BMI Permission Slip

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Permission for Student Field Trip

Howard County Gifted and Talented Program

Dear Parents/Guardians:
The following field trip has been arranged to compliment this instructional
program. This trip has been approved according to Board of Education Policy and
guidelines established by the Superintendent of Schools and all appropriate school
system policies and school rules are in effect for the duration of the trip. If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact the teacher-in-charge at:

Molly Brennan 443-939-9315

Heather Leatherman
Sherry Jankiewicz

Date: February 12, 2011

Destination: Baltimore Museum of Industry
1415 Key Highway
Baltimore, MD 21230-3940
(410) 727-4808

Objective of Trip: To view/record/draw objects from the museum’s collection. The

drawing will inspire a paper-cut for the next class.
Materials needed: sketchbook, pencils, pen, camera – NO color media and NO
backpacks please! Cell phones must be turned off in museum.
Cost per student: $3.50 per student – $6 per parent chaperone. Money will be
collected from students and chaperones upon arrival at Howard.
Departure Time: Leave Howard at 9:30am; arrive at museum at 10:00
Return Time: Leave museum around 12:00pm; return to Howard around 12:30pm

Parents should arrange to pick up student by 12:30pm

Bus Company: Tip Top Bus Company
Meal Arrangements: Bring a snack to eat on the return bus ride back to Howard (leave
food on bus)
Alternative plans in case of postponement/cancellation: N/A

Parents, we welcome you to join us on our trip! Please check the box below if you are interested
in chaperoning.

 YES! I am interested in chaperoning and would like to join the class on

the bus. ($6)

 YES! I am interested in chaperoning and will provide my own

transportation. ($6)

Parent/Guardian NAME__________________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian SIGNATURE____________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian PHONE NUMBER_______________________________________________________

Student Name_____________________________Student

REMINDER: Emergency cards must be turned in or your child will not board the bus. Thank you!

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