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Robert Louis STEVENSON

Robert Louis Stevenson was born in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland.

His parent wanted him to follow his father: they wanted him to become an engineer, but he
decided to study law at Edinburgh University. In 1875 he passed an exam to become a
lawyer but he he never worked as a lawyer : his dream was to be a writer.

From when he was a child Stevenson had tuberculosis, so because of his health problems,
he traveled the world, looking for a better climate. He went to France and Spain and during
a visit in France, he met Fanny Osbourne, an American woman. They fell in love and they
married in 1880 in California. After a short period in California, Stevenson and his wife
went back to Scotland but in 1887 they left this country for ever to go to America first and
finally to the Samoa, where they made their home.
There he was called the “story teller” by the local people.
His health got better, but he died suddenly of a brain hemorrhage on his island, Vailima in
He was only 44 years old.

He write many travel book, he found the inspiration through his travels but Stevenson his
famous for his fiction book. He said that he wanted to write exciting stories. He wrote
famous adventures books too, younger readers still enjoy them.

Bibliography :
New Arabian Nights (1882)
Treasure Island (1883)
Prince Otto (1885)
Kidnapped (1886)
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1886)

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