Continuity: A Function Is Said To Be Continuous at X A If There Is No Interruption in The Graph of

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A function is said to be continuous at x = a

if there is no interruption in the graph of
f(x) at a.
Continuity of a Function at a Point
• A function is said to be continuous at a point x = a
if the following three conditions are satisfied:
• i. f(x) is defined,that is,exists, at x =a.
• ii. lim f(x) exists.
x a

• iii. lim f(x) =f(a).

x a
3 y

-3 -2 -1 1 2 3



Finite Jump Discontinuity

y y

x x

Infinite Discontinuity
y y

x x

Removable Discontinuity
• Discuss the continuity of f(x)=2 – x3 at x = 1.
• i. f(x) is defined,that is,exists, at x =a.
i. f(1) = 2 – (1)3
f(1) = 1
• ii. lim f(x) exists.
x a
lim f(x) (2 – x3)
x 1
lim f(x) [(2 – (1)3]
x 1
lim f(x) = 1
x 1
• iii. lim f(x) =f(a).
x 1

lim f(x) =f(a)

x 1

Graph of f(x) 2 – x3
• Removable Discontinuity
A function is said to have a removable discontinuity at x = a, if

i. f(a) ii. lim f(x) exists. iii. lim f(x) ≠ f(a).

x a x a

Discuss the continuity of f(x) = x 2–1

i. f(1)= (1) 2–1
= 0 indeterminate.
1–1 0
ii. lim x 2–1
= (x – 1)(x+1)
x 1 x–1 x–1
lim (x+1)= (1+1)=2
x 1

iii. lim f(x) ≠ f(1).

x 1
f(x) is discontinuous at x = 1.

1 x

Removable Discontinuity
• Jump Discontinuity
A function is said to have a jump discontinuity at x = a, if
lim for lim f(x)integer.
f(x)any≠ positive
x a– x a+
3 x1
Discuss the continuity f(x) =
2–x x>1
i. f(1)= 3
ii. lim (2 – x) = 2 – (1) = 1 lim 3 = 3
x 1+ x 1–
lim f(x) ≠ lim f(x)
x 1– x 1+
lim f(x)=does not exist
x 1
iii. lim f(x) ≠ f(1)
x 1

1 x

Finite Jump Discontinuity

• Infinite Discontinuity
Discuss the continuity f(x) = – 2

lim – 12 = – lim – 12 = –
x 0 – x x 0+ x

lim = 
x 0

f(x) has an infinite discontinuity at x = 0


Infinite Discontinuity

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