types (D) Eiht types
271. Gamma heavy chains are of (A) Two types (C) Four types (B) Three types (D)
Five types
282. MHC class II proteins are present on the surface of (A) (B) (C) (D) All cel
ls B lymphocytes only Macrophaes only Macrophaes and B lymphocytes
290. Human immunodeficiency virus destroys (A) Cytotoxic T cells (C) B cells (B)
Helper T cells (D) Plasma cells
291. In alleric diseases, the concentration of the followin is increased in pl
asma: (A) IA (C) ID (A) Basophils (C) Both (A) and (B) (A) IA (C) ID (B) IG
(D) IE (B) Mast cells (D) None of these (B) IG (D) IE
283. MHC Class II proteins, in conjunction with antiens, are reconised by (A)
(B) (C) (D) Cytotoxic T cells Helper T cells Suppressor T cells Memory T cells
292. IE has a tendency to attach to
293. Reainic antibody is
284. CD 8 is a transmembrane lycoprotein present in (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytotoxic T
cells Helper T cells Suppressor T cells Memory T cells
294. Active immunity can be produced by administration of (A) (B) (C) (D) Killed
bacteria or viruses Live attenuated bacteria or viruses Toxoids All of these
285. CD 4 is a transmembrane lycoprotein present in (A) Cytotoxic T cells (B) H
elper T cells (C) Suppressor T cells (D) Memory T cells 286. CD 3 complex and p
56 present in (A) Cytotoxic T cells (C) Both (A) and (B)
295. Passive immunity can be produced by administration of (A) (B) (C) (D) Pure
antiens Immunolobulins Toxoids Killed bacteria or viruses
proteins are
(B) Helper T cells (D) None of these
287. Cytotoxic T cells release (A) (B) (C) (D) Perforins Interleukins Colony sti
mulatin factors Tumour necrosis factor
296. Helper T cells release all the followin except (A) (B) (C) (D) Interleukin
s Colony stimulatin factors Perforins Tumour necrosis factor
288. Helper T cells release (A) (B) (C) (D) Interleukins Colony stimulatin fact
ors Tumour necrosis factor All of these
297. IG cleaved by papain into (A) Two liht and two heavy chains (B) Two Fab a
nd one Fc framents (C) Two pairs of one liht and one heavy chain each (D) One
Fab and two Fc framents 298. Bence Jones protein is (A) (B) (C) (D) An immunol
obulin A dimer of heavy chains A dimer of liht chains A dimer of one heavy and
one liht chains
289. MHC Class III proteins include (A) (B) (C) (D) Immunolobulins Components o
f complement system T cells receptors CD4 and CD8 proteins
299. Bence Jones proteins possess all the followin properties except (A) They a
re dimers of liht chains (B) Their amino acids sequences are identical (C) Thei
r N terminal halves have variable amino acid sequences (D) Their C terminal halv
es have constant amino acid sequences 300. A Zwitterion is (A) Positive ion (B)
Neative ion (C) Both (A) and (C) (D) None of these 301. After accountin for SD
A, the net ain of enery from 25 m of proteins is about (A) 70 kcal (C) 130 kc
al (B) 100 kcal (D) 200 kcal
306. The recommended enery intake for an adult sedentary Indian man is (A) 1,90
0 kcal/day (C) 2,700 kcal/day (B) 2,400 kcal/day (D) 3,000 kcal/day
307. The recommended enery intake for an adult sedentary Indian woman is (A) 1,
900 kcal/day (C) 2,400 kcal/day (B) 2,200 kcal/day (D) 2,700 kcal/day
308. Durin prenancy, the followin should be added to the calculated enery re
quirement: (A) 300 kcal/day (C) 700 kcal/day (B) 500 kcal/day (D) 900 kcal/day
309. Durin first six months of lactation, the followin increment in enery int
ake is recommended: (A) 200 kcal/day (C) 550 kcal/day (B) 300 kcal/day (D) 1,000
302. After accountin for SDA, the net ain of enery from 25 m of carbohydrate
s is about (A) 70 kcal (C) 100 kcal (B) 95 kcal (D) 105 kcal
310. The proximate principles of diet are (A) (B) (C) (D) Vitamins and minerals
Proteins Carbohydrates and fats Carbohydrates, fats and proteins
303. After accountin for SDA, the net ain of enery from 100 m of fat is abou
t (A) 600 kcal (C) 900 kcal (B) 780 kcal (D) 1020 kcal
311. The limitin amino acid in wheat is (A) Leucine (C) Cysteine (B) Lysine (D)
304. If proteins, carbohydrates and fats are consumed toether: (A) The total SD
A is the sum of individual SDAs of proteins, carbohydrates and fats (B) The tota
l SDA is more than the sum of individual SDAs of proteins, carbohydrates and fat
s (C) Carbohydrates and fats lower the SDA of proteins (D) Proteins raise the SD
A of carbohydrates and fats 305. After calculatin the enery requirement of a p
erson: (A) (B) (C) (D) 10% kcal are subtracted on account of SDA 10% kcal are ad
ded on account of SDA 20% kcal are subtracted on account of SDA 20% kcal are sub
tracted on account of SDA
312. The limitin amino acid in pulses is (A) Leucine (C) Tryptophan 313. Maize
is poor in (A) (B) (C) (D) Lysine Methionine Tryptophan Lysine and tryptophan (B
) Lysine (D) Methionine
314. The percentae of inested protein/ nitroen absorbed into blood stream is
known as (A) (B) (C) (D) Net protein utilisation Protein efficiency ratio Diest
ibility coefficient Bioloical value of protein
315. Bioloical value of a protein is (A) The percentae of inested protein/nit
roen absorbed into circulation (B) The percentae of inested protein/nitroen
in the body (C) The percentae of inested protein utilised for protein synthesi
s in the body (D) The ain in body weiht (m) per m of protein inested 316. N
et protein utilisation depends upon (A) Protein efficiency ratio (B) Diestibili
ty coefficient (C) Diestibility coefficient and protein efficiency ratio (D) Di
estibility coefficient and bioloical value 317. The ain in body weiht (m) p
er m of protein inested is known as (A) (B) (C) (D) Net protein utilisation Pr
otein efficiency ratio Diestibility coefficient Bioloical value of protein 323
. Protein content of meat is about (A) 10% (C) 16% (B) 13% (D) 20%
324. Protein content of rice is about (A) 7% (C) 15% (B) 12% (D) 20%
325. The calorific value of wheat is about (A) 2.5 kcal/m (C) 4.5 kcal/m (B) 3
.5 kcal/m (D) 5.5 kcal/m
326. For veetarians, pulses are an important source of (A) Carbohydrates (C) Fa
t (B) Proteins (D) Iron
327. The amino acids present in pulses can supplement the limitin amino acids o
f (A) Cereals (C) Fish (B) Milk (D) Nuts and beans
328. Milk is a ood source of (A) (B) (C) (D) Proteins, calcium and iron Protein
s, calcium and ascorbic acid Proteins, lactose and retinol Proteins, lactose and
essential fatty acids
318. The followin is considered as reference standard for comparin the nutriti
onal quality of proteins: (A) Milk proteins (C) Meat proteins (B) E proteins (
D) Fish proteins
329. Milk is a ood source of all of the followin except (A) (B) (C) (D) Essent
ial amino acids Vitamin C Galactose Calcium and phosphorous
319. Bioloical value of e proteins is about (A) 70 % (C) 86 % (B) 80 % (D) 94
320. The followin has the hihest protein efficiency ratio: (A) Milk proteins (
C) Meat proteins (B) E proteins (D) Fish proteins
330. Milk is poor in (A) Cholesterol (C) Calcium (B) Retinol (D) Iron
321. The followin has the lowest protein efficiency ratio: (A) Maize proteins (
C) Milk proteins (B) Wheat proteins (D) Rice proteins
331. E is rich in all of the followin except (A) Cholesterol (C) Ascorbic aci
d (B) Saturated fatty acids (D) Calcium
332. A phosphoprotein present in e is (A) Casein (C) Ovolobulin (B) Albumin (
D) Ovovitellin
322. Protein content of e is about (A) 10% (C) 16% (B) 13% (D) 20%
333. Consumption of raw es can cause deficiency of (A) Calcium (C) Biotin 334.
E is poor in (A) (B) (C) (D) Essential amino acids Carbohydrates Avidin Bioti
n (B) Lipoic acid (D) Vitamin A
(C) Muscle wastin occurs in marasmus but not kwashiorkor (D) Subcutaneous fat d
isappears in marasmus but not in kwashiorkor 342. Enery reserves of an averae
well fed adult man are about (A) 50,000 kcal (C) 200,000 kcal (B) 100,000 kcal (
D) 300,000 kcal
335. Cholesterol is present in all the followin except (A) Milk (C) E white (
B) Fish (D) E yolk
343. Durin starvation, the first reserve nutrient to be depleted is (A) Glycoe
n (C) Trilycerides (B) Proteins (D) Cholesterol
336. Meat is rich in all of the followin except (A) Iron (C) Copper (B) Fluorin
e (D) Zinc
344. Synthesis of the followin enzymes is increased durin starvation. (A) (B)
(C) (D) Diestive enzymes Gluconeoenic enzymes Urea cycle enzymes Glucokinase
337. Kwashiorkor occurs when the diet is severely deficient in (A) Iron (C) Prot
eins (B) Calories (D) Essential fatty acids
345. In hypoparathyroidism (A) Plasma calcium and inoranic phosphorous are low
(B) Plasma calcium and inoranic phosphorous are hih (C) Plasma calcium is low
and inoranic phosphorous hih (D) Plasma calcium is hih and inoranic phosphor
ous low 346. The number of amino acid residues in calcitonin in (A) 9 (C) 51 (B)
32 (D) 84
338. Clinical features of Kwashiorkor include all of the followin except (A) Me
ntal retardation (B) Muscle wastin (C) Oedema (D) Anaemia 339. Kwashiorkor usua
lly occurs in (A) (B) (C) (D) The post weanin period Prenancy Lactation Old a
340. Marasmus occurs from deficient intake of (A) (B) (C) (D) Essential amino ac
ids Essential fatty acids Calories Zinc
347. Calcitonin is synthesised in (A) (B) (C) (D) Parathyroid lands Thyroid la
nd Pars intermedia of pituitary Adrenal cortex
341. Marasmus differs from Kwashiorkor in the which of these followin respect (
A) Mental retardation occurs in kwashiorkor but not in marasmus (B) Growth is re
tarded in kwashiorkor but not in marasmus
348. Plasma calcium is lowered by (A) Parathormone (C) Aldosterone (B) Calcitoni
n (D) Deoxycorticosterone
349. α Cells of Islets of L ngerh ns secrete (A) Insulin (C) Som tost tin 350. A/G
r tio is (A) (B) (C) (D) Strength of proteins r tio of serum proteins r tio of
cerulopl smin None of these (B) Gluc gon (D) Cholecystokinin 357. G strin stimul
tes (A) G stric motility (C) Both (A) nd (B)
(B) G stric secretion (D) None of these
358. Secretin is m de up of (A) 17 mino cids (C) 37 mino cids (B) 27 mino
cids (D) 47 mino cids
359. Secretin c uses ll of the following
 except (A) (B) (C) (D) Secretion of p
ncre tic juice Secretion of ile Inhi ition of g stric secretion Stimul tion of
intestin l motility
351. Insulin is m de up of (A) A single polypeptide ch in h ving 51 mino cid r
esidues (B) A single polypeptide ch in h ving 84 mino cid residues (C) A-ch in
h ving 21 nd B-ch in h ving 30 mino cid residues (D) A-ch in h ving 30 nd B
-ch in h ving 21 mino cid residues 352. The num er of mino cid residues in p
reproinsulin is (A) 51 (C) 109 (B) 84 (D) 119

360. All of the following st
 tements out cholecystokinin p ncreozymin re true
except (A) It is secreted y mucos of sm ll intestine (B) It stimul tes secret
ion of p ncre ticjuice rich in enzymes (C) It stimul tes contr ction of g ll l
dder (D) It inhi its g stric motility 361. All of the following st tements
t p ncre tic som tost in re true except (A) (B) (C) (D) It is secreted y δ cells
of islets of Langerhans It stimulates the secretion of gastrin It inhibits the
secretion of secretin It inhibits the secretion of cholecystokininpancreozymin
 asignal sequence having(A) (B) (C) (D) 9 amino
i resi ues 19 amino aci resi ues 27 amino aci resi ues 33 amino aci resi ues
354. The number of intra-chain isulphi e bon s in pro-insulin: (A) One (C) Thre
e 355. Pentagastrin is a (A) (B) (C) (D) Naturally occurring form of gastrin Ina
ctive metabolite of gastrin Active metabolite of gastrin Synthetic form of gastr
in (B) Two (D) Four
362. Histi ine is converte into histamine by (A) Carboxylation (C) Methylation
(B) Decarboxylation (D) Hy roxylation

363. Histamine is synthesise in (A) Brain (C) Basophils (B) Mast cells (D) All
of these
364. Histamine causes all the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) Stimulation of ga
stric secretion Vasoconstriction Pruritus Increase in capillary permeability
356. Secretion of gastrin is evoke by (A) (B) (C) (D) Entry of foo into stomac
h Vagal stimulation Lower aliphatic alcohols All of these
365. H2-receptors
 are blocke by (A) Diphenhy ramine (B) Mepayramine (C) Pyrilam
ine (D) Cimeti ine
366. Serotonin is synthesise from (A) Serine (C) Tyrosine (B) Phenylalanine (D)

375. The most abun ant protein in bones is (A) (B) (C) (D) Collagen type I Colla
gen type II Collagen type III Non-collagen proteins
367. All the following
 statements about serotonin are true except (A) (B)(C) (D
) It causesvasoli atation It causes bronchoconstriction
  It is metabolize by mo
noamine oxi ase Its metabolite is 5-hy roxyin ole acetic aci

376. The most abun ant collagen in cartilages is (A) Type I (C) Type III (B) Typ
e II (D) Type IV
368. All the following statements about angiotensin
 are true except (A) (B) (C)
(D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Its precursor is an α2-glo ulin Its ctive form is n oct pept
ide It is v sodil tor It incre ses the secretion of ldosterone Inhi iting the
synthesis of c techol mines
 Ant gonising
 the ction of ldosterone Stimul ting
the rele se of renin Inhi iting the re kdown of ngiotensin
377. Coll gen nd el stin h ve the following simil rity: (A) (B) (C) (D) Both r
e triple helices Both h ve hydroxyproline residues Both h ve hydrolysine residue
s Both re glycoproteins
369. Methyl dop decre ses lood pressure y

378. A norm l coll gen structure is seen in ll of the following except (A) (B)
(C) (D) I-cell dise se Osteogenesis imperfect Menke’s dise se Ehlers-D nlos sydro
370. Binding
 of g mm - mino
 utyric cid to its receptors in r in incre ses the
perme ility of cell mem r ne to (A) Cl– (C) K + (B) N + (D) C ++

379. I-cell dise se results from sence of the following from lysosom l enzymes
: (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Sign l sequence M nnose-6-phosph te Si lic ci
d A serine residue Are not synthesised Are in ctive L ck sign l sequence C nnot
re ch lysosomes

371. Binding of cetylcholine to its receptors incre ses the perme ility of cel
l mem r ne to (A) C ++ (C) K + (B) N + (D) N + nd K+
380. In I-cell dise se, lysosom l enzymes
372. All of the following re glycoproteins except (A) Coll gen
 (C) Tr nsferrin
(A) Proteoglyc ns (C) Both (A) nd (B) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Al umin (D) IgM (B) G
lycoproteins (D) None of these
381. Ren l glycosuri occurs due to (A) Incre sed filtr  tion of glucose in glome
 (B) Incre sed secretion
 of glucose y ren l tu ul r cells (C) Decre sed re
sorption of glucose
 y ren l tu ul r cells (D) Incre sed conversion of glycogen
into glucose in tu ul r cells 382. H em turi c n occur in (A) H emolytic n em
373. Si lic cids re present in
374. Hy luronid se hydrolyses Hy luronic cid Chondroitin sulph te Hep rin Hy lu
ronic cid nd chondroitin sulph te
(B) Mism tched lood tr nsfusion (C) Yellow fever (D) Stone in urin ry tr ct 383
. H em turi c n occur in ll of the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) Acute
erulonephritis C ncer of urin ry tr ct Stone in urin ry tr ct Mism tched lood t
r nsfusion hours nd, then, me sure (A) (B) (C) (D) Serum ure Serum cre tinine
Urine output in one hour Specific gr vity of urine
393. Among the following, the most sensitive indic tor of glomerul r function is
(A) (B) (C) (D) Serum ure Serum cre tinine Ure cle r nce Cre tinine cle r nce
384. Chyluri c n e detected y ddition of the following to the urine: (A) Sul
phos licylic cid (B) Nitric cid (C) Acetic nhydride (D) Chloroform 385. Norm
l r nge of serum ure is (A) 0.6–1.5 mg/dl (C) 20–45 mg/dl (A) 0.6–1.5 mg/dl (C) 20–45 m
g/dl (A) 54 ml/min (C) 110 ml/min (A) 54 ml/min (C) 110 ml/min (B) 9–11 mg/dl (D)
60–100 mg/dl (B) 9–11 mg/dl (D) 60–100 mg/dl (B) 75 ml/min (D) 130 ml/min (B) 75 ml/mi
n (D) 130 ml/min

394. All the following st tements out inulin re correct  except (A) (B) (C) (D
)It is completely
  non-toxic It is completely
 y glomeruli It is not re
sor ed y tu ul r cells It is secreted y tu ul r cells
386. Norm l r nge of serum cre tinine is
395. Non-protein nitrogenous su st nces in lood include ll of the following ex
cept (A) Ure (C) Cre tinine (B) Uric cid (D) Inositol
387. St nd rd ure cle r nce is
388. M ximum ure cle r nce is
396. Non-protein nitrogenous su st nces in lood re r ised in (A) (B) (C) (D) S
t rv tion Liver d m ge Ren l f ilure All of these

389. Aver ge cre tinine cle r nce in n dult m n is out (A) 54 ml/min (C) 110
ml/min (B) 75 ml/min (D) 130 ml/min

397. Cre tinine cle r nce is dece sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) Acute tu ul r necrosis
Acute glomerulonephritis Hypertension Myop thies

390. Inulin cle r nce in n ver ge dult m n is out (A) 54 ml/min (C) 110 ml/
min (B) 75 ml/min (D) 130 ml/min
398. Serum myl se is incre sed in (B) Acute p ncre titis (A) Acute p rotitis (C
) P ncre tic c ncer (D) All of these 399. M ximum rise in serum myl se occurs i
n (A) (B) (C) (D) Acute p rotitis Acute p ncre titis Chronic p ncre titis P ncre
tic c ncer

Q391. Among the following, test of tu ul r function is (A) (B) (C) (D) Cre tin
ine cle r nce Inulin cle r nce PAH cle r nce PSP excretion test

392. A simple w y to ssess tu ul r function is to withhold food nd w ter for 1
400. Serum lip se is incre sed in (A) Acute p rotitis (B) Acute p ncre titis (C)
Infective hep titis (D) Bili ry o struction 401. Which one of the following met
olites is not directly produced in the hexose monophosph te p thw y? (A) (B) (
C) (D) Fructose-6-phosph te Dihydroxy cetone phosph te CO2 Erythrose-4-phosph t
(B) Must e supplied
 in the diet ec use the hum n h s n imp ired ility to sy
nthesize the c r on ch in of the corresponding keto cids (C) Are identic
 l in l
l species
 studied (D) Are defined s those mino cids
 which c nnot e synthesiz
ed y the org nism t r te dequ te to meet met olic requirements 408. Which
mong the following is n essenti l mino cid? (A) Cysteine (C) Tyrosine (B) Le
ucine (D) Asp rtic cid
402. Which one of the following st tements concerning glucose-6-phosph te dehydr
ogen se deficiency is correct? (A) Young R.B.Cs, p rticul rly reticulocytes, con
t in the highest enzyme ctivity cells show less enzyme ctivity (B) Glucose-6-P
Dehydroglucose deficiency le ds to disfuction of m ny tissues (C) G-6-p Dehydro
glucose deficiency is due to single deletion of l rge sequence of DNA in the
G-6-PD gene (D) G-6-PD deficiency is
 precipit ted y ingestion
 of drugs such s
spirin 403. The phenomenon of inhi ition of glycolysis y O2 is termed s (A)
Red drop (C) Mich elis effect (B) P steur effect (D) Fischer’s effect

409. Which mong the following is sic mino cid? (A) Asp rgine (C) Proline
(B) Arginine (D) Al nine
410. This mino cid c nnot h ve optic l isomers: (A) Al nine (C) Threonine (B)
Histidine (D) Glycine
411. The mino cid which cont ins gu nidine group is (A) Histidine (C) Citrul
line (B) Arginine (D) Ornithine

412. GABA(g m mino utyric cid) is (A) (B) (C) (D) Post-syn ptic excit tory t
r nsmitter
 Post-syn ptic inhi itor tr nsmitter ctiv tor of gli -cell function i
nhi itor of gli -cell function

404. Ser tonin is derived in the ody from the following mino cid: (A) Phenyl
l nine (C) Tryptoph n (B) Histidine (D) Serine
413. Sulphur-cont ining mino cid is (A) Glut thione (C) Homocysteine (B) Chond
roitin sulph te (D) Tryptoph n
405. Which mino cid is lipotropic f ctor? (A) Lysine (C) Tryptoph n (B) Leuc
ine (D) Methionine
414. The useful re gent for detection of mino cids is (A) (B) (C) (D) Molisch
re gent Dichlorophenol Indophenol Ninhydrin Biuret
406. Which mong the following is nutrition lly essenti l mino cid for m n ?
(A) Al nine (C) Tyrosine (B) Glycine (D) Tryptoph n
407. The essenti l mino cids (A) Must e supplied in the diet ec use the org
nism h s lost the c p city to min te the corresponding keto cids
415. The mino cid which cont ins n indole group is (A) Histidine (C) Glycine
(B) Arginine (D) Tryptoph n
416. S k guchi re ction is nswered y (A) (B) (C) (D) Lysine Ornithine Arginine
Arginino succinic cid (A) Lysine (C) Serine (B) Glut mine (D) Citrulline

425. An mino cid which cont ins disulphide ond is (A) Lysine (C) Homocystei
ne (B) Methionine (D) Cystine
417. The pH of n mino cid depends (A) Optic l rot tion (B) Dissoci tion const
nt (C) Diffusion coefficient(D) Ch in length 418. When mino cids re tre ted
with neutr l form ldehyde, the pH of the mixture (A) (B) (C) (D) Is not ltered
Incre ses Decre ses First incre ses then decre ses
426. One of the following h s phenolic group: (A) Histidine (C) Ser tonine (B)
Hydroxy lysine (D) Hydroxy proline
427. An mino cid not cont ining the usu l— COOH group is (A) Al nine (C) Methion
ine (B) Tryptoph n (D) T urine
419. Which mong the following h s n imid zole group? (A) Histidine (C) Proline
(B) Tryptoph n (D) Hydroxy proline
428. Br nched ch in mino cids re (A) (B) (C) (D) Cysteine nd cystine Tyrosin
e nd Tryptoph n Glycine nd Serine V line, Leucine nd Isoleucine
420. The mino cid exist s Zwitter ions when they re in (A) solid st te (C)
lk line solution (A) S lting out (C) Flourimetry (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) cidic solu
tion (D) neutr l solution (B) Electrophoresis (D) Both (A) nd (B)
429. A Zwitter ion is one which h s in queous solution: (A) One positive ch rge
nd one neg tive ch rge (B) Two positive ch rges nd one neg tive ch rge (C) Tw
o neg tive ch rges nd one positive ch rge (D) No electric l ch rges t ll 430.
The mino cid which gives yellow colour with Ninhydrin in p per chrom togr phy
is (A) Tyrosine (C) Tryptoph n (B) Proline (D) Al nine

421. Pl sm proteins re isol ted y
422. After digestion mino cids Are sor ed into port l circul tion Are sor
ed into lymph Are excreted to the extent of 50% Converted into glucose in the in
423. Cysteine h s the formul : (A) CH3SH (B) H2N—CH2—COOH (C) HS—CH2—CH(NH2)—COOH (D) S—CH2
(NH2)—COOH | S—CH2—CH(NH2)—COOH 424. The compound h ving the formul H2N—CO—NH—CH2—CH2—CH2—
| NH2

431. Hydroxyl tion of Proline nd Lysine in protein is effected y (A) Vit min
B1 (C) Vit min B6 (A) Tyrosine (C) Proline (B) Vit min B2 (D) Vit min C
432. Millon’s test is for identific tion of (B) Tryptoph n (D) Arginine
433. Hopkins-Cole test is for identific tion of (A) Tyrosine (C) Arginine (B) Tr
yptoph n (D) Cysteine
434. Coll gen is very rich in (A) Glycine (C) Asp rtic cid (B) Serine (D) Glut
mic cid
445. The m jor end product of protein nitrogen met olism in m n is (A) Glycine
(C) Ure (B) Uric cid (D) NH3
435. All mino cids re optic lly ctive except (A) Glycine (C) Threonine (B) S
erine (D) Tryptoph n
446. An mino cid not involved in ure cycle is (A) Arginine (C) Ornithine (B)
Histidine (D) Citrulline

436. Out of 200 different mino cids form in n ture the num er of mino cids p
resent in protein: (A) 20 (C) 40 (B) 25 (D) 35

447. NH3 is detoxified in r in chiefly s (A) Ure (C) Cre tinine (B) Uric cid
(D) Glut mine
437. Enzyme c t lyzed hydrolysis of proteins produces mino cids of the form: (
A) D (C) DL (B) L (D) All of these
448. In hum ns, NH3 is detoxified in liver s (A) Cre tinine (C) Ure (B) Uric
cid (D) Uronic cid

438. The ioniz le groups of mino cids re t le st. (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4

449. The ody protein fter eighteen ye rs (A) Rem ins unch nged (B) Is decompos
ed only slightly t interv ls of one month (C) Is in const nt st te of flux (D
) Is used only for energy requirement 450. The only known physiologic l methyl t 
ing gents in the nim l org nism  re (A) Choline nd et ine (B) Choline nd δ-a
enosyl methionine (C) Betaine an δ-a enyosyl methionine (D) Dimehtyl glycine an
betaine 451. In the synthesis  of 1 molecule of urea in the Kreb’s Hanseleit cycle,
the number of ATPs require is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4
439. The neutral amino aci is (A) Lysine (C) Leucine (B) Proline (D) Histi ine
440. The amino aci containing hy roxyl group: (A) Alanine (C) Arginine (B) Isol
eucine (D) Threonine

441. The sulphur containing amino aci : (A) Homoserine (C) Methionine (B) Serine
(D) Valine
442. The basic amino aci : (A) Glycine (C) Histi ine (B) Leucine (D) Proline
 biosynthesis  of proteins (A) Amino aci s only
 are require (B) Amino ac
i s an nucleic  aci s only are  require (C) Amino aci , nucleic aci s an ATP on
ly are require
 (D) Amino aci s, nucleic aci s, ATP, GTP, enzymes an activators
are require

443. The amino
 aci which synthesizes many hormones:(A) Valine (C) Alanine (A)
Acetic aci (C) Ethanol (B) Phenyl alanine (D) Histi ine (B) Chloroform (D) Benz

444. Amino aci s are insoluble in
453. Transmethylation of guani o acetic aci gives (A) (B) (C) (D) Creatine phos
phate Creatinine Choline n-methyl nicotinami e
461. The first amino aci incorporate in a polypepti e in a ribosome  of a human
is (A) N formyl methionine (C) Phenyl alanine (B) Methionine (D) Hy roxy lysine
454. The 2 energy
 rich compoun s nee e for protein
 biosynthesis are (A) ATP an
GTP (C) ATP an CTP (B) ATP an UTP (D) ATP an TTP
462. The first amino aci incorporate in a polypepti e in a ribosome of a bacte
rium is (A) N formyl methionine (C) Alamine (B) Methionine (D) Glycine
455. The following ketoaci is involve in fixing ietary NH3 into amino aci : (
A) Pyruvate (C) Oxalo succinate (B) Oxalo acetate (D) α-keto glut r te

463. The integr tor etween the TCA cycle nd ure cycle is (A) Fum r te (C) Pyr
uv te (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) M l te (D) Citr te
 Bence jones proteinuri l ch r cterized y Non-he t co gul ility He t co gu
l ility t 100°C He t co gul ility t 45 to 60°C Precipit tion t 25°C

456. The met olite which sust ins ure cycle is (A) (B) (C) (D) Ornithine Citru
lline C r moyl phosph te n- cetyl glut m te

465.Bence Jones proteins
 m y e excreted in urine of p tients suffering from (A
) Tu erculosis (B) Di etes
 mellitus (C) Multiple myelom (D) Hyperthyroidism 46
6. X nthuric cid is n norm l met olite of (A) X nthine (C) Tyrosine (B) Uri
c cid (D) Tryptoph n
457. Tetr hydroglol te c n e freed from N5 methyl tetr hydrofol te only y (A)
Nor epinephrine (B) Eth nol mine (C) Nicotin mide (D) Vit min B12 458. Neogene
sis of methyl group is (A) The v il ility of methyl group form δ a enosyl methio
nine (B) The availability
 of methyl group from betaine
 (C) Interaction between N
5 N10 methylene tetra hy rofolate with a NAD + epen ent re uctase (D) Availabil

ity of methyl group
 from methyl
 B12 459. More creatinine is excrete by (A) A ul
t males (C) Chil ren (B) A ult females (D) Pregnant women
467. Two nitrogen
 atoms of Urea in the urea cycle come
 from (A) (B) (C) (D) NH3
One from
 NH3 an one from aspartate One from NH3 an one from glutamate One from
NH3 an one from alanine
468. Pyruvic aci can be obtaine by transamination of alanine with (A) (B) (C)
(D) α- keto glut ric cid Aceto cetic cid β−OH butyric acid Phosphoenol Pyruvic acid
460. A rowin peptide in a ribosome can not be shifted to the adjacent ribosome
because (A) It is firmly attached (B) It will et the amino acid cleaved (C) Th
e ap between the ribosomes is too bi for a shift (D) The adjacent ribosomes ha
ve different composition
469. In the synthesis of 1 molecule of urea in the Kreb’s Henseleit cycle the numb
er of AMPs formed is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4
470. Formation of melanin from tyrosine requires the action of (A) (B) (C) (D) D
opa decarboxylation Diamine oxidase Peroxidase Tyrosinase
(B) H2N—Gly—Ar—Lys—Phe—COOH + Asp (C) H2N—Ar—Lys—Phe—Asp—COOH + Gly (D) H2N—Gly—Ar—Lys—C
478. Which of the followin techniques is used to separate proteins based upon
differences in their mass? (A) (B) (C) (D) Isoelectric focusin Dialysis SDS el
Electrophoresis Western blottin
471. In one of the followin the quality of the protein synthesized is affected:
(A) Diabetes mellitus (B) Gont (C) Multiple myeloma (D) Primaquine sensitivity
472. Citrulline is an intermediate of (A) TCA cycle (C) Pentose cycle (B) Urea c
ycle (D) Calvin cycle
473. The semialdehydes are formed under the action of enzymes characterised as (
A) (B) (C) (D) Aldolases Peptidyl lysyl oxidases Collaenases Elastases
479. The reatest bufferin capacity at physioloic pH would be provided by a pr
otein rich in which of the followin amino acids ? (A) Lysine (C) Aspartic acid
(B) Histidine (D) Valine
480. Which one of the amino acids could serve as the best buffer at pH 7? (A) Gl
utamic acid (C) Valine (B) Arinine (D) Histidine
474. Which of the followin statement about the peptide bond is true? (A) (B) (C
) (D) It is a carbon carbon bond It has cis hydroen and oxyen roups It is pla
nar It has rotational freedom
481. Which one of the followin statements concernin lutamine is correct? (A)
(B) (C) (D) Contains three tetratable roups Is classified as an acidic amino ac
id Contains an amide roup Mirates to the cathode durin electrophoresis at pH
475. Isoenzymes for a iven reaction (A) (B) (C) (D) Have different spedificitie
s Have identical affinities for the same substrate Exhibit different electrophor
etic motilities Contain similar ratios of different polypeptide chains
482. One of the iven example is an amino acid: (A) Oh Lysine (C) Leucine (B) Pr
otein (D) Serine
476. The hihest concentration of cystine can be found in (A) Melanin (C) Myosin
(B) Chondroitin sulphate (D) Keratin
483. The lone pair of electrons at one of the rin nitroens in the iven amino
acid makes a potential liand, which is important in bindin the iron atoms in h
emolobin: (A) Tryptophan (C) Histidine (B) Threonine (D) Serine
477. One round of Edman deradation of the peptide: H 2 N— Gly—Ar—Lys—Phe— Asp— COOH would
result in which of the followin structures or their phenyl isothiocyanate deriv
atives? (A) H 2N—Gly—Ar—COOH + H2N—Lys— Phe— Asp—COOH
484. The amino acid which is not optically active is (A) Alanine (C) Glutamine (
B) Glycine (D) Lysine
485. Optically active compounds are capable of (A) (B) (C) (D) Different reactio
ns Rotatin plane of polarized liht Showin same chemical properties None of th
494. In prehepatic jaundice, protein flocculation test is (A) (B) (C) (D) Normal
/weekly positive Usually positive Neative None of these
486. The reference compound for absolute confiuration of optically active compo
und is (A) Alanine (C) Glyceraldehyde (B) Lactic acid (D) Dihydroxy acetone
495. Side chains of all amino acids contain aromatic rins except (A) Pheynl ala
nine (C) Tyrosine (B) Alanine (D) Tryptophan
487. All the standard amino acids except the followin have one chiral ‘c’ atom: (A)
(B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Threonine, Isoleucine Isoleucine, Alanine Threonine
, Alanine Alanine, Glutamine Defense Helps immunity of the body Not predicatable
None of these
496. In Nitroprusside test, amino acid cystein produces (A) (B) (C) (D) Blue col
our complex Red colour Yellow colour Purple colour
488. The role of complement proteins:
497. Bonds that are formed between two cysteine residues is (A) Disulphide (C) E
lectrostatic (B) Peptide (D) Hydrophobic
489. Optical isomers that are mirror imaes and non superimposable are called (A
) Diastereomers (C) dl isomers (B) Euantiomers (D) Stereomers
498. The acid amide of Aspartic acid is (A) Glutamine (C) Asparine (B) Arinine
(D) Ornithine
490. Livin cells have the unique ability to synthesize only _________ the form
of optical isomer due to _________. (A) (B) (C) (D) ‘d’ form, stereospecific enzymes
‘l’ form stereospecific enzymes ‘d’ form, DNA ‘L’ form, DNA
499. It is the only amino acid havin an ionizin ‘R’ roup with a pK’ near 7 and is i
mportant in the active site of some enzymes: (A) Arinine (C) Cystine (B) Cystei
n (D) Histidine
491. Isoelectric pH of an amino acid is that pH at which it has a (A) Positive c
hare (C) No net chare (A) Albumin (C) Both A and B (B) Neative chare (D) All
of these (B) Globulin (D) None of these
500. Hemolobin has a hih content of this amino acid: (A) Proline (C) Arinine
(B) Leucine (D) Histicline
492. Albuminoids are similar to
501. A hexa peptide with 5 aspartic acid would have a net chare at pH 7: (A) Ne
utral (C) Neative (B) Positive (D) Not predictable
493. Abnormal chain of amino acids in sickle cells anaemia is (A) Alpha chain (C
) Gama chain (B) Beta chain (D) Delta chain
502. In the enetic disorder of cystinuria, the patient excretes lare quantitie
s of cystine in their urine and its low solubility causes crystalline cystine to
precipitate as stones in kidneys. The remedy involves
inestin Na HCO 3. Reaction of this treatment is (A) NaHCO2 combines with cysti
ne (B) NaHCO3 raises the pH above the isoelectric point of cystine (C) NaHCO 3 p
revents stone formation by hydrolysis of cystine to cysteine (D) None of these 5
03. In the followin reaction, Alanine acts as a
508. The amino acid which has a pK near 4 and thus is neatively chared at pH 7
is (A) Alanine (C) Glutamine (B) Glutamic acid (D) Asparine
509. The side chain of which of the followin amino acid contain sulphur atom? (
A) Methionine (C) Leucine (B) Threonine (D) Tryptophan
510. Which of the followins ives a positive test for Ninhydrin? (A) Reducin s
uars (B) Trilycerides (C) Alpha aminoacids (D) Esterified Fats 511. In lutath
ione (a tripeptide) is present apart from Glutamic acid and cysteine: (A) Serine
(C) Leucine (A) Glycine (C) Valine (B) Glycine (D) Phenyl alanine (B) Alanine (
D) Serine
H H | | + + H 3 N – C – COO ——→ H 3 N – C – COOH | | CH 3 CH 3
(A) Acid (C) Zwitter ion (B) B se (D) None of these
504. Amino cids excepting histidine re not good uffering gents in cell ec u
se (A) They exist s zwitter ions (B) Their pk nd not in the physiologic l pH o
f cell (C) Only Histidine h s pk of its R group t 6.0 unlike the others which
h ve t different pH (D) None of these 505. At neutr l pH Al nine h s the fol
lowing structure: (A)
512. 2 -Amino 3-OH prop noic cid is

513. All mino cids h ve one symmetric c r on tom, except (A) Arginine (C) Hi
stidine (B) Asp rgine (D) Glycine
514. Num er of mino cids present in the pl nt, nim l nd micro i l proteins:
(A) 20 (C) 150 (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 80 (D) 200
H H + H2N − C − COOH (B) H3 N − C − COO CH3 CH3 H H2 N − C − COO (D) CH3 H + H2 N − C − COO
515. Immunolobulins are characterized by their Heavy chains Molecular weiht Li
ht chains Electrophoretic behaviour

506. The amino acids in which the R roups have a net positive chare at pH 7.0
are (A) (B) (C) (D) Lysine, Arinine, Histidine Lysine, Asparine Histidine, Asp
arine Glutamine, Arinine
516. The bond in proteins that is not hydrolysed under usual conditions of denat
uration: (A) Hydrophobic bond (B) Hydroen bond (C) Disulphide bond (D) Peptide
bonds 517. If the amino roup and a carboxylic roup of the amino acid are attac
hed to same carbon atom, the amino acid is called (A) Alpha (C) Gamma (B) Beta (
D) Delta
507. Apolipoproteins are (A) AI (C) C1 (B) AI1 (D) All of these
518. Zymoen is (A) (B) (C) (D) An intracellular enzyme Serum enzyme A complete
extracellular enzyme An inactivated enzyme (B) 1–4 units/dl (D) 50–100 units/dl (B)
Hydrolase (D) Oxidase
528. Physioloically active confiuration of amino acids: (A) (B) (C) (D) L D Fo
r some amino acids it is either of two Neither L nor D (B) Methionine (D) Leucin
519. SGOT level in a adult is (A) 5–40 units/dl (C) 5–15 units/dl (A) Reductase (C)
529. Cystine is synthesized from (A) Cysteine (C) Arinine
520. Activity of ceruloplasmin shown in vitro:
530. The major constituent of the proteins of hair and keratin of skin: (A) Ari
nine (C) Glycine (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Cysteine (D) Arinine
521. Increased serum alanine durin fastin is due to (A) Breakdown of muscle pr
oteins (B) Decreased utilization of non essential amino acids (C) Leakae of ami
noacids to plasma (D) Impaired renal function 522. The followin 4 amino acids a
re required for completion of urea cycle except (A) Aspartic acid (C) Ornithine
(B) Arinine (D) Glycine
531. NH3 is removed from brain mainly by Creatinine formation Uric acid producti
on Urea formation Glutamine formation
532. Mechanism by which NH3 is removed from the kidneys is (A) (B) (C) (D) Urea
formation Uric acid formation Creatinine formation None of these (B) Cholesterol
(D) Phospholipids (B) Glycoproteins (D) Lipoproteins
523. Number of amino acids present in the dietary proteins: (A) 22 (C) 20 (A) Bl
ood (C) Kidney (B) 23 (D) 19 (B) Liver (D) Heart
533. Low density plasma proteins are rich in (A) Chylomicrons (C) Trilycerides
534. Transcortins are (A) Mucoproteins (C) Metalloproteins
524. Urea synthesis takes place in
525. All followins are ketoenic aminoacids except (A) Leucine (C) Phenyl alani
ne (A) Tryptophan (C) Threonine (B) Isoleucine (D) Glycine (B) Arinine (D) Phen
535. Proteins that carries Iron into different tissues is (A) Ceruloplasmin (C)
Mucoproteins (B) Trans cortin (D) Glycoproteins
526. The amino acid containin an indole rin:
536. Naturally occurrin amino acids have (A) L Confiuration (B) D Confiuratio
n (C) DL Confiuration (D) None of these 537. Abnormal chain of aminoacids in si
ckle cell anemia is (A) β chain (C) γ chain (B) β chain (D) r chain
527. Histidine is converted
 to histamine through the process of (A) (B) (C) (D)
Transamination Decar oxylation Oxidative deamination Urea cycle
538. A dietary deficiency of tryptophan and nicotinate leads to (A) Beri Beri (C
) Anemia (B) Xerophthalmia (D) Pellegra
547. The amino acid which contains an indole group is (A) Histidine (C) Cystine
(B) Arginine (D) Tryptophan
539. Which one of the following is an essential amino acid? (A) Arginine (C) Phe
nylalanine (B) Tyrosine (D) Proline

548. From two amino acids
 peptide ond formation involves
 removal of one molecul
e of (A) Water (C) Car ondioxide (B) Ammonia (D) Car oxylic acid
540. One of the following amino acid is solely ketogenic: (A) Lysine (C) Valine
(B) Alanine (D) Glutamate
549. Polymers of more than 100 amino acids are termed (A) Proteins (C) Both (A)
and (B) (B) Polypeptides (D) None of these
541. Along with CO2, NH3 and ATP, the amino acid that is needed in urea cycle is
(A) Alanine (C) Aspartate (B) Isoleucine (D) Glycine
550. The example of glo ulins: (A) Leucosin (C) Oryzenin (B) Tu erin (D) Legunel
542. Isoelectric pH of an amino acid is that pH at which it has a (A) Positive c
harge (C) No charge (B) Negative charge (D) None of these
551. The example of scleroproteins: (A) Glutamin (C) Salmine (B) Giladin (D) Ela
552. The example of phosphoprotein: (A) Mucin (C) Ovomucoid (B) Ovovitellin (D)
543. Which of the following contri
 utes nitrogen atoms to oth purine and pyrimi
dine rings? (A) Aspartate (B) Car amoyl phosphate (C) CO2 (D) Glutamine 544. Whi
ch amino acid is a lipotropic factor? (A) Lysine (C) Tryptophan (B) Lecuine (D)
553. The example of metalloproteins: (A) Siderophilin (C) Elastin (B) OREES muco
id (D) All of these
554. The example of chromoprotein: (A) Salmine (C) Zein (B) Catalase (D) Gliadin
555. Deamination is ______ of amino group. (B) Addition (A) Removal (C) Suppleme

ntation (D) None of these 556. Proteins produce polypeptides from proteins y (A
) Oxidizing (C) Hydrolyzing (B) Reducing (D) None of these

545. Which of the following protein is rich in cysteine? (A) Elastine (C) Fi rin
(B) Collagen (D) Keratin

546. Whichamino acid is present at 6th position of β chain of H s instead of glut
amate in H A? (A) Cysteine (C) Aspartate (B) Valine (D) Glutamate

557. Proteins
 react with iuret reagent whichis suggestive of 2 ormore (A) Hyd
rogen onds (B) Peptide onds (C) Disulphide onds (D) Hydropho ic onds
558. The disulphide ond is not roken under the usual conditions of (A) Filtrat
ion (C) Oxidation (B) Reduction (D) Denaturation 568. Foetal haemoglo in contain
s (A) Two α nd two γ chains (B) Two β and two γ chains (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of
559. Insulin is oxidized to separate the protein molecule into its constituent p
olypeptide chains without affectin the other part of the molecule by the use of
(A) Performic acid (C) Citric acid (B) Oxalic acid (D) Malic acid
569. When haemolobin takes up oxyen there is a chane in the structure due to
the movin closer toether of (A) β chains (C) γ chains (B) β chains (D) α nd γ chains
560. Each hydroen bond is quite (A) Weak (C) Both (A) and (B) (B) Stron (D) No
ne of these
570. The hydroen bonds in the secondary and tertiary structure of proteins are
directly attacked by (A) Salts (C) Deterents (B) Alkalies (D) All of these
561. A coiled structure in which peptide bonds are folded in reular manner by (
A) Globular proteins (B) Fibrous proteins (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
562. In many proteins the hydroen bondin produces a reular coiled arranemen
t called (A) α-helix (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) β-helix (D) None of these
571. The hydrogen onds etween peptide link ges re interfered y (A) Gu nidine
(C) S licylic cid (B) Uric cid (D) Ox lic cid
572. The digest ility of cert in den tured proteins y proteolytic enzymes (A)
Decre ses (C) Norm l (B) Incre ses (D) None of these
563. Mny glo ul r proteins
 re st le insolution lthough they l ck in (A) Hyd
rogen onds (B) S lt onds (C)Non-pol r onds (D) Disulphide onds 564. E ch tu
rn of α-helix cont ins the num er of mino cids (A) 2.8 (C) 3.4 (B) 3.2 (D) 3.6
573. The ntigenic nti ody functions of proteins y den tur tion re frequently
(A) Not ch nged (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) Ch nged (D) None of these

574. In c se of severe den
 tur tion of protein, there is (A) Reversi le den tur
tion (B) Moder te reversi le den tur tion (C) Irreversi le den tur tion (D) None
of these 575. When egg l umin is he ted till it is co gul ted, the second ry
nd terti ry structures of the proteins re completely lost resulting in mixtur
e of r ndomly rr nged (A) Dipeptide ch ins (B) Tripeptide ch ins (C) Polypeptid
e ch ins(D) All of these
565. The dist nce tr velled per turn of α-helix in nm is (A) 0.34 (C) 0.54 (B) 0.4
4 (D) 0.64

566. α -helix is disrupted y cert in mino cids like (A) Proline (C) Histidine (
B) Arginine (D) Lysine
567. α-helix is st
 ilized y (A) Hydrogen onds (B) Disulphide onds (C) S lt on
ds (D) Non-pol r onds
576.In glycoproteins the c r ohydr te is in the form of dis cch ride units, the
num er of units re (A) 50–100 (C) 400–500 (B) 200–300 (D) 600–700
586. If one mino cid is fed excess, the sorption of nother is (A) (B) (C) (
D) Slightly cceler ted Moder tely cceler ted Highly cceler ted Ret rded

577. The milk protein in the stom ch of the inf nts is digested y (A) Pepsin (C
) Chymotrypsin (B) Trypsin (D) Rennin
587. Under norm l conditions, food proteins re gener lly re dily digested upto
the present (A) 67 to 73 (C) 82 to 89 (B) 74 to 81 (D) 90 to 97
578. Achyli g stric is s id to e when sence of (A) Pepsin only (C) HCl only
(B) Both pepsin nd HCl (D) All of these
588. By overhe ting the nutrition l v lue of cere l proteins is (A) Incre sed (C
) Unch nged (B) Decre sed (D) None of these

579. The pH of g stric juice ecome low in (A) Hemolytic nemi (B) Pernicious
nemi (C) Both (A) nd (B) (D) None of these 580. In sm ll intestine trypsin hyd
rolyzes peptide link ges cont ining (A) Arginine (C) Serine (B) Histidine (D) As
p rt te

589. More th n h lf of the protein of the liver nd intestin l mucos re roken
down nd resynthesised in (A) 10 d ys (C) 15 d ys (B) 12 d ys (D) 18 d ys
581. Chymotrypsin in the sm ll intestine hydrolyzes peptide link ges cont ining
(A) Al nine (C) V line (B) Pheynl l nine (D) Methionine
590. The h lf-life of nti ody protein is out (A) 4 weeks (C) 2 weeks (B) 3 we
eks (D) 1 week

582. C r oxy peptid se B in the sm ll intestine hydrolyzes peptides cont ining (
A) Leucine (C) Arginine (B) Isoleucine (D) Cysteine
591. Protein n olism is stimul ted y (A) ACTH (C) Gluc gon (B) Testosterone (
D) Epinephrine

583. The tr nsport of mino cids regul ted y ctive processes of different num
ers: (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4
592. The met olism of protein is integr ted with th t of c r ohydr te nd f t t
hrough (A) Ox lo cet te (C) Isocitr te (B) Citr te (D) M l te
584. The third ctive process for mino cids tr nsport involves (A) (B) (C) (D)
Acidic mino cids B sic mino cids Neutr l mino cids Sulphur cont ining mi
no cids
593. The uildingup nd re king down of protopl sm re concerned with the met
olism of (A) C r ohydr te (C) Protein (B) Lipid (D) Miner ls

585. The neutr l mino cids for sorption need (A) TPP (C) NAD+ (B) B6 – PO4 (D)

594. The mino cids str  cted from the liver re not utilized for rep ir or sp
eci l synthesis ut re roken down to (A) Keto cids (C) W ter (B) Sulphur diox
ide (D) Ammoni
595. The unw nted mino cids str cted from the tissues re either used up y
the tissue or in the liver converted into (A) Ammoni (C) Ammonium s lts (B) Ure
(D) Uric cid
603. The tr ns min se ctivity
 needs the coenzyme:
 (A) ATP (C) FAD+ 604. Tr ns m
in tion is (A) Irreversi le process(B) Reversi  le process (C) Both (A) nd (B)
(D) None of these 605. Most mino cids re su str tes for tr ns min tion excep
t (A) Al nine (C) Serine (B) Threonine (D) V line (B) B6 – PO4 (D) NAD+

596. Amino cids provide the nitrogen for the synthesis of (A) (B) (C) (D) The
ses of the phospholipids Uric cid Glycolipids Chondroitin sulph tes
597. The met olism of ll proteins ingested over nd ove the essenti l requir
ements is c lled (A) (B) (C) (D) Exogenous met olism Endogenous met olism Both
(A) nd (B) None of these
606 Oxid tive conversion of m ny mino cids to their corresponding -keto cids o
ccurs in m mm li n: (A) Liver nd kidney
 (B) Adipose tissue (C) P ncre s (D) Int
estine 607.
 The α-keto cid is dec
 r oxyl ted y H2O2 forming c r oxylic cid wit
h one c ron tom less in the sence of the enzyme: (A) C t l se (C) De min se
(B) Dec r oxyl se (D) Phosph t se
598. Sulphur cont ining mino cids fter c t olism produces su st nce which
is excreted: (A) SO2 (C) H2SO4 (B) HNO3 (D) H3 PO4
599. Ethere l sulph te is synthesized from the _________ mino cid. (A) Neutr l
(C) B sic (B) Acidic (D) Sulphur cont ining
608. The ctivity of m mm li n L- mino cid oxid se, n FMN – fl vo protein, is qu
ite (A) Slow (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) R pid (D) None of these
600. The mino cids required for cre tine form tion: (A) Glycine (C) Methionine
(B) Arginine (D) All of these
609. From diet ry protein s well s fromthe ure present in fluids secretedin
to the g strointestin l tr ct intestin l cteri produce (A) (B) (C) (D) C r on
dioxide Ammoni Ammonium sulph te Cre tine
601. In hum n nd other ureotelic org nisms, the end
 product of mino cid nitro
gen met olism: (A) Bile cids (C) Ure (B) Ketone odies (D) B rium sulph te
610. The symptom of mmoni intoxic tion includes (A) Blurring of vision (B) Con
stip tion (C)
 Ment l confusion (D) Di rrhoe 611. Ammoni intoxic tion symptoms
occur when r in mmoni levels re (A) Slightly diminished (B) Highly diminishe
d (C) Incre sed (D) All of these

602. The end product of mino cid nitrogen met olism in uricotelic org nisms (
reptiles nd irds) is (A) Biliru in (C) Uric cid (B) Ure (D) Biliverdin
612. Ammoni production y the kidney is depressed in (A) Acidosis (C) Both (A)
nd (B) (B) Alk losis (D) None of these
621. In severe cidosis, the output of ure is (A) Decre sed (B) Slightly incre
sed (C) Highly incre sed (D) Moder telyincre sed 622. Uremi occurs in (A) Cirr
hosis of the liver(B) Nephritis (C) Di etes mellitus (D) Coron ry throm osis 62
3. Clinic l symptom in ure cycle disorder is (A) Ment l ret rd tion (B) Drowsin
ess (C) Di rrhoe (D) Oedem 624. The sp ring ction of methionine is (A) Tyrosi
ne (C) Arginine (B) Cystine (D) Tryptoph n
613. Ammoni is excreted s mmonium s lts during met olic cidosis ut the m j
ority is excreted s (A) Phosph tes (C) Uric cid (B) Cre tine (D) Ure

614. Synthesis of glut mine is ccomp nied y the hydrolysis of (A) ATP (C) TPP
(B) ADP (D) Cre tin phosph te
615. In r in, the m jor met olism for remov l of mmoni is the form tion of (
A) Glut m te (C) Asp r gine (B) Asp rt te (D) Glut mine
625. NH + 4 min tes glut m te to form glut mine requiring ATP nd (A) K + (C) C
++ 626. Glut thione is (A) Dipeptide (C) Polypeptide (B) Tripeptide (D) None
of these (B) N + (D) Mg ++
616. C r moyl phosph te synthet se structure is m rked y ch nge in the presenc
e of (A) (B) (C) (D) N-Acetyl glut m te N-Acetyl Asp rt te Neur minic cid Ox l
627. All following re conjug ted proteins except (A) Nucleoproteins (C) Met llo
proteins (B) Proteoses (D) Fl voproteins

617. The iosynthesis of Ure occurs m inly in the Liver: (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytoso
l Microsomes Nucleus Mitochondri

628. All α- mino cids h ve one symmetric c r on tom except (A) Arginine (C) Asp
rtic cid (B) Glycine (D) Histidine
618. One mol. of Ure is synthesized t the expense of the _______ mols. of ATP.
(A) 2 (C) 4 (B) 3 (D) 5
629. Num er of mino cids present in pl nts, nim ls nd micro i l proteins: (A
) 20 (C) 150 (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 80 (D) 200
630. Hydr ted density of (HD) lipoproteins is 0.94 gm/ml 0.94-1.006 gm/ml 1.006-
1.063 gm/ml 1.063-1.21 gm/l
619. Ure iosynthesis occurs m inly in the liver involving the num er of mino
cids: (A) 3 (C) 5 (B) 4 (D) 6
620. The norm l d ily output of Ure through urine in gr ms: (A) 10 to 20 (C) 20
to 30 (B) 15 to 25 (D) 25 to 35
631. The ond in proteins
 th t is not roken under usu l conditions
 of den tur
ion: (A) Hydropho ic ond (B) Hydrogen ond (C) Disulphide ond (D) Peptide ond
632. Pl sm proteins ct s (A) Buffers (C) Reserve proteins (B) Immunoglo ulins
(D) All of these
642. A norm l ch in of mino cids in sickle cell n emi is (A) Alph ch in (C)
Delt ch in (B) Bet ch in (D) G m ch in

633. Group th t re cts in the Biuret test: (A) Peptide (B) Amino group (C) C r o
xylic group (D) Aldehyde group 634. In nitroprusside test, mino cid cysteine p
roduces : (A) Red colour (C) Yellow colour (B) Blue colour (D) Purple colour
643. Num er of ch ins in glo in p rt of norm l H : (A) 1 (C) 3 (A) 3.6 (C) 5.0 (
B) 2 (D) 4 (B) 4.7 (D) 6.1

644. The PH of l umin is

635. Protein present in hemoglo in h s the structure known s (A) Prim ry (C) Te
rti ry (B) Second ry (D) Qu rtern ry

645. Ninhydrin re ction gives purple colour nd evolves CO2 with (A) Peptide
onds (C) Ergothioneine (B) Hist mine (D) Asp rgine
636. Isoelectric pH of n mino cid is th t pH t which it h s (A) Positive c
h rge (C) Nil net ch rge (B) Neg tive ch rge (D) None of these

646. Den tur tion of proteins involves re kdown of (A) Second ry structure(B) T
erti ry structure (C) Qu rtern ry structure(D)
 All of these647. In den tur tion
of proteins, the ond which is not roken: (A) Disulphide ond (B) Peptide ond
(C) Hydrogen
 ond (D) Ionic ond 648. The purity of n isol ted protein c n e
tested y employing v rious methods. (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) Solu ility curve Molecu
l r weight Ultr Centrifug tion Immuno R ctivity All of these
637. Al uminoids re simil r to (A) Al umin (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) Glo ulin (D
) None of these
638. Optic l isomers of ll mino cids exist except (A) Glycine (C) Al nine (B)
Arginine (D) Hydroxy proline

639. Proteins th t constitute ker tin, coll gen nd el stin in ody re (A) Prot
mines (C) Scleroproteins (B) Phosphol proteins (D) Met proteins
640. System tic n me of lysine is (A) (B) (C) (D) Amino cetic cid 2,6 di minoh
ex noic cid Aminosuccinic cid 2-Aminoprop noic cid

649. More th n one re k in the line or in s tur tion curve indic tes the follow
ing qu lity of protein. (A) Non homogenity
 (B) Purity
 (C) Homogeneity (D) None o
f these 650. A sh rp moving ound ry is o t ined etween the pure solvent nd so
lute cont ining l yer
 in (A) (B) (C) (D) Chrom togr phy Immuno Re ctivity Ultr
Centrifug tion Solu ility curve
641. Side ch ins of ll following mino cids cont in rom tic rings except (A)
Phenyl l nine (C) Tyrosine (B) Al nine (D) Tryptoph n
651. The nti odies r ised g inst pure
 protein will show only one sh rp spike
on this technique: (A) (B) (C) (D) Solu ility curve Solvent precipit tion Molec
ul r weight determin tion Immuno electrophoresis
658. The sorting out of molecules ccording to size nd sh pe m y e d pted to
protein purific tion in this technique: (A) (B) (C) (D) Adsorption chrom togr ph
y Gel filtr tion chrom togr phy P per chrom togr phy None of these
652. This technique t kes the dv nt ge of the f ct th t e ch protein h s differ
ent pH t which it is electric lly neutr l i.e., its isoelectric pH: (A) (B) (C)
(D) Isoelectric focussing Immunoel Ectro Phoresis Chrom togr phy HPLC
659. Frequently employed m teri ls for the dsorptionchrom togr phy of proteins
include (A) High c p city supporting gel (B) St rch locks (C) C lcium
 phosph t
e gel lumin gel nd hydroxy p tite (D) All of these 660. The solu ility of mo
st proteins is lowered t high s lt concentr tions is c lled s (A) S lting in p
rocess (B) S lting out process (C) Isoelectric focussing(D)None of these 661. P
henyl l nine, ornithine nd methionine re involved in the iogenesis of (A) Lys
ergic cid (C) L-Hyoscy mine (B) Reserpine (D) P p verine
653. The following technique m kes use of the difference in net ch rges of prote
ins t given pH: (A) (B) (C) (D) Thin l yer chrom togr phy Ion exch nge chrom
togr phy High perform nce liquid chrom togr phy P per chrom togr phy
654. The r tio of the dist nce moved y compound to the dist nce moved  y the
solventfrent is known s its (A) PI v lue (C) Rf v lue (B) Linking num er (D) G
old num er
662. All the following diuretics inhi it the c r onic nhydr se except (A) Acet
zol mide (C) Furosemide (A)
 Sug rs (C) Amino cids (B) Bumet nide (D) Eth crynic
cid (B) Phenols (D) C r oxylic cids
655. The movement of ch rged p rticles tow rds one of the electrodes under the i
nfluence of electric l current is (A) (B) (C) (D) Gel filtr tion Molecul r sievi
ng G s liquid chrom togr phy Electrophoresis
663. Protein is polymer of
664. All the following mino cids re optic lly ctive except (A) Tryptoph ne (
C) V line (B) Phenyl l nine (D) Glycine
656. An nion exch nge resin linked to cellulose ck one is (A) DEAE cellulose
(C) Seph dex (B) CM cellulose (D) None of these
665. Proteinous su st nces which c t lyze iochemic l re ctions re known s (A)
Activ tors (C) Enzymes (A) Bloodclotting (C) Digestion (B) C t lysts (D) Hormo
nes (B) Met olic p thw y (D) Kre ’s cycle
657. A c tion exch nge resin linked to cellulose ck one is (A) CM-cellulose (C
) St rch (B) DEAE cellulose (D) Biogel
666. Insulin is protein which controls
 Proteins which re responsile for defence mech nism re c lled (A) Antimet
olites (C) Antimycins (B) Anti odies (D) Apoproteins
677. Protein deficiency
 dise se is known s (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Cush
 dise se F ry’s dise se P rkinson’s dise se Kw shiorkor nd m r smus Egg pl nt S
oy e n Tree of the He ven Devil’s dung
668. When the net ch rge on n mino cid  is zero, the pH is m int ined s? (A)
4.5 (C) 7.0 (A) Cryst llis tion (C) Solu ility (B) 11.2 (D) 9.1 (B) Precipit tio
n (D) Re ctivity

678. A veget le source of protein is
669. Isoelectric point of mino cids is used for
670. X nthoproteic test is positive in proteins cont ining (A) (B) (C) (D) Sulph
ur mino cids α-Amino cids Arom tic mino cids Aliph tic mino cids (B) Biuret
e test (D) Ninhydrine test

679. Ox lo cet te is converted to sp rtic cid y (A) Reduct se (C) Tr nsmin se
(A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Oxid se (D) C t l se

680. Deficiency of iotin results in decre se in Amino cid synthesis Lipid synt
hesis Kidney F tty cid synthesis
671. All α - mino cids give positive (A) Million’s test (C) X nthproteic test

672. N-termin l mino cids of polypeptide re estim ted y (A) Edm nn re ctio
n (B) S nger’s re gent (C) Form ldehyde test (D) Ninhydrine re ction 673. Million’s
test is positive for (A) Phenyl l nine (C) Tyrosine (B) Glycine (D) Proline

681. The precursor of ile s lts, sex hormones nd vit min D is (A) Diosgenin (C
) C mpesterol (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Cholesterol (D) Ergosterol
682 Uns tur ted f tty cids is known s Non-essenti l f tty cids Essenti l f tt
y cids Cere rosides Phospholipids Two peptide link ge Phenolic group Imid zole
ring None of these
674. Indole group of tryptoph n responses positively to (A) Glyoxylic cid (C) B
iuret test (B) Schiff’s re gent (D) Resorcinol test
683 Biuret test is specific for
675. Gu nidine group of rgentine gives positive test with (A) (B) (C) (D) Le d
cet te S k guchi re gent Tricholoro cetic cid Molisch’s re gent
684. Most of c lcium is present
 in one, ut 2% present
 in soft tissue nd the
lood is c lled(A) C lcin ted lood (B) Solidified lood (C) Physiologic l lood
(D) Colloid l lood 685. C lcium present with protein is known s free while in
s lt form is c lled s (A) Bound (C) Solid (B) Precipit ted (D) Polymorphs
676. Thiol group of cysteine gives red colour with (A) (B) (C) (D) Sodium cet t
e Le d cet te Sodium nitroprusside B rfoed’s re gent
686. The following ions help in enzym tic tr nsfer of phosph te from ATP to pyru
vic cid: (A) Sodium (C) M gnesium (B) C lcium (D) Pot ssium
695. Pl telets cont in n enzyme which h s import ntrole in clotting in lood.
This enzyme
 is known s (A) Cholinester se (C) Dec r oxyl se (B) Tr ns min se (D
) Throm okin se
687. Intern tion l enzyme commission cl ssifies enzymes into (A) Three cl sses (
C) Four cl ssess (B) Six cl sses (D) Ten cl sses
696. Tre tment of pentoses with concentr ted miner l cid yields cyclic lde
hyde known s (A) Pent ldehyde (C) Hex ldehyde (B) Cyclopent l (D) Furfur l

688. Mich elis – Menten
 equ tion is used to expl in the effect of su str te concen
tr tion on (A) C r ohydr te (C) Lipid (B) Enzyme (D) Protein
697. Isoelectric pH is th t pH t which protein is electric lly: (A) Neutr l (C)
C tionic (B) Anionic (D) None of these
689. The pH t which n enzyme h s m ximum ctivity is known s (A) Isoelectric
pH (C) Low pH (B) Optimum pH (D) High pH
698. A out 6.25 g of h emoglo inis produced nd destroyed in the ody e ch d y
nd the tot l mount of h emoglo in in norm l he lthy 70 kg weighing m le dul
t is (A) 250 g (C) 100 g (B) 150 g (D) 70 g

690. Degr d tion of proteins to mino cids, glucose from
 c r ohydr tes
 nd f tt
y cids from lipids is known s (A) An olism (C) C t olism (B) Met olism (D)
699. P ncre tic juice cont ins ll of the following except (A) Trypsinogen (C) C
holecystokinin (B) Lip se (D) Chymnotrypsinogen
691. During glycolysis of glucose the energy li er ted in the sence of oxygen

is known s (A) (B) (C) (D) Oxygenesis Glyconeogenesis Glycogenolysis An ero ic
ferment tion

700. The milk protein in the stom ch in n dult is digested y (A) Pepsin (C) H
Cl (B) Rennin (D) Chymotrypsinogen
692. Deficiency of ure cycle enzymes results into ccumul tion of citrulline r
 te rginine in the liver resulting in incre sing concentr tion of ……..
in the lood. (A) C lcium (C) Ammoni (B) Sodium (D) Lipid

701. C r oxypeptid se, n enzyme of p ncre tic juice, cont ins (A) Mn (C) M gnes
ium (B) Zinc (D) M ng nese

693. Accumul tion of trytoph n in lood is known s (A) Pompe’s dise se (B) Wilson’s

dise se (C) Wolm n’s dise se (D) H rtnup’s
 dise se 694. Lymphocytes re responsi le
for the form tion of (A) Serum (C) Anti ody (B) Pl sm (D) C lcium
702. The zymogen from trypsinogen of p ncre tic juice is converted to ctive try
psin y (A) Peisin (C) Enterokin se (B) Enterocrinin (D) Rennin
703. In ctive zymogens
 re precursors of ll the following g strointestin l enzy
mes except (A) C r oxypeptid se (B) Pepsin (C) Amino peptid se (D) Chymotrypsin
704. Rennin cts on c sein of milk in inf nts in presence of (A) Mg ++ (C) Co++
(B) Zn ++ (D) C ++
713. The milk protein in the stom ch of the inf nts is digested y (A) Pepsin (C
) Chymotrypsin (B) Trypsin (D) Rennin

705. All the following re true out phenylketonuri except (A) Deficiency of p
henyl l nine hydroxyl se (B) Ment l ret rd tion (C) Incre sed urin ry excretion
of p-hydroxyphenyl pyruvic cid (D) Decre se serotonin form tion 706. Which of t
he mino cid produces v sodil tor on dec r oxyl tion? (A) Glut min cid (C) O
rnithine (B) Histidine (D) Cysteine
714. Protein n olism is stimul ted y (A) ACTH (C) Gluc gon (B) Testosterone (
D) Epinephrine

715. The num er of helices present in coll gen molecule is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (
D) 4

716.Which ond is present in the prim ry structure of protein? (A) Ester (C) Io
nic ond (B) Hydrogen (D) Peptide
707. Neutr l mino cid is (A) Leucine (C) Asp rtic cid (B) Lysine (D) Histidin
717. Sk guchi re ction is specific for (A) Gu nidine group (B) Phenolic group (
C) C r oxylic group (D) None of these 718. With the exception of glycine ll mi
no cids found in protein re (A) Isocitr te dehydrogen se (B) Fum r se (C) Succ
in te thiokin se (D) ATP se 719 In protein structure the α -helix nd β ple ted shee
ts re ex mple of (A) Prim ry structure (C) Terti ry structure (B) Second ry str
ucture (D) Qu tern ry structure
708. The mino cid cont ining hydroxy group: (A) Glycine (C) Arginine (B) Isole
ucine (D) Thereonine
709. The mino cid which synthesizes m ny hormornes: (A) V line (C) Al nine (B)
Phenyl l nine (D) Histidine
710. Insulin degr d tion of disulfide ond form tion is effected y (A) (B) (C)
(D) Pyruv te dehydrogen se Xylitol reduct se Gut thione reduct se X nthine oxid
720. An essenti l mino cid in m n is (A) Proline (C) Asp r gine (B) Threonine
(D) Tyrosine

711. A protein re cts
 with iuret re gent  which indic tes2 or more (A) Blood cl
otting (B) Peptide ond (C) Disulphide onds (D) Hydropho ic onds 712. In m ny
proteins the hydrogen onding produces regul r coiled rr ngement which is c l
led s (A) β-Helix (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) α-Helix (D) Spir l
721. An mino cid th t does not form n α helix is (A) Asp r gine (C) Tryptoph n
(B) Tyrosine (D) Proline
722. The protein present in h ir is (A) El stin (C) Ker tin (B) Prol mine (D) Gl
i din
723. Pl sm protein c n e sep r ted y (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) S lting
out with (NH4)2SO4 Ultr centrifug tion Immuno electrophoresis All of these Ur ci
l Adenine Hydroxy methyl cytosine Phosph te (A) TPP (C) Biotin
(B) Mg ++ (D) CoA-SH

727. A polymeric unit of st rch which h s r nched structure is (A) Glucose (C
) Isom ltose (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Amylopectin (D) Amylose
724. RNA does not cont in
728 The repe ting unit in hy luronic cid is Glucuronic cid nd G l ctos mine G
lucuronic cid re glucos mine Glucuronic cid nd N- cetyl glucos mine Glucuron
ic cid nd N- cetyl g l ctos mine

725. In m mm li n cells,
 ri osom l RNA is produced m inly in the (A) (B) (C) (D)
Nucleus Nucleolus Ri osome Golgi pp r tus
729 The repe ting dis
 cch ride unit in celluslose is (A) Sucrose (C) Dextrose (B
) M ltose (D) Cello iose

726. Which co-enzyme is not involved in oxid tive dec r oxyl tion of pyruvic ci
1. A 7. A 13. A 19. B 25. A 31. C 37. B 43. B 49. D 55. B 61. B 67. A 73. A 79.
A 85. C 91. A 97. A 103. D 109. D 115. D 121. B 127. B 133. A 139. A 145. A 151.
A 157. D 163. A 169. C 175. D 181. C 187. D 193. B 199. B 205. D 211. C 217. B
223. C 229. C 235. C 241. B 247. C 2. A 8. A 14. C 20. C 26. C 32. B 38. C 44. C
50. A 56. A 62. A 68. D 74. B 80. A 86. B 92. B 98. D 104. D 110. A 116. C 122.
B 128. C 134. A 140. D 146. B 152. B 158. D 164. D 170. C 176. C 182. C 188. A
194. C 200. B 206. C 212. A 218. D 224. C 230. A 236. B 242. B 248. D 3. A 9. A
15. C 21. B 27. B 33. D 39. C 45. C 51. A 57. C 63. D 69. A 75. A 81. C 87. B 93
. C 99. A 105. A 111. A 117. A 123. A 129. A 135. A 141. C 147. B 153. C 159. C
165. C 171. D 177. B 183. B 189. B 195. D 201. C 207. D 213. C 219. B 225. C 231
. C 237. A 243. C 249. B 4. A 10. D 16. B 22. A 28. B 34. B 40. B 46. A 52. A 58
. B 64. C 70. A 76. A 82. A 88. A 94. D 100. A 106. A 112. A 118. A 124. A 130.
A 136. A 142. A 148. B 154. C 160. C 166. B 172. B 178. B 184. C 190. D 196. B 2
02. D 208. B 214. A 220. B 226. D 232. D 238. D 244. A 250. C 5. A 11. B 17. B 2
3. B 29. A 35. C 41. B 47. A 53. D 59. C 65. D 71. C 77. D 83. C 89. A 95. A 101
. D 107. A 113. A 119. D 125. A 131. B 137. C 143. C 149. D 155. B 161. B 167. D
173. A 179. A 185. B 191. C 197. D 203. C 209. A 215. C 221. C 227. C 233. D 23
9. B 245. B 251. C 6. A 12. A 18. C 24. D 30. A 36. A 42. A 48. B 54. A 60. A 66
. C 72. B 78. D 84. D 90. A 96. A 102. D 108. C 114. B 120. C 126. A 132. C 138.
A 144. B 150. A 156. C 162. D 168. D 174. D 180. A 186. C 192. C 198. C 204. C
210. D 216. D 222. D 228. D 234. D 240. D 246. A 252. A
253. D 259. D 265. A 271. C 277. B 283. B 289. D 295. B 301. A 307. A 313. D 319
. D 325. B 331. C 337. C 343. A 349. B 355. D 361. B 367. A 373. B 379. D 385. C
391. D 397. D 403. B 409. B 415. D 421. D 427. D 433. B 439. C 445. C 451. C 45
7. D 463. A 469. A 475. B 481. C 487. C 493. B 499. D 505. B 254. D 260. D 266.
B 272. B 278. D 284. C 290. B 296. C 302. B 308. A 314. C 320. B 326. B 332. D 3
38. A 344. B 350. B 356. D 362. B 368. C 374. D 380. B 386. A 392. D 398. B 404.
C 410. D 416. C 422. A 428. D 434. A 440. D 446. B 452. D 458. C 464. C 470. D
476. D 482. B 488. D 494. A 500. D 506. A 255. D 261. D 267. B 273. C 279. C 285
. A 291. D 297. B 303. B 309. C 315. B 321. A 327. A 333. C 339. A 345. C 351. C
357. C 363. D 369. A 375. A 381. D 387. A 393. D 399. B 405. D 411. B 417. B 42
3. C 429. A 435. A 441. C 447. D 453. A 459. A 465. C 471. C 477. C 483. C 489.
B 495. B 501. C 507. D 256. B 262. D 268. D 274. C 280. D 286. D 292. C 298. C 3
04. C 310. D 316. D 322. B 328. C 334. B 340. C 346. B 352. C 358. B 364. B 370.
A 376. B 382. D 388. B 394. D 400. A 406. D 412. B 418. C 424. D 430. B 436. A
442. C 448. C 454. A 460. C 466. D 472. B 478. C 484. B 490. B 496. B 502. C 508
. B
257. D 263. D 269. B 275. D 281. A 287. B 293. D 299. B 305. B 311. B 317. B 323
. D 329. B 335. C 341. D 347. B 353. B 359. D 365. D 371. D 377. A 383. D 389. C
395. C 401. B 407. B 413. C 419. A 425. D 431. D 437. B 443. B 449. C 455. B 46
1. B 467. B 473. A 479. B 485. B 491. C 497. A 503. C 509. A 258. B 264. B 270.
D 276. B 282. D 288. B 294. D 300. C 306. B 312. D 318. B 324. A 330. D 336. B 3
42. B 348.B 354. C 360. D 366. D 372. B 378. B 384. D 390. D 396. B 402. A 408.
B 414. C 420. D 426. C 432. A 438. B 444. D 450. C 456. C 462. A 468. A 474. B 4
80. D 486. C 492. C 498. C 504. C 510. C
511. B 517. A 523. C 529. A 535. B 541. C 547. D 553. A 559. A 565. C 571. A 577
. D 583. C 589. A 595. B 601. C 607. A 613. D 619. D 625. D 631. D 637. A 643. D
649. A 655. D 661. A 667. B 673. C 679. C 685. A 691. D 697. A 703. C 709. B 71
5. C 721. D 727. B 512. D 518. D 524. B 530. B 536. A 542. C 548. A 554. B 560.
A 566. A 572. A 578. B 584. C 590. C 596. A 602. C 608. A 614. A 620. C 626. B 6
32. D 638. A 644. B 650.C 656. A 662. D 668. C 674. A 680. D 686. D 692. C 698.
D 704. D 710. C 716. D 722. C 728. C 513. D 519. A 525. D 531. D 537. B 543. A 5
49. A 555. A 561. A 567. A 573. B 579. B 585. B 591. B 597. A 603. B 609. B 615.
D 621. A 627. B 633. A 639. C 645. D 651. D 657. A 663. C 669. B 675. B 681. B
687. B 693. D 699. C 705. C 711. B 717. A 723. D 729. D 514. A 520. D 526. A 532
. D 538. D 544. D 550. B 556. C 562. A 568. A 574. C 580. A 586. D 592. A 598. C
604. B 610. A 616. A 622. B 628. B 634. A 640. B 646. D 652. A 658. B 664. D 67
0. C 676. C 682. B 688. B 694. C 700. A 706. B 712. B 718. B 724. C 515. A 521.
A 527. B 533. B 539. C 545. D 551. D 557. B 563. D 569. A 575. C 581. B 587. D 5
93. C 599. D 605. B 611. C 617. D 623. A 629. D 635. D 641. B 647. B 653. B 659.
C 665. C 671. D 677. D 683. A 689. B 695. D 701. B 707. A 713. D 719. B 725. B
516. C 522. D 528. A 534. A 540. A 546. B 552. B 558. D 564. D 570. B 576. D 582
. C 588. B 594. D 600. D 606. A 612. B 618. B 624. B 630. B 636. C 642. B 648. C
654. C 660. B 666. B 672. A 678. B 684. C 690. C 696. D 702. C 708. D 714. B 72
0. B 726. C
12. A Al umin (mol. Wt. 69,000) is the m jor constituent of pl  sm proteins with
 concentr tion 3.5–5.0 g/dl. It is exclusively synthesized y the liver.
 Pl sm
l umin performs osmotic, tr nsport nd nutritive function, esides the  ufferin
g ction. Cerulopl smin is lue coloured, copper cont ining α 2–glo ulin. Its norm
l pl sm concentr tion is round 30 mg/dl nd it is decre sed in Wilson’s dise se
. Defects in clotting f ctors c use norm lities in lood clotting. Hemophili
A (defect ntihemophilic f ctor i.e., VII), hemophili  B or Christm s dise se (de
fect-Christm s f ctor, i.e., IX) re the mjor norm lities known. Lysine, rgi
nine, histidine. These re di sic monoc r oxylic cids. The mino cids which
re never found in protein structure re collectively referred to s non-protein
mino cids. However, the nonprotein mino cids perform sever l iologic l func
tions.  e.g., ornithine, citrulline, thyroxine. Amino cids re divided into 3 gr
oups sed on their met olic f ts. 507. D 488. D or n incre se in glo ulins (c
hronic infections). 421. D By s lting out  technique (using mmonium sulf  te or s 
odium sulf te),
 the pl sm proteins c n e sep r ted into 3 groups – l umin, glo
ulins nd fi rinogen. Electrophoresis is the most commonly employed n lytic l t
echnique for the sep r tion of pl sm (serum) proteins. P per or g r gel electr
 with veron
 l uffer (pH 8.6) sep r tes pl sm proteins into 5 distinct
nds n mely l umin, α1 - α2, β- nd γ lobulins. Complement system is composed of abou
t 20 plasma proteins that complement the functions of antibodies in defendin th
e body from invadin antiens. The complement system helps the body immunity by
promotin phaocytosis, formation of antien antibody complexes and inflammatory
reaction. Apolipoproteins or apoproteins are the (structural) protein component
s of lipoproteins and are closely involved in the metabolism of the later, e..,
AI, AIII, B100, C1, CII The removal of amino roup from the amino acids as ammo
nia is deamination. It may be oxidative or non oxidative in nature. The NH3 so l
iberated is used for synthesis or urea. The three amino acids lycine, arinine
and methionine are required for creatine formation. Glycine combines Biuret test
is answered by compounds containin two or more CO– NH roups i.e., peptide bonds
. All protein and peptides possessin at least two peptide linkaes i.e., tripep
tide (with 3 amino acids) ive positive biuret test. The principle of biuret tes
t is conveniently used to detect the presence of proteins in bioloical fluids.
The mechanism of biuret test is not clearly known. It is believed that the colou
r is due to the formation of a copper co ordianated complex. Arinine, containin
 uanidine roup, reacts with α-n phthol nd lk line hyporomite to form red c
olour complex.
67. A
103. D
151. A 212. A
268. D
555. A
( )
Glycogenic: These mino cids c n serve s precursors for the synthesisof gluco
se (or glycogen) e.g., l nine, sp rt te, glycine. Ketogenic: F t c n e synthe
sized from these mino cids e.g., leucine, lysine. Glycogenic or ketogenic: The
mino cids th t c n form glucose s well s f t e.g., isoleucine, phenyl l nin
e, lysine. 
Zwitterion (dipol r ion) is hy rid molecule cont ining positive nd neg tive i
onic groups. E ch mino cid h s ch r cteristic
 pH (e.g., leucine pH 6.0), t
which it exists s zwitterions. Al umin/Glo ulin (A/G) r tio expresses their rel
tion in the serum concentr
 tion. The
 norm l A/G r tio is 1.2 to 1.5:1, t king t
he concentr tion of l umin nd glo ulins respectively in the r nge of 3.5-5.0 g
/dl nd 2.5–3.5 g/dl. The A/G r tio is lowered either due to decre se in l umin
9liver dise se)
600. D

( ) (c)
683. A
300. C
350. B
717. A
1. An ex mple of hydroxy f tty cid is (A) Ricinoleic cid (C) Butyric cid (B
) Crotonic cid (D) Oleic cid
8. In hum ns, diet ry essenti l f tty cid is (A) P lmitic cid (C) Oleic cid
(B) Ste ric cid (D) Linoleic cid
2. An ex mple of s tur ted f tty cid is (A) P lmitic cid (C) Linoleic cid (
B) Oleic cid (D) Erucic cid
9. A lipid cont ining
 lcoholic mine residue is (A) Phosph tidic cid (B) G ngl
ioside (C) Glucocere roside (D) Sphingomyelin 10. Ceph lin consists of (A) Glyce
rol, f tty cids, phosphoric cid nd choline (B) Glycerol, f tty cids, phospho
ric cid nd eth nol mine (C) Glycerol, f tty cids, phosphoric cid nd inosito
l (D) Glycerol, f tty cids, phosphoric cid nd serine 11. In m mm ls, the m jo
r f t in dipose tissues is (A) Phospholipid (C) Sphingolipids (B) Cholesterol (
D) Tri cylglycerol
3. If the f tty cid is esterified with n lcohol of high molecul r weight inst
e d of glycerol, the resulting compound is (A) Lipositol (C) W x (B) Pl sm logen
(D) Ceph lin
4. A f tty cid which is not synthesized in the ody nd h s to e supplied in t
he diet is (A) P lmitic cid (C) Linolenic cid 5. Essenti l f tty cid: (A) Lin
oleic cid (B) Linolenic
 cid (C) Ar chidonic cid (D) All these 6. The f tty c
id present in cere rosides is (A) Lignoceric cid (C) C prylic cid (B) V leric
cid (D) Behenic cid (B) L uric cid (D) P lmitoleic cid

12. Glycosphingolipids re com in tion of (A) Cer mide with one or more sug r
residues (B) Glycerol with g l ctose (C) Sphingosine with g l ctose (D) Sphingos
ine with phosphoric cid
7. The num er of dou le onds in r chidonic cid is (A) 1 (C) 4 (B) 2 (D) 6
13. The import nce of phospholipids s constituent of cell mem r ne is ec use t
hey possess (A) (B) (C) (D) F tty cids Both pol r nd nonpol r groups Glycerol
Phosphoric cid
22. G ngliosides derived from glucosylcer mide cont in in ddition one or more m
olecules of (A) Si lic cid (C) Di cylglycerol (B) Glycerol (D) Hy luronic cid
14. In neutr l f ts, the uns ponific le m tter includes (A) Hydroc r ons (C) Ph
ospholipids (B) Tri cylglycerol (D) Cholsesterol

23. ’Drying oil’, oxidized spont neously y tmospheric oxygen t ordin ry temper tu
re nd forms h rd w ter proof m teri l is (A) Coconut oil (C) R pe seed oil (B
) Pe nut oil (D) Linseed oil
15. Higher lcohol present in w xes is (A) Benzyl (C) Ethyl 16. Ker sin consists
of (A) Nervonic cid (C) Cervonic cid (B) Lignoceric cid (D) Clup nodonic ci
d (B) Methyl (D) Cetyl
24. Deterior tion of food (r ncidity) is due to presence of (A) (B) (C) (D) Chol
esterol Vit min E Peroxid tion of lipids Phenolic compounds
17. G ngliosides re complex glycosphingolipids found in (A) Liver (C) Kidney (B
) Br in (D) Muscle

25. The num er of ml of N/10 KOH required to neutr lize the f tty cids in  the d
istill tefrom 5 gm of f t is c lled (A) (B) (C) (D) Reichert-Meissel
 num er Pol
enske num er Acetyl num er Non vol tile f tty cid num er
18. Uns tur ted f tty cid found in the cod liver oil nd cont ining 5 dou le o
nds is (A) (B) (C) (D) Clup nodonic cid Cervonic cid El idic cid Timnodonic
26. Molecul r formul of cholesterol is (A) (B) (C) (D) C27H45OH C29H47OH C29H47
OH C23H41OH Benzene deriv tive Quinoline deriv tive Steroid Str ight ch in cid
19. Phospholipid cting s surf ct nt is (A) Ceph lin (C) Lecithin (B) Phosph ti
dyl inositol (D) Phosph tidyl serine
27. The cholesterol molecule is (A) (B) (C) (D)
20. An oil which cont ins cyclic f tty cids nd once used in the tre tment of l
eprosy is (A) El idic oil (C) L noline (B) R peseed oil (D) Ch ulmoogric oil
28. S lkowski test is performed to detect (A) Glycerol (C) F tty cids (B) Chole
sterol (D) Vit min D

 Unple s nt odours nd t ste in f t (r ncidity) c n e del yed or prevented
y the ddition of (A) Le d (C) Tocopherol (B) Copper (D) Ergosterol
29. P lmitic, oleic or ste ric cid ester of cholesterol used in m nuf cture of
cosmetic cre ms is (A) El idic oil (C) Sperm ceti (B) L noline (D) Ch ulmoogric

30. Diet ry f ts fter sorption ppe r in the circul tion s (A) HDL (C) LDL (
B) VLDL (D) Chylomicron
38. An import nt finding of F ry’s dise se is (A) Skin r sh (B) Exophth lmos (C)
Hemolytic nemi (D) Ment l ret rd tion 39. G ucher’s disese is due to deficiency

of the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Sphingomyelin se Glucocere rosid se G l ctocer r
osid se β-G l ctosid se
31.Free f tty cids re tr nsported in the lood  (A) Com ined with l umin (B)
 ined with f tty cid inding protein (C) Com ined with β -lipoprotein (D) In u
n ound free s lts 32. Long ch in f tty cids re first ctiv ted to cetyl-CoA i
n (A) Cytosol (C) Nucleus (B) Microsomes (D) Mitochondri

40. Ch r cteristic finding in G ucher’s dise se is (A) (B) (C) (D) Night lindness
Ren l f ilure Hep tosplenomeg ly De fness
33. The enzyme cyl-CoA synth se c t lyses the conversion of f tty cid of n
ctive f tty cid in the presence of (A) AMP (C) ATP (B) ADP (D) GTP
41. An import nt finding in Neim nn-Pick dise se is (A) (B) (C) (D) Leukopeni C
rdi c enl rgement Corne l op city Hep tosplenomeg ly
34. C rnitine is synthesized from (A) Lysine nd methionine (B) Glycine nd rgi
nine (C) Asp rt te nd glut m te (D) Proline nd hydroxyproline 35. The enzymes
of β-oxid tion re found in (A) Mitochondri (B) Cytosol (C) Golgi pp r tus (D) N
ucleus 36. Long ch in f tty cids penetr te the inner mitochondri l mem r ne (A)
Freely (B) As cyl-CoA deriv tive (C) As c rnitine deriv tive (D) Requiring N
dependent c rrier 37. An import nt fe ture of Zellweger’s syndrome is (A) Hypoglyc
emi (B) Accumul tion of phyt nic cid in tissues (C) Skin eruptions (D) Accumul
tion of C26-C38 polyenoic cid in r in tissues

42. Fucosidosis is ch r cterized y (A) Muscle sp sticity (B) Liver enl rgement
(C) Skin r sh (D) Kidney f ilure 43. Met chrom tic leukodystrophy is due to defi
ciency of enzyme: (A) α-Fucosid se (C) Cer mid se (B) Arylsulph t se A (D) Hexos m
inid se A
44. A signific nt fe ture of T ngier dise seis (A) (B) (C) (D) Imp irment of ch
ylomicron form tion Hypotri cylglycerolmi A sence of Apo-C-II A sence of Apo-C-
45. A signific nt fe ture of Brod Bet dise se is
 (A) (B) (C) (D) Hypocholester
olemi Hypotri cylglycerolemi A sence of Apo-D A norm lity of Apo-E
46. Neont l tyrosinemi improves
 on dministr tion of (A) Thi min (C) Pyridoxin
e (B) Ri ofl vin (D) Ascor ic cid
54. Incre sed urin ry indole cetic cid is di gnostic of (A) (B) (C) (D) M ple
syrup urine dise se H rtnup dise se Homocystinui Phenylketonuri

47. A sence of phenyl l nine hydroxyl se c uses
 (A) (B) (C) (D) Neon t l tyrosin
emi Phenylketonuri Prim ry hyperox luri Al inism
55. In glycinuri d ily urin ry excretion of glycine r nges from (A) 100–200 mg (C
) 600–1000 mg (B) 300–500 mg (D) 1100–1400 mg
48. Richner-H nh rt syndrome is due to defect in (A) (B) (C) (D) Tyrosin se Phen
yl l nine hydroxyl se Hep tic tyrosine tr ns min se Fum ryl ceto cet te hydrol s

56. An in orn error, m ple syrup urine dise se is due to deficiency of the enzym
e: (A) (B) (C) (D) Isov leryl-CoAhydrogen
 se Phenyl lnine hydroxyl se Adenosyl t
r nsfer se α-Keto cid dec r oxyl se
49. Pl sm tyrosine level in Richner-H nh rt syndrome is (A) 1–2 mg/dL (C) 4–5 mg/dL
(B) 2–3 mg/dL (D) 8–10 mg/dL
57. M ple syrup urine dise se ecomes evident in extr uterine life y the end o
f (A) First week (C) Third week (B) Second week (D) Fourth week
50. Amount of phenyl cetic cid excreted in the urine in phenylketonuri is (A)
100–200 mg/dL (B) 200–280 mg/dL (C) 290–550 mg/dL (D) 600–750 mg/dL 51. Tyrosinosis is d
ue to defect in the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Fum ryl ceto cet te hydrol se p-Hydr
oxyphenylpyruv te hydroxyl se Tyrosine tr ns min se Tyrosine hydroxyl se
58. Alk ptonuri occurs due to deficiency of the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) M leyl
ceto cet te isomer se Homogentis te oxid se p-Hydroxyphenylpyruv te hydroxyl se
Fum ryl ceto cet te hydrol se

59. An import
 nt fe ture of m ple syrup urine dise se is (A) P tient c n not e
tre ted y diet ry regul tion (B) Without tre tment de th, of p tient m y occur
y the end of second ye r of life(C) Blood levels of leucine, isoleucine nd se
rine re incre sed (D) Excessive r in d m ge 60. Ochronosis is n import nt fin
ding of (A) (B) (C) (D) Tyrosinemi Tyrosinosis Alk ptonuri Richner H nh rt syn
52. An import nt finding in Histidinemi is (A) Imp irment of conversion of α-Glut
m te to α-ketoglut r te (B) Speech
 defect (C) Decre sed urin ry histidine level (
D) P tients c n not e tre ted y diet 53. An import nt finding in glycinuri is
(A) (B) (C) (D) Excess excretion of ox l te in the urine Deficiency ofenzyme g
 se Signific ntly incre sed serum glycine level Defect in ren l tu ul r re
sorption of glycine
61. Phrynoderm is deficiency of (A) Essenti l f tty cids(B) Proteins (C) Ami
no cids (D) None of these 62. The percent ge of linoleic cid in s fflower oil
is (A) 73 (C) 40 (B) 57 (D) 15
71. The deficiency of oth
 energy nd protein c uses (A) M r smus (C) Di etes (
B) Kw shiork r (D) Beri- eri
72.Kw shiork r is ch r cterized y (A) Night lindness (B) Edem (C) E sy fr ct
ur ility (D) Xerophth lmi 73. A ch r cteristic fe ture of Kw shiork r is (A) (
B) (C) (D) F tty liver Em ci tion Low insulin lever Occurrence in less th n 1 ye
r inf nt

63. The percent ge of polyuns tur ted f tty cids in soy e n oil is (A) 62 (C)
3 (B) 10 (D) 2

64. The percent ge of polyuns tur ted f tty cids in utter is (A) 60 (C) 25 (B)
37 (D) 3

74. A ch r cteristic fe ture of m r smus is (A) (B) (C) (D) Severe hypo l uminem
i Norm l epinephrine level Mild muscle w sting Low insulin nd high cortisol le

65. Dietry fi re denotes
 (A) Undigested proteins (B) Pl nt cell components th t
c nnot e digested y own enzymes (C) All pl nt cell w ll
 components (D) All no
n digesti le w ter insolu le polys cch ride 66. A high fi re diet is ssoci ted
with reduced incidence of (A) (B) (C) (D) C rdiov scul r dise se C.N.S. dise se
Liver dise se Skin dise se (B) Glycogen (D) Proteoglyc ns (B) Pe s (D) Cornfl ke
s (B) Atherosclerosis (D) Liver dise se

75. O esity gener lly reflects excess int ke of energy nd is often ssoci ted w
ith the development of (A) (B) (C) (D) Nervousness Non-insulin dependent di ete
s mellitus Hep titis Colon c ncer
76. Atherosclerosis nd coron ry he rt dise ses re ssoci ted with the diet: (A
) (B) (C) (D)
 High in tot l f t nd s tur ted f t Low in protein High in protein
High in c r ohydr te

67. Diet ry fi res re richin (A) Cellulose (C) St rch (A) Dried pricot (C) Br
n (A) Peptic ulcer (C) Di etes

68. Minimum diet ry fi re is found in

77. Cere rov sul r dise se nd hypertension is ssoci ted with (A) (B) (C) (D) H
igh c lcium int ke High s lt int ke Low c lcium int ke Low s lt int ke

69. A l nd diet is recommended in
78. The norm l r nge of tot l serum iliru
 in is (A) (B) (C) (D) 0.2–1.2 mg/100 ml
1.5–1.8 mg/100 ml 2.0–4.0 mg/100 ml A ove 7.0 mg/100 ml

70. A diet ry deficiency in oth the qu ntity nd the qu lity of protein results
in (A) Kw shiork r (C) Xeropht lmi (B) M r smus (D) Liver dise ses
79. The norm l r nge of direct re cting (conjug ted) serum iliru in is (A) (B)
(C) (D) 0–0.1 mg/100 ml 0.1–0.4 mg/100 ml 0.4–06 mg/100 ml 0.5–1 mg/100 ml

86. Fec l sterco ilinogen is incre
 sed in (A) Hemolytic j undice(B) Hep tic j u
ndice (C) Vir l hep titis (D) O structive
 j undice 87.
 Fec l uro ilinogen is inc
re sed in (A) Hemolytic j undice (B) O struction of ili ry duct (C) Extr hep ti
c gll stones
 (D) Enl rged lymphnodes 88. A mixture of conjug ted nd unconjug t
ed iliru in is found in the circul tion in (A) Hemolytic j undice (B) Hep tic j
undice (C) O structive j undice
 (D) Post hep tic j undice 89. Hep tocellul
 r j
undice s comp red to pure o structive type of j undice is ch r cterized y (A)
Incre sed serum lk line phosph te, LDH nd ALT (B) Decre sed serum lk line pho
sph t se, LDH nd ALT (C) Incre sed serum lk line phosph t se nd decre sed lev
els of LDH nd ALT (D) Decre sed serum lk line phosph tse nd incre sed serum
LDH nd ALT 90. Icteric index of n norm l dult v ries etween (A) 1–2 (C) 4–6 (B)
2–4 (D) 10–15
80. The norm l r nge of indirect (unconjug ted) iliru in in serum is (A) (B) (C
) (D) 0–0.1 mg/100 ml 0.1–0.2 mg/100 ml 0.2–0.7 mg/100 ml 0.8–1.0 mg/100 ml
81. J undice is visi le when serum iliru in exceeds (A) 0.5 mg/100 ml (C) 1 mg/
100 ml (B) 0.8 mg/100 ml (D) 2.4 mg/100 ml
82. An incre se
 in serum unconjug ted iliru in occurs in (A) (B) (C) (D) Hemoly
tic j undice O structive j undice Nephritis Glomerulonephritis
83. One of the c uses of hemolytic
 j undice is (A) (B) (C) (D) G-6 phosph t se d
eficiency Incre sed conjug ted iliru in Glucokin se deficiency Phosphoglucomut
se deficiency
84. Incre sed uro ilinogen
 in urine nd sence of iliru in in the urine sugges
ts (A) (B) (C) (D) O structive j undice Hemolytic j undice Vir l hep titis Toxic
j undice

91. Clinic l j undice is present with n icteric index ove (A) 4 (C) 10 (B) 8
(D) 15
85. A j undice in which serum l nine tr ns min se nd lk line phosph t se re
norm l is (A) (B) (C) (D) Hep tic j undice Hemolytic j undice P renchym tous j u
ndice O structive J undice
92. Norm l qu ntity of uro ilinogen excreted in the feces per d y is out (A) 1
0–25 mg (C) 300–500 mg (B) 50–250 mg (D) 700–800 mg
93. Fec l uro ilinogen is decre sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) O struction of ili ry du
ct Hemolytic j undice Excess f t int ke Low f t int ke
100. The ility of liver to remove dye like BSP from the lood suggests nor
m l (A) (B) (C) (D) Excretory function Detoxific tion function Met olic functio
n Circul tory function
94. A complete
 senceof fec l uro ilinogen is strongly suggestive of (A) (B) (
C) (D) O struction of ile duct Hemolytic j undice Intr hep tic cholest sis M li
gn nt o structive dise se

101. Remov l of BSP dye y the liver involves conjug tion with (A) (B) (C) (D) T
hiosulph te Glut mine Cystein component of glut thione UDP glucuron te
95. Immedi te direct V nden
 Bergh re ction indic tes(A) (B) (C) (D) Hemolytic j
undice Hep tic j undice O structive j undice Meg lo stic nemi

102. Norm l v lue of pl sm tot l proteins v ries etween (A) 3–4 gm/100ml
 (B) 6–8 g
m/100ml (C) 10–12 gm/100ml (D) 14–16 gm/100ml 103. A decre se in l umin with incre
sed production of other unidentified proteins which migr te in β, γ reion suests
(A) (B) (C) (D) Cirrhosis of liver Nephrotic syndrome Infection Chronic lymphati
c leukemia
96. The presence of bilirubin in the urine without urobilinoen suests (A) (B)
(C) (D) Obstructive jaundice Hemolytic jaundice Pernicious anemia Damae to the
hepatic parenchyma
97. Impaired alactose tolerance test suests (A) (B) (C) (D) Defect in lucose
utilisation Liver cell injury Renal defect Muscle injury
104. In increase in α 2-Glo ulin with loss of l umin in urine suggests (A) (B) (C
) (D) Prim ry immune deficiency Nephrotic syndrome Cirrhosis of liver Multiple m

98. Incre sed serum ornithine c r moyl tr nsfer se ctivity is di gnostic of (
A) (B) (C) (D) Myoc rdi l inf rction Hemolytic j undice Bone dise se Acute vir l
hep titis
105. The norm l levels of prothrom in time is out (A) 2 sec (C) 14 sec (A) (B)
(C) (D) (B) 4 sec (D) 10–16 sec
106. In o structive
 j undice prothrom in time Rem ins norm l Decre ses Responds
to vit K nd ecomes norm l Responds to vit K nd incre ses

99. The est known nd most frequently used test of the detoxic ting functions o
f liver is (A) (B) (C) (D) Hippuric cid test G l ctose toler nce test Epinephri
ne toler nce test Rose Beng l dye test

107. In p renhym tous liver dise se the prothrom in time (A) Rem ins norm l (C)
Decre ses (B) Incre ses (D) Responds to Vit K
108. Ure cle r nce test is usedto determine the (A) (B) (C) (D) Glomerul r fil
tr tion r te
 Ren l pl sm flow A ility of kidney to concentr te the urine Me sur
ement of tu ul r m ss
116. Me surement of insulin cle r nce test is me sure of (A)
 (B) (C) (D) Glome
rul r filtr tion r te Filtr tion f ctor Ren l pl sm flow Tu ul r secretory m ss
109. The formul to c lcul te m ximum ure
U× V cle r nce is , where U denotes B

117. The polyscchride
 insulinis (A) Filtered t the glomerulus ut neither se
creted nor
 re sor ed y the tu ule (B) Filtered t the glomerulus
y the tu ule (C) Filtered t the glomerulus
  nd re
 sor ed y the tu ule (D) Fi
ltered t the glomerulus, secreted nd re sor ed y the tu ule 118. Norm l insu
lin cle r nce is (A) 40 ml/1.73 sqm (B) 60 ml/1.73 sqm (C) 80 ml/1.73 sqm (D) 12
0 ml/1.73 sqm 119. Cre tinine EDTA cle r nce is test to me sure (A)(B) (C) (D
) Ren l pl sm flow Filtr tion fr ction Glomerul r filtr tion r te Tu ul r funct
ion (B) cid (D) Both (A) nd (C)
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Concentr tion of ure in urine in
 gm/24 hr Concentr tion of ure in urine in mg/
100 ml Concentr tion of ure in lood in mg/100 ml Volume of urine in ml/mt
110. Aver ge m ximum ure cle r nce is (A) 30 ml (C) 75 ml (B) 50 ml (D) 90 ml
111. The ver ge norm l v lue for st nd rd ure cle r nce is (A) 20 ml (C) 40 ml
(B) 30 ml (D) 54 ml
112. Ure cle r nce is lowered in (A) (B) (C) (D) Acute nephritis Pneumoni E rl
y st ge of nephritic syndrome Benign hypertension
120. The end products of s ponific tion: (A) glycerol (C) so p
113. Glomerul r filtr tion r te c n e me sured y (A) (B) (C) (D) Endogenous cr
e tinine cle r nce P r - minohippur te test Addis test Mosenth l test
121. The norm l PAH cle r nce for surf ce re of 1.73 sqm. is (A) 200 ml/min
(C) 400 ml/min (B) 300 ml/min (D) 574 ml/min
122. P r mino hippur te is (A) Filtered t glomeruli
 nd secreted y the tu ul
es (B) Filtered
 tglomeruli nd not secreted y the tu ules (C) Filtered t glo
meruli nd re sor ed completely (D) Not removed completely during single circ
ul tion of the lood through
 the kidney. 123.
 The Tm for PAH i.e the m xim l sec 
retory c p city of the tu ule for PAH c n e used to g vge the (A) Extent of tu
ul r d m ge
114. At norm l levels
 of cre tinine in the lood, this
 met olite
 is (A) Filtere
d t theglomerulus ut not secreted nor re sor ed y the tu ule (B) Secreted

y the tu ule (C) Re sor ed y the tu ule (D) Secreted nd re sor ed y tu ule
115. The norm l v lues for cre tinine cle r nce v ries from (A) 20–40 ml/min (C) 7
0–85 ml/min (B) 40–60 ml/min (D) 95–105 ml/min
(B) Imp irment of the c p city of the tu ule to perform osmotic work (C) Imp irm
ent of ren l pl sm flow (D) Glomerul r filtr tion r te 124. The norm l Tm in mg
/min/1.73 sqm for PAH is (A) 20 (C) 60 (B) 40 (D) 80 132.
 Triglycerides re (A)
(B) (C) (D) He vier th n w ter M jor constituents of mem r nes Non-pol r Hydroph

133. Cere ronic cid is present in (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycerophospholipids Sphingop
hospholipids G l ctosyl cer mide G ngliosides
125. The norm l r nge of filtr tion f ctor in n dult is (A) 0.10–0.15 (C) 0.25–0.3
0 (B) 0.16–0.21 (D) 0.35–0.40

134. Acylsphingosine is lso known s (A) Sphingomyelin (C) Cere roside (B) Cer
mide (D) Sulph tide

126. The filtr tion f ctor tends to e norm l in (A) (B) (C) (D) E rly essenti l
hypertension M lign nt ph se of hypertension Glomerulonephritis Acute nephritis
135. The highest phospholipids content is found in (A) Chylomicrons (C) LDL (B)
127. The filtr tion f ctor is incre sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) Glomerulonephritis M
lign nt ph se of hypertension E rly essenti l hypertension Acute nephritis
136. The m jor lipid in chylomicrons is (A) Triglycerides (C) Cholesterol (B) Ph
ospholipids (D) Free f tty cids
137. Num er of c r on toms in cholesterol is (A) 17 (C) 27 (B) 19 (D) 30
128. The filtr tion f ctor is decre sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) Glomerulonephritis E
rly essenti l hypertension M lign nt ph se of hypertension St rv tion
138. The lipoprotein richest in cholesterol is (A) Chylomicrons (C) LDL (B) VLDL
129. Excretion of phenolsulph
 npth lein (PSP) reflects (A) (B) (C) (D) Glomerulo
nephritis M xim lt ul r excretory c p city Filtr tion f ctor Ren l pl sm flow
139. The m jor stor ge form of lipids is (A) (B) (C) (D) Esterified cholesterol
Glycerophospholipids Triglycerides Sphingolipids
130. Which of the following is polyuns tur ted f tty cid? (A) P lmitic cid (
C) Linoleic cid (B) P lmitoleic cid (D) Oleic cid
140. Cere onic cid is present in (A) (B) (C) (D) Triglycerides Cere rosides Est
erified cholestrol Sphingomyelin
131. Which of the following is omeg -3 polyuns tur ted f tty cid? (A) Linoleic
cid (C) γ Linolenic acid (B) α-Linolenic cid (D) Ar chidonic cid

141. The nitrogenous se in lecithin is (A) Eth nol mine (C) Serine (B) Choline
(D) Bet ine
142. All the following re omeg -6-f tty cids except (A) Linoleic cid (C) γ Lino
lenic acid (B) α-Linolenic cid (D) Ar chidonic cid
152. De hovo synthesis of f tty cids occurs in (A) Cytosol (C) Microsomes (B) M
itochondri (D) All of these

143. All the following h ve 18 c r on toms except (A) Linoleic
 cid (B) Linolen
ic cid (C) Ar chidonic cid (D) Ste ric cid 144. A 20-c r on f tty cid mong
the following is (A) Linoleic cid (C) β -Linolenic cid (B) α -Linolenic cid (D) A
r chidonic cid
153. Acyl C rrier Protein cont ins the vit min: (A) Biotin (B) Lipoic cid (C) P
ntothenic cid (D) Folic cid 154. Which of the following is required s redu
ct nt in f tty cid synthesis? (A) NADH (C) FADH2 (A) cAMP (C) Epinephrine (B) N
ADPH (D) FMNH2 (B) Gluc gon (D) Insulin

155. Hep tic liponenesis is stimul ted y:

145. Triglycerides re tr nsported from liver to extr hep tic tissues y (A) Chy
lomicrons (C) HDL (B) VLDL (D) LDL
156. De novo synthesis of f tty cids requires ll of the following
 except (A) B
iotin (B) NADH (C) P nthothenic
 cid (D) ATP 157. Acetyl CoA c r oxyl se regul t
es f tty cid synthesis y which of the following mech nism? (A) (B) (C) (D) All
osteric regul tion Cov lent modific tion Induction nd repression All of these

146. Cholesterol is tr nsported from liver to extr hep tic tissues y (A) Chylom
icrons (C) HDL (B) VLDL (D) LDL
147. Elev ted pl sm level of the following projects g inst therosclerosis: (A
) Chylomicrons (C) HDL (B) VLDL (D) LDL
148. All the following mino cids re nonessenti l except (A) Al nine (C) Cyste
ine (A) Cysteine (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) Histidine (D) Proline (B) Methionine (
D) None of these
158. β-Oxid tion of f tty cids requires ll the following coenzymes except (A) Co
149. Sulphydryl group is present in
159. Which of the following c n e oxidized y β-oxid tion p thw y? (A) (B) (C) (D
) S tur ted f tty cids Monos tur ted f tty cids Polyuns tur ted f tty cids Al
l of these
150. Oligos cch ride-pyrophosphoryl dolichol is required for the synthesis of (A
) (B) (C) (D) N-linked glycoproteins O-linked glycoproteins GPI-linked glycoprot
eins All of these
160. Propionyl CoA is formed on oxid tion of (A) (B) (C) (D) Monouns tur
 ted f t
ty cids Polyuns tur ted f tty cids F tty cids with odd num er of c r on toms
None of these
151. In N-linked glycoproteins, oligos cch ride is tt ched to protein through i
ts (A) Asp r gine residue (B) Glut mine residue (C) Arginine residue (D) Lysine
161. An enzyme required for the synthesis
 of ketone odies s well s cholestero
l is (A) (B) (C) (D) Acetyl CoA c r oxyl se HMG
 CoA synthet se HMG CoA reduct se
HMG CoA ly se (B) Liver (D) Br in 169. Throm ox nes c use (A) (B) (C) (D) V sod
il tion Bronchoconstriction Pl telet ggreg tion All of these

162. Ketone odies re synthesized in (A) Adipose tissue (C) Muscles
170. Prost gl ndins lower c mp in (A) Adipose tissue (C) Pl telets (B) Lungs (D)
163. All the following st tements out  ketone odies re true except (A) (B) (C
) (D) Their synthesis incre ses in di etes mellitus They
 re synthesized in mit
chondri They c n deplete the lk li reserve They c n e oxidized in the liver

171. Slow
 re cting Su st nce of An phyl xis is mixture of (A) Prost gl ndins (
C) Throm ox nes (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Prost cyclins (D) Leukotrienes
172. Dip lmitoyl lecithin cts s Pl telet ctiv ting f ctor Second messenger fo
r hormones Lung surf ct nt Anti-ketogenic compound (B) 0.5 KOH (D) 0.5 N OH
164. All the following sttements out crnitine re true except (A) It c n e
synthesised in the hum n ody (B) It c n e synthesized from methionine nd lysi
ne (C) It is required for tr nsport of short ch in f tty cids into mitochondri
 Its deficiency c n occur due
 to h emodi lysis 165. Which
 of the following c
n e synthesized in the hum n ody if precurors re v il le? (A) Oleic cid (
B) P lmitoleic cid
 (C) Ar chidonic cid (D) All of these 166. All the following
c n e oxidized y βoxid tion except (A) (B) (C) (D)P lmitic cid Phyt nic cid
Linoleic cid F tty cids h ving n odd num er of c r on toms

173. Reichert-Meissl num er: (A) 0.1 N KOH (C) 0.1 N N OH
174. In glycerophospholipids, polyuns tur ted f tty cidis commonly tt ched
to which of the following c r on tom of glycerol? (A) C r on 1 (C) Both (A) nd
(B) (B) C r on 2 (D) None of these

175. Lysolecithin is formed from lecithin y remov l of (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B)
(C) (D) F tty cid from position 1 F tty cid from position 2 Phosphorylcholine
Choline P lmitoyl CoA nd Choline P lmitoyl CoA nd eth nol mine P lmitoyl CoA
nd serine Acetyl CoA nd choline
176. Sphingosine is synthesized from

167. Anti-infl
 mm tory corticosteroids inhi it the synthesis of (A) Leukotrienes
(C) Throm ox nes (B) Prost gl ndins (D) All of these
168. Diets h ving high r tio of polyuns tur ted: s tur ted f tty cids c n c u
se (A) (B) (C) (D) Incre se in serum triglycerides Decre se in serum cholesterol
Decre se in serum HDL Skin lesions
177. For synthesis of sphingosine, ll the following coenzymes re required exce
pt (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyridox l phosph te NADPH FAD NAD
178. Cere rosides cont in ll the following except (A) G l ctose (C) Sphingosine
(B) Sulph te (D) F tty cid
188. Activ ted lecithin cholesterol cyl tr nsfer se is essenti l for the conver
sion of (A) (B) (C) (D) VLDL remn nts into LDL N scent HDL into HDL HDL2 into HD
L3 HDL3 into HDL2 Deficiency of methionine Puromycin Chronic lcoholism All of t
179. Niem nn-Pick dise se results from deficiency of (A) Cer mid se (B) Sphingom
yelinse (C) Arylsulph t se A (D) Hexos minid se A 180. Chylomicron remn nts re
c t olised in (A) Intestine (C) Liver (B) Adipose tissue (D) Liver nd intesti
189. F tty liver m y e c used y (A) (B) (C) (D)

181. VLDL remn nt m y e converted into (A) VLDL (C) HDL (B) LDL (D) Chylomicron
190. Alcohol dehydrogen se converts eth nol into (A) Acetyl CoA (C) Acet te (B)
Acet ldehyde (D) CO2 nd H2O
182. Receptors for chylomicron remn nts re (A) Apo A specific (C) Apo C specifi
c (B) Apo B-48 specific (D) Apo E specific

191. Lipids re stored in the ody m inly in the form of (A) Phospholipids (C) T
riglycerides (B) Glycolipids (D) F tty cids
183. LDL receptor is specific for (A) (B) (C) (D) Apo B-48 nd Apo B 100 Apo B-4
8 nd Apo E Apo B-100 nd Apo D Apo B-100 nd po D
192. Lipid stores re m inly present in (A) Liver (C) Muscles (B) Br in (D) Adip
ose tissue
184. N scent HDL of intestin l origin l cks (A) Apo A (C) Apo E (B) Apo C (D) Ap
o C nd Apo E

193. Glycerol is converted into glycerol-3phosph te y (A) Thiokin se (C) Glycer
ol kin se (B) Triokin se (D) All of these
185. HDL is synthesized in (A) Adipose tissue (C) Intestine (B) Liver (D) Liver
nd intestine
194. In dipose tissue, glycerol-3-phosph te required for the synthesis of trigl
ycerides comes m inly from (A) Hydrolysis of pre-existing triglycerides (B) Hydr
olysis of phospholipids (C) Dihydroxy cetone phosph te formed
 in glycolysis (D)
Free glycerol 195. Glycerol rele sed from dipose tissue y hydrolysis
 of trigly
cerides is m inly (A) (B) (C) (D) T ken up y liver T ken up y extr hep tic tis
sues Reutilised in dipose tissue Excreted from the ody
186. N scent HDL of intestin l origin cquires Apo C nd Apo E from (A) (B) (C)
(D) Chylomicrons VLDL LDL HDL of the hep tic origin

187. Hep rin rele s le hep tic lip se converts (A) (B) (C) (D) VLDL remn nts in
to LDL N scent HDL into HDL HDL2 into HDL3 HDL3 into HDL2

196. Free glycerol c nnot e used for triglyceride synthesis in (A) Liver (C) In
testine (B) Kidney (D) Adipose tissue 204. Oxid tion of f tty cids occurs (A) (
B)(C) (D) In the cytosol In the m trix of mitochondri On inner mitochondri l m
em r ne On the microsomes
197. Adipose tissue l cks (A) (B) (C) (D) Hormone-sensitive lip se Glycerol kin
se cAMP-dependent protein kin se Glycerol-3-phosph te dehydrogen se
205. Activ tion of f tty cids requires ll the following except (A) ATP (C) Thi
okin se (B) Coenzyme A (D) C rnitine
198. A digestive secretion th t does not cont in ny digestive enzyme is (A) S l
iv (C) P ncre tic juice (B) G stric juice (D) Bile
206. Mitochondri l thiokin se cts on (A) (B) (C) (D) Short ch in of f tty cids
Medium ch in f tty cids Long ch in f tty cids All of these
199. S liv cont ins lip se which cts on triglycerides h ving (A) (B) (C) (D)
Short ch in f tty cids Medium ch in f tty cids Long ch in f tty cids All of
207. C rnitine is required for the tr nsport of (A) (B) (C) (D) Triglycerides ou
t of liver Triglycerides into mitochondri Short ch in f tty cids into mitochon
dri Long ch in f tty cids into mitochondri

200. S liv ry lip se hydrolyses the ester ond t (A) (B) (C) (D) Position 1 of
triglycerides Position 2 of triglycerides Position 3 of triglycerides All of the
208. Crnitine cylc rnitine tr nsloc se is present (A) In the inner mitochondri
l mem r ne (B)In the mitochondri l m trix (C) On the outer surf ce of inner mi
tochondri l mem r ne (D) On the inner surf ce of inner mitochondri l mem r ne 20
9. Net ATP gener tion on complete oxid tion of ste ric cid is (A) 129 (C) 146 (
B) 131 (D) 148
201. S liv ry lip se converts diet ry triglycerides into (A) (B) (C) (D) Diglyce
rides nd f tty cids Monoglycerides nd f tty cids Glycerol nd f tty cids Al
l of these
202. P ncre tic lip se requires for its ctivity: (A) Co-lip se (C) Phospholipid
s (B) Bile s lts (D) All of these
210. Propionyl CoA formed oxid tion of f tty cids h ving n odd num er of c r o
n toms is converted into (A) (B) (C) (D) Acetyl CoA Aceto cetyl CoA D-Methylm l
onyl CoA Butyryl CoA
203. P ncre tic lip se converts tri cylglycerols into (A) (B) (C) (D) 2, 3-Di cy
lglycerol 1-Mono cylglycerol 2-Mono cylglycerol 3-Mono cylglycerol
211. α-Oxid tion of f tty cids occurs m inly in (A) Liver (C) Muscles (B) Br in (
D) Adipose tissue
212. Refsum’s dise se results from defect in the following p thw y except (A) Al
ph -oxid tion of f tty cids (B) Bet -oxid tion of f tty cids (C) G mm -oxid ti
on of f tty cids (D) Omeg -oxid tion of f tty cids 213.
 The end product of ome
g -oxid tion of f tty cids h ving
 n even num er of c r on toms is (A) Adipic
cid (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) Su eric cid (D) None of these
220. During e ch cycle of β-oxid tion (A) One c r on tom is removed from the c r
oxyl end of the f tty cid (B) One c r on tom is removed from  the methyl end of
the f tty cid (C) Two c r on toms re removed from the c r oxyl end of the f
tty cid (D) Two c r on toms re removed from the methyl end of the f tty cid
221. Net gener tion of energy on complete oxid tion of p lmitic cid is (A) (B)
(C) (D) 129 ATP equiv lents 131 ATP equiv lents 146 ATP equiv lents 148 ATP equi
v lents

214. De novo synthesis of f tty cids is c t lysed y multi-enzyme complex whi
ch cont ins (A) One-SH group (B) Two-SH groups (C) Three-SH groups (D) Four-SH g
roups 215. F t depots re loc ted in (A) Intermuscul r connective tissue  (B) Mes
ent ry (C) Omentum
 (D) All of these 216. S liv ry lip se is secreted y (A) P ro
tid gl nds (B) Su -m xill ry gl nds (C) Dors l surf ce of tongue (D) None of the
se 217. Co-lip se is (A) Bile s lt (C) Protein (B) Vit min (D) Phospholipid

222. Net gener tion of energy on complete oxid tion of 17-c r on f tty cid is
(A) Equ l to the energy gener tion
 from 16-c r on f tty cid (B) Equ l to the
energy gener tion
 from n 18-c r on f tty cid (C) Less th n the energy gener t
 from 16-c r on f tty cid
 (D) In etween the energy gener tion from 16-c
r on f tty cid nd n 18-c r on f tty cid 223. Net energy gener tion on compl
ete oxid tion of linoleic cid is (A) (B) (C) (D) 148 ATP equiv lents 146 ATP eq
uiv lents 144 ATP equiv lents 142 ATP equiv lents

218. Pl sm ecomes milky (A) Due to high level of HDL (B) Dueto high level of
LDL (C) During f sting (D) After me l 219. Mitochondri l mem r ne is perme le
to (A) Short ch in f tty cids (B) Medium ch in f tty cids (C) Long ch in f tt
y cids (D) All of these
224. Extr mitochondri l synthesis of f tty cids occurs in (A) M mm ry gl nds (B
) Lungs (C) Br in (D) All of these 225. One function l su -unit of multi-enzyme
complex for de novo synthesis of f tty cids cont ins (A) (B) (C) (D) One —SH grou
p Two —SH groups Three —SH groups Four —SH groups
226. NADPH required for f tty cid synthesis
 c n come from (A) (B) (C) (D) Hexos
e monophosph te shunt Oxid tive dec r oxyl tion of m l te Extr mitochondri l oxi
d tion of isocitr te All of these
 Lipo-oxygen se is required for the synthesis of (A) Prost gl ndins (C) Thro
m ox nes (B) Leukotrienes (D) All of these

235. All of the following st tements out multiple sclerosis re true except (A
) There is loss of phospholipids from white m tter (B) There is loss of sphingol
ipids from white m tter (C) There is loss of esterified cholesterol from white m
tter (D) White m tter resem les
 gr y m tter in composition 236. After entering

cytosol, free f tty cids re ound to (A) Al umin (C) Z-protein (B) Glo ulin (D
) None of these
227. F tty liver m y e prevented y ll of the following except (A) Choline (C)
Methionine (B) Bet ine (D) Ethionine
 Hum n des tur
 se enzyme system
 c nnot introduce dou
 le ond in f tty c
id eyond (A) C r on 9 (C) C r on 5 (B) C r on 6 (D) C r on 3
229. Which of the following lipid is sor ed ctively from intestines? (A) (B)
(C) (D) Glycerol Cholesterol Mono cylglycerol None of these

237. Rele se of free f tty cids from dipose tissue is incre sed y ll of the
following except (A) Gluc gon (B) Epinephrine
 (C) Growth hormone (D) Insulin 238
. All the following st tements out rown dipose tissue re true except (A) It
is rich in cytochromes (B) It oxidizes glucose nd f tty cids (C) Oxid tion n
d phosphoryl tion re tightly coupled in it (D) Dinitrophenol h s no effect on i
t 239. Lov st tin nd mev st tin lower (A) (B) (C) (D) Serum triglycerides Serum
cholesterol Serum phospholipids All of these

230. C22 nd C24,
 f tty cids required for the synthesis of sphingolipids in r
in re formed y (A) (B) (C) (D) De novo synthesis Microsom l ch in elong tion M
itochondri l ch in elong tion All of these
231. Sphingomyelins: (A) Phospholipids (C) Alcohols (B) Nitrolipids (D) None of

232. All of the following st tements out hypoglycin retrue except (A) (B) (C
) (D) It is pl nt toxin It c uses hypoglyc emi It inhi its oxid tion of short
ch in f tty cids It inhi its oxid tion of long ch in f tty cids
240. Lov st tin
 is (A) Competitive inhi itor of cetyl CoA c r oxyl se (B) Com
petitive inhi itor of HMG CoA synthet
 se (C) Non-competitive inhiitor of HMG Co
A reduct se (D) Competitive
 inhi itor of HMG CoA reduct se 241. A et lipoprotein
emi occurs due to lock in the synthesis of (A) Apoprotein A (C) Apoprotein
C (B) Apoprotein B (D) Cholesterol
233. Synthesis of prost gl ndins is inhi ited y (A) Glucocorticoids (C) Indomet
h cin (B) Aspirin (D) All of these
242. All of the following st tements out T ngier dise se re true except (A) (
B) (C) (D) It is disorder of HDL met olism Its inherit nce is utosom l reces
sive Apoproteins A-I nd A-II re not synthesised Pl sm HDL is incre sed
(B) S tur ted f tty
 cids (C)Integr l proteins
 (D) Cholesterol 251. Tr nsition

temper ture of mem r nes m y e ffected y the following constituent of mem r n
es: (A) Peripher l proteins (B) Integr l proteins
 (C) Cholesterol (D) Oligos chh
rides 252. Acetyl CoA formed from pyruv te c n e used for the synthesis of ll
the following except (A) Glucose (C) Cholesterol (B) F tty cids (D) Steroid ho
243. Genetic deficiency of lipoprotein
 lip se c uses hyperlipoprotein emi of fo
llowing type: (A) Type I (C) Type II (B) Type II (D) Type V

244. Chylomicrons re present in f sting lood s mples in hyperlipoprotein emi
of following types: (A) Types I nd II (C) Types I nd V (B) Types II nd II
(D) Types IV nd V

253. Which of the following c n e used s source of energy in extr hep tic ti
ssues? (A) Aceto cet te (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) Acetone (D) None of these
245. Glut thione is  constituent of (A) Leukotriene A4 (C) Leukotriene C4 (A) (
B) (C) (D) (B) Throm ox ne A1 (D) None of these

254. Anti-infl mm tory corticosteroids inhi it (A) Phospholip se A1 (B) Phosphol
ip se A2 (C) Cyclo-oxygen se (D) Lipo-oxygen se 255. Cyclo-oxygen se is involved
in the synthesis of (A) Prost gl ndins (C) Both (A) nd (B) 256. Leukotrienes c
use (A) (B) (C) (D) Incre se in c pill ryperme ility Aggreg tion of pl telets
Bronchodil t tion None of these (B) Throm ox nes (D) None of these

246. Prost gl ndins re in ctiv ted y 15-Hydroxyprost gl ndin dehydrogen se Cyc
lo-oxygen se Lipo-oxygen se None of these
247. Phenyl ut zone nd indometh cin inhi it (A) Phospholip se A1 (B) Phospholip
se A2 (C) Cyclo-oxygen se (D) Lipo-oxygen se 248. Prost gl ndins stimul te (A)
(B) (C) (D) Aggreg tion of pl telets Lipolysis in dipose tissue Bronchodil t ti
on G stric cid secretion
257. Prost gl ndins decre se ll of the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) G stric
cid secretion Blood pressure Uterine contr ction Pl telet ggreg tion
249. For extr mitochondri l f tty cid synthesis, cetyl CoA m y e o t ined fro
m (A) Citr te (C) Ox lo cet te (B) Isocitr te (D) Succin te
258. Hypocholesterol
 emi c n occur
 in (A) (B) (C) (D) Hyperthyroidism Nephrotic
syndrome O structive j undice Di etes mellitus
250. Fluidity of mem r nes is incre sed y the following constituent except (A)
Polyuns tur ted f tty cids
259. De novo synthesis nd oxid tion of f tty cids differ in the following resp
ect: (A) Synthesis occurs in cytosol nd oxid tion in mitochondri (B) Synthesis
is decre sed nd oxid tion incre sed y insulin (C) NADH is required
 in synthes
is nd FAD in oxid tion (D) M lonyl CoA is formed during oxid tion ut not durin
g synthesis
 260. Free f tty cids rele sed from dipose tissue re tr nsported i
n lood y (A) Al umin (C) LDL 261. (B) VLDL (D) HDL
266. The enzyme deficient in F ry’s dise se is (A) α-G l ctosid se (B) β-G l ctosid s
e (C) α-Glucosid se (D) β-Glucosid se 267. Highest protein
 content mongst the follo
wing is present in (A) Whe t (C) Pulses (B) Rice (D) Soy e n

268. D ily protein requirement
 of n dult m n is(A) (B) (C) (D) 0.5 gm/kg of
ody weight 0.8 gm/kg of ody weight 1.0 gm/kg of ody weight 1.5 gm/kg of ody w
β -G l ctosid se is deficient in
(A) (B) (C) (D)
F ry’s dise se Kr e’s dise se G ucher’s dise se Met chrom tic leukodystrophy
 D ily protein requirement
 of n dult wom n is(A) (B) (C) (D) 0.5 gm/kg
ody weight 0.8 gm/kg of ody weight 1.0 gm/kg of ody weight 1.5 gm/kg of ody
262. The enzyme deficient in met chrom tic leukodystrophy is (A) Arylsulph t se
A (B) Hexos minidse A (C) Cer mid se (D) Sphingomyelin se 263. All of the follo
wing st tements out gener lized g ngliosidosis re true except (A) It results
from deficiency of G M1 -βG ngliosid se (B) Bre kdown of GM1 g nglioside is imp ir
ed (C) GM2 g nglioside ccumul tes in liver nd elsewhere (D) It le ds to ment l
ret rd tion 264. Hexos minid se A is deficient
 in (A) (B) (C) (D) T y-S chs dis
e se G ucher’s dise se Niem nn-Pick dise se F ry’s dise se
270. Cysteine c n p rti lly meet the requirement of (A) Phenyl l nine (C) Methio
nine (B) Threonine (D) None of these

271. Invisi le f t is present in (A) Milk (C) Groundnut oil (A) Milk (C) Coconut
oil (B) Coconut oil (D) Hydrogen ted oils (B) Pulses (D) Egg yolk

272. Visi le f t is present in

273. F t content of eggs is out (A) 7% (C) 13% (A) 5% (C) 15% (B) 10% (D) 16%
(B) 10% (D) 20%

274. F t content of pulses is out
265. Ment l ret rd tion occurs in (A) (B) (C) (D) T y-S chs dise se G ucher’s dise
se Niem nn-Pick dise se All of these
275. Predomin nt f tty cids in me t re (A) (B) (C) (D) S tur ted Monouns tur t
ed Polyuns tur ted Mono nd poly-uns tur ted
276. Oils h ving more th n 50 % polyuns tur ted f tty cids include ll of the f
ollowing except (A) Groundnut oil (C) Sunflower oil (B) Soy e n oil (D) S fflow
er oil
286. In Ames’ ss y, ddition of c rcinogen to the culture medium llows S. typh
imurium to grow
 (A) In the presence of histidine  (B) In the presence of rginine
(C) In the sence of histidine (D) In the sence of rginine 287. In Ames’ ss
y, liver homogen te is included in the culture medium  ec use (A) It converts pr
o-c rcinogens into c rcinogens (B) Liver c n met olise histidine (C) S lmonell
m inly infects liver  (D) Liveris very suscepti le to c ncer 288. Bile pigments
re present nd uro ilinogen sent in urine in (A) H emolytic j undice (B) Hep
tocellul r j undice (C) O structive
 j undice (D) Crigler-N jj r syndrome 289. B
ile pigments re sent nd uro ilinogenincre sed in urine in (A) H emolytic j
undice (B)
 Hep tocellul r j undice (C) O structive  j undice
 (D) Rotor’s syndrome 2
90. In o structive j undice,
 urine shows (A) A sence of ile
 pigments  nd uro il
inogen (B) Presence of ile pigments nd uro ilinogen  (C) A sence of  ile pigmen
ts nd presence of uro ilinogen (D) Presence of ile pigments  nd  sence of uro
 291. In h emolytic j undice,
 urine shows (A) A sence of ile
nd uro ilinogen (B) Presence of ile pigments nd uro ilinogen  (C) A sence of
ile pigments
 nd presence of uro ilinogen (D) Presence of ile pigments nd se
nce of uro ilinogen
277. Cholesterol is present in ll of the following except (A) Egg (C) Milk (B)
Fish (D) Pulses
278. Which of the following h s the highest cholesterol content? (A) Me t (C) Bu
tter (B) Fish (D) Milk
279. Which of the following h s the highest cholesterol content? (A) Egg yolk (C
) Me t (B) Egg white (D) Fish
280. The following cont ins the le st cholesterol: (A) Milk (C) Butter (B) Me t
(D) Cheese

281. Which of the following constitutes fi re or rough ge in food? (A) Cellulose
(C) Inulin (B) Pectin (D) All of these

282. The st rch content of whe t is out (A) 50% (C) 70% (B) 60% (D) 80%

283. The st rch content of pulses is out (A) 50% (C) 70% (B) 60% (D) 80%

284. A signific nt source of st rch mong veget les is (A) R dish (C) Pot to (B
) Spin ch (D) C uliflower
285. The cyclic ring present in ll the steroids: (A) (B) (C) (D) Cyclopent no p
erhydrophen nthrene Nitropent no oth (A) nd (B) None of these

292. Serum l umin my e decre sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) H emolytic j undice Hep t
ocellul r j undice O structive j undice All of these (B) 2.0–3.6 mg/dl (D) 3.5–5.5 m
g/dl (B) 2.0–3.6 gm/dl (D) 3.5–5.5 gm/dl
301. All the followingst tements out o structive j undice re true except (A)
Prothrom in time m y e prolonged due to imp ired sorption of vit min K (B) S
erum lk line phosph t se m y e r ised due to incre sed rele se of the  enzymef
rom liver cells (C) Bile s lts m y enter systemic circultion due to ili ry o s
truction (D) There is no defect in conjug tion of iliru in 302. A test to ev lu
te detoxifying
 function  of liver is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C)
(D) Serum
 l umin: glo ulin r tio G l ctose toler nce test Hippuric cid test P
rothrom in time Benzoic cid nd l nine Benzoic cid glycine Glucuronic cid n
d l nine
 Glucuronic cid nd glycine L ct se dehydrogen se Amyl se Ornithine tr
nsc r moyl se None of these

293. Norm l r nge of serum l umin is (A) 2.0–3.6 gm/dl (C) 3.5–5.5 gm/dl (A) 2.0–3.6
mg/dl (C) 3.5–5.5 mg/dl

294. Norm l r nge of serum glo ulin is
295. Serum l umin: glo ulin r tio is ltered in  (A) Gil ert’s dise se (B) H emoly
tic j undice (C) Vir l hep titis (D) Stones in ile duct 296. Esterific tion of
cholesterol occurs m inly in (A) Adipose tissue (C) Muscles (A) (B) (C) (D) (A)
(B) (C) (D) (B) Liver (D) Kidneys
303. Hippuric cid is formed from
297. G l ctose intoler nce c n occur in H emolytic j undice Hep tocellul r j und
ice O structive j undice None of these Erythrocytes Reticulo-endotheli l cells L
iver Kidneys
304. An enzyme which is excreted in urine is

298. Prothrom in is synthesised in
305. Serum g mm glut myl tr nspeptid se is r ised in (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C
) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) H emolytic
 j undice Myoc rdi l inf rction Alcoholic hep ti
tis Acute cholecystitis Di etes mellitus Di etes insipidus Acute glomeruloneph
ritis Chronic glomerulonephritis Amount of ure excreted per minute Amount of ur
e present in 100 mlof urine Volume of lood cle red of ure in one minute Amou
nt of ure filtered y glomeruli in one minute

299. Prothrom in time rem ins prolonged even fter p renter ls dministrtion of
vit min K in (A) (B) (C) (D) H emolytic j undice Liver d m ge Bili ry o structi
on Ste torrhoe
306. Oliguri c n occur in
300. All the following st
 out o structive j undice
 re true except (A)
(B) (C) (D) Conjug ted iliru in in serum is norm l Tot l iliru in in serum is
r ised Bile s lts re present in urine Serum lk line phosph t se is r ised
307. Ure cle r nce is the
 Inulin cle r nce is me sure of (A) (B) (C) (D) Glomerul r filtr tion r te
Tu ul r secretion flow Tu ul r re sorption r te Ren l pl sm flow
316. Esters of f tty cids with higher lcohols other th n glycerol re s id to
e (A) W xes (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) F ts (D) None of these
309. Phenolsulphonephthlein excretion test
 is n indic tor of (A)(B) (C) (D) G
lomerul r filtr tion Tu ul r secretion Tu ul r re sorption Ren l lood low

317. The com in tion of n mino lcohol, f tty cid nd si lic cid form (A) Ph
ospholipids (C) Glycolipids (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Sulpholipids (D) Aminolipids
318. Hydrolysis of f ts y lk li is c lled S ponific tion num er S ponific tion
Both (A) nd (B) None of these
310. P r - mino hippur
 te excretion test
 is n indic tor of (A) (B) (C) (D) Glom
erul r filtr tion Tu ul r secretion Tu ul r re sorption Ren l pl sm flow
319. The num er of milliliters of 0.1 N KOH required to neutr lize the insolu le
f tty cids from 5 gms of ft is c lled (A) Acid num er (C) H logen tion (B) Ac
etyl num er (D) Polenske num er
311. Ren l pl sm flow of n ver ge dult m n is (A) (B) (C) (D) 120–130 ml/minut
e 325–350 ml/minute 480–52 ml/minute 560–830 ml/minute

320. The r te of f tty cid oxid tion is incre sed y (A) Phospholipids (C) Amin
olipids (B) Glycolipids (D) All of these

312. Filtr tion fr ction c n e c lcul ted from (A) St nd rd ure cle r nce nd
PSP excretion (B) M ximum ure cle r nce nd PSP excretion (C) M ximum ure cle
r nce nd PAH cle rnce (D) Inulin cle r nce nd PAH cle r nce 313. Norm l filtr
tion fr ction is out (A) 0.2 (C) 0.6 (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 0.4 (D) 0.8

321. Lecithin cont ins nitrogenous se n med s (A) Eth nol mine (C) Inositol
(B) Choline (D) All of these
322. Lecithins cont in n uns tur ted f tty cid t position: (A) α (C) β (B) α nd β (D
) None of these
314. Filtr tion fr ction is incre sed in Acute glomerulonephritis Chronic glomer
ulonephritis Hypertension Hypotension

323. Lecithins re solu le in ordin ry solvents except (A) Benzene (C) Methyl l
cohol (B) Ethyl lcohol (D) Acetone

324. Lecithins com ine with protein to form (A) Phosphoprotein (C) Lipoprotein (
B) Mucoprotein (D) Glycoprotein
315. Among the following, test of Glomerul r function is (A) (B) (C) (D) Ure
cle r nce PSP excretion test PAH cle r nce Hippuric cid excretion test
325. Inste d of ester link pl sm logens possess n other link in position: (A) α (
C) γ (B) β (D) None of these
326. The alkyl radical in plasmalogen is an alcohol: (A) Saturated (C) Both (A)
and (B) (B) Unsaturated (D) None of these
336. Lipoprotiens may e identified more accurately y means of (A) (B) (C) (D)
Electrophoresis Ultra centrifugation Centrifugation Immunoelectrophoresis
327. The concentration
 of sphingomyelins
 are increased in (A) (B) (C) (D) Gauche
r’s disease Fa ry’s disease Fa rile disease Niemann Pick disease
337. Very low density lipoproteins are also known as (A) β lipoproteins (C) α-lipopr
oteins (B) Pre β--lipoproteins (D) None of these
328. Sphingomyelins cont in complex mino lcohol n med s (A) Serine (C) Sphi
ngosine (A) 1 (C) 4 (A) Sphingosine (C) Both (A) nd (B) (A) Sphingolipids (C) A
minolipids (B) Lysolecithin (D) Glycol (B) 3 (D) 5 (B) Iso-sphingosine (D) None
of these (B) Sulpholipids (D) Glycolipids
338. The protein moiety of lipoprotein is known s (A) Apoprotein (C) Post-prote
in (B) Pre-protein (D) Pseudoprotein
329. The types of sphingomyelins re

339. The β-lipoprotein fr ction incre ses in severe (A) Di etesMellitus
 (B) Urem
i (C) Nephritis (D) Muscul r dystrophy 340. ∆ 9 indic tes dou le ond etween c
r on toms of the f tty cids: (A) 8 nd 9 (C) 9 nd 11 (B) 9 nd 10 (D) 9 nd
330. Glycolipids cont in n mino lcohol:
331. Cere rosides m y lso e cl ssified s

332. G ucher ’s dise se is ch r cterized
 speci lly y the incre se in (A) (B) (C)
(D) Lignoceric cid Nervonic cid Cere omic cid Hydroxynervonic cid (B) Liver
(D) Muscle
341. The num er of c r on toms in dec noic cid present in utter: (A) 6 (C) 10
(B) 8 (D) 12
342. Ar chidonic cid cont ins the num er of dou le onds: (A) 2 (C) 4 (B) 3 (D)
333. G ngliosides re the glycolipids occurring in (A) Br in (C) Kidney
343. The prost gl ndins re synthesized from (A) Ar chidonic
 cid (B) Oleic cid
(C) Linoleic cid (D) Linolenic cid 344. The Iodine num er of essenti l f tty
cids of veget le oils: (A) High (C) Very low 345. Cholesterol is (A) Anim l
sterol (C) 5 methyl groups (B) M.F. C27 H46O (D) All of these (B) Very high (D)
334. Lipoprotein present in cell mem r ne is y n ture: (A) Hydrophilic (C) Both
(A) nd (B) (B) Hydropho ic (D) None of these
335. The density of lipoproteins incre ses s the protein content (A) (B) (C) (D
) Incre ses Decre ses Highly decre ses Slightly nd promptly decre ses
346. W xes cont in higher lcohols n med s (A) Methyl (C) Phytyl (B) Ethyl (D)
356. C r oxyl tion of cetyl —CoA to m lonyl — CoA t kes pl ce in presence of (A) FA
D+ (C) NAD+ (A) —SH group (C) —COOH group (B) Biotin (D) NADP+ (B) —NH2 group (D) —CH2OH

347. Lie erm n-Burch rd re ction is performed to detect (A) Cholesterol (C) F tt
y cid (B) Glycerol (D) Vit min D
357. M lonyl-CoA re cts with the centr l
348. Lipose present in the stom ch c nnot hydrolyze f ts owing to (A) Alk linity
(C) High cidity (A) (C)
α -oxid tion ω -oxidation
358. Fatty acid synthesis takes place in the presence of the coenzyme: (A) NAD+
(C) NADP+ (B) Reduced NAD (D) Reduced NADP
(B) Acidity (D) Neutrality (B) β -oxidation (D) All of these

349. Fatty acids are oxidized y

359. Fatty acids are activated to acyl CoA y the enzyme thiokinase: (A) NAD+ (C
) CoA (B) NADP+ (D) FAD+
350. The fatty acids containing even num er andodd num er of car on atoms as e
ll as the unsaturated fatty acids are oxidized y (A) α-oxid tion (C) ω-oxidation (B
) β-oxidation (D) All of these
360. Phospholipids help the oxidation of (A) Glycerol (B) Fatty acids (C) Glycer
ophosphates(D) None of these 361. The desaturation and chain elongation system o
f polyunsaturated fatty acids are greatly diminished in the a sence of (A) Insul
in (C) Epinephrine (B) Glycagon (D) Thyroxine
351. Long chain fatty acids are first activated to acyl CoA in the (A) Cytosol (
C) Ri osomes (B) Mitochodria (D) Microsome
352. Longchain acyl CoA penetrates mitochondria in the presence of (A) Palmitat
e (C) Sor itol (B) Carnitine (D) DNP
362. Prostaglandins are li erated in the circulation y the stimulation of (A) (
B) (C) (D) Anterior pituitary glands Posterior pituitary glands Adrenal gland Th
yroid gland
353. Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase converts Acyl CoA to α - β uns tur ted cyl-CoA in prese
nce of the coenzyme: (A) NAD+ (C) ATP (B) NADP+ (D) FAD

363. Prost
 gl ndins h ve common structure sed on prost noic cid which cont
ins c r on toms: (A) 12 (C) 18 (B) 16 (D) 20
354. For the ctiv tion of long ch in f tty cids the enzyme thiokin se requires
the cof ctor: (A) Mg ++ (C) Mn++ (B) C ++ (D) K +
364. The c r on
 ch ins of prost noic
 cid re onded t the middle of the ch in
y (A) 5-mem ered ring (B) 6-mem ered ring (C) 8-memered
 (D) None of the
se 365. All ctive prost gl ndins h ve tle st one dou le ond etween positions
: (A) 7 nd 8 (C) 11 nd 12 (B) 9 nd 10 (D) 13 nd 14

355. ω-oxidation takes place y the hydroxylase in microsomes involving (A) Cytoc
hrome (B) Cytochrome c (C) Cytochrome p-4500(D) Cytochrome a3
366. The enzyme systems for lengthening and shortening for saturating and desatu
rating of fatty acids occur in (A) Intestine (C) Kidney (B) Muscle (D) Liver
374. Which of the folloing is not an unsaturated fatty acid? (A) Oleic acid (C)
Linaoleic acid (B) Stearic acid (D) Palmitic acid
367. Which of the folloing are classified as essential fatty acids? (A) Arachid
onic acid (B) Oleic acid
 (C) Acetic acid (D) Butyric acid 368. Prostaglandins ar
e synthesized in the ody from (A) Myristic acid (C) Stearic acid (B) Arachidoni
c acid (D) Lignoceric acid
375. All the folloing are 
 functions of prostaglandins except (A) Lo ering of B.
P (B) Introduction of la our (C) Anti inflammatory (D) Prevention of myocardial
infraction 376. Calorific value of lipids per gm is (A) 4 Kcal (C) 9 Kcal (A) Li
gnoceric acid (C) Nervonic acid (B) 8 Kcal (D) None of these (B) Cere romic acid
(D) Hydroxynervonic acid

369. All the folloing saturated fatty acids are present in uffer except (A) Bu
tyric acid (C) Caproic acid (B) Capryllic acid (D) Capric acid
377. Fatty acid present in kerotin is
378. All the folloing are ketones except (A)Xylulose (C) Erythrose 379. Saponi

fication: (A) (B) (C) (D) Hydrolysis of fats y alkali Hydrolysis of glycerol y
liposes Esterification Reduction (B) Ri olose (D) Fructose
370. Biological functions of lipids include (A) Source of energy (B) Insulating
 (C) Maintenance of cellular integrity (D) All of these 371. Saponificat
ion num er is (A) mg of KOH required to saponify one gm of fat or oil (B) mg of
KOH required to neutralize free fatty  acids of one gms of fat (C) mg of KOH requ
ired to neutralize
 the acetic acid o tained y saponification of one gm of fat a
fter it has een acetylated (D) None of 
  these 372. Lipids have the follo ing pro
perties: (A) Insolu le in ater and solu  le in fat solvent (B) High energy
nt (C) Structural
 component of cell mem rane (D) All of these 373. Car ohydrate
moiety in cere rosides is (A) Glucose (C) Galactose (B) Sucrose (D) Maltose

380. Num er of ml of 0.1 N KOH required to neutralize
 fatty acids from5 gms of
fat: (A) (B) (C) (D) Iodine num er Polenske num er Reichert-Miessl num er None o
f these
381. Hydrated density of HD lipoproteins is (A) (B) (C) (D) 0.94 gm/ml 0.94–1.006
gm/ml 1.006–1.063 gm/ml 1.063–1.21 gm/ml

382. Saponification num er indicates
 (A) (B) (C) (D) Unsaturation in fat Average
M.W of fatty acid Acetyl num er Acid num er
383. Acrolein Test is positive for (A) Glycerol (C) Car ohydrates (A) (B) (C) (D
) (B) Prostaglandins (D) Proteins
392. The smell of fat turned rancid is due to (A) Presence of vit E (C) Phenols
(B) Presence of quinones (D) Volatile fatty acids
384. Iodine num
 er denotes
 Degree of unsaturation Saponification num er Acid num
er Acetyl num er (B) Car ohydrates (D) Nucleic acids acids + Phosphoric acid +
acids + Phosphoric acid + acids + Phosphoric acid + acids + Phosphoric acid +
393. Phospholipids are important
 cell mem rane components ecause (A) They have
glycerol (B) They can form 
ilayers in ater (C) They have oth polar and non po

lar potions (D) They com ine covalently ith proteins 394. Which one of the foll
oing is not a phospholipid? (A) Lecithin (C) Lysolecithin (B) Plasmalogen (D) G

385. Maximum energy produced y (A) Fats (C) Proteins (A) Glycerol + Fatty Choli
ne (B) Glycerol + Fatty Ethanolamine (C) Glycerol + Fatty Serine (D) Glycerol +
Fatty Beaine
386. Lecithins are composed of
395. A fatty acid hich is not synthesized in human ody and has to e supplied
in the diet: (A) Palmitic acid (C) Linoleic acid (B) Oleic acid (D) Stearic acid

396. In cephalin, choline is replaced y (A) Serine (C) Betaine (B) Ethanolamine
(D) Sphingosine
387. Sphingomyelins are composed of fatty acids, phosphoric acid and (A) (B) (C)
(D) Sphingosine and choline Glycerol and sphingosine Glycerol and Serine Glycer
ol and Choline

397. The triacyl glycerol present in plasma lipoproteins are hydrolyzed y (A) L
inqual lipase (C) Colipase (B) Pancreatic lipase (D) Lipoprotein lipase
388. Depot fats of mammalian cells comprise mostly of (A) Cholesterol (C) Triacy
l glycerol (B) Cholesterol esters (D) Phospholipids

398. Amphiphatic lipids are (A) Hydrophilic (C) Both (A) and (B) (B) Hydropho ic
(D) Lipophilic

389. When choline of lecithine is replaced y ethanolamine the product is (A) Sp
hingomyelin (C) Plasmalogens (B) Cephalin (D) Lysolecithine
399. Which of the folloing is not essential fatty acid? (A) Oleic acid (B) Lino
leic acid (C) Arachidonic acid (D) Linolenic acid 400. The calorific value of li
pid is (A) 4.0 Kcal/gm (C) 9.0 Kcal/gm (B) 6.0 Kcal/gm (D) 15 Kcal/gm
390. Which of the folloing is a hydroxy fatty acid? (A) Oleic acid (C) Caproic
acid (B) Ricinoleic acid (D) Stearic acid

391. Acrolein test is ansered y (A) Cholesterol (C) Glycosides (B) Glycerol (D
) Sphingol
401. Rancidity of utter is prevented y the addition of (A) Vitamin D (B) Tocop
herols (C) Presence of priotin (D) Presence of ‘Cu’
402. Sphingomyelins on hydrolysis yields (A) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric a
cid and choline (B) Glycerol, sphingosine, choline and fatty acids (C) Sphingosi
ne, phosphoric acid, Glycerol and inositol (D) Sphingosine, fatty
 acids, phospho
ric acid and choline
 403. Inherited deficiency of enzyme cere rosidase produces
(A) (B) (C) (D) Fa ry’s disease Niemann pick disease Gaucher’s disease Tay-sach’s dise
410. Cholesterol is the precursor for the iosynthesis of (A) fatty acid (C) il
e acids (B) prostaglandins (D) sphingmyelin
411. Which of the folloing condition
 is characterized
 y ketonuria ut ithout
glycosuria? (A) (B) (C) (D) Dia etes mellitus Dia etes insipidus Prolonged starv
ation Addison’s disease (B) Liver (D) Intestines

412. Ketone odies are formed in (A) Kidney (C) Heart
404. Phosphatidic acid on hydrolysis yields (A) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphori
c acid, choline (B) Glycerol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid (C) Glycerol, fatty a
cids, phosphoric
 acid, Glucose
  (D) Sphingol, fatty acids, phosphoric acid 405. T
he maximum num er of dou le onds present in essential fatty acid is (A) 1 (C) 3
(B) 2 (D) 4

413. Changes in serum high density lipoproteins (HDL) are more truly reflected
y those of (A) HDL-1 (C) HDL-3 (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) HDL-2 (D) HDLC
414. Mitochondrial lipogenesis requires icar onate iotin acetyl CoA car oxylas

406. Cere rosides are composed of (A) Sphingosine, fatty acids, glycerol and pho
sphoric acid (B) Sphingosine, fatty acids, galactose (C) Glycerol, fatty acids,
 (D) Glycerol, fatty acids, galactose, sphingol 407. Acetoacetic acid a
nd β-OH utyric acid are formed as (A) Kidneys (C) Liver (A) Lysine (C) Tryptophan
(B) Heart (D) Intestine (B) Leucine (D) Methionine

415. Fatty acids having chain length of 10 car on atoms enter the (A) Portal cir
uclation (B) Lacteals (C) Systemic
 circulation (D) Colon 416. A solu le system f
or synthesis of fatty acids have een isolated from avian liver, required for th
e formation of long chain fatty acids y this system is (A) ATP (C) NADPH (B) Ac
etyl CoA (D) All of these
408. Which amino acid is a lipotropic factor?

417. Most animal tissues contain apprecia le amounts of lipid, hen in the form
of depot fat it consists largely of (A) Cholesterol ester (C) Chylomicrons (A) O
leic (C) Linoleic (B) Phosphatides (D) Triacylglycerol (B) Palmitic (D) Stearic

409. The class of lipoproteins having a eneficial effect in atherosclerosis is
(A) (B) (C) (D) Lo density of lipoproteins very lo density lipoproteins High d

ensity lipoproteins Chylomicrons
418. A fatty acid not synthesized in man is
419.The ‘free fatty acids’ (FFA) of plasma: (A) (B) (C) (D) meta olically
 inert mai
nly ound to β-lipoproteins stored in the fat mainly ound to serum al umin
 In the type II (a)
 hyper lipoproteinemia there is increase in (A)Chylomicr
on ond (B) β (C) Pre eta (D) α 426. Norm l f t content of liver is out _______ g
ms %. (A) 5 (C) 10 (B) 8 (D) 15
420. Adipose tissue which is store  house for tri cyl glycerol synthesis the s
me using (A) The glycerol
 rele sed y hydrolysis of tri cyl glycerol (B) The gly
cerol-3-phosph te o t ined in the met olism of glucose (C) 2-phosphoglycer te(
D) 3-phosphoglycer te 421. Incre se in lood of this cl ss of lipoproteins is e
nefici l to w rd off coron ry he rt dise se: (A) HDL (C) VLDL (B) LDL (D) IDL
427. O esity is ccumul tion of _______ in the ody. (A) W ter (C) F t (B) N Cl
(D) Proteins
428. The first lipoprotein to e secreted y the liver is (A) VLDL (C) LDL (B) n
scent VLDL (D) IDL
422. In the extr mitochondri
 l synthesis of f tty cids, CO2 is utilized (A) To
keep the system n ero ic nd prevent
 regener tion of cetyl CoA (B) In the con
version of m lonyl to CoA hydroxy utyryl CoA (C) In the conversion
 of cetyl CoA
to m lonyl CoA (D) In the form tion of cetyl CoA from 1 c r on intermedi tes 4
23. Current concepts concerning the intestin l sorption of tri cylglycerols r
e th t (A)
 must e completely hydrolysed efore the constituent f tty  cids
c n e sor ed (B) They re hydrolysed p rti lly nd the m teri l sor ed con
sists of free f tty cids, mono nd di cylglycerols nd unchngedtri cyl glyce
rols (C) F tty cids with  less th n 10 c ron toms re sor ed out equ lly v
i lymph nd vi portl lood (D) In the  sence of ile the hydrolysis of tri c
yl glycerols is sor ed 424. M in met olic end product of cholesterol: (A) Cop
rosterol (C) Bile cid (B) 5-pregnenolone (D) Glycine

429. This lipoprotein removes cholesterol from the ody (A) HDL (C) IDL (B) VLDL
(D) Chylomicrons

430. When the stired tri cylglycerol is lipolysed in the dipose tissue lood le
vels of _____ incre sed. (A) (B) (C) (D) FFA only Glycerol only Free f tty cids
(FFA) nd Glycerol Tri cyl glycero
431. All long ch in ftty cids with even num er of c r on toms re oxidized to
pool of _________ y β -oxid tion. (A) CO2 (C) Acetic cid (B) Propionic cid (
D) Acetyl CoA

432. The level of free f tty cids in pl sm is incre sed y (A) Insulin (C) Glu
cose (B) C ffeine (D) Ni cin
433. Cholesterol is excreted s such into ________. (A) Urine (C) Bile (B) F ece
s (D) Te rs
434. LCAT is (A) L ctose choline l mine tr nsferse (B) Lecithin cholesterol
l tr nsfer se (C) Lecithin c rnitine cyl tr nsfer se (D) L nole te c r moyl c
yl tr nsfer se 435. Cholesterol molecule h s _______ c r on toms. (A) 27 (C) 15
(B) 21 (D) 12
442. Cholesterol circul tes in lood stre m chiefly s (A) (B) (C) (D) Free chol
esterol Ester cholesterol Low density lipoproteins Low density lipoproteins nd
high density lipoproteins

443. Wh t is the su cellul r site for the βoxid tion of f tty cids? (A) Nucleus
(C) Lysosome (B) Mitochondri (D) Cytosol

436. A hydroc r on formed in cholesterol synthesis is (A) Mev lon te (C) Squ len
e (B) HMG CoA (D) Zymosterol

444. A diet cont ining this f t is helpful in lowering the lood cholesterol lev
el. (A) Uns tur ted (B) S tur ted (C) Vit min enriched (D) Refined 445. Phosphol
ip se A2 is n enzyme which removes f tty cid residue from lecithin to form (
A) (B) (C) (D) Lecithin fr gments Phosphotidic cid Glyceryl phosph te Lysolecit
437. While citr te is converted to isocitr te in the mitochondri , it is convert
ed to _______ in the cytosol. (A) Acetyl CoA + ox lo cet te (B) Acetyl CoA + m l
onyl CoA (C) Acetyl CoA + Pyruv te (D) Acetyl CoA + ceto cetyl CoA 438. Avidin
is ntigonistic to (A) Ni cin (C) Biotin (B) PABA (D) P ntothenic cid
446. P ncre tic lipose
 is n enzyme which hydrolyzes f cts. It cts s / n (A)
peptid se (C) c r ohydr tes (B) hydrol se (D) dehydrogen se
439. CTP is required for the synthesis of (A) F tty cids (C) Phospholipids (B)
Proteins (D) Cholesterol

447. This interferes with cholesterol sorption (A) (B) (C) (D) Lipoprotein lip
se Cre tin se 7-dehydrocholesterol β-sitosterol

440. Lysolecithin is formed from lecithin y the ction of (A) Phospholip se A1
(B) Phospholip
 se A2 (C) Phospholip
 se C (D) Phospholip se D 441. F tty cids c
n not e converted into c r ohydr tes in the ody, s the following re ction is
not possi le: (A) Conversion of glucose-6-phosph te into glucose (B) Fructose 1,
6 diphosph te to fructose-6phosph te (C) Tr nsform tion of cetyl CoA to pyruv
te (D) Form tion of cetyl CoA from f tty cids
448. The c r on ch in of f tty cids is shortened
 y 2 c r on toms t time. T
his involves successive re ctions c t lysed y 4-enzymes. These ct the followin
g order: (A) Acetyl CoA dehydrogen se, β-OH cyl CoA dehydrogen se, enoyl hydr se,
thiolose (B) Acyl CoA dehydrogen se, thiol se, enoyl hydr se, β-OH cyl CoA dehyd
rogen se (C) Acyl CoA dehydrogen se, thiolose, enoyl hydr se, β-OH cyl CoA dehydr
ogen se (D) Enoyl hydr se, β-OH cyl CoA dehydrogen se, cyl CoA dehydrogen se, th
449. Acyl c rrier protein is involved in the synthesis of (A) (B) (C) (D) protei
n glycogen f tty cid outside the mitochondri f tty cid in the mitochondri
457. Very low density lipoproteins re rel tively rich in (A) Cholesterol (C) Fr
ee f tty cids (A) Liver (C) Adipose tissue (B) Tri cyl glycerol (D) Phospholipi
ds (B) P ncre s (D) Br in
458. Neutr l f t is stored in
450. 1 molecule of p lmitic
 cid on tot l oxid tion to CO2 will yield molecules
of ATP ( s high energy onds): (A) 129 (C) 83 (B) 154 (D) 25
459. A p thw y th t requires NADPH s cof ctor is (A) F tty
 cid oxid tion (B)
Extr mitochondri l denovo f tty cid synthesis  (C) Ketone odies form tion (D)
Glycogenesis 460. The ‘Committed step’ in the iosynthesis of cholesterol from cet
yl CoA is (A) Form tion of ceto cetyl CoA from cetyl CoA (B) Form tion of mev
lon te from HMG CoA (C) Form
 tion of HMG CoA from cetyl CoA nd ceto cetyl CoA
(D) Form tion of squ lene y squ lene synthet se 461. In β-Oxid tion of f tty ci
ds, which of the following re utilized s coenzymes? (A) (B) (C) (D) NAD+ nd N

451. HMG CoA is formed in the met olism of (A) (B) (C) (D) Cholesterol, ketones
nd leucine Cholesterol, f tty cid nd Leucine Lysine, Lecuine nd Isoleucine
Ketones, Leucine nd Lysine
452. NADPH is produced when this enzyme cts (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyruv te dehydrogen
se M lic enzyme Succin te dehydrogen se M l te dehydrogen se
453. As result of e ch oxid tion long ch in f tty cid is cle ved to give(A
) (B) (C) (D) An cid with 3-c r on less  nd propionyl CoA An cid with 2-c r on
 nd  cetyl CoA An cid with 2-c r on less nd cetyl CoA An cid with 4 -c
r on nd utyryl CoA

454. Liposomes re (A) Lipid il yered (B) W ter in the middle (C) C rriers of d
rugs (D) All of these 455. Long ch in f tty cyl CoA esters re tr nsported cro
ss the mitochondri l mem r ne y (A) cAMP (C) C rnitine (B) Prost gl ndin (D) Ch
462. The most import nt source of reducing equiv lents for FA synthesis on the l
iver is (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycolysis HMP-Shunt TCA cycle Uronic cid p thw y
463. All of the following tissue re c p le of using ketone odies except (A) B
r in (C) R.B.C. (B) Ren l cortex (D) C rdi c muscle

456. The cetyl CoA formed on β-oxid tion of ll long ch in f tty cids is met ol
ized under norm l circumst nces to (A) CO2 nd w ter (C) F tty cids (B) Cholest
erol (D) Ketone odies
464. The m jor source of cholesterol in rteri l smooth muscle cells is from (A)
IDL (C) HDL (B) LDL (D) Chylomicrons
465. Ketone odies re synthesized from f tty cid oxid tion products y which o
f the following org ns? (A) Liver (C) Kidney (B) Skelet l muscles (D) Br in
472. In synthesis of Triglyceride from α-Glycero phosph te nd cetyl CoA, the fir
st intermedi te formed is (A) β-di cyl glycerol (B) Acyl c rnitine (C) Mono cyl gl
ycerol (D) Phosph tidic cid 473. During e ch cycle of β-oxid tion of f tty cid,
ll the following compounds re gener ted except (A) NADH (C) FAD (B) H2O (D) Ac
yl CoA
466. Ch in elong tion of ftty cids occurring in m mm li n liver t kes pl ce in
which of the
 following su cellul r fr ctions of the cell? (A) Nucleus (C) Lysos
omes (B) Ri osomes (D) Microsomes

467. Which of the following cof ctors or their deriv tives must e present for t
he conversion of cetyl CoA to m lonyl CoA extr mitochondri l f tty cid synthes
is? (A) Biotin (C) FMN (B) FAD (D) ACP

474. The energy yield from complete oxid tion of products
 gener ted y second re
ction cycle of β-oxid tion of p lmitoyl CoA will e (A) 5 ATP (C) 17 ATP (B) 12 A
TP (D) 34 ATP
468. Which of the following st tement
 reg rding β-oxid tion is true? (A) (B) (C) (
D) Requires β-keto cyl CoA s su str te Forms CoA thioesters Requires GTP for it
s ctivity Yields cetyl CoA s product

475. β -Oxid tion of odd-c r on f tty cid ch in produces (A) Succinyl CoA (C) Ace
tyl CoA (B) Propionyl CoA (D) M lonyl CoA

476. Brown dipose tissue is ch r cterized y which of the following? (A) Presen
t in l rge qu ntities in dult hum ns (B) Mitochondri l content higher th n whit
e dipose
 tissue (C) Oxid tion nd phosphoryl tion re  tightly coupled (D) A sen
t in hi ern ting nim ls 477. Ketosis in p rtly scri ed to (A) (B) (C) (D) Over
production nd Glucose Under production of Glucose Incre sed c r ohydr te utili
z tion Incre sed f t utiliz tion
469. All st tements reg rding 3-OH-3 methyl glut ryl CoA re true except (A) (B)
(C) (D) It is formed in the cytopl sm Required inketogenesis Involved in synth
esis of F tty cid An intermedi te in cholesterol iosynthesis

470. Which of the following lipoproteins would contri ute to me surement of pl
sm cholesterol in norm l individu l following 12 hr f st? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Chylomicrons VLDL Both VLDL nd LDL LDL

 The free f tty cids in lood re (A) (B) (C) (D) Storedin f t depots M in
ly ound to β-lipoproteins M inly ound to serum l umin Met olic lly most in cti

471. All the following st tements reg rding ketone odies re true except (A) (B
) (C) (D) They m y result from st rv tion
 They re formed in kidneys They includ
e ceto cetic cid nd cetone They m y e excreted in urine
479. C rnitine is synthesized from (A) Lysine (C) Choline (B) Serine (D) Arginin
480. A met olite which is common to p thw ys of cholesterol iosynthesis from
cetyl-CoA nd cholec lciferol form tion from cholesterol is (A) (B) (C) (D) Zymo
sterol Lumisterol Ergosterol 7 Dehydrocholesterol
the correct ordering of these p rticles from the lowest to the gre test density?
(A) (B) (C) (D) LDL, IDL, VLDL, Chylomicron Chylomicron, VLDL, IDL, LDL VLDL, I
DL, LDL, Chylomicron Chylomicron, IDL, VLDL, LDL

488. A compound norm lly used to conjug te ile cids is (A) Serine (C) Glucoron
ic cid (B) Glycine (D) F tty cid
 Acetyl CoA required for extr mitochondri l f tty cid synthesis is produce
d y (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyruv te dehydrogen se complex Citr te ly se Thiol se C rni
tine- cyl tr nsfer se

489. Which of the following lipoproteins would contri ute to me surement of pl
sm cholesterol in norm l person following 12 hr f st? (A) (B) (C) (D) High
density lipoprotiens Low density lipoproteins Chylomicron Chylomicron remn nts

482. Biosynthesis of Triglyceride nd Lecithine oth require n intermedi te: (A
) (B) (C) (D) Mono cyl glycerol phosph te Phosph tidic cid Phosph tidyl eth nol
mine Phosph tidyl cytidyl te

483. The r ge limiting step cholesterol iosynthesis is (A) (B) (C) (D) Squ lene
synthet se Mev lon te kin se HMG CoA synthet se HMG CoA reduct se
490. Which of the following products of tri cylglycerol re kdown nd su sequent
β -Oxid tion m y undergo gluconeogenesis? (A) Acetyl CoA (B) Porpionyl CoA (C) Al
l ketone odies (D) Some mino cids 491. Which of the following regul  tes lipol
ysis in dipocytes? (A) Activ tion of f tty cid synthesis medi ted y CAMP (B)
Glycerol phosphoryl tion to prevent futile esterific tion of f tty cids (C) Act
iv tion of triglyceride lip se s result of  hormone stimul ted incre ses in CA
MP levels (D) Activ tion of CAMP production y Insulin 492.Which one of the fol
lowing compounds is key intermedi te in the synthesis of oth tri cyl glycerol
s nd phospholipids? (A) CDP Choline (C) Tri cyl glyceride (B) Phosph tid se (D)
Phosph tidyl serine
484. All the following re constituents of g nglioside molecule except (A) Glyce
rol (C) Hexose sug r (B) Si lic cid (D) Sphingosine
485. An lcoholic mine residue is present in which of the following lipids? (A)
Phosph tidic cid
 (B) Cholesterol (C) Sphingomyelin (D) Gnglioside 486. Sphing
osine is the ck one of ll the following except (A) Cere roside (C) Sphingomye
lin (B) Cer mide (D) Lecithine
487. Chylomicron, intermedi te density lipoproteins (IDL), low density lipoprote
ins (LDL) nd very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) ll re serum lipoproteins. W
h t is
493. During e ch cycle of on going f tty cid oxid tion, ll the following compo
unds re gener ted except (A) H2O (C) F tty cyl CoA (B) Acetyl CoA (D) NADH
494. All the following
 st tements descri ing lipids re true except (A) They usu
lly ssoci te y cov lent inter ctions (B) They re structur lly components of 
mem r nes (C) They re n intr cellul r energy source (D) They  re poorly
 solu l
e in H2O 495. All the following st tements correctly descri e ketone odies exce
pt (A) They m y result from st rv tion (B)They re present t high levels in un
 di etes (C) They include—OH β- utyr te nd cetone (D) They re utilized
y the liver
 during long term st rv tion 496. Which of the  following fe  tures i
s predicted
 y the Nicolson–Singer fluid mos ic model
 of iologic l mem r nes? (A)
Mem r ne lipids do not
 diffuse l ter lly (B) Mem r ne lipid
 is prim rily in m
onol yer form (C) Mem r ne lipids freely flip-flop (D) Mem r ne proteins m y dif
fuse l ter lly 497. Oxid tive degr d tion of cetyl CoA in the citric cid cycle
gives net yield of ll the following except (A) FADH2 (C) 2 ATP (B) 3 NADH (D
) 2CO2
500. Mitochondri l α-ketoglut r te dehydrogen se complex requires ll the followin
g to function except (A) CoA (C) NAD+ (B) FAD (D) NADP+

501. E ch of the following c n e n intermedi te in the synthesis of phosph tid
yl choline except (A) (B) (C) (D) Phosph
 tidyl inositol CDP-choline Phosph tidyl
eth nol mine Di cylglycerol (B) C r oxyl groups (D) Uns tur tion
502. High iodine v lue of lipid indic tes (A) Polymeriz tion (C) Hydroxyl grou

503. Cholesterol, ile s lts, vit min D nd sex hormones re (A) Mucolipids (C)
Phospholipids (B) Glycolipids (D) Isoprenoid lipids

504. W ter solu le molecul r ggreg tes of lipids re known s (A) Micelle (C) S
phingol (B) Colloids (D) Mucin
505. Hypoglycemi depresses insulin secretion nd thus incre ses the r te of (A)
Hydrolysis(B) Reduction (C) Gluconeogenesis (D) Respir tory cidosis 506. The
process of re kdown of glycogen to glucose in the liver nd pyruv te nd l c te
in the muscle is known s (A) Glyogenesis (B)
 Glycogenolysis (C) Gluconeogenesi
s (D) Cellul r degr d tion 507. Across mem r ne phospholipids ct s c rrier o
f (A) (B) (C) (D) Org nic compounds Inorg nic ions Nucleic cids Food m teri ls

498. All the following correctly descri e the intermedi te 3-OH-3-methyl glut ry
l CoA except (A) It is gener ted enzym tic
 lly in the mitochondri l m trix (B) I
t is formed in the cytopl sm (C) It inhi its the first
 step in cholesterol synth
esis (D) It is involved in the synthesis of ketone odies 499. Intermedi te in t
he denovo synthesis of tri cyl glycerols include ll the following except (A) (B
) (C) (D) F tty cyl CoA CDP di cyl glycerol Glycerol-3-phosph te Lysophosph tid
ic cid
508. Osteom l ci c n e prevented y the dministr tion of c lcium nd vit mi
n: (A) A (C) C (B) B (D) D
509. Milk sug r is known s (A) Fructose (C) Sucrose (B) Glucose (D) L ctose
519. The m jority of sor ed f t ppe rs in the forms of (A) HDL (C) VLDL (B) C
hylomicrone (D) LDL
510. The Instrinisic
 F ctor (HCl nd mucoproteins) present in the g stric juice
help in the sorption
 of (A) Vit min B2 (C) Folic cid (A) 2.5–4 (C) 4 to 5 512.
Bile is produced y (A) Liver (C) P ncre s (A) Retin l (C) C rotene (B) G ll- l
dder (D) Intestine (B) Retinol (D) Repsin (B) Tocopherols (D) Vitm in B12 (B) 3.
5–5 (D) 5–7
520. D ily output of ure in gr ms is (A) 10 to 20(C) 20 to 30 521. Uremi occu
rs in (A) Cirrohsis
 of liver(B) Nephritis(C) Di etes mellitus (D) Coron ry th
rom osis 522. C r oxyhemoglo in is formed y (A) CO (C) HCO3 (B) CO2 (D) HCN (B)
15 to 25 (D) 35 to 45
511. Lip se c n ct only t pH:
513. Non-protein p rt of rhodopsin is
523. Methemoglo in is formed s result of the oxid tion of h emoglo in y oxid
tion gent: (A) Oxygen of Air (C) K4Fe(CN)6 (B) H2O2 (D) KMnO4
514. A p thw y th t requires NADPH s cof ctor is (A) (B) (C) (D) Extr mitocho
ndri l folic cid synthesis Ketone ody form tion Glycogenesis Gluconeogenesis
524. Methemoglo in c n e reduced to h emoglo in y (A) (B) (C) (D) Remov l of h
ydrogen Vit min C Glut thione Cre tinine
515. LCAT ctivity is ssoci ted with which of the lipo-protein complex? (A) VLD
L (C) IDL (B) Chylomicrones (D) HDL
525. F ts re solids t (A) 10°C (C) 30°C (B) 20°C (D) 40°C
516. In β− β−oxidation of fatty acids which of the followin are utilized as co enzymes?
(A) (B) (C) (D) NAD+ and NADP+ FAD H2 and NADH + H+ FAD and FMN FAD and NAD+
526. Esters of fatty acids with hiher alcohol other than lycerol are called as
(A) Oils (C) Waxes (B) Polyesters (D) Terpenoids
527. The main physioloical buffer in the blood is (A) (B) (C) (D) Haemolobin b
uffer Acetate Phosphate Bicarbonate
517. The lipoprotein with the fastest electrophoretic mobility and lowest TG con
tent are (A) VLDL (C) HDL (A) Atherosclerosis (C) Nepritis (B) LDL (D) Chylomicr
ones (B) Diabetes mellitus (D) Oedema
518. The essential fatty acids retard
528. All of the followin substances have been used to estimate GFR except (A) I
nulin (C) Phenol red (B) Creatinine (D) Mannitol
529. Relationship between GFR and seum creatinine concentration is (A) Non exist
ent (C) Direct (B) Inverse (D) Indirect
538. For the activity of amylase which of the followin is required as co factor
? (A) HCO3 (C) K + (B) Na + (D) Cl
530. Urine turbidity may be caused by any of the followin except (A) Phosphates
(C) RBC (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Protein (D) WBC
539. Which of the followin hormone increases the absorption of lucose from G.I
.T? (A) Insulin (C) Glucaon (A) Carbohydrates (C) Lipids (A) Mitochondrion (C)
Cytosol of cell (B) Throid hormones (D) FSH (B) Fats (D) Both (B) and (C) (B) Er
ythrocytes (D) R.E. cells
531. Urine specific ravity of 1.054 indicates Excellent renal function Inapprop
riate secretion of ADH Extreme dehydration Presence of lucose or protein
540. Predominant form of storae:
541. Deradations of Hb takes place in
532. In hemolytic jaundice, the urinary bilirubin is (A) (B) (C) (D) Normal Abse
nt More than normal Small amount is present
542. Biluveridin is converted to bilirubin by the process of (A) Oxidation (C) C
onjuation (A) α-Amyl se (C) γ Amylase (B) Reduction (D) Decarboxylation (B) β-Amylae
(D) All of these
533. In o structive jaundice, urinary iliru in is (A) (B) (C) (D) A sent Increa
sed Present Present in small amount
543. Amylase present in saliva is

544. Phospholipids are important
 cell mem rane components since (A) (B) (C) (D)
They have glycerol Form ilayers in ater Have polar and non-polar portions Com
ine covalently ith proteins
534. In hemolytic jaundice, iliru in in urine is (A) (B) (C) (D) Usually a sent
Usually present Increased very much Very lo

545. Which of the folloing is not a phospholipids? (A) Lecithin (C) Lysolecithi
n (B) Plasmalogen (D) Gangliosides
535. The pH of gastric juice of infants is (A) 2.0 (C) 4.5 (B) 4.0 (D) 5.0
536. The pH of lood is a out 7.4 hen the ratio eteen (NaHCO3) and (H2CO3) is
(A) 10 : 1 (C) 25 : 1 (B) 20 : 1 (D) 30 : 1
546. A fatty acid hich is not synthesized in human ody and has to e supplied
in the diet is (A) Palmitic acid (C) Linoleic acid (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Oleic aci
d (D) Stearic acid

 Phospholipids occur in Myelin sheath Sta ilizes chylomicrans Erythrocyte me
m rane All of these
537. The a sorption of glucose is decreased y the deficiency of (A) Vitamin A (
C) Thiamine (B) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin B12
548. Which of the folloing is not essential fatty acids? (A) Oleic acid (B) Lin
oleic acid (C) Arachidonic acid (D) Linolenic acid 549. The caloric value of lip
ids is (A) 6.0 Kcal/g (C) 15.0 Kcal/g (B) 9.0 Kcal/g (D) 12.0 Kcal/g
553. Spermatozoa in seminal fluid utilises the folloing sugar for meta olism: (
A) Galactose (C) Sucrose (B) Glucose (D) Fructose

554. Depot fats of mammalian cells comprise mostly of (A) Cholesterol (C) Cere r
osides (B) Phospholipid (D) Triglycerol
550. The maximum num er of dou le onds present in essential fatty acid is (A) 2
(C) 4 (B) 3 (D) 5

555. When choline of lecithin is replaced y ethanolamine, the product is (A) Sp
ingomyelin (C) Plasmalogens (B) Cephalin (D) Lysolecithin
551. Prostaglandin synfhesis is increased y activating phospholipases y (A) Me
pacrine (C) Glucocorticoids (B) Angiotensin II (D) Indomenthacin
556. Which of the folloing is a hydroxyl fatty acid? (A) Oleic Acid (C) Caproic
acid (B) Ricinoleic acid (D) Arachidonic acid
552. Selanof’s test is positive in (A) Glucose (C) Galactose (B) Fructose (D) Man

557. Acroleic test is given y (A) Cholesterol (C) Glycosides (B) Glycerol (D) S
ANSWERS 1. A 7. C 13. B 19. C 25. A 31. A 37. D 43. B 49. C 55. C 61. A 67. A 73
. A 79. B 85. B 91. D 97. B 103. A 109. B 115. D 121. D 127. B 133. C 139. C 145
. B 151. A 157. D 163. D 169. C 175. B 181. C 187. C 193. C 199. A 205. D 211. B
217. C 223. D 229. D 235. C 241. B
2. A 8. D 14. A 20. D 26. A 32. A 38. A 44. C 50. C 56. D 62. A 68. B 74. D 80.
C 86. B 92. B 98. D 104. B 110. C 116. A 122. A 128. A 134. B 140. B 146. D 152.
A 158. D 164. C 170. A 176. C 182. B 188. B 194. C 200. C 206. A 212. A 218. D
224. D 230. B 236. C 242. D
3. C 9. D 15. D 21. C 27. C 33. C 39. B 45. D 51. A 57. A 63. A 69. A 75. B 81.
C 87. A 93. A 99. A 105. C 111. D 117. A 123. A 129. B 135. D 141. B 147. C 153.
C 159. D 165. D 171. D 177. D 183. C 189. D 195. A 201. A 207. D 213. C 219. A
225. B 231. A 237. D 243. A
4. C 10. B 16. B 22. A 28. B 34. A 40. C 46. A 52. B 58. B 64. D 70. A 76. A 82.
A 88. B 94. D 100. A 106. C 112. A 118. D 124. D 130. C 136. A 142. B 148. B 15
4. B 160. C 166. B 172. C 178. B 184. D 190. B 196. D 202. D 208. A 214. D 220.
C 226. D 232. A 238. C 244. C
5. D 11. D 17. B 23. D 29. B 35. A 41. D 47. D 53. D 59. D 65. B 71. A 77. B 83.
A 89. D 95. B 101. C 107. B 113. A 119. C 125. B 131. B 137. C 143. C 149. A 15
5. D 161. B 167. D 173. A 179. B 185. D 191. C 197. B 203. C 209. C 215. D 221.
D 227. D 233. D 239. B 245. C
6. A 12. A 18. D 24. C 30. D 36. C 42. A 48. B 54. B 60. C 66. A 72. B 78. A 84.
A 90. C 96. A 102. B 108. A 114. A 120. D 126. A 132. C 138. C 144. D 150. A 15
6. D 162. B 168. B 174. B 180. C 186. D 192. D 198. D 204. B 210. C 216. C 222.
C 228. A 234. B 240. D 246. A
247. C 253. A 259. A 265. D 271. A 277. D 283. B 289. A 295. C 301. B 307. A 313
. C 319. D 325. B 331. A 337. B 343. A 349. D 355. C 361. A 367. A 373. B 379. A
385. A 391. B 397. D 403. C 409. C 415. A 421. A 427. C 433. C 439. C 445. D 45
1. A 457. B 463. C 469. B 475. D 481. B 487. B 493. A 248. C 254. B 260. A 266.
A 272. C 278. C 284. C 290. D 296. B 302. C 308. B 314. A 320. A 326. A 332. C 3
38. A 344. D 350. B 356. C 362. C 368. D 374. B 380. B 386. A 392. D 398. C 404.
B 410. C 416. D 422. C 428. B 434. B 440. B 446. B 452. B 458. C 464. B 470. D
476. B 482. B 488. B 494. A 249. A 255. C 261. B 267. D 273. C 279. A 285. A 291
. C 297. B 303. B 309. D 315. D 321. B 327. B 333. A 339. A 345. D 351. A 357. A
363. D 369. C 375. D 381. D 387. A 393. C 399. A 405. D 411. C 417. D 423. B 42
9. A 435. A 441. C 447. D 453. B 459. B 465. A 471. B 477. D 483. D 489. A 495.
D 250. A 256. A 262. A 268. C 274. A 280. A 286. C 292. B 298. C 304. C 310. D 3
16. A 322. C 328. C 334. A 340. B 346. D 352. B 358. D 364. B 370. D 376. C 382.
B 388. C 394. D 400. C 406. B 412. B 418. C 424. C 430. C 436. C 442. D 448. B
454. D 460. B 466. D 472. D 478. C 484. A 490. B 496. D
251. C 257. C 263. C 269. C 275. A 281. D 287. A 293. C 299. B 305. C 311. D 317
. C 323. D 329. B 335. A 341. C 347. A 353. D 359. C 365. A 371. C 377. A 383. A
389. B 395. C 401. B 407. C 413. B 419. D 425. B 431. D 437. A 443. B 449. C 45
5. C 461. D 467. A 473. B 479. A 485. C 491. C 497. C 252. A 258. A 264. A 270.
C 276. A 282. C 288. C 294. B 300. A 306. A 312. A 318. B 324. C 330. C 336. D 3
42. C 348. C 354. B 360. B 366. D 372. D 378. C 384. A 390. B 396. B 402. D 408.
D 414. D 420. B 426. A 432. B 438. C 444. A 450. A 456. A 462. B 468. A 474. D
480. D 486. D 492. B 498. C
499. B 505. C 511. D 517. C 523. C 529. B 535. D 541. D 547. D 553. D 500. D 506
. B 512. A 518. A 524. B 530. B 536. B 542. B 548. A 554. D 501. A 507. B 513. A
519. B 525. B 531. D 537. C 543. A 549. B 555. B 502. D 508. D 514. A 520. C 52
6. C 532. C 538. D 544. C 550. C 556. B 503. D 509. D 515. D 521. B 527. D 533.
B 539. B 545. D 551. B 557. B 504. A 510. D 516. D 522. A 528. C 534. A 540. D 5
46. C 552. B
 D The fatty acids that cannot e synthesized y the ody and therefore should
e supplied through the diet are referred to as essential fatty acids (EFA). Li
noleic acid and linolenic acid 
 are essential. Some orkers regard arachidonic ac
id as an EFA although it can e synthesized from linoleic acid. Phrynoderma (toa
d skin) is an essential fatty acid deficiency disorder. It is characterized y t
he presenceof hornyeruptions on the posterior and the lateral parts
 of the lim
s, on the ack and uttocks. The hydrolysis of triacylglycerols y alkali to pr
oduce glycerol and soaps is knon as saponification. Reichert-Meissl numer is d

 as the num er of moles of 0.1 N KOH required to completely neutralize the
solu le volatile fatty acids distilled from 5 g fat. Sphingomyelins (sphingopho
spholipids) are a group of phospholipids containing sphingosine as the alcohol (
in place of glycerol in other phospholipids). 285. A
345. D
61. A
398. C
120. D
454. D
173. A
540. D
231. A
Cyclopentanoperhydrophenanthrene (CPPP), it consists of a phenanthrene nucleus t
o hich a cyclopentene ring is attached. Cholesterol is an animal sterol 
molecular formula C27H46O. it has one hydroxyl group at C3 and a dou le ond et
een C5 and C6. An 8 caron aliphatic side chain is attached to C17, Cholesterol
contains of total 5 methyl groups. The lipids hich possess oth hydropho
 ic an

d hydrophilic groups are kno n as amphipathic lipids (Greek: amphi- oth; pathos

- passion). Liposomes have an intermittent aqueous phase in lipid
 ilayer. They

are produced hen amphipathic lipids in aqueous medium are su jected to sonifica
tion. Liposomes are used as carriers of drugs to target tissues. Fats (triacygly
cerols) are the most predominant storage formof energy, since they are highly c
oncentrated form of energy (9 Cal/g) and can e stored in an anhydrous form (no
association ith ater).
1. Vitamins
 are (A) (B) (C) (D) Accessory food factors Generally synthesized in
the ody Produced in endocrine glands Proteins in nature
6. Retinol and retinal are interconverted requiring dehydrogenase or reductase i
n the presence of (A) NAD or NADP (C) NADPH (B) NADH + H+ (D) FAD
2. Vitamin A or retinal is a (A) Steroid (B) Polyisoprenoid compound containing
a cyclohexenyl ring (C) Benzoquinone derivative (D) 6-Hydroxychromane 3. β-Caroten
e, precursor of vitamin A, is oxidatively cleaved y (A) (B) (C) (D) β-Carotene di
oxygenase Oxygenase Hydroxylase Transferase
7. Fat solu le vitamins are (A) Solu le in alcohol (B) one or more Propene units
(C) Stored in liver (D) All these
 8. The international unit of vitamin A is equ
ivalent to the activity caused y (A) 0.3 µg of Vitamin A alcohol (B) 0.344 µg of Vi
tamin A alcohol (C)0.6 µg of Vitamin A alcohol
 (D) 1.0 µg of Vitamin A alcohol 9. L
umirhodopsin is sta le only at temperature elo (A) –10°C (C) –40°C (B) –20°C (D) –50°C

4. Retinal is reduced to retinol in intestinal mucosa y a specific retinaldehyd
e reductase utilising (A) NADPH + H (C) NAD
(B) FAD (D) NADH + H+
10. Retinol is transported
 in lood ound to (A) Aporetinol inding protein (B) α2
-Glo ulin (C) β-Glo ulin (D) Al umin

5. Preformed Vit min A is supplied y (A) (B) (C) (D)
 Milk, f t nd liver All ye
llow veget les All yellow fruits Le fy green veget les
11. The norm l serum concentr tion of vit min A in mg/100 ml is (A) 5–10 (C) 100–150
(B) 15–60 (D) 0–5

20. Vit min D sorption is incre sedin (A) (B) (C) (D) Acid pH of intestine Al
k line pH of intestine Imp ired f t sorption Contents of diet

12. One m nifest tion of vit min A deficiency is(A) P inful joints (B) Night l
indness (C) Loss of h ir (D) Thickening oflong ones 13. Deficiency
 of Vit min
A c uses (A) Xeropth lmi (B) Hypoprothrom inemi (C) Meg lo l stic nemi (D) P
ernicious nemi 14. An import nt function of vit min A is (A) To ct s coenzym
e for few enzymes (B) To pl y n integr l role in protein synthesis (C) To pre
vent hemorrh ges (D) To m int in the integrity of epitheli l tissue 15. Retin l
is component of (A) Iodopsin (C) C rdiolipin (B) Rhodopsin (D) Glycoproteins

21. The most potent Vit min D met olite is (A) (B) (C) (D) 25-Hydroxycholec lci
ferol 1,25-Dihydroxycholec lciferol 24, 25-Dihydroxycholec lciferol 7-Dehydrocho
22. The norm l serum concentr tion of 25-hydroxycholec lciferol in ng/ml is (A)
0–8 (C) 100–150 (B) 60–100 (D) 8–55
23. The norm l serum concentr tion of 1,25dihydroxycholec lciferol in pg/ml is (
A) 26–65 (C) 5–20 (B) 1–5 (D) 80–100
24. The norm l serum concentr tion of 24,25dihydroxycholec lciferol in ng/ml is
(A) 8–20 (C) 1–5 (B) 25–50 (D) 60–100
25. A poor source of Vit min D is (A) Egg (C) Milk (B) Butter (D) Liver
16. Retinoic cid p rticip tes in the synthesis of (A) Iodopsin (C) Glycoprotein
(B) Rhodopsin (D) C rdiolipin
26. Richest source of Vit min D is (A) Fish liver oils (C) Egg yolk (B) M rg rin
e (D) Butter
17. On exposure to light rhodopsin forms (A) All tr ns-retin l (C) Retinol (B) C
is-retin l (D) Retinoic cid

27. Deficiency
 of vit min D c uses (A) (B) (C) (D) Ricket nd osteom l ci Tu er
culosis of one Hypthyroidism Skin c ncer

18. C rr-Price re ction is used to detect (A) Vit min A (C) Ascor ic cid (B) Vi
t min D (D) Vit min E

19. The structure shown elow is of (A) Cholec lciferol (B) 25-Hydroxycholec lci
ferol (C) Ergoc lciferol (D) 7-Dehydrocholesterol

28. One intern tion l unit (I.U) of vit min D is defined s the iologic l ctiv
ity of (A) (B) (C) (D) 0.025 µg of cholec lciferol 0.025 µg of 7-dehydrocholec lcife
rol 0.025 µg of ergosterol 0.025 µg of ergoc lciferol
29. The β-ring of 7-dehydrocholesterol is cle ved to form cholec lciferol y (A) (
B) (C) (D)
 Infr red light Dim light Ultr violet irrid tion with sunlight Light o
f the tu e lights
38. All the following conditions produce re l or function
 l deficiency of vit
min K except (A) Prolonged or l, ro d spectrum nti iotic ther py(B) Tot l l c
k of red me t in the
 diet (C) The tot l l ck of green le fy veget les in the di
et (D) Being new orn inf nt 39. Vit min K is found in (A) Green le fy pl nts
(B) Me t (C) Fish (D) Milk 40. Function of Vit min A: (A) (B) (C) (D) He ling ep
itheli l tissues Protein synthesis regul tion Cell growth All of these (B) Whe t
gr m (D) Putrid fish me l
30. C lcitriol synthesis involves (A) (B) (C) (D) Both liver nd kidney Intestin
e Adipose tissue Muscle
31. Insignific nt mount of Vit min E is present in (A) Whe t germ oil (B) Sunfl
ower seed oil (C) S fflower
 seed oil (D) Fish liver oil 32. The ctivity of toco
pherols is destroyed y (A) (B) (C) (D) Commerci l cooking Reduction Conjug tion
All of these

41. Vit min K2 w s origin lly isol ted from (A) Soy e n (C) Alf Alf
42. Vit min synthesized y cteri l in the intestine is (A) A (C) D (B) C (D) K
33. The requirement of vit min E is incre sed with gre ter int ke of (A) (B) (C)
(D) C r ohydr tes Proteins Polyuns tur ted f t S tur ted f t

43. Vit min K is involved in posttr nsl tion l modific tion of the lood clottin
g f ctors y cting s cof ctor for the enzyme: (A) C r oxyl se (C) Hydroxyl se
(B) Dec r oxyl se (D) Oxid se
34. Vit min E reduces the requirement of (A) Iron (C) Selenium (B) Zinc (D) M gn

44. Vit min K is cof ctor for (A) G mm c r oxyl tion of glut mic cid residue
(B) β-Oxid tion of f tty cid (C) Form tion of γ amino butyrate (D) Synthesis of tr
yptophan 45. Hypervitaminosis K in neonates may cause (A) Porphyria (C) Pellara
(A) Riboflavin (C) Menadione (B) Jaundice (D) Proloned bleedin (B) Retinol (D
) Tocopherol
35. The most important natural antioxidant is (A) Vitamin D (C) Vitamin B12 (A)
Vitamin A (C) Vitamin K (B) Vitamin E (D) Vitamin K
36. Tocopherols prevent the oxidation of (B) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin C
37. Creatinuria is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin (A) A (C) E (B) K (D)
46. Dicoumarol is antaonist to
47. In the individuals who are iven liberal quantities of vitamin C, the serum
ascorbic acid level is (A) (B) (C) (D) 1–1.4 µ/100 ml 2–4 µ/100 ml 1–10 µ/100 ml 10–20 µ
56. Both Wernicke’s disease and beriberi can be reversed by administratin (A) Ret
inol (C) Pyridoxine (A) Ricket (C) Beriberi (B) Thiamin (D) Vitamin B12 (B) Nyct
alopia (D) Pellara
57. The Vitamin B1 deficiency causes
48. The vitamin which would most likely become deficient in an individual who de
velop a completely carnivorous life style is (A) Thiamin (C) Vitamin C (B) Niaci
n (D) Cobalamin
58. Concentration of pyruvic acid and lactic acid in blood is increased due to d
eficiency of the vitamin (A) Thiamin (C) Niacin (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Riboflavin (
D) Pantothenic acid
49. In human body hihest concentration of ascorbic acid is found in (B) Adrenal
cortex (A) Liver (C) Adrenal medulla (D) Spleen 50. The vitamin required for th
e formation of hydroxyproline (in collaen) is (A) Vitamin C (C) Vitamin D (B) V
itamin A (D) Vitamin E
59. Vitamin B1 coenzyme (TPP) is involved in Oxidative decarboxylation Hydroxyla
tion Transamination Carboxylation
60. Increased lucose consumption increases the dietary requirement for (A) Pyri
doxine (C) Biotin (B) Niacin (D) Thiamin
51. Vitamin required for the conversion of phydroxyphenylpyruvate to homoentisa
te is (A) Folacin (C) Ascorbic acid (B) Cobalamin (D) Niacin
61. Thiamin is oxidized to thiochrome in alkaline solution by (A) (B) (C) (D) Po
tassium permananate Potassium ferricyanide Potassium chlorate Potassium dichrom
52. Vitamin required in conversion of folic acid to folinic acid is (A) Biotin (
C) Ascorbic acid (B) Cobalamin (D) Niacin
62. Riboflavin is a coenzyme in the reaction catalysed by the enzyme (A) (B) (C)
(D) Acyl CoA synthetase Acyl CoA dehydroenase β-Hydroxy acyl CoA Enoyl CoA dehyd
53. Ascor ic acid can reduce (A) (B) (C) (D) 2, 6-Di
 romo enzene 2, 6-Diiodoxypy
ridine 2, 6-Dichlorophenol indophenol 2, 4-Dinitro enzene

63. The daily requirement of ri oflavin for adult in mg is (A) 0–1.0 (C) 2.0–3.5 (B)
1.2–1.7 (D) 4.0–8.0
54. Sterilised milk lacks in (A) Vitamin A (C) Vitamin C (B) Vitamin D (D) Thiam
55. Scurvy is caused due to the deficiency of (A) Vitamin A (C) Vitamin K (B) Vi
tamin D (D) Vitamin C
64. In ne orn infants phototherapy
 may cause hyper iliru inemia ith deficienc
y of (A) Thiamin (C) Ascor ic acid (B) Ri oflavin (D) Pantothenic acid

65. Ri oflavin deficiency causes (A) (B) (C) (D) Cheilosis Loss of eight Mental
deterioration Dermatitis
75. Pellagra occurs in population dependent on (A) Wheat (C) Maize (B) Rice (D)

66. Magenta tongue is found in the deficiency of the vitamin (A) Ri oflavin (C)
Nicotinic acid (B) Thiamin (D) Pyridoxine
76. The enzymes ith hichnicotinamide actas coenzyme are (A) Dehydrogenases (
B) Transaminases (C) Decar oxylases (D) Car oxylases 77. Dietary requirement of
Vitamin D: (A) 400 I.U. (C) 6000 I.U. (B) 1000 I.U. (D) 700 I.U.
67. Corneal
 vascularisation is found in deficiency of the vitamin: (A) B1 (C) B3
(A) Ri oflavin (C) Niacin (B) B2 (D) B6 (B) Pantothenic acid (D) Pyridoxine
78. The Vitamin hich does not contain a ring in the structure is (A) Pantotheni
c acid (B) Vitamin D (C) Ri oflavin (D) Thiamin
 79. Pantothenic acid is a consti
tuent of the coenzyme involved in (A) Decar oxylation (C) Acetylation (B) Dehydr
ogenation (D) Oxidation
68. The pellagra preventive factor is

69. Pellagra is caused due to the deficiency of (A) Ascor ic acid (C) Pyridoxine
(B) Pantothenic acid (D) Niacin

80. The precursor of CoA is (A) Ri oflavin (C) Thiamin (B) Pyridoxamine (D) Pant

70. Niacin or nicotinic acid is a monocar oxylic acid derivative of (A) Pyridine
(C) Flavin (B) Pyrimidine (D) Adenine
81. ‘Burning foot syndrome’
 has een ascri ed to the deficiency of (A) Pantothenic a
cid (B) Thiamin (C) Co alamin
 (D) Pyridoxine 82. Pyridoxal phosphate is central
to (A) Deamination (C) Car oxylation (B) Amidation (D) Transamination

71. Niacin is synthesized in the ody from (A) Tryptophan (C) Glutamate (B) Tyro
sine (D) Aspartate
72. The proteins present in maize are deficient in (A) Lysine (C) Tryptophan (B)
Threonine (D) Tyrosine
73. Niacin is present in maize in the form of (A) Niatin (C) Niacytin (B) Nicoti
n (D) Nicyn
83. The vitamin required as coenzyme for the action oftransaminases is (A) (B)
(C) (D) Niacin Pantothenic acid Pyridoxal phosphate Ri oflavin
74. In the ody 1 mg of niacin can e produced from (A) (B) (C) (D) 60 mg of pyr
idoxine 60 mg of tryptophan 30 mg of tryptophan 30 mg of pantothenic acid
84. Vitamin B6 deficiency may occur during therapy ith (A) Isoniazid (C) Sulpha
drugs (B) Terramycin (D) Aspirin
85. Deficiency ofvitamin B6 may occur in (A) O ese person (C) Alcoholics (B) Th
in person (D) Dia etics
93. The cofactor or its derivative required for the conversion of acetyl CoA to
malonylCoA is (A) FAD (C) NAD+ (B) ACP (D) Biotin

86. ‘Xanthurenic acid index’ is a relia le criterion forthe deficiency of the vitam
in (A) Pyridoxal (B) Thiamin (C) Pantothenic
 acid (D) Co alamin 87. Epileptiform
convulsion in human infants
 have een attri
 uted to the deficiency of the vitam
in (A) B1 (C) B6 (A) Car oxylase (C) Decar oxylase (B) B2 (D) B 12 (B) Hydroxyla
se (D) Deaminase

94. A cofactor required in oxidative decar oxylation
 of pyruvate is (A) (B) (C)
(D) Lipoate Pantothenic acid Biotin Para amino enzoic acid
95. The
 central structure of B12 referred to as corrin ring system consists of (
A) Co alt (C) Magnesium (B) Manganese (D) Iron
88. Biotin is a coenzyme of the enzyme
96. The central heavy
 metal co alt of vitamin B12 is coordinately ound to (A) C
yanide group (C) Car oxyl group (B) Amino group (D) Sulphide group
89. The coenzyme required for conversion of pyruvate to oxaloacetate is (A) FAD
(C) TPP (B) NAD (D) Biotin
97. Vitamin B12 has a complex ring structure (corrin ring) consisting of four (A
) Purine rings (C) Pyrrole rings (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Pyrimidine
rings (D) Pteridine rings
90. In iotin-containing
 enzymes, the iotin is ound to the  enzyme y (A) An am
ide linkage to car oxyl group of glutamine (B) A covalent ond ith CO2  (C) An a
mide linkage to an amino group of lysine (D) An amide linkage to α-c r oxyl group
of protein
 91. A molecule of CO2 isc ptured y iotin when it cts s coenzyme
for c r oxyl tion rection. The c r oxyl group is cov lently tt ched to (A) A n
itrogen (N1) of the iotin molecule (B) Sulphur of thiophene ring (C) α-Amino grou
p of lysine (D) α-Amino group  of protein 92. Consumption of r w eggs c n c use def
iciency of (A) Biotin (C) Ri ofl vin (B) P ntothenic cid (D) Thi min

98. Emperic l formul of co l min is C63H 88N 12O14P.CO C61H 82N 12O12P.CO C61H
88N 12O14P.CO C63H 88N 14O14P.CO Beri-Beri Scurvy Perniciuos nemi Ricket
99. A deficiency of vit min B12 c uses
100. Vit min B12 deficiency c n e di gnosed y urin ry excretion of (A) Pyruv t
e (C) M l te (B) Methylm lon te (D) L ct te
101. Su cute com ined degener tion of cord is c used due to deficiency of (A) N
i cin (C) Biotin (B) Co l min (D) Thi min
102. Vit min required for met olism of diols e.g. conversion
 of ethylene glycol
to cet ldehyde is (A) Thi min (C) Pyridoxine (B) Co l min (D) Folic cid 110.
Thi min deficiency includes (A) Ment l depression (B) F tigue (C) Beri eri (D)
All of these

111. Thi min diphosph te is required for oxid tive dec r oxyl tion of (A) α-Keto
cids (C)F tty cids (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Unpolished
rice P r oiled rice Whole whe t flour All of these 0.1 mg/1,000 C lories 0.5 mg/
1,000 C lories 0.8 mg/1,000 C lories 1.0 mg/1,000 C lories Non-veget ri ns Alcoh
olics Pregn nt women Both B nd C (B) α-Amino cids (D) All of these

103. Both folic cid nd methyl co l min (vit min B12) re required in (A) De m
in tion of serine (B) De min tion of threonine (C) Conversion of pyridox l phosp
h te to pyridox mine phosph te (D) Methyl tion of homocystein to methionine
Folic cid or fol te consists ofthe (A) B se pteridine, p- mino enzoic cid
sp rte (B) B se purine, p- mino enzoic cid glut m te  (C) B se pteridine, p- m
ino enzoic cid glut m te (D) B se purine, p-hydroxy enzoic cid glut m te nd
nd nd nd
112. Loss of thi min c n e decre sed y using
113 . D ily requirement of thi min is
114. Thi min requirement is gre ter in
105. Fol te s coenzyme is involved in the tr  nsfer nd utiliz tion of (A) (B)
(C) (D) Amino group Hydroxyl group Single c r on moiety Amido group

115. People consuming polished rice s their st ple food re prone to (A) Beri e
ri (C) Both (A) nd (B) (A) Acidic medium (C) Neutr l medium (B) Pell gr (D) No
ne of these (B) Alk line medium (D) Both (A) nd (C)
106. Folic cid deficiency c n e di gnosed y incre sed urin ry excretion of (A
) Methylm lon te (C) Cyst thionine (B) Figlu (D) Cre tinine
116. Ri ofl vin is he t st le in

107. Sulph drugs interfere with cteri l synthesis
 of (A) Lipo te (C) Tetr hyd
rofol te (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Vit min E (D) Ascor ic cid
117. FAD is coenzyme for (A) (B) (C) (D) Succin te dehydrogen se Glycerol-3-ph
osph te dehydrogen se Sphingosine reduct se All of these
108. Fol te deficiency
 c uses Microcytic nemi Hemolytic nemi Iron deficiency
nemi Meg lo l stic nemi (B) Alk line medium (D) None of these

118. Ri ofl vin deficiency c n c use (A) Peripher l neuritis (B) Di rrhoe (C) A
ngul r stom titis (D)
 None of these 119. Pell gr preventing f ctor is (A) Thi m
in (C) Ni cin (B) Ri ofl vin (D) Pyridoxine

109. Thi min is he t st le in (A) Acidic medium (C) Both (A) nd (B)
120. Ni cin cont ins (A) Sulphydryl group (B) C r oxyl group (C) Amide group (
D) All of these 121. NADP is required s coenzyme in (A) Glycolysis (C) HMP sh
unt (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Citric cid cycle (D) Gluconeogenesis
130. Sulphydryl group of coenzyme is contri uted y (A) β-Al nine (B) β-Aminoiso u
tyric cid (C) Methionine (D) Thioeth nol mine 131. Coenzyme A cont ins nitrog
enous se which is (A) Adenine (C) Choline (B) Gu nine (D) Eth nol mine
122. NAD is required s coenzyme for M l te dehydrogen se Succin te dehydrogen
se Glucose-6-phosph te dehydrogen se HMG CoA reduct e Citric cid cycle HMP shu
nt β-Oxid tion of f tty cids Both (A) nd (C)
123. NAD is required s conenzyme in
132. The following is required for the form tion of coenyzme A: (A) ATP (C) CTP
(B) GTP (D) None of these

133. Coenzyme A is required for c t olism of (A) Leucine (C) V line (B) Isoleuc
ine (D) All of these
124. Ni cin c n e synthesised in hum n eings from (A) Histidine (C) Tyrosine (
A) 5 mg (C) 20 mg (B) Phenyl l nine (D) Tryptoph n (B) 10 mg (D) 30 mg

134. Deficiency of p ntothenic cid in hum n eings c n ffect (A) Nervous syste
m (C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) Digestive system (D) None of these
125. D ily requirement of ni cin is
135. Pyridox l phosph te is coenzyme for (A) Glut m te ox lo cet te tr ns min
se (B) Glut m te pyruv te tr ns min se (C) Tyrosine tr ns min se (D) All of thes
e 136. Pyridox l phosph te is required s coenzyme in (A) Tr ns min tion (C) D
esulphydr tion (B) Tr nsulphur tion (D) All of these
126. Ni cin deficiency is common in people whose st ple food is (A) (B) (C) (D)
(A) (B) (C)
 (D) Whe t Polished rice M ize nd /or sorghum None of these Exposed
p rts of ody Covered p rts of ody Trunk only All p rts of the ody
127. In pell gr , derm titis usu lly ffects
137. Pyridox l phosph te is coenzyme for (A) Glycogen synthet se (B) Phosphory

l se (C)Both (A) nd (B) (D) None of these 138. Pyridoxine deficiency c n e di
gnosed y me suring urin ry excretion of (A) Pyruvic cid (B) Ox lo cetic cid
(C) X nthurenic cid (D) None of these
128. Ni cin deficiency c n occur in (A) H rtnup dise se (B) Phenylketonuri (C)
Alk ptonuri (D) None of these 129. P ntothenic cid cont ins n mino  cid whic
h is (A) Asp rtic cid (C) β-Al nine (B) Glut mic cid (D) β-Aminoiso utyric cid
139. Pyridoxine deficiency c n e di gnosed y me suring the urin ry excretion o
f x nthurenic cid following test dose of (A) Glycine (C) Tryptoph n (B) Histi
dine (D) Pyridoxine 147. Folic cid cont ins (A) Pteridine (B) p-Amino enzoic
cid (C) Glut mic cid (D) All of these

140. Pyridoxine requirement depends upon the int ke of (A) C r ohydr tes (C) F t
s (B) Proteins (D) None of these
148. Conversion of fol te into tetr hydrofol te requires (A) NADH (C) FMNH2 (A)
Glossitis (C) Vomitting (B) NADPH (D) FADH2 (B) stom tis (D) Both (A) nd (B)
141. Anti-egg white injury f ctor is (A) Pyridoxine (C) Thi min (B) Biton (D) Li
ponic cid

149. Ri ofl vin deficiency symptoms re

142. When eggs re cooked (A) Biotin is destroyed ut vidin rem ins un ffected

(B) Avidin is in ctiv ted ut iotin rem  ins un ffected (C) Both vidin nd iot
in re in ctiv ted (D)Both vidin nd iotin rem in un ffected143. Biotin is r
 s coenzyme y (A)  An ero ic dehydrogen ses (B) Dec r oxyl ses (C) Aer
o ic
 dehydrogen ses (D) C r oxyl
 ses 144. Biotin is coenzyme  for (A) Pyruv te
c r oxyl se (B) Acetyl CoA c r oxyl se (C) Propionyl CoA c r oxyl se (D) All of
these 145. Lipoic cid is conenzyme for (A) Pyruv te dehydrogen se (B) α-Ketoglu
t r te dehydrogen e (C) Both (A) nd (B) (D) None of these 146. Chemic lly, lipo
ic cid is (A) S tur ted f tty cid (B) Uns tur ted f tty cid (C) Amino cid (D
) Sulphur cont ining f tty cid
150. Vit min B12 forms coenzymes known s (A) Co mide (B) Tr nsco l min I (C)
Tr nsco l min II (D) Both (B) nd (C) 151. Methylco l min is required for form
tion of (A) (B) (C) (D) Serin from glycine Glycine from serine Methionine from
homocysteine All of these

152. A sorption of Vit min B12 requires the presence of (A) Pepsin (C) Intrinsic
f ctor (B) Hydrochloric cid (D) Boh (B) nd (C)
153. Intrinsic f ctor is chemic lly (A) (B) (C) (D) Protein Glycoprotein Mucop
olys cc ride Peptide
154. Chemic lly, Extrinsic F ctor ofC stle is (A) (B) (C) (D) Mucoprotein Gly
coprotein Mucopolys cch ride Cy noco l minm
155. Vit min B12 is (A) (B) (C) (D) Not stored in the ody Stored in one m rrow
Stored in liver Stored in RE cells
 Vit min B12 is tr nsported
 in lood y (A) Al umin (B) Tr nscortin
 (C) Tr n
sco l min I (D) Tr nsco l min II 157. Vit min B12 is synthesized y (A) B cter
i only (C) Anim ls only (B) Pl nts only (D) Both (A) nd (C)
165. Deficiency of vit min C c uses (A) (B) (C) (D) Beri eri Pell gr Pernicious
n emi Scurvy

158. Deficiency of vit min B12 c n occur ec use of (A) (B) (C) (D) Decre sed in
t ke of vit min B12 Atrophy of g stric mucos Intestin l m l sorption All of th
166. An e rly di gnosis
 of vit min C deficiency c n e m de y (A) (B) (C) (D) M
e suring pl sm scor ic cid Me suring urin ry scor ic cid Ascor ic cid s tu
r tion test All of these
159. Deficiency of vit min B12 c n e di gonised y (A) (B) (C) (D) C rr-Price r
e ction Ames ss y W tson-Schw rtz test Schilling test

167. D ily requirement of vit min C in dults is out (A) 100 mg (C) 70 mg (B)
25 mg (D) 100 mg
168. The vit min h ving the highest
 d ily requirement
 mong the following is (A)
Thi min (C) Pyridoxine (B) Ri ovfl vin (D) Ascor ic cid

160. G styrectomy le ds to meg lo l stic n emi within few (A) D ys (C) Month
s (B) Weeks (D) Ye rs
169. An emi c n occur due to the deficiency of
 ll the following except (A) Thi
min (C) Folic cid (B) Pyridoxine (D) Cy noco l min

161. Ascor ic cid is required to synthesise ll of the following except (A) Col
l gen (C) Bile pigments (B) Bile cids (D) Epinephrine
170. A vit min which c n e synthesized y hum n eings is (A) Thi min (C) Folic
cid (B) Ni cin (D) Cy noco l min

162. Vit min C enh nces the intestin l sorption of (A) Pot ssium (C) Iron (B)
Iodine (D) None of these
171. L or tory di gnosis of vit min B 12 deficiency c n e m de y me suring th
e urin ry excretion of (A) (B) (C) (D) X nthurenic cid Formiminoglut mic cid M
ethylm lonic cid Homogentisic cid (B) β-Ionone ring (D) None of these (B) β-C rote
ne (D) All of these

163.Vit min C ctivity
 is present in (A) (B) (C) (D) D-Ascor ic cid D-Dehydro
scor ic cid L-Ascor ic cid Both A nd B
172. The molecule of vit min A1 cont ins (A) Benzene ring (C) β-C rotene ring (A) α-
C rotene (C) γ Carotene
164. Vitamin C is required for the synthesis of (A) (B) (C) (D) Bile acids from
cholesterol Bile salts from bile acids Vitamin D from cholesterol All of these
173. Precursor of Vitamin A is
174. Two molecules of vitamin A can be formed from 1 molecule of (A) α-C rotene (C
) γ Carotene (B) β-Carotene (D) All of these 183. Retinol isomerase is present in (A
) Retina (C) Both (A) and (B) (A) β-Carotene (C) Retinoic acid (B) Liver (D) None
of these (B) Retinol (D) All of these
184. Anti-oxidant activity is present in
175. Conversion of β-carotene into retinal requires the presence of (A) (B) (C) (D
) β-Carotene dioxygenase Bile salts Molecular oxygen All of these
185. One international Unit of vitamin A is the activity present in (A) (B) (C)
(D) 0.3 µg of β-Carotene 0.3 µg of retinol 0.6 µg of retinoic acid All of these
176. Conversion of retinal into ritonal requires the presence of (A) NADH (C) FA
DH2 (B) NADPH (D) Lipoic acid

186. Daily requirement of vitamin A in an adult man can e expressed as (A) 400
IU (C) 5,000 IU 187. Vitamin B6 includes (A) Pyridoxal (C) Pyridoxine (A) (B) (C
) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Pyridoxamine (D) All of these (B) 1,000 IU (D) 10,000
177. Retinal is converted
 into retinoic acid in the presence of (A) Retinal oxid
ase (B) Retinal car oxylase (C) Retinene reductase(D) Spontaneously 178. Vitamin
A a sor ed in intestine is released into (A) Portal circulation (B) Lacteals (C
) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these 179. Vitamin A is stored in the ody in (A)
(B) (C) (D) Liver Adipose tissue Reticuloendothelial cells All of these
188. An early effect of vitamin a deficiency is Xerophthalmia Keratomalacia Prol
onged dark adaptation time
 Follicular hyperkeratosis Drying of eyes Destruction
of cornea Blindness Ina ility to see in dimlight
189. Nyctalopia is
180. Rhodopsin contains opsin and (A) 11-cis-retinal (C) All-cis-retinal (B) 11-
trans-retinal (D) All trans-retinal

190. Rod cells possess a trans-mem rane protein hich is (A) Adenylate cyclase (
B) Transducin (C) Rhodopsin (D) B as ell as C 191. Provitamins A include (A) Re
tinal (C) Carotenes 192. Retinoic acid can (A) (B) (C) (D) Act as a photo recept
or Support groth and differentiation Act as an anti-oxidant None of these (B) R
etionic acid (D) All of these
181. When light falls on rod cells (A) All-cis-retinal is converted into all-tra
ns-retinal (B) 11-cis-retinal is converted into 11-trans-retinal (C) 11-trans-re
tinal is converted into all-transretinal (D) 11-cis-retinal is converted into al
l-trans-retinal 182. Conversion of all-trans-retinal into alltrans-retinol requi
193. Prosthetic group in cone cell phototreceptors is (A) Iodine (C) 11-cis-reti
nal (B) Opsin (D) all-trans-retinal
202. Calcitriol inhi its the conversion of (A) Cholesterol into 7-dehydrocholest
erol (B) Cholecalciferol into 1-hydroxycholecalciferol (C) Cholecalciferol into
25-hydroxycholecalciferol (D) 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol into 1,25- dihydroxychol
ecalciferol 203. Bolegs and knock-knees can occur in (A) Rickets (C) Both A and
B (B) Osteomalacia (D) Hypervitaminosis D
194. Retinoic acid is involved in the synthesis of (A) Rhodopsin (C) Porphyrinop
sin 195 Transducin is a (A) Signal transducer (B) Stimulatory G-protein (C) Trim
er (D) All of these 196. Provitamin D3 is (A) (B) (C) (D) Cholecalciferol Ergost
erol 7-Dehydrocholesterol Ergocaliferol (B) Iodopsin (D) Glycoproteins
204. Calcification of soft tissues can occur in (A) (B) (C) (D) Osteomalacia Ric
kets Hypervitaminosis D None of these
197. Ergosterol is found in (A) Animals (C) Bacteria (B) Plants (D) All of these
205. Levels of serum calcium and inorganic phosphorus are increased in (A) Hyper
vitaminosis D (B) Hypoparathyroidism (C) Hypovitaminosis D (D) None of these 206
. Requirement of vitamin E increases ith the increasing intake of (A) Calories
(C) PUFA (B) Proteins (D) Cholesterol

198. A provitamin D synthesized in human eings is (A) (B) (C) (D) Ergosterol 7-
Dehydrocholesterol Cholecalciferol 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol
199. 25-Hydroxylation of vitamin D occurs in (A) Skin (C) Kidneys (B) Liver (D)
Intestinal mucosa

207. In human eings, vitamin E prevents (A) Sterility (B) Hepatic necrosis (C)
Muscular dystrophy (D) None of these 208. Vitamin E protects (A) Polyunsaturated
fatty acids against aperoxidation (B) Vitamin A and carotenes against oxidation
(C) Lung tissue against atmospheric pollutants (D) All of these 209. Intestinal
acteria can synthesise (A) Phyllogquinone (C) Both (A) and (B) (B) Farnoquinon
e (D) Menadione
200. Tu ular rea sorption of calcium is increased y (A) (B) (C) (D) Cholecalcif
erol 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol Calcitriol All of these
201. Parathormone is required for the conversion of (A) Cholecalciferol into 1-h
ydroxycholecalciferol (B) Cholecalciferol into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (C) 25-
Hydroxycholecalciferol into calcitriol (D) Cholesterol into 7-dehydrocholesterol
210. A ater solu le form of vitamin K is (A) Phylloquinone (C) Menadione (B) Fa
rnoquinone (D) None of these
220. The performed Vitamin A is supplied y foods such as (A) Butter (C) Fish li
ver oil (B) Eggs (D) All of these

211. Prothrom in time is prolonged in (A) Vitamin K deficiency (B) Liver damage
(C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these 212. A synthetic form of vitamin K is (A)
Menadione (C) Phylloquinone (B) Farnoquinone (D) None of these
221. The non-protein part of rhodopsin is (A) Retinal (C) Carotene (B) Retinol (
D) Repsin
222. Lumirhodopsin is sta le only at a temperature elo (A) –35°C (C) –45°C (B) –40°C (D)

213. Retinal is reduced to retinol y retinene reductase in presence of the coen
zyme (A) NAD+ (C) NADH + H+ (B) NADP+ (D) NADPH + H+

223 The normal concentration of vitamin A in lood in I.V/dl: (A) 20–55 (C) 30–65 (B
) 24–60 (D) 35–70
214. Retinal exists as an ester ith higher fatty acids in the (A) Liver (C) Lun
g (B) Kidney (D) All of these
224. Continued intake
 of excessive amounts of vitamin A especially in children p
roduces (A) Irrita ility (C) Headache (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Anorexia (D) All of th

225. Vitamin D2 is also said to e Activated ergosterol Fergocalciferol Viostero
l All of these (B) Butter (D) Liver
215. Retinol
 is transported
 to the lood as retinol attached to (A) α1-glo ulin (C
) β-glo ulin (B) α2-glo ulin (D) γ lobulin
216. Carotenes are transported with the (A) Minerals (C) Lipids (B) Proteins (D)
226. The poor sources of vitamin D: (A) Es (C) Milk
217. The drus that form complexes with pyridoxal are (A) Isoniazid (C) Rifampic
in (B) Penicillamine (D) Both (A) and (B)
227. The activity of tocopherols is destroyed by (A) Oxidation (C) Conjuation (
B) Reduction (D) All of these
218. In the blood the vitamin esters are attached to (A) α1-lipoproteins (C) β-lipop
roteins (B) α2-lipoproteins (D) γ lipoproteins
228 Some tocopherols are (A) (B) (C) (D) Terpenoid in structure Dional in struct
ure Isoprenoid in structure Farnesyl in structure
219. The percentae of Vitamin A in the form of esters is stored in the liver: (
A) 80 (C) 90 (B) 85 (D) 95
229. The methyl roups in the aromatic nucleus of a tocopherols are (A) 2 (C) 4
(B) 3 (D) 5
230. Vitamin E stored in (A) Mitochondria (C) Both (A) and (B) (B) Microsomes (D
) None of these
240. The number of nutritionally essential amino acids for man is (A) 6 (C) 10 2
41. Avidin is present in (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Cow’s milk Raw e Green
leafy veetables Carrots Proteins Proteins and calories Proteins and vitamins Pr
oteins and minerals (B) 8 (D) 12
231. Vitamin E protects the polyunsaturated fatty acids from oxidation by molecu
lar oxyen in the formation of (A) Superoxide (C) Trioxide (A) Vitamin A (C) Vit
amin K (B) Peroxide (D) All of these (B) Vitamin D (D) Vitamin C
232. The tocopherols prevent the oxidation of
242. Marasmus is due to malnutrition of
233. Vitamin E protects enzymes from destruction in (A) Muscles (C) Gonads (B) N
erves (D) All of these
234. Vitamin K reulates the synthesis of blood clottin factors: (A) VII (C) X
(A) (B) (C) (D) (B) IX (D) All of these
243. Enery value in kilocalorie per ram of fat in the body is (A) 1 (C) 9 (B)
4 (D) 18
235. Ascorbic acid can reduce 2, 4 dinitro benzene 2, 6 Dichlorophenol Indopheno
l 2, 4 dibromobenzene 2, 6 dibromo benzene (B) Vitamin B1 (D) Vitamin D
244. Which amon the followin is an essential amino acid for man? (A) Alanine (
C) Valine (B) Serine (D) Glutamic acid
245. Under what condition to basal metabolic rate oes up? (A) (B) (C) (D) Cold
environment Hot environment Intake of base formin foods Hypothyroidism
236. Sterilized milk is devoid of (A) Vitamin A (C) Vitamin C (A) (B) (C) (D) (A
) (B) (C) (D)
237. The symptoms of scurvy are Poor healin of wounds Loosenin of teeth Anaemi
a All of these Vitamin A deficiency Vitamin D deficiency Deficiency of minerals
in diet Protein and caloric deficiency in diet
246. What is the major form of caloric storae in human body? (A) (B) (C) (D) AT
P Glycoen Creatine phosphate triacyllycerol (B) Lactolobulin (D) Caein
238. Kwashiorkor results from
247. The phosphoprotein of milk is (A) Lactalbumin (C) Vitellin
239. Which amon the followin fatty acids is an essential fatty acid for man? (
A) Palmitic acid (C) Linoleic acid (B) Oleic acid (D) None of these
248. Dictary deficiency of this vitamin leads to niht blindness: (A) Retinol (C
) Ascorbic acid (B) Niacin (D) Cholecalciferol
249. A non essential amino acid is not (A) (B) (C) (D) Absorbed in the intestine
s Required in the diet Incorporated into the protein Metabolized by the body
257. Milk contains very poor amounts of (A) Calcium (C) Iron (A) (B) (C) (D) (B)
Phosphate (D) Riboflavin
258. E contains very little Fat Proteins Carbohydrates Calcium and phosphorus
250. The deficiency of Vitamin B12 leads to (A) (B) (C) (D) Pernicious anaemia M
eablastic anaemia Both (A) and (B) None of these
259. BMR (Basal Metabolic rate) is elevated in (A) Hyper thyroidism (B) Under nu
trition (C) Starvation (D) Hypothyroidism 260. Soyabean proteins are rich in (A)
Lysine (C) Glcyine (A) Lysine (C) Glycine (B) Alanine (D) Aspartic acid (B) Ala
nine (D) Aspartic acid
251. Which amon the followin is a nutritionally essential amino acid for man?
(A) Alanine (C) Tyrosine (B) Glycine (D) Isoleucine
252. The maximum specific dynamic action of food stuff is exerted by (A) carbohy
drates (C) proteins (B) fats (D) vitamins
261. Corn and liadin are low in
253. The essential amino acids (A) must be supplied in the diet because the ora
nism has lost the capacity to aminate the correspondin ketoacids (B) must be su
pplied in the diet because the human has an impaired ability to synthesize the c
arbon chain of the correspondin ketoacids (C) are identical in all species stud
ied (D) are defined as these amino acids which cannot be synthesized by the ora
nism at a rate adequate to meet metabolic requirements 254. Fibre in the diet is
beneficial in (A) (B) (C) (D) Hyper lycemia Hyper cholseteremia Colon cancer A
ll of these
262. What is the disease caused by thiamine deficiency? (A) Nycalopia (C) Ricket
s (B) Scurvy (D) Beriberi
263. Retinol and retinol –bindin protein (RBP) bound with this protein: (A) Album
in (C) α2-glo ulin (B) Pre l umin (D) β-glo ulin
264. Meg lo l stic nemi is c used y the deficiency of (A) Folic cid (C) Iron
(A) Vit min A (C) Vit min E 266. C lcitriol is (A) (B) (C) (D) 1-OH-cholec lcif
erol 25-OH-cholec lciferol 24, 25-diOH cholec lciferol 1, 25-diOH cholec lcifero
l (B) Vit min B6 (D) Protein (B) Vit min D (D) Vit min K
265. This vit min cts s nti-oxid nt:
255 Sucrose intoler nce le ds to (A) Hyper glycemi (C) Di rrhoe (B) Glycosuri
(D) Hypoglycemi

256. There c n e intoler nce with respect to the following sug r: (A) Glucose (
C) M ltose (B) L ctose (D) Xylose
267. 1-hydroxyl tion of 25-OH vit min D3 t kes pl ce in (A) Liver (C) Intestine
(B) Kidneys (D) P ncre s
268. 25-hydroxyl tion of vit min D3 t kes pl ce in (A) Liver (C) Intestine (B) K
idneys (D) P ncre s
279. This norm l met olite m y e responsi le for the neurologic l m nifest t
ion of pernicious nemi : (A) T urine (B) Methyl m lonic cid (C) X ntherunic c
id (D) Phenyl pyruvic cid 280. The vit min in le fy veget les: (A) D (C) A (B)
K (D) Both (B) nd (C)

269. Hydroxyl tionof 25-hydroxy cholec lciferol is promoted y (A) Cytochrome -
(C) Cytochrome- (B) P r thyroid hormone (D) CAMP

270. The egg injury f ctor in r w egg white is (A) Biotin (C) Al umin (B) Avidin
(D) C lcium s lts

281. Isonicotinic cid hydr zide given in the tre tment of tu erculosis m y le d
to deficiency of (A) Vit min A (C) Fol te (B) Pyridoxin (D) Inositol

271. The following
 h s cy nide:
 (A) (B) (C) (D) Vit min B12 Adenyl co mide Benz
imid zole co mide Methyl co mide
282. Biotin is required for the
 re ction of CO2 with (A) (B) (C) (D) W ter Acety
l CoA NH3 Incorpor tion of c r on 6 in purine

272. The hum n species c n iosynthesize (A) Vit min C (C) Thi mine (B) Vit min
B12 (D) Ni cin

283. A deficiency of fol te le ds to (A) (B) (C) (D) Meg lo l stic nemi Apl st
ic nemi Pernicious nemi Hypochromic microcytic nemi
273. Retin cont ins this photosensitive pigment: (A) Rhodopsin (C) Retinol (B)
Opsin (D) Mel nin
274. Anti xerophth lmic vit min is (A) Vit min B1 (C) Vit min B6 (B) Vit min B2
(D) Vit min A

284. A deficiency of Iron le ds to (A) (B) (C) (D) Meg lo l stic nemi Apl stic
nemi Pernicious nemi Hypochromic microcytic nemi
275. One of the following is not symptom of ddison’s dise se. (A) Hypoglycemi
(C) Hypok lemi (B) Hypon tremi (D) Hypochoremi
285. Corninoid coenzymes re coenzymes of (A) Vit min B12 (C) Vit min B2 (B) Vit
min B6 (D) Vit min B1
276. G mm x ne is n ntimet olite of (A) Thi mine (C) Pyridoxin (B) Ri ofl vin
(D) Inositol

 Vit min B12 initi lly inds
 to the proteins known s (A) (B) (C) (D) Tr nsc
o l min I R-Proteins Tr nsco l min II Intrinsic f ctor of c stle
277. Pyridoxin deficiency m y le d to convulsions s it is needed for the synthe
sis of (A) GABA (C) EFA (B) PABA (D) SAM

278. Sulph drugs re ntimet olities of (A) Vit min K (C) Folic cid (B) Pyrid
oxin (D) Vit min B2
287. Extrinsic f ctor of c stle is (A) Vit min B12 (C) R-Proteins (B) Glycoprote
in (D) Sigm protein
288. Intrinsic f ctor of c stle is (A) Vit min B12 (C) R-Proteins 289. Perniciou
s me ns (A) Prolonged (C) Intermittent (B) D ngerous (D) Idiop thic (B) Glycopro
tein (D) Sigm protein
297. Convulsive episodes occur when there
 is severe deficiency of (A) Pyridoxi
ne (C) Thi mine (B) Folic cid (D) Ri ofl vin
298. Met st tic cl ssific tion is seen in hypervit minosis: (A) A (C) D (B) K (D
) E
290. Reduction of D-ri onucleotides to Ddeoxy ri onucleotides
 in prok ryotes req
 (A) (B) (C) (D) 5, 6 dimethyl enzimid zole co mide Thioredoxin Tetr hyd
ro iopterin Tetr hydrofol te

299. The nti vit min for p r mino enzoic cid is (A) Aminopterin (C) Sulphon
mides (B) Dicoum rol (D) Thiop nic cid
291. Biotin is lso known s (A) (B) (C) (D) Anti egg white injury f ctor Rutin
Both (A) nd (B) None of these

300. Sever l p ntothenic cid deficiency in m n h s een reported to c use (A) (
B) (C) (D) Burning feet syndrome Scurvy C t r ct Xerophth lmi

292. Angul r stom tosis is due to (A) (B) (C) (D) Ari ofl vinoses Deficiency of
Vit min C Deficiency of Vit min B1 Deficiency of fol te

301. Cholesterol is precursor in the iogenesis of (A) Vit min A (C) Vit min E
(B) Vit min D (D) None of these
302. This vit min is potent ntioxid nt of vit min A: (A) Vit min C (C) Vit mi
n K (B) Vit min E (D) Vit min D

293. One of the m in functions of Vit min K is cof ctor for (A) C r oxyl te for
the form tion of γ carboxylutamate (B) Methylation of δ-a enosyl methionine (C) Car
boxylation of biotin
 (D)One carbon transfer by tetrahy rofolate 294. Prothrombi
n time is prolonge by a ministering (A) Vitamin K (C) Calcium (B) Dicoumarol (D
) Prothrombin
303. In retinal rickets, the following hy roxylation of Vitamin D3 oes not take
place: (A) 25 (C) 24 (B) 1 (D) 7

304. The following oes not have phosphorous: (A) Riboflavin (C) NAD+ (B) TPP (D

295. This vitamin acts as antioxi ant. (A) Vitamin A (C) Vitamin E (B) Vitamin D
(D) Vitamin K
305. Convulsions an elirium coul be cause by a severe eficiency of (A) Thia
mine (C) Niacin (B) Glutamate (D) Magnesium
296. This is a photo-labile vitamin. (A) Thiamine (C) Niacin (B) Riboflavin (D)
306. Rice polishings contain this vitamin: (A) Riboflavin (C) Thiamine (B) Niaci
n (D) Vitamin B12
307. In
 beri berithere will be accumulation of _______ in bloo . (A) Aceto acet
ic aci (B) β-OH utyric acid (C) Pyruvic acid (D) Methyl malonic acid 308. Sympto
ms of pellagra are (A) (B) (C) (D) Dermatitis and diarrhea only Dermatitis and d
ementia only Diarrhea, dermatitis and dementia Diarrhea and elements only
316. Taurinuria may e encountered in (A) Permicious anemia (B) Beri eri (C) Pel

legra (D) Folate deficiency 317. The three vitamins hich are specially required

for proper nerve functions are acid: (A) (B) (C)
 (D) Thiamine, niacin and ri of
lavin Thiamine, folic acid, choline Thiamine, ri oflavin, patothenic acid Thiami
ne, pyridoxin, vitamin B12 (B) Milk (D) Lemon

309. Pyridoxine deficiency leads to (A) (B) (C) (D) Megalo lastic anemia Aplasti
c anemia Hypochromic microcytic anemia Permicious anemia
318. This is a rich source for vitamin C. (A) Rice (C) Egg
319. The folloing vitamin is involved in coenzyme function in transaminations:
(A) Nicotinamide (C) Thiamine (B) Pyridoxine (D) Ri oflavin

310. The significant ocular lesion in ar o flovinosis: (A) (B) (C) (D) Keratomal
acia Bitot’s spots Vascularisation of the cornea lachrymal metaplasia
320. Methyl malonic aciduriais seen in the deficiency of (A) Vitamin B6 (C) Thi
amine (A) Rickets (C) Night lindness (B) Folic acid (D) Vitamin B12 (B) Scurvy
(D) All of these
311. Irradiation of foods raises the content of (A) Vitamin A (C) Vitamin E (B)
Vitamin D (D) Vitamin K
321. Deficiency of Vitamin C leads to
312. An anti-vitamin for folic acidis (A) Amethoptesin(C) Pyrithoamine 313.
ymine is (A)
 (B) (C) (D) Water solu le vitamin Fat solu le vitamin Purine ase P
yrimidine ase (B) Dicoumarol (D) Isoniazid
322. If no primer DNA as given,
 the folloing scientist could not have synthesi
zed DNA. (A) Ochoa (C) Korn erg (A) Vitamin B1 (C) Vitamin E (B) Okazaki (D) Mon
od (B) Vitamin B2 (D) Vitamin K
323. Antisterility vitamin is

314. The anti-vitamin for para amino enzoic acid is (A) Aminopterrin (C) INH (B
) Dicoumarol (D) Sulphonamides
324. All the folloing vitamins give rise to cofactors that are phosphorylated i
n the active form except (A) Vitamin A (C) Vitamin D (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Vitamin
B1 (D) Vitamin E
315. The sulphur-containing
 vitamins among the folloing B-Vitamin is (A) Thiami
ne (C) Niacin (B) Ri oflavin (D) Pyridoxine
325. Molecular Iron, Fe, is Stored in the ody in com ination
 ith Ferritin Stor
ed primarily
 in the spleen Excreted in the urine as Fe2+ a sor ed in the intesti
ne y al umin
326. Humans mosteasily tolerate a lack of hich of the folloing nutrients? (A)
Protein (C) Car ohydrate (B) Iodine (D) Lipid
335. Vitamins that function as dinucleotide derivatives include all the folloin
g except (A) Thiamine (C) Nicotinate (B) Niacin (D) Vitamin B2

327. A deficiency of vitamin B12 causes (A) Cheliosis (B) Beri eri (C) Perniciou
s anemia
 (D) Scurvy 328. In adults a severe deficiency of vitamin D causes (A) N
ight lindness (C) Rickets (B) Osteomalacia (D) Skin cancer
336. Methyl malonic aciduria is seen in a deficiency of (A) Vitamin B6 (C) Thiam
ine (B) Folic acid (D) Vitamin B12

337. What is the disease
 caused y thiamine deficiency? (A) Nyctalopia (C) Ricke
ts (B) Scurvy (D) Beri eri

329. Which of the folloing vitamins ould most likely ecome deficient in a per

son ho develops a completely carnivorous life style? (A) Thiamine (C) Co alamin
e (B) Niacin (D) Vitamin C
338. Retinol
 and Retinol inding protein are ound ith this protein: (A) Al umi
n (C) α-glo ulin (B) Pre l umin (D) β-glo ulin
330. Which of the following st tements reg rding Vit min A is true? (A) (B) (C)
(D) It is not n essenti l Vit min It is rel ted to tocopherol It is component
of rhodopsin It is lso known s Opsin
339. Meg lo l stic nemi is c used y the deficiency of (A) Folic cid (C) Iron
(B) Vit min B6 (D) Protein
340. This vit min cts s nti oxid nt. (A) Vit min A (C) Vit min E 341. C lcitr
iol is (A) (B) (C) (D) 1-hydroxy cholec lciferol 25-hydroxy cholec lciferol 24,
25-dihydroxy cholec lciferol 1, 25-dihydroxy cholec lciferol (B) Vit min D (D) V
it min K

331. Fully ctiv ted pyruv te c r oxyl se depends upon the presence of (A) (B) (
C) (D) M l te nd Ni cin
 Acetyl CoA nd iotin Acetyl CoA nd thi mine pyrophosp
h te Ox lo cet te nd iotin
332. P ntothenic
 cid is constituent of coenzyme involved in (A) Acetyl tion (
B) Dec r oxyl tion (C) Dehydrogen tion (D) Oxid tion 333. Biotin is involved
which ofthe following types of re ctions? (A) Hydroxyl tion (C) Dec r oxyl tion
(B) C r oxyl tion (D) De min tion
342. 1-hydroxyl tion of 25-hydroxy Vit min D3 t kes pl ce in (A) Liver (C) Intes
tine (B) Kidneys (D) P ncre s
343. 25-hydroxyl tion of Vit min D3 t kes pl ce in (A) Liver (C) Intestines (B)
Kidneys (D) P ncre s

334. Which of the following vit mins
 is the precurssor of CoA? (A) Ri ofl vin (C
) Thi mine (B) P ntothen te (D) Co mide

344. Hydroxyl tion
 of 25-hydroxy cholec lciferol is promoted y (A) Cytochrome A
(C) Cytochrome (B) P nthyroid hormone (D) cAMP
345. The egg injury f ctor in r w egg white is (A) Biotin (C) Al umin (A) (B) (C
) (D) (B) Avidin (D) C lcium s lts
356. Isonicotinic cid hydr zide given in the tre tment of tu erculosis m y le d
to deficiency of (A) Vit min A (C) Fol te (A) Vit min A (C) Vit min D (A) (B)
(C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Pyridoxin (D) Inositol (B) Vit min C (D) None of th
346. The following
 h s cy nide: Vit min B12 Adenyl co mide Benzimid zole co mi
de Methyl co mide
357. Steroid l prohormone is

347. The hum n species c n iosynthesize (A) Vit min C (C) Thi mine (A) Rhodopsi
n (C) Retinol (B) Vit min B12 (D) Ni cin (B) Opsin (D) M l nin

358. A deficiency of fol te le ds to Meg lo l stic
 nemi Apl stic nemi Pernic
ious nemi Hypochromic microcytic nemi Meg lo l stic nemi Apl stic nemi P
ernicious nemi Hypochromic microcytic nemi (B) Vit min B12 (D) Vit min B1
348. Retin cont ins this photo sensitive pigment.
359. Deficiency of Iron le ds to
349. Antixerophth lmic vit min is (A) Vit min B1 (C) Vit min B6 (B) Vit min B2 (
D) Vit min A
350. One of the following is not symptom of Addison’s dise se: (A) Hypoglycemi (C
) Hypok lemi (A) Thi mine (C) Pyridoxin (B) Hypon tremi (D) Hypochloremi (B)
Ri ofl vin (D) Inositol
360. Corrinoid coenzymes re coenzymes of (A) Vit min B6 (C) Vit min B2

351. G mm xine is n ntimet olite of

 Vit min B12 initi lly inds
 to the proteins known s (A) (B) (C) (D) Tr nsc
o l min I R-proteins Tr nsco l min II Intrinsic f ctor of c stle (B) Glycoprot
ein (D) Sigm protein (B) Glycoprotein (D) Sigm protein (B) D ngerous (D) Idiop
352. Pyridoxine deficiency m y le d to convulsions s it is needed for the synth
esis of (A) GABA (C) EFA (B) PABA (D) SAM
362. Extrinsic f ctor of c stle is (A) Vit min B12 (C) R-proteins (A) Vit min B1
2 (C) R-proteins 364. Pernicious me ns (A) Prolonged (C) Intermittent

353. Sulph drugs re ntimet olites of (A) PABA (C) Vit min B2 (B) Pyridoxin (
D) P ntothenic cid
363. Intrinsic f ctor of c stle is
354. This norm l met olite m y e responsi le for the neurologic l m nifest t
ion of pernicious nemi . (B) Methyl m lonic cid (A) T urine (C) X nthurenic c
id (D) Phenyl pyruvic cid 355. Choline is not required for the form tion of (A)
Lecithins (C) Sphingomyelin (B) Acetyl choline (D) Cholic cid
365. Reduction of D-ri onucleotides to
 D-deoxy ri onucleotides
 in prok ryotes re
quires (A) (B) (C) (D) 5, 6 dimethyl enzimind zole co mide Thiredoxin Tetr hy

dro iopterin Tetr hydrofol te
366. Antir chitic vit min is (A) Vit min A (C) Vit min E (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Vit
min D (D) Vit min K
376. Cholesterol is precursor in the iogenesis of (A) Vit min A (C) Vit min E
(B) Vit min D (D) None of these

367. Angul r stom titis is due to Ari ofl vinosis Deficiency of Vit min C Defici
ency of Vit min B1 Deficiency of fol te
377. Which of the vit mins is potent ntioxid nt of Vit min A? (A) Vit min C (
C) Vit min K (B) Vit min E (D) Vit min D

368. One of the m in functions of Vit min K is the cof ctor for (A) C r oxyl se

for the form tion of γ carboxy lutamate (B) Methylation by S adenosyl methionine
(C) Carboxylation by biotin (D) One carbon transfer by tetra hydrofolate 369. P
rothrombin time is proloned by administerin (A) Vitamin K (C) Calcium (A) Vita
min A (C) Vitamin E (A) Thiamine (C) Niacin (B) Dicoumarol (D) Prothrombin (B) V
itamin D (D) Vitamin K (B) Riboflavin (D) Cholecalciferol
378. In renal rickets, the followin hydroxylation of Vitamin D3 does not take p
lace: (A) 25 (C) 24 (B) 1 (D) 7
379. Which of the followin does not have phosphorous? (A) Riboflavin (C) NAD+ (
380. Rice polishins contain whcih of the followin Vitamin? (A) Riboflavin (C)
Thiamine (B) Niacin (D) Vitamin B12
370. This Vitamin acts as antioxidant:
371. This is photo labile vitamin:
381. In beri beri there will be accumulation of _________ in blood. (A) (B) (C)
(D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Aceto acetic acid β−hydroxy butyric acid Pyruvic
acid Methyl malonic acid Dermatitis and diarrhea only Dermatitis and Dermentia
only Diarrhea and dermentia only Diarrhea, Dermatitis and dementia Mealoblastic
anemia Aplastic anemia Hypochromic microcytic anemia Pernicious anemia
372. Convulsive episodes occur when there is a severe deficiency of: (A) Pyridox
ine (C) Thiamine (B) Folic acid (D) Riboflavin
382. Symptoms of pellara are
373. Metastatic calcification is seen in hypervitaminosis: (A) A (C) D (B) K (D)
383. Pyridoxine deficiency leads to
374. The anti vitamin for para amino benzoic acid is (A) Aminopterin (C) Sulphan
omides (B) Dicoumasol (D) Thiopamic acid
375. Severe patothemic acid deficiency in man has been reported to cause (A) (B)
(C) (D) Burnin feet syndrome Scurvy Cataract Xeropththalmia
384. The sinificant ocular lesion in a riboflavinosis is (A) (B) (C) (D) Kerato
malacia Bitot’s spots Vascularisation of the cornea Lachrynal metaplasia
385. An anti vitamin for folic acid is (A) Aminopterin (C) Pyrithiamine 386. Thi
amine is (A) (B) (C) (D) Water soluble vitamin Fat soluble vitamin Purine base P
yrimidine base (B) Dicoumarol (D) Isoniazid
395. Anti sterility Vitamin is (A) Vitamin B1 (C) Vitamin E (B) Vitamin B2 (D) V
itamin K
396. Biotin deficiency is characterized by the followin except (A) Muscular pai
n (C) Nausea (A) Beri beri (C) Niht blindness (A) Rickets (C) Xeropthalmia (A)
A (C) C (A) Mitochondria (C) Lysosomes (B) Anaemia (D) Dermatitis (B) Scurvy (D)
Rickets (B) Osteomalacia (D) Both (A) and (B) (B) B complex (D) E (B) Microtubu
les (D) E.R
397. Deficiency of thiamine causes
387. The anti vitamin for para amino benzoic acid is (A) Aminopterin (C) INH (B)
Dicoumarol (D) Sulphanomides
398. Deficiency of Vitamin D leads to
388. The sulphur containin vitamins amon the followin B Vitamin is (A) Thiami
ne (C) Niacin (B) Riboflavin (D) Pyridoxine
399. The vitamin that is useful in cancer is
389. Taurinuria may be encountered in (A) Pernicious anemia (B) Beriberi (C) Pel
lera (D) Folate deficiency 390. The three vitamins which are specially required
for proper nerve functions are (A) (B) (C) (D) Thiamine, Niacin and Riboflavin
Thiamin, Folic acid, Choline Thiamine, Riboflavin, Pantothenic acid Thiamine, Py
ridoxin, Vitamin B12 (B) Milk (D) Lemon
400. Vitamin A over dosae causes injury to
401. Which is a pro vitamin or vitamin that has antioxidant properties? (A) Beta
carotene (C) Vitamin C (B) Vitamin E (D) Vitamin D
402. The vitamin required for carboxylation reaction is (A) Vitamin B2 (C) Bioti
n (B) Vitamin B6 (D) Vitamin B12
391. This is a rich source for Vitamin C: (A) Rice (C) E
392. Which ot the followin vitamin is involved in coenzyme function in transami
nations? (A) Nicotinamide (C) Thiamine (B) Pyridoxine (D) Riboflavin
403. Bioloical activity of tocopherols has been attributed in part to their act
ion as (A) (B) (C) (D) Antioxidant Anticoaulents Provitamin Carriers in electro
n transport system (B) Carboxylation (D) Transamination
393. Methyl malonic aciduria is seen in a deficiency of (A) Vitamin B6 (C) Thiam
ine (B) Folic acid (D) Vitamin B12
404. Biotin is essential for (A) Translation (C) Hydroxylation
394. In pernicious anemia, Urine contains hih amounts of (A) Methyl malonic aci
d (B) FIGLU (C) VMA (D) 5 HIAA
405. Which of the followin vitamin act as a respiratory catalyst? (A) B2 (C) B
12 (B) Pyridoxine (D) C
406. Metal in Vitamin B12 is (A) Copper (C) Iron (B) Cobalt (D) Zinc
416. Durin deficiency of thiamine the concentration of the followin compound r
ises in blood and intracellular fluid: (A) Glycoen (C) Amino acids (B) Suar (D
) Pyruvic acid
407. Whole wheat is an excellent source of (A) Vitamin D (C) Vitamin A (B) Vitam
in C (D) Thiamine
417. The conversion of carotenoids to Vitamin A takes place in (A) Intestine (C)
Kidney (B) Liver (D) Skin
408. Vitamin used in the treatment of homocystinuria is (A) B1 (C) B 12 (B) B5 (
D) B6
418. Man cannot synthesize vitamin: (A) A (C) C (B) B (D) D
409. Which of the followin is not a component of coenzyme A? (A) Pantothenic ac
id (C) Acetic acid (B) Adenylic acid (D) Sulfhydryl roup
419. Vitamin A is required for the formation of a liht receptor protein known a
s (A) Globulin (C) Chomoprotein (B) Lypoprotein (D) Rhodospin
410. The most active form of Vitamin D is (A) 25 Hydroxycholecalciferol (B) 1, 2
5 dihydroxycholecalciferol (C) 25 dihydroxyerocalciferol (D) None of these 411.
The important part in the structure of flavoprotein is (A) Vitamin B6 (C) Vitam
in B1 (A) B1 (C) B6 (B) Vitamin B2 (D) Vitamin A
420. Excessive vitamin A in children produces (A) Irritability (C) Headache (B)
Anorexia (D) All of these
421. Tocopherols prevent the oxidation of (A) Vitamin A (C) Vitamin K (B) Vitami
n D (D) Vitamin C
412. Vitamin essential for transamination is (B) B2 (D) B 12
422. Vitamin K reulates the synthesis of blood clottin factors. (A) VII (C) X
(A) Pale yellow (C) Brown (B) IX (D) All of these (B) Pink (D) Briht red
423. The colour of cyanomethmolobin is
413. The action of Vitamin K in formation of clottin factor is throuh (A) (B)
(C) (D) Post transcription Post translation Goli complex Endoplasmic reticulum
424. Transketolase activity is affected in (A) (B) (C) (D) Bitoin deficiency Pyr
idoxine deficiency PABA deficiency Thiamine deficiency
414. Vitamin necessary for CoA synthesis: (A) Pantothenic acid (B) Vitamin C (D)
B 12 (C) B6 415. Cofactor for transamination is (A) Thymine (C) Pyridoxine (B)
Riboflavin (D) Niacin
425. The hydrolysis of lucose 6 PO4 is catalyzed by a phosphatase that is not f
ound in which of the followin? (A) Liver (C) Muscle (B) Kidney (D) Small intest
426. Vitamin K2 was oriinally isolated from (A) Soyabean (C) Alfa alfa (B) Putr
id fishmeal (D) Oysters (A) Thiamine (C) Folic acid
(B) Riboflavine (D) Nicotininic acid
427. The followin form of vitamin A is used in the visual cycle: (A) Retinol (C
) Retinaldehyde (B) Retinoic acid (D) Retinyl acetate
430. The deficiency of which one of the followin vitamin causes creatinuria? (A
) Vitamin E (C) Vitamin A (B) Vitamin K (D) Vitamin B6
428. Increased carbohydrate consumption increases the dietary requirement for (A
) Thiamine (C) Pyridoxine (B) Riboflavine (D) Folic acid
431. A biochemical indication of vitamin B12 deficiency can be obtained by measu
rin the urinary excretion of (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyruvic acid Malic acid Methyl mal
onic acid Urocanic acid
429. Increased protein intake is accompanied by an increased dietary requirement
1. A 7. D 13. A 19. A 25. C 31. D 37. C 43. A 49. B 55. D 61. B 67. B 73. C 79.
C 85. C 91. A 97. C 103. D 109. A 115. A 121. C 127. A 133. D 139. C 145. C 151.
C 157. A 163. C 169. A 175. D 181. D 187. D 193. C 199. B 205. A 211. C 217. D
223. B 229. B 235. B 241. B 2. B 8. A 14. D 20. A 26. A 32. A 38. B 44. A 50. A
56. B 62. B 68. C 74. B 80. D 86. A 92. A 98. D 104. C 110. D 116. D 122. A 128.
A 134. C 140. B 146. D 152. D 158. D 164. A 170. B 176. B 182. D 188. C 194. D
200. C 206. C 212. A 218. C 224. D 230. C 236. C 242. B 3. A 9. D 15. B 21. B 27
. A 33. C 39. A 45. B 51. D 57. C 63. B 69. D 75. C 81. A 87. C 93. D 99. C 105.
C 111. A 117. D 123. D 129. C 135. D 141. B 147. D 153. B 159. D 165. D 171. C
177. D 183. B 189. D 195. D 201. C 207. D 213. C 219. D 225. D 231. B 237. B 243
. C 4. A 10. A 16. C 22. D 28. A 34. C 40. D 46. C 52. C 58. A 64. B 70. A 76. A
82. D 88. A 94. A 100. B 106. B 112. D 118. C 124. D 130. D 136. D 142. B 148.
B 154. D 160. D 166. C 172. B 178. B 184. A 190. C 196. C 202. D 208. D 214. D 2
20. D 226. C 232. A 238. D 244. C 5. A 11. B 17. A 23. A 29. C 35. B 41. D 47. A
53. C 59. A 65. A 71. A 77. A 83. C 89. D 95. A 101. B 107. C 113. B 119. C 125
. C 131. A 137. B 143. D 149. D 155. C 161. C 167. C 173. D 179. A 185. B 191. C
197. B 203. A 209. B 215. A 221. A 227. A 233. D 239. C 245. A 6. A 12. B 18. A
24. C 30. A 36. A 42. D 48. C 54. C 60. D 66.A 72. C 78. A 84. A 90. C 96. A 10
2. B 108. D 114. D 120. B 126. C 132. A 138. C 144. D 150. A 156. D 162. C 168.
D 174. B 180. A 186. C 192. B 198. B 204. C 210. C 216. D 222. D 228. A 234. D 2
40. B 246. C
247. D 253. B 259. A 265. C 271. A 277. A 283. B 289. B 295. B 301. A 307. C 313
. D 319. B 325. A 331. B 337. D 343. A 349. D 355. D 361. B 367. A 373.C 379. A
385. A 391. D 397. A 403. B 409. C 415. C 421. A 427. C 248. A 254. D 260. B 266
. D 272. D 278. C 284. A 290. B 296. C 302. B 308. C 314. D 320. D 326. C 332. A
338. B 344. B 350. C 356. B 362. A 368. A 374. C 380. C 386. D 392. B 398. D 40
4. B 410. A 416. D 422. D 428. A 249. B 255. C 261. D 267. B 273. A 279. A 285.
D 291. A 297. B 303. B 309. C 315. A 321. C 327. C 333. B 339. A 345. B 351. D 3
57. C 363. B 369. B 375. A 381. C 387. D 393. D 399. A 405. A 411. B 417. A 423.
D 429. A 250. C 256. B 262. D 268. A 274. D 280. D 286. B 292. B 298. A 304. A
310. B 316. A 322. C 328. B 334. B 340. D 346. A 352. A 358. A 364. B 370. C 376
. B 382. D 388. A 394. A 400. C 406. B 412. C 418. C 424. D 430. C
251. D 257. C 263. B 269. B 275. C 281. D 287. B 293. A 299. C 305. D 311. C 317
. D 323. C 329. D 335. A 341. D 347. D 353. A 359. D 365. A 371. B 377. B 383. C
389. A 395. C 401. B 407. D 413. B 419. D 425. C 431. C 252. C 258. C 264. A 27
0. B 276. D 282. B 288. A 294. A 300. C 306. D 312. A 318. D 324. B 330. C 336.
D 342. B 348. A 354. B 360. B 366. B 372. A 378. B 384. C 390. D 396. B 402. C 4
08. D 414. A 420. D 426. B
250. C The liver can store up to six years worth of vitamin B12, hence deficienc
ies in this vitamin are rare. Penicious anemia is a mealoblastic anemia resulti
n from vitamin B12 deficiency that develops as a result a lack of intrinsic fac
tor in the stomach leadin to malabsorption of the vitamin. Biotin is also calle
d anti e white injury factor because, e white contains a protein called avid
in, which combines with biotin in the intestinal tract and prevents absorption o
f biotin from intestines. Deficiency in Vitamin C leads to the disease scurvy du
e to the role of the vitamin in the posttranslational modification of collaens.
Scurvy is characterized by easily bruised skin, muscle fatiue, soft swollen u
ms, decreased wound healin and hemorrain, osteoporosis and anemia. Vitamin D
is a steroid prohormone. It is represented by steroids that occur in animals, pl
ants and yeast. Active form of the hormone is 1, 25 dihydroxy vitamin D3 (1, 25 
(OH)2D3, also termed calcitriol). Calcitriol functions primarily to reulate cal
cium and phosphorous homeostasis. The main symptom of vitamin D deficiency in ch
ildren is rickets and in adults is osteomalacia. Rickets is characterized by imp
roper mineralization durin the development of the bones resultin in soft bones
. Osteomalacia is characterized by demineralization of previously formed bone le
adin to increased softness and susceptibility to fracture.
7. D The four fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are soluble in fats, oils and fa
t solvents (alcohol, acetone etc.). Their occurrence in the diet, absorption and
transport are associated with fat. All the fat soluble vitamins contain one or
more of isoprene units (5 carbon units). They can be stored in liver and adipose
tissue. Vitamin A is essential to maintain healthy epithelial tissues and prope
r immunity. Retinol and retinoic acid functions like steroid hormones. They reu
late protein synthesis and thus are involved in cell rowth and differentiation.
βCarotene functions as an antioxidant and reduces the risk for heart attack, canc
ers etc. The recommended dietary alloances for vitamin D is around 400 I.U. In
countries ith good sunlight (like India), it is much loer. i.e., 200 I.U. The
good sources include fatty fish, fish liver oils, egg yolk. The earliest symptom
s of thiamin deficiency include constipation, appetite suppression, nausea as e
ll as mental depression, peripheral neuropathy and fatigue. Chronic thiamin defi
ciency leads to more severe neurological symptoms including ataxia, mental confu
sion and loss of eye coordination. Other clinical symptoms of prolonged thiamin
deficiency are related to cardiovascular
 and muscular defects. The severe thiami
n deficiency disease is knon as Beri eri.Ri oflavin
 deficiency is often seen i
n chronic
 alcoholics due to their poor dia etic
 ha its. Symptoms associated ith
ri oflavin deficiency
 include, glossitis, se orrhea, angular stomatitis,
sis and photopho ia. Ri oflavin decomposes hen exposed to visi le light. Pyrido
xal, pyridoxamine and pyridoxine are collectively
 knon as vitamin B6. All three
compounds are efficiently converted to the iologically  active form of vitamin
B6, pyridoxal phosphate. This conversion is catalyzed y the ATP requiring enzym
e, pyridoxal kinase. Isoniazid (anti-tu erculosis drug) and penicillamine (used
to treat rheumatoid arthritis and cystinurias) are to drugs that complex ith p
yridoxal and pyridoxal phosphate resulting in a deficiency in this vitamin.
291. A
40. D
321. B
77. A
357. C
110. D
398. D
149. D
187. D
217. D

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1. The compound hich has the loest density is (A) Chylomicron (C) α-Lipoprotein
(B) β-Lipoprotein (D) pre β-Lipoprotein

7. Kr e’s dise se is due to the deficiency of the enzyme: (A) Cermide l ctosid
se (B) Cer mid se (C) β-G l ctosid se (D) GM1 β-G l ctosid se 8. F ry’s disese is du
e to the deficiency of the enzyme: (A) Cer mide trihexosid se
 (B) G l ctocere ro
sid se (C) Phyt nic cid oxid se (D) Sphingomyelin se 9. F r er’s dise se is due t
o the deficiency of the enzyme: (A) α-G l ctosid se (B) Cer mid se (C) β-Glucocere r
osid se (D) Arylsulph t se A. 10. A synthetic nucleotide n logue, used in org n
tr nspl nt tion s suppressor of immunologic rejection of gr fts is (A) Theop
hylline (B) Cyt r ine (C) 4-Hydroxypyr zolopyrimidine (D) 6-Merc ptopurine
2. Non steroid l nti infl mm tory drugs, such s spirin ct y inhi iting the
ctivity of the enzyme: (A) Lipoxygen se (B) Cyclooxygen se (C) Phospholip se A2
(D) Lipoprotein
 lip se 3. From r chidon te, synthesis of prost gl ndins is c t
lysed y (A) (B) (C) (D) Cyclooxygen se Lipoxygen se Throm ox ne synth se Isome
r se (B) Apo enzyme (D) All of these
4. A Holoenzyme is (A) Function l unit (C) Coenzyme
5. G ucher’s dise se is due to the deficiency of the enzyme: (A) α-Fucosid se (C) β-Gl
ucosid se (B) β-G l ctosid se (D) Sphingomyelin se
6. Neim nn-Pick dise se is due to the deficiency of the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D)
Hexos minid se A nd B Cer mid se Cer mide l ctosid se Sphingomyelin se
11. Ex mple of n extr cellul r enzyme is (A) L ct te dehydrogen se (B) Cytochro
me oxid se (C) P ncre tic lip se (D) Hexokin se 12. Enzymes, which re produced
in in ctive form in the living cells, re c lled (A) P p in (C) Apoenzymes (B) L
ysozymes (D) Proenzymes
18. From the Linewe ver-Burk plot of Mich elis-Menten
 equ tion, Km nd Vm x c n
e determined when V is the re ction velocity t su str te concentr tion S, the
X- xis experiment l d t re expressed s (A) 1/V (C) 1/S (B) V (D) S
13. An ex mple of lig ses is (A) Succin te thiokin se (B) Al nine r cem se (C) F
um r se (D) Aldol se 14 An ex mple of ly ses is (A) Glut mine synthet se (B) Fum
r se (C) Cholinester se (D) Amyl se 15. Activ tion or in ctiv tion of cert in k
ey regul tory enzymes is ccomplished y cov lent modific tion of the mino cid
: (A) Tyrosine (C) Lysine (B) Phenyl l nine (D) Serine

19. A sigmoid l plot of su str te concentr tion ([S]) verses rection velocity (
V) m y indic
 te (A) Mich elis-Menten kinetics
 (B) Co-oper tive inding (C) Compe
titive inhi ition (D)Non-competitive inhi ition 20. The Km of the enzyme giving
the kinetic d t s elow is (A) –0.50 (C) +0.25 (B) –0.25 (D) +0.33

21. The kinetic effect of purely competitive inhi itor of n enzyme (A) Incre se
s Km without ffecting Vm x (B) Decre ses Km without ffecting Vm x (C) Incre se
s Vm x without ffecting
 Km (D) Decre ses Vm x without ffecting Km 22. If curve
X in the gr
 ph ( elow) represents no inhi ition for the re ction
 of the enzyme
with its su str tes, the curve representing the competitive inhi ition, of the s
me re ction is (A) A (C) C (B) B (D) D
16. The enzyme which
 c n dd w terto c r on-c  r on dou le ond or remove w te
r to cre te dou le ond without re king the ond is (A) Hydr t se (C) Hydrol
se (B) Hydroxyl se (D) Ester se
17. Fischer’s ‘lock nd key’ model of the enzyme ction implies th t (A) The ctive si
te is complement ry in sh pe to th t of su st nce only
 fter inter ction. (B) Th
e ctive site is complement ry in sh pe to th t of su st nce (C) Su str tes ch n
ge conform tion prior
 to ctive site inter ction (D) The ctive site is flexi le
nd djusts to su str te

23. An inducer is sent in the type of enzyme: (A) Allosteric enzyme (B) Consti

tutive enzyme
 (C) Co-oper tive enzyme (D) Isoenzymic enzyme 24. A demonstr le i
nducer is sent in (A) Allosteric enzyme (B) Constitutive enzyme (C) Inhi ited
enzyme (D) Co-oper tive enzyme
25. In reversi le non-competitive enzyme ctivity inhi ition (A) (B) (C) (D) Vm
x is incre sed Km is incre sed Km is decre sed Concentr tion of ctive enzyme is
32. An enzyme c t lyzing oxidoreduction, using oxygen s hydrogen cceptor is (A
) (B) (C) (D) Cytochrome oxid se L ct te dehydrogen se M l te dehydrogen se Succ
in te dehydrogen se
26. In reversi lenon-competitive
 enzyme ctivity
 inhi ition (A) Inhi itor e rs
 l resem l nce to su str te (B) Inhi itor lowers the m ximum velocity
tt in le with given mount of enzyme(C) Km is incre sed (D) Km is decre  sed
27. In competitive
 enzyme ctivity
 inhi ition (A)
 The structure of inhi itor gen
er lly resem les th t of the su
 str te (B) Inhi itor decre ses pp rent Km (C) K
m rem ins un ffective (E) Inhi itor decre ses Vm x without ffecting Km 28. Ine
nzyme kinetics Vm x reflects (A) (B) (C) (D) The mount of n ctive enzyme Su s
tr te concentr tion H lf the su str te concentr tion Enzyme su str te complex

33. The enzyme using some other su st nce, not oxygen s hydrogen cceptor is (A
) (B) (C) (D) Tyrosin se Succin te dehydrogen se Uric se Cytochrome oxid se

34. An enzyme which uses hydrogen cceptor s su str te is (A) (B) (C) (D) X nth
ine oxid se Aldehyde oxid se C t l se Tryptoph n oxygen se

35. Enzyme involved in joining together two su str tes is (A) (B) (C) (D) Glut m
ine synthet se Aldol se Gun ine de min se Argin se
36. The pH optim of most of the enzymes is (A) Between 2 nd 4 (B)Between 5 n
d 9 (C) Between 8 nd 12(D) A ove 12 37. Coenzymes
 re (A) He t st le, di lyz
le, non protein org nic molecules (B) Solu le, colloid l, protein molecules (C)
Structur l n logue of enzymes (D) Different forms of enzymes 38. An ex mple of
hydrogen tr nsferring coenzyme is (A) CoA (C) Biotin (B) NAD+ (D) TPP

29. In enzyme kinetics Km implies (A) The su str te concentr
 tion th t gives one
h lf Vm x (B) The dissoc tion const ntfor the enzyme su str te comples (C) Con
centr tion of enzyme (D) H lf of the su str te concentr tion required to chieve
Vm x 30. In competitive enzyme ctivity inhi ition (A) (B) (C) (D) App rent Km
is decre sed App rent Km is incre sed Vm x is incre sed Vm x is decre sed
31. In non competitive enzyme ctivity inhi ition, inhi itor (A) Incre ses Km (B
) Decre ses Km (C) Does not effect Km (D) Incre ses Km
39. An ex mple of group tr nsferring coenzyme is (A) NAD+ (C) FAD (B) NADP+ (D)
40. Coc r oxyl se is (A) (B) (C) (D) Thi mine pyrophosph te Pyridox l phosph te
Biotin CoA
48. The norm l serum GOT ctivity r nges from (A) 3.0–15.0 IU/L (C) 4.0–60.0 IU/L (B
) 4.0–17.0 IU/L (D) 0.9–4.0 IU/L
49. The norm l GPT ctivity r nges from (A) 60.0–250.0 IU/L (B) 4.0–17.0 IU/L (C) 3.
0–15.0 IU/L (D) 0.1–14.0 IU/L 50. The norm l serum cid phosph t se ctivity r nges
from (A) (B) (C) (D) 5.0–13.0 KA units/100 ml 1.0–5.0 KA units/100 ml 13.0–18.0 KA uni
ts/100 ml 0.2–0.8 KA units/100 ml
41. A coenzyme cont ining non rom tic hetero ring is (A) ATP (C) FMN (B) NAD (D
) Biotin
42. A coenzyme cont ining rom tic hetero ring is (A) TPP (C) Coenzyme Q 43. Iso
enzymes re (A) Chemic lly, immunologic lly nd electrophoretic lly different fo
rms of n enzyme (B) Different forms of n enzyme simil r in ll properties (C)
C t lysing different re ctions
 (D) H ving the s me qu tern ry structures like th
e enzymes 44. Isoenzymes c n e ch r cterized y (A) Proteins l cking enzym tic
ctivity th t re necess ry for the ctiv tion of enzymes (B) Proteolytic enzyme
s ctiv ted y hydrolysis (C) Enzymes with identic l prim ry structure (D) Simil
r enzymes th t c t lyse different re ction 45. The isoenzymes of LDH (A) Differ
only in single mino cid (B) Differ in c t lytic ctivity (C) Exist in 5 for
ms depending on M nd H monomer
 contents (D) Occur s monomers 46. The norm l v
lue of CPK in serum v ries etween (A) 4–60 IU/L (C) 4–17 IU/L (B) 60–250 IU/L (D) > 3
50 IU/L (B) Lipoic cid (D) Biotin
51. The norm l serum lk line phosph t se ctivity r nges from (A) (B) (C) (D) 1
.0–5.0 KA units/100 ml 5.0–13.0 KA units/100 ml 0.8–2.3 KA units/100 ml 13.0–21.0 KA uni
ts/100 ml
52. In e rly st ges of myoc rdi l ischemi the most sensitive indic tor is the m
e surement of the ctivity of (A) CPK (C) SGOT (B) SGPT (D) LDH
53. Serum cid phosph t se level incre ses in (A) (B) (C) (D) Met st tic c rcino
m of prost te Myoc rdi l inf rction Wilson’s dise se Liver dise ses
54. Serum lk line phosph t se level incre ses in (A) (B) (C) (D) Hypothyroidism
C rcinom of prost te Hyperp r thyroidism Myoc rdi l ischemi
55. Serum lip se level incre
 ses in (A) P get’s dise se (B) G ucher’s dise se (C) Ac
ute p ncre titis (D) Di etes mellitus 56. Serum ferroxid se level decre ses in
(A) G ucher’s dise se (B) Cirrhosis of liver (C) Acute p ncre titis (D) Wilson’s dis
e se
47. F ctors ffecting enzyme ctivity: (A) Concentr tion (C) Temper ture (B) pH
(D) All of these
57. The isoenzymes LDH5 is elev ted in (A) (B) (C) (D) Myoc rdi l inf rction Pep
tic ulcer Liver dise se Infectious dise ses
65. The pH optim for s liv ry n lyse is (A) 6.6–6.8 (C) 7.9 (A) 4.0 (C) 7.9 (A)
5.0–7.0 (C) 5.4–6.0 (A) 1.0–2.0 (C) 5.8–6.2 (A) 1.0-2.0 (C) 5.0–7.0 (A) C ne sug r (C) L c
tose (B) 2.0–7.5 (D) 8.6 (B) 7.1 (D) 8.6
 (B) 5.8–6.2 (D) 8.6 (B) 5.2–6.0 (D) 5.4–6.0 (B)
5.4–6.0 (D) 5.8–6.2 (B) St rch (D) Ri ose
66. The pH optim for p ncre tic n lyse is
58. On the third d y of onset of cute myoc rdi l inf rction the enzyme elev ted
is (A) Serum AST (C) Serum LDH (B) Serum CK (D) Serum ALT
67. The pH optim for sucr se is
59. LDH1 nd LDH2 re elev ted in (A) (B) (C) (D) Myoc rdi l inf rction Liver di
se se Kidney dise se Br in dise se
68. The pH optim for m lt se is
69. The pH optim for l ct se is
60. The CK isoenzymes present in c rdi c muscle is (A) BB nd MB (C) BB only (B)
MM nd MB (D) MB only

70. The su str te for myl se is
61. In cute p ncre titis, the enzyme r ised in first five d ys is (A) (B) (C) (
D) Serum myl se Serum l ctic dehydrogen se Urin ry lip se Urin ry myl se
71. The ion
 which ctiv tes s liv ry myl se ctivity is (A) Chloride (C) Sodium
(B) Bic r on te (D) Pot ssium
72. The p ncre tic myl se ctivity is incre sed in the presence of (A) Hydrochl
oric cid (B) Bile
 s lts (C) Thiocy n te ions (D) C lcium ions 73. A c r ohydr t
e which c n not e digested in hum n gut is (A) Cellulose (C) Glycogen (B) St rc
h (D) M ltose

62. Acute p ncre titis is ch r cterised y (A) L ck of synthesis of zymogen enzy
mes (B) Continuous rele se of zymogen enzymes into the gut (C) Prem ture ctiv t
ion of zymogen enzymes (D) In ctiv tion of zymogen enzymes 63. An ex mple of fun
ction l pl sm enzyme is (A) (B) (C) (D) Lipoprotein lip se Amyl se Aminotr nsfe
r se L ct te dehydrogen se
74. The sug r sor ed y f cilit ted diffusion nd requiring N independent tr
nsporter is (A) Glucose (C) G l ctose (B) Fructose (D) Ri ose
64. A non-function l pl sm enzyme is (A) (B) (C) (D) Psudocholinester se Lipopr
otein lip se Proenzyme of lood co gul tion Lip se

75. In the intestine the r te of sorption is highest for (A) (B) (C) (D) Gluco
se nd g l ctose Fructose nd m nnose Fructose nd pentose M nnose nd pentose
76. Glucose sorption is promoted y (A) Vit min A (C) Vit min C (B) Thi min (D
) Vit min K
84. In the glycolytic p thw y, enolpyruv te is converted to ketopyruv te y (A)
Pyruv te kin se (B) Phosphoenolpyruv
 te (C) Pyruv te dehydrogen se (D) Spont neo
usly 85. In erythrocytes, 2, 3- iphosphoglycer te is derived from the intermedi
te: (A) Glyer ldehyde-3-phosph te (B) 1, 3-Biphosphoglycer te (C) 3-Phosphoglyce
r te
 (D) 2-Phosphoglycer
 te 86. 2, 3-Biphosphoglycer te in high concentr
com ines with hemoglo in, c uses (A) Displ cement of theoxyhemoglo in dissoci t
ion curve to the left (B) Displ cement of
 the oxyhemoglo in dissoci tion curve t
o the right (C) No ch nge in oxy hemoglo in dissoci tion curve (D) Incre sed ff
inity foroxygen 87. Erythrocytes under norm l conditions nd microorg nisms und
er n ero ic conditions m y ccumul te (A) (B) (C) (D) NADPH Pyruv te Phosphoeno
lpyruv te L ct te

77. The h rmone cting directly on intestin l mucos nd stimul ting glucose s
orption is (A) Insulin (C) Thyroxine (B) Gluc gon (D) V sopressin
78. Given th t the st nd rd free energy ch nge (∆G°) for the hydrolysis of ATP is ∆ –7.3
K c l/mol nd th t for the hydrolysis of Glucose 6-phosph te is –3.3 Kc l/mol, th
e ∆ G° for the phosphoryl tion of glucose is Glucose + ATP → Glucose 6– Phosph te + ADP.
(A) –10.6 Kc l/mol (C) –4.0 Kc l/mol (B) –7.3 Kc l/mol (D) +4.0 Kc l/mol
79. At low lood glucose concentr tion, r in ut not liver will t ke up glucose
. It is due to the (A) (B) (C) (D) Low
 Km of hexokin se Low Km of glucokin se Sp
ecificity of glucokin se Blood r in rrier

80. In the re ction elow, Nu TP st nds for NuTP + glucose → Glucose 6–Phosph te + N
uDP. (A) ATP (C) GTP (B) CTP (D) UTP
81. In the figures shown elow, fructose 1,6 iphosph te is loc ted t point: (A)
A (C) C (B) B (D) D

88. Enzymes le ding to the high energy phosphoryl tion of su str tes during glyc
olysis include which of the following? (A) Phosphoglycer te kin se (B) Enol se (
C) Pyruv
 te Kin se (D) Glycer ldehyde-3-phosph te dehydrogen se 89. Linewe ver – B
urk dou le reciproc l plot is rel ted to (A) Su str te concentr tion (B) Enzyme
ctivity (C) Temper ture (D) Both (A) nd (B)
82. The enzyme of the glycolic p thw y, sensitive to inhi iton y fluoride ions
is (A) Hexokin se (C) Enol se (B) Aldol se (D) Pyruv te kin se

83. In glycolytic p thw y, iod cet te inhi its the ctivity of the enzyme: (A) (
B) (C) (D) Phosphotriose isomer se Glycer ldehyde-3-phosph te dehydrogen se Pyru
v te kin se Phosphofructokin se
90. Phosphofructokin se key enzyme in glycolysis is inhi ited y (A) Citr te nd
97. Pyruv te dehydrogen se ctivity is inhi ited y (A) Mercury (C) C lcium (B)
Zinc (D) Sodium
91. One of the enzymes regul ting glycolysis is (A) Phosphofructokin se (B) Glyc
er ldehyde-3-phosph te dehydrogen se (C) Phosphotriose isomer se (D) Phosphohexo
se isomer se 92. Hexokin se is inhi ited in n llosteric m nner y (A) Glucose- 
6-Phosph te (B) Glucose-1-Phosph te (C) Fructose-6-phosph te (D) Fructose-1, 6-
iphosph te 93. A re ction which m y e considered n isomeris tion is (A) Glucos
e 6-Phosph te (B) 3-Phosphoglycer te (C) 2-phosphoglycer te pyruv te (D) Pyruv t
e L ct te fructose 6 phosph te 2-phosphoglycer te phosphoenol-
98. In the norm l resting st te of hum ns, most of the lood glucose urned s f
uel is consumed y (A) Liver (C) Muscle (B) Adipose tissue (D) Br in
99. All the enzymes
 of glycolysis p thw y re found in (A) (B) (C) (D) Extr mito
chondri l solu le fr ction of the cell Mitochondri Nucleus Endopl smic reticulu
100. Most m jor met olic p thw ys re considered m inly either n olic  or c t
olic. Which of the following p thw y is most correctly considered to e mphi o
lic? (A) Citric cid cycle (C) Lipolysis (B) Gluconeogenesis (D) Glycolysis
101. The enzymes of the citric cid cycle re loc tedin (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B)
(C) (D) Mitochondri l m trix Extr mitochondri l solu le fr ction of the cell Nu
cleus Endopl smic reticulum Conversion of pyruv te to cetyl-CoA Condens tion of
cetyl-CoA with ox lo cet
 te Conversion of citr te to isocitr te Form tion of α -
ketoglut r te c t lysed y isocitr te dehydrogen se
94. The net num er of ATP formed per mole of glucose in n ero ic glycolysis is
(A) 1 (C) 6 (B) 2 (D) 8
102. The initi l step of the citric cid cycle is
95. Pyruv te dehydrogen se multienzyme complex is required for the production
of (A) Acetyl-CoA (B) L ct te(C) Phosphoenolpyruv te (D) Enolpyruv te 96. Diet
ry deficiency of thi min inhi its the ctivity of the enzyme: (A) Pyruv te kin s
e (B) Pyruv te dehydrogen se (C) Phosphofructokin se (D) Enol se
103. The su st nce which m y e considered to pl y c t lytic role in citric c
id cycle is (A) Ox lo cet te (C) M l te (B) Isocitr te (D) Fum r te
104. An enzyme of the citric cid cycle lso found outside the mitochondri is (
A) (B) (C) (D) Isocitr te dehydrogen se Citr te synthet se α-Ketoglut r te dehydro
gen se M l te dehydrogen se
105. The re ction c t lysed y α-ketoglut r te dehydrogen se in the citric cid cy
cle requires (A) NAD (C) ADP (B) NADP (D) ATP
111. Form tion of succinyl-CoA from α-Ketoglut r te is inhi ited y (A) Fluoro cet
te (C) Fluoride (B) Arsenite (D) Iodo cet te
106. If ll the enzymes, intermedi tes nd cof ctors of the citric cid cycle s
well s n excess of the st rting su str te cetylCoA re present nd function
l in n org nelle free solution t the ppropri  te pH, which of the following f
ctors of the citric cid cycle would prove to e r te limiting? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Molecul r oxygen H lf life of enzyme Turnover of intermedi tes Reduction of cof

112. The num er of ATP molecules gener ted for e ch turn of the citric cid cycl
e is (A) 8 (C) 24 (B) 12 (D) 38
113. Oxid tion of one molecule of glucose yields (A) 12 ATP (C) 38 ATP (B) 24 AT
P (D) 38 ATP
114. Which of the following intermedi tes of met olism c n e oth precursor
nd product of glucose? (A) L ct te (C) Al nine (B) Pyruv te (D) Acetyl-CoA

107. In TCA cycle, ox losuccin te is converted to α -ketoglut r te y the enzyme:
(A) (B) (C) (D) Fum r se Isocitr te dehydrogen se Aconit se Succin se
115. Mitochondri l mem r ne is freely pre m le to (A) Pyruv te (C) Ox lo cet te
(B) M l te (D) Fum r te
108. The enzyme -ketoglut r te dehydrogen se in the citric cid cycle requires (
A) Lipo te (C) Pyridoxine (B) Fol te (D) Inositol

116. The re ction of Kre ’s cycle which does not require cof ctor of vit min B gro
up is (A) Citr te (B) isocitr te succin te

109. The ex mple of gener tion of high energy phosph te t the su str te level
in the citric cid cycle is the re ction: (A) Isocitr te (B) Succin te (C) M l
te α-Ketoglut r te α-fum r te α-ox lo cet te α-Succin te
α -Ketoglut r te
(C) M l te (D) Succin te
ox lo cet te fum r te
117. The coenzyme not involved in the form tion of cetyl-CoA from pyruv te is (
A) TPP (C) NAD (B) Biotin (D) FAD
(D) Succinyl CoA

110. Fluoro cet te inhi its the re ction of citric cid cycle: (A) Isocitr te (B
) Fum r te (C) Citr te (D) Succin te α-Ketoglut r te α-M l te α-cis- conit te α-fum r te
118. A c rrier molecule in the citric cid cycle is (A) Acetyl-CoA (C) Ox lo cet
te (B) Citr te (D) M l te

119. A specific inhi itor for succin te dehydrogen se is (A) Arsenine (C) Citr t
e (B) Arsenite (D) Fluoride
120. The r te of citric cid cycle is controlled y the llosteric enzyme: (A) (
B) (C) (D) Aconit se Fum r se Fum r se M l te dehydrogen se
 In glycogenolysis, the enzyme which
 tr nsfers tris cch ride unit from one
→ r nch to the other exposing 1→ 6 r nch point is (A) Phosphoryl se (B) α-[1→ 4]→ α-[1→
luc n tr nsfer se (C) Amylo [1→ 6] glucosid se (D) Amylo[1→
 4]→ [1→ 6] tr nsglucosid se
128. In the synthesis of glycogen from glucose the reversi le step is (A) Glucos
e → glucose 6-phosph te (B) Glucose 6-phosph te → glucose 1-phosph te (C) Glucose 1-
phosph te → UDP glucose (D) UDP glucose → glycogen 129. The enzyme glucose-6-phosph
t se which c t lyses the conversion of glucose 6-phosph te to glucose is not fou
nd in (A) Liver (C) Intestine (B) Muscle (D) Kidney

121. In the erythrocytes, the net production of ATP molecules y the R pport-Leu
ering p thw y is (A) 0 (C) 4 (B) 2 (D) 8

122. The r tio th t most closely pproxim tes the num er of net molecules ofATP
formed per mole ofglucose utilized under ero ic conditions to the net num er
formed under n ero ic conditions is (A) 4:1 (C) 18:1 (B) 13:1 (D) 24:1

123. The p thw y of glycogen iosynthesis involves speci l nucleotide of gluco
se. In the re ction elow, NuDP st nds for NuDP Glucose + glycogenn → NuDP + glyco
genn+1 (A) ADP (C) UDP (B) GDP (D) CDP
130. Allosteric ctiv tor of glycogen synth se is (A) Glucose (C) UTP (B) Glucos
e-6-Phosph te (D) Glucose-1-phosph te
124. Glucose 6-phosph te is converted to glucose 1-phosph te in re ction c t l
ysed y the enzyme phosphoglucomut se, which is (A) (B) (C) (D) Phosphoryl ted D
ephosphoryl ted Phosphoryl ted-dephosphoryl ted Phosphoryl ted-dephosphoryl tedr
ephosphoryl ted
131. Action of glycogen synth se is inhi ited y (A) Insulin (C) Mg 2+ (B) Gluco
se (D) Cyclic AMP
132. The hormone ctiv ting the glycogen synth se ctivity is (A) Insulin (C) Ep
inephrine (B) Gluc gon (D) ACTH

 Ch r cteristic fe tures of ctive site re (A) Flexi le in n ture (B) Site
of inding (C) Acidic (D) Both (A) nd (B) 134. Von Gierke’s dise se is ch r cteri
zed y the deficiency of (A) Glucose-6-phosph t se (B)
α -1 → 4 Glucosid se
125. The glycogen content of the liver is upto (A) 6% (C) 10% (B) 8% (D) 12%
126. In glycogenesis r nch point in the molecule is est lished y the enzyme
(A) (B) (C) (D) Amylo[1→ 4][1→ 6] tr nsglucosid se α [1→ 4] α [1→ 4] Gluc n tr nsfer se Am
lo [1→ 6] glucosid se Glycogen synth se
(C) 1 → 6 Glucosid se (D) Liver phosphoryl se
135. Cori dise se (Limit
 dextrinosis) is c used due to sence of (A) (B) (C) (D
) Br nching enzyme De r nching enzyme Glycogen synth se Phosphoryl se
142. The hydrogen cceptor used in pentose phosph te p thw y is (A) NAD (C) FAD
143. The enzymes of the pentose phosph te p thw y re found in the (A) Cytosol (
B) Mitochondri
 (C) Nucleus (D) Endopl smic reticulum
 144. In pentose
 phosph te
p thw y, D-ri ulose5-phosph te is converted to D-ri ose-5phosph te y the enzyme
: (A) Fum r se (C) G-6-PD (B) Ketoisomer se (D) Epimer se
136. Mc Ardle’s syndrome is ch r cterized y the sence
 of (A) (B) (C) (D) Liver
phosphoryl se Muscle phosphoryl se Br nching enzyme De r nching enzyme
137. Pompe’s dise se is c used due to deficiency of (A) (B) (C) (D) Lysosom l α-1→4 n
d 1→6-glucosid se Glucose-6-phosph t se Glycogen synth se Phosphofructokin se
138. Amylopectinosis is c used due to sence of (A) (B) (C) (D) De r nching enz
yme Br nching enzyme Acid m lt se Glucose-6-phosph t se
145. The tr nsketol se enzyme in the
 pentose phosph te p thw y requires the B vi
t min. (A) P ntothenic cid (C) Ri ofl vin (B) Thi min (D) Nicotinic cid
146. Xylulose-5-phosph te serves s don r of ctive glycol ldehyde, the ccept
or is (A) Erythrose 4-phosph te (B) Ri ose 5-phosph te (C) Glycer ldehyde 3-phos
ph te (D) Sedoheptulose 7-phosph te 147. Pentose phosph te p thw y is of signifi
c nce ec use it gener tes (A) NADPH for reductive synthesis (B) Regener tes glu
cose 6-phosph te (C) Gener tes fructose 6-phosph te (D) Forms glycer ldehyde 3-p
 te 148. The pentose phosph te p thw y protects erythrocytes g inst hemoly
sis y ssisting the enzyme: (A) Superoxide dismut se (B) C t l se (C) Glut thio
nic peroxid se (D) Cytochrome oxid se

139. Her’s dise se is ch r cterized
 y deficiency of (A) (B) (C) (D) Muscle phosph
oryl se Liver phosphoryl se De r nching enzyme Glycogen synth se

140. T rui dise se is ch r cterized y the deficiency of the enzyme: (A) (B) (C)
(D) Liver phosphoryl se Muscle phosphoryl se Muscle nd erythrocyte phosphofruc
tokin se Lysosom l cid m lt se
141. The hexose monophosph te p thw y includes the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) M lt
se dehydrogen se Hexokin se α-Ketoglut r te dehydrogen se Glucose-6-phosph te dehy
drogen se
149. Hemolytic nemi is c used y the deficiency of cert in enzymes of the pent
ose phosph te p thw y, the princip l enzyme involved is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B)
 (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Glucose-6-phosph te dehydrogen se Aldol se Fructose 1, 6
- isphosph
 t se Phosphohexose isomer se Liver nd kidney Skin nd  p ncre s Lung
nd r in Intestine nd lens of eye Pyruv te kin se Pyruv te c r oxyl se Hexokin
se Phosphohexose isomer se
157. For conjug tion with m ny enogenous nd exogenous su st nces efore elimin
tion in urine, the uronic cid p thw y provides (A) Active glucuron te (B) Gulon
te (C) Xylulose (D) Xylitol 158. UDP glucose is converted to UDP glucurron te,
re ction c t lysed y UDP glucose dehydrogen se requires (A) NAD+ (C) NADP (B)
150. The sites for gluconeogenesis re
151. An enzyme involved in gluconeogenesis is

159. Pentosuri is r re heredit ry dise se is ch r cterized y incre sedurin
ry excretion of (A) (B) (C) (D) L-xylulose Xylitol Xylulose 5-phosph te Ri ose 5
-phosph te

152. The enzyme pyruv te c r oxyl se is present in (A) Cytosol (C) Nucleus (B) M
itochondri (D) Golgi odies
160. The enzyme involved in essenti l pentosuri is (A) Reduct se (C) Isomer se
(B) Hydroxyl se (D) R cem se

153. The enzyme phosphoenolpyruv te c r oxykin se c t lyses the conversion of ox
lo cet te to phosphoenolpyruv te requires (A) ATP (C) AMP (B) ADP (D) GTP
161. G l ctose is synthesized from glucose in (A) M mm ry gl nd (B) Intestine (C
) Kidney (D) Adipose tissue 162. G l ctose is re dily converted to glucose in (A
) Liver (C) Kidney (B) Intestine (D) Adipose tissue
154. The enzyme glucose 6-phosph t se is present in (A) Liver (C) Adipose tissue
(B) Muscle (D) Br in
163. G l ctose 1-phosph
 te is converted to uridine diphosph te g l ctose, the re
ction is c t lysed y the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Gl ctokin se G l ctose 1-phos
ph te uridyl tr nsfer se Uridine diphospho g l ctose 4-epimer se UDP glucose pyr
ophosphoryl se
155. In gluconeogensis,
  n llosteric ctiv tor required in the synthesis of ox
lo cette from ic r on te nd pyruv te, which is c t lysed y the enzyme pyruv
te c r oxyl se is (A) Acetyl CoA (C) Isocitr te (B) Succin te (D) Citr te

164. The est known c use of g l ctosemi is the deficiency of (A) (B) (C) (D) G
l ctose 1-phosph te nd uridyl tr nsfer se Phosphoglucomut se G l ctokin se L c
tose synth se

156. The num er of ATP molecules required to convert 2 molecules of l ct te into
glucose in m mm li n liver is (A) 2 (C) 5 (B) 4 (D) 6
165 Conversion
 of fructose to sor itol is c t lysed y the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (
D) Soritol dehydrogen se Aldose reduct se Fructokin se Hexokin se 172. Phlorizi
n inhi its
(A) Ren l tu ul r re sorption of glucose (B) Glycolysis (C) Gluconeogenesis (D)
Glycogenolysis 173. Ren l glycosuri is ch r cterized y (A) Hyperglycemi (B)
Hyperglycemi with glycosuri (C) Norm l lood glucose level with glycosuri (D)
 with ketosis 174. Acute hemolytic nemi in person’s sensitive to t
he F v e ns is due to the deficiency of the enzyme: (A) Pyruv te dehydrogen se
(B) G-6-PD (C) Aconit se (D) Tr nsketol se 175 Acute hemolytic episode fter d
ministr tion of ntim l ri l, prim quin, is due to deficiency of the enzyme: (A)
6-Phosphoglucon te dehydrogen se (B) Glucose-6-phosph te dehydrogen se (C) Epim
er se (D) Tr nsketol se 176. The pH optim of g stric lip se is (A) 3.0–6.0 (C) 8.
0 (B) 1.0–2.0 (D) 8.6
 A specific
 fructokin se present in liver h s very high ffinity for its s
u str te ec use (A) (B) (C) (D) Km for fructose is very high Km
 for fructose is
very low Activity is ffected y f sting Activity is ffected y insulin
167. Insulin h s no effect on the ctivity of the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycog
en synthet se Fructokin se Pyruv te kin se Pyruv te dehydrogen se

168. The p thogenesis of di etic c t r ct involves ccumul tion of (A) G l ctos
e (C) Sor itol (B) M nnitol (D) Pyruv te

169. Heredit ry fructose intoler nce involves the sence of the enzyme: (A) (B)
(C) (D) Ald lose B Fructokin se Triokin se Phosphotriose isomer se

170. Essenti l fructosuri is ch r cterized y the l ck of the hep tic enzyme: (
A) (B) (C) (D) Phosphohexose isomer se Ald lose A Aldol se B Fructokin se
177. The optimum pH of p ncre tic lip se is (A) 2.0 (C) 6.0 (B) 4.0 (D) 8.0
178. G stric lip e is ctiv ted in the presence of (A) Bile s lts (C) K
(B) Cu ++ (D) N +

171. In norm l individu ls glycosuri occurs when the venous lood glucose conce
ntr tion exceeds (A) (B) (C) (D) 5–6 mmol/L 7–8 mmol/L 8.5–9 mmol/L 9.5–10 mmol/L
179. An ex mple of enzyme inhi ition: (A) Reversi le inhi ition (B) Irreversi le
inhi ition (C) Allosteric inhi ition (D) All of these
180. The form tion of ∆2-tr ns-enoyl-CoA from cyl-CoA requires the enzyme: (A) (B
) (C) (D) Acyl-CoA synthet se Acyl-CoA dehydrogen se 3-Hydroxy cyl-CoA dehydrog
en se Thiol se
189. The concentr tion of ketone odies in the lood does not norm lly exceed (A
) 0.2 mmol/L (C) 1 mmol/L (B) 0.4 mmol/L (D) 2 mmol/L

181. In β-oxid tion 3-keto cyl-CoA is splitted t the 2, 3 position y the enzyme:
(A) Hydr t se (C) Reduc tse (B) Dehydrogen se (D) Thiol se

190. In hum ns under norm l conditions loss of ketone odies vi urine is usu ll
y less th n (A) 1 mg/24 hr (C) 8 mg/24 hr (B) 4 mg/24 hr (D) 10 mg/24 hr
182. F tty cids with odd num er of c r on toms yield cetyl-CoA nd molecule
of (A) Succinyl-CoA (C) M lonyl-CoA (B) Propionyl-CoA (D) Aceto cetyl-CoA

191. The structure
 which ppe rs to e the only org n to dd signific nt qu ntit
ies of ketone odies to the lood is (A) Br in (C) Liver (B) Erythrocytes (D) Sk
elet l muscle

183 For e ch of the first 7- cetyl-CoA molecules formed y α -oxid tion of p lmiti
c cid, the yield of high energy phosph tes is (A) 12 (C) 30 (B) 24 (D) 35
192. The st rting m teri l for ketogenesis is (A) Acyl-CoA
 (B) Acetyl-CoA
 (C) Ac
eto cetyl-CoA (D) M lonyl-CoA 193. Enzymes responsi le for ketone ody form tion
re ssoci ted m inly with the (A) (B) (C) (D) Mitochondri Endopl smic reticul
um Nucleus Golgi pp r tus
184. The net g in of ATP/mol of p lmitic cid on complete oxid tion is (A) 88 (C
) 129 (B) 105 (D) 135
185. ω-oxidation is normally a very minor pathay and is rought y hydroxylase en
zymes involving (A) Cytochrome a (C) Cytochrome c (B) Cytochrome (D) Cytochrom
e p-450
194. The synthesis of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA can occur (A) (B) (C) (D) O
nly in mitochondria
 of all mammalian tissues Only in the cytosol of all mammalia
n tissue In oth cytosol and mitochondria In lysosomes
186. α -Oxid tion i.e.,
 the remov l of one c r on t time from the c r oxyl end
of the molecule h s een detected in (A) Br in tissue (C) Adipose tissue (B) Liv
er (D) Intestine

195. In the p thw y le ding to iosynthesis of ceto cet te from cetyl-CoA in l
iver, the immedi te precursor
 of ceot cet te is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
Aceto cetyl-CoA 3-Hydroxy utyryl-CoA 3-Hydroxy-3-methyl-glut ryl-CoA 3-Hydroxy
utyr te Extr hep tic tissues Hep tic tissues Erythrocytes Mitochondri
187. In β-oxid tion, the coenzyme for cyl-CoA dehydrogen se is (A) FMN (C) NADP (

196. Ketone odies serve s fuel for
188. The coenzyme involved in dehydrogen tion of 3-hydroxy cyl-CoA is (A) FAD (
197. In extr hep tic tissues, one mech nism for utiliz tion of ceto cet te inv
olves (A) M lonyl-CoA (C) Propionyl-CoA 198. Ketosis reflects (A) (B) (C) (D) In

cre sed hep tic glucose li er tion Incre sed f tty cid oxid tion Incre sed c r
ohydr te utilis tion Incresed gluconeogenesis (B) Succinyl-CoA (D) Acetyl-CoA
205. The f tty cid synth se complex c t lyses (A) (B) (C) (D) 4 sequenti l enzy
m tic steps 6 sequenti l enzym tic steps 7 sequenti l enzym tic steps 8 sequenti
l enzym tic steps
206. The m in source of reducing equiv lents (NADPH) for lipogenesis is (A) (B)
(C) (D) Pentose phosph te p thw y Citric cid cycle Glycolysis Glycogenolysis

199. Ketosis is ssoci ted with the dise se: (A) (B) (C) (D) Nephritis Di etes
mellitus Edem Coron ry rtery dise ses
207. In f tty cids synth se of oth cteri  nd m mm ls, ACP ( cyl c rrier pro
tein) cont in the vit min: (A) Thi min (C) Ri ofl vin (B) Pyridoxine (D) P ntoth
enic cid
200. The m in p thw y for denovo synthesis of f tty cids occur in (A) Cytosol (
C) Microsomes (B) Mitochondri (D) Nucleus

208. C r oxyl tionof cetyl-CoA to m lonylCoA
 requires the enzyme: (A) (B) (C)
(D) Acetyl-CoA c r oxyl se Pyruv te c r oxyl se Acetyl tr ns cyl se Acyl CoA-syn
thet se
201. Ch in elong tion
 of f tty cids in m mm li n liver occurs in (A) Nucleus (C
) Lysosomes (B) Ri osomes (D) Microsomes
209. The rte limiting re ction in the lipogenic p thw y is (A) (B) (C) (D) Acet
yl-CoA c r oxyl se step Keto cyl synth se step Keto cyl reduct se step Hydr t se
202. Acetyl-CoA is the princip l uilding lock of f tty cids. It is produced  w
ithin the mitochondri nd does not diffuse re dily into cytosol. The v il ili
ty of cetyl CoA involves (A) (B) (C) (D) C rnitine cyl tr nsfer se Pyruv te de
hydrogen se Citr te ly se Thiol se

210. Conversion of f tty cyl-CoA to n cylCoA deriv tive h ving 2 more c r on
toms involves s cetyl don r: (A) Acetyl-CoA (C) Propionyl-CoA (B) Succinyl-Co
A (D) M lonyl-CoA
203. The synthesis of f tty cids is often termed reductive synthesis. (A) NADP+
211. A cof ctor required for the conversion of cetyl-CoA to m lonyl-CoA in extr
mitochondri l f tty cid synthesis is (A) Biotin (C) NAD (B) FMN (D) NADP
204. The protein, which is in f ct multifunction l enzyme complex in higher or
g nism is (A) (B) (C) (D) Acetyl tr ns cyl se M lonyl tr ns cyl se 3-Hydroxy cy
l-ACP dehyr t se F tty cid synth se
212. The glycerol for f tty cid esterific
 tion in dipocytes is (A) For the mos
t p rt,
 derived from glucose (B) O t ined prim rily from phosphoryl tion of glyc
erol y glycerol kin se (C) Formed from gluconeogenesis (D) Formed from glycogen
213. In the iosynthesis of triglycerides from glycerol 3-phosph te nd cyl-CoA
, the first intermedi te formed is (A) (B) (C) (D) 2-Mono cylglycerol 1, 2-Di cy
lglycerol Lysophosph tidic cid Phosph tidic cid
221. Synthesis of phosph tidylinositol y tr nsfer of inositol to CDP di cylglyc
erol is c t lysed y the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) CTP phosph tid te cytidyl tr ns
fer se Phosph tid te phosphohydrol se CDP-di cylglycerol inositol tr nsfer se Ch
oline kin se
214. The enzyme glycerol kin se is low ctivity in (A) Liver (C) Intestine (B) K
idney (D) Adipose tissue
222. Synthesis of sphingosine requires the cof ctor (A) NAD (C) NADPH+ (B) NADP

215. The common precursor in the iosynthesis of tri cylglycerol nd phospholipi
ds is (A) (B) (C) (D) 1, 2-Di cylglycerol phosph te 1-Acylglycerol 3-phosph te G
lycerol 3-phosph te Dihydroxy cetone phosph te
223. Cer mide is formed y the com in tion of sphingosine nd (A) Acetyl-CoA (C)
M lonyl-CoA (B) Acyl-CoA (D) Propionyl-CoA
224. The mino lcohol sphingosine is synthesized in (A) (B) (C) (D) Mitochondri
Cytosol Nucleus Endopl smic reticulum
216. Synthesis of polyuns tur ted f tty cids involves the enzyme systems: (A) (
B) (C) (D) Acyl tr nsfer se nd hydr t se Des tur se nd elong se Keto cyl-CoA r
educt se nd hydr t se Dihydroxy cetone phosph te

225. The output of free f tty cids from dipose tissue is reduced y (A) Insuli
n (B) Gluc gon (C) Growth hormone (D)
 Epinephrine 226. The princip l ction of i
nsulin in dipose tissue is to inhi it the ctivity of the (A) (B) (C) (D) Hormo
 sensitive lipoprotein lip se Glycerol phosph te cyltr nsfer se Acetyl-CoA c
r oxyl se Pyruv te dehydrogen se
217. The des tur tion nd ch in elong tion system of polyuns tur ted f tty cid
re enh nced y (A) Insulin (C) Epinephrine (B) Gluc gon (D) Thyroxine
218. Higher
 r te of lipogenesis is ssoci ted with (A) (B) (C) (D) High proporti
on of c r ohydr te in diet Restricted c loric int ke High f t diet Deficiency of
227. In non shivering thermogenesis (A) Glucose is oxidized to l ct te (B) F tty
cids uncouple oxid tive phosphoryl tion (C) Eth nol is formed (D) ATP is urne
d for he t production228. Brown dipose tissue is (A) A prominent tissue in hum
n (B) Ch r cterised y high content of mitochondri
 (C) Associ ted with high c
tivity of ATP synth se (D) Ch r cterised y low content of cytochromes
219. Ex mple
 of enzyme specificity: (A) Stereo specificity (B) Re ction specific
ity (C)
 Su str
 te specificity(D) All of these 220. Phospholip
 se C tt cks the e
ster ond li er ting 1, 2-di cylglycerol nd phosphoryl se t position (A) 1
(C) Both (A) nd (B) (B) 2 (D) 3
229. F tty liver is c used due to ccumul tion of (A) F tty cids (C) Phospholip
ids (B) Cholesterol (D) Tri cylglycerol

238. In the iosynthesis of cholesterol, the step which controls the r te nd lo
cus of met olic regul tion is (A) Ger nyl pyrophosph te f rnesyl pyrophosph te
(B) Squ lene → l nosterol (C) HMG CoA → mev lon te (D) L nosterol → 1, 4-desmethyl l n
osterol 239. The cyclis tion of squ lene in m mm ls results in the direct form t
ion of the sterol. (A) Cholesterol (C) Sistosterol (B) L nosterol (D) Zymosterol
230. A lipotropic f ctor is (A) Choline (C) C lcium (B) P lmitic cid (D) Vit mi
n C
231. F tty liver is lso c used y (A) CH3Cl (C) N 2SO4 (B) CCl4 (D) Ri ofl vin
232. All the enzymes involved in the synthesis of cholesterol re found in (A) (
B) (C) (D) Mitochondri Golgi pp r tus Nucleus Endopl smic reticulum nd cytoso

240. In the iosynthesis of cholesterol, the r te limiting enzyme is (A) (B) (C)
(D) Mev lon te kin se HMG-CoA synthet se HMG-CoA reduct se Cis-prenyl tr nsfer

233. The source of ll the c r on toms in cholesterol is (A) Acetyl-CoA (C) Pro
pionyl-CoA (B) Bic r on te (D) Succinyl-CoA
241. Cholesterol y feed ck mech nism inhi its the ctivity of (A) (B) (C) (
D) HMG-CoA synthet se HMG-CoA reduct se Thil se Mev lon te kin se

234. Two molecules of cetyl-CoA condense to form ceto cetyl-CoA c t lysed y (
A) Thiol se (C) Reduct se (B) Kin se (D) Isomer se
242.The ctivity of HMG-CoA
 reduct se is inhi ited
 y (A) (B) (C) (D) A fung l
inhi itor mev st tin Pro ucol Nicotinic cid Clofi r te
235. Aceto cetyl-CoA condenses with one more molecule of cetyl-CoA to form (A)
(B) (C) (D) Mev lon te Aceto cet te β-Hydroxy utyr te 3-Hydroxy 3-methyl-glut ryl-
243. Hypolipidemic
 drugsreduce serum cholesterol
 nd tri cylglycerol. The effec
t of clofi r te is ttri uted to (A) Block in sorption from G.I.T.  (B) Decre s
e in secretion of tri cylglycerol
 nd cholesterol cont ining VLDL y liver (C) B
lock in
 the re sorption of ile cids (D) Decre sed
 synthesis of cholesterol 24
4. In iosynthesis of cholesterol trip r nol inhi its the ctivity of the enzyme
: (A) (B) (C) (D) ∆24 Reduct se Oxidosqu lene-l nosterol cycl se Isomer se Squ len
e epoxid se
236. HMG-CoA is converted to mev lon te y reduction c t lysed y (A) (B) (C) (D
) HMG-CoA synthet se HMG-CoA reduct se Mev lon te kin se Thiol se
237. For reduction enzyme HMG-CoA reduct se requires cof ctor: (A) NADPH (C) NAD
245. HMG-CoA reduct se ctivity is incre sed y dministr tion of the hormone: (
A) Insulin (C) Epinephrine (B) Gluc gon (D) Glucocorticoids
253. Defective enzyme in Hunter’s syndrome is (A) α-L-iduronid se (B) Iduron te sulp
h t se (C) Arylsulph t se B (D) C- cetyl tr nsfer se 254. In Hunter’s syndrome (A)
(B) (C) (D) There is progressive corne l op city Ker t n sulph te is excreted i
n the urine Enzyme defective is rylsulph t se B He ring loss is perceptive
246. The princip l sterol excreted in feces is (A) Coprost nol (C) L nosterol (B
) Zymosterol (D) Desmosterol
247. The princip l r te limiting step in the iosynthesis of ile cids is t th
e (A) (B) (C) (D) 7-Hydroxyl se re ction 12 α-Hydroxyl se re ction Conjug tion re
ction Deconjug tion re ction
255. An import nt fe ture of Von-Gierke’s dise se is (A) Muscle cr mps (C) Hypogly
cemi (B) C rdi c f ilure (D) Respir tory lk losis
248. Hypercholesterolemi is found in (A) (B) (C) (D) X nthom tosis Thyrotoxicos
is Hemolytic j undice M l sorption syndrom
256. The ffected org n in Mc Ardle’s syndrome is (A) Liver (C) Liver nd He rt (B
) Kidney (D) Skelet l muscle
257. Refsum’s dise seis due to deficiencyof the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyt nt t
e-α-oxid se Glucocere rosid se G l ctocere rosid se Cer mide trihexosid se

249. Hypocholesterolemi
 is found in (A) (B) (C) (D) Thyrotoxicosis Di etes mel
litus O structive j undice Nephrotic syndrome
250. The m jor source of extr cellul r cholesterol for hum n tissue is (A) (B) (
C) (D) Very low density lipoprotein High density lipoprotein Low density lipopro
tein Al umin
258. An import nt finding in Refsum’s dise se is (A) Accumul tion
 of cer mide trih
exoside in the kidney (B) Accumul tion
 of phyt nic cid in the lood nd tissues
(C) Accumul tion of g ngliosides in r in nd spleen (D) Skin eruptions 259. α-G
l ctosid se enzyme is defective
 in (A) (B) (C) (D) T y-s ch’s dise se Refsum’s dise
se S ndhoff’s dise se F ry’s dise se
251. Correct ordering of lipoprotein molecules from lowest to the gre ter densit
y is (A) (B) (C) (D) LDL, IDL, VLDL, chylomicron Chylomicron, VLDL, IDL, LDL VLD
L, IDL, LDL, chylomicron LDL, VLDL, IDL, chylomicron
252. In Hurler’s syndrome, urine shows the presence of (A) (B) (C) (D) Ker t n sul
ph te I Chondroitin sulph te Derm t n sulph te nd hep r n sulph te Ker t n sulp
h te II

260. The hypothesis to expl in enzyme– su str te complex form tion: (A) (B) (C) (D
) Lock nd key model Induced fit theory Proenzyme theory Both (A) nd (B)
261. An import nt finding
 in T y-s ch’s dise se is (A) Ren l f ilure (B) Accumul t
ion of g ngliosides in r in nd spleen (C) C rdi c f ilure (D) Anemi 262. The
enzyme deficient in Kr e’s dise se is (A) Hexos minid se A (B) Arylsuph t se A (
C)β-G l ctosid se (D)α-Fucosid se 263. The enzyme cer mid se is deficient in (A) F
r er’s dise se (B) F ry’s dise se (C) S ndhoff’s dise se(D) Refsum’s dise se 264. Niem
nn-Pick dise se is due to deficiency of the enzyme (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C)
(D) Cer mid se Glucocere rosid se G l ctocere rosid se Sphingomyelin se Choleste
ryl ester hydrol se Hexos minid se A α-Fucosid se Arylsulph t se A
269. B ssen-Kornzweig syndrome
 is due to (A) (B) (C) (D) A sence of Apo-C-II Def
ect in Apo-B synthesis A sence of Apo-E A sence of Apo-D
270. Enzyme deficient in Hyper mmonemi type II is (A) (B) (C) (D) Glut mine syn
thet se Glut min se Ornithine tr nsc r moyl se C r moylphosph te synthet se
271. An import nt finding in Hyper mmonemi type II is (A) (B) (C) (D)Incre sed
serum glu tmine level Enl rged liver Ment l ret rd tion Incre sed c r moyl pho
sph te synthet se level
265. Wolm n’s dise se is due to deficiency of

272. A sence of the enzyme rgininosuccin te synthet se c uses (A) (B) (C) (D) A
rgininosuccinic ciduri Hyper rgininemi Tricorrhexis nodos Citrullinemi
266. The enzyme deficient in S ndhoff’s dise se is (A) (B) (C) (D) α-Fucosid se Hexo
s minid se A nd B β-G l ctosid se β-Glucosid se
273. Tricorrhexis nodos is ch r cteristic finding of (A) (B) (C) (D) Arginino
succinic ciduri Citrullinemi Phenylketonuri Hyper rgininemi
267. J m ic n vomiting
 sickness is due to in ctiv tion of the enzyme (A) (B) (C)
(D) Pyruv te c r oxyl se Acyl-Co-A synthet se Acyl-Co-A dehydrogense Thiol se

274. Elev ted lood rgininosuccin te level is found in (A) (B) (C) (D) Hyper rg
ininemi Argininosuccinic ciduri Citrullinemi Tyrosinosis

268. Zellweger’s syndrome is due to inherited sence of (A) (B) (C) (D) Peroxisom
es Phospholip se A1 Acyl-Co-A dehydrogen se Thiol se
275. Hyper rgininemi , defect in ure synthesis develops due to deficiency of
the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Ornithine tr nsc r moyl se Argininosuccin se Argin
se Argininosuccin te synthet se
276. Al inism is due to deficiency of the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Phenyl l nine
hydroxyl se Tyrosin se p-Hydroxyphenylpyruvic cid oxid se Tyrosine dehydrogen s
284. A coenzyme required in tr ns min tion re ctions is (A) Coenzyme A (C) Bioti
n (B) Coenzyme Q (D) Pyridox l phosph te

285. Coenzyme A cont ins vit min which is (A) Thi min (B) Ascor ic cid (C) P
ntothenic cid (D) Ni cin mide 286. Co mides cont in vit min which is (A) Fol
ic cid (B) Ascor
 ic cid (C) P ntothenic cid (D) Vit min B12 287. A coenzyme r
equired in c r oxyl tion re ctions is (A) Lipoic cid (C) Biotin (B) Coenzyme A
(D) All of these
277. Neon t l tyrosinemi is due to deficiency of the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) p-
Hydroxyphenylpyruv te hydroxyl se Fum ryl ceto cet te hydrol se Phenyl l nine hy
droxyl se Tyrosine dehydrogen se

278. Which of the following is su str tespecific enzyme? (A) Hexokin se (C) L
ct se (B) Thiokin se (D) Aminopeptid se

279. Coenzymes com ine with (A) Proenzymes (C) Holoenzymes (B) Apoenzymes (D) An
288. Which of the following coenzymet kes p rt in tissue respir tion? (A) Coenz
yme Q (C) NADP (B) Coenzyme A (D) Co mide
280. Coenzymes re required in which of the following re ctions? (A) (B) (C) (D)
Oxid tion-reduction Tr ns min tion Phosphoryl tion All of these
289. The enzyme hexokin se is (A) Hydrol se (C) Tr nsfer se (B) Oxidoreduct se
(D) Lig se
290. Which of the following is proteolytic enzyme? (A) Pepsin (C) Chymotrypsin
(B) Trypsin (D) All of these
281. Which of the following coenzyme t kes p rt in hydrogen tr nsfer re ctions?
(A) Tetr hydrofol te (C) Coenzyme Q (B) Coenzyme A (D) Biotin
291. Enzymes which c t lyse inding of two su str tes y cov lent onds re know
n s (A) Ly ses (C) Lig ses (B) Hydrol ses (D) Oxidoreduct ses
282. Which of the following coenzyme t kes p rt in oxid tion-reduction re ctions
? (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyridox l phosph te Lipoic cid Thi min diphosph te None of th

292. The induced fit model of enzyme ction w s proposed y (A) Fischer (C) Mitc
hell (B) Koshl nd (D) M rkert
283. In conversion of glucose to glucose-6phsoph te, the coenzyme is (A) (B) (C)
(D) Mg ++ ATP Both (A) nd (B) None of these
293. Allosteric inhi ition
 is lsoknown s(A) (B) (C) (D) Competitive inhi iti
on Non-competitive inhi ition Feed ck inhi ition None of these
294. An llosteric
 enzyme is gener lly inhi ited y (A) Initi l su str te of the
p thw y (B) Su str te n logues (C) Product of the re ction c t lysed y llost
eric enzyme (D) Product
 of the p thw y 295. When the velocity of n enzym tic re
ction equ ls Vm x, su str
 te concentr tion is (A) H lf of Km (C) Twice the Km (
B) Equ l to Km (D) F r ove the Km
302. Serum l ct te dehydrogen se rises in (A) Vir l hep titis (B) Myoc rdi l inf
rction (C) C rcinom tosis (D) All of these 303. Which of the following serum en
zyme rises in myoc rdi l inf rction: (A) Cre tine kin se (C) LDH (B) GOT (D) All
of these
304. From the following myoc rdi l inf rction, the e rliest serum enzyme to rise
is (A) Cre tine Kin se (C) GPT 305. Proenzymes: (A) Chymotrysinogen (B) Pepsino
gen (C) Both (A) nd (B) (D) None of these 306. Alk line phosph t se is present
in (A) Liver (C) Pl cent (B) Bones (D) All of these (B) GOT (D) LDH
296. In Linewe ver-Burk plot, the y-intercept represents (A) Vm x (C) Km (A) (B)
(C) (D) (B) Km (D) 1/Km
297.In competitive inhi ition, the inhi itor
 Competes with the enzyme Irreversi
ly inds with the enzyme Binds with the su str te Competes with the su str te

298 Competitive inhi itors (A) Decre se the Km (B) Decre
 se theVm x (C) Incre
e the Km (D) Incre se the Vm x 299. Competitive
 inhi ition c n e relieved
 y r
ising the (A) Enzyme concentr tion (B) Su str te concentr tion (C) Inhi itor con
centr tion (D) None of these 300. Physostigmine
 is competitive inhi itor of (A
) X nthine oxid se (B) Cholinester se (C) C r onic
 se (D) Mono mine oxid
se 301. C r onic nhydr se is competitively inhi ited y (A) Allopurinol (C) Ami
nopterin (B) Acet zol mide (D) Neostigmine
307. Which of the following isoenzyme of l ct te dehydrogen se is r ised in seru
m in myoc rdi l inf rction: (A) LD1 (C) LD1 nd LD2 (B) LD2 (D) LD5
308. Enzymes
 which re lw ys present in n org nism re known s (A) (B) (C) (D
) Induci le enzymes Constitutive enzymes Function l enzymes Apoenzymes
309. In ctive precursors of enzymes re known s (A) Apoenzymes (C) Proenzymes (
B) Coenzymes (D) Holoenzymes

310. Whcih of the following is proenzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D) C r oxypeptid se Ami
nopeptid se Chymotrypsin Pepsinogen
 enzymes regul te the form
 tion of products y(A) (B) (C) (D) Fe
ed ck inhi ition Non-competitive inhi ition Competitive inhi ition Repression-d
erepression 321. Alk line phosph t se is present in (A) Liver (B) Bones (C) Inte
stin l mucos (D) All of these
322. All of the following re zinc-cont
 ining enzymes except (A) Acid Phosph t s
e (B) Alk line Phosph t se (C) C r onic nhydr se (D) RNApolymer se 323. All of
the following re iron-cont ining enzymes except (A) C r onic nhydr se (B) C t
l se (C) Peroxid se (D) Cytochrome oxid
 se 324. Biotin is
 coenzyme for (A) Py
ruv te dehydrogen se (B) Pyruv te c r oxyl se (C) PEP c r oxykin se (D) Glut m t
e pyruv te tr nsmin
 se 325. Enzymes cceler te the r te of re ctions y (A) Incr
e sing the equili rium const nt of re ctions (B) Incre sing the energy of ctiv
tion (C) Decre sing the energy of ctiv tion (D) Decre sing the free energy
 ch n
ge of the re ction 326. Kinetics of n llosteric enzyme re expl ined y (A) (B
) (C) (D) Mich elis-Menten equ tion Linewe ver-Burk plot Hill plot All of these

312 Regul tion of some enzymes y cov lent modific tion involves ddition or rem
ov l of (A) Acet te (C) Phosph te (B) Sulph te (D) Coenzyme
313. Cov lent modific tion of n enzyme gener lly requires (A) Hormone (C) Pro
tein kin se (B) cAMP (D) All of these
314. An inorg nic ion required for the ctivity of n enzyme is known s (A) Act
iv tor (C) Coenzyme (B) Cof ctor (D) None of these
315. The first enzyme found to h ve isoenzymes w s (A) (B) (C) (D) Alk line Phos
ph t se L ct te dehydrogen se Acid Phosph t se Cre tine kin se
316. L ct te dehydrogen se is loc ted in (A) Lysosomes (C) Cytosol (B) Mitochond
ri (D) Microsomes
317. L ct te dehydrogen se is (A) Monomer (C) Tetr mer (B) Dimer (D) Hex mer

318. Cerulopl smin is sent in (A) Cirrhosis of liver (B) Wilson’s dise se (C) Me
nke’s dise se (D) Copper deficiency 319. Cerulopl smin oxidizes (A) Copper (C) Bot
h (A) nd (B) (B) Iron (D) None of these
327. Cov lent modific tion of n enzyme usu lly involves phosphoryl tion / depho
sphoryl tion of (A) Serine residue (B) Proline residue (C) Hydroxylysine residue
(D) Hydroxyproline residue
320. Cre tine kin se is present in ll of the following except (A) Liver (C) Mus
cles (B) Myoc rdium (D) Br in
328. Vm xof n enzyme m y e ffected y (A) pH (B) Temper ture (C) Non-competi
tive inhi itors (D) All of
 these 329. In enzyme ss ys, ll the following re ke
pt const nt except (A) Su strte concentr tion (B) Enzyme concentr
 tion (C) pH (
D) Temper ture 330. If the su str te concentr tion is much elow the km of the e
nzyme, the velocity of the rection is (A) Directly proportion l to su str te co
ncentr tion (B) Not ffected y enzyme concentr tion (C) Ne rly equ l to Vm x (D
) Inversely
 l to sustr te concentr tion 331.
 requiring NAD
s co-su str te c n e ss yed y me suring ch nge in sor nce t (A) 210 nm (C
) 340 nm (B) 290 nm (D) 365 nm
335. The highest energy level is present mongstthe following in (A) (B) (C) (D
) 1, 3-Biphosphoglycer te Cre tine phosph te C r moyl phosph te Phosphoenol pyr
uv te

336. D ily urin ry uro ilinogen excretion in dult men is (A) 0–4 mg (C) 9–12 mg (B)
5–8 mg (D) 13–20 mg
337. In o structive j undice, f ec l uro ilinogen is (A) A sent (C) Incre sed (B
) Decre sed (D) Norm l
338. Acetyl-CoA c n e formed from (A) Pyruv te (C) ketone odies (B) F tty cid
s (D) All of these
339. Pyruv te is converted into
 cetyl-CoA y (A) (B) (C) (D) Dec r oxyl tion De
hydrogen tion Oxid tive dec r oxyl tion Oxid tive de min tion
332. Different isoenzymes of n enzyme h ve the s me (A) Amino cid sequence (B)
Mich elis const nt (C) C t lytic ctivity (D) All of these 333. From the pent p
eptide, phe- l -leu-lys rg, phenyl l nineresidue is split off y (A) Trypsin (B
) Chymotrypsin (C) Aminopeptid se (D) C r oxypeptid se 334. A high-energy phosph
te mong the following is (A) Glucose-6-phosph te (B) Glucose-1-phosph te (C) 1
, 3-Biphoglycer te (D) All of these

340. Conversion of pyruv te into cetyl CoA is c t lysed y (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyru
v te dehydrogen se Didrolipoyl cetyl tr nsfer se Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogen se Al
l the 3 cting in concert
341. Pyruv te dehydrogen se complex is loc ted in (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytosol Lysoso
mes Mitochondri Endopl smic reticulum
342. A fl voprotein in pyruv te dehydrogen se complex is (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyruv t
e dehydrogen se Didrolipoyl cetyl tr nsfer se Dihydrolipoyl dehydrogen se None
of these
343. Pyruv te dehydrogen se complex is regul ted y (A) (B) (C) (D) Cov lent mod
ific tion Allosteric regul tion Both (A) nd (B) None of these
352. All of the following re intermedi tes of citric cid cycle except (A) Ox l
osuccin te (C) Pyruv te (B) Ox lo cet te (D) Fum r te

344. An llosteric inhi itor of pyruv te dehydrogen se is (A) Acetyl CoA (C) NAD
H 345. Ri ozymes: (A) RNA enzyme (B) Non-protein enzymes (C) C t lyst function (
D) All of these 346. In citric cid cycle, NAD is reduced in (A) One re ctions (
C) Three re ctions (B) Two re ctions (D) Four re ctions (B) ATP (D) Pyruv te

353. All of the following intermedi tes of citric cid cycle c n e formed from
mino cids except (A) α-Ketoglut r te (C) M l te (B) Fum r te (D) Ox lo cet te
354. Glycolytic p thw y is loc ted in (A) Mitochondri (C) Microsomes (A) Acetyl
CoA (C) Pyruv te (B) Cytosol (D) Nucleus (B) L ct te (D) CO2 nd H2O

355. End product of ero ic glycolysis is
347. Among citric cid cycle enzymes, fl voprotein is (A) (B) (C) (D) M l te F
um r se Succin te dehrogen se Isocitr te dehrogen se

356. During f sting, glucose is phosphoryl ted m inly y (A) Hexokin se (C) Both
(A) nd (B) (B) Glucokin se (D) None of these
357. Glucokin se is found in (A) Muscles (C) Liver (B) Br in (D) All of these

348. In citric cid cycle, GDP is phosphoryl ted y (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C)
(D) Succin te dehydrogen se Aconit se Succin te thiokin se Fum rse M l te dehydr
ogen se α-Ketoglut r te dehydrogen se Succin te dehydrogen se Isocitr te dehydroge
n se

358. In n ero ic glycolysis, energy yield from e ch molecule of glucose is (A)
2 ATP equiv lents (B) 8 ATP equiv lents (C) 30 ATP equiv lents(D) 38 ATP equiv l
ents 359. Which of the following is n llosteric enzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D) Phosph
ohexose isomer se Phosphotriose isomer se L ct te dehydrogen se Phosphofructokin
se (B) Br in (D) Erythrocytes

349. M lon te is n inhi itor of
350. Isocitr te dehydrogen se is llosteric lly inhi ited y (A) Ox losuccin te
(C) ATP (B) α-Ketoglut r te (D) NADH

360. Glycolysis is n ero ic in (A) Liver (C) Kidneys
351. All of the following re llosteric enzymes except (A) (B) (C) (D) Citr te
synthet se -Ketoglut r te dehdrogen se Succin te thiokin se Succin te dehydroge
n se
361. Phosphofructokin
 se is llosteric lly inhi ited y (A) (B) (C) (D) Fructose
-1, 6- iphosph te L ct te Pyruv te Citr te
362. Glucose-6-phosph te is n llosteric inhi itor of (A) (B) (C) (D) Glucokin
se Hexokin se Phosphohexose isomer se None of these
370. Glucose-6-phosph te dehydrogense is induced y (A) (B) (C) (D) 6-Phosphogl
uconol ctone Glucose-6-phosph te Ri ose-5-phosph te Insulin
363. ATP is co-su str te s well s n llosteric inhi itor of (A) (B) (C) (D)
Phosphofructokin se Hexokin se Glucokin se None of these
371. The dec r oxyl tion re ction in HMP shunt is c t lysed y (A) (B) (C) (D) G
 ctone hydrol se 6-Phosphoglucon te dehydrogen se 6-Phosphoglucon te dec
r oxyl se Tr ns ldol se
364. Complete oxid tion of one molecule of glucose into CO2 nd H2O yields (A) (
B) (C) (D) 8 ATP equiv lents 15 ATP equiv lents 30 ATP equiv lents 38 ATP equiv
372. The first pentose formed in HMP shunt is (A) Ri ose-5-phosph te (B) Ri ulos
e-5-phosph te (C) Xylose-5-phosph te (D) Xylulose-5-phosph te 373. The regul tor
y enzyme in HMP shunt is (A) (B) (C) (D) Glucose-6-phosph te dehydrogen se 6-Pho
sphoglucon te dehydrogen se Both (A) nd (B) None of these

365. A unique y-product of glycolysis in erythrocytes is (A) (B) (C) (D) L ct t
e 1, 3-Biphosphoglycer te 2, 3-Biphosphoglycer te All of these

374. The r teof HMP shunt re ctions is
 (A) (B) (C) (D) Incre sed y Insulin Inc
re sed in di etes mellitus Incre sed y gluc gons Incre sed in st rv tion

366. Which of the following enzymes incorpor tes inorg nic phosph te into the su
str te? (A) (B) (C) (D) Phosphoglycer te kin se Glycer ldehyde-3-phosph te dehy
drogen se Pyruv te kin se Enol se
375. Glycogenesis requires (A) GTP (C) UTP (B) CTP (D) None of these

367. R poport-Lue ering cycle is loc ted in (A) Liver (C) Br in (B) Muscles (D)
376. Glycogen synthet se c t lyses the form tion of (A) (B) (C) (D) α−1, 4 Glycosidi
c bonds α−1, 6 Glycosidic bonds Both (A) and (B) None of these
368. Glycerol can enter lycolytic pathway via (A) (B) (C) (D) Dihydroxyacetone
phosphate 1, 3 Biphospolycerate 3 Phospholycerate 2 Phospholycerate
377. Glycoenoloysis is increased by (A) Glucaon (C) Epinephrine (B) Insulin (D
) cAMP
369. HMP shunt is present in (A) Erythrocytes (C) Testes (B) Liver (D) All of th
378. Hepatic lycoenoloysis is increased by (A) Insulin (C) Epinephrine (B) Glu
caon (D) Glucocorticoids
379. Glycoen phosphorylase liberates the followin from lycoen (A) (B) (C) (D
) Glucose Glucose 6 phosphate Glucose 1 phosphate Maltose 388. Gluconeoenesis d
oes not occur in (A) Brain (C) Muscles (A) Glycerol (C) Alanine (B) Kidneys (D)
Liver (B) Lactate (D) Leucine
389. Glucose cannot be synthesized from
380. After the action of phosphorylase, lycoen is converted into (A) Amylopect
in (C) Amylose (B) dextrin (D) Maltose
390. Coenzyme for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is (A) ATP (C) GTP (A) Strep
tokinase (C) Riboflavinase (B) ADP (D) GDP (B) Asparainase (D) Both (A) and (B)
381. Glucose 1 phosphate liberated from lycoen cannot be converted into free 
lucose in (A) Liver (C) Muscles (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Kidneys (D) Brain
391. Therapeutic enzymes:
382. A coenzyme present in phosphorylase is NAD Pyridoxal phosphate Thiamin pyro
phosphate Coenzyme A
392. A luconeoenic enzyme amon the followin is (A) (B) (C) (D) Phosphofructo
kinase Pyruvate kinase Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxykinase Glucokinase
383. If lucose 1 phosphate formed by lycoenoloysis in muscles is oxidized to
CO2 and H2O, the enery yield will be (A) 2 ATP equivalents (B) 3 ATP equivalent
s (C) 4 ATP equivalents (D) 8 ATP equivalents 384. A molecule of phosphorylase k
inase is made up of (A) 4 subunits (C) 12 subunits 385. Cyclic AMP binds to (A)
(B) (C) (D) Catalytic subunits of protein kinase Reulatory subunits of protein
kinase Catalytic subunits of phosphorylase kinase Reulatory subunits of phospho
rylase kinase (B) Kidneys (D) Thrombocytes (B) 8 subunits (D) 16 subunits
393. Glucose 6 phosphatase and PEP carboxy kinase are reulated by (A) (B) (C) (
D) Covalent modification Allosteric reulation Induction and repression All of t
394. The maximum possible chain lenth of fatty acids formed in the pathway of d
e novo synthesis is (A) 16 Carbon atoms (B) 18 Carbon atoms (C) 20 Carbon atoms
(D) 24 Carbon atoms 395. Acetyl CoA required for de novo synthesis of fatty acid
s is obtained from (A) (B) (C) (D) Breakdown of existin fatty acids Ketone bodi
es Acetate Pyruvate
386. Glucose is the only source of enery for (A) Myocardium (C) Erythrocytes
387. Glycerol 3 phosphate for the synthesis of trilycerides in adipose tissue i
s derived from (A) Phosphatidic acid (B) Diacyllycerol (C) Glycerol (D) Glucose
396. Formation of acetyl CoA from pyruvate for de novo synthesis of fatty acids
requires (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyruvate dehydroenase complex Citrate synthetase ATP c
itrate lyase All of these
397. The major site for elonation of medium chain fatty acids is (A) Mitochondr
ia (C) Microsomes (A) NADPH (C) Malonyl CoA (B) Cytosol (D) All of these (B) Ace
tyl CoA (D) None of these
405. Which one of the followin cofactors must be utilized durin the conversion
of acetyl CoA to malonyl CoA? (A) TPP (C) NAD+ (B) ACP (D) Biotin
398. β-oxidation of fatty acids is inhi ited y
399. The enzyme regulating extramitochondrial
 fatty acid synthesis is (A) (B) (C
) (D) Thioesterase Acetyl CoA car oxylase Acyl transferase Multi-enzyme complex
(B) Insulin (D) None of these
406. Which one of the folloing enzymes requires a coenzyme derived from the vit
amin hose structure is shon elo? (A) (B) (C) (D) Enoyl CoA hydratase Phospho
fructokinase Glucose-6-phosphatase Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
400. Acetyl CoA car oxylase is activated y (A) Citrate (C) Both (A) and (B)
407. Coenzymes derived from the vitamin shon elo are required y enzymes invo
lved in the synthesis of hich of the folloing? (A) ATP (C) CTP (B) UTP (D) NAD
401. All the folloing statements a out acetyl CoA car
 are true except:
(A) (B) (C) (D) It is activated y citrate It is inhi ited y palmitoyl CoA It c
an undergo covalent modification Its dephosphorylated form is inactive
408. Coenzymes derived from the vitamin shon elo are required y hich of the
folloing enzymes? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Lactate dehydrogenase
ate dehydrogenase Pyruvate dehydrogenase Malate dehydrogenase
 U iquinone CoA Pyr
uvate dehydrogenase Lipoic acid (B) Iron (D) Methylco alamine
402. All the folloing statements a out acetyl CoA car oxylase are true except (
A) It is required for de novo synthesis of fatty acids (B) It is required for mi
tochondrial elongation of fatty acids (C) It is required for microsomal elongati
on of fatty acids (D) Insulin converts its inactive form into its active form 40
3. Both Acyl carrier protein (ACP) of fatty acid synthetase and coenzyme (CoA) a
re (A) (B) (C) (D) Contain reactive phosphorylated Contain thymidine Contain pho
sphopantetheine reactive groups Contain cystine reactive groups
409. All the folloing are coenzymes except
410. Which of the folloing is not a cofactor? (A) Mg (C) Cu

411. All the folloing compounds are mem ers of the electron transport chain exc
ept (A) U iquinone (C) NAD (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Carnitine (D) FAD
404. Which one of the folloing transfers acyl groups? (A) (B) (C) (D) Thiamine
pyrophosphate Lipomide ATP NADH
412. Thiamine is essential for Pyruvate dehydrogenase Isocitrate dehydrogenase S
uccinate dehydrogenase Acetyl CoA synthetase
413. Adenylate cyclase is activated y (A) Insulin (B)
 Glucagon (C) Prostaglandi
n E1 (D) Ca2+ ions 414. Maximum enzyme activity is o served at (A) Acidic pH (C)
Basic pH (B) Neutral pH (D) Optimum pH
422. A su strate for the enzyme aldolase is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) gala
ctose-6-phosphate isocitric acid Glucose-1-phosphate Fructose 1, 6 diphosphate T
hiamine pyrophosphate, FAD, NAD+ Flavin mononucleotide NADP+ NAD+ only (B) Panto
thenic acid (D) Thiamine

423. Decar oxylation of α-keto cids requires

415. Which of the following is known s one forming enzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A)
(B) (C) (D) Alk line phosph t se Acid phosph t se Leucine minopeptid se γ lutam
yl transpeptidase Intra molecular rearranement Breakin of hydroen bonds Coval
ent modification Polymerisation
424. Coenzyme A contains the vitamin: (A) Riboflavin (C) Pyridoxine
416. Conversion of pepsinoen to pepsin is
425. Which of the followin is not a component of coenzyme A? (A) Adenylic acid
(B) Pantothenic acid (C) β -mercaptoethylamine (D) Deoxyadenylic acid 426. Malic e
nzyme convers malic acid, in the
 presence of NADP+
 to Pyruvic acid. This reactio
n is a/an (A) (B) (C) (D) Decar oxylation Decar oxylation and Dehydrogenation De
hydrogenation Oxidation
417. Which of the folloing is not having an apoenzyme and coenzyme? (A) (B) (C)
(D) Lactate dehydrogenase Succinate dehydrogenase Malate dehydrogenase Pepsin (
B) Lyase (D) Oxido reductase
418. Pyruvate dehydrogenase is a/an (A) Isomerase (C) Ligase (A) (B) (C) (D)
419. Homogentisic oxidase is an Oxidase Monooxygenase Dioxygenase Anaerotic dehy
427. The folloing reaction is characteristic of hat type of enzymes? 2H2O2 → 2H2
O + O2 (A) (B) (C) (D) Peroxides Catalase Dehydrogenase Copper containing oxidas
420. Isocitrate dehydrogenase can use __________ as a cofactor. (B) NADP+ only (
A) NAD+ only (C) NAD+ or NADP+ (D) FMN and FAD 421. The rate of most enzyme cata
lysed reactions changes ith pH. As the pH increases, this rate (A) (B) (C) (D)
reaches a minimum, then increases reaches a maximum, then decreases increases de

428. Of Which ar urg’s yello enzyme contains
 as a prosthetic group? (A) (B) (C)
(D) Thiamine pyrophosphate Biotin NAD+ Ri oflavin-5-phosphate
429. Dehydrogenases utilize, as coenzymes, all of the folloing except (A) NAD+
(C) FAD (B) NADP+ (D) FH4
430. Urea is produced physiologically y the action of the enzyme: (A) Urease (C
) Arginase 431. Urease is a (A) Lyase (C) Isomerase (B) Ligase (D) Hydrolase (B)
Glutaminase (D) None of these

438. Immo ilized enzymes: (A) (B) (C) (D) Potentiation of activity Presentation
of activity Preparation of activity All of these
439. This catalyzes formation of CoA derivatives from fatty acid, CoA and ATP: (
A) (B) (C) (D) Acyl CoA dehydrogenase Enoyl hydrase β-OH acyl CoA dehydrogenase Th
io kinase

432. Velocity maximum for an enzyme at half the su strate concentration gives (A

) (B) (C) (D) The molecular eight of the enzyme Km value Isoelectric pH Pk valu

440. Fructose 2, 3 i phosphate is a poerful allosteric activator of (A) (B) (C
) (D) Fructose 1, 6 diphosphatase Phosphofructokinase Hexokinase Fructokinase

433. Which of the folloing amino acid has een shon as one of the active site
of phosphoglucomutase? (A) Lysine (C) Serine (B) Tyrosine (D) Histidine
441. ‘Clearing factor’ is (A) (B) (C) (D) Lipoprotein lipase Crotonase 7-dehydro cho
lesterol β-sitosterol (B) β-glucosides (D) Dextrins
434. The inhi ition of succinate dehydrogenase
 y malonate y (A) (B) (C) (D)Co
 inhi ition Non-competitive inhi ition Uncompetitive inhi ition Feed ac
k inhi ition
442. Maltase attacks only (A) α-glucosides
 (C) St rch 443. Pepsin is (A) Exo-pepti
d se (B) Endo-peptid se (C) C r oxy peptid se(D) Amino peptid se 444. An enzyme
in s liv which hydrolyzes st rch is (A) Pepsinogen (C) α-Amyl se (B) Chymotrysin
(D) M l te
435. Co mide coenzymes re (A) Vit min B1 (C) Pyridoxine (B) Ri ofl vin (D) Vit
min B12

436. The isozyme CK-MB is specific lly incre sed in the lood of p tients who h
d (A) (B) (C) (D) Skelet l muscle dise se Recent myoc rdi l inf rction Infective
hep titis Myxoedem
437. FAD cont ining enzyme, c t lyzing form tion of α, β uns tur ted f tty cyl CoA
deriv tive. (A) (B) (C) (D) Acyl CoA dehydrogen se Enoyl hydr se β-OH cyl CoA deh
ydrogen se Thiol se
445. If coenzyme is required in n enzyme re ction, the former usu lly h s the
function of (A) Acting s n cceptor for one of the cle v ge products of the s
u str te (B) Enh ncing the specificity of the po enzyme (C)Incre sing the num
er of receptor sites of the po enzyme (D) Activ ting the su str te
 The Mich ehis-Mentenhypothesis: (A) Postul tes the form tion of n enzyme
su str te complex (B) En les us to c lcul te the isoelectric
 point of nenzyme
(C) St tes th t the r te of chemic l re ction m y e independent ofsu str te
concentr tion (D) St tes th t the re ction r te is proportion l to su str te co
ncentr tion 447. Sch rdinger’s enzyme is (A) L ct te dehydrogen se (B) X nthine de
hydrogen se (C) Uric oxid se (D) L mino cid dehydrogen se 448. Tryptoph n pyro
l se is currently known s (A) Tryptoph n de min se (B) Tryptoph n dioxygen se (
C) Tryptoph
 n mono oxygen
 se (D) Tryptoph n dec r oxyl se 449. An enzyme which
rings out lysis of cteri l cell w ll is (A) Amyl se (C) Trypsin (B) Lysozyme
(D) Lip se
(B) Ch nging the specificity
 of the enzyme for the su str te (C) Ch nging the co
nform tion of the enzyme y inding to site other th n c t lytic site (D) Ch n
ging the n ture of the products
 formed 454. Which of the following regul tory re
ctions involves reversi le cov lent modific tion of n enzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D
) Phosphoryl
 tion of serine OHon the enzyme Allosteric modul tion Competitive i
nhi ition Non-competitive inhi ition

455. A competitive inhi itor of n enzyme h s which
 of thefollowing properties?
(A) (B) (C) (D) It is frequently feed ck inhi itor It ecomes  cov lently tt
ched to n enzyme It decre ses the Vm x It interferes with su str te inding to
the enzyme
456. When [s] is equ l toKm, which of the following conditions exist? (A) H lf
the enzyme molecules re ound to su str te (B) The velocity of there ction is
equ l to Vm x (C) The velocity of the re ction is independent
 of su str te conce
ntr tion (D) Enzymeis completely s tur ted with su str te 457. Which of the fol
lowing st tements out n enzyme exhi iting llosteric kinetics with cooper tiv
e inter ction is f lse? (A) A plot of V-Vk [s] h s sigm id l sh pe (B) An inhi
itor m y incre se the pp rent Km (C) Line we ver  Bnrk plot is useful fordeter
mining Km nd Vm x (D) Remov l of llosteric inhi itor m y result in hyper olic
V-S [s] plot 458. P ntothenic cid cts on (A) NADP (C) FAD (B) NADPH (D) CoA
450. Trypsin h s no ction on (A) Hemoglo in (C) Histone (B) Al umin (D) DNA
451. Multiple forms of the s me enzymes re known s (A) Zymogens (C) Proenzymes
(B) Isoenzymes (D) Pre-enzymes
452. In non-competitive enzyme ction (A) Vm x is incre sed (B) App rent km is i
ncre sed (C) App rent km is decre sed (D) Concentr tion of ctive enzyme
e is reduced 453. An llosteric enzyme influences
 the enzyme ctivity y (A) Com
petiting for the c t lytic site with the su str te
459. Vit min deficiency th t c uses f tty liver includes ll except (A) Vit min
E (C) Retionic cid (B) Pyridoxine (D) P ntothenic cid
460.In which of the following types of enzymes n inducer is not required? (A)
Inhi ited enzyme (B) Cooper tive enzyme (C) Allosteric enzyme (D)
 Constitutive e
  461. In which of the following
 types of enzyme w ter m y e dded to C—C d
ou le ond without re king the ond? (A) Hydrol se (C) Hydroxyl se (B) Hydr t s
e (D) Ester se

467. The est test for cute p ncre titis in the presence of mumps is (A) (B) (C
) (D) A serologic l test for mumps Serum myl se Urin ry myl se Serum lip se
468. The slow moving
 fr ction of LDH is typic lly incre sed in p ncre s with (A)
(B) (C) (D) Cere rov scul r ccidents Acute myoc rdi l inf rction Acute p ncre
titis Acute vir l hep tits

462. ‘Lock’ nd ‘Key’
 model of enzyme ction proposed y Fisher implies th t (A) The ct
ive site is flexi le nd djusts to su str te (B) The ctive site requires remov 
l of PO4 group
 (C) The ctive site is complement ry in sh pe to th t of the su
str te (D) Su str tes
 ch nge conform tion prior to ctive site inter ction 463.
In competitive inhi ition of enzyme ction (A) (B) (C) (D) The pp rent Km is de
cre sed The pp rent Km is incre sed Vm x is decre sed App rent concentr tion of
enzyme molecules decre sed
469. Which of the following enzyme typic lly elev ted in lcoholism? (A) (B) (C)
(D) Serum ALP Serum GOT Serum γ GT Serum acid phosphatase
470. Patients with hepatocellular jaundice, as compared to those with purely obs
tructive jaundice tend to have (A) (B) (C) (D) Lower serum ALP, LDH and AST acti
vity Lower serum ALP, Hiher LDH and AST activity Hiher serum ALP, LDH and AST
activity Hiher serum ALP, Lower LDH and AST activity
464. In competitive inhibition which of the followin kinetic effect is true ? (
A) (B) (C) (D) Decreases both Km and Vmax Increases both Km and Vmax Decreases K
m without affectin Vmax Increases Km without affectin Vmax
471. If results of the serum bilirubin, serum ALP, LDH and AST determinations su
est obstructive jaundice, the best confirmatory test would be the estimation o
f (A) (B) (C) (D) Serum ALT Serum 5’ nucleotidase Serum Pseudo cholinesterase None
of these
465. Enzymes increase the rates of reactions by (A) Increasin the free enery o
f activation (B) Decreasin the enery of activation (C) Chanin the equilibriu
m constant of the reaction (D) Increasin the free enery chane of the reaction
466. The most useful test for the dianosis of acute hemorrhaic pancreatitis d
urin the first few days is (A) Urinary lipase test (B) Serum calcium (C) Urinar
y amylase (D) Serum amylase
472. Which enzyme estimation will be helpful in differentiatin the elevated ser
um ALP found in obstructive jaundice as well as bone disorders? (A) Serum AST (C
) Serum LDH (B) Serum ALT (D) Serum γ GT
473. Cardiac muscle contains which of the followin CK osoenzyme? (A) BB only (B
) MM and BB only (C) MM, BB and MB (D) MM and MB only
474. Liver and skeletol measle disorders are characterized by on disk proportion
ate increase in which of the LDH isoenzyme fraction? (A) LDH 1 (B) LDH 1 and LDH
2 (C) LDH 3 and LDH 4 (D) LDH 2 and LDH 3 (E) LDH 5 475. On the third day follo
win onset of acute myocardial infarction, which enzyme estimation will have the
best predictive value? (A) Serum AST (C) Serum ALT (B) Serum CK (D) Serum LDH
482. Diastase can be used for the hydrolysis can be used for the hydrolysis of (
A) Sucrose (C) Cellulose (B) Starch (D) Maltose
483. Which of the followin statements is true? (A) Enzymes have names endin as
e (B) Enzymes are hihly specific in their action (C) Enzymes are livin oranis
ms (D) Enzymes et activated on heatin 484. Enzymes activity is controlled by (
A) pH of the solution (B) Temperature (C) Concentration of the enzyme (D) Concen
tration of the substrate (E) All of these 485. Which of the followin is not tru
e reardin enzymes? (A) They catalyze only a particular type of reaction (B) Th
ey remain active even after separation from the source (C) They are destroyed af
ter the completion of the reaction they catalyse (D) They are irreversibly destr
oyed at hih temperature (E) Their activity depends on the pH of the solution 48
6 The number of enzymes known is about (A) 10,000 (C) 50 (B) 100 (D) 26
476. Serum AST activity is not characteristically elevated as the result of (A)
(B) (C) (D) Myocardial infarction Passive conestion of liver Muscular dystrophi
es Peptic ulcer
477. On which day followin acute myocardial infarction the estimation of serum
AST will be of reatest sinificance? (A) First day (C) Third day (B) Second day
(D) Fourth day
478. In which diseases of the followin orans, isoenzymes LDH 1 and LDH 2 will
be released in plasma? (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Kidney, R.B.C and Liver H
eart, Kidney and R.B.C Heart, Kidney and Liver Heart, Luns and Brain totally ab
sent low concentration in plastic important for dianosis of several disease All
of these
479. Plasma non functional enzymes are
487. Nicotine present in tobacco is a/an (A) Alkaloid (C) Steroid (B) Terpene (D
) Protein
480. Pyruvate dehydroenase contains all except (A) Biotin (C) FAD (B) NAD (D) C
488. The poisonous alkaloid present in the oil of hemlock is (A) Cocaine (C) Qui
nine (B) Nicotine (D) Morphine
481. An increase in LDH 5 enzyme is seen in the followin except (A) Acute hepat
itis (B) Muscular distrophies (C) Breast carcinoma (D) Pulmonary embolism
489. Alkaloids are usually purified by extraction with (A) Ether (C) NaOH (B) Di
l HCl (D) Chloroform
490. The number of N MC roups in alkaloids is best estimate with the help of (A
) HI (C) (CH3CO)2 CO (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) H2SO4 (D) CH3 M I
(D) Be localized intracellularly (E) Be a catalyst 497. LDH assays are most usef
ul in dianosin diseases of the (A) Heart (C) Brain (B) Pancreas (D) Kidney
491. A competitive inhibitor of an enzyme Increases Km without affectin Vmax De
creases Km without affectin Vmax Increases Vmax without affectin Km Decreases
both Vmax and Km Numerically equal to ½ Vmax Dependent on the enzyme concentration
Independent of pH Numerically equal to the substrate concentration that ives h
alf maximal velocity
498. The chemical forces that bind most coenzymes and substrates to enzymes such
as LDH are (A) Hydroen bonds (B) Peptide bonds (C) Coordinate bonds (D) Covale
nt bonds 499. How many different proteins may be present in normal LDH? (A) One
(C) Three (B) Two (D) Four
492. The Michaelis constant, Km is
493. The rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction was measured usin several substra
te concentrations that were much lower than K m, the dependence of reaction velo
city on substrate concentration can best be described as (A) (B) (C) (D) Indepen
dent of enzyme concentration A constant fraction of Vmax Equal to Km Proportiona
l to the substrate concentration
500. All the isoenzymes function with the coenzyme: (A) NADP+ (C) Lipoate (B) FA
D (D) NAD+
501. ‘Lock’ and ‘Key’ theory was proposed by (A) Sorenson (C) Mehler (B) Fischer (D) San

494. The presence of a non competitive inhibitor (A) Leads to both an increase i
n the Vmax of a reaction and an increase in Km (B) Leads to a decrease in the ob
served Vmax (C) Leads to a decrease in Km and Vmax (D) Leads to an increase in K
m without affectin Vmax 495. Which one of the followin statements is not chara
cteristic of allosteric enzymes? (A) They frequently catalyze a committed step e
arly in a metabolic pathway (B) They are often composed of subunits (C) They fol
low Michaelis Menten kinetics (D) They frequently show cooperativity for substra
te bindin 496. The abnormal isoenzyme need not (A) Be an oxidoreductase (B) Hav
e any coenzyme (C) Require ATP
502. Which of the followin forms part of a coenzyme? (A) Zn 2+ (C) Vitamin B2 (
B) Lipase (D) Lysine
503. The shape of an enzyme and consequently its activity can be reversibly alte
red from moment to moment by (A) Heat (B) Amino acid substrate (C) Allosteric su
bunits (D) Sulfur substitutions 504. Which one of the followin reulatory actio
ns involves a reversible covalent modification of the enzyme? (A) (B) (C) (D) Ph
osphorylation of ser OH on the enzyme Allosteric modulation Competitive inhibiti
on Non competitive inhibition
505. An enzyme is a (A) Carbohydrate (C) Protein (B) Lipid (D) Nucleic acid
506. An enzyme promotes a chemical reaction by (A) Lowerin the enery of activa
tion (B) Causin the release of heat which acts as a primer (C) Increasin molec
ular motion (D) Chanin the free enery difference between substrate and produc
t 507. In most metabolic pathways, all needed enzymes are arraned toether in a
multienzyme complex within a (A) (B) (C) (D) Solution of ATP Membrane Quanterna
ry protein Coenzyme (C) Carboxyl roup of the amino acids (D) Exposed sulfur bon
ds 513. Allosteric enzymes contain (A) Multiple subunits (B) Sinle chain (C) Tw
o chains (D) Three chains
514. Isoenzymes of lactate dehydroenase are useful for the dianosis of (A) Hea
rt disease (C) Liver disease (B) Kidney disease (D) Both (A) and (C)
515. IUB had divided enzymes into how many classes? (A) 6 (C) 8 (B) 5 (D) 4
508. An enzyme catalyzes the conversion of an aldose suar to a ketose suar wou
ld be classified as one of the (A) Transferases (B) Isomerases (C) Oxido reducta
ses (D) Hydrolases 509. The function of an enzyme is to (A) Cause chemical react
ions that would not otherwise take place (B) Chane the rates of chemical reacti
ons (C) Control the equilibrium points of reactions (D) Chane the directions of
reactions 510. In which of the followin types of enzymes, water may be added t
o a C —C double bond without breakin the bond? (A) Hydrolase (C) Hydroxylase (B)
Hydratase (D) Oxyenase
516. The first enzyme isolated, purified and crystallied from Jack bean (Canaval
ia) by summer in 1926 was (A) Urease (C) Ribonuclease (B) Insulin (D) Zymase
517. Who suested that enzymes are proteinaceous? (A) Buchner (C) Sumner (B) Ku
hne (D) Pasteur
518. Feedback inhibition of enzyme action is affected by (A) Enzyme (C) End prod
ucts (B) Substrate (D) None of these
519. The enzyme that converts lucose to lucose 6 phosphate is (A) Phosphatase
(C) Phosphorylase (B) Hexokinase (D) Glucose synthetase
511. Enzymes increases the rate of reactions by (A) Increasin the free enery o
f activation (B) Decreasin the enery of activation (C) Chanin the equilibriu
m constant of the reaction (D) Increasin the free enery chane of the reaction
512. The active site of an enzyme is formed by a few of the enzymes: (A) R rou
ps of the amino acids (B) Amino roups of the amino acids
520. Enzymes are required in traces because they (A) Have hih turnover number (
B) Remain unused at the end of reaction and are re used (C) Show cascade effect
(D) All correct 521. An oranic substance bound to an enzyme and essential for t
he activity of enzyme is called (A) Holoenzyme (C) Coenzyme (B) Apoenzyme (D) Is
522. Enzyme catalysed reactions occur in (A) Pico seconds (C) Milli seconds (B)
Micro seconds (D) None of these
(C) Dry seeds have more reserve food (D) Seedlins are tender 531. Coenzymes FMN
and FAD are derived from vitamin (A) C (C) B1 (B) B6 (D) B2
523. An enzyme can accelerate a reaction up to (A) 1010 times (C) 10
(B) 101 times (D) 10 times
524. In plants, enzymes occur in (A) Flowers only (C) All livin cells 525. Zymo
en is a (A) Vitamin (C) Modulator (B) Enzyme precursor (D) Hormone (B) Leaves o
nly (D) Storae orans only
532. Template/lock and key theory of enzyme action is supported by (A) Enzymes s
peed up reaction (B) Enzymes occur in livin beins and speed up certain reactio
ns (C) Enzymes determine the direction of reaction (D) Compounds similar to subs
trate inhibit enzyme activity 533. Combination of apoenzyme coenzyme produces (A
) Prosthetic roup (B) Holoenzyme (C) Enzyme substrate complex (D) Enzyme produc
t complex 534. Enzyme inhibition caused by a substance resemblin substrate mole
cule is (A) Competitive inhibition (B) Non competitive inhibition (C) Feedback i
nhibition (D) Allosteric inhibition 535. An enzyme brins about (A) Decrease in
reaction time (B) Increase in reaction time (C) Increase in activation enery (D
) Reduction in activation enery 536. Feedback inhibition of enzyme is influence
d by (A) Enzyme (C) End product 537. Coenzyme is (A) Often a vitamin compound (B
) Always an inoranic (B) External factors (D) Substrate and
526. Cofactor (Prosthetic roup) is a part of holoenzyme, it is (A) Inoranic pa
rt loosely attached (B) Accessory non protein substance attached firmly (C) Ora
nic part attached loosely (D) None of these 527. A protein havin both structura
l and enzymatic traits is (A) Myosin (C) Trypsin (B) Collaen (D) Actin
528. Enzymes are different from catalysts in (A) Bein proteinaceous (B) Not use
d up in reaction (C) Functional at hih temperature (D) Havin hih rate of diff
usion 529. Enzymes, vitamins and hormones are common in (A) Bein proteinaceous
(B) Bein synthesized in the body of oranisms (C) Enhancin oxidative metabolis
m (D) Reulatin metabolism 530. Dry seeds endure hiher temperature than ermin
atin seeds as (A) Hydration is essential for makin enzymes sensitive to temper
ature (B) Dry seeds have a hard coverin
(C) Always a protein (D) Often a metal
538. Genetic enineerin requires enzyme: (A) DNA ase (B) Amylase (C) Lipase (D)
Restriction endonuclease 539. Which is not true about inoranic catalysts and e
nzymes? (A) They are specific (B) Inoranic catalysts require specific not neede
d by enzymes (C) They are sensitive to pH (D) They speed up the rate of chemical
reaction 540. Key and lock hypothesis of enzyme action was iven by (A) Fischer
(C) Buchner (B) Koshland (D) Kuhne
545. Vitamin B2 is component of coenzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Pyridoxal phosphate TP
546. Km value of enzyme is substrate concentration at (A) ½ Vmax (C) ½ Vmax (B) 2 Vm
ax (D) 4 Vmax
547. Part of enzyme which combines with nonprotein part to form functional enzym
e is (A) Apoenzyme (C) Prosthetic roup (B) Coenzyme (D) None of these
548. Who ot Nobel Prize in 1978 for workin on enzymes? (A) Koshland (C) Nass a
nd Nass (B) Arber and Nathans (D) H.G. Khorana
541. An example of feedback inhibition is (A) Allosteric inhibition of hexokinas
e by lucose6 phosphate (B) Cyanide action on cytochrome (C) Sulpha dru on foli
c acid synthesizer bacteria (D) Reaction between succinic dehydroenase and succ
inic acid 542. Feedback term refers to (A) Effect of substrate on rate of enzyma
tic reaction (B) Effect of end product on rate reaction (C) Effect of enzyme con
centration on rate of reaction (D) Effect of external compound on rate of reacti
on 543. Allosteric inhibition (A) (B) (C) (D) Makes active site unifit for subst
rate Controls excess formation and end product Both (A) and (B) None of these
549. Site of enzyme synthesis in a cell is (A) Ribosomes (C) Goli bodies (B) RE
R (D) All of these
550. The fruit when kept is open, tastes bitter after 2 hours because of (A) (B)
(C) (D) Loss of water from juice Decreased concentration of fructose in juice F
ermentation by yeast Contamination by bacterial enzymes
551. Hexokinase (Glucose + ATP → Glucose 6– P + ADP) belons to the cateory: (A) Tr
ansferases (B) Lysases (C) Oxidoreductases (D) Isomerases 552. Which enzyme is c
oncerned with transfer of electrons? (A) Desmolase (C) Dehydroenase (B) Hydrola
se (D) Transaminase
544. The ratio of enzyme to substrate molecules can be as low as (A) 1 : 100,000
(C) 1 : 10,000 (B) 1 : 500,000 (D) 1 : 1,000
553. The best example of extracellular enzymes (exoenzyme) is (A) (B) (C) (D) Nu
cleases Diestive enzymes Succinic dehydroenase None of these
554. Which mineral element controls the activity of Nitrate reductase ? (A) Fe (
C) Zn (B) Mo (D) Ca
(B) NH2 roup of amino acids (C) CO roup of amino acids (D) Sulphur bonds which
are exposed 563. Carbonic anhydrase enzyme has maximum turn over number (36 mil
lion). Minimum turn over number for an enzyme: (A) DNA polymerase (B) Lysozyme (
C) Penicillase (D) Lactase dehydroenase 564. In cell, diestive enzymes are fou
nd mainly in (A) Vacuoles (C) Ribosomes (B) Lysosomes (D) Lomasomes
555. Name the enzyme that acts both as carboxylase at one time and oxyenase at
another time. (A) (B) (C) (D) PEP carboxylase RuBP carboxylase Carbonic anyhdras
e None of these
556. A metabolic pathways is a (A) Route taken by chemicals (B) Sequence of enzy
me facilitated chemical reactions (C) Route taken by an enzyme from one reaction
to another (D) Sequence of oriin of oranic molecules 557. The enery required
to start an enzymatic reaction is called (A) Chemical enery (B) Metabolic ener
y (C) Activation enery (D) Potential enery 558. Out of the total enzymes pres
ent in a cell, a mitochondrion alone has (A) 4% (C) 95% (B) 70% (D) 50%
565. Substrate concentration at which an enzyme attains half its maximum velocit
y is (A) Threshold value (B) Michaelis Menton constant (C) Concentration level (
D) None of these 566. Which enzyme hydrolyses starch? (A) Invertase (C) Sucrase
(B) Maltase (D) Diastase
559. Creatine phosphokinase isoenzyme is a marker for (A) (B) (C) (D) Kidney dis
ease Liver disease Myocardial infarction None of these
567. Enzymes functional in cell or mitochondria are (A) Endoenzymes (C) Apoenzym
es (B) Exoenzymes (D) Holoenzymes
560. Which inactivates an enzyme by occupyin its active site? (A) (B) (C) (D) C
ompetitive inhibitor Allosteric inhibitor Non competitive inhibitor All of these
568. The enzymes present in the membrane of mitochondria are (A) Flavoproteins a
nd cytochromes (B) Fumarase and lipase (C) Enolase and catalase (D) Hexokinase a
nd zymase 569. A mitochondrial marker enzyme is (A) Aldolase (B) Amylase (C) Suc
cinic dehydroenase (D) Pyruvate dehydroenase
561. Which one is coenzyme? (A) ATP (C) CoQ and CoA (B) Vitamin B and C (D) All
of these
562. The active site of an enzyme is formed by (A) R roup of amino acids
570. The enzyme used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is (A) Taq polymerase (C
) Ribonuclease (B) RNA polymerase (D) Endonuclease
579. Transaminase activity needs the Coenzyme: (A) ATP (C) FADT (B) B6 PO4 (D) N
571. Which of the followin is a microsomal enzyme inducer? (A) Indomethacin (C)
Tolbutamide (B) Clofibrate (D) Glutethamide
580. The biosynthesis of urea occurs mainly in the liver: (A) Cytosol (C) Micros
omes (B) Mitochondria (D) Nuclei
572. Identify the correct molecule which controls the biosynthesis of proteins i
n livin oranisms. (A) DNA (C) Purines (B) RNA (D) Pyrimidines
581. Bile salts make emulsification with fat for the action of (A) Amylose (C) P
epsin (B) Lipase (D) Trypsin
573. The tear secretion contains an antibacterial enzyme known as (A) Zymase (C)
Lysozyme (B) Diastase (D) Lipase
582. All of the followin compounds are intermediates of TCA cycle except (A) Ma
leate (C) Oxaloacetate (B) Pyruvate (D) Fumarate
574. Identify one of the canbonic anhydrase inhibitor that inhibit only luminal
carbonic anhydrase enzyme. (A) Methazolamide (B) Acetazolamide (C) Dichlorphenam
ide (D) Benzolamide 575. Group transferrin Co enzyme is (A) CoA (C) NADP+ (B) N
AD+ (D) FAD+
583. In conversion of lactic acid to lucose, three reactions of lycolytic path
way are circumvented, which of the followin enzymes do not participate? (A) Pyr
uvate carboxylase (B) Phosphoenol pyruvate carboxy kinase (C) Pyruvate kinase (D
) Glucose 6 phosphatase 584. In the normal restin state of human most of the bl
ood lucose burnt as fuel is consumed by (A) Liver (C) Adipose tissue (B) Brain
(D) Muscles
576. The co enzyme containin an automatic hetero rin in the structure is (A) B
iotin (B) TPP (C) Suar Phosphate (D) Co enzyme 577. The example of hydroen tra
nsferrin Co enzyme is: (A) B6 PO4 (C) TPP (B) NADP+ (D) ATP
585. A reulator of the enzyme lucoen synthase is (A) Citric Acid (C) Glucose 
6 PO4 (B) Pyruvate (D) GTP
578. Enzyme catalyzed hydrolysis of proteins produces amino acid of the form (A)
D (C) L (B) DL (D) Racemic
586. A specific inhibitor for succinate dehydroenase is (A) Arsenite (C) Citrat
e (B) Malonate (D) Fluoride
ANSWERS 1. A 7. C 13. A 19. B 25. D 31. C 37. A 43. A 49. C 55. C 61. A 67. A 73
. A 79. A 85. B 91. A 97. A 103. A 109. D 115. B 121. A 127. B 133. D 139. B 145
. B 151. B 157. A 163. B 169. A 175. B 181. D 187. D 193. A 199. B 205. B 211. A
217. A 223. B 229. D 235. D 241. B 247. A
2. B 8. A 14. B 20. D 26. B 32. A 38. B 44. B 50. B 56. D 62. C 68. C 74. B 80.
A 86. B 92. A 98. A 104. C 110. C 116. A 122. C 128. B 134. A 140. C 146. A 152.
B 158. A 164. A 170. D 176. A 182. B 188. C 194. C 200. A 206. A 212. A 218. A
224. D 230. A 236. B 242. A 248. A
3. A 9. B 15. D 21. A 27. A 33. B 39. D 45. C 51. B 57. C 63. A 69. B 75. A 81.
C 87. D 93. A 99. A 105. A 111. B 117. B 123. C 129. B 135. B 141. D 147. A 153.
D 159. A 165. A 171. D 177. C 183. D 189. A 195. A 201. D 207. D 213. D 219. D
225. A 231. B 237. A 243. B 249. A
4. D 10. D 16. A 22. A 28. A 34. C 40. C 46. A 52. A 58. C 64. D 70. B 76. B 82.
C 88. D 94. B 100. A 106. D 112. B 118. C 124. D 130. B 136. B 142. B 148. C 15
4. A 160. A 166. B 172. A 178.A 184. C 190. A 196. A 202. C 208. A 214. D 220. D
226. A 232. D 238. C 244. A 250. C
5. C 11. C 17. B 23. B 29. A 35. A 41. D 47. D 53. A 59. A 65. A 71. A 77. C 83.
B 89. D 95. A 101. A 107. B 113. D 119. B 125. A 131. C 137. A 143. A 149. A 15
5. A 161. A 167. B 173. C 179. D 185. C 191. C 197. B 203. D 209. A 215. A 221.
C 227. B 233. A 239. B 245. A 251. B
6. D 12. D 18. C 24. B 30. B 36. B 42. A 48. B 54. C 60. B 66. D 72. B 78. C 84.
D 90. A 96. B 102. B 108. A 114. A 120. C 126. A 132. A 138. B 144. B 150. A 15
6. D 162. A 168. C 174. B 180. B 186. A 192. C 198. B 204. D 210. D 216. A 222.
C 228. B 234. A 240. C 246. A 252. C
253. B 259. D 265. A 271. C 277. B 283. B 289. C 295. D 301. B 307. C 313. D 319
. B 325. C 331. C 337. A 343. C 349. C 355. C 361. D 367. D 373. C 379. C 385. B
391. D 397. C 403. C 409. C 415. A 421. B 427. B 433. C 439. D 445. A 451. B 45
7. D 463. B 469. C 475. D 481. D 487. A 493. C 499. D 505. C 254. D 260. C 266.
B 272. A 278. C 284. D 290. D 296. B 302. D 308. B 314. B 320. A 326. C 332. C 3
38. D 344. A 350. C 356. A 362. B 368. A 374. A 380. B 386. C 392. C 398. C 404.
B 410. D 416. C 422. D 428. D 434. A 440. B 446. A 452. C 458. B 464. D 470. B
476. D 482. B 488. A 494. B 500. D 506. A 255. C 261. B 267. C 273. D 279. B 285
. C 291. C 297. D 303. D 309. C 315. B 321. D 327. A 333. C 339. C 345. D 351. C
357. C 363. A 369. D 375. C 381. C 387. D 393. C 399. B 405. D 411. B 417. D 42
3. A 429. D 435. D 441. A 447. B 453. C 459. C 465. B 471. B 477. B 483. B 489.
B 495. C 501. D 507. B 256. D 262. C 268. A 274. A 280. D 286. D 292. B 298. C 3
04. A 310. D 316. C 322. A 328. D 334. C 340. D 346. C 352. C 358. A 364. D 370.
D 376. A 382. B 388. C 394. A 400. C 406. D 412. B 418. D 424. B 430. C 436. B
442.A 448. B 454. A 460. D 466. D 472. D 478. B 484. C 490. A 496. A 502. C 508.
B 257. A 263. A 269. B 275. B 281. C 287. C 293. C 299. B 305. B 311. A 317. C
323. A 329. B 335. D 341. C 347. C 353. C 359. D 365. C 371. C 377. B 383. B 389
. D 395. D 401. D 407. A 413. B 419. C 425. D 431. D 437. A 443. B 449. B 455. D
461. B 467. D 473. D 479. D 485. C 491. A 497. A 503. C 509. B 258. B 264. D 27
0. C 276. C 282. B 288. A 294. D 300. B 306. D 312. C 318. B 324. B 330. A 336.
A 342. C 348. C 354. B 360. D 366. A 372. B 378. B 384. D 390. C 396. D 402. B 4
08. C 414. D 420. C 426. B 432. B 438. B 444. C 450. D 456. A 462. C 468. D 474.
C 480. A 486. C 492. D 498. D 504. A 510. A
511. B 517. C 523. A 529. D 535. D 541. A 547. C 553. C 559. C 565. B 571. D 577
. D 583. B 512. C 518. C 524. C 530. A 536. C 542. B 548. A 554. A 560. A 566. D
572. A 578. C 584. B 513. A 519. B 525. B 531. D 537. A 543. C 549. B 555. B 56
1. D 567. A 573. C 579. B 585. C 514. D 520. D 526. B 532. D 538. D 544. A 550.
D 556. B 562. A 568. A 574. B 580. B 586. B
515. A 521. C 527. A 533. B 539. B 545. D 551. C 557. C 563. B 569. C 575. A 581
. B 516. A 522. C 528. A 534. A 540. A 546. D 552. A 558. B 564. B 570. D 576. C
582. B
EXPLANATIONS FOR THE ANSWERS 4. D The functional unit of an enzyme is referred t
o as a holoenzyme. It is often made up of an apoenzyme (the protein part) and a
coenzyme (the non protein part). 47. D Concentration of enzyme, concentration of
substrate, temperature, pH, presence of products, activators and inhibitors are
some of the important factors that influence enzyme activity. 89. D It is a str
aiht line raphic representation depictin the relation between substrate conce
ntration and enzyme velocity. This plot is commonly employed for the calculation
of Km values for enzymes. 133. D Active site is the small reion of an enzyme w
here substrate binds. It is flexible in nature and it exists due to the tertiary
structure of proteins. Acidic, basic and hydroxyl amino aicds are frequently fo
und at the active site. 179. D There are three broad cateories of enzyme inhibi
tion: (a) Reversible inhibition: The inhibitor binds noncovalently with the enzy
me and the inhibition is reversible. Competitive, non competitive and uncompetit
ive come under this cateory. (b) Irreversible inhibition: The inhibitor covalen
tly binds with the enzyme which is irreversible. (c) Allosteric inhibition: Cert
ain enzymes possessin allosteric sites are reulated by allosteric effectors. 2
19. D Enzymes are hihly specific in their action compared with chemical catalys
ts. Three types of enzyme specificities are well reconized. (a) Stereospecifici
ty: The enzymes act only on one isomer and therefore exhibit stereoisomerism. e.
., L amino acid oxidase on L amino acids; hexokinase on D hexose (Note: isomera
ses do not exhibit stereospecificity). (b) Reaction specificity: The same substr
ate can undero different types of reactions, each catalysed by a separate enzym
e e.., amino acids underoin transamination, decarboxylation etc. (c) Substrat
e specifity: This may be absolute, relative or broad e.., urease, liase, hexok
inase. 260. D (a) Lock and Key model (Fischer’s Template
305. C
345. D
391. D
438. B
479. D
514. D
559. C
theory): The substrate fits to active site of an enzyme just as a key fits into
a proper lock. Thus, the active site of the enzyme is riid and preshaped where
only a specific substrate can bind. Induced fit theory (Koshland model): As per
this, the substrate induces a conformational chane in the enzyme resultin in t
he formation of substrate bindin (active) site. Some enzymes are synthesized in
an inactive form which are referred to as proenzymes (or zymoens). They under
o irreversible modification to produce active enzymes. e.., proenzymes – chymotr
ypsinoen and pepsinoen are respectively converted to chymotrypsin and pepsin.
The RNAs that can function as enzymes are referred to as ribozymes. They are thu
s nonprotein enzymes. It is believed that RNAs were functionin as catalysts bef
ore the occurance of proteins durin evolution. Streptokinase is used for cleari
n blood clots. Asparainase is employed in the treatment of leukemias. Certain
enzymes can be made to bind to insoluble inoranic matrix (e.., cyanoens bromi
de activated sepharose) to preserve their catalytic activity for lon periods. S
uch enzymes are referred to as immobilized enzymes. These enzymes are either tot
ally absent or present at a low concentration in plasma compared to their levels
found in tissues. Estimation of plasma non functional enzymes is important for
the dianosis and pronosis of several diseases. Lactate dehydroenase (LDH) as
five distinct isoenzymes (LDH1 … LDH5). Each one is an oliomeric protein compose
d of 4 subunits (N and/ or H). Isoenzymes of LDH are important for the dianosis
of heart and liver related disorders i.e., serum LDH1 is elevated in myocardial
infarction while LDH5 is increased in liver diseases. Creatine kinase (CK) or c
reatine phosphokinase (CPK) exists as 3 isoenzymes. Each isoenzyme is a dimmer c
omposed of two subunits (M or B or both). Elevation of CPK2 (MB) in serum is an
early reliable dianostic indication of myocardial infarction.
This pae intentionally left blank
1. When ATP forms AMP (A) (B) (C) (D) Inoranic pyrophosphate is produced Inora
nic phosphorous is produced Phsophaen is produced No enery is produced

7. If ∆G°= –2.3RT log Keq, the free energy for the re ction will e + B A C
10moles 10moles
(A) –4.6 RT (C) +2.3 RT
(B) –2.3 RT (D) +4.6 RT
2. St nd rd free energy (∆G°) of hydrolysis ∆ of ATP to ADP + Pi is (A) –49.3 KJ/mol (C)
–30.5 KJ/mol (B) –4.93 KJ/mol (D) –20.9 KJ/mol
8. Redox potenti l (EO volts) of NAD+/NADH is (A) –0.67 (C) –0.12 (B) –0.32 (D) +0.03
∆ 3. St nd rd free energy (∆G°) of hydrolysis of ADP to AMP + Pi is (A) –43.3 KJ/mol (C)
–27.6 KJ/mol (B) –30.5 KJ/mol (D) –15.9 KJ/mol

9. Redox potenti l (EO volts) of u iquinone, ox/red system is (A) +0.03 (C) +0.1
0 (B) +0.08 (D) +0.29
4. St nd rd free energy (∆G°) of hydrolysis ∆ of phosphoenolpyruv te is (A) –61.9 KJ/mol
(C) –14.2 KJ/mol (B) –43.1 KJ/mol (D) –9.2 KJ/mol
10. Redox potenti l (EO volts) of cytochrome C, Fe3+/Fe2+ is (A) –0.29 (C) –0.08 (B)
–0.27 (D) +0.22
5. St nd rd free energy (∆G°) of hydrolysis ∆ of cre tine phosph te is (A) -–51.4 KJ/mol
(C) –30.5 KJ/mol (B) –43.1 KJ/mol (D) –15.9 KJ/mol

11. The prosthetic group of ero ic dehydrogen ses is (A) NAD (C) FAD (B) NADP (
D) P ntothenic cid
6. The oxid
 tion-reduction system h ving the highest redox potenti
 l is (A) (B)
(C) (D) U iquinone ox/red Fe3+ cytochrome /Fe2+ Fe3+ cytochrome /Fe2+ NAD+/NAD
12. Alcohol dehydrogen se from liver cont ins (A) Sodium (C) Zinc (B) Copper (D)
M gnesium
13. A moly denum cont ining oxid se is (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytochrome oxid se X nthi
ne oxid se Glucose oxid se L-Amino cid oxid se
22. The sequence of the redox c rrier in
 respir tory ch in is (A) NAD—FMN—Q—cyt —cyt c1—c
yt c—cyt 3  O2 → (B) FMN—Q—NAD—cyt —cyt 3—cyt c1— cyt c O2 → (C) NAD—FMN—Q—cyt c1
NAD—FMN—Q—cyt —cyt 3—cytc—cyt c1 O2 → 23. The correct sequence
 of cytochrome c rrier
spir tory ch in is (A) Cyt —cyt c—cyt c1—cyt 3 (B) Cyt 3— cyt —cyt c—cyt c1 (C) Cyt
t c1—cyt c—cyt 3 (D) Cyt —cyt 3—cyt c1— cyt c 24. Reducing equiv lents from pyruv te
 the mitochondri l respir tory ch in t (A) FMN (C) Coenzyme Q (B) NAD (D)
14. A copper cont ining oxid se is (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytochrome oxid se Fl vin mon
onucleotide Fl vin denine dinucleotide X nthine oxid se
15. The mitochondri l superoxide dismut se cont ins (A) Mg (C) Co++
(B) Mn (D) Zn ++
16. Cytosolic superoxide dismut se cont ins (A) Cu2+ nd Zn2+ (C) Mn2+ nd Zn2+
(B) Mn 2+ (D) Cu2+ nd Fe2+
17. Cytochrome oxid se cont ins (A) Cu2+ nd Zn2+ (C) Cu2+ nd Mn2+ (B) Cu2+ nd
Fe2+ (D) Cu 2+
18. Ch
 r cteristic
 sorption nds exhi ited y ferrocytochrome: (A) α nd (C) α
nd β nds (B) β nd (D) α, β nd γ bands
25. Reducin equivalents from succinate enter the mitochondrial respiratory chai
n at (A) NAD (C) FAD (B) Coenzyme Q (D) Cyt c
19. Monooxyenases are found in (A) Cytosol (C) Mitochondira (B) Nucleus (D) Mic
26. The respiratory chain complexes actin as proton pump are (A) I, II and III
(C) I, III and IV (B) I, II and IV (D) I and II
20. A component of the respiratory chain in mitochondria is (A) (B) (C) (D) Coen
zyme Q Coenzyme A Acetyl coenzyme Coenzyme containin thiamin
27. If the reducin equivalents enter from FAD in the respiratory chain, the pho
sphate.oxyen ration (P:O) is (A) 2 (C) 3 (B) 1 (D) 4
21. The redox carriers are rouped into respiratory chain complex (A) (B) (C) (D
) In the inner mitochondrial membrane In mitochondiral matrix On the outer mitoc
hondrial membrane On the inner surface of outer mitochondrial membrane
28. If the reducin equivalents enter from NAD in the respiratory chain, the phs
phate/oxyen (P:O) is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4
29. One of the site of phsosphorylation in mitochondrial respiratory chain is (A
) Between FMN and coenzyme Q (B) Between coenzyme Q and cyt b (C) Between cytoch
rome b and cytochrome c1 (D) Between cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c 30. Rotenone
inhibits the respiratory chain at (A) FMN → coenzyme Q (B) NAD → FMN (C) Coenzyme Q
→ cyt b (D) Cyt b → Cyt c1 31. Activity of cytochrome oxidase is inhibited by (A) S
ulphite (C) Arsenite (B) Sulphate (D) Cyanide
37. The chemical inhibitin oxidative phosphorylation, Adependent on the transpo
rt of adenine nucleotides across the inner mitochondrial membrane is (A) Oliomy
cin (C) Dinitrophenol (B) Atractyloside (D) Pentachlorophenol
38. Porphyrins are synthesized in (A) Cytosol (B) Mitochondria (C) Cytosol and m
itochondria (D) Rouh endoplasmic reticulum 39. Heme is synthesized from (A) Suc
cinyl CoA and lycine (B) Active acetate and lycine (C) Active succinate and al
anine (D) Active acetate and alanine 40. In the biosynthesis of the iron protopo

rphyrin, the product of the condensation between succinyl CoA and lycine is (A)
α-Amino β-keto dipic cid (B) δ-Aminolevulinate
 (C) Hy roxymethylbilane (D) Uroporphy

rinogen I 41. Porphyrin synthesis is inhibite in (A) Mercury poisoning (B) Lea
poisoning (C) Manganese poisoning (D) Barium poisoning 42. During synthesis
porphyrins, synthesis of δ-aminolevulinic aci occurs in (A) Mitochon ria (B) Cyt
osol (C) Both in mitochon ria an cytosol (D)Ribosomes 43. In the biosynthesis
of heme, con ensation between succinyl CoA an glycine requires (A) NAD+ (C) NAD
H + H
32. Transfer of re ucingequivalents from succinate ehy rogenase to coenzyme Q
is specifically inhibite by (A) Carboxin (C) Pierici in A (B) Oligomycin (D) Ro
33. Chemiosmotic
 theory for oxi ative
 phosphorylation has been propose by (A) C
hance an Williams
 (B) Pauling an Corey (C) S. Waugh (D) P. Mitchell 34. The nu
mber of ATP pro uce in the oxi ation of 1 molecule of NADPH in oxi ative phosph
orylation is (A) Zero (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4
35. The coupling of oxi ation an phosphorylation in intact mitochon ria: (A) Pu
romycin (C) Streptomycin (B) Oligomycin (D) Gentamycin

36. An uncoupler
 of oxi ative phosphorylation is (A) Carboxin (C) Amobarbital (B
) Atractylosi e (D) Dinitrocresol
(B) FAD (D) B6-phosphate
44. In mammalian liver the rate controlling enzyme in porphyrin biosynthesis is
(A) ALA synthase (B) ALA hy ratase(C) Uroporphyrinogen I synthase (D) Uroporphy
 III cosynthase 45. The con ensation of2 molecules of δ-aminolevulinate e
hy ratase contains (A) ALA synthase (B) ALA hy ratase (C) Uroporphyrinogen synth

ase I (D) Uroporphyrinogen synthase III 46. The enzyme δ-aminolevulinate ehy rata
se contains (A) Zinc (C) Magnesium (B) Manganese (D) Calcium
51. The synthesis of heme  from protophyrin III is catalyse by the enzyme: (A) A
LA synthase (C) Ferrooxi ase 52. Many xenobiotics (A) (B) (C) (D) Increase  hepat
ic ALA synthase Decrease
  hepatic ALA sythase
 Increase hepatic ALA ehy rase Decr
ease hepatic ALA ehy rase (B) Ferrore uctase (D) Ferrochelatase
53. Acute intermittent porphyria (paraoxymal porphyria) is cause ue to eficie
ncy of(A) (B) (C) (D) Uroporphyrinogen
 I synthase ALA synthase Coproporphyrinog
en oxi ase Uroporphyrinogen ecarboxylase

 The major symptom of acute intermittent porphyria inclu es (A) (B) (C) (D) A
b ominal pain Photosensitivity No neuropsychiatric signs Dermatitis
47. A cofactor require for the activity of the enzyme ALA ehy ratase is (A) Cu
(C) Mg (B) Mn (D) Fe

48. The number of molecules of porphobilinogen require for the formation of a t
etrapyrrole i.e., a porphyrin is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4

55. The characteristic
 urinary fin ing in acute intermittent
 porphyria is (A) (B
) (C) (D) Increase
 quantity of uroporphyrin Increase quantity of coproporphyri
n I Increase quantity of coproporphyrin III Massive quantities of porphobilinog

49. Conversion of the linear tetrapyrrole hy  roxymethylbilane to uroporphyrinoge
n III (A)
 Occurs spontaneously (B) Catalyse by uroporphyrinogen I synthase
Catalyse by uroporphyrinogen III  cosynthase (D) Catalyse by combine action of
uroporphyrinogen I synthase an uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase  50. Conversion
of uroporphyrinogen
 III to coprophyrinogen III is catalyse  by the enzyme.: (A)
 ecarboxylase (B) Coproporphyrinogen oxi ase (C) Protoporphyrin
ogen oxi ase (D) Ferrochelatase

56. The enzyme involve in congenial erythropoietic porphyria is (A) (B) (C) (D)
 I synthase Uroporphyrinogen III cosynthase Protoporphyrinogen
oxi ase Ferrochelatase
57. Main symptoms of congenital
 erythropoietic porphyria is (A) Yellowish teeth
(B) Photosensitivity (C) Ab ominal
 pain (D) Brownish urine 58. The probable caus
e of porphyria cutanea tar a is eficiency of (A) (B) (C) (D) Uroporphyrinogen o
xi ase Coproporphyrinogen oxi ase Protoporphyrinogen oxi ase Uroporphyrinogen I
 The characteristic urinary fin ing in porphyria
 cutaneatar a is (A) Increas
e quantity of porphobilinogen (B) Increase quantity  of re cell protoporphyrin
(C) Increase quantity of uroporphyrin
   (D) Increase quantity of δ-ALA 60. Here
tary coproporphyria is cause
 to eficiency of (A) Protoporphyrinogen
 oxi as
e (B) ALA synthase
 (C) ALA ehy ratase (D) Coproporphyrinogen oxi ase 61. The en
zyme involve in variegate porphyria is (A)Protoporphyrinogen oxi  ase (B) Copro
porphyrinogen oxi ase (C) Uroporphyrinogen ecarboxylase (D)
 ALA ecarboxylase 6
2. Protoporphyria (erythrohepatic)
 is characterize  by the eficiency of (A) ALA
synthase (B) ALA hy ratase (C) Protophyrinogen
  oxi ae (D) Ferrochelatase 63. Th
e amount of coproporphyrins excrete per ay in feces is about (A) 10–50 µgs (C) 200–2
50 µgs (B) 100–150 µgs (D) 300–1000 µgs 66. All immunoglobulins contain (A) (B) (C) (D) 4
L chains 4 H chains 3 L chains 2 L chains an 2 H chains
67. An immunoglobulin molecule always contains (A) (B) (C) (D) 1 κ and 3 λ type of c
hains 2 κ and 2 λ type of chains 3 κ and 1λ type of chains 2 κ and 2 λ chains
68 . The number of types of H chains identified in human is (A) 2 (C) 4 (B) 3 (D
) 5
69. The number of hypervariab e region in L chain is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4
70. The number of hypervariab e region in H chain is (A) 1 (C) 3 (A) Ig G (C) Ig
M (A) Ig E (C) Ig M (A) Ig G (C) Ig M (A) Ig G (C) Ig M (A) Ig A (C) Ig D (A) I
g D (C) Ig G (B) 2 (D) 4 (B) Ig A (D) Ig D (B) Ig A (D) Ig D (B) Ig A (D) Ig D (
B) Ig A (D) Ig D (B) Ig M (D) Ig E (B) Ig M (D) Ig E
71. Type γ H chain is present in
72. Type α H ch in is present in
64. The immunoglo
 ulins re differenti
 ted nd lso n med on the sis of (A) El
ectrophoretic mo ility (B) He t st ility (C) Molecul
 r weight (D) Sediment iton

coefficient like 7 S, 19 S etc. 65. The immunoglo
 ulins re cl ssified on the
sis of (A)
 Light ch ins (B) He vy ch ins (C) C r ohydr te content (D) Electroph
oretic mo ility
73. Type µ H ch in is present in
74. Type δ H chain is present in
75. Type ε H chain is prsnt in
76. A ‘J’ chain is prsnt in
77. A scrtory protin T chain (T protin) is prsnt in (A) Ig A (C) Ig D (B)
Ig M (D) Ig E
85. Th immunoglobulin which can cross th placnta is (A) Ig A (C) Ig G (B) Ig
M (D) Ig D
78. A pntamr immunoglobulin is (A) Ig G (C) Ig M (B) Ig A (D) Ig E
86. Th immunoglobulin possssing lowst concntration of carbohydrat is (A) Ig
A (C) Ig M (B) Ig E (D) Ig G
79. Th portion of th immunoglobulin molcul that binds th spcific antign i
s formd by (A) (B) (C) (D) Variabl rgions of H and L chains Constant rgion o
f H chain Constant rgion of L chain Hing rgion
87. Th normal srum lvl of Ig G is (A) 1200 mg% (C) 300 mg% (B) 500 mg% (D) 2
00 mg%
88. Th half lif of Ig G is (A) 2–8 days (C) 19–24 days (B) 1–4 days (D) 6 days
80. Th class spcific function of th diffrnt immunoglobulin molculs is con
stitutd by (A) (B) (C) (D) Variabl rgion of L chain Constant rgion of H chai
n Variabl rgion of H chain Constant rgion particularly CH2 and CH3 of H chain
89. Most hat labil immunoglobulin is (A) Ig G (C) Ig M (B) Ig A (D) Ig D
90. Th immunoglobulin possssing highst concntration of carbohydrat is (A) I
g G (C) Ig A (B) Ig M (D) Ig D
81. Hing rgion, th rgion of Ig molcul which is flxibl and mor xposd t
o nzyms is th (A) Rgion btwn first and scond constant rgions of H chain
(domains CH1 and CH2) (B) Rgion btwn scond and third constant rgions of H
chain (CH2 and CH3) (C) Variabl rgions of H chain (D) Variabl rgions of L c
hain 82. Th smallst immunoglobulin is (A) Ig G (C) Ig D (B) Ig E (D) Ig A
91. Th normal srum lvl of Ig D is (A) 1 mg% (C) 3 mg% (B) 2 mg% (D) 5 mg%
92. Th half lif of Ig D is (A) 1 day (C) 10–15 days (B) 2–8 days (D) 20–24 days
93. Th carbohydrat contnt of Ig M is about (A) 2.8% (C) 8.0% (B) 6.4% (D) 10.
83. Th numbr of sub classs of Ig G is (A) 2 (C) 4 (B) 3 (D) 8
94. Th immunoglobulin having highst sdimntation cofficint is (A) Ig G (C)
Ig M (B) Ig A (D) Ig D
84. Most abundant Ig G subclass in th srum is (A) Ig G1 (C) Ig G3 (B) Ig G2 (D
) Ig G4
95. Th immunoglobulin having highst molcular wight is (A) Ig G (C) Ig E (B)
Ig M (D) Ig A
96. Th half lif of Ig M is (A) 2 days (C) 5 days (B) 4 days (D) 8 days
107. Th normal srum lvl of phosphorus in human adult is (A) 1–2 mg (C) 3–4.5 mg
(B) 2–3 mg (D) 5–7 mg
97. Th normal srum lvl of Ig M is (A) 50 mg% (C) 200 mg% (B) 120 mg% (D) 300
98. Th immunoglobulin associatd with rginic antibody is (A) Ig E (C) Ig M (B)
Ig D (D) Ig A
108. An incras in carbohydrat mtabolism is accompanid by tmporary dcras
in srum: (A) Calcium (C) Iron (B) Phosphat (D) Sodium
99. Th immunoglobulin having last concntration in srum is (A) Ig A (C) Ig D
(B) Ig M (D) Ig E
109. In rickts of th common low-phosphat varity, srum phosphat valus may
go as low as (A) 1–2 mg/100 ml (B) 2–3 mg/100 ml (C) 3–4 mg/100 ml (D) 4–5 mg/100 ml 110
. Th normal srum lvl of phosphorous in childrn varis from (A) 1–2 mg/100 ml
(B) 2–3 mg/100 ml (C) 3–4 mg/100 ml (D) 4–7 mg/100 ml 111. An inhritd or acquird r
nal tubular dfct in th rabsorption of phosphat (Vit D rsistant rickt) is
charactrizd with (A) Normal srum Phosphat (B) High srum phosphat (C) A low
blood phosphorous with lvatd alkalin Phosphat (D) A high blood phosphorous
with dcrasd alkalin phosphatas 112. Th total magnsium contnt in gms of
human body is about (A) 5 (C) 15 (B) 10 (D) 21
100. Th half lif of Ig E protin is (A) 1–6 days (C) 10 days (B) 2–8 days (D) 20 d
101. Th immunoglobulin which provids highst antiviral activity is (A) Ig D (C
) Ig A (B) Ig E (D) Ig G
102. Th half lif of Ig A is (A) 6 days (C) 5–10 days (B) 2–4 days (D) 12–20 days
103. Th normal srum lvl of Ig A is (A) 100 mg% (C) 300 mg% (B) 200 mg% (D) 4
00 mg%
104. Calcium is xcrtd by (A) (B) (C) (D) Kidny Kidny and intstin Kidny a
nd livr Kidny and pancras
113. Iron is a componnt of (A) Hmoglobin (C) Transfras (B) Cruloplasmin (D)
105. A dcras in th ionizd fraction of srum calcium causs (A) Ttany (C) O
stomalacia (B) Rickts (D) Ostoporosis
114. Daily rquirmnt of iron for normal adult mal is about (A) 5 mg (C) 15 mg
(B) 10 mg (D) 20 mg
106. A ris in blood calcium may indicat (A) Pagt’s disas (C) Ostomalacia (B)
Rickts (D) Hyprvitaminosis D
115. Th normal contnt of protin bound iron (PBI) in th plasma of mals is (A
) (B) (C) (D) 120–140 µg/100 ml 200–300 µg/100 ml 120–140 µg/100 ml 200–300 µg/100 ml Th p
bound iron is low Th plasma bound iron is high Total iron binding capacity is
low Both th plasma bound iron and total iron binding capacity ar low
123. Th bst sourc of iron is (A) Organ mats (C) Tomato (B) Milk (D) Potato
124. An incrasd srum iron and dcrasd iron binding capacity is found in (A)
(B) (C) (D) F dficincy anmia Sidroblastic anmia Folat dficincy anmia
Sickl cll anmia
116. In iron dficincy anmia (A) (B) (C) (D)
125. Th absorption of iron is incrasd 2–10 tims of normal in (A) (B) (C) (D) (
A) (B) (C) (D) Iron dficincy anmia Prgnancy Sphrocytosis Sickl cll anmia
Stomach and duodnum Ilum Cacum Colon (B) Catalas (D) Proxidas
117. Th total iron contnt of th human body is (A) 400–500 mg (C) 2–3 g 118. In h
patic disass (A) Both th bound iron and total iron binding capacity of th pl
asma may b low (B) Both th bound iron and total iron binding capacity of th p
lasma may b high (C) Only bound iron may b high (D) Only th total iron bindin
g capacity may b high 119. Th rcommndd daily rquirmnt of iron for womn
of 18–55 yrs ag is (A) 5 mg (C) 10 mg (B) 8 mg (D) 15 mg (B) 1–2 g (D) 4–5 g
126. Iron is mainly absorbd from
127. Th iron containing nonporphyrin is (A) Hmosidrin (C) Cytochrom C 128. M
olcular iron is (A) (B) (C) (D) Stord primarily in th spln Exrtd in th u
rin as F2+ Stord in th body in combination with frritin Absorbd in th fr
ric form
120. Th prcnt of total iron in body in hmoglobin is (A) 10–20 (C) 30–40 (B) 20–30
(D) 60–70
129. In hmochromatosis, th livr is infiltratd with (A) Iron (C) Molybdnum (
B) Coppr (D) Fats
121. A hypochromic microcytic anmia with incrasd iron stors in th bon marr
ow may b (A) (B) (C) (D) Iron rsponsiv Pyridoxin rsponsiv Vitamin B12 rsp
onsiv Folat rsponsiv (B) Milk (D) Potato
130. An acquird sidrosis-Bantu sidrosis is du to (A) (B) (C) (D) Foods cook
d in iron pots Dit high in phosphorous Dit high in calcium High fat dit
122. A good sourc of iron is (A) Spinach (C) Tomato
131. Th amount of coppr in th human body is (A) 50–80 mg (C) 400–500 mg (B) 100–150
mg (D) 500–1000 mg
132. Th amount of coppr in muscls is about (A) 10 mg (C) 64 mg (A) 5 mg (C) 1
5 mg (B) 30 mg (D) 100 mg (B) 10 mg (D) 23 mg
142. Mnk’s disas is du to an abnormality in th mtabolism of (A) Iron (C) Ma
gnsium (B) Mangans (D) Coppr
133. Th amount of coppr in bons is about
143. Mnk’s disas (Kinky or stl hair disas) is a X-linkd disas charactr
izd by (A) High lvls of plasma coppr (B) High lvls of cruloplasmin (C) Lo
w lvls of plasma coppr and of culoplasmin (D) High lvl of hpatic coppr 1
44. Th trac lmnt catalyzing hmoglobin synthsis is (A) Mangans (C) Copp
r (B) Magnsium (D) Slnium
134. Th normal srum of concntration of coppr in mg/100 ml varis btwn (A)
0–5 (C) 100–200 (B) 50–100 (D) 200–300
135. Th normal srum concntration of cruloplasmin in mg/100 ml varis btwn
(A) 5–10 (C) 25–43 (B) 10–20 (D) 50–100
136. Rcommndd daily ditary rquirmnt of coppr for adults is (A) 0.5–1 mg (C
) 3.5–4.5 mg (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 1.5–3.0 mg (D) 4.5–5.5 mg
145. Th total body contnt of mangans is about (A) 2 mg (C) 8 mg (B) 4 mg (D)
10 mg
137. Th richst sourc of coppr is Livr Milk Lgums Grn lafy vgtabls
146. In blood th valus of mangans in µg / 100 ml varis btwn (A) 0–4 (C) 3–5 (B
) 2–4 (D) 4–20
138. Th cytosolic suproxid dismutas nzym contains (A) Cu2+ (C) Zn 2+ (B) C
u2+ and Zn2+ (D) Mn 2+
147. Th adquat daily ditary rquirmnt of mangans is (A) 1–2 mg (C) 5–10 mg (
B) 2–5 mg (D) 10–20 mg
139. Th dficincy of coppr dcrass th activity of th nzym: (A) Lysin o
xidas (C) Tyrosin oxidas (B) Lysin hydroxylas (D) Prolin hydroxylas
148. Mitochondrial suproxid dismutas contains (A) Zinc (C) Magnsium (B) Copp
r (D) Mangans

140. Wilson’s disas is a condition of toxicosis of (A) Iron (C) Chromium 141. In
Wilson’s disas (A) (B) (C) (D) Coppr fails to b xcrtd in th bil Coppr l
vl in plasma is dcrasd Cruloplasmin lvl is incrasd Intstinal absorpti
on of coppr is dcrasd (B) Coppr (D) Molybdnum
149. Mitochondrial pyruvat carboxylas contains (A) Zinc (C) Mangans (B) Zinc
(D) Magnsium
150. Th adquat daily ditary rquirmnt of molybdnum for normal human adult
is (A) 10–20 µg (C) 50–70 µg (B) 25–50 µg (D) 75–200 µg
151. In human bings molybdnum is mainly absorbd from (A) Livr (C) Intstin
(B) Kidny (D) Pancras
161. Total body contnt of slnium is about (A) 1–2 mg (C) 4–10 mg (A) 5 µg /100 ml (
C) 10 µg /100 ml (B) 2–4 mg (D) 50–100 mg (B) 8 µg /100 ml (D) 13 µg /100 ml
162. Normal srum lvl of slnium is
152. In human bings molybdnum is mainly xcrtd in (A) Fcs (C) Urin (B) Sw
at (D) Tars

163. Slnium is a constitunt of th nzym: (A) Glutathion proxidas (B) Hom
ogntisat oxidas (C) Tyrosin hydroxylas (D) Phnylalanin hydroxylas 164. A
nonspcific intracllular antioxidant is (A) Chromium (C) Slnium (B) Magnsium
(D) Nickl
153. Molybdnum is a constitunt of (A) Hydroxylass (C) Transaminass (B) Oxida
ss (D) Transfrass
154. Saf and adquat daily ditary intak of chromium in adults in mg is (A) 0
.01–0.02 (C) 0.03–0.04 (B) 0.02–0.03 (D) 0.05–0.2
155. Richst sourc of chromium is (A) Brwr’s yas (B) Milk and milk products (
C) Yllow vgtabls (D) Grn vgtabls 156. Mtallic constitunt of “Glucos to
lranc factor” is (A) Sulphur (C) Chromium (B) Cobalt (D) Slnium
165. Cobalt forms an intgral part of th vitamin: (A) B1 (C) B 12 (B) B6 (D) Fo
166. Cobalt may act as cofactor for th nzym: (A) Glycl-glycin dipptidas (B
) Elastas (C) Polynuclotidass (D) Phosphatas 167. Excss intak of cobalt fo
r longr priods lads to (A) Polycythmia (B) Mgaloblastic anmia (C) Prnicio
us anmia (D) Microcytic anmia 168. Th total sulphur contnt of th body is (A
) 25–50 gm (C) 100–125 gm (B) 50–75 gm (D) 150–200 gm
157. Intstinal absorption of chromium is shard with (A) Mn (C) Ca (B) Mg (D) Z
158. Srum lvl of chromium in halthy adult is about (A) 2-5 µg/100 ml (B) 6-20 µg
/100 ml (C) 30-60 µg/100 ml (D) 50-100 µg/100 ml 159. Chromium is potntiator of (A)
Insulin (C) Thyroxin (B) Glucagon (D) Parathromon
169. Sulphur is mad availabl to th body by th amino acids: (A) Cystin and m
thionin (B) Taurin and alanin (C) Prolin and hydroxyprolin (D) Arginin an
d lysin
160. Rcommndd daily ditary allowanc of slnium for adult human in µg is (A)
20 (C) 50 (B) 40 (D) 70
170. Sulphur containing conzym is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) NAD FAD Pyri
doxal phosphat Biotin Thyroid gland as thyroglobulin Livr Intstin Skin (B) P
TH (D) Adrnalin 179. Dntal caris occur du to
(A) Drinking watr containing lss than 0.2 ppm of fluorin (B) Drinking watr c
ontaining gratr than 1.2 ppm of fluorin (C) Drinking watr containing high ca
lcium (D) Drinking watr containing havy mtals 180. Total zinc contnt of huma
n body is about (A) 800 mg (C) 2000 mg (B) 1200 mg (D) 3200 mg
171. Iodin is stord in
172. Iodin is th constitunt of (A) T3 and T4 (C) Insulin
181. Mtal rquird for polymrization of insulin is (A) Coppr (C) Cobalt (B) C
hromium (D) Zinc
173. Goitrognic substanc prsnt in cabbag is (A) 5-vinyl-2 thio oxalzolidon
(B) Pyridin-3-carboxylic
  acid (C) 3-Hydroxy-4,

5-dihydroxym thyl1–2-m thyl pyrid

in (D) δ-ALA ehy ratase 174. For an a ult male aily requirement of io ine is (A
) 25–50 µg (C) 100–150 µg (B) 50–100 µg (D) 200–250 µg
182. Metalloenzyme-retinene for polymerization of insulin is (A) Copper (C) Coba
lt (B) Zinc (D) Manganese

183. An important
  zinc containing enzyme is (A) (B) (C) (D) Carboxypepti ase A I
socitrate ehy rogenase Cholinesterate Lipoprotein lipase
175. Recommen e aily intake of fluori e for a normal a ult is (A) 1.5–4.0 mg (C)
5–10 mg (B) 0–1 mg (D) 10–20 mg
184. Acro
 ermatitis enteropathica
 is ue to efective absorption of (A) Manganes
e (C) Io ine (B) Molyb enum (D) Zinc

176. The percentage of fluori e present in normal bone is (A) 0.01–0.03 (C) 0.10–0.1
2 (B) 0.04–0.08 (D) 0.15–0.2
185. Hypogona ism evelops ue to eficiency of (A) Sulphur (C) Zinc (B) Cobalt
(D) Manganese
177. The percentage of fluori e present in ental enamel is (A) 0.01–0.02 (C) 0.15–0
.20 (B) 0.05–0.10 (D) 0.20–0.40
186. Psychotic symptoms an parkinsonism like symptoms evelop ue to inhalation
poisoning of (A) Manganese (C) Magnesium (B) Phosphorous (D) Zinc

178. Fluorosis occurs ue to (A) Drinking water containing less than 0.2 ppm of
fluorine (B) Drinking water containing high calcium (C) Drinking water containin
g greater than 1.2 ppm of fluroine (D) Drinking water containing heavy metals
187. One gram of carbohy rate on complete oxi ation in the bo y yiel s about (A)
1 Kcal (C) 6 Kcal (B) 4 Kcal (D) 9 Kcal
188. One gram of fat on complete oxi ation in the bo y yiel s about (A) 4 Kcal (
C) 9 Kcal (B) 6 Kcal (D) 12 Kcal
199. B.M.R.
 is subnormal in (A) (B) (C) (D) A ison’s isease A renal tumour Cushi
ng’s syn rome Fever
189. One gram of protein on complete oxi ation in the bo y yiel s about (A) 2 Kc
al (C) 8 Kcal (B) 4 Kcal (D) 12 Kcal
190. R.Q. of mixe iet is about (A) 0.70 (C) 0.85 (A) 0.70 (C) 0.80 192. (A) 0.
75 (C) 0.85 (A) 0.75 (C) 0.85 (A) 5% (C) 20% (B) 0.80 (D) 1.0 (B) 0.75 (D) 0.85
(B) 0.80 (D) 1.0 (B) 0.80 (D) 1.0 (B) 10% (D) 30%
 A healthy 70 kg man eats a well balance
 iet containing a equate calories
an 62.5 g of high qualityprotein per ay. Measure in grams of nitrogen, his
aily nitrogen balance woul be (A) +10 g (C) 0 g (B) +6.25 g (D) –6.25 g
191. R.Q. of proteins is about
201. The percentage of nitrogen retaine in the bo y after absorption of iet re
presents (A) (B) (C) (D) Digestibility coefficient of proteins Biological value
of proteins Protein efficiency ratio Net protein utilisation

R.Q. of carbohy rates is about
193. R.Q. of fats is about
202. In a person increase in weight in gms per gm of protein consumption represe
nts (A) (B) (C) (D) Protein efficiency ratio Digestibility value of proteins Bio
logical value of proteins Net protein utilisation
194. Proteins have the SDA:
203. The percentage of foo nitrogen that is retaine in the bo y represents (A)
(B) (C) (D) Digestibility coefficient Biological value of proteins Protein effi
ciency ratio Net protein utilisation

195. Humans
 most easily
 tolerate a lack of the nutrient: (A) Protein (C) Io ine
(B) Lipi (D) Carbohy rate
196. The basal
 metabolic rate (B.M.R.) is measurement of (A) (B) (C) (D) Energy
expen iture uring sleep Energy expen
 iture after 100 m walk
 Energy expen iture
after a meal Energy expen
 iture un er certain basal (Stan
 ar ) con itions (B) St
arvation (D) Hypothyroi ism (B) Leukemia (D) Hyperthyroi ism
204. The chemical score of ifferent proteins is calculate in terms of (A) Egg
proteins (C) Fish proteins (A) 94 (C) 51 (A) 95 (C) 71 (A) 86 (C) 64 (B) Milk pr
oteins (D) Wheat proteins (B) 60 (D) 40 (B) 60 (D) 67 (B) 71 (D) 54
205. Biological value of egg protein is
197. B.M.R.
 is raise in (A) Polycythemia (C) Lipi nephrosis (A) Hypothyroi ism
(C) Car iac failure
206. Biological value of protein of cow’s milk is

198. B.M.R. is lowere in
207. Biological value of soyabean protein is
208. Plasma bicarbonate is ecrease  in (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) 210.
piratory alkalosis Respiratory aci osis Metabolic alkalosis
 Metabolic aci osis
espiratory alkalosis Metabolic alkalosis Respiratory aci osis Metabolic aci osis
216. Respiratory aci osis occurs in
(A) Any isease which  impairs respiration like emphysema (B) Renal isease (C) P
oisoning by an aci (D) Pyloric stenosis 217. Metabolic alkalosis occurs (A) As
 of high intestinal obstruction (B) In central nervous system isease
(C) In iarrhoea (D) In colitis 218. Respiratory alkalosis occurs in(A) Hyster
ical hyperventilation (B)Depression of respiratory centre (C) Renal iseases  (D
) Loss of intestinal flui s 219. Morphine poisoning causes (A) Metabolic aci osi
s (B) Respiratory aci osis (C) Metabolic alkalosis (D) Respiratory  alkalosis 220
. Salicylate
 poisoning in early stages causes (A) Metabolic aci osis (B) Respira
 aci osis (C) Metabolic
 alkalosis (D) Respiratory alkalosis 221.
 The compoun
having the lowest re ox potential amongst the following is (A) Hy rogen (C) Cy
tochrome b (B) NAD (D) Cytochrome a

209. Plasma bicarbonate is increase in
Total CO2 is increase  in (A)
 Respiratory aci osis (B) Metabolic alkalosis (C) B
oth respiratory aci osis an metabolic alkalosis (D) Respiratory alkalosis
211. Respiratory aci osis is cause by (A) Increase in carbonic aci relative to
bicarbonate (B) Decrease in bicarbonate  fraction (C) Increase in bicarbonate fr
action (E) Decrease in the carbonic aci fraction 212. Respiratory alkalosis is
cause by (A) (B) (C)(D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C)  (D) An inc
rease in carbonic  aci fraction A ecrease in bicarbonic fraction A ecrease in
the carbonic aci fraction An increasein bicarbonate fraction  Metabolic alkalos
is Respiratory alkalosis Metabolic aci osis Respiratory aci osis Uncontrolle i
 with ketosis Pneumonia Intestinal Obstruction Hepatic coma Pneumonia Prol
onge starvation Intestinal obstruction Bulbar polio

213. Meningitis an encephalitis cause
214. Metabolic aci osis is cause in

222. All the oxi ases contain a metal which is (A) Copper (C) Manganese (B) FAD
(D) None of these
223. Isocitrate  ehy rogenases
 is (A) Aerobic ehy rogenase (B) Anaerobic ehy r
ogenase (C) Hy roperoxi ase (D) Oxygenase
215. Metabolic aci osis is cause in
224. Iron-pophyrin is present as prosthetic group in (A) Cytochromes (C) Peroxi
ase (B) Catalases (D) None of these 234.
The porphyrin present in haem is (A) Uroporphyrin (C) Coproporphyrin (B) Protopo
rphyrin I (D) Protoporphyrin II
225. Microsomal hy roxylase system contains a (A) Di-oxygenase (C) Both (A) an
(B) (B) Mono-oxygenase (D) None of thse
235. An amino aci require for porphyrin synthesis is (A) Proline (C) Serine (B
) Glycine (D) Histi ine
226. Superoxi e ra icals can be etoxifie by (A) Cytochrome c (C) Cytochrome a
(B) Cytochrome b (D) None of these

236. Which of the following
 coenzyme is require forporphyrin synthesis? (A) (B
) (C) (D) Coenzyme A Pyri oxal phosphate Both (A) an (B) None of these
227. A copper containing cytochrome is (A) Cytochrome a (C) Cytochrome a3 (B) Cy
tochrome P-450 (D) None of these

228. Rate of tissue respiration
 is raise when the intracellular concentration o
f (A) ADP increases (C) ADP ecreases (B) ATP increases (D) None of these
237. The regulatory enzyme for haem
 synthesis is (A) (B) (C) (D) 238. ALA synthe
tase haem synthetase Both (A) an (B) None of these

229. Which of the following component of respiratory chain is not attache to th
e inner mitochon rial membrane? (A) Coenzyme Q (C) Both (A) an (B) (B) Cytochro
me c (D) None of these

Regulationof haem synthesis
 occurs by (A) (B) (C) (D) Covalent mo ification Rep
ression - erepression In uction Allosteric regulation

230. In some reactions, energy is capture in the form of (A) GTP (C) CTP 231. (
B) UTP (D) None of these
239. Sigmoi al oxygen issociation curve is a property of (A) (B) (C) (D) Haemog
lobin Carboxyhaemoglobin Myoglobin Methaemoglobin

Substrate-linke phosphorylation
 occurs in (A) Glycolytic pathway (B) Citric aci
cycle (C) Both (A) an (B) (D) None of these
232. Hy rogen
 peroxi e may be etoxifie in the absence of an oxygen acceptor by
(A) Peroxi ase (C) Both (A) an (B) (B) Catalase (D) None of these

240. Cyanmethaemoglobin can be forme from (A) Oxy Hb (C) Carboxy Hb (B) Met Hb
(D) All of these
 e ra icals can be etoxifie by (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytochrome c Super
oxi e ismutase Both (A) an (B) None of these
241. In thalassemia,an amino aci is substitute in (A) (B) (C) (D) Alpha chain
Beta chain Alpha an beta chains Any chain
242. Haem synthetase is congenitally eficient in (A) Congenital erythropoietic
porphyria (B) Protoporphyria
 (C) Here itary coproporphyria
 (D) Variegate porphyr
ia 243. During break own of haem,the methenyl bri
 ge between the following two

pyrrole rings is broken: (A) I an II (C) III an IV (B) II an III (D) IV an I
249. Bilirubin UDP-glucuronyl
 transferase isabsent from liver in (A) (B) (C) (D
) Crigler-Najjar
 syn rome, type I Gilbert’s isease Crigler-Najjar syn rome, type
II Rotor’s syn rome
250. Unconjugate bilirubin in serum is soluble in (A) Water (C) Aci s (B) Alkal
is (D) Methanal
244. Pre- hepatic jaun ice occurs because of (A) Increase haemolysis (B) Liver
amage (C) Biliaryobstruction (D) Noneof these 245. kernicterus  can occur in (
A) Haemolytic jaun ice (B) Hepatic jaun ice (C) Obstructive jaun ice (D)All of
these 246. Bile
 pigments are not present  in urine in (A) Haemolytic
 jaun ice (B)
Hepatic jaun ice (C) Obstructivejaun ice (D) Rotor’s syn  rome 247. Serum alkalin

e phosphatase is greatly  increase in (A) Haemolytic jaun ice (B) Hepatic jaun i
ce (C) Obstructive jaun ice (D) None of these 248.  The active transport system f
or hepatic uptake of bilirubin
 is congenitally
 efective in (A) Gilbert’s
(B) Crigler-Najjar syn rome (C) Rotor’s syn rome (D) Dubin-Johnson syn rome

 Excretion of conjugate bilirubin from  liver cells into biliarycanaliculi
is efective
 in (A) (B) (C) (D) Gilbert’s isease Crigler-Najjar syn rome Lucey-Dr
iscoll syn rome Rotor’s syn rome
252. Break own of 1gm haemoglobin pro uces (A) 20 mg of bilirubin (B) 35 mg of b
ilirubin (C) 50 mg of bilirubin (D) 70 mg of bilirubin 253. Variable regions are
present in (A) (B) (C) (D) Immunoglobulins α-Ch ins of T cell receptors β-Ch ins of
T cell receptors All of these

254. The tot l mount of c lcium in n ver ge dult m n is out (A) 100 gm (C)
1 kg (B) 500 gm (D) 10 kg
255. The following proportion of the tot l ody c lcium is present in ones nd
teeth: (A) 75% (C) 95% (B) 90% (D) 99%
256. The norm l r nge of pl sm c lcium is (A) 3-5 mg/dl (C) 9-11 mg/dl (B) 5-10
mg/dl (D) 11-15 mg/dl
257. Which of the norm l r nge of ionized c lcium in pl sm is (A) 2-4 mg/dl (C)
4-5 mg/dl (B) 2-4 mEq/L (D) 4-5 mEq/L
258. Tet ny c n occur in (A) (B) (C) (D) Hypoc lc emi Hyperc lc emi Alk losis
Hypoc lc emi nd lk losis
266. Hypoc lc emi c n occur in ll the followingexcept (A) (B) (C) (D) Rickets
Osteom l ci Hyperp r thyroidism Intestin l m l sorption
259. Intestin l sorption of c lcium occurs y (A) (B) (C) (D) Active t keup Si
mple diffusion F cilit ted diffusion Endocytosis
267. The m jor c lcium s lt in ones is (A) (B) (C) (D) C lcium c r on te C lciu
m chloride C lcium hydroxide C lcium phosph te
260. Intestin l sorption of c lcium is h mpered y (A) Phosph te (C) Proteins
(B) Phyt te (D) L ctose

268. The correct st tement out serum inorg nic phosphorous concentr tion is (A
) (B) (C) (D) It is higher in men th n in women It is higher in women th n in me
n It is higher in dults th n in children It is higher in children th n in dult
261. C lcitriol f cilit tes c lcium sorption y incre sing the synthesis of th
e following in intestin l mucos : (A) (B) (C) (D) C lcium Binding Protein Alk li
ne Phosph t se C lcium-dependent ATP se All of these
269. The product of serum c lcium concentr tion
 (mg/dl) nd serum inorg nic phos
phorous concentr tion (mg/dl) in dults is out (A) 30 (C) 50 (B) 40 (D) 60
262. A high pl sm c lcium level decre ses intestin l sorption of c lcium y (
A) (B) (C) (D) Stimul ting the secretion of p r thormone Inhi iting
 the secretio
n of p r thormone Decre sing the synthesis of cholec lciferol Inhi iting the sec
retion of thyroc lcitonin
270. The product of serum c lcium concentr tion
 (mg/dl) nd serum inorg nic phos
phorous concentr tion (mg/dl) in children is out (A) 30 (C) 50 (B) 40 (D) 60

263. The d ily c lcium requirement of n dult m n is out (A) 400 mg (C) 800 m
g (B) 600 mg (D) 1,000 mg
271. The product of serum c lcium concentr tion (mg/dl) nd serum inorg nic phos
phorous concentr tion (mg/dl) is decre sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) Rickets Hypop r th
yroidism Hyperp r thyroidism Ren l f ilure

264. The d ily c lcium requirement in pregn ncy nd l ct tion is out (A) 600 m
g (C) 1,200 mg (B) 800 mg (D) 1,500 mg
265. Hyperc lc emi c n occur in ll the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) Hyperp
r thyroidism Hypervit minosis D Milk lk li syndrome Nephrotic syndrome
272. Serum inorg nic phosphorous rises in ll the following conditions except (A
) (B)(C) (D) Hypop r thyroidism Hypervit minosis D Chronic ren l f ilure After
c r ohydr te-rich me l
273. Serum inorg nic phosphorous decre ses in ll thefollowing conditions excep
t (A) (B) (C) (D) Hyperp r thyroidism Intestin l m l sorption Osteom l ci Chro
nic ren l f ilure 282. Serum pot ssium level decre ses in (A) (B) (C) (D) F mili
l periodic p r lysis Addison’s dise se Ren l f ilure All of these

274. Serum m gnesium level r nges etween (A) 2–3 mg/dl (C) 6–8 mg/dl (B) 3–5 mg/dl (D
) 9–11 mg/dl
283. Concentr tion of the following is higher in intr cellul r fluid
 th n in ext
r cellul r fluid: (A) Sodium (C) Chloride (B) Pot ssium (D) Bic r on te
275. M gnesium ions re required in the re ctions involving (A) NAD (C) ATP (B)
284. Norm l r nge of serum pot ssium is (A) 2.1-3.4 mEq/L (C) 5.4–7.4 mEq/L (B) 3.
5-5.3 mEq/L (D) 7.5–9.5 mEq/L
276. Norm l r nge of serum sodium is (A) 30–70 mEq/L (B) 70–110 mEq/L (C) 117–135 mEq/
L (D) 136–145 mEq/L 277. Sodium is involved in the ctive upt ke of (A) D-Glucose
(C) L-Amino cids (B) D-G l ctose (D) All of these
285. Norm l r nge of serum chloride is (A) 24–27 mEq/L (B) 70–80 mEq/L (C) 100–106 mEq
/L (D) 120–140 mEq/L 286. An extr cellul r fluid h ving higher concentr tion of
chloride th n serum is (A) Bile (C) CSF (B) Swe t (D) P ncre tic juice

278. Aldosterone
 incre ses re sorption of sodium in (A) (B) (C) (D) Proxim l co
nvoluted tu ules Ascending
 lim of loop of Henle Descending lim of loop of Henl
e Dist l convoluted tu ules

287 Tot l mount of iron in n dult m n is out (A) 1–2 gm (C) 3–4 gm (B) 2–3 gm (D)
6–7 gm
288. H emoglo
 in cont ins out (A) (B)(C) (D) 30% of the tot l ody iron 50% o
f the tot l ody iron 75% of the tot l ody iron 90% of the tot l ody iron
279. Restriction of sodium int ke is commonly dvised in (A) Addison’s dise se (B)
Di rrhoe (C) Hypertension (D) None of these 280. Serum sodium level rises in
ll of the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) Ren l f ilure Prolonged steroid ther
py Aldosteronism Dehydr tion
289. A out 5% of the tot l ody, iron is present in (A) Tr nsferrin (C) Cytochro
mes (B) Myoglo in (D) H emosiderin

290. E ch h emoglo in molecule cont ins (A) One iron tom (C) Four iron toms (B
) Two iron toms (D) Six iron toms
281. Hypon tr emi occurs in the following condition: (A) Addison’s dise se (B) Ch
ronic ren l f ilure (C) Severe di rrhoe (D) All of these

291. E ch myoglo in molecule cont ins (A) One iron tom (C) Four iron toms (B)
Two iron toms (D) Six iron toms
292. Apoferritin
 molecule is m de
 up of (A) Four su units (C) Ten su units (B) E
ight su units (D) Twenty-four su units
302. D ily iron requirement of n dult m n is out (A) 1 mg (C) 10 mg (B) 5 mg
(D) 18 mg
293. Ferritin is present in (A) Intestin l mucos (B) Liver (C) Spleen (D) All o
f these 294. Iron is stored in the form of
 (A) (B) (C) (D) Ferritin nd tr nsfer
rin Tr nsferrin nd h emosiderin H emoglo in nd myoglo in Ferritin nd h emosid

303. D ily iron requirement of wom n of reproductive ge is out (A) 1 mg (C)
10 mg (B) 2 mg (D) 20 mg
304. All the following re good sources of iron except (A) Milk (C) Liver (B) Me
t (D) Kidney

295. Iron is tr nsported in lood in the form of (A) Ferritin (C) Tr nsferrin (B
) H emosiderin (D) H emoglo in
305. Rel tively more iron is sor ed from (A) (B) (C) (D) Green le fy veget le
s Fruits Whole gr in cere ls Org n me ts

296. Molecul r weight of tr nsferrin is out (A) 40,000 (C) 80,000 (A) 50100 µg/d
l (C) 50175 µg/dl (B) 60,000 (D) 1,00,000 (B) 100150 µg/dl (D) 250400 µg/dl
306. Iron sorption from mixed diet is out (A) 1–5 % (C) 20–25 % (B) 5–10 % (D) 2
5–50 %
297. Norm l pl sm iron level is
307. Iron
 deficiency c uses (A) (B) (C) (D) Normocytic n emi Microcytic n emi
Meg lo l stic n emi Pernicious n emi
298. Iron is present in ll the following except (A) Peroxid se (C) Aconit se (B
) X nthine oxid se (D) Fum r se

299. Tot l d ily iron loss of n dult m n is out (A) 0.1 mg (C) 5 mg (B) 1 mg
(D) 10 mg
308. Prolonged nd severe iron deficiency c n c use strophy of epithelium of (A
) Or l c vity (C) Stom ch (B) Oesoph gus (D) All of these
300. Iron sorption is h mpered y (A) Ascor ic cid (C) Phytic cid (B) Succin
ic cid (D) Amino cid
309. All of the followingst tements out ronzed di etes re true except (A)
(B) (C) (D) It is c used y excessive int ke of copper Skin ecomes pigmented Th
ere is d m ge to β cells of Islets of L ngerh ns Liver is d m ged
301. Iron sorption is h mpered y (A) In chlorhydri (B) When ferritin conten
t of intestin l mucos is low (C) When s tur tion of pl sm tr nsferring is low
(D) When erythropoietic ctivity is incre sed

310. The tot l mount of iodine in the ody of n ver ge dult is (A) 10–15 mg (C
) 45–50 mg (B) 20–25 mg (D) 75–100 mg
311. Iodine content of thyroid gl nd in n dult is out (A) 1–3 mg (C) 10–15 mg (B
) 4–8 mg (D) 25–30 mg
320. All the following st tements out Wilson’s dise se re correct except (A) It
is genetic dise se (B) The defect
 involves copper-dependent P-type ATP se (C)
Copper is deposited in liver, s l g ngli nd round corne (D)Pl sm copper
level is incre sed in it 321. Which of the following st tements out Menke’s
e se re true. (A) (B) (C) (D) It is n inherited disorder of copper met olism
It occurs only in m les Pl sm copper is incre sed in it H ir ecomes steely nd
kinky in it

312. D ily iodine requirement of n dult is out (A) 50 µg (C) 150 µg (B) 100 µg (D)
1 mg
313. Consumption of iodised s lt is recommended in (A) (B) (C) (D) Ptients with
hyperthyroidism P tients with hypothyroidism Pregn nt women Goitre elt re s

314. All the following st tements out endemic goiter re true except (A) It oc
curs in re s where soil nd w ter h ve low iodine content (B) It le ds to enl r
gement of thyroid
 gl nd (C) It results ultim tely in hyperthyroidism (D) It c n
e prevented y consumption of iodised s lt 315. The tot l mount of copper in t
he ody of n ver ge dult is (A) 1 gm (C) 100 mg (A) 25–50 µg/dl (C) 100–200 µg/dl (B)
500 mg (D) 10 mg (B) 50–100 µg/dl (D) 200–400 µg/dl
322. The tot l mount of zinc in n ver ge dult is (A) 0.25–0.5 gm (C) 1.5–2.0 gm
323. Pl sm zinc level is (A) 10–50 µg/dl (C) 150–250 µg/dl (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 50–150 µg/d
(D) 250–500 µg/dl (B) 0.5–1.0 gm (D) 2.5–5.0 gm
324. Zinc is cof ctor for Acid phosph t se Alk line phosph t se Amyl se Lip se
(B) Acetylcholine (D) Insulin
316. The norm l r nge of pl sm copper is
325. Zinc is involved in stor ge nd rele se of (A) Hist mine (C) Epinephrine

317. Copper deficiency c n c use (A) Polycyth emi (B) Leukocytopeni (C) Throm
 (D) Microcytic n emi 318. D ily requirement of copper in dults is
out (A) 0.5 mg (C) 2.5 mg (B) 1 mg (D) 5 mg
326. Intestin l sorption of zinc is ret rded y (A) C lcium (C) Phyt te (B) C
dmium (D) All of these
327. The d ily zinc requirement of n ver ge dult is (A) 5 mg (C) 15 mg (A) (B
) (C) (D) (B) 10 mg (D) 25 mg

319. All the following st tements out cerulopl smin re correct except (A) (B)
(C) (D) It is copper-cont ining protein It possesses oxid se ctivity It is s
ynthesised in intestin l mucos Its pl sm level is decre sed inWilson’s dise se
328. Zinc deficiency occurs commonly in Acroderm titis enterop thic Wilson’s dise
se Xeroderm pigmentosum Menke’s dise se
329. Hypogon dism c n occur in deficiency of (A) Copper (C) Zinc (B) Chromium (D
) M ng nese
340. 1 kc l is roughly equ l to (A) 4.2 J (C) 4.2 KJ (B) 42 J (D) 42 KJ

330. He ling ofwounds m y e imp ired in deficiency of (A) Selenium (C) Zinc (B
) Copper (D) Co lt
341. C lorific v lue of proteins s determined in om c lorimeter is (A) 4 kc
l/gm (C) 5.4 kc l/gm (B) 4.8 kc l/gm (D) 5.8 kc l/gm
331. Hypochromic microcytic n emi c n occur in (A) Zinc (C) M ng nese (B) Copp
er (D) None of these
342. C lorific
 v lue of proteins in living
 person is less th n th t in om
c lorimeter ec use (A) Digestion nd sorption of proteins is less th n 100% (
B) Respir tory quotient of proteins is less th n 1 (C) Specific dyn mic ction o
f proteins is high (D) Proteins re not completely oxidized in living persons 34
3. C lorific v lue of lcohol is (A) 4 kc l/gm (C) 7 kc l/gm (B) 5.4 kc l/gm (D)
9 kc l/gm

332. The d ily requirement for m ng nese in dults is out (A) 1–2 mg (C) 2–5 µg (B)
2–5 mg (D) 5–20 µg

333. Moly denum is cof ctor for (A) X nthine oxid se (B) Aldehyde oxid se (C)
Sulphite oxid se (D) All of these 334. A tr ce element h ving ntioxid nt functi
on is (A) Selenium (C) Chromium (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Tocopherol (D) Moly denum
344. Energy expenditure of person c n e me sured y (A) Bom c lorimetry (B)
Direct c lorimetry (C) Indirectc lorimetry (D)
 Direct or indirect c lorimetry 3
45. Respir tory quotient of c r ohydr tes is out (A) 0.5 (C) 0.8 (B) 0.7 (D) 1
335. Selenium is constituent of Glut thione reduct se Glut thione peroxid se C
t l se Superoxide dismut se (B) Zinc (D) Vit min E (B) 0.8 ppm (D) 2 ppm
336. Selenium decre ses the requirement of (A) Copper (C) Vit min D (A) 0.4 ppm
(C) 1.2 ppm
337. Upper s fe limit of fluorine in w ter is

346. Respir tory quotient of f ts is out (A) 0.5 (C) 0.8 (B) 0.7 (D) 1.0
338. The d ily fluoride int ke should not exceed (A) 0.5 mg (C) 2 mg (A) (B) (C)
(D) (B) 1 mg (D) 3 mg

347. Respir tory quotient of proteins is out (A) 0.5 (C) 0.8 (B) 0.7 (D) 1.0
339. In dults, w ter constitutes
 out 50% of ody weight 55% of ody weight 60
% of ody weight 75% of ody weight

348. Respir tory quotient of n ver ge mixed diet is out (A) 0.65 (C) 0.75 (B
) 0.7 (D) 0.85
349. At respir tory quotient of 0.85, every litre of oxygen consumed represent
s n energy expenditure of (A) 5.825 kc l (C) 3.825 kc l (A) (B) (C) (D) 351. (A
) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 4.825 kc l (D) 2.825 kc l
359. All following re essenti l tr ce elements except (A) Iron (C) Zinc (B) Iod
ine (D) C dmium

350. BMR of he lthy dult men is out 30 kc l/hour/squ re metre 35 kc l/hour/sq
u re metre 40 kc l/hour/squ re metre 45 kc l/hour/squ re metre 32 kc l/hour/squ
re metre 36 kc l/hour/squ re metre 40 kc l/hour/squ re metre 44 kc l/hour/squ re
metre Adults th n in children Men th n in women Veget ri ns th n in non-veget r
i ns W rmer clim te th n in colder clim te (B) St rv tion (D) Fever
360. M ximum qu ntity of sodium is excreted through (A) Urine (C) Swe t (B) F ec
es (D) None of these
361. All followings
 re rich sources of m gnesium, except (A) Milk (C) Me t (B)
Eggs (D) C ge

BMR of he lthy dult women is out
362. All followings re poor sources of iron except (A) Milk (C) Whe t flour (B)
Pot toes (D) Liver
352. BMR is higher in

363. The Iron deficient children, sorption of Iron from GIT is (A) (B) (C) (D)
Un ltered Dou le th n in norm l child M nifold th n in norm l child Lesser th n
in norm l child
353. BMR is decre sed in (A) Pregn ncy (C) An emi 354. BMR is incre sed in (A)
St rv tion (B) Hypothyroidism (C) Addison’s dise se (D) Pregn ncy 355. BMR is decr
e sed in ll of the following except (A) Fever (C) St rv tion (B) Addison’s dise s
e (D) Hypothyroidism
364. M in source of fluoride for hum n eings is (A) Milk (C) Veget les (B) W t
er (D) Eggs

365. Qu ntity of copper present in the ody of n dult is (A) 0–50 mg (C) 100–150 m
g (B) 50–100 mg (D) 150–250 mg
356. BMR is incre sed in ll of the following except (A) Hyperthyroidism (B)An
emi (C) Addison’s dise se (D) Pregn ncy 357. Specific dyn mic ction of c r ohydr
tes is out (A) 5% (C) 20% (B) 13% (D) 30%

366. A level of 310–340 mg per 1000 ml of lood is norm l for the (A) Copper (C) P
ot ssium (B) Iron (D) Sodium
367. D ily requirement of phosphorous for n inf nt is (A) 240–400 mg (C) 800 mg (
B) 1.2 gms (D) 800–1200 mg

358. Specific dyn mic ction of proteins is out (A) 5% (C) 20% (B) 13% (D) 30%

368. M ximum qu ntity of Zinc is present in the ody in (A) Prost te (C) Skin (B
) Choroid (D) Bones
369. Aver ge concentr tion of chloride ions in cere rospin l fluid per 100 ml is
(A) 40 mg (C) 160 mg (B) 440 mg (D) 365 mg
378. A deficiency of copper effects the form tion of norm l coll gen y reducing
the ctivity of which of the following enzyme? (A) Prolyl hydroxyl se (B) Lysyl
oxid se (C) Lysyl hydroxyl se (D) Glucosyl
 tr nsfer se 379. Molecul riron  (Fe)
is (A) Stored prim rily in spleen (B) A sor
 ed in the
 intestine (C) A sor ed in
the ferric, Fe+++ form (D) Stored in the ody in com in tion with ferritin 380.
All the following st tements reg rding c lcium re correct except (A) It diffus
es s div lent c tion (B) It freely diffuses
 cross the endopl smic reticulum

of muscle cells (C) It c n exist in the lood s ionic form nd lsoprotein ou
nd (D) It is found in high concentr tion in ones 381. Iron is  sor ed from (A)
Stom ch (B) Duodenum nd jejunum (C) Ileum (D) Noen of the ove 382. The norm
l route of c lcium excretion is (A) Kidney (B) Kidney nd Liver (C) Kidney nd I
ntestine (D) Kidney, Intestine nd P ncre s 383. Hypoc lc emi ffects (A) Skele
t l muslces (B) Smooth muscles (C) C rdi c muscles (D) Skelet lmuscles + smooth 
muscles + crdi c muscles 384. Tr nsferrin is type of (A) Al umin (C) β1 glo ul

in (B) α-glo ulin (D) γ  lobulin
370. Total iron content of the normal adult is (A) 1 2 m (C) 4 5 m (B) 3 4 m
(D) 7 10 m
371. Absorption of phosphorous from diet is favoured by (A) (B) (C) (D) Moderate
amount of fat Acidic environment Hih calcium content Hih phytic acid
372. Daily intake of potassium for a normal person should be (A) 1 m (C) 3 m (
B) 2 m (D) 4 m
373. Absorption of calcium decreases if there is hih concentration in the diet
of (A) Copper (C) Manesium (B) Sodium (D) Cadmium
374. Of the followin hihest concentration of calcium is seen in (A) Blood (C)
Muscle (B) CSF (D) Nerve
375. Cobalt is essential component of (A) Vitamin B1 (C) Vitamin B12 (A) (B) (C)
(D) (B) Vitamin B6 (D) All of these
376. Iodine is required in human body for Formation of thyroxine Formation of Gl
utathione Formation of potassium iodide Adrenalin
377. A hypochromic necrocytic anaemia with increase Fe stores in the bone marrow
may be (A) (B) (C) (D) Folic acid responsive Vitamin B12 responsive Pyridoxine
responsive Vitamin C responsive
385. In case of wilson’s disease, the features include all of the followin except
(A) (B) (C) (D) Proressive hepatic cirrhosis Keyser Fleisher rin Aminoaciduri
a Urinary excretion of Cu is decreased
393. Which of the followin is true? Hypochromic anaemia is not due to iron defi
ciency except (A) Serum ‘Fe’ is hih (B) Normal/low transferrin (C) Stainable iron i
n bone marrow (D) Iron therapy is affective 394. Cytosolic superoxide dismutase
contains (A) Zn only (C) Zn and Cu (B) Cu only (D) Mn
386. In Vitamin D poisonin (hyper vitaminosis) (A) Both serum and urinary “Ca” (B)
The serum Ca is low and urinary calcium hih (C) The serum “Ca” is increased and uri
nary “Ca” is normal (D) Both serum and urinary “Ca” are low 387. The % of ‘K’ in Extracellu
ar fluid is about (A) 1% (C) 10% (B) 2 to 3% (D) 15%
395. A rise in blood ‘Ca’ may indicate (A) Paet’s disease (B) Vitamin D deficiency (C
) Cushin’s disease (D) Hypervitaminosis D 396. The essential trace element which
catalyzes the formation of Hb in the body is (A) Mn (C) M 397. (B) Se (D) Cu
388. The Fe containin piments is (A) Haematoidin (C) Hemasiderin (B) Bilirubin
(D) Urobilinoen
389. All of the followin are true of Wilson’s disease except (A) (B) (C) (D) Low
total plasma Cu Elevated urinary copper Arthritis Aminoaciduria
Zinc is a constituent of the enzyme: (A) Succinate dehydroenase (B) Carbonic an
hydrase (C) Mitochondrial superoxide dismutase (D) Aldolase
390. An increased serum ‘Iron’ and decreased ‘Fe’ bindin capacity are found in (A) (B)
(C) (D) Fe deficiency anaemia Sideroblastic anaemia Thalassaemia Anaemia of chro
mic disorders
398. The active transport of ‘Ca’ is reulated by __________ which is synthesized in
kidnyes. (A) Cholecalciferol (B) Erosterol (C) 25 OH cholecalciferol (D) 1, 25
di OH Cholecalciferol 399. Ceruloplasmin shows the activity (A) As ferroxidase
(C) As liase (B) As reductase (D) As transferase
391. Iron therapy is ineffective in which of the followin conditions: (A) (B) (
C) (D) Chronic blood loss Inadequate Fe intake Hypochromic anaemia of prenancy
Thalassaemia minor
400. The principal cation of extra cellular fluid: (A) K + (C) H+ (B) Na + (D) C
a 2+
392. In hoemochromatosis, the liver is infiltrated with (A) Copper (C) Mananese
(B) Iron (D) Chromium
401. What is the principal cation of intracellular fluid? (A) K + (C) Ca2+ (B) N
a + (D) M 2+
402. What is the normal level of K+ in the serum ? (A) 137–148 mEq/L (B) 120–160 mEq
/L (C) 3.9–5.0 mEq/L (D) 0.3–0.59 mEq/L 403. The eneral functions of minerals are (
A) (B) (C) (D) The structural components of body tissues In the reulation of bo
dy fluids In acid base balance All of these
(C) It is the stored form of iron (D) Non protein moiety 409. What is ceruloplas
min? (A) Plasma protein (C) Both A and B (B) Stored form of copper (D) None of t
410. The followin are the functions of copper: (A) (B) (C) (D) Constituent of c
ytochromes Catalase Tyrosinase All of these
404. What are the functions of potassium? (A) (B) (C) (D) In muscle contraction
Cell membrane function Enzyme action All of these
411. Zn is present as prosthetic roup in this enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Carbonic
anhydrase Carboxy peptidase Lactate dehydroenase All of these
405. The daily requirement of calcium is (A) 200 m (C) 800 m (B) 400 m (D) 60
0 m
406. The normal serum inoranic phosphorous level is (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.5–2.5 m/10
0 ml 2.5–4.5 m/100 ml 4.5–6.5 m/100 ml 0.5–1.5 m/100 ml
412. Fluorosis is caused due to (A) (B) (C) (D) Excessive intake of fluorine Low
intake of fluorine Discoloration of the teeth due to low intake All of these
413. What is the state of iron in transferrin? (A) Ferrous form (C) Both A and B
(B) Ferric form (D) None of these
407. When phosphorous level is lowered ? (A) In hyper thyroidism (B) Cirrosis of
liver (C) Leukemia (D) Hypothyroidism 408. Ferritin is (A) Coenzyme (B) One of
the component of photophosphorylation
414. Haemolobin formation needs both (A) Iron and Zinc (B) Iron and Calcium (C)
Iron and Copper (D) Iron and Manesium
1. A 7. C 13. B 19. D 25. C 31. D 37. B 43. D 49. D 55. D 61. A 67. D 73. C 79.
A 85. C 91. C 97. B 103. B 109. A 115. A 121. B 127. A 133. D 139. A 145. D 151.
C 157. D 163. A 169. A 175. B 181. D 187. B 193. A 199. A 205. A 211. A 217. A
223. B 229. C 235. A 241. D 247. C 2. C 8. B 14. A 20. A 26. C 32. A 38. C 44. A
50. A 56. B 62. D 68. D 74. D 80. D 86. D 92. B 98. A 104. B 110. D 116. A 122.
A 128. C 134. C 140. B 146. D 152. C 158. B 164. C 170. D 176. A 182. B 188. C
194. D 200. C 206. B 212. C 218. A 224. D 230. A 236. C 242. B 248. A 3. C 9. C
15. B 21. A 27. A 33. D 39. A 45. B 51. D 57. B 63. D 69. C 75. D 81. A 87. A 93
. D 99. D 105. A 111. C 117. D 123. A 129. A 135. C 141. A 147. B 153. B 159. A
165. C 171. A 177. A 183. A 189. B 195. D 201. B 207. C 213. B 219. B 225. B 231
. C 237. A 243. A 249. A 4. A 10. D 16. A 22. A 28. C 34. A 40. A 46. A 52. A 58
. A 64. D 70. D 76. B 82. A 88. C 94. C 100. A 106. D 112. D 118. A 124. B 130.
A 136. C 142. D 148. D 154. D 160. D 166. A 172. A 178. C 184. D 190. C 196. D 2
02. A 208. D 214. A 220. D 226. A 232. B 238. B 244. A 250. D 5. B 11. C 17. B 2
3. C 29. C 35. B 41. B 47. A 53. A 59. C 65. B 71. A 77. A 83. C 89. D 95. B 101
. C 107. C 113. A 119. D 125. A 131. B 137. A 143. C 149. C 155. A 161. C 167. A
173. A 179. A 185. C 191. C 197. A 203. D 209. B 215. B 221. A 227. C 233. C 23
9. A 245. A 251. D 6. B 12. C 18. D 24. B 30. A 36. D 42. A 48. D 54. A 60. D 66
. D 72. B 78. C 84. A 90. D 96. C 102. A 108. B 114. B 120. D 126. A 132. C 138.
B 144. C 150. D 156. C 162. D 168. D 174. A 180. C 186. A 192. D 198. A 204. A
210. C 216. A 222. A 228. A 234. D 240. B 246. A 252. B
253. D 259. A 265. D 271. A 277. D 283. B 289. B 295. C 301. A 307. B 313. D 319
. C 325. D 331. B 337. C 343. C 349. B 355. A 361. C 367. A 373. C 379. D 385. D
391. D 397. B 403. D 409. C 254. C 260. B 266. C 272. D 278. D 284. B 290. C 29
6. C 302. C 308. D 314. C 320. D 326. D 332. B 338. D 344. D 350. C 356. C 362.
D 368. C 374. C 380. B 386. A 392. B 398. D 404. D 410. D 255. D 261. D 267. D 2
73. D 279. C 285. C 291. A 297. C 303. D 309. A 315. C 321. C 327. C 333. D 339.
C 345. D 351. B 357. A 363. B 369. B 375. C 381. B 387. A 393. D 399. A 405. C
411. D 256. C 262. B 268. D 274. A 280. A 286. C 292. D 298. D 304. A 310. C 316
. C 322. C 328. D 334. A 340. C 346. B 352. B 358. D 364. B 370. C 376. A 382. C
388. C 394. C 400. B 406. B 412. A
257. C 263. C 269. A 275. C 281. D 287. C 293. D 299. B 305. D 311. C 317. D 323
. B 329. C 335. B 341. C 347. C 353. B 359. D 365. C 371. B 377. C 383. D 389. C
395. D 401. A 407. A 413. B 258. D 264. C 270. C 276. D 282. A 288. C 294. D 30
0. C 306. B 312. C 318. C 324. B 330. C 336. D 342. D 348. D 354. D 360. A 366.
D 372. D 378. B 384. B 390. B 396. D 402. C 408. C 414. C
1. Hormones (A) (B) (C) (D) Act as coenzyme Act as enzyme Influence synthesis of
enzymes Belon to B complex roup
6. The number of amino acids in human rowth hormone is (A) 91 (C) 191 (B) 151 (
D) 291
2. Hormone that binds to intracellular receptor is (A) (B) (C) (D) Adrenocortico
tropic hormone Thyroxine Follicle stimulatin hormone Glucaon
7. Growth hormone causes hyperlycemia. It is a result of (A) Decreased peripher
al utilization of lucose (B) Decreased hepatic production via luconeoenesis (
C) Increased lycolysis in muscle (D) Decrersed lipolysis 8. Acromealy results
due to excessive release of (A) Thyroxine (C) Insulin (B) Growth hormone (D) Glu
3. Hormone that bind to cell surface receptor and require the second messener c
amp is (A) (B) (C) (D) Antidiuretic hormone Cholecystokinin Calcitriol Gastrin
9. Growth hormone is released by (A) (B) (C) (D) Somatostatin Growth hormone rel
easin hormone Prolactin release inhibitin hormone Luteinizin releasin hormon
4. A hormone secreted from anterior pituitary is (A) Growth hormone (B) Vasopres
sin (C) Oxytocin (D) Epinephrine 5. A hormone secreted from posterior pituitary
is (A) (B) (C) (D) Vasopressin Thyrotropic hormone Prolactin Adrenocorticotropic
10. The number of amino acids in prolactin is (A) 134 (C) 172 (B) 146 (D) 199
11. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is a sinle polypeptide containin (A) 25
amino acid (C) 49 amino acid (B) 39 amino acid (D) 52 amino acid
12. Bioloical activity of ACTH requires (A) 10 N terminal amino acid (B) 24 N t
erminal amino acid (C) 24 C terminal amino acid (D) 15 C terminal amino acid 13.
ACTH stimulates the secretion of (A) Glucocorticoids (C) Thyroxine (B) Epinephr
ine (D) Luteinizin hormone
20. A specific cortisol bindin protein, transcortin isa (A) Albumin (C) α2-Glo u
lin (A) Zon f sicul t (C) Zon reticul ris (B) α1-Glo ulin (D) β-Glo ulin (B) Zon
glomerulos (D) Chrom ffin cells
21. Cortisol is synthesized in
14. Excessive secretion of ACTH c uses (A) Cushing’s syndrome (B) Addison’s dise se
(C) Myxoedem (D) Thyrotoxicosis 15. In Cushing’s syndrome- tumour ssoci ted dis
e se of dren l cortex, there is (A) Decre sed epinephrine production (B) Excess
ive cortisol production (C) Excessive epinephrine production (D) Decre sed corts
oil production 16. ACTH induces rise in (A) Cyclic AMP (C) C lcium (B) Cyclic GM
P (D) M gnesium
22. All m mm li n steroid hormones re formed from (A) Purine (C) Cholesterol (B
) Pyrimidine (D) Pyrrole
23. A very efficient inhi itor of steroid iosynthesis is (A) (B) (C) (D) Aminog
lutethimide Aminoimid zole Aminoimid zolesuccinyl c r ox mine Aminopterin
24. In dren l gl nd the cholesterol is stored (A) Mostly in the free form (B) M
ostly in esterified form (C) L rge mount of free form nd less mount of esteri
fied form (D) Equ l mounts of free nd esterified form 25. Aldosterone synthesi
s occurs in (A) Zon reticulris (B) Zon f scicul t (C) Zon glomerulos (D) C
hrom ffi n cells 26. In the iosynthesis of cortiol, the sequence of enzymes inv
olved is (A) Hydroxyl se–dehydrogen se + isomer se – hydroxyl se (B) Dehydrogen se–hyd
roxyl se–isomer se (C) Hydroxyl se–ly se–dehydrogen se isomer se (D) Isomer se–ly se–hydro
xyl se–dehydrogen se 27. The defect in dren l cortex responsi le for l ck of gluc
ocorticoids nd miner lcorticoids is (A) Androstenedione deficiency (B) 17 α -OH p
rogesterone deficiency (C) C-21 hydroxyl se deficiency (D) Testosterone deficien
17. The circul ting concentr tion of ACTH in pl sm is (A) 0.05 m µ /100 ml (B) 0.
1–2.0 m µ /100 ml (C) 2.5–3.5 m µ /100 ml (D) 3.0–5.0 m µ /100 ml 18. Hyperglycemic effect
f glucocorticoids is due to (A) In ctiv tion of protein phosph t se (B) In ctiv
tion of fructose 1,6- iphosph t se (C) Stimul tion of synthesis of pyruv te c r
oxyl se (D) Stimul tion of synthesis of eltroxykin se 19. The predomin nt glucoc
orticoid is (A) Cortisol (B) Aldosterone (C) Dehydroephi ndrosterone (D) Androst
28. 3-β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogen se nd β ∆5,4 isomer se c t lyse the conversion of t
he we k ndrogen DHEA to (A) Androstenedione (B) Testosterone (C) Progesterone (
D) Estrone 29. In the resting st te pl sm concentr tion of cortisol is (A) (B)
(C) (D) 0.4–2.0 µg/100 ml 2.0–4.0 µg/100 ml 5.0–15.0 µg/100 ml 18.0–25.0 µg/100 ml 36. C te
mine hormones re
(A) 3, 4-Dihydroxy deriv tives of phenylethyl mine (B) p-Hydroxy deriv tives of
phenyl cet te (C) p-Hydroxy deriv tives of phenylpyruv te (D) p-Hydroxy deriv ti
ves of phenyll ct te 37. The sequenti l steps
 in the conversion of tyrosine to e
pinephrine re (A) Ring hydroxyl tion-dec r oxyl  tion-side ch in hydroxyl tion-N
-methyl tion (B) Side
 ch in hydroxyl tion-dec r oxyl tion-ring hydroxyl tion N-m
ethyl tion (C) Dec r oxyl tion-ring
 hydroxyl tion-side ch in hydroxyl tion-N-met
hyl tion (D) N-methyl tion-dec r oxyl tion-ring nd side ch in hydroxyl tion 38.
The hormone required for uterine muscle contr ction for child irth is (A) Prog
esterone (C) Oxytocin (B) Estrogen (D) V sopressin

30. Themost import nt effect of ldosterone is to (A)Incre sethe r te of tu u
l r re sorption of sodium(B) Decre se the r te of tu ul r re sorption of  pot
ssium (C) Decre se the re sorption of chloride (D) Decre se the ren l re sorpt
ion of sodium 31. One of the potent stimul tors of ldosterone secretion is (A)
(B) (C) (D) Incre sed sodium concentr tion Decre sed pot ssium concentr tion Inc
re sed pot ssium concentr tion Incre sed ECF volume

39. The num er of mino cids in the hormone oxytocin is (A) 7 (C) 14 (B) 9 (D)
32. In the rennin- ngiotensin system the prim ry hormone is (A) Angiotensinogen
(B) AngiotensinI (C) Angiotensin
 II (D) Angiotensin III 33. Aldosterone rele se
is stimul ted y (A) α2-Glo ulin (C) Angiotensin II (B) Renin (D) Growth hormone

40. V sopressin nd oxytocin circul te un ound to proteins nd h ve very short p
l sm h lf lives, on the order of (A) 1–2 minutes (C) 5–8 minutes (B) 2–4 minutes (D)
10–12 minutes

41. Mel nogenesis is stimul ted y (A) MSH (C) LH (B) FSH (D) HCG
34. In the synthesis of Angiotensin I, rennin cts on Angiotensinogen nd cle ve
s the (A) (B) (C) (D) Leucine – leucine t 10 nd 11 position V line – tyrosine t 3
nd 4 position Isoleucine – histidine t 5 nd 6 position Proline – histidine t 7
nd 8 position

42. The
 er of mino cids in  ntidiuretic hormone is (A) 9 (C) 2743. ADH (A
) Re sor s w ter from ren l tu ules (B) Excretes w ter from ren l tu ules (C) E
xcretes hypotonic urine (D) C uses low specific gr vity of urine (B) 18 (D) 36
35. C techol mine hormones re synthesized in the (A) (B) (C) (D) Chrom ffin cel
ls of dren l medull Zon glomerulos of dren l cortex Zon f scicul te of dr
en l cortex Zon reticul ris of dren l cortex
44. Incre sed re sorption of w ter from the kidney is the m jor consequence of
the secretion of the hormone? (A) Cortisol (C) V sopressin (B) Insulin (D) Aldos
52. In the synthetic p thw y of epinephrine, disulfir m ( nt use) inhi its  the
enzyme: (A) Tyrosine hydroxyl se (B)
 Dop mine β-hydroxyl
 se (C) DOPA dec r oxyl se
(D) N-methyl tr nsfer se 53. The iosynthesis of oth C techol mine nd seroton
in require(A) Tyrosine hydroxyl se (B) N-methyl tr nsfer se (C) Arom tic mino
cid dec r oxyl se (D) Tryptoph n pyrrol se 54. Epinephrine stimul tes glycogeno
lysis in (A) Liver
 (B) Muscle (C) Liver nd muscle (D) Kidney 55. A cup of stron
g coffee would e expected to (A) Interfere with the synthesis of prost gl ndins
(B) Decre se the effect of gluc gon (C) Enh nce the effect of epinephrine (D) P
 the vit
 min nicotinic cid 56. Epinephrine is derived from norepinephrine
y (A) Dec r oxyl tion (C) Oxid tion (B) Hydroxyl tion (D) N-methyl tion

45. An incre se in the osmol lity of extr cellul r comp rtment will (A) Inhi it
ADH secretion (B) Stimul te ADH secretion (C) C use  no ch nge in ADH secretion (
D) Stimulte the volume nd osmoreceptor nd inhi it ADH secretion  46. For C tec
hol mine iosynthesis the r te limiting enzyme is (A) DOPA dec r oxyl se (B) DOP
AMINE β-hydroxyl se (C) Tyrosine
 se (D) Phenyl l nine hydroxyl se 47. A h
ormone which c nnot cross the lood r in rrier is (A) Epinephrine (C) ACTH (B
) Aldosterone (D) TSH
48. The pl sm level of epinephrine is less th n (A) 0.1 ng/ml (C) 0.4 ng/ml (B)
0.2 ng/ml (D) 0.8 ng/ml
49. Epinephrine is r pidly
 met olized y (A) Mono mine oxid se (B) De min se (C
) Tr nsmin se (D) Dec r oxyl se 50. Pheochromocytom s re tumours of (A) Adren l
cortex (C) P ncre s (B) Adren l medull (D) Bone
57. 5 HIAA test is neg tive if p tient is t king (A) Aspirin (C) Phenothi zone (
B) Colchicine (D) Methotrex te
58. Presence of signific nt mount of 5-HIAA in urine indic tes (A) C rcinoid in
liver (B) C rcinoid in ppendix (C) Met st sis of c rcinom of liver (D) Hep to
m 59. The norm l serum level of triiodothyronine (T3) is (A) 0.2–0.5 ng/ml (C) 2.
0–4.0 ng/ml (B) 0.7–2.0 ng/ml (D) 5.0–8.0 ng/ml
51. A ch r cteristic of pheochromocytom is elev ted urin ry excretion of (A) (B
) (C) (D) Dop mine Tyrosine Vinylm ndelic cid Phenyl l nine
60. The norm l serum level of thyroxine (T4) is (A) (B) (C) (D) 2.0–4.0 µg/100 ml 5.
5–13.5 µg/100 ml 14.0–20.3 µg/100 ml 20.0–25.0 µg/100 ml 69. TSH stimul tes the synthesis d
lete (A) Thyroxine (C) Epinephrine
(B) Adrenocorticoids (D) Insulin

70. Thyroid hormones re synthesized y the iodin tion of the mino cid: (A) Gl
ycine (C) Al nine (B) Phenyl l nine (D) Tyrosine
61. Excess secretion of thyroid hormones c uses (A) Hyperthyroidism (C) Cretinis
m (B) Myxoedem (D) Cushing syndrome

71. The tyrosine residues per molecule of thyroglo ulin is (A) 85 (C) 115 (B) 95
(D) 135
62. Insufficient free T3 nd T4 results in (A) Gr ve’s dise se (B) Mysoedem (C) C
ushing syndrome (D) Gig ntism 63. In prim ryhypothyroidism the useful estim tio
n is of (A) T 3 (C) TBG (B) T 4 (D) Auto nti odies
72. The percent
 ge of in ctive precursors (monoidotyrosine nd diiodotyrosine) i
n thyroglo ulin is (A) 30 (C) 50 (B) 40 (D) 70

64. When iodine supplies re sufficient the T3 nd T4 r tio in thyroglo ulin is
(A) 1 : 2 (C) 1 : 7 (B) 1 : 4 (D) 1 : 10

73. The num er of mino cids in p r thormone is (A) 65 (C) 115 (B) 84 (D) 122
65. A su st nce which competes with iodide upt ke mech nism y thyroid gl nd is
(A) Thiocyn te (C) Fluoride (B) Iodo cet te (D) Fluoro cet te

74. The sequence of mino cid in which the iologic l v lue of p r thormone is
(A) 1–15 (C) 30–50 75. PTH (A) Reduces the ren l cle r nce or excretion of c lcium (
B) Incre ses ren l phosph te cle r nce (C) Incre ses the ren
 l cle r nce of c lc
ium (D) Decre ses the ren l phosph te cle r nce 76. The num er of mino cids in
the peptide hormone c lcitonin is (A) 16 (C) 32 77. C lcitonin c uses (A) C lci
nuri nd phosph turi (B) Decre se in urin ry c lcium (C) Decre se in urin ry p
hosphorous (D) Incre se in lood c lcium level (B) 24 (D) 40 (B) 1–34 (D) 50–84
66. Thyroperoxid se enzyme cont ins (A) Heme (C) Zinc (B) Copper (D) M gnesium
67. Thyroproxid
 se requires hydrogen peroxide s oxidizing gent. The H2O2 is pr
oduced y (A) (B) (C) (D) FADH2 dependent enzyme NADH dependent enzyme NADP depe
ndent enzyme NADPH dependent enzyme

68. Thyroid stimulting hormone is dimer. The α -su units
 of TSH, LH, FSH re id
 l. Thus the iologic l specificity must therefore e β su unit in which the
num er of mino cids is (A) 78 (C) 130 (B) 112 (D) 199
78. The ch r cteristic of hyperp r thyroidism is (A) Low serum c lcium (B) High
serum phosphorous (C) Low serum c lcium nd high serum phosphorous (D) High seru
m c lcium nd low serum phosph te 79. P r thyroid hormone (A) (B) (C) (D) Is rel
e sed when serum C ++ is too high In ctiv tes vit min D Is secreted when C ++ is
too low Depends on vit min K for dequ te ctivity
86. In the B ch in of insulin molecule, the Ntermin l mino cid is (A) Proline
(C) Phenyl l nine (B) Threonine (D) Lysine
87. In the B ch in of insulin molecule, the C-termin l mino cid: (A) Threonine
(C) Glut m te (B) Tyrosine (D) V line
88. In the insulin molecule, the num er of interch in disulphide rides is (A) 1
(C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4

80. δ-Cells
 of islet of langerhans of pancreas pro uce (A) (B) (C) (D) Pancreatic
polypepti e Pancreatic lipase Somatostatin Steapsin
89. In the insulin molecule, the number of intrachain isulphi e bri ges is (A)
1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4
81. β -cells of islet of langerhans of the pancreas secrete (A) (B) (C) (D) Insuli
n Glucagon Somatostatin Pancreatic polypeptide
90. Insulin exists in polymeric forms, for polymerization it requires (A) Calciu
m (C) Manganese (B) Magnesium (D) Zinc

91. The num er of amino acids in pre-pro insulin is (A) 51 (C) 109 92. Proinsuli
n has (A) 74 amino acids (B) 86 amino acids (C) 105 amino acids
 (D) 109 amino ac
ids 93. Daily secretion of insulin in a normal adult man is a out (A) 10 units (
C) 30 units (B) 20 units (D) 50 units (B) 86 (D) 132
82. Target tissue of insulin is (A) (B) (C) (D) Red lood cells Renal tu ular ce
lls GI tract epithelial cells Liver

83. Insulin is a dimmer. The num er of amino acids in the A and B chain respecti
vely is (A) 19 and 28 (C) 25 and 35 (B) 21 and 30 (D) 29 and 38
84. In A chain of the insulin molecule the Nterminal amino acid is (A) Glycine (
C) Serine (B) Valine (D) Phenylalanine

94. The insulin content of pancreas is a out (A) 50–70 units (C) 150–180 units (B) 1
00–150 units (D) 200–250 units
85. In the A chain of insulin molecule the Cterminal amino acid is (A) Asparagin
e (C) Valine (B) Threonine (D) Tyrosine
95. The half life of insulin is (A) < 3–5 minutes (C) < 15 minutes (B) < 8–10 minute
s (D) < 15 minutes
96. Insulin stimulates (A) Hepatic glycogenolysis (B) Hepatic glycogenesis
 (C) L
ipolysis (D) Gluconeogenesis 97. Action of insulin on lipid meta olism is (A) It
increases lipolysis and increases triglyceride synthesis (B) It decreases lipol
ysis and increases triglyceride synthesis (C) It decreases lipolysis and decreas
es triglyceride synthesis (D) It increases synthesis of triglyceride and increas
ed ketogenesis 98. Insulin increases the activity of (A)Pyruvate kinase (B) Pho
sphorylase (C) Triacylglycerol kinase (D) Fructose 2, 6- isphosphatase 99. Insul
in decreases the activity of (A) (B) (C) (D)cAMP dependent protein kinase HMG C
oA-reductas Phosphodiesterase Acetyl CoA-car oxylase 103. Deficiency of insulin
results in (A) (B) (C) (D) Rapid uptake of sugar Lo lood glucose level Decreas
e urine output Presence of glucose in urine
104. The primary stimulus for insulin secretion is increased. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A
) (B) (C) (D) Blood level of epinephrine Blood level of glucagon Blood level of
glucose Water intake Insulin Glucagon Somatostatin Pancreatic polypeptide
105. The α -cells of p ncre s islets produce

106. The num er of mino cids in single ch in polypeptide gluc gons is (A) 21 (
C) 31 (B) 29 (D) 39
107. The h lf life of gluc gons is (A) ~5 (C) ~10 108. Gluc gon enh nces (A) (B)
(C) (D) Hep tic glycogenolysis Muscle glycogenolysis Hep tic glycogenesis Lipog
enesis (B) ~7 (D) ~12
100. The hum n insulin gene loc ted on the short rm of chromosome: (A) 11 (C) 1
8 (B) 17 (D) 20

101. Norm l serum insulin level v ries etween (A) 4–25 µU/ml (C) 70–90 µU/ml (B) 25–50 µU/
l (D) 100–120 µU /ml

109. Norm l serum gluc gons level in f sting st te v ries etween (A) 0-–10 pg/ml
(B) 20–100 pg/ml (C) 200–300 pg/ml (D) 400–500 pg/ml 110. Gluc gon (A) (B) (C) (D) Inc
re ses protein synthesis Inhi its lipolysis in dipocytes Incre ses gluconeogene
sis in liver Stimul tes muscle glycogenolysis
102. Following is norm l overnight f st nd cup
 of l ck coffee, di etic
wom n feels slightly n usious nd decides to skip re kf st. However she does t
ke her shot of insulin. This m y result in (A) Heightened glycogenolysis (B) Hyp
oglycemi (C) Incre sed lipolysis (D) Glycosuri

111. Norm l serum free testosterone in dult men v ries etween (A) 1–5 ng/dl (C)
10–30 ng/dl (B) 6–9 ng/dl (D) 50–100 ng/dl
112. Norm l serum free testosterone in dult women v ries etween (A) 0.0–0.2 ng/d
l (C) 10–30 ng/dl (B) 0.3–2 ng/dl (D) 50–100 ng/dl
121. Serum progesterone level during pregn ncy is (A) < 12 ng/ml (C) < 20 ng/ml
(B) > 12 ng/ml (D) >24 ng/ml

113. The prepu ert l tot l serum testosterone is (A) <100 ng/100 ml (B) < 200 ng
/100 ml (C) <300 ng/100 ml (D) < 400 ng/100 ml 114. The tot l serum testosterone
in dult men is (A) (B) (C) (D) 50–100 ng/100 ml 150–250 ng/100 ml 300–1000 ng/100 ml
1000–3000 ng/100 ml
122. Serum progesterone level during lute l ph se is (A) 0.2–203 ng/ml (C) 6.0–30 ng
/ml (B) 3.0–5.0 ng/ml (D) 750 ng/ml

123. Androgens re produced y (A) (B) (C) (D) Cells of sertoli Leydig cells Ret
e testis Efferent ductules

124. The leyding cell ctivity is controlled y (A) (B) (C) (D) Intestiti l cell
stimul ting hormone Adernocortex stimul ting hormone Thyroid stimul ting hormon
e Mel nocyte stimul ting h rmone
115. The tot l serum testosterone in dult women is (A) (B) (C) (D) 0–5 ng/100 ml
10–15 ng/100 ml 20–80 ng/100 ml 100–200 ng/100 ml
125. Stein-leventh l syndrome is due to overproduction of (A) Estrogens (C) G st
ogens (B) Androgens (D) Ethinyl estr diol
116. The serum estr diol level in men is (A) 0–5 pg/ml (C) 24–68 pg/ml (B) 5–10 pg/ml
(D) 40–60 pg/ml
117. The serum estr diol level in women during 1–10 d ys of menstru l cycle is (A)
0–10 pg/ml (C) 24–68 pg/ml (B) 12–20 pg/ml (D) 80–100 pg/ml
126. The production of progesterone y corpus luteum cell is stimul ted y (A) L
118. The serum estr diol level in women during 11–20 d ys of menstru l cycle is (A
) 5–30 pg/ml (B) 50–300 pg/ml (C) 500–900 pg/ml (D) 1000 pg/ml 119. The serum estr dio
l level in women during 21–30 d ys of menstru l cycle is (A) 10-20 pg/ml (C) 73-14
9 pg/ml (B) 22-66 pg/ml (D) 1000 pg/ml

127. In the iosynthesis of testosterone the r te limiting step is conversion of
(A) (B) (C) (D) Cholesterol to pregnenolone Pregnenolone to progesterone Proges
terone to 17 α-hydroxy progesterone 17 α-Hydroxy progesterone to ndrostenedione
128. The enzyme c t lyzing conversion of ndrostenedione
 to testosterone is (A
) Oxygen se (C) Isomer se (B) Dehydrogen se (D) Dec r oxyl se

120. The serum progesterone level in follicul r ph se is out (A) (B) (C) (D) 0
.2–1.5 ng/100 ml 2.0–2.5 ng/100 ml 3.5–4.5 ng/100 ml 5.0–6.5 ng/100 ml
129. Conversion of testosterone to estr diol requires the enzyme: (A) Arom t se
(C) Ly se (B) Dehydrogen se (D) Isomer se
130. The precursor of testosterone is (A) Aldosterone (C) Estrone (B) Methyl tes
tosterone (D) Pregnenolone
138. The only correct st tement out hormone receptors is (A) Receptors for pro 
tein hormones re present in cytosol
 (B) Receptors for
 steroid hormones re mem
r ne ound (C) Hormone-receptor inding is irreversi le (D) Receptors c n underg
o down regul tion nd up regul
 toin 139.
 Down regul tion is (A) Incre sed destru
ction of hormone (B) Feed ck inhi ition of hormonesecretion (C) Decre sed c
oncentr tion of hormone in lood (D) Decre
 se in num er of receptors for hor
mone 140. All the following st tements out hormones re true except (A) All of
them require specific c rriers in pl sm (B)  All of themrequire specific recep
tors in t rget cells (C) Some of them re su ject to feed ck regul tion (D) Som
e of themincre se the tr nscription of cert in genes 141. All the following
tements out steroid hormones re true except (A) They re hydropho ic (B) They
require c rriers to tr nsport them in circul tion (C) Their receptors re intr
cellul r (D) They require cyclic AMP s second messenger 142. Cyclic AMP cts s
the second messenger for (A) ADH (C) C lcitonin (B) Gluc gon (D) All of these
131. Urin ry 17 ketosteroids
 (A) Are not found in women (B) Reflect the tot l pr
oduction of ndrogenic su st nces (C) Indic te the tot l production of sex hormo
ne (D) Are highly ctive ndrogens 132. The hormone me sured in urine to test pr
egn ncy is (A) (B) (C) (D) Anterior pituit ry luteinizing hormone Androgen Proge
sterone Choroinic gon dotropin

133. Tot l num er of mino cids in hum n chorionic gon dotropin is (A) 53 (C) 1
45 (B) 92 (D) 237

134. A hormone produced y corpus luteum nd pl cent , concerned with rel x tion
of pelvis tissue is (A) (B) (C) (D) HCG Chorionic som tommotropin Rel xin Proge
135. Synthetic progesterone used in or l contr ceptive is (A) Norethindrone (B)
Pregnenolone (C) Androstenodione(D) Stil estrol 136. Young women re protected
g inst myoc rdi l inf r c tion ec use of the ctivity of (A) Estrogen (B) Prog
esterone (C) Growth hormone (D) Oxytocin 137. Hormone receptors possess ll the
following properties except
 (A) All of them re proteins (B) They possess reco

gnition dom in (C) They ind hormones with high degree of specificity (D) Num
er of receptors in t rget cell is const nt
143. Cyclic AMP cts s the second messenger for ll of the following except (A)
Oxytocin (C) ACTH (B) TSH (D) FSH
144. Cyclic GMP cts s the second messenger for (A) (B) (C) (D) Nerve growth f
ctor Atri l n triuretic f ctor Epinephrine Norepinephrine
153. Tyrosine kin se ctivity is present in (A) (B) (C) (D) α-Adrenergic receptors
β-Adrenergic receptors Cholinergic receptors Insulin receptors (B) Dimer (D) Tetr
154. Insulin receptor is (A) Monomer (C) Trimer (A) (B) (C) (D)

145. Some hormones produce their intr cellul r effects y ctiv ting (A) Phospho
lip e A1 (B) Phospholip se B (C) Phospholip se C (D) All of these 146. Inositol
triphosph te is the second messenger for (A) G strin (C) Oxytocin 147. G-protein
s ct s (A) (B) (C) (D) Hormone c rriers Hormone receptors Second messengers Si
gn l tr nsducers (B) Cholecystokinin (D) All of these
155. Tyrosine kin se ctivity is present in Acetylcholine receptor PDGF receptor
ADH receptor All of these (B) Cyclic GMP (D) Inositol triphosph te

156. Protein kin se C is ctiv ted y (A) Cyclic AMP (C) Di cyl glycerol (A) (B)
(C) (D)
157. Mel tonin is synthesised in Hypoth l mus Posterior pituit ry gl nd Pine l g
l nd Mel nocytes (B) Tyrosine (D) None of these
148. Sign l tr nsducer for gluc gons is (A) (B) (C) (D) Cyclic nucleotide Phos
phoinositide Stimul tory G-protein Inhi itory G-protein
158. Mel tonin is synthesised from (A) Phenyl l nine (C) Tryptoph n
149. G-proteins re (A) Monomers (C) Trimers (B) Dimers (D) Tetr mers

159. Mel nocyte
 stimul ting hormone is secreted
 y (A) (B) (C) (D) Pine l gl nd
 lo e of pituit ry gl nd Posterior lo e of pituit ry gl nd Intermedi te
lo e of pituit ry gl nd

150. G-proteins h ve nucleotide inding site for (A) ADP/ATP (C) CDP/CTP (B) G
160. MSH c uses (A) Dispers l of mel nin gr nules in mel nocytes (B) Incre se in
mel nin concentr tion in mel nocytes
 (C) Decere se in mel nin concentr tion in
mel nocytes
 (D) Incre se in num er of mel nocytes 161. Secretion of MSH is regul
ted y (A) (B) (C) (D) Feed ck mech nism Mel tonin Hypoth l mic hormones ACTH
151. The nucleotide inding site of G-proteins is present on their (A) α-Su unit (
C) γ Subunit (B) β-Su unit α- nd β(D) δ-Subunit
152.A enylate cyclase
 is activate by (A) GDP-bearing α-Su unit of G-protein (B)
GTP- e ring α-Su unit of G-protein (C) GDP- e ring γ Subunit of G protein (D) GTP be
arin γ Subunit of G protein
162. A hormone synthesised in the hypothalamus is (A) (B) (C) (D) Melatonin Mela
nocyte stimulatin hormone Vasopressin Prolactin
171. Secretion of somatotrophin is promoted by (A) (B) (C) (D) Somatomedin C Som
atostatin Growth hormone releasin hormone Hypolycaemia
163. Posterior pituitary land secretes (A) (B) (C) (D) Catecholamines Oxytocin
Follicle stimulatin hormone Serotonin
172. Human rowth hormone has (A) One polypeptide chain and one intra chain disu
lphide bond (B) One polypeptide chain and two intra chain disulphide bond (C) Tw
o polypeptide chains joined by one disulphide bond (D) Two polypeptide chains jo
ined by two disulphide bond 173. Number of amino acid residues in human rowth h
ormone is (A) 51 (C) 191 (B) 84 (D) 198
164. A nonapeptide amon the followin is (A) (B) (C) (D) Antidiuretic hormone I
nsulin ACTH Thyrotropin releasin hormone
165. Diabetes insipidus is caused by deficient secretion of (A) Insulin (C) Vaso
pressin (B) Glucaon (D) Oxytocin
174. Number of amino acid residues in prolactin is (A) 51 (C) 191 (A) (B) (C) (D
) (B) 84 (D) 198
166. Peripheral vasoconstriction is caused by hih concentrations of (A) (B) (C)
(D) Antidiuretic hormone Melatonin Glucaon Oxytocin
175. Secretion of prolactin is reulated by Feedback inhibition Prolactin releas
in hormone Prolactin release inhibitin hormone All of these (B) Prenenolone (
D) Pro opiomelanocortin
167. Somatotropin is secreted by (A) Hypothalamus (B) Anterior pituitary (C) Pos
terior pituitary (D) Thyroid land 168. Secretion of Insulin like Growth Factor 
I is promoted by (A) Insulin (B) Glucaon (C) Growth hormone (D) Somatomedin C 1
69. Growth hormone increases (A) Protein synthesis (C) Glycoenolysis (B) Lipoe
nesis (D) All of these
176. Precursor of ACTH is (A) Cholesterol (C) Corticotropin
177. All of the followin can be formed from pro opiomelanocortin except (A) α- nd
β-MSH(B) β- nd γ Lipotropins (C) α- nd β-Endorphins(D) FSH 178. All the following st tem
ents out proopiomel nocortin re true except (A) It is m de  up of 285 mino c
ids (B) It is synthesised in p rs intermedi nd nterior lo e of pituit ry gl n
d (C) It is the precursor of ACTH nd mel tonin (D) It is the precursor of corti
cotropin like intermedi te lo e peptide nd endorphins
170. Secretion
 of growth
 hormone is inhi ited y (A) Som tomedin C (B) Som tost
tin (C) Feed ck inhi ition(D) All of these
179. All the following st tements out ACTH re true except (A) It is tropic
hormone (B) Its t rget cells
 re loc ted in dren l cortex (C) Its receptors re
loc ted in the cell mem r ne (D) Its second messenger is inositol triphosph te
180. Regul tion of ACTH secretion occurs through (A) Corticotropin rele sing hor
mone (CRH)
 nd corticotropin
  rele se inhi iting hormone
 of hypoth
 l mus (
B) Feed ck inhiition ycortisol (C) CRH nd feed ck inhi ition y cortisol (
D) CRIH nd feed ck inhi ition y cortisol 181. ACTH is polypeptide m de up o
f (A) 39 mino cids (C) 51 mino cids (B) 41 mino cids (D) 84 mino cids
186. All the following sttements out thyrotropin rele sing hormone re true e
xcept (A) It is secreted y hypoth l mus (B) It is  pent
 peptide (C) It incre s
es the
 secretion of TSH (D) Its secretion is inhi ited y high level of T3 nd T
4 in lood 187. In m les, luteinising hormone cts on (A) Leydig cells (C) Prost
te gl nd (B) Sertoli cells (D) All of these

188. All the following
 st tements out FSH re true except (A) It is tropic h
ormone secreted y nterior pituit ry (B) Its secretion is incre sed y gon dotr
opin rele sing hormone (C) It cts on Sertoli cells (D) It incre ses the synthes
 of testosterone 189. In m les, secretion of luteinising
is  hormone is inhi ited
y (A) Gon dotropin rele sing hormone (B) FSH (C) High lood levelof testostero
ne (D) Inhi in 190. Secretion of luteinising hormone is incre sed y (A) GnRH (C
) Testosterone (B) FSH (D) None of these
182. CRH is polypeptide m de up of (A) 39 mino cids (C) 51 mino cids (B) 4
1 mino cids (D) 84 mino cids
183. Hormon l ctivity of ACTH is completely lost on remov l of (A) 5 C-termin l
mino cids (B) 10 C-termin l mino cids (C)15 C-termin l mino cids (D) Non
e of these 184. All the following st tements out  TSH re true except (A) It is
 It is m de up of α- nd β-su units (C) Receptor recognition invo
lves oth the su units (D) Its su  unit is identic l with those of FSH nd LH 185
. All the following st tements out TSH re true except (A) It is tropic horm
one (B) It cts on p r -follicul r cells of thyroid gl nds (C) Its receptors re
mem r ne- ound (D) Its second messenger is cyclic AMP

191. In structure nd function, HCG resem les (A) FSH (C) GnRH (B) LH (D) Proges
192. Acromeg ly results from overproduction of (A) ACTH during childhood (B) TSH
during dult life (C) Growth hormone during childhood (D) Growth hormone during
dult life
193. Acromeg ly results in ll the following except (A) Overgrowth of the ones
of f ce, h nds nd feet (B) Incre sed st ture (C) Enl rgements of viscer (D) Im
p ired glucose toler nce 194. Overproduction of growth hormone during childhood
c uses (A) Acromeg ly (B) Gig ntism (C) Cushing’s dise se (D) Simmond’s dise se 195.
Decre sed secretion of growth hormone during childhood c uses (A) Simmond’s dise
se (B) Cushing’s dise se (C) Dw rfism (D) Cretinism 196. St ture is incre sed in (
A) Gig ntism (B) Acromeg ly (C) Simmond’s dise se(D) Cushing’s dise se 197. An mino
cid used for the synthesis of thyroid hormone is (A) Tyrosine (C) Histidine (B
) Tryptoph n (D) Proline
202. Thyroid hormones
 represent in lood (A) In free form (B) In ssoci  tion w
ith thyroxine inding glo ulin (TBG) (C) In ssoci tion with thyroxine inding p
re l umin (TBPA) (D) M inly in ssoci tion with TBG, p rtly  in free form nd som
etimes in ssoci tion with
 TBPA lso 203. When thyroxine inding glo ulin nd th
yroxine inding
 pre- l umin re s tur ted with thyroxine,
 the excess hormone is
tr nsported y (A) Al umin (C) Tr nscortin (B) G mm glo ulins (D) None of these

204. Receptors for
 thyroid hormones re present (A) On the cell mem r ne (B) Acr
oss the cell mem r ne (C) Inside the cells (D) In ssoci tion with G-proteins 20
5. Binding of thyroxine to its receptors (A) Activ tes Adenyl te cycl se (B) Act
iv tes gu nyl te cycl se (C) Activ tes stimul tory G-protein (D) Incre ses tr
nscription 206. The most powerful thyroid hormone is (A) Reverse T3 (C) T 3 (B)
DIT (D) T 4
198. An enzyme required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones is (A) Iodin se (B
) Deiodin se (C) Thyroperoxid se (D) Thyroxine synthet se 199. Thyroperoxid se i
odin tes (A) (B) (C) (D) Free tyrosine in thyroid gl nd Tyrosine residues of thy
roglo ulinTyrosine residues
 of thyroxine inding glo ulin Tyrosine residues of
thyroxine inding pre l umin
 The most und ntthyroid hormone in lood is (A) Free T3 (C) Free T4 (B) T
3 ound to TBG (D) T4 ound to TBG
200. In thyroxine, tyrosine residues re iodin ted t positions: (A) 1 nd 3 (C)
3 nd 5 (B) 2 nd 4 (D) 4 nd 6

208. Secretion of thyroid
 hormones is regul ted y (A) Hypoth l mus (B) Anterior
pituit ry (C) Feed ck regul tion (D) All of these
201. Thyroid gl nd t kes up circul ting iodine (A) (B) (C) (D) By simple diffusi
on By f cilit ted diffusion By ctive upt ke In exch nge for chloride
209. Clinic l fe tures of hyperthyroidism include (A) Goitre, he t intoler nce,
weight loss nd t chyc rdi (B) Goitre, tremors, t chyc rdi nd cold intoler nc
e (C) Exophth lmos, goiter, t chyc rdi nd loss of ppetite (D) Exophth lmos, g
oiter, tremors nd o esity 210. All the following m y occur in hyperthyroidism e
xcept (A) Goitre (C) Loss of weight (B) Incre sed ppetite (D) Low BMR
217. The second messenger for PTH is (A) Cyclic AMP (C) Di cylglycerol (B) Cycli
c GMP (D) Inositol triphosph te

218. PTH c uses ll of the following except (A) Incre sed intestin l sorption
of c lcium (B) Incre sed intestin l sorption
 of phosph
 te (C) Incre sed tu ul
r re sorption of c lcium (D)Incre sed tu ul r re sorption of phosph te 219. S
ecretion of PTH is regul ted y (A)  Hypoth l mus (B) Anterior pituit ry (C) Feed
ck effect of pl sm PTH (D) Feed ck effect of pl sm c lcium 220. A high conc
entr tion of PTH in lood c uses (A) Incre se in pl sm c lcium nd inorg nic ph
osphorous (B) Decre se in pl sm c lcium nd inorg nic phosphorous (C) Incre se
in pl sm c lcium nd decre se in pl sm inorg nic phosphorous (D) Decre se in p
l sm c lcium nd incre se in pl sm inorg nic phosphorous 221. Tet ny c n occur
(A) In prim ry hyperp r thyroidism (B) In second ry hyperp r thyroidism (C) In
idiop thic hypop r thyroidism (D) After ccident l remov l of p r thyroid gl nds
222. Cryst llis tion of insulin occurs in the presence of (A) Chromium (C) Zinc
(B) Copper (D) C lcium
211. All the following m y occur in myxoedem except (A) Cold intoler nce (B) Lo
w BMR (C) T chyc rdi (D) Dry nd co rse skin 212. Ment l ret rd tion c n occur
in (A) (B) (C) (D) Cretinism Juvenile myxoedem Myxoedem Juvenile thyrotoxicosi
213. P r thyroid hormone (PTH) is synthesised in (A) (B) (C) (D) Chief cells of
p r thyroid gl nds Oxyphil cells of p r thyroid gl nds P r follicul r cells of
thyroid gl nds Follicul r cells of thyroid gl nd

214. The num er of mino cid residues in PTH: (A) 51 (C) 90 (B) 84 (D) 115

215. Amino cid residues which re essenti l for the iologic l ctivity of PTH
re (A) (B) (C) (D) N-termin l 34 mino cids N-termin l 50 mino cids C-termin
l 34 mino cids C-termin l 50 mino cids

223. D ily secretion of insulin is out δ – (A) 10–20 mg (C) 10–20 units (B) 40–50 mg (D)
40–50 units

216. Half-life
 of PTH is (A) A few secon s (C) A few hours (B) A few minutes (D)
A few ays
224. Insulin receptors are ecrease in number in (A) Obesity (C) Hyperinsulinis
m (B) Starvation (D) Kwashiorkor
225. Insulin bin ing sites are present on the (A) (B) (C) (D) α-su units of insuli
n receptor β-su units of insulin receptor γ subunits of insulin receptor α- nd β−subunits
of insu in receptor 234. Insu in increases
(A) Protein synthesis (B) Fatty acid synthesis (C) G ycogen
 synthesis (D) A  of
these 235. Insu
  in decreases the synthesis of (A) Hexo inase (B) G uco inase (C
) PEP carboxy inase (D) G ycogen synthetase 236. Diabetes me itus can occur due
to a  of the fo owing except (A) (B) (C) (D) Deficient insu in secretion Tumo
ur of β−ce s Decrease in number of insu in receptors Formation of insu in antibodie

 α-Su units of insulin
 receptor re present (A) (B) (C) (D) Outside the cell m
em r ne In the cell mem r ne Across the cell mem r ne In the cytosol

 β-Su units of insulin
 receptor re present (A) (B) (C) (D) Outside the cell m
em r ne In the cell mem r ne Across the cell mem r ne In the cytosol

237. Hypoglyc emic com c n occur (A) (B) (C) (D) In untre ted di etes mellitus
In st rv tion After overdose of or l hypoglyc emic drugs After overdose of insu

228. In the insulin receptor,
 tyrosine kin se dom in is present in (A) α-Su units
(C) γ Subunits (B) β-Su units (D) δ-Subunits

238. Secon messenger for glucagons is (A) Cyclic AMP (C) Cyclic GMP (B) Diacylg
lycerol (D) Inositol triphosphate
229. Bin ing of insulin to its receptor activates (A) A enylate cyclase (B) Guan
 cyclase (C) Phospholipase C (D) Tyrosine
 kinase 230. Insulin receptor
 is m
a e up of (A) (B) (C) (D) One α- nd one β-su unit Two α- nd two β-su unit Two, α two β- nd
wo γ subunit One α, one β-one γ and one δ-subunit
239. Number of amino aci resi ues in glucagons is (A) 29 (C) 51 (B) 34 (D) 84

240. Glucagon secretion increases  (A) (B) (C) (D) After a carbohy
 rate-rich meal
After a fat-rich meal When bloo glucose is high When bloo glucose is low

231. Insulin is require forthe active uptake of glucose
 by most of the cells e
xcept (A) Muscle cells (C) A ipocytes 232. Insulin ecreases (A) (B) (C) (D) Gly
cogenesis Glyolysis
 Gluconeogenesis Tubular reabsorption of glucose (B) Gluconeo
genesis (D) Bloo glucose (B) Renal tubular cells (D) Liver cells
241. The maineffecting of glucagons is to increase (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycolysis in
muscles Glycogenolysis in muscles Glycogenolysis in liver Glycogenesis in liver
233. Insulin increases (A) Glycogenesis (C) Lipolysis

242. Tyrosine is require for the synthesis of all of the following except (A) M
elatonin (C) Norepinephrine (B) Epinephrine (D) Thyroxine
243. Dopamine is synthesise from (A) Dihyroxyphenylalanine (B) Epinephrine
Norepinephrine (D) Metanephrine 244. Bloo brain barrier can be crosse by (A)
Epinephrine (C) Dopa (B) Dopamine (D) All of these
251. Bin ing of catecholamines to α 2 − adrenergic receptors (A) Increases the intra
ce u ar concentration cAMP (B) Increases the intrace u ar concentration cGMP (
C) Decreases the intrace u ar concentration cAMP (D) Decreases the intrace u a
r concentration cGMP of of of of
245. Epinephrine is synthesised in (A) Chromaffin ce s of adrena  medu a (B) S
ympathetic gang ia (C) Brain (D) A  of these 246. Immediate precursor of epinep
hrine is (A) Metanephrine (C) Dopa (B) Norepinephrine (D) Dopamine
252. Phosphoinositide cascade is activated on binding of catecho amines to (A) (
B) (C) (D) α1-Adrenergic receptors α2-Adrenergic receptors β1-Adrenergic receptors β2-Ad
renergic receptors
253. Epinephrine decre ses (A) Glycogenesis (B) Glycogenolysis (C) Gluconeogenes
is (D) Lipolysis
 254. Epinephrine incre ses the concentr tion of free f tty cid
s in pl sm y incre sing (A) (B) (C) (D) Extr mitochondri l f tty cid synthesi
s Mitochondri l f tty cid ch in elong tion Microsom l f tty cid ch in elong ti
on Lipolysis in dipose tissue

247. The chief met olite of c techol mines is (A) Met nephrine (B) Normet nephr
ine (C) 3, 4-Dihydroxym
 ndelic cid (D) V nillylm ndelic cid 248. An enzyme inv
olved in c t olism of c techol mines is (A) Dop dec r oxyl se (B) Arom tic mi
no cid dec r oxyl se (C) Mono mine oxid se (D) C techol oxid s 249. Norepinephr
ine inds m inly to (A) α-Adrenergic receptors (B) β-Adrenergic receptrors (C) Musc
rinic receptors (D) Nicotinic receptors 250. Astimul tory G-protein tr nsduces t
he sign ls from (A) α1- nd β1- drenergic receptors (B) α2- nd β2- drenergic receptors (C
) α1- nd α2- drenergic receptors (D) β1- nd β2- drenergic receptors
255. Epinephrine incre ses ll of the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycogeno
lysis in muscles Lipolysis in dipose tissue Gluconeogenesis in muscles Gluc gon
256. Secretion of c techol mines is incre sed in (A) (B) (C) (D) Cushing’s syndrom
e Addison’s dise se Ph eochromocytom Simmond’s dise se
257. Zon glomerulos of dren l cortex synthesises (A) (B) (C) (D) Glucocortico
ids Miner locorticoids Androgens Estrogen nd progesterone
258. Cortisol is (A) Glucocorticoid (C) Androgen (A) Hydrocortisone (C) Ald ct
one A (B) Miner locorticoid (D) Estrogen (B) Aldosterone (D) Androstenedione
267. The second messenger for glucocorticoids is (A) Cyclic AMP (B) Cyclic GMP (
C) Inositol triphosph te (D) No second messenger is required 268. Glucocorticoid
s incre se ll of the following except (A) Gluconeogenesis (B) Lipolysis in extr
emities (C) Synthesis of elcos noid (D) Hep tic glycogenesis 269. Glucocorticoi
ds incre se the synthesis of ll of the  following except (A) Glucokin  se (B) Glu
cose-6-phosph t se (C) Fructose-1, 6- iphosph  t se (D) Pyruv te c r oxyl se 270.
Secretion of glucocorticoid is regul ted y ll the  following except (A) Hypot

h l mus (B)
 Anterior pituit ry (C) Feed ck control y lood glucose (D) Feed c
k control y glucocorticoids
 271. Excessive secretion of glucocorticoids r ises
lood glucose y (A) Decre sing glycogenesis
 (B) Incre sing glycogenolysis (C) I
ncre sing gluconeogenesis
 (D) Inhi iting HMP shunt 272. Miner lcorticoids regul
te the met olism of ll of the following except (A) Sodium (C) C lcium (B) Pot
ssium (D) Chloride
259. The m jor miner lcorticoid is
260. Steroid hormones re synthesised in ll of the following except (A) Testes
(B) Ov ries (C) Adren l medull (D) Adren l cortex 261. Steroid hormones re syn
thesised from (A) (B) (C) (D) Cholesterol 7-Dehydrocholesterol C lcitriol 7-Hydr
262. A common intermedi te in the synthesis of ll the steroid hormones is (A) (
B) (C) (D) Pregnenolone 17-Hydroxypregnenolone Corticosterone Progesterone
263. A common intermedi te in the synthesis of cortisol nd ldosterone is (A) P
rogesterone (C) Estr diol (B) Testosterone (D) None of these
264. A common intermedi te in the synthesis of estrogens is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A)
(B) (C) (D) Cortisol Andostenedione Corticosterone 11-Deoxycorticosterone
 In ss
oci tion with tr nscortin chiefly In ssoci tion with l umin to some extent In
free form p rtly All of these

265. Glucocorticoids re tr nsported in lood

266. All the following st tements out tr nscortin re true except (A) (B) (C)
(D) It is synthesised in liver It tr nsports glucocorticoids It tr nsports ldos
terone It tr nsports progesterone
273. Miner locorticoids incre se the tu ul r re sorption of (A) Sodium nd c lc
ium (B) Sodium nd pot ssium (C) Sodium nd chloride (D) Pot ssium nd chloride
274. Miner locorticoids incre
 se the tu ul r secretion of (A) Sodium (C) Chlorid
e (B) Pot ssium (D) Bic r on te
283. Secretion of ndrogens is incre sed y (A) LH (C) ACTH (B) FSH (D) Growth h

275. Secretion of miner lcorticoids is incre sed y (A) ACTH (C) Hypok l emi (B
) Angiotensin (D) Hypern tr emi
284. During l te pregn ncy, the m jor source of progesterone is (A) Adren l cort
ex (C) Corpus luteum (B) Pl cent (D) Gr fi n follicles
276. In Addison’s dise se, there is excessive retention of (A) Pot ssium (C) Chlor
ide (B) Sodium (D) W ter
285. Progesterone
 is tr nsported in lood y (A) (B)(C) (D) Trnscortin Sex hor
mone inding glo ulin Al umin Testosterone estrogen inding glo ulin

277. In drenogenit l syndrome due to tot l sence of 21-hydroxyl se in dren l
cortex, there is (A) (B) (C) (D) Deficient secretion of glucocorticoids Deficie
nt secretion of miner lcorticoids Excessive secretion of ndrogens All of these
(B) Hydrocortisone (D) Testosterone

286. The m jor met olite of progesterone is (A) Pregnenolone (C) Estr diol (B)
Pregn nediol (D) Norethindrone
287. Secretion of progesterone (A) Is more in first h lf of menstru l cycle th n
in second h lf (B) Is more in second h lf of menstru l cycle th n in first h lf
(C) Rem
 ins const nt during menstru l cycle (D) Decre ses during pregn ncy 288.
Women ecome suscepti le to osteoporosis fter menop use due to decre sed (A) (
B) (C) (D) Secretion of P r thormone Conversion of vit min D into c lcitriol Sec
retion of estrogen Secretion of progesterone
278. Spironol ctone is n nt gonist of (A) Cortisol (C) Aldosterone
279. Androgens re synthesised in (A) (B) (C) (D) Leydig cells in testes Sertoli
cells in testes Seminiferous tu ules Prost te gl nd
280. Testosterone
 is tr nsported in lood y (A) (B) (C)(D) Tr nscortin Testost
erone inding glo ulin Testosterone estrogen inding glo ulin Al umin
289. A hormone used for detection of pregn ncy is (A) (B) (C) (D) Estrogen Proge
sterone Oxytocin Chorionic gon dotropin

281. The met olites of ndrogens re (A) (B) (C) (D) 17-Hydroxysteroids 17-Keto
steroids 11-Hydroxysteroids 11-Ketosteroids
290. Pl cent secretes ll of the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) FSH Progester
one Estrogen Chorionic gon dotropin
282. An ndrogen which is more powerful th n testosterone is (A) Androstenedione
(B) Dihydrotestosterone (C) Androsterone (D) Epi ndrosterone
291. G strin is polypeptide m de up of (A) (B) (C) (D) Five mino cids Twelve
mino cids Seventeen mino cids Twenty mino cids
299. Tyrosine hydroxyl se is inhi ited y (A) C techol mines (C) Phenyl l nine (
B) α−Methy dopa (D) Vani y  mande ic acid
300. Urinary excretion of vani y  made ic acid is increased in (A) Phaeochromoc
ytoma (B) Cushing’s syndrome (C) Carcinoid syndrome (D) A dosteronism 301. Iodide
upta e by thyroid g and is decreased by (A) Thicyanate (C) Thiourea (B) Thiourac
i  (D) Methimazo e
292. Bio ogica  activity of gastrin is present in the (A) (B) (C) (D) Four N ter
mina  amino acids Four C termina  amino acids Five N termina  amino acids Five C
termina  amino acids

293. A  the fo owing statements about β endorphin are true except µ : (A) (B) (C)
(D) It is a polypeptide
 Its precursor
 is pro-opio-melanocortin
 Its receptors are
represent in rain Its action is locked y morphine
302. Binding of groth hormone to its receptor results in phosphorylation of (A)
JAK-2 (B) Groth hormone receptor (C) STATs (D) All of these 303. Binding of gr

o th hormone to its receptor results in increased transcription of (A) c-fos gen
e (C) p-53 gene (B) c-myc gene (D) None of these

294. All the folloing statements a out epidermal groth factor are true except
(A) It is a protein (B) It possess quaternary structure (C) Its receptor is made
up of a single polypeptide chain (D) Its receptor possesses tyrosine kinase dom
ain 295. Met-enkephalin is a (A) Tripeptide (C) Octapeptide (B) Pentapeptide (D)
304. Activation of IRS-1, PI-3 kinase and GRB2 is rought a out y (A) Glucagon
(C) Prolactin (B) Insulin (D) IGF-2

296. Vasoconstrictor effect of ADH is mediated y (A) cAMP (C) Protein kinase C
(B) cGMP (D) Angiotensin II

305. The protein IRS-1 is phosphorylated y (A) Protein kinase A (B) Protein kin
ase C (C) Tyrosine kinase activity of insulin receptor (D) Tyrosine kinase activ
ity of IGF-1 receptor 306. Phosphorylated IRS-1 activates GRB-2 hich is (A) G-p
rotein receptor inding protein-2
 (B) Gro th factor receptor inding protein-2
C) Groth hormone receptor inding protein-2 (D) Glucocorticoid receptor inding

297. The rate limiting step in catecholamine synthesis is catalysed
 y (A) (B) (
C) (D) Phenylalanine hydroxylase Tyrosine hydroxylase Dopa decar oxylase Phenyle
thanolamine N-methyl transferase
298. Dopa decar oxylase is inhi ited y (A) Epinephrine (C) α−Methy dopa (B) Norepin
ephrine (D) None of these
307. STAT proteins are (A) Thermostat proteins of brain (B) G ucostat proteins o
f hepatocyte ce  membrane (C) Short term activators of trans ation (D) Signa  t
ransduction and activators of transcription 308. Activated phospho ipase C acts
 Phosphatidy inosito 4, 5 biphosphate Inosito 1, 4, 5 triph
on (A) (B) (C) (D)
osphate Protein inase C P 3 inase
315. Norma  range of tota  thyroxine in serum is (A) 0.8–2.4 ng/d  (C) 5–12 ng/d  (B
) 0.8–2.4 µ g/d  (D) 5–12 µ g/d 
316. Norma  range of tota  tri iodothyronine in serum is (A) 0.1–0.2 ng/d  (C) 0.8–2
.4 ng/d  (B) 0.1–0.2 µg/d  (D) 0.8–2.4 µg/d 
317. Administration of TSH increases serum T3 and T4 in (A) (B) (C) (D) Hyperthy
roidism of pituitary origin Hyperthyroidism of thyroid origin Hypothyroidism of
pituitary origin Hypothyroidism of thyroid origin
309. Phospho ipase C is activated by (A) Gs proteins (C) Gq proteins (B) Gi prot
eins (D) G12 proteins
310. Proteog ycans are made up of proteins and (A) G ucosamine (C) Sia ic acid (
B) Mannosamine (D) Mucopo ysaccharides
318. High eve  of T3 and T4 and ow TSH in serum indicates (A) (B) (C) (D) Hype
rthyroidism of pituitary origin Hypothyroidism of pituitary origin Hyperthyroidi
sm of thyroid origin Hypothyroidism of thyroid origin
311 Sweat ch orides are increased in (A) Cystic fibrosis (B) Pancreatic cancer (
C) Acute pancreatitis (D) None of these 312. A  the fo owing statements about
cystic fibrosis are correct except (A) It is inherited as an autosoma  recessive
disease (B) It affects a number of exocrine g ands (C) It causes increased swea
ting (D)Sweat ch orides are above 60 mEq/L in this disease 313. Radioactive iod
ine upta e by thyroid g and 24 hours of a test dose is (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.5–15% of
the test done 15–20% of the test done 20–40% of the test done 50–70% of the test done
319. BMR is increased in (A) Endemic goitre (C) Myxoedema (B) Thyrotoxicosis (D)

320. Which one of the fo owing statements correct y describes eu aryotic DNA? (
A) If uses DNA po ymerase with nuc ease activities (B) It is rep icated bidirect
iona y at many points (C) It contains no repetitive DNA (D) It is non inear 321
. Which one of the fo owing causes frame shift mutation? (A) (B) (C) (D) Transi
tion Transversion De etion Substitution of purine to pyrimidine

314. Radioactive iodine upta e by thyroid g and is increased in (A) Endemic goit
re (C) Myxoedema (B) Hyperthyroidism (D) Creatinism
322. The second messenger for many hormones is (A) ATP (C) cGMP (B) cyc ic AMP (
323. The most potent hormone concerned with the retention of sodium in the body
is (A) Cortisone (C) Corticosterone (B) A dosterone
 (D) Cortiso  331. In hyperpa
rathyroidism there is (A) Hypoca cemia (C) Hypo a emia

(B) Hypophophatemia (D) Hyper a emia
332. Insu in resistance is encountered in (A) Addison’s disease (B) Hypothyroidism
(C) Hypopituctarism (D) Acromega y 333. Richest source of prostag andins in a h
uman ma e is (A) B ood (C) Semen (B) Urine (D) C.S.F.

324. Aspirin b oc s the synthesis of (A) (B) (C) (D) Prostag andins on y Prostac
yc ins on y Thromboxanes on y A  of these
325. Retention of sodium in the body eads to a retention of (A) (B) (C) (D) Pot
assium Water Potassium and water Neither potassium nor water
334. One of the fo owing is not used as a second messenger by hormones: (A) (B)
(C) (D) mRNA cAMP Ca cium ions Myoinisoto  1, 4, 5 triphosphate
326. cAMP is so ca ed because it is formed during (A) (B) (C) (D) TCA cyc e Ure
a cyc e Rhodopsin cyc e It has a cyc ic structure
335. This pancreatic hormone increases the b ood sugar eve : (A) (B) (C) (D) In
su in G ucagon Pancreozymin Pancreatic po ypeptide
327. Protein bound iodine is _________ bound to protein. (A) Iodine (C) Thyroxin
e (B) Thyroid hormones (D) Tri iodo thyronine
336. Which one of the fo owing statements is fu y correct? (A) Hormones are ne
eded in the diet (B) Hormones can be e aborated on y by endocrine g ands (C) A 
the hormones enter the ce s and perform their function (D) Hormones are substa
nce synthesized in the body in sma  quantities and contro  and regu ate metabo 
ic events 337. T3 is (A) (B) (C) (D) Thyroxine Triodo thyronine Triodo tyrosine
Reverse tri iodo thyronine
328. In hypophysectonized anima s, fasting produces (A) (B) (C) (D) Severe hyper
g ycemia Hypog ycemia No change in b ood sugar Mi d hyper g ycemia
329. Ca citomica is antagonist to (A) (B) (C) (D) Serotonin Thyroxine Tri iodo t
hyronine Para thyroid hormone
330. There is po yuria without g ycosuria in this disorder (A) Diabetes insipidu
s (B) Diabetes mi itus (C) Bronze diabetes (D) Juveni e diabetes
338. Whcih of the fo owing hormone is a peptide of ess than ten amino acids? (
A) Insu in (C) Oxytocin (B) Growth hormone (D) Parathyroid hormone
339. Tyrosine of thyrog obu in is acted upon by ________ to give mono and diiodo
tyrosines. (A) (B) (C) (D) Potassium Iodide Iodine Iodide I Higher va ency stat
e of iodine (I+)
347. The b ood sugar raising action of the hormone of suprarena   cortex is due t
o (A) (B) (C) (D) G yconeogenesis G ycogeno ysis G ucagon i e activity due to i
nhibition of g omeru ar fi tration of g ucose The chief nutrient for the brain i
s g ucose The chief nutrient
 for the heart is g ucose The g ucostatic ro e of th
e iver is damaged The idneys are damaged
340. Whcih of the fo owing hormone does not activate adeny ate cyc ase? (A) (B)
(C) (D) Epinephrine G ucagon Parathyroid hormone Insu in
348. Hyper insu inism can cause coma since (A) (B) (C) (D)
341. Pheochromacytoma is a tumor of (A) (B) (C) (D) adrena  medu a bone head of
Pancreas pituitary
349. Which of the fo owing property of prostag andins has been uti ized by chin
icians in hospita  for (A) (B) (C) (D) Inducing fever Causing inf ammation Effec
ting smooth musc e contraction Disaggregation of spermatozoa
342. Which one of the fo owing statements is incorrect? (A) (B) (C) (D) Insu in
increases g ucose phosphory ation Insu in increases g yco ysis Insu in augments
HMP shunt Insu in promotes g uconeogenesis
350. A major structura  difference between estrogens and androgens is the fact t
hat (A) The androgens are usua y C21 steroids (B) The estrogens are usua y dig
itonin precipitab e (C) The androgens have an aromatic ring (D) The estrogens ha
ve an aromatic ring 351. A oxan can experimenta y induce diabetes me itus due
to (A) Stimu ation of α cells of the islets of l ngerh ns (B) Necrosis of the β cel
ls of the islets (C) Potenti tion of insulin se ctivity (D) Epinephrine like c
tion 352. Which of the following llevi tes sthm ? (A) PGE1 only (C) PGF2 (A) T
yrosine (C) T urine (B) PGE1 nd PGE2 (D) PGA
343. Which of one ring in the structure of the following is rom tic? (A) Androg
ens (C) Cholesterol (B) Estrogens (D) Bile cids
344. Which of one of the following is not GUT hormone? (A) Motiline (C) G strin
(B) Secretion (D) C lcitonin
345. Which of the following hormones re synthesized s prehormones (A) (B) (C)
(D) V sopressin nd oxytocin Growth hormone nd insulin Insulin nd p r thyroid
hormone Insulin nd Gluc gon
353. Thyroxine is derived from (B) Tyr nine (D) Trypt ine
346. This hormone h s disulphide group: (A) Gluc gon (C) T 4 (B) Insulin (D) Epi
354. Adrne l cortic l response is poor in (A) Kw shiorkor (C) F tty liver (B) M
r smus (D) Atherosclerosis
355. Protein ound iodine in lood is present to the extent of _______ / dL (A)
3–8 mg (C) 3–8 gm 356. Prost gl ndins re (A) (B) (C) (D) C2 uns tur ted cids C27 s
tur ted lcohols C20 s tur ted cids C27 s tur ted lcohols (B) 4–8 mg (D) 4–8 gm
364. Which of one of the following is rele sed y hypoth l mus? (A) Som tost tin
(B) Som totropic hormone (C) Som to medin
 C (D) Luteinising hormone 365. Which
one of the following is not li er ted y the denohypophysis? (A) Growth hormone
(B) TSH (C) ACTH (D) Gon dotropin 366. Which of the following hormone is not un
der the control of ACTH? (A) Aldosterone (C) Corticosterone (B) Cortisol (D) Deo
357. Which of tne of the following scientists
 h s not worked in the field of pro
st gl ndins? (A) Voneuler (C) Andre ro et (B) Sult n K rim (D) Kend l
358. The suffix num er in the nmesof prost gl ndins gives the num er of (A) OH
groups (C) Acid groups (B) Dou le onds (D) Keto cids
367. Which of the following org n prefers fructose to glucose (A) Liver (C) P nc
re s (B) Testes (D) He rt

359. One of the import nt functions of prost cyclins is (A) (B) (C) (D) Inhi iti
on of pl telet ggreg tion Contr ction of uterus Decre se of g stric secretion R
elieving osthm
368. Tot l synthesis of cre tine c n e done y (A) Liver (C) P ncre s (B) Kidne
ys (D) He rt
369. Thyrotropin rele sing hormone is (A) Dipeptide (C) Oct peptide (B) Tripep
tide (D) Dec peptide

360. V sopressin is lso known s (A) (B) (C) (D) Antidi etogenic hormone Antid
iuretic hormone Som totropic hormone Pitoxin
370. Hypth l mo _________ gon d l oxis, fill up the l nk with the suit le word
. (A) Adren l (C) Hypophyse l (B) Thyroid (D) P ncre tic

361. Which of the following is used forinducing l our? (A) Prost gl ndins (C)
V sopressin (B) Prost cyclins (D) Throm ox nes
371. The sequence of mino cids in hum n growth hormone nd the synthesis were
done y (A) S nger (C) Ch h Holi (A) ACTH (C) Endorphins (A) Adenine (C) Tyrosin
e (B) Kre s (D) Molisch (B) β-tropin (D) All of these (B) Adenosine (D) Tryptoph n

362. Which of the following does not h ve disulphide ond? (A) Oxytocin (C) Insu
lin (B) V sopressin (D) Gluc gon
372. Proopiomel nocortin is the precussor of
363. Which is incorrect ? Epinephrin promotes the glycogenolysis in (A) Muscle (
C) He rt (B) Liver (D) None of these
373. Adren lin is synthesized from
374. Corticotropin rele sing hormone controls the direct rele se of (A) (B) (C)
(D) Pro-opiomel nocortin α MSH β MSH Endorphins
382. Aldosteronism will present the chemic l p thology of (A) Addison’s (C) Gr ve’s
(B) Cushing’s (D) H rtnup’s
375. The immedi te p rent of α, β nd γ endorphins is (A) (B) (C) (D) Pro opiomelanoco
rtin β-lipotropin ATCH Lipoprotein
383. One of the folloing does not ind T3 and T4: (A) Al umin (C) TBPA (B) TBG
(D) Haptoglo in
384. Epinephrine causes in muscle: (A) Gluconeogenesis (B) Glycogenesis (C) Glyc
olysis 385. Reverse T3is (A) A synthetic compound given counter
 the effects of
T3 (B) Formed from T4 ut has no hormone function (C) Formed y isomerisation of
T3 (D) Formed from T4 and has hormone function 386. This pancreatic hormone pro
motes hypogenesis: (A) Insulin (C) Stomato station (B) Glucagon (D) Pancreozymin
e (D) Glycogenolysis
376. Prolactin release inhi iting hormone is elieved to e (A) Serotonin (C) Do
panine (B) Norepinephrine (D) Acetyl choline
377. Whcih one of the folloing is not a symptom of cushing’s disease? (A) Hypergl
ycemia (C) Hirsutism (B) Hypernatremia (D) Hyperkalemia
378. Insulin increases
 the permea ility of glucose across the plasma mem rane of
muscle cells y (A) Acting on adenylate cycle(B) By loosening the integrity of
the mem rane (C) Through Ca2+ ions (D) By mem rane cruting the hexose carries o
f intracellular organelles and making them fuse ith the plasma memrane 379. So

matostatin is produced y (A) Hypothalamus (B) Pancreas (C) Hypothalamus and pan
 (D) Hypothalamus and Adrenals 380. Insulin like gro th hormones are produc
ed y (A) Hypophysis (C) Pancreas (B) Liver (D) Thyroid
387. It is unique that the folloing single antidiaetogenic hormone effectively

counter acts the several dia etogenic hormones: (A) Glucagon (C) Insulin (B) Gl
ucocorticoids (D) Groth hormone
 Which of the folloing statements is correct? (A) (B) (C) (D) Thyroxine inh
i its utilization of glucose Insulin increases
 utilization of glucose
 Glucagon p
romotes muscle glycogenolysis Insulin inhi its lipogenesis from car ohydrates (B
) Protein (D) Cholesterol
389. Steroid hormones are synthesized from (A) Adenine (C) Vitamin
381. In pheochromocytoma, urine ill have (A) FILGU (C) 5 HIAA (B) VMA (D) Lysin
e and Arginine
390. Hormones act only on specific organs or tissues. These are called (A) Activ
e sites (B) Reaction centre (C) Target organ/Tissue(D) Physiological site
391. __________ hormone is a single chain polypeptide having 32 amino acids ith
molecular eight of 3,600. (A) Testosteron (C) Calcitonine (B) Thyroxine (D) Va
398. Insulin
 regulates fatty acid synthesis y (A) Dephosphorylating
 of acetyl C
oA car oxylase (B) Activating phosphorylase (C) Inhi iting malonyl CoA formation
(D) Controlling carnitine-Acyl CoA transferase activity 399. Hormonal stimulati
on of the formation of the second messenger inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) qu
ickly leads to the release of hich other intracellular messenger? (A) cAMP (C)
Calcinon (B) Prostaglandin (D) Leukotriene
392. Which of the folloing is noted in cushing’s syndrome, a tumor associated dis
ease of the adrenal cortex? (A) Decreased production of epinephrine (B) Excessiv
e production of epinephrine (C) Excessive production of vasopressin
 (D) Excessiv
e production of cortisol 393. A cup of strong coffee ould e expected to (A) In
terfere ith synthesis of prostaglandins (B) Decrease the effects of Glucagon (C
) Enhance the effects of epinephrine (D) Provide the vitamin nicotinic acid 394.
Increased rea sorption of ater from the kidney is the major consequence of hi
ch of the folloing hormones? (A) Cortisol (C) Vasopressin (B) Insulin (D) Aldos
400. Hormone receptors that stimulate cAMP production (A) are part of a complex
of to proteins that transform the external signal into internal cAMP production
(B) are proteins distinct and separate from those that catalyze the production
of cAMP (C) cause release of the catalytic
 su unit upon inding of the hormone (
D) are not very specific and ind a num er of different hormones 401. All the fo
lloing hormones use cAMP as a second messenger except (A) Estrogen (C) Luteiniz
ing (B) FSH (D) Glucagon

395. Lack of Glucocorticoids and mineral corticoids might e consequence of hic
h of the folloing defects in the adrenal cortex? (A) Androstenadione deficiency
(B) Estrone deficiency
 (C) 17 α-OH progesterone deficiency (D) C- α-Hydroxyl se def
iciency 396. ADP ri osyl tion is the mode of ction of (A) Choler toxin (B) Ace
tyl choline (C) Muscerinic receptors (D) Cyclic AMP 397. Which one of the follow
ing hormones is derived most completely from tyrosine? (A) Gluc gon (C) Insulin
(B) Thyroxine (D) Prost gl ndins
402. All the following hormones promote hyperglycemi except (A) Epinephrine (C)
Insulin (B) Norepinephrine (D) Gluc gon

403. Gluc gon ctiv tes the enzyme denylcycl se which c uses the incre se of l
ood sug r level. Hence this hormone is c lled (A) (B) (C) (D) Hypoglycemic f cto
r Hyper glycemic
 f ctor Antidi uritic f ctor Thyrotropin-rele sing f ctor (B) F
t (D) C r ohydr te

404. TSH hormone iochemic lly is (A) Protein (C) Glycoprotein
405. The second ry sexu l ch r cters in fem les is effected y (A) Estrogens (C)
MIS (B) Gluco corticoids (D) None of these
409. Which of the following hormones is not involved in c r ohydr te met olism?
(A) ACTH (C) V sopressin (B) Gluc gon (D) Growth hormone

406. A hypochromic microcytic n emi which incre ses Fe, store in the one m rr
ow m y e (A) Folic cid responsive (B) Vit min B12 responsive (C) Pyridoxine
sponsive (D) Vit min C responsive 407. G stric Secretion is regul ted y the hor
mone: (A) Gluc gon (C) Epinephrin (B) G strin (D) ACTH
410. In the process of tr nscription, the flow of genetic inform tion is from (A
) DNA to DNA (C) RNA to protein (B) DNA to protein (D) DNA to RNA
411. Anticodon region is n import nt p rt of the structure of (A) r-RNA (C) m-R
NA (B) t-RNA (D) z-DNA

412. Thyroid function is determined y the use of isotopes: (A) N 24 (C) C 45 (
B) K 42 (D) I 131
408. An essenti l gent for converting glucose to glycogen in liver is (A) L tic
cid (C) UTP (B) GTP (D) Pyruvic cid
413. Pernicious n emi is di gnosed y the r dio ctive su st nce: (A) Cl36 (C)
CO60 (B) P 32 (D) Fe59
1. C 7. A 13. A 19. A 25. C 31. C 37. A 43. A 49. A 55. C 61. A 67. D 73. B 79.
C 85. A 91. C 97. B 103. D 109. B 115. C 121. D 127. A 133. D 139. D 145. C 151.
A 157. C 163. B 169. A 175. C 181. A 187. A 193. B 199. B 205. D 211. C 217. A
223. D 229. D 235. C 241. C 2. B 8. B 14. A 20. C 26. A 32. C 38. C 44. C 50. B
56. D 62. B 68. B 74. B 80. C 86. C 92. B 98. A 104. C 110. C 116. C 122. C 128.
B 134.C 140. A 146. D 152. B 158. C 164. A 170. B 176. D 182. B 188. D 194. B 2
00. C 206. C 212. A 218. D 224. A 230. B 236. B 242. A 3. A 9. B 15. B 21. A 27.
C 33. C 39. B 45. B 51. C 57. C 63. D 69. A 75. A 81. A 87. A 93. D 99. A 105.
B 111. C 117. C 123. B 129. A 135. A 141. D 147. D 153. D 159. D 165. C 171. C 1
77. D 183. D 189. C 195. C 201. C 207. D 213. A 219. D 225. A 231. D 237. D 243.
A 4. A 10. D 16. A 22. C 28. A 34. A 40. B 46. C 52. B 58. C 64. C 70. D 76. C
82. D 88. B 94. D 100. A 106. B 112. B 118. B 124. A 130. D 136. A 142. D 148. C
154. D 160. B 166. A 172. B 178. C 184. D 190. A 196. A 202. D 208. D 214. B 22
0. C 226. A 232. C 238. A 244. C 5. A 11. B 17. B 23. A 29. C 35. A 41. A 47. A
53. B 59. B 65. A 71. C 77. A 83. B 89. A 95. A 101. A 107. A 113. A 119. C 125.
B 131. B 137. D 143. A 149. C 155. B 161. C 167. B 173. C 179. D 185. B 191. B
197. A 203. A 209. A 215. A 221. D 227. C 233. A 239. A 245. D 6. C 12. B 18. C
24. B 30. A 36. A 42. A 48. A 54. C 60. B 66. A 72. D 78. D 84. A 90. D 96. B 10
2. B 108. A 114. C 120. A 126. A 132. D 138. D 144. B 150. B 156. C 162. C 168.
C 174. D 180. C 186. B 192. D 198. C 204. C 210. D 216. B 222. C 228. B 234. D 2
40. D 246. B
247. D 253. A 259. C 265. D 271. C 277. D 283. A 289. D 295. B 301. A 307. D 313
. C 319. B 325. B 331. B 337. B 343. B 349. C 355. A 361. A 367. B 373. C 379. C
385. B 391. C 397. B 403. B 409. C 248. C 254. D 260. A 266. C 272. C 278. C 28
4. B 290. A 296. C 302. D 308. A 314. B 320. C 326. D 332. D 338. C 344. D 350.
D 356. A 362. D 368. C 374. A 380. B 386. A 392. D 398. A 404. C 410. D 249. A 2
55. C 261. A 267. D 273. C 279. A 285. A 291. C 297. B 303. A 309. C 315. D 321.
C 327. B 333. C 339. D 345. C 351. B 357. D 363. C 369. B 375. B 381. B 387. C
393. C 399. C 405. A 411. B 250. D 256. C 262. A 268. C 274. B 280. C 286. B 292
. B 298. C 304. B 310. D 316. B 322. B 328. B 334. A 340. D 346. B 352. B 358. B
364. A 370. C 376. C 382. B 388. B 394. C 400. B 406. D 412. D
251. C 257. A 263. A 269. A 275. B 281. B 287. B 293. D 299. A 305. B 311. A 317
. C 323. B 329. D 335. B 341. A 347. A 353. A 359. A 365. D 371. C 377. D 383. D
389. D 395. D 401. A 407. B 413. C 252. A 258. B 264. B 270. C 276. A 282. B 28
8. C 294. B 300. A 306. B 312. C 318. C 324. D 330. A 336. D 342. D 348. A 354.
A 360. A 366. A 372. D 378. D 384. D 390. C 396. A 402. C 408. C

1.A nucleoside consists of (A) (B) (C) (D) Nitrogenous se Purine or pyrimidin

e se + sug r Purine or pyrimidine se + phosphorous Purine + pyrimidine se
+ sug r + phosphorous
7. The chemic l n me of gu nine is (A) 2,4-Dioxy-5-methylpyrimidine (B) 2-Amino-
6-oxypurine (C) 2-Oxy-4- minopyrimidine (D) 2, 4-Dioxypyrimidine 8. Nucleotides
nd nucleic cids concentr tion re often lso expressed in terms of (A) ng (C)
meq (B) mg (D) OD t 260 nm

2. A nucleotide
 consists of (A) A nitrogenous se like choline
 (B) Purine + pyr
imidine se + sugr + phosphorous (C) Purine or pyrimidine se + sug r (D) Pur
ine or pyrimidine se + phosphorous 3. A purine nucleotide is (A) AMP (C) CMP (
A) GMP (C) CMP 5. Adenine is (A) (B) (C) (D) 6-Amino purine 2-Amino-6-oxypurine
2-Oxy-4- minopyrimidine 2, 4-Dioxypyrimidine (B) UMP (D) TMP (B) AMP (D) IMP
9. The pyrimidine nucleotide cting s the high energy intermedi te is (A) ATP (
4. A pyrimidine nucleotide is

10. The c r on of the pentose in ester link ge with the phosph te in nucleotid
e structure is (A) C1 (C) C4 (A) Uridine (C) Gu nosine (B) C3 (D) C5 (B) Cytidin
e (D) Adenosine

11. Ur cil nd ri ose form
6. 2, 4-Dioxypyrimidine is (A) Thymine (C) Ur cil (B) Cystosine (D) Gu nine

12. The most und nt free nucleotide in m mm li n cells is (A) ATP (C) GTP (B)
13. The me n intr cellul r concentr tion of ATP in m mm li n cell is out (A) 1
mM (C) 0.1 mM (B) 2 mM (D) 0.2 mM
21. The nitrogenous se present in the RNA molecule is (A) Thymine (C) X nthine
(B) Ur cil (D) Hypox nthine
14. The nucleic cid se found in mRNA ut not in DNA is (A) Adenine (C) Gu nin
e (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Cytosine (D) Ur cil

22. RNA does not cont in (A) Ur cil (C) Thymine (B) Adenine (D) Ri ose

15. In RNA moleule ‘C ps’ Allow tRNA to e processed Are unique to euk ryotic mRNA O
ccur t the 3’ end of tRNA Allow correct tr nsl tion of prok ryotic mRNA
23. The sug r moiety present in RNA is (A) Ri ulose (C) Ri ose 24. In RNA molecu
le (A) (B) (C) (D) Gu nine content equ ls cytosine Adenine content equ ls ur cil
Adenine content equ ls gu nine Gu nine content
 does not necess rily equ l its c
ytosine content. (B) Ar inose (D) Deoxyri ose
16. In contr
 st to euk ryotic mRNA, prok ryotic mRNA (A) (B) (C)
 (D) (A) (B) (C)
(D) C n e polycistronic Is synthesized with introns C n only e monocistronic
H s poly A t il 0–40 nucleotides 40–80 nucleotides 90–300 nucleotides More th n 320
25. Methyl ted purines nd pyrimidines re ch r cteristic lly present in (A) mRN
A (C) tRNA (B) hnRNA (D) rRNA

17. The size of sm ll st le RNA r nges from

26. Thymine is present in (A) tRNA (B) Ri osom l RNA (C) M mm li n mRNA(D) Prok
ryotic mRNA 27. The pproxim te num er of nucleotides in tRNA molecule is (A) 25
(C) 75 (B) 50 (D) 100
18. The num er of sm ll st le RNAs per cell r nges from (A) (B) (C) (D) 10–50,000
50,000–1,00,000 1,00,000–10,00,000 More th n 10 l khs
19. Molecul r weight of heterogenous nucle r RNA (hnRNA) is (A) More th n 10 (C)
104 to 105

28. In every cell, the num er of tRNA molecules is t le st (A) 10 (C) 30 (B) 20
(D) 40
(B) 10 to 10 (D) Less th n 104
29. The structure of tRNA ppe rs like (A) Helix (C) Clover le f (B) H ir pin
(D) Coil
20. In RNA molecule gu nine content does not necess rily equ l its cytosine cont
ent nor does its denine content necess rily equ
 l its ur cil content since
 it i
s (A) (B) (C) (D) Single str nd molecule Dou le str nded
 molecule Dou le str n
ded helic l molecule Polymer of purine nd pyrimidine ri onucleotides
30. Although e ch specific tRNA differs from the others in its sequence of nucle

otides, ll tRNA molecules cont in se p ired stem th t termin tes in the seq
uence CCA t (A) 3′ Termini (B) 5′ Termini (C) Anticodon rm (D) 3′ 5′ -Termini
31. Tr nsfer RNAs re cl ssified on the sis of the num er of se p irs in (A)
Acceptor rm (C) D rm (B) Anticodon rm (D) Extr rm 41. DNA rich in G-C p ir
s h ve
(A) 1 Hydrogen ond (B) 2Hydrogen onds (C) 3 Hydrogen onds (D) 4 Hydrogen on
ds 42. The f ct th t DNA e rs the genetic inform tion of n org nism implies th
t (A) B se composition should e identic l from species to species (B) DNA se
composition should ch rge with ge (C)
 DNA from different tissues
 in the s me o
rg nism should usu lly h ve the s me se composition (D) DNA se composition i
s ltered with
 nutrition l st te of n org nism 43. The width (helic l di meter)
of the dou le helix in B-form DNA in nm is (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 4

32. In tRNA molecule D rm is n med for the presence of the se: (A) Uridine (C
) Dihydrouridine (A) 5 B se p irs (C) 10 B se p irs (B) Pseudouridine (D) Thymid
ine (B) 7 B se p irs (D) 20 B se p irs
33. The cceptor rm in the tRNA molecule h s
34. In tRNA molecule, the nticodon rm possesses (A) 5 B se p irs (C) 8 B se p
irs (B) 7 B se p irs (D) 10 B se p irs
35. The T ψ C arm in the tRNA molecule possesses the sequence (A) (B) (C) (D) T, p
seudouridine and C T, uridine and C T, dih drouridine and C T, adenine and C
44. The number of base pair in a single turn of B-form DNA about the axis of the
molecule is (A) 4 (C) 10 (B) 8 (D) 12
36. Double helical structure model of the DNA was proposed b (A) (B) (C) (D) Pa
uling and Core Peter Mitchell Watson and Crick King and Wooten (B) Adenine (D)
Deox ribose (B) Ribose (D) Ribulose
45. The distance spanned b one turn of Bform DNA is (A) 1.0 nm (C) 3.0 nm (B) 2
.0 nm (D) 3.4 nm
37. DNA does not contain (A) Th mine (C) Uracil (A) Deox ribose (C) L xose
46. In a DNA molecule the th mine concentration is 30%, the guanosine concentrat
ion will be (A) 10% (C) 30% (B) 20% (D) 40%
38. The sugar moiet present in DNA is
47. IN a DNA molecule, the guanosine content is 40%, the adenine content will be
(A) 10% (C) 30% (B) 20% (D) 40%
39. DNA rich in A-T pairs have (A) 1 H drogen bond (B) 2 H drogen bonds (C) 3 H
drogen bonds(D) 4 H drogen bonds 40. In DNA molecule (A) (B) (C) (D) Guanine con
tent does not equal c tosine content Adenine content does not equal th mine cont
ent Adenine content equals uracil content Guanine content equals c tosine conten
48. An increased melting temperature of duplex DNA results from a high content o
f (A) (B) (C) (D) Adenine + Guanine Th mine + C tosine C tosine + Guanine C tosi
ne + Adenine
49. A s nthetic nucleotide analogue, 4-h drox p razolop rimidine is used in the
treatment of (A) (B) (C) (D) Acute nephritis Gout C stic fibrosis of lung Multip
le m eloma
56. In purine bios nthesis carbon atoms at 4 and 5 position and N at 7 position
are contributed b (A) Gl cine (C) Alanine (B) Glutamine (D) Threonine
50. A s nthetic nucleotide analogue, used in the chemotherap of cancer and vira
l infections is (A) (B) (C) (D) Arabinos l c tosine 4-H drox p razolop rimidine
6-Mercaptopurine 6-Thioguanine
57. N10-form l and N5N10-methen l tetrah drofolate contributes purine carbon ato
ms at position (A) 4 and 6 (C) 5 and 6 (B) 4 and 5 (D) 2 and 8
58. In purine nucleus nitrogen atom at 1 position is derived from (A) Aspartate
(C) Gl cine (B) Glutamate (D) Alanine
51. Histamine is formed from histidine b the enz me histidine decarbox lase in
the presence of (A) NAD (C) HS-CoA (B) FMN (D) B6-PO4
59. The ke substance in the s nthesis of purine, phosphoribos

l p rophosphate i

s formed b (A) α-D-ri ose 5-phosph te (B) 5-phospho β-D-ri osyl mine (C) D-ri ose (

D) Deoxyri ose
 60. In purine iosynthesis ring closure in the molecule formyl gl
ycin mide ri osyl-5phosph te requires the cof ctors: (A) ADP (C) FAD (B) NAD (D)
ATP nd Mg++

52. Inf ntile convulsions due to lesser form tion of g mm mino utyric cid fr
om glut mic cid is seen in the deficiency of (A) (B) (C) (D) Glut m te-dehydrog
en se Pyridoxine Folic cid Thi min

53. Which of the following mino cids produce v soconstrictor on dec r oxyl t
ion? (A) Histidine (C) Threonine (B) Tyrosine (D) Arginine
61. Ring closure of formimidoimid zole c r ox mide ri osyl-5-phosph te yields th
e first purine nucleotide: (A) AMP (C) XMP (B) IMP (D) GMP
54. The degr d tion of RNA y p ncre tic ri onucle se produces (A) (B) (C) (D) N
ucleoside 2-Phosph tes Nucleoside 5′-phosph tes Oligonucleosides Nucleoside 3′-phosp
h te nd oligonucleotide
62. The cof ctors required for synthesis of denylosuccin te re (A) ATP, Mg++ (
C) GTP, Mg++ (B) ADP (D) GDP

55. Intestin l nucleosid ses ct on nucleosides nd produce (A) Purine se only
(B) Phosph te only (C) Sug r only (D) Purine or pyrimidine ses nd sug rs

63. Conversion of inosine monophosph te to x nthine monophosph te is c t lysed

y (A) IMP dehydrogen se (B) Formyl tr
 nsfer se (C) X nthine-gu nine phosphori os
yl tr nsfer se (D) Adenine phosphori osyl tr nsfer se
64. Phosphoryl tion of denosine to AMP is c t lysed y (A) (B) (C) (D) Adenosin
e kin se Deoxycytidine kinse Adenylosuccin
 se Adenylosuccin te synthet se 71. P
urine iosynthesis is inhi ited y (A) Aminopterin (C) Methotrex te (B) Tetr cyc
(D) Chlor mphenicol

72. Pyrimidine nd purine nucleoside iosynthesis sh re common precursor: (A)
PRPP (C) Fum r te (B) Glycine (D) Al nine

65. The m jor determin nt of the over ll r te of denovo purine
 nucleotide iosyn
thesis is the concentr
 tion of (A) (B) (C)
 (D) 5-phosphori osyl 1-pyrophosph te
5-phospho β-D-ri osyl mine Glycin mide ri osyl-5-phosph te Formylglycin mide ri os
yl-5-phosph te
73. Pyrimidine
 iosynthesis egins with the form tion from glut mine, ATP nd CO
2, of (A) C r moyl sp rt te (B) Orot te (C) C r moyl phosph te(D) Dihydrooro
t te 74. The two nitrogen of thepyrimidine ring re contri uted y (A) Ammoni
nd glycine (B) Asp r te nd c r moyl phosph te (C) Glut mine nd mmoni (D) A
sp rt te nd mmoni  75. A cof ctor in the conversion of dihydroorot te to oroti
c cid, c t lysed y the enzyme dihydroorot te dehydrogen se is (A) FAD (C) NAD

66. An enzyme which cts s llosteric regul tor nd sensitive to oth phosph te
concentr tion nd to the purine nucleotides is (A) (B) (C) (D) PRPP synthet se
PRPP glut myl midotr nsfer se HGPR T se Formyl tr nsfer se
67. PRPP glut myl midotr
 se,the first enzyme uniquely committed to purin
e synthesis is feed ck inhi ited y (A) AMP (C) XMP (B) IMP (D) CMP
68. Conversion of formylglycin
 mide ri osyl5-phosph te to formyl-glycin mide ri
osyl-5-phosph te is inhi ited y (A) Az serine
 (B) Di zonorleucine (C) 6-Merc pt
opurine (D)
 Mycophenolic cid 69. In the iosynthesis of purine nucleotides the
AMP feed ck regul tes (A) (B) (C) (D) Adenylosuccin se Adenylosuccin te synthe
t se IMP dehydrogen se HGPR T se

76. The first true pyrimidine ri onucleotide synthesized is (A) UMP (C) TMP (B)

77. UDP nd UTP re formed y phosphoryl tion from (A) AMP (C) ATP (B) ADP (D) G
70. 6-Merc pto purine inhi its the conversion  of (A) (B) (C) (D) IMP→XMP Ri ose 5
phosph te → PRPP PRPP
 → 5-phospho → β -D-ri osyl mine Glycin mide ri osyl 5-phosph te → f
ormylglycin mide ri osyl-5-phosph te

78.Reduction of ri onucleotide diphosph tes (NDPs) to their corresponding deoxy
ri onucleotide diphosph tes (dNDPs) involves (A) FMN (C) NAD (B) FAD (D) NADPH
79. Conversion
 of deoxyuridine
 monophosph te to thymidine monophosph te is c t l
ysed y the enzyme: (A) Ri onucleotide reduct
 se (B) Thymidyl te synthet se (C)
CTP synthet se (D) Orotidylic cid dec r oxyl se 80. d-UMP is converted to TMP
y (A) Methyl tion (C) Reduction (B) Dec r oxyl tion (D) De min tion
86.The enzyme sp rt te tr nsc r moyl se of pyrimidine iosynthesis is inhi it
ed y (A) ATP (C) AMP (B) ADP (D) CTP

87. In hum ns end product of purine c t olism is (A) Uric cid (C) All ntoin (B
) Ure (D) X nthine

88. In hum ns purine re c t olised to uric cid due to l ck of the enzyme: (A)
Ure se (B) Uric se (C) X nthine oxid se (D) Gu n se 89. In m mm ls other th n h
igher prim tes uric cid is converted y (A) (B) (C) (D) Oxid tion to ll ntoin
Reduction to mmoni Hydrolysis to mmoni Hydrolysis to ll ntoin

81. UTP is converted to CTP y (A) Methyl tion (C) Amin tion (B) Isomeris tion (
D) Reduction
82. Methotrex te locks the synthesis of thymidine monophosph te y inhi iting  t
he ctivity of the enzyme:
 (A) Dihydrofol te reduct se (B) Orot te phosphori
l tr nsfer se (C) Ri onucleotide reduct
 se (D) Dihydroorot se 83. A su str te fo
r enzymes of pyrimidine nucleotide iosynthesis is (A) Allopurinol (B) Tetrcyli
n (C) Chlor mphenicol (D) Puromycin 84. An enzyme of pyrimidine nucleotide
nthesis sensitive to llosteric regul tion is (A) Asp rt te tr nsc r moyl se (B
) Dihydroorot se (C) Dihydroorot te dehydrogen se (D) Orotidylic cid dec r oxyl
se 85 An enzyme of pyrimidine nucleotides iosynthesis regul ted t the  genetic
level y pp rently coordin te repression nd derepression is (A) C r moyl pho
sph te synthet se (B) Dihydroorot te dehydrogen se (C) Thymidine kin se (D) Deox
ycytidine kin se

90. The correct sequence of the re ctions of c t olism of denosine to uric ci
d is (A) Adenosine→hypox nthine→x nthine→uric cid (B) Adenosine→x nthine→inosine→uric cid
(C) Adenosine→inosine→hypox nthine→x nthine uric cid (D)  Adenosine→x nthine→inosine→hypox
nthine uric cid 91. Gout is met olic disorder of c t olism of (A) Pyrimidin
e (C) Al nine (B) Purine (D) Phenyl l nine

92. Gout is ch r cterized y incre sed pl sm levels of (A) Ure (C) Cre tine (B
) Uric cid (D) Cre tinine
93. Lesch-Nyh n syndrome, the sex linked recessive
 disorder is due to the l ck o
f the enzyme: (A) Hypox nthine-gu
 nine phosphori osyl tr nsferse (B) X nthine ox
id se (C) Adenine phosphori osyl tr nsfer se (D) Adenosine de min se
94. Lesch-Nyh n syndrome, the sex linked,
 recessive sence of HGPRT se, m y le
d to (A) Compulsive self destructive eh viour with elev ted levels of ur te in
serum (B) Hypouricemi due to liver d m ge (C) F ilure to thrive nd meg lo l st 
ic nemi (D) Protein intoler nce nd hep tic enceph lop thy 95. The m jor c t
olic product of pyrimidines in hum n is (A) β-Al nine (C) Uric cid (B) Ure (D) G
u nine 101. Genetic inform tion flows from (A) DNA to DNA (B) DNA to RNA (C) RNA
to cellul r proteins (D) DNA to cellul r proteins 102. Genetic code is (A) Coll
ection of codon (B) Collection of mino cids (C) Collection of purine nucleotid
e (D) Collection of pyrimidine nucleotide
103. Degener cy of genetic code implies th t (A) Codons do not code for specific
mino cid (B) Multiple codons must decode the s me mino cids (C) No nticodo
n on tRNA molecule (D) Specific codon decodes m ny mino cids 104.
 Genetic code
is (A) Overl pping (C) Not univers l (B) Non-overl pping (D) Am iguous
96. Orotic ciduri type I reflects the deficiency
 of enzymes: (A) Orot te phosp
hori osyl tr nsfer se nd orotidyl
 te dec r oxyl se (B) Dihydroorot te dehydroge
n se (C) Dihydroorot se (D) C r moyl phosph te synthet se 97. Orotic ciduri t
ype II reflects the deficiency of the enzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) Orot te phosphori
osyl tr nsfer se Orotidyl te dec r oxyl se Dihydroorot se Dihydroorot te dehydro
gen se
105. mRNA is complement ry to the nucleotide sequence of (A) Coding str nd (C) t
RNA (B) Ri osom l RNA (D) Templ te str nd
98. An utosom l recessive disorder, x nthinuri is due to deficiency of the enz
ymes: (A) (B) (C) (D) Adenosine de min se X nthine oxid se HGPRT se Tr ns min se
106. In DNA replic tion the enzyme required in the first step is (A) DNA directe
d polymer se (B) Unwinding
 proteins (C) DNA polymer se (D) DNA lig se 107. The s
m llest unit of DNA c p le of coding for the synthesis of polypeptide is (A)
Operon (C) Cistron (B) Repressor gene (D) Replicon

99. Enzymic deficiency in β- minoiso utyric ciduri is (A) (B) (C) (D) Adenosine
de min se X nthine oxid se Orotidyl te dec r oxyl se Tr ns min se (B) mRNA (D) t
100. Polysomes l ck in (A) DNA (C) rRNA

108. Termin tion of the synthesis of the RNA molecule is sign led y sequence

in the templ te str nd of the DNA molecule, sign l th t is recognized y ter
min tion protein, the (A) Rho (ρ) facto
(C) δ facto
(B) σ facto
(D) ε facto

109. Aft
mination of th ynth i of RNA molcul, th co
 nzym pa
t f
om th DNA tmplat. Th co
 nzym thn
cogniz a p
at which th
 ynth i of a nw RNA molcul commnc , with th a i tanc of (A) Rho (ρ) fa
(C) β facto
(B) δ facto
(D) σ facto

114. All p
i now ox a
iant of th qunc: (B) 5′–GAGCCA –3′ (A) 5′–TATAAT –3′ (C
AA –3′ (D) 5′–TCCTAG –3′ 115. 5’-T
minu of mRNA molcul i capp with(A) (B) (C) (D) G
o in t
ipho phat 7-Mthylguano in t
iphophat A no in t
ipho phat A no in
 ipho phat

110. In th p
oc of t
an c
iption in act
ial cll  (A) Initiation


ho p
ot in (B) RNA polym
a inco
at m thylat   a in co

ct qunc

(C) Both th igma unit    of RNA polym
a  a


 an co
at p
it in ing (D) P
ima i nc a
y fo
initiation 111. Th co


ct tatmnt conc

ning RNA an DNA polym
a  i (A) RNA polym
a  u  nucl
o i ipho phat (B) RNA polym
an a a  at 5’ n of
owing polynucloti  chain (C) DNA polym
a  cana nucloti at oth
n of th chain (D) All RNA an DNA polym
a  can a nucloti only at t
 oti chain 112. Th uka
yotic nucla
omo o
h 3’ n of th g
owing polynucl
mal DNA (A) I a lina
an un
anch molcul(B) I not a ociat with a p
cific mm
anou o
ganll (C) I not
plicat micon 
vativly (D) I a out
of th am iz a ach p
yotic ch
omo  113. Thfunction  of a


ot in in an op
on y t m i to p
v nt ynth i y in ing to (A) Th
i o
om (B) A pcific
gion of th op
on p
vnting t
an c
iption of t
al g
n (C) Th RNA polym
a  (D) A pcific
gion of th mRNA p
vnting t
an la
tion to p
116. Th fi
t co on to  t
an lat on mRNA i (A) AUG (C) GGA (B) GGU (D) AAA
117. AUG, th only i ntifi co  on fo
mthionin i impo
tanta (A) (B) (C) (
D) A
l a ing facto
p pti chain A chain t
minating co on Rcognition
it on tRNA A chain initiating co on
  i of p
otin th chain t
minating coon a
 (A) (B) (C) (D
118. In io ynth   

119. Th fo
mation of initiation complx u
ing p
otin ynth i
 a fac
: (A) IF-III (C) EF-II (B) EF-I (D) IF-I

120. Th amino 
minal of all polyppti  chain at th tim of ynth i in E.
coli i tagg to th amino aci
i u : (A) Mthionin (B) S
in (C) N-fo
m thinin (D) N-fo
in 121.  Initiation of p
ot in ynth  i gin with
in ing of (A) (B) (C) (D) 40 S
io omal unit on mRNA 60S
i o omal unit Cha
ng of tRNA with pcific amino aci Attachmnt of aminoacyl tRNA on mRNA
122. Initiation of p
otin ynth i
 (A) ATP (C) GDP (B) AMP (D) GTP
129. Th nuclophilic attack
 on th  t
ifi ca
oxyl g
oup of th ppti yl-tR
NA occupying th P it an th α - mino group of the new mino cyl tRNA, the num
er of ATP required y the mino cid on the ch rged tRNA is (A) Zero (C) Two (B
) One (D) Four
123. The enzyme mino cyl  tRNA synthet se is involved in (A) Dissoci tion of di
sch rged tRNA from 80S ri osome (B) Ch rging of tRNA with specific mino cids  (
C) Termin tion of protein synthesis (D) Nucleophilic tt ck on esterified c r ox
yl group of peptidyl tRNA124. In the process of ctivtion of mino cids for p
rotein synthesis, the num er of high energy phosph te ond equiv lent utilised i
s (A) 0 (C) 2 (B) 1 (D) 4
130. Tr nsloc tion of the newly formed peptidyl tRNA t the A site into the empt
y P site involves (A) EF-II, GTP (B) EF-I, GTP (C) EF-I, GDP (D) Peptidyl tr nsf
er se, GTP 131. In euk ryotic cells (A)
 Formyl ted tRNA is import nt for initi t
ion of tr nsl tion (B) Cyclohex mide locks elong tion during tr nsl tion (C) Cy
 ri osomes re sm ller th n those found in prok ryotes (D) Erythromycin i
 its elong tion during tr nsl tion 132. The mushroom poison m nitin is n in
hi itor of (A) Protein synthesis (C) DNA synthesis (B) mRNA synthesis (D) Adenos
ine synthesis
125 Tr nsl tion results in product known s (A) Protein (C) mRNA (B) tRNA (D)

126. In the process of elong tion of ch in inding of mino cyl tRNA to the A s
ite requires (A) A proper codon recognition (B) GTP (C) EF-II (D) GDP 127. The n
ewly entering mino cyl tRNA into A site requires (A) EF-II (C) mRNA (B) Ri oso
m l RNA (D) EF-I

133. Tetr cylin prevents synthesis of polypeptide y (A) Blocking mRNA form tion
from DNA (B) Rele sing peptides from mRNA-tRNA
 complex (C) Competing with mRNA
for ri osom l inding sites (D) Preventing inding of mino cyl tRNA 134. In pro
k ryotes, chlor mphenicol (A) C uses prem ture rele se of the polypeptide
 ch in
(B) C uses misre ding of the mRNA (C) Depolymerises DNA (D) Inhi its peptidyl tr
nsfer se ctivity
128. The α- mino group of the new mino
 cyl tRNA in the A site c rries out nucl
eophilic tt ck on the esterified c r oxyl
 group of the peptidyl tRNA occupying
the P site. This re ction is c t lysed y (A) DNA polymer se (B) RNA polymer se
(C) Peptidyl tr nsfer se (D) DNA lig se
135 Streptomycin prevents synthesis of polypeptide y (A)
 (B) (C) (D) Inhi iting
initi tion process
 Rele sing prem ture polypeptide Inhi iting peptidyl tr nsfer
se ctivity Inhi iting tr nsloc tion
144. The enzyme DNA lig se (A) Introduces superhelic l twists (B) Connects the e
nd of two DNA ch ins (C) Unwinds the dou le helix (D) Synthesises RNA primers 14
5. Restriction endonucle ses (A) Cut RNA ch ins t specific loc tions (B) Excise
introns from hnRNA
 (C) Remove Ok z ki fr gments (D) Act s defensive enzymes to
protect the host cteri l DNA from DNA of foreign org nisms 146. The most like
ly leth l mut tion is (A) Su stitution of denine for cytosine
 (B) Insertion of
one nucleotide (C) Deletion of three nucleotides (D) Su stitution of cytosine fo
r gu nine 147. In the following p rti l sequence of mRNA, mut tion of the temp
l te DNA results in ch nge in codon 91 to UAA. The type of mut tion is 88 89 9
0 CAG 91 UAG 92 93 94 GUC GAC (A) Missene (C) Nonsense GGC UAA CCG
136. Erythromycin cts on ri osomes nd inhi it (A) (B) (C) (D) Form tion of ini
ti tion complex Binding of mino cyl tRNA Peptidyl tr nsfer se ctivity Tr nsloc

137. The inding of prok
 ryotic DNA dependent RNA polymer se to promoter sites o
f genes is inhi ited y the nti iotic: (A) Puromycin (C) Terr mycin (B) Rif myc
in (D) Streptomycin

138. The gene which is tr nscri ed during repression is (A) Structur l (C) Promo
ter (B) Regul tor (D) Oper tor
139 The gene of l c operon which h s constitutive expression is (A) i (C) z (B)
c (D) p
(B) Silent (D) Fr me shit

 The minimum effective
 size of n oper tor for l c repressor
 inding is (A)
5 se p irs (C) 15 se p irs (B) 10 se p irs (D) 17 se p irs
148. Restriction endonucle
 ses recognize nd cut cert in sequence of (A) Singl
e str nded DNA (B)
 Dou le str
 nded DNA (C) RNA (D) Protein 149. Positive control
of induction is est descri ed s control system in which n operon functions
(A) Unless it is switched off y derepressed repressor protein (B) Only fter
repressor protein
 is in ctiv ted y n inducer (C) Only fter n inducer prot
ein, which c n e in ctiv ted y corepressor,
 switches it on (D) Only fter n
inducer protein, which is ctiv ted y n inducer, switch it on

141 To commence structur l gene tr nscription the region which should e free on
l c oper tion is (A) Promoter site (C) Y gene (B) Oper tor locus (D) A gene
142. In the l c operon concept, protein molecule is (A) Oper tor (C) Promoter
(B) Inducer (D) Repressor
143. The c t olite repression is medi ted y c t olite gene ctiv tor protei
n (CAP) in conjunction with (A) AMP (C) cAMP (B) GMP (D) Cgmp
150. Interferon (A) Is virus specific (B) Is cteri l product (C) Is synthe

tic ntivir l gent (D) Requires expression of cellul r genes 151. Repressor in
ds to DNA sequence nd regul te the tr nscription. This sequence is c lled (A) A
ttenu tor (C) Anti termin tor (B) Termin tor (D) Oper tor
158. Defective enzyme in Hurler’s syndrome is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) α-L-di
uronid se Iduron te sulph t se Arylsulph t se B C- cetyl tr nsfer se S k guchi r
e ction Million-N sse re ction Hopkins-Cole re ction G s chrom togr phy
159. Presence of rginine c n e detected y
152. Ok z ki fr gment is rel ted to (A) DNA synthesis (B) Protein synthesis (C)
mRNA form tion
 (D) tRNA form tion 153. The region of DNA known s TATA BOX is th
e site for inding of (A) DNA polymer se (B) DNA topoisomer se (C) DNA dependent
 polymer se (D) Polynucleotide phosphoryl se 154. Reverse tr nscript se is c
p le of synthesising (A) RNA → DNA  (C) RNA → RNA 155. A tetrovirus is (A) Polio vi
rus (C) Herpes virus (B) HIV (D) To cco mos ic virus (B) DNA → RNA (D) DNA → DNA

160. A nitrogenous se th t does not occur in mRNA is (A) Cytosine (C) Ur cil (
B) Thymine (D) All of these
161. In nucleotides, phosph te is tt ched to sug r y (A) S lt ond (C) Ester
ond (A) AMP (C) ATP (B) Hydrogen ond (D) Glycosidic ond (B) ADP (D) All of the

162. Cyclic AMP c n e formed from
163. A su stituted pyrimidine  se of ph rm cologic l v lue is (A) (B) (C) (D) 5
-Iododeoxyuridine Cytisine r inoside 5-Fluorour cil All of these
156. Peptidyl tr nsfer se ctivity is loc ted in (A) Elong tion f ctor (B) A ch
rged tRNA molecule (C) Ri osom l protein (D) A solu le cytosolic protein 157. Ul
tr violet light c n dm ge DNA str nd c using (A) Two dj cent purine residue
to form cov
 lently ounded dimer (B) Two dj cent pyrimidine residues to form
cov lently onded dimer (C) Disruption of phosphodiester se link ge (D) Disrupti
on of non-cov lent link ge

164 The
 ‘tr nsforming f ctor’ discovered y Avery, McLeod nd McC rty w s l ter foun
d to e (A) mRNA (C) DNA (B) tRNA (D) None of these

165. In DNA, the complement ry se of denine is (A) Gu nine (C) Ur cil (B) Cyt
osine (D) Thymine
166. In DNA, three hydrogen onds re formed etween (A) (B) (C) (D) Adenine nd
gu nine Adenine nd thymine Gu nine nd cytosine Thymine nd cytosine
167. Left h nded dou le helix is present in (A) Z-DNA (C) B-DNA (B) A-DNA (D) No
ne of these
177. The num er of hydrogen onds etween denine nd thymine in DNA is (A) One
(C) Three (B) Two (D) Four

168. Nucle r DNA is present in com in tion with (A) Histones (C) Both (A) nd (B
) (B) Non-histones (D) None of these

178. The complement ry se of denine in RNA is (A) Thymine (C) Gu nine (A) (B)
(C) (D) (B) Cystosine (D) Ur cil

169. Num er of gu nine nd cytosine residues is equ l in (A) mRNA (C) DNA (B) tR
NA (D) None of these

179. Extr nucle r DNA is present in Ri osomes Endopl smic reticulum Lysosomes Mi
tochondri (B) Viruses (D) All of these (B) tRNA (D) hnRNA
170. Alk lis c nnot hydrolyse (A) mRNA (C) rRNA (B) tRNA (D) DNA
180. Mitochondri l DNA is present in (A) B cteri (C) Euk ryotes (A) DNA (C) rRN
171. Codons re present in (A) Templ te str nd of DNA (B) mRNA (C) tRNA (D) rRNA
172. Amino cid is tt ched to tRNA t (A) 5’-End (C) Anticodon (B) 3’-End (D) DHU

181. Ri othymidine is present in

182. Ten se p irs re present in one turn of the helix in (A) A-DNA (C) C-DNA
(A) (B) (C) (D) (B) B-DNA (D) Z-DNA
173. In prok
 ryotes, the ri osom l su units re (A) 30 S nd 40 S (C) 30 S nd  5
0 S 174.Ri ozymes re (A) Enzymes present in ri osomes (B) Enzymes which com in
e the ri osom l su units (C) Enzymes which dissoci te (D) Enzymes m de up of RNA
175. The sm llest RNA mong the following is (A) rRNA (C) mRNA (B) hnRNA (D) tR
NA (B) 40 S nd 50 S (D) 40 S nd 60 S

183. Tr nsfer RNA tr nsfers Inform tion from DNA to ri osomes Inform tion from m
RNA to cytosol Amino cids from cytosol to ri osomes Proteins from ri osomes to
184. Cer mid se is deficient in (A) F ry’s dise se (B) F r er’s dise se (C) Kr e’s
dise se (D) T y-S chs dise se 185. Cer mide is present in ll of the following e
xcept (A) Pl sm logens (C) Sulph tides (B) Cere rosides (D) Sphingomyelin
186. Nucleotides required for the synthesis of nucleic cids c n e o t ined fro
m (A) (B) (C) (D) Diet ry nucleic cids nd nucleotides De novo synthesis S lv g
e of pre-existing ses nd nucleosides De novo synthesis nd s lv ge
176. The num er of denine nd thymine ses is equ l in (A) DNA (C) tRNA (B) mR
187. De novo synthesis of purine nucleotide occurs in (A) Mitochondri (C) Micro
smes (B) Cytosol (D) Ri osomes
196. All of the following enzymes re unique to purine nucleotide synthesis exce
pt (A) PRPP synthet se (B) PRPP glut myl mido tr nsfer se (C) Adenylosuccinte
 se (D) IMP dehydrogen se 197. PRPP synthet se is llosteric lly inhi ite
d y (A) AMP (C) GMP (B) ADP (D) All of these
 The nitrogen toms for de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides re provided
y (A) (B) (C) (D) Asp rt te nd glut m te Asp rt te nd glycine Asp rt te, glu
t mine nd glycine Asp rt te, glut m te nd glycine
189 For de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides,
 glycine provides
 (A) (B) (C) (D
) One nitrogen tom One nitrogen nd one c r on tom Two c r on toms One nitrog
en nd two c r on toms

198. An llosteric inhi itor of PRPP glut myl mido tr nsfer se is (A) AMP (C) G
MP (B) ADP (D) All of these
190. For de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides, sp rt te provides (A) Nitroge
n 1 (C) Nitrogen 7 (B) Nitrogen 3 (D) Nitrogen 9

199. An llosteric inhi itor of denylosuccin te synthet se is (A) AMP (C) GMP (
191. In the purine nucleus, c r on 6 is contri uted y (A) Glycine (C) Asp rt te
(B) CO2 (D) Glut mine

200. An llosteric inhi itor of IMP dehydrogen se is (A) AMP (C) GMP (B) ADP (D)

192. 5-Phosphori osyl-1-pyrophosph te is required for the synthesis of (A) Purin
e nucleotides (B) Pyrimidine nucleotides (C) Both (A) nd (B) (D) None of these
193. Inosine monophoph te is n intermedi te during the de novo synthesis of (A)
AMP nd GMP (C) CMP nd TMP (B) CMP nd UMP (D) All of these

201. GMP is n llosteric inhi itor of ll the following except (A) PRPP synthet
se (B) PRPP glut myl mido synthet se (C) IMP dehydrogen se (D) Adenylosuccin t
e synthet se 202. AMP is n llosteric inhi itor of (A) PRPP synthet se (B) Aden
ylosucci nte synthet se (C) Both (A) nd (B) (D) None of these
 203. The first re
ction unique to purine nucleotide synthesis is c t lysed y (A) PRPP synthet se
(B) PRPP glut myl mido tr nsfer se (C) Phosphori osyl glycin mide synthet se (
D) Formyl tr nsfer se
194. X nthosine monophosph te is n intermedi te during de novo synthesis of (A)
195. In the p thw y of de novo synthesis of purine nucleotides, ll the followin
g re llosteric enzymes except (A) (B) (C) (D) PRPP glut myl mido tr nsfer se
Adenylosuccin te synthet se IMP dehydrogen se Adenylosuccin se
204. Free purine ses which c n e s lv ged re (A) Adenine nd gu nine (B) Ade
nine nd hypox nthine (C) Gu nine nd hypox nthine (D) Adenine,  gu nine nd hypo
x nthine 205.
 The enzyme required for s lv ge of free purine ses is (A) Adenin
e phosphori osyl tr nsfer se (B) Hypox nthine gu nine phosphori osyl tr nsfer se
(C) Both (A) nd (B) (D) None of these 206. Deoxycytidine kin se c n s lv ge (A
) Adenosine (B) Adenosine nd deoxy denosine (C) Adenosine nd gu nosine (D) Ade
nine nd denosine 207. Adenosine kin se c n s lv ge (A) Adenosine (B) Adenosine
nd deoxy denosine
 (C) Adenosine nd  gu nosine (D) Adenine nd  denosine 208. S
lv ge of purine ses is regul ted  y (A) Adenosine phosphoriosyl tr nsfer se
(B) Hypox nthine gu nine phosphori
 osyl tr nsfer se (C) Av il ility of PRPP (D)
None of these 209. The v il le PRPP is used preferenti lly for (A) De novo sy
nthesis of purine nucleotides
 (B) De novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides (C
) S lv ge of purine ses (D) S lv ge of pyrimidine ses 210. The end product o
f purine c t olism in m n is (A) Inosine (C) X nthine (B) Hypox nthine (D) Uric
211. The enzyme common to c t olism of ll the purines is (A) Adenosine de min
se (B) Purine nucleoside phosphoryl se (C) Gu n se (D) None
 of these 212. Uric
cid is the end product of purine s well s protein c t olism in (A) M n (C) Bi
rds (B) Fish (D) None of these
213. D ily uric cid excretion in dult men is (A) 2–6 mg (C) 150–250 mg (B) 20–40 mg
(D) 40–600 mg

214. Diet ry purines re c t olised in (A) Liver (B) Kidneys (C) Intesitn l muc
os (D) All of these 215. De novo synthesis of pyrimidine
 nucleotides occurs in
(A) Mitochondri (C) Microsomes (B) Cytosol (D) Ri osomes
216. An enzyme common
 to de novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides nd ure is
(A) Ure se (B) C r moyl phosph te synthet se (C) Asp rt te tr nsc r moyl se (
D) Argininosuccin se 217. The nitrogen toms of pyrimidine nucleus re provided
y (A) Glut m te (B)
 Glut m te nd sp rt te (C) Glut mine (D) Glut
 mine nd sp
rt te 218. The c r on toms of pyrimidine nucleus re provided y (A) Glycine
nd sp rt te (B) CO2 nd sp rt te (C) CO2 nd glut m te (D) CO2 nd glut mine
219. Nitrogen t position 1 of pyrimidine nucleus comes from (A) Glut mine (C) G
lycine (B) Glut m te (D) Asp rt te
228. For the synthesis of TMP from dump, coenzyme is required which is (A) N10
- Formyl tetr hydrofol te (B) N5- Methyl tetr hydrofol te (C) N5, N10- Methylene
tetr hydrofol te (D) N5- Formimino tetr hydrofol te 229. All the enzymes requir

ed for de novo synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides
 re cytosolic except (A) C r
moyl phosph te synthet se (B) Asp rt te tr nsc r moyl se (C) Dihydro-orot se (
D) Dihydro-orot te dehydrogen se 230.During de novo synthesis
 of pyrimidine nuc
leotides, the first ring compound to e formed is (A) C r moyl sp rtic cid (B
) Dihydro-orotic cid (C) Orotic cid (D) Orotidine monophosph te 231. Tetr hydr
ofol te is required s coenzyme for the synthesis of (A) UMP (C) TMP (B) CMP (
D) All of these
220. Nitrogen t position 3 of pyrimidine nucleus comes from (A) Glut mine (C) G
lycine (B) Glut m te (D) Asp rt te
221. The c r on tom t position 2 of pyrimidine nucleus is contri uted y (A) C
O2 (C) Asp rt te (B) Glycine (D) Glut mine
222. Asp rt te contri utes the following c r on toms of the pyrimidine nucelus:
(A) C2 nd C4 (C) C2, C4 nd C6 (B) C5 nd C6 (D) C4, C5 nd C6

223. The first pyrimidine nucleotide to e formed in de novo synthesis p thw y i
s (A) UMP (C) CTP (B) CMP (D) TMP
224. Conversion of uridine diphosph te into
 deoxyuridine diphosph te requires l
l the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) Ri onucleotide reduct se Thioredoxin Tetr
hydro iopterin NADPH

232. All of the following st tements out thioredoxin
 reduct se re true except
: (A) It requires NADH s coenzyme (B) Its  su str
 tes re ADP, GDP, CDP nd UD
P (C) It is ctiv ted y ATP (D) It is inhi ited y dADP 233. De novo synthesis
of pyrimidine nucleotides
 is regul ted y (A) C r moyl phosph te synthet se (B)
Asp rt
 te tr nsc r moyl se (C) Both (A) nd (B)
 (D) None of these 234. Cytosol
ic c r moyl phosph te synthet se is inhi ited y (A) UTP (C) PRPP (B) CTP (D) T
225. Amethopterin nd minopterin decre se the synthesis of (A) TMP (C) CMP (B)
UMP (D) All of these
226. For synthesis of CTP nd UTP, the mino group comes from (A) (B) (C) (D) Am
ide group of Asp r gine Amide group of glut mine α-Amino group of glut mine α-Amino
group of glut m te
227. CTP synthet se forms CTP from (A) (B) (C) (D) CDP nd inorg nic phosph te C
DP nd ATP UTP nd glut mine UTP nd glut m te
235. Cytosolic c r moyl phosph te synthet se is ctiv ted y (A) Glut mine (C)
ATP (B) PRPP (D) Asp rt te
244. All the following st tements out prim  ry gout re true except (A) Its inh
erit nce is X-linked recessive (B) It c n e due to incre sed ctivity of PRPP s
 se (C) It c n e due to incre sed ctivity of hypox nthine gu nine phosph
ori osyl tr nsfer se (D) De novo  synthesis of purines is incre sed in it 245. Al
l of the following
 st tements out uric cid
 re true except (A) (B) (C) (D) It
is c t olite of purines It  is excreted y the kidneys It is undissoci ted t
pH ove 5.8 It is less solu le th n sodium ur te
236. Asp rt te tr nsc r moyl se is inhi ited y (A) CTP (C) ATP (B) PRPP (D) TM
237. The following c nnot e s lv ged in hum n eings: (A) Cytidine (C) Cytosine
238. (B) Deoxycytidine (D) Thymidine

β -Aminoiso ytyr te is formed from c -

t olism of (A) Cytosine (C) Thymine (B) Ur cil (D) X nthine

246. In inherited deficiency of hypox nthine gu nine phosphori osyl tr nsfer se
(A) De novo synthesis of purine nucleotides is decre sed (B) S lv ge of purines
is decre sed (C) S lv ge of purines is incre sed  (D) Synthesis of uric cid is d
ecre sed 247. All of the following st tements out uric cid re true except (A
) It c n e formed
 from ll ntoin (B) Form tion of uric cid stones in kidneys c
n edecre sed y lk linis tion of urine (C) Uric cid egins to dissoci te t
pH ove 5.8 (D) It is present
 in pl sm m inly s monosodium ur te 248. All of
the following st tements out prim ry gout re true except (A) (B) (C) (D) Uri
c cid stones m y e formed in kidneys Arthritis of sm ll joints occurs commonly
Urin ry excretion of uric cid is decre sed It occurs predomin ntly in m les
239. Free mmoni is li er ted during the c t olism of (A) Cytosine (C) Thymine
240. (B) Ur cil (D) All of these

β -Al nine is formed from c t olism of
(A) (B) (C) (D) Thymine Thymine nd cytosine Thymine nd ur cil Cytosine nd ur
241. The following coenzyme is required for c t olism of pyrimidine ses: (A)
NADH (C) FADH2 (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) NADPH (D) None of these
242. Inherit nce of prim ry gout is Autosom l recessive Autosom l domin nt X-lin
ked recessive X-linked domin nt

243. The following norm lity in PRPP synthet se c n c use prim ry gout: (A) (B
) (C) (D) High Vm x Low Km Resist nce to llosteric inih ition. All of these

249. All of the following st tements out llopurinol re true except (A) It is
structur l n logue of uric cid (B) It c n prevent uric cid stones in the k
idneys (C) It incre sesthe urin ry excretion of x nthine nd hypox nthine (D) I
t is competitive inhi itor of x nthine oxid se
250. Orotic ciduri c n e controlled y (A) (B) (C) (D) Or l dministr tion of
orotic cid Decre sing the diet ry int ke of orotic cid Decre
 sing the diet ry
int ke of pyrimidines
 Or l dministr tion of uridine
 (B) Ri onucleoside monopho
sph tes (C) Ri onucleoside diphosph tes (D) Ri onucleoside triphosph tes
258. An ltern te su str te for orot te phosphori osyl tr nsfer se is (A) Allopu
rinol (C) Hypox nthine (B) X nthine (D) Adenine
251. All of the following occur in orotic ciduri except (A) (B) (C) (D) Incre
sed synthesis of pyrimidine nucleotides Incre sed excretion of orotic cid in ur
ine Decre sed synthesis of cytidine triphosph te Ret rd tion of growth

259. M mm ls other th n higher prim tes do not suffer from gout ec use they (A)
L ck x nthine oxid se (B) L ck denosine de min se (C) L ck purine nucleoside p
hosphoryl se (D) Possess uric se 260. Hypouric emi c n occur in (A) X nthine ox
id se deficiency (B) Psori sis (C) Leuk emi (D) None of these 261. Synthesis of
DNA is lso known s (A) Duplic tion (C) Tr nscription (B) Replic tion (D) Tr n
sl tion
252. Inherited deficiency of denosine de min se c uses (A) (B) (C) (D) Hyperuri
c emi nd gout Ment l ret rd tion Immunodeficiency Dw rfism
253. Complete sence of hypox nthine gu nine phosph ri osyl tr nsfer se c uses
(A) Prim ry gout (C) Uric cid stones (B) Immunodeficiency (D) Lesh-Nyh n syndro
254. Incre sed urin ry excretion
 of orotic cid c n occur
 in deficiency of (A) (
B) (C) (D) Orot te phosphori osyl tr nsfer
 se OMP dec r oxyl se Mitochondri l or
nithine tr nsc r moyl se Any of the ove
262. Replic tion of DNA is (A) Conserv tive (B) Semi-conserv tive (C) Non-conser
v tive (D) None of these 263. Direction of DNA synthesis is (A) 5’ → 3’ (C) Both (A)
nd (B) (B) 3’ → 5’ (D) None of these
255. All of the following c n occur in LeschNyh n syndrome except (A)
 (B) (C) (D
) Gouty rthritis Uric cid stones Ret rted growth Self-mutili ting eh viour
264. Form tion of RNA primer: (A) Precedes replic tion (B) Follows replic tion (
C) Precedes tr nscription (D) Follows tr nscription 265. Ok z ki pieces re m de
up of (A) RNA (C) RNA nd DNA (B) DNA (D) RNA nd proteins
256. Inherited deficiency of purine nucleoside phosphoryl se c uses
 (A) Dw rfism
(B) Ment lret rd tion (C) Immunodeficiency
 (D) Gout 257. Deoxyri onucleotides
re formed y reduction of (A) Ri onucleosides
266. Ok z ki pieces re formed during the synthesis of (A) mRNA (C) rRNA (B) tRN
267. After form tion of replic tion fork (A) Both the new str nds re synthesize
d discontinuously (B) One str nd is synthesized continuously nd the other disco
ntinuously (C) Both the new str nds re synthesized continuously (D) RNA primer
is required
 only for the synthesis of one new str nd 268. An Ok z ki fr gment co
nt ins out (A) (B) (C) (D) 10 Nucleotides 100 Nucleotides 1,000 Nucleotides 10
,000 Nucleotides
275. The unwound str
 nds of DNA
 re held p rt y (A) (B) (C) (D) Single str nd
inding protein Dou le str nd inding protein Rep protein DNAA protein
276. Deoxyri onucleotides re dded to RNA primer y (A) (B) (C) (D) DNA polymer
se I DNA polymer se II DNA polymer se III holoenzyme All of these
269. RNA primer is formed y the enzyme: (A) Ri onucle se (B) Prim se (C) DNA po
lymer se I (D) DNA polymer se III 270. In RNA, the complement ry se of denine
is (A) Cytosine (C) Thymine (B) Gu nine (D) Ur cil
277. Ri onucleotides of RNA primer re repl ced y deoxyri onucleotides y the e
nzyme: (A) (B) (C) (D) DNA polymer se I DNA polymer se II DNA polymer se III hol
oenzyme All of these

278. DNA fr gments re se led y (A) (B) (C) (D) DNA polymer se II DNA lig se DN
A gyr se DNA topoisomer se II
 During replic tion, the templ te DNA is unwound (A) At one of the ends (B)
At oth the ends (C) At multiple sites
 (D) Nowhere 272. During replic tion, unwi
nding of dou le helix is initi ted y (A) DNAA protein (C) DNAC protein (A) (B)
(C) (D) (B) Dn B protein (D) Rep protein

279. Neg tive supercoils re introduced in DNA y (A) (B) (C) (D) Helic se DNA l
ig se DNA gyr se DNA polymer se III holoenzyme
273. For
 unwinding of doule helic l DNA, Energy is provided y ATP Energy is pr
ovided y GTP Energy c n e provided y either ATP or GTP No energy is required
280. Reverse tr nscript se ctivity is present in the euk ryotic: (A) (B) (C) (D
) DNA polymer se α DNA polymer se γ Telomerase DNA polymerase II
274. Helicase and DNAB protein cause (A) Rewindin of DNA and require ATP as a s
ource of enery (B) Rewindin of DNA but do not require any source of enery (C)
Unwindin of DNA and require ATP as a source of enery (D) Unwindin of DNA but
do not require any source of enery
281. DNA polymerase III holoenzyme possesses (A) (B) (C) (D) Polymerase activity
3’→5’ Exonuclease activity 5’→3’ Exonuclease and polymerase activities 3’→5’ Exonuclease a
merase activities
282. DNA polymerase I possesses (A) Polymerase activity (B) 3’→5’ Exonuclease activity
(C) 5’→3’ Exonuclease activity (D) All of these 283. 3’ → 5’ Exonuclease activity of DNA p
lymerase I (A) Removes ribonucleotides (B) Adds deoxyribonucleotides (C) Correct
s errors in replication (D) Hydrolyses DNA into mononucleotides 284. All of the
followin statements about RNA dependent DNA polymerase are true except: (A) It
synthesizes DNA usin RNA as a template (B) It is also known as reverse transcri
ptase (C) It synthesizes DNA in 5’→3’ direction (D) It is present in all the viruses 2
85. Reverse transcriptase catalyses (A) Synthesis of RNA (B) Breakdown of RNA (C
) Synthesis of DNA (D) Breakdown of DNA 286. DNA A protein can bind only to (A)
Positively supercoiled DNA (B) Neatively supercoiled DNA (C) Both (A) and (B) (
D) None of these 287. DNA topoisomerase I of E. coli catalyses (A) Relaxation of
neatively supercoiled DNA (B) Relaxation of positively supercoiled DNA (C) Con
version of neatively supercoiled DNA into positively supercoiled DNA (D) Conver
sion of double helix into supercoiled DNA 288. In mammalian cell cycle, synthesi
s of DNA occurs durin (A) S phase (C) Mitotic Phase (B) G1 phase (D) G2 phase
289. Meltin temperature of DNA is the temperature at which (A) Solid DNA become
s liquid (B) Liquid DNA evaporates (C) DNA chanes from double helix into superc
oiled DNA (D) Native double helical DNA is denatured 290. Meltin temperature of
DNA is increased by its (A) A and T content (C) Suar content (B) G and C conte
nt (D) Phosphate content
291. Buoynat density of DNA is increased by its (A) A and T content (C) Suar co
ntent (B) G and C content (D) None of these
292. Relative proportions of G and C versus A and T in DNA can be determined by
its (A) (B) (C) (D) Meltin temperature Buoyant density Both (A) and (B) None of
293. Some DNA is present in mitochondria of (A) Prokaryotes (C) Both (A) and (B)
(B) Eukaryotes (D) None of these
294. Satellite DNA contains (A) (B) (C) (D) Hihly repetitive sequences Moderate
ly repetitive sequences Non repetitive sequences DNA RNA hybrids
295. Synthesis of RNA and a DNA template is known as (A) Replication (C) Transcr
iption (A) 5′ → 3’ (C) Both (A) and (B) (B) Translation (D) Mutation (B) 3′ → 5’ (D) None o
296. Direction of RNA synthesis is
297. DNA dependent RNA polymerase is a (A) Monomer (C) Trimer (B) Dimer (D) Tetr
298. DNA dependent RNA polymerase requires the followin for its catalytic activ
ity: (A) M ++ (C) Both (A) and (B) (B) Mn ++ (D) None of these
(B) Methylation of some bases (C) Formation of pseudouridine (D) Addition of C C
A terminus at 5’ end 307. Post transcriptional modification does not occur in (A)
Eukaryotic tRNA (B) Prokaryotic tRNA (C) Eukaryotic hnRNA (D) Prokaryotic mRNA
308. A consensus sequence on DNA, called TATA box, is the site for attachment of
(A) (B) (C) (D) RNA dependent DNA polymerase DNA dependent RNA polymerase DNA d
ependent DNA polymerase DNA topoisomerase II
299. The initiation site for transcription is reconized by (A) α−Subunit of DNA dep
endent RNA po ymerase (B) β−Subunit of DNA dependent RNA po ymerase (C) Sigma factor
(D) Rho factor 300. The termination site for transcription is recognized by (A)
α−Subunit of DNA dependent RNA po ymerase (B) β−Subunit of DNA dependent RNA po ymerase
(C) Sigma factor (D) Rho factor 301. Mamma ian RNA po ymerase I synthesises (A)
mRNA (C) tRNA (A) rRNA (C) tRNA (B) rRNA (D) hnRNA (B) mRNA (D) hnRNA
309. Po yadeny ate tai  is not present in mRNA synthesising (A) G obin (C) Apofe
rritin (B) Histone (D) Growth hormone
310. Introns are present in DNA of (A) Viruses (C) Man (B) Bacteria (D) A  of t
302. Mamma ian RNA po ymerase III synthesises
311. A mamma ian DNA po ymerase among the fo owing is (A) (B) (C) (D) DNA po ym
erase α DNA polymer se I DNA polymer se II DNA polymer se IV

303. In m mm ls, synthesis of mRNA is c t lysed y (A) RNA polymer se I (B) RNA
polymer se II (C) RNA polymer se III(D) RNA polymer se IV 304. Heterogeneous nuc
le r RNA is the precursor of (A) mRNA (C) tRNA (B) rRNA (D) None of these
312. M mm li n DNA polymer se γ is located in (A) Nucleus (C) Mitochondria (B) Nuc
leolus (D) Cytosol
305. Post transcriptional modification of hnRNA involves all of the followin ex
cept (A) Addition of 7 methyluanosine triphosphate cap (B) Addition of polyaden
ylate tail (C) Insertion of nucleotides (D) Deletion of introns 306. Newly synth
esized tRNA underoes posttranscriptional modifications which include all the fo
llowin except (A) Reduction in size
313. Replication of nuclear DNA in mammals is catalysed by (A) (B) (C) (D) DNA p
olymerase α DNA polymer se β DNA polymer se γ DNA polymerase III
314. Primase activity is present in (A) (B) (C) (D) DNA polymerase II DNA polyme
rase α DNA polymer se β DNA polymer se δ
315. Th mammalian DNA polym
a  involv in 


ction i (A) DNA polym

a  α (B) DNA polymer se β (C) DNA polymer se γ (D) DNA polymerase δ 316. Novo icin inh
i it th ynth i of (A) DNA (C) tRNA (A) DNA (C) tRNA (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B)
(C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) mRNA (D)
RNA (B) mRNA (D)
(D) A
 th       twn two gn 323. All of th following
qu nc that int
v n
tat m nt a out po t-t
an c
iptional p
oc ing of tRNA
u xc pt (A) In
on of om tRNA p

mov (B) CCA i a at 3′ n (C) 7-Mthylg
uano in t
ipho phat cap i a  at 5′ n (D) Som a  a
 mthylat 324. α-Am
nitin inhi its (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) DNA polymer se II of prok ryotes
DNA polymer se α of euk ryotes RNA polymer se II of euk ryotes RNA-dependent DNA
polymer se DNA in prok ryotes DNA in prok ryotes nd euk ryotes RNA in prok ryot
es RNA in prok ryotes nd euk ryotes

317. Ciproflox cin inhi its the synthesis of

318. Ciproflox cin inhi its DNA topisomer se II DNA polymer se I DNA polymer se
III DNA gyr se Unwinding of DNA Initi  tion of replic tion Initi tion of tr nsl t
ion Initi tion of tr nscription
 Dou le str nded DNA Single str nded DNA Single s
tr nded RNA DNA-RNA hy rid

325. Ciproflox cin inhi its the synthesis of

319. Rif mpicin inhi its
326. All of the following st tements out cteri l promoters re true except (
A) They re sm ller th n euk ryotic promoters (B) They h ve two consensus sequen
ces upstre m from the tr nscription  st r site (C) TATA ox is the site for tt c
hment of RNA polymer se (D)  TATA ox h s high melting temper ture 327. All of
 following st tements out euk ryotic promoters re true except (A) They m y
e loc ted upstre m or down stre m from the structur  l gene (B) They h ve two c
onsensus sequences (C) One consensus sequence inds RNA polymer se (D) Mut tions
in promoter region c n decre se the efficiency of tr nscription of the structur
l gene  328. In s nger’s method of DNA  sequence determin tion, DNA synthesis is st 
opped y using (A) 1′, 2′- Dideoxyri onucleoside  triphosph tes (B) 2′, 3′- Dideoxyri onu
 triphosph tes (C) 2′, 4′- Dideoxyri onucleoside triphosph tes (D) 2′, 5′ - Dide
oxyri onucleoside triphosph tes

320. Actinomycin D inds to
321. DNA cont ins some p lindromic sequences which (A) M rk the  site for the for
m tion of replic tion forks (B) Direct
 DNA polymer se to turn ck to replic te
 other str nd (C) Are recognized y restriction enzymes (D) Are found only in
cteri l DNA 322. Introns in genes (A) Encode the mino cids which re remove
d during
 post-tr nsl tion l modific tion (B) Encode sign l sequences which re r
emoved efore secretion of the proteins (C) Are the non-coding sequences which
re not tr nsl ted
329. tRNA genes h ve (A) Upstre m promoters (B) Downstre m promoters (C) Intr ge
nic promoters (D) No promoters 330. All of the following st tements out tRNA
re true except (A) It is synthesized s l rge precursor (B) It is processed in
the nucelolus (C) It h s no codons or nticodons (D) Genes for rRNA re present
in single copies 331. Anticodons re present on (A) Coding str nd of DNA (B) mR
NA (C) tRNA (D) rRNA 332. Codons re present on (A) (B) (C) (D) Non-coding str n
d of DNA hnRNA tRNA None of these
(C) They re identic l in nucle r nd mitochondri
 l DNA (D) They h ve no complem
ent ry nticodons 337. A polycistronic mRNA c n e seen in (A) Prok ryotes (C) M
itochondri (B) Euk ryotes (D) All of these
338. Non-coding sequence re present in the genes of (A) B cteri (C) Euk ryotes
(B) Viruses (D) All of these
339. Non-coding sequences in gene re known s (A) Cistrons (C) Introns (B) No
nsense codons (D) Exons
340. Splice sites re present in (A) Prok ryotic mRNA (B) Euk ryotic mRNA (C) Eu
k ryotic hnRNA (D) All of these
 341. The common
 fe tures of introns
 include ll
the following except (A) The se sequence egins withGU (B) The se sequence
ends with AG (C) The termin l AG sequence ispreceded y purine rich tr ct of
ten nucleotides (D) An denosine residue in r nch site p rticip tes in splicing
342. A splice some cont ins ll the following except
 (A) hnRNA (C) Some protein
s (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) snRNAs (D) Ri osome
333. Nonsense codons re present on (A) mRNA (C) rRNA (B) tRNA (D) None of these
334. Genetic code is s id to e degener te ec use (A) It c n undergo mut tions
(B) A l rge proportion of DNA is non-coding (C) One codon c n code for more th n
one mino cids (D) More th n one codons c n code for the s me mino cids 335.
All the following st tements
 out genetic code re correct except (A) It is de
gener te (B) It is un m igous (C) Itis ne rly univers l(D) It is overl pping 33
6. All of the following st tements out nonsense codons re true except (A) The
y do not code for mino cids (B) They ct s ch in termin tion sign ls
343. Self-splicing c n occur in Some precursors of rRNA Some precursors of tRNA
hnRNA None of these Prok ryotic promoters Euk ryotic promoters Both (A) nd (B)
None of these
344. Pri now ox is present in

345. Hogness ox is present in (A) Prok ryotic promoters
(B) Euk ryotic promoters (C) Both (A) nd(B) (D) None of these 346. CAAT ox is
present in (A) Prok ryotic promoters
 10 p upstre m of tr nscription st rt site
(B) Prok ryotic promoters
 35 p upstre m of tr nscription st rt site (C) Euk ry
otic promoters
 25 p upstre m of tr nscription st rt site (D) Euk ryotic promote
rs 70–80 p upstre
 m of tr nscription st rt site 347. Euk ryotic promoters cont in
(A) TATA ox 25 p upstre m of tr nscription st rt site (B) CAAT ox 70-80 p up
stre m of tr nscription st rtsite (C) Both (A) nd (B) (D) None of these 348. A
ll the following st tements out tRNA re correct except (A) A given tRNA c n 
e ch rged with only one p rticul r mino cid (B) The mino cid is recognized
y the nticodon of tRNA (C) The mino cid is tt ched to end of tRNA (D) The n
ticodon of tRNA finds the complement ry codon on mRNA 349. All the following st
tements out ch rging of tRNA re correct except (A) It is c t lysed y mino
cyl tRNA synthet se (B) ATP is converted into ADP nd Pi in this re ction (C) Th
e enzyme recognizes the tRNA nd the mino cid (D) There is sep r te enzyme f
or ech tRNA 350. All the following st tements out recognition of codon on m
 y n nticodon on tRNA re correct except (A) The recognition of the third

se of the codon
 is not very
 precise (B) Imprecise
 recognition of the third s
e results in wo le (C) Wo le is p rtly responsi le for the degener cy of the g
enetic code
(D) Wo le results in incorpor tion of incorrect mino cids in the protein 351.
The first mino cyl tRNA which initi tes tr nsl tion in euk ryotes is (A) (B)
(C) (D) Mehtionyl tRNA Formylmethionyl tRNA Tyrosinyl tRNA Al nyl tRNA
352. The first mino cyl tRNA which initi tes tr nsl tion in prok ryotes is (A)
(B) (C) (D) Mehtionyl tRNA Formylmethionyl tRNA Tyrosinyl tRNA Al nyl tRNA
353. In euk ryotes, the 40 S pre-initi tion complex cont ins ll the following i
niti tion f ctors except (A) eIF-1A (C) eIF-3 (B) eIF-2 (D) eIF-4

354. Euk ryotic
 initi tion
 f ctors
 4A, 4B nd 4F ind to (A) (B) (C) (D) 40 S ri
osom l su unit 60 S ri osom l su unit mRNA Amino cyl tRNA
355. The codon which serves s tr nsl tion st rt sign l is (A) AUG (C) UGA (B) U
356. The first mino cyl tRNA ppro ches 40 S ri osom l su unit in ssoci tion
with (A) eIF-1A nd GTP (C) eIF-2C nd GTP (B) eIF-2 nd GTP (D) eIF-3 nd GTP

357. eIF-1A nd eIF-3 re  required (A) For indingof mino cyl tRNA to 40  S ri
osom l su unit
 (B) For inding
 of mRNA to 40 S ri
 osom l su unit (C)
 For indin
g of
 60 S su unit to 40 S su unit (D) To prevent inding of 60 S su unit to 40 S
su unit
358. eIF-4 A possesses (A) ATP se ctivity (C) Helic se ctivity 359. eIF-4 B (A
) (B) (C) (D) Binds to 3’ ch in initi tion codon on mRNA Binds to 3’ end of mRNA Bin
ds to 5’ end of mRNA Unwinds mRNA ne r its 5’ end (B) GTP se ctivity (D) None of th
366. Puromycin c uses prem ture ch in termin tion in (A) Prok ryotes (C) Both (A
) nd (B) (B) Euk ryotes (D) None of these

367. Diphtheri toxin inhi its (A) Prok ryotic EF-1 (C) Euk ryotic EF-1 (B) Prok
ryotic EF-2 (D) Euk ryotic EF-2

 Peptidyl tr  nsfer se ctivity is present in (A) (B) (C) (D) 40 S ri osom l
su unit 60 S ri osom l su unit eEF-2 Amino cyl tRNA

368. The proteins destined to e tr nsported out of the cell h ve ll the follow
ing fe tures except (A) They possess sign l sequence (B) Ri osomes synthesizin
g them re ound to endopl smic reticulum (C) After  synthesis, they re delivere
d into Golgi pp r tus (D) They re t gged with u iquitin369. SRP receptors inv
olved in protein export re present
 on (A) (B) (C) (D) Ri osomes Endopl smic ret
iculum Golgi pp rtus Cell mem r ne
361. After form tion of peptide ond, mRNA is tr nsloc ted long the ri osome
y (A) (B) (C) (D) eEF-1 nd GTP eEF-2 nd GTP Peptidyl tr nsfer se nd GTP Pept
idyl tr nsfer se nd ATP
362. Binding
 of formylmehtionyl tRNA to 30 S ri osom l su unit of prok ryotes is
inhi ited y (A) Streptomycin (C) Erythromycin (B) Chlor mphenicol (D) Mitomyci

370. The sign l sequence of proteins is cle ved off (A) (B) (C) (D) On the ri os
omes immedi tely fter synthesis In the endopl smic reticulum
 During processing
in Golgi pp r tus During p ss ge through the cell mem r ne
 Tetr cyclines
 inhi it
 inding of mino cyl tRNAs to (A)  (B) (C) (D)30 S r
i osom
 l su units 40 S ri osom l su units 50 S ri osom l su units 60 S ri osom l
su units
371. The h lf-life of protein depends upon its (A) (B) (C) (D) Sign l sequence
N-terminus mino cid C-terminus mino cid Prosthetic group
364. Peptidyl tr nsfer se ctivity of 50 S ri osom l su units is inhi ited y (A
) Rif mpicin (B) Cycloheximide
 Chlor mphenicol (D) Erythromycin
 365. Erythro
mycin inds to 50 Sri osom l su unit nd (A) (B) (C) (D)Inhi its inding of
mino cyl tRNA Inhi its Peptidyl tr nsfer se ctivity Inhi its tr nsloc tion C u
ses prem ture ch in termin tion
372. Besides structur l genes th t encode proteins, DNA cont ins some regul tory
sequences which re known s (A) Operons (B) Cistrons (C) Cis- cting elements (
D) Tr ns- cting f ctors 373. Inducers nd repressors re (A) Enh ncer nd silenc
er elements respectively (B) Tr ns- cting f ctors
(C) Cis- cting elements (D) Regul tory proteins 374. cis- cting elements include
(A) Steroid hormones (B) C lcitriol (C)
 Histones 375. Silencer elements (A) Are
tr ns- cting f ctors (B) Are present etween promoters nd the structur l genes
(C) Decre se the expression of some structur l genes (D) Encode specific repres
sor proteins 376. tr ns- cting f ctors include (A) Promoters (C) Enh ncers (B) R
epressors (D) Silencers (D) Silencers 381. L c operon is cluster of (A) Three
structur l genes
(B) Three structur l genes nd their promoter (C) A regul tory gene, n oper tor
nd promoter (D) A regul tory gene, n oper tor, promoter nd three  structu
r l genes 382. The
 regul tory i gene of l c operon (A) Is inhi ited y l cotse (
B) Is inhi ited y its own product, the repressor protein (C) Forms regul tory
protein which incre ses the expression of downstre m structur l genes (D) Is co
nstitutively expressed 383. RNA polymer se holoenzyme inds to l c operon t the
following site: (A) i gene (C) Oper tor locus (B) z gene (D) Promoter region
377. Enh ncer elements h ve ll the following fe tures except (A) They incre se
gene expression through promoter (B) E ch enh ncer ctiv tes specific promot
er (C) They m y e loc ted f r w y from the promoter (D) They m y e upstre m o
r downstre
  m from the promoter
 378. Amplific tion of dihydrofol te reduct se gen
e m y e rought out y (A) High concentr tions of folic cid (B) Deficiency o
f folic cid (C) Low concentr tion of thymidyl te (D) Amethopterin 379. Proteins
which inter ct with DNA nd ffect the r te of tr nscription possess the follow
ing structur l motif: (A) Helix-turn-helix motif (B) Zinc finger motif (C) Leuci
ne zipper motif
 (D) All ofthese 380. L c operon is cluster of genes present i
n (A) Hum n eings (C) L m d ph ge (B) E. coli (D) All of these

384. Tr ncription of z, y nd genes of l c operon is prevented y (A) L ctose
(C) Repressor (B) Allo-l ctose (D) cAMP
385. Tr nscription of structur l genes of l c operon is prevented y inding of
the repressor tetr mer to (A) i gene (C) Promoter (B) Oper tor locus (D) z gene
386. The enzymes encoded y z, y nd genes of l c operon re induci le, nd th
eir inducer is (A) L ctose (B) Allo-l ctose (C) C t olite gene ctiv tor protei
n (D) All of these 387. Binding of RNA polymer
 se holoenzyme to the promoter reg
ion of l c operon is f cilit ted y (A) C t olite gene ctiv tor protein (CAP)
(B) cAMP (C) CAP-cAMP complex (D) None of these
388. L ctose or its n logues ct s positive regul tors of l c operon y (A) At
t ching
 to i gene nd preventing its expression (B) Incre sing the synthesis of
c t olite
 gene ctiv tor protein (C) Att ching to promoter region nd fcilit t
ing the inding of RNA polymer se holoenzyme (D) Binding to repressor su units s
o th t the repressor c nnot tt ch to the
 oper tor locus 389. Expression of stru
ctur l genes of l c operon is ffected y ll the following except (A) (B) (C) (
D) L ctose or its n logues Repressor tetr mer cAMP CAP-cAMP complex
(B) DNA polymer se I (C) DNA lig se (D) All of these 396. Xeroderm pigmentosum
results from defect in (A) (B) (C) (D) uvr ABC excinucle se DNA polymer se I D
NA lig se All of these

397. All the following st tements out xeroderm pigmentosum re true except (A
) It is genetic dise se (B) Its inherit nce is utosom l domin nt (C) uvr ABC
excinuclese is defective in this dise se (D) It results in multiple skin c ncer
s 398. Su stitution of n denine se y gu nine in DNA is known s (A) Tr nspo
sition (C) Tr nsversion (B) Tr nsition (D) Fr meshift mut tion
390. The coding sequences in l c operon include (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D)
i gene i gene, oper tor locus nd promoter z, y nd genes i, z, y nd genes
Ultr violet r di tion Ionising r di tion Alkyl ting gents All of these (B) Dime
thyl sulph te (D) All of these
391. Mut tions c n e c used y
399. Su stitution of thymine se y denine in DNA is known s ((A) Tr nsposi
tion (C) Tr nsversion (B) Tr nsition (D) Fr meshift mut tion
400. A point
 mut tion results
 from (A) (B) (C) (D) Su stitution of se Insert
ion of se Deletion of se All of these
392. Mut tions c n e c used y (A) Nitros mine (C) Acridine
393. Nitros mine c n de min te (A) (B) (C) (D) Cytosine to form ur cil Adenine t
o form x nthine Gu nine to form hypox nthine All of these
401. Su stitution of se c n result in (A) Silent mut tion (B) Mis-sense mu
t tion (C) Nonsense mut tion
 (D) All of these 402.
 A silent mut tion ismost lik
ely to result from
 (A) Su stitution of the first se of codon (B) Su stitutio
n of the third se of codon (C) Conversion of nonsense codon into sense c
odon (D) Conversion of  sense codon into nonsense codon
 403. The effect of 
mis-sense mut tion c n e (A) Accept le (C) Un ccept le (B) P rti lly ccept
le (D) All of these
394. Exposure of DNA to ultr violet r di tion c n le d to the form tion of (A) A
denine dimers (C) Thymine dimers (B) Gu nine dimers (D) Ur cil dimers
395. D m ge to DNA c used y ultr violet r di tion c n e rep ired y (A) uvr AB
C excinucle se
404. Amino cid sequence of the encoded protein is not ch nged in (A) (B) (C) (D
) Silent mut tion Accept le mis-sense mut tion Both (A) nd (B) None of these
(B) Ch nge in re ding fr me of downstre m structur l gene (C) Decre sed efficien
 of tr
 nscription (D) All of these 412. Mitochondri l protein synthesis is inh
i ited y (A) Cycloheximide (C) Diptheri toxin (B) Chlor mphenicol (D) None of

405. H emoglo in S is n ex mpleof / n (A) (B) (C) (D) Silent mut tionAccept
le mis-sense mut tion Un ccept le mis-sense mut tion P rti lly ccept le mis-
sense mut tion

413. All of the following st tements out puromycin re true except (A) It is
n l nyl tRNA
 n logue (B) It c uses prem ture termin tion of
 protein synthesis
(C) It inhi its protein synthesis in prok ryotes (D) It inhi its protein synthes
is in euk ryotes 414. Leucine zipper motif is seen in some helic l proteins when
leucine residues ppe r t every (A) 3rd position (C) 7th position (B) 5th posi
tion (D) 9th position
406. If the codon UAC on mRNA ch nges into UAG s result of se
 su stitutio
n in DNA, it will result in (A) (B) (C) (D) Silent mut tion Accept le mis-sense
mut tion Nonsense mut tion Fr meshift mut tion

407. Insertion of se in gene c n c use (A) Ch nge in re ding fr me (B) G r
led mino cid sequence in the encoded protein (C) Prem ture termin tion of tr
nsl tion (D) All of these 408. A fr meshift mut tion ch nges the re ding fr me
ec use the genetic code (A) (B) (C) (D) Is degener te Is overl pping H s no punc
tu tions Is univers l
415. Zinc finger motif is formed in some proteins y inding of zinc to (A) (B)
(C) (D) Two cysteine residues Two histidine residues Two rginine residues Two c
ysteine nd two histidine residues or two p irs of two cysteine residues e ch
416. Restriction endonucle ses re present in (A) Viruses (C) Euk ryotes (B) B c
teri (D) All of these
409. Suppressor mut tions occur in (A) Structur l genes (B) Promoter regions (C)
Silencer elements (D) Anticodons of tRNA 410. Suppressor tRNAs c n neutr lize t
he effects of mut tions in (A) Structur l genes (B) Promoter regions (C) Enh nce
r elements (D) All of these 411. Mut tions in promoter regions of genes c n c us
e (A) Prem ture termin tion of tr nsl tion

417. Restriction endonucle ses split (A) (B) (C) (D) RNA Single str nded DNA Dou
le str nded DNA DNA-RNA hy rids
418. Restriction endonucleses c n recognise (A) (B) (C) (D) P lindromic sequenc
es Chimeric DNA DNA-RNA hy rids Homopolymer sequences
419. All of the following st tements outrestriction endonucle ses
 re true ex
cept: (A) (B) (C) (D) They re present in cteri They ct on dou le str nded D
NA They recognize p lindromic sequences They lw ys produce sticky ends
(A) Southern lotting
 Northern lotting (C) Both  (A) nd (B) (D) None  of the
se 427. An nti
 ody pro e is used in (A) Southern lotting (B) Northern lotting
 Western lotting
 (D) None of these 428. A p rticul
 r protein in mixture
n e detected y A) Southern lotting (B) Northern lotting  (C)
 Western lottin
g (D) None of these 429. The first protein synthesized y recom in nt DNA techno
logy w s (A) (B) (C) (D) Streptokin se Hum n growth hormone Tissue pl sminogen
ctiv tor Hum n insulin
420. Which of the following is p lindromic sequence (A) (B) (C) (D)
5′ − ATGCAG − 3′ 3′ − TACGTC − 5′ 5′ − CGAAGC − 3′ 3′ − GCTTCG − 5′

421. In stic y ends produced by restriction endonuc eases (A) The 2 strands of D
NA are joined to each other (B) The DNA strands stic to the restriction endonuc
ease (C) The ends of a doub e stranded fragment are over apping (D) The ends of
a doub e stranded fragment are non over apping 422. A  of the fo owing may be
used as expression vectors except (A) P asmid (C) Bacu ovirus 423. A p asmid is
a (A) (B) (C) (D) Sing e stranded inear DNA Sing e stranded circu ar DNA Doub 
e stranded inear DNA Doub e stranded circu ar DNA (B) Bacteriophage (D) E. co i

430. For production of eu aryotic  protein by recombinant DNA techno ogy in bacte
ria, the temp ate used is (A) Eu aryotic gene (C) mRNA (B) hnRNA (D) A  of thes
431. Monoc ona  antibodies are prepared by c oning (A) Mye oma ce s (C) T Lymph
ocytes (B) Hybridoma ce s (D) B Lymphocytes

432. Mye oma ce s are ac ing in (A) (B) (C) (D) TMP synthetase Formy  transfer
ase HGPRT A  of these
424. Fragments of DNA can be identified by the technique of (A) Western b otting
(B) Eastern b otting (C) Northern b otting (D) Southern b otting 425. A particu
ar RNA in a mixture can be identified by (A) Western b otting (B) Eastern b ott
ing (C) Northern b otting (D) Southern b otting 426. A radioactive isotope abe 
ed cDNA probe is used in
433. Hybridoma ce s are se ected by cu turing them in a medium containing (A) (
B) (C) (D) Adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine Adenine, guanine, cytosine and
uraci  Hypoxanthine, aminopterin and thymine Hypoxanthine, aminopterin and thym
434. Mye oma ce s and ymphocytes can be fused by using (A) Ca cium ch oride (B
) Ethidium bromide (C) Po yethy ene g yco  (D) DNA po ymerase
435. Tria s for gene therapy in human beings were first carried out, with consid
erab e success, in a genetic disease ca ed (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Cyst
ic fibrosis Tha assemia Adenosine deaminase deficiency Lesch Nyhan syndrome Is f
ound in bacteriophages Contains unre ated genes Has no restriction sites Is pa i
ndromic (A) E. co i (C) T.aquaticus (B) Yeast (D) Eu aryotes
444. Base sequence of DNA can be determined by (A) (B) (C) (D) Maxam Gi bert met
hod Sanger’s dideoxy method Both (A) and (B) None of these
436. Chimeric DNA
445. From a DNA RNA hybrid, DNA can be obtained by addition of (A) (B) (C) (D) D
NA B protein and ATP He icase and ATP DNA topoisomerase I A  a i

437. Which of the fo owing may be used as a c oning vector? (A) Pro aryotic p a
smid (B) Lambda phage (C) Cosmid (D) A  of these 438. The p asmid pBR322 has (A
) (B) (C) (D) Ampici in resistance gene Tetracyc ine resistance gene Both (A) a
nd (B) None of these
446. Optimum temperature of DNA po ymerase of T. aquaticus is (A) 30°C (C) 54°C (B)
37°C (D) 72°C
447. In addition to Taq po ymerase, po ymerase chain reaction requires a  of th
e fo owing except (A) (B) (C) (D) A temp ate DNA Deoxyribonuc eoside triphospha
tes Primers Primase

439. Lambda phage can be used to c one DNA fragments of the size (A) Upto 3 i o
bases (B) Upto 20 i obases
 (C) Upto 45 i obases (D) Upto 1,000 i obases 440.
DNA fragments upto 45 i obases in size can be c oned in (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B)
(C) (D) Bacteria  p asmids Lambda phage Cosmids Yeast artificia  chromosomes La
rge bacteria  p asmid Vira  p asmid Hybrid of p asmid and phage Yeast p asmid
448. DNA po ymerase of T. aquaticus is preferred to that of E. co i in PCR becau
se (A) It rep icates DNA more efficient y (B) It doesn’t require primers (C) It is
not denatured at the me ting temperature of DNA (D) It doesn’t cause errors in re
p ication 449. Twenty cyc es of PCR can amp ify DNA: (A) 220 fo d (C) 20 x 2 fo 
d (B) 202 fo d (D) 20 fo d
441. A cosmid is a
442. Po ymerase
 chain reaction can rapid y amp ify DNAsequences of the size (A)

Upto 10 i obases (B) Upto 45 i obases (C) Upto 100 i obases(D) Upto 1,000 i
obases 443. The DNA po ymerase common y used in po ymerase chain reaction is ob
tained from
450. Transgenic anima s may be prepared by introducing a foreign gene into (A) S
omatic ce s of young anima s (B) Testes and ovaries of anima s (C) A vira  vect
or and infecting the anima s with the vira  vector (D) Ferti ised egg and imp an
ting the egg into a foster mother
451. Yeast artificia
 can be used to amp ify DNA sequences
 of the siz
e (A) Upto 10 b (C) Upto 100 b (B) Upto 45 b (D) Upto 1,000 b (A) Cysteine (
C) G utamate (A) G utamate (C) Tryptophan (A) Va ine (C) Iso eucine (A) Homoseri
ne (C) Tyrosine
(B) Aspartate (D) A  of these (B) Histidine (D) Methionine (B) Leucine (D) A 
of these (B) Homocysteine (D) Tryptophan
459. N Formiminog utamate is a metabo ite of
452. DNA finger printing is based on the presence in DNA of (A) (B) (C) (D) Cons
 e number of tandem repeats Non repititive s
tant number of tandem repeats Variba
equences in each DNA Introns in eu aryotic DNA
460. Methy ma ony  CoA is a metabo ite of
461. Homogentisic acid is formed from
453. A  the fo owing statements about restriction fragment ength po ymorphism
are true except (A) It resu ts from mutations in restriction sites (B) Mutation
s in restriction sites can occur in coding or non coding regions of DNA (C) It i
s inherited in Mende ian fashion (D) It can be used to diagnose any genetic dise
ase 454. Inborn errors of urea cyc e can cause a  the fo owing except (A) Vomi
ting (C) Rena  fai ure (B) Ataxia (D) Menta  retardation
462. Map e syrup urine disease resu ts from absence or serve deficiency of (A) (
B) (C) (D) Homogentisate oxidase Pheny a anine hydroxy ase Branched chain amino
acid transaminase None of these

463. Which of the fo owing is present as a mar er in ysosoma  enzymes to direc
t them to their destination? (A) (B) (C) (D) G ucose 6 phosphate Mannose 6 phosp
hate Ga actose 6 phosphate N Acety  neuraminic acid
455. Hyperammonaemia type I resu ts from congenita  absence of (A) (B) (C) (D) G
utamate dehydrogenase Carbamoy  phosphate synthetase Ornithine transcarbamoy as
e None of these
464. Marfan’s syndrome resu ts from a mutation in the gene coding: (A) Co agen (C
) Fibri in (B) E astin (D) Keratin
456. Congenita  deficiency of ornithine transcarbamoy ase causes (A) (B) (C) (D)
Hyperammonaemia type I Hyperammonaemia type II Hyperornithinaemia Citru inaemi
465. A  the fo owing statements about fibronectin are true except (A) (B) (C)
(D) It is g ycoprotein It is a trip e he ix It is present in extra ce u ar matr
ix It binds with integrin receptors of ce 

457. A etogenic amino acid among the fo owing is (A) Leucine (C) Threonine (B)
Serine (D) Pro ine
466. Fibronectin has binding sites for a  of the fo owing except (A) G ycophor
in (C) Heparin (B) Co agen (D) Integrin receptor

458. Carbon s e eton of the fo owing amino acid can serve as a substance for g 
467. Fibronectin is invo ved in (A) Ce  adhension (C) Both (A) and (B) (B) Ce 
movement (D) None of these
468. G ycoproteins are mar ed for destruction by remova  of their (A) (B) (C) (D
) O igosaccharide prosthetic group Sia ic acid residues Mannose residues N termi
na  amino acids
476. A  the fo owing statements about protooncogenes are true except (A) (B) (
C) (D) They are present in human beings They are present in hea thy ce s Protei
ns encoded by them are essentia  They are expressed on y when a hea thy ce  has
been transformed into a cancer ce 
469. G ycophorin is present in ce  membranes of (A) Erythrocytes (C) Neutrophi 
s (B) P ate ets (D) Liver
477. Various oncogens may encode a  of the fo owing except: (A) (B) (C) (D) Ca
rcinogens Growth factors Receptors for growth factors Signa  transducers for gro
wth factors
470. Se ectins are proteins that can recognise specific (A) Carbohydrates (C) Am
ino acids (B) Lipids (D) Nuc eotides
471. Hunter’s syndrome resu ts from absence of (A) (B) (C) (D) Hexosaminidase A Id
uronate su phatase Neuraminidase Ary su phatase B
478. Ras proto oncogene is converted into oncogene by (A) A point mutation (B) C
hromosoma  trans ocation (C) Insertion of a vira  promoter upstream of the gene
(D) Gene amp ification 479. Ras proto oncogene encodes (A) (B) (C) (D) Epiderma 
growth factor (EGF) Receptor for EGF Signa  transducer for EGF Nuc ear transcri
ption factor
472. A cancer ce  is characterized by (A) (B) (C) (D) Uncontro ed ce  divisio
n Invasion of neighbouring ce s Spread to distant sites A  of these
473. If DNA of a cancer ce  is introduced into a norma  ce , the recipient ce 
 (A) (B) (C) (D) Destroys the DNA Loses its abi ity to divide Dies Changes into
a cancer ce 
480. P 53 gene: (A) A proto oncogene (B) An oncogene (C) A tumour suppressor gen
e (D) None of these 481. Retinob astoma can resu t from a mutation in (A) ras pr
oto oncogene (B) erbB proto oncogene (C) p 53 gene (D) RB 1 gene 482 A  the fo 
owing statements about retino b astoma are true except (A) At east two mutatio
ns are required for its deve opment (B) One mutation can be inherited from a par
474. A norma  ce  can be transformed into a cancer ce  by a  of the fo owing
except (A) (B) (C) (D) Ionising radiation Mutagenic chemica s Oncogenic bacteri
a Some viruses
475. Proto oncogensare present in (A) (B) (C) (D) Oncoviruses Cancer ce s Hea 
thy human ce s Pro aryotes
(C) Chi dren who have inherited one mutation deve op retinob astoma at a younger
age (D) RB 1 gene promotes the deve opment of retinob astoma 483. Ames assay is
a rapid method for detection of (A) Oncoviruses (B) Retroviuses (C) Chemica  ca
rcinogens (D) Typhoid 484. Amp ification of dihydrofo ate reductase gene in a ca
ncer ce  ma es the ce  (A) Susceptib e to fo ic acid deficiency (B) Less ma ig
nant (C) Resistant to amethopterin therapy (D) Responsive to amethopterin therap
y 485. Conversion of a procarcinogen into a carcinogen often requires (A) Proteo
ysis (B) Microsoma  hydroxy ation (C) Exposure to u travio et radiation (D) Exp
osure to X rays 486. The on y correct statement about oncoviruses is (A) A  the
oncoviruses are RNA viruses (B) Reverse transcriptase is present in a  oncovir
uses (C) Vira  oncogenes are identica  to human protooncogens (D) Both DNA and R
NA viruses can be oncoviruses 487. RB 1 gene is (A) A tumour suppressor gene (B)
Oncogene (C) Proto oncogene (D) Activated proto oncogene 488. Cancer ce s may
become resistant to amethopterin by (A) Deve oping mechanisms to destroy amethop
(B) Amp ification of dihydrofo ate reducatse gene (C) Mutation in the dihydrofo 
ate reductase gene so that the enzyme is no onger inhibited by amethopterin (D)
Deve oping a ternate
 pathway of thymidy ate synthesis 489. The major source of
NH3 produced by the idney is (A) Leucine (C) A anine (B) G ycine (D) G utamine
490. Which of these methy  donors is not a quanternary ammonium compound? (A) Me
thionine (C) Betain (B) Cho ine (D) Betaina dehyde
491. L g utamic acid is subjected to oxidative deaminition by (A) (B) (C) (D) L 
amino acid dehydrogenase L g utamate dehydrogenase G utaminase G utamine synthet

492. A pro aryotic ribosome is made up of ________ sub units. (A) 20 S and 50 S
(C) 30S and 60S (B) 30S and 50S (D) 20S and 50S

493. AN Eu aryotic ribosome is made up of ________ sub unit. (A) 40S and 60S (C)
40S and 80S (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 40S and 50S (D) 60S and 80 S
494. GTP is not required for Capping L of mRNA Fusion of 40S and 60S of ribosome
Accommodation of tRNA amino acid Formation of tRNA amino acid comp ex
495. The antibiotic which inhibits DNA dependent RNA po ymerase is (A) Mitomycin
C (C) Streptomycin (A) Actinomycin d (C) Puromycin (B) Actinomycin d (D) Puromy
cin (B) Streptomycin (D) Mitomycin C
496. The antibiotic which c eaves DNA is
497. The antibiotic which has a structure simi ar to the amino acy  end of tRNA
tyrosine is (A) Actinomycin d (C) Puromycin 498. ATP is required for (A) Fusion
of 40S and 60 S of ribosome (B) Accommodation tRNA amino acid in a site of ribos
ome (C) Movement of ribosome a ong mRNA (D) formation of tRNA amino acid comp ex
499. What is the subce u ar site for the biosynthesis of proteins? (A) Chromos
omes (C) Ribosomes (B) Lymosomes (D) Centrosomes (B) Streptomycin (D) Mitomycin
506. Progressive transmethy ation of ethano amine gives (A) (B) (C) (D) Creatini
ne Cho ine Methionine N methy  nicotinamide
507. Genetic information originates from (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Cistron
of DNA Codons of mRNA Anticodons of tRNA Histones of nuc eoproteins The protein
moiety of DNA Cistrom of DNA Nuc eotide sequence of m RNA The anticodons of tRN
508. The genetic code operates through

500. An anima  is in negative nitrogen ba ance when (A) (B) (C)
 (D) Inta e excee
ds output New tissue is being synthesized Output exceeds inta e Inta e is equa 
to output

509. DNA synthesis in aboratory was first achieved by (A) Watson and cric (B)
Khorana (C) A.Kornberg (D) Ochoa 510. Among the different types of RNA, which on
e has the highest M.W.? (A) mRNA (C) yeast RNA (B) rRNA (D) tRNA
501. When NH3 is perfused through a dog’s iver ______ is formed, whi e ______ is
formed in the birds iver. (A) Urea, Uric acid (B) Urea, a antoin (C) Uric acid
, creatinine (D) Uric acid, Urea 502. Aspartate amino transferase uses the fo o
wing for transamination: (A) (B) (C) (D) G utamic acid and pyruvic acid G utamic

acid and oxa oacetic acid Aspartic acid and pyruvic acid aspartic acid and eto
adipic acid
511. From DNA the genetic message is transcribed into this compound: (A) Protein
(C) tRNA (B) mRNA (D) rRNA
512. This compound has a doub e he ica  structure. (A) Deoxyribonuc eic acid (B)
RNA (C) F avine adevine dinuc eotide (D) Nicotinamide adamine dinuc eotide 513.
The structura  stabi ity of the doub e he ix of DNA is as cribbed arge y to (A
) Hydrogen
 bonding between adjacent purine bases (B) Hydrophobic bonding between
sta ed purine and pyrinuidine nuc ei
503. Which among the fo owing compounds is not a protein? (A) Insu in (C) Mucin
(A) Kidney (C) Uterus (B) Hheparin (D) Pepsin (B) Urethra (D) Liver
504. A most a  the urea is formed in this tissue:
505. A po yribosome wi  have about _______ individua  ribosomes. (A) 20 (C) 5 (
B) 10 (D) 2
(C) Hydrogen bonding between adjacent pyrimidine bases (E) Hydrogen bonding betw
een purine and pyrimidine bases 514. Which of the fo owing statements about nuc
eic acid is most correct? (A) Both pentose nuc eic acid and deoxypentose nuc ei
c acid contain the same pyrimidines (B) Both pentose nuc eic acid and deoxypento
se nuc eic acid and deoxypentose nuc eic acid Contain the same purines
 (C) RNA c
ontains cytosine and thymine (D) DNA and RNA are hydro ysed by wea a  a i 515.
Acid hydro ysis of ribonuc eic acid wou d yie d the fo owing major products: (A
) (B) (C) (D) d  deoxyribose, cytosine, adenine d ribose, thymine, Guanine d rib
ose, cytosine, uraci , thymine d ribose, uraci , adenine, guanine, cytosine
520. Which of the fo owing contains a deoxy sugar? (A) RNA (C) ATP 521. DNA is
(A) Usua y present in tissues as a nuc eo protein and cannot be separated from
its protein component (B) A ong chain po ymer in which the internuc eotide in
ages are of the diester type between  C 3’ and C 5’ (C) Different from RNA since in t
he atter
 the internuc eotide in ages are between C 2’ and C 5’ (D) Hydro yzed by w
ea  a  a i (pH9 to 100°C) 522. Nobody is the name given to (A) Ribosome (C) Centro
some (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) Microsome (D) Nuc eosome (B) DNA (D) UTP
523. Transcription is the formation of DNA from a parent DNA mRNA from a parent
mRNA pre mRNA from DNA protein through mRNA
516. RNA does not contain (A) adenine (C) d ribose (B) OH methy  cytosine (D) Ur
517. Which of the fo owing statements is correct? (A) a nuc eo protein usua y
contain deoxy sugars of the hexose type (B) Nuc eoproteins are usua y absent fr
om the cytop asm (C) Nuc eoproteins usua y are present in the nuc eus on y (D)
Nuc eoproteins usua y occur in the nuc eus and cytop asm 518. Whcih of the fo 
owing compound is present in RNA but absent from DNA? (A) Thymine (C) Uraci  (B)
Cytosine (D) Guanine
524. Trans ation is the formation of (A) (B) (C) (D) DNA from DNA mRNA from DNA
Protein through mRNA mRNA from pre mRNA
525. Sigma and Rho factors are required for (A) Rep ication (C) Trans ation (B)
Transcription (D) Po ymerisation
526. The genine of φ ×174 bacteriophage is interesting in that i contains (A) (B) (
C) (D) No DNA DNA with uracil Single stranded DNA Triple standard DNA
519. Nucleic acids can be detected by means o their absorption maxima near 260
nm. Their absorption in this range is due to (A) (B) (C) (D) Proteins Purines an
d pyrimidines Ribose Deoxyribose
527. Okasaki ragments are small bits o (A) (B) (C) (D) RNA DNA DNA with RNA he
ads RNA with DNA heads
528. In addition to the DNA o nucleus there DNA is (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C)
(D) Mitochondrian Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Plasma membrane Like the
nuclear DNA in structure Single stranded, linear Double stranded, circular Sing
le stranded, circular Q536. RNA synthesis requires (A) RNA primer (C) DNA templa
te (B) RNA template (D) DNA primer
537. The mRNA ready or protein synthesis has the ________ cap. (A) ATP (C) GTP
529. The mitochondrial DNA is
538. mRNA ready or protein synthesis has the poly _______ toil. (A) G (C) U (B)
A (D) C
530. A synthetic RNA having the sequence o UUUUUU (Poly U) will give a protein
having poly ______. (A) Alamine (C) Glycine (B) Phenyl alanine (D) Methionine
539. The codon or phenyl Alanine is (A) AAA (C) GGG (B) CCC (D) UUU
531. Lac operon o E. coli contains _______ is continuity. (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (
B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Regulator and operato
r genes only Operator and structural genes only Regular and structural genes onl
y Regulator, operator and structural genes Only one polypeptide Two polypeptides
Three polypeptides Five polypeptides More than one polypeptide Only one polypep
tide Many exons and introns Introns only Replicase Transcriptase Reverse transcr
iptase Polymerase III Replicase Transcriptase Reversetranscriptase Polymerase–III
540. Blue print or genetic in ormation residues in (A) mRNA (C) rRNA 541. Genes
are (A) RNA (C) lipoproteins and 542. Codons are in (A) DNA (C) tRNA (B) mRNA (
D) rRNA (B) DNA (D) Chromoproteins (B) tRNA (D) DNA
532. A mRNA o eukaryotes can code or
533. mRNA o prokaryotes can code or
543. The genetic code operates via (A) The protein moiety o DNA (B) The base se
quences o DNA (C) The nucleotide sequence o mRNA (D) The base sequence o tRNA
544. Urine bases with methyl substituents occurring in plants are (A) Ca eine
(C) Theobromine (B) Theophylline (D) All o these
534. DNA directed RNA polymerase is
535. RNA directed DNA polymerase is
545. Genetic in ormation in human beings is stored in (A) DNA (C) Both (A) and (
B) (B) RNA (D) None o these
546. All ollowing are naturally occurring nucleotides except (A) Cyclic AMP (B)
ATP (C) DNA (D) Inosine monophosphate 547. I the amino group and a carboxylic
group o the amino acid are attached to same carbon atom, the amino acid is call
ed as (A) Alpha (C) Gamma (B) Beta (D) Epsilon (A) Deoxyribose (C) Adenine
(B) Uracil (D) Thymine
555. Which o the ollowing are nucleo proteins? (A) (B) (C) (D) Protamines Hist
ones Deoxy and Ribo nucleo proteins All o these
556. The total RNA in cell tRNA constitutes (A) 1–10% (C) 30–50% (B) 10–20% (D) 50–80%
557. Unit o genetic in ormation: (A) DNA (C) Cistron (B) RNA (D) None o these
548. I in a nucleic acid there are more than 8000 nucleotides it is most likely
(A) RNA (C) Both (A) and (B) (B) DNA (D) None o these
558. Anticodon sequence are seen in (A) tRNA and transcribed DNA strand (B) tRNA
and complementary DNA strand (C) mRNA (D) mRNA and complementary DNA strand 559
. cAMD is destroyed by (A) (B) (C) (D) Adenylate cyclase Phosphodiesterase Synth
etase phosphatase Synthetase kinase (B) Birds (D) Bacteriophase (B) Lipic acid (
D) Biotin
549. Genetic in ormation in human beings is stored in (A) RNA (C) Both (A) and (
B) (B) DNA (D) mRNA
550. In RNA, apart rom ribose and phosphate, all ollowing are present except (
A) Adenine (C) Thymine (B) Guanine (D) Cytosine
551. Which o the ollowing gives a positive Ninhydrin test? (A) Reducing sugar
(C) α- mino cids 552. A Gene is (A) (B) (C) (D) A single protein molecule A group
of chromosomes An instruction for m king protein molecule A it of DNA molecu
le (B) Triglycerides (D) Phospholipids

560. Restriction enzymes h ve een found in (A) Hum ns (C) B cteri (A) Thi mine
(C) Thymine
561. Sulphur is not present in

562. Which one of the following inds to specific nucleotide sequences? (A) RNA
polymer se (B) Repressor (C) Inducer (D) Restriction 563. Using written converti
on which one of the following sequences is compliment ry to TGGCAGCCT? (A) ACC G
553. In DNA, genetic inform tion
 is loc ted in (A) Purine ses (B) Pyrimidine
ses (C) Purine nd pyrimidine ses (D) sug r 554. Which one of the following i
s not constituent of RNA?
564. Ri osomes simil r to those of cteri l found in
(A) (B) (C) (D) Pl nt nucei C rdi c muscle cytopl sm Liver
 endopl smic reticulum
 Neuron l cytopl sm (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Ri ose 5 phosph
 te Phosphori

osyl pyrophosph te Hypox nthine Adenosine Atmospheric CO2 1 c r on c rried y f
ol te Betoine Methionine (B) Purines (D) Pyridoxine
565 The mech nism of synthesis of DNA nd RNA re simil r in ll the following w
ys except (A) They involve rele se of pyrophosph te from e ch nucleotide dded
(B) They require ctiv ted nucleotide precursor nd Mg2+ (C) The direction of sy
nthesis is 5’ → 3’ (D) They require primer 566. Templ te-directed DNA synthesis occu
rs in ll the following except (A) (B) (C) (D) The replic tion fork Polymer se c
h in re ction Growth of RNA tumor viruses Expression of oneogenes

572. C r on 6-of purine skeleton comes from

573. Uric cid is the c t olic end product of (A) Porphyrine (C) Pyrimidines
574. Diphenyl mine method is employed in the qu ntit tion of (A) Nucleic cid (C
) DNA (B) RNA (D) Proteins
575. Orcinol method is employed in the qu ntit tion of (A) Nucleic cid (C) RNA
(B) DNA (D) Proteins

567. Which one of the following st tements correctly descri es euk ryotic DNA? (
A) They involve rele se of pyrophosph te from e ch nucleotide precussor nd Mg2+
(B) The direction of synthesis is (C) They require primer 5’ → 3’ (D) None of these
568. Which one of the following c uses fr me shift mut tion? (A) (B) (C) (D) Tr
nsition Tr nsversion
 Deletion Sustitution of purine to pyrimidine α- l nine β- l n
ine α- minoiso utyr te β- minoiso utyr te (B) C4, C5 nd N7 (D) C4, C6 nd N7

576. Nucleic cid show strong sorption t one of the w velength: (A) 280 nm (C
) 360 nm 577. tRNA h s (A) (B) (C) (D) Clover le f structure nticodon rm poly ‘A’
t y 3’ C p t 5’ end (B) 220 nm (D) 260 nm

569. C t olism of thymidyl te gives (A) (B) (C) (D)
578. Which one of the following contri utes nitrogen
 toms to oth purine nd py
rimidine rings? (A) (B) (C) (D) Asp rt te C r noyl phosph te C r ondioxide Tetr
hydrofol te
570. Glycine gives __________ toms of purine. (A) C2, C3 (C) C4, C5 nd N9
579. The four nitrogen toms of purines re derived from (A) (B) (C) (D) Ure n
d NH3 NH3, Glycine nd Glut m te NH3, Asp r te nd Glut m te Asp rt te, Glut min
e nd Glycine

571. A common su str te of HGPRT se, APRT se nd PRPP glut myl midotr nsfer se
580. A drug which prevents uric cid synthesis y inhi iting the enzyme
 X nthine
oxid se is (A) Aspirin (C) Colchicine (B) Allopurin l (D) Phenyl enzo te (A) (
B) (C) (D)
Glut mine nd C r moyl-p Asp r te nd C r moyl-p Glut m te nd NH3 Glut mine
nd NH3

581. Glycine contri utes to the following C nd N of purine nucleus: (A) C1, C2
nd N7 (C) C4, C5 nd N7 (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) C8, C8 nd N9 (D) C
4, C5 nd N9

589. All re true out lesch-nyh n syndrome except (A) (B) (C) (D) Produces sel
f-mutil tion Genetic deficiency of the enzyme Elev ted levels of uric cid in l
ood Inherit nce is utosom l recessive

582. Insoinic cid is the iologic l precursor of Cytosine nd Uric cid Adenylv
e cid nd Glucine floc cid Orotic cid  nd Uridylic cid Adenosine cid Thymid
ine A defect in excretion of uric cid y kidney An overproduction of pyrimidine
s An overproduction of uric cid Rise in c lcium le ding to deposition of c lciu
m ur te
590. Synthesis of GMP nd IMP requires the following: (A) (B) (C) (D) NH3 NAD+,
ATP Glut mine, NAD+, ATP NH3, GTP, NADP+ Glut mine, GTP, NADP+
583. The pro le met olic defect in gents is

591. Which p thw y is correct for c t olism of purines to form uric cid? (A) G
u nyl te→Adenyl te→X nthine→hypox nthine→Uric cid (B) Gu nyl te→inosin te→X nthine→hypox n
ne→Uric cid (C) Adenyl te→Inosin te→X nthine hypox nthine→Uric cid (D) Adenyl te→Inosin
te→hypox nthine X nthine→Uric cid 592. Polysemes do not cont in (A) Protein (C) mRN
A (B) DNA (D) rRNA

584. In hum ns, the princip l re k down product of purines is (A) NH3 (C) Al ni
ne (B) All ntin (D) Uric cid
585. A key su
 st nce in the committed
 step of pyrimidines iosynthesis is (A) (B
) (C) (D) Ri ose-5-phosph te C r moyl phosph te ATP Glut mine

586. In hum ns, the princip l met olic product of pyrimidines is (A) Uric cid
(C) Hypox nthine (B) All ntoin (D) β- l nine

593. The form tion of peptide ond during the elong tion step of protein synth
esis results in the splitting of how m ny high energy onds? (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (
D) 4
587. In most m mm ls, except prim tes, uric cid is met olized y (A) (B) (C) (
D) Oxid tion to ll ntoin Reduction to NH3 Hydrolysis to ll ntoin Hydrolysis to
594. Tr nsloc se is n enzyme required in the process of (A) DNA replic tion (B)
RNA synthesis (C) Initi tion
 of protein synthesis (D) Elong tion of peptides 59
5. Nonsense codons ring out

588. Two nitrogen of the pyrimidines ring re o t ined from
(A) Amino cid ctiv tion (B) Initi tion of protein synthesis (C) Termin tion of
protein synthesis (D) Elong tion of polypeptide ch ins 596. Which of the follow
ing genes of the E.coli “L c operon” codes for constitutive protein? (A) The ‘ ’ gene
(C) The ‘c’ gene (B) The ‘i’ gene (D) The ‘z’ gene
(D) Multiple codons for single mino cid 603. The norm l function of restrict
ion endonucle ses is to (A) Excise introns from hrRNA (B) Polymerize
to form RNA (C) Remove primer from ok z ki fr gments (D) Protect cteri from
 DNA 604. In contr st to Euk ryotic mRNA, prok ryotic mRNA is ch r cteriz
ed y (A) H ving 7-methyl gu nosine triphosph te t the 5’ end (B) Being polycystr
onic (C) Being only monocystronic (D) Being synthesized with introns 605. DNA li
g se of E. coli requires which of the following co-f ctors? (A) FAD (C) NADP+ (B
597. In the process of tr nscription, the flow of genetic inform tion is from (A
) DNA to DNA (C) RNA to protein (B) DNA to protein (D) DNA to RNA
598. The nticodon region is n import nt p rt of the structure of (A) rRNA (C)
mRNA (B) tRNA (D) hrRNA

599. The region of the L c operon which must e free from structur l gene tr nsc
ription to occur is (A) The oper tor locus (B) The promoter site (C) The ‘ ’ gene (D
) The ‘i’ gene 600. Another n me for reverse tr nscript se is (A) DNA dependent DNA
polymer se (B) DNA dependent RNA polymer se (C) RNA dependent DNA polymer se (D)
RNA dependent RNA polymer se 601. In the ’l c operon’ concept, which of the followi
ng is protein? (A) Oper tor (C) Inducer (B) Repressor (D) Vector

606. Which of the following is tr nscri ed during repression? (A) Structur l gen
e (C) Regul tor gene (B) Promoter gene (D) Oper tor gene
607. mRNA is complement ry copy of (A) (B) (C) (D) 5′-3′ str nd of DNA+ 3′-5′ str nd of
DNA Antisense str nd of DNA tRNA
608. Synthesis of RNA molecule is termin ted y sign l which is recognised y
(A) α-f ctor (C) δ-facto
(B) β-facto
(D) ρ
 of th g n tic co not  th xi tnc of (A) Ba  t
iplt t
 o not co fo 
any amino aci (B) Co on con i ting of only two a  (C)
Co on that inclu on o
 of th unu ual a 

609. Th in ing  
yoticDNA p n nt RNA polym
a to
 of p
it of
g n i inhi it 
y th anti iotic: (A) St
ptomycin (C) Au
omycin (B) Rifam
cin (D) Pu

610. In E. coli th chain initiating amino aci in p
otin ynth i i (A) N-fo

myl m thionin (B) M thionin (C) S

in (D) Cy tin
611. Amanitin th mu h
oom poi on inhi it (A) (B) (C) (D) Glycop
otin ynth i
ATP ynth i DNA ynth i mRNA ynth i

up t
am an mo t i tant f
om th ta
t it? (A) RNA polym
a  (B) Rp

(C) In uc
(D) R t
iction 618. U ing w
ittn convntion which on of th follo
wing qunc i complimnta
612. How many high-n
gy pho phat on quivalnt a

amino aci
activation in p
ot in ynth i ? (A) On (C) Th
(B) Two (D) Fou

613. T
an lation
 ult in th fo
mation of (A) mRNA (C)
RNA (B) tRNA (D) A p

otin molcul
619. Ri o om imila
to tho  of act
ia foun in (A) (B) (C) (D) Plant nucl
i Ca
iac mu cl cytopla m Liv
n opla mic
ticulum Nu
onal cytopla m

614. Elongation of a ppti  chain involv  
 all th following
xcpt (A) mRNA (B
) GTP (C) Fo
myl-M t-tRNA (D) Tu, TS an G facto
615. Th ‘
ho’ (ρ) facto
i involv
 ρ (A) To inc
a  th
at of RNA ynth i (B) In ining cataolit

to th p

gion (C) In p
mination of t
an c
iption (D) To allow
initiation of t
an c
ipti  616. In th io ynth i of c-DNA, th joinin
g nzym liga 
 (A) GTP (C) CTP (B) ATP (D) UTP

620. Th mchani m of ynth i of DNA an RNA a
to all th following
way xcpt (A) Thy involv 
la  of py
opho phat f
om ach nucloti a
(B) Thy
 activat nucloti  p
an Mg2+ (C)  Th i
ction of
ynth i i (D) Thy
 a p
621. Tmplat- i
ct DNA ynth i occu

in all th following xcpt (A) (B) (C) (D) Th

plication fo
k Polym
a  ch
action G
owth of RNA tumo
u  Exp
 ion of oncogn
617. Which on of th following in to pcific nucloti  qunc that a

1. B 7. B 13. A 19. A 25. C 31. D 37. C 43. B 49. B 55. D 61. B 67. A 73. C 79.
B 85. A 91. B 97. B 103. B 109. D 115. B 121. A 127. D 133. D 139. A 145. D 151.
D 157. B 163. C 169. C 175. D 181. B 187. B 193. A 199. A 205. C 211. B 217. D
223. A 229. D 235. B 241. B 247. A 2. B 8. D 14. D 20. A 26. A 32. A 38. A 44. C
50. A 56. A 62. C 68. A 74. B 80. A 86. D 92. B 98. B 104. B 110. C 116. A 122.
D 128. C 134. A 140. D 146. B 152. A 158. A 164. C 170. D 176. A 182. B 188. C
194. D 200. C 206. D 212. C 218. B 224. C 230. B 236. A 242. C 248. C 3. A 9. C
15. B 21. B 27. C 33. B 39. B 45. D 51. D 57. D 63. A 69. B 75. C 81. C 87. A 93
. A 99. D 105. A 111. D 117. D 123. B 129. A 135. A 141. B 147. B 153. C 159. A
165. D 171. B 177. B 183. C 189. D 195. D 201. D 207. B 213. D 219. D 225. A 231
. C 237. C 243. D 249. A 4. C 10. D 16. A 22. C 28. B 34. A 40. D 46. B 52. B 58
. A 64. A 70. A 76. A 82. A 88. B 94. A 100. A 106. B 112. A 118. A 124. C 130.
A 136. D 142. D 148. B 154. A 160. A 166. C 172. B 178. D 184. B 190. A 196. A 2
02. C 208. C 214. C 220. A 226. B 232. A 238. C 244. C 250. D 5. A 11. A 17. C 2
3. C 29. C 35. A 41. C 47. A 53. B 59. A 65. A 71. A 77. C 83. A 89. A 95. A 101
. B 107. C 113. B 119. A 125. A 131. B 137. B 143. C 149. D 155. B 161. C 167. A
173. C 179. D 185. A 191. B 197. D 203. B 209. C 215. B 221. A 227. C 233. C 23
9. D 245. C 251. A 6. C 12. A 18. C 24. D 30. A 36. C 42. C 48. C 54. D 60. D 66
. A 72. A 78. D 84. A 90. C 96. A 102. A 108. A 114. A 120. C 126. A 132. B 138.
B 144. B 150. D 156. C 162. C 168. C 174. D 180. C 186. D 192. C 198. C 204. D
210. D 216. B 222. D 228. C 234. A 240. D 246. B 252. C
253. D 259. D 265. C 271. C 277. A 283. C 289. D 295. C 301. B 307. D 313. A 319
. D 325. A 331. C 337. A 343. A 349. B 355. A 361. B 367. D 373. B 379. D 385. B
391. C 397. B 403. D 409. D 415. D 421. C 427. C 433. D 439. B 445. D 451. D 45
7. A 463. C 469. A 475. C 481. D 487. A 493. A 499. C 505. C 254. D 260. A 266.
D 272. B 278. B 284. D 290. B 296. A 302. C 308. B 314. B 320. A 326. D 332. B 3
38. C 344. A 350. D 356. B 362. A 368. D 374. D 380. B 386. B 392. D 398. B 404.
A 410. A 416. B 422. D 428. C 434. C 440. C 446. D 452. B 458. D 464. B 470. A
476. D 482. D 488. B 494. D 500. C 506. C 255. C 261. B 267. B 273. A 279. C 285
. C 291. B 297. D 303. B 309. B 315. B 321. C 327. A 333. A 339. C 345. B 351. A
357. D 363. A 369. B 375. C 381. D 387. C 393. A 399. C 405. D 411. C 417. C 42
3. D 429. D 435. C 441. C 447. D 453. D 459. B 465. A 471. B 477.A 483. C 489. D
495. B 501. A 507. A 256. C 262. B 268. C 274. C 280. C 286. B 292. C 298. C 30
4. A 310. C 316. A 322. C 328. B 334. D 340. C 346. D 352. B 358. A 364. C 370.
B 376. B 382. D 388. D 394. C 400. A 406. C 412. B 418. A 424. D 430. C 436. B 4
42. A 448. C 454. D 460. A 466. C 472. D 478. A 484. C 490. A 496. D 502. B 508.
257. C 263. A 269. B 275. A 281. D 287. A 293. B 299. C 305. C 311. A 317. A 323
. C 329. C 335. D 341. C 347. C 353. D 359. D 365. C 371. B 377. B 383. D 389. C
395. D 401. D 407. D 413. A 419. D 425. C 431. B 437. D 443. C 449. A 455. B 46
1. C 467. B 473. D 479. C 485. B 491. B 497. C 503. D 509. C 258. D 264. A 270.
D 276. C 282. D 288. A 294. A 300. D 306. D 312. C 318. D 324. C 330. D 336. C 3
42. D 348. B 354. C 360. B 366. C 372. C 378. D 384. C 390. D 396. A 402. B 408.
C 414. C 420. C 426. C 432. C 438. C 444. C 450. D 456. C 462. D 468. D 474. C
480. C 486. D 492. B 498. D 504. D 510. B
511. B 517. D 523. C 529. C 535. C 541. B 547. A 553. C 559. B 565. A 571. B 577
. A 583. C 589. B 595. C 601. B 607. B 613. D 619. A 512. A 518. C 524. B 530. B
536. C 542. B 548. B 554. A 560. C 566. C 572. A 578. A 584. D 590. B 596. B 60
2. B 608. D 614. C 620. D 513. D 519. B 525. C 531. D 537. C 543. C 549. B 555.
D 561. C 567. C 573. A 579. D 585. B 591. D 597. D 603. D 609. B 615. C 621. C 5
14. B 520. B 526. C 532. A 538. B 544. D 550. C 556. B 562. A 568. C 574. C 580.
B 586. D 592. B 598. B 604. A 610. A 616. B 515. D 521. B 527. C 533. A 539. D
545. A 551. C 557. C 563. A 569. D 575. C 581. C 587. A 593. B 599. A 605. B 611
. D 617. A 516. B 522. C 528. A 534. B 540. D 546. C 552. D 558. A 564. A 570. B
576. D 582. B 588. B 594. D 600. C 606. C 612. B 618. A

Thi pag intntionally lft lank
1. Th total o y wat
in va      

iou u j ct i 
lativ ly con tant wh n xp

a p
c ntag of th l an o y ma an i a out (A). 30% (C) 50% (B) 40% (D)
7. Th flui p
 nt in  on which can not xchang
a ily cau  of

tiv ava cula
ity i a out (A) 20 ml/kg (C) 45 ml/kg (B) 25 ml/kg (D) 60 ml/kg
2.. Th p
cntag of wat
contain in th o y of an in ivi ual i l cau
of (A) High fat cont nt (B) Low fat cont nt (C) Highp
ot in cont nt(D)Low  p

otin cont nt 3. In int
tmnt th flui p
 nt in ml/kg oy w
ight i aout (A) 100 (C) 200 (B) 200 (D) 330
8. Wat

iv in gm f
om complt oxi ation of ach gm of ca
at i a o
ut (A) 0.15 (C) 0.35 (B) 0.25 (D) 0.55
9. Th oxi ation of 100 gm of fat yil (A) 50 gm wat
(C) 150 gm wat
(B) 10

7 gm wat
(D) 200 gm wat

4. In xt
a c llula
tm nt, th flui p
nt in ml/kg of o y w ight i a
out (A) 120 (C) 270 (B) 220 (D) 330
10. Each gm of p
otin on complt oxi ation yil (A) 0.21 gm wat
(C) 0.41 g
m wat
(B) 0.31 gm wat
(D) 0.51 gm wat

5. Flui p
 nt in n  connctiv ti u an ca
tilag in ml/kg o y wight i
a out (A) 10 (C) 45 (B) 20 (D) 55
11. Th aily total o y wat

iv f
om oxi ation of foo tuff i a out (A
) 100 ml (C) 600 ml (B) 300 ml (D) 1000 ml
6. Th total o y wat
in ml/kg o y w ight in av
ag no
mal young a ult mal
i a out (A) 200 (C) 600 (B) 400 (D) 1000
12. Th aily wat
allowanc fo
mal infant i a out (A) 100–200 ml (C) 330–1000
ml (B) 250–300 ml (D) 1000–2000 ml
13. Th aily wat
allowanc fo
mal a ult (60 kg) i a out (A) 200–600 ml (C)
800–1500 ml (B) 500–800 ml (D) 1800–2500 ml
22. Minimum xc
y u
y volum fo
wa t p
o uct limination u
ing 24 h

i (A) 200–300 ml (C) 500–600 ml (B) 200–400 ml (D) 800 ml

14. In n i l lo of o y wat
of no
mal a ult i a out (A) 50–100 ml (C) 300–500
ml (B) 100–200 ml (D) 600–1000 ml
23. In p
y hy
ation (A) Int
flui volumi
 uc (B) Int
flui volum
main  no
mal (C) Ext

flui volum i much

(D) Ext  llula
flui volum i much inc
a  24. Animpo
tant cau of c

on a
y hy
ation i (A) Dy phagia (B) O ophag al va
ic (C)O ophagal va

c (D) Ga t
iti 25. Impo
 fin ing of con a
y hy 
ation i (A) In
ac llula
o ma (B) C llula 
ation (C) Thi
t (D) Mu cl c
amp 26. U
n xamination in con a
y hy
ation  how (A) (B) (C) (D) Ktonu
ia Low pc
ific g
avity High pcific g
avity Al uminu

15. Th p
 ominant cation of pla ma i (A) Na+ (C) Ca
(B) K + (D) Mg ++

16. Th p
 ominant action  of pla ma i (A) HCO3– (C) HPO4– –17. Va op
 in (ADH) (A
) Enhanc facultativ
a o
ption of wat
(B) Dc
a o
ption of wat

(C) Inc
a  xc
tion of calcium (D) Dc
a  xc
tion of calcium 18. Enhanc
a o
ption of wat
y Va op
 in i miat y (A) Cyclic AM
P (C) Cyclic GMP (B) Ca (D) Mg ++
(B) Cl– (D) SO4 – –
19. Action of kinin i to (A) (B) (C) (D) Inc     Dc
a  alt

a alt xc

t ntion D c
a wat

t ntion Inc
a oth alt an wat
20.Th activity of kinin i mo ulat y (A) P
o taglan in (B) Ca++ (C) Inc

a cAMP l v l (D) Inc
a  cGMP l v l21. An impo
tant cau  of wat
ation i (A) Nph
ognic ia t in ipi u (B) Rnal failu
 (C) Ga t
(D) Fanconi yn
27. Th total calcium of th human o y i a out (A) 100–150 g (C) 1–1.5 kg (B) 200–30
0 g (D) 2–3 kg

28. Daily
mnt of calcium fo
mal a ult human i (A) 100 mg (C) 2 g (B
) 800 mg (D) 4 g

29. No
mal total 
um calcium lvl va
i twn (A) 4–5 mg (C) 15–20 mg (B) 9–11 m
g (D) 50–100 mg
30. Th lmnt n  in quantiti g
than 100 mg fo
human ing i (A)
Calcium (C) Slnium (B) Zinc (D) Co alt
39. In 
um p
o uct of Ca x p (in mg/100ml) in chil
n i no
mally (A) 20 (C)
50 (B) 30 (D) 60
31. Th min     

al p
nt in th human o y in la
amount than any oth
n i (A) So ium (C) Pota ium (B) Calcium (D) I
40. In
ickt, th p
o uct of Ca x p (in mg/ 100 ml) in 
um i low (A) 30 (C
) 70 (B) 50 (D) 100
32. Th p
cntag of th total o y calcium p
 nt in on i (A) 1 (C) 55 (B
) 11 (D) 99
41. In man, th amount of calcium in gm filt
 in 24 h
io y th

uli i (A) 5 (C) 15 (B) 10 (D) 20

33. Th p
cntag of calcium p
 nt in xt
flui i (A) 1 (C) 10 (B)
5 (D) 50

42. Th p
cntag of th calcium liminat in fc i (A) 10–20 (C) 50–60 (B) 30–40
(D) 70–90
34. Th  phy iologically activ fo
m of calcium i (A) (B) (C) (D) P
otin on I
oni  Complx with cit
at Complx with ca
43. Th maximal
nal tu ula

a o
ptiv capacity fo
calcium (Tmca) in mg/min
i a out (A) 1.5 0.1 (C) 5.5 1.2 (B) 4.99 0.21 (D) 10.2 2.2
35. Th no
mal concnt
ation of calcium in C.S.F i (A) (B) (C) (D) 1.5–2.5 mg/100
ml 2.5–4 mg/100 ml 4.5–5 mg/100 ml 9–10 mg/100 ml
44. Rnal
ickt i cau  y
nal tu ula
fct (u ually inh
it ) which int

a o
ption of (A) Calcium (C) Soium (B) Pho pho
ou (D) Chlo
36. A o
ption of calcium
  i inc
a  on a (A) High p
otin it (B) Low p
n i t (C) High fat i t (D) Low fat i t 37.  Calcium a o
ption i int

y (A) (B) (C) (D) P

otin in it Phytic aci in c
al Alkalin int tinal pH
Vitamin D
moval of th pa
oi glan
 ulting into hypopa

oi i m th conc nt
ation of th
um calcium may
op low (A) 11 mg (C) 9 mg
(B) 10 mg (D) 7 mg
46. On of th p
incipal cation of oft ti u an o y flui i (A) Mg (C) Mn
(B) S (D) Co
38. Calcium a o
ption i inc
a  y (A) Vitamin D (C) Vitamin K (B) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin E
47. Th no
mal concnt
ation of magn ium in whol loo i (A) 0–1 mg/100 ml (B)
1–2 mg/100 ml (C) 2–4 mg/100 ml (D) 4–8 mg/100 ml
48. Th no
mal concnt
ation of magn ium in C.S.F i a out (A) 1 mg/100 ml (C)
5 mg/100 ml (B) 3 mg/100 ml (D) 8 mg/100 ml
57. Hyp
mia may occu  
in (A)Dia t  in ipi
 u (B) Diu

tic m ication  (C
) H avy w ating (D) Ki n y i a 58. Th m ta oli m of o ium i
th ho
mon: (A) In ulin (C) PTH (B) Al o t
on (D) Somato tatin

49. Th magn ium contnt of mu cl i a out (A) 5 mg/100 ml (C) 21 mg/100 ml (B
) 10 mg/100 ml (D) 50 mg/100 ml
50. Int tinal a o
ption of magn ium i inc
a  in (A) Calcium   ficint i
t (B) High calcium i t (C) High oxalat i t (D) High  i t 51. D ficin

cyof magn ium may  occu
with (A) Alcoholi m (B) Dia t m llitu (C) Hypothy

oi i m (D) Avanc
nal failu
 52. Hyp
magn mia may  o 
v in (A) Hyp

oi i m (B) Diat mllitu (C) Kwa hio
(D) P
y alo t
oni m
53. Na+/K+-ATPa  along with ATP
 (A) Ca (C) Mg (B) Mn (D) Cl
59. Th p
incipal cation in int
flui i (A) So ium (C) Calcium (B) Po
ta ium (D) Magn ium
60. Th no
mal concnt
ation of pota ium in whol loo i (A) 50 mg/100 ml (B)
100 mg/100 ml (C) 150 mg/100 ml (D) 200 mg/100
 ml 61. Th no
mal concnt

of pota ium in human pla ma in m q/I i a out (A) 1 (C) 3 (B) 2 (D) 5

62. Th no
mal concnt
ation of pota ium in cll in ng/100 ml i a out (A) 100
(C) 350 (B) 200 (D) 440
54. Th p
incipal cation in xt
flui i (A) So ium (C) Calcium (B) Po
ta ium (D) Magn ium

63. Pota ium contnt of n
v ti u in mg/ 100 ml i a out (A) 200 (C) 400 (B)
330 (D) 530

55. Th no
mal concnt
ation of o ium (in mg/100 ml) of human pla ma i (A) 100
(C) 250 (B) 200 (D) 330

64. Pota ium contnt of mu cl ti u in mg/100 ml i a out (A) 50–100 (C) 250–400
(B) 100–150 (D) 150–200
56. A c
a  in 
um o ium may occu
in (A) A
tical in ufficincy (B)

oi i m (C) Hyp
oi i m (D) Thy
otoxico i

65. On of th ymptom of low  
um pota ium concnt
ation inclu  (A) Mu cl
w akn (B) Confu ion (C) Num n (D) Tingling of xt
66. Pota ium mta oli m i
gulat y th ho
mon: (A) Al o t
on (C) Somato
tatin (B) PTH (D) E t

75. Th xclu iv function of i
on in th o y i confin to th p
oc of(A)
Mu cula
action (B) N
v xcitation (C) C llula

ation (D) Bloo co

agulation 76. Th no
mal pH of th loo i (A) 7.0 (C) 7.2 (B) 7.1 (D) 7.4
67. A high  
um pota ium, accompani y a high int
pota ium occu

in (A) A
nal in uffici ncy (B) Any illn (C) Ga t
oint tinal lo 
 (D) Cu
hing’ yn
om 68. Hypokal mia occu
in (A) Cu hing’ yn
om (B) Ai on’ i a
 (C) Rnal failu
 (D) Avanc hy
ation 69. Ca
iac a

 t may occu
u to
o  of (A) So ium (C) Zinc (B) Pota ium (D) Magn ium
77. Th no
mal concnt
ation of ica
onat in loo i (A) 21 mq/L (C) 26 mq/

L (B) 24 m q/L (D) 30 m q/L
78. At th pH of loo 7.4, th
atio twn th ca
onic aci an ica
action i (A) 1 : 10 (C) 1 : 30 (B) 1 : 20 (D) 1 : 40
70. Th no
mal concnt
ation of chlo
i  in mg/100 ml of whol loo i a out (A
) 200 (C) 400 (B) 250 (D) 450
79. A 0.22 M olutionof lactic aci (pKa 3.9) wa foun to contain 0.20 M in th
 i ociat fo
m an 0.02 M un i ociat fo
m, th pH of th olution i (A)
2.9 (C) 4.9 (B) 3.3 (D) 5.4
71. Th no
mal concnt
ation of chlo
i  in mg/100 ml of pla ma i a out (A) 100
(C) 365 (B) 200 (D) 450
80. Impo
tant uff 
y t m of xt
ac llula
flui  i (A) Bica
onat /ca
onic a
ci (B) Di o ium hy
og n pho phat / o ium   ihy
og n pho phat (C)  ma p
in (D) O
ganic Pho phat 81.Th pH of o y flui i ta iliz y uff
y t
m . Th compoun which will  th mo t ffctiv uff
at phy iologic pH i (

A) Na2HPO4 pKa = 12.32 (B) Na2HPO4 pKa=7.21 (C) NH4OH pKa = 7.24 (D) Cit
ic aci
pKa = 3.09

72. Th no
mal concnt
ation of chlo
in in mg/100 ml of C.S.F i a out (A) 200
(C) 300 (B) 250 (D) 440
73. Hypokalmia with an accompanying
mic alkalo i may  o 
v in
(A) Cu hing’ yn
om (B) A i on’ i a (C) Hyptothy
oi i m (D) Malnut
ition 74.
mia i a ociat with (A) Hyponat
mia (B) Hyp
mia (C) Mtao

lic alkalo i (D) R pi
y aci o i
82. Thp
cntag of CO2 ca

ying capacity of whol loo y hmoglo in an oxy

hmoglo in i (A) 20 (C) 60 (B) 40 (D) 80
90. Of th total o y wat
, int
tmnt contain a out (A) 50% (C
) 70% (B) 60% (D) 80%
83. Th no
um CO2 contnt i (A) 18–20 mq/L (C) 30–34 mq/L (B) 24–29 mq/L (D
) 35–38 mq/L
 u tanc in pla ma a
 (A) Soium (C) P
otin (B) Chlo
O motically activ

i (D) All of th
84. Th ca
on ioxi  ca

ying pow
of th loo
 i ing within th
i (A) 50% (C) 85% (B) 60% (D) 100%
92. O motic p
 of pla ma i (A) 80–100 millio mol/lit
 (B) 180–200 millio mo
 (C) 280–300 millio mol/lit
 (D) 380–400 millio mol/lit
 93. Cont
n of al umin to colloi o motic p
 of pla ma i a out (A) 10% (C) 80% (B)
50% (D) 90%
85. Within th
 loo cll th uff
ing capacity cont
i ut y th pho pha

t i (A) 5% (C) 20% (B) 10% (D) 25%
86. Th no
atio twn th alkalin pho phat an aci pho phat in pla ma
i (A) 2 : 1 (C) 20 : 1 (B) 1 : 4 (D) 4 : 1
94. Th high t concnt
ation of    
ot in i p
nt in(A) Pla ma (C) Int

ial flui (B) Int
titial flui (D) T
an c llula
87. Th oxygn i ociation
v fo
 in i hift to th
ight y (A)
(B) (C)
   (D) D c
a O2 t n ion D c
a CO2 t n ion Inc
a CO2 t n ion Inc

a pH
95. Oncotic p
 of pla ma i u to (A) P
otin (C) So ium (B) Chlo
i  (D

) All of th 

96. Oncotic p
 of pla ma i a out (A) 10 mm of Hg (C) 25 mm of Hg (B) 15 m
m of Hg (D) 50 mm of Hg
88. Boh
ffct i (A) Shifting

of oxyh moglo in i ociation cu
vto th

(B)Shifting of oxyh moglo in i ociation cu
v to th l ft   
    (C)A ility of hm
oglo in to com in with O2 (D) Exchang of chlo
i with ca
onat 89. Chlo
hift i (A)     of Cl(B) Cl– laving th RBC in x
  H ion l aving th RBC in xchang   
chang of ica
onat (C) Bica
onat ion 
n to  pla ma an xchang with c
i which hift into th c ll (D) Ca
onic aci to th pla ma 
97. O ma canoccu
whn (A) Pla ma Na an Cl a
a  (B) Pla ma Na an C
l a
a  (C) Pla ma p
ot in a
a (D) Pla ma p
ot in a
98. Colloi o motic p
of int
ac llula
flui i (A) Equal to that of
pla ma (B) Mo
 than that of pla ma (C) Mo
 than that of pla ma (D) Na
ly z
99. Th wat
ouc u
ing mtaolic
action in an ault i aout (A) 100 m
l/ ay (C) 500 ml/ ay (B) 300 ml/ ay (D) 700 ml/ ay
107. Fu

o mi inhi it
a  o
ption of o ium an chlo  
i in (A) P
oximal con
volut tu ul  (B) Loop of H nl (C)
 Di tal convolut tu ul (D) Coll
uct 108. A iu
tic which i an al  
 o t
on antagoni

 t i (A) Spi
onolacton (C
) Ac tazolami (B) Ethac
ynic aci (D) Chlo
100. Th aily wat
lo th
ough  ga t

 tinal t
act in an ault i a out (A

) (B) (C) (D) L than 100 ml/ ay 200 ml/ ay 300 ml/ ay 400 ml/ ay
 R cu

nt vomiting
101. la to lo of (A) Pota ium (C) Bica
onat (B) Chlo

i (D) All of th  

109. In a olution having a pH of 7.4, th hy
ogn ion concnt
ation i (A) 7.4
nmol/L (C) 56 nmol/L (B) 40 nmol/L (D) 80 nmol/L
(A) I aout 50% of th total tuula

102. O ligato
a o
ption of wat
ption of wat
(B) I inc
a  y antiiu
tic ho
mon (C) Occu
in i tal

convolut tu ul (D) I  con a
y to
a o
ption of olut 103.  Anti iu
mon (A) I c
t y hypothalamu (B) Sc
 i inc
a wh n o molal
ityof pla ma c
a (C) Inc
a o ligato 

a o
ption of wat
(D) Act
on i tal convolut tu ul an collcting uct  104. U

y wat
lo i inc

a  in (A) (B) (C) (D) Dia t mllitu Dia t in ipi u Ch
onic glom
iti All of th 
110. At pH 7.4, th
atio of ica
onat : i olv CO2 i (A) 1 : 1 (C) 20 : 1
(B) 10 : 1 (D) 40 : 1
111. Quantitativly, thmo t ignificant   uff 
y tm in pla ma i (A) Pho pha

t uff 
y t m (B) Ca
onic aci - ica
onat uff
y tm (C) Lactic aci-lac
tat uff
y tm (D) P
otin uff
y tm 112. In a  olution containingpho p
hat uff
, th pH will  7.4, if th
atio of monohy
ogn pho phat : ihy

ogn pho phat i (A) 4 : 1 (C) 10 : 1 (B) 5 : 1 (D) 20 : 1

105. Dia  t in ipi u
 ult f
om (A) (B) (C) (D) Dc
a  in ulin c
D c
a ADH c
tion D c
a al o t
on c
tion Un
pon ivn of o m

113. pKa of ihy
ogn pho phat i (A) 5.8 (C) 6.8 (B) 6.1 (D) 7.1
106. Thiazi  iu
tic inhi it (A) (B) (C) (D) Ca
onic anhy
a  Al o t
tion ADH c
tion Soium
a o
ption in i tal tuul
114. Buff
ing action 
  of ha moglo
 in i mainly
  u to it (A)Glutamin
 i u
(B) A
i u (C) Hi ti in
i u (D) Ly in
i u 
115. R pi
y aci o i
om (A)
 (B) (C) (D) R
 of ca
on ioxi
 Exc iv limination of ca
on ioxi  Rtntion of ica
onat Exc iv l
imination of ica
123. Anion gap i inc
a  in (A)Rnal tuula
aci o i (B) Mta olic aci o i

ulting f

ho a (C)
 M ta olic aci o i
ulting f
om int tinal o t

cau  (A) Of iff

uction (D) Dia tic k toaci o i 124. Anion gap in pla ma i

ntial i t
iution of ion ac
o cll mm
an (B) Cation outnum
in pla ma (C) Anion outnum 
cation in pla ma (D) Of unma u
 anion  in pl
a ma 125. Salicylat   

 poi oning can cau

 (B) (C)  (D) R pi ato y

  o i M
ta olicaci o i with no
mal anion gap M ta olic aci o i with inc
a anion g
ap Mta olic alkalo i

116. R pi
y aci o i can occu
in all of th 
xcpt (A) (B) (C) (
D) (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) (B) (C) (D) Pulmona
y o ma Hy t
ical hyp
ax Emphy ma Dc
 in pH Inc
a in pCO2 Inc
a in pla ma ica

onat D c
a in pla ma ica
onat B
onchial a thma Collap of lung Hy t
al hyp
vntilation B
onchial o t

117. Th initial vnt in
y aci o i i
118. R pi
y alkalo i can occu
126. Anion gapof pla ma can u to th p
 nc of all th following xcpt
(A) Bica
onat (C) Py
uvat (B) Lactat (D) Cit

119. Th p
y vnt in
y alkalo
 i i (A) (B) (C) (D) Ri in pH D
a in pCO2 Inc
a in pla ma ica
onat Dc
a  in pla ma chlo
   n at la
127. Allth following fatu
 foun in  loo chmi t
y in uncomp  
ctic aci o i xcpt (A) (B) (C) (D) pH i c
a  Bica
onat i c
a  pC
O2 i no
mal Anion gap i no
120. Anion
 gap i th iff
nc in th pla ma concnt
ation of (A) (Chlo
i ) –
onat ) (B) (So ium) – (Chlo
i ) (C) (So ium + Pota ium) – (Chlo
i + Bica

onat ) (D) (Sum of cation ) – (Sum of anion ) 121. No

mal anion gap in pla ma i
a out (A) 5 mq/L (C) 25 mq/L (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) 15 mq/L (D) 40 mq/L
128. All th following
  tatmnt a out 
 tu ula 
aci o i a

t(A) R nal tuul may una l to
a o
(B) R nal
    tu ul may
 l to c
t hy
og n ion (C) Pla ma chlo
i i l vat (D) Anion gap
i c
a  129. All th following chang in loo chmi t
y can occu
in v


hoa xcpt (A) (B) (C) (D) Dc

a  pH Dc
a  ica
onat Inc
pCO2 Inc
a  chlo
122. Anion gap i no
mal in Hyp
amic mta olic aci o i Dia tic ktoaci

o i Lactic aci o i U
a mic aci o i
130. Du
ing compn ation 
yalkalo i , all th following
  chang occ
 xcpt (A) D c
a c
tion of hy
ogn ion y
      tu ul (B) Inc
tionof o ium in u
in (C) Inc
a xc
 of ica
onat in u
in (
D) Inc
a  xc
tion ofammonia in u
in131. Bloo chmi t
y how thfollow
y aci o i : (A) (B) (C) (D) Inc
a  pCO2
ing chang
   in comp n at  
a ica
onat D c
a  chlo
i  All of th 

(C) Mova ma of 1 gm y 1 cm i tanc y a fo
c of 1 Nwton (D)Mov a ma
of 1 kg y 1 m i tanc y a fo
c of 1 Nwton 135. O
ganic compoun of mall mo
iz i (A) U
a (C) C
atinin (B) U
ic aci (D) Pho phat
136. O
ganic u tanc of la
g molcula
iz i (A) Sta
ch (C) Lipi (B) In u

lin (D) P
ot in
137. Bo y wat
gulat y th ho
mon: (A) Oxytocin (C) FSH (B) ACTH (D) E

pin ph
132. Mta olic alkalo i can occu
in (A) (B)  (C) (D) Sv

hoa Rnal fai


nt vomiting Exc iv u  of ca

onic anhy
a  inhi ito

138. Calcium
th activation of th nzym: (A) (B) (C) (D) I oci
at hy
ogna  Fuma
a  Succinat thiokina  ATPa 
133. Which of th following fatu
 nt in loo chmi t
y inuncomp


at m ta olic alkalo     
i xc pt? (A) (B) (C) (D) Inc
a pH Inc
a  ica

at No
mal chlo
i  No
mal pCO2
139. Co alt i a con titunt of (A) Folic aci (C) Niacin (B) Vitamin B12 (D) Bi
   y (A) Fatty aci (C) Vitamin D (B) Amino a
 Calcium a o
ption i inf

ci (D) Vitamin B12 (B) 6.0 (D) 7.0

134.On joul i th n
 to (A) Rai  thtmp
 of 1 gm of wa
y 1°C (B) Rai th t mp
of 1 kg of wat
y 1°C

141. Th av

ag of pH of u
in i (A) 5.6 (C) 6.4
1. D 7. C 13. D 19. D 25. A 31. B 37. B 43. B 49. C 55. D 61. D 67. A 73. A 79.
C 85. D 91. D 97. C 103. D 109. B 115. A 121. B 127. D 133. D 139. B 2. A 8. D 1
4. D 20. A 26. B 32. D 38. A 44. B 50. A 56. A 62. D 68. A 74. B 80. A 86. D 92.
C 98. B 104. D 110. C 116. B 122. A 128. D 134. D 140. A 3. D 9. B 15. A 21. B
27. C 33. A 39. C 45. D 51. A 57. A 63. D 69. B 75. C 81. B 87. C 93. C 99. B 10
5. B 111. B 117. B 123. B 129. C 135. A 141. B 4. C 10. C 16. B 22. C 28. B 34.
B 40. A 46. A 52. B 58. B 64. C 70. B 76. D 82. C 88. A 94. C 100. A 106. D 112.
A 118. C 124. B 130. D 136. D 5. C 11. B 17. A 23. A 29. B 35. C 41. B 47. C 53
. C 59. B 65. A 71. C 77. C 83. B 89. C 95. A 101. B 107. B 113. C 119. B 125. C
131. D 137. A 6. C 12. C 18. A 24. D 30. A 36. A 42. D 48. B 54. A 60. D 66. A
72. D 78. B 84. C 90. C 96. C 102. D 108. A 114. C 120. C 126. A 132. C 138. D

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