Exemplary Music Educator

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Moelig Aspects 0s at rypcly fll within the abi of quliaive research in ea ‘on—case sts, priipatoservations,ehaoeapicnaralives, among, bers—imvestigatons peated on the asunpin of open soil sytem ‘hid, the analysis vases emporantenprcal quesies thal Wart testing. The astumpatans ad assertion ofthe aay teparing mich ee 28 the hypothesized gules an sterling af expectations, peer ces, zones of tolerate, callson, coopers, sad sept re pet ety speculative. Empical qesions tt fallow from fs analysis pe. aly fice mater relied othe partularqsies of deioa taking within and withouta ype TV isractona rd sl suggest esystemate sty arta qaes of eacherand stew cole nmi scion and be lepton elit a sha This analy goes to the ea of quanta ad guaiaiveresech in music educato,costud theoretcally and enpcly, and vies impor. tut pits questions for masie edatrs, Pails, te reaonhip betwen dhe descrip ualites of expenence explored nti analys and ‘noma impeaives~the elatonthp beter whi and ha shld bois delight one fore pilsopher of si cation ut emi for sowie da. References Sorgenen, ER. (1981), On a choice asd into ypelogy in muse “ournao esearch n Make Easton, 29,97 102 Sorgsen, ER. (195) ‘a analsis of pe IV msl ists in 3 ‘acre ya, Qari Iara n tt Teaching ad Ler Ing: 1) 1631 McKenzie, RB, & Suaf, R (197), An economic theory of leaning Saad sovereign and acon, cbr, VA Unie Exemplary Music Educator: A Case Study Gerald King University of Viera Vitor, Griish Columba, Canada Aron mating rt common cree, aa This arile esrbes 4 10-month strait sad of easher wh ss sine an iteratonal eputtion tn exemplary educator ina single seting {ocmre tan 25 yet. Certainly, few rsearhers have a shan oppor: ny. The purpose of this single case stady war examine tagh he seo puticipantetoerrtion, ctnogrpic imerien, andar! alcton, arch, ‘hick description ofthe pron and profesional quale of well respected mic ecto inthe hope at We ny beter understand wt means ote exemplary musi edt Setting the Stage Although he tet on aches provides 2 mumber of approaches fo xamining exper ethers the eer incoclsive abut what mean ‘beanexempary teacher Although ther eagresmens among the sare at ‘teachers peony, bekavo, nd knowledge sre paramount deter Ing the dete of ache’ success athe clasoam, nih the avaible research provides lt of characteristics i olaon of content ised of | [rovidng sols view of he teaching oe “Te iterate of aching stan a ar demented hat there i le sodernading ofthe innate characteris of rest aches, a8 many ofthe ‘raters are intangible and speci to the nvidal. However, te fdings suggest that researchers ms coninue to serch for ways to Bete expan the ao acing ‘A signin porn of he avalble esearch has sought 10 define teacher excelnce by shying Shavit a ate quaniable The erature ‘epi wih rcp lst of ais and characteris of expe teaches The poor var posed at he Guat Mebtges n Me Econ ‘ese Carerc' iy 118 ts, Do Scat ase Uy ee (ine Cooma Altough the entiation of specie laactenscs fat felped ue ‘eae education for ecdes, st in hemteve ae nuit, atts ‘nd characteristics of expe teachers fe lile understanding when sade Sos analyzed separately Recealy,eseach has focused on the imprance of knowlege sited by experience. The personal, Soi, nd academe exert bse of ade vidal teachers is considered important a determining rcsess the lst ‘oom, Such a iew sues that expert in eaching context The cumen Iieraue on teaching ip musi education provides no new insight it the realm ofthe exemplary teacher, Lists of hates dam ‘ute he iterate. The comple) of understanding experiencing i ‘ae tan concepaling at fabs an charters, To peste ‘cos fused on atte and characteristics without pera coatexan {infomation is redactions view, move compatible with sing a ec ‘ion Although te cunent seiges of edsatonapeartae nfs, macho the retncion exemplary teachers contest be Bed om 4 mechani though tee have been many ates provide an adegute desig tion ofthe exeplay teacher so tht pols fer teacher edveation could be ‘ey estab here continues be le consesus (Ryan, 1988); hee, ‘se comin o sgl 0 understand te meu ofthese el aches During a conference for edcationa lender beld a Brigham Young Univesity in Utah he aowing ueton was poet the guest pekers Dillon, R Gibdoey, S. Hales, D, Solway): “How 9 you defie a good ‘each, and how shoul we prepare teacher given that iew?” The anewers ‘ange om "Te eld of ebuation docs at have an anouer othe guest” (Piles, 1991); 19 "We must fous os te tora ste of faction aching ‘ales, pilsophy and religion (Gibson, 199); 0 "We must search or harass in teaches at emgage sens (Hae, 1991, 10 "Good testes canpot ike the postive quali” (Solway, 1991). Wekner (1987) Sted tat eseuch has proved vo many anser fo he question epi teacher quality tat itis dificult o provide define aver Reseach that has sought to provide empirical evidence about acer aunty ha fled (Dit, 1991; Gide, 191), As well ach ofthe revearch and recom ‘mendations eteseata mechani iw of ection (Eee, 197; Schon, 1083; Walker, 108) List of characteris tas and Reavis have bee generated by esearch fr decade. "Perope tie tat othe esrptions ‘out teaching. be emeraned, not aa subsite perhaps, bu surely a 2 Complement fo what we have been doing over the lst seveaytve yeas” (Giaer 197,927) ‘icbermaa abd Miler (1984) sated Ut we nado unerstand beter what echet actully do, How thy come o know what has 9 Be Sone and Sow wacker fncion inte soil serie ofthe school and comma Dron (191) concuned: “Tel me wander tags abou caching snd 9 teacher and give me sme ideal 0 cop... Rea the lives of tome get teachers wo give you values apd inspaton” Documented accounts ofthe rate of exemplary teachers woul bei serve he cede of preservice teacher educaton progam by allowing that tein the dscns fo Undemtand beter ow to become an exerplay teacher I therefore, import hat we ie those inde representative and eservng oF ‘he ite exemplar” so th ter stories may be wi. TEs my ie thal we at don the current escarch as by provi ing descriptive examples of exemplary teaches within the cones of thei ‘envromen! at Tt of chirairicr and atts are meaning oly ‘when dese in cniext The context information pained by staying Tescers in he envonment appears 10 be cravat undetsunding bee tat treat be an exp teacher ‘The Main Actor—David I. Dunnet People re more important tha things Beard ie Background and Education David Donets a quit, gene india, yet power in an ws ing way. He sx fer si ines al has dark Hew ai and he eye, ‘When oe vinnie ana al x Dave, ne usa picts an imposing fique—aoch isn the case with David Dunst His height S smevlat Iliac by hs lnk, aomdominceing stnce 0d hit pepe nly smile David Danes pret emigrated wih ther faes to British Cohn ‘bi om Scand pd land ine ely 190s. Work was ical 0 ob, ‘expecially daring the depression so they moved to Monteal where Dave's Sunt bved. Afr «sy in Qubes they moved back to Vancouver where Dave's faster obtained work a aol burner rpusan fo the Ina Ot Campany ‘avid was born in Vancouver, Brith Colaba on January 24,1940. He isthe second ld of vo and he only boy inthe fi. He has ster 9 ‘yea his senior wholes in White Rock, Bich Columbia. Dave has ver aie nd atibtes some fis ae ues otha choice of beste "Afr Dave's byte arly di not say setled in Vancouver is faina's work with the impenal Oi company pvertated thatthe amy move to merous locaton ia Brith Columbia The fail remained ‘Vancouver util Dave war yearsoldand hen moved tothe i of ana ‘wet of Vancouver on Vancouver Iran. The sy ia Nanaimo lasted only 2 {ess ad he the aly moved tthe iy of Nelson athe east Kooenys ‘of Bre Colsmbia. Here the fara Deca sets for 8 yeas, ntl Dave ‘ra I yeas old. The next move took them o Pett lated the inter ‘ork Cah, Iwan Penticton that Dave's muscl education ben. o seta Mu tear As ayoung cide often ead aii Yands they vee trough the iene of Bish Columbia Dave ws scinated bythe bas especialy the ‘was sections and oe began playing theme the elementary schon ‘ant This parents were supportive eventhough thy were Bo musically ‘fled. Dave rule Mather lye a ber aig tall So the sppor wa nto Ish he mail Sp, but mare" fr you edo wo a Ta yureat ods anf welcome sour conte” he stayin Penticton wa alu sort velo than 2 year. The fly's “The majority of David's schooling was in Oak Bay, a municipality within ‘renter Victoria He began te seven grade at Wows elementary ao ater tended Oak Bay jon and sear hgh schools, graduating fom Oak Bay entra 1958 David wa an average stan and on tts hat he was relly “oa of ‘he boys” Hest ht he could gfe be fond behind the eek "aking ‘vibe guys" However, unlike most young people, Dave ew when he was ‘ey young what e wasted be {nm naa a meting a ose ka ase Se ‘od started ang the lines of the Brisk Comma base bad. I wast ‘bigs mine abut 9 oan and tr Dower warner) ed Inatrfieucert Over acoup oes hy ba preter mame fii bonever hey tn seem 9s Solan Tee ‘Stud To fly km ake oo heb fllome Sot ‘Sup dithne ry om bnsoapn) ent war aa Some ihe bene weet rac ounge hae neo sous as al {solder at fechas] wth muy Teper were ‘ry sapporve and irked ou gu wl ooo cre oe Ac graduating fom Oak Bay igh school in 1958, Davi emalledia he ‘uc parent tthe Univer of Washington m Sethe, Watington Mashing, Water Wakes be coniacr ofc Win Sir at “vray fede pay ibeVcwa mai fetal we was ie Tighe ant he fed mo sme i ener uc camp te ivcsiy cent! forme ap tr seo ‘Alter 4 yeas of university whish cided summer studies, Dave te sive his Bachelor of Arte in mui 1961 and in 1965 completed the ter of Ans eae. og - a My thei wa, Curia Delp. Cou f Sis in Pats 2c Hy, Te, Lee oe an Shs Gras "tons ‘Sprint ry ampretonne mncsp Dave's desire or leang didnot cease arte masters dete. ls 1970, Dave atnded te Bele Seto of Msi in Boson, ‘tg ae courses at cul beech aban ‘ie teed oped tlowoy sumer Neto, Gis Inaddioawhisnumerous summer choo! sais and is eschng inthe ita seal yen, Dave penne aching ents He 1 fe sumer of 1973 1 wae wh the Natl Youth Oreo ‘ans Quite Cy Th war inte le et atest eet sees aie ot och |e ears Fries od Reed ut wheels Pepe coven ah a {ppigtensy sTeeyah w hom fom Dave abo spent the summer of 1975 and 1976 athe Dist of the Sumer Muse School tthe Kamebarehs Schone in Hovoly, ana He to served aa partie aesonal lectern ma dacaon the Univer Sy of Victoria for period of ight ears ror 980 ul 1988, ln epee 1991, Dave became one of six master tach andthe oly rt lar t ‘secon tothe Universi of Visio fra 2-year em ‘Teaching Career avid Duonet began aching in 1963 whan he was 2 yeas af pe He rerured hme to Vitra whet he 0k hi fit joa band eso at Oak Bay High School his ala mater) x postion be eld for 28 yer unum, 1991. In adionw teaching a Oak Day joo an senior igh schools, be tls taught tad at Mentrey, Willows, Margaret Jenkins, and Dank See tlementry schools for then years Thewe elemeniary schools were “feeder” schools to Oak Bay abo great importance to his for muting continuity inthe band progam. ‘Since David began teaching ia 1963, mas of hi tne has bee focsed ‘onthe band pogram at Oak Bay; homer, thoughout his atet eas found time sport and promote musi education teoahoot Dre Colum, He has conte he profsion of muse eacaton i Brita Colum by serving a an exectve member forthe Bish Columbia Mase Fa: tor” Association from 1968 01974, Daring 1972 t 1974, be ba the honor of teing elected as vice-president ofthe BC Masie Feats Assocation Sn soe 1989 he as srved on th executive Goud ax ete (and forthe ‘sociation jour The BC Atoie Educator He has so served os an ‘stent conctor for six Bish Columbia Honor Bands, nin, he Was ‘conan foe he 1970 and 1971 Bris Columbia Band and Coir Cham- oasis. He also served onthe provincial cures commie which veloped the 1980 Brash Columbus Secondary Nase Resource Gude ‘Sine 1988, Dave fas Ben it great demand as an ajar of pon rato and inemational coset bs fenvale ‘Dave Dunes eats fcntbuton to hs program schoo, community, nd province bave wot gone unaaced, He ic gue nda ad des me speak easly of the many acoades be hs roceed i fst. hei gute nharased when lking about them. He has boo presented commit Senge awnids by the Oak Bay Optimist Cb, Oak Bay Kiwanis Cla, Muepal Council of Osk Bay, and Willows Elementary School On a twee scale he escive the “Hear of ld Awa” fom he BC and Von Nesspper Associaton i 988; the “AWatd of MentAAts Leader of te Year" tom the Vitrit Radi and Television Broadcasters in 1990; the potions "Hosorny Life Member” fom he Br Columbia Musi Estos’ Assocation 199, a well 5 "Special Award of Danton” reser by the Myer of Ook Bayt 1991 recognizing bis une on avon fo the sens, pens, sens and the communiy-a-are in Oak Boy Emergent Themes Were what we repeated do. Bellen, thn isnot ah ot, Bara hai “eo Although hunkets of hemes wer etd during the ourne ofthe sy, our major themes emerged a eng sigma i lpg uso Reet aden why Dav Danna exemplary mane ear “Theme I: High level verbal and non-verbal language ese become a exemplary teacher. neceat yeas much hasbeen Write in te esi about teacher Koowledge and prcice. The Sings of ts stl spor the cam hat expert aches possess a vast knowledgebase and at ther Glivey is eeave Dave Dunes knowlege tate ir extensive and lncides msi rlsted eabjont mater a¢ wel a8 broad base of general Lrowledge: nado, his knw edge ofiastucton buds on hs kno ede of comes! apd inclues an undestanding of iatdal needs ad eaig fle I wat through Dave's vat Knowledge of conten and patie that ‘emi the impertan quay of langage. Ony through a polonged nate tal study wowld Ihave emi language a one of Dave's most poe tas gules Dave's vert and non-real language exemplify his knowledgebase ‘overages that excellent communicate cil quai tech ing and hat the aby to express onerll an asset Dave's extensive ‘huation provided sold kabwledge bse ad his eas of experience peor to femal teaching provided hi wih the sls an language necessary 1 ive the content. Kappes hat Dae's guage as hanged ite since be beuan is formal teaching Perhaps Dave's et oginnings a teas, is ‘extsive pondering of eat and hie once fr sing mai a arane manner helped Dave refine hi vera non-verbal aa, Mach of Dae's language appeu o be mode afer tht of hime tos. Dave's pasion for lifelong lesming has allowed in fo lem fom ‘thes, tus Coniaualy ago i aeady vast knowledge Ae wel Dave's ability w analyze and ymtesie hallowed ino ake mening 1s Knowledge {concae thet Dave's se f language baud on ete ‘thought which in tur eps ino elie is fanguape’ Daves langage san expression of his nowedge Insurmay, vera ad on-veral langage ae the bsifr al amas communication ands ese o becoming an ekemplay tence, Langage permeates Dave's personal and potessonal qualities. Hi ngage son "pr fom the average teacher st pte profesor i essing AN Invi suse of languages an expesion of is knowlege Dave's se of lunging mulsdmensional an prpoive Many teackte ae fine is clans and hae great knowledge of content, however, ts abit 0 sons nets fenimes que poor Sich snot the case wih Dave Duane is lrawlege of content Is vast and his Lnowledge of delivery ix crave (isos, 1979, 1983, 1990; Ear 1961; Femtermackr, 1986; Goldman & Barton, 1990 rin {988 Stalnan, 186) Dave wes language a eile to empower stents o bese knwledgesle musica thi, proving ‘thm wih insight int the compen of me ‘Students leave his elses understanding the mater peseated, ase tales he explanation fr the pei eae level A graduate of is band He made concepts “ayer He was very cas hate wane and Deeente navy sccm “Ecce as afvcabay he {ese Theugh he usc he wa wb cap al be tng ks doves vey loge sauna meer Thee were no ‘crea neve etng ge He one feo pol at ‘ely cxlined cosa Ine hugh aha ve ete Srraies aver tinoch crue youl iron ncaa ‘owng_ Away egg warand combate "possi ets Nery alist conn. Dave neve teaches const intltion, Concept ae alvays inked oso ‘hing that he sede cam andra consent hen more a tne casino purpose forte things be es usally a ads the classroom: Dave builds rides for lesen ss loka ote pes tive —buing segs ot of weaknesses an ben maring te sent. ‘A Bie Columba Pie Are Coordin and Regional Festal Coo stor rovides a broader persecive of Dat's seo lnguage, She utes, samp Mac Edu, cin’ mer at el [Dae i ering wih can el you aout ou" group hla ou and chal kw eA and ve yo {hough oration te you he ere Shs! Year Hee a SGnonamtr He espe uing sl 2h wt pte a tke thing ey ciao "everbody" Itc mater wit eas ‘Soutien ag, reagan top. a ae ‘ft any ata ta ber ch th ae te Knoles iuttciiencedbic wy nnceimg ie kowice "ie Dave hs he unary aii wo comsmuncate acutely verbally and sosebally. Fach one ofthe communication echaninsindepeneat bowever st Dates muidirensional use of language et hese tunque Dave communtaes with wmost cay wt all mes and he ttely thnks ut oad Stade reais ht when Dave ap condicig athe wil provide dem wth inporaa information eter nthe fom of new concept 1 coesptceineemeny, 4 quan, a compliment, ra comectve, When ‘oertoned about something he this as « moment and then espads ‘karly an cere showing tat his verbal and nonverbal language es ‘eluted ety whis thought Dave understands tht soe tes ear bes Wy lstening, some duough visual example nd ates by doing. His guage Theme 1: Routines and organization provide the framework for assy tm teaching Albough routine and eranzaton ae recognized 9s ‘Shracterisios of exper teachers, Dave Dunit ot just organized ors Inia routines Dave's ous nd bi to ognize ae based on ore "an 28 ears of carl ought andre. Dave's routine and orgaiz ton provide a amewock which allows for rest, Unlike many indie tls Dave does no he routes and oraszation a ens in themselves, Inia he set ten etn he end The lamework provides stably, entity, and consistency which mirace» student's selconfidence. Dave fecognizes that stadets mo develop tong ee of elo they ae totecome sltanaiatedesmers. The tines a organizational etal a eral ut of hoe Dave helps to ezpower hs sens. itis pow ht sont would become conden and emotvted wou the owing ive fe tet teacher, however, dig the ty irbesame evden hatte depe of sen success and india eonience ‘vere a result of knowing wha 1 expect in he misc clases, Throughout the year thee were okie sures for sent Themes resid sable but the content censaly changed thir preventing boredom and oapiers otto Posnihy Dave's coscef sy has allowed him he time sd freedom toe routine and organization mca sneen eds ret in eah Inge great del of tine, tough and flor, Daves devoid his ie teconing at exemplar teacher The tne and commen requed for caeaal ler, pcptation of ua mater refinement of delivery, Snundersanding fal tide ade ray oad by mow frie ‘Dave once mentioned ome tht he woul a hae ben bet doth job be ‘as dona Oak Hay he wee maida ada fay; however, conch that his wouldnt necessary be, belive hat Dave would masta igh standard for himself ad otes regardless of his pasonal eas Dave's ommiment education is kasd ass vals, atom how mich time sale, Routine and xpaniation sre characteristics of exper teachers (Bernt, 1989; fand, 1990, Goldman & Baron, 1990; Lavaenheser, 1980; Les ha, 1986, Leth, Widman, & Harnood, 1989, Meio, 1990) and provide the famewerk for ars in each. Routne and organwaon ae two of Dave's most diingushblequaltes. Dive isthe most organized individual at hav ever. When rants, iver sides teachers ‘oleae, apd and parent are asked to deseie Dae, try immedi) ‘Renion his incredible steno o deal td onganzatonl ably. 1966 train eas Dave's fist few wesk at Osk By, ‘Theft things Dave di was ely dy up the Ean com a ely ‘ann ngs praranc tetera rae tea ie mmeisel ot i fle vole td oe ‘Tha wer ques ews sting whe ay rane nd ‘om ge your marumen beau eveything wes mts bck and ‘ro males wee ere chsing mts he wah or ‘ta He alo sath pop no some Merry wi seaion os eh ‘tion eral pct rapes eee ots fr (Serene so ond eke wat par et ou op Seti" was ngornt pate” Nese sue [arg Saeco ta ot ‘Shing ten ou a aches waver ou waar youhaets ates rocoto hang one Thos ft don ape Exeryong won ‘eyergnsel ey Say il tan ey otenion During music edestion seminar that Dave taht fom Janay 1 ‘March 1991 a he University of Vicia Dave Yd the stele that 60 things ae necesuryo bea sucessful music actor He ai, "Orpnizaion {s number ope and consistency is amber two. Organization is 90% ofthe jen Dae elves that nganiation cal to had th enamous amount ‘ofadminaive tasks He Believes tht be at be rgaied i he wishes is “dents nde pene tobe orpnized He eve that routine 2 a) ‘ep xpnize individuals. Dave povides examples of epaation sd ome toe oma daily basis renting predictability of scton Dave realizes tha if the Oak Bay bun are to sud proesional they mst be coast. Coss tency si view fa esl of sutine, which intr sa est onpnization ‘planing Dave rely absent from cls however, ifs absentee is aways sod reason, On November 8, 1990 Dave was aay Go sdool to ated __Sxemplry Msi Eee sist Fine Ans Departnent meeting. ‘The subse was a given a very Sealed. page ped leon pln 1 low The following is a wonder ‘uample of how Dave value organization an oie. The example ‘ete fon te let plan ‘Non fr he efi pf pri! Evening ha Be sow and ‘ca Coney fost, sume potion pip. ew ery ‘prope rr ie! Paw nko acorn nd Emr SSP ne Testor book wumingupenlong es ng he feist (Sp ccve oN she ecg acne DS toe tne cece deren and sans nga kn hn rrstce Ten goioNo | tie and Ensim ookan wok ohh ‘Stor nih nulae sme mop Plas Won on a2 ‘To Senin tme waco wong ons cre yoy an “Chale” eae, They ate ew a ihn em 0a ‘doin’ o thse tec wife upg you aves te Stee Bn cums ag at “Amerian Para’ Pies ls aran A anda-b path ce sng harman ‘Sanaa Tse mon sof tn the pea eco he (Qu Plate ay en ment ur anne can be ced Spek ee nd bing eek es ae oo) Ket Dame Baer tmst your ah ‘Whe | quesioned Dave abet the amount of deta isthe Kson plan epi, let done ih do’ nat samen came ani Tre ieee hermne tease ui e tn summa, Dave believes tit routine and organi provide he seca faumaon for india ech ero Dest potenti Dave eleven tt his rle a eshe ito aca far and eve the need cof abe: Dave's leadership is sub, yet pessasve He once emt, shbicennfuennndcown aenynritnthinilt thom wi ome rae abo ancl and ammo aye Conger the respect of sade, pte olags, ed ‘Sori. Dave ea an of nap sndhe dos sore ahdies age. Dine commen, comsisecy, ston st den oe qua) se showed through hemany ogansedroutes,Rowtine and organization hve awed Dive and he stan o reach th ow bes penta ‘Theme 3: Humor is esential or excmplay teaching Humor often remioned ara it ofexper teacher: however acy the amor of exper teaches dscbed in deta Humor is unique To the indivi Dave wes thtmor as a teacicg tol and har the aly to weave humor ino seus ‘The herare menons tat exper teachers have a “ens of humo" Iowever, nove of he Inetre provides deed description a to what & sense of humor i, Many fue elacatrs seating the berate may ate eta sens of humor o mean the ably elke. ism expnence with “deraraduate eatin stents that many Delve hat hey aml ee es they wil have rete suces inthe classoo, rconcide that buror i avery import quality Teng 19 Dave Duane’ sucees. Dave's humor isnot haphaae itis bse oo hou Dave's humor is sub mutual and selacual I sequs stadents wo sten ‘arf and make meaning of he mor Dave wes amor erp tens fon task, 10 explain and eaorce concep, aod To suse reahonshis DDve's humor hep emper the denuns ofhgh expectations, Dave oer stands he amor of young adlecents and i most appeciate by he Sounger tens Dave's ora cetv eshing to mana ide ameter Humor one of he major distinguishing quaies of Dave Dune, and ltprovides an important personal limps of ts private ndvdul Hamoni Character esocated with expen teachers (Sand 1990, Laura, 1990; Merton, 1980) an often used a teaching oak Date's oe 3 used odin, pure relasonshis, expres sation, tach conse ‘tnd enfnce taon Dave's buna very sible ellecl, proms, nu Sometines goes by unnoticed; however, stuests abd parents ape fo ‘Retgizeun ppt haar, fen hough Ging te cou fhe ‘toy that student were atte Because they nt ow Dave Was ing oat a eso, pve avis, or provide amor ‘Dave's mora poweriltootand while Wofen makes igh serous mars its ot ae pt heared by Dave, eres the power of bre fd ives great thought make ste ha it us sales appropri ‘When questioned about th ole of amor nhs teaching Dave repli, eum ego pve ae erwin Kalo sre see > ‘liane sonciner consonance: Hamar ete monet non at ovense ome igen gre os ee bowen ‘ey dnt mathe jutieare ever Tee forte paces Wapeas atthe “cor” Dave's bur provides the ony source fr segatve cate inthis theme. Senior students somes nese he co {child Although I id not bese any negate commons about Dave's humo, Ld notice on oration ok of dep the es of some Senior students A forest std that senor tule ge eed ‘t= However, i port to noe that Dave he two ait this sweskese. ‘Dave's humors maliiceted an ike the use of his veal nd nonver- ‘language, his verbal and poo-vertl amor compliment each ober. his Dns acons ave often dnmate and hit vocal sections exageratd Dave ses moro developing clash, enforcing concepts anda tional for tempering personal sation. His humor has become expected ‘oysters, pret and ends, wile nay sree be ory does serve fcatonal purpose. Tn summary, Dave wes humor at vehicle fo somimanicaion. He has tte nique abty to weave humor ergot a Tess or conversion Dave's mori sb, and although much fs uo abil, se ofhumoris a eu of elective hough Theme 4: A quail environment conducive to quality teaching and learning. A gst teaching and earaingentfoament ike a quality Rome vioamen, necessary indus to each their wm best pte | quality environment includes the pial suousing, de atmosphere iti ie Sing end he interpersonal elstionsipebetwers and ang ll [advise wits te enveenmet ‘Te envionment inthe Onk Bay ban! room is one of quality. The ‘ud. although poe exemallyatactive i warm abd inviting On the inside Sees nd parce are ete with epoca ae considered abe, alubl and eponsbe. The hand program t Oak By High Shoo fine ‘os a family and appears tobe beso the moral ales ft, hoes, ‘esponsibility quay sabi, onsen, dependability, and commitment. ‘These values are song bel nd mode by Dave Dunne. Dave televet that editions mor etespase. Thea students andthe rosa af Oak Bay High Schol veri ths claim, Dave sespnable fo te quality x roanmeat which be has eaely nurtured for 28 yeas. Dave beeves at peuple ate mae snort than gs "quit enviroment i condiv fo quality teaching a easing ae ix one of the most snporantvaribles in determining suse it edicaton (Deney, 1938, Merion, 1990, Purkey & Novak, 1980), Pukey and Novak Sue athe eaviooment realy lect sen sel cncep They also sate has quality school evionmen: is ile 0» quality family environment ‘Sat an environment whereby individ espest cooperative si sense oF flongng, pleasing haba, and poste expectations are finden {quaies However, Puskey and Novak also soe that he positive ierpet- Sha elationaips “ated by he eacher ze mst ptt they o> "ile he foundation fr a quay envrnment Dave fas piven contious taht f the proceses of teaching and Teaming ands Tose a ualiy educational enviroment Te gualty of vane appear fo stem from two mui sources, bth of wich embody Dave's plop of education and hs rle ta mune eds. Pst while Dave mt sil n highschool he was pret induced bya well known and Iiphly respected editor in British Columbia, Bemard Gill. Dave sted tha at ete he di realy appreciate what Gilead si however, Gite ue sch a stoog impression tat has inlaenced Dave's ete ater Ta county Giles ence Dave ses, King ce ing Clie ss eer ogni, you tae ke soph mrt lg uely pple we Og vi Wee {ethan wthconpet uronic ‘ised onthe Humane {have tha mae toug Ove he Yrs an is “Tne second source focuses om Dave's masters hess. is impoant to under ‘Hand he content of the tv and ako wat edo he sis Dave's ess Gurricaion Gude in Theo Mary ond Performance for Band Stns ‘wararenltof recognising theneedto teach compecensive muse cation ‘roeum though performance For many ye be had pondered what te cnet shoud cette why shoud Re aah and bow soul be ah ‘Dave mentioned ta aie ate he wae the document thre ween) ‘ade He ste, {hin thie at he sl eee nition of ee or (tue yeus of thing shut tt of thog "tly mcd Se feu aut pp of gta colo pray "The wa 8 ‘etn efi o pate fay tr ete wa an in Simemyeaiierno dust uae ue tml sea ely Sate me con al ka ee ‘When asked what edt the conception of te thesise aed, read ot tf ep wing hg ih hl wel ‘mater goal poll cw wwe paaing Ho oe ‘Einar wells Gut By ta supe pie he sures) 0 ‘Shh hey prtame gond eperences che) eve toy inion ink fon ants nde formas bees te) there nae sb sf ose poh onsing testi ave shal with, ohn at ep ae ea frenatve sence, bt Snoweipi at itong stent 1 ‘Blcgnthuilb doncan ut as pert {asked Dave how he perceived the rl of the msi ctor aia Ue evoliton and clminaton of shes, Dave rep, ough nil doit he in le ht me ly no pase pero ne cher ey lw ha ot ay ‘array win wee ting pd for We rent bre ad an lt olin of pce a vtec er mena han te eo Sie'igdcall itak ee wet gare that ut you eet ‘Niketan gat get perineal the cops a Tg ryoust foun so ned ecrs nd ised what weed {al fed n+ Seogoy way] section css The be tons ea So fn te ne tg ole uig tee oravush he cary Dds were ute ibe the ecw tree mctanp nas ere soa mae feet re seston I ues ta tudor, ‘en in yeatundy vena ny egos perms, hay, Baan ——_______ftelun Muse Ecae thor of oetg the. becuse acme Bb pe fay sath tela sonngh anne ab Dave's language, rain organization and humor provide famework fora quality teaching ad arning ensonment Linked det to success in schools the process of aching al eaming. Leaner sucess depend ‘nan individ’ elestem and mtvation Dave understate San what he oes impatantn deeming ween soe He elves ‘dake eacher role sone of feitation Dave ao any expe teachers ts igh expectations fri students (Grails ced ia Ban, 1989; Be. lie, 1986, Bran, 1990; Escalate, 190; Macrone, 1984; Menton, 1990) oweve, uli many teachers Dat ha een abe obey stents chive igh standards conser for some 28 yen Dave ha erated an env men that i enourging and be asthe ably 0 "vite" students to be ‘ese He focuses othe postive, aly te sepa Dave kes peat ‘reo word sateen nthe pose Te summary, Dave he many ifeentcretve ways provide stents sss quality enviroment. The Oak By ban oom ea phys smbo of the gut eneonmem Dave bas crested ring is one a et of the (Oak Bay bands. AS well Dave provides a quality eavirnmen that see ‘han pysieal wich sts lm is hrsanite view of eatin and ilove of peuple ani music Dave undestnds hat by sarin he prow exch "avdual at each and wil Benefit As ach sent Scores Songer 50 Sos te program. Paes ae pleased that the sons an dager ae piven erent tention: ence, he pres ailing pt involved. The rogram | ts become a focal pt te shoo te cosine province andthe eunty. Dave tas proved quality opportunites for growth at home and tread Through the any ous to feet pars ofthe world det ave tenable sosbire hie, Sade vealize hat ty work hard nae seated to a common goa, they can achieve thes goal Dave ha rested ‘faceted quay ensrnment whch tae ean reach om best Pe. Dave oo ely teaches music, be ues musi vehicle each ite Coda A teacher aft etry He an meer tell whore is ifunce op Henry Adan cats have much 0 gin by i depth analysis of the realm of ex uy ashen, Stung escheat teaching enone ‘ies emia well tte, pepestine The Jess han aunt defition of ‘heel teaser applies no est music edueators. Although ss of desi she caructesice of musi edacuos extn many wel researched mie ‘lication preparatory textbooks th contextual ifomation sess fOr King a making meaning ofthe lists ngly aboot. Beate fw smdes have provided detailed desripive examples of exemplary muss eto, we enti ostugaeo know what he er eas References acy, P1989), Stong mein: Aa wih ferme principal Hen Gr Tas. The College Board Review. 153,2-13 asic D-C. (1986) On the exper sce Edcaiomal Leadership. 442, . etine, D.C. (1989), The exestivefinetion of teaching nL W. Aner Son (Ba), Te etetve wacker: Stay guide ond reads pp. 108-11), ‘New York Random Howse Bran, M, (190), Master msc teaches: What makes them ge? Mise Ector url, 712}, 22-25. — Dewey. (1938) Experience and evcation. New York: Macmillan Dili, (1991, Aug) How o you defines goo each? hough ess conference or leads Symposium condita Brighan Young Universi, Prove, Ut ‘ser E1979) Th ucaiona magiaion New York: Macmillan, ‘ion (1983) TheartandoroftacingElucorional leadership, 4, ran Ein (1990), On he art ofthe praca. In ML Kyla (EA), Honan ‘tacing: Refeton gp 7-1). Wet Layee, IN: Kappa Ds. bea F961), The washers practi kaaledge” Repro cas sty Grtconingaty. 1) 42-7. scaled (1990) Hold is ream Nenork news and vis, 92), 1-16. Fewtermches, (1986) Pinoy of research on teaching: Te spec TBC. Wieck (2) Handokof reearc on aching (ade. 3149) New Yor Macralan Gtoney, (191, Aus). Hos do you define a goo teacher? Tow “ics” 4 conference for leans Syraposim conducted at Bigham ‘Young Univers, Prove, Uh ‘Goldman (199) Using bypemedin to improve the epaa ‘how of clemenay ther Jorma of each Education, 41(3) 21-3 Hales, (1991, August) How you deine» god teacher? Thouhtidness “i conference for lender. Symposim cooaucted at Brigham Young Univers, Provo, Ut, twin BL 988) Phe practa! knowledge of fone ats supervisor “sicational change tease study. Unpubiied Soon iseraton ‘Unies of Bish Colm Vancouver, Bish Columb [auzeaeiser T, (980) Moavaion and the maser mast teacher, Wiaic ‘Ears our, 772), 3-36. teishart 6, (986) Expert im mntematk aching Eduoioal Lea oh, 43,2833,

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