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Kondreddy Receipes

We are very thankful to everyone who has helped us sail through the journey of
preparing an analytical report and presentation under the Discover India Project. We
earnestly thank our respected chairman, Mr. Parag Shah and our honorable president, Dr.
Indira.J.Parikh for granting us the opportunity to explore and learn through the course of
the project by making it mandatory as a part of the undergraduate program at FLAME.
We thank the FLAME management and staff for supplying us the financial resources to
meet our expenses for example Travel, accommodation, food etc.
We would especially like to thank our mentor Prof. Sameer Dubley for his ideas,
insights, guidance, criticism and endless trust in us. He has been a great source of
motivation for us in the roughest times. We thank him for all the valuable advice and
suggestions that helped us reach make our project better. We would also like to thank
Prof. Maya Dodd for her invaluable inputs and suggestions to make our report better.
Our special thanks to Mr. Veer babu who has been a guiding light for our project.
Veerbabu’s presence was essential for our group to survive in an agency area. Very
sincere thanks to Mr. Borram Reddy for not only sharing his medical knowledge but also
applying it practically on a fellow member of the group to cure her slip disc. We also
thank the king of Bobbili who has been a great help in assisting us with the officials of
the village. We would also like to thank the manager of the veena making unit who has
given us insights about the history and evolution of veenas. We are very grateful to the
government of Andhra Pradesh, the media and the officials who helped us in our project
and showed immense faith in our project.
We would finally conclude by stating that our project would have come to a
standstill without the help we received from every local person, professional people,
media exposure and the various other people who contributed to our project. We treasure
the fond memories we have of the people in Andhra Pradesh for their faith, trust and
support which has added lot of value to our research.
1 KONA MAAMIDI Treats cough
2 ADAVI MAAMIDI Strengthens the heart
3 VEDURU PILAKALU Improves body health and blood
4 VEDURU BIYYAM Energy booster
5 VYMU DUMPA Used as a contraceptive
6 ADAVIPENDALAM. Stronger muscles, production of semen
in men and milk in women.
7 NELATHADI, MAGASIRI Boosts masculinity
8 GODUGULU OR Better health overall
9 SATHAVARI Good during pregnancy for the mother
10 TOLLUDU GINJELU Subsides piles
11 PAPPULU AND DINUSULU Better nutrition
12 ADUSULU Used for cooking, good for the heart
13 GODDUKOORA Treats Phlegm and Biliousness
14 CHEMAKOORA Increases appetite, better digestion
15 GURUGUKOORA Improves eyesight and prevents eye
16 SAPPIKOORA Prevents long term ailments
17 SHEEKAYA CHIGURLU Treats malaria and typhoid
18 CHIKILINTHAKOORA Helps treating eye and respiratory
19 PONNAGANTIKOORA Treats Kidney problems
20 BALUSU KOORA Helps live longer and better
21 YERRA BACHALI Cools the body, dissolves nodes and
22 MUNAGAKU Blood and digestive power increases
23 GAJUKOORA Prevents diabetes
24 ATUKUMAAMIDI Energy booster, cures eye problems
25 ADAVI PASUPU Increases life span, antibiotic
26 ADAVI AMUDAM Immunity booster, purgative
27 TIPPATEEGA TEA Phlegm, Biliousness, Malaria, Jaundice
28 ADAVI ARATI Constipation
29 ADAVI MIRCHI Treats scorpion and centipede bites
30 MULLA VANGA Controls anger, Asthma
31 KONDA KAKARA Used to cure all ailments
32 KARU NIMMA Phlegm, Biliousness, skin diseases
33 YERRA CHITRAMOOLAM Treats muscular weakness
34 KOVELA JIGURU Reduction of body heat, treats urinary
35 CHIRUMANU Improves sharpness of mind, reduces
36 RAJULADUMPA Improves digestion, increases appetite,
helps treat heart problems
37 UTTARENI Treats fits and convulsions
38 SUGANDHI VERLU Reduce body heat, treats urinary
39 JEELUGU KALLU Improves digestion, improves
complexion of babies if eaten by
pregnant women
40 TELAGAPINDI KURA, Treats kidney problems
41 SUNTHA DUMPALU Malaria, Typhoid, Jaundice
42 PULLA CHEEMALU Treats ailments and eye problems

Ayurveda the traditional science, which is gaining glory in the recent times.In this
generation there has been a lot of changes that has occurred in the food habbits of human
beings. Presently, one’s body is prone to all kinds of diseases.Everybody has become
health conscious but they cannot avoid eating the fast food which has become the staple
food for the present generation.But where as these tribals are disease resisitant. They
hardly suffer with any of the dangerous diseases. The main reason for that is the food
habbits of these tribals. They take that part of the plant which has a medicinal property
and cook it with the normal food which they intake. Folowing are some of the plants
that are used in day to day lives to protect them from the diseases.
Our aim of this receipe book is to create some awareness amongst all of us to lead
a healthy life. Our generation has technologically advanced but even with the modern
medicines and science our reasearches unable to cures for different kinds of
diseases.These tribals on the other hand even though they lead a simple life has found out
remedies for various diseases and set an example for us to follow.Our sincere efforts for
this contribution may help everybody to avoid dangerous diseases.
1. KONA MAAMIDI (Ardisia solanasia): TIP MANGO

According to the tribal, one gets relief from cough when they eat the tip of this plant
and one can be relieved if the flowers of this plant with dhal (Red gram) are cooked
as a curry and consumed.

1. ADAVI MAAMIDI (Mangifera Indica) WILD MANGO

Remove the seed from the stone of the mango and soak it in water for 3 days. By
doing this, the bitterness and astringency is removed. The seed is to be dried in the sun
after which it is powdered and consumed by making Roti or Porridge. It is said that this
gives strength to the heart.

2. VEDURU PILAKALU (Mangifera indica-wild) BAMBOO SHOOTS:

The shoots that grow in the bushes during the rainy season are very tender. The tribal
collect and cut this in to small pieces to make a curry. Eating this improves blood and
body health.


The seeds that are collected from the ear heads of bamboo are called Bamboo rice. It is
said that when this seed rice is cooked along with food, it energises ones body and mind.

5. VYMU DUMPA (Diascorea tomentas) :DOYALA YAM.

The tubers of this plant are used as a contraceptive by the tribals.

6. ADAVIPENDALAM. (Diascorea Bulbiferous-wild) AIR POTATO:

The tubers of this plant help aid against muscular weakness. If consumed, it also helps
improve the production of semen in male and milk in women.

7. NELATHADI, MAGASIRI GADDA. (Curculigo orchids):

Men eat this flower by frying, for improvement in one’s masculinity.


Everyone knows well about mushrooms. But the mushrooms that sprouts on a withered
mango trees are called, ‘Mango Mushrooms’ and that which are grown on the bamboo
grove are called Bamboo mushrooms. It is said that these are considered a healthy diet.
They eat this by making a curry out of it.

9. SATHAVARI (Asparagus recemosus).

These tubers are available in the forests. Tribals use this as food. It is considered good
for a child bearing mother. If the tender tubers are given to the milk giving animals more
milk is obtained.

10. TOLLUDU GINJELU (Gnetum Ula):

If the seeds of this plant are consumed by burning, it helps in the treatment of ‘piles’


Like the red gram and green gram the tribal grow Dama and Aanapa pulses which are
very nutritive among the pulses.


These are a kind of seeds among the crops cultivated by the tribal. Edible oil is extracted
from this and used for cooking.

13. GODDUKOORA (Bauhinia verigata):

The tender leaves of this tree is cut and used as a curry, and this helps to treat phlegm and
biliousness (Kapha and Pythya).


This plant grows lavishly beside water springs in the forests, this leafy vegetable helps in
increasing one’s digestive power and appetite.

15. GURUGUKOORA (Amaranthus sps):

By consuming this leafy vegetable as a curry, it helps improve one’s eyesight and cures
eye infections. As the tribals consume this vegetable as infants, none of them require the
aid of spectacles for clear vision.

16. SAPPIKOORA (Carasia Pedeta):

This is a garden bed that is available in the forests and the leaves are very tasty and citrus
in nature. Consuming this in the form of chutney or a curry helps preventing long-term

17. SHEEKAYA CHIGURLU (Casia Sinuta):

Malaria and Typhoid are common fevers in the tribal areas. If the tender leaves of this
tree is collected and consumed in the form of chutney, it also helps prevent phlegm and

18. CHIKILINTHAKOORA (Oxalis corniculata):

This leafy vegetable is found in cool and moist areas in the forest. This helps cure eye
and respiratory problems.
19. PONNAGANTIKOORA (Amaranthus sps) Achyranthes tridendra:

. This leafy vegetable found abundantly by the side of canals and streamlets. This plant
helps patients who are suffering from kidney diseases.

20. BALUSU KOORA (Xanthium parviflorum)

Tribals like eating these leafy vegetables which are available everywhere naturally in the
forest areas. This is a famous proverb in Andhra Pradesh-‘One can eat Balusukoora if one
is alive’. The tribals differently say this proverb as-‘On should live to eat Balusukoora at

21. YERRA BACHALI (ceropageia)

This is available in the forest areas near rivulets and streams. By consuming this it is
claimed that all the tumors and nodes in the body gets dissolved. The tribal also believe
that the body becomes cool if one consumes the same.

22. MUNAGAKU (Moringa pterygosperma):\

This vegetable helps an individual suffering from Anemia and Leucoderma to increase
their digestive system and purify their blood.

23. GAJUKOORA (Solanum vairum)

Diabetes can be controlled if these leaves are heated on fire and consumed. Similarly
diabetes can also be controlled by the same. Although it has a bitter taste, it helps with

24. GUMMADI CHIGURLU (Cucurbit asps): Pumpkin plant’s tender leaves.

Generally we eat the pumpkin. The tribal eat the tender leaves of the plant as leafy

25. ADAVI KARIVEPA (Mrraya Kaingii-wild):

When compare to karivepa the wild one posse’s bigger leaves. It has fine odor and
contains more medicinal values.

26. ATUKUMAAMIDI (Borehevia diffusa):

This is an important leafy vegetable among many that the tribal use. This vegeatable
helps to control eye problems.

27. ADAVI PASUPU (Curcuma oendora) Wild turmeric:

This wild plant is naturally availabale in the forest areas and it contains more medicinal
values than the domestic turmeric. It helps increase one’s life span and acts as an anti

28. ADAVI AMUDAM (Jatropha sps):

The oil extracted from the seeds is called wild castor oil/Adavi aamudam. This is a good
purgative and helps prevent diseases.

29. VIPPANOONE (Madhuca Indica)

Vippanoone (oil of the vippa seeds) is prepared from the seeds procured from the vippa
tree. It is consumed just as an edible oil.
30TIPPATEEGA TEA (Tinospora cordifolia):

Tea can be made with these dried plant pieces and if consumed early in the morning,
malaria and Jaundice can be controlled.

31. ADAVI ARATI (Musa resimosa) wild banana:

The occasionally found wild banana in the forests is not ment to eat but the flower can be
consumed as a curry which helps control constipation.

32. ADAVI MIRCHI (Wild chillis):

The naturally available half centimeter sized wild mirchi is also called seema mirchi. It is
claimed that this is 10 times spicier than the generally available mirchi. Tribals not only
use this in cooking but also as an anti venom for scorpion and centipede bite.

33. ADAVI TAMATO (Tomato-wild):

These crawl up from creepers. It is small and spherical in shape and contains a lot of
medicinal values.

34 ADAVI DONDA (Coccinia Indica):

These are available naturally in the forests. It is better than the domestic donda in
appearance and taste.

35. MULLA VANGA (Solanam sps) Thorny brinjal.

These spherical shaped thorny brinjals are generally collected by tribal after it is fully
grown in the forests. They cut this in to pieces and make pickle like Avakai and store it.
This helps in controlling anger and asthma.
36. KONDA KAKARA (Momordica sps):

Very bitter in taste the kondakakara is small in size and round in shape. It acts as an
overall body ailment manager if consumed as a curry.

37. CHITTIPANASA (Artocorpus lokucha):

The chittipanasa is rarely available in the forests. Tribal’s eat this in the form of a curry..

38. KARU NIMMA (Citrus medica):

This plant is also called as Adavi nimma (wild lemon) and it is very sour in taste.
Biliousness and phlegm subside by drinking this. The leaves are used to cure skin

39. YERRA CHITRAMOOLAM (Plumbago rosia)

This plant is found very scarcely in the forests. It is a cure for muscular weakness; if the
roots of the plant is mixed with chicken and consumed.

40. KOVELA JIGURU (Sterculia Urens)

The bark of this tree contains gum. Consumption of this gum helps reduce body heat and
cures urinary infections.

41. CHIRUMANU (Anoguises latifolia):

The bark of the tree called Chirumanu is removed, dried and powdered. This powder is
used as tea. Drinking this helps to keep the mind and body active and sharp.

42. RAJULADUMPA (Gingiber jurambat):

These tubers are available in the forests and appear like ginger. Consuming this in the
form of a soup helps in improving digestion and increasing appetite. This specially helps
to cure heart problems.

43. UTTARENI (Achyranthus aspera):

Uttareni plants are found in plain lands also. The seeds are very small and tiny and appear
like rice. It is said colleting, cooking and consuming these seeds strengthens ones
immunity system. It also serves as a good medicine for fits and convulsions.

44. SUGANDHI VERLU (Hemidismus indicus).

These are naturally available in the forests. These roots once dried and powdered can be
consumed as a cool drink. It helps reduce body heat and also cures urinatory problems.

45. TANGEDU GINJALU (Xylia xylocarpa):

The konda tangedu seeds that are available only during summer are said to be very tasty.
Tribal eat the seeds after roasting. This helps improve one’s strengt

46. JEELUGU KALLU (Caryota urens)

The jeelugu tree appears similar to a coconut tree and is found only in forests. Toddy is
collected from this tree. Some consume this for intoxication, and some consume this
considering it a medicine. It helps improve digestion and when consumed by pregnant
women, it helps improve the baby’s complexion.


The leaf of this plant is consumed in the form of chutney. It helps patients with kidney
problems to recover faster.

48 SUNTHA DUMPALU (Gingiber rosium):

These appear more or less similar to our domestic Ginger and are found only in the
forests areas. Consuming this in the form of chutney protects one from Malaria, Typhoid
and even Jaundice.

This may be a little strange to hear, but the tribal’s make chutney with these ants and eat.
These ants stay in the nests built by them on top of tree branches. The eggs of these ants
are also eaten by frying them. This helps cure long term ailments and eye problems.


Wild date trees are generally found in grass hills in the forests. The roots of these trees
resemble prawns. These are consumed by the tribes in the form of a soup. It helps them
keep physically fit.

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