Grad Student Academic Progress Guide

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JSI Graduate Student Academic Progress Guide


Coursework # of credit hours completed
Grades below B
Core courses completed
Curriculum checksheet completed
Plans for next semester
Graduation expected
POS Discussed with chair
Reviewed with Nancy Winn
Master’s in Passing
Graduate Certificate(s)
Comprehensive Two areas identified
Examination Reading list in preparation/approved
Tests/papers scheduled
Test/Paper #1 passed
Test/Paper #2 passed
Prospectus/ Draft to/approved by chair
Proposal Draft to/approved by committee
Human subjects approved
Dissertation Committee chair/members selected
Thesis / Applied Project Research underway/deadlines
Writing underway/deadlines
Defense/presentation scheduled
Grader/Teaching Graded student assignments
Assistant/Associate Led discussion group
Experience Developed class activities/lecture
Taught own course
Teaching philosophy written
Teaching portfolio compiled
Professional Attended job talks/campus lectures
Development Participated in Graduate College and/or
JSI workshops/professional service
Participated in other prof dev
Academic Conferences Local/Regional conference
(Papers presented or National conference
other participation) International conference
JSI/GPSA/GC travel grants
Academic/Professional Belongs to association
Association Assists faculty with professional service
Formal participation/professional service
Research Funding Worked on grant with faculty
Prepared internal/external grant app
Submitted internal/external grant app
Secured grant funding
Publications Co-authored with faculty/student
Revised paper for publication
Received R/R for manuscript
Revised manuscript/re-submitted
Article/chapter accepted
Job Market Consult committee and other mentors
Letters of recommendation

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