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Term-End Examination
December, 2807


Time : 3 haurs Maximum Msrks : 100

lYofe : Attempt any faur quesficns. All queslfons cs{ry

equal rnsrks.
. . ,
, ,
. - t ,

l. {ai What type of informaticn wiil ycu be locking into

be{ore decidi*g for a proper maintenance siraiegy ?
Explain the pracedure you will recommend for

choosi*a a suitable maintenance slrategy'

{bi whai do you understand by maintenance planning

and scheduling ? What a{e the maintenance

schedullnq characleristics ?

2. {ai which are lhe key decision maklng areas ln design

of resource structure for mainienance organizalion ?

ib) Which problems are unique to spare parts that ather

materials do noi exhibit ? why do ihese problems
occur ?

MS-57 P.T,O.
3. Whai ili::.:s e,i training techniques are available for
prepari::g *:ai:-iienar:cc persCInnelto enhance safetl'
and en'='i'.r:i-li::e*talperf+rmance ?
t t l t "Cusl+:::.:is arfi ih* re.:scn why maintenance crewis
keep thir-:gsru:r-ir:g.-' iliscL:ssthis 'sith reference ta
a n O n : - li ' r n L i f a i c i U i - ! r Q. + + i l - U D .

4" a - t
Explair-r i:*w e{ii:ri*cn€nt redundancy yields higher
ii:*= i_::1itr=.Jundancy.
a n l
lliseus= ti:= r:ecr-*i::ie ccnsideratian of repair ;rnd
replace*:eni *: eql-ti,r:i:-entsin an organization.

5 . ia] Appreciate ihe fr--iniiamentals af replacement

probierns i+'ith .regard to unii machines and

{b} What are ihe eiruses cf time and cost over-runs of

projeeis ? Briefly deseribe the steps. wirich can be
tai<en. tc keen ihe c*sr af the project under contrci.

6- {a} "RCM r-r:et1-:*dc,icgy

f+cuses on the maintenance of
functi*:"rs rather than the e q u i p m e nl per sc.'

{b} Discuss i:rel.'e::iir;* i::aintenance. in what way is

preventive *:ai::tenanee absolutely necessary in
JlTlKanbar:,/puii maciufacturing as opposed to push
manufacii;rir-:g ?


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