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War of the Ring has seen the introduction
of several new Hornblower figures. We
don’t make models for every type of
Hornblower, so they’re the perfect
opportunity to convert your own. Here
are the rules for using them in the
skirmish game.
You may upgrade any number of
warriors* in your army to be
Hornblowers for +20 points. Whilst you
have at least one Hornblower alive on
the battlefield, all of your models have a
+1 bonus to their Courage.
* Only Elves, Men, Orcs, Uruk-hai and
Dwarves can be upgraded to be
Hornblowers. Rohan Hornblower Minas Tirith Hornblower
Amdûr 6 4 6 2 2 4 3 1 1
Amdûr, Lord Blades, is a Hero and can be included in an Easterling army.
Amdûr wears heavy armour and carries an Easterling falchion (Elven blade).
Special Rules
Blood and Glory. If Amdûr kills an enemy Hero in a fight, he immediately
regains a single Might point expended earlier in the battle.
Herald of Victory. Easterlings treat Amdûr as a Banner.
Amdûr, ………………100 points
Lord of Blades (Man)

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