Number Ranges

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Number Ranges

A number range is a sequence of numbers with a start and an end. It also contains the current number that

is being used. For example, when a sales document of type OR is being created, the number range lies

between 1 and 199999. Also it is defined as an internal number range. So when a new sales order is being

created, the user does not enter the sales order number when saving. Instead SAP automatically generates

a sales order number in the system for our reference. Number ranges have two purposes. One is for the

System to internally identify the sales order with a number for easy retrieval and management. The other is

for the users to visually identify a document type just by looking at the number. For example, if orders of type

OR have the number range mentioned above, and Quotes have a different number range - This makes it

very easy for the user who is creating them to identify if the number is an order or a quotation.


Number ranges vary by area. For example, sales document number ranges are configured in [VN01].

Accounting document number ranges are defined in [FBN1]. However, the concept in same anywhere.

The menu path to define sales document number ranges is [ SPRO -> IMG -> Sales and Distribution ->

Sales -> Sales Documents -> Sales Document Header -> Define Number Ranges for Sales Documents ]

Each number range is divided into an interval. You can do the following.
• You can view the different number range intervals. For example, 01 stands from 0000000001 to
0000199999 with the current status at 12919. You can also see if the interval has been defined as internal or

• You can change the status of each of the number ranges - Meaning, change the current running
number in the interval so that when the next order is created it will be created with 13000 as opposed to

• You can Create New Intervals or delete existing intervals.

Click on the + button on the top to create a new interval. If you enter a number in the current number the

newly created order associated with the number range Z9 will start with that number. Otherwise it will start

with 0200000001. Also, since we are not marking the number range as External ( in the check box Ext ), the

number range is classified as internal and can be only used in situations that demand internal number


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