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2 Flow Chart Of Performance Appraisal Process Carat > 1. Appraisee to take Five Quarterly targets related with given Performance Parameters in consultation with Appraiser and fil-up in Terget Setting Form. 2. Appraisee to write down tan role stributes in Form-B spplicabe to his grade ‘and working area from the role Attribute page at the beginning of this booklet. [Responsibility |Appraigeo/Appraisor Page Number 1 to 6 each Quarter & other forms are perforated ‘shoots which ara in duplicate. Kindly ensure that a carbon paper is used while these sheet are being filed up. er to Coach and guide appraisee in ing target and give feedback. 1. Appeaisae to Fill-up Targets in Form-A (raferTargat Setting page) and mention the achievements against each target, 2. Appraisee to write Facitating and Constraining factors as felt by hira. 3. Mention Outstancing achievements 4, Give the feed back in “My Learnings” against the applicable erterla mentioned thera, 5. Identiy training needs, [At the end of Quarter 1 of FYO3- 1, Fillup Outstanding Achievements (Annual summery) 2, Fllup Tisining and Seif Developmentvaluation Annual Summary ‘And take the form to appraiser Responsibility /Appraisee/ Immediate Superior Responsibility Appraise ‘Appraiser to ovalusto Appraisoe 41, For targot achievernent in Form “A” and rate the achievement and give the feedback. 2, Evaluation of Cross Functional Targets, to be done jointly by appraiser and CFT leader, 8, Go through Feclitating & consteining Factors, Outstanding ‘Achievements and My Learnings and write comments in bret 4, Evaluate on Role Attributes in Form "3 6, Internal Customer to give the feed back and Reting ‘Atthe end of Qtr. 1 of Fy08 avaluate Appraisee on 1. Loaming & Seif Dovelopment Evaluation (Annual Summary) and. sive the rating out ofS. 2, Outstanding Achievements and evaluate out of 6. 3. Overall Performance Rating. 4. Complete Annual Assessmont Summa Decide Five Targets for next Quarter and fil up Terget Setting Form. Responsibility |Appraiser/Appraiset & Internal Customer HOD to. 1. Go through assessment and comments and put signatures ‘and give comments if any in the space provided. 2, Also go through the Evaluation of Outstanding ‘Achievements, Learning end Self Development, Training needs identified 3, Send Booklets to HAD before the 15th of next month of preceding Quarter, End of Quarter Appraisal Responsibility HOD/Appraisce Dept. / Ticket No. Performance Appraisal TARGET SETTING FOR THE QUARTER 1 OF 2007-2008 (Appraisee to take the five targets for the next quarter in consultation with Appraiser and send this form alongwith other forms to HRD.) Targot-1 (Tick mark whether related to 1) AOP 2) LRP _ 3) Cross Functional Projects 4) Departmental Target 5) Self Development / System Development 6) People / Grg. Development) Target-2 (Tick mark whether related to 1) AOP_ 2) LAP _ 3) Cross Functional Projects 4) Departmental Target 6) Self Development / System Development 6) People / Org. Development) ‘Target-3 (Tick mark whether related to 1} AOP 2) LRP 3) Cross Functional Projects 4) Departmental Target 5) Self Development / System Development 6) People / Org. Development} Target-4 (Tick mark whether related to 1) AOP_2) LRP _3) Cross Functional Projects 4) Departmental Target 5) Seif Development / System Development 6) People / Org. Development) Target-5 (Tick mark whether relatedto 1)AOP 2)LRP 3) Cross Functional Projects 4) Departmental Terget 5) Seif Development / System Development 6) People / Org. Development) (Signature of Appraise) (Signature of Appraiser) (Signature of HOD) 5 Performance Appraisal Form A Five Targets are a must Name of the Appraisee : Name of the Department : Name of the Appraiser : ‘Quarter No. : 07 2007 - 2008 Ye Dept. / Ticket No. 70% weightage ‘Appraiser to rate against each target by mutual discussions with appraisoe on the basis of completion of Target. Rating : 5 = Outstanding (96% & above), 4 = Very Good (86-95%), 3 = Good (71-85%), 2 = Fair (50-70%), 1 = Poor (below 50%) Portormance Parameters, Targets and Achievements Appraiser’s Rating FL. Performance Parameter : Tick mark whether related fo 1)AOP_2)LRP 3) Cross Functional Projects, 4) Departmental Target 5) Self Development / System Development 6) People / Orgenisation Development [Target Achievement : [2. Performance Paramotor : Tick mark whether related to 1)AOP_ 2) LRP 3) Cross Functional Projects 4) Departmental Target |__5) Self Development / System Development _ 6) People / Organisation Development [Target : [Achievement : I. Performance Parameter: Tick mark whether releted to 4}AOP” 2} LAP] Gross Funetionel Projects 4) Departmental Target 5} Self Development / System Development 6) People / Organisation Development Target: Achievement : Conta... Performance Appraisal ‘Quarter No. : 07 Year : 2007 - 2008 Dept. / Ticket No. Form A contd... Performance Parameters, Targets and Achievements Tenge a. Performance Paremeter : Tick mark whether related to 1)AOP 2) LAP 3} Cross Functional Projects 4) Departmental Target 5} Self Development / System Development 6) People / Organisation Development Target : Achievement : 5, Performance Parameter : Tick mark whether related 10 1)AOP_ 2) LRP 3) Cross Functional Projects 4) Departmental Target 5) Self Development / System Development _ 6) People / Organisation Development Target : | Achievement : Total : ippraiser’s / HOD’s Remark : Signsture of appraisae is to confirm that feedback is given to him and rating given by Appraiser is jointly agroed between Appraiser & Appralsee. (Signature of Appraise) (Signature of Appraiser) 2 (Signature of HOD) Performance Appraisal - Role Attributes Quarter No. : 07 Year : 2007 - 2008 Dept. / Ticket No. Form B Appraisee to write down role Attributes given at the beginning of this booklet 15% weightage applicable to his grade and working area. Appraiser to refer Quarter 4 report and evaluate the appraisee against each Role Attributes. Rating : 5 = Outstanding, 4 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 2 = Fair, 1 = Poor S/N Role Attribute Rating 1 2. 3. 4 5. 6. HE — a | a | 10. | ‘Total MY LEARNINGS Visit, 3) Pa Journals, Busi Appraise to write the details of learning from - 1) Visit to outside organisation, ipation in Business Meet, Exhibitions, Conferences, 4) Training, 1ess Magazines etc., 6) External Course 2) Customer 5) Reading of Books, 4 {Signature of Appraisee} (Signature of Appreiser) (Signature of HOD) Signature of appraisee is to confitm that feedback is given to him and rating given by Appraiser is Jointly agreed betwoen Appraiser & Appraisee. 4 ‘Quarter No. : 01 Year : 2007 - 2008 Performance Appraisal Dept./ Ticket No. Ht FACILITATING/CONSTRAINING FACTORS & OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS. Facilitating Factors : (Appraisee to write which were the factors that helped to achieve the targets, Please give reference ‘to specific Target Nos.) Constraining Factors : (Appraisee to write the factors which were constraints to achieve the targets, Please give reference to specific Target Nos.) Outstanding Achievements / Significant Contribution : (Appraisee to write his outstanding echievements / significant contribution with quantified benefits to KCL.) | Comments of the Appraiser : (Appraises to briefly mention how Facilitating Factors will be reinforced and Constraining |_| Factors will be raduced/eliminated. Also comment on Outstanding achievement.) [Year : July 2006 to | June 2007 OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTS Dept. / Ticket No. ANNUAL SUMMARY Name of the Appraise = Outstanding Achievements / Significant Contribution : (Appraise to summaries outstanding achievernents/significant contributions done by him during the past four quarters.) Appraisers Comments : (Appraiser to comment/elaborate and confirm and give the rating out of maximum 5.) Appraiser’s Rating :| Maximum : 5 | Actual : (Signature of Appraise} {Signature of Appraiser} (Signature of HOD) LEARNING AND SELF DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION ANNUAL SUMMARY Dept. / Ticket No. Appreisee to summarise the learning details from “My Learnings" related with - 1) Visit to outside | organisation, 2) Customer Visit, 3} Participation in Business Meet, Exhibitions, Conferences, | 4) Training, 5) Reading of Books, Journals, Business Magazines etc,, 6) External Course praise & Ropratcer omy aval Training Topic Date Faculty the effectiveness of Training | Not [eect] Very | No Effective! ve | Effect-| Opportunity | ive | touse the sk | | aaa | — | | | | | Based on the effectiveness of Learning & Self Development Appraiser should give the Rating [ Maximum :§ [Actual (Signature of Appraise) (Signature of Appraiser) (Signature of HOD) 7 July 2006 to ANNUAL ASSESSMENT SUMMARY Dap Wokat No {July, 2006 to June, 2007) Name of the Appraise + Please fill in the overall assessment against Performance Parameters / Targets, Role Attributes, Outstanding Achievements, Leaming 4 Self Development Rating | | | | | [oe | | | | FY07 -02 FY07 -03 FYO7 -04 FY08 -01 Total of Quarterly | | (WJuly, 08-Sept., 06) | | (Oct,, 06 -Dec,, 08) | | Wan., 07 -Mar., 07) | | (Apr, 07 - June, 07) Target Rating | | } (02 + 03 +04 +01 1) Target Rating (Weightage 70 marks) X70 = | it 100 | | | | 2)Role Attributes Reting 93 + far i (Weightage 15 marks) X15 = 100 |_| 31 Yearly Rating of Outstanding Achievements 7 | {Weightaga 5 marks) || ay Neary Reting of Learning & Seif Development = ( Weightage 5 marks) i | | | 5) Internal Customer's Rating oz a [os (Weightage 5 marks) ; a ANNUAL PERFORMANCE RATING (Sum of 1 to 5} = OVERALL PERFORMANCE RATING Based on the overall performance for the year, Appreiser to tick mark in the appropriate box. (7) outstanding Exceeds Expectations [_] Meet Expectations Needs improvement — [_] Unacceptable (Signature of Appraise) (Signature of Appraiser) (Signature of HOD) a3

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