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The Music: Michael Massey (4:00) Rosy Bayuk and Dan Bultman (5:00) The Reptile Palace Orchestra (00) Please come join parents, children, staff, neighbors and friends in a celebration of Emerson’s musicians and music lovers. Order form enclosed. Consider inviting relatives, friends, and neighbors to join us before placing your order. Please use the EagleFest envelope and return your order in backpack mail. Deadline for advance ticket orders is February 15. Price at the door increases 20%. Your family and friends are invited to a benefit concert / music festival. The PTO presents... Ea lefest Cri Sunday, February 20, 2011 4:00 to 7:30 PM at The Harmony Bar and Grill 2201 Atwood Ave. at Dunning St. Yes, we're music lovers and would like to support Emerson. Our ticket order is as follows: _ Adults at $10.00 Children (5 - 18 years old) at $5.00 Children under 5 are free. rotall Ordetiaveese reat as Miemesteier scenes We can’t make it to the er but here i our donation. Please make checks payable to “Emerson Elementary PTO." Name: Address: Phone or Email Please provide child name/classroom at Emerson if applicable: Please check this box if you are Emerson Staff. vsssesssesseeen u Si, estamos amantes de maisica y nos gustaria apoyar Emerson. Nuestro pedido de boletos sigue: ____Adultos $10.00 Nifios (5 - 18 afios) $5.00 Nifios menos de cinco afios son gratis Pedido Total .......ccc0+8 Por favor haga los cheques a “Emerson Elementary PTO." Nombre: Direcci6n: Teléfono o direcci6n electrénico Por favor provea nombre/clase de su nifio de Emerson (si aplicable):

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