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Capital Injections for investors:

Cash Capital would be injected in three different phases. Following are the details:

Phase 1 : Fund raising for Market Research

Amount of the investment: 300,000 TK (Anjohn vai please confirm this amount)
Source of Investment: Mesbah uncle
Date of Investment: Not Decided

1. Please read the “Market Research” attachment for details on research area.
2. Appointing the right research company.
3. Negotiating the terms and condition with the research company.
4. Prepare and confirm the Business plan
5. Prepare a list of potential Angel Investors for future round of investment
6. Research on Marketing strategy.

Phase 2: Selecting board members & Advisory body and appointing

business development director

Amount of the investment: 100,000 TK (Anjohn vai please confirm this amount)
Source of Investment: Mesbah uncle
Date of Investment: Not Decided

1. Contacting the executive search companies for appointing the business development

2. Use our own connections to select the board members and advisory body with proven track
Phase 3: Forging Strategic Alliance and Raising capital funding

Amount of the investment: Not decided.

Source of Investment: Angel investors foreign or local
Date of Investment: Not Decided

Forging strategic alliances* with local companies

*Providing corporate training to the company employees.
8 Forging strategic alliances/Partnership* with foreign companies
*outline of this would be discussed again.
8 Alliance with local universities/institutes*
*we could provide/organize special certificate program for students of our allied
8 Partnership with IT companies*
*They can setup a system for online training and maintain it.

Phase 4: Marketing strategy

Amount of investment: Using company resources.

1. Decide the marketing strategy

2. Work on other aspects of strategic marketing
3. seek support from advisory body

Phase 5: Setting up offices

Amount of investment: 3,500,000 TK (Apu vai can confirm this figure)

Source of Investment: Angel investors foreign/local
Date of Investment: Not Decided

1. Please check the attachment “Cost Projection”.

Phase 6: Starting of Operation

Amount of investment: Non decided

Souce of Investment: Angel investors foreign/local
Date of Investment: Not Decided

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