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Genre: Historical Fiction

“Historical Fiction is fiction set in the past. It contains a rich mixture of fact and
fiction. Through novels and short stories, an author may combine factual
information about the time, place, events, and real people of the period with
fictional characters, dialogue, and details. All of these help you experience what
it was like to live during the era when the story takes place.” (LOL, p. 706)

“Historical Fiction is fiction that is set in the past. It may contain references to
actual people and events of the past. Though based in fact, it also contains Lindquist, Terry. “Why
fictional elements such as description and dialogue.” (LOL, p. R12) and How I Teach with
Historical Fiction.”
Characteristics of Historical Fiction Retrieved August 15,
2002, from
• presents a well-told story that doesn't conflict with historical records http://teacher.scholastic.c
• portrays characters realistically om/lessonrepro/lessonpla
• presents authentic settings
• artfully folds in historical facts Beck, Cathy, Shari
Nelson-Faulkner, and
• provides accurate information through illustrations Kathryn Mitchell Pierce.
• avoids stereotypes and myths “Historical Fiction:
Teaching Tool or Literary
Experience.” Language
More Characteristics of Historical Fiction Arts, Vol. 77, No. 6, July
• well-told story 2000. NCTE.
• believable setting and characters
• plot supported by historical evidence
• tells a compelling story first and relates historical information second

Categories of Historical Fiction

• Glimpses of Everyday Life—
o tells a story through the eyes of characters who are not famous
o reveals an historical era through what people ate, how they may
have experienced historical events, what attitudes they shared
and customs they practiced
• Real-Life Historical Figures
o portrays famous people in their historical setting
o goes beyond the limits of textbooks to include the daily lives and
concerns of these figures
• On and Behind the Front Lines
o sets the characters and plot in the context of war
o creates a picture of how wars affect the lives of individuals and
their communities
• Oppressed Peoples
o told through the voices of persecuted peoples
o provides opportunity for discussion of whose stories get told

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